Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

Hello and welcome into this new karate video.

Today, practical kata bunkai of the opening of EMPI.

So we will do this sequence. You know the kata.

He will grab my left wrist.

Get out of the axis and strike.

I am ging out of axis, why?

Because after the grab there going to be a punch.

We talk about it last time.

From here, I will go around his arm and make and elbow lock.

I move aside his arm and stike Kagi Zuki.

Grab. Get out. Strike.


I keep his arm close to me.

If not, he will be able to strike me again.

So I keep it close to me.

Go around.

Make him go down. Push and strike.

The sequence must be fluid.

Please, don't this kind of stop in your defense.

You need to be fluid! Like water my friend :-)

Like water.

So he doesn't have time.

Don't waste time.

If you loose time,

and you stop,

he won't stop to push you.

So strike and follow up the sequence.

From here you can finish him.

Thanks for watching!

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you don't wan't to miss any upcoming video.

See you soon and don't forget to train!

For more infomation >> Bunkai Empi - Karate - Duration: 1:58.


Team Efficiency at the WGL APAC Season II Finals - Duration: 2:07.

It feels great being back. Especially directly qualifiying this time; not having to go through any playoffs.

Definitely made it a bit easier, gave us a bit more time to prepare - and to be honest with you, relax as well! Not having to stress too much - that was nice.

Since last season, Team Efficiency has had quite a few player swaps, we've got a couple of new players, moved a few old players out

We've started training a lot more since last season, and the results of that is we've placed second this season overall

We're super excited to go to a new city and also be playing at the finals!

We're really good friends with Caren Tiger, and I'd almost say they're probably our main rivals, mostly because of the friendship our players share

Caren Tiger, we find are really good at countering what we do. So we have almost as much respect for CT as we do for Elong

Every single time we've faced Caren Tiger, it's gone to a tiebreaker.

They want revenge; they missed out on an overseas trip last season

Yupa always promises 5-0's. There's always focus fire calls "There's Yupa, get him!"

We never sacrifice the map for it, but when you see Yupa, you shoot Yupa

This time around we've had a 2-3 week break, so we've been able to make some changes to how we play the game, and hopefully CT doesn't read us as well as they normally do

But if we get past CT and get into the Grand Final against Elong, we're still the underdogs, but what's changed from this time to last season, last season we were like

"We're gonna do our best against Elong" This time we're going in with "We're gonna beat them"

And when we did beat them the first time, that's when we kinda went "OK", we can do it again

We've done it. We beat EL, this is the first time they've been defeated in like 2 or 3 years.

Like, as a full loss, in a season, they just haven't suffered that. And we did it, we were just going nuts

ELong is still the best team in the league. But are we scared of them? Nah not at all. We can take them any day of the week.

For more infomation >> Team Efficiency at the WGL APAC Season II Finals - Duration: 2:07.


Staff Design Plasterworks Cladding Installation Tutorial - Duration: 5:26.

Staff Design Everglades decorative cladding is ideally suited to a sleek, stylish interior,

bringing a hint of originality and warmth. It creates a truly cosy atmosphere.

The panels are sold in boxes of 2 units,

each box covering 0.72 m2

To install this STAFF DESIGN cladding, you will need:

- a handsaw

- a tape measure

- a spirit level or a laser level

- a carpenter's pencil

- a polyurethane adhesive cartridge and applicator gun

Or: - a mortar trough

- filling knives and cellulose primer

- a bricklayer's ruler

We suggest that this model is fitted as follows:

install in a picture-like arrangement that will enhance the uniformity of the wall with an original decorative touch.

Make a plan by taking all the relevant measurements

in order to fit your panels as accurately as possible.

Next, using a spirit level and a ruler, mark the vertical axis of the wall

and a horizontal line corresponding to the bottom of the cladding.

Take into account the total surface area that the panels will cover,

Alternatively, a laser level can be used.

Position nails or screws along the horizontal line

to support the first row of panels.

Two per panel is ideal.

You could also use a timber batten which takes longer to fit but is easier to work with.

Each Staff Design Everglades cladding panel.

has two joints for easy installation.

You will need to cut some of these off to create our suggested arrangement.

Using the handsaw, carefully saw the joint in a regular movement,

tilting the saw at around 30°

in order to ensure that you get a straight edge.

For the last few centimetres, lower the saw in order to achieve a clean break.

Next, lightly sand in order to create a smooth surface.

To bond Staff Design cladding panels,

use STAFF DECOR-type cellulose primer.

This will take 30 minutes to dry.

Pour 0.5L of water into the trough and sprinkle in the adhesive,

spreading it evenly.

When the powder stops getting absorbed and floats on the surface,

mix with a filling knife until you get an even paste.

You can then dot the plaster on your panel

which will now be ready to fit to the wall.

If you use adhesive primer,

it is advisable to score the supporting surface using a metal tool

to guarantee that the cladding bonds strongly to it.

You can also bond your Staff Design panels using a polyurethane,

or PU adhesive,

which comes in the form of a cartridge.

Be aware that this adhesive will take 2 hours to dry.

Using an applicator gun, into which you will have slid the cartridge

after having cut off its cap,

apply 5 blobs of adhesive to the panel.

Once the adhesive has been applied to the cladding panel,

position it along the vertical axis, supported by the nails.

Position it with a sideways motion to spread the adhesive.

Continue with the second panel taking care to ensure that this one is also well aligned vertically.

Position the two last panels in the same way, ensuring they are carefully aligned.

If necessary, make any final adjustments by eye and using a spirit or laser level.

If you drew your guidelines accurately at the outset, this will not be necessary.

Once the drying time has elapsed, remove the nails.

Staff Design cladding panels are delivered ready to paint.

