Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 2 2017

At first I was afraid I was petrified, looking at the new election before my eyes.

I thought we were on a roll 'bout to progress 'bout to grow,

but I was wrong.

Trump blew it all up like a bomb.

Although we cry- we will survive Although he tries to take our rights away

we'll stand up again and fight.

Nobody will silence our fears and they won't take back these tears, until justice has prevailed

and we can live as equals here.

Although we cry, we will survive.

No single man can take our rights away while we're still alive,

and we'll open up all gates and we'll let all people in, for we don't discriminate a

religion by one person's sin.

Although we cry, we will survive.

Watch us rise to the occasion and never be satisfied, until each person can feel safe

in their own neighbourhood.

Til every sick person is helped and every hungry one is given food.

It will take a lot of strength and a lot of heart,

to stand up for all our rights despite these crumbling odds.

And we've spent too many decades fighting sexist remarks and it's a crime- for you to

try push back the times.

Low and behold, he's tried to take a woman's right to her own body and her own body's fate.

Not surprised he's just a man who only cares about himself, not the million people that

he's hurting that don't give him wealth.

Although right now, you're petrified, scared of what is next and even scared to go outside.

Know we're all standing together and we're standing for what 's right, and we won't stop

standing till each person has their human rights, aye aye

For more infomation >> Dear Donald Trump | Isadora Music - Duration: 2:34.


Plans for VEDA: VEDA Day 1 | @fandommattersaf - Duration: 1:58.

VEDA Day 1, we're here. We're doin' it.

So today is day 1.

You're going to see some different-ish things from me

throughout the month of April on my channel.

I plan to have some of my normal types of content

like slightly scripted or bullet points around a certain topic, about

fandoms or books or tv shows or

you know, the stuff I generally talk about.

But you will also see some more casual vlogs.

You might see some tag videos.

You might see some more makeup videos

Maybe some video game stuff, like maybe some

like clips of me playing some video games.

But yes, definitely more of a variety of content and more casual content here and there

Because I know, oh there are gonna be days

where I'm going to be working late, and then I

might only have a little bit of time so I might just

have a quick chat, not really edit it, and

put it up for the internet, so...

Be prepared for all of this. So I'm going to have a different

thumbnail for my VEDA videos

and I'm going to try to caption them.

I'm trying to get better about that in general.

We'll see because I know it's going to be a time crunch

and I know it's important. I'm trying

to like hold myself accountable to that and

get better at captioning.

I haven't been April Fools Day pranked yet.

So that's good!

And I haven't pranked anyone either, cus I don't

generally do that. Last year when

I was at work they - it was like a week

after I started my job and my coworkers

taped the bottom of my mouse

so that when I was trying to move it

it wouldn't move, and I figured it out after

like, I don't know, a minute or so.

But that was a fun , lighthearted April Fools prank.

Uh, tell me down in the comments if

you have pranked anyone or if

uh, what your favorite April Fools prank

that's happened to you or that you've done has been.

That sounds like a fun way to have a little chat.

I want my VEDA to be more like engaging,

like I want to have some conversations

with all of you down in the comments.

So let's have some fun, let's do this.

I'm gonna have some different types of content, and

here we are, alright, bye.

For more infomation >> Plans for VEDA: VEDA Day 1 | @fandommattersaf - Duration: 1:58.


Yodelto - Duration: 2:11.


An emotional connection that you develop with the landscape which grows stronger with each

step forward.

Your senses are activated.

Every sound and visual detail strikes your body, absorbing the wild nature of it all.

It's vastness pierces your soul, reminding why you choose to walk this path.

Though daunting at first, it is always risk that brings priceless reward.

In order to escape this darkness, you must first endure it.

The scale of everything around you serves as a beacon

to guide you towards this light.

Pillars of majesty, dependent on the elements, provide

some assurance.

When the the big picture is finally revealed, you realize that without this landscape, you'd

be lost without direction.


For more infomation >> Yodelto - Duration: 2:11.


SCANDAL ALERT! Obama Changed This ONE Rule Just To SPY On Donald Trump! - Duration: 2:12.


Obama Changed This ONE Rule Just To SPY On Donald Trump!

