Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

garage sale on Saturday April 17 from

10:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the clothes

furniture and more the addresses three

for one blank drive email me if

directions are needed now before you

think this woman doesn't deserve it

she spammed this ad everywhere every day

and I was sick of seeing from me to

blank at blank at work hello

I love you blog flew in from you and can

help but notice you are having a garage

sale this Saturday I am going to have to

kind of ask you to change the gate of

your garage there I am having my annual

world class garage sale on that day and

I do not want you to take away any of

the customers that will be coming

tomorrow so if you can afford your

garage sale sometime during May or June

that would be great thanks Mike

from Karen to me I'm not changing that

day there's plenty of room for both of

my garage sales for me to care Karen

there is not enough room for both of our

garage sales as I said earlier my garage

sale is a world class event it's wrong

in garage sale connoisseurs from all

over the region

I have already booked a bartender and a

string quartet for month tail on

Saturday my garage sale is a classy

experience and I do not want that

experience to be ruined for customers

who might mistake you

garage sale for mine now I'm not singing

your garage sale isn't going to be nice

but I highly doubt you have a bartender

and a string quartet at your sale please

take down all of the ads in the

neighborhood for your sale to avoid any

confusion for my customers not from

Canada me how rude of you to even make

this request either it has a grand sale

whenever I want to what gives you the

nerve to think that you can tell me what

to do

for me to Karen Karen you are correct

you do have the right to do whatever you

want I realize that I cannot change your

mind about this I can however put up

this ad all over the neighborhood let me

know what do you think of it

in 1997 Karen killed five babies or

operating a steam roller under the

influence of crack cocaine is this the

kind of person you want to hold a garage

sale in your neighborhood don't look

here and fight your children too don't

go to work or on sale at three for one

blank Drive

some came to me what the hell is the

matter with you I swear if I see any of

those ads in the neighborhood

I will tear those down and report you do

not speak to me about this again you

have been alarmed from me - Karen Karen

I'm willing to cut you a deal and get

you a spot on the guest list for my

world class garage sale if you cancel

yours from Cantonese

screw you and screw your world class

track sound you world class break

For more infomation >> Garage Sale Competition By Emails from an A$$hole - Duration: 4:38.



In this video, we will cover the Pistols of Mass Effect Andromeda as well as the augments

and mods to use with them to best aid you and your playstyle.

If you like these kinds of video be sure to hit that like button, it lets me know what

kind of videos you want to see and if you haven't already, maybe think about subscribing.

Without further delay, let's get right into the video.


Pistols are semi-automatic sidearms, they should be precise, have reasonable power and

be fairly light.

I've always been a big fan of pistols in first person shooters originally coming to love

them in Halo so I'm very much looking forward to getting into this testing and going all

out to find the best overall hand cannons.

The Pistols being tested in this video are:

The Sidewinder Ushior

Carniflex M-3 Predator

& the Phalanx

SMG's can be found in a separate video that focuses purely on them, this video is linked

at the top right now on PC and Mobile, the link can also be found in the description.

The N7 Eagle, Talon and Scorpion tests can be found in a special Pistols Video also linked

at the top right of the screen and in the description.

<title: The Method>

All tests will be performed in Normal difficulty on Rank 2 weapons.

The Pistols Skills in the Combat Skills tree is maxed out with the settings on screen.

The Combat Fitness skills in the Combat Skills tree is also maxed out with the settings on

screen now.

Team Support skills in the Tech skills tree is maxed out with a few points thrown into

Biotics for no weapon damage gain to gain the Adept profile so as to not affect the


No other skills will be taken.

Tests will be performed at level 32 in case you are curious to the sponginess of the mobs

but to keep things balanced the guns will be compared to each other rendering the enemy

level moot.

The Mods for these weapons are the same as all pistols & SMGs, Barrel, Receiver, Scope

and Magazine unless you wish to melee at which point pop in the Melee optimizer in exchange

for a receiver or magazine dependant on the gun in question,

The Ushior for a specific build has no use for the magazine mod so will have the melee

optimizer as default.

<title: Sidewinder>

The Sidewinder appears to be a very nicely balanced weapon,

140 damage which is about right for pistol expectations, a nice 350 rate of fire so you

won't be held back when going for the fast precise headshots, a clip size of 8 which

if you don't count the Ushior is on the low side, but I'd hasten to say it's medium, 8

is certainly acceptable for a pistol.

