Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

I'm back!

I play Pokemon Go everyday

I play Pokemon Go

in China!

I play Pokemon Go everyday

I play Pokemon Go

with Obama!

When I wake up, I'm grabbing my phone

I wanna catch them all and those Mexicans

I wanna play Pokemon

all day long

all day long

I play Pokemon Go everyday

I play Pokemon Go

I play Pokemon Go everyday

I play Pokemon Go

I play Pokemon Go every day

I play Pokemon Go!

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Singing I Play Pokemon Go Everyday - Duration: 1:19.


RIMBA Racer | Lap 09 | It's Good To Be The King - Duration: 20:42.

♪ Hearts pumping ♪

♪ Engines thumping ♪

♪ Time to begin ♪

♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪

♪ Watch the race track come alive ♪

♪ RIMBA Racers hook the bends ♪

♪ Zooming round the laps to get to the end ♪

♪ Some will win and some will lose ♪

♪ Got to drive no time to cruise ♪

♪ RIMBA Racers flying fast ♪

♪ No one wants to be last ♪

♪ See you at the starting line ♪

♪ RIMBA Racer ♪

♪ The race has begun ♪

♪ RIMBA Racer ♪

♪ Who will be number one? ♪

♪ Pedal to the metal slam your foot to the floor ♪

♪ Hear the crowds shouting hear the engines roar ♪

♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪

♪ In front of the pack ♪

♪ Be the RIMBA Racer ♪

♪ Who's the king of the track? ♪

♪ Step on up it's time to drive ♪

♪ Be a RIMBA Racer ♪

Meika been here all night?

She says she's not leaving till Sonny wakes up.

What is it?

I ran into the doctor on the way in.

Sonny's not just unconscious, Tag.

He's in really bad shape.

Don't say it's not my fault.

We both know it is.

Have you guys eaten yet?

I'll go pick up something.

Thanks Meelo.

Oh. If you and Meika need to stretch your legs,

word of advice, keep it inside the Med Wards.


- Disaster strikes the RGP as veteran racer, Sonny-- - In a tragic accident during yesterday's race--

With nothing left to do but wait, our hopes and prayers are with Sonny and the other brave racers of the RGP.

Back to you in the studio.

Thank you, Dira.

The Becks & Beaks Show will be bringing you the

latest updates on Sonny's condition throughout the day.


We all know we need to keep our hopes up.

But sometimes it's nice to be reminded. Thanks, Beaks.

Earlier today, a visibly shaken King had this to say to the press.

What happened to Sonny was horrible,

and believe me when I say, that not only will there be an investigation into what happened,

but we are planning a closer look at all future races as well.

The RGP is a risky sport, but safety must always be our number one priority.

Mr. King, over here please.

Is there any truth to the rumors that you will be cancelling the rest of the season?

Of course not. In fact, we're carrying on for one reason and one reason only.

It's what Sonny would have wanted.

We're doing this for him.

Viewing figures are up an average of 20%.

That's including supporting shows like RGP Update.

And in the demos?

18 to 49 up to two points. 18 to 34 up almost four.


Keep running the Sonny tribute promos every hour.

This is a perfect opportunity to increase our ratings. Let's milk this for all it's worth.

Yes, sir. And the communications in your control room have been installed.

Good. I'll take it from here, Torres.

Sit down. This shouldn't take long.

Krom, you'll be glad to know that no one's questioning the footage we put together.

I expect you to be suitably guilt-ridden that you were unable to save Sonny--

your close, personal friend.


They don't call 'em "crocodile tears" for nothing, boss.

Don't overdo it.

The ratings are up, but we're just getting started.

You've all been sent your scripts for the next race, correct?


Memorize your parts.

Go tight round the corners and let's give them a great show.

And remember,

my directions are to be carried out immediately and without question.


Axle. You're going to start doing more interviews.

With the Ripper in pieces, Tag's out for a while.

You're picking up the media slack.

I'm here to race, you expect me to cozy up to reporters now?

What part of "immediately and without question" was unclear?

Torres will be forwarding your media schedules to each of you.

Follow them to the letter.

That's all. See you at tomorrow's rundown.

And you.

I have a message for your friend.

There's no change.

Give it time.

Before you know it, Sonny'll be cracking so many bad jokes, we'll have to knock him out again.

Listen, Meika.

Meelo came by earlier and, um--

And what?

He, uh, brought some food.


Not really.


Tag, why don't you take a break?

Check in on Miles-- relax for a bit.

Sure. Because Miles and relaxing go together like two--

uh, not similar things.

Go. Get some sleep.

We'll be okay here.

And take a shower.

A shower?

You smell...

... bad.



You're loving all this attention, aren't you?

What? Did you forget your--

You have three seconds.

Meika, I know I'm probably the last person you need to see right now but please, just listen--




I'm sorry about Sonny!

No. You don't get to say his name, you two-faced--

Please just listen. King's going to-


We were friends!

Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Just listen.

He wants you and Meelo back in the race next week.

You take a knee and follow orders.

King can take his orders and shove--

Fine! Then one day there'll be another accident.

Maybe you, maybe Tag. Meelo?

You willing to risk his life too?

Get off her!

It's over.

Are you two nuts? We're in a hospital for crying out loud.

Although if you're going to get hurt, this is sort of the best place to be.

What happened to Sonny was a warning.

King is capable of so much more. Remember that.


I think you mean "we're capable of so much more."

It's me.

I don't know how much longer I can do this.

You don't know what it's like!

You didn't see Meika.

And Sonny-- poor Sonny, he's just lying there with tubes and machines and...

Fine. Give me a week.

Then I'm done with King.


The same.


Still with him.

The Ripper?



Well, that could have gone better.

Is it Sonny--

No change.

But we did get an interesting visitor: Tamira.

She came with a message.

King wants Meika and I back in next week's race.

We're supposed to be good little boys and girls from now on and do what we're told.

Maybe that's for the best.

You did not just say that.

It's over Meelo.

We went up against King and he crushed us.

We lost. End of story.

What happened to Sonny isn't your fault, Tag.

I told you not to--

We're not children.

We knew the risks and made our choice.

And our choice was to fight back.

What are you going to do?

Like I told Sonny, you don't run from bullies.

It haunts you, the decisions you make in a race.

I tried to help Sonny. I was so close but... not close enough.

You did all you could, Krom.

You're a hero.

I just did what any of us would have done.

Sonny's a fellow racer. He's-- family.

