Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

STEVEN: I'm singing my mailman song, I'm singing my mailman song,

- I wait, wait for the mailman to come!

- *GASP*


- OH, HI!


JAMIE: no, wrong.

- i do have this,, sandwich

STEVEN: I don't want that!

JAMIE: eat it, bitch

STEVEN: I said I don't want it!

JAMIE: well, fine,, then, i'll get some more mail

- ohp, here it is, heres a box


JAMIE: eat it,

- please

STEVEN: I'm not gonna eat it! It's a backpack, ya dingus!

- I mean, besides! It's used for storing shit

JAMIE: oh, okay!

STEVEN: Okay, so like, can i have it now?

JAMIE: no,



- sign


JAMIE: happy hanukkah, bitch

STEVEN: I don't celebrate Hanukkah!

JAMIE: oh my god,




PEARL: ???? AMETHYST: ugH, i was thinking of ur mom naked, PEARL

PEARL: So, Steven, what do you have? We went and retrieved this dildo from a museum,

- It's very old, and people liked to.. Shove it up their butts!

- so hot...

- ah...

AMETHYST: it hasnt even been washed,

PEARL: Oh, look at that, there's this-

- That's heaven. Don't go there, Steven, It's a bad place.



GARNET: that's lame

PEARL: what is that-

STEVEN: It's not lame!

- so like,

- It has pockets, and it's made out of a cheeseburger, and it also stores my meth!

- OH YEAH BABY! I'm so cool - I got, like, this weed, and, uh-

PEARL: Uh, Steven, that's nice and all, but-

STEVEN: Uh, what? But I need to go!

AMETHYST: to the bathroom?

PEARL: Steven-

AMETHYST: uh, does it have- does it came- come with the drugs?

PEARL: Hm. Well, if it comes with drugs, then i suppose you can bring it.

STEVEN: You guys won't regret this! I promise, I promise, (I promise)



STEVEN: Oh, stop it!



- Why do you always gotta nag at me!

PEARL: Because um,, I don't know.

AMETHYST: Uh, Pearl's lame.

PEARL: Fuck yourself, Amethyst.



PEARL: Do you remember how to do this?!





STEVEN: Wow, this looks old!

AMETHYST: I'm 100% sure you have diabetes,

GARNET: i like this rock


STEVEN: Oh, it doesn't look that bad!


STEVEN: Why are you screaming-

GARNET: wow ur such a fuckin dumbass


STEVEN: Oh, you made it alive! GARNET: im questioning wether this is worth my time or not

MR QUEASY: UUUGH, STOP SHAKING ME, GARNET: i feel like i should kill myself


- ??

GARNET: c'mon- ok, we're leaving, oh- stop


- UH, one night stand, everybody????

GARNET: uh,uhuh, no


GARNET: i-its water. watersports, anybody?

- nope, ok


STEVEN: Oh, I got an idea!

AMETHYST: oh, what the fuck

STEVEN: I was gonna save these for like, when we were gonna fuck, but, I guess this is okay.


GARNET: but we might need those




GARNET: goodbye

AMETHYST: uaaagh

STEVEN: Bitch, I'm the main character, I don't die! WOOHOOHOOHOO!





AMETHYST: Here's my girlfriends, I'm bringing my girlfriends.


STEVEN: Sure, whatever. O-

PEARL: Ah, as long as you got some crack, it's okay.

PEARL: Oh god, our hotel is a mess! Who- Who- Who- Someone fucked it too hard

- Oh..



STEVEN: Pearl! You need to calm the fuck down!

PEARL: It wasn't worth it anyway...

GARNET: i dont feel like seafood right now

STEVEN: I want that one!


GARNET: i feel like i need a bagel right now

PEARL: So, obviously, Amethyst, you go fuck these ones over here,

- and whip 'em, whip their assholes.

- Garnet, you stand up in the building, and fuck(?) 'em, while i-

GARNET AND AMETHYST: *complain noises*




GARNET: they were too fat anyways


STEVEN: I ???? do it! I dunno about you, but I ????.

GARNET: cmon, lets g- cmon amethyst, lets go do lesbian things

GARNET: cmon, lets g- cmon amethyst, lets go do lesbian things AMETHYST: Ugh, these assholes are lame

AMETHYST: Yeah, Lets just- Lets touch each other

GARNET: oh yeya


PEARL: Someone just came.

AMETHYST: Wow, thats wet

*everyone looks at steven*

STEVEN: Why the fuck are you lookin' at me??


GARNET: goodbye

- hiyah

- hiyah

- aYO


GARNET: hack

GARNET: i m i n

GARNET: aaaaa-


GARNET: oh hello~




GARNET: goodbye



GARNET: we, are the crystal gems

STEVEN: I'm bad! I'm stupid! ..I suck.

PEARL: Yes, yes you are, Steven. This is all your fault, It wouldn't have sunken if you hadn't brought that useless toy.


- AH..

STEVEN: ..Okay, I guess that makes sense! Okay, so, how are we gonna get home?-




GARNET: ahh,,

STEVEN: Who wants a wet bagel?

For more infomation >> Stevens Crack Adventures S1E3 "Crackhandler Suitcase" - Duration: 8:55.


O Salto de Rakan E Xayah -REMIX- Méqui Huê ft. Thickey e FalaJogada - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> O Salto de Rakan E Xayah -REMIX- Méqui Huê ft. Thickey e FalaJogada - Duration: 4:18.


Streamers #1 - Streamer au Québec - Duration: 12:29.

For more infomation >> Streamers #1 - Streamer au Québec - Duration: 12:29.


09 verdades & 1 mentira de uma GRINGA no Brasil! This video is in ENGLISH! :) - Duration: 6:49.

Hello and welcome.

Today's video is going to be a little bit different because I'm going to do the entire video in English.


So if you want to watch this video with subtitles

Make sure to turn on your subtitles in your YouTube configurations.


So last week I posted 10 sentences with some information about me.

Nine of these sentences were true and one was a lie.

So today I'm going to tell the story behind these 10 sentences.

So, the first sentence that I posted was

And this story is true! Can you believe it?

When I came to Brazil, for the second time, I went to the Federal Police to ask for an extension

on my tourist visa

But, I got there one day late.

And they stamped my passport that I was illegal and I needed to leave immediately

Well, I had already bought my plane ticket back

So I decided, ya know, I'm gonna stay.

And when I went to the airport to actually leave, about 3 months later

When I went to check in, the woman looked at my passport full of stamps

saying that I was illegal and needed to leave

and she sent me upstairs to the Federal Police where they did a spontaneous deportation

And then I had a police escort to the airplane

I knew that I had done something wrong.

I knew I overstayed the allotted time

So, I was never upset about being deported.

It was a very fair thing that happened to me.

So, yes. I was deported from Brazil while 8 months pregnant.

This is also true.

I did an exchange program in Spain while I was in college.

And a very, very good friend of mine and I decided to get a little tattoo as a souvenir, a permanent souvenir

of our time in Spain.

So, it's just a little symbol of Sevilla, the city that I lived in.

This one is false.

I never lived in the same building as Michael Jordan.

I did, however, see his kids at the swimming pool.

And I did live in a building with a lot of baseball players.

The building that I lived in was very close to Wrigley Field, where the Chicago Cubs play.

So there were a lot of baseball players living in my building.

This is true.

Not exactly cheerleaders, we called it the Pom Pom squad, but for those of you in Brazil, it's pretty much the same thing.

It's like a dance team with these pom pons.

But I know the idea of being a cheerleader and playing football and things like that is something very American.

So, I thought it would be something funny for you guys.

This is also true.

I am a naturalized citizen of Switzerland.

My mother's family is Swiss

I have a Swiss passport

So if I ever want to go to Switzerland, I guess I can.


I think this is true.

But maybe it's something that I think I know how to do, but I really don't.

I will let you guys judge.

But be honest with me.

This is also true.

I think I was like 15 or 16

Maybe even a little bit younger

But there was one day and we were looking for some funny things to do

and I decided to ride the horse through the McDonald's drive-thru

But they wouldn't serve me. Can you believe it?