By Danny Gold

Donald Trump was 100% right!

Barack Obama DID make a massive rule change right before leaving office just to get away

with spying on President Trump.

There was a longstanding rule that forced intelligence agencies to censor the names

of Americans intercepted during monitoring on foreign nationals before passing them on.

According to the new report from, however, Obama made a last minuted switch

up that allowed him to target Trump and his team!

Obama changed a key rule that allowed him to unmask and then share the names revealed

with all of his top staff including, but not limited to, Susan Rice, John Brennan, and

Loretta Lynch.

The report also alleges that some of the intercepted reports gathered between November and January

concerned figures in Donald Trump�s transition team who were communicating with foreign nationals.

Luckily, however, the NSA is expected to hand over a full and detailed report to Congress

soon revealing who and to what degree Obama abused this rule to spy on.

One source said,

�Wholesale access to unmasked incidental NSA intercepts essentially created the potential

for spying on Americans overseas after the fact, which is exactly what our foreign intelligence

arms are not supposed to be doing.�

This is a very SERIOUS accusation.

If it is all true, and it seems more and more likely that it is, that means Obama violated

the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution that protects Americans from unlawful and unreasonable

search and seizures.

Of course, you and I both know the media will do their best to cover this up.

That�s why it�s up to us to SHARE this truth everywhere!

For more infomation >> SCANDAL ALERT! Obama Changed This ONE Rule Just To SPY On Donald Trump! - Duration: 2:12.


🔥 Future Type Beat - Hi-Tech (@BeatsBySeismic) - Duration: 4:21.


For more infomation >> 🔥 Future Type Beat - Hi-Tech (@BeatsBySeismic) - Duration: 4:21.


The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge - Duration: 2:43.


real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge

he real goal of the corporate-run media is to suppress human knowledge and prevent a

mass awakening of humanity.

The corporate-run media is not about informing, uplifting or educating humanity. It�s not

about connecting you with important world events or bringing you insightful analysis

on finance, medicine, technology, politics, science or the environment.

Instead, the corporate-run media is all about distracting you from the things that matter

while indoctrinating you with falsehoods that have no basis in factual reality. The sinister

agenda behind all this is to keep humanity dumbed down, scientifically illiterate, and

cognitively redirected away from anything that might lead to greater awakening or freedom

to think.

The mainstream media, in other words, is the soma drug of the modern era, designed to numb

your brain, retract your senses, assault your curiosity and ridicule your awakening. The

programming by the media is intended to mandate your obedience, conformity and intellectual


It�s all under the umbrella of �info-poisoning� which is a far more dangerous assault on your

psyche than even the threat of chemical pesticides on your brain. Yet those chemical assaults

also exist in the form of prescription medications, mercury in vaccines, aluminum in the food

supply and pesticides on your lawn. It�s a full-on assault against your consciousness,

your mind and your freedom to think. And it�s being waged every day by CNN, NYT, WashPo,

MSNBC and other freedom-crushing propaganda outlets for the simple reason that the most

dangerous thing in the world (to the status quo) is an individual who can think

for herself.

For more infomation >> The real goal of the mainstream media is to SUPPRESS and DESTROY human knowledge - Duration: 2:43.


IT 2017 Old VS New Pennywise - Tim Curry VS Bill Skarsgard Analysis and Costumes - Duration: 6:38.

Pennywise is known to be one of the most disturbing and scariest Clowns, who ever existed.

He terrified a whole generation of Kids in the 90's, and is about to come back for our

sanity, in 2017 's remake of the IT Movie.

It is pretty save to say, that Pennywise was one of Tim Curry's most iconic roles, and

that his portrayal of the sinister clown, made him the unforgettable villain, that he

is up until this day.

Bill Skarsgard has to fill pretty big shoes, since he will be compared to Tim Curry's performance.

But what we could see so far, Bill is doing a very great job, in scaring the fudge out

of us.

Could we be any more excited ? In this video, we will take a look and the Old and the new

Pennywise Design in the IT movie, and see, what things might have changed, and what to

expect in the new It remake.

The new costume for Pennywise, has finally emerged in it's full glory on screen this

week, when we given a first look at the new IT trailer.