We advise that you apply at least one coat of paint.

Using a few Staff Design decorative plasterwork cladding panels we have transformed this interior,

simply by adding a contemporary and stylish design feature.

Visit our website and YouTube channel to be inspired by a wealth of design tips,

in a variety of styles, using all our products.

For more infomation >> Staff Design Plasterworks Cladding Installation Tutorial - Duration: 5:26.



For more infomation >> 😂 SPIEWAMY KARAOKE! z PALADINS xD RAZEM Z NARWALEM I BAXIEM 😂 - Duration: 3:23.


How to upgrade to ios 10.3 beta without a DEVELOPER ACCOUNT - Duration: 3:18.

*How to upgrade to ios 10.3 beta without a DEVELOPER ACCOUNT*

For more infomation >> How to upgrade to ios 10.3 beta without a DEVELOPER ACCOUNT - Duration: 3:18.


La Doña | Capítulo 118 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:41.



I've always wanted to share my whole life

with the woman I love.

And what you and I have is so perfect.

You know, I don't know why,

but ever since I came here,

I had the feeling my life was totally going to change.

Ever since I got on that bus to bring my father here

and started busking and selling sandwiches...

The moment I met you...

You helped me and taught me to believe in myself.

And you me.

Though I had some doubts to clear up

and other things to overcome.

There still are.

Like Altagracia.

The truth is, as much as I try to convince myself

I don't care about her,

I looked for a mother for so long

and it's crazy that when I finally found her,

she was in love with you.

Yes, but that was before the three of us new the truth.

But now we do.

Yes, now we do,

and we must learn to live with it.

I'm not letting you go anywhere.

Got it?

Braulio thinks he can defeat me. He's got another thing coming.

That man knows a lot about you.

He's been in your life for a long time.

You must be careful.

He can't hurt me.

His comments didn't faze me.

His words mean nothing. I don't sweat them.

I'm not afraid of him.

Where did he ask to meet?

In front of the Public Prosecutor's office.


But he's got the entire police force after him.

Why go looking for trouble?

You could meet someplace else.

Braulio knows what I'm capable of.

And what he most fears is me getting rid of him.

He asked to meet there for his own protection,

but we shall see what happens.

Braulio's been on the run for days,

eliminating everyone who helped lock him up.

He made allies with Rafael,

and I'm certain he's constantly dreaming up ways to kill you.

That's why he asked that you go alone.

Are you really going to meet with him?

You're going to let him set you up?

You're killing me.

I'm powerless against your kisses.


That's the idea.

-Are you expecting someone? -No.

-No? -No.

I'm not opening the door.

Do you have any idea how many nights I dreamt of this moment?

It sounds urgent. Go get it, Saul.

Who is it?


Come in.

Why were you knocking like that? Everything alright?

What's wrong?

Why the long faces?

The thing is...

Yeah, there's something wrong,

but Karen's too proud to admit that she needs help.

What happened?

We can't let her be alone.

She was fired.

She's off the force.

Forgive me for bothering you so late.

It's fine, and I'm sorry for not opening sooner.

But with Braulio on the loose, we didn't know who it was.

I didn't know where to go, so I came straight here.

You should've called us immediately.

Thank you.

Leti, what happened?

I was forbidden from reporting on the prostitution ring.

Don't get like that.

They've scrapped your reports before.

Well, I'm like this because I was fired from my job

after working there so many years

because I wanted to reveal the truth.

How can that be? That's not fair.

The important part is that as always,

you are not alone.

You are not alone, Leticia.

I love goodbyes like this.

This is my goodbye because it's my last night in the tenement.

We're saying goodbye to this apartment.

Now that we're living with Lopecito and your mother,

we'll have to be very discreet.

Then let's capitalize and turn up the volume tonight

since no one can hear us.

You saved the lives of four women and you were let go?

In humiliating fashion and without any explanation.

All her years of service meant nothing to them,

never mind her unblemished record.

I couldn't do anything to challenge it.

That's just how it is.

There's nothing you can do.

Karen, don't give up. Jorge's absolutely right.

You're an honest cop!

You're beyond reproach.

I can't tell you the number of times we've argued

because you're so by the book.

I can't talk now, bro. We've got a situation here.

Saul, sorry for calling so late,

but we've got a situation.

Leticia's here.

She was fired for reporting on the women we rescued.

They did the same to Karen.

Leticia was fired for that report.

<i> That can't be a coincidence.</i>

Leticia was fired for that report

and Karen for being the lead cop during the rescue.

They were both fired.

The people involved in the sex trafficking ring

are obviously more powerful than we thought.

Yes, but we still have to do something.

<i> And we will.</i>

Wait for my call.

I can't believe Leticia was fired too.

How can there be so much injustice in the world?

I'm guessing nobody at the station backed you up.

Not one person.

Everyone was afraid they'd be next.

Some high-ranking officer has obviously been compromised.

All it takes is one corrupt official.

They aren't in every precinct, but they're out there.

It's the same in the media.

Some do dare to tell the truth, but others keep quiet.

The world has its eyes on Mexico.

The violence against women just keeps getting worse.

It's a reality they're obviously trying to keep under wraps.

Yesenia always used to say fate dealt you the cards,

but how you play them is up to you.

We have to organize or something.

Come together as one voice and protest.


My sacred place.

Nobody had ever invaded or disrespected it like she did.

She. Your daughter.

Monica, with whom I cut what little ties we had.

I'm tired of all the confrontation and pain.

If that's true, then don't meet with Braulio.

That's irrelevant.

If you're truly leaving the past behind, don't tempt fate.

From the ashes, a fire can be reborn.

I told you I'm not meeting Braulio completely alone.

I'm taking...