Thank you, Krom.

Back to you in the studio.

Thank you, Miss Dira.

This week, the RGP holds its first race since Sonny's tragic accident.

And here in the studio to talk about it are Wrecks and Axle.


Good point, Beaks.

Some emotional words there from your friend, Krom.

What would you say is the mood in the Ark, right now?

That's exactly what I thought.

Any thoughts on the next race, Axle?

The race will be held at the Crystal Canyon Run.

That's a dangerous track.

Is that really appropriate considering what happened last week?

We are racers.

Risk is our business.

Sonny understood that.

And next week, we race for him.


I think that's the most words I've ever heard you string together at one time.


Indeed, it is.

So there you have it, folks.

The next race is still on.

Join us at Crystal Canyon next week.

Same time. Same channel.

We'll be right back after these messages.

And Meika takes the lead!

If you're just joining us, welcome to the Crystal Canyon Run.

No tracks. No traps. Just a maze of twists and turns through a jungle of crystal.

With Sonny and Tag out of the race, we're down to eight racers for this one.

The rules are simple. First one out through the other side wins!

And Tamira's just taken the lead back from Meika.

These two have been fighting tooth and nail since the start of this race.


That's true, buddy. There have been reports of a falling out between these two friends.

But they're both professionals and would never let personal feelings interfere with a race.

Hey Tamira, we didn't get to finish our talk!

Now I'm finished.

That's good enough, Meika. Pull back.


Looks like Meika blinked first and Tamira is well and truly in the lead.

What a race folks!

No one's giving an inch out there.

That's good.

Krom, Wrecks. See if you can give us some action with Ooaa and Cuckoo.

Pull back a little and engage.

Excellent. Make it look like they have a fighting chance.

Axle. Maintain speed.

I want you to catch up with Tamira during the last third of the race.

Take a right up ahead. The left is a dead end.

Meelo. Watch your speed. You're going too fast.

Meelo, pull back.


Slow down now!

I'm warning you!

Meelo. What are you doing?

Evasive maneuvers, Tamira!

He's activated the Poison Arrow.

You're going to regret this.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

And Meelo has taken the lead!

Krom-- the lizard's all yours.

Take him out. Permanently.

Will do, boss.

Take the next left. It's a shortcut that'll bring you in line with Meelo.

Left. Left again.


Krom has managed to catch up with Meelo.

Having already used his grappling hooks, Meelo's helpless out there.

Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.


King, wait. Give me a chance.

I can get Meelo in line.


One chance, Meika.

Thank you.

Meelo. You need to stop this.

You don't give in to bullies.

I know about Sonny!

I overheard you and Tag talking.

Then you know why I'm doing this.

King doesn't get to win!

You can't beat him.

Not today.

Please Meelo, we can't lose you too.

Meelo, you've been a naughty boy.

And naughty boys get punished.

Today, you finish last. Understood?

I can't hear you.


And that's all the action from earlier today- Tamira, victorious at Crystal Canyon.

But disappointment for Meelo, who after initially taking

the lead fell back to finish in, I can barely believe it myself, last pla--

It's all falling apart, isn't it Sonny?

If you've got any advice, now would be the time.

Mr. King! Mr. King! Over here!

Mr. King! Mr. King, the ratings for tonight's race were the highest in five years.

Were you anticipating such a high numbers of viewers or--

Please, please, no questions.

I'm not here in any official capacity.

I'm just here to visit a sick friend.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

Did you watch the race?



As you can see Meika and Meelo have fallen in line.

Poor Sonny.

Why don't you walk out of here, King.

While you still can.

Tag, what a thing to say.

Especially when I'm offering salvation.

Your car's totalled.

The cost of repairs is more than you make in a year.

Which means you're out for the season--


Unless I also fall in line?

Clever boy.

It's easy. I'm throwing you a bone here.

You can have the-- Ripper, is it-- back on the track by next week.

So what do you say?

You're out of options, Tag.

There's one left.

Oh, there he is. Tag! Over here!

I have an announcement to make.

I quit.

Subtitles by Choong Chi-Ren

For more infomation >> RIMBA Racer | Lap 09 | It's Good To Be The King - Duration: 20:42.


AI Learns Geometric Descriptors From Depth Images | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 3:08.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

Today, we're going to discuss a great piece of work that shows us how efficient and versatile

neural network-based techniques had become recently.

Here, the input is a bunch or RGB-D images, which are photographs endowed with depth information,

and the output can be a full 3D reconstruction of a scene, and much, much more, which we'll

see in a moment.

This task is typically taken care of by handcrafting descriptors.

A descriptor is a specialized representation for doing useful tasks on images and other

data structures.

For instance, if we seek to build an algorithm to recognize black and white images, a useful

descriptor would definitely contain the number of colors that are visible in an image, and

a list of these colors.

Again, these descriptors have been typically handcrafted by scientists for decades.

New problem, new descriptors, new papers.

But not this time, because here, super effective descriptors are proposed automatically via

a learning algorithm, a convolutional neural network and siamese networks.

This is incredible!

Creating such descriptors took extremely smart researchers and years of work on a specific

problem, and were still often not as good as these ones.

By the way, we have discussed siamese networks in an earlier episode, as always, the link

is available in the video description.

And as you can imagine, several really cool applications emerge from this.

One, when combined with RANSAC, a technique used to find order in noisy measurement data,

it is able to perform 3D scene reconstruction from just a few images.

And it completely smokes the competition.

Two, pose estimation with bounding boxes.

Given a sample of an object, the algorithm is able to recognize not only the shape itself,

but also its orientation when given a scene cluttered with other objects.

Three, correspondance search is possible.

This is really cool!

This means that a semantically similar piece of geometry is recognized on different objects.

For instance, the algorithm can learn the concept of a handle, and recognize the handles

on a variety of objects, such as on motorcycles, carriages, chairs, and more!

The source code of this project is also available.


Neural networks are rapidly establishing supremacy in a number of research fields, and I am so

happy to be alive in this age of incredible research progress.

Make sure to subscribe to the series and click the bell icon, some amazing works are coming

up in the next few episodes, and there will be lots of fun to be had.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> AI Learns Geometric Descriptors From Depth Images | Two Minute Papers - Duration: 3:08.


Nouveau joueur ou de retour en jeu : débloquez le vol dans Legion (VOST) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Nouveau joueur ou de retour en jeu : débloquez le vol dans Legion (VOST) - Duration: 0:52.


