Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

Around 5.5 thousand years ago,

the Botai people in Northern Kazakhstan

began riding and milking horses.

This was the beginning of horse domestication,

which allowed humans to travel much faster,

connect to vast territories,

and develop advanced warfare.

Since then, horse domestication

has transformed civilization,

but how exactly has it transformed the horse?

Recently, researchers sequenced

the genomes of ancient horses,

from 4.1 to 2.3 thousand years old.

13 samples come from

the royal burial sites of Scythians,

nomads who ruled much of Central Asia

during the Iron Age.

The Berel site is a rare snapshot of a horse population.

11 samples--all from the same generation.

Sacrificed the same day as part of a funeral ritual,

and almost perfectly preserved in permafrost.

These samples tell us a lot about Scythians

and their horses.

First, the genomes show that the horses in their herds

had a variety of coat-colors.

Scythian horses carried

diverse mutations relating to:

Some of them had gene variants found in today's

fastest racing horses while others had gene variants

associated with stamina.

Researchers found 121 genes selected by Scythians,

including a large number involved in the development

of the legs of horses.

It seems Scythian breeders selected for strong legs.

Examination of the bones from the burial site

and other Scythian remains confirm this finding.

By comparing ancient genomes

with present day genomes,

researches came away with new insights

on horse domestication

and animal domestication in general.

Scythian horses had a variety of y-chromosomes,

which means male lineages in the first 3 thousand years

of domestication were diverse.

Modern samples however show that breeders seemed

to use less and less of a variety of males,

up to the point that today's horses all carry

virtually the same y-chromosome.

This tells us that the horse population has collapsed

within the last 2300 years.

which resulted in a reduction

of horse genetic diversity at the whole genome scale.

During this same time period,

breeding practices must have lead to

the introduction of harmful mutations,

because modern horses show

an abundance of these mutations

while Scythian horses don't.

Looking at the changes in horse genomes

also gives support for a domestication hypothesis

involving neural crest cells.

Because these cells develop into many

different tissues and cell lineages,

changes in them might explain

why many domestic animals share

a group of traits like floppy ears and various coat colors.

So studying the genomes of Scythian horses

is starting to bring these ancient animals to life,

but it'll take make many more samples

from all along the timeline and across the globe

to tell the whole story of horse domestication.

For more infomation >> Ancient horse genomes - Duration: 3:30.


Загадки Для детей и взрослых загадки с монетами - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Загадки Для детей и взрослых загадки с монетами - Duration: 1:19.


The Law That Governs the Manifestation of Supply - Abundance Prosperity Wealth Happiness Success - Duration: 13:43.

For more infomation >> The Law That Governs the Manifestation of Supply - Abundance Prosperity Wealth Happiness Success - Duration: 13:43.


Blackbear - Chateau (prod. Tarro) - Duration: 3:34.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Suite 23 at the Chateau ♪

♪ Had a heart, man I'm tryna' get it back tho ♪

♪ Tryna' get it back, tryna' get it back, tryna' get it back ♪

♪ Age 25 and I'm rich now ♪

♪ No excuse, you be actin' like a bitch now ♪

♪ I gave you diamond, a pool, write the checklist ♪

♪ She want a ring, ain't fucking with a necklace ♪

♪ I'm a fool for these thangs with the big butts ♪

♪ Take her home, body turn into a rich slut ♪

♪ Feel like I can't trust nobody, even day ones ♪

♪ Watch out for them snake ones ♪

♪ Suite veintitrés at the Chateau ♪

♪ Had a heart, man I'm tryna' get it back tho ♪

♫ White linen ♫

♫ White rose ♫

♫ Let's go ♫

♫ Oh, oh ♫

♪ So please, baby, please, baby, talk slow ♪

♪ Talk slow, I'm off the blow, I'm off the dro' , I'm in my zone ♪

♪ Grab your girls, grab your phone, and let's go ♪

♪ Get ready, we going to the Chateau ♪

♪ Legs around my neck ♪

♪ I got your nails up in my back ♪

♪ Get ready, we going to the Chateau ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love, no love ♪

♪ Just fucking in a California king ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ Babe ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ Fucking in a California king ♪

