Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

5 Creepy Wikipedia Pages That You Should Not Visit

The internet is full with weird, disturbing and mysterious websites.

Especially Wikipedia has a lot of awkward and scary material to offer.

From unexplained phenomenons, to haunted places that no human being should ever visit.

In this video, we wan't to take a look at 5 Wikipedia Pages You Should never visit.

I am sure you heard about this, but one of Wikipedia's disturbing pages is about Post-Mortem


It basially means that People were taking Pictures with their deceased family members

and or friends.

Taking photos of the Dead was a normal Part of American and European culture in the nineteenth

and early twentieth centuries.

Those pictures did not only help with the grieving, it often times was the only piece

of memory one would have from the deceased person, because photos were a very uncommon

thing back in the day and very expensive.

To the families kept these treasures very close.

Then there is the Bloop Wikipedia page.

Bloop was a pretty strong ultra-low-frequency underwater sound, that was detected by the

U.S NOAA in 1997.

It is said that the sound waves that were recorded that day, were consistent with the

noises of an icequake, when accuring in a large iceberg.

Later it was added, that it even was consistent with the sounds of large marine animals.

What ever it was.. the sound's are pretty terrifying.

who knows, what lurks in the depths of the ocean.

Have you ever heard the story about the boy in the box ? Apparently a body of a boy, who

was between 3 and 7 years old, and without any clothes, was found in a cardboard box

in the Fox Chase section of Philadelphia.

It was February the 25th, 1957 when the gruesome container had been discovered.

People commonly name the case Ameica's Unknown Child.

The hair of the boy bad been recently cropped, and one can suspect that this happened after

he had passed away, as clumps of hair were found around his body.

He suffered under severe malnourishment and had several surgical scars on the ankle and


His identity has never been discovered and this brutal case remains open.

The next Wikipedia page is about the Overtoun Bridge.

This Bridge is referred to as a category B-listed structure over the Overtoun Burn on the approach

toad to Overoun House, near Dumbarton in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland.

On first glimpse, no one would think that something sinister inherits this old bridge.

Different documents have proven that since the 1950's numerous dogs have jumped from

the bridge.

People say that in the beginning it was about 1 dog a year.

That number may have increased.

The fall was about 50 feet deep ending in the waterfalls below.

While it is not explained why exactly these animals felt the urge to leap from the bridge

into their demise, the bridge has also been the site of human tragedy.

In 1994, a man named Kevin Moy threw is two week old son into his death from the bridge.

He claimed that the boy was the incarnation of the Devil.

He later jumped off the bridge as well, survived, but then ended his life by slashing his wrists.

The last page is about Betty and Barney Hill.

It is one of the best documented UFO abduction stories in the history of the phenomenon.

According to Wikipedia, Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been abducted while driving

in rural New Hampshire late at night on September 19th, 1961 while they were on their way back

from a vacation.

The couple claimed to see a light in the sky that at first they thought was a falling star

but, as they continued to observe it, saw that it moved pretty strangely.

Pulling over to get a better look with binoculars, the couple stated that what they saw was a

craft about 100 feet long with multi-colored lights.

The couple continued to observe the craft as it followed them and, as described by the

couple, seemed to play cat and mouse with them.

Eventually they say the craft cut them off completely and the two were abducted, experienced

a period of lost time, and the next thing they knew they had traveled 35 miles with

no memory of the journey.

Its interesting that Barney never quite full embraced the notion that the couple had been

abducted while Betty did.

A very interesting story.

Thank you guy's for watching today's video.

Please leave a like and subscription to my channel.

Stay Frosty!

For more infomation >> 5 Creepy Wikipedia Pages That You Should Not Visit - Duration: 5:51.


Guide the kids to coloring the lovely fish - Coloring pages [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:48.

Guide the kids to coloring the lovely fish - Coloring pages [Youtube Channel For Kids]. Videos with the following content: #Color #Coloring #draw #drawing #Howtodraw #coloringpages #learndrawing Feel free to share, comment and subscribe to the youtube channel to watch upcoming videos. Thank you! Subscribe Channel: Playlist: Follow facebook: Follow Google plus: Follow blogspot: Wish you and your family a relaxing and happy time. Sincerely thank you for visiting my videos and YouTube channel.

For more infomation >> Guide the kids to coloring the lovely fish - Coloring pages [Youtube Channel For Kids] - Duration: 2:48.


