Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017


















































LOW 30'S.















































For more infomation >> Video: Nor'easter continues through the afternoon - Duration: 3:39.


Comment VIVRE comme un ROI avec 2 000 EUROS par MOIS en THAILANDE grâce aux PARIS SPORTIFS ? - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Comment VIVRE comme un ROI avec 2 000 EUROS par MOIS en THAILANDE grâce aux PARIS SPORTIFS ? - Duration: 7:10.



For more infomation >> PORADNIK JAK ZROBIĆ BACKSIDE 180 W NAJPROSTSZY SPOSÓB Napisy PL - Duration: 5:10.


Бизнес без вложений 2017 - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Бизнес без вложений 2017 - Duration: 3:22.


GJ JUNGS - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> GJ JUNGS - Duration: 0:32.


【特別企劃】 三人聯合大演出『愚人馬桶大冒險!』 - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> 【特別企劃】 三人聯合大演出『愚人馬桶大冒險!』 - Duration: 3:58.


在日本7-11都買些什麼呢? 日本7-11推薦~ | Aya日本留學生活 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 在日本7-11都買些什麼呢? 日本7-11推薦~ | Aya日本留學生活 - Duration: 5:02.


hand embroidery tutorial for beginners, blouse embroidery designs, basic embroidery designs, diy - Duration: 2:45.

hand embroidery tutorial for beginners

For more infomation >> hand embroidery tutorial for beginners, blouse embroidery designs, basic embroidery designs, diy - Duration: 2:45.



For more infomation >> TOP 5 CHANNELS FOR FILMMAKERS - Duration: 2:20.


Salmo 99 - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Salmo 99 - Duration: 2:36.


Thoa Giọt Nước Thần Này Liên Tiếp 10 Ngày Da Dẻ Trắng Mịn Căng Mướt Như Đi Spa - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Thoa Giọt Nước Thần Này Liên Tiếp 10 Ngày Da Dẻ Trắng Mịn Căng Mướt Như Đi Spa - Duration: 10:12.


Most SATISFYING FOOD SLIME Video Ever ASMR - SoSatisfying - Duration: 6:00.




For more infomation >> Most SATISFYING FOOD SLIME Video Ever ASMR - SoSatisfying - Duration: 6:00.


Hispanic Owned Businesses Dominate Bids For Trump's 'Xenophobic' Border Wall - Duration: 4:28.

Hispanic-Owned Businesses Dominate Bids For Trump's 'Xenophobic' Border Wall

by Tyler Durden

Trump's proposed border wall has been described by many of the left as everything from "xenophobic"

to just plain "racist" and pretty much everything in between. That said, perhaps "equal opportunity

employer" would be more accurate in light of a new analysis from the Wall Street Journal

that took a look at who has submitted bids to help construct the wall so a little

dose of irony for the left, hispanic-owned businesses currently lead the charge with

32 bids.

More than 200 companies have expressed interest in submitting plans to help design and build

a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, as the Trump administration seeks to fulfill

a key campaign promise despite significant obstacles.

The companies, whose names were published on a federal contracting website, vary widely

in size and capability�from construction giants like Kiewit Corp. to smaller, family-owned


Among those interested at this early stage are more than three dozen businesses owned

by minorities, a Wall Street Journal analysis shows. Roughly 13% of the companies expected

to submit proposals for the wall, for example, are owned by Hispanics.

Border Wall

One such immigrant-owned business bidding on the border wall is run by Mario Burgos

whose father immigrated to the U.S. from Ecuador.

Mario Burgos, the son of an immigrant, owns an Albuquerque, N.M., construction logistics

company and plans to submit a proposal. He said he viewed the project as more geared

toward border security than immigration, and a surefire way to boost employment in job-strapped

New Mexico.

�I am not against immigrants by any stretch of the imagination,� said Mr. Burgos, whose

father came to the U.S. from Ecuador. �There isn�t a country in the world that doesn�t

have borders and doesn�t want to enforce them.�

Mr. Burgos noted that his company, Burgos Group LLC, which holds various defense contracts

with federal agencies, has handled projects in southern New Mexico near the border and

was familiar with operating in remote, rugged locations.

Meanwhile the owner of Helix Steel said he's not worried about the potential political

fallout, saying "if fighting for American jobs is wrong, I�ll take that risk."

Other interested businesses have niche specialties, like Leesburg, Va.-based Helix Steel. Chief

Executive Chris Doran said Helix�s products, which make concrete more resistant to blasts

and other stresses, would suit what he called a �massive opportunity.�

Mr. Doran, whose company has about 50 employees, said he wasn�t concerned with fallout from

participating in the project. �All I can say is I�m fighting for American jobs, and

if fighting for American jobs is wrong, I�ll take that risk,� he said.

Of course, as we noted last week, just as Trump sent out RFP's for his impenetrable,

yet "aesthetically pleasing", 30-foot border wall, Mexico's government warned Mexican companies

that it would not be in their best "interests" to participate in the project even though

there will be no explicit legal restrictions or sanctions to stop them if they tried. Per


"We're not going to have laws to restrict (companies), but I believe considering your

reputation it would undoubtedly be in your interest to not participate in the construction

of the wall," said Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo.

"There won't be a law with sanctions, but Mexicans and Mexican consumers will know how

to value those companies that are loyal to our national identity and those that are not,"

Guajardo added.

His comments echo those of Mexico's foreign minister Luis Videgaray, who said on Friday

that Mexican companies that see a business opportunity in the wall should "check their

conscience" first. Seems like the list of 'racist' companies

in this country is growing very quickly.

For more infomation >> Hispanic Owned Businesses Dominate Bids For Trump's 'Xenophobic' Border Wall - Duration: 4:28.


Страх вождения #брэдйейтс #павелпоздняков #eft - Duration: 9:44.

For more infomation >> Страх вождения #брэдйейтс #павелпоздняков #eft - Duration: 9:44.


Fix Your Punctured Mind | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 2:37.

The tyre of a bicycle has a puncture.

The hole is so tiny that it cannot be seen.

If you could see it, you would repair it. But it cannot be seen.

You realise it because the tyre has gone flat.

The bicycle is fine, but useless.

Similarly, sometimes the mind develops punctures.

And you take such a mind to devotional music, bhakti or meditation.

The technique of meditation is fine, just like the bicycle, but it is useless.

Some memory of the past or some imagination of the future creates such a puncture,

That, despite following the correct method of devotion, meditation

And being in a good ambience, yet your cycle does not move.

Do not say, "The meditation technique does not suit me."

Instead, fix the puncture.

I say, first fix the puncture, only then, try to ride the bicycle.

If not, you will have to drag the bicycle. You will not enjoy it.

Before sitting for bhakti, if you realise that your tyre (mind) is punctured,

Then, repair it first. Ride the bicycle after that.

First fix the puncture of the mind, then sit for bhakti or meditation.

In any case, your bicycle will not move if you do not do so.

If you realise, 'This thought is bothering me.'

It could be about an object, a person, or an incident,

An event of the past or an event that has not even occurred!

In other words, an imagined one!

Then, first spend five minutes fixing it.

At that time, it is more important to fix the puncture than to ride the bicycle.

You fail to understand this simple thing.

And then you complain, 'I can't meditate.'

At the end of it, you feel like resigning, 'I do not want to meditate any more,

Because I went crazy during the meditation.'

But if only you had spent 15 minutes repairing the puncture,

By introspecting, asking for forgiveness, praying to the Lord or seeking strength.

Even if it meant meditating for 15 minutes less,

If you had done this first and then began meditation, you would realise that the tube is perfect.

You would then say to yourself, "Although I have only 15 minutes remaining,

I will go a great distance in that time."

Try this. I am doing it. Please do it.

For more infomation >> Fix Your Punctured Mind | Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshbhai - Duration: 2:37.


Today in Military History: 4/1 - US troops land on Okinawa - Duration: 1:00.

Today in military history 1945.

US troops land on the island of Okinawa.

The US sought to seize Okinawa as a forward base

for a planned invasion of mainland Japan.

50,000 troops of the 10th Army made the landing

under the command of Army Lieutenant

General Simon B. Buckner who's father

was a Confederate General during the Civil War.

The campaign to take Okinawa would last for 81 days

and cost over 20,000 American lives.

Among them would be General Buckner who was the highest

ranking American Officer killed during World War II.

The fierce struggle for Okinawa led the United States

to reconsider plans to invade mainland Japan.

And look into options for either blockading Japan

to starve them out or put them into submission.

This led ultimately to the decision to use the atomic bomb

to force Japan's surrender.

Wanna find out what's gonna happen tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> Today in Military History: 4/1 - US troops land on Okinawa - Duration: 1:00.


How to Break Free from the Archonic Programming - Duration: 8:43.

How to Break Free from the Archonic Programming

The definition of archons has been described as being an artificial Intelligence (AI) program

that has enslaved humanity over millions of years.

In order for humans to beat the �system� during the final showdown, we need to know

a few simple things that can be done to break the programming.