♪ Suite 23 at the Chateau ♪

♪ Had a heart, man I'm tryna' get it back tho ♪

♪ Tryna' get it back, tryna' get it back, tryna' get it back ♪

♪ Age 25 and I'm rich now ♪

♪ excuse, you be actin' like a bitch now ♪

♪ I gave you diamond, a pool, write the checklist ♪

♪ She want a ring, ain't fucking with a necklace ♪

♪ I'm a fool for these thangs with the big butts ♪

♪ Take her home, body turn into a rich slut ♪

♪ Feel like I can't trust nobody, even day ones ♪

♪ Watch out for them snake ones ♪

♪ Suite veintitrés at the Chateau ♪

♪ Had a heart, man I'm tryna' get it back tho ♪

♫ White linen, white rose ♫

♫ Let's go ♫

♫ Oh, oh ♫

♪ So please, baby, please, baby, talk slow ♪

♪ Talk slow, I'm off the blow, I'm off the dro' , I'm in my zone ♪

♪ Grab your girls, grab your phone, and let's go ♪

♪ Get ready, we going to the Chateau ♪

♪ Legs around my neck ♪

♪ I got your nails up in my back ♪

♪ Get ready, we going to the Chateau ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love, no love ♪

♪ Just fucking in a California king ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ Babe ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ No love, no love, no love ♪

♪ Fucking in a California king ♪

♫ White linen, white rose ♫

♫ White linen, white rose ♫

♫ White linen, white rose ♫

♫ White linen, white rose ♫

♫ White linen, white rose ♫

For more infomation >> Blackbear - Chateau (prod. Tarro) - Duration: 3:34.


Ascension Time Line Update - Duration: 11:34.

Ascension Time-Line Update

by Anastacia,

This is an �intense� and deep energy ascension time-line update of our Soul and Spirit, that

is covering what in Real-Time is currently occurring in the Human and in Spirit linked

and also linked of the Divine.

Take your �time� � read and feel and visualize as you do so.

As those that are �ready� for this will read and feel this and take this in and process

what this is for them as to where they are currently �at�.

As this is a time-line flow of an Ascension Trailblazer/Pioneers updates in Real-Time

as they �come� to humanity of the Divine/Spirit�.of Pure Divine White Light and Golden Energy

of Christ consciousness.

Summary of past Blue Beyond updates � Parts 1-5

Pt 1 � 19th of April � We had a huge opening/shift of energy.

Upgrades/downloads that were topsy-turvy as they came in.

Regurgitation of the old and past emotions, feelings and situations.

Like all sides of a diamond spinning around in like a �cycle�, until it comes through

clear and clean.

Clearing out the old, shining up of the new and many *New* diamond facets shining up,

to clear remnants of the old.

Pt 2 � 21st April � New �group� energy frequency came through.

One of the most �massive� felt and heard this way.

Many layers at once and very intense = Energy Overwhelm.

Pull our energy back in, with a �difference�.

We are needing to continue �on our own� as in our own personal energy space.

The energies have altered with those that have had links to their spiritual family groups.

We have reached a new stage of re-group, pull-back with and for ourselves energetically�and

then we can continue and �carry-on� with others, yet in a new and different way.

Pt 3 � 22nd April � We are in a *New* process.

Pulling �threads� of energy back from others is a process that can take time.

Stop and Breathe.

If we find ourselves �forcing� things and they are not flowing smoothly just �let

it go�.

Stop, Breath, Regroup and settle ones energy and center oneself and then �go again�.

Wagon Wheel Method of how to bring ones energy �back in� very empowering to do and shared.

As we are needing to find a *New* way of pulling back, adjusting and then adjusting to the

other persons energy AND the new space they are in as well.

Pt 4 � 23rd April � Overcoming Fear to Step Into Our Own Power � Due to the energies

that have come through in a �group� energy with many layers, this has brought up fear,

insecurity and overwhelm.

�Fear is the factor which we must all over come in order to STEP INTO OUR POWER�.

A new power or empowerment more than just your energy, but of a �group� energy expansion

within, of our power.

Expanding all we have endured and gone through to bring us to where we are � this is much

larger than what we have previously �known�.

This is a very big breakthrough for mankind, this is taking this to the next �layer�

or level outwards from inwards, an inward expansion.

Visualize a white dot being the epicenter of an earthquake (like seeing it on a map)�and

then see rings/ripples flowing out from this, the waves of the initial core of the �explosion

point��filtering and flowing outwards.