Kids Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | Preschool Rhymes | 3D Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:10:56.

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

For I belong to somebody!

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

For I belong to somebody!

I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!

I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

For I belong to somebody!

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

Shoo Fly, don't bother me,

For I belong to somebody!

I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!

I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!

For more infomation >> Kids Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | Preschool Rhymes | 3D Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:10:56.


രതിമൂർച്ച രണ്ട് പേർക്കും എങ്ങനെ ആനന്ദകരമാക്കാം-Happy Life TV-Happy Family - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> രതിമൂർച്ച രണ്ട് പേർക്കും എങ്ങനെ ആനന്ദകരമാക്കാം-Happy Life TV-Happy Family - Duration: 5:44.


Максакова кипит после потери наследства (27.04.2017) - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Максакова кипит после потери наследства (27.04.2017) - Duration: 2:32.


Jesus Lives. You Win. - Duration: 3:22.

So, how do you know that you're right with God

and that God accepted the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross?

How do you know for sure?

Well, Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday,

and three days later he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Now, that wasn't just earth-shattering for him,

that was world-changing for you and me.

The apostle Paul tells us he, Jesus,

was delivered over to death for our sins

and was raised to life for our justification.

That word "justification" means that God declared us not guilty because of Jesus.

A good way to remember that word, justified, is "just as if I'd not sinned."

Jesus was put to death because of our sins,

but he was also raised to life

because God had accepted his sacrifice.

He declared us not guilty.

The apostle Paul, in his great resurrection chapter, 1 Corinthians:15, says this. He says,

So, I drew a picture for you.

What is this?

This is the death bee.

It's not a loaf of bread.

It's a bee. It's the death bee.

And what does the apostle Paul say is the stinger of the death bee?

It's sin.

Well, since Jesus came into this world,

and by his life and death and resurrection,

took sin away.

Can this bee hurt you anymore?


I suppose it can annoy you a little bit,

that might be stretching the picture,

but it cannot hurt you anymore.

So, what does that mean for you and me?

It means that every single promise that Jesus has made to you is true.

Jesus says, "Because I live,

you also will live."

That's a promise that you can trust.

Let's just say that I told you that I'm going to die today.

But don't worry, I'll be back again to do

another 'Your Time of Grace' video on Monday.

What would you think?

It's okay, be honest.

You'd think, "You're crazy," right?

Now, what if I actually did it?

Would you believe me if I made other promises?

Absolutely, because that would mean that I'm God.

Now, I'm not God, but Jesus is because he actually did it.

That means when Jesus says that your sins are forgiven

and beautiful heaven awaits,

he means it.

Jesus lives.

That means you win.

And that changes everything.

When I'm having a bad day,

I'll call up a friend and he will, very patiently,

listen to me list off all the bad things that were happening.

And then, when I'm finished, he'll simply say,

"It's okay, Dave.

Jesus still lives."

I guess he's right.

It changes absolutely everything.

His promises are true.

Beautiful heaven awaits.

May God comfort you with that thought this weekend

as you continue to live for him.

We are so excited about the countless lives

that are being touched through these videos.

It's from support by people like you

that allow us to keep making these videos.

Would you consider becoming a Grace Partner today?

In fact, if you become a grace partner this month,

we will send you a signed copy of Pastor Mark Jeske's new book,

'More Straight Talk."

Thanks for all your support and have a great weekend.

For more infomation >> Jesus Lives. You Win. - Duration: 3:22.


New Series in Korean (9000 Subs Special) // 새로운 한국어 영상 시리즈 (공지+구독자 9천 명 기념) - Duration: 6:16.

Hey guys, so we finally reached 8k subscrib...

Wait, it's actually 9k


Just lemme do it

So finally...

the moment everyone was waiting for...



the f**k's wrong with your Korean??!

What? Nothing's wrong??

You sound too awkward

Nah, it's just because YOU feel awkward

So, to celebrate this huge milestone

We came up with some new content


Yeah, new series

What's wrong with my pronunciation? I just said "senies"

Your Korean really sucks, mate

So we came up with a new series

Like this

Ideally, we wanted a table

And having a casual conversation

But since Jun doesn't have a table...

Yes, I do?

Really, I do

THIS is a table??

Buy me a new table then

How the hell is this a table??

Leave my table alone!

