Female Fitness Motivation - Hot Booty Ladies 2017
Хабиб Нурмагомедов весовую категорию менять не будет (01.04.2017) - Duration: 1:29.-------------------------------------------
Utopia 360 Virtual Reality Headset w/Wireless Earbuds - Duration: 12:56.-------------------------------------------
La festa di San Pellegrino - Caltabellotta - 2016 - Duration: 47:53.-------------------------------------------
Экспедиция в Унгоро - Лучший легендарный квест в HEARTHSTONE - Duration: 8:50.-------------------------------------------
The Dark Secrets Of The Catholic Church Are Starting To Come Out - Duration: 8:20.The Dark Secrets Of The Catholic Church Are Starting
To Come Out
by Michael Snyder
We aren�t supposed to talk about what goes on behind closed doors when the cameras are
off and the public can�t see what is happening.
There is corruption in virtually every large organization, but those that hold themselves
out as �spiritual leaders� need to understand that they are going to be held to a higher
standard than everyone else.
And when those �spiritual leaders� greatly violate the trust that the public has put
in them, the fallout can be absolutely devastating.
In this article you are going to read about some things that are deeply disturbing.
An immense wave of evil has swept through major religious organizations, and the Catholic
Church is certainly no exception.
Most people know that Catholic priests are supposed to be celibate, but most people also
know that this is often not the case.
But what some priests in Italy has been involved in is shaking the Vatican to the core.
The following comes from USA Today�
Lurid accusations of priests involved in sex orgies, porn videos and prostitution have
emerged from several parishes in Italy recently, sending shock waves all the way to the Vatican
and challenging the high standards Pope Francis demands of clergy.
In the southern city of Naples, for example, a priest was recently suspended from the parish
of Santa Maria degli Angeli over claims he held gay orgies and used Internet sites to
recruit potential partners whom he paid for sex.
What was that priest thinking?
Surely he had to know that this stuff would come out eventually.
But often those in positions of power convince themselves that they can cover up their scandals
Of course usually it doesn�t end up working that way.
Another Catholic priest is being accused of having up to 30 different lovers�
In the northern city of Padua, a 48-year-old priest, the Rev. Andrea Contin, is facing
defrocking as well as judicial proceedings amid accusations he had up to 30 lovers, some
of whom he took to a swingers� resort in France.
Initially Contin tried to deny the charges, but now so many women have come forward that
he can�t lie anymore.
And one of his accusers is actually claiming that Contin urged her to have sex with a horse�
He is accused of farming out some of his lovers to men on wife-swapping websites, according
to The Times.
�He always carried a briefcase full of vibrators, sex toys, masks and bondage equipment,�
one of his accusers said in her police statement, according to the Corriere del Veneto.
She also accused Mr Contin of encouraging her to have sexual relations with a horse
and beat her in the rectory on two occasions.
It would be tempting to dismiss these latest reports as �isolated anomalies� if so
many similar reports had not surfaced in recent years.
Sexual immorality appears to be running rampant among the clergy, and this is particularly
true among the priests that are gay.
The following comes from an outstanding article that was published by Vanity Fair�
At the Vatican, a significant number of gay prelates and other gay clerics are in positions
of great authority.
They may not act as a collective but are aware of one another�s existence.
And they inhabit a secretive netherworld, because homosexuality is officially condemned.
Though the number of gay priests in general, and specifically among the Curia in Rome,
is unknown, the proportion is much higher than in the general population.
Between 20 and 60 percent of all Catholic priests are gay, according to one estimate
cited by Donald B. Cozzens in his well-regarded The Changing Face of the Priesthood.
Even if the true figure is near the low end of that estimate, that still means that one
out of every five Catholic priests is gay.
Like many in the Protestant world, quite a few of these priests will preach Jesus on
Sundays and lead a secret �double life� the rest of the week�
A few keep their sexuality entirely private and adhere to the vow of celibacy.
Many others quietly let themselves be known as gay to a limited degree, to some colleagues,
or to some laypeople, or both; sometimes they remain celibate and sometimes they do not.
A third way, perhaps the least common but certainly the most visible, involves living
a double life.
Occasionally such clerics are unmasked, usually by stories in the Italian press.
In 2010, for the better part of a month, one straight journalist pretended to be the boyfriend
of a gay man who acted as a �honeypot� and entrapped actual gay priests in various
sexual situations.
