Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 27 2017

Bonjour à tous aujourd'hui on va se faire le suite sur rick et morty sur htc vive

j'ai vu que vous aviez beaucoup aimé, j'ai également apprécié

c'est parti mon canard !

For more infomation >> VOYAGER À L'INFINI À LA VITESSE DE LA LUMIÈRE - Duration: 13:24.


Calvin Harris Alesso Under Control (Oliver Heldens Bootleg) - Duration: 6:47.

1 subscribe = 1 cookie :)

For more infomation >> Calvin Harris Alesso Under Control (Oliver Heldens Bootleg) - Duration: 6:47.


Unboxing Roses from Italy - Duration: 3:08.

Hi I'm george, A person from my family came from Italy with a surprise

So I will not go into details

But it came with roses, what a surprise

And now we're taking the roses out of the box

So we remove this penoplast

Roses went on the road for 2 days

and now out nice ... unboxing

And we'll see how it looks

So there is also a basil, but it stumbled

and I'm sorry

So, what's in this box?

Red and white roses are

And I like it, from Italy

Very cool

So, get this potted rose, is white

Remove and put down

There until

Something like that

look on the second one and

look on the second one

So it's been more than a week since unboxing and

Here we see flower bud

and probably at this

Has flower buds but is barely noticeable

And I will show that it is white, here is the name

And we will see how they will feel to me

New rose plants

And red color

So here is the name

And here's how it looks when they're blooming

And here they are white

And as I understand, the Italian sellers

They said to leave them in the pot until September

Then they will have to be replanted in a larger pot

Or in the garden

And so we will see

Write in comments what do you say?

So, so it looks at the moment

And these roses I put them here at the window

And hope to grow nicely

when they bloom I will make a special video

And we'll see how flowers look

and further all will be cool

So we expect blooming

and Welcome to Gicu's plants

Italian roses

Thank you for watching, leave a like

Share this video and subscribe to my channel

And I wish you a good day

So, bye:)

For more infomation >> Unboxing Roses from Italy - Duration: 3:08.


Весна идет! Весне - дорогу! - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Весна идет! Весне - дорогу! - Duration: 2:16.


Persone... LAVATEVI!!! - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> Persone... LAVATEVI!!! - Duration: 7:28.


拍攝器材升級 Video Equipment Upgrade - Duration: 1:01.

Hello, I'm Steven Law

I just upgraded my selfie equipment

You can see the video quality now

Very smooth, not shaking

I just went to the street to practice using the selfie equipment

Found that holding a selfie equipment is very attractive to the eyes of passers-by

Passers-by will go back to see

The person who keeps talking to the camera

With his selfie equipment

Will begin to shoot more high-quality vlog

Such as introducing different types of guitars

I saw someone on BiliBili often asked

are the guitar behind me really can play, or just the furnishings

If you look more careful, I use them in different videos

I will start to introduce different types of wood

Is tones have any difference between different wood

Everybody wants to see more high quality free videos

Remember to subscribe to my Facebook, instagram and Youtube

Now I go ahead and practice how to use the camera

see you next time bye, Bye

For more infomation >> 拍攝器材升級 Video Equipment Upgrade - Duration: 1:01.


Cómo limpiar los oídos de manera natural - Duration: 4:07.

How to clean your ears naturally

Ears by not presenting any problems are cleaned by themselves so

natural, although there are opportunities where You can have an increased wax

You can block or plug the ear causing some discomfort, as strange sounds,

which does not allow us to hear clearly. Earwax is a substance that produces

ear naturally with function protect bacteria and other agents

that could hurt them. Moreover, the wax acts as a lubricant

natural for the ear and ear canal external. However, there comes a time

which accumulates in large amounts, which It may cause some discomfort in the ear

as, for example, dizziness, irritation, sensation of fullness, itching, and even loss

partial hearing. Therefore we clean the ears regularly and remove

excess wax. To prevent swabbing or tweezers, to

Shown below is the best remedies home to remove excess wax

ear safely. {{Pause = 1}}

Clean the ears with glycerin, an effective natural ingredient, which helps smooth

wax to facilitate its removal. HE recommends applying 4 drops in the ears,

3 times a day for good results.

Mixing hydrogen peroxide and water equally, hydrogen peroxide

It should not exceed 3%. We recommend placing A few drops of the mixture into the ears and

tilt the head to the mixture reaches to the inside. Leave on for a few

minutes and then the head is turned off contrary to drain the remaining liquid.

Use olive oil, it is another of those good natural remedies to soften wax

ear and easy removal. Place 2 or 3 drops of olive oil in each ear

before going to bed leaving it all the night.

Saline, another excellent choice to remove excess ear wax.

You should mix one teaspoon of salt in half a cup of water until well

dissolved. Then, place a piece quantity cotton and drop 3 or 4 drops of

the solution in the ear by tilting slightly head up. Hold

for a few minutes to allow the liquid in the ear, then tilt the head

in opposite direction to drain the solution.

Paraffin oil is one of the remedies home safer and more effective to remove

ear wax. The procedure is to heat a little oil, then place a few drops

ear, wait five acting minutes. It is recommended to repeat two consecutive days

to dissolve completely the accumulation wax.

Vinegar and alcohol solution, another natural remedies to clean ears,

It is achieved by mixing equal parts vinegar white alcohol in a container, then

a few drops into the ear apply, to remove all the wax.

You should keep in mind that the wax hearing is necessary for protection

against external agents such as dust, microorganisms or any other particle

strange that he could enter the ear canal, causing some damage on it. By

This is why washing is recommended only when really you needed.

In the case of presenting some discomfort in ears, produced by an external agent

or the amount of accumulated wax, we recommend go to the otolaryngologist, to be

he who decides the treatment to be continue to adequately address this


For more infomation >> Cómo limpiar los oídos de manera natural - Duration: 4:07.


Kwak Siyang from SM dances to H.O.T's 'We Are The Future' (feat.Tony An) [Happy Together/2017.04.27] - Duration: 12:43.

I heard Joon came to Korea three days ago.

- Yes. / - On the internet,

- Joon is called "Baam the Great". / - Right.

- He's Baam the Great. / - Yes.

- What does that mean? / - He always says "baam".

- His way of speaking became popular. / - It's natural.

I've been saying it since I was little.

When I hit someone, I hit while saying "baam".

I say it's "baam". That's how I say it.

- What does he mean? / - That's why I say it.

It's Joon's habit.

He always says "baam" at the end of his sentence.

- But what does it mean? / - Explain to him, Joon.

It's like this. Let's say you ate this.

Not this candy. Let's say you ate something good.

Then you say, "Delicious. Baam!"

It's an exclamation.

- It's an exclamation. / - Pass.

- It's like "Yippee". / - "Yippee".

- It's like that. / - It's like "Yippee".

- Baam! / - That's it.

- That's it. / - Yes, baam!

- Ilsub. / - Baam.

(It's Joon's Exclamation 101.)

- There's another one he says. "G-yeah". / - "G-yeah".

- It's "G". / - "Watch out."

Ilsub understood it as "Watch out."

(He thought it meant "watch out".)

(He laughs.)

- It's an exclamation. / - I learned something new.

Hyeongyeong, look here.

- You can read this. / - "My little brother".

What's "Have a pretty baby baam"?

- He uses it for everything. / - It's because

I did it and got a baby right away.

You're going to be a dad this May.

- That's right. / - Next month!

(He's a daddy now.)

- Baby! / - Is it a son or a daughter?

It's my first time saying it. It's a daughter.

(He's going to love his daughter so much.)

- Congratulations. / - It's a daughter,

but I honestly thought it was a son.

- I checked the sonogram. / - The sonogram.

And there was something in the middle.

So I said, "It's a boy!"

But it turned out to be an umbilical cord.

- It was an umbilical cord. / - It was a daughter.

He mistook the umbilical cord as a penis.

