Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

Hello, I'm Steven Law

I want to share

How i polish my fingernails

two tools are required

Glass nail file

Sandpaper (Tamiya 2000 grade)

There are many ways to files the nails

I will share, how do i file the nails

I use short nails , just stickout about 1mm

And the shape you can see on the screen

I usually use the file my nails every three days

And every time I play guitar, I will use sandpaper to make the nails very smooth

When I polish my nails, I will turn the nail file in this direction

Grinding to the right length, smooth without edges

And then use sandpaper polished to very smooth

After the grinding is done, I will try to use nails to scratch

The texture of the scraping is as smooth as the glass

Hope today's lesson is helpful to all of you

after polished nails, I went to play the guitar again

For more infomation >> 吉他手如何打磨指甲 Steven Law shows how he files his nails - Duration: 5:19.


SO MUCH RAMEN! Ramen Museum, Yokohama - Japan Vlog - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> SO MUCH RAMEN! Ramen Museum, Yokohama - Japan Vlog - Duration: 10:26.


Heidel: Geht nur mit zwölf Punkten - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Heidel: Geht nur mit zwölf Punkten - Duration: 0:52.


Heizung raus: Kessel - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Heizung raus: Kessel - Duration: 0:41.


北朝鮮をめぐりトランプ大統領が発言 大きな衝突が起こる可能性が有る 宮台真司社会学者 - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> 北朝鮮をめぐりトランプ大統領が発言 大きな衝突が起こる可能性が有る 宮台真司社会学者 - Duration: 5:04.


How to | Shoe hack - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> How to | Shoe hack - Duration: 2:03.


Brown v. Board of Education - Duration: 7:32.

Mr. Beat presents

Supreme Court Briefs

Topeka, KS 1950

Schools were segregated by skin color.

Each day, 8-year old Linda Brown and her sister had to walk one mile, crossing several busy railroad tracks along the way, to get to a bus that led them to school across town.

Now, an elementary school already existed just four blocks from their home, but this school was for white children only,

and Linda Brown and her sister were African American.

Linda's father, Oliver Brown, tried to enroll her in the white only elementary school, but the principal of the school wouldn't allow it.

So Brown to the Topeka's branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, and asked for help.

The NAACP had actually already been planning on challenging segregation in public schools.

The organization helped 12 other African American parents attempt to enroll their children in whites-only schools in the Topeka school district.

A major goal of the NAACP was to bring down the precedent set up by Plessy v. Ferguson

the 1896 Supreme Court decision that said segregated facilities based on skin color was ok, as long as both facilities were the same quality.

This became known as the "separate but equal" doctrine.

The NAACP helped Brown and the rest of the parents sue the Board of Education of the city of Topeka after the district continued to refuse to let their children enroll in whites-only schools.

The parents claimed their children's rights

as protected by the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment, were being violated.

The NAACP put Oliver Brown at the head of the roster as a legal strategy.

The Board of Education argued that segregation was already a way of life, and segregated schools simply got them ready for the segregation they would encounter as adults.

They also claimed that segregated schools were not harmful to black children.

The United States District Court for the District of Kansas heard the case, and ruled in favor of the Board of Education, using the ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson as their justification.

And yet, weirdly, the three-judge District Court panel argued that segregation hurt African American children.

Still, they insisted that whites-only and blacks-only schools in Topeka were of equal quality in terms of facilities, the qualifications of teachers, transportation, and what they were taught.

Brown and the rest of the parents appealed to the Supreme Court.

As it turns out, there were parents across the country fighting fiercely against school segregation in public schools as well.

In 1952, the Court considered five different cases that all dealt with the issue.

Ultimately, the Court just combined all five cases under the name of Brown v. Board of Education.

The NAACP had been involved in all five cases, and appointed Thurgood Marshall, a future Supreme Court justice, to argue the case for Brown.

The Court heard the case in spring of 1953, but remained divided on the issue

and they knew this was a big freaking deal, so they didn't want to rush it.

Chief Justice Fred Vinson was really worried about a close vote that would dramatically change the country, and he, in particular, wanted to postpone the decision.

He died in September, and President Dwight D. Eisenhower nominated Earl Warren, the former governor of California, as Vinson's replacement.

