Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

Hello everyone, Welcome to my Channel and to this Video about Finalbux PTC site that I'm member less than a week ago

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Then, Until today we can say that is a trusted site, For which I received my first payment, It is very worthwhile to register in this PTC site, for this you can enter to the link bellow in the video description

And you can Subscribe to my Channel "Tigre Jhon PTC" thank you very much and Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Finalbux Progreso y Prueba de Pago | Finalbux Progress, Proof of Payment | Finalbux PTC paga no Scam - Duration: 1:31.


QUE THỬ THAI HAI VẠCH câu nói ám ảnh nhất NGÀY CÁ THÁNG TƯ | Tổng Hợp News | Tin Tức | Tin Mới Nhất - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> QUE THỬ THAI HAI VẠCH câu nói ám ảnh nhất NGÀY CÁ THÁNG TƯ | Tổng Hợp News | Tin Tức | Tin Mới Nhất - Duration: 3:12.



For more infomation >> CARLOS HENRIQUE SEGREDO - Duration: 1:43.


Minecraft Electricity (and More) #1 - LIVE [Joinable] - Duration: 31:18.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Electricity (and More) #1 - LIVE [Joinable] - Duration: 31:18.


Top Strange Animals List - Animals You Didn't Know Existed - Duration: 5:28.

Number 1.Star-nosed Mole.

Uses its fleshy star nose for hunting.

The Star-nosed mole has 100,000 nerve fibers that run from star to the brain.

This is almost six times more than the touch receptors in the human hand.

Number 2.


Currently there are about 38 known extant species of lampreys.Parasitic species are

the best known, and feed by boring into the flesh of other fish to suck their blood,but

only 18 species of lampreys are parasitic.

Number 3.Cantor�s Giant Soft Shelled Turtle.

It can grow up to 6 feet in length and is the world's largest extant freshwater turtle.

The species is an ambush predator and primarily carnivorous, feeding on crustaceans, mollusks

and fish (although some aquatic plants may also be eaten).

Number 4.Japanese Spider Crab.

The Japanese spider crab has the greatest leg span of any arthropod, reaching 5.5 metres

(18 ft) from claw to claw.

The body may grow to a size of 40 cm or 16 in (carapace width) and the whole crab can

weigh up to 19 kilograms (42 lb) .

. .

Number 5.

Goblin Shark.

The goblin shark has a distinctively long and flat snout, resembling a sword blade.

The proportional length of the snout decreases with age.The goblin shark is usually between

3 and 4 m (10 and 13 ft) long when mature.

. .

. Number 6.

Mutillidae - Velvet Ant.

Their common name velvet ant refers to their dense pile of hair, which most often is bright

scarlet or orange, but may also be black, white, silver, or gold.They are known for

their extremely painful stings, hence the common name cow killer or cow ant.

Unlike real ants, they do not have drones, workers, and queens.

Number 7.

Glaucus Atlanticus.

Glaucus atlanticus (common names include the sea swallow, blue angel, blue glaucus, blue

dragon, blue sea slug and blue ocean slug) is a species of small, blue sea slug.

At maturity Glaucus atlanticus can be up to 3 centimetres (1.2 in) in length.

Picking up the animal can result in a painful sting

Number 8.

Giant Isopod.

Bathynomus can be divided into "giant" species where the adults generally are between 8 and

15 cm long and "supergiant" species where the adults generally are between 17 and 50

cm with a maximum weight and length of approximately 1.7 kg and 76 cm respectively.

Number 9.

Indian Purple Frog.

It can be found in the Western Ghats in India.

Names in English that have been used for this species are purple frog, Indian purple frog,

or pignose frog.

The body of purple frog is appears robust and bloated and is relatively rounded compared

to other more dorsoventrally flattened frogs.

Number 10.

Sea Pig.

Scotoplanes, commonly known as the sea pig.

Sea Pig have particularly enlarged tube feet that have taken on a leg-like appearance.These

legs, in conjunction with their large, plump appearance (about 6 inches/15 cm long) have

suggested the common name "sea pig".

Number 11.

Dumbo Octopus.

Grimpoteuthis, also called Dumbo Octopus.These octopuses are commonly nicknamed "Dumbo octopuses"

or "Dumbo octopods" or even " Dumboes " in reference to how the ear-like fins protruding

from the top of their head-like bodies resemble the ears of Walt Disney's flying elephant


For more infomation >> Top Strange Animals List - Animals You Didn't Know Existed - Duration: 5:28.


