[ Acoustic blues-folk music plays in the background ]
[ Mechanism whirring ]
[Index:] Meow. [Michael Aranda:] Good morning kitty.
You're the last thing I filmed, and the first thing today.
Good morning Todd.
[Todd Williams:] What do you want?
[Michael:] What I actually want is Burger King.
[Todd:] Oh. [Michael:] How do you feel about Burger King?
[Todd:] Ahhhh, I'm indifferent.
But if you want— if you want like a nice King sandwich, well then, we'll get you one.
[Katelyn Salem:] A King sandwich? [Todd:] Yeah.
[Michael:] A Whopper? [Todd:] Yeah, get a King sandwich.
[ Dance music ]
[Michael:] Todd? [Todd:] Yes sir?
[Michael:] Do you love it? [Todd:] I'm lovin' it.
[Michael:] Nah, It's 'I love it. I got it at Ross.'
[Todd:] Oh, I thought you were talking about McDonald's.
[Michael:] Nah, the old Ross commercials. [Todd:] Oh, I forgot about that.
[Michael:] Todd's looking for shoes.
You can save 20 to 60 percent.
What's wrong with these old ones?
[Todd:] So, when I walk in these, for some reason they hurt my feets.
[Michael:] Hmm. [Todd:] So when—
when we were in Boston and New York, I was marching along and my feets hurt now.
No more of these guys.
[Michael:] So you like these? [Todd:] Uh huh.
[Michael:] Do you like these? [Todd:] I don't know. I don't think so.
[Michael:] Wow! You look just like uh...
[Kelsey Cote:] Popcorn? [Michael:] Popcorn bag.
[Katelyn:] My dad wears these.
[Todd:] I mean, I would wear those.
[Michael:] Look at this Todd. Isn't that fun?
[Todd:] Hmm. These are for your head.
[Michael:] For your head? [Todd:] Yeah.
[Michael:] Why are they for your head?
[Todd:] You put these on your head. See?
No, these are not for your head.
Definitely not for your head.
[Michael:] Todd, do you feel like your shoe hunting expedition was fruitful?
[Todd:] I got a pair of shoes.
[Michael:] You got a pair of shoes. [Todd:] Oh, yes.
I still not found my perfect slip-on shoes but,
maybe that's just right up the road.
[Michael:] Just around the riverbend?
[Todd:] Could be. Just look once more.
[Michael:] Beyond the shore. [Todd:] Jokes!
[ Bumbling Index music ]
[Michael:] Kitty. Do you know you're an internet star?
[Index:] Meow.
[Michael:] Look at that kitty over there.
[ Graceful, aloof Radius music ]
[Michael:] There's a lady that lives, uh... a couple doors over from us who's moving.
So she keeps putting stuff out on the landing asking people to help, uh...
bring it downstairs to the trash in exchange for pizza!
So Kelsey's been carrying stuff down.
[Kelsey:] Been earning myself some pizza. [Michael:] Mmm hmm.
[Michael:] I think this is my first outdoor run of the year.
We're gonna jog down to the house that, uh...
Ceri and I are now under contract to buy.
[ Light adventurous music ] [ Geese honk ]
[Michael:] Here's Wood House.
This is the view back behind the house.
The airport is right there.
So there's going to be a fair amount of plane traffic coming in...
but my apartment over there is already kind of under the flightpath anyway.
This is the back of the house.
I guess these two houses… they were friends, so they just left this as kind of a communal area.
I think my plan is going to be to take down that fence there.
Put a fence along the property line and then do something with the back yard.
I expect that, probably it doesn't come with the old Toyota and the old Master Craft.
I just realized something.
Where's the mailbox?
None of the houses over here have mailboxes.
There must be a central mail thing.
I found 'em. They're over here.
This is… really high quality labeling.
Someone had a hard time figuring out which way to turn the keys.
There's a nice little park... pond thing back here.
[Katelyn:] Remember the pond...
[Michael:] It's an ice skating rink right now.
Those dogs are just gettin' in there.
That looks cold.
So, assuming nothing catastrophic happens, this will be my new community.
Lookit there's kids playing all over place.
There's dogs— that girl's on one of those hoverboard things over there.
[ Synth drone ]
[Michael:] Good morning. First thing on the list today, before I forget,
is that, uh... my brother's metal band, The Unsung, is in some kind of contest
to perform at Warped Tour this year.
Uh... so I'll put a link in the video description.
As far as I understand, this contest just requires... web traffic.
So like just viewing the page, I think, helps them out.
Uh... watching the videos on the page helps them out.
Commenting on stuff helps them out, and then, uh... following or sharing on this page.
So, if that is a thing you're interested in, you can find that link below.
[Michael:] Ceri? [Ceri Riley:] Yes?
