Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

Mr. Shrek, I want to fuck you.

We can't Barry, it's forbidden.

But I want to.


I can't believe I'm about to do an ogre.

I can't believe I'm about to fuck an anthropomorphic bee.

That was some hot, steamy, sensual bee on ogre sex we just had.

It sure was.

For more infomation >> shrek and barry - Duration: 0:54.


Faut il un GROS MEDIATOR pour jouer du jazz manouche ? - Apprendre le Jazz Manouche - Duration: 8:44.

Hi, Clément here

So today in this video, I will talk about picks

because I'm often asked questions about picks which type of pick to choose

Do we need small or big picks

tortoiseshell, wood, bone, horn picks, etc.

There is a lot of choice

So I will try to talk about the different types of picks I used learning guitar

I will talk about their advantages and disadvantages

and I prepared a few examples that I will show you as well

and then I will give you my opinion on the pick's size

if you absolutely need a big pick to play gypsy jazz

On the table I have a few picks

For example I have this one

this one is a stone pick agate to be precise

It's a big pick and rather thick

3 or 4mm

it's a Dugain

It allows you to have a big sound

but there is a slightly metallic aspect

I don't know if the microphone picks it up

when playing a high string

it can make small noises like those

That's for the stone picks

there is bone picks as well

It's also a Dugain... As you can see

Here you have it for the bone pick

this pick is made out of buffalo horn

It's also a big pick from Dugain

I'm not going to try them all on the guitar

there is also picks like this one in ebony

This one is made out of tortoise shell

It's someone that watches my video on Youtube that gave it to me

If he watches thanks againS

so it's in tortoise shell

This one is the classic pick, a black Dunlop

This one, a Dugain again, I believe it's acetate

I don't recall exactly

this one is also a small pick

a small Dunlop pick

So there is a lot of type of picks

and some guitarist say that to play gypsy jazz you need big picks

Dugain picks, horn, bone, tortoise shell picks that kind of things

conversely some say that you need to use small thin picks like this

So, it depends a bit on people

when I started playing gypsy jazz guitar more than ten years ago now

At first I would use Dugain picks, that why I have several here on the table

and I tried many materials, I tried wood, horn, bone, stone, etc

back then I liked it a lot

I played a lot with the agate one

it allowed me to have a big sound

but the downside of these is that it wears down a lot more the strings

the pick won't wear down

this one I have it since forever, I never lost it

In general we lose them before wearing them down since it's stone

On the other hand with stone picks, it'll wear down a lot more your strings

I had my string thread that would go because of the stone of the pick

a bit after that I started playing on small picks

this type of picks, this one is a black Dunlop of 2mm

right here

I started playing with that type of picks, just to see how it's like

and I thought that it was a bit more flexible and more satisfying to play with

and since then I play exclusively with those picks

so black Dunlop 2mm

so, I'm not advertising for Dunlop, I'm not sponsored by them

but there are many guitarist playing with those picks

So either the 2mm black ones or the green ones

these ones are a bit more flexible they are 1.5mm

and I think that compared to Dugain picks or any big picks in shell or horn

I find it more flexible and pleasing

playing the guitar, that being said it's also a matter of taste

and we can perfectly have a big sound playing the guitar using a small plastic pick

if you the live of Bireli Lagrène in Vienne

I believe it was in 2002, it's a really well known DVD

and you can find videos on Youtube I think, you'll see Bireli playing with small plastic picks

and since people saw Bireli playing with a small pick

everyone switch to small picks

and then we realized it works very well and we can have a big sound with a nice tone

using small picks

but then there will always be gypsy jazz purists that will tell you

in order to play gypsy you need a big pick in tortoise shell or in bone that is 3 or 4 mm

to have a big sound, it's a point of view that I don't share

that being said it's up to you to try it out, you can buy a big pick to see if you like it

or try small picks like those

Personally I only play with small plastic picks it's suits me well and I don't want to change it

to summarize all that, I don't think there is one type of pick for gypsy jazz

It depends of your feeling on the guitar

it's something personal, try out different things

try small, big and average picks

and try to keep the pick that fits you best

the one with which you are more at ease

I don't think it's true if someone tells you that you need a particular pick to play gypsy jazz

because we can perfectly play with small ones

So here you go, a small video on picks

that way next time you ask me a question on picks, because I receive a lot of them

I'm often asked which pick, strings I use, etc.

