Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

JY: you stepped on my feet and ran away

JY: I'm barefoot and you ran while stepping on me

ZZ: I didn't feel anything

ZZ: I really stepped on you?

JY: you stepped on my toes and ran

ZZ: the way you drink wine is really so...

ZZ: I couldn't control myself, I "puuu!" and burst into laughter

ZZ: no, you were like this

JY: when other people drink wine, they lift their head

JY: but for you, you move forward

WY: he/she made me hold the glass in this way, but my arm can't go higher anymore, I'm already at the limit

WY: higher! higher!

ZZ: what are they talking about outside?

WY: I brought in the attitude/style of Li wang (his role in Counterattack) into Shangyin again

- Yesterday, the Nokia phone is pink

- It's this phone ZZ: it's this phone

- Give me the phone

- It should be this

ZZ: hello hello hello? is this 110? I'm reporting a case

- Okay, is everyone ready?

- Prepare for the actual filming

- Come, hide yourselves

- Hide yourselves

- Hold on

ZZ: should I close the door? - Wait a while

- People inside the room, come out!

- Come out, people inside the room!

- Start over again

- People inside the room, don't sit on the bed

- if you sit on the bed, your butt will be included...

- Tidy up the bedsheet

- Keep it neat

- Okay, ready!

- Record

- Start!

JY: you little brat, come out!

ZZ: the windows are kept open, try getting in if you can JY: I'll get you!

- Okay, cut, one more time

JY: my neck is short

JY: your tallest is 185cm? WY: yes

WY: you are not 186cm

JY: it's not possible that you are 185cm, you are definitely taller than 185cm ZZ: it's not possible that you are 185cm

- Yu ge (Wangyu), you must've measured it wrongly, your height are always full of bugs (error)

JY: you are definitely around 188 or 187cm ZZ: 188cm

- Bai luoyin, how tall are you?

ZZ: 185cm

- You?

JY: 187cm

- You?

WY: me? 1..1..185cm JY: you are 190cm!

WY: 185cm JY: 190cm!

- You are definitely taller than this

WY: I should be 188cm, I measured it with a measuring tape

JY: measuring tapes are not accurate

- He is a model, his measurements of his body is definitely accurate

- yours is definitely inaccurate

WY: then I should be around 187 or 188 cm

JY: you are definitely around 188cm

WY: so I'm 190cm if I wear shoes

JY: you are definitely around 189cm if you wear shoes

- Face each other too, let me see WY: you are 188cm...186cm when you wear shoes?

- Do the same as what Yu ge did just now JY: I'm 186cm when I'm not wearing shoes, I'm 186cm when I'm barefoot

JY: I'm 187cm with shoes ZZ: you want me to compare my height with him?

- Yes, compare heights with him, face each other

- Quick quick, face to face

- Looking from this angle, he looks taller than you

WY: it's because you are too short, you made him/them look...

- I can't, I'm scared that I will topple over

JY: the giant is here!

- I should stand at the other side

WY: the heights of this production team are too unclear

- Doremi

- Tallest

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub/Cut] Addicted webseries Korea BTS - With Guyang - Duration: 4:12.


МАШИНЫ НА ДОРОГЕ изучаем и играем вместе!!! - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> МАШИНЫ НА ДОРОГЕ изучаем и играем вместе!!! - Duration: 3:36.





Поздравление с 1 Мая видео скачать . Первомай. Футаж к 1 Мая. Поздравительная открытка с 1 Мая - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Поздравление с 1 Мая видео скачать . Первомай. Футаж к 1 Мая. Поздравительная открытка с 1 Мая - Duration: 0:27.


Trader Trump Tax Plan Likely To Send S&P To New Record Highs No Matter What He Says - Duration: 4:49.

Trader Trump Tax Plan Likely To Send S&P To New Record Highs No Matter What He Says

by Tyler Durden

Having extensively previewed the various known and unknown aspects of Trump's tax plan yesterday,

set to be announced shortly, the reality - at least according to Bloomberg's Mark Cudmore

- is that no matter what Trump says today, it will almost certainly lead to more stock

buying, leading to yet another "Trump Bump."