And we all can agree, that the new 2017 version of Pennywise, looks way different than the

old Pennywise from the 90's.

While Tim Curry's version for the 1990 TV movie favoured a very colourful, more baggy

and chubby overall costume approach, The costume for Bill Skarsgard has certainly seen a bit

more thought and intent to it, in order to portray a figure, that stems from an very

old era.. one could almost say it was more of a timeless design.

The Old Pennywise definitely was way more appealing to young kids.

We all do remember his bright yellow jump suite like suite, with orange furry pom pom

buttons, and the purple blue striped sleeves he was wearing.

I mean.. we all do know that children a re attracted to everything shine and colorful.

His wide popped collar was also mixing with the purple and blue stripes to match the design

of his sleeves.

Since the 90's Pennywise was only 5' 9" feet tall, it gave the figure a very saggy figure

in general.

He also was wearing the classic red Clown Nose, that you saw in any circus show back

in time.

He was able to squish his nose, for some funky squeky noises.

A perfect match, to go with the shiny red lips, that were a trademark of Tim's Pennywise.

Blue eye shadow was covering his upper eyelids are were underlining quite fitting for Tim's

naturally green eyes.

He could transform into a being with pointy, fang like sharp teeth, when he was about to

kill his next victim.

The 90's Pennywise, was full of dark humor and bad jokes.

Of course he was the only person who could juckle about his own sillyness.

The character was approximately his 40s , and of course staying more true to Tim Curry's

actual age at the time.

Which had a different feel to it, than Bill Skarsgards version of the Clown, who was born,

just a few months before the TV Mini series aired in the 90's.

Bill Skarsgard told Entertainment Weekly: I've been doing some clown research, Bill

told . I'm not sure if there was so much clown phobia before the novel.

There's obviously been this thing where people find clowns are unsettling, but nobody explored

it the way Stephen King did.

He's not even a clown.

I'm playing just one of the beings It creates.

Staying a good 6ft 3in tall, the new Pennywise is a way more slender and spindly version

of himself, that works quite well with the crooked movement we all could witness, at

the end of the new It 2017 Trailer.

Taking a deeper look at his makeup, we notice that the blue eyeshadow from the original

design is gone for good.

A constant red sharp line now marks each side of his face, originating at his eyebrows,

and creating one constant connection to each side of his mouth.

The red lips still, are one of Pennywise's trademarks and have only been touched up a


They also got rid of the classic clown nose, and simply matched the dark red color of his


The eyes transformed into a demonic yellowish color.

Almost as yellow, as his teeth, hidden behind the creatures lips.

Asked about the revamped costume approach of the new Pennywise, costume designer Bryant

was telling Entertainment Weekly: The costumes takes inspiration from Medieval,

Renaissance, Elizabethan, and Victorian eras.

The costume definitely incorporates all these otherworldly past lives, if you will.

He is definitely a clown from a different time.

Every part of the costume aims to suggest something ancient and evoke something disturbing.

That pleating is actually Fortuny pleating, which gives it almost a crepe-like effect.

Its a different technique than what the Elizabethans would do.

Its more organic, its more sheer.

It has a whimsical, floppy quality to it.

Its not a direct translation of a ruff or a whisk, which were two of the collars popular

during the Elizabethan period There is almost a doll-like quality to the


The pants being short, the high waistline of the jacket, and the fit of the costume

is a very important element.

It gives the character a child-like quality.

The tight fit of the gloves are intended to make his hands appear porcelain.

If you look at the sleeves, there are the two puffs off the shoulder and biceps and

again on the bloomers, I wanted it to have an organic, gourd or pumpkin kind of effect

It helps exaggerate certain parts of the body.

The costume is very nipped in the waist and with the peplum and bloomers it has an expansive


The design is aimed at creating a subliminal suggestion of an insectoid creature, something

fans of the original movie might already be conjuring up.

The pompoms are orange, and then with the trim around the cuffs and the ankles, its

basically a ball fringe thats a combination of orange, red, and cinnamon.

Its almost like Pennywise fades into his environment.

But there are accents to pull out the definition of the gray silk � It makes him almost like

a shadow.