I will refer you back to this video, that way you know everything about how I use my pick

After, the pick has three sides, the tip and the two round ones

there are multiple ways to use them, some will use the tip

others will use one round side, one or another

to have less grip on the string with a corner a bit more round

that also is up to you to try it, it'll depend on the musician

again the best solution is to try it out, and make up your own opinion

That's it for today, if you liked it think about giving a thumb-up on Youtube

If you are on the website you can go to Youtube to give the thumb-up it's always appreciated

I will make a summary PDF to download on the website

if you are on Youtube, click on the description, there will be a link leading you to the website

and if you are the website the PDF is downloaded at the end of page

See you soon for an upcoming video

Hey! Did you like the video?

So think about liking it, it's always appreciated

You can also subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking on the big red button just below, there

And if you want to receive 3 free lessons on gypsy jazz guitar

with videos, PDF and many really amazing things

In the right corner, it's free

See you soon for an upcoming video


For more infomation >> Faut il un GROS MEDIATOR pour jouer du jazz manouche ? - Apprendre le Jazz Manouche - Duration: 8:44.


NON, tu n'as PAS besoin de FORCE pour bien grimper ! [Série Question-Progression #4] - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> NON, tu n'as PAS besoin de FORCE pour bien grimper ! [Série Question-Progression #4] - Duration: 6:14.


Tự Tay Làm 2 Lọ NƯỚC THẦN Này Cả Đời Không Cần Mỹ Phẩm Da Vẫn Căng Mịn Trắng Bóc Như Bông - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Tự Tay Làm 2 Lọ NƯỚC THẦN Này Cả Đời Không Cần Mỹ Phẩm Da Vẫn Căng Mịn Trắng Bóc Như Bông - Duration: 10:52.


Vitamin C Aman Untuk Kulit Berjerawat? | Instagram Q&A | Skincare 101 - Duration: 26:06.

For more infomation >> Vitamin C Aman Untuk Kulit Berjerawat? | Instagram Q&A | Skincare 101 - Duration: 26:06.


The Files - Duration: 0:17.

So did you get those

Files i asked for?

Oh yeah they were uh

Under my couch

Well - buh

Deathly silence lurks in audio files

For more infomation >> The Files - Duration: 0:17.


猫にまつわる不思議な話・怖い話  三毛猫が家にやってくるようになった - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> 猫にまつわる不思議な話・怖い話  三毛猫が家にやってくるようになった - Duration: 1:28.


Concierge Collection 4" Deluxe Cloud Mattress Topper - Duration: 20:10.

For more infomation >> Concierge Collection 4" Deluxe Cloud Mattress Topper - Duration: 20:10.


Try not to Laugh * ORIGINAL * - Duration: 8:34.




Hot body Jade.


For more infomation >> Try not to Laugh * ORIGINAL * - Duration: 8:34.


MEMPERCANTIK TRASH OR DIAMOND LOCK GAME! - Growtopia Indonesia - Duration: 21:17.


Hello guys!! welcome back with me!

Juliwicks! in another video and now

like always, we'll play the coolest game, bla bla bla


Because there is so many of you like trash or diamond lock

and as we know in the 3rd eps that I facecam

the prize could be leaked, guys!

so, I'll upgrade this arena

to be harder for being leaked

I'll expand this until down

till the bedrock.

to make it invisible

and I'll make it nicer

because, it's still using dirt

and it's freaking! fucking! annoying!

for us.

maybe but,

it's okay.

and now, I'll make it quick

because, it'll be boring.

ok, I think I need a help

ok, in this arena I'll use 3 blocks

first, this dark blue block

dark grey block also

and the last is...

forget to buy

hold on..

back again

it's almost cleared

just waited the rocks

and after I clear the dirt and cat berger

I'll finish the left rock

because it can't just in one hit

different with the dirt

if we use digger

can be in one hit

if you use the rock for rock

it can't worked

so, keep calm, guys!

we clear it slowly

ok, it's almost done everything

just the lava's left

I want to blocked untill the end

and under this I want to make lobby

so, they won't feel tightened

and they could feel free and stay there


wrong color, guys

we break it again

because, the aesthetic of the world goes down

if something wrong, it isn't cool!

lagged, guys!