[Michael:] What are we doing right now?
[Ceri:] We are going to the inspection on Wood House.
To see what is wrong with it; if anything.
[Michael:] So apparently when you buy a house.
I don't know if this is required,
or just something that's like, generally expected,
but as part of this process we hired an inspector to go to the house,
and figure out everything that could possibly be wrong with it.
So we can go to the seller and say "Hey, this is busted. Fix this."
or... say "Hey," I dunno, "we don't want to buy this house anymore
because there's a giant sinkhole to the Depths of Hell underneath it."
[Ceri:] I think it has something to do with the lender, too.
So, if it's not— I don't know if this is a part of the appraisal process or not,
but I think the inspection might have to do with perceived value of the house,
and if that is lower than what we're paying for it, uh... then we can also back out the deal.
[Michael:] I noticed something on Zillow yesterday.
Zillow is a website where you can look at real estate stuff.
This house is no longer listed on Zillow. They took it off.
[Ceri:] They're hoping we buy it. I guess this is, like, pretty committed to buy it.
[Michael:] I mean, we did sign a thing saying "We're going to buy this."
[Ceri:] Yeah, yeah.
[Michael:] There is a U-Haul truck in front of us.
[Ceri:] Yeah. [Michael:] It's an omen.
[Ceri:] For the moving that we're eventually gonna have to do?
[Michael:] Yup.
[Michael:] Look at that sale pending sign.
[Ceri:] Mmm Hmm.
[Ceri:] I wonder who is buying it. [Michael:] I don't know.
[ Dance music ]
[Michael:] Well Ceri, what are your thoughts?
[Ceri:] I'm glad the house isn't falling apart and doesn't have a portal to Hell.
[Michael:] But having a portal to Hell would at least be interesting.
[Ceri:] That's true. [Michael:] It would make for a good vlog.
[Ceri:] [laughs] Your last vlog, maybe.
[Michael:] You don't know, I might conquer and survive the depths of hell.
[Ceri:] Mmm Hmm.
[Michael:] I got a thing in the mail today from uh..
Feyutech I guess is how you pronounce this.
It's a, uh... three axis gimbal for smartphones.
Uhh.. it says I can connect my smartphone to this SPG series via Bluetooth for shotting.
[Ceri:] All that shotting. [Michael:] I'm about to do some shotting.
So I just put a battery in this thing, and then I went to go put my phone in it,
but this thing cannot open wide enough to fit this phone.
Sooo... ... Not really sure what to do about that.
Apparently I was just dumb.
I was able to put it in the thing.
Just took a little finagling.
The device is not currently on so it just kind of flops around as you can see.
Okay, so this is, uh.. without the gimbal powered on.
It's just kind of floatin' around right now.
I'm pushing the button now to turn it on.
There it goes.
Okay, and now I can move this around.
That seems pretty stable.
[ Michael hums ]
There's a button on the thing that lets me pan and tilt around,
It goes in a— I feel like the up and down directions are reversed.
If I do this I want it to go up but it goes down.
[ Sounds of walking around ]
It's so smooth.
I'm smoothly watching you get snacks.
[Nicole Sweeney:] No, don't do this. This is secret.
Don't. They'll know about it.
[Ceri laughs] [Michael:] So Ceri and I are now walking to the bank,
because we have to sign some more paperwork for our house.
So far this little toy seems to be... interesting.
It would be nice to see how well the battery lasts.
I didn't charge it before taking it out right now.
So I don't know how charged it is.
I don't know if you can see me.
What if I do this?
That looks more like it's aiming at me.
Anyway, I'm going to turn you around now.
I wish it was able to lock... to a certain tilt level,
but it doesn't seem to be able to do that.
It's... just kind of drifting over time, and then I have to correct it with the up/down thing.
[Michael:] I can get a nice dolly shot. [Ceri:] Mmm hmm.
[Michael:] It's really tilty right now.
[Ceri:] I just have to like... tilt as I walk.
[Michael:] We just left the bank and they gave us a list of a bunch of things we need to turn in.
There's so much paperwork Ceri!
[Ceri:] Too many things!
[Michael:] And a lot of the paperwork that we brought them
when we applied for the thing has expired,
So we need to bring them newer versions of the same paperwork.
And I guess in some cases we need to give them
older versions of the same paperwork.
[Michael:] Hey buds. [Todd:] Oh hey buds.
[Todd:] Is this from B&H? [Michael:] Yeah!
This is those gimbals that they said they were going to send us,
if we showed them off in videos.
So I'm testing out the phone one today.
So I can have it like this, and then I push this button right here...
[ Button Clicking ]
And then uh... I guess nothing happens.
[Todd:] (disappointed) Oh. [Michael:] Oh, there it goes.
[Todd:] Oh! There it is. Nice!