So, again this is also true.

So, my father...he had a farm with lots of exotic animals.

Buffalo, elk, rheas, emus,

different kids of parrots, fish, lizards, horses, cows, goats,

snakes, mice, chickens... I don't even know.

It was really, really fun...a great, great childhood

This is also true. We are...

There are some really cool things coming your way. So stay tuned.

That is it, you guys!

I hope you liked this video of telling some funny stories.

And remember, if you have any questions, you can always Ask Jackie


For more infomation >> 09 verdades & 1 mentira de uma GRINGA no Brasil! This video is in ENGLISH! :) - Duration: 6:49.


Fundo Long and Short , Direcional e Neutro #Multimercado - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Fundo Long and Short , Direcional e Neutro #Multimercado - Duration: 4:30.



So guys I'm sorry to interrupt your

regularly scheduled broadcasting.


Hi everyone welcome back to my channel. So

hi everyone I am Kim I am a Registered

Dietitian welcome to my channel. So today

I am in South Florida and I'm going to

share with you guys what I eat when I'm

on the go. So of course my eating will be

restaurant style dining. So I'm actually

just here in the parking lot of my hotel

waiting on my friend to arrive so that

we can go get some brunch.

It is about 10:30 in the morning and I'm

um hungry! I actually did not eat anything

for breakfast, I intentionally did that

when I am traveling I don't like to eat

anything in the morning. I do get a

little lethargic after I do eat. You know

the blood from my brain is going to my

digestive system to help with the

digestion. So I didn't eat anything all

I've been drinking this morning is water

and I haven't drank much water reason

being also I don't want to stop. I don't,

I don't like to stop on the road. So I'm

just waiting on my friend and I'm going

to show you guys my first meal of the

day see you soon.

Amy-Oh snap Kim I didn't

record none of that before. *Laughing * I always forget

to do the record button.


It just dawned on me "Ooh red dot duh record". My bad!

Alright guys so we actually ended up

going to Green bar & Kitchen in Fort

Lauderdale Beach and this setup was

actually very cute. I like this ceiling

lamp that they have here with the piece

of wood I thought that was very artistic.

As well they had writings on the walls

but, let's get to the food. I ordered

macaroni and cheese, you guys will see it

soon, and they stated it was going to

have bacon on it. I thought it was going

to be like coconut shreds but, instead it

was mushrooms and it was burnt mushrooms

in my opinion. I really wasn't a fan of

it, just giving you guys my honest

opinion. The food had good flavor but, I

just wasn't a fan of the mushrooms and

my friend ordered the fries. So after we

ate this, this was our appetizer we had

our main entree which was a burger. The

yellow sauce was the cheese, the orange

sauce was tangy and the red sauce was a

little spicy. So I wasn't a fan of the

spicy that day so I just stuck with the

cheese sauce and the tangy sauce and my

friend wasn't a fan of the cheese sauce

is a little jiggly (for her) so this is what we

had for brunch.


So that I'm starting to interrupt your

regularly scheduled broadcasting. I

actually forgot to film my whole entire

trip to South Florida which is okay

because that wasn't the point of this

video anyway. The point one of this video was

to show you what I do eat in a day. So my

friend and I decided not to go out for

dinner that night; so breakfast was

around 11:00 or brunch I would say was

around 11:30; so we actually didn't eat

again until about 8 o'clock that night

and instead of going out and getting

something to eat, because we were up and

down the entire day we actually decided

to go to a friend's house and have what

she had prepared for us. So this is the

meal that she prepared for us. As you can

see there are some kale, there is a

cassava dumpling and I don't know if you

guys know what dumplings are but, they're

like a Caribbean-type of food. I guess

maybe you know what they are they're

little firmer than the American

dumplings; like you know the dish chicken

and dumplings a little firmer than that

but, this one was made from cassava and

oats because my friend is gluten free as

well as soy free. And she also made this

macaroni dish for us. She tried to have

it come out as a vegan macaroni

and cheese but, I didn't quite come out

like that but it tasted good nonetheless.

It was rich in flavor; I actually do

prefer homestyle cooking than the

restaurant cooking but, as I stated the

Green Bar & Kitchen wasn't too bad and

this meal that I had hair wasn't too bad

as well. So I didn't show you guys the

amount of water that I drank that day.

I actually didn't drink much because we

were up and down, up and down the place.

So this is the way that I ate on the go.

I typically try to find myself not

on the go too often and try to plan out

my meals appropriately to ensure that

I'm getting the proper amount of produce

but, it just didn't work out like that

this day. You know things happen and I

wanted to be realistic with you guys.

Sorry if you guys didn't see more


or more raw but, that's life!! But anyway

thank you guys for watching. Please

remember to like and subscribe to this

channel. Let me know what are some

options that you guys do to eat on the

go. Do you have a good day, thanks for

watching byeee!


For more infomation >> REALISTIC WHAT I EAT IN A DAY WHILE TRAVELING 🚗 - Duration: 5:27.



For more infomation >> 5 SUPER BODY FEATURES ONLY 5% OF PEOPLE HAVE - Duration: 3:02.


How To Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend & Get Back Into Game - Duration: 21:44.