I forgot my glasses

k, I'm wearing my glasses first

because, anytime you used this glasses you'll be handsome (?)

increase till 1000x times

let's try!


wait a second

it's off...

Guys, I can't logging in

it's because sunday, isn't it?

too much people logged in

weekend maybe, like me

and I'm free, thats why I'm recording rn

I've so many assignments

and like the other...






scholar is looks like bachelor

but, we called it college student

*realize not logged in yet*

k guys, I still can't logging in

too many people loggging in at once

please, give me a chance

k, cool!

finally I can

k, next

the server was going down

I thought it was my connection

falling down

k guys..

don't pull me


because of hitting me over and over again



fall again

don't pull me!

don't block

damn it

I have to cheating

I had to use dirt

because it's so hard

rather than wasting my time

so messed up



beat that!


it's something like

fighting over

*got in*

I missed something

*realized, wrong color AGAIN*

fall again!!


don't hit

I don't need donation bro

you keep it

if someone faking me, don't donate

I never asking you for donate or anything

I'm the one who donate you

because, I like to make give away

because I like to sharing

rather that asking for

better sharing

okay, thank you so much

mwah :))))

what happened again???

cool, this is what I need

if you have great block

what I need? blocks or anything? I'll give it

but, not for world lock

because, I don't like if someone donate me

like I'm poor

I don't wanna be like that

I don't want to be a beggar

in real life nor gaming life I don't want to begging

it's about pride

eventhough I'm noob

it's better to struggling by myself than begging or anything like that

it's not the real Juliwicks

what the fuck, haha

oh this! it's cool!

finally, I found the best solution

how to get it

Now I've got this

don't fall pls

I get up..

I'll make it quick guys, because it's wasting time

why asking where my home is

want to date me?

asking my home, must be crazy

because I have Xenonite Block

I'll use it for getting more effective *realize when too much fell*

so crowded! 27 people

whatchu doing

you're not finished yet!

point is to force everything

cool, this is it guys

more effective, more cool, more bla bla bla

HAHA, not funny.

~panjat social

because I remember Panjat Social song

next time, after trash or diamond lock

I'll make an antimainstream game

it's Panjat Pinang

looks like Panjat Social

it'll be fun if I really did that

we'll try it soon

I didn't join St. Patrick

actually that's a good event

especially, for the pro parkour player

but, I didn't join

I really missed that moments

actually, I want to get Blarney

I wanna kiss that

wait a sec..

you can see, YudhoYono

male name, but female style

what the..

being positive thinking guys

may be he has a long hair

and the kids shirt

but, it makes him looks like a kid

but, I'm curious why he has a long hair

who's this?

the name is Tusok

where have you been? I was looking for you Yudho

okay guys, my world is almost done

our Trash or Diamond Lock World is almost done

I'll add wooden background

to be more classic

to be more unique

to make you enjoyable here

while I'm waiting this just about 2 minutes

I'll make it fast till finished

okay guys

now Trash or Diamond Lock World is already done

you can visit here

and thank you for Putar

and Exploros

for the disconnected and helped me to make this world

thanks for you two

okay, may be in the next eps

we'll have more trash or diamond lock guys

your favorite game

you have chances to get 25 world lock

or 1 diamond lock or maybe

more than that, we don't know in the future

but, I want to say thank you so much guys for all the supports

and don't forget to Like! Subscribe if you like!

Don't forget to say, STAY AWESOME! GIVE THE SHOOT! BUMO!

k guys, exploros's coming

this two people were helping me builded the world, COOL!

For more infomation >> MEMPERCANTIK TRASH OR DIAMOND LOCK GAME! - Growtopia Indonesia - Duration: 21:17.


Makerbot_フィラメントの挿入 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Makerbot_フィラメントの挿入 - Duration: 1:10.


Al-Baqarah (02) quran recitation really beautiful - Duration: 1:12:03.