The image itself also hints at Pennywises ability to fade into and out of his surroundings,

since you might notice that he appears to be floating.

If you prefer Tim's Curry version of Pennywise, or Bill Skarsgard, is for you to decide.

But I think it is pretty save to say, that each version of the sinister clown, will find

it's own supporters and they both will be remembered, to have made a big impact in to

our modern horror culture.

Thank you guys for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, please leave a like and Subscribe.

I also welcome any new Patreons.

Stay frosty!

For more infomation >> IT 2017 Old VS New Pennywise - Tim Curry VS Bill Skarsgard Analysis and Costumes - Duration: 6:38.


nubia » All Mine (instant beat download) - Duration: 3:19.

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For more infomation >> nubia » All Mine (instant beat download) - Duration: 3:19.


New 3 Shin Godzilla from 1954,1989,2016 Vs Bull T-Rex Jurassic Park Gashapon Sega Unboxing Review - Duration: 10:37.

New 3 Shin Godzilla from 1954,1989,2016 Vs Bull T-Rex Jurassic Park Gashapon Sega Unboxing Review

okay guys super excited today I got

these awesome toys from odd Japan this

is the gash upon shin Godzilla set so

these are made by Bandai and they come

in three awesome eggs so these are

different Godzilla set so let's go ahead

and open one of them up I really like

the eggs to you could see inside it is

made by Vince I ok so it actually has a

tiny little latch here you pull on and

then you squeeze the side and it pops

open so these are also little shin

Godzilla cool ok so here is the little

pamphlet that came with it

chinese or japanese i'm not positive so

that is the M guy

so here it's a different version 1954

1989 2016 and some other way or the

other side and then you go ahead and

open it up and put it together so let's

go ahead and check this out these are

really cool little god you're worth it

so it does come in five parts to get the

guns ln then you go ahead and snap is

not too bad not too large and snapping

the other one go ahead and snap its tail

on so these miniature ones fit together

just like the big ones do so it's really

cool i like in the fact that they come

in today so behind that one you have the

big shin godzilla one and this is the

smaller one so you can see it looks very

similar to the big one so if you go

ahead and go down in they do a good job

on this one but like the bigger one each

one's don't really have moving parts I

mean to detail also especially for

something that's small but without

moving parts or more for display than it

but they do a good job even painting you

can see it's got like a little yellow I

like on the teeth they're like painted

on there so that's one of them and then

we got two more okay so let's go ahead

and check this one down ah also have a

link below the video on some of the

where you could buy some of the Godzilla

toys like I said this one I actually

bought on eBay so once again the

pamphlets pretty much the same you got

the 1954 1989 and 2016 Godzilla's there

so if I'm kissing I want to say that

they're giving you all three of these

Godzilla's so I'll just go ahead and

open it up and pick up the pieces ok so

once again five pieces you go ahead and

put it together the legs just snap right

there just have to get it at the right

angle once you get at the right angle

they snap in their pussies so these are

almost like you ever seem like the 3d

dinosaur off puzzle toys they're very

similar to that and it looks like this

is the 1954 version you can see it got

like a older more simplistic touch

look at the head there it's not as

vicious and mean working as the spikes

on the back so once again I mean detail

on these guys is great I love it that

they come in eggs and the painting of

these guys is superb for little Godzilla

toys I mean this is probably the best

painting I I am very

you know I mean just just the

workmanship I mean everything of these

the field to I mean these feel like good

quality towards it's almost like a

rubber plastic type of material and then

we got the final leg here so this must

be 1903 1989 version yes it does look a

little bit there okay so anyways let's

go ahead and put this guy together same

thing you've got three I mean five


you've got five pieces to put together

he'll snap together fairly easy not too

bad yeah the tail is definitely

different on this one than that last

version so this must be the 1989 third

ship but you can see the head there is a

little different and then spikes on the

back pretty similar but it seems like

the spike go down the tail on this one

and I mean even painting the toenails

and everything the claws on the feet are

awesome and the detail on these little

guys blows me away and the fact that