The Court reheard the case in December 1953, with Warren now leading.

For several months, the justices debated and discussed the case.

One justice who had thought about voting against Brown, Robert H. Jackson, suffered a mild heart attack during this time.

Warren went to visit him in the hospital, continuing to discuss the case during his recovery.

Ultimately, Jackson would change his mind.

Warren was able to do what Vinson was not- he brought all the Justices together for a unanimous decision.

That's right. On May 17th, 1954, the court voted 9-0 in support of Brown.

This overturn the now infamous Plessy v. Ferguson decision

saying that segregation of schools based on skin color went against the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.

The court also argued that segregated schools made African American children feel inferior and damaged their development.

Warren gave the opinion of the Court, saying "We conclude that in the field of public education, the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."

Reporters at the announcement of the decision were shocked that it was unanimous.

They expected a divided court.

They were also shocked to see Robert Jackson there.

Jackson had actually left the hospital to do so, and wanted to be there to show the Court was truly united behind the decision.

Now, the Court did not announce how their ruling was to be enforced.

Instead, it asked the attorney generals of all states enforcing segregation laws for their feedback.

The Court heard a bunch of more hearings over the next year, and on May 31, 1955, announced a plan for how to proceed with the desegregation of public schools.

They said it should occur with "all deliberate speed." Whatever that means.

That decision became known as Brown II. Sounds like a great movie sequel.

Anyway, of course many tried to ignore the ruling, and it would take several years before school systems fully desegregated. The South in particular resisted.

In probably the most famous case, 9 African American students attempted to go to the all-white Little Rock Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The governor, Orval Faubus, had prevented them from going.

The Little Rock Nine, as they became known, were only allowed to attend after President Eisenhower stepped in and sent paratroopers to escort the students everyday for an entire year.

Other than Marbury v. Madison,

Brown v. Board of Education might just be the most important Supreme Court decision in American history.

It was consequential. All of sudden, all of American society and even culture changed.

It paved the way for integration and was a huge victory in the Civil Rights Movement.

It also proved as a model for using lawsuits to reform society.

I'll see you for the next Supreme Court case, jury!

For more infomation >> Brown v. Board of Education - Duration: 7:32.


HTML w praktyce #7 - znacznik aside - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> HTML w praktyce #7 - znacznik aside - Duration: 1:34.


Diabetes And Breastfeeding - Duration: 2:07.

wrist feeding has the potential to

reduce the long-term risk of developing

type 2 diabetes among women with

gestational diabetes the findings

revealed that breastfeeding can alter

the maternal metabolism to protect

against diabetes the Metropolitan's in

women who breastfed for more than three

months differed significantly from those

who had shorter lactation periods longer

periods of lactation or linked to a

change in the production of

phospholipids and to lower

concentrations of branches chain amino

acids in the mother's blood plasma the

metabolic ease involved would wear

linked in earlier studies with insulin

resistance and type 2 diabetes the

researchers said the findings of a study

provide new insights into this is

related metabolic pathways that are

influenced by lactation and could thus

be underlying reason for the protective

effort previous studies have showed that

breastfeeding for more than three months

postpartum has a protective effect which

lasts for up to 15 years after

gestational diabetes further analysis

the scientists examined almost 200

patients who had developed gestational

diabetes the participants in the study

received a standardized glucose solution

and gave a fasting blood sample

beforehand and during their tests the

scientists then compared these samples

on the basis of 156 different known

metabolic ease on average women with

gestational diabetes breastfeed less

often and for shorter duration than

non-diabetic mothers therefore

breastfeeding mothers have low risk of

diabetes with gestational diabetes thank

you for watching this video like and

subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Diabetes And Breastfeeding - Duration: 2:07.


今までの人生で辛かったこと【スナックさゆき#6】優等生だったわたしが学校をさぼった日 - Duration: 12:58.

Today I'm going to talk with alcohol.

Today's beer.

I have some work I have to to today, so I can drink only one beer.

This can is very cold. I remove water drop.

When I shoot this series, I try not to wear T-shirts or something casual clothes.

I know nobody care about it.

Today I wear this cute shirt. It's not my taste.