Minecraft Game - Minecraft nhái hay nhất mình từng chơi (minecraft copy) - Duration: 23:28.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Game - Minecraft nhái hay nhất mình từng chơi (minecraft copy) - Duration: 23:28.


Krillin Dies?! (Goku vs Krillin)- Dragon Ball Super Episode 84- English Subtitles - Duration: 5:46.


Destructo Disc!


Goin' for an out of bounds, huh?




He's actually doing well.


Daddy, amazing!

So what's next?

How about this?

Man! So close!

When did you do that?!

I launched a small fourth Destructo Disc and sliced it earlier.

The three Destructo Discs were a distraction?!

Pretty much.

It's the Tournament of "Power", but such battles of the mind are also necessary

Yeah, If you run in without a plan you'll lose right away

Krillin, what'll you do now?

Super Saiyan Blue...

I've seen it up close many times,

but now that I'm standing against it as an opponent, I can fool amazing pressure!

This difference in power...

Does Krillin san have a plan?



One-on-one with this power difference, there's nothing he can do.

But the Tournament of Power is battle royal, right?


You can do it!

Say, Goku.

This is fun.


Ka... Me...

Ha... Me...



Wow! it feels like an electric shock.

No. 18 san, in the middle of a match... -Not yet.

-Not yet.

The match's not over yet.

No. 18 san.

Mommy! Daddy!

Hey, Goku!

This match isn't a no-rules fight to the death.

It's a martial arts tournament with proper rules.

The tournament is a battle royal.

Then you won't always be fighting one-on-one!

No. 18 san.

If you can't beat him alone, you work together.

You have a plan for if we work together, right?


New, come on!

You can have Gohan join if you want.

That's enough.

Goku, are you conceding victory?!

That's not it!

It looks like I didn't really understand this tournament.

Just imaginin' what would've happened if I'd entered like this is terrifyin'.

Looks like I'll need to learn a lot from both of you.

Gohan, you better learn too.



You really are my best friend!

I'm countin' on you, Krillin! No. 18!

No. 18 san.

For more infomation >> Krillin Dies?! (Goku vs Krillin)- Dragon Ball Super Episode 84- English Subtitles - Duration: 5:46.


【Japanese lesson】CAN I TOUCH IT in JAPANESE! How to ask if you can touch things in Japan - Duration: 3:45.

Can I touch this? - Feel free to.

Can I touch this rice cake?

Nope it's a wig.

Can I touch it? - Sure go ahead.

Oh I pulled out a hair. - My hair!

Hey guys this is Cathy Cat - And Misato

Let's remember some new Japanese which is 1...2...3...

"Sawatte mo ii desuka"

That's an important word to use, not only in the context with other people

but also when you go into a shop.

Many Japanese shops have been complaining that foreigners

go there and touch items they are not allowed to touch.

For example if you touch Japanese silk, which is very expensive

you might have grease on your fingertips that might ruin the fabric

Same goes for food. It might look nice and squishy and you wanna touch it but

you should actually not. There are things you are allowed to touch and some not

So be sure to ask before you touch and I am gonna teach you how that works.

Let's do some examples, right?


For example at an accessory shop

Sorry could I have a look at that accessory there?

Sure, one second please.

Is this the item you wanted? - Wow this is nice!

- Can I touch it? - Sure go ahead.

Thank you

Sometimes shops have food out so you can look at it, sometimes

you can taste the food.

they have little Tsumayoushi

You are only supposed to touch the food with the toothpick,

don't just grab them.

Then there are things out for show and just for display, do not touch them.

That's another thing you need to look out for, so let's do this.

For example at the sweets shop.

Can I touch that rice cake?

This is for sale so please refrain from touching it.

Sorry. Do you have tasters?

These here would be our tasters. Go have a try.

Wow this is so tasty!

This one please! - Right away.

For example at the fish shop.

- That fish looks so funny - Thank you

- Can I touch it? - This is for sale, please don't touch it.

Is that so? I see.

If you come and decide to come to one of the famous fish markets of Japan

Please don't touch the fish. People are happy foreigners are coming to Japan

But they are not happy if you randomly touch the food items so please

don't touch the fish.

For examples when you are chatting

And then he said that to me

It was sooo funny!

Senpai is this a wig?

- It's a wig. - Can I touch it? - Sure

- Oh wow. - It feels really real, right?