Max ammo is 54 which is actually pretty good so even at rank 2 it has very usable ammo

numbers only getting better with the ranks.

the accuracy is where it is let down at 52, but we can do something about that and its

weight is a very nice 7.

The main issue to fix with this gun is the accuracy, even at the higher level it won't

be amazing so a number of augments can be used to fix this,

Namely the Seeking Plasma System and the Electrical Conduits augments,

I'm very curious to see how the Electrical Conduits will perform on a semi-automatic,

it will either be a consistent damage boost against shields or an ineffective waste of


We're going to try a few builds on this first set of tests to set the standard for the others.

The vanilla that is in the background and usually first tested will be amped up a little

becoming the Vanilla Stacked, this is just a no behaviour augments weapon with no vintage

or bio, it will consist of an Equilibrium Regulator giving a 5% damage increase when

moving slowly and a 10% increase when moving quickly, a double mod extension and kinetic

coil to fill will also be present, this will be the case for all vanilla stacked builds.

The first build will consist of an Electrical Conduit, Double Mod Extension & a Kinetic


The Second Build will consist of a Seeking Plasma System, Double Mod Extension & Kinetic


The Third Build Will have a Sticky Grenade, vintage heat sink & Double Mod extension

With the Last having Plasma Charge vintage heat sink and Double mod Extension.

The Vanilla Stacked showed amazing promise, it's shots did very nice damage and the rate

of fire was perfect for quick precision shooting, the accuracy really wasn't and issue at close

to medium range which is the kind of distance you'll be using this weapon as the Scope adds

a lot there.

One important thing it did show is that ammunition is in very short supply for this weapon, the

initial reserves appeared to be enough but it all went just so fast, a vintage or bio-converter

is absolutely necessary for this weapon.

That being said, at the top rank especially with a few skills to help would give a far

better experience ammo wise and may be satisfactory, the reload time isn't horrendous and purely

as a sidearm, could be very usable, but if you are below level 60 or so, then you'll

likely need a vintage heat sink or bio-converter.

The Electrical Conduits proved to be ineffective, it actually lowered the damage considerably

emptying the entire reserves before killing more than 3 enemies.

The Seeking Plasma System kind of did its thing, but it's slower projectile speed actually

made the accuracy worse at close range as mobs are often moving meaning you have to

shoot its future ghost to be able to stand a chance of hitting it, this is a long range


The Sticky Grenade did less damage, quite a bit less rendering the usefulness of its

stun not good enough for the trade-off.

The Plasma charge was underwhelming, once again the charge leading to a lesser damage

per second and not being all that extra, and the normal shots dealing less than a vanilla

weapon makes this a no go for me.

I actually really like this weapon but with no behaviour changing augments outside of

bio or vintage, if you wish to use this weapon, stack it with double mod and coils, if your

level is high then great, use the special augment slot for something cool like aerial

optimizer or equilibrium regulator or a consumable buffing augment, but if it's low rank you

are definitely going to need either a vintage heat sink or bio-converter for the unlimited

ammo aspect.

<title: Carniflex>

The Carniflex is a much-loved pistol by many, I'm often hearing about it in the comments

and looking at the stats, I can see why,

Its damage is a quite decent 271, it's rate of fire is low at 100 but on a pistol being

a precise close range weapon, I would prefer higher damage per shot with a lower rate of


The clip size is an acceptable 8 with a maximum ammo of 46, now while the max ammo is lower

than the sidewinder, the damage is higher, nearly double meaning that you get a lot more

bang for your buck and can kill more enemies before needing to pick up some ammo,

That being said, at the low and mid levels, estimated up to about 50 or so, ammo is definitely

a concern and would be best engaged with a vintage or bio-converter, bio always being

the top choice but requiring team support in the tech skill tree.

But at the top ranks, the ammunition will certainly be enough.

The accuracy is an acceptable 66, at close range 66 is enough, the sidewinder proved

this being a far lower 52 yet hitting almost every shot with the rank V scope active.

Polish that off with a lovely light 7 for the weight and you've got an attractive weapon.

The previous tests on the Sidewinder proved that Electrical conduits just don't work on

a semi-automatic weapon, also the sticky grenade is a bit of a bust for most also, though will

make an appearance for our very low damage pistol coming up, Plasma charge was a little

underwhelming and for all but the Ushior and the aforementioned low damage weapon will

not be testing, and the seeking plasma system was also found to be a little pointless at

close range, if you're going long range, just don't use a pistol.

So the Augment tests will simply be via stacked damage.

The first stacked with an Equilibrium Regulator & double mod extension with the second hosting

a Bio-Converter and a Double Mod Extension.