It's cold today, I think the temperature is around 10.

I turn on a heating now.


My front teeth feel a pain.

From my childhood I always feel this pain.

I can't bite some ice cream with a bar.

When I eat this kind of one, I always use my lips.

I forget my style of talking because I didn't shoot a video these days.

How did I talk...?

Today I'm gonna answer some question which I got from a listener.

Hey, drink more.

I don't want to drink fast because I can't drink over one beer.

OK, the question is..."Please tell me the story when you had a hard time and also when your life was everything going well."

"And I want to hear about your present goal."


When I had a hard time...? Nothing.

Maybe most hard time was...after graduating a university?

When I left my first job. That time was most hard, maybe.

If you are interested, please watch my past video.

I put this URL below.

Recently, that video is watched by many peoples.

I shot that half year ago, but that video is most popular one now...

I didn't expected it...

Anyway it's good that I shot that one.

Because I got some comment like "I feel fine after watching this video, thanks." So if that video helps someone, I'm happy.

OK, let's back to my hardest time story.

And something more...?

I'm sure I had but I don't remember...

This mean is...I didn't have many hard time.

Aha, it was also hard time when I took a class of world history in high school.

The teacher was so strict.

He always said "Stupid", "Idiot". I was afraid him.

I studied world history hard for the exam for entrance to a university.

Anyway I forget everything now.

During summer vacation...normal vacation is around 40 days...not?

I don't know it is also 40 days now, when I was student maybe we had 40 days.

But when I was high school, we had only a week for summer vacation.

Maybe...I'm not sure now.

Because during the vacation we had to go to a school for special class of world history.

From morning to around evening, everyday I had been.

Maybe it was hard for me.

I remember one day with nice memory.

One month before the exam for entrance, it was December.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I ditched school.

I was a honer student so I had never ditched school like that day.

My school was 10km far away from my house so I always used to go school by bike.

That day I left my home like always but I didn't go to school. Just I stop at a convenience store and put a make-up.

Then I left my bike and went to a city by train.

I took a train 1 hour.

It was mega resistance for me at that time.

I had been thinking I shouldn't do this.

So I was very excited.

I bought many clothes in the city and I ate some bread for lunch.

After I back to home, I told everything to my mam.

"I ditched school today. I went to the city."

She didn't get angry, she just said "Oh, really?"

I think she understood that I was under big stress.

She saw I studied with crying at that time.

What the hell this mean, study with crying!? Why I could do this.


My hard time is just that's all.

Now I don't think it was so hard but at that time I felt very big stress, maybe.

Anyway I don't remember a lot.

Next. When everything was going well...

Always everything is going well.

Aha, few weeks before, I firmed a video about something problem with me.

But that problem already disappear now.

I got normally day now.

Anyway I was so sad when I knew I couldn't go to a gig. I also wanted to go to Mgla gig on this weekend but I can't.

It was sold out...

But it can't be helped. It's my fault.

So I just think positively. Yes, I save some money for a train to Poznan.

By the way, many people regard me as positive person.

But I'm totally negative thinking.

Not only negative, I don't have any energy.

Yes, I don't have.

So when I go to sleep I often hope I don't want to wake up forever, but this mean is not I want to die.

And I sometimes think this world disappear at the moment.

I always think like this.

Anyway people don't need...Oh, sorry I spread my beer.

When I say pa pi pu pe po, I always spread.

I think people don't need to be always positively.

You will be tired.

You don't need to be negatively but if you are negative person, you don't need to repair it.

Just accept your character and handle it.

I know I'm negative person and shyness.

I accept everything and try to handle it.

Next question is...about my present goal.

I have many goals and dreams.

For example...I have many...

Every goal is not so big one.

Anyway one of my present goal is do "Snack Sayuki" at real bar in japan.

I'm sure I'll do it when I go back to Japan.

My goal for all my life is involved in Black metal.

Not only one thing I just want to feel Black metal.

For example, go to some gig and introduce and sell black metal CD or merch for metal fan in Japan like now.

I want to do something about black metal until die.

And I also would to like organize some gig.

I already talk over 20 minutes!

OK, I finish this video.

I want to show some pics for you....