Al-Baqarah (02) quran recitation really beautiful

For more infomation >> Al-Baqarah (02) quran recitation really beautiful - Duration: 1:12:03.


リンカーン 2007年02月20日 リンカーンのドーンといってみよう!1▽ハリセンボンの說敎先生 #53 - Duration: 48:16.

For more infomation >> リンカーン 2007年02月20日 リンカーンのドーンといってみよう!1▽ハリセンボンの說敎先生 #53 - Duration: 48:16.


Concierge SquareEmbossed Microfiber Sheet Set - Duration: 15:23.

For more infomation >> Concierge SquareEmbossed Microfiber Sheet Set - Duration: 15:23.


Honeywell Air Purifier Air Genius 4 w/Permanent Filter - Duration: 17:26.

For more infomation >> Honeywell Air Purifier Air Genius 4 w/Permanent Filter - Duration: 17:26.


Difference between a Punjabi and a Malyali !! (Ft Kenny Sebastian) - Duration: 1:27.

north indians dont have that problem that south indians do

which is hesitation to start a conversation


so on the flight

everyone is huge

so im the tinniest guy on the flight

like people had booked middle seats to put their biceps in

it was huge

and i felt so small

and on my seat.. so on the isle there was a guy

punjabi.. i knew he was punjabi

beacause he was taking way more space then he needs

cause he was sitting like this

like his leg was out of the window.. i dont know how

thats even possibe

so.. i wanted to ask him

" hey can i put my bag down?"


now if this was a south indian guy..

he would have just made a face

and waited for the air hostess to come and tell me you cant put the bag down

but because this guy is punjabi..

i was like" hey! can i put my bag down?"

*[speaking indistinctly]*

like wow.. you are my best friend now...

we just had a heart to heart conversation

even waiters are like that

like in south india if you order for something

like "can i have tea?"


in bombay im like " can i get tea ?"

" you will man..why wont you get tea! give him tea... give him 2Kgs of tea !!"

i love how he just starts talking.. like i will be in a taxi and like...

[to the driver] "Whats the time?"

"I came to bombay 20 years ago.... "

and im like ok...

For more infomation >> Difference between a Punjabi and a Malyali !! (Ft Kenny Sebastian) - Duration: 1:27.


process (Language Bank) - Duration: 1:49.

Language Bank process

Describing a process

This diagram illustrates the process of paper-making.

/This diagram shows how paper is made.

First/First of all, logs are delivered to a paper mill,

where the bark is removed and the wood is cut into small chips.

Next/Second, the wood chips are pulped, either using chemicals or in a pulping machine.

Pulping breaks down the internal structure of the wood and enables/allows the natural oils to be removed.

Once/After the wood has been pulped, the pulp is bleached in order to remove impurities.

/…is bleached so that impurities can be removed.

The next stage is to feed the pulp into the paper machine,

where it is mixed with water and then poured onto a wire conveyor belt.

As the pulp travels along the conveyor belt, the water drains away.

This causes the solid material to sink to the bottom, forming a layer of paper.

At this point the new paper is still wet, so it is passed between large heated rollers,

which press out the remaining water and simultaneously dry the paper

/…dry the paper at the same time.

The final stage is to wind the paper onto large rolls.

/Finally, the paper is wound onto large rolls.

note at firstly, lastly

language bank at conclusion, first

For more infomation >> process (Language Bank) - Duration: 1:49.


alone / lonely / lone (Which Word?) - Duration: 1:16.

Which Word? alone / lonely / lone

Alone, and on your own/by yourself (which are less formal and are the normal phrases used in spoken English),

describe a person or thing that is separate from others.

They do not mean that the person is unhappy:

I like being alone in the house.

I'm going to London by myself next week.

I want to finish this on my own (= without anyone's help).

Lone/​solitary/​single mean that there is only one person or thing there;

lone and solitary may sometimes suggest that the speaker thinks the person involved is lonely:

a lone jogger in the park

long, solitary walks

Lonely (North American English also lonesome) means that you are alone and sad:

a lonely child

Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York.

It can also describe places or activities that make you feel lonely:

a lonely house

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