The stacked Equilibrium build was fantastic, it takes a little getting use to with the

rate of fire as it is on the slow side even for precision shots, but once you're used

to it, this gun is rather good for a run and gun approach cracking headshots as you make

your way through the middle of their camp,

The ammunition at low ranks is absolutely an issue but provided there are pods around,

this is not an issue.

An alternative that could definitely work with those finding the rate of fire a little

too slow, would be to use the Aerial augment that increases rate of fire by 35% when hovering

instead of the equilibrium, this would allow you to jump up and hover to get some shots

in then drop back behind cover to recharge your shields.

The second build with the bio-converter proved very effective for shooting in general but

also from behind cover, the shooting over cover is surprisingly accurate at close range

and not bad at all at medium, keeping you behind cover and lessening the risk that comes

with using the Bio-Converter.

I don't see this gun being on my loadout, but it is certainly fun and definitely usable,

so far my testing with the pistols has been a happy time.

<title: M-3 Predator>

The M-3 Predator is where it starts to look a bit dire,

its damage is a minuscule 49 with a high but not high enough rate of fire of 450, so far

it's built like a kinda crappy SMG but doesn't even have an Automatic function, the clip

size is 21 with ammo reserves of 135, the accuracy is 61 and the weight an absolutely

tiny 4.

The stats of this weapon scream horrible weapon, but as it's 4 weight, it'll make a crappy

little backup, but It needs testing, can't judge a weapon by its stats...

Or you can, as that's what they're for...

The augment tests for this one will include the Sticky Grenade & Plasma Charge as if there's

any hope for this weapon, it's that one of those will up its damage.

The first build will be the typical Equilibrium Regulator with Double mod extension,

Second is the Bio Converter and double mod extension,

Third with the Sticky Grenade and double mod finishing with the Plasma Charge and double

mod extension

This weapon is kinda awful as expected, by the time I'd cleared the 2 camps with the

Equilibrium regulator build, my wrist was quite sore from clicking so damn much and

so quickly, even with that pro skills wrist action, the mobs died so slowly.

The bio-converter was no better, in fact, it actually hurt a little more to do with

no break for reloading.

The Sticky Grenade gave no increase to damage, unfortunately, but it looked damn pretty.

The plasma charge gave a very slight increase to damage but nowhere near enough to make

this gun worth using, though this too, was very pretty.

After all is said and done, even at 4 weight, this gun is pointless, if anyone has found

some crazy way of making it be of use, I'd0 love to know it.

<title: Phalanx>

At a first glance the Phalanx looks like a great mid point between the Carniflex and

the Sidewinder, the damage is decent being a little lower than the Sidewinder and the

rate of fire, while lower than the sidewinder by a fair bit, seems about perfect for that

precision run and gun or just plain point and headshot from a standstill,

The clip size of 17 being double both of the other guns kind of fixes that ammo issue,

so far it's looking great really, 108 max ammo is pretty good, would be great at top

rank and the accuracy is a decent 61, I say decent as at close range that's really not

all that bad when you throw a scope on to.

Leaving the weight as a balmy 7, everything looks very well balanced, let's see, what

needs to be fixed the most...

Just the damage really and that can be sorted with some stackable goodness, unfortunately,

there's only 2 slots by default, so double mod slot has to be one as those mods add such


the second should be a special augment, consumable ammunition could be good here as the clip

is extended compared to most, meaning more bang per consumable.

for this test, we'll go with an Equilibrium to test the run and gun and an Aerial Performance

Stabiliser to test out some hover shots from cover.

If you didn't want to worry about ammo, a bio-converter would be great but this gun

needs it the least out of all other semi-auto pistols.

The Phalanx was as expected, quite good and well balanced in combat, the ammunition even

at lower ranks was sufficient as was the clip size, the damage was low but certainly usable

in a pinch, the rate of fire was also fairly good, I could have gone faster within my comfort

level but it was a good speed to head shot both on the move and from hover.

Out of the 2 builds, I found the Equilibrium to be the most useful as making proper use

of the hover requires either a lot of skill or a lot of practice to get right without

being too exposed, whereas the equilibrium helps for those forward pushes, 5% for the

scoped mid range hits, and 10% for the close hip fire shots.