I couldn't find something interesting.

That's it. How was this video?

I don't drink a lot but I feel I'm drank.

I finish now.

See you next...

If you have some request what you want me to talk next video, please write comment.

OK, see you again.

For more infomation >> 今までの人生で辛かったこと【スナックさゆき#6】優等生だったわたしが学校をさぼった日 - Duration: 12:58.


اوفر واتش : كيف تحترف قينجي (مترجم) - Duration: 8:10.

For more infomation >> اوفر واتش : كيف تحترف قينجي (مترجم) - Duration: 8:10.


嬸嬸讓林辰崩潰?! 這遊戲太危險了 ft.林辰Buchi 【YouTube知識大挑戰】 - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> 嬸嬸讓林辰崩潰?! 這遊戲太危險了 ft.林辰Buchi 【YouTube知識大挑戰】 - Duration: 8:47.


DIY Ribbon, kanzashi communion chalice (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #347 - Duration: 5:12.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make communion chalice made from ribbon.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Cut small styrofoam ball in a half.

Cut big styrofoam ball into 2 pieces (about 3/4 of width).

Make holes for handle.

Cut off an excess of cardboard tube.

Redraw the piece of small ball on a paper. Cut it.

Glue it.

Glue ribbon to an edge of styrofoam.

Cut several pieces of ribbon. About 6cm each.

Glue first end of ribbon in the center of styrofoam and its second end on the side.

Glue more pieces of ribbon. Cover entire top.

Glue ribbon to an edge of styrofoam.

Cut a lot of squares from ribbon (38mm x 38mm).

Fold a square in a half.

Fold it again in half.

And again.

Cut off a corner.

Burn the edges. Press them (this will glue them together).

Cut off a back part of petal.

Burn the edges. Make all the petals in the same way.

Now, glue the gold petals to the piece of small ball. Start from bottom.

Make more rows, but this time use white petals. Cover entire styrofoam.

Next, glue the gold petals to the piece of big ball. Stat from top.

Make more rows, but this time use white petals.

Wrap the tube by using white ribbon.

Apply glue into the holes and attach the handle.

Cut a few pieces of ribbon (4cm x 2.5cm).

Fold a piece of ribbon in a half.

Cut off a corner.

Burn the edges. Press them.

Fold a right side to the center. Burn the edges. Press them. Do the same with a left side.

We need about 10-12 leaves.

Glue the leaves close to the handle.

Next, add flowers.

Glue the flowers to the second end of handle.

Cut a square from tulle.

Glue it on the top of chalice.

Glue small ornament on the center.

Glue a few leaves...

...and flowers.

Glue the edges of tulle and glue the flat back pearls.

And it's done.

This chalice is an unusual gift for First Holy Communion.

This is also a great decoration for communion table.

Please give a like to this video and subscribe to my channel. Thanks for watching!

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY Ribbon, kanzashi communion chalice (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #347 - Duration: 5:12.


I STOP YOUTUBE... - Duration: 3:56.

I stop Youtube (Real Talk)

First part: Why?

So yes, I really stop the videos mounts on Sulivan

Because simply ... I do not like doing it anymore because it takes a lot of time to do editing

Even if we would not say ... but

I also stop because it is now 3 years that I am a fan of Sulivan and it has changed a lot (grows) just like me so my "feelings" are not the same

And I always wanted to be youtuber but unfortunately I did not have the courage to display on Youtube

I was afraid that everyone could see me and I was afraid of criticisms (haters back off!) (Do not even talk about that ...)

So, I prefer to make video editing of my favorite Youtuber while being on Youtube

I really liked to make these editing because I saw all your nice comments like: "it's too much cabbage!" Or "it's too emotional!" Or "I love too much!". Which encourages me to continue!

So I count deleted all videos on this youtube channel, changed name, profile picture, video theme and changed my Youtube banner

And finally be me!

Second part: Presentation

Name of my channel?

Contents on my channel?

So if you did not know my name is "ShaÏna" (the "Ï" is in minuscule but I do not get lol)

And my entourage (that is, my school!) Have decided to have nicknamed me ...

"MadeInShaÏna" !!! ( If you don't understand it's like "made in china" hahaha it's funny!)