Which is ironic for one main reason: "Trump�s tax plan is expected to promise great things,

but it�ll mean little without approval from Congress.

So the consensus is that it�s unlikely to impact too much either way beyond some short-term


Furthermore, and counterintuitively, it would be a "positive surprise if the plan isn�t

overly ambitious and doesn�t promise too much.

That would make fiscal stimulus suddenly seem more achievable and realistic."

However, Cudmore says that is an unlikely outcome: "One of the few inarguable facets

of Trump is he knows how to get attention and viewers.

Trump�s tax proposal is likely to be dramatic with some bold statements."

There is one possibility Trump "disappoints" markets:

"A negative surprise would come from Trump straying off script and raising the prospect

of trade wars again.

Given his threats regarding Canadian dairy products and Wilbur Ross�s comments about

further tariff actions on other products, this is a distinct possibility."

And yet, the base case is that "Trump will provide little fundamental change.

And the odds for a surprise skew negative.

Yet markets have a tendency to focus on the news that matches their mood and suits the

preferred narrative.

Hard facts aren�t always malleable, but a legislative wishlist -- through the miracle

of selective sampling -- can be bent to one�s purpose more easily."

The bottom line: traders will goalseek Trump's statement to justify a move higher, as "the

prevailing sentiment suggests U.S. stocks will achieve record highs within days.

It�ll just be a matter of how long it takes to work out which part of Trump�s proposal

will justify that move after the fact."

His full note below:

Macro View: Eager U.S. Equity Investors Will Ensure a Trump Bump

Investors are looking for a reason to buy U.S. equities again, which means they�ll

probably find one in Donald Trump�s tax plan no matter what he says on Wednesday.

With multiple geopolitical risks successfully navigated during the past couple of months,

investors are long cash and seeing a market rally sharply, backed by strong earnings.

Psychologically, it�s difficult to admit to being underexposed to the global bullishness

and to have to enter fresh market longs within 1% of the record high.

Traders will cast around for something on which to pin their sudden change of heart,

even if it�s tenuous.

Trump�s tax plan is expected to promise great things, but it�ll mean little without

approval from Congress.

So the consensus is that it�s unlikely to impact too much either way beyond some short-term


Counterintuitively, it will be a positive surprise if the plan isn�t overly ambitious

and doesn�t promise too much.

That would make fiscal stimulus suddenly seem more achievable and realistic.

I wouldn�t recommend raising your hopes for that outcome.

One of the few inarguable facets of Trump is he knows how to get attention and viewers.

Trump�s tax proposal is likely to be dramatic with some bold statements.

A negative surprise would come from Trump straying off script and raising the prospect

of trade wars again.

Given his threats regarding Canadian dairy products and Wilbur Ross�s comments about

further tariff actions on other products, this is a distinct possibility.

So the base case is that Trump will provide little fundamental change.

And the odds for a surprise skew negative.

Yet markets have a tendency to focus on the news that matches their mood and suits the

preferred narrative.

Hard facts aren�t always malleable, but a legislative wishlist -- through the miracle

of selective sampling -- can be bent to one�s purpose more easily.

The prevailing sentiment suggests U.S. stocks will achieve record highs within days.

It�ll just be a matter of how long it takes to work out which part of Trump�s proposal

will justify that move after the fact.

For more infomation >> Trader Trump Tax Plan Likely To Send S&P To New Record Highs No Matter What He Says - Duration: 4:49.


Still Loving You | 闪耀的恩秀 | 빛나라 은수 - Ep.103 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.04.27] - Duration: 32:14.

(Episode 103)

What happened? Collapsed? Why?

I don't know the details.

What about the baby?

I don't know. There was no mention of the baby.

That's probably because the baby's fine.

Don't worry, Mom.

It's been trouble after trouble since Bitna left.

Don't worry, Dad.

They'll call if anything comes up.


Where's Grandmother?

I just drove her home.

Can we talk?