- It's amazing to have a daughter. / - It's lovely.

- It's lovely. / - Having a daughter is amazing.

Didn't your wife get pregnant right after marriage?

No. We wanted to enjoy

- our life for about a year. / - Your newlywed life?

We wanted to take trips to the US and to Hawaii.

Then we decided to give it a shot.

One day, I came home around 2:40 a.m. after work.

My wife said, "Honey".

I was so sleepy. I asked her what it was,

and she said today was the day.

- We had to do it. / - It was the day.

It was the day, but I was too tired.

It's the day!

You don't have to go into the details.

So I told my wife I was really sorry.

I was really sorry,

but I just did it quickly.

But she got pregnant.

My wife became sensitive after three weeks.

So we did a test, and she was pregnant.

She got pregnant on the first try.

- It was... / - Congratulations.

- Congratulations. / - "Baam" is like

"that" in Korean dialect.

- Right. / - Right. You can use it any time.

- Right. We understood everything. / - Yes.

- We understood everything he said. / - He's great.

When a girl's pregnant, she craves for a lot of things.

Did she crave for anything special?

She craved for many things for the first two months.

When she wanted to eat tteokbokki, I went to buy it.

When it's past 10 p.m.,

I had to struggle to find it. When I finally got home,

she had one bite and was done with it.

It was up to me to finish the rest.

I usually don't gain weight, but I gained a little.

- You had to finish everything. / - Right.

- It's a little different story, but... / - Yes.

You went to Taehee and Rain's wedding.

Are you close to them?

I know them very well.

Are they well now? How are they?

- Now? They are very well. / - Yes. After marriage.

You can live well when you're that rich.

(He gives a cutting remark.)

That's right.

You're right.

- You can't buy happiness with money, but... / - But...

- It's an important condition. / - I'm being honest.

- Of course. / - Wait.

- Do you have to go to the bathroom? / - I know him.

- You suddenly remembered. / - I know him.

- He remembered Tony. / - I'm sorry.

Don't mention it.

Tony, nowadays, people around you

including Moon Heejun are getting married.

- All the first generation idols are married. / - Yes.

Heejun and Joon are married.

- All the girls of S.E.S are married. / - Right.

- They're all married. / - Don't you feel pressured?

I used to meet Heejun very often.

But I had no clue. I didn't know he was dating.

- He completely kept it secret. / - He didn't tell me.

One day, he asked me to have soju with him.

And he seriously said, "I have something to tell you."

"I'm getting married."

- I almost dropped the glass. / - Really?

I heard they dated for eight months.

- He didn't tell you at all. / - I didn't know,

and Kangta didn't know either. None of us knew.

Not even his managers knew.

He asked me if I wanted to know who his fiance is.

It must've surprised you once more.

But I didn't want to know.

I thought I was going to get drunk and tell Jaeduck.

Really. I thought I'd say, "Don't tell this to anyone."

But Jaeduck is a member of Sechs Kies.

So I didn't want that to happen.

- Does that still matter? / - It's like that.

I couldn't let a member of Sechs Kies know it

- before our members hear about it. / - Right.

So I told him I'd wait for the news article.

And the next day, I found out that it was Soyul.

- You didn't ask him who it was. / - I didn't.

I was really surprised when I found out who it was.

You were surprised twice.

- I was so shocked. / - You didn't expect it.

I tried searching who it might be.

- "Who could it be?" / - You searched him.

Yes. I looked up who worked with him.

But I didn't think...

If you were that curious,

you should have asked him at the spot.

Tony's mom is very popular these days.

- She is a star. / - That's right.

She likes it, right?

Do you like the fact that she became well-known?

I like

that she recovered her health.

How fortunate!

Is her restaurant doing well?

Her restaurant in Gangwon Province became so crowded

that I can't visit it.

She gets a lot of offers to be on shows.

- I see. / - She gets more offers than me.

I am serious.

I heard Tony's mom

- has taken a liking to Gunmo. / - Really?

Is it true? We have seen the signs on TV.

- I found out about it through the show. / - Really?

I found out about it through the show.

There is an age difference of 20 years.

I'm sure she likes him

as the eldest son.

She went to Gunmo's concert in secret.

It was at the end of the year. I didn't know about it.

She went to Gunmo's concert without my knowing.

- Really? / - She went in the middle of winter.

- She went in the middle of winter. / - Yes.

H.O.T should have a concert so that she can go.

If we and Gunmo have concerts on the same day,

she might go to Gunmo's concert.

- Is that how much she likes Gunmo? / - Yes.

(He captivated the heart of Tony's mom.)

That's how much she likes Gun Mo.

Let's talk about the topic Hyunmoo brought up.

Some people think H.O.T should make a comeback

as Sechs Kies has.

Jaeduck asks me that every time I see him.

"Is anything happening with H.O.T?"

- That's right. / - He asks me that.

Although I work and meet up with the members often,

we don't talk much

about this topic.

- You avoid the topic. / - That's right.

Joon, G.O.D re-banded

with all members.

What kind of advice would you like to give him?

I don't know.

When I was in the US after I hurt my back,

I watched video clips of G.O.D's past performances.

Watching them made me think,

"I was cool at the time."

This is what I said to the members.

"We might not be as great as we were back then,"

"but we can still make the fans happy"

"by performing on the stage."

"They will give us energy. Let's do this."

H.O.T will be able to re-band with that mindset.

Happy Together is ready.

If H.O.T re-bands and the members are willing,

we will make a nice episode.

- We have invited Shinhwa. / - That's right.

- Really? / - That's right.

- The episode with Shinhwa was a blast. / - It was.

First of all,

- we would be honored. / - If H.O.T re-bands,

the members should be on Happy Together

first and foremost.

Happy Together will stand with H.O.T.

- Thank you. / - Are you certain about that?

(We will wait for you.)


- Please make it come true. / - Don't go elsewhere.

Myungsoo really must have a powerful man behind him.

Are you certain Happy Together will stand with H.O.T?

- Yes, I am certain. I am on the hotline / - Good.

with the executives of KBS.

I thought the one you knew quit.

- What? / - The one you knew quit.

- Really? / - At this point,

how good is the possibility of a comeback?

One thing is certain.

I will put more effort into H.O.T's comeback

than my marriage.

(He will put more effort into H.O.T's comeback.)

Are you thinking about staying single forever?

Maybe I shouldn't have made that promise.

Thank you for waiting. The next guest is Kwak Siyang.

(The dream boyfriend, Kwak Siyang)

It has only been three years

since Siyang's debut.

He is already called "The nation's young man"

- and "The dream boyfriend". / - "The dream boyfriend".

People are in a frenzy.

I heard that you showed H.O.T's dance

and passed the audition among 10,000 applicants.

- What does that mean? / - I can explain.

Another broadcasting station made a music drama.

- There was an audition. / - Yes.

I danced to "We Are the Future" by H.O.T.

I can't dance very well.

He will dance to the song in front of Tony.

We must see it.

He will dance before he talks more.

He will show the dance of "We Are the Future".

"We Are The Future"!

I stood with my back turned at first.

I can't wait to see Siyang dance.


(It's the legendary dance.)

("We Are the Future" by H.O.T)

(Their bodies remember the dance.)

(That's incredible.)

(He looks a bit wobbly.)

My goodness.


- His dance is strange. / - Is that Bongsan Mask Dance?

(Was the music drama set in the past?)

Did you win among 10,000 applicants with this dance?

(Did you win among 10,000 applicants with this dance?)

I can explain.

- It started off nicely. / - It was like an exercise.

- It's... / - I doubt he won among 10,000 applicants.

The number of applications that came in was 10,000.

- Still. / - You should've told us that from the start.

I wanted to, but you made me dance right away.

That's right.

Siyang and Tony share similarities.

Not only did Siyang dance to "We Are the Future",

he also trained in S.M. Entertainment for three years.