At first it's boring but after you get used to

And my friends who knew that I was looking for a good name for my "future" youtube channel told me: "Is it good MadeInShaïna, no?"

And then I said to myself: "But serious in fact!"

So my future youtube channel will be called "MadeInShaÏna"

I do not necessarily have theme in particular but I like the humorous videos and makeup videos

So if you have ideas tell me in comment :)

Last part: YOU ;)


For the 3,300 subscribers and 130,000 views it's crazy... ;)

I really love you so much and I hope you will be there for my new beginning :)


For more infomation >> I STOP YOUTUBE... - Duration: 3:56.


extra 3 Extra: Autobahn TV | extra 3 | NDR - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> extra 3 Extra: Autobahn TV | extra 3 | NDR - Duration: 3:03.


[Poor travel香港] 佐敦真越南風味!脆卜卜越式法包!添記法式三文治! - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> [Poor travel香港] 佐敦真越南風味!脆卜卜越式法包!添記法式三文治! - Duration: 2:53.


Playmobil movie birthday from Playmobil Wonderland - Duration: 5:36.



special guest


Only 42 days and then will be my birthday!

Daddy, I want to have a rabbit for my birthday!

Now there are only 38 days!

Mummy, will I get a rabbit for birthday?

In 35 days will be my birthday!

What do you want?

A rabbit!

This would be super if we had a rabbit.

We could play with it all the day!

And give it some carrots for dinner.

I could try to teach it some tricks.

In the evening it could sleep in my bed!

But it will be my rabbit!

But I want to stroke it too!

Now there are only 25 days to my birthday!

Mummy, I want to have a rabbit for birthday.

But Lucie, pets are a big responsibility.

These are animals and no toys.

You have to take care of them all the time!

I will play with it every day

and feed it with carrots and water.

I do not think that a pet will be a good idea.

Still 30 days to my birthday.

Daddy do we go to find a rabbit?

Not today, another time.

There are still 15 days to my birthday.

Mummy, do I get a brown or a white rabbit?

Child, we do not have space for a pet.

I could clean my room!

And Suzka may sleep in the cellar!

I do not want to sleep in the cellar!

I cannot wait until my birthday.

There are still 8 days.

I want to have a rabbit for birthday.

You are lucky, my parents do not allow pets!

Juhu, tomorrow will be my birthday!

Daddy, what about the rabbit?

What rabbit?

I want to have a rabbit for birthday!

When do you have your birthday?

Daddy, tomorrow!

Right, I will go to buy one!

Why did you bought a rabbit?

We still have one in the freezer.

Tomorrow for lunch.

Right I will start cooking!

Today is my birthday finally!

But I still did not see a rabbit.

Come on kids, lunchtime!

After Lucie will get her presents!

Hmm, what smells so good?

Cooked rabbit.

What, you have slaughtered my rabbit?

What rabbit?

The rabbit I should get for birthday!

I have been yesterday in the shop and bought a frozen one.

You said you want to have rabbit for lunch?

I did not want a rabbit for lunch,

but a real rabbit!

I cannot eat the rabbit!

Give it a try, it tastes great!


Right I will get the cake!

The best wishes for the birthday!

I wanted to have a rabbit so badly!

Let's go and open the presents!

No rabbit!

Same, no rabbit!

What is this?

A plush rabbit!

That is so sweet!

Isn't a plush rabbit not as good as a real?

Almost. It is so soft

and so sweet!

There you are!

But the next time I want to have a real rabbit!

If you liked it,

have a look on our other video

and show it to your friends.

If you subscribe to our channel,

you will not miss any video.

For more infomation >> Playmobil movie birthday from Playmobil Wonderland - Duration: 5:36.