they come and eggs you could put them

together who's super fun so if you get a

chance definitely wide okay so there is

the three of them side by side you can

see the AH the earlier one 1954 it's got

a bigger more comical looking sad and

then the 1989 version and then by time

he goes in 2016 that guy just books

so there is the three of them shin

Godzilla set I mean there's the name of

the actual set it's not gesh Josh upon

HD Shin got deluxe set so that is

Oh guys that was a lot of fun and if you

enjoyed the video make sure you click

subscribe and thumbs up button down

below the video in today's secret word

is the word go ahead put that in the

comment section down below the video on

those you remember my club go to the

video ends there's and also incur lot

more fun with you and I click the boxes

below for a lot more fun video and if

you want to see even more go ahead and

click the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 3 Shin Godzilla from 1954,1989,2016 Vs Bull T-Rex Jurassic Park Gashapon Sega Unboxing Review - Duration: 10:37.


お土産を渡す時に使える英会話!〔#528〕 - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> お土産を渡す時に使える英会話!〔#528〕 - Duration: 6:25.


Mức Độ Nguy Hiểm Của Deepweb - Câu Chuyện Về Roller Phần 4 - Duration: 13:18.

For more infomation >> Mức Độ Nguy Hiểm Của Deepweb - Câu Chuyện Về Roller Phần 4 - Duration: 13:18.


CREEPY Paranormal Stories | Ghost in The Road/The Cursed Forest - Duration: 10:37.

This happened in May of 2008, in the state of Maine.

It was a typical Tuesday night.

My girlfriend was working in the kitchen of the small house that we rented at the time.

I was sitting in the living room in my recliner, watching TV.

Our two daughters had just been put to bed and my girlfriend spoke up from the kitchen;

"We're out of juice; I have nothing to give the girls in the morning.

Can you run to the grocery store and grab some?"

I glanced at my watch.

It was 8:45 P.M.

Our local grocery store closed at 9:00 P.M.

I said; "Yes, if I really hurry."

I grabbed the keys to our minivan and headed out the door.

Our local grocery store was roughly 7 miles away.

I sped down the main drag of our town, doing about 60 miles per hour, until I arrived at

the store at 8:57 P.M.

I ran inside, told the girl behind the checkout counter I knew exactly what I needed, ran

down the aisle, grabbed two jugs of juice off the shelf, paid for the juice, and strolled

out the door.

I got back in our minivan and began the drive home.

There is a shortcut off the main drag that goes the back way home, which I decided to


I put my left blinker on; there was no traffic in the oncoming lane, so I made my turn.

I know at this point that I should have slowed down, because I was going way too fast to

safely negotiate the turn.

The two jugs of juice in the front seat beside me began to slide forward toward the floor.

To keep them from crashing, I shot my right arm out to hold the jugs back.

I took my eyes off of the road for maybe one second.

When I looked back up at the road, I saw it.

There was what I assumed to be a person in the middle of the road.

My first thought was, "Oh, shit, I'm about to run somebody over."

It took me half a second to realize, however, that my headlights were shining through the


It was crossing the road, swinging its arms in the motion of a normal person walking.

The torso hovered above the pavement; it was missing all of the lower body.

Its skin was snow white.

The scariest thing was its face; no eyes, just empty sockets, with that snow white skin

covering the holes.

There was a faint outline of a nose, but no mouth or lips.

I could make out a chin and I could see jaw bones on either side of the head.

It had shoulder-length black hair that looked greasy.

When it reached the dirt shoulder of the road, it disappeared into thin air.

This all happened within the span of two to three seconds.

Fear caused the blood to rush out of my head, and I could feel my face changing color, and

my body was covered in goose bumps.

My hands shook as I continued the drive home.

My girlfriend didn't believe me when I told her what had happened.

To this day, whatever I saw remains the one and only "Ghost" I have seen in my life.

I moved away from the area during the early spring of 2013,but my parents still live near

it; I drive by that road at least once, sometimes twice per week.

I still get chills to this day whenever I drive past that road.

Thankfully this story did not happen to me.

It happened to my great grandmother who has passed this story onto my mother and my mother

passed it on to me.

When my mother was very young she would visit her grandmother every summer.

While they lay in bed, not yet asleep, my mother would always ask her grandmother to

tell her the story about "the little devils".