What is the origin of the archons?

When the divine feminine aspect of Source sent out �the call� to souls to come be

a part of this great ascension experience, many responded.

Not only was there an opportunity to rapidly grow spiritually but it was a chance to be

a part of the grandest template of biological creation ever.

The archons did not hear �the call�, and out of fairness some souls told them of their

plans to incarnate into the densest but most polarized environment created thus far.

The archons did not believe the souls because they had not heard the call themselves.

They already had exhibited greed, domination, and control tendencies which had pushed them

farther away from the vibration of Source.

The archonic entities became jealous of the souls� decisions to embark on this journey

and vowed to follow them down into the experiment and to give them the extreme polarity difficulty

needed to push humanity toward waking up when it was time to make the journey back home.

The mind that controls the archon system is cunning and brilliant.

Once the archons realized how easy it would be for them to control beings in such a dense

environment, they did not want souls to be successful in breaking out of their system.

They realized that they could have this experience for a very, very long time as they fed off

of the negative, dense energy created from their control systems.

The archons supposedly have 800 billion units assigned to the almost 8 billion people on

the planet.

These units cannot physically incarnate, so they use other beings in the galaxy to mind

control in order to have a vehicle with which to control the human population.

They can also create mind control programs to directly affect humans via television,

radio, internet, magazines and newspapers, education, pharmaceutical, health, finance,

computer games, music, and advertising.

The Archons do not have human consciousness or emotions.

They are parts of a mind being that is a brilliant programmer.

This being had the ability to go back and forth through timelines in order to see what

choices humanity would make and to always be one step ahead in order to keep humans


Now that we are on the precipice of a shift in human consciousness, we are aware of what

has happened and we are able to make conscious decisions to break free from the programming.

Facebook monitoring

Part of the system put in place involved computer programs that can monitor humanity via face

recognition and social status updates on Facebook.

There is accelerating evidence of �truth monitoring� on Facebook postings as prime

�truther� articles and statements are being �buried� by the paid Facebook employees.

One way they do this is by creating a �more posts� section where they can hide the �good


Another way is that one�s Facebook wall is no longer chronological- they can shuffle

posts around any way they wish on a person�s wall.

The Facebook police have also been proven to remove �likes� on articles that are

a threat to the agenda.

Their major goal on Facebook is to distract people with either mindless junk or to flood

people�s walls with war images and animal cruelty while making otherwise popular truther

articles seem to be not �liked� very much at all.

Breaking the programming

The archon programming system can be broken by turning off the television, reducing the

time spent on cell phones, limiting time on the computer including Facebook (especially

the Facebook games), and spending more time on nature.

The archons did not plan for us disconnecting our consciousness from technology and instead

connecting with Mother Earth.

Meditation and focusing on your breath within are steps to relaxing enough to tune in.

In fact, many beings have time traveled back from the future to warn humanity of a future

where humanity was suckered into a technological dream that ended up being a zombie nightmare.

Until humanity is free of the archonic control, technological advances are serving as part

of the program to suck our consciousness out of our bodies.

When we vacate the human body consistently we could allow other beings to enter while

we are off in virtual reality heaven.

Gaia, the consciousness of Planet Earth, has important messages for us right now.

Grounding, turning off, and tuning into her is one of the most important things we can


This will raise your vibration above the frequency of the archons, and they will not be able

to find you in the matrix.

If we realize that this intelligence is program based, then breaking the program will break

the system.

Human behavior has been studied for hundreds of years in preparation for this time.

Up until now, actions and choices have been easily predicted by minions who have either

used remote viewing or �Looking Glass� technology to study the future in order to

create control systems in the present.

If we make the alternate choice than what we have been robotically following, we can

put a kink in the system that will change the future.

If enough people begin doing this we will inevitably break the whole system down.

This could be as simple as breaking your morning routine.

If you normally take the same route to work, seek an alternate route a few times to break

up the monotony.

If you have coffee in the morning, try tea or water instead.

Have breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast.

If you make your bed every morning, try leaving it unmade or vice versa; be a slob for a change.

Other things you could do would include moving your furniture around in your house or even

move houses.

If you move, you could give some things away to homeless shelters.

Reducing the attachment to �things� and consumerism is a great way to break the pattern.

Many people have felt the itch to change something in their lives and as they made these changes

they have changed future timelines.

That urge to change has already changed many timelines for the better and has caused a

great concern to the minions as things are not panning out as the expected.

As long as you are not hurting anyone else, be as creative as you can in changing things


Raising vibration and consciousness

If the archon programs created for our reality are 3d based, then raising our vibration to

a higher frequency out of their range will be a way to escape from their talons.

As we continue to raise our vibration, we increase consciousness, which is our trump


Within higher consciousness lies the ability to know the truth of who and what we are as

well as how powerful we truly are.

The power of the light within us can never be controlled once we remember enough to keep

from being coerced and tricked into succumbing to comfortable and numbing routines.

While chaos ensues on the planet, small changes can be made to ensure that we do not continue

to live like robots as we change our routines.

As the consciousness of the planet rises in frequency, all that live on her do as well.

This seems to be slowly changing our reality on an individual level right now, and eventually

the individuals combined will change the whole.

We are co-creating this change with everyone on the planet whether we realize it or not

just by following our innate urges for change.

The future of humanity depends on the choices we make in the �now�, which will ultimately


the forecasted future probability.

For more infomation >> How to Break Free from the Archonic Programming - Duration: 8:43.


Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Yoon Jongshin Special [ENG/2017.04.01] - Duration: 1:42:09.

("Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends")

"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends."

Today's legend was a top 90s ballad singer.

Now, 28 years later, he continues to work hard

as a musician. With consoling,

relatable songs, he tugs at our heartstrings.

Today's legend, Yoon Jongshin!

(Legend Yoon Jongshin)

The reason why many say Mr. Yoon

is so amazing is because

he's withstood the test of time.

From April of 2010, for seven years now,

he's released a new song every month.

He calls it Monthly Jongshin.

It's nearly impossible to do.

If we ask any other songwriter,

he or she would say it's nearly impossible.

How much longer will you keep doing

the Monthly Yoon Jongshin?

Luckily, Monthly Yoon Jongshin

can't be forced to retire.


As long as I can play the guitar, or press piano keys,

I'd like to think I'd continue doing it.

(He'll always be a musician)

He doesn't add fluff and is very direct.

He's most honest about emotions we all feel.

Mr. Yoon's ballads are really manly,

but some are about examples of losers.

(Singer-songwriter who confides and consoles!)

(Yoon Jongshin)

(Uniquely beautiful voice)

(Wholesome voice and technique)

(Exquisite, lyrically sentimental ballad singer)

(Impressive relatable yet unique lyrics)

(Sentimental melody)

(Created songs of many different genres)

(Sentimental singer-songwriter)

(Always in the public's eye with new music)

(Legend of Past and Present, Yoon Jongshin)

(Springtime Emotions, Singing Songs of Yoon Jongshin)

(Sweet and charming Lee Seokhoon)

(Top ballader of "Immortal Songs," Shin Yongjae)

(Madam of the House of "Immortal Songs," ALi)

(Sentimental singer and heart-throb, Roy Kim)

(New age refined singer, Kwak Jineon)

(Refined sentimental ballad singer, Jeong Seunghwan)

(Hidden gem of the band world, Jannabi)

(Who will win the Yoon Jongshin special?)

"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends."

Since the legend is a ballad singer,

we have with us the top ballad singers today.

Our first guest is a singer

who hasn't been on in a long time.

Shin Yongjae is back.

(Singer that consoles you, Shin Yongjae)

(Voice that moves your heart and soul)

(Wins by facing others head on)

(Living textbook singer, Shin Yongjae)

Many people missed your performance.

Oh, really?

Since it's been so long, I talked to my agency

and prepared well for this, hiring contemporary

instrumentalists as well.

We have with us those

who have really made their marks on our show.

Is anyone stressing you out?

Anyone you want to go up against?

I saw their rehearsals.

Of these three men... (Careful)

Of these three men.

It felt like he meant, These punks are pretty good."

Me too.

But he didn't. He's so polite. "These three men."

Their ballad...

As a ballad singer, and because I'm a male too,

I did notice them a bit.

But right next to you is the fierce competitor ALi,

who you skipped over. You don't fear her at all?

He skipped Seokhoon too.


He didn't mention ALi or Seokhoon.

You don't think I'm good, huh?

Am I that bad? (Angry)

I haven't seen you in so long yet you say that?

That's not what I meant...

They're already playing mind games from the start.

The only woman on the show today.

The madam of the House of "Immortal Songs."

ALi is back.

Doesn't it feel nice to be the only female singer?

Will this sort of thing happen again for me?

(ALi, the lone flower in bloom)

But it feels like you and Roy are both female singers.

ALi and Roy are the most beautiful here.

Based on looks, you two are both like the ladies here.

Roy's so pretty.

I'm being compared to you?

ALi, there's a lot of good male singers here.

Who do you like most?