<title: Ushior>

I have heard great things about the Ushior, and it's damage speaks for itself, being a

cross between a Dhan and an Isharay in the shape of a pistol,

I purposefully left it till last as it has the best chance of being a great weapon,

Let's look at those beastly stats,

The damage is an utterly humongous 706, the rate of fire is a pitiful 70, but don't worry,

the rate of fire doesn't matter as it's only got 1 shot per clip!

with a max ammo of 24 that sounds small, but at a glance, I think out of the 5 it's the

second best for cumulative damage based on the ammunition, with only the Phalanx beating


That is to say the ammunition is stored damage.

The Accuracy is the best of the 5 pistols at 70, and the weight is the highest at a

beast mode 18.

Now, out of all the things we want to fix, you may think clip size is the best and it

is possible to get enough buffs to double it to 2, but with such a low rate of fire,

we can do better.

This is one of the few guns that really makes use of things like the shield oscillator that

gives you 25% shields on clip empty, this gun gives you 25% shields per shot with that


This could also be a great weapon for any power user, put the Power Booster augment

in to get 20% power damage on full clip, so when having this equipped you have a constant

20% extra power damage with a huge shot ready for when you need an emergency kett death.

As this is a unique weapon, we're gonna do a number of tests,

We know the vintage would be a difficult one with this, taking up the special augment slot

isn't a good deal with a 1 bullet mag, the bio-converter, however, could be useful if

your regeneration is top notch, but I would say this is only properly usable if you use

life support in the team support to its full effect by also using tech skills with it,

but I'll test a build with bio to see how bad it is without the tech skills.

First Build is Equilibrium, double mod extension and 2 kinetic coils,

Second is Bio-Converter, double mod and 2 coils,

Third will be Shield Oscillator, Plasma Charge, double mod and kinetic coil

Fourth Sticky Grenade, Double Mod extension and 2 kinetic coils

and our fifth and last, a pocket sniper with the Seeking Plasma System, Plasma Charge System,

Bio-Converter & Double Mod Extension

The field test showed something straight away that made me smile, I had 2 shots in the clip,

this means that it doesn't have a clip size of 1, it has one and a bit, meaning it will

likely go up through the ranks more and with all clip size mods and buffs may result in

up to a 4 or 5 shot clip which would be insane.

The shots were powerful and instant, very responsive weapon, the equilibrium worked


The Bio-Converter actually made this gun insane, was so powerful but also proved that without

tech skills and life support, you will die, as I did from using it too much.

The plasma Charge was a huge surprise, I held no hope for this, but it is the first weapon

I have been truly impressed with it,

The shots being so powerful makes the charge aspect worth more, the charge seems to work

on percentage as far as damage goes, so the bigger the damage, the less shots to get the

damage, the less time charging for that damage, so yeah, charged plasma shot actually appeared

to do more damage than

a Dhan of the same rank and such.

I'll definitely need to face these 2 off and factor in reloading etc of course.

The sticky grenade lowered the damage by a good 30% of the standard stacked shot, this

would be worth it as far as AOE goes, but as the plasma charge is AOE, you're better

off with that.

The last pocket sniper build with the plasma charge and seeking system was underwhelming

really, at the range you can aim correctly, you don't need the seeking system, the scope

of a pistol just isn't enough, making this sniper build a little pointless.

In conclusion, plasma charge, plasma charge, plasma charge, plasma charge.

<title: Top Picks>

So, my top picks today might be somewhat easy to work out, at least one of them anyway.

If you want a pistol that is well balanced and of decent use early on without the need

of big bells and whistles, the Phalanx is a real option, it's just so well balanced

between its stats, I'm surprised I haven't heard more about it in the comments.

The Sidewinder and Carniflex are 2 extremes separated by preference,

In truth, pistols like these are meant as side arms, they aren't your primary weapon,

they are meant as a backup, they're light so it's convenient.

The only true top pick here that stands out in more than just this subcategory or pistols

is the Ushior, this gun mixed with the Plasma Charge System and either Bio-Converter if

you're a heavy tech power user or a Shield Oscillator if you're not, double mod extension

and a kinetic coil to top, is a force to be reckoned with and needs further comparison

outside of its class.

<title: Outro>

This has been one of the more fun to make, the pistols were all very different, kind

of a something for everyone type deal.

If you disagreed with anything or thought I missed something then please let me know,

I'd love to discuss alternative ideas.

If you liked this guide or it helped you at all, hitting the like button is the quickest

way to let me know but being specific in the comments really helps me work out what to

keep and what to get rid of in these guides.

Melee weapons are next marking the last of the weapon field test and showcase series

with armour to come after it, I have so many more videos that have been patiently waiting

till I've finished these, including a revisit to the original augments guide.