Do you really trust that person?

I don't trust my own shadow, Lucio.

But I must protect myself.

That person's backup will be enough.

Braulio believes he has the upper hand

because of that video,

but the truth is, I have the power.

He's completely alone and on the run.

Isolation can drive us crazy.

It can make us violent and aggressive.

Especially when we feel like we have nothing to lose.

I can manage Braulio.

I'll make him think I'm giving up,

but I'm actually meeting him to take him somewhere else.

A place where I can eliminate him

and bury those ashes for good.

Let me fulfill all my fantasies with you.

Do whatever you want.

Sit down.

I'm all yours.

-I love it. -My Lady Altagracia.

No, today I'm just Altagracia,

the woman you've wanted your entire life.

Are you leaving me cuffed here?

You said you'd never hurt me, but you have.

You let Saul believe I'm a murderer.


Mercy, please!

Mercy? You dare ask for mercy?

Shut up!

You're lucky.


Bullets can be removed from one's body,

unlike the harm you and those other pigs inflicted on me.

I can never remove that from within me.

I didn't love your mother.

Or Altagracia.

They were right.

I was merely obsessed with Altagracia.

I've only ever loved one person.


And forgive me for ever hitting you,

for all the mistakes I made.

Honestly, I thought it was for your own good.

You're the most important person in my life, Diego.

You and the child Valeria is expecting.

If that child is mine, I'll love it too.

Altagracia won't stop until she's dealt with everyone.

Until she's finished with everyone.

Very good. Great idea.

You can count on us.

Saul and Monica want to organize a march for tomorrow.

A march? For what?

For Leticia and Karen.

For the unfair termination and everything that stands for.

Who's going to care about a march

for two women fired from their jobs, for God's sake?

Why not?

That's exactly what this is about.

You're the scapegoats

so that nothing happens to the kidnappers.

So that those guys can continue living their normal lives.

Firing you two was an outrage!

They're marching to the Public Prosecutor's office.

We must get as many people as possible.

Oh, yeah?

Name one march that's accomplished anything in Mexico.

How many have there been? They've accomplished nothing.

Have you forgotten the women's march out of Ecatepec?

More than 6,000 women marching together.

"We want to live!"

"Clothed or nude, you will respect us."

It was pointless, and do you know why?

Because this government doesn't care what happens to us.

That's why.

And that's why we have to do it.

Because the government must care,

even if it takes 500 or 600 marches.

Leticia, listen up.

This is your only chance for your voice to be heard.

We're going and that's that.


We're going.

We're all very upset that Leticia and Karen were fired,

but getting sad won't do anything.

It's important we all attend that march

because we've all been through the same abuse.

What's more, it's time to put a stop to this.

We all have something to say.

Are we together in this or what?

If our captors see us, they'll try to kill us.

They will kill us.

No, no, no. Don't say that.

Monica and Saul are there for us,

and they're finding more people.

We'll be fine.

I don't know.

Me neither. I'm very scared.

We can't give the pleasure to all those men who hurt us.

We're doing this for us.

We want them to know that if they mess with one of us,

they mess with all of us.

If they don't let us march to the Public Prosecutor's office,

we should find another way there

so that they hear us out.

That's good.

And don't worry.

I'll make some calls to get permits.

So soon?

I just hope the police don't interfere.

If we don't get that permit and nobody pays attention,

what'll be the point of the protest?

It's going to work.

What we have to do is get as many people as we can.

You can help us. You can too.

Go to the different houses and tell the neighbors

to bring T-shirts and signs.

We can make signs denouncing those shameless bastards.

We should settle on one color for the T-shirts.

The trick is to work in unison.

Saul, my mother told us about the protest.


How's it going?

We're getting organized.

How can we help?

We're just starting to get organized.

This has to be massive.

Ideally, we should post this on social media

and get everyone to share the event.

There's one thing working against us, and that's time...

but if we work together, we can do this.

We just have to be united.


Pull out your phones.

Excuse me. You called for me?

Estela, please leave us.

Explain why you took Saul from my house.

Why did you support Monica instead of me?

I've always defended you, but you know I thought it crazy

that you brought an injured man to your home

instead of taking him to a hospital.

Are you sure that's the reason

and not because you felt threatened by Saul?

Admit it.

You did it because you were jealous.

You can't see me near Saul.

That's why you took him from my home.

You know, I'll give you one last chance

to prove your loyalty.

I'm meeting with Braulio today.

You want me to kill him?


For more infomation >> La Doña | Capítulo 118 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:41.


Все деньги тратятся? Привлечение денег обратно. Как накопить деньги и привлечь деньги. - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Все деньги тратятся? Привлечение денег обратно. Как накопить деньги и привлечь деньги. - Duration: 3:05.


Holocaust Survivor Describes the Deportation to Auschwitz - Duration: 2:02.

They told everybody to dress nice, like for a holiday.

Who told you that?

The Jewish police.

If you looked better, they would leave you,

if not, they would send you away.

And that's what happened.

They told not to take nothing with you,

leave everything, just come out. We had to register only.

They winded up later on with dogs and the SS all around.

They did a segregation.

Do you recall going towards the assembly point

where you were to register with your parents?


They put separate my parents and I went on a different side.

The last moment when they took them away,

they had to walk but four kilometers,

it was guarded all around, to the train.

And I went to the side streets,

I was walking to see what happened with them,

and I saw they were loading them and...

and once...

but not close one, you know, there was a passenger train.

And I remember my father opened the window

and he asked me, "Wie shicket man uns avek" (Yiddish)

and this is the last time that I saw him,

it's always in front of my eyes.

For more infomation >> Holocaust Survivor Describes the Deportation to Auschwitz - Duration: 2:02.


UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - CHAPTER 7 - Greensphere - Duration: 24:45.

UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - CHAPTER 7 - Greensphere

For more infomation >> UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF'S END | Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) - CHAPTER 7 - Greensphere - Duration: 24:45.


La Doña | Capítulo 118 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:51.



I've always wanted to share my whole life

with the woman I love.

And what you and I have is so perfect.

You know, I don't know why,

but ever since I came here,

I had the feeling my life was totally going to change.

Ever since I got on that bus to bring my father here

and started busking and selling sandwiches...

The moment I met you...

You helped me and taught me to believe in myself.

And you me.

Though I had some doubts to clear up

and other things to overcome.

There still are.

Like Altagracia.

The truth is, as much as I try to convince myself

I don't care about her,

I looked for a mother for so long

and it's crazy that when I finally found her,

she was in love with you.

Yes, but that was before the three of us new the truth.

But now we do.

Yes, now we do,

and we must learn to live with it.

I'm not letting you go anywhere.

Got it?

Braulio thinks he can defeat me. He's got another thing coming.

That man knows a lot about you.

He's been in your life for a long time.

You must be careful.

He can't hurt me.

His comments didn't faze me.

His words mean nothing. I don't sweat them.

I'm not afraid of him.

Where did he ask to meet?

In front of the Public Prosecutor's office.


But he's got the entire police force after him.

Why go looking for trouble?

You could meet someplace else.

Braulio knows what I'm capable of.

And what he most fears is me getting rid of him.

He asked to meet there for his own protection,

but we shall see what happens.

Braulio's been on the run for days,

eliminating everyone who helped lock him up.

He made allies with Rafael,

and I'm certain he's constantly dreaming up ways to kill you.

That's why he asked that you go alone.

Are you really going to meet with him?

You're going to let him set you up?

You're killing me.

I'm powerless against your kisses.


That's the idea.

-Are you expecting someone? -No.

-No? -No.

I'm not opening the door.

Do you have any idea how many nights I dreamt of this moment?

It sounds urgent. Go get it, Saul.

Who is it?


Come in.

Why were you knocking like that? Everything alright?

What's wrong?

Why the long faces?

The thing is...

Yeah, there's something wrong,

but Karen's too proud to admit that she needs help.

What happened?

We can't let her be alone.

She was fired.

She's off the force.

Forgive me for bothering you so late.

It's fine, and I'm sorry for not opening sooner.

But with Braulio on the loose, we didn't know who it was.

I didn't know where to go, so I came straight here.

You should've called us immediately.

Thank you.

Leti, what happened?

I was forbidden from reporting on the prostitution ring.

Don't get like that.

They've scrapped your reports before.

Well, I'm like this because I was fired from my job

after working there so many years

because I wanted to reveal the truth.

How can that be? That's not fair.

The important part is that as always,

you are not alone.

You are not alone, Leticia.

I love goodbyes like this.

This is my goodbye because it's my last night in the tenement.

We're saying goodbye to this apartment.

Now that we're living with Lopecito and your mother,

we'll have to be very discreet.

Then let's capitalize and turn up the volume tonight

since no one can hear us.

You saved the lives of four women and you were let go?

In humiliating fashion and without any explanation.

All her years of service meant nothing to them,

never mind her unblemished record.

I couldn't do anything to challenge it.

That's just how it is.

There's nothing you can do.

Karen, don't give up. Jorge's absolutely right.

You're an honest cop!

You're beyond reproach.

I can't tell you the number of times we've argued

because you're so by the book.

I can't talk now, bro. We've got a situation here.

Saul, sorry for calling so late,

but we've got a situation.

Leticia's here.

She was fired for reporting on the women we rescued.

They did the same to Karen.

Leticia was fired for that report.

<i> That can't be a coincidence.</i>

Leticia was fired for that report

and Karen for being the lead cop during the rescue.

They were both fired.

The people involved in the sex trafficking ring

are obviously more powerful than we thought.

Yes, but we still have to do something.

<i> And we will.</i>

Wait for my call.

I can't believe Leticia was fired too.

How can there be so much injustice in the world?

I'm guessing nobody at the station backed you up.

Not one person.

Everyone was afraid they'd be next.

Some high-ranking officer has obviously been compromised.

All it takes is one corrupt official.

They aren't in every precinct, but they're out there.

It's the same in the media.

Some do dare to tell the truth, but others keep quiet.

The world has its eyes on Mexico.

The violence against women just keeps getting worse.

It's a reality they're obviously trying to keep under wraps.

Yesenia always used to say fate dealt you the cards,

but how you play them is up to you.

We have to organize or something.

Come together as one voice and protest.


My sacred place.

Nobody had ever invaded or disrespected it like she did.

She. Your daughter.

Monica, with whom I cut what little ties we had.

I'm tired of all the confrontation and pain.

If that's true, then don't meet with Braulio.

That's irrelevant.

If you're truly leaving the past behind, don't tempt fate.

From the ashes, a fire can be reborn.

I told you I'm not meeting Braulio completely alone.

I'm taking...

Do you really trust that person?

I don't trust my own shadow, Lucio.

But I must protect myself.

That person's backup will be enough.

Braulio believes he has the upper hand

because of that video,

but the truth is, I have the power.

He's completely alone and on the run.

Isolation can drive us crazy.

It can make us violent and aggressive.

Especially when we feel like we have nothing to lose.

I can manage Braulio.

I'll make him think I'm giving up,

but I'm actually meeting him to take him somewhere else.

A place where I can eliminate him

and bury those ashes for good.

Let me fulfill all my fantasies with you.

Do whatever you want.

Sit down.

I'm all yours.

-I love it. -My Lady Altagracia.