You must've been alarmed.

I'm sorry.

I'm not blaming you.

This is all my fault.

It's my fault too.

Have you decided to go ahead with the divorce?

I don't know yet.

It's very late, so go.

You have to get to work tomorrow.

I'll stay.

It could be harder on Bitna

if you stay.

Bitna hasn't gotten over you get.


I'll stay.

I'm ba...

Yes, okay.

I'll have Eunsu bring you a change of clothes.

Suhyeon, take good care of Bitna.

Okay, Suhyeon.

Hang in there, Suhyeon. Okay.

He's spending the night at the hospital.

I see. What did the doctor say?

Is she doing poorly?

She'll be fine after a few days at the hospital.

The baby's fine too.

Suhyeon's with her,

so don't worry too much.

Okay. Thanks.

Go and get some sleep.

Good night.

What's keeping you? Let's go sleep.

I don't get Bitna's grandmother.

Why'd she have to call Suhyeon this late

and cause this big fuss?

She's so spiteful.

Geez, Seonyeong.

You were worried sick about Bitna.

Now that she's okay, you do an about-face?

It was because I thought she was deathly ill.

She could just be acting too.

Don't be ridiculous.

What would she get out of that?

Good grief. You're so clueless.

What do you think?

She wants to hold on to our amazing Suhyeon.

She lies through her teeth, so of course

she can feign being sick.


I'm sorry I got angry.

I didn't know you'd write me a card.


Thank you.

I love you too.

I'm a replacement.

I'm just replacing Mom, whom Grandma

always misses and longs for.

Lean on me when it gets tough.

You're no longer alone.

(Divorce Agreement)

(Husband: Yoon Suhyeon, Wife: Kim Bitna - Signed)

I think the biggest reason Bitna felt she had to

keep lying was probably you.

Because she truly loves and cares about you.

(Divorce Agreement)

You should get to work. It's late.


How do you feel?

I'm okay.

I'll be back in the evening.

You don't have to force yourself.

No. Don't come anymore.

I don't think you're obliged to keep me safe.

We're no longer together.

We'll talk again in the evening.


Did you just get here?


This is a change of clothes.

Thank you.

How's Bitna?

She's doing better.

Thank you very much for driving me there.

I'll go then.

Oh, my. Oh, my. What happened?

I hope the baby's okay.

Thankfully, the baby's fine.

The whole house is on alert

because Bitna collapsed.

Maybe it's the lack of sleep,

but I'm achy all over.

Maybe I should close up...

Oh. I have a customer.

- I should go. / - Sure, sure.

I wonder if Eunsu's okay.

Hope she's not feeling guilty about this.

- Call her and ask. / - Okay.

Eunsu, it's me.

Sunjeong told me and I was worried.

Are you okay?

You are?

I was worried you'd be stressing

yourself out over it.

I'm glad if you're not.

How's Suho?

What's wrong? Do you need something?


What time is it, Grandma?

Hang on.

8 p.m.

Are you waiting for Suhyeon?



Yes, it's me. Where are you?

Oh. Too bad then.

Listen, Suhyeon.

Your Bitna's one and only.

You know that, right?


Okay, okay.

I'm sorry.

Take good care of her for me.

Yes, okay. Bye.

Something came up, so he can't come.

You're disappointed, right?


Yes, you are.

You can't fool me.

Bitna, if Suhyeon suggests getting back together,

don't split hairs and just say yes, okay?

That won't happen, Grandma.

He doesn't even love me.

But he came right over upon hearing

that you'd collapsed.

Suhyeon still has feelings for you.

So what is it you'd like to tell us?

I needed to tell you and get your approval first.

I agonized over this.

Mom and Dad,

I'm thinking of staying with Bitna.

I'm against it. No way!

You must be wavering because she collapsed,

but take a long, hard look at things.

Think about what she's done!

She may have been young when it happened,

but she deceived us

instead of showing any signs of remorse.

That girl scares me. No.

Do you feel the same way, Dad?

Why aren't you saying anything?

You should say no too.