SMINKER MEG SOM DA JEG VAR 14... - Duration: 6:16.

Hey everyone

How are you guys?

I hope everything's fine with you

everything's fine with me!

and welcome to my channel!




That was my dog sneezing

I've seen that Agnes Lovise and Nellie have done this video

and Romy Felicia too!

They did their makeup exactly as how they did when they were at the age of 14



So I thought

I have to find pictures of me from when I was around 14!

And I did found these gorgeous pictures


very nice

very sexy

very pretty


Let's get these pictures out of here

I will now do my makeup as how I did back then...

*strange accent* I don't have any makeup on

I just have my lenses


I really loved eyeliner

I'm still an eyeliner lover though

but there's limits

but before I start with the eyeliner

I'm starting with the skin

Be aware of that I'm not doing this part exactly as I used to do it back then

I used to use CC Cream and stuff

but I will be using a cream for now

I don't know why my skin is so dry right there

it has been like this in a couple of months now

omg this was a lot

I really love this cream

If you've got oily skin as I have

and need a good cream

I totally recommend this one

I'm not sure if it works for everyone though

but it worked for me!

I got red now

Gorgeous Bea

You're so good on doing your makeup


so so good

I seriously am red as a tomato now

As you probably know, I'm not a beauty guru

This is how I ish put my concealer on, on a daily basis

I'm not doing this so proparly

because I remember that I didn't really care that much

I'm just doing it ish

It's not that important to have it 100%

I got some pimples

Everybody has pimples

No shame

*motorcycle noise*


Now it's time for eyeliner

And 14 years old me loved having eyeliner on the eyelid and one both waterlines

I'm going to first use a dipliner for the eyelid

14 years old me didn't use winged eyeliner

and the eyeliner used to me quite thick

so yes... this is gonna be awesome

ok, ready?

At that time I didn't actually use "dipliner"

but it was as black as this one though




Btw, this eyeliner is the one I use everyday!

Everybody asks me which one I use, now you know

cheap and the best eyeliner I've ever tried so far


and now it's very important that you don't use dipliner on the waterline

Now I'll use a

an eyeliner that is...

a pencil

It was very important that the eyeliner was a Kohl pencil

Are we ready guys?

I haven't done this in a while

so this is fun


I'll look like a punk

I'm trying not to cry here

I'm crying


I'm getting flashbacks from when I was 14

omg I haven't done this for years so it's hard to do this now

I was so used to do this everyday... So I didn't really used to cry

look at this...


so ugly

Now it's time for the mascara

It wasn't enough with eyeliner... I had to have mascara as well

My lashes won't cooperate with me today

As you saw on the pictures, I almost didn't have eyebrows.

I plucked almost all my eyebrows!


Why did we girls use to do this?

But now I'll obviously not pluck my eyebrows

because this took ages to grow

So for now I'll just try to put concealer on top

you know the drill right?

I seriously almost didn't have eyebrows


I think this works ish

I look like 14 years old me!!!

I used to have side parting


This is crazy, I really look like old me

I only need the clothes

Let us get the clothes you guys


no no no... Side parting


I hope you liked this video

if yes give it a big thumbs up

thumbs up POWAAAH

Remember to subscribe to my channel if you haven't already done that

and click on the little bell beside the subscribe button

so you can get a little notification everytime I upload a new video

I'll see you guys next time


For more infomation >> SMINKER MEG SOM DA JEG VAR 14... - Duration: 6:16.


The Trump Administration: 100 Days In 2 Minutes | The New York Times - Duration: 2:37.

"I don't think there's ever been a president

who in this short period of time

has done what we've done.

January 20, 2017

This American carnage stops right now."

"This was the largest audience to ever witness

an inauguration period."

"Sean Spicer gave alternative facts."

"Withdrawal from the Trans- Pacific Partnership.

Federal government employee hiring freeze."

"Except for the military."

"Immigration is a privilege, not a right.

And it's not a Muslim ban."

"This is not a Muslim ban."

"It's by nature not a ban."

"And I am following through on my promise

to appoint only the very best

and the very brightest."

We're also a team.

It's a great team. It's a team that gets along."

"Does he have the full confidence

of the president? Yes, he does."

"General Flynn had misled the vice president."

"And I think the president made the right decision

to ask for his resignation."

"And the leaks are absolutely real.

The news is fake."

"The F.B.I. is investigating

the Russian government's efforts to interfere

in the 2016 presidential election."

"And my staff recommended recusal."

"With respect to the chairman's decision

to step aside from the Russia investigation ..."

"... and microwaves that turn into cameras, etc."

"You know when I say 'wiretap,'

those words were in quotes.

That's a very important thing.

But we said nothing."

"I will administer justice

without respect to persons ..."


"Strong hands."

"You want the handshake?"

"The NATO alliance, I said it was obsolete.

It's no longer obsolete."

"A life is lost, I don't believe

that you can call it a success."

"According to General Mattis,

it was a very successful mission.

It's already happened

that my attitude toward Syria and Assad

has changed very much.

Everybody knows exactly what happened, so

really another successful job.

The veterans have poured out their sweat and

blood and tears, and it's time

that we take care of them properly."

"Obamacare is the law of the land."

"Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."

"But you're gonna get a health care vote next week?"

"Don't know. Doesn't matter if it's next week.

Next week doesn't matter.

There is sort of this artificial number

that gets thrown out.

It's been a hugely successful

first hundred days.

The wall's gonna get built, folks.

Just in case anybody has any questions.

Sometimes I look at some of the things I'm signing

and I say 'Maybe people won't like it,

but I'm doing the right thing.'

And no regular politician's gonna do —

I don't know if you folks would do ..."

For more infomation >> The Trump Administration: 100 Days In 2 Minutes | The New York Times - Duration: 2:37.


Kabootar KA Anda | Mardana Taqat Ka Raaz | Pigeon Eggs For Man Power | Health Tips - Duration: 5:53.

Kabootar KA Anda | Mardana Taqat Ka Raaz | Pigeon Eggs For Man Power

For more infomation >> Kabootar KA Anda | Mardana Taqat Ka Raaz | Pigeon Eggs For Man Power | Health Tips - Duration: 5:53.