No, today I'm just Altagracia,

the woman you've wanted your entire life.

Are you leaving me cuffed here?

You said you'd never hurt me, but you have.

You let Saul believe I'm a murderer.


Mercy, please!

Mercy? You dare ask for mercy?

Shut up!

You're lucky.


Bullets can be removed from one's body,

unlike the harm you and those other pigs inflicted on me.

I can never remove that from within me.

I didn't love your mother.

Or Altagracia.

They were right.

I was merely obsessed with Altagracia.

I've only ever loved one person.


And forgive me for ever hitting you,

for all the mistakes I made.

Honestly, I thought it was for your own good.

You're the most important person in my life, Diego.

You and the child Valeria is expecting.

If that child is mine, I'll love it too.

Altagracia won't stop until she's dealt with everyone.

Until she's finished with everyone.

Very good. Great idea.

You can count on us.

Saul and Monica want to organize a march for tomorrow.

A march? For what?

For Leticia and Karen.

For the unfair termination and everything that stands for.

Who's going to care about a march

for two women fired from their jobs, for God's sake?

Why not?

That's exactly what this is about.

You're the scapegoats

so that nothing happens to the kidnappers.

So that those guys can continue living their normal lives.

Firing you two was an outrage!

They're marching to the Public Prosecutor's office.

We must get as many people as possible.

Oh, yeah?

Name one march that's accomplished anything in Mexico.

How many have there been? They've accomplished nothing.

Have you forgotten the women's march out of Ecatepec?

More than 6,000 women marching together.

"We want to live!"

"Clothed or nude, you will respect us."

It was pointless, and do you know why?

Because this government doesn't care what happens to us.

That's why.

And that's why we have to do it.

Because the government must care,

even if it takes 500 or 600 marches.

Leticia, listen up.

This is your only chance for your voice to be heard.

We're going and that's that.


We're going.

We're all very upset that Leticia and Karen were fired,

but getting sad won't do anything.

It's important we all attend that march

because we've all been through the same abuse.

What's more, it's time to put a stop to this.

We all have something to say.

Are we together in this or what?

If our captors see us, they'll try to kill us.

They will kill us.

No, no, no. Don't say that.

Monica and Saul are there for us,

and they're finding more people.

We'll be fine.

I don't know.

Me neither. I'm very scared.

We can't give the pleasure to all those men who hurt us.

We're doing this for us.

We want them to know that if they mess with one of us,

they mess with all of us.

If they don't let us march to the Public Prosecutor's office,

we should find another way there

so that they hear us out.

That's good.

And don't worry.

I'll make some calls to get permits.

So soon?

I just hope the police don't interfere.

If we don't get that permit and nobody pays attention,

what'll be the point of the protest?

It's going to work.

What we have to do is get as many people as we can.

You can help us. You can too.

Go to the different houses and tell the neighbors

to bring T-shirts and signs.

We can make signs denouncing those shameless bastards.

We should settle on one color for the T-shirts.

The trick is to work in unison.

Saul, my mother told us about the protest.


How's it going?

We're getting organized.

How can we help?

We're just starting to get organized.

This has to be massive.

Ideally, we should post this on social media

and get everyone to share the event.

There's one thing working against us, and that's time...

but if we work together, we can do this.

We just have to be united.


Pull out your phones.

Excuse me. You called for me?

Estela, please leave us.

Explain why you took Saul from my house.

Why did you support Monica instead of me?

I've always defended you, but you know I thought it crazy

that you brought an injured man to your home

instead of taking him to a hospital.

Are you sure that's the reason

and not because you felt threatened by Saul?

Admit it.

You did it because you were jealous.

You can't see me near Saul.

That's why you took him from my home.

You know, I'll give you one last chance

to prove your loyalty.

I'm meeting with Braulio today.

You want me to kill him?


For more infomation >> La Doña | Capítulo 118 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 16:51.


enes baturla oynuyoruz (bölüm 2) - Duration: 6:55.

For more infomation >> enes baturla oynuyoruz (bölüm 2) - Duration: 6:55.


Chicago PD - Chasing Ghosts (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 4:47.

- This is what?

- Your son's confession.

For the murder of Richie Dowd.

Voight's offer still stands, but only for about

two more minutes.

What decides this is whether or not you're willing

to clear up what happened 17 years ago.

- And Eric will get charged with what then?

- Involuntary manslaughter.

Not murder.

- Meaning he still gets jail time.

- Yeah. He'll do three to five.

But that's not life.

Your son says that Richie came at him.

He brought the gun to protect himself.

- [sighs]

- So?

- Nick Ruffalo.

If he'd just given up the money,

nothing would have happened.

But I was high and he just...

didn't move fast enough.

I called Woods after to clean it up.

I was so wigged out, I couldn't find the pistol, I--

- The gun that you and Woods put on Valentine,

where'd you get it? - He's a cop.

You're a cop. You can get anything you want.

- And why'd you ID Valentine?

- Woods fat fingered him in the photo array.

I worked a lot of cases with the guy.

He had no problem cutting corners.

- Why'd you keep the gun?

- [sighs] I didn't know it was the same gun.

Otherwise, I would've thrown it in the river.

- How do you not know that?

- You ever been addicted to heroin?


- Lieutenant Woods?

- As you can see, the historical record

shows 56 complaints of excessive force

against Sergeant Voight.

That's the kind of officer he is,

has been, and always will be

until someone finally does something.

And now, Sergeant Voight is chasing ghosts

on a 17-year-old case, disobeying direct orders

and neglecting his duties as head of

the Intelligence Unit. [knock at door]

- You're gonna wanna see this.

- Lieutenant Woods,

you are stripped of your police powers immediately.