We are the epicenter and we have expanded our energy outwards to the next ring or layer!

Which is our family group energy that came in just recently.

So in this next ring out from the epicenter, the area is much larger in that which it encompasses.

And as this layer or energy ring is larger, in it contains more energy and all that comes

with this as this is to do with others of our close spiritual families.

That is why it is imperative to bring our energy back into ourselves within this other

ring or layer of energy that has expanded outwards�.back into our epicenter.

I have expanded on this as it definitely is much bigger than what was briefly shared in

Pt 2 and there is much more within even this.

Pt 5 � 25th April � THE MASKS HAVE FALLEN OFF�and by this it means energetically this

has come in as in, the old can NO LONGER BE GONE INTO!

We were given insight into this coming in by Gregg Prescott from in5d in March�and

now this has actually energetically actualized in linking our Spirit to our Soul.

This is so very huge as well!

As with this we are now creating *NEW* light paths and like stepping off the �old black

tar sticky path�.

Being created bit by bit as we shift and change from the old to the new, linked with the new

ring of the �group� energy that came in.

This also brought up Fear of stepping into our *New* Power=Self Empowerment.

No longer are many able to suppress, old anger/frustration�and the Dragon within is needing to Roar for so

many to release, purge and heal so much of the old that was suppressed�which now can

be released due to the �group energy� that has come in.

It is realizing we need to find a balance within this, as a guide.

Be aware of ones �roar� and how it may affect others, yet at the same time, the �roar�

is needing to be released as a catalyst of shifting ones energy�as always, it depends

on each individual and each situation.

The masks have energetically fallen or come off in Spirit and the Human and the truth

is being revealed as to what is going on within and deeper.

And this is being seen with others now in a way not like before!

Also be very aware of others Dragons that are roaring.

Step back, protect and be an observer.

And now we come to Part 6 � THE DOOR/S TO THE OLD ARE NOW CLOSED!

As the doors to the old are now closed, we are needing to open new doors and stay very

grounded in doing so, as there can be a tendency to drift, float or detach.

Due to so many needing to link their Spirit to the Human.

Those that have not done the �work� on their emotions or have only done so much in

the astrals (which we are unable to remain in all the time as we need to link the two)

are needing to constantly ground and re ground and re ground over and over.

We we are now facing our Inner fear of owning our own *New* Power � which has expanded

into a group energy.

The Inner Truth of coming home to our Power.

This is where the overwhelm has come in!

Many do not realize that the old door/s are now closed as remember it is bit by bit.

So as one is not �used to� this new group energy and coming into a NEW POWER, and not

realizing the old doors are now closed � can find themselves in �limbo�.

Of feeling many �aches and pains� physically as the flow of energy is not being reconnected

in the NEW.

Gregg also wrote of this in a recent quick energy update: �Hang in there.

The systems of control are ALL breaking down, which will create temporary chaos around you,

but if you continue to STAY GROUNDED, it will be as if you�re watching as the observer�.

We are needing to �get back on our White Power horse� and take the reigns back.

There are those that are brave enough and strong enough and have done the hard work

on themselves and yet there are those that have not and are causing such mayhem for others!

Those that are not prepared to go in deeper and feel and do the hard work and so are sabotaging

those that are�be aware of this, be very aware!

As this is so freaking huge!

That is why it was shared to pull ones energy back into our own bubble or space (epicenter)

in very new way.

I saw a new vision today when I was doing my removal of energies and I have not seen

this before.

It was like the picture of the matrix with the green lines running down with information

� yet this was in the astrals realms and lighter and an energetic version of this � new

downloads and then Gaia is bringing up new uploads as well�and they are yet to meet.

Until they do, in-between there is like a space or gap of �limbo�.

Where one may not want to do anything and that is fine, yet, keep moving to SHIFT the


It is very important to STAY GROUNDED.

Yet also keep moving and shifting your energy!

As in this gap or limbo are shadow sides that are coming up and out as well!

From deep deep within that are linked to beyond just us.

There is so much more to this as well.

So visualize and see yourself back on your White Power horse, take the reigns and continue


Sitting in your new power space for all else to flow and follow.

In reading this even if you do not fully �understand� all of this, if one reads and feels and is

open and connected, then somewhere this resonates and helps ones vibration to raise.