THE HILLS HAVE EYES ON STEROIDS | Outlast 2 Pt.1 - Duration: 20:03.

hello everyone it's me Jayskibean and

welcome to outlast 2 now I said I

probably wasn't going to play this one

now haven't even played the first one on

my channel yet but it just came out and

I was really excited for it it looks

really good and I've even gone through

like Resident Evil 7 or anything yet but

oh well we're going to pop right into a

new game allies to contains intense

violence core graphic sexual content and

strong language please enjoy okay

well Len linger min is an investigative

journalist seeking the answers behind a

pregnant woman murdered and under

unpossible circumstances in rural

Arizona your Blake Langerman her husband

assistant in cameramen record everything

neither of you are fighters to navigate

the horrors waiting for you in the

desert your only choices are to run hide

or die

Jose ion Zion Dallas to stone us of

rubble okay I guess I'm not going to

read that

like are you really sleeping you should

have slept last night I had to get that

hospital footage organized we're calling

up the other one Oh what your sleep

Jessica I think you know and Jessica

well just watch no I mean I was dreaming

about Jessica Raine

Oh from when we were kids oh yeah I

haven't thought about her in ages

hey we're crossing into reservation land

now looking for some sorta factory yeah

we lost with there's nothing out here

look for empty all the mercury in that

was gone she had just spent at least a

decade of dreams from some pretty heavy


wow man about the time we record an

intro while we're up here production


sure yeah let's do it

get that camera growing my god

all y'all gonna be crap whoa are you

sure yeah get as much of the left behind

you can you got oh yeah we're good red

leather yellow leather red leather

yellow we'll put it up superb

okay Lin Lang Ehrman here for News

tomorrow doesn't

we're flying past the Havasupai Indian

Reservation in central Arizona in search

of the origins of murder Mikael in Salem

I don't think you should say murdered we

don't know that

oh she strangled herself to death so

what the police report says we might

play this before the doctor interviews

and that's all the first learning we

need to get the word murder in there

we should probably miss the fetus to

intelligence here let me try where's my

concern I drove for the whole piece tell

me one we're good okay Morgan tell me to

go a young boy found wandering barefoot

pregnant and alone on a barren stretch

of highway a hundred miles

gee what's the seventh in already

something in my eye to the baby they can

have to get one side Wow Wow okay so it

starts off pretty pretty good momentum

with the helicopter crash and we just

found out about a missing redneck girl

and a fetus was found

I don't know and what is all this oh

dude can I go catch leave

any reason I'm walking so slow

oh hello

this night hand a baker's Locker is

Jessica's oh this is Jessica huh oh hey

if I could sprint you see if I could

find anything else to the oh it's the

state to show where we're at we're at

Arizona right but are we in Arizona

right now okay so nothing much besides

the Jesus statue thingy hanging on the

wall and the map and the locker that I

see see anything here this is varied

happy but the god of the ninth grade

tenth grade it also is the same thing

high school exam schedule so some kind

of wait what school does it say 1995 I'm

just trying to find stuff like so we're

at 1995 it's cool the core is stopped

that's great okay

oh hey oh hi

okay all right

love was an interesting dream also sorry

about any tapping if you guys did hear

any kind of tap that's why I kind of

looked over here during the helicopter

scene as Lily was passing out she was

falling asleep and then she started

snoring real loud hack repeatedly yeah

yeah I could pick up a whole door from a

helicopter we just survived a helicopter

crash that's props to this guy that's

intense and there's the rest of the

helicopter down there the game saves a

lot that's kind of good you can always

see your agenda by pressing tab wait

find Lin oh and you can review footage -

that's cool

all right so I'm assuming we have fall

damage I'm not just going to go down

that way and I can sprint that's good

okay just flip it slide down the slope

dude this is so cool like a movement

jump over a gap press space while moving

forward okay

cool huh oh boy huh all right cool we

made it we got past the tutorial

important events should be captured on

video press the right click to raise

your camera recording will start

automatically indicated by blinking red

light when the recording signs links it

means you're aiming correctly at the

recording event a MIDI event until the

red circle is full to successfully

capture the event okay okay cool this is

handy that's nice and easy it's a lot

easier than I thought it was going to be

video recorded press tab to access your

camera's menu alright and then you can

okay cool so you can just view your

footage from before alright

okay cool so it's always from the camera

important of you there's no body so that

means she got away and found shelter or

night-vision F Oh awesome

yes that - is the outlast feel right

there like that's where it came from

because the whole game is so dark so you

need night vision to get through most

parts of this game I know it was like

that in the first one now I've played

the first one just not on the channel

whoa no it didn't whoa dude is that

barbed wire yeah the guys like held

together a barbed wire that's crazy

oh my batteries to die and so does night

vision use batteries Upton maybe it does

I needed batteries you can look back by

holding left alt left oh you can look

around your are to reload oh are to

reload the batteries okay so I had spare

batteries sitting on what I was doing so

you can look over your shoulder you can

even there's a shoulder looking mechanic

I don't remember that if that wasn't the

first one I don't remember it maybe

because it's been it's been a long time

it's been way before I started my

channel since count oh yeah

what am i recording okay just a town

those bad footage those bad footage okay

you can like zoom in zoom out and


so I don't need night vision right now I

can see all right let's go spaceball

moving what's that hello I'm lost and


let me in we're not okay

well nothing too crazy yet man so

anything in the darkness or anything

lurking we're so in Arizona right now

look at all the cacti and stuff we're

forward to open door slowly hot man so

their their uh their religious here I

can see that hey hey oh dude my dear

sweet jelly

I can't bear what we've done nor being

apart from our little one son going over

and hoping you can forgive me for

leaving you behind and God forgives me

this last trespass I know that they had

to be offered up but I'm all tore up

inside and I can't live no more

hopefully the end will come soon and we

could be together again unless God burns

me forever for his for this sin until

then I hope you find what that woman's

comfort you need in the arms of Papa

not-not-not whatever yours forever tom

okay well that's Tom I think dude he's