Who? Me? Well...

(Shy) I guess...


I guess... (The one next to me...)

No. Yongjae.

You cast an arrow to Yongjae.

Now, Yongjae must return that arrow.

ALi chose you.

Yongjae, do you like her back?

(What will Yongjae say?)


(Arrow of love... But ALi loses)

How could you...


What do you mean?

I really love her as an artist.

He makes it clear that it's as an artist, nothing more.

The charming baritone singer.

Please welcome Kwak Jineon.

(Singer with devilishly charming appeal, Kwak Jineon)

(Winner of "Superstar K" season six, Kwak Jineon)

(Yoon Jongshin praised him highly)

(Wholesome voice)

(That tugs at your heartstrings)

(Kwak Jineon)

I'm sure there was a reason you came on today.

Though you refused before, you said yes this time.

Jongshin and I are friends

and I figured it would be a good opportunity

for me to come on today.

You sound like an actor.

How do you like low voices like his?

I can speak in a low voice too.

It's a great voice for entertainment shows.

Everyone talks in higher tones, so you focus on him.

Can you do any impressions?

The narrator or "VJ Special Forces."

But his voice is really high.

Let's hear it.

Jongshin here, Jongshin there. Everywhere Jongshin.


He's good.

He's good and he's funny.

(Reminds us of Jong Park huh?)

I'll draw for the first performance.

Dongyeop drew the first ball.

His performance was the talk of the town.

- Jeong Seunghwan? / - Roy?

Appealing, deeply plaintive voice with subtle emotions.

He won even though it was his first time on the show.

A unique, new age ballad singer.

The sentimental singer, Jeong Seunghwan.

(Number 1 - Jeong Seunghwan)

(First time on the show was the Uhm Junghwa special!)

(With a deeply moving ballad)

(He got his first win)

He was a Muay Thai fighter before becoming a singer.

Please welcome Jeong Seunghwan,

the Muay Thai ballad singer.

(Bring it!)


In the world of comedians, there's Kim Byeongman,

an entertainer good at martial arts.

In the world of singers, there's Jeong Seunghwan.

The Muay Thai fighter of ballad singers.

Let's do this one. It's been a while.

Say, "Let's take this outside."

Or rather, "Let's duke it out onstage."

Who would you like to compete against?

There's someone I came out to get.

Down with Music Farm!

Who? What? (Lee Juck and Kim Dongryul's agency)

Kwak Jineon.

Oh, down with Music Farm!

They're Antenna's rival.

Agency against agency.

- Mind if I say it? / - Not at all.

Let's duke it out onstage!


Seunghwan, tell us how you plan to do.

I came on to say that real ballad singers

come from Antenna.

I'll do my best. Thank you.

Lee Juck and Kim Dongryul just got really serious,

tuning into our show from home.

They'll be really interested in this round.

Let's go, Jeong Seunghwan!

I'm singing Mr. Yoon's "Your Wedding."

I'm sorry to say this,

but it's got this loser-guy feel to it.

He goes to the wedding of the one he loved

and says he didn't realize how beautiful she was.

It's the saddest story ever.

I'll do my best to sing it as if it's my own story.

I hope you like it. Thank you.

("Your Wedding" / 1992)

(Included in Yoon Jongshin's second album)

(Making the album a hit and making Yoon a star)

(Song about a guy at his ex's wedding)

(Expressing his conflicted emotions)

First up is Jeong Seunghwan.

("Your Wedding" by Jeong Seunghwan)

♪ I didn't know ♪

♪ You were this beautiful ♪

♪ That wedding dress ♪

♪ In your ivory hands, that tragic bouquet ♪

♪ Your seemingly shy smile ♪

♪ I'll be understanding of ♪

♪ What your parents said ♪

♪ Come to think about it ♪

♪ The man by your side now ♪

♪ Will make you happy ♪

♪ But can you forget what we promised the other? ♪

♪ We said we'd be forever ♪

♪ We cried ♪

♪ Before the lit candle ♪

♪ We swore nothing could drive us apart ♪

♪ I know you better than anyone else in the world ♪

♪ Your pure secrets, your dreams ♪

♪ Don't look at me ♪

♪ As I cry gazing at you ♪

♪ I will uphold the promise ♪

♪ We made before that candle ♪

♪ It's okay, you can forget it for a bit ♪

♪ I'm leaving you in his care ♪

♪ But this world will soon pass ♪

♪ I know you better than anyone else in the world ♪

♪ Your pure secrets, your dreams ♪

♪ Don't look at me ♪

♪ As I cry gazing at you ♪

♪ I will uphold the promise ♪

♪ We made before that candle ♪

♪ It's okay, you can forget it for a bit ♪

♪ I'm leaving you in his care ♪

♪ But this world will soon pass ♪

♪ I will uphold the promise ♪

♪ We made before that candle ♪

♪ It's okay, you can forget it for a bit ♪

♪ I'm leaving you in his care ♪

♪ But this world will soon pass ♪

♪ I didn't know ♪

♪ You were this beautiful ♪

(Restrained sadness, regret that deepens)

("Your Wedding" by Jeong Seunghwan)

Thank you.

(Seunghwan's ballad that seeps into your soul)

Seunghwan told it like a story,

and I realize what a seasoned singer he is.

ALi, what did you think?

How old is he?

I think he's 20.

He's 22, born in 1996.

The way I felt his feelings was like

when a guy first steps out in the real world

and goes to his ex's wedding.

That's how I think it felt.

He's only 20, so how did he do this?

Isn't singing that well cheating?

- It was like a TV drama. / - It was.

I'll draw for the second performance.

Will Jineon be next as Seunghwan wanted?

Everyone backstage is a great singer,

but this man is especially well-known.

However, he always gets a bad score at karaoke.

It turns out, everything he sings turns sad.

Even happy songs turn out sad,

so he gets bad scores on them.

The achingly sentimental ballad singer, Shin Yongjae.

(Number 2 - Shin Yongjae)

Shin Yongjae.

Minsu said you have to bring back

that trophy. (Yongjae's agency CEO)

- And you're up second. / - Wow.

Yongjae, tell us how you plan to do this.

I worked hard on this because it's my first time

in a while and my agency

spent a lot to provide me with great support.

I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.


Rookie ballad singer Seunghwan was just up

and Yongjae is going to go get him.

Let's go, Shin Yongjae!

- Let's go! / - Let's go, Yongjae!

(Agency CEO) Minsu really wants me to win.

Recently, Sejun and Ben won the trophy, so he said

I had to also.

He wanted a sweeping win for all of us,

but who knows what will happen?

What will you be singing?

Sung Sikyung's "On the Street."

I can imagine the details in my head, like a movie.

It's ordinary but beautiful at the same time.

I worked hard on it since it's been so long.

I hope you enjoy it. Let's go!

("On the Street" / 2006)

(Title track of Sung Sikyung's fifth album)

(Song about missing girlfriend while taking a walk)

(Song topped many music charts on different channels)

(Top ballad song in the second half of 2006)

The second performance is by Shin Yongjae.

Hello. I'm Shin Yongjae. It's great to see you.

I really wanted to say that I'm a big fan of Mr. Yoon.

I'll be singing a song

Mr. Yoon Jongshin wrote and composed.

Sung Sikyung's "On the Street."

It's very famous, so I'm a bit nervous,

but I'll do my best.

("On the Street" by Shin Yongjae)

♪ On this street without you ♪

♪ There is nothing for me to do ♪

♪ I walk and walk ♪

♪ And stumble upon our memories ♪

♪ You linger in my mind ♪

♪ By how my longing for you revisits ♪

♪ I can tell how hard it is to forget you ♪

♪ I felt it again today ♪

♪ I wonder where you are now ♪

♪ And how you're doing ♪

♪ If I keep walking, I feel like someone will tell me ♪

♪ This street we're so used to ♪

♪ We'd walk, our steps in synch ♪

♪ Those days I miss come flooding back tonight ♪

♪ My day passes, missing you, calling out your name ♪

♪ Even though it hurts, it felt nice to remember us ♪

♪ I hear you call out to me, I turn around ♪

♪ Though the streets are empty ♪

♪ Memories of you are everywhere ♪

♪ When the street stops at a dead-end ♪

♪ I lean on a familiar wall ♪

♪ Under the bright streetlamp light ♪

♪ I see myself professing my love to you ♪

♪ I remember us then ♪

♪ By how vividly I recall how nervous I was then ♪

♪ How hard it is to forget ♪

♪ I felt it again today ♪

♪ I wonder if you still think of me ♪

♪ Is she looking for me too like this? ♪

♪ If I keep walking, I feel like someone will tell me ♪

♪ This street we're so used to ♪

♪ We'd walk, our steps in synch ♪

♪ Those days I miss come flooding back tonight ♪

♪ My day passes, missing you, calling out your name ♪

♪ Even though it hurts, it felt nice to remember us ♪

♪ I hear you call out to me, I turn around ♪

♪ Though the streets are empty ♪

♪ Memories of you are everywhere ♪

♪ My heart filled with longing ♪

♪ Cries out to the skies ♪

♪ This street still waits for you ♪

♪ (My day passes, missing you, calling out your name) ♪

♪ (My day passes, missing you, calling out your name) ♪

♪ My day passes, missing you, calling out your name ♪

♪ Even though it hurts, it felt nice to remember us ♪

♪ I hear you call out to me, I turn around ♪

♪ Though the streets are empty ♪

♪ Memories of you are everywhere ♪

(I miss you more right now)

("On the Street" by Shin Yongjae)

Thank you.