- I see. / - Really?


Why didn't you debut through S.M. Entertainment

after three years?

- Well, / - What was the reason?

I have no talent in singing or dancing.

It seemed that way.

- Seriously. / - Acting is your calling.

Since you were trained for three years,

we would like to hear you sing.

- Show us. / - He can sing a song by Panic.

- A song by Panic. / - A song by Panic.

He is panicking.

He can sing a song by Panic.

- Would you please sing us a song? / - "Snail"?

I will sing "Station".

"Station" is a nice song.

- I will sing just a bit of the song. / - Okay.

(It's his chance to redeem himself.)

(Will he be a talented singer?)


It's good.

(With his honey-like voice,)

My goodness.

(he captivates the studio instantly.)

He has talent.

- You can sing very well. / - You're good.

That's right. He can sing very well.

That's why Lee Sooman kept him for three years.

- He has talent. / - He can sing very well.

I got goosebumps.

Next comes a segment

For more infomation >> Kwak Siyang from SM dances to H.O.T's 'We Are The Future' (feat.Tony An) [Happy Together/2017.04.27] - Duration: 12:43.


3-Course Mother's Day Brunch (Strata, Smoothie & Breakfast Parfait) Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 8:44.

Hi Bold Bakers!

To celebrate Mother's Day, I am going to show you how you can create this beautiful

three-course brunch.

The recipe's are really simple, it just needs a little bit of planning, and I'm

going to show you how.

So let's get baking!

So first off, I would like to say Happy Mother's Day to mammy Stafford in Ireland.

She is probably the best mammy in the world, so I hope she has a great day.

Now, I want you to stay tuned to the very end of this video, because I'm going to

show you how you can bring the three dishes that we're making together on a beautifully

set table, and your mom will be delighted with it.

We're going to start out with our first course, which is a blueberry muffin smoothie.

Add in frozen blueberries, frozen banana, and the zest of one lemon.

Lemon and blueberries go together like peanut butter and jelly, they are two really complimenting

flavors, they're so yummy.

So now into this mix we're going to add some rolled oats, yoghurt, and then milk.

So now you can use a dairy free yoghurt and a dairy free milk and that will taste really

good too, so in you go.

Then last but not least, we're going to add in our ice.

Our ice will make it nice and cold and thicken it up.

So that's all of our tasty ingredients.

On with our hat.

And you want to blend it up until it's really lovely and smooth.

So what makes this a blueberry muffin smoothie is the oats.

It gives a lovely thickness and creaminess to your smoothie and then also the combination

of the blueberries and the lemon tastes just like a muffin.

Once your smoothie is really blended it is done.

Look at that, lovely and thick.

So go ahead and fill up your glass, I have a really pretty little glass here.

Be generous with your smoothie cause it's mother's day so fill it all the way up to

the top.

Go ahead and pop in a straw for easy drinking.

And that is your blueberry muffin smoothie!

Now I'm going to give it a little taste because my mammy is in Ireland and she can't

be here.

Also, to be fair, I am actually Waffle's mammy so I get a mother's day too.

Oh yum, oh yum yum yum yum yum, is absolutely delicious.

It's funny because you always ask me for smoothie recipes and I think you're really,

really going to like this one, oh geez it's so good.

Ok, don't drink your mother's smoothie.

I'm going to pop this into fridge and then we're going to get started on our next course.

So our next course for our Mother's Day brunch is fruit.

Now this is a really, really easy recipe and it looks amazing.

When I kind of think fruit for breakfast I do think of my mum because she used to have

grapefruit and those kinds of things for breakfast when I was a kid so it kind of reminds me

of her.

So we're going to start out with a cantaloupe, and a cantaloupe is a beautiful melon, gorgeous

color, and has a beautiful flavor.

Now all you want to do is cut the ends off your cantaloupe.

So the reason we cut off the bottom's so it has a nice flat surface to sit on your


And then go ahead and slice them right down the middle.

So now what we have here is something like an edible bowl.

We are going to scoop the seeds right out of the center; you go ahead and discard these.

So now you can do this step actually the night before, scoop out your seeds, and then wrap

them in cling wrap so then the next morning they're ready to go.

Now ours are lovely and scooped, now we're going to make them beautiful.

Go ahead and fill you cantaloupe with yoghurt.

Now I'm using Greek Vanilla Yoghurt, but you can use any type of yoghurt that you want.

Now on top of our yoghurt I'm going to add on more fruit.

You can use any type of fruit you like.

I'm going to use some strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

Now for a little bit of crunch and texture, I'm going to put on some granola.

Now the recipe for my granola can be found on along with all of

my other recipes for this video.

Let's do a nice thin line of granola scattered all around.

I love granola on fruit.

And then for another little pop of color I'm going to put in a sprig of mint, right there.


Now don't let the other half go to waste, feel free to fill that one up as well.

So now you'll be happy to know that you can make him up in advance and then pop him

in the fridge all ready to go, he'll hang out in there for a few hours, and then he

can bring all your brunch together.

For right now, we're going to move on to our next dish, which is a beautiful savory


So now the main course for our Mother's Day brunch is going to be a type of a savory

bread and butter pudding, also known as a strata.

It's really delicious and you can add anything you want in to it.

So here I have a big loaf of stale bread, and all I'm going to do is cut away the

brown bits, and the reason I want to do that is just so that our strata looks lovely and

has the same color all over.

Then go ahead and just chop it into chunks, not too big.

Now use any type of bread that you like, and you can also use a challah or kind of an eggy


This is a great recipe to make if you have bits of stale bread hanging around.

For some reason stale bread soaks up the custard better.

Once your bread is chopped put it into a bowl and set it to the side.

So now what really makes this dish kind of crazy is lots of cheddar cheese and chopped

up delicious smoked bacon!

All you want to do is just grate as much cheese as you like, I like a lot of cheese.

And then here I have some cooked bacon all ready, and then just give that a nice chop.

Chop up your cooked bacon nice and small, so you get a little bit of bacon all the way


And then lastly, for a little bit of color, I'm also gonna chop up some parsley.

So if you've never had strata before, let me paint you a little picture.

Imagine bread in a savory custard with loads of cheese, bacon…oh my gosh it really doesn't

get much better than this.

Ok, lovely, now that's all of our accoutrement, now we're going to bring in a bowl and mix

up our custard.

In to your bowl add in your eggs, milk, and a generous helping of salt and pepper, and

then whisk all these ingredients together.

So now because this is a custard-based dish, the main ingredient is egg, so unfortunately

you can't leave them out, you do need them.

Ok, whisky whisky whisky, now we're going to add in our other ingredients.

In goes our cheese, it's like the glue that holds it all together.

I'm going to save a little bit for the top as well.

Bacon, hello, in you go.

Now if you don't eat bacon it's totally fine, you can leave it out, or you can add

in different vegetables instead.

Tasty, and I'm also going to reserve a little bit for the top.

Parsley, for a lovely color, in you go.

And then of course, last but not least, your bread.

Now you want to mix all these ingredients really well together, we want to make sure

that bread soaks up all of that lovely custard.

So give it a good squish down, mixy mixy mix.

So now to plan out your brunch I'm going to tell you a really great tip.

Make this strata up the night before, pop it into the fridge, and then next day all

you have to do is bake it off.

Overnight it will soak up all the lovely custard, the flavor will get better.

This is all mixed up, I'm going to set this aside for 10 minutes and let it soak.

So here I have a springform pan, this is like a cheesecake tin.

Now mine is 9", but you can use a 12" one as well, that will work well.

And then I also have it lined with parchment paper all the way to the top so the custard

doesn't seep out.

Now all you have to do is go ahead fill up your tin.

And with a spatula just flatten out the top.

Now, for those of you who know Bigger Bolder Baking, we don't do things by halves, so

I am going to garnish the top of this strata with some more cheddar cheese, bacon, and

a tiny bit of parsley.