eating some chicken and with the sad

suicide - this is real man okay so see -

crouched and I got it controls are going

to get a lot of hay a battery give it a

see how many batteries you have first

time Chris tab I heard something I heard

somebody moving oh jeez

jammed does that me trying to kick the

door in or what so it's have to see how

many batteries you have find Lin nothing

matters but lit in batteries because we

do batteries

look to your left pocket to it I'll see

okay cool

got it all right so I need to find Lin

whoa all man feet cold qe2 peak around


odd dude

aughh men this is getting intense

what's that odd dude hey oh dude oh man

this is getting real hello

you let me in yeah dear father are o

loving God continues to bless me with

the visions of so can I can I pick take

a picture of it I can take picture over

right whatever ah more so certainly ever

the enemy is near everyday I was

scrubbing the stains from the floor in

Daniels room when black music arose from

and slimy sink deep for cytosol creature

to burning above Dubois teeth ding

beneath Liz okay so yeah that's

basically a gross story about something

crazy I don't know what that was so many

bandages you have okay I'm assuming that

the bandages heal you hide that's great

that I'm not tied to exit alrighty well

that's cool I'm starting to learn the

mechanics a little bit now that's


I need to talk peeking around corners

instead of just going hello take a

battery give me that I need those men Oh

what is this

it's kind of backwoods place like how

the camera focuses to open windows press

the Oh she enter when they're press

space while moving towards it alright

cuz we just did it be a knee into a

house we probably don't want to be in so

some doors have dead bolts that can be

used to unlock your logo okay alright so

it's just gonna keep giving me hints

then it's locked

okay well that's just a sign oh hey that

pictures everywhere the old dudes

pictures all over the place

unlock man dude this is so interactive

and intense to crouch hold left control

I need to reload the battery too

wait what's going on Am I

is dark I can't see anything

am I out of batteries or what I just got

to wonder in the darkness just run

midwives lament the baby is coming ready

the knife the baby is coming night oh

dude oh dude oh dude that's gross what

is going on so I have the have the

camera how I tab right how do I bring

the camera out

I forgot I forgot how to bring out the

camera there we go okay right click duh

okay I knew that odd

dude odd babies gross oh my babies and

the rocking chair okay yeah still

learning controls like that was the

first thing he told me it was right

click to bring the camera out and I

already forgot it's a crawl press see oh

wow it says crouch and just crawl so

it's really intense

we solved this yeah

who's talking

Oh lady

Hey my what is going on

what well it's a scary lady chasing me I

have to run

what what what Oh what's this what

where'd she come from

okay so that's danger all right we'll

give me the battery No Oh No hahaha no


Oh God Lee dude oh well I died Wow

okay so don't let her catch you alright

well guys I'm gonna go ahead finish the

episode off there um that was out Laos -

uh yeah this is gonna be fun this is

going to be fun I get to figure out what

to do to get away from her and not diet

thousand times so I hope you guys

enjoyed if you guys did enjoy make sure

you so let that light but that rate the

video and until next time she's still

talking I'll see you guys later


For more infomation >> THE HILLS HAVE EYES ON STEROIDS | Outlast 2 Pt.1 - Duration: 20:03.


Classical Musicians React: RED VELVET 'Ice Cream Cake' vs 'Automatic' - Duration: 17:06.

Shimon: Yeah Umu: Oh you didn't like the giant cat and all the-

Naoki: Wait Both: GIant Cat?

Naoki: I'm- Umu: SEE! (Honestly how do you miss the giant cat in the dessert smh)

Umu: ONE- YOU MISSED A GIANT ASS FUCKING CAT Shimon: HAHAHAA we were watching Naoki: We were actually watching that one! (Clearly not)

Naoki: There wasn't- (yes there was) Umu: IN THE DESSERT

Naoki: Prove it (Lol)

Umu: OK

Naoki: See look they have little fur coats- Oh there is Shimon: OH MY GOD Umu: THERE'S YOUR FUCKING GIANT CAT

Naoki: No it's actually just a normal size cat it's just shot differently

Because it's CGI. You don't believe me?

Umu: No Shimon: I just didn't know what a cat was

*Rossini's Semiramide Overture plays*

Umu: Alright

Can you introduce yourselves

*Awkward silence*

Mark: Hi Everyone: *laughs*

Hi I'm Mark, I play the violin

I'm a freshman

Nozomi: I'm Nozomi, I also play violin

Umu: This is a girl group

Hugo: Yaay Umu: This is RedVelvet (ReVeluv fandom we got a name finally it's liiiiittttt)

Umu: They're also a pretty strong vocal group and this song

what's cool about this group is they have 2 sides

they have their Red side which is more poppy, more feminine, more girly Gwen: And then their Velvet side

Umu: And then their Velvet side is R&B and like

matured woman- Hugo: Wait you just said Red side twice

Gwen: No she said Velvet Umu: No I said Velvet

Kevin: Do the 2 sides mix like Schumann

At sometimes


Umu: And this is their 3rd song that they ever put out and this is their red side

And it's called Ice Cream Cake

So this will make you hungry it's called- Mark: Hopefully it's like- it's like a food porn video with like just amazing graphics Nozomi: I though you just ate

Mark: There's always room for dessert remember Nozomi: Oh yeah

Fiona: Pop lock and drop it 5

a 4 a 3 a 2 and a 1

Fiona: Oh my god gimme some of that cake

OH MY GOD Those nails

Peyton: Ah that actually looks delicious

Mark: Wow never seen that topping

Jarod: Oh I want a slice of that

Kevin: That's pretty p- Wooo

Shimon: That's creepy Naoki: Ahah yeah

Hugo: I am in a horror movie

Gwen: Yeah immediately

Shimon: And I think it was the melody, Na na na Naoki: Yeah

Naoki: Well it was like a mode

Gwen: Not anymore but- Hugo: No

Gwen: They were just like.. Tritone chords

Yunyi: celeste!?!?!... give it to me

Fiona: They're so cute Henry: I dig this a lot

Kevin: Man it's like a minor tendency is da da da Yunyi: Yeah

Lindsey: Haha she's wearing a University of Michigan s... crew neck

Gwen: Their hair is so cute

They're pulling out like 90's hairstyles

Naoki: Oh my god this is definitely a motif now

Kevin: Ooh mixture

Nozomi: Oh that's interesting

Yunyi: It's because they have the- the minor 3rd but then they go directly to the- Kevin: Yeah

Yunyi: to 1

Kevin: WHAT Yunyi: WOAAH (Damn right yall shook)

Shimon: That was very different

Kevin: It went.. up a- up a whole step Yunyi: Keep it coming

Davis: They always do that weird thing at the end of the phrases where it's like major

But it's like, they don't really prepare it

so you're ready for it, you're just like oh wait what

Gwen: I'm beginning to think that kpop groups started whipping before we started whipping (They dabbed in Korea way before we did)

Yunyi: I love that

I looooovvee it Kevin: I kinda like it

Fiona: Dude I want all of the beverages they're having

Nozomi: Oh savage she was drinking at a place where it said no food or drink

Henry: This is pretty f***ing dope actually Fiona: Are they actually singing about desserts (No)