WHY I MAY HAVE TO QUIT - Duration: 4:35.

guys i'm

not really sure what to say here

this is to

not just my subscribers but to anybody

who watches my videos

there is a chance

that i may have to quit my youtube channel

and pretty much anything else i have online

like my website and

social accounts and stuff like that

don't get me wrong, i love doin this stuff

and i love bringing you guys the information that i bring you

but i am actually scared right now

and i'm

not sure what i need to do

and i think the only safe way


take care of it is to just go completely offline

and that's gonna really hard for me because

last year

i had to kinda change the way i lived

and i had to stop going outside

and lining like i nromally do

so basically the only thing i had left is

staying in the house and

my youtube channel and my website

kinda became

really important to me because it was something i could do that i loved and i felt safe

but i have kind of a

over the last few weeks

i have aquired

what they call an internet stalker

and i thought to start with it was just a big joke

and that it would

you know


but it kinda got real serious real fast

and he is just

he's good at what he does

he is sneaking around

following me all over the internet

and he's finding out where i have accounts

and he is


reports to those places and

those places are shutting me down.

he has managed to shut down more than one of my sites

and when my website went down

the other day, i thought it was just technicl issues, but

the company emailed me that i have my website through

and they told me that it was them

that they had shut my site down because

because the'd had a report

against me

about abuse on my site

and they apologized they, were really nice about it. hey apologized in the letter and they said that

they had check and that there was no abuse so they put my site back up

but this guy is just

harassing the hell out of me

and i'm not handling it real well, as you can see

and if he's willing to go this far

and i havn't even done anything to him

what else is he willing to do, you know

so, i don't even feel safe being online right now

i do want to try

to keep bringing you guys videos but

please understand that, if i can't do it as much

it's because i don't feel safe anymore

i love every one of you guys

and i really appreciate your support

and i wanna keep doin this

but i have to know

that i can feel safe in doing it

i mean if this guys is

gonna just stalk me all over the internet, and i haven't done anything to him

i haven't said anything to him

i haven't been mean to him in any way

what else is he willing to do, you know

i mean there's no reason or

logic behind what he's doing

just please understand

if i can't bring you

as many videos and as musch material

it's because i don't feel safe doing it online anymore

i love you guys

and thank you

for watching my videos

and subscribing


thank you

For more infomation >> WHY I MAY HAVE TO QUIT - Duration: 4:35.


Κρύων - Η Σπουδαία Διαφυγή / The Great Escape - Duration: 34:46.

For more infomation >> Κρύων - Η Σπουδαία Διαφυγή / The Great Escape - Duration: 34:46.


ТОП новых игр мая 2017 - Duration: 8:10.

Why do gamers often come on gaming portals,

except as to understand the intricacies

passage of a games?

Of course, in order to be aware of gaming innovations,

and know what to play, then wait to buy.

If you really are interested, then you went to the address, because,

I tell you now! of the best games that

will be released in May.

PREY May begins with a grand

the game that can not miss fans of Dishonored, because

make it the same guys, for the same technology,

only this time in the atmosphere with a touch of science fiction


You - the young man who voluntarily consent for

experiments on his own body.

The game is on the space station,

located far beyond the orbit Earth.

And it was, like, okay, but suddenly in the workflow

intervened aliens from which in experimental

also had his sights.

Himself the protagonist in result got some

supernatural abilities, he will be a success

use against the aliens.

All this is served with a view first-person shooting

and solve puzzles.

If the optimization does not fail, It should turn out well.

THE SURGE But this game should be expected

those who are having fun by Dark Souls.

Not a fact, of course, that there They will have the same battles.

Moreover, most likely, they are not such,

but, at the same time, it is difficult Now to find a game whose battle

mechanics would be more similar, except Bloodborne, of course.

At your disposal will possible to apply vertical

and horizontal strokes, and cut off limbs

your enemies - rebels robots the most bizarre


Shoot here, as far as can be understood, it is impossible.

Only melee fights with cunning rivals, with almost

all this will be fighting 1x1.

endurance indicator - is attached.

In general, a great game to be out.

And judging by the system requirements, with the optimization of her needs

also be in order.

INJUSTICE 2 It is not clear how it will perform

Tekken 7, but so far it this project is

potentially the main fighting game of the year.

The creators of Mortal Kombat X, decided to not to make a new part of Death

Duel, but instead pay attention to the battles

American comic book heroes.

So far, judging by the fact that we showed the game to get

complete ideological continuation the first part and, therefore,

It is very specific, and combat mechanics completely

It does not look like the same Mortal Kombat.