Now just before we bake it, we're going to put a tin foil hat on the top, just to

stop it from browning too early.

Ok, lovely!

Now this guy is ready for the oven.

Bake your strata off at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, or 180 degrees Celsius, for twenty minutes.

Then after the twenty minutes, take off the tin foil and cook it for a further twenty

to twenty five minutes.

Our timer's gone off, so let's check on our strata!

Our strata looks perfect!

As you can see, it's golden brown on top and it puffed up.

And you can tell it's done because it's firm in the middle.

Once your strata has cooled down for around ten to fifteen minutes, you can take it out

of the tin, and then pop it on to your serving platter.

So this is definitely best eaten nice and warm, so go ahead and cut your mum and yourself

a nice big slice.

As you can see the custard has soaked up throughout all of the bread, and there's nice chunks

of bacon in there.

Now that your three courses are done, it's time to bring them all together.

Go the extra mile this Mother's Day and even set a beautiful table for her, and let

her know how special she is.

Oh yummy!

This is my kind of dish, and I'll tell you why.

It is carb on carb and fat and bacon and just delicious stuff, mmm!

You definitely have to make this recipe.

I really hope you enjoyed this episode, Happy Mother's Day to all the mammy's out there,

and I'll see you back here next week for more Bigger Bolder Baking!

For more infomation >> 3-Course Mother's Day Brunch (Strata, Smoothie & Breakfast Parfait) Bigger Bolder Baking - Duration: 8:44.



For more infomation >> Fİ | DURU KARAKTERİ GÜNLÜK MAKYAJI - Duration: 4:08.


Advantages & Disadvantages of Owning 100 oz Silver Bullion Bars As Seen On Fox News and Alex Jones! - Duration: 7:54.

hey guys what's going on Pete Olsson the

Montana silver stacker hope everyone out

in YouTube world is doing fantastic it

is Wednesday today into 26th and I am

doing a video on the advantages and

disadvantage of disadvantages of

stacking 100 ounce silver bullion bars

and I've got three 100 ounce bars

one two three they're all the same kind

from from OPM and I do there's a lot of

reasons than I do it I'd like to be

diversified we'll show you the metals

here quickly but I like to be

diversified in my silver gold medals

holdings if you will and when I say

diversified I'd like to have one ounce 5

ounce 10 ounce kilos 100 ounce I'd like

to have rounds and bars I like to have

bullion I like to have government mint I

like to have semi numismatic coins I

like to have you know proof 70 low

mintage numismatic point because the

appreciation etc etc but I've got three

100 ounce bars of silver and the reason

guys and let me show you this one and

they are heavy man this is from OPM and

just a beautiful beautiful bar the

advantages of the hundred ounce bars is

that a they store very very neatly put

my hand are big that's so heavy they

store in your safe so neatly and it's

squarely in there and you know just easy

to stack in there it makes it very very

simple so that's number one number two

very small train Ian's over spot you can

get the you know some of the best prices

in the world on 100 ask it's a lot

easier for them sell all this in one big

bar then it is

two individual individual realms number

three it just as I mentioned it's great

to be diversified I think it's great to

have everything you know you know as far

as the metals are concerned so number

four I like it just in case down the

road guys there's a you know a huge

purchase that you know I would like to

make and this would make it easier I

mean it's very possible as mike maloney

and david morgan somebody even talked

about that you know a few ounces of

silver could buy a house one day or a

tract of land etc etc so a hundred ounce

bar would could could buy you something

absolutely enormous you know but you

want that you want to do etc etc you

don't have to in my opinion I don't

think you have to have a lot of these

that's why I have three the three

hundred ounce is three hundred hundred

ounce bars I think I think that's a for

me that made sense in the future will I

add to it you know maybe maybe I'll get

one of those hand poured ones but I'm

not any rush to I think that satisfies

the itch if you will some of the you

know disadvantages of the hundred ounce

bars guys is that you know the cost can

be out of reach for many investors right

I mean in today's price is about

eighteen dollars an ounce

it's eighteen hundred bucks okay in the

past in the 1980s there were some

isolated cases of genuine bars with

holes drilled in filled in with lead but

you know again you have to make sure

that you're buying you know from

reputable reputable private mints

reputable dealers like for instance my

company is n International Silver

Network right that's very important our

customer website by the way is WWF re

silver and gold calm so so that's

important other people feel that


is the exchange training it's hard it

would be hard to use and that's that's

not true I mean that's not true this can

be melted down just like anything else

will be people that you know that want

the bigger bars for storage ease and

accessibility so on and so forth

so there will always be a market for

people that want this will be a market

for every type of exchange in silver and

gold whether you know be the one ouncers

or five ounces or ten ounces or kilos

etc etc but there is a place for these

and I and I think that everyone should

have a few but I don't think this is

something that you should start off with

I think this is you know the hundred

ounce bars of silver should be after you

you have 500 ounces of one ounce rounds

or bars I think that's where you should

start off that I call that the training

wheels of silver stacking and then after

you have 501 ounce bars or rounds then

then go from there and start getting

into five answers and ten ounces and

kilos you know government mint coins you

know American Eagle Canadian Maple Leaf

Mexican Libertad UK Britannia so on and

so forth okay but definitely something

that you want to put into your portfolio

of silver stacking I just don't feel I

need any more than three at this point

if I get the edge all I had may be

another one but I think it's good so

there you go guys

100 ounce bars and today's dollars about

$1,800 at 18 dollars an ounce and they

are heavy they're beautiful and there

you have some of the advantages and

disadvantages of owning 100 ounce silver

bullion bars alright if you guys like

this video please give it a thumbs up

please share it please subscribe please

feel free to comment below let me know

if you have any hundred ounce bars or if

you're planning on getting some and any

other comments or thoughts or feelings

that you have

and I would love love to hear from you I

run all of North America guys for isn

International Silver Network we have an

absolutely phenomenal silver and gold

home-based business why not get paid to

do what you already love to do stack

silver and gold and I've been able to

stack over 6500 ounces of silver and

gold for free because of is N and I

qualify for my brand new Mercedes Benz

in the first 60 days of the the business

they send me on trips all over the world

for free in fact I just qualified first

in the world to qualify for next trip to

the Caribbean for ten days and plus they

gave me not only pay for the whole thing

give me $800 spending cash and our

phenomenal monthly income continues to

go up and up and up as our group our

network if you will worldwide continues

to grow alright looking forward to

helping you please click on the link

below if you'd like to check out their

home-based business opportunity watch

those four short videos and I personally

will get hold of you and you can get a

free silver bar by the way just going in

there by watching the videos claim your

free silver bar alright god bless you

guys god bless our president Donald J

Trump and may God bless the United

States of America thanks so much have a

great great Wednesday all right thank


For more infomation >> Advantages & Disadvantages of Owning 100 oz Silver Bullion Bars As Seen On Fox News and Alex Jones! - Duration: 7:54.


What should I do in my Intro!? - Duration: 1:45.

there's no pleasure without the pain, right?

all right guys it's me,Tara,

OK, so I realized something everybody on

YouTube has like little things that they

do in their videos in the beginning

I don't have that I'm just like hey guys

it's me Tara and then I get right into

it what should i do?

you know saying, "Chew for thought?"

I feel like chewin bubblegum will help me...

So that's what I'm doin, I'm

chewing for some thought. Figure out what

i'm going to do then beginning of every video

Hey guys just meet Tara erickson


hey guys it's me Tara erickson

Hey guys it's me Tara

you know I could start depressed

and then get happy

hold the smile

It's me Tara

It's me Tara

Me, Tara

I pop back up and they go "Oooh,

wow she's still alive!"