So this is the first episode of the new series

which is called...


oh right

I saw on other channels, it's their subscribers who decide the name

Oh really?

So this series is basically us doing...

We haven't decided on that either huh?

It's just... just... what you're seeing right now

Just like...

-Yeah so... -I'm done

I lost all my motivation to make videos

So that's why we're gonna take a break

You can't say that now!

So we have been... uh...


-what...? -What?!

So we've made over 100 videos for about a year

Pretty much non-stop, right?

But lately we've been too busy to make videos on a frequent basis

Maybe some of yo..u.. have..notice..d...

-Maybe some of you guys have noticed -Right

Just a few months ago

We used to upload two videos a week

But now we upload one video a week so the...


That's right, so the upload frequency has changed

-The upload frequency? -Uh-huh

There are other channels that upload videos every day

-Literally every day -Right

But that really compromises the quality of videos

I think most of you guys would rather watch quality videos than some random filler content videos

If we were one of those channels,

our subscribers would be disappointed

And we'd be disappointed in ourselves, too

So it just means that we won't upload a new video for a month

It doesn't mean we're not gonna do our job

We'll still do some filming and there are some videos we're working on......

So rather than rushing it, we thought it'd be better if we........

you awake?

You sound too boring

Yeah I know

Seriously dude

So there are a few videos you've been working on, right?

-Right??? -No, there's no video


Yes, there are videos that "I" have been working on

-Oh really? Well, I've got some too -Like what?

Why should I tell you?

Why would I ever tell you that?

Well, I told you about mine

I don't want to though

-Okay f**k this, I'm out -Yeah, see ya

So there are a few videos we've been working on

And it's gonna take some time until we can upload them

Because we don't even have enough time to shoot videos right now

-So... -Now that spring is here, I got too much work to do


So when we come back with a new video

which will have a few announcements as well

-It'll just be an announcement video -Yup

So this video is basically an announcement of our next video which will be an announcement video

In the meantime, we'll do some live videos on our Instagram

So if you're bored, come chat with us

And join our fan cafe too! It's pretty active, right?

-So come to our fan cafe -God, I hate it

You what? why?

I hate our fan cafe

You guys should really check it out. It's pretty fun

So this is the new series...

Although this is the very first episode of the new series...

I can just see this is going to be a terrible video

Probably "역대까지" (Joe made a stupid mistake in Korean)

You mean "역대까지" or "여태까지?" (The latter is the corret term)

(It's just Joe giving an excuse and making another mistake yet again)

If this video does well

We will certainly turn this into a series

Basically just us talking in Korean

Anything else to add?

So that's it... I think we'll just continue to make videos like this

-Why put all that effort, amirite? -Yeah exactly

Yeah if we make videos like this then we'll have more subscribers too

Yeah let's keep talking in Korean. Should we change our channel name too?

Yeah, sure. How about "Joe Kang Jun Kim?"

Nah let's just go with "Joe Kang Jun Kang"

Why Kang?

-You... -Why did you change my last name?

Because we're married

the f**k?!

So we'll be back in one month

Either late May or early June

Okay so we'll see you in late May

(what up, Josh & Ollie?)

Okay so I'm going home then

Alright, go 'head

I'll just keep staring at the camera

Leave already


This is gonna be a horrible vid

Did you just throw that away?? You outta yo mind?

My deepest apologies

-Make a public apology now -Public, my ass

For more infomation >> New Series in Korean (9000 Subs Special) // 새로운 한국어 영상 시리즈 (공지+구독자 9천 명 기념) - Duration: 6:16.


HoriaSan S02E18 | DOUCHEBAG TAXI DRIVER - Duration: 3:58.

Oh my God, i can't believe this guy!

He's on a only forward lane and he's doing a right turn

I can't believe what he's doing... Phone on his right ear, shifting with the left hand...

Me: At least put it on speaker

Douchebag: While i'm stopped?

Me: No, cause you were doing it also earlier while driving

Fucking asshole!...

Douchebag: If this remark would have come from someone who really has the right to say it

Douchebag: but not from you bikers

Douchebag: not from you guys

Douchebag: I won't take anything from you guys

Me: Why do you say that?

Douchebag: Because you ride the way you do

Douchebag: Doing only crazy things on the road

Me: But why did you put this stamp on all of us?