Jarod: The aesthetic of just breaking water

Gwen: Was that just a random papaya floating in the water

Davis: And it sounds like a toy piano almost, that's playing in the background

Both: ~Lalalala! lalalalala~~

Peyton: Kinda like the beat too

Yunyi: Like lowkey horror

Peyton: Oh it's so cool they do a major first then they do a minor

Yunyi: Man Kevin: There's actually no harmonic relation it just jumps

Henry: They go from.. A to B

Kevin: it's great

Henry: Gimme that (Ice cream)

Flat seveeenn

Nozomi: Woah woah

Yunyi: Woaah Kevin: Haha wa

Nozomi: What was that Mark: In the Midwest (It's Cali lol) there's something

Gwen: They have a good ensemble

Hugo: Yeah Gwen: They blend well

Kevin: Do you scream ever-

Both: Hahha

Kevin: Oh they repeat it

Mark: I scream you scream

Nozomi: Gimme gimme- gimme that gimme that ice cream

Mark: So is it i'm screaming or ice cream or is it a play on words

Jarod: Dude there's just something hip about the Korean language

Which is like- it just bounces man

Mark: I just don't understand the connections between ice cream and you scream

Henry: It's symbolic

Fiona: It's definitely symbolic of something

Henry: It's a innuendo Fiona: of something special


Peyton: Oh that's a big cat

(Yet Shimki missed it)



Lindsey: Oh I see it Davis: YEah

Lindsey: They're all wearing Thrasher

Gwen: It modulates every- what is that dominant

Kevin: OOhh different different Yunyi: Yeah they didn't go major that time

Kevin: Oh no- Yunyi: Oh now they did

Kevin: Now it's in major, yeah

Yunyi: ~come and chase MEEEEEEE~

Hugo: I think they use the chromatic thing to go back down I think that's how they do it Gwen: YEah

Both: I scream you OHHOHO

Yunyi: OHOHOHO we got played

Peyton: The beauty of chromaticism

You can do whatever you want

Gwen: It went back down

Hugo: Yeah Gwen: But it's not lower than it was before

Hugo: No yeah Gwen: Just somehow get back up

Hugo: I think they just go up a whole step then they go back down a whole step

Jarod: I love those jackets though

Peyton: I- Jarod: Like the lights (Oh he was talking about the fur ones)

Peyton: I just love them

Yunyi: He- *Looks at Kevin* Kevin: I scream you scream gimme that gimme that ice cream

(Lol extra)

(Wtf was that noise XD)

Hugo: Gimme that gimme that ice cream Gwen: Yeah it's the times where they say I scream you scream

like there's no vocal line so that's when they start modulating

Gwen: Yeah Hugo: No I think they do it before then, I think they do it right...

I think they do it preettyyyy soon I think once they hit the actual refrain they're back in the original key Gwen: Wait we gotta- we gotta listen- we gotta find it

Fiona: Gimme that what

Umu: Gimme that gimme that your lips

Fiona: Ooh ok yeah definitely a huge innuendo

it- for that cat (LOL)

in the dessert

Jarod: I love the beat

and yeah what Peyton said how they did that cool minor major thing

it was great but I was definitely entra-

some beautiful human beings in that group

Peyton: You're gonna have to apologize I mean when we watch like 40 guy groups in a row Jarod: Some beeaautiful

and you've finally shown us a girl group Jarod: And you're just like BABFBAK (Definitely not a sexual innuendo)


Jarod: Sorry Umu: HHAhA

Umu: Ok

English lyrics then you'll get what it's about Nozomi: Oh

Umu: Please gimme that sweet taste, ice cream cake or the flavor that fits this special day that ice cream that's on my mouth

makes your heart pound and you'll come to me

It's so tasty so come and chase me I can't hold it in I scream

you scream, gimme that gimme that ice cream

Umu: Hah mark's getting it

Mark: So many, I can't believe it, what

Nozomi: I'm still-- Mark: Maybe it's one of those videos where it's better not to know the lyrics

Just a

Assume it's one of those innocent happy songs

Umu: Exactly Nozomi: I still don't get it

Umu: I'll tell you after the video


Gwen: What is that, applied dominant

Hugo: No it's a chromatic.. modulation

There we go that's where it is

And then they go back to the refrain the re-

(I just started dancing the chorus lol)

They make that- they make the modulated key an applied chord of the original key

They modulate high enough that they make that chord the dominant of

the original key and then they go back down to the original Umu: That;s so cooooll

Davis: What I like about the music is.. I really like you know they're telling you about this whole chase me thing (Go watch Dreamcatcher Chase Me)

As they were singing that, in the background they had this like jigidajigidajigidajigida

I mean like it- it created a sense of urgency Lindsey: It's like the uh

Lindsey: Erlkönig

davis: Den Erlenkönig (dddddddudududududuudududud) schubert. have you guys-

did you have that in theory yet?

Davis: It's supposed to create like a chase- like through the music I thought they did some of that with their music here where they sort of

like things sort of reflected what they were singing

singing in the music

not saying, singing

Lindsey: I just liked it cuz it was catchy and fun


Yunyi: Anyways.. I'll trust that

The lyrics was probably a conscious choice Kevin: Well it says chase me, you know there's like a-

Kevin: There's like a nuh uh (Kevin would make a great sassy girl)

There's like an unh unh type of feeling which is always good

Yunyi: I was gonna talk about

Something musically- OH there was lowkey kazoo action in the background did you hear that

There was some phewweeew

like some kazoo

Umu: So you liked the chromatic melodies in that Henry: Yeah, I dug the modulation between Fiona: I enjoyed all of it, it was hilarious

It was in B then it was also in A sometimes

and also in B other times FIona: Red Velvet, more like Scarlet, like they deserve a better.. better

Red- Crimson


We're moving on to their Velvet side, this is Automatic (Make sure you're using my subs not Automatic subs hehe)

Mark: I have a feeling it's gonna have lament bass in it

Nozomi: They usually- yeah

Yunyi: Very different topic than Ice Cream Cake

Umu: Yes

Yunyi: Automatic ice cream cake




Automatic ice cream cake

(Yunyi wtf)

Umu: Whaat

Kevin: Automatic riffles that shoot ice cream cake

Jarod: We about to take you on a nice velvetty journey (Ok you need to show them girl groups more often)


(I feel uncomfortable)