Take them through the motions



It's me Tara


They go "Oh wow she's spellin it out"

Let's do some more chew for thought

thought got to go through the pain of

chewing it, but then boy oh boy it's a

pleasure afterwards


Hey Guys, its me Tara

maybe I just hold it like this

for a little while

and people think the screen's frozen

but it's not

It's just, that's how I do every intro

Good right?

For more infomation >> What should I do in my Intro!? - Duration: 1:45.


Fastest Way To Get Faster: Take'r For A Rip, Eh? - Drum Lesson - Duration: 11:03.

(rock music)

(playing drums)

- Hey everyone, it's Jared here in my 10th

and final lesson in the Fastest Way To Get Faster series

There's not doubt about it, you've put in a lot of hard work

and today we're gonna take'r for a rip, eh?

And that's obviously I got to get a little bit

of the Canadian humor in there.

Everyone always mocks us for saying aboot

and they mock us for saying eh and take her for a rip.

Canadians are kind of like that but I think

we're all just really, really nice

and we just want to get along and be really really friendly

with everyone, so maybe we use a little bit

different language like that.

Now what I mean for take'r for a rip, eh,

is that we've learned so many cool techniques

and so many cool things over the course of this series,

and we're gonna kind of take them all for a rip here.

We're gonna put them all together

and see how they sound when we combine different techniques

and combine different concepts.

So the first exercise, we're gonna combine stuff

from The Illusion Of Speed.

We're gonna make it a little bit more challenging though.

So we're gonna start with one group of 16th notes

on the snare drum, right hand bass drum left hand base drum,

then we're gonna play a group of 32nd notes,

alternating hands with the kick drum in between,

then we're gonna go back to 16th notes,

and then then we're gonna go to 16th note triplets.

So we're gonna use three different note values in one bar.

Here we go.

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

The next exercise we're gonna go back

and study some of the concepts that we did

in Do You Even Math, which was the sequel of the original.

So what would this be called then, the threequel?


I don't know, whatever.

So in order to get this you just want to start

nice and slow.

I'll play it for you much slower than I'm even doing

the slow tempo.

(playing drums)

So once you practice the sequence of notes

and the 16th note triplets, how they relate

to the 8th note triplets, and when everything comes in

it's gonna be much easier for you to actually play

the exercise and get it up to speed.

If you need to just print off the sheet music

and write the counts above the notes.

Now you could also just take this as an example

of what you could do.

So if you want to incorporate fives

and sevens as 16th note triplets, you can do that,

just write your own exercise or just practice playing fives

and then practice playing sevens.

(playing drums)

So now I'll play this exercise for you both slow and fast.

Here we go.

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

And the final exercise in the Fastest Way To Get Faster

series, don't start crying, don't.

Don't do this.

You said you wouldn't cry.

So the final exercise is played as 16th note triplets,

and here we're taking some concepts

from the Everything Is Cool When You're Part Of A Team.

We're playing stuff in unison.

We're also playing 16th note triplets

as groups of seven, five, and three,

both as 16th note triplets and 16th notes.

So again, if you need to print out the sheet music,

write the counts above it and just practice it

nice and slowly to start, that's totally fine.

I kind of recommend that.

But first I'm gonna play it for you at both slow

and fast tempos.

Here we go.

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

Now once you can play them each individually,

I'd encourage you to practice them in your practice session

for around five minutes each, and then start to play them

in sequence.

Now this is a real challenge, so like I said,

if you want to just kind of make up your own,

take'r for a rip type of thing, please do that,

make sure you share it with me, okay,

because I think you've learned a lot

and you've practiced a lot and you've got

all these new tools, now it's a matter of just applying them

and putting them into real world music.

So whether that's through these types of concepts

or whether that's through something completely different,

I encourage you to just kind of practice something

and really kind of push yourself to start using

all these tools.

So let me play it for you in sequence, both slow and fast.

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

(hitting drumsticks) (metronome beeping)

(playing drums)

Now that is the end of the Fastest Way To Get Faster series.

Now in each lesson I've given you specific instructions

on how long to practice each exercise,

how long to practice the sequence of exercises.

Now there's 10 lessons, so this is kind of like

a 10 day routine, or you could take it

and call it a 20 day routine and do each lesson

for two days, but it's really meant to be around 30 minutes,

20 to 30 minutes of practice every day.

It's not meant to encompass your entire routine.

If all you practice is going fast,

eh, you might have some struggles there.

I really encourage you to continue practicing

other stuff as well.

Start playing with other musicians,

start jamming along to some music,

start learning different styles,

listen to tons of music.

We can help you at Drumeo, so if you're not currently

signed up to Drumeo, please head on to the Drumeo website,

there's an incredible amount of information in there

that really can help take your drumming to the next level.

So thank you so much for watching this,

thank you for choosing to even watch this video

and study with Drumeo and study with me.

I really, really appreciate it.

There's so much stuff on the internet

and on our phones and everywhere nowadays.

The fact that you chose to watch this lesson

and this video means a lot to me.

So thank you very much.

If you ever have any questions you can email me


But like I said at every single lesson,

if you want to get better, you need to do the work.

Don't be one of those people that complains

and has never practiced, or complains after just two hours

of practice 'cause they can't get something after two hours.

Sometimes it takes eight, sometimes it takes 10,

sometimes it takes 20 hours to get something.

But whatever it takes, just keep putting in the hard work.

Don't stop.

If you really, truly do want to get better

you'll make it a priority.

in another video very soon.

(rock music)

For more infomation >> Fastest Way To Get Faster: Take'r For A Rip, Eh? - Drum Lesson - Duration: 11:03.


Margarita - Xo Lolotte - Duration: 2:19.

Warning ! This program may not be suitable for a young audience,

The presence of responsible adults is recommended

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health, smoked kills, mcdo makes you fat

Bla bla bla you know the song, consume in moderation!

Hello, it's Lolotte!

I hope you are well,

We find ourselves today with a new lingerie and a new cocktail,

And we are going to prepare a Margarita!

Let's go !

For this cocktail we need:

Glasses of margarita



Green lemon

Shaker with ice cubes

And fine salt

We start by frosting the glass by moistening the edges with lemon

Then I just frost the glass directly into the fine salt

We continue with the shaker in which I pour 1.35 oz of tequila

0.33 oz of cointreau

And I finish with a lime

In which I reserve a slice for decoration

And I press 0.7 oz of lemon on the ice cubes (the equivalent of a lemon)

And we shake!

Once the drink is fresh I pour the preparation into the margarita glass

And I finish with the slice of lemon that I place in the glass.

To avoid the effect mir dish you can filter the cocktail with a very fine strainer to make the cocktail more aesthetic!


The bitterness of salt takes precedence over the acidity of lemon

It is strong but ... It goes, it is not too bad ... :p

All information on lingerie and cocktail are in the description,

If you liked the video do not hesitate to subscribe to not miss anything!

We meet again next time with a new lingerie and a new cocktail!

I kiss you!

see you soon !

EP EP EP if you are still here is that you like the video then we will make a small deal together,

I put 5 stars in the descriptions like ca if you have the lazy to comment you can copy paste the stars and it will make me SUPPLEMENT fun!

You can also follow me on my social networks and put a big erect erectile to see other lingerie

And that maybe I will invite my girlfriends!

We'll see if you're wise!


For more infomation >> Margarita - Xo Lolotte - Duration: 2:19.


Hollywood Accounting | How Movies Make Nothing - Duration: 5:22.

Harry Potter and The Order of the

Phoenix. Forrest Gump. Star Wars Return of

the Jedi. What do each of these three

movies have in common? Each was a

blockbuster, either the number one or the

number two movie all of that year. What

else do they have in common? Each was also

unprofitable. Kind of surprising, huh?

How could these movies lose money, they were

all mega, mega hits? Well, the reason

behind this is a little thing known as

Hollywood Accounting. Hollywood

Accounting refers to the creative

accounting methods used by the film,

video and television industry to budget

and record profits for film projects.