And you are placed on a no-pay status

until a full investigation is conducted

into every case you have ever worked.

You are dismissed.

- I would like to express my gratitude to my family.

- In a stunning development, Terrance Valentine

was released from Statesville Prison today

after being wrongly convicted for the murder of Nick Ruffalo

17 years ago.

With the Chicago Police Department citing new evidence

that showed that Mr. Valentine could not have been the killer.

The family has refused comment at this time.

[reporter continues indistinctly]

[indistinct chatter]

- Sharice? - Hello.

- I was just hoping to talk to your dad for a minute.

- Hey, who is that, baby?

For more infomation >> Chicago PD - Chasing Ghosts (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 4:47.


Giveaway - UMidigi C Note Smartphone Unboxing Review! - Duration: 3:31.

Hello, Everyone, welcome to Chinavasion another unboxing and giveaway video.

Today, we are going to have a look on this UMidigi C-Note smartphone.

Before we go right to it, we will introduce this giveaway.

We will hold this giveaway in the next 30 days.

After 30 days, we will pick up one winner and we will ship to him at totally free.

So everyone can have a chance to participate.

We only pick up the winner among the qualified entrants at random.

But if there is no qualified entrant, we may prolong the period of the giveaway or we will

cancel it.

So if you really like to have this phone, please check our video description carefully.

Now, let's take a look on the phone.

So here is the box.

The first thing you can see inside the box, of course, is the Umidigi C-Note smartphone


And Chinavasion is also sending out a free transparent case.

What's under the cover is the screen protective, a sim card slot pin, user manual, a USB cable

and a charger of course.

The first thing you can see its 5.5-inch FHD screen with the gold body.

Actually, it has another Gray version you can find in Chinavasion.

This budget big screen phone is selling only at 125.99 US dollars in Chinavasion now.

Even selling at an affordable price, it still has everything you need for a smartphone.

It runs on Android 7.0 OS and features Quad-core CPU, 3GB of RAM and 32GB internal memory.

It still can support up to 256GB external memory.

You can see this sleek body with the beautifully designed which also featuring SHARP technology,

this FHD display will deliver breathtaking 1080p visuals that come paired with great

detail and vivid color.

For all smartphone photography lovers out there, the UMIDigi C Note packs a mesmerizing

13MP camera.

It furthermore comes with a sophisticated 5MP front snapper which is great for taking

selfies with your friends or for engaging in online video calls with families.

Thanks to this beautiful Android smartphone you can be guaranteed that not a single special

moment in life ever passes by again uncaptured.

All in all, this great smartphone is selling only at 125.99 US dollars in Chinavasio now.

And this one is free for you.


For more infomation >> Giveaway - UMidigi C Note Smartphone Unboxing Review! - Duration: 3:31.


Rente süß-sauer | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Rente süß-sauer | Gute Arbeit Originals - Duration: 2:51.


The Chairman's Ear - trailer of episode 14 - Duration: 0:41.

Watch today on


Mr Chairman!

A gift

from Zenek

He sends his greetings as well

I'm going now, don't want to disturb you

My fiancee is waiting and I need to

make her engaged

" it..."

How am I going to survive that name day party...

Premieres on Monday on YouTube

Watch today on

For more infomation >> The Chairman's Ear - trailer of episode 14 - Duration: 0:41.


Si cruzas la frontera te mato | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:18.

American author Stephen King said,

"In some places, humans create inhumane monsters."

Hello and welcome to<i> Case Closed</i> .

Yes, mankind is the only animal

with the capacity to create inhumane monsters.

Let's see how this reflects on today's case.

Please bring out the litigants.

This man is a criminal.

He killed my family

and won't give me back their bodies.

Whoever crosses my property line

should be prepared for the consequences.

They'll have to face me.

Hello and welcome.


Gonzalo, you're suing Fabio.

Tell me how you know him, why you're suing him,

and what you demand in order to resolve this issue.

First of all, thank you, ma'am,

for allowing me to bring my case here.

I've decided to come here because I know

you're a good person who will serve justice.

I'm here to sue Fabio for $10,000

so I can give my sister and mother proper burials.

They're on his property.

I also want to bring my father here to the U.S.

so he can attend my mother's and sister's funerals.

Your mother's and sister's bodies

are on this man's property.


And you haven't been able to recover them.

No, they're strewn about his property...

-You killed them. -...practically rotting.

You killed them when you paid...

Explain yourself please.

I'm from Honduras.

I came to this country two and a half years ago

to work.

I left my country to flee the wave of crime

taking over at the moment.

I couldn't come through Mexico for financial reasons

and out of fear that Immigration would repatriate me.

I met someone in Mexico who was able to cross me over.

-A coyote. -Exactly.

In the process of crossing over from Mexico,

we crossed onto this man's property.

Which is where?

In Texas.

One night while were crossing,

we passed by a vacant lot,

full of mud, shrubs, and thorns.

Suddenly, we heard gunshots.

We thought it was Immigration,

but the coyote told us not worry and to just run

because it was the property owner doing that.

We managed to get here.

I've been living and working hard here now

for a year-and-half.

A month ago I decided to bring my mother

and sister over.

I was able to contact the person who brought me over.

About a week and a half ago the coyote calls me

and says that my mother and sister died.

Because of you!

This man shot and killed them.

On my property. You paid for their death.

It was very painful.

As you know, without a good standing Immigration status

everything is difficult here.

With a lot of sacrifice,

I managed to get to his house in Texas.

As I was talking to him,

he told me there was nothing I could do

because my family were murderers

or immigrants carrying drugs.

He said so many negative things about my family

and then ended up calling Immigration and the police.

I took off running because I'm here illegally

and I could get caught and repatriated.