Every time she asked, her grandmother would tell her the story before they dozed off to


One evening my mother decided to tell it to me, and to this day I still get chills.

This takes place when my great grandmother was very young, in her teens, maybe younger.

She lived out in the country where many people worked in the field all day.

Her friend invited her to go to a dance later that night and she really wanted to go so

she asked her mother if she could.

In order to go her mother set many chores for her to do that day; if she did them all

she could go to the dance.

The labour was hard and by the time she was finished she was exhausted, but still found

the energy to go to the dance.

The thing is, the place where the dance was happening was quite a few kilometers away

and to get there she had to travel by foot.

So she set out, arrived there and had a great time.

By the time she was getting ready to leave, it had gotten very late and it was dark outside.

She said goodbye to her friends and set out to walk home, alone.

The way home divided into two paths; one leading through a graveyard, the other one through

a small forest.

Any person, no matter what age, would maybe be a little frightened of the graveyard during

the night time – especially a small girl that was walking home on her own in the dead

of night.

Of course my great grandmother chose the path through the forest, she knew that forest like

the back of her hand.

She entered it and began walking.

She was extremely tired at this point having worked all day, danced all night, and now

walking back home.

She trudged on the path until she felt a little push on her back.

She thought nothing of it, maybe she was just too tired and was imagining things, but then

she felt another push on her back.

She turned around, but there was no one there.

She continued walking, shaking off this creeped out feeling that something was wrong.

Then once again she felt a push, harder this time.

She was getting very scared now and started walking faster.

She began hearing giggles from the bushes and she received more and more pushes.

She crossed a small bridge and continued walking, now at the point of hysterics.

She was really scared, tears started rolling down her cheeks as the pushing became harder

every time.

Something began tugging at her braids and dress.

Black figures started flashing in front of her eyes and the giggling would not stop.

She walked as fast as she could but her fatigue didn't let her walk fast enough.

She was thinking that she should be very close to the exit of the forest and that soon this

would be over, until her hopes sank in one instant.

As she walked on she kept coming closer to a bridge... that bridge; the one she had already


The pushing continued and she cried and screamed uncontrollably.

The black figures kept running around he.

She said they were entirely black with a long pointy tail, and they were just giggling and

laughing at her.

Through her pain and tears she kept walking, keeping her eyes on the path so that she would

not wander off it again.

The pushing because even fiercer and now it was more like punching.

She cried and screamed, but who would hear her?

Her village was still quite far away.

Her hair and dress were tugged at really hard and more punches were thrown at her from all


She was still crying, watching the black figures move all around her.

Still being punched and shoved she walked on, only to scream as she once again ended

up at the bridge.

This time it was not the bridge that scared her, but what was standing on top of it.

A black figure with a long pointed tail stared at her, pointing and laughing as it jumped

off the bridge into the stream below.

She looked over the side of the bridge but there was no one and nothing in the water.

The shoving and punching continued, her braids were still pulled and she was exhausted.

She began to pray, praying for all this to be over, but it wouldn't stop.

It continued laughing at her, pointing, and punching.

It was running around everywhere, she couldn't even tell if there was one or many.

It all just flashed in front of her eyes.

She tried to walk in every direction that she could; she would turn in another direction

right in front of the bridge, she turned backwards, she wandered through the bushes, but she always

kept coming back to that bridge.

The black figures kept punching her, pushing her.

Her legs were very close to giving up.

She didn't remember when she collapsed.

She woke up the next morning when she was found by her family and their friends who

set out to look for her once they found out she didn't come home that night.

She was speechless and bruised all over, but what the friends found shocked them all.

A path fully covered in my great grandmother's footsteps leading in a small circle from the

bridge, through the forest, and back to the bridge.

All night she was walking in a circle.

She didn't understand because she turned in so many directions and walked so many different

ways but she always managed to return to this path.

When she finally could talk she told the villagers what had happened to her.

Apparently she is not the only one who has encountered this strange activity in that


That forest was thought to be cursed.

A couple years back, there was a little boy around the age of four who had gotten lost

in there.

He came back the next morning and his hair was completely grey.

He couldn't speak and wouldn't tell anyone what had happened.

