Good afternoon Much of the country will see above normal afternoon temperatures and sunny
skies today,... with the mercury getting up to 20 degrees Celsius in the capital, Daegu
and Busan.
High to very high UV levels are in store across the nation.
You don't have to avoid the sun completely,... but be sure to apply a good amount of sunblock
and grab your sunglasses.
You'll also want to drink plenty of water, as a dry weather advisory has been issued
for the central region,... including here in the capital.
while the air quality will be normal all day.
Starting next week, we will have summery weather,... with temperatures spiking to the mid-twenties
in the capital
That's Korea for you, and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.
For more infomation >> Sunny, warm afternoon with dry weather advisory in some parts - Duration: 1:28.-------------------------------------------
अक्षय तृतीया के ये 8 काम, बना देंगें आपको राजा से गुलाम | अक्षय तृतीया 2017 - Duration: 4:55.
[Day4] 300 Push Ups a Day for 7 Days - [Men's Health 300 Pushups Challenge 2017] See What Happens? - Duration: 4:35.
Wang Yi warns any chance of war on Korean peninsula should not be tolerated - Duration: 1:49.
Meanwhile, China continues its efforts to de-escalate tensions on the Korean peninsula.
Beijing's foreign minister warned any chance of war should be avoided, but insisted the
responsibility for that... belongs to Washington.
Kwon Jang-ho has this report.
China's foreign minister, Wang Yi, has urged all parties to back away from creating further
tension on the Korean peninsula, and said that even a one-percent chance of war should
not be tolerated.
Speaking at a press conference with his German counterpart in Berlin on Wednesday, Wang fired
a warning at the U.S., saying "North Korea is not like the Middle East" and that war
on the peninsula would lead to "unimaginable consequences."
The foreign minister also said it's up to the U.S. to deal with the Pyongyang, despite
Washington's calls for Beijing to take more responsibility.
Reuters 3125 [2:48-3:02] "North Korea always claims that the development
of nuclear weapons is in response to an American military threat.
That's why it's really up to the two directly involved parties, the United States and North
Korea, to engage in talks together."
Beijing has also insisted that the deployment of the U.S. missile defense system THAAD,
which came a step closer to full installation in South Korea on Wednesday, risks further
antagonizing Pyongyang.
China once again called for its withdrawal.
Reuters 3610 [0:31-0:47] "It is not helpful to the denuclearization
of the peninsula... and peace and stability in the region.
The move hurts the dialogue process and negotiation efforts and seriously undermines China's strategic
security interests."
China stressed that although it is against North Korea's nuclear weapons program, it
is the responsibility of the U.S. to prevent new conflicts.
Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.
S. Korea's defense ministry refutes speculation THAAD installation is trial run - Duration: 1:03.
Staying with the THAAD story...
South Korea's defense ministry has affirmed the U.S. commander's remarks about the status
of the deployment, adding that they are working on several tests to ensure full operational
The ministry was seeking to tamp down growing speculation in South Korea that the arrival
of key, but not all, system components was part of a test operation.
It also said South Korea will conduct a separate test to determine the potential effects of
the THAAD battery's radar on area residents,... in addition to an environmental impact study,
which will examine the impact of construction on the surrounding ecosystem.
When asked why they decided to bring in the system before the environmental tests were
complete, the ministry spokesperson replied that a thorough assessment will only be possible
when the battery is activated in the target location.
THAAD to be operational in South Korea in coming days: U.S. Pacific Command chief - Duration: 1:52.
The United States is also upping the ante on North Korea militarily.
One of the most senior commanders in the U.S. military says the THAAD missile defense system
in South Korea will be up and running very soon.
His remarks come as U.S. Forces Korea on Wednesday moved two... of the six mobile launch vehicles
to the deployment site.
Kim Hyo-sun reports.
The top U.S. commander in the Asia-Pacific has revealed that the THAAD missile defense
system... being installed now in South Korea... will be operational in the coming days.
Admiral Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, made the remarks Wednesday
during a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee.
"The ROK-U.S. alliance decided last July to deploy THAAD, that's a Terminal High Altitude
Area Defense System, which it will be operational in the coming days and able to better defend
South Korea against the growing North Korea threat."
Hours before in South Korea,... key components of the THAAD battery,... including the radar,...
were moved to the deployment site in Seongju,... a county in Korea's southeast.
The U.S. military moved two mobile launchers to the test site on Wednesday,... and the
remaining four are expected to be transported early next month.
Harris also stressed that his top priority is to protect the United States from the rogue
"With every test, Kim Jong-un moves closer to his stated goal of a pre-emptive nuclear
strike capability against American cities, and he's not afraid to fail in public.
Defending our homeland is my top priority."