Another scandal in the Catholic Church that is making headlines lately comes out of Ireland.
Authorities say that they have discovered the �remains of babies� in the sewers
of a home for unwed mothers that the Catholic Church was operating.
One historian believes that 800 children may have died there�
The remains of babies, ranging from new-born to three-years-old, have been found in the
sewers of a former church-run home for unmarried mothers in Ireland, the government said on
A report from an inquiry the government ordered in 2014 backed up a historian�s claim that
up to 800 children may lie in an unmarked grave at the home.
It said: �significant quantities of human remains have been discovered in at least 17
of the 20 underground chambers which were examined.�
Radiocarbon dating found the remains, which ranged from 35-week-old fetuses to 3-year-olds,
dated from between 1925 and 1961, when the home was run by the Bon Secours Sisters.
And it is believed that similar things were going on at other church-run homes.
In fact, law enforcement is currently investigating 17 other facilities.
We are living at a time when there is great apostasy in the Christian world.
But if you stand up and preach righteousness and holiness, you will almost certainly get
attacked, and in some countries there is even a chance that you will be thrown into prison.
For example, consider what just happened in the United Kingdom�
In what their lawyer calls a �modern-day heresy trial,� a British court has convicted
two street preachers of a public order offense for preaching the Bible in public.
The public prosecutor in the case claimed that publicly quoting parts of the King James
Bible in modern Britain should �be considered to be abusive and is a criminal matter.�
So what did they say that was so bad?
Well, apparently one of the things that authorities were extremely concerned about is the fact
that they were claiming that Jesus is the only way to God�
Prosecutor Ian Jackson also told the court, �To say to someone that Jesus is the only
God is not a matter of truth.
To the extent that they are saying that the only way to God is through Jesus, that cannot
be a truth.� I was absolutely stunned when I read that,
but none of us should be surprised.
We always knew that great persecution of true believers was coming, and now Christians are
actually being put in prison in the western world for simply sharing the gospel publicly.
In times of great darkness, light is needed more than ever, but often there is a great
price to be paid for being a light.
LES THÉORIES DU KROSMOZ - Platypus, Le Dieu du Krosmoz ! - Duration: 4:26.-------------------------------------------
CR - Protest - Duration: 3:19.Faith, sacrifice and honour for the nation. Discipline is the leading part of our assured belief.
Particular guys from different squads... The idea of nationalism is graven in their hearts.
We have been standing here for years, defending our identity... Carrying on the fight, destroying every obstacle.
Still, there are many minions of the system. But every righteous man will stand with us.
In the beginning I would like to thank our sick democracy, If it allows marches that blatantly plead deviation to happen.
When the murder of an ill child is the choice of a woman And our legal committees cover for leftist traitors.
Seeing all of this I feel the urge to fight. The only thing that hurts so much is your moral misery.
Indifferent ignorance when it comes to the state of your own country. Forgive me, I forgot, it is better to be high.
Financial fraud, capitalist slavery. National radicalism stands against you today.
A strong voice of the resistance in the name of the working people. Compatriots, stand with us to fight.
With all my heart I am for a fraternity of nations. Strongly and certainly against the European Union.
The Decisions of Brussels are more important than state laws? Do you see a sovereign attitude in this system?
You invite foreign armies into my homeland... Supporting imperialism of the rotten world power.
We demand honesty in such important subjects, You tend to avoid uncomfortable facts...
About immigration that was created for the purpose of their companies... About brave Yankees supporting terrorists.
(About) Injections, CETA, NATO, false flag attacks, Ecological crisis, omnipresent materialism...
I am not interested in the compromise which the government proposes. You deceive people hiding real crises.
We pay useless institutions with our taxes To hear that you fight for a flawed constitution.
Financial fraud, capitalist slavery. National radicalism stands against you today.
A strong voice of the resistance in the name of the working people. Compatriots, stand with us to fight.
I do not represent any party or organization. I am the disappointed voice of the current situation.
I am the cry of the streets, stands and concrete tower-blocks... Of all those who have lived their life here in hardship.
People with no future with contracts worth nothing. They have to work two shifts like machines.
The market is taken over by the big companies Where is the government money and the welfare benefits?
Intellectualism is replaced by hedonism. The culture and arts are fading away.
The tradition is dying and the values with it. What is left from our identity?
It is not hate that stirs me up, It is a genuine concern of how our holy mother Poland will look like...