So all you want

is to recover your mother's and sister's bodies

so you can give them a proper burial.

-That's right. -And $10,000 in damages.

And to also hire an immigration lawyer

so I can bring my father over.

So he can attend the funerals.

Fabio, how do you respond?

I was protecting my property.

From what?

The laws of Texas support me.

I'm familiar.

We're allowed to defend our property.

It's been years of immigrants trespassing on my property.

Where is your property?

I'm near El Paso, TX.

I have a large property there with a lot of acreage.

Unfortunately, people like this man here

think they can cross on to whatever property they want.

That's not the case, though. Not in Texas.

In Texas, we like to defend ourselves.

So you're saying that you're defending your property

because the people who cross

aren't all harmless Immigrants chasing their dreams

without guns or bullets.

You're saying people pass by there that put your property

-at risk. -Yes, ma'am.

They've started placing gallons of water

and lots of canned food, which...

Generates more traffic.


People think they can freely cross through there,

but that's not the case.

Have you ever had a confrontation with anyone?

Unfortunately, yes.

A year and a half ago my men and I were riding

and we decided to confront a group of people

I very calmly explained to them

that they couldn't pass through my property.

"This is my fence and you can't cross this line."

They didn't listen, got a little feisty,

pulled a gun out, and shot at me.

They shot my foot.

I've suffered a lot.

I can no longer ride or get on my horse,

not with this thing on.

Okay, I get it. That's your property.

Now... I want you to answer this after the break.

If I allow this man to enter,

everyone will want to do the same.

Plus, those bodies are in a dry area.

They're like fertilizer.

I can grow plants, tomatoes, peppers...

Listen to me, Fabio.

That level cynicism is so disgusting and twisted.

We're talking about human beings here.

It's my property.

I'm sorry, but people are above properties.

If you kill someone because a family member is in trouble

due to their presence, I understand.

You're defending your property

and a human being's life.

But to kill someone because they step on a piece of land...

I don't understand how the Texas police don't intervene.

There's a corpse on the ground.

Why aren't they investigating?

It's not necessary.

It's my property. I pay bills and taxes.

So what?

That doesn't give you a license to kill.

He brought his family!


As much as you may try to demonize him,

I'm sure anyone with a heart won't see things like you.

A piece of land isn't more important

than a human being's life.

What if something happened to my family?

That's something else.

We're not talking about constant confrontation

between your family and immigrants.

I'm talking about one case!

Fabio, I'm not saying you should let everyone in.

I'm saying you should give him his family's bodies back

so he can bury them.

-That's all. -I can't.

I don't understand. Do you have a witness?


Bring them in.

I don't get why you can't do that.

Are you going to open an investigation?

We don't have to go that far.

Got it.

Good afternoon.

What's your name?


You're here on behalf of Mr. Fabio.

Yes, he's my father.

I'll tell you what happened, ma'am.

I was riding my horse one night

and people were walking by.

What if one of them was to rape me?

-What would happen then? -I understand.

That would be justified.

I was riding my horse and saw some people I didn't know.

I thought they might have guns

so I pulled out my .38 and...

She had every right.

I'd do it again if I had to.

I don't know if she's confessing

to killing your mother and your sister.


What scares me about all this

is the way they're talking about it

as if it were some heroic act.

As if they were killing drug traffickers...

or cartel guys, or El Chapo...

I'd be happy if you killed all those people,

but we're talking about innocent people in need,

in hunger.

He basically killed his family.

It was you!

I understand your point of view.

It's just very cynical.

We're talking about an imbalance of power.

You have to think things through.

Bring in the defendant's witness, please.

It's an imbalance of power.

I think it's unjustifiable to use a firearm

on an innocent person.

It's very unfair. There's an imbalance.

Good afternoon, sir.

Hello, ma'am.

What's your name?

I'm a coyote and a Good Samaritan.

What's your name?


Alright, Carlos, I already know you're a coyote.

You're here to support the defendant.

I'm a Good Samaritan.

I don't like unfairness.

This a--hole has to give the bodies back.

Do you pass through this man's property?

Yes, but he's a savage.

He shoots at us like livestock.

Of course. It's his property.

Isn't there anywhere else you can pass through?


This is the second time this happens.

What about human rights?

This man keeps at it. He's a savage!

What human rights are you talking about?

You treat human beings like cattle.

If coyotes weren't around,

there may be less deaths, less loss.

You're no tour guide, sir.

This will keep happening if he doesn't go to jail!

Why would he go to jail? He has every right.


You killed your mother!

With all due respect,

Mexico should do what they have to for their citizens

and provide work opportunities.

So should Honduras, El Salvador,

and all the places people migrate from.

Cuba, etc.

That's what we need.

Let's take a short break. Any more witnesses?

founder of a foundation called Desert Angels.

Let's welcome Ms. Monica Bedoya,

director of Desert Angels

and Eduardo Soto, an immigration attorney.

Good afternoon.

How are you?

I'm so glad you're here.

Thank you, ma'am.

Mr. Rafael, tell us when you founded this organization.

How long have you been involved?

Thank you.

It'll be 20 years this March.

-Congrats. -Thanks.

We started it because we noticed that when the fence

started being built, our people were dying

because of the great lengths they went through

over miles and miles of desert land.

You brought some pictures of a recent rescue.

Let's see them, please.

Unfortunately, this young man was on private property.

I tried to get permission to enter so we could get him.

However, I couldn't get it

so we had to jump the fence to get him.

You had to break the law and trespass private property

so you could get this young man.

After finding him, we had to face justice

and the property owners, who weren't happy at all

with what we'd done.

We're forbidden from entering private property

without permission.

We've used planes and helicopters

in order not to trespass on land

and find our brothers and sisters.