You'll take her back even though she left on her own?

What did you say?

You said we'd decide after the verdict.

It's fine if that's how you feel,

but if you're acting impulsively like your mom said,

then you should forget about it.

It's not like that.

No, Mom.

As a fellow human, I feel sorry for Bitna,

but I can't approve either.

Strictly speaking, she conned you into marrying her.

It's tough once trust is broken between a couple.

Well put, Sunjeong.

What's more important than trust in a marriage?

It'll be tough,

but trust can be restored with effort

if they love each other.

You be quiet.

I don't know if Bitna conned Suhyeon.

But although I'm disappointed in Bitna,

I'll maintain my neutrality.

This isn't your place to butt in. Be quiet.

Suhyeon, you must make a prudent decision.

Like Dad said, don't act on impulse and regret it.

But isn't Eunsu's opinion what really matter?

She's the biggest victim here.

I'm back.

Yes, hi, Eunsu.

Suho says he'll be late.

Right, Beomgyu?

Please think about it.

I'm going upstairs.

Huh? It's lunchtime.

I'm off to have lunch.

Why? Did you find a good place?

I want to have cake Mr. Yoon had gotten us.

I'm going to have that.

Turns out the cafe's run by Mr. Yoon's aunt.


What? That's where Eunho used to work.

That's great.

I've been craving that cake too.

I'll come with you.

Mr. Lee, would you like to join us?

Mr. Yoon's aunt runs that cafe.

But cake for lunch?

Fine. Then shall we have an American-style lunch?

Ms. Oh, would you like to come too?

No. I have work left to finish.

Go ahead.

You must be meeting someone.

A friend.

The cake's on the house. Enjoy.

- Thank you. / - Sure.

Oh, hello.

What would you...

Do you have a cold?

Looks like I'm coming down with one.

There's just so much to worry about at home.

Do you want an Americano...

What is this?

Did he run off from being afraid of getting a cold?

Wow. Unbelievable.



I'm Lee Jungseok, head of Planning at Yoon Ga.

My staff is raving about the cake here,

so we came to have lunch.

Mr. Lee and Ms. Park, enjoy your lunch.

My order's already here.


What? You had a prior engagement?


Oh, right. This is Ms. Oh Eunsu's brother.


This is our manager and assistant manager.

Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you too.

I do see some resemblance with Ms. Oh.

So you two know each other?

We met recently.

He's my future boyfriend.


Ms. Park, hands off him.

You do seem to make a fine pair.

Right, Ms. Park?

I don't know.

I don't think they make a good match.

Ji-eun's too good for him.

But Eunho has it going for him.

He just took the civil service exam,

which he's bound to pass,

and he's also a successful webtoon writer.

Really? That's impressive.

Ji-eun, you'll have to hold onto him.

He'll make a great husband.

Will do.

- Since you came all this way... / - Oh, my.

This is on the house.


Thank you.

- Welco... / - Sunjeong.

Sunjeong, I got you medicine.

It's cold medicine.

You went to get me medicine?

You'll suffer if you don't fight off

a cold in its early stages.

Here. Drink this.

Do you know how sweet you are?

This won't do.

I'll have to put my foot down before

Suhyeon does anything.

- Dad. / - Huh?


To the hospital.

You're worried about Bitna.

Say, Suho.

What do you think about Suhyeon

staying with Bitna?

Did Suhyeon say he wants to?


If that's what he wants, he should.

I'm for it.

I don't know how Eunsu will feel about it.


What are you doing here?

What about you?

We know she's sick, so I couldn't turn a blind eye.

Same here.

Don't you dare tell her to come back home.

No way.

Let's go in.

We're here. Bitna.


Don't strain yourself. Lie down.


How are you feeling?

I'm okay.

I'm sorry to worry you, Mother and Father.

Are you eating okay?

You've lost so much weight in just a few days.

The baby aside, you yourself will fall ill.

Force yourself to eat even if you don't want to.

You won't get better otherwise.

Uri and Nara, let's have pastries.

I got really good ones.

Nara's not home.