Anastacia-Blue Beyond Divine 11:11 Master Healings are available for those who resonate

and feel they are �ready� for assistance and guidance in helping themselves in all

they are, to gain clarity, insight and further healing or what ever it is for you to take

the next step/s on your Soul and Spirits Divine Journey.

May I honor and gift you the reader that has taken the �time� to read and feel this.

For more infomation >> Ascension Time Line Update - Duration: 11:34.


Games4King - Find The King Crown Game Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 4:52.

Games4King - Find The King Crown Game

For more infomation >> Games4King - Find The King Crown Game Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 4:52.


Membership Requirements for Institutional Review Boards (IRB) - Duration: 13:02.


My name is Misti Ault Anderson, and I work in OHRP's Division of Education and Development.

This tutorial was created to help explain some of the requirements relating to IRB membership.

It reviews the requirements for IRB membership set out in the HHS regulations for the protection

of human subjects at 45 CFR Part 46, and answers some common questions.

After completing this tutorial, you should have a better understanding of the regulations

regarding IRB membership and how to apply them.

Let's get started!

An Institutional Review Board, or IRB, is a committee that monitors and protects the

rights and welfare of human subjects in research.

IRB review is a core component of human subjects protections under the HHS regulations.

The IRB determines whether the reviewed research activities meet regulatory requirements and

standards prior to and throughout the course of the research.

The weight of this responsibility means that the selection of members to serve on the IRB

should be thoughtfully considered, with a particular emphasis on their experiences and


The regulations require each IRB to have at least five members with varying backgrounds.

The IRB must be sufficiently qualified through the experience, expertise, and diversity of

its members to review the institution's research activities.

Relevant considerations include training and education, race, gender, cultural background,

and sensitivity to community attitudes.

In addition to a diversity of experience and perspectives, the IRB, as a whole, must be

able to review proposed research in terms of institutional commitments and regulations,

applicable laws, and standards of professional conduct and practice.

This means that its membership must include people who are knowledgeable in these areas.

An IRB needs to possess the professional competence to determine the acceptability of proposed

research with respect to regulations and policies, which includes whether the design and methodology

of the proposed research is ethically appropriate.

It is expected that the IRB will have the appropriate expertise to meet the membership

requirements with respect to the type of research it regularly reviews.

For example, an IRB that routinely reviews psychology research would be expected to include

one or more members with an expertise in that area.

Similarly, if an IRB regularly reviews research involving vulnerable populations, it should

have one or more members who have knowledge of and experience working with those populations.

To help ensure the IRB has the necessary expertise and diversity, the regulations put forth some

minimum membership requirements.

As noted earlier, there must be at least five members.

Of these, each IRB must include: at least one scientist, at least one nonscientist,

and at least one member who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution.

Institutions must indicate in the membership list whether members are scientists or nonscientists,

and whether or not they are affiliated with the institution.

In addition to the other categories of members, if an IRB oversees a study involving prisoners,

as defined under Subpart C, at least one member of the IRB must be a prisoner or a prisoner

representative with the appropriate background and experience to serve in that capacity.

OHRP recommends that a prisoner representative have a close working knowledge, understanding,

and appreciation of prison conditions from the prisoner's perspective.

If a particular proposal is reviewed by multiple IRBs, which may occur for a cooperative research

project, only one of the reviewing IRBs needs to satisfy this requirement.

Note that when reviewing research involving prisoners, a majority of the IRB members (excluding

the prisoner member) must not be associated with the prison(s) involved, outside of their

membership on the IRB.

Each IRB must have at least one designated scientist member.

This member's primary concerns are in scientific areas.

This means at least one member must be able to review research activities from a scientific


This member should be able to provide meaningful insight about the science, such as the scientific

validity of the hypothesis or proposed methodology.

When considering whether an individual fulfills this requirement, think about whether their

professional training, background, and occupation equip them to review research activities from

the standpoint of a scientist working in the biomedical or socio-behavioral disciplines.

If so, that person might be a good choice to fulfill this requirement.

Linda studied philosophy in college and later earned a Master's Degree in Public Health.

She currently conducts epidemiological studies on infectious diseases with major public health

implications at a state university.

Is she qualified to serve as the scientist member on her university's IRB?

Likely yes.

Regardless of Linda's undergraduate degree in the humanities, her postgraduate training

in public health and her experience in conducting research in infectious diseases would likely

qualify her to serve as a scientist member on the IRB.