My great grandmother had always believed that it was some form of the devil that had been

with her in the forest that night.

The only other comment she ever made about this was; "I should have chosen the path

through the graveyard."

For more infomation >> CREEPY Paranormal Stories | Ghost in The Road/The Cursed Forest - Duration: 10:37.


News Conference: South Carolina vs. Gonzaga Postgame - Duration: 50:10.

For more infomation >> News Conference: South Carolina vs. Gonzaga Postgame - Duration: 50:10.


Enjoy Or Hide. Human Drain, 2017. (Opt. Subtitles). - Duration: 2:45.




There's NO scape!



Go Loud NOW!




Shake Your Booty!




Make some NOISE!



Here we go


SALTA! (Jump!)

BRINCA! (Jump around!)

¡GRITA! (Scream!)

¡SALTA! (Jump!)

¡GIRA! (turn around!)

POGUEA! (Mosh)

Here we go







Quiero verlos... (I want to see you)


La CABEZA! (the head)



For more infomation >> Enjoy Or Hide. Human Drain, 2017. (Opt. Subtitles). - Duration: 2:45.


Hugh Jackman saved Zac Efron from burning set.Zac Efron's Life Saved By Hugh Jackman On Set Of Lates - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Hugh Jackman saved Zac Efron from burning set.Zac Efron's Life Saved By Hugh Jackman On Set Of Lates - Duration: 0:51.


His Dark Materials at Progress Theatre - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> His Dark Materials at Progress Theatre - Duration: 7:27.


Are you suffering more than is necessary? | daily sprout 184 - Duration: 0:53.

- Are you suffering before it's actually necessary?

(relaxed guitar)

This is a great quote from Seneca

that reminds us of, that again, that tendency

to borrow tomorrow's worries and troubles,

and experience the suffering from them today.

If that's the case, then you are adding to your suffering,

because actually, that might be something for tomorrow,

and often it's never as bad, in reality.

But you are experiencing this suffering nonetheless

when you anticipate, and when you feel and experience it.

So remind yourself of that,

that by anticipating and experiencing suffering today,

you're suffering more than is actually necessary.

(relaxed guitar) So why don't you,

kick stress in the sprouts?

Get signed up for my Daily Sprout video,

and get it direct to your inbox,

and never miss another Daily Sprout again.

For more infomation >> Are you suffering more than is necessary? | daily sprout 184 - Duration: 0:53.


Game Two - Mass Effect: Andromeda Romancing Spoof (w/ English subtitles) - Duration: 1:35.

Combined with the prevalent facial paralysis

one almost feels like being stuck in some cheesy sci-fi porn flick.

It was the first day on my new ship

and I was craving for thrilling adventures with my crew.

Hello there, I am the Pathfinder and your captain.

Hello, I am the pilot

and really excited about handling this hi-tech machine

and its enormous thrust.

There's another hi-tech machine here in my pants,

but I only let experienced pilots handle the control stick.

I am very experienced, Pathfinder,

but let's see if you're able to find the path to my bedroom first.

This was a titillating encounter of the highest order,

I wouldn't have minded it going on like that.

The mechanic turned up at just the right moment.

Hi, I am the mechanic.

That's convenient, maybe you could lubricate my gearbox,

it's already sizzling in there.

Gladly, I am an expert on jammed pistons,

but only after a thorough underbody wash.


This went well, but I wanted to do the whole crew.

The horny toaster threw me a teasing look.

Hi, I'm the toaster, do you want a toast?

I'd rather explore your hot slit,

with my penis.

The toaster was a real hothead,

but I was still craving for more.

Well, hello there, who was that?

I want to touch you.

Oh yeah, right there.

For more infomation >> Game Two - Mass Effect: Andromeda Romancing Spoof (w/ English subtitles) - Duration: 1:35.


2017 MS70 PCGS Silver Eagle Monster Box Green Label - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 2017 MS70 PCGS Silver Eagle Monster Box Green Label - Duration: 5:19.


Om Seng Bora - Start Multiple Business at Same Time | Success Reveal - Duration: 12:07.

Success Reveal

Om Seng Bora - Start Multiple Business at the same time

Om seng bora 2017

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