Hi guys Duke Delaet here for the

attractive man and I wanted to go over

breakups, getting over your ex and then

rising from the ashes like a phoenix to

get back into the game and find yourself

that partner that is perfect for you. I'm

going to go over some coping strategies

to deal with loss and grief and how to

view the other person so that everybody

can grow from it and how to use the

experience as a springboard to get even

better at your game in the video to

follow. Stay tuned

You just break up with a girl. She either broke up

with you or you broke up with her but

something happened that you guys were

not seeing eye to eye anymore and it is

it is painful, it hurts and it can take

you out of all of your productivity

through the rest of your whole life. It's

funny there's so many songs on the radio

that just talk about breaking up and all

the pain and craziness is going on with

that kind of loss but what is that? It's

loss right? It's something that you were

attached to somebody else and now you

don't have them anymore and it's

difficult to go on in the same way that

you were going there's like it's not

very so it's like you were you're

walking with a question of the crutches

gone and now you have to regain your

balance by yourself and it's it's just

bad news. There's no easy way to get

over breakups there's a bunch of ways to

reframe it will go over that because

some coping strategies will go over some

of those but pain is pain and emotional

pain is some it's common to us being

human and it's difficult to deal with

and that's kind of how it's supposed to

be. So we're going to deal with some

coping strategies. First coping strategy

I use right when i go to break up but i

just got out of a breakup that's what

i'm talking about this stuff is you know

eventually you're gonna have to deal

with seeing her again or seeing her

friends or getting reminded of her or

whatever and those things are just going

to come up it's going to suck right, but

just like any other bad feeling that

keeps you from doing the things that you

want to do it's like approach anxiety or

you know fear of public speaking or

stuff, you can reframe it really quickly

or you can change your state really fast

and it will remove the sting of that

feeling. The emotion will still be there

kind of back burner it though so you can

still focus on something else right. One

of the coolest ways we straight state

changes will clap our hands or will

change our body structure will focus on

our breathing will focus on things that

we're not normally focused on so give it

space to not focus on the pain and the

loss and the grief and the hate and the

and all that stuff as it comes in and

kind of overwhelming they'll use of

feelings all of the feelings it will it

will kind of get mitigated by the fact

that you're thinking about something

else you're focusing on something else

so change your state. A lot of guys the

attractive man what they do is they'll

take cold showers and just like snap

their their brain out of whatever it's

impossible and you dunk your head under

cold running water to who remain in the

same mental state that you were

when you got in there it's just

impossible and it's super effective, so

check that out, and then you know when

you doin it comes on like a song on the

radio that makes you think about it you

tend to want to sort of indulge in those

feelings and there are a couple ways to

go about that you can either indulge in

those feelings and and get sad and then

sort of repeat the grief loop over and

over and over again or you can change

state immediately and my move to a

different song, sing something else like

just get your brain out of that space or

the third way whatever doing lately is

burning that thing to the ground. This is

one of my favorite coping strategies

okay so if I get hurt and then something

reminds me of her and I'm like a

heart-wrenching craziness right I put

that thing on repeat for the next hour

right and eventually what happens is

you're singing along you want to try to

be a driver you today I'm not saying

that I crying I'm a man right right okay

but yeah you saw you doing that thing

and then the second time though Stewart

gets a little bit more boring and the

emotions don't come and third time goes

through it gets a little bit more

boring and the emotions don't come and

then the same thing happens over and

over and over again. You get done in

like a half hour listen to the same song

you're like okay that song does not give

me the same emotions as it did before it

kind of works the same way progressive

desensitization works when it comes to

dealing with fear. It's that thing that

gave you such strong emotional responses

it needs like a refractory period in

between time to keep its strength after

that it starts getting diluted with the

other things that are going on in your

day. Like you go start dealing with

traffic of the song is playing and you

start dealing with you get out and

you're walking along and shopping that

it's distracting you and the song is

playing and all those little reference

experience to start getting tied to the

song and it dilutes the strength that it

had with the with the other person and

it's really helpful in just sort of

taking the legs out from other the

strength of those feelings there's some

washing over. You left in the same way a

state change you want to do I call this

the midlife crisis method, okay. Whenever

I break up with somebody I go get a

haircut I go I changed my clothes just a

little bit I start going to the gym more

I start eating healthier I used it kind

of like a new year's resolution kind of

thing where I start changing everything

because you know the initial launch is

like okay next time she sees me I have

to be better than I was right, but it's

quickly metamorphosized into a focus of

being better just being better and just

renewing who you were as an individual

before you guys broke up because a lot

of times when two people get together

they sort of share each other so much

that they lose part of their own

identity while they're in the

relationship, which is why it hurts so

much when the relationship breaks off

because now it's kind of like you're

missing a part of yourself. So use the

time to focus on renewal to focus on

building yourself and you're so kind of

latent uses back into focus bring all

that stuff back into focus and get

yourself on track to to to become a

fuller more vibrant version of you. Once

you do that the focus on those things is

going to help you to get over the hard

emotional things that come up when when

you're thinking about your ex because

you're you this kind of a light at the

end of the tunnel

rather than thinking oh I'm never going

to get anybody like that as good as her

again you go okay well I'm working on

this and I'm going to meet some cool new

people it's gonna be great you go out

and go be social you like oh I met already.

These new people already oh you know you

don't necessarily want to replace her

with somebody else but when you're out

and you're talking it's like this you

know run a game seeing new girls like it

it gives you reference experience oh

yeah she's not the only one out there

she's not the one that and she didn't

match anyway, maybe I'll find somebody

who matches better. I'm putting yourself

in that perspective and focusing on your

own personal renewal he was an

individual goes a long way to mitigating

the crushing feelings that can come from

sharing space with another person for a

very long time. Keep in mind that if you

break up with somebody that means that

you guys have reached a point in your

communication that you guys weren't

compatible. In real life when people

break up they do it for one of two

reasons: one to manipulate the other

person into doing something or two

because they don't match. If you don't

match you don't want that relationship

back I promise. It will just happen again

and again and again ad infinitum until you

guys both fucking sick of each other you

want to kill each other, right. That just

can and only end poorly if that's the

reason. The other one is to manipulate

the other person if she breaks up with

you because she was giving an ultimatum

and she wanted you to change but she

didn't really want to lose you then she

breaks up with you she's still trying to

offer that ultimatum and it's still

going to screw with you right. In almost

no circumstances it makes sense to get

back together with somebody after a

breakup. Now there are some that do you

guys are so connected and it's great and

the breakup was just like a momentary

hiccup or a drunken bullshit and then

but now you guys are missing trust on

each other's ability to stay in the

relationship and so it actually becomes

more labored and stuff. One of my

relationships have been dating for a

very long time like seven years and she

finally broke up with me like so the

third time and just kicked me out and it

was a just big horrible ordeal and when

she wanted me back I said look we can't

date like we used to otherwise we're

just going to keep repeating the same

cycle over and over again let's build

something new, let's create

a new relationship out of the ashes of

the old one because the old one wasn't

working all those expectations and all

that communication wasn't working and so

we started something very very different

she's no longer like we're not shooting

for the future anymore or not trying to

like be anybody's baby mama you know

like all those important things that

were happening over that long

relationship were kind of put to bed.