Expenditures can be inflated to reduce

or eliminate the reported profit of the

project, thereby reducing the amount

which the corporation must pay in

royalties or other profit sharing

agreements as these are based on the net

profit. Basically it is a very sneaky way

in which Hollywood movies will purposely

lose money, on paper, to avoid having to

pay royalties or profits to others. Over

80% of Hollywood movies fail

to make a profit. So how do they do this

or get away with it? For each new film a

movie is set up as its own corporation

the entire point of which is to lose

money by paying fees to the studio

producing the movie. So if Superhero

Studios decides to create a film called,

say "Batman 5", they create a shell company

"Batman 5 Incorporated". Superhero Studios

that overcharges "Batman 5

Incorporated" for every aspect of making,

marketing and distributing the movie. By

the time Superhero Studios finishes

paying itself through "Batman 5

Incorporated" to perform work that costs

100 million dollars "Batman 5

Incorporated" will be on the hook for 1

billion dollars. So what they do is when

they are producing a movie they make the

movie its own company. They then charge

all the production costs to that movie

and these are way over inflated and so

the movie never

makes any money because they owe so much

money to the company, so on paper the

movie never makes any money. The reason

behind this seems to be just hoarding

profit shares promised to actors, writers

and other individuals or organizations.

So then if anyone asks for a share of

the profits of "Batman 5" the producers can just

point to "Batman 5 Incorporated" since it

is still paying off its debt to the

original company that set up "Batman 5 Incorporated"

there are no profits to

share. Paramount Pictures famously

offered Winston Groom, the author of

Forrest Gump, 350 thousand dollars and a

three percent share of net profits for

the rights to his novel Forrest Gump.

Since Forrest Gump is still not

profitable, he did not receive any share

of the profits, that three percent was

worth nothing because Forrest Gump

apparently has not made any money.

Two years after the

re-release of The Return of the Jedi in

1997, David Prowse the actor who played

Darth Vader, the body that is.

Said that

he is still receiving letters informing

him that Lucasfilm had no profits to

share with him. "I still get these

occasional letters from Lucasfilm

staying that we regret to inform you

that as Return of the Jedi has never

gone into profit we've nothing to send

you. Now here we're talking about one of

the biggest releases of all time I don't

want to look like I'm bitching about it

but on the other hand if there's a pot

of gold somewhere that I ought to be

having a share of I would like to see it"

So not only is Hollywood finding a way

to screw audiences out of money it's

also finding a way to screw to people

who work in Hollywood out of money as

well. This has been going on for, well

decades, and as we are constantly hearing

about the death of Hollywood in that

Hollywood is losing money there will

probably be a more few more of these

tactics, yeah, because,

well, studios love money. But I hear you

say I'm constantly hearing about this

movie or that movie that was just

released a couple of months ago being

the highest grossing movie of all time.

And yeah, you're right of the twenty

highest grossing movies of all time, not

adjusted for inflation that is, 18 of

them were made in the last ten years. But

many people put that down to rising

ticket prices. Less people are going to

see the movies but they're paying more

for that so it evens it out. Also of

those top 20 grossing movies of all time

16 of them were sequels so they're

already guaranteed an audience. And that

does it for me and Hollywood. Thanks for

watching, Mike

Out. Ok bye bye

For more infomation >> Hollywood Accounting | How Movies Make Nothing - Duration: 5:22.


Global Market Cap Hits $50 Trillion For The First Time Ever As All Eyes Turn To Trump Tax Plan - Duration: 24:42.

Global Market Cap Hits $50 Trillion For The First Time Ever As All Eyes Turn To Trump

Tax Plan

by Tyler Durden

After two days of back to back triple digit gains in the Dow for the first time since

the election, overnight the torrid rally has faded, with European shares and U.S. stock

futures little changed ahead of Trump's big unveil of his much anticipated tax cut plan

as investors seek new impetus for a flagging relief rally. And, if as some traders expect,

the rally is likely to be reignited no matter what Trump announces today (although a less

hyperbolic plan may in fact be more favorable for risk, as it makes Trump's plan more likely

instead of being shot down by Congress).

Despite the tapering of euphoria, world stocks hit another all time high on the back of strong

earnings and the realization that whatever Trump says, the S&P - less than 1% from all

time highs - will likely hit a new record. the MSCI world equity index, which tracks

shares in 46 countries, was up 0.1% to a fresh record high. It is up nearly 2% this week

and 8.35% since the start of the year. As Bloomberg's David Ingles charts, the market

cap of all stocks in the index, and thus the world, has just surpassed $50 trillion for

the first time ever.

"On top of (the French election result) we have had a very decent set of corporate earnings

in the U.S. and that helped push the market further along the same direction," said Investec

economist Philip Shaw. "I am unsure how further along we really are on the tax cutting agenda,

but it is certainly not doing market sentiment any harm," he added.

Further details on President Trump's tax cutting plans are expected to be announced later on

Wednesday, potentially reviving reflation bets. The threat of a U.S. government shutdown

this weekend also receded after Trump backed away from demanding Congress include funding

for his planned border wall with Mexico in a spending bill.

The dollar rebounded modestly for a second day after plunging in the past week to lows

not seen since November, gaining against most group-of-10 currencies even as the WTI slide

continues, with crude languishing below $50 a barrel after a report on U.S. supplies.

European stocks halted a five-day advance that had taken them to the highest since 2015

as earnings painted a mixed picture on growth.

According to Bloomberg, investors are waiting to see if Trump�s conciliatory tone on the

border wall could help avert a government shutdown even as most members of the Congress

are in the dark about the $1.1 trillion spending bill. Policy reviews by the Japanese and European

Central Bank may also set the tone for rest of the week.

European shares pulled back slightly from 20-month highs as some disappointing corporate

results weighed on the market but Asian stocks powered ahead. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index

was little changed, after a five-day rally to the highest since August 2015.

Japan�s Topix index rose 1.2 percent, climbing for a fifth straight day for the longest winning

streak this year. Futures on the S&P 500 Index were flat after the underlying gauge climbed

0.6 percent on Tuesday, to within 10 points of its closing record.

The early FX price action this morning has been in the EUR, as the market has faded the

story out late yesterday that the ECB are considering signalling a tweak in their monetary

policy stance in the wake of the Macron first round victory at the weekend. This sounds

premature to say the least, and alongside this, we have seen Draghi and Co curbing some

of the hawkish sentiment in response to their last meeting. The recovery EU wide is a little

better than fragile, but as the Fed have been struggling to do in their communication to

the market, the ECB now face a similar task.

The slew of positive news pushed the Nasdaq composite to a record high on Tuesday while

the Dow and S&P 500 brushed against recent peaks.

Against a strengthening dollar, the euro held on to the bulk of the gains made earlier this

week; it fell 0.13 percent to $1.0911, but is still up 1.72 percent from Friday's close.

U.S. Treasury yields, meanwhile, rose above 2.30 percent for the first time in two weeks.

"U.S. bond yields have broken higher without the support of commodity prices which is one

of the clearest signs that the Trump trade is back," Morgan Stanley analysts said in

a note. Euro zone government bond yields nudged up ahead of Trump's keenly anticipated tax


Oil prices resumed their downward trend on Wednesday as data showed a rise in U.S. crude

inventories and record supplies in the rest of the world cast doubt on OPEC's ability

to cut supplies and tighten the market.

Economic data include revision of retail sales. Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo are among companies

scheduled to publish results. Alphabet, Microsoft,, Twitter, Intel, Barclays, Bayer

AG and Total SA are among major companies releasing results later this week. The Bank

of Japan is widely expected to keep the settings on its monetary easing program unchanged at

the end of a two-day policy meeting on Thursday. Though inflation remains well below the central

bank�s 2 percent target, it�s ticking up. The ECB sets monetary policy later that

same day. With officials indicating little chance of a policy change, the focus will

be on any signals from President Mario Draghi that the central bank is debating an exit

from its extraordinary stimulus.

