Number 1.Star-nosed Mole.
Uses its fleshy star nose for hunting.
The Star-nosed mole has 100,000 nerve fibers that run from star to the brain.
This is almost six times more than the touch receptors in the human hand.
Number 2.
Currently there are about 38 known extant species of lampreys.Parasitic species are
the best known, and feed by boring into the flesh of other fish to suck their blood,but
only 18 species of lampreys are parasitic.
Number 3.Cantor�s Giant Soft Shelled Turtle.
It can grow up to 6 feet in length and is the world's largest extant freshwater turtle.
The species is an ambush predator and primarily carnivorous, feeding on crustaceans, mollusks
and fish (although some aquatic plants may also be eaten).
Number 4.Japanese Spider Crab.
The Japanese spider crab has the greatest leg span of any arthropod, reaching 5.5 metres
(18 ft) from claw to claw.
The body may grow to a size of 40 cm or 16 in (carapace width) and the whole crab can
weigh up to 19 kilograms (42 lb) .
. .
Number 5.
Goblin Shark.
The goblin shark has a distinctively long and flat snout, resembling a sword blade.
The proportional length of the snout decreases with age.The goblin shark is usually between
3 and 4 m (10 and 13 ft) long when mature.
. .
. Number 6.
Mutillidae - Velvet Ant.
Their common name velvet ant refers to their dense pile of hair, which most often is bright
scarlet or orange, but may also be black, white, silver, or gold.They are known for
their extremely painful stings, hence the common name cow killer or cow ant.
Unlike real ants, they do not have drones, workers, and queens.
Number 7.
Glaucus Atlanticus.
Glaucus atlanticus (common names include the sea swallow, blue angel, blue glaucus, blue
dragon, blue sea slug and blue ocean slug) is a species of small, blue sea slug.
At maturity Glaucus atlanticus can be up to 3 centimetres (1.2 in) in length.
Picking up the animal can result in a painful sting
Number 8.
Giant Isopod.
Bathynomus can be divided into "giant" species where the adults generally are between 8 and
15 cm long and "supergiant" species where the adults generally are between 17 and 50
cm with a maximum weight and length of approximately 1.7 kg and 76 cm respectively.
Number 9.
Indian Purple Frog.
It can be found in the Western Ghats in India.
Names in English that have been used for this species are purple frog, Indian purple frog,
or pignose frog.
The body of purple frog is appears robust and bloated and is relatively rounded compared
to other more dorsoventrally flattened frogs.
Number 10.
Sea Pig.
Scotoplanes, commonly known as the sea pig.
Sea Pig have particularly enlarged tube feet that have taken on a leg-like appearance.These
legs, in conjunction with their large, plump appearance (about 6 inches/15 cm long) have
suggested the common name "sea pig".
Number 11.
Dumbo Octopus.
Grimpoteuthis, also called Dumbo Octopus.These octopuses are commonly nicknamed "Dumbo octopuses"
or "Dumbo octopods" or even " Dumboes " in reference to how the ear-like fins protruding
from the top of their head-like bodies resemble the ears of Walt Disney's flying elephant
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