Where did she go?

Sumin asked to see Nara alone.

Just Nara? Why?

I bet they went out to eat without us.

It's not fair.

We'll take this.

Right. But junior bras differ

by developmental stage,

so you can't eyeball it.

You need accurate measurements.

Wearing a bra that doesn't fit

is uncomfortable

and changes form.

- Then we'll have her measured. / - Okay.

Let's do it inside for your comfort.

Go on. I'll wait here.

Are you upset?

Nara, I brought you here because

I figured you needed a bra

but felt uncomfortable about

asking your dad.

Don't take it the wrong way.

I have no ulterior motive, okay?


Oh? Nara.

Are you okay?

Yes, we're fine.

I'm sorry.

Nara, are you okay?

Are you hurt?

Let me see.

Let me take a look.

You poor thing.

Let me see.

Nara, what's wrong?

Are you in pain?

Are you hurt?

Nara, what's wrong?

Did I offend you again?


Where did you go without us?

Just somewhere.

Park Nara, what's that?

You don't have to know. It's mine.

Nara, it's food, right?

You won't share?

I want some too, Nara!

Park Uri, it's not food.

It's a ladies' secret, so lay off her.

Hyeongsik, I'm hungry. Make me something.

Why aren't you eating if you're hungry?

You enjoyed it last time. Eat.

Pardon? I-I'm about to eat.

Yum. It's delicious.

You've had it before.


It can't be as good since

we had less fish cakes and seasoning.


It's 100 times better than last time.

What's with you?

Tell us.

Let's laugh together.


Good grief.

What's wrong?

I feel bad.

I said I'd be a mother to Bitna when she married,

but I feel like I've been a mean mother-in-law.

And she must have suffered physically and

emotionally to have lost so much weight.

They say the guilty have no peace.

She couldn't have been at ease.

Why did she have to do such a thing?


She must miss her mom a lot at times like this.

What are we going to do?

About what?

About Suhyeon.

Will you let him stay with Bitna?

What do you think we should do?

Geez, I don't know. I'm on the fence.

I was completely against it, but seeing her has

made me feel sorry for her.

Bitna was good to us in her own way.

It's only right we ask Eunsu how she feels first.

I'm leaving now, so I should be there by then.

Okay. See you there then.

You must be heading out.

Yes. What about you?

I still have a bit of work left.

I see.

- Suhyeon... / - Eunsu...

Go ahead if you have something to say.

N-No. What were you going to say?

Hang in there.

Suhyeon, hang in there.

Thank you.

What is this?

You know what it is.

Let's have a bicycle date.

Wow. It's so pretty.

Watch out.

No. Again.

1, 2, 3.


I'm going to catch you!

No, no.

I'm going to catch you!

Stop it.

Do you feel better?

You seem to have a knack for making me smile.

No matter how tired and stressed I am,

seeing you brings a smile to my face.

I feel the same way.

I get a boost of self-confidence and energy

when I look at you.

Power up.


I heard from Dad today that

Suhyeon wants to stay with Bitna.

The decision hasn't been made yet,

but Dad's worried about you.

I'll say no if you're against it.

You know I'm on your side, right?

I know.

Then we're all set. Whatever. Whatever.


Power up.

This is nice.

Suho told me about Suhyeon and Bitna.

I didn't want to bring

the truth to light in order to hurt Suhyeon.

I know. I completely understand.

I was very hesitant as I worried that not only

Mother and Father but the whole family

would suffer from this.

But what Suho said helped me a lot.


I didn't say anything.

He said we couldn't

cover it up just because we're family.

You said if we were really family,

we'd have to overcome this together.

I did?

Mother and Father,

I still believe that.

It'll be a bit hard, but if we're really family,

I think Bitna and I can overcome this.

Will you really be okay?


Good. Thank you.

Thank you, Eunsu.

Don't thank me.

I'm sorry for all the heartache I caused.

It's very cool of you, Eunsu.

It couldn't have been an easy decision.

Hello, baby, our bundle of joy,

Scrooge, who saw his past, present, and future,

felt remorseful of his life...