Each IRB must also have at least one designated nonscientist member.

This member must be a person whose primary concerns are in nonscientific areas.

Their professional training, background, and occupation should indicate they are likely

to review research from a perspective outside the realm of biomedical or socio-behavioral


This requirement helps ensure that there will be discussion of diverse perspectives and

consideration of a broad range of issues that may affect research subjects.

Peter has a PhD in Social Work and was trained in the scientific method for his dissertation.

However, for the past 10 years, Peter has worked to secure access to public benefits

for underserved immigrant communities.

The IRB chair wants to recruit him as a nonscientist member.

Is Peter eligible for the role?

Likely yes.

Even though Peter has received training in the scientific methodology, his professional

experience includes no direct involvement in any scientific work.

It's reasonable to assume that Peter will be inclined to view research from a standpoint

outside of any scientific discipline.

Thus, he is likely eligible to serve as a nonscientist member of the IRB.

Each IRB must also have at least one designated unaffiliated member.

The unaffiliated member must not be affiliated with the institution, aside from serving on

the IRB.

This member also must not be someone who is an immediate family member of a person affiliated

with the institution.

OHRP considers spouses, parents, and children to be immediate family members.

Anyone who is affiliated or is an immediate family member of an affiliated person cannot

serve in this role.

For example: part-time or full-time employees, current students, members of any governing

panel or board of the institution, paid or unpaid consultants, healthcare providers holding

credentials to practice at the institution, and volunteers working at the institution

on business unrelated to the IRB are all considered "affiliated," and as such, they or their

immediate family members cannot fulfill the unaffiliated member requirement.

Some limited institutional associations still permit persons to serve as an unaffiliated

IRB member.

Examples include: past or current patients of the institution, past or current subjects

in research conducted by the institution, former students of the institution, infrequent

and small donors to the institution, or former or retired employees not receiving benefits

from the institution, such as a pension, housing, or health care.

Such individuals could serve as unaffiliated members of the IRB.

Note that paying unaffiliated members for their IRB service does not make them affiliated.

Although the unaffiliated member is often referred to as the community member or community

representative, the regulations call for an "unaffiliated" member, and don't specify

that this member represents any particular community.

The regulations require an individual who is not otherwise affiliated with the institution.

For example, a hospital chaplain may be an active and vocal community advocate but if

she is employed by the hospital, she cannot be the unaffiliated member on the hospital's

IRB, nor could an immediate family member such as her spouse.

However, she could serve as a nonscientist member.

Note that the regulations allow for a member to fulfill more than one role.

For example, one person could serve as both the unaffiliated member and the nonscientist


Dr. Jones worked as a pediatrician at your research medical center for three years prior

to her retirement.

She does not currently maintain any ties with the institution.

As the IRB Chair, you would like to recruit her to serve as the unaffiliated member (or

what many refer to as the "community member") of your IRB.

Is Dr. Jones eligible for this role?

Likely yes.

Dr. Jones is eligible to be considered as an unaffiliated member of your institution's

IRB if she is not receiving any benefits from the institution such as retirement, pension,

or healthcare benefits and does not have any other affiliation with the institution.

An IRB administrator who meets the membership requirements may also serve as a member, provided

the administrator is included on the IRB membership list (as required for IRB members in general).

Note that an IRB chair is necessarily a member of the IRB.

If an IRB regularly reviews research involving populations vulnerable to coercion or undue

influence, such as children, prisoners, individuals with impaired decision-making capacity, or

economically or educationally disadvantaged people, consideration must be given to including

as an IRB member one or more individuals who are knowledgeable about and experienced in

working with these populations.

An IRB may decide that reviewing a particular research proposal or set of activities requires

a specific area of expertise not provided by its membership.

When this occurs, it may invite individuals with the necessary competence to supplement

the IRB's experience and assist with review.

For example, someone with a particular expertise in epidemiology or pediatric oncology might

be needed to review a specific clinical protocol.

Or an individual who has experience with and an understanding of a particular community's

norms may be asked to provide input on a study's recruitment strategy.

Outside experts don't need to be present for all aspects of discussion, and their participation

can take various forms, such as in-person attendance or teleconference with a convened

meeting, or providing written or oral advice in advance of the meeting.