Douchebag: I took my phone out only when the light turned red

Me: No, it's not true, cause i saw you since the last round-about

Douchebag: I'll take nothing from you, who squeeze between cars like crazy

Me: But i'm asking again: why did you put this stamp on all of us?

Douchebag: I won't take anything from you and that's it

Me: It's the same thing from us, you know? We also don't like you taxi drivers

Douchebag: Me who's on the road all day long, I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOU BIKERS!

Me: it's available also the other way around, you know?

Me: Tell me, what's more important: that phonecall or my life?


Me: What do you mean you don't care?

Douchebag: If by any chance the both of us will have an accident or something....

Me: I have it all on camera how you were struggling with the phone and shifting with the left hand

Me: What if then, someone was doing a left turn and you were not paying attention?

Douchebag: What? I was not struggling

Me: yes, you had the phone to your right ear and shifting with your left hand

Douchebag: No, i was arguing with the guy that cut me off (HE MEANS WHERE HE WAS ON RIGHT ONLY LANE AND THE GUY WAS ON THE GOOD LANE)

Me: You were distracted by the phone and that's it!

Douchebag: I won't take absolutely nothing from you bikers!

Douchebag: We'll talk again only when you will learn how to drive

Me: We are the ones to learn or you taxi drivers?

Douchebag: You see, every forest has its dead trees

Douchebag: More than half of you is exactly as i say, if not even more

Me: THAT'S NOT TRUE, look first in your own garden...






For more infomation >> HoriaSan S02E18 | DOUCHEBAG TAXI DRIVER - Duration: 3:58.


Passport to Gold 14K Framed Flower Station 18" Necklace - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Passport to Gold 14K Framed Flower Station 18" Necklace - Duration: 3:45.



Hello everyone and welcome to a new

video Ebm in the attic

Ebm computer channel them well today

I will teach a program that is for

our smartphone or our

Wattpad tablets called good

it has is that we will be able

get free books to read

the tablet or on our smartphone and

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up so that we evaluate and

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is small has 8 megs and now in a

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easier because it is what we have

normally associated with the tablet

or smartphone

we will either give here and now open

We see how we open the programs and

the first thing we will ask is because

is checking

with google +

and at a time will be

already it is registered and now here

to start tell me select

three stories that seem like

interesting and are the first three

books that are going to appear in our

smartphone in this case I'll mark

3 and looking a little out there and then and

here I'll mark this as well and will

mark someone else who has by and

I'll give next

So now I give here

and it puts us library

there and we already see that we have three books

If we click on one of them not first

It puts us there that I can switch to

Reading so that instead of being of

horizontally rather than vertical

more comfortable because we go sliding


leaving a little what is it the book

see how I'm moving out some

news occasionally some

but good advertising can


then I want to go out

I on the bottom

Mobile and see

Some options given to the option

could seek search

genres could find a name

specifically to see if I can find,

then how come there, I get

a few and could make any

and I could unload my

smartphone or tablet depends on me

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back back to search also

I can search by extension, show

complete works and we have some choice

more back here we will see

then we have no choice now

to upload

upload some of us write

He says add a cover title

the story is so good that if

we would be interested in those and then to

giving the house back because we

You could here

go commenting

I can also recommend you people

books I'm seeing and finally

here set up my user

to update

Well up here

Today's video attic and see Ebm

the program is is fine because

We will provide books and

Free stories, if they liked me

They can give like you can subscribe to my channel

down there where it says

Subscribe and so they will be

informed of the video or videos that got daily

you can follow me on networks

social and web pages

EBM Computers and the attic

Ebm I would like to share the

video with friends, acquaintances,

on social networks so these

knowledge will reach more people

any comments or suggestions or

request put me under video

I answer all very well thank you very much

and even video tomorrow

For more infomation >> FREE BOOKS ON YOUR SMARTPHONE, WITH WATTPAD - Duration: 4:50.


Passport to Gold 14K Framed Flower and CZ Drop Earrings - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Passport to Gold 14K Framed Flower and CZ Drop Earrings - Duration: 2:23.


Passport to Gold 14K Yellow Gold 16" Lumina Chain - Duration: 7:44.

For more infomation >> Passport to Gold 14K Yellow Gold 16" Lumina Chain - Duration: 7:44.