- I pulled hairs out. - My hair!

And that was

Can I touch it?

Be sure to ask before you touch any items in shops and such

You don't wanna spoil the fun for other people. If more incidents like this keep happening

people will hide their items behind glass showcases,

or maybe won't allow you to go to fish markets and similar places

So always mind your manners when you come to Japan

Thanks for watching. There are other useful words and phrases that we would like

to teach you. They are in the playlist at the end of the video

Thank you for watching and catch you soon on Ask Japanese

For more infomation >> 【Japanese lesson】CAN I TOUCH IT in JAPANESE! How to ask if you can touch things in Japan - Duration: 3:45.


Minecraft Hardcore Let's Play | Ep #1 - Duration: 18:02.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Hardcore Let's Play | Ep #1 - Duration: 18:02.


Я Знаю Будет Больно, Лучшие #Песни о Любви, Катя Ростовцева - Duration: 4:34.

I Know It Will Hurt, Best Songs of Love

For more infomation >> Я Знаю Будет Больно, Лучшие #Песни о Любви, Катя Ростовцева - Duration: 4:34.


whatsapp funny videos - whatsapp videos download - whatsapp viral videos - Duration: 18:09.

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For more infomation >> whatsapp funny videos - whatsapp videos download - whatsapp viral videos - Duration: 18:09.


原来放屁能够确认彼此之间的关系!!! - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> 原来放屁能够确认彼此之间的关系!!! - Duration: 2:40.


JEFFY Rap Song In REVERSE with lyrics turn on caption - Duration: 1:20.

Bout a gummy

now i do this see my ball knott's berry fag*ot

nah granola bar now it

as sniff a oof happy good insert it

eat lie mirror

now of nah run it oh earn it

nah if and i rather eat eat

nah roo ay oofs na pee pee brown its

now hem well ox now em and i


hitler see its no

mine mine mine mine

whoa whats earn it

no no

and you whoops your ivish

no no

and your er epp ish

no no

and your i er niish

no no

e ish

now my mom and er will i fudge

e dubstep nye

eh eh wood now

how else do i net stay out eh

now i want abut i want want

For more infomation >> JEFFY Rap Song In REVERSE with lyrics turn on caption - Duration: 1:20.


H2ODelirious 中文字幕 [真正H2ODelirious露臉!] THE REAL H2O DELIRIOUS FACE REVEAL! - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> H2ODelirious 中文字幕 [真正H2ODelirious露臉!] THE REAL H2O DELIRIOUS FACE REVEAL! - Duration: 2:08.


Bad Baby Crying Bath time -Kinder Joy vs Masha and the Bear -Learn colors -Finger Family Collection - Duration: 2:03.

Bad Baby Crying Bath time -Kinder Joy vs Masha and the Bear -Learn colors -Finger Family Collection

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Crying Bath time -Kinder Joy vs Masha and the Bear -Learn colors -Finger Family Collection - Duration: 2:03.


Sweet Taco AD - Duration: 1:15.

>> Damian: Aw man! I Sure love the savory sweet taste of the Sweet Taco from Sweet Co!

>> Damian: Oh no! Taco Man don't steal my taco!

>> Taco Man: I just love the sweet taste of el Sweet Taco!

>> Damian: No come back here with my taco!

>> Damian: Aw man!

(Sad Music Plays)

>> Damian: I am so sad that I lost my Sweet Taco!

>> Damian: It's Just.. Uh! I worked so hard for that one dollar..

>> Damian: super amazing Sweet Taco product!

>> Damian: Oh, if only there was a way to get it back!

>> Damian: Uh!

>> Taco Man: Hey el señor!

>> Taco Man: I just wanted to give my family the taste of the Sweet Taco

>> Damian: Aw thanks Taco Man

>> Taco Man: Im just kidding, I'm a bad hombre!

>> Damian: No! Taco Man!

(Music Playing)

>> Damian: Try the all new Sweet Taco from Sweet Co for only a dollar!

>> Damian: Just make sure to watch out for the Taco Man!

>> Damian: Oh no Taco Man don't steal my taco!

>> Taco Man: Skert!

>> Damian: No please come back here!

(Music Plays)

>> Damian: Oh He's to fast!

>> Damian: Please!

>> Damian: No!

>> Damian: Oh not again!

>> Damian: Aww man!

>> Damian: Gee wizz!

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