These are the people who will represent it. Act today, there is no time to wait.
Tutorial » Minecraft Render Edit and Lighting [Minecraft Graphics] - Duration: 19:51.Hi guys, my name is DRS
and welcome to the first tutorial of this channel
Thanks to everyone for 4000 subscribers
You are incredible
Today I will teach you how edit a minecraft render in photoshop
and how create lighting edges
Start now! :D
In first place, i use the Anishwij v9 Rig
I use the Naveox Lightroom
''all products are in the description''
I did this render (Fiery's Skin)
this model has been created by Decipher
the sword rig is in Sellfy and it's free
it's extruded too
the principal light is by the moon
the screenshot is one of the 100 screenshots of my Vibrant FREE SCREENSHOTS PACK
Now yes, starting the tutorial! :D
In the render layer, right click and then, press in Blending Options
and then push in Gradient Overlay
(I reseted to default options)
I use Photoshop CC 2017
you don't have any problem if you have previous versions
then choose the black colour
and the other, the white
you can put the white part oriented to the light
here, oriented to the moon
okay, then right part
finally, we choose a blend mode, and press in Overlay
you can quit some opacity
80% opacity for example
then we choose Inner Glow
choose a light color
and then, press in Color Dodge
80% opacity (if you want, you can quit more)
we put more bigger the Inner Glow
you can increase the Choke
10 for example
if you put 100% opacity, the render looks bad
in this lightroom, you can't put so much
push in Color Overlay in Blending Options
choose a light blue color
and press in Overlay
30% opacity
then, choose Satin
always in Multiply
Size: 40%
Distance: 112%
5% opacity finally
(this part isn't important, you can advance 1 minute)
this patterns are only Photoshop CC 2017
then, we press in Bavel & Emboss
put the angle oriented to the right
angle: 48
press in 84% depth
and in the highlight mode, push in Color Dodge
100% opacity, however you can put less
add more of size
and change something the soften
We has been finished the Blending Options
hidden the effects of the layer
now, press in Filter > Liquify
this filter can looks good or bad
depends of wich render
however this filter is for ''moving'' a little the clothes of the render
i don't like this effect sometimes
Now, Lighting Effects
choose the color of the sword, and then choose a lighter colour than before
right click in the picture with the brush, choose the size and click in a new layer in the sword
and in fusion effects choose Screen, and then quit some opacity
(the next effect I don't recommend it)
however, if you want
you can add a new layer
then choose a light color (white)
and then choose Screen and quit some opacity again
(always this effect above on big sword glow)
i quitted some satin
for a better effect on the render
you can light some parts with the same form of before
and repeat again the last process
duplicate the cape (Ctrl+J)
then Filter > Filter Gallery
now choose Stylize > Glowing Edges
Edge Width: 1
Edge Brightness: 10
Smoothness: 2
press OK
and then Color Dodge how Fusion Effect
quit some opacity (70% or 60% for example)
and now delete some parts where the light isn't good
you must Rasterize Layer Style
right click on the render layer
(deleting parts)
quit sword part where aren't light
delete it in fingers (if you render has it)
quit lights on the hair
NOW, Lighting Edges!
people wrote on comments how I did the lights edges on the hair, eyes...
there are 3 forms for draw it
1- Buy a Graphic Tablet Pen
is the better form for draw it!
2- With the Pen Tool (Photoshop tool)
i don't like this type too
3- With the graphic tablet pen and with the brush tool (i prefer this one)
however if the stroke is little, you can draw with the mouse
My Graphic Tablet Pen is Huion 1060 Pro
now costs 60€ / 100€
the quality is amazing, and I prefer this
is very professional the final result
open the Brush Window
Window > Brush
and press the Brush tool
for create my brush, I copied one of photoshop, and then I edit it
the stroke starts little and then are increasing
this one for example
and now edit this
Bristles: 1%
Length: 100%
Thickness: 1%
Stiffness: 80% / 90%
Angle: 90º
i will use my brush!