Market Snapshot

S&P 500 futures down less than 0.1% to 2,384.00 STOXX Europe 600 unchanged at 386.90

MXAP up 0.5% to 149.55 MXAPJ up 0.3% to 487.86

Nikkei up 1.1% to 19,289.43 Topix up 1.2% to 1,537.41

Hang Seng Index up 0.5% to 24,578.43 Shanghai Composite up 0.2% to 3,140.85

Sensex up 0.7% to 30,149.50 Australia S&P/ASX 200 up 0.7% to 5,912.04

Kospi up 0.5% to 2,207.84 German 10Y yield fell 1.0 bps to 0.368%

Euro down 0.2% to 1.0910 per US$ Brent Futures down 0.04% to $52.08/bbl

Italian 10Y yield rose 8.4 bps to 1.972% Spanish 10Y yield rose 1.1 bps to 1.686%

Gold spot up 0.1% to $1,265.84 U.S. Dollar Index up 0.2% to 98.98

Top Headline News from Bloomberg

President Donald Trump�s expected call to slash the corporate tax rate to 15 percent

-- a number that many economists say would boost the deficit so much that the cut would

be short-lived -- may be less about policy and more about deal-making

The roll-out of legislation this week that would rip up much of the Dodd-Frank Act marks

a pivotal moment for Republicans� efforts to overhaul post-crisis financial rules

Credit Suisse Chief Executive Officer Tidjane Thiam is bowing to investor pressure to keep

the bank�s biggest profit generator and instead will bolster capital by selling stock

in a rights offer KKR & Co. offered to buy a controlling stake

in Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc., the chip system-making unit of Hitachi Ltd., in a bid

that values the target at $2.3 billion BHP Billiton Ltd. said it may resurrect the

sale of its under-performing Fayetteville shale gas assets in Arkansas a little more

than two weeks after billionaire Paul Singer proposed spinning off the mining company�s

U.S. petroleum division China Southern Airlines Co. said it plans

to buy 20 widebody aircraft from Airbus SE in a deal worth about $6 billion, according

to a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange Wednesday

KKR to Acquire Hitachi Kokusai in Deal Valued at $2.3b

IQiyi, Netflix Reach Content Cooperation Agreement Uber to Question Alphabet�s Larry Page in

Robocar Case Bayer-Monsanto Deal Needs EU Scrutiny, NRW

Minister Tells RP Shanghai to Develop �Water Town� Next

to Disneyland, Zone Says Asia equity markets maintained the positive

momentum from their counterparts in US, where the DJIA outperformed on strong earnings and

the NASDAQ Comp. closed over 6,000 for the first time ever. ASX 200 (+0.8%) gained on

return from holiday, while Nikkei 225 (+1.1%) benefitted after the JPY weakened against

its major counterparts. The Hang Seng (+0.3%) and Shanghai Comp. (+0.2%) also conformed

to the upside after the PBoC continued its liquidity injections. Finally, 10yr JGBs were

lower with demand dampened amid the broad-based heightened risk appetite and as the BoJ kick-started

its 2-day policy meeting in which the bank is widely expected to remain on hold, while

there was also notable underperformance observed in the super long end.

PBoC injected CNY 40bIn in 7-day reverse repos, CNY 20bIn in 14-day reverse repos and CNY

20bIn in 28-day reverse repos.

Top Asian News

China�s Homemade Aircraft Carrier Is Second in Xi�s Fleet

China Merchants Seeks to Overtake UBS in Asia With Offshore Push

China Market Strains Worsen as AAA Rated Vanke Scraps Bond Sale

ICRA Sees FY18 Foreign Flows Into Indian Debt Capped at $5- $10b

China Eastern Said in Cargo Stake Sale Talks With Private Firms

Huarong Investment Risks in Spotlight After Glaucus Report

Hyundai Motor Counts on SUV, Genesis Brand to Revive Profits

Korean Peninsula on Brink of War Provoked From Outside: Russia

European bourses fail to find any firm direction with equities trading somewhat mixed yet again.

Earning updates are yet again at the forefront of investors' minds, with Credit Suisse outperforming

in the SMI this morning after announcing profit rose above analyst estimates, additionally

the Swiss bank noted that they will raise USD 4bIn in a rights issues. Elsewhere, luxury

names have been lifted after Kering stated that their organic growth were significantly

ahead of expectations. Credit markets have found some support following yesterday's risk

sentiment as the bund has seen a slow grind higher since the cash open, benefiting from

month-end extension buying needs.

Top European News

Santander�s Brazil Patience Pays off as Rebound Lifts Profit

Kering Shares Surge After Gucci�s Strongest Growth in 20 Years

Standard Chartered Profit Soars as Bank Overhaul Gains Traction

Daimler Raises Earnings Forecast as Spending Pressure Mounts

HSBC, RBS Saudi Ventures in Talks to Form $78 Billion Lender

BHP Considers U.S. Shale Asset Sale After Activist Call

Handelsbanken�s Capital Supremacy Fails to Charm Shareholders

Telia Sees Lower Uzbek Fine of $1 Billion as Sales Top Views

SEB Sees Riksbank Move After �Shock� Sweden Manufacturing Data

De Benedetti Bets on Media as Italy Business Clans Look to Sell

In currencies, the Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index increased 0.2%, climbing for a second day

after a 0.5 percent drop on Monday. The yen slipped 0.1 percent to 111.24 per dollar,

after dropping 1.2 percent on Tuesday. The euro lost 0.2 percent to $1.0903, after four

straight days of gains. The early price action this morning has been in the EUR, as the market

has faded the story out late yesterday that the ECB are considering signalling a tweak

in their monetary policy stance in the wake of the Macron first round victory at the weekend.

This sounds premature to say the least, and alongside this, we have seen Draghi and Co

curbing some of the hawkish sentiment in response to their last meeting. The recovery EU wide

is a little better than fragile, but as the Fed have been struggling to do in their communication

to the market, the ECB now face a similar task. So the 1.0950 test was inevitable given

the headline driven market, but EUR/USD has since tempered this with a move back to 1.0900,

while EUR/GBP � traditionally bid into month end � is also restrained through 0.8500

� but largely down to Cable resilience ahead of 1.2750, but now seemingly 1.2800 (1.2805

the low this morning). For EUR/USD, 1.0850-30 looks strong in the meantime. USD/JPY has

also slipped back a little, and as we noted yesterday, sellers aplenty in the 111.00-112.00

area. We suspect a large chunk of the upside is down to the hopes and expectations of credible

tax plans to be 'outlined' in an announcement later today, so the risk here is that the

market is (again?) disappointed. EUR/JPY has also relented given the above move, and after

failing to touch on 122.00, we are back in the lower 121.00's.

In commodities, gold struggled with reclaiming USD1270 yesterday, and we have since slipped

back into the mid USD1260's as the recovery in the USD index allied with a modest recovery

in risk assets put further pressure on precious metals. Silver has also given up ground, and

has dipped into the USD17.50's. Oil prices back in focus after we slipped back under

USD50.00 in WTI, resuming its decline and losing 0.2% to $49.45 per barrel, after halting

a six-day selloff on Tuesday. . OPEC talks now key as Oil bulls need further encouragement

on an extension to the output cuts. The major producers all seem broadly open to the idea,

most of all Saudi Arabia as ongoing comments suggest. Key EIA report today with speculation

inventory will contract. Base metals all following the risk mood, with ranges tight ahead of

Trump announcement later today. Copper buoyed but struggles at USD2.60.

It�s a very quiet day ahead in terms of data. Over in Europe French consumer confidence

for April is the only number of note and is expected to be unchanged at 100, and there�s

nothing of note to watch in the US. However earnings season continues with Proctor & Gamble

and Boeing due to report today among other names. Away from data, we will see UK PM Theresa

May host EC President Juncker and EU�s Brexit negotiator Michal Barnier today

US Event Calendar

DB's Jim Reid concludes the overnight wrap

So on day 97 of his Presidency, today is all about Mr Trump's tax plans of which the eventual

success (or lack of it) will likely define the economic landscape of his administration.