I kept you waiting, right?

I wanted to come sooner, but

I had to sort out some things.

Let's go home when you're released.

The family's waiting for you to return.

I told you it was over between us.


Stop it.

Being clingy is my specialty.

It's not what you do.

We're through,

so please go.

Do you still hate me?

Are you disappointed in me?


For more infomation >> Still Loving You | 闪耀的恩秀 | 빛나라 은수 - Ep.103 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.04.27] - Duration: 32:14.


紳士のジャックダニエル 手に届くプレミアムをどうぞ Gentleman Jack - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 紳士のジャックダニエル 手に届くプレミアムをどうぞ Gentleman Jack - Duration: 3:33.


Sun Behind Clouds & Trees | India | Parvez Shaik - Duration: 3:40.

Watch In HD

Im Shooting This From Car

While Travelling

So Many Trees

So Many Trees

Thanks For Watching

For more infomation >> Sun Behind Clouds & Trees | India | Parvez Shaik - Duration: 3:40.


Groch Kasza Gorąco | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Kołysanki | Przedszkola Piosenki | Rymy 3D - Duration: 55:49.

Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,

Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old;

Some like it hot, some like it cold,

Some like it in the pot, nine days old.

Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold,

Pease porridge in the pot, nine days old;

Some like it hot, some like it cold,

Some like it in the pot, nine days old.

For more infomation >> Groch Kasza Gorąco | Polskie Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Kołysanki | Przedszkola Piosenki | Rymy 3D - Duration: 55:49.


Nói về mình bằng tiếng Việt - Mình là người Nhật! - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Nói về mình bằng tiếng Việt - Mình là người Nhật! - Duration: 4:50.


ЗВЕРЕВ с иконой ублажил БУЗОВУ (27.04.2017) - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> ЗВЕРЕВ с иконой ублажил БУЗОВУ (27.04.2017) - Duration: 2:21.


Paranormal Investigation | Backhouse | Ep. 3 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Paranormal Investigation | Backhouse | Ep. 3 - Duration: 2:55.


Роберт Адамс. Сатсанг - Истинная непривязанность. (Аудиокнига Nikosho) - Duration: 33:16.

For more infomation >> Роберт Адамс. Сатсанг - Истинная непривязанность. (Аудиокнига Nikosho) - Duration: 33:16.


Tháng 5/2017: 4 con giáp BỪNG BỪNG đón lộc, tiền vàng ào ào đổ về chật két - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Tháng 5/2017: 4 con giáp BỪNG BỪNG đón lộc, tiền vàng ào ào đổ về chật két - Duration: 3:37.


Was hilft gegen beschlagene Autoscheiben? | Toyota - eine Liebe für's Leben - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Was hilft gegen beschlagene Autoscheiben? | Toyota - eine Liebe für's Leben - Duration: 1:00.


Gorilla Finger Family Nursery Rhymes | Dinosaur finger family rhymes collection - Duration: 15:36.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Gorilla Finger Family Nursery Rhymes | Dinosaur finger family rhymes collection - Duration: 15:36.


If Undertale was Real 2. (Animation) With Subtitles - Duration: 5:06.

Is this the right way, am I going?

All right then.

Oh.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Woo Oh My God it's cold!

my nips are like proper erected. Ahahahahaha.

I've never seen my nips

this big before. Yeah you better stay away


I'll stab you with my sword nips. Ahahaha.

Jesus Christ


I won't recommend attacking me

Unless you want your eyes poked out by my nips


Don't you know how to create a new pal?

turn around


Wohohohahaha. The old whoopie cushion in my hands.

trick. Oh, never mind. There was just me I

shot meself


That smells so bad. Yeah, good thing

I wear diapers, That nailed it. *Hahaha*

Your're proper weird.

Oh shit, me's brother coming in here. Take

this lampshade and pretent to be a lamp.