That relationship is kind of frozen we

created a new one that is more

advantageous to both of us in our

current States as we stand now. But

otherwise like in all cases the

relationship is dead right if you want

to see her again in public who she was

and what you guys had together is gone

like it's not it's not the same as it

used to be and it never will be. You

guys have done too much to each other in

through the break-up process that you

can't just like turn that stuff off and

then come back in and expect everything

to be hunky-dory okay. Just assume that

that's the case and if you engage with

her again you engage with her on a human

level on an individual level that isn't

backed up by all the tears of your

relationship that that allowed you guys

to stand on your own strength before

because those tears ultimately failed

you and took your whole relationship out

they are going to fail you again it's

better to just assume that all that

stuff is gone and it's it's all in the

past it's frozen you can't get to it and

then you can if you're going to talk to

her again you're going to create a new

relationship with new boundaries and new

feelings and new decisions. So those are

some coping mechanisms now I kind of

want to talk about some strategies for

dealing with the other human right. When

you break up with a girl sometimes it's

best just to cut off contact entirely

like there's just no speaking no contact

no nothing you know obviously if there

are kids involved there's like you know

shared property and stuff that's like a

different story but if you can just cut

it all off and just give you guys time

to heal and you guys come back with a

more a fresh perspective without all the

pain right. If you do have to talk to her

again the most high level what a deal

with it is with gratitude it's with kind

of thanking her for the good times that

you had really really appreciated her

for the

qualities in the ways that she made you

grow and the things that she made you

see the experiences she helped you

have you take all that stuff that you're

grateful for take all the things that

kept you in the relationship okay call

those things and just thank her for

those things periodically as your as

you're communicating with whatever else

you need to communicate with right. If

you're talking about stuff if you're

talking about you know meeting up and

exchanging things or mutual friends or

whatever you like you like you know I

know a relationships over but but I

really appreciated how I grew and and

thank you so much for sharing our time

with me and definitely wasn't a waste it

was awesome and then as you're doing

that and you focus on the good parts of

the relationship it keeps your Ras from

going in like demonizing or vilifying

the other person it keeps your RS from

like like going in and selectively

focusing on all the bad stuff. A lot of

people use that as a coping mechanism

and they like talk all the shit about

the human in their minds so they can

give themselves kind of a severance

between them and another person. The

problem is it is not entirely authentic

if you do a severance with another

person you say hey uh she was a total

bitch and she's really stupid and she's

country to me all the time and her

friends are stupid she's a sloppy eater

no this isn't right. But on the inside

you still miss snuggling her you still

missed the time she got together

whatever it's a dissonance and it makes

you feel like shit in both ways and I

say they know what don't do that. Focus

on all the good stuff right and be

grateful for the experience that you had

like when you get off of a roller

coaster right and it was a really good

time you remember the good times you

know remember all the weird crazy times

you were scared you don't remember all

the long wait line, you just remember the

good times and that's a good thing

because it's over right if you go

digital do it again then you're going to

remember the wait time you're going to

remember all that stuff but that's over

it's over it's game over so you can go

back and remember cherish those memories

in the positive light right. Only if you

want to start it up again should you

remember all the things that you should

be cautious of right and in my

experience you should not set up the end

you should go renew yourself and go find

somebody new or go find a new her after

she's going a little bit and try that

again from a new place from a more

mature evolved place because you're

using this breakup and you're using the


as something that can sort of want you

in to the next level as a man. The second

way I deal with other people as

gratitude not only gratitude but

introspection right. I just started

thinking okay how could I have done this

better how could I have done this better

how could I've done this better and not

how could they have done this better

because those answers are usually

readily apparent but if you ask how I

could have done better then you start

coming up with better strategies on

dealing with your relationships both

with her in the future and with other

women in the future because you're

learning a lot from the feedback that

you got from that relationship you say

how could I have done this better like

in my last relationship I was traveling

a lot so when I was in town I was trying

to get as much time with her as possible

and doing that made me come off as a

little needy and it made her feel

stressed out for me to be around and that

was just the wrong thing for me to do

and knowing that means that the next

relationship I'm either going to find a

woman who enjoys that kind of attention

or I'm going to not do that in order to

save my relationship because being able

to look at it from the outside and being

at respective was like what drove me to

be like that why was I stressing her out

why was I doing that stuff. That was

because I felt like I wasn't getting

enough time and I was getting a little

grass be about it I learned that about

myself and it's not going to be an issue

for me in the future it's going to help

me in future relationships introspection

is very very important along with

gratitude as strategies for dealing with

the other person in dealing with

yourself as you're growing so when

you're focusing on self-renewal there's

a couple of rules. First off you are

enough a lot of times you get out of

relationship you're sort of connected

the other human in a way that's in a

codependent way not into independent not

like two individuals helping each other

out. Not two individuals and the

relationship entity you know working in

synergy it's more like two individuals

sharing with each other and then when

they break off their missing parts of

each other and that is just not a

healthy way to deal with life's problems

and things they throw at you. Sometimes

it's okay to dip into that when you're

too weak to deal yourself and other

people to build you up it takes a

village sometimes but most of the time

if you rely on that stuff then you're

unable to make your own decisions I'm

able to do your own self-care that's not

good so you want to understand that as

you're renewing yourself

you as an individual are enough to handle

you. You lead you, you handle you, and

knowing that you are enough to do all

that stuff gives you the opportunity in

your introspection to come up with ways

to be more and more full version or next

level version of you so that you can

take you to the next level and as you

take you to the next level then you can

meet people who are on a higher level

than your ex. Secondly when you're doing

your introspection you have to take

massive action to fix the things that

aren't as high percentage for you the

things that are screwing you up right. If

you have some needy behavior or if you

have some insecurities that are coming

up, focus on finding those things and

then take a bunch of action to fix those

things for me I always felt kind of

physically insecure because a little bit

overweight and my health

problems were having it some issues. So

as soon as I broke up I used all the

extra resources the extra time to jump

right into the gym to start working out

and feeling healthier and eradicating

that insecurity. It's going to take me a

little while to get to a good good

healthy weight but chipping away at that

stuff is going to make me feel a lot

more confident in the things that we're

taking me out through the whole time and

we can go forward and do confident stuff

and approach and all that so all we want

but sometimes things stick with us over

time if we don't address them we're

going to need to address them eventually

and having the time post-breakup to

think about you know all the ways that

you broke up or you can focus on fixing

some of those insecurities I'd rather

focus on fixing things than not. And the

last thing when you're focusing on

renewal is to avoid replacing the other

person. I recommend staying out of

relationship for at least three months

because while you're doing all of your

self-care and all in all of your coming

back up and being a better individual

and going to the next level as a man

you're going to meet new people along

the way that are going to be fantastic

relationship partners and those new

people you can bring them in you can

date them, you can have sex you can do all

the stuff that you want but stop trying to

plan a future on the new people just

sort of let it unfold and kind of see

what goes on because you have a lot of

opportunity to learn from the dating

scene while you're there and single to

jump right into a relationship just so

you can use your old strata

geez and expect the other person to act

like the old person to meet your old

needs it sort of stops your growth. So

I'm not saying don't go out and date, go

out and date and I'm not saying go I'll

a definitely go do that but don't don't

try to replace the old person with the

new person. Love the new person for who

they are and create a relationship

around them that is sort of distant from

the kind of relationship that you had

the frozen one that you had with the

other with your ex so now that you dealt

with the loss in the grief and your kind

of moving forward and each day gets a

little bit more and more easier I want

you not only to work on some of your

insecurities and like go back to the gym

and do all these healthy cool things but

also get back into the game. When you get

back into the game there's a couple of

pitfalls guys run into sometimes they're

expecting the women in the field to be

as awesome and amazing and at

relationships and boundaries and

everything as their girlfriend that is

not true most of the girls that you go

out and meet are not going to be attuned

to you they're not going to grown

together then I've created the you know

memories and report everything with you

that's not because it's not going to

have happened so you're going to get

into these relationships that if you

expect them to be super high level

without doing all the work to build them

individually you're just going to fail

that's just going to it's going to be

horrible. And so when you go back and let

ship understand you gotta focus on the

basics you're going to go out and run

wheel game from ground 0 from from the

ground up to build something new that's

the whole point of this thing. Secondly

sometimes we'll jump into new things to

be distracted from the old relationship

and that's okay. It's okay to be in a new

relationship distracting yourself from

the old one because distraction is

awesome especially when you're getting

stimulated by all the cool feelings of

chase of the chase and getting a new

girl into your life that's awesome but

understand that authenticity is the key.

You don't want to roll in there and be

like oh yeah I just need a new

girlfriend I'm going to be all just for

you and probably make all these promises

and stuff when basically what you're

doing is you're rolling into a rebound.

Right doesn't mean that relationship

can't work it can and that's awesome but

it's not necessarily going to work you

should not act like it is right. You

should just say look this is where I'm

at I'm kind of broken here I am as a

human and I want to spend some time with

you I think you're cool

and you know we'll see where it goes and

when you do that you give everybody the

dignity and the benefit of a doubt to

build something out of the ashes of the

old thing. In the meantime you're getting

dates you're working on your game and

you're getting even better at filtering

getting better at setting boundaries and

getting better at everything you are as

a man. Once you change some of your

insecurities from introspection and then

you go out and you start dating you

start getting new people into your life

okay, set new standards. After the

relationship freezes and you no longer

have that to lean on you start to build

yourself up as a man and you're kind of

complete as a whole and you're moving

out in the field and doing great of

amazing things though their standards

should should change, your channel should

be better than the ones in the past. Your

ex as she was should no longer meet

those standards anymore because you are

better. By constantly growing and using

the relationship as a jump point to the

next level you can set your standards a

little bit higher and then your ex and

everybody liked her will have to raise

up in order to get your attention you'll

move yourself into a new level of the

dating pool with new girls who are

better suited to fit your needs and

you're better suited to meet theirs. So

those are my break up strategies and my

getting over your ex and moving on into

the next level of game.

For more infomation >> How To Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend & Get Back Into Game - Duration: 21:44.


The Walking Dead || Paralyzed [HBD xMadMystery] - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> The Walking Dead || Paralyzed [HBD xMadMystery] - Duration: 3:17.


How to use a "multi-window" from the task screen with Android 7.0 and later models - Duration: 1:51.

How to use a "multi-window" from the task screen with Android 7.0 and later models

Hello everyone

This time, we will introduce how to use a "multi-window" from the task screen of Android 7.0 or later models

Officially in the Android 7.0 support the "multi-window" display, has become to be able to display two apps on one screen at the same time

"Multi-window" of Android 7.0 will generally perform the switching of the display a task Press and hold the button to use

Just tell the truth to the other, it has become to be able to use the switching of the "multi-window" from the task screen

Its use is to display a task screen first press the task button, press and hold the application to be displayed in the "multi-window" length

Then, because the "To use the split screen, drag here" is displayed, and then drag the app while a long press on the part

Switches to this in "multi-window" display

It continued also another app by touching the other apps from the task screen is displayed, will be "multi-window" state

Also has become possible to select the location of the application to be fixed in the case is "multi-window" you are using a tablet in the horizontal screen from the left and right

Switching of this time I was allowed to introduce "multi-window" is the way that is not surprisingly known

Please by all means try to take advantage by reference to

Above, it was the introduction of the method of using a "multi-window" display from the task screen of Android 7.0 or later models

For more infomation >> How to use a "multi-window" from the task screen with Android 7.0 and later models - Duration: 1:51.