*Creepy wink*

(Omg stop him pls)

Kevin: OOh there's some


Peyton: unhunh


(I'm dancing to this part too lol)

Fiona: Ooh

Dude they're so versatile


Naoki: Muscles

Shimon: Brown Couch

Naoki: Red


Shimon: Fish

Tight, tight

Naoki: Ok

Lindsey: Oh it's like- it's like a mom's club

Gwen: Well this is beautiful

*Hugo ruins it*

Hugo: Also- Gwen: Their voices are so much better suited to this style

Naoki: Yeah their voice types are different now

Hugo: I mean we've only heard one but yeah

Naoki: it's because they're conveying different characters, this one's like silkier

As opposed to upbeat and like

youthful Shimon: Darker


Naoki: It's velvetier

(These 2 I swear)

Gwen: But this is like ideal R&B tone

Hugo: Yeah GWen: Where it's like breathy and sultry and stuff

Hugo: But not too breathy

Fiona: It is very R&B it kinda reminds me of 2000's R&B

Gwen: Also their diction is like

I don't know it cuz it's Korean but it's good

Shimon: This is a really huge stylistic difference though between the 2 videos Naoki: Oh yeah

Jarod: I'm just gonna straight up say, this beat

This melody

Is bangin

Kevin: I'm surprised I like their poppy side more

This hits all the R&B beats.. R&Beats

Gwen: Ooh did you hear that descant? *Hugo blows nose*

Henry: Ungh that chord

Umu: What's descant?

Gwen: It's like a

So you know how the highest line is usually the melody

Sometimes there's a higher line, that's not the melody

And if it's like- it's basically

cou- like a counterpoint to the melody

But it's not a harmony

Umu: Are you enjoying

Henry: Yes I mean

Not so much the lyrics and the singing, but

The chord progression

If there were- if- if

If there was someone rapping over this I'd be like

BRUH (Not him too)

Fiona: Dude that's actually really true

Nozomi: I mean this chromaticism ma- Mark: Very R&B sounding

Hugo: Oh damn girl, sh*t get it

Fiona: They're such good dancers

In sync

Hugo: Also dancing in heels, props Gwen: Also.. yeah

Davis: This is definitely very R&B, this chords are so, there's just a lot of major 7th and like Lindsey: Mhm

Jarod: Late night at the coffee shop

peyton: yeah man

Yunyi: Woah English

This is such easy listening Kevin: Yeah I agree

Yunyi: It's cuz everything is kinda


At the same dynamic level and the instrumentation is very consistent through

But the vocals are really interesting but they're not overbearing

Henry: Bridge

Peyton: Woooohhhh

Fiona: AHHH

Henry: Ooh it's good

Peyton: I love the chords

Henry: OOhhh

Chords OOhhh

Lindsey: you know like they gotta slow it down a little you know


Mark: I like the- the beat, it's like the vibe of the song, it' pretty nice

(It's moments like these that make me happy, less work XD)

Jarod: Like- Ooh I dig this

Kevin: Man their dancing looks so classy

Mark: I like the way the water is filmed backwards too there

Herny: The chor- uh

The chorus is just like

But like, the bridge was like EEEHHE

Mark: I don't know I always thought Korean wasn't really a vocal language but this kind of just like

it sounded natural

It wasn't- I thought it sounds usually consonant nozomi: *sings* sooo natural

marK: what

Nozomi: No- they.. they.. the lyrics

Jarod: Like- nice like that cinematic they- Peyton: ~Automatic~

Jarod: Ending where it began

Henry: Yeah, wow I definitely like this one better

Fiona: WOW there's such a contrast between the two sides Henry: Yeah honestly good for them for being able to do both of those really well

Jarod: Yeah this music.. very sexy

Booty-ful I might say

*Peyton is so embarrassed*

Lindsey: I feel like I just don't have very much to say about this song it's just very straightforward, just like

Like it's definitely ... kinda... just chill

Jarod: This is the kinda music that I'd put on, when I love

someone neomu neomu neomu much

And I would express how much I love them

With this music

And then we'd engage in tickle fights

Lindsey: I wish I had more to say about it but I just don't really Davis: Yeah I just- I love- I loved it

Lindsey: Yeah yeah no I- Davis: I love the music like you can hear the chimes in the back and the synth

Umu: What musically makes it sound like R&B from the early 2000's

Davis: There's a lot of like- whenever anytime it's like

I just say teh early 2000's cuz that's a lot of the R&B that I listen to

But like

You hear a lot of those major 7th and suspended chords that are going on in the synthesizer

And also they like to do all the transition between ideas like they used that chime in the background so it's like Lindsey: Yeah

And the bass- the bass is almost always like- it's like a specific groove





It's very steady- it's always

you can just feel how it just lays back on the beat

It just makes it- it just gives it that chill effect

Mark: This one sounded more like

What I'm used to hearing

On radio stations from R&B groups so.. I didn't think that Kpop could sound like this so

I feel like I had one type of music in mind when I

When people say what kpop is (BigBang Fantastic Baby, that's what it was for me lol)

So this is definitely broadening my


Umu: Let's just talk about their voices and that song Gwen: Oh Beeaautiful Hugo: Amazing

Gwen: Beautiful

Very well suited

Umu: Do you want me to show you some live performances from them

Gwen: Yes.. of the velvet side Hugo: Yeah Me: YES Umu: Ok I'l probably show the

Umu: Of the velvet side, not on like immortal- I have immortal songs too

Hugo: Both are fine Gwen: Do that yeah

Umu: Was there anything like

musically interesting about the chords in this one or...