Thanks for watching folks, have an awesome day!



Giraffe Squad - Wait For Me [Ascension NCS Release] - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Giraffe Squad - Wait For Me [Ascension NCS Release] - Duration: 3:01.


Videos de carros para niños - Tanques infantiles - Duration: 10:20.

For more infomation >> Videos de carros para niños - Tanques infantiles - Duration: 10:20.


Tử vi thứ 6, ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 2017 của 12 cung hoàng đạo - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> Tử vi thứ 6, ngày 28 tháng 4 năm 2017 của 12 cung hoàng đạo - Duration: 10:07.


BAD JOKE | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> BAD JOKE | #CokeTVBucketlist - Duration: 7:43.


Prayer of the day Thursday, April 27, 2017 - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Prayer of the day Thursday, April 27, 2017 - Duration: 12:10.


Bệnh GÚT Kinh Niên Đau Nhức Khắp Người Cũng Khỏi Dứt Điểm Trong Vòng 7 Ngày Nhờ Bài Thuốc Dễ Làm Này - Duration: 11:57.

For more infomation >> Bệnh GÚT Kinh Niên Đau Nhức Khắp Người Cũng Khỏi Dứt Điểm Trong Vòng 7 Ngày Nhờ Bài Thuốc Dễ Làm Này - Duration: 11:57.


Undertale - Don't Give Up !!! - ( TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI ) - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Undertale - Don't Give Up !!! - ( TÜRKÇE ALTYAZILI ) - Duration: 2:05.


What is Compression Breakthrough ~ The Event Part One of Two - Duration: 17:08.


is Compression Breakthrough ~ The Event?

Part One of Two

An overview article for newly awakening readers � 26th April 2017

Almost immediately after the Day of Compression Breakthrough or the day of The Event we will

have Peace on Earth � yes total and complete peace that is incomparable to anything that

we have ever experienced before.

We will be lacking for words, we will walk around in utter amazement when we receive

the news via mainstream media that all wars on this planet have ceased and all weapons

have been put aside.

It will take some time to sink in but after eons of enslavement, eons of feeling lost

in a wilderness we will finally see beyond the veil that has been clouding our vision

of reality for so long.

We will finally be free to allow the truth of our being to bloom, free to develop and

express the true sovereign beings we are.

I hope that we ban fireworks or at least any that sound like bombs etc. exploding so that

the war weary traumatized souls all over this planet can heal quicker.

On that note if you have knowledge of some positive method of healing please know that

your assistance in this area will be very much needed and appreciated.

There will be so many souls needing help to release trauma, programming etc. so that they

can let go of their fears and once again begin to find trust, begin to believe that they

can be a part of a community where they are appreciated and accepted for who they are.

When we begin to adjust to existing in a world where we no longer need fear, when we have

managed to digest and assimilate all of the information about the truth of our reality

beyond the mass programming and control of the veil, our creative urge will blossom and

we will unite with others in so many wonderful creative projects to heal Mother Gaia and

everyone living here.

Who Is Cobra?

If you happen to be a new reader and have no prior knowledge of this subject you might

be thinking right now that this woman needs her head examined, how could anyone in their

right mind believe that there will soon be overnight peace on earth when the world seems

crazier than ever right now?

On January 4th this year Cobra gave us some details about the plans for the co-creation

of the new society after The Event, he says �New Atlantis is the codename for the energy

grid around the planetary surface that will support the Compression Breakthrough and also

the codename for the New Society after the Event.

The New Atlantis project actually aligns the vortexes of the Old Atlantis with the new

energy grid that is about to be completed soon.

New Atlantis is a project of the Light forces that is already ongoing for millennia.

Saint Germain is one of the main beings working on this project.

He has revealed parts of this project to humanity in his incarnation as Francis Bacon in a novel

called New Atlantis, where he described a utopian society based on meritocracy.

In his next incarnation as Comte de Saint Germain he attempted to co-create a new Society

in America by assisting in the independence of the USA and by being the main spiritual

force behind the Constitution.

Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis


The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest

the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.

Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools in manifesting that aim.

Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic

being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter:

Recently Saint Germain discussed the Fulfilment of Divine Mothers Plan which he points out

is �no pie in the sky� but very real.

In other words, from the Day of Compression Breakthrough � when the Light from the combined

Forces of Light above meets the Light from below ~ Gaia + RM + Agartha on the surface

nothing will ever be the same again.

We will unite with one another and begin to co-create a new Golden Age on Gaia.