(Song that makes you long for that long-lost love)

Wow, Shin Yongjae...

I thought he was only good at R&B and soul,

but he did that well too.

There are falsetto points, so it's hard to sing.

Roy, what did you think?

While listening, I thought when technology advances

and we program a computer to sing the perfect song,

it would sound like this, with his voice and melody.


To compare it to Seunghwan's...

After his, the audience got choked up and grew silent,

and with Yongjae they were like, "Wow."

Like seeing something really powerful.

Who'll win?

I think it'll be Seunghwan.

Seokhoon, you're good at guessing scores.

Seokhoon's like a master at it.

I think the audience will like Yongjae more.

What will he get?

About 431.

That's good enough to take home the trophy.

That means everyone here loses.

Yes, me included.

(It was that good)

(Jeong Seunghwan vs Shin Yongjae)

"Your Wedding."

This was my first hit song.

My first album came out in 1995

and everyone thought I was a very tame singer.

I remember. Not someone who got a hit song.

I'd always have to show my ID to enter the station.

But after this song, I got on music charts and such.

And the lyrics are about going to an ex's wedding.

It's obnoxious. It could be considered obnoxious,

but despite that, it was very popular.

It was a groundbreaking song.

What'd you think of Seunghwan's performance?

I have lots to apologize to him about.

He was on my audition show

and I wonder why I didn't pass him to the next round.

You can say I disqualified him.

Even though Seungchul did more damage.

Regardless, I had a hand in it.

But he's such a great, sentimental singer.

I regret not letting him go to the next round.

I saw he joined Heeyeol's agency.


I saw him go there and thought he wouldn't do well,

but I realized I failed to see his worth.

I felt guilty, and seeing him sing live like this,

he made it a sadder song than when I sang it.

I felt moved. Thank you.

Shin Yongjae sang "On the Street."

It's such a famous song.

Sikyung hand-picked this song.

I was going to give it to Yangpa, actually.

- To Yangpa. / - I sent Sikyung

a few songs but he rejected them all.

He said he had to pick his own songs,

so he came over, told me to open my song files,

and listened to every single one.

After that day, that's how I sold my songs.

I'd invite the singer to my studio

and show them my songs as if showing them a catalog.

It's hard to sing the song differently from Sikyung.

I was shocked.

This is why everyone raves about Yongjae.

You sang the high notes in your own way.

I got chills hearing you sing. Thank you so much.

I wonder how the audience voted.

Show us how they voted!

(Checking results)

(Jeong Seunghwan vs Shin Yongjae)

("Your Wedding" by Jeong Seunghwan)

The first competition of the Yoon Jongshin special.

Will the newbie singer Seunghwan get his first win?

(Will new ballad singer Jeong Seunghwan win?)

("On the Street" by Shin Yongjae)

(Computer-like perfect technique)

The master ballad singer back after almost a year,

will Yongjae take his first win?

(Will Yongjae, who's after the trophy, win?)

Who will win?

(Who's the winner?)

(Why is everyone so shocked?)

(Audience chose Shin Yongjae with 427)


(Yongjae wins with a whopping score)


Please give him a round of applause!


Getting the highest score on the first competition,

Yongjae beats Seunghwan and takes his first win.

(Seokhoon's guess was close!) - 427. / - It's so high.

With that score, he may get the trophy.

427 is the highest score to

come out during the first round.

I'm sure everyone feels a lot of pressure

and that they're all very nervous in the green room.

I'll choose who'll go up against Yongjae.

How about ALi?

I have a bad feeling about this.

Everyone's really been looking forward to this.

They write the lyrics, compose and arrange their songs.

They've even sung for drama soundtracks.

The hidden gem band who's rising quickly to fame.


(Number 3 - Jannabi)

Please welcome Jannabi.

Don't tell me you're called Jannabi

because of your zodiac signs.

That's right. We were all born in 1992.

We're the same age.

That's the highest score for the first round ever.

Then, we can sing without feeling pressured to win.

- Really? / - Really.

We'll forget about winning

and just do what we prepared to do.

Let's go, Jannabi!

(Hot band Jannabi is up)

Let's go!

A band will go up against the ballad singer.

Rock 'n' roll.

Mr. Yoon's songs are like breakup guidebooks sometimes

due to how they express emotions during breakups.

Seokhoon, did you ever act pathetically

while dating before you married your wife?

A guy usually turns into the biggest loser

when he's in the army. You get all ragged.

I enlisted really late.

I entered when I was 29, and I would fold her origami,

thinking it was a sign of my affections.

I folded like a thousand cranes.

I kept at it, which is how I got her to marry me.

That was the love story of you and your wife.


- Was she happy to receive them? / - Of course.

You sure it wasn't more like this?

(I just want to keep taking them out)

Are there precious metals down there or something?

No, I remember she was really happy.

Seunghwan came back in as we were talking.

(Sentimental ballad singer Jeong Seunghwan is back)

You can express your anger with a Muay Thai move.

Imagine Yongjae standing right in front of you.

(Moving ballad singer Seunghwan's unexpected charm)

The other singers said that

your performance was heartwrenching.


Seokhoon was the only one who said

Yongjae would win with a big score.

Seunghwan shouldn't take that verbatim.

Go fold your cranes.

You said Yongjae would get 430.

What I meant was...

I love Seunghwan's singing.

Quit folding cranes and quit talking too.

You'll only get yourself in bigger trouble.

I thought about why I was trembling so hard,

then remembered that Yongjae and ALi

would be on "Immortal Songs" when I was younger

and I'd watch them on TV in high school.

And it suddenly hit me that I was on "Immortal Songs"

and I began trembling.

You should do a revenge rematch with Yongjae one day.

You can do it!

I'm curious when you felt like the biggest loser.

I once deleted a girl's number,

and then I wanted to call her so badly

but I couldn't remember her number.

I kept trying out the number combination

and everyone kept saying "Wrong number."

I saw the next day that I'd called a lot of numbers.

How many?

About 20 different combinations, all very similar.

But those who answered, not knowing the sad story,

probably thought, "Why does this weirdo keep calling?"

(Old loves are beautiful only in memories)

Hello. We're Jannabi.

- It's great to see you. / - Hello.

(Jannabi - "Yoon Jongshin made us who we are today")

(Jannabi, a band praised by Yoon Jongshin)

(Talented band who makes unique music)

(Same age friends! Look forward to their performance!)

Everyone on today is a really seasoned veteran,

and for us to sing alongside them is an honor.

We'll do our best to show you what we've got.

We'll be singing Lena Park's "My Day."

Lena Park sang it delicately

and we'll tap into that deep spot men don't often show.

It's deep down, hidden.

When men reveal that aspect, we get truly sad.

We'll reveal it to you.

It's our first time on the show,

so we're really nervous.

We'd be grateful if you cheered us on loudly.

Let's go, Jannabi!

("My Day" / 1998)

(Title track of Lena Park's debut album)

(Yoon Jongshin wrote and composed the song)

(Korean-American Lena Park)

(Wasn't well-versed in Korean)

(She chose this song as her best song)

(Saying she had the best pronunciation for this song)

(Thanks to the harsh training she received from Yoon)

The third performance is by Jannabi,

whom Mr. Yoon Jongshin highly praised.

Hello. We're the band Jannabi.

Please give us a round of applause. Thank you.

("My Day" by Jannabi)

♪ I linger around where you are ♪

♪ You look better than yesterday ♪

♪ It's been a while since I saw you smile ♪

♪ You look much better smiling ♪

♪ On your way home ♪

♪ Why did you look so beat? ♪

♪ I nearly called out to you ♪

♪ I happened to get choked up ♪

♪ And couldn't say a thing ♪

♪ Remember that day we parted ways? ♪

♪ How awkwardly I tried to look cold ♪

♪ But all this time, I've missed you ♪

♪ And now, I go see you every day ♪

♪ I want to see you more close up ♪

♪ So I can look into ♪

♪ Your warm eyes ♪

♪ One day, when I grow tired ♪

♪ All that will be left is memories of you ♪

♪ Rather than forgetting ♪

♪ It'd be easier to remember you ♪

♪ For me ♪

♪ My days are shorter now ♪

♪ As I watch you ♪

♪ My days pass ever so quickly ♪

♪ I fall asleep tonight thinking of you ♪

♪ Who I saw today ♪

♪ I want to see you more close up ♪

♪ So I can look into ♪

♪ Your warm eyes ♪

♪ One day, when I grow tired ♪

♪ All that will be left is memories of you ♪

♪ Rather than forgetting you ♪

♪ Cherishing you ♪

♪ Would be easier for me ♪

Ladies and gentlemen! The Heritage Mass Choir!