Here & Now for Thursday 27 April 2017 - Duration: 1:00:05.

For more infomation >> Here & Now for Thursday 27 April 2017 - Duration: 1:00:05.


How to create the perfect top bun from a stunning high ponytail - Duration: 7:14.

Hey guys So today I'm going to show you 2 quick and

easy hairstyles that you can do with the Irresistible Me clip-in extensions

These are my favorite hairstyles Lately I've been all about manageability and

really time management because I want to do something quick with my hair and have it look

really nice and put together so I'm going to show you how I do this top

knot and also a really cute high ponytail so I'm really excited to show you guys these

looks I do them literally all the time and they

take the shortest amount of time so let's go ahead and get started

All right so we're starting with my little baby short bun and we're going to start with

our Irresistible Me clip-ins of course, some hair brushes, some bobby pins and some hairspray

and a hair clip and I'll be showing you other things that you need throughout the video

So first I'm going to take all my hair and comb it straight forward and then secure that

with a clip and I'm just going to show you guys what it's going to look like when you

clip the extensions in like how I clip mine in

so I'm going to take one of the wefts with 2 clips on it and I'm going to be clipping

it kind of upside down you see that instead of the hair going the

other way it's going be kind of flipping forward so I'm just going to ho ahead and start parting

my hair and I just decided to show you guys this from the side instead of the back so

you can see what it will look like and I use all of the wefts with the 2 clips

on them and one with 3 clips so I'm just going to start by clipping that

in and then flip it back and I move pretty fast through this cause I've been doing this

for a while and it doesn't really take that long for me to clip them in

I just kind of throw them in there so I'm just going to do that again

same thing, and flip it back and you want to make sure that they're kind of close together

since it is a lot that I'll be clipping in because we want our ponytails and our buns

to look really nice and thick so just go ahead and make sure that they're

not too far apart but not like bunched up on top of each other either because we want

them to look really flat and by starting at the back of your hair like

this it ensures that the ponytail or bun will be really nice and flat and undetectable that

you have clip-ins in there so this is the number 3 weft with the 3 clips

on it and now I'm going to go ahead and speed it

up since we've seen me do this a couple of times

so in all I think that there's about 5 pieces with 2 clips and one that I use with the 3

clips so it's about 6 pieces in your hair and that

might seem like a lot but these are really lightweight and they're thick but they're

not heavy so it's really easy to wear all day long without feeling like you have a headache

and I'm slowing this clip down right here so that I can show you guys that the very

top clip is a 2-clip but I'm flipping it the right way, straight back instead of upside

down because as you can see when you slide all of your hair back when you sleek it all

back that's the top part and you want it to lay correctly and lay flat

so I'm going to go ahead and smooth my hair up into a ponytail and as you can see it looks

super flat you can't even tell that there's clips in

there so you want to just go ahead and go through

and make sure that it's flat if you feel any clips anywhere make sure that

you smooth down over those with your hands and a brush if you want to and go ahead and

grab an elastic I made sure that mine is really tight or I

grab 2 of them if it's not tight enough because I want to make sure that it's really nice

and secure so now that it's in we can see that we can

definitely see a distinct line between my real hair and my clip-ins

so I'm sorry that you can't see this very much, I hadn't realized how far up my ponytail

was but you want to make sure that you hide it if your real hair is shorter than the clip-ins

so what I'm going to do is just take my real hair and just wrap it around the base of my

ponytail so that you can't tell and it looks really nice and stylish this way and then

all I do is just go ahead and grab a bobby pin and just pin that right in the back

and that is it for this ponytail it's really really simple

you can go ahead and use any hairspray if you want to, bobby pins, make sure that it's

nice and smooth, whatever you want to make it look nice and make it your own

Next we're going to go ahead and do the top knot

and this is the most simple thing ever! so what I do is take all of the extensions

and literally just twist them around in one hand and then twist them around the base of

the ponytail in the other hand and secure that with an elastic

and that's literally it! and that's the step that I always take for

my top knot I do it just like I'm going to do a ponytail

I take my real hair and tie it around the base of the ponytail and bobby pin it just

to make sure that it's nice and smooth, then nothing's poking out of the top knot

it just makes it look really nice and sleek that way so this is the exact step that I

take to do my top knot and it literally takes just 2 second

sometimes it will take me a little bit longer to make sure that it looks exactly how I want

to but thankfully this time I got it on the first try so I'm just going to go ahead and

bobby pin around I use the bobby pins that are a little bit

longer than the original size and I just pin on the right side of it, on the left side,

the front side and the back side to make sure it's nice and secure

then I grab some hairspray and just spray all around the bun and all around my hair

just to make sure that it stays all day long and it doesn't get any frizzy or flyways

and that's it for this top knot guys it was really really simple

This is the final look I really hope that you guys enjoy this video

Let me know in the comments below what you guys think of it and if you like these hairstyles

then what you do to achieve them, what are some tips and techniques that you use

so I hope that you guys learned something new from me today and I always want to learn

from you guys so I would love to hear your thoughts down below in the comments so go

ahead and leave me some! as always I hope you guys feel beautiful inside

and outside because you are!

Thank you so much for watching!


For more infomation >> How to create the perfect top bun from a stunning high ponytail - Duration: 7:14.


College Diet - Duration: 10:59.


we're going to talk about food.

That thing that you constantly want,


but can't have.


we're going to discuss some of the difficult

choices college students have to make

surrounding healthy eating habits.

And a huge part of the university population

struggles with something called,

"food insecurity."

And no,

that's not when you're drinking 1%

when you really could be drinking whole.

"Your mom goes to college."

The reality is that many college students

don't have reliable access to

nutritious food.

This can result from being

financially unable to afford healthy food,

or by living in a situation where nutritious food

is unavailable.

In fact,

40% of college students in the United States

suffer from this food insecurity.

And this shouldn't be confused with the 100%

of college students that just suffer

from regular insecurity.

So, day in and day out

many of us


have to choose between having money

and eating well.

In addition to choosing between


social life,

good grades,



getting high...

brushing your teeth,

brushing your teeth while getting high...

Now, in order to talk about -

That's the 6 things!

Now, in order to talk about this issue,

we need to get an idea of what

we students really sustain ourselves on.

I'm a pretty busy guy.

I host this show,

I have a mailbox,

my house is infested with ants...

There's millions of them,

and they all depend on me.

I barely have the time,

or the skill,

to cook myself a good meal.

Trust me, I've tried.

I watch those Buzzfeed Tasty videos,

but honestly, I don't get it.

I never have enough bowls.

Why do I need a different bowl

for every ingredient?

Salt doesn't need a bowl!

For real though,

the internet can be a great place to learn to cook.

Here's a college life hack:

making a quesadilla with an iron

is an easy way to eat cold cheese

between wet tortillas

and burn down your dorm.

So, instead of getting written up for arson

we resort to things like

Cup Noodles,

Pop Tarts,

Easy Mac,

Hot Cheetos,

and Taco Bell.

These are great when you're just trying to survive

the day on a budget,

or when you're too high to use the stove,

but honestly,

this stuff is toxic waste.

The Nightcap team and I have been

rehearsing with this bag of Taco Bell nachos

for three days and it hasn't gone bad.

Which is sort of quality craftsmanship, but -

that's beside the point.

With all of this easy crap,

we start to rely on that warm and huggy

MSG feeling.

You know, we'll eat a bag of chips

or a microwaved burrito

to curb our hunger pangs until

we have time to actually make something substantial.

But then we never get to the second part.

All that cheap,

accessible food

leads to stress.

Which only leads to more bad eating habits

and pretty soon we're just skipping meals

and filling ourselves with



and God's perfect little Columbian drug:


It's convenient, but it's far from healthy.

Take Easy Mac for example.

Easy Mac contains ingredients

that according to the USDA are,

"generally recognized as safe."


like I'm generally recognized as a good looking person,

but the key word here

is generally.

Aside from these easily accessible meal substitutes -

Did he bring it back?