We have all been affected by these powerful Galactic Waves of Love these past four or

five years and we are transmuting, letting go of, healing, our burdens, wounds, belief

systems, everything that has hurt us.

You will need to know that the so called Master Plan for this change has been in place for

at least 3 � 4 decades.

I have taken the link about the Master Plan for The Event from Prepare for Change because

many of Cobra�s most important �key� articles are available in one place (see heading

Cobra RM top of PFC site) there and many of them have been translated, so just roll down

to the bottom of the article and you will see which languages are available.

In Depth Information about Allied Light Forces and Liberation Progress

For the reader who is unfamiliar with who exactly the so called Resistance Movement

or Allied Light Forces are I have gathered an overview of the various groups involved,

below surface, on the surface, in the solar system and not in least on higher dimensions

on a webpage entitled Victory Now.

Following the aforementioned information that same webpage covers the most important details

about the battle with the dark forces for planetary liberation, covering the timeframe

from this message here from June 5th 2012 and up until the present moment.

June 5th 2012 � Leader of the Archons Leaves Earth

We were informed by Cobra on June 10th 2012 that the �leader of the archons on the physical

plane was arrested on May 5th by the Resistance forces and taken off-planet.

He has crossed over to the Light and is now free-willingly assisting with the planetary

liberation process.

This arrest took place in Rome.

He was the one that many members of the Cabal were worshipping in their distorted rituals,

so now they are worshipping something that does not exist any longer.� I might add

here that some time ago when Cobra was asked about this archon leader and whether he was

still assisting the Light Forces we learned that the realisation of all of the suffering

and pain that he had been the cause of was too much to bear and he asked to return to

the Galactic Central Sun and begin the soul journey all over again.

I should add that should you decide to follow the progress of the Light Forces over the

past four years (2013 � Present) it will demand many hours of reading and a necessity

to take breaks as it covers over four years of Cobra updates that are directly connected

to the battle with the chimera.

On April 7th 2017 we learned the following;

Clearing of the Chimera group continues.

The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity (the tentacles

of this entity which stretched into the solar system have recently been removed) with all

plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil.

Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks

on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.

On Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have

begun full force active removal of all plasma negativity near the surface of the planet.

Every direct intervention of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes

retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to provoke nuclear exchange

between USA and North Korea:

they have turned to electronic warfare.

Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy

weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to

remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with

the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal�s plans

to create global war.

. A certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those crimes internationally.

They �shoot first and ask questions later.�

They have issued a warning, stating that �anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian

target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may

expect to be dealt with.�

They have also stated that an �international diplomatic and political scandal with far

reaching consequences, exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible

for use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.�.

.Now it is of the utmost importance for all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to invoke and

anchor the Light as much as humanly possible, although I am fully aware that we are tested

beyond limits.

Here is a very good and effective example of how to do this:

Our unified awareness and consciousness will transmute this situation, as it has transmuted

countless situations before.

I am so looking forward to the arrival of that DAY of days when I will be adding the

final Victory of the Light information to this page hopefully in the near future.

New Financial System

Recently I saw an article written by someone anonymous who claimed that he/she had inside

information about the so called Global Currency Reset or GCR.

This person then made several derogatory remarks about Cobra and his sources of information.

I have to say that for the past 3 and a half years at least we have seen many articles,

whether �channelled� (fake) or peoples contacts in the financial world of various

kinds saying more or less that the GCR was about to happen within days or weeks max.

We have been informed by Cobra that the so called Reset, Reval of the Financial System

will take place at the time of The Event not prior.

These articles will no doubt keep popping up until then.

3 years ago in Dec. of 2013 we received an update about the New Financial System and

The Event where we clearly see the game being played behind the scenes that has taken place

and will continue no doubt to do so until the last minute.

�A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created

now with full speed.

The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:�

I wrote / compiled this article in February of 2016 to give readers a broader view of

the Financial Reset.

�I will attempt here to convey to you why there is no need for doubt regarding the question

of financial redistribution of wealth to humanity after The Event.

Understanding the Role of the Red Dragon Society Regarding The Event / The Re-Distribution

of Wealth to Humanity

Phenomenal Results of Our Recent Etheric Liberation Meditation

Cobra asked us to join forces in an important meditation in February this year telling us

�The master key for the energy grid around the planet is the Congo vortex.

That is a huge energy vortex that is anchored in Lake Kivu in Congo.