Like this? Am i a lamp now? Absolutely Lamp. (Lampu) [lol]

Brilliant. Hi Sans! How's it going papyrus? Hey, what could'nt

the skeleton go to the Prom? Because he

had no "body" to go with. Nah m8, cause it was

ugly, fat and no one liked him.


what was that sound

Oh no that was just a lamp. Oh, ok. I'm going back

to my PUZZLES now. They're pretty

blown away that if I do say so myself


kill me

How's it going lamp boy (lol) Not bad

always wanted to be a lamp at some point

in my life. Definitely feel that desire

today. You know me brothers never seen a

human before. Beside from porn of course. (LOL)

you guys do some weird shits.

Speaking of

shit I'm really enjoying yours now, so

I'm gonna not go smell it, over there.

Excuse me, could you change my diaper

for me please.

Oh, hello doggie.

*Random Noises*

*Still random noises*

Woah! God!

(20 Mach Speed Doggie Race Towards The Moon)

(20 Mach Speed Doggie Race Towards The Moon)

(20 Mach Speed Doggie Race Towards The Moon)

Reports have found out that an strange creature have eliminated the moon which makes an cresent shape now which gives birth to Assasination Classroom which than gives birth to Frisk and Chara to be developed as Nagisa as the main character of Assasination Classroom. That concludes our reports today by ur host Lollipichy.

I used to like dogs until today


you're right

Ahh, not you again. Is that what I think it is?

Dog could be sexing but looking for what it is?

It's an giraffe! I'm not a giraffe

I'm a genderless child. Ah.. he's a human. Oh human!

what if I capture this human and than

Undyne, the fish king might promote me

so you're trying to impress a fish.

your life sounds tragic

I'll have some puzzles in store

For you.

*Nyahahaha* *Coughs*


You know, your brother is an absolute goon right?

Go easy on him, he's having a tough life

How so?

Well, he start to doing cooking classes recently.

Sounds hard man

don't you worry though I'll go to tell the starving African kids how hard this guy's life is compared to theirs.

Good one. Well, I'll see you up ahead. Go into town,

go say "poop" and might get you a drink.

You have me a pub. I can easily drink so bad

I'll see you there let's go.

Hey, hold up.


We are evil dogs and we're gonna kill you

Yeah. Oh yeah oh yeah.


You've arrived human. Try and beat my PUZZLE if you can.

You're not interested m8 (Ohhh Rekt)

Ah.. hold on!

Okay try and get pass this PUZ..


Hold on child.

Try and.. try and get pass this, child.

Papyrus : *Jaw Opens*

I'll see you at the pub.

I hate my life.

Now, about that drink.

Yes, lad. Drinks are on me. Let's get


I've been waiting for you child.

Can you not yell, it hurts.

You see, I actually like giraffes.

however, I am done wounds on nice giraffes.

/human to act to has you.

Yeah, I'mma just gonna walk past you . Because you're about as useless as an ass flavored lollipop.

unless you're into eating ass

and you enjoy the taste than.. I won't judge

I guess it's come down to this.

Taste my pain!

Nice going.

What a dodge.

Eat this!

(Not even moving) [Faker Mechanix Ohh]

you're really good at this

How is he dodging my attacks like this? (GG retard)

it's because you don't want to fight me?

yeah sure that's what it is


Does this mean that we are..


I mean.. I don't hate you but I don't

necessarily really enjoy that much either.

like I probably go to your funeral if

you die but I probably would show up got

a party going on. You know what I mean like that

kind of friendship zone

You're a wonderful human

I'll let you pass

Well thank you very much you have a good

day now

Would you like to hang out sometime?


How about a date?

I'm a genderless child I don't even know how

we would even fornicate.

I have bones.

But I'm not interested sorry

Are you enjoying the date so far?

We're not on a date.

You make me feel like a cool dude

Definitely likewise.

Do you put out on the first date?

just wondering cause I definitely want.

Can you go away?

This date is wonderful.

Please stop. (Kill me)

I think I'm in



Oh my!

Are you okay? Papyrus!

If you're not dead, than say something

If this was an accident and I didn't push you,

don't say anything.

I'm glad that it all cleared it up

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