However, participation of non-member experts in a convened meeting must be documented in

the minutes.

It is important to remember that non-member experts may not vote with the IRB.

IRBs may designate alternates for some or all of their primary members to ensure that

full board meetings can be convened, even if one or more of the primary members are

unavailable or lack the necessary expertise.

Although how an institution selects and identifies alternate members is left to the institution's

discretion, the requirements regarding the number and type of members that must be present

at a meeting must still be met.

For example, if no designated nonscientist member can attend a meeting, the alternate

who attends must also be a nonscientist.

The HHS regulations do not address term limits or length of service for IRB members or chairpersons.

It is up to the institution or the organization operating the IRB as to whether and how it

develops policies regarding length of service, the staggering of term limits, or balancing

continuity of experience with the inclusion of new perspectives and expertise.

That concludes this review of the IRB membership requirements.

We hope you found it helpful.

We've focused on the key ideas here, but encourage you to consult the regulations for

more detailed information.

Visit OHRP's website,, for additional information.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> Membership Requirements for Institutional Review Boards (IRB) - Duration: 13:02.


Artists Evicted from Warehouse in San Francisco| KQED Arts - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Artists Evicted from Warehouse in San Francisco| KQED Arts - Duration: 1:12.


Ikea Vlog 2017 The Netherlands 😉| Back Baby Wrap with Bear – Family Vlogs 128 - Duration: 8:59.

hello everyone, welcome again to a new week vlog

we now are having lunch at Ikea

and later we will look for things for our home and for Danny's room

that is fun Danny


a tram

we are now going to Ikea

we now will mostly look and then order later online

for sure these shoe racks, because to many shoes and too little space

We have the buggy with us

do you find that a pretty closet for your room Danny?

where is he?

yes where is he?

you can open and close it easy by your self without getting your fingers stuck

that is convenient right

I think that this for clothing is perfect

and the same kind but lower , maybe two sets for toys

yes indeed

Danny loves sliding doors

be careful for your fingers

it is because at home we also have a sliding door

oh yes, that is pretty

he where did Danny go

I am here


on here

where is he now?


do it calm

don't close it too hard

yes here

oh hey, look


yes do you find it pretty?

a hanging thing

come we will look further

we go that way

no come Danny

look, then we will look at the rooms

here you also have all kind of rooms

that is again a closet

he there is something inside

we already have a bed

we still need to sand and paint it

a simple oak wood bed

but a nice firm one

we want to make it white (it will become grey )

that is also nice those boxes

can I sit

is it allowed?

no don't do it


we will look further

this color is really nice all together

that is why I am showing it

I have to think about Irvina right away

her color Yellow

look so cute

fun idea to do yourself

you don't need to swing

trying chairs

we also need a new dinner table

but not this one

why not this one? there is no space in between

that is right but , that there is maybe too small

this is very big

we don't need this big of a table

but maybe there are variations of it.. I don't know

it became the smaller version of this one

180 and 135

yes this is not really a table for us I think

do your legs normal

then you are against it

my legs fit underneath

I have space

it could be done

this can be fine

yes those chairs sit good

not those

but the one I am sitting on

that is this one

look and the chair there, the green one I think looks very nice

but it has a half support and it is more expensive because it is real leather

and the other is fake leather

no Danny you cannot sit high

then you will fall

don't do it

you can sit on all the lower chairs

we will go back?

are we going that way?

soon Danny

we need to look for storage dressers


yes somewhere in the beginning

and probably this kind of table , with those chairs

but then the smaller table

we used to have everything wood color at home

but we want to switch slowly

we start with that

we will do this dresser for Danny

but then without the red

and then with black and grey boxes

and the rest open

do you want to lunch? but just have eaten

again hungry

does that sit good

sit down

crooked .. is it crooked?

you sank in it

it feels like there is a blow up pillow in the back

don't you find it sit good then?

better then that you have your legs all to the front

but I have that because I sink too much in it

do you sit good Danny



are we going?

to the station

and there to a bus

we bought this at Ikea

for Danny

and the rest we will order online




get out

try it yourself

he wants to get them out

pull it.. no



look black


we are going to the register

are you going to the register?

Danny wanted to have bear on his back

it is not fully ergonomic , but it is set

it is like the Japanese way


only his arm is a bit weird

there they also have thin wraps for it

daddy also


thanks for watching!

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