This area was the landing space of a special expedition of the Central Race which landed

there more than 2 million years ago, anchoring a very powerful Light presence.

Much later this vortex was taken over by the Reptilians who actually energetically controlled

most of the Sub-Saharan Africa from that area.

This is the reason why black magic is so widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa and why so many people

there are possessed by Reptilian entities:

Congo vortex was the entry point for the Archon invasion in 1996.

Since then, the Archons are doing whatever they can to destroy the feminine energy in

Congo, while the Light forces are trying to heal the situation:

On Feb 26th we united worldwide in an Etheric Liberation Meditation with massive success

here is what I wrote to my blog readers when the results came in from the RM.

�TZ here; My God!

� dear readers we could not have better news than this!

� now I understand why Cobra used the word EPIC in his previous short report about the

etheric meditation.

Enjoy this message in all of its amazing details and know that you will clearly start to see

signs whether small or great all over Gaia that we are on the road to liberation and

total Victory of the Light.

Cobra mentioned that this epic meditation has cut the remaining waiting time before

The Event in half.

The Resistance Movement have ways of estimating ~ depending on the current situation ~ when

The Event is most likely to take place.

This type of estimation is of course classified for safety for the surface human population.

SO the Resistance Movement are no doubt themselves amazed at the influence this meditation has


This should encourage us all to continue every effort to affect a strong positive return

of Light and Love � we can take note of Yeshua�s reminder yesterday that when we

change our behaviour the whole world changes.

The weekly meditation on Sunday shall no doubt continue as long as necessary ~ we now have

enormous evidence that meditation and etheric work generally moves mountains.

Things are developing at an amazing speed now and NO-ONE person knows the Day or the

Hour that Goddess/Mother will give the signal for The Master Plan (see Most Important Cobra

articles on PFC or The Portal) to begin.

Our greatest goal right now should be to connect with our I AM / Higher Self Presence and lovingly

follow advice given as to how we best can move forward in Love for ourselves and others.

In Love and Light to everyone TZ

Etheric Liberation Report

Our meditation on Sunday (Feb 26th 2017) was the turning point in the decisive battle for

the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April 2017, and

one of the biggest victories of the Light.

It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event

by half.

At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar

system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode.

This wave was detected by Space Observing System in Tomsk in Russia, where the activation

happened at 9:55 pm local time.

You can clearly see drastic increase of plasma activity starting around one hour after the

activation and lasting for about 36 hours,

This wave has effectively cleared most negative plasma from the Solar System and the Resistance

has communicated that �they can not detect any plasma anomaly beyond the Moon orbit�.

Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed.

It means that the �tentacles� of

the Yaldabaoth entity are gone forever and now only the �head� remains.

For more infomation >> What is Compression Breakthrough ~ The Event Part One of Two - Duration: 17:08.


unboxing do sid meier's railroads. - Duration: 2:06.

hello youtubers

Here is your powermafia friend

Today I have another unboxing

this is the game


that Eker said railways in English

a PC game

I do not have many PC games but this one is special

we open which is the following

how I'm saying .. railroad game

we open it here

is logical that PC games you can mainly on the internet

but this one is very dear to me

and beyond the more than grace that would have ?

have to buy real game, I think .. tava cheapie

picked and bought ... let's open the box here

and is coming here

game we will see


ah ok ... comes another cd that is manual and a cD with the game

interesting ... I'll be playing this game for you

the scenarios it ... then you can follow

the series of railroads

a hug powermafia

For more infomation >> unboxing do sid meier's railroads. - Duration: 2:06.



Hello, how are you?

You okay?

How's the weather?

My name is Sue.

Well, technically, it's not my real name.

But my real name is just so basic.

And Sue is so much more ethnic and different and interesting. I love it.

Okay, I just looked it up, and it means 'graceful lily'.

How beautiful!

Welcome to the first episode of Sue thinks aloud.

It's just me talking to myself, but I get your attention!

Also I think that nowadays people take everything so seriously, you know?

Like everything is offensive, am I right?

Am I right?

So, it's just me thinking out loud.

Don't take it seriously.

Sue thinks out loud.

Sue thinks out loud.

Since when are thoughts not allowed?

Last year, I went to the US

to do a volunteer program.

So basically I got to teach poor white kids some Bengali.

Well, there are people in the US whose Bengali is better than mine

But these programs are only open to native speakers.

I didn't just teach them Bengali, I also got to teach them history and about

other countries - like other than the US.

I feel so lucky that I have superior knowledge of certain things - like world

history - just because of where I come from.