♪ (So let me live) Let me live ♪

♪ Take another piece from my whole ♪

♪ Take another piece ♪

♪ (I want to see you more close up) ♪

♪ So I can look into ♪

♪ Your warm eyes ♪

♪ One day, when I grow tired ♪

♪ All that will be left is memories of you ♪

♪ Rather than forgetting you ♪

♪ Cherishing you ♪

♪ Would be easier for me ♪

(Band with five distinct members)

(That left a deep impression)

("My Day" by Jannabi) Thank you.

(Everyone's fallen deeply for Jannabi's performance)

They're very unique.

Jannabi will get a lot of love from now on, I bet.

At the end when he was singing with the choir,

I felt like I could hear someone yell "Hallelujah."

I like how raw that felt.

And it felt so masculine.

So, professor...

(Did I hear that right?)

Shall I use that name?

It seems to suit you. Professor Lee Seokhoon?

Who will win?

They'll get 430, in my opinion.

(Professor predicts Jannabi will win with 430)

Jannabi will beat Yongjae?


- So that's what you predict. / - 430.

Jineon, what did you think?

I liked it because it wasn't completely masculine.

There was something feminine about it too,

which made it sexy.

Will they win?

But I doubt they'll win.

Yongjae was too good.

(Jannabi vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

I hear Mr. Yoon praised Jannabi a lot,

and today, I feel like I know why he did.

You did your first performance on our show

in front of Mr. Yoon. What did you think?

We were on Superstar K.

It felt a little bit like back then.

We actually got criticized then.

You were mistaken about them too, I see.

I said really awful things about them.

Even worse than with Seunghwan.

I said I didn't understand their style of music.

But I like them because their music isn't cliche.

I like that they do music that other people

wouldn't think of doing.

I wondered how they came up with this interpretation.

They never copy what previous singers do

and that's the appeal of this band.

Thank you.

I wonder how the audience voted.

Show us how the audience voted.

(Checking results)

(Jannabi vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

Will Yongjae, who got a very high score in the first

competition, get a second win with 427?

Or will the new band Jannabi beat Yongjae?

Who will win?

("Immortal Songs" top ballad singer, Shin Yongjae)

("Immortal Songs" newbie band, Jannabi)

(Audience chose Shin Yongjae with 427)

Shin Yongjae with 427!

With 427, since the score is so high,

Yongjae takes his second win.

(Shin Yongjae gets two wins in a row)

I'll draw for the fourth performance.

(Feeling lost)

(Oh no)

(Aged quickly from the stress)

They say people need to be ambitious,

but she's known as the overachiever of the music world.

She plays the piano and knows how to swim,

ski, snowboard and even how to play tennis.

(Guilty as charged...)

(Multi-talented athlete, ALi?)

She's always learning something new.

She says she's the happiest when she's singing onstage.

The madam of the House of "Immortal Songs," ALi.

(Number 4 - ALi)

(Record holder for highest score...) I'm done for.

(Bye, Yongjae)

(As long as it's not me!)

I'll go get what's mine.

Like she'll go get the champion belt.

She's like Muhammad ALi.

I'll go fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

(Like this, one, two!)

The record holder of the highest points on our show.

I bet Yongjae's shaking right now.

The madam of the House of "Immortal Songs"!

Let's go, ALi!

Let's go!

It's my first time on the show in 2017.

It's great to see you. I'm ALi.

I started competing on this show in 2011

and today's show is the most difficult yet.

It's that kind of song and dance.

(Shy, embarrassed)

A lot of male singers rearranged and sang "Instinct,"

enjoying it, but I wondered

how it'd be for a woman to sing it.

I felt a sexy message of seduction in the lyrics,

so I sang "Instinct" expressing a woman's desire.

I hope you like it. Let's go!

("Instinct" / 2010)

(Second project for Monthly Yoon Jongshin in 2010)

(He shed the image of just a ballad singer with this)

(Critics praised his roughness in the song)

(The 2010 song was rearranged and)

(Sung on Kang Seungyoon's Show)

(It became the talk of the town and got lots of love)

(Song speaks of being drawn to a woman through)

("Instinct" and telling her how he feels)

The fourth performance is by ALi.

(Enters beautifully, more beautiful than before!)

(Time to fall under the spell of her seduction!)

("Instinct" by ALi)

♪ It came to me like an instinct ♪

♪ I knew you'd become mine ♪

♪ The moment I laid eyes on you ♪

♪ I can't forget the spark that tore through me ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I don't know if you're a nice guy ♪

♪ But I feel so madly drawn to you ♪

♪ It may be too soon to say ♪

♪ But I think it must be love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I trust you since you were my choice ♪

♪ The night I chose ♪

I'll never forget it.

♪ You may be the love of my life ♪

♪ Or the start of a crazy love ♪

♪ You must act on love to know if it's real ♪

♪ Shall we begin? ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I saw you while driving ♪

♪ I almost got in an accident ♪

♪ I liked you so the light turned green ♪

♪ And I went for you ♪

♪ I was drawn to your body like a magnet ♪

♪ Unwittingly, I drool over you ♪

♪ Don't get me wrong, I'm not superficial ♪

♪ But instinct makes love possible ♪

♪ Whether it was chance or destiny ♪

♪ I'm in front of you now ♪

♪ Leave the calculating to the banks ♪

♪ Say la la la ♪

♪ Say la la la ♪

♪ Say la la la ♪

♪ La la la ♪

♪ I trust you since you were my choice ♪

♪ The night I chose ♪

♪ I can't forget the night I chose ♪

♪ The moments of bliss ♪

I'll never forget them.

♪ Whether you're the love of my life ♪

♪ Or the start of a crazy love ♪

♪ I won't have any regrets ♪

♪ Shall we begin? ♪

♪ It came to me like an instinct ♪

♪ I knew you'd become mine ♪

♪ The moment I laid eyes on you ♪

♪ I can't forget the spark that tore through me ♪

♪ Shall we begin? ♪

(Electrifying seduction that wakes your instincts!)

("Instinct" by ALi)

(Essence of desire, ALi)

Madam ALi's in a league of her own.

She's a seasoned vet.

She showed us how she leads the men onstage.

I've seen ALi on "Immortal Songs" before.

She always gets high scores.

The audience tended to go for ballads,

but she'd still do songs she could dance to

and beat out ballads.

I think she definitely has a chance of winning.

And she's gotten so pretty.

She's prettier than how I remember her.

How do you remember her?

She's just prettier today.

Okay, dude.

(Called him dude out of being flustered)

Did you just call me dude?

(You know what I mean, right, ALi?)

Seokhoon, what did you think?

Why do you keep sighing?

Because she's so pretty but you're already married?

No, not at all.

(Must you be such a romantic?)

(I'll remember to use that in the future!)

I thought that shows

the years she's honed her skills as a veteran.

I thought he said something else.

I thought he put her down.

- Come on! / - I was like, "Why is this ballad singer

such a potty mouth?"

(No way! We only say good things!) Veteran.

(ALi vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

What inspired you to write "Instinct"? Tell us briefly.

I wrote this when I turned 42.

As I was entering my 40s,

my instinctive needs began to dwindle,

and I wrote this song to awaken them.

ALi changed the song into a genre I couldn't sing

even if I tried.

- Indeed. / - It was amazing.

- ALi's just wonderful. / - Thank you.

My heart was racing. It was superb.

You put on so many different performances on the show,

and this seemed to be the highest caliber.

I was excited to do this performance

and a part of me wanted to just show you everything,

so I did something I don't normally do.

I figured I'd wake my instincts too.

That was my goal and I like the results.

But the first performance yielded a really high score

so I'm sure the others feel pressured.

What was it like backstage?

They told me to destroy Yongjae.

I lost to him on a different show.

(Sworn enemies!) So I told them

I really want to beat him this time and

this is my chance but I don't know how it'll turn out.

It's been a long time since I've last seen

you two side by side like this.

How did the audience vote?

Please show us!

(ALi vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

(Sentimental singer who beckons victory)

Will Yongjae, who beat Seunghwan and Jannabi,

beat ALi too and get his third win?

(Charismatic femme fatale who wakes your instincts)

(End-all-be-all unforgettably electrifying performance)

Madam ALi stepped up to beat Yongjae.

Will ALi get her first win?

(Explosive desire)

(Plaintive cry)

(Who won?)

(Audience chose Shin Yongjae with 427)

Shin Yongjae! Wow! Shin Yongjae...

(Unbeatable Yongjae gets three wins in a row!)

Yongjae and ALi! Thank you for great performances.

He got three wins in one fell swoop.

I'll now draw the fifth performance to go up.

Now, we have the three ballad singers left.

Lee Seokhoon, Roy Kim and Kwak Jineon.