add a new layer
select the colour of the eye
i will start with the eyes
with the Y, select the colour
and with the brush / B, we draw here
the brush sice always on 1 or 3
select a colour more satured
only is draw above with the before process, is very esay, however we need precision and paint straight lines (I DID WITH THE MOUSE, BUT ALWAYS I USE MY GRAPHIC TABLET PEN)
the other form is with the pen tool
do a stroke
right click and press Stroke path
select your brush (before created)
then delete the stroke (right click and push delete path)
and now delete the begin parts for a gradient effect (with the erase tool)
and finally I prefer with the graphic tablet pen
and repeat the same process in wich part where do you want this drawing
(Speed time for has an example)
and finally, the CC part
choose the Adjustments (Window)
and create one of brightness and contrast
increase the 2 things
brightness: 25
contrast: 45
now, create a Curves layer
then Medium Contrast
and quit some opacity
add Gradient Map
press the purple and orange gradient default of photoshop
then, Screen and quit some opacity
add Channel Mixer
increase Reds and Blues
all adjustments depends of wich render
and finishing Color Balance
increase Cyan and Blues
and quit some opacity
Opacity: 66%
add (if you want) Black & White layer
quit reds and increase cyan
and opacity in 14%
and all adjustments together in a group
and rename ''CC''
and finally, this is the result! :D
thanks to everyone for 4000 subscribers
you can take this tutorial to other gfx
I hope that you like this Tutorial!
and good bye! :D
ХАБИБ НУРМАГОМЕДОВ НЕ МЕНЯЕТ ВЕСОВУЮ КАТЕГОРИЮ (01.04.2017) - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Dream League Soccer 2017-Manchester United Yaması (Forma,Logo,Kadro ve Stadyum Yaması - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
''Other Girl I Love'' Miraculous Ladybug Comic / Çizgi Roman - Duration: 0:37.-------------------------------------------
굶지마 투게더 시청자파티 시즌2 편집본#1화(함께 치열한 생존싸움하다 나만 굶어죽는 게임)[Don't starve together][도살장] - Duration: 25:26.-------------------------------------------
LEGO Zamach W Sarajewie Animacja | Franz Ferdinand Death ENG subtitles - Duration: 4:10.War!
Встречайте Чудесного Дзенъятту - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
5 DIY Phone Cases! How To Make Slime, Edible Bubblegum, Kawaii, Holo! Easy Phone Cover Design DIYs - Duration: 13:16.hey guys so today I'm going to show you
how to make 5 fun and easy DIY phone
cases if you enjoyed this video please
click that like button and comment down
below with any future video suggestions
you may have and if you're new to my
channel and you'd like to see more fun
DIY videos please click that subscribe button
the first phone case i will show you
will be a DIY eyelash phone case
for this one you will need some sort of case
for your phone and also some white paint
you will just want to start by painting
the phone case white
here is mine after a couple coats of white paint
next thing I did was I just drew on some eyelashes
I just used a sharpie to color the
eyelashes in
and that all there is to this easy DIY
phone case to that has eyelashes on it
the second DIY phone case is a squishy kawaii popsicle
for this one you will need a
foam noodle any size will work
to get started I marked my pool noodle off
at three inches and this will really
depend on the size of your phone case
then I just cut on the three-inch marking
stand the pool noodle up and cut off
the outer rounded edge
I'm going to use a cup to make markings on the side for
the rounded edges
cut off the rounded edges so it starts
looking more like a popsicle
cut off a little bit from the sides and
the bottom to even it out
with a sharpie and some paint I'm going to make
my face
the next thing that you will need is a
popsicle stick and you will just want to
trim it so it doesn't hang over the pool noodle
glue the popsicle stick to the pool noodle
use any phone case that fits your phone
and glue the popsicle to the phone case
and that is how you make this kawaii squishy
popsicle phone case I'm also going
to show you one more way to make a
popsicle out of the pool noodle so just
take any pool noodle and follow the same
steps to create it to look like a
popsicle this one I wanted it to look
more like a melting popsicle so what I'm
going to use is some puffy paint and i'm
just going to do that in the colors of
the rainbow and you wanted to start by
making sure that you fully cover the top
and the sides and just follow a rainbow
and here is mine once it was dry
this one i also used a sharpie and some paint to
draw on the face
cut the popsicle sticks down to size glue it
to the pool noodle and then glue it to a phone case
and that is how you make two
different versions of this squishy kawaii popsicle
the third DIY phone case will
be a bubblegum phone case with real gum
in it that you can eat
for this one I am going to use one of these boxes that had
some forks and spoons and knives in it
start by cutting off the bottom of the box
next cut one of the ends of the box
after I cut the end of the box off I
realized I didn't want my box to be so