Kevin: I mean it def- it sounds pretty generic for R&B but the bridge

did have- there were some moments but because the chords were too crunchy I actually can't tell you

Like what they did

It feels like a different language (weeeelll)

R&B and like it's not a language that I've mastered

Yunyi: I was gonna say I actually thought the vocals or harmony were the.. only.. real.. dynamic thing about this

song we just listened to

Cuz like everything- like the beat was the same, the instrumentation was mostly the same

there was no rise and fall of like.. stuff cuz lik

you know like usually when other groups umm get like a chord change or just when other musicians get a chord change

Like they'll make a big deal out of it

most of the time

Cuz usually at a sectional break but these- they just kinda

went back and forth you know, modulated places

Peyton: See that is what we would call

for yall not aware of my culture

that's what we'd call a slow jam

now you can experience that in your own- in your own time but (JAROD WHAT ARE YOU DOING)

Slow jam is a beautiful style with a lot of

Nice ?? going usually

major 7 on to minor 11 like they just sequence them down

Just sit down at a piano and figure it out you're like

take you about 20 mins if you know some theory then you'll AUTOMATICally be a neo soul R&B person I mean (Jarod is so extra nvm don't show him gg's)

Major 7's and minor 11's

(Omg Jarod)

Go to town, but

Very beautiful song, good groove

beautiful women to match

Gwen: They're going for the sound and they're getting it

you know what I mean

like it's not bad technique

Like they're not doing anything that screeches ?? Hugo: I thought their technique was pretty good I thought like

Gwen: I mean it's- it's hard to be a- have good technique

in that style, you know what I mean

Hugo: Yeah no but I think there is a way and I think they're definitely closest

out of all the vocal groups we've seen I think they actually did a really good job of

keeping the breath support because

being that breathy x2 Gwen: ~It just comes automatic~

Hugo: And singing that you need a lot of breath support Gwen: ~It just comes automatic~

Gwen: Yeah I can't

Hugo: You can't straight tone it

Umu: Ok so which side did you like better

*Pointing to nothing*

*points up*

Yunyi: First one (Oh jk it was a 1)

Kevin: Yeah first one Umu: So Ice Cream Cake

Umu: Velvet side or Red side

Naoki: The fun side

Shimon: Ok see I think I like the music from the first one better

Umu: Oh but then- Shimon: But I didn't like the video because It was a little too extra (Said the one who didn't see the giant cat)

Umu: Ok.. Ok so which one did you like

Gwen: It's- this one x3

Hugo: Yeah same Gwen: This one

Fiona: I'm a fan

I can't pick which one Henry: I dig

Fiona: Umm I kinda feel like I wanna go with the first one that I like more

Fiona: It was like.. blatantly like I"M A GIRL Hnery: I definitely like the 2nd one

Deal with it

Nozomi: Well because I didn't really understand what the lyrics meant I like the feel of the song for Ice Cream Cake better, it's I guess

I don't really know R&B

like I don't know much of it so it's just a new experience for me

Umu: Then which one did you like better, their red side- Lindsey: I like the first one

Umu: Red side or Automatic

or.. Velvet

Umu: Ok so I'm guessing are you guys liking the Velvet side better than the Red side

Jarod: Oh you bet Peyton: Yes

Jarod: You know it

Peyton: Yes

Jarod: You know it

Peyton: YEs

Jarod: Don't lie to yourself

Peyton: YESSS Jarod: This is the best thing you've heard all day

Both: Yes

For more infomation >> Classical Musicians React: RED VELVET 'Ice Cream Cake' vs 'Automatic' - Duration: 17:06.


Big Smoke'un Siparişi - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Big Smoke'un Siparişi - Duration: 2:08.


Райское место (77 серия) - Duration: 46:19.

For more infomation >> Райское место (77 серия) - Duration: 46:19.



For more infomation >> TEA TAIROVIC-IGRACICA (BASS BOOSTED) - Duration: 3:09.





Acer | Aspire - Duration: 1:06.

1995 was a key year for computing.

It was the year which saw Microsoft® Windows get a whole new user interface,

webpages became automated, animated and interactive with JavaScript,

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designed to bring people together to create new worlds.

With four new models

this new range of Aspire notebooks will fit into

any aspect of your life

and help you get the most from your time.

For more infomation >> Acer | Aspire - Duration: 1:06.


Parkta Slime Eğlencesi, Parkta Kaydırakta Pofuduk Crunchy Slime nasıl yapılır? traş köpüğünden slime - Duration: 12:23.


For more infomation >> Parkta Slime Eğlencesi, Parkta Kaydırakta Pofuduk Crunchy Slime nasıl yapılır? traş köpüğünden slime - Duration: 12:23.


Как заставить мужчину жениться. Две причины, почему мужчина не женится на женщине. - Duration: 18:39.

For more infomation >> Как заставить мужчину жениться. Две причины, почему мужчина не женится на женщине. - Duration: 18:39.


[Новым игрокам] Полеты в дополнении Legion (русские субтитры) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> [Новым игрокам] Полеты в дополнении Legion (русские субтитры) - Duration: 0:52.


[Tutorial] Cómo desbloquear el vuelo en Legion (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> [Tutorial] Cómo desbloquear el vuelo en Legion (subtítulos ES) - Duration: 0:52.



Achie and me are representing Manchester City...

Ayoub and Randall will represent Manchester United.

We're playing the Hula Hoop Challenge.

You have to shoot the ball through the left hoop...

once through the right hoop...

and once the hoop has to be thrown in the air...

and you have to shoot the ball through it.

What's the punishment? If you lose you have to act like sheep.

Walk like sheep and make sheep noises.

While we're still laughing...

Please, ladies and gentlemen, from the bottom of my heart...

if you have a hot iron, not a cold one...

like the one Randall and Achie used.

If you have a nice iron, please send it to us at Touzani TV.

I'll post the link in the description.

Rock, paper, scissors to see who starts.

Vote in the top right corner for the team you're supporting: Team Achie or Team Randall.

Let's start!

YouTubers always say that it was their first shot...

but this really was his first attempt.

Do a little dance for us.

The pressure's high, my first attempt immediately went in.

Just for you, my first attempt will go in.

Nice run-up.

I promised Randall this one would go in as well.

I have faith in this guy.

It looked like that ball weighed ten kilos.

What is happening?

That's just unnecessary.

We can do it, Team Banana.

Not like Team White...

Team Wall.

They're just standing there.

They're asking for a bonus.

What are we supposed to do now?

The problem is that we now have to shoot the ball through a moving hoop.

- No stress, we can do it.

But we can't throw one, because they still have to shoot a ball through it.

So maybe we can ask them if we can take one.

They can choose which one is their favourite.

- Then they have to shoot through that hoop twice.


You can discuss in front of the camera.

- Which one shall we take?

Left. - We're gonna take left.

We're gonna beat them, no problem.

I'm sure of it.

Faith. Faith.

That's difficult. - Come on, man.

Out of the way.

Was it in? Let's see the replay.

It was difficult to see.

- Let's watch the replay. It was hard to see.

Audience, was it in?

- Yes!

Let's watch the replay.

It's time for the punishment.

These two have to crawl on the ground like sheep...

while making sheep noises.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, animals and aliens, enjoy!

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