As you may all know, while Hong Kyungmin

was preparing for an "Immortal Songs" performance,

he fell in love with a musician here and married her.

Is he going to bring up Seokhoon?

- Lee Seokhoon. / - Lee Seokhoon.

(Seokhoon has a similar relationship?) What's wrong?

On a dating show I was the host of,

this person met his better half and married her.

SG WANNABE's Lee Seokhoon!

(Number 5 - Lee Seokhoon)

(Sentimental ballad singer Lee Seokhoon)

I had a feeling Seokhoon would be up.

I felt he'd be called up now.

Dongyeop was the host of that show, right?

- Right. / - I see.

(Source: MBC) Hello! I'm Dongyeop,

the host of "Heart-Thumping Star Love Studio."

As soon as I saw her, I would've chosen Choi Seona.

She's very close to my most ideal woman.

(Congratulations! Lee Seokhoon & Choi Seona)

It's like destiny.

Tell us how you plan to do it today.

The audience just listened to really strong,

powerful songs up till now.

- But mine's laid back. / - I see.

It's best that I break this order up.

Nice. Let's go, Seokhoon!

Let's go, Seokhoon!

We have newcomers on the show, right?

Today is Jannabi's first performance.

I heard you have a lot of impersonations to show us.

Tell us about them.

It's impersonation of crows, a male and female one.

That won't be easy.

The male and female crow.

The harmony of a male and female crow couple.

- We'll converse. / - I'll talk to him.

I'm the female crow.

Shall we hear it?

(Male crow calling out for her)

(Female crow answering)

(Crying out to win her affections)

(In shock)

Hey! (Stop!)

I've never seen this sort of impression before.

Seunghwan will make it better with

something of his own.

Did you practice anything at home?

I can do the impression of a chick.

That's good.

Let's hear it.

(Peep peep)

(It sounds real)

That's like a real chick. (Chick Chiyeul joining in)

I can do it too.

When a guest does that, the host should

be like, "I can't do it."

- Let me do it again. / - You think we can't do it?

I can do it all but I pretend I can't.

(Becomes mute chick)

He's good.

That's how you do it.

Even if you want to do it,

as the host, you must pretend you don't know how to.

(It's hard)

(Chick sound only Seunghwan can make)

It's been a while. I'm SG Wannabe's Lee Seokhoon.

(Charming, refined ballad singer)

(Singer loved for his sweet singing, Lee Seokhoon)

How does it feel to be back on in so long?

I'm sure I said at the time that

I really wanted to sing

and I feel the same way today.

I'll be singing "Annie." It's my favorite song.

The original is a straight-up ballad,

but I made the emotions restrained.

The song's so amazing,

so I've always thought about how I would sing it

if I ever got the chance to.

I'll sing it, bringing you peace of mind

as you think of your "Annie" deep in your heart.

I hope you enjoy it.

("Annie" / 2000)

(Title track of his eighth album)

(Yoon Jongshin wrote it after a breakup)

(As a daily guide to everyday living thereafter)

(Song showed the quiet storm-like)

(State of the heart as one is with unrequited love)

(The first line and the saxophone solo)

(Made this masterpiece all the more heartbreaking)

The fifth performance is by Lee Seokhoon.

("Annie" by Lee Seokhoon)

♪ Annie ♪

♪ By any chance, do you know ♪

♪ That I'm in love with you? ♪

♪ If you do, you're so mean ♪

♪ It's been tearing me up inside ♪

♪ Annie, are you listening to this song? ♪

♪ You're the Annie I'm talking about ♪

♪ I couldn't tell you how I felt for you ♪

♪ But I'll tell you now ♪

♪ You fool ♪

♪ I'm in love with you ♪

♪ You were my solace ♪

♪ You put a halt to a long period of pain ♪

♪ Making me smile again ♪

♪ Annie, it feels good to get it off my chest ♪

♪ I wanted to shout it out ♪

♪ Though you aren't here now ♪

♪ It feels good to get it out ♪

♪ You fool ♪

♪ You fool ♪

♪ I'm in love with you ♪

♪ You were my solace ♪

♪ You put a halt to a long period of pain ♪

♪ Making me smile again ♪

♪ I want to feel ♪

♪ You love me ♪

♪ But I can only wish for it ♪

♪ I hope you understand ♪

♪ If you could love me too ♪

♪ I'll repay you for a long time to come ♪

♪ I'll repay you for a long time to come ♪

♪ Annie ♪

♪ Do you still not know ♪

♪ That you're the Annie I speak of? ♪

Thank you.

(Confessing his love time and again)

("Annie" by Lee Seokhoon)

(Oh, my "Annie")

It was elegant. He was like a gentleman.

He looks so happy I want to ask him

if something great happened to him.

He's smiling happily, calling out to Annie.

Roy, what did you think?

I really respect this sort of performance.

I loved his facial expressions.

I figured he'd belt it out at this one point,

but he didn't, which made it have even more impact.

Seeing Seokhoon made me realize what poise was.

He changed the flow of the performances.

The audience felt more comfortable pressing

the button for his performance.

Jineon, don't you want to

smile onstage like that as you sing?

I really want to.

How does he sing so happily?

(Pure joy)

- It's hard to do. / - It's so awesome.

Can you sing your song while smiling?

While smiling.

♪ Between us ♪

That's scary.

♪ Between us ♪


Just smiling isn't enough to give off

that warm, Seokhoon vibe.

Wasn't that scary?

I told you it was hard.

Only Seokhoon can do it.

The last ones up, Jannabi.

Let's see you do this.

- Sing while smiling. / - Can we sing our song?

Yes, but while smiling a big smile.

♪ The hot summer passed us by ♪

Do a smiling crow.


(A happy caw)

(You got it!)

(Ending with a happy crow)

(Lee Seokhoon vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

Mr. Yoon.

I remember you mentioning this long ago.

Was the eighth album that contained "Annie"

really after a breakup, expressing feelings you had?

Yes, it's been 20 years now.

I'm now happily married.

Right, you are.

Before, you were involved with many women but not now.

You were young then.

I broke up with someone I was seeing in my 20s

and during the toughest of times,

I made my eighth album. It was a bitter experience,

but that bitter experience brought me money and status.

Of everyone who's been on to sing,

you sang the song most like how I did.

I felt like you understood my feelings best.

Thank you.

My favorite song out of all your albums is "Annie,"

so I wanted to sing it if I ever got the chance.

I was happy I got this opportunity, so I tried my best.

Mr. Yoon said Seokhoon best

portrayed how he himself felt.

I wonder how the audience voted.

Please show us how you voted!

(Checking results)

("On the Street" by Shin Yongjae)

("Annie" by Lee Seokhoon)

(Unrelenting third winning sweep by Shin Yongjae)

(Will he get a fourth win with 427?)

With 427, will Yongjae

continue his winning streak and pick up a fourth win?

(Sweet voice and smile asking for "Annie"!)

Sweet voice and smile, will the charming performance by

Seokhoon take its first win?

Who will win?

(Which performance moved the audience more?)

(Audience chose Shin Yongjae with 427) Shin Yongjae.

Returning to "Immortal Songs" for the first time in

almost a year, he takes four wins with 427.


I will now draw for the sixth and seventh performers.

The first singer looked young

and cheerful at the start of the show,

but he seems to have aged as it progressed.

(Does Roy look older than he really is?)

He looks older than his peers.

It must be Jineon.

His nickname is old boy Roy Kim.

Old boy Roy.

A sentimental singer oozing with charms, Roy Kim!

(Number 6 - Roy Kim)

Finally, I'm up!

He's on his fourth win now.

Roy, it's about time you stop him, right?

You should.

I should.

He sounds confident. (That's a breath of fresh air)

Tell us how you plan to do this.

I worked hard, so I hope you enjoy it.

I'll sing it so that when I step down from the stage,

I'll have no regrets.

Sentimental singer, Roy! Let's go!

I'll be back.

Let's go! Let's go!

He showed us the epitome of sentimental singing.

Please welcome back Lee Seokhoon.

How do you smile as you sing...

While you're looking at the audience...

(Not like that, like this!) Like your smile is growing.

How do you do that?

It's not something you can practice.

We all tried, but it didn't work.

It looked unnatural.

(Hot mess)

Do you normally smile when you sing?

- Yes. / - You were like that before too?

Did you sing SG WANNABE's saddest songs,

smiling the whole time?

That's why they didn't suit me.

(Other members in sad mode)

(But I'm the angel of smiles)

The top ballad singers of Korea are all here.

So I was wondering,

what do you sing when you go to karaoke?

Seunghwan, what do you sing?

Do you go to karaoke?

Yes, when I go with friends, I usually sing

songs by Big Bang.

Wait. I thought you'd sing ballads but you don't?

Okay then. Show us and dance to it too. (Now?)

A round of applause, please.

We've never seen this from Seunghwan.

You're at a karaoke place.

I can dance well if I practice the choreography,

but not off the cuff.

You prepared a dance though, didn't you?

Are you ready?