big so I did trim some more off of the sides
now take the other end of the box
and glue it back together
cut the other side to be just a little bit smaller than the
first one
piece that you just cut should fit inside
of the other one is pretty tight
as you see it's just a little bit too big so
you'll want to trim off one of the ends
print out the label and cut it down to
size I will leave a link down below
where you can print this out the next
thing i did was i laminated the label
you can also use clear packing tape
take the label and wrap it around the box so
it starts getting some creases then take
and fold on each of those crease lines
mark off where the label needs to be trimmed
down to size and then trim it down
glue the label to the box and then for the
side fold it in like you're wrapping a gift
Im going to use a piece of the excess that I
trimmed off from earlier I'm going to
cover the front part of the box
for this one I'm going to use a clear phone case
and what I did was I just super glued
the top of the box to the phone case you
don't want to glue the bottom as at is
what's going to slide
next I just took some bubble gum pieces and put that in
the bottom of the box and slid it on to
the phone case
and if you want to make it slide a
little bit easier just take a bead and
glue it to the box
and that is how you make this bubble gum phone case that has
real bubble gum inside
the fourth DIY phone case will be a holo diamond phone case
for this one I'm going to use
this holographic gift wrap that I found
at Michaels
I printed out this diamond shape i will leave a link down below
where you can print this out
the next thing that I did was I cut out a little
piece of the gift wrap off of the roll
place the gift wrap facedown and then
take the image place that on top and
then with a pencil kind of hard you want
to press on all the lines of the diamond
you don't want to press so hard that it
rips the gift wrap underneath
and here is what it does it gives you
the lines of the diamond on the right
side of the gift wrap
with a black sharpie I went over all of the lines
once the lines are all drawn in with a
sharpie then just cut out the diamond
with a piece of regular tape I taped the
diamond to the phone then I used a clear
phone case to cover it and that's all
there is to this easy DIY phone case that
is a holo diamond
the 5th phone case will be a DIY slime phone case
for this one you will need a
clear phone case and some puffy paint I
am going to make mine pink
take the puffy paint and start making drips that
look like slime running down the phone case
once you have the slime look the
way that you want it set that aside and
let it dry for about 24 hours
here is mine after it was dry then you can just
add your phone case onto your phone and
that is how you make this easy DIY slime phone case
I hope you guys enjoyed these
five DIY phone case ideas would
love it if you did this video a thumbs
up leave me a comment let me know which
one was your favorite until next time I
hope you guys all have an amazing day
AMERICANS LISTEN TO RUSSIAN MUSIC | АМЕРИКАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ #11 - Duration: 11:57.-------------------------------------------
Gross Gore unbanned from Twitch - Tyler1 unbanned from League of Legends and joins Anti-Toxicity Ad - Duration: 2:20.Hey whats up guys, its League of Drama here with fresh news from the LOL community
Yesterday, after almost one year, Gross Gore, league of legends streamer,
has been unbanned from Twitch.tv
"This is the most important day of my life, i have been unbanned from Twitch.tv"
"Couldn't be happier, thank you for your support over the year!"
"Im happy for you, daddy"
"A fresh new start on Twitch." "Let's make it a good one"
"You got this!"
in only 2 hours of streaming, Gross Gore peaked at around 15000 viewers,
ranking him in the First position of the league of legends section, right after Imaqtpie!
"What an amazing day, looking forward to climb more tomorrow, wont let you down,
boys, lads, boys, lads, boys...
lads, boys, lads!
In other news
As explained in a previous episode, there has been rumours that Tyler1,
ex league of legends streamer, could be unbanned from League of Legends
Yesterday, a Reddit user makes a post titled:
"Tyler1, unbanned from League, and joins League of Legends Anti-Toxicity Ad campaign"
"On a remarkable effort to fight in-game toxicity in League of Legends,"
"today, we announce that we are running an Ad campaign alongside with Tyler Steinkamp"
"also known as Tyler1."
"We are also glad to announce that Tyler, has been unbanned from our servers,"
"and is now dedicating his Stream to spread positivity across the Summoners Rift."
"In order to celebrate this event, Draven is now a permanent "free to play" champion,"
"in every League of Legends account, including the release of a special event skin: Draven1"
All links in the description below.
If you enjoyed this video please dont forget to drop a like and subscribe for more drama and news from the league community
Thanks for watching!
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