[Michael:] So you can make it do a 180.
Another three button pushes…
[ Button Clicking ] and then it should turn back around.
[ Todd stomps his foot ]
[Michael:] Tada! [Todd:] Hassa bassa!
[Michael:] So with this I can, uh... film my Skype calls with perfect stability,
even as my move my arm around a bunch.
This is using the gimbal in the car.
Seems to be reasonably stable.
[Michael:] Hello, Matthew Gaydos!
[Matthew Gaydos:] Hello, Michael Aranda.
[Michael:] How are you?
[Matthew:] I am swell.
[Michael:] I'm just going to push this button three times to turn this thing around.
[Matthew:] Oooo... Fancy. Can it aim up or down?
[Michael:] Uh... you have control over where it looks.
It's not super responsive.
I don't know if you can change that.
And it seems like... at least with this over time the camera does—
[Matthew:] It does seem to be leaning down this way a little bit...
[Michael:] this... and I'm not sure how to fix that.
[Matthew:] Hmm. [Michael:] But... that's a thing.
[Michael:] Do you feel like something like— like this would be useful for filming Animal Wonders
more so than that stabilization rig that you have for the DSLR?
[Matthew:] Yes. Although the lack of quickness would be a problem.
[Michael:] Oh, I suppose that would be true.
[Matthew:] Like when you're filming a fox... you tend to be all over the place.
[Michael:] Yeah.
[Matthew:] The ideal would be a full on steady cam rig—
[Michael:] Yeah.
[Mathew:] which we cannot afford.
[Matthew:] Uh... but the Glidecam... [Michael:] Oooo, look at how smooth this is; geez.
[Matthew:] I'm sure it looks great.
[Michael:] Feyutech is the company that sent me this.
They also sent me one for GoPro.
So if you ever want to stick a GoPro on one...
[Michael:] let me know. [Matthew:] Is it rechargeable?
[Michael:] Yeah, there is a rechargeable battery in the base.
[Matthew:] It looks really smooth.
[Michael:] It's pretty sweet.
[Michael:] [buzzing noises]
[Matthew:] I'm liking that's the sound of zooming around.
[Michael:] [buzzing noises continue]
[Rodney Acda:] Is that stabilizing?
[Valerie Barr:] Oh, it is! [Rodney:] What?!?
[Valerie:] Is it really good or pretty good? [Rodney:] What!?!
[Michael:] It's pretty good. [Valerie:] It's cool.
[Michael:] It's the only one of these I've ever tried, so I can't compare it to anything.
Uh, This came from a company called Feyutech.
[Matthew:] What about like… jumping?
[Michael:] I mean it can't correct for— This has 3 degrees of stabilization, not 6.
[Matthew:] But like...if you're like jogging with it—It's still pretty...
[Michael:] yeah, I'm sure it would still be...bouncy.
I mean I can try...running around with it right now.
I'll see what this looks like when we get it in the computer.
Oh I forgot, uh...
Katelyn's waiting for me outside, so I'm just gonna go get my stuff.
[Michael:] Katelyn. [Katelyn:] Mhmm.
[Michael:] Do you know what Matthew just told me?
[Katelyn:] No, what'd he just tell you?
[Michael:] He told me that Rachel Maddow says that she has Trump's tax returns
and is going to be releasing them tonight at 7 PM.
[Katelyn:] What...is it real?
[Michael:] He was just saying, that he doesn't see any reason she would
lie about it.
That does seem like a big deal if it's true.
[Katelyn:] Okay, don't put this in the vlog, it's embarrassing,
but should I know who Rachel Maddow is?
[Michael:] Uh...she is like a political newsy host-type person on MSNBC.
[Katelyn:] How does Matt know that— [Michael:] Apparently she announced...
[Katelyn:] She announced it. [Michael:] I don't know, on Twitter?
Or just through whatever news channels—
[Katelyn:] I thought this was like a thing where like it one of Matt's friends,
and he was like one of the only people that knew, sort of thing.
[Michael:] Also— [Katelyn:] That's great.
[Katelyn laughs] [Michael:] you edit these things,
so you are the person that gets to decide whether or not that goes in the vlog.
[Katelyn:] That's true.
[Rachel Maddow:] David Cay Johnston and his reporting shop
DCReport.org— That's who obtained this return.
And tonight, we have this exclusive first look
at their reporting— at what they've obtained.
[Michael:] So Rachel Maddow's thing about Trump's taxes was… interesting I guess?
But it wasn't like the bombshell thing that everybody
expected to get Trump kicked out of office or anything.
So I think they overhyped it a little bit.
[Michael:] Look what Ceri just brought. [Ceri:] Mmm hmm.
Right Cat?
[Index:] Meow.
[ Uplifting music ]
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