Aside from these easily accessible meal sub -

Aside from these easily accessible meal substitutes,

we students can't even find the time

in our busy schedules

to eat,

let alone eat well.

How many times have you been sitting in class

and your feet start to go numb

and your eyes start to twitch

and your professor starts to

sound like one of the adults from Charlie Brown?

So you start to WedMD your symptoms

because clearly you've contracted some sort of

off-brand scurvy from the dorms

and it's taking over in the middle

of COMS 101.

Then you ask your group partner

if they would do a "Walk for the Cure" for you

and they're like,

"Dude, when was the last time you ate?

That's probably your issue."

And you remember that - no no no!

Two days ago, you had a burrito!

Just this morning you found half a bag

of pita chips in your car...

They weren't stale.

You ate them.

So you're good for another 12 to 16 hours.

You're in college,

adderall is your food now.

And this,

or some version of this

becomes your daily routine.

We have work,

we have school,

we have to try to sleep,

we have to study,

and all this cheap junk food

is always just within reach.

Which leaves us very little room

for healthy eating habits.

By the way, donate now to

Together, we can make up a cure.

We all have that girl in our class that eats

vegan yoga-dirt bowls

and rice soylent kale smoothies

and won't shut the fuck about it on Instagram.

And somehow, she has enough bowls!

Salt doesn't need a fucking bowl.

Here's the thing,

eating like a trash bird may work for her,

and that's great,

There's nothing better than that picture!

Eating like a trash bird may work for her

and that's great,

she's got her healthy eating figured out.

But I'm like,

a human man.

I need something that is substantial -

not just like 3 chia seeds

hanging ten off a celery stick.

Especially when each chia seed

costs like $6 from Whole Foods.

It's really important to feed yourself.

Especially when you have a busy day.

So if you don't have the time,

or the money to cook

what do you do?

And I know what you're thinking,


you silly billy,

you and your militia of ant children

should just eat on campus!

They have food for you!


if you're like me,

the food on my campus tastes like this:


in case you forgot,

let me remind you.

In corner number one at 1,440 calories

and 100 grams of fat,

it's the campus dining carne asada salad!

I'll let you look at that.

And in corner number two,

Oh god...

At 3,800 calories

and 173 grams of fat,

it's the Tacos To-Go Iguana Burrito!

I'm going to have to two-hand this.

Who wins?

Nobody knows.

Who loses?

Buttholes everywhere.

If you're wondering what that smell is,

it's this.


campus dining isn't offering us

the affordable and healthy options.

Unless you eat this entire iguana burrito in 15 minutes

and then it's free.

And real nutritious food from the supermarket

is just too expensive.

So who has the solution?

The answer is going to surprise you.

It's the state.

A new outreach program

forming in the CSU system

is called Cal Fresh.

And even though it sounds like that kid

from your hometown

who still thinks he's going to be a dj,

this is a really awesome program.

DJ Cal Fresh

is a federal nutrition program

that helps you stretch your food budget

to buy healthy food.

It's a great program for college students

who need that extra money for groceries

especially the healthy options.

And no,

you can't buy liquor.

We tried.

Not even that Ringo's Tree Sap Organic Microbrew.

Cal Fresh can be used at Farmer's Markets

and grocery stores

and unlike the meal plan you had freshman year,

anything you don't use

rolls over to the next month.

So check your eligibility.

You can click the link in our description.

Right now, it's available across the CSUs

and we hope to see it expand

across the United States.



if Chico State is doing it

pretty much anyone can do it.

And if you don't think you have a problem,

look at our college food pyramid.

Cal Fresh might not fit your needs

but try getting together with friends

to cook large meals that can be frozen

and saved for when your schedule is just too hectic.

Go to the grocery store with a healthy recipe in mind,

and that way you don't end up

buying things you don't need.

Like Snickers,

or deodorant.

Also that smell.


this isn't a magic wand

that will make all food insecurity go away.

But it's definitely a step in the right direction.

DJ Cal Fresh,

take it away!

For more infomation >> College Diet - Duration: 10:59.


Is North Korea Really That Bad? - Duration: 0:45.

there's been a lot of talk recently in

the news about North Korea and the

threat that they are posing but are they

really that bad is there a threat of them

nuking us or destroying everything that

we've loved well the answer is yes when

you've got a madman like Kim jong-un at

the head of this country at the head of

a nuclear power then of course there's a

threat but this threat has been mitigated

and will continue to be mitigated by the

fact that the North Korean nuclear

missile program isn't that advanced if

it remains like this

with them still pretty much unable to

get a missile 2 metres above the ground

without it exploding then we'll be alright

but if their missile program

continues to gain traction then they

will become much more of a threat to us

so yeah North Korea really is that bad

For more infomation >> Is North Korea Really That Bad? - Duration: 0:45.


I Metodi di Pulizia di Joe Vitale #2 - Mettere In Discussione Le Proprie Convinzioni - Duration: 6:23.

For more infomation >> I Metodi di Pulizia di Joe Vitale #2 - Mettere In Discussione Le Proprie Convinzioni - Duration: 6:23.


Passport to Gold 14K Stud and Hugger Hoop Earring Set - Duration: 9:41.

For more infomation >> Passport to Gold 14K Stud and Hugger Hoop Earring Set - Duration: 9:41.