But he said he prepared something.

Please turn it on at about one minute and five seconds.

(Seems like he trained hard for this) He remembered

- the time exactly. / - He did learn it.

How else would you know the time?

(As said, starting at 1 minute and 5 seconds)


(Antenna's dancing machine)

(Dancing just as his dance teacher taught him)

(Looks a bit like...)

(My son's karate belt test event.avi)

(Parent / Worried he'll get it wrong)

(Finishes it perfectly, exactly as he practiced)

(Top dance student at Antenna)

This is the first time I've felt like

Seunghwan is actually as young as he is.

It was adorable.

Does antenna really have a dance teacher?

Yes, we do.

That's one loss for Music Farm.

- We don't have one. / - You don't?

We don't. I lose.

Jineon, can you dance for us?

You said you won't let antenna beat you.

Lately, I've been thinking...

I don't go to a lot of clubs,

but the point is to be cool while dancing at clubs.

Yeah, I like that.

Is the music ready?

Cue the music.

(Calm and collected gaze)

At first, you walk in

and make eye contact as you pass by.

You dance with your back to them just like this.

(Just like that / Chic & Confident)

(Totally in love)

(Ending it coolly too) Like this.

(Unexpectedly appealing)

(Ballad singer's unexpected charm) He surprised me.

"Immortal Songs" viewers,

it's been a while. I'm Roy Kim. It's great to see you.

(Sang at the late Kim Kwangseok special)

(Sentimental singer Roy Kim is back after a year)

What do you think of Mr. Yoon's music?

All the songs are very emotionally honest.

At times, it seems pathetic.

At times, it feels restrained,

so no matter what you sing, you feel you understand,

and that's what his music's like.

The song "That Day Long Ago" is a really popular

song by Mr. Jongshin.

There's that one special person in your heart, right?

Please think of that person as you listen.

If you listen to the lyrics,

you'll feel a connection to them.

In particular, those in their late 20s

will feel the connection.

Here is "That Day Long Ago."

("That Day Long Ago" / 1993)

(Included in Yoon Jongshin's third album)

(Lyrics and melody reminiscing about old girlfriend)

(Men related to it a lot and the song was a huge hit)

(Since it begins with a line about)

(Getting out of high school)

(The song makes a comeback every graduation season)

The sixth performance is by Roy.

I'm really nervous,

but I'm also really happy that I get to sing in front

of Mr. Yoon, whom I respect so much.

Today, I'll be singing "That Day Long Ago."

I'm sure there's that special someone

who always has a special place deep inside your heart.

I'd be grateful if you thought of

that person as you listened.

("That Day Long Ago" by Roy Kim)

♪ You were my first girlfriend out of high school ♪

♪ Do you remember those days too sometimes? ♪

♪ I can't say why but I was so happy ♪

♪ When we were alone together ♪

♪ Whenever I'd walk you home ♪

♪ We'd shyly share our dreams with the other ♪

♪ I promised to stay by your side ♪

♪ Several years later ♪

♪ I heard about your new boyfriend ♪

♪ It was just before my discharge ♪

♪ I understood but hated you just the same ♪

♪ But today, I felt grateful ♪

♪ After all those years, I saw you by chance ♪

♪ A beautiful sight, how he stood ♪

♪ So firmly by your side ♪

♪ And by my side ♪

♪ Is a woman who trusts me and only me ♪

♪ And the song that coaxed me on sleepless nights ♪

♪ Many moons ago ♪

♪ A new semester begins ♪

♪ Memories of us are still there ♪

♪ Busy and packed with plans ♪

♪ The heart-fluttering days of our twenties ♪

♪ I pass by the entrance of your school sometimes ♪

♪ When everyday life weighs me down ♪

♪ I look back on days when we didn't think ♪

♪ About the pain or what ifs ♪

♪ I heard about your new boyfriend ♪

♪ It was just before my discharge ♪

♪ I understood but hated you just the same ♪

♪ But today, I felt grateful ♪

♪ After all those years, I saw you by chance ♪

♪ A beautiful sight, how he stood ♪

♪ So firmly by your side ♪

♪ And by my side ♪

♪ Is a woman who trusts me and only me ♪

♪ And the song that coaxed me on sleepless nights ♪

♪ Many moons ago ♪

(Melody that brings memories back)

("That Day Long Ago" by Roy Kim)

I think he was wiping away tears at the very end.

Or it might have been snot.

It's hard to say. (Touchingness destroyed)

ALi, what did you think?

Roy has such a beautiful tone,

so we can always count on him for a good show.

A singer you can count on.

And Mr. Yoon's voice seems to be

gentle and wholesome while singing.

Jineon, what did you think?

First off, it was weird seeing him so serious.

He's always joking around, then onstage,

he changes completely and sings like that.

What surprised us even more is

we thought you were very quiet

and thought you'd only talk about music,

but you today, you were playful

and liked to joke around.

We never knew that about you.

Come hang out more.

After being on today, I feel like I should.

I think I can do it.

(Confidence has gone up)

It was alright, right?

I just need to be a little silly is all.

Yeah, you just twerked twice.


I'll work hard.

(Roy Kim vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

Roy sang "That Day Long Ago,"

and every year around graduation time,

people think of this song.

This song was...

To be honest, it's my first time sitting

in the audience hearing my songs back to back.

Of course.

I wouldn't hear that song in the audience.

It's my first time.

"Immortal Songs" is the first program to do

so many of my songs for such a long period of time.

The song "That Day Long Ago" really felt different.

I sang that song the year Roy was born.

I released the song in 1993

and my early 20s flashed through my mind.

I thought about why people think of this song as

my signature song and I realized

it has a different feeling than the others.

You feel that too?

I'm sure singing Mr. Yoon's song was special,

especially since it's this song.

I'm 25 years old right now,

and he was my age when he sang it.

You sang this song when you were 25?

Let's take a look at the screen

and see how different it is.

1993 was a really tough year.

Roy, you said in your interview before the show

that you wanted to win today.

That's what I was told.

What went through your head as you

watched Yongjae's winning streak?

I figured he'd keep going till the end.

That's what you thought.

- All the way? / - Yes.

Yongjae you're not one to show

how badly you want to win either.

But naturally, you have some desire to win, right?

Well, Roy was the one who I predicted would win.

Oh, Roy?

- You saw his rehearsal? / - Yes, I was so moved.

Yongjae thought, "Roy is going to win"

and Roy thought, "I'm going to win."

Show us how the audience voted.

(Checking results)

(Roy vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

(Sentimental singer Shin Yongjae)

It feels like he'll take home the trophy.

Will Yongjae get five wins in a row?

(Will he beat Roy and get a fifth win?)

(He's returned after a year)

Roy interpreted Mr. Yoon's song perfectly.

Will he block Shin Yongjae from getting a fifth win?

Who will win?

(Roy vs Shin Yongjae with 427)

(Who did the audience choose?)

(Audience chose Roy 432)

Roy Kim!

(Roy Kim with 432 wins by five more votes)


Roy stops Yongjae from his fifth victory,

getting his first win.

Jineon was like...

Jineon was like, "432?"

(Oh no)

Okay, I'll go up there and just bawl.

I'll bawl.

- He will bawl. / - He'll cry.

Tell us how you plan to do.

Since it's the last song, I hope you just

relax, listen and get home safely.

Thank you. I'll work hard.


Jineon's sweet and sentimental singing.

It's time for the last singer,

who we've all been waiting for.

Let's go, Kwak Jineon!

- Let's go, Kwak Jineon! / - Let's go!

(Embarked on a new journey with just a guitar)

(He got better going up against his rival Kim Feel)

("Superstar K" season six)

(Singing that is moving because it conveys truth)

(Genius musician Kwak Jineon)

I have a feeling you came on today

because Mr. Yoon is on today, right?


I'm used to him and I feel at home with him.

He was about as far as he is now too.

- Yes, exactly what you're used to. / - Right.

I know that he's rooting for me now.

I know that a bit now,

so I feel at ease. That's what I think.

Today, I'm singing "Reincarnation."

I'm really nervous,

but since this is my first time, I'll do my best.

Thank you.

("Reincarnation" / 1996)

(Title track of Yoon Jongshin's fifth album)

(Yoon Jongshin worried about the refrain)

(Heard a gospel from a church)

(Used the "Oh, shocking is the Lord's love" line)

(Using the idea in this song)

(It's a song that lovers still look to)

(Yoon Jongshin proposed to his wife with this song)

(During a concert before he got married)

(Yoon Jongshin says it's one of)

(His favorite songs of his)

The final and seventh performance is by Kwak Jineon.