Chị hai ngón chia sẻ bài thuốc đánh bay sỏi thận trong 1 tuần chỉ bằng 1 quả rẻ tiền này - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Chị hai ngón chia sẻ bài thuốc đánh bay sỏi thận trong 1 tuần chỉ bằng 1 quả rẻ tiền này - Duration: 3:16.


Подключение WiFi IP камеры к удаленному компьютеру Windows - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Подключение WiFi IP камеры к удаленному компьютеру Windows - Duration: 4:51.


Passport to Gold "Basketweave" 14K Dome Ring - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Passport to Gold "Basketweave" 14K Dome Ring - Duration: 5:08.


India successfully test fires Agni III Ballistic Missile from Odisha Coast - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> India successfully test fires Agni III Ballistic Missile from Odisha Coast - Duration: 2:03.


Perlier Royal Elixir Pearls of Youth Face Serum AutoShip - Duration: 24:10.

For more infomation >> Perlier Royal Elixir Pearls of Youth Face Serum AutoShip - Duration: 24:10.


Бен и Холли ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ головы ГЕРОИ в масках Превращение СБОРНИК Новая серия Семья Пальчиков 2017 - Duration: 8:33.

For more infomation >> Бен и Холли ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ головы ГЕРОИ в масках Превращение СБОРНИК Новая серия Семья Пальчиков 2017 - Duration: 8:33.


Super joke with a goat - Duration: 1:53.

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Hello! You look video channel YouTube Fun with animals 99 plus. Subscribe!

Today I will show you 4 fun with funny goats

Today I will show you 4 fun with funny goats

Today I will show you 4 fun with funny goats

Today I will show you 4 fun with funny goats

Today I will show you 4 fun with funny goats

Today I will show you 4 fun with funny goats

Look super funny the first

Look super funny the first

Look super funny the first

You did not know that goats are so?

You did not know that goats are so?

I did not know!

I did not know!

I did not know!

And now look at the goat, who clucked like a chicken

And now look at the goat, who clucked like a chicken

And now look at the goat, who clucked like a chicken

And now look at the goat, who clucked like a chicken

I wonder why the name-calling goats?

I wonder why the name-calling goats?

I wonder why the name-calling goats?

It is cute cute animals!

It is cute cute animals!

It is cute cute animals!

It is cute cute animals!

It is cute cute animals!


If you know something about it - write in comments

If you know something about it - write in comments

If you know something about it - write in comments

It will be interesting to know

It will be interesting to know

It will be interesting to know

Enjoying the third trick of 4. It turns out, all the rams can do so!

Enjoying the third trick of 4. It turns out, all the rams can do so!

Enjoying the third trick of 4. It turns out, all the rams can do so!

One last trick today about another major goat

One last trick today about another major goat

One last trick today about another major goat

For more infomation >> Super joke with a goat - Duration: 1:53.


Samsung Electronics posts strong Q1 earnings backed by record-breaking chip sales - Duration: 1:52.

Samsung Electronics has posted its strongest quarterly earnings since 2013,... and its

second highest in history.

Much of the profit came from the company's biggest cash cow -- high-capacity semiconductors

-- which is expected to push up the margin even more throughout the year.

Oh Soo-young reports.

Samsung Electronics has posted its largest quarterly profit since 2013,... backed by

record semiconductor sales.

The Korean tech giant's operating profit rose to eight-point-seven billion U.S. dollars,...

up more than seven percent from the previous quarter and almost 50 percent from the same

period last year.

Sales came to some 44-point-six billion U.S. dollars.

A surge in chip sales accounted for more than two-thirds of the company's profit,... hitting

a record-breaking five-point-six billion dollars.

Samsung is the world's biggest semiconductor supplier, leading both the DRAM and NAND Flash


With the global appetite for high-capacity chips forecast to grow this year, accompanied

by a steady hike in prices,... the company expects its strong profits to continue into

the second quarter.

An anticipated boost in orders of OLED displays is also expected to drive up the profit line,...

along with the release of Samsung's new flagship smartphone -- the Galaxy S8 -- which is forecast

to sell more nearly 50 million units in its first year.

Aside from its traditional cash cows, Samsung has plans to expand into new businesses, including

smart home gadgets, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

As it posted its quarterly profit,... Samsung Electronics also announced on Thursday that

it won't convert into a holding company,... dismissing the push from hedge fund Elliot

Management to reform its ownership structure to increase profitability.

Oh Soo-young, Arirang News.

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