Although the close coordination between Washington and Beijing is in its early stages,... Harris
expressed confidence that North Korea has noticed a change in China's action,... calling
it an important aspect in dealing with the regime.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.
3 Best Tips To Wake Up In The Morning | Become An Early Riser - Duration: 4:47.
For years, I wanted to wake up early.
It seems almost all successful people get going before sunrise, and I wanted to be one
of them.
But when my morning alarm would go off, all the good intentions in the world couldn�t
pull me out of bed.
I know most of you are able to relate to my story and that is the reason why I am making
this video where I explain 3 very simple tricks which can help you wake up in the morning
and not feel tired.
Hello Everyone, I am Divyanshu.
You are watching Boost Your Brain and in this video, I am going to tell you about 3 little
Tricks which when followed can help you become an early riser.
So, without any further delay, let�s jump right into it.
Number 1.
Control Your Lightning Lightning plays a really important role in
balancing our sleep cycle.
Sleep is regulated by the hormone Melatonin which is affected by the light which hits
our skin.
A long time ago when there was no electricity, sunlight was the only source of light which
when hit to our body used to make us feel wide awake and active.
This was because once white light hits your skin, the production of melatonin stops which
in turn removes all the sleeping sensation.
However at night, there was no light and people used to feel tired and sleep early.
But in today�s world, we are always surrounded by artificial lightning.
We use LED bulbs, mobiles, computers and many gadgets which emits artificial white light.
These prevent our body from producing melatonin and we don�t sleep till late night.
Even if we do sleep, we don�t feel like waking up as we feel tired and want to sleep
Now I know, these days there is no life without mobile phones and laptops.
But we do have a choice to prevent ourselves from bombarding our skin from white light.
You can use either F.LUX for PCs or Twilight app for mobile phones which reduces white
light to great extent.
It gives your screen a warmer look which kind of looks ugly but it�s really beneficial.
Nowadays, many smartphones and computers already come with night mode which we don�t really
Please, for the sake of yourself, use it.
It�s not a gimmick because it actually helps you get a healthy sleep.
These apps automatically control the amount of white light emitting from the screen according
to the time of day which helps production of melatonin at night and helps you fall asleep
at right time.
The best part is that these are absolutely free.
Now, lightning is also very important when it comes to waking up and feeling energised
in the morning.
You wanna keep your blinds open so that when the sun rises, your skin gets hit with natural
white light which can help in preventing additional production of melatonin.
This way you won�t feel sleepy when you get up in the morning.
Now the second trick is to use your bed for one thing only which is to sleep.
We tend to use our phones in bed, or watch TV or even eat which is bad because our brain
forms a habit.
Now how it works is when you start to do any of these things in your bed, your brain starts
to associate your bed with them like eating, browsing internet or watching shows which
causes you to feel craving.
This craving can be feeling hungry or a strong desire to switch on TV or use mobile phones
while you are on bed.
So once you start using your bed only to sleep, your brain starts associating it with only
sleep and as soon as you lie on your bed, you automatically start to feel tired and
tend to fall asleep very soon.
Now, if you find yourself having hard time to fall asleep, it�s perfectly okay to read
a book.
The reason why it�s okay because reading isn�t nearly as stimulating as watching
TV or browsing phones.
Now, to get up early, we need to sleep early which brings us to our third and last trick
and that is to get enough sleep.
I know it�s quite obvious but the matter of fact is if you don�t get enough sleep,
you won�t wake up early.
Even if you do somehow, you are tend to feel sleepy all day.
Human body is designed in such a way that it needs a certain amount of sleep to function
After numerous studies, scientists have concluded that a human needs 7 hours of sleep to function
Now mark it that over sleeping is also bad so as far your sleep cycle ranges between
7 to 8 hours, you are doing it perfectly.
Now suppose you want to wake up at 6 A.M. in the morning, then make a habit of going
to bed at 10:30 P.M.
Now I know that it sounds like a common sense but the trick is to head to bed every day
at same time.
Doing this will get you habituated and you will start to feel tired and sleepy on that
very time, every single day.
Now a bonus tip, don�t use Snooze button of your alarm during initial days.
Later you won�t need this tip because you will get habituated to wake up early but during
initial days, it�s really important that you don�t snooze.
Now if you start following these three habits, you will find yourself waking up earlier and
feeling better in no time.
In my coming videos, I will be explaining about some benefits of waking up early so
make sure you are subscribed to my channel to not miss on those and hey, this subscription
is completely free.
Give a thumbs up to this video if it was of any help and share it with people you care
See you all soon, Stay blessed.
Long streaks of cloud in the sky - Titirangi, New Zealand - Duration: 5:58.
Hi Everyone
Kubic here
We're going to...
Let's go!
Here we are at the main street of Titirangi
which is called...