The WSJ last night reaffirmed that Mr Trump wants to slash corporate tax including on

pass through businesses. He is also planning a tax break for child care expenses. There

was also talk of a territorial tax for companies where they would pay little or no tax on future

foreign earnings. Bloomberg also report that a repatriation tax of 10% is planned on the

estimated $2.6tn of stockpiled offshore earnings. Anyway whatever we hear today it will still

have to go through legislative approval and there will a lot of talk about how tough that

will be if it's not revenue neutral.

Staying with US politics there were signs yesterday that a US government shutdown may

end up being averted as President Trump showed signs of easing up on his demands for the

immediate funding of the border wall. So far the spending plan needed to keep agencies

running till September has been kept quiet ahead of this Friday�s deadline, but Trump�s

willingness to push back funding the wall to later this year could be a sign that he

would be ready to sign the spending bill.

Ahead of the big day in Washington, sentiment across global markets remained positive yesterday

following the relief rally on Monday. European equities ticked up on the day (STOXX +0.2%)

while the Eurozone Banks index gained by +0.6%. The DAX and CAC posted small gains of +0.1%

and +0.2%. US equity markets maintained momentum with the S&P gaining +0.6%, led by Materials

(+1.4%) and Financials (+1.2%). Strong bluechip earnings helping. The NASDAQ also hit a new

all time high, breaking the 6,000 mark for the first time after gaining +0.7% on the

day. Interestingly this was 17 years after first hitting 5,000 although without checking

one wonders how many constituents were in the index back then that are still there today.

We note that having taken 17 years to fill in this last 1,000 point gap, it only took

49 days to move from 4,000 to 5,000 back in 2000. Another stat is that the index is now

up around 4.7 times from its lows in March 2009. Impressive and all these stats are a

reminder that timing is everything in investing!

Elsewhere risk-on continued in credit. In Europe we saw Main and Crossover spread tighten

by -2bps and -8bps respectively, while Senior and Sub financials spreads tightened by -5bps

and -11bps on the day. Over in the US we saw similar moves tighter as CDX IG and HY tightened

by -2bps and -7bps respectively. We saw a broad based sell off in government bond markets

with yields rising across all maturities for US treasuries (2Y: +4bps; 10Y: +6bps) and

Bunds (2Y: +2bps; 10Y: +5bps) . Yields for 10Y OATs and BTPs yields also rose on the

day by +7bps and +9bps respectively, with the 10Y OAT-Bund spread widening by +2bps.

In currency markets we saw the dollar (-0.3%) weaken for the second day in a row while the

Euro gained +1.0%. Sterling also gained +0.5% to reach its highest level this year. Moves

over in commodity markets were fairly muted at both ends of the risk spectrum, with WTI

and Gold mostly flat. The Asian session is also relatively quiet with the positive mood

of the last few days continuing. The Nikkei is 0.7% higher as the BoJ start their 2-day

meeting, the Hang Seng +0.6% and the Shanghai Comp +0.35%. Gold, the Dollar, Oil and Treasuries

haven't moved much in the overnight session.

Looking now at some of the data out yesterday. In Europe, the ECB Q1 Bank Lending Survey

was broadly positive as credit standards loosened across all three major categories. Loans to

enterprises dipped back into easing territory (-2%) after having ticked up by +5% in Q4

2016. The net easing was roughly in line with the expected change in standards as reported

in the previous survey, and banks now expect a net tightening of lending standards for

enterprises in Q2 (2%). Standards for consumer credit and lending to households also loosened

in Q1 (-7% and -5% respectively). Despite loose lending conditions credit demand growth

from enterprises is slowing down: net 6% of banks reported an increase in loan demand

from enterprises in Q1 but this was well below the 11% that expected an increase (as reported

in the previous survey) and also less than the 18% reporting an increase in loan demand

in Q4 2016. Banks however expect net loan demand from enterprises to accelerate in Q2

2017 (12%).

Elsewhere in Europe we also got French manufacturing confidence numbers for April that rose more

than expected (108 vs. 105 expected; 104 previous) while business confidence was flat on the

month (104) as expected. In the UK the PSNB numbers (including banks) for March were reported

well above expectations at GBP 4.4bn (vs. 1.5bn expected).

Over in the US we saw a large number of housing market indicators which were mostly positive.

The FHFA house price index rose by +0.8% mom in February (vs. 0.4% expected) while new

home sales unexpectedly rose to 621k (vs. 584k expected; 592k previous). In terms of

softer data, the consumer board consumer confidence indicator for April fell more than expected

to 120.3 (vs. 122.5 expected; 125.6 previous). The Richmond Fed manufacturing survey also

fell on the month but less so than expected (20 vs. 16 expected; 22 previous). It�s

a very quiet day ahead in terms of data. Over in Europe French consumer confidence for April

is the only number of note and is expected to be unchanged at 100, and there�s nothing

of note to watch in the US. However earnings season continues with Proctor & Gamble and

Boeing due to report today among other names. Away from data, we will see UK PM Theresa

May host EC President Juncker and EU�s Brexit negotiator Michal Barnier today.

For more infomation >> Global Market Cap Hits $50 Trillion For The First Time Ever As All Eyes Turn To Trump Tax Plan - Duration: 24:42.


Talk Show the Game Show - Diablo Cody's Hot Husband | truTV - Duration: 0:58.

We met at Chelsea Handler's

birthday party.

We went to Mexico together.

-That was completely insane. -I know. It was pretty fun.

Like, we wound up dancing at this club

in Cabo called Zoo, which sounds clean.

And it was, like -- Jason Biggs was there

and, like, Jenny Mollen.

And you and I wound up, like, dancing in a cage with Jennie Garth.

Yes, and Peter Facinelli.

And Peter Facinelli was there, as well!

You are getting a yellow card for excessive name dropping.

Um, like, when I, like,

walked out into, like, the pool area,

I was like, "Who's that guy

with the ridiculously good body?"

-You were coveting my husband. -I was coveting your husband.

-Yeah, I know. -He's very adorable.

He is. He's very sexy.

And that's why I had three kids with him.

[ Applause ]

Thank you. Yeah.

And Jason Biggs.

Oh, there he is.

That was an amazing weekend.

It was, like, people who you have seen on television

and your coworkers

getting drunker

than you thought was humanly possible.


For more infomation >> Talk Show the Game Show - Diablo Cody's Hot Husband | truTV - Duration: 0:58.



For more infomation >> AKİFLƏ DODAQ OXUMA CHALLENGE 2 🎧🎤 - Duration: 4:28.


Young Thug Calls on Drake to Executive Produce 'Singing Album' - Duration: 1:08.

Young Thug surprised his fans with some big news on Wednesday night.

According to him, he's currently preparing to release a new album this week.

It doesn't sound like this is going to be any old Young Thug album, though.

In a tweet that he sent out, he revealed that it's going to be a "singing album."

The title of the album will be E.B.B.T.G., which stands for Easy Breezy Beautiful Thugger


And while Thug didn't share many other details about the project, he did point out that Drake

is going to serve as the executive producer on it.

Young Thug and Drake hit the road together earlier this year when Thug accompanied Drake

on the U.K. leg of his Boy Meets World Tour, and Thug also appeared on a song called "Sacrifices"

on Drake's More Life album.

But it sounds like they've got more material ready to go for their fans.

At this time, Young Thug hasn't announced when his singing album will drop.

There's also been no word about whether or not other artists will make guest appearances

on the album.

But there should be more information about the project available soon.

E.B.B.T.G. will be Young Thug's first project since 2016's Jeffrey.

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