And I got to share these gifts with underprivileged white kids.

I would also explained their own history to them because I know more.

And I also got to wear like ethnic clothing, as you can see.

But also like cowboy hats and shirts with the US flag, and things like that.

It just really helped me connect with them, you know.

And the kids were so cute.

You should have seen their little white chocolate faces, and their little ignorant eyes - just

waiting for me to save them.

I grew really close to Jonathan.

Jonardhan? Jonathan?

Something like that.

And he was just obsessed with my dark hair. It was so cute.

And I told him, Jonardhon, I know that your yellow hair sometimes reminds me of urine

but it is really beautiful, in its own way.

And I love how colourful his eyes were.

Almost animalistic.

Which makes total sense because they are closer to nature, you know.

The streets in the US are so clean!

Okay, right now, I'm in the UK!

Just travelling, and learning the culture.

But the streets here are so clean too!

They're really connected to mother nature.

They really care.

We have lost that connection.

Even the smallest things have so much significance and meaning.

They use green bags for recyclables, because mother nature, is green.

Anyway, I have to go.

I am having Afternoon Tea Cha with some friends.

It's like the most cultural experience.

See you later, alligator.

Don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

For more infomation >> SUE SAVES POOR WHITE KIDS - Duration: 4:09.


[GNURoot][Instalando interface gráfica][SEM ROOT] - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> [GNURoot][Instalando interface gráfica][SEM ROOT] - Duration: 4:40.


POP LATINO MEGAMIX 2017 ★ Reggaeton, Pop, Salsa, Bachata ★ Pop En Español - Duration: 1:04:46.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> POP LATINO MEGAMIX 2017 ★ Reggaeton, Pop, Salsa, Bachata ★ Pop En Español - Duration: 1:04:46.


LATINO ROMANTICO HITS Mix 2017 - Bachata Mix - Baladas Romanticas - Duration: 1:01:25.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> LATINO ROMANTICO HITS Mix 2017 - Bachata Mix - Baladas Romanticas - Duration: 1:01:25.


Essence of Murli 28-04-2017 - Duration: 6:58.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 28th April 2017

( We all know, its Shiv Baba, alone who liberates us from all bondages. Whether those bondages are our vices, relationships or any other... )

Essence: Sweet children, everyone in the iron age is bound by the chains of Ravan. Everyone is in a life of bondage. Now make them liberated in life.

Question: What inheritance is received by all other human souls as well as by you Brahmins?

Answer: Everyone receives the inheritance of liberation in life.

You children of Brahma become Brahmins and this is why you receive the inheritance of liberation in life for 21 births.

All others first receive liberation in life, which means happiness, within their particular religion and then they receive sorrow.

Everyone experiences happiness for the first half of their time and sorrow for the other half.

Not everyone can experience the happiness of heaven because, in order to achieve that,

one has to become a Brahmin and study at this school and gain victory over Maya.

Song: See your face in the mirror of your heart!

Essence for Dharna: 1. Do not indulge in any wrong activity. Imbibe the virtues well. Follow the mother and father.

2. Use the power of yoga to finish even the slightest intoxication of lust and anger.

Become instruments and do the service of liberating everyone from the chains of Ravan.

Blessing: May you be a master creator and make an impact on the atmosphere by staying in the stage of a carefree emperor.

The Father has such a huge family and yet is carefree; knowing and seeing everything, He is carefree.

Follow the father in the same way.

You may make an impact on the atmosphere,

but do not let the atmosphere influence you because the atmosphere is the creation whereas you are master creators;

the creator has to influence the creation.

When any situation arises, remember that you are a victorious soul. By doing this, you will be constantly carefree and not be afraid.

Slogan: Experience coolness with the shade of happiness and you will remain pure, gentle and humble.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 28-04-2017 - Duration: 6:58.


Что делать, когда все плохо и все против тебя – Что делать если жизнь не радует или потеряла смысл - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Что делать, когда все плохо и все против тебя – Что делать если жизнь не радует или потеряла смысл - Duration: 3:31.


Bachatas Romanticas - Bachatas Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Latin Music - Duration: 1:02:45.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Bachatas Romanticas - Bachatas Mix 2017 Lo Mas Romantico - Latin Music - Duration: 1:02:45.


Diddle Diddle Däumling | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Kleinkind Musik | Babylied - Duration: 42:45.

Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John

Went to bed with his britches on.

One shoe off and one shoe on,

Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John

Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John

Went to bed with his britches on.

One shoe off and one shoe on,

Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John

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