Depression and Alcohol Abuse - Duration: 15:25. and in this video i want

to talk about depression and alcohol abuse

within our society up until the moment

this moment in time we've gone from not

having the opportunity to share

information to being able to share a

wealth of information and knowledge

through the information era and the

technology era into the era of wisdom

and so this video is very much sharing

the development of the age of wisdom and

how we start to move and understand our

depression and how alcohol abuse is

related to that because through our

schooling education through our

political momentum and through our

community development up until today in

today's world we haven't been taught how

to understand our emotional state or to

evolve from negative emotions in our

life so experiences in our relationship

development is very much been tainted

base on our worldview or the way we see

our world that's been handed to us from

our parents and from our family and from

our environments and what we've

witnessed growing up as to how other

people started to evolve and to step

into their true self and their true

identity because we all identify and

start to believe in certain role models

and certain stereotypes of people that

we see in the mainstream media in our

life and in the world around us and

whether we like it or not or whether we

think those people are good or

constructive or how we perceive them

we very much I influenced by the world

around us and so our experiences going

through life if we cannot start to

effectively evolve and resolve through

issues as they show up and develop our

relationships and develop our own unique

identities our understanding our values

and our place in life in our connection

to others at a constructive fundamental

level ultimately we start to move into

the dark of perceptions and more

negative aspects of our own traits and

values within ourself because of that

disconnection from society ostracization

in any regard whether it be from our

parents from our family from our peers

or from our personal relationship

ultimately is one of the greatest

fundamentals the breakdown of our own

identity our own ability to get our

needs met over time which has us numb

out from the pain of who we see

ourselves in the role that we play in

our life I mean do you remember when

your kids will wanted to play together

we didn't have discrimination and we can

you judge one another for our

shortcomings or faults or any I seek

receive and we wanted to personally

connect we just want to have fun and we

want to go out and save the world I'm

not sure what you wanted to do but I

wanted to be an astronaut I want to go

out to space and explore the whole outer

depths of the realms of Earth and yet in

growing up the more books I want to buy

on space the more judgmental and

ridiculed I felt by my father because I

was so excited about all this stuff and

every time I'd stop and try to

communicate with him talk to him I I

couldn't get my words out correctly I

couldn't speak to do properly and I

fumble on everything I'm saying he

couldn't understand me I remember so

many times and growling and forcing me

to slow down and to express myself

properly which caused many issues for me

growing up in retrospect looking at my

father in his situation his family he

was young very young man in having

children there my brother and was forced

by the hands or opinion of his own

family to deal with the fact that he

made that he needs liner and so the

judgment and judgmentalism accompany to

his world be his need to step up and

provide a house and the food for his

family very much put a lot of stress

into my father's life and so that

affected his ability to be able to slow

down to have the time and space for me

as a little kid and growing into my

adolescence to really move beyond those

issues that resolved those communication

issues and into the fun stuff

which ultimately had many ramifications

of my identity but also his relationship

my mother and his ratio himself in many


since my right before my father left my

mother he admitted that he was almost

ready to commit suicide a mum started to

smash a result down left and stay in bed

for three months and so through my

journey through being substitute from

that very young age I had a lot of

identity issues that crisis show up

especially going into my adolescence

season my desire to express myself fully

very much become tainted with the issues

and situations between mum and dad and

their relationship with themselves with

themselves between them in their great

family and depression and alcohol has

many ramifications because all three of

them are disconnected from our identity

and our values we start to look for

other ways to get our needs met

often it comes from numbing the pain of

that disconnection and that

miscommunication that misunderstanding

or that inability to feel connected

excuse me while we have a plane like

overhead on the McConnell Isuzu

howling through there that is super

close but in the flight of our own

unique identity and taking flight

sometimes if we don't gain the traction

under our wings than gain that

connection that contribution to make us

feel like we're contributing make us

feel like we have a place in our life

will start to witness others taking

flight around us in that sonic and sound

of the boom coming through the tunnel of

our existence in that darkness of our

epitome of our self-worth will start to

drown out our emotional resilience in

our ability to emotionally raise our

intellectual development and have us

sink into the cluster bottom of the lost

environment and darkness of depression

and so the ramifications of alcohol

abuse in that because often we lead to

alcohol because it numbs the emotional

situation or the burden or where we're

at and allows us to disconnect from that

emotional safety as us allows us to

disconnect from that low self-worth or

that inability to effectively get our

needs met and into that elation of

momentary self gratification through

alcoholism through getting drunk and yet

if we start to continue to dive down and

track and not open up those

conversations or not move beyond those

issues and the parameters that are

keeping us combined

over time that depression and that

numbing of that alcohol

and numbing of that pain through our

whole will start to have ramifications

because the evolution of unresolved

issues will slowly start to dwindle our

neurology and alter our perceptions of

the role we play in our life and so when

we don't have the ability to effectively

maintain our diet and our equilibrium to

remove the toxins of those alcohol of

that Oprah over out in our life our body

starts to adjust to dealing with the

toxins we're putting in it in those ways

and fundamentally a lot of people as the

more they step into that alcoholic fun

vibrant self other areas their life

starts break down and Windell and we

start to become removed from who we are

as unique identity and unless we start

to move away from that alcoholic binge

drinking and situation a life we never

really get to resolve those issues and

that's where the fundamentals of that

darkness start to become even further

and more elusively away from the light

that we truly seek in connection to the

people now life

the ramifications of excess alcohol and

a lot of alcoholics are spoken about

when they dry out they start to see the

the cloud that they were living in and

unresolved because it's all it was their

life is all about going up and coming

down and so the numb the numbing of that

momentary pain has become an evolution

of their identity which had never really

stepped into the truth of what was going

on and you know that cloud and that

smoke and mirrors of the alcoholic haze

of immediate gratification has us react

and respond in a certain type of way

that is all we can see in our ability to

solve our problems and effectively get

our needs met and yet it's only when we

start to step away from that alcoholic

binge drinking that we can start to find

new ways of reacting or responding in

order to not only get our own needs met

and to be understood by others but to

understand others and to help others get

their needs met that's the importance of

understanding the effects of alcohol on

the human psyche over time because as a

celebration alcohol can be quite fun and

it can be quite liberating we can open

up parts of our self and our psyche and

our identity that we never allow the

student can remove our inhibitions to

express their self in certain ways or it

can overtime and binge drinking start to

open up our inner thoughts and the

expressions in fundamentally destructive

ways and that's the importance of

understanding the effects of alcohol

and even substance abuse on our

depression because until we start to

open up the cloud and to move through

the cloud and beyond the smoke and

mirrors we only ever really see a slow

transformation of how we deal with our

issues and problems and most people move

into alcohol abuse because they don't

actually see the warning signs that are

showing up for them as they as they move

along we haven't been taught how to

understand our emotions in society and

we haven't been taught how to understand

a month the fundamental warning signs in

our relationships of when our

relationships breaks down and especially

as men that women as well we're not

being taught how to evolve through our

negative emotions our negative emotional

state and to move to a greater positive

level of connection with one another and

so therefore it just makes for greater

ability especially where there's bottle

shops on every corner and especially

when there is alcohol is a legal

substance makes it okay for people to

abuse those situations and to get stuck

in the rut of that lifestyle of drinking

to excess it's when we start to want to

step out of that cloud step out of that

smoke and mirrors in that haze that we

can start to understand how alcohol

abuse has really affected us because we

can numb me the pain of the depression

and the miscommunication and the cluster

bomb of

our relationships now lifestyle through

alcohol time and time again and yet we

only ever get deeper and deeper into the

darkness and into the tunnel of torment

the way we evolved from alcohol abuse

and depression is to start to not just

get off the booze and dry out but start

to open up emotionally start to open up

new communication new conversations of

the alcoholics in our life a guy that I

live with at the moment is very much 15

years after his marriage breakup just

stayed to face the emotional turmoil

that showed up in when his wife left him

for another man

and in supporting him on seeing all the

ramifications and outcomes of that

alcohol abusers and starts to evolve in

art which is frustrating because how

that person acts on alcohol and

substance abuse when they start to open

up about that stuff and that shame and

guilt of what showed up for them really

has them acting some really obnoxious

behaviors which are the outcomes of that

depression and outcomes of that low

self-worth that person's trying to get

their needs met by being funny by trying

to be abrasively connecting and yet the

more we start to judge those people and

people such as him for the shortcomings

and short failings of their life and

their lifestyle the further into the

darkness and the tunnel of depression

that they move so sometimes

understanding alcohol alcohol abuse and

depression is very much about they are

love people for weather app and accept

them for weather as frustrating us and

as confronting and obnoxious and

you know skunky as it can be because

it's only through holding that space and

holding that support and allowing that

person to evolve in their situation that

they're in and the feelings they have

that they'll start to understand their

emotional state they'll start to

understand what had them desire to

escape and to create a fundamental

momentary self gratification and we give

them permission to step out of that

space through non judgment and so we're

not having judgment on those people we

start to give them permission to have

that desire to open up a new part of

themselves to express to be part of the

self to understand that alcohol abuse

and what is causing them emotionally and

physically and mentally and spiritually

to do those activities and to gratify

themselves in such a way and that is

that is how I believe we can start to

evolve the mental health situation in

the greater community is to start to

raise their levels of effective

communication and to hold the space but

also to evolve our own emotional

situation our own emotional

understanding of our own communication

issues to communicate more effectively

with those people who are dealing with

our alcohol abuse and dealing with

substance abuse and dealing with the

more negative aspects and emotions of

their human nature and when we help them

and allow them to evolve what we do is

start to raise their own level of

self-worth that our own values on

interpersonal synergy we start to raise

their own ability to develop our

relationships and get our needs met and

greater fundamental ways which sees our

personal relationships evolving them in

and of themselves raised our ability to

be a greater leader and to build more

love and connection into our greatest

energy of the community abroad but it's

only through the non judgement and the

opening up of new conversations and the

evolution of our own interpersonal self

that through leadership we will start to

evolve as the community and step out of

the tunnel of darkness into a greater


I hope you liked this video and if you

have any comments or questions remember

to put them in the box below I'd love to

connect with you guys through my own

personal social media with the links are

below and if you know of anyone who

could use help and understanding of

integrating these tools and techniques

and ideologies and selloff click the

button below for Paul cash for coaching

let's open up a new conversation about

how we can help you evolve beyond the

clutches of alcohol abuse and depression

to bring about a whole new level of

happiness factor and constructive living

in lifestyle into your life in your


alright bye for now much love and

sincere peace see ya

For more infomation >> Depression and Alcohol Abuse - Duration: 15:25.