Titrangi road
Maori word "Titirangi"...
... means...
Long streaks of cloud
... also it's commonly known as..
Edge of the Heaven
Let's have a look...
This is Lopdell house
... or Titirangi Art Gallery
This is Henry Atkinson
A coffee machine
... is West suburb of Auckland...
You can see behind...
This is...
Manukau harbour
Pretty cloudy today...
... as autumn has came
Let's continue...
Interesting sculptures
This is Nihotupu Dam
Pretty deep...
It was built in...
.. 1929...
.. to provide water supply...
... to Auckland
Titirangi has many...
... parks and beaches...
... which are in Manukau harbour
... and we're at...
... at the...
Cornwallis Wharf
It is the biggest wood wharf
Going up...
This monument...
... was erected...
... after the "Brilliant" ship
... which arrived...
.. to Manukau harbour...
... on 29 of October
... 1841...
Views are amazing here...
Let's observe...
Oh, the lighthouse is over there!
... as it is Manuakau Heads...
Tasman sea is over there
It is gate...
... to Manukau harbour..
We're at the historical cafe...
... which is...
130 years old...
Actually 131 will be soon...
Let's go inside...
Nice serve...
Like 100 years ago...
Awesome tea set
Meals are also good
Just by the cafe...
Nice views...
... right here
It's low tide though...
but still awesome...
Thanks for watching
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... and see you soon...
Mushrooms time
الاسرار شعري - حلقة ١ / مارك الامريكي - Duration: 4:35.
Щенячий патруль новые серии Развивающие мультфильмы УЧИМ ЦВЕТА с Маша и Медведь Мультики для детей - Duration: 2:58.
sony vegas pro 14 full version free without buy with all new featurs new updated - Duration: 10:48.
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7 Quick & Easy ways to learn English faster. - Improve your English Speaking - Duration: 11:09.
New Chinese aircraft carrier 'six times more powerful' than existing Liaoning - Duration: 2:03.
China has launched its second aircraft carrier... but the first it has ever built from scratch
with homegrown components.
It marks the latest milestone in China's superpower ambitions to build Asia's largest naval fleet.
Ro Aram has the specs.
The Type 001A carrier is said to have six times more military strength than China's
existing Liaoning vessel, which was purchased from Ukraine and put into commission in the
Chinese Navy in 2012.
Development of the Type 001A carrier began in 2013 and construction two years later.
It weighs about 50-thousand tons, which is 10-thousand less than its predecessor, but
it's slightly longer with a wider command platform.
It is powered by conventional steam turbines, which makes it slower than U.S. nuclear-powered
carriers, but quicker than the Liaoning.
The vessel also houses a ski jump-style deck for take offs, which experts say is cheaper
to run than the catapults used by the U.S., but limits the diversity of aircraft on board
to smaller fighter jets.
The new carrier aims to carry 36 Shenyang J-15 multi-role fighter jets, which is 12
more than what the Liaoning can carry.
After sea trials and the arrival of its full air complement, the yet-to-be-named carrier
is expected to be operational by 2020.
Although it still has some way to go to catch up with American carriers, the new ship is
part of Beijing's bigger plan to build a navy that is unrivaled in Asia... and another carrier
-- the Type 002 -- is reportedly under construction in Shanghai.
However, these ambitions are rattling neighboring countries, as they see hidden motives behind
China's naval expansion, which adds to already high tensions in the region, including the
territorial dispute over islands in the South China Sea.
For its part, Beijing insists that its military maintains a purely defensive posture.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
TRỰC TIẾP - Thần tượng Bolero 2017 | tập 8 : 4 thí sinh XUẤT SẮC NHẤT vào vòng trong - Duration: 12:00.
Law & Order: SVU - The Scorpions Keep Us in Business (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:00.
Chief, how can I help you?
- I wanted to congratulate you.
"HNT" is back on their financial heels
and Coyle will do 18 months.
- Well, the guy just couldn't help himself.
- The tortoise and the scorpion.
- I'm sorry?
- Scorpion asks a tortoise for a ride across the lake.
The tortoise says, "Well, sure,
as long as you don't sting me."
Scorpion says, "Why would I sting you?
We'd both drown." So they start off.
Halfway across the lake, the scorpion
stings the tortoise. The tortoise says,
"Why the hell did you do that?"
- And the scorpion says, "Because it's in my nature."
- Oh, you do know that one.
I guess the scorpions keep us in business.
- Yeah.
- Well...
I've barged into your office enough for one week.
- Please, any time.
- I, uh...
I guess I've been avoiding SVU.
Every time I walk in the place...
I think I'm gonna see Mike...
sitting at his desk.
Is that crazy? - Nope.
Not at all.
- I'll see you, Olivia.
- I'll see you, Chief.
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