5 Creepy Wikipedia Pages That You Should Not Visit
The internet is full with weird, disturbing and mysterious websites.
Especially Wikipedia has a lot of awkward and scary material to offer.
From unexplained phenomenons, to haunted places that no human being should ever visit.
In this video, we wan't to take a look at 5 Wikipedia Pages You Should never visit.
I am sure you heard about this, but one of Wikipedia's disturbing pages is about Post-Mortem
It basially means that People were taking Pictures with their deceased family members
and or friends.
Taking photos of the Dead was a normal Part of American and European culture in the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries.
Those pictures did not only help with the grieving, it often times was the only piece
of memory one would have from the deceased person, because photos were a very uncommon
thing back in the day and very expensive.
To the families kept these treasures very close.
Then there is the Bloop Wikipedia page.
Bloop was a pretty strong ultra-low-frequency underwater sound, that was detected by the
U.S NOAA in 1997.
It is said that the sound waves that were recorded that day, were consistent with the
noises of an icequake, when accuring in a large iceberg.
Later it was added, that it even was consistent with the sounds of large marine animals.
What ever it was.. the sound's are pretty terrifying.
who knows, what lurks in the depths of the ocean.
Have you ever heard the story about the boy in the box ? Apparently a body of a boy, who
was between 3 and 7 years old, and without any clothes, was found in a cardboard box
in the Fox Chase section of Philadelphia.
It was February the 25th, 1957 when the gruesome container had been discovered.
People commonly name the case Ameica's Unknown Child.
The hair of the boy bad been recently cropped, and one can suspect that this happened after
he had passed away, as clumps of hair were found around his body.
He suffered under severe malnourishment and had several surgical scars on the ankle and
His identity has never been discovered and this brutal case remains open.
The next Wikipedia page is about the Overtoun Bridge.
This Bridge is referred to as a category B-listed structure over the Overtoun Burn on the approach
toad to Overoun House, near Dumbarton in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.
On first glimpse, no one would think that something sinister inherits this old bridge.
Different documents have proven that since the 1950's numerous dogs have jumped from
the bridge.
People say that in the beginning it was about 1 dog a year.
That number may have increased.
The fall was about 50 feet deep ending in the waterfalls below.
While it is not explained why exactly these animals felt the urge to leap from the bridge
into their demise, the bridge has also been the site of human tragedy.
In 1994, a man named Kevin Moy threw is two week old son into his death from the bridge.
He claimed that the boy was the incarnation of the Devil.
He later jumped off the bridge as well, survived, but then ended his life by slashing his wrists.
The last page is about Betty and Barney Hill.
It is one of the best documented UFO abduction stories in the history of the phenomenon.
According to Wikipedia, Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been abducted while driving
in rural New Hampshire late at night on September 19th, 1961 while they were on their way back
from a vacation.
The couple claimed to see a light in the sky that at first they thought was a falling star
but, as they continued to observe it, saw that it moved pretty strangely.
Pulling over to get a better look with binoculars, the couple stated that what they saw was a
craft about 100 feet long with multi-colored lights.
The couple continued to observe the craft as it followed them and, as described by the
couple, seemed to play cat and mouse with them.
Eventually they say the craft cut them off completely and the two were abducted, experienced
a period of lost time, and the next thing they knew they had traveled 35 miles with
no memory of the journey.
Its interesting that Barney never quite full embraced the notion that the couple had been
abducted while Betty did.
A very interesting story.
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Stay Frosty!
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