That's Why ~ NoLeads +subtitles (CC) - Duration: 3:53.

they tried so hard to steal my fate they filled me up with hate

they ran me through the mill to kill my feelings, heavens sake's-

can't believe all my mistakes.. ...habitual or traits..

conquering these hills i kept on climbing up to space

YEAH so real i broke the chains- blood is flowing through these veins

these projects and these slums will surely drive a man insane

but im Diaz Brothers trained like Trelani ninja Fassst

it's time to roll a blunt..

YEAH i thought you'd never ask all i wanna hear is honesty

these lie's they make me laugh cause bullshit get's no modesty

i through it in the trash can't survive here without cash

and backwoods filled with hash cause seeing all these actions

while im sober, they'll get smashed but i see the world is vast

look far out past my ashes look up to see the stars

& all you people in the darkness see your shining like my bars

through the evil and the heartless and lite like my cigars

once you start your burn regardless..nL

flowing poems like an artist with everything i guard it

a current flowing free im going bruce lee on my target

like a dragon now its lite see an everlasting flame

the rebirth of the Primes, these are designs of seeing change

seeing time in every grain the passing of each hour

and still i find it strange & why it's meant to drain your power

like a painting from a tower i see it all above

and though i sit aside you in the streets where there's no love

to survive we push and shove some drunk the thirst for blood

some people make it worse like Bush - Katrina in the flood.....

see who people are so sudden

like Greed, & mr Glutton and jealousy can see you when your weak

and when your toughened know its time to get you up and out the door

& to explore it's time to free your mind,

you've been confined behind the door time to wind down to the core

like sun sets on the shore each morning you will find

the Sun is coming back for more..nL

i'm Peter Piper picking perfect pecks of perppers like my verses

reimbursing missing knowledge like professors once it surfaced to these scholars,

watch them flock from all directions can't buy me with your dollars

im not falling for possessions im refreshing to the thinking mind

metaphors and hidden lines mastering this priceless art

cause all hip hop is slowly dying i look to stars, to see the start

my heart was made of Primes im scared like mars, and spit these bars

on top of mountains climbed ! we are the start

the futures ours, it's time to reach the stars !

it's time to learn from our defeats, i'll lead - you see the scars

they're on my face, im showing faith- that you can see from space

like if they zoom in to the truth and chew they're own distaste

im not immune but im in tuned with music, rhyme & bass

a beast that grew up in the east the week can't keep the pace

they're getting lap they'll never last, a master winning races

and they keep asking whose NoLeads cause he leaves NoTraces..nL

For more infomation >> That's Why ~ NoLeads +subtitles (CC) - Duration: 3:53.


Perlier Banana Body Cream - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> Perlier Banana Body Cream - Duration: 2:00.



did you get a copyright notice on one of

your videos or live streams? don't worry.

in this video I'm going to show you what

you can do about it. before we start: on my

channel you get daily high quality content

it's livestreams and videos. please subscribe

to my channel specially for this series

here where I want to help you build your

channel. First recommendation is: don't

use copyrighted music. Then you shouldn't

get copyright notices. but it still

happens sometimes it also happens to me

you guys know I'm using music from non

copyright sounds and I'm using music

from the YouTube library but still it

happens sometimes I get a

copyright notice. that's because there are

people out there that's just raise false

claims against music that they don't

actually really own the rights to but

they just try to monetize on your videos.

so that's false claims but there's also

legit claims out there it may be people

that have provided their music to no

copyright sounds and then later on

decide they want to monetize the music

for themselves or they want to do

something with their music or they want to get

proper credits for their music. so that's

reasons why this may happen also when

you use non copyright music. when you get

a copyright notice you also get a mail

it will look something like this mail

here I just got. so the first step is

you go to youtube creator studio and you

go to your videos and in your video

section you will see the copyright

notice it will look something like this

I got this copyright notice here you see

it's on an old live stream it's called

the electro wizard challenge 2000 gems and that

one is from December which is almost

four months ago then you also notice

that little dollar sign here. it is

crossed out like that video is not

monetized anymore as long as that

copyright claim is on the video. now

what you do from here if you click on

"included copyright content" them then it will

show you more details what this

copyright claim is about. first don't

worry when you get the copyright notice

because if you do nothing all that will

happen is that you cannot monetize on that

video all the income from that

video will go to the claimant. so if it

isn't a false claim that's the worst

that will happen. and you also find that

here in the description where it says that ads may

appear on the video. claimant is

allowing their content to be used in

your video however ads may appear on it

and all the money from the app oath to

the claimant and if you agree you don't

have to do anything. check out the part

below the video. it will tell you the

claimant. it will tell you the content

where the copyright was claimed and it

will give you options on how to handle it.

so here you see the content is the

song "Nova by Ahrix" and the claimant is

"RouteNote" on behalf of "Ahrix". So actually

here it is the owner of the song that

claims the song in this case here it's a

legit claim. because this special claim

here I know that "Ahrix" actually decided

that he wants to have proper rights for

his songs and that's why he puts

out all of those claims on old NCS

songs that he provided originally.

The first option here you see the song is

playing as one hour 19 minutes 52

seconds in the video to one hour 20

minutes and 56 seconds so it's basically

one minute of the video that is marked

and you can click play the match part of

the video where the song that is claimed

is played. I'm not going to do this

here because otherwise this video here

will contain the song again and we will get

a claim on this video probably. i'm going

to tell you three options how to handle

this copyright claim. first thing

like in this case here i'm using

nocopyrightsounds music and what you can

actually do is you can ask no copyrightsounds

for support about that specific video

and that's what I've done also in an

earlier occurance of that claim on

another video. to do that you go on the NCS

page in YouTube, you click the about

section and in the About section you

will find the email address for

licensing problems with

nocopyrightsounds and you just can send

them an email and ask them for help and

give them all the details that were below

the video. so who is the claimant and

what part of your video has been claimed

and also the link to your video and

they usually reply very fast if you ask

them. this special example they replied

to me and said I should check out the

video itself on the page of "Ahrix Nova".

that's what I did and there you find a

description where he actually told

everyone why he's doing that. why he's

reclaiming his old NCS song and how to handle

it and give him proper credit for the

videos. so that is one very special case.

there will also be other cases where

nocopyrightsounds themselves will

dispute the claim and the claim will be

removed from your video within some days.

so definitely good thing is try to ask

nocopyrightsounds what to do and provide

them all the information they need to

check the claim. now the second option if

you're really sure there is nothing

copyrighted on your video it happened to

me once I had a copyright claim on a

video and in that special section when

I played it there wasn't even music

playing so there was basically nothing

it was just a false claim. what you can

do then is you can file a dispute so if

you click file dispute, this page will

appear and there you have to select the

proper reason for your dispute so

usually you will select option 4 like the

video is my original content and I own

all the rights to it or another option

you could select

the last one the content is in the

public domain or is not eligible for

copyright protection. so if you continue

with this process you will also have a chance

to add a message to the claimant

and usually false claims will be removed

in a very short time after this. now the

last option, it's actually the easiest one and

it's the one I always use on live

streams because i do not really care

about that short timeframe where a song

may be played what i do is i click

"remove song" and what that will do

it will just remove the song from that part

and it's actually a really cool feature

that youtube has there because it will

just remove the song and your voice will

still be audible in the video. so it's

only a small thing affected, a small

part of your video. and how you do that

you click remove song. that leads you to

this page here and you could actually

also replace it but what I usually do is

just here on the bottom you see the song

and you see the button "remove this song"

you just click that button remove this

song very important: that's not it yet.

you also have to click "save" after doing

this and then it's ask you again this

may take a while it actually may take up

to one or two days until the song

really is removed but after that you can

monetize the video again and it's like the

claim has never been there and also that

proportion of the song it's just

removed. so I press save. if you go

back to copyright notices you will also

see that it shows now the edit is in

progress and that will remain there

until your video has been changed and

after that the copyright claim will be


I hope these tips on how to handle

copyright notices on your videos or

livestreams helps you. if you want to get

more videos on how to build your YouTube

channel and how to solve issues make

sure to subscribe to my youtube channel


and have an awesome day!

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