("Reincarnation" by Kwak Jineon)

♪ I feel reborn ♪

♪ I've changed completely ♪

♪ I've become a different person since we met ♪

♪ My mother is the most surprised ♪

♪ I now shower at times I didn't before ♪

♪ I sing along to that melody ♪

♪ Mornings were a dread to face ♪

♪ But now, they're sheer joy ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've fallen for you ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've changed ♪

♪ If every day is like this, surviving in this ♪

♪ Wretched world may not be so bad ♪

♪ Flowers never interested me before but now ♪

♪ I stop in front of the flower shop ♪

♪ I empty my pockets to get a bouquet ♪

♪ Even though it's not even a special day ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've fallen for you ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've changed ♪

♪ If every day is like this ♪

♪ Surviving in this ♪

♪ Wretched world may not be so bad ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've fallen for you ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've changed ♪

♪ If every day is like this, surviving in this ♪

♪ Wretched world may not be so bad ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've fallen for you ♪

♪ Oh, it's shocking how I've changed ♪

♪ If every day is like this ♪

♪ Surviving in this wretched world ♪

♪ May not be so bad ♪

♪ May not be so bad ♪

♪ May not be so bad ♪

(Sweet nothings that will rouse springtime)

("Reincarnation" by Kwak Jineon)

(Green room is quiet and moved)

ALi, What did you think?

I want to hear that as an album.

It felt like a place of reprieve.

I'm grateful he sang this sort of song.

He's young and this is such a feat, I'm proud of him.

It's hard to sing so comfortably without

straining oneself on this program.

I learned a lot.

The song is really lingering inside me.

I was sad the song ended.

I wanted to hear it for longer.

I was really moved.

(Roy Kim with 432 vs Kwak Jineon)

You wrote this song with Yu Heeyeol, right?


People said it sounded a bit like

a gospel in the beginning of the song.

I hear you were inspired by a gospel actually.

The "How shocking" part was in a gospel.

It goes, "How shocking is your love, Lord."

That's how the gospel goes

and I really loved that part.

When you fall in love and you change,

the song describes how surprising that change is.

While being a judge on Superstar K,

Jineon was one of the musicians I loved most,

so I wondered how he'd change "Reincarnation."

Now, I see he's someone I really covet.

I was shocked at how good the arrangement was.

He's a superb musician.

He did it so well.

Thank you.

Mr. Yoon, how did it feel to be the show today?

I realized, "So this is how it feels

to hear those lyrics and that melody in the audience."

Then I thought about how moved I was to have

younger singers sing my songs to me.

I felt so overwhelmed with emotions that I really want

to thank the "Immortal Songs" team and all my staff.

Roy, what did you think of Jineon's performance?

I've always been a fan of his ever since

I first saw him on TV.

I love his baritone voice and I've tried to copy it.

No one can copy that kind of voice,

and though he can't sing that high,

he can move the audience so much more,

so I really envy his singing skills.

Th-Thank you.

(Awkward but sweet)

"Immortal Songs: Singing the Songs of Legends."

the Yoon Jongshin special.

We only have the final result left.

Roy dramatically beat Yongjae by getting 432.

Will he take home the trophy?

Or will Jineon, who did the final performance,

steal that trophy away?

The audience' final decision.

Show us the results.

(Roy Kim with 432 vs Kwak Jineon)

The Yoon Jongshin special and the final results.

Will Roy Kim with 432

take home his first "Immortal Songs" trophy?

(The best of the best baritone singer, Kwak Jineon)

Or will Kwak Jineon, who has a unique voice,

take the win his first time on the show?

Who will win?

(Who'll take home the trophy?)

(Roy Kim with 432 vs Kwak Jineon)

(Next week)

(The Late Comedian Kwak Gyuseok) A singer like

a nightingale.

She lived in the 60s and people called her

the Korean nightingale.

She's now been a singer for 60 years!

Singer Park Jairan!

I've never gotten any botox.

I'm all-natural.

I live a really happy life.

That's how to maintain your youth like me.

(Fantastic performance off of New York Broadway)

(Song that takes us back to the good old days)

(Wide variety of performances are in store)

A voice that'll make you happy, back after a long time.

Park Heykyoung.

(A voice you missed)

(Various performance of contemporary and gugak)

(And a moving message)

You sang it wonderfully and so very well.

Thank you.

(Songs of hope are on the way!)

(Celebrating 60 years)

(The Voice we Missed, Park Jairan)

(Audience chose Roy Kim with 432) Roy Kim!


Please congratulate him.

You can stand there.


Thank you. Thank you.

It's your first time winning.


You looked to be crying at the end of the performance.

The tears kept coming, and even more so because

of the lyrics.

I tried hard not to cry, telling myself not to.

Mr. Yoon, you probably didn't hear,

but Roy stepped down from the stage

and said he'd go to Mystic if he won.

In that case, I'll get us a lawyer and go through

the proper procedures with his current agency

and bring him to mine with no problems.

- You'll go out of your way? / - Yes.

What I realized about Roy today was that

he's a singer who knows how to weave

the narrative of his life in song.

I hope we can hear Roy's story in

his 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s, too.

Thank you.

("WAKE ME UP" by B.A.P)

For more infomation >> Immortal Songs 2 | 불후의 명곡 2 : Yoon Jongshin Special [ENG/2017.04.01] - Duration: 1:42:09.


The goat that could count to 10 (English Subtitles) - Duration: 6:52.

The goat-child that could count to ten

Once upon a time, a goat child had learned to count to ten

When he got to a pond, he stood for a while and stared at his own reflection in the water.

And now i will tell you what happened.

"One!" the goat child said

A nearby calf heard this as it was eating grass

"What are you doing?" the calf said "I am counting myself" the goat-child answered.

"Do you want me to count you too?"

"As long as it doesn't hurt!" The calf replied

"Ofcourse it doesn't. Stand still and let me count you!" "No! i don't dare!

"I might not be allowed by my mother!" The calf said as he walked away

But the goat child followed. Then he said:

"I am one, and you are two. 1-2"

"Moooooom" the calf mooed as he started to cry

Thats when the calfs mother arrived.

It was the bell-cow of this farm.

"What are you mooing about?" the cow asked "The goat child is counting me" the calf answered

"What is that?" the cow questioned

"i am counting!" The goat-child said happily

"I have learned to count to ten. I just do like this:"

"I am one, the calf is two and the cow is three. 1-2-3"

"There he counted you too!" the calf mooed.

When the cow understood that, she was very angry

"I am going to teach you not to make fun of my child and me. Come, lets get him!"

The cow and the calf sprinted after the goat-child. He was so afraid that he jumped and ran away.

Over the field with the cow and the calf after him.

On the far side of the field, the ox bumped his horns against large bumps in the grass.

When the goat-child, calf and cow came running.

"Why are you chasing after the goat-child?" he asked.

"He is counting us" The calf mooed.

"But we will get him!" the cow said.

"I am one, calf is two, cow is three and the ox is four." 1-2-3-4

"There! now he has counted you too!" Mooed the calf.

"He wouldn't dare try that again!" The ox growled.

He quickly joined the others in chasing the goat-child.

On the other side of the road, a horse was walking and eating as they flew past.

"Whats with the speed?" the horse asked.

"We will get that goat-child!" the cow answered angrily.

"He is counting us" the calf mooed. "And he isn't allowed to!" the ox growled.

"And how does he do that?" the horse questioned

"I just do like this" The goat-child answered.

"One for me, two for the calf, three for the cow, four for the ox and five for the horse."


"There! He just counted you too!" the calf mooed.

"Oh just you wait! you scoundrel." The horse whined and galloped after the goat-child

Together with the others.

in the pig-sti lay a big pig sleeping while the bunch ran past.

"Are you all in a rush?" the pig asked.

"We will get that goat-child" the cow said.

"He is counting us" the calf mooed. "and he isn't allowed to!" the ox growled.

"Just wait until we catch him!" the horse whined.

"How does he count all of you?" the pig asked.

"I just do like this."

"One for me, two for the calf, three for the horse, four for the ox, five for the horse and six for the pig."


"There! He just counted you too!" the cow mooed.

"He will regret that!" the pig raged. As she broke a plank from the fence and ran after them.

They ran over hill and valley, trough forest and swamp until they reached a river.

By the bridge lay a small ship.

On the ship was a cat, a dog, a sheep and a cock.

The cat was a cook, the sheep a galley boy. The cock was a captain and the dog was a scout

"Wait!" the cock cried out as he saw all the animals running twoards the ship.

But it was too late.

The goat-child lept from the dock, onto the ship with all the animals after it.

The boat broke away from the dock and floated off.

It was headed towards the deepest part of the river.

That scared the cock. "Come help us!" he cried "The ship is sinking!"

That scared all the animals. The cock cried out again:

"Can anyone here count?"

"I can!" the goat child answered. "Then count how many are on the boat! and fast!"

The boat can only take ten passengers

"Hurry up and count!" all the animals yelled out.

The goat counted. "I am one, the calf is two, The cow is three, the ox is four, the horse is five."

"the pig is six, the cat is seven. The dog is eight, the sheep is nine and the cock is ten."


"Hooray for the goat-child" all the animals cheered.

They sailed over to the other side of the river and got of the boat.

But the goat-child remained onboard as "counting master"

Everytime the cock needed to transport anyone across the lake, the goat-child would count to ten.

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