Monica, as director of Desert Angels,

how are you funded?

Good afternoon, ma'am.

People make donations.

We have a PayPal account.

We also have a fundraising team.

Aren't there other pro-immigrant organizations

that can help you?

At the moment, no.

We're asking for help so we can keep helping

our immigrant brothers and sisters.

People are going through a lot right now to get in.

Temperatures are very extreme.

Unfortunately, many times we don't have money for gas

or any way to get to Texas, for example.

You have a website, right?

Yes, we do.

I'm going to invite the audience to visit your site.

Let's help this organization.

They've been open for 20 years.

You can also go to

You'll find their information there.

Let's help them to continue doing this difficult job

that helps so many and provides so much relief.

Mr. Soto, I'm so pleased you're here.

How are you?

Very good. Thank you for inviting me.

Happy to have you.

This young man has this issue with his father.

He'd like for his father to come

so he can bury his family's remains

if they can somehow be recuperated.

Do you think there's some type of visa available

to help bring this man from Honduras?

Due to this tragedy, yes.

People who can establish blood ties,

such as his father,

can come here with a tourist visa.

Even though he's undocumented?

The thing is, a very significant tragedy occurred

and this merits legal entry into this country.

Speaking of that tragedy,

these people died because they trespassed

onto private property.

They committed the crime of entering the country illegally,

but this was a very violent death.

I would question the laws in Texas.

It's one thing to shoot at someone who trespasses

with the intention of hurting you or the property,

but it seems so harsh to be able to justifiably murder someone

who's simply passing through.

Is this man is the victim of a "legal crime?"

In this case, a criminal process

would need to be established against the person.

There's no crime, though.

He's completely within his rights to kill

whoever trespasses onto his property.

I'm not so familiar with the laws in the state of Texas,

but to kill a person in order to defend land...

I don't find it justifiable.

You have no soul! You should be in prison!

I would look into that more carefully in the future.

You're a murderer!

My ruling.

This decision is for this case.

It's not for every case.

My ruling does not apply to every similar case.

It doesn't work that way.

The decisions I make specifically

and exclusively correlate to the cases presented to me.

Give him his family's remains immediately.

Thank you, ma'am.

Even if it's just a hair, give it back to him

so he can bury them the right way.

And, brother, I hope that your family never has to face

what his did on your property.

Don't forget that the blood that runs through your veins,

my veins, and the veins of everyone here

is immigrant blood.

That's final. Case closed!

For more infomation >> Si cruzas la frontera te mato | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 19:18.


Glamrs Gajar Halwa Jar | Easy and Tasty Gajar Ka Halwa Recipe | Indian Carrot Dessert Recipe - Duration: 4:46.

Gajar Halwa has never been so Glamrs!

This gorgeous layered dessert jar is the perfect gift for a special occasion or celebration.

You want to start by peeling and grating your carrots.

The red, longer carrots are native to India and have a sweeter taste than the orange ones.

These are available mainly in the winter months.

You can grate these in a wider toothed grater if you like more of a bite.

This finer grating will give you a smoother halwa.

Now, to make your halwa you first cook the grated carrot in a some ghee.

The ghee helps to flavour them and speeds up the roasting.

You want to cook these for about 10 to 15 minutes until their colour changes and they

lose their raw edge.

Once they're cooked add in twice the quantity of milk as carrots.

You want to bring this to a steady simmer then turn the heat down and let it reduce.

There are many recipes for gajar halwa, some use mawa or condensed milk as well.

Evaporating all this milk takes a fair amount of time and you must stir every few minutes

to prevent the bottom sticking or burning.

Keep stirring and cooking until most of the milk has evaporated.

Now add in your sugar and let it dissolve into the mixture.

Keep stirring continuously to prevent the milk from sputtering.

At this point, add your flavourings of cardamom powder, which gives a lovely aroma.

Reducing the milk like this gives you a very creamy texture and allows the grated carrots to break down completely.

Add some nutmeg powder for depth.

Taste it just to make sure you've added enough and adjust accordingly.

When the liquid is evaporated and the sugar dissolved take it off the heat and let it cool

Now for the white layer we'll use some milk solids to make a sweetened milky mawa.

On a very low flame start adding your crumbled mawa.

This can burn very easily so keep stirring continuously and on low heat.

When it has liquefied a bit you can add in your sugar.

The sugar will make the mixture more fluid again as it melts.

If you didn't know, mawa, also known as khoya are simply milk solids, which are obtained

by evaporating milk.

It can be made at home but the process is time consuming so we suggest you purchase

mawa at your local dairy.

Next we'll add a pinch of cardamom

Add some saffron strands to warm milk.

Add this mixture to the mawa for a little colour and flavour.

Let it all come together and when the mawa starts pulling away from the pan and you know

you're ready.

The texture will become slightly crumbly and you're all set.

Remove it to a bowl and let it cool down.

Now to intersperse our layers with a bit of a crunch we'll roast some nuts in ghee.

Add some chopped up almonds and raisins for this.

Naturally, you should use whatever dry fruits or nuts you or the person you're gifting

this to enjoys eating.

When the almonds have gained some colour and the grapes have become plump you're all set.

Keep these aside and you can start with your layers.

To help absorb any moisture and add body we also use some crumbled sponge cake.

Get a nice glass jar and start layering.

Start with the sponge cake and spread it evenly.

Top that with a good helping of gajar halwa.

Spread it carefully to not dirty the sides of the jar too much.

Then add in a layer of mawa.

Top that with your crunchy nuts, spread them to the sides of your jar as well.

Now just repeat the layering until you fill the jar.

And just like that your gorgeous Glamrs Gajar Halwa jar is ready.

Something special for someone special.

Thank you for watching!

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