Therefore, if you do not come the first part, the second

also makes no sense to adjust themselves.

If you are from the original were thrilled when

can safely take his continued, because there will be

all the same, only more better and more beautiful.

Well, at least, told in NetherRealm Studios.

ROKH It is unlikely that you have heard before

about this game, and we - the first, who told you about it.

It is not surprising.

The game is a rather unusual simulator

survival on Mars, where archaic social and social

system imposed on futuristic technology.

The style is a classic sandpit in the first person

with not the most modern graphics, and of course,

early access.

If you do not like survival simulators, and

especially network simulators, then communicate with the

a project you do not have any meaning, because there is better.

If you're a fan of the genre, and already beat in all

like, then try this game is without

certainly worth it, especially igrodely that promise to complete

its development over the next 12 months.

INNER CHAINS But it's really


This game was to be released Even last year, but something

went wrong, and Polish developers announced

the suspension of production process.

As for the release date of this game press is silent, silent

rating services, but on Steam date is, therefore,

Internal circuits, namely, so it is possible to transfer the naming

this project, I put in our material.

Although, frankly, very I am surprised if the game does

will be released.

In short, we promise action-horror first

person fought in Dark style Messiah against biomechanical

enemies in the world, where humanity - only part of the universe,

moreover, it is not the most home.

What we have shown earlier in gameplay and advertising

trailers, personally I delights.

How it will actually It may happen to know



If you played the Wild Eight, then you already know what game

if you do not play - telling.

Draft represents isometric sim

survival with a top, where you - the protagonist

- we need to survive themselves, and help to survive their group.

We have to survive under the planetary apocalypse

caused, something like polar winter on Earth.

Moreover, to survive on one location, improving camp

- do not have to.

The project belongs to the genre vyzhivalok intelligence.

Therefore, every day we spend the night in a new place, and go, go,

go, somewhere to go where, A voice on the radio promised

send aid after 30 days.

Perhaps fans of The Long Dark, will find in this game,

something special.

And, perhaps, not be found.

PLANET NOMADS And one more game, a little-known

a wide range of gamers.

And, oddly enough, it also It is a simulator of survival

sci-fi style.

Those who like a sandbox-vyzhivalki, but who are tired of chasing

for wild pigs with a stone ax at the ready, perhaps,

appreciate style adventure No Man's Sky, but without flights

the planets, but with a universal multitool from which

and you can shoot and share produce, build and construction.

A handy tool for lazy.

But the weapon will still be, if anything.

The obvious advantages of the project include nice

graphics, advanced physics and the plot.

On the downside - early access, from which the game will be released

after two years (and perhaps and will not work), and the lack of

Russian localization, which not only complicates

transmission and development, but also calls into question the joy

understanding of the subtleties of plot.

RIME About this game a lot to say

I will not, I will note only that it is a bit like The

Last Guardian, because the main the hero is necessary to build

interaction with various beings to solve

puzzles and advance forward.

Yes, the game is an adventure a puzzle with the main

character - a boy who after shipwreck

It washed up on some fabulous Island.

Honestly, I'm not happy the games of such a plan,

and with great pleasure I played would platformer

Deadlight 2, but the Spaniards of Tequila Works decided that enough to

these zombies, and wanted to make Here is the good, sad

and surreal adventure which promises in the future

enter the Nintendo Switch, if this is someone interested in general.

FRIDAY THE 13TH: THE GAME Fans of Jason Voorhees


There is in the American film industry several classic


For example, Patrik Baytmen - American millionaire

Psycho, doll Chucky, Freddy Kruger, Joker, well, and, of course,

Jason Voorhees - hefty maniac, overtaking fear

at cowardly and stupid American pupils and students,

for almost 40 years.

Friday - the game is just about opposition student victims

and maniac hunter.

In several large maps a group of teenagers

trying to escape, and the maniac finds them, and in a particularly sophisticated

form of killing.

Maniac also can not kill, but it is possible to slow down.

He can not run, but Problems do not feel the speed,

It has the capability for teleport to small


At the time of release, we offer only multiplayer.

The single player campaign will drive by mid-summer as a free


SUDDEN STRIKE 4 From this game I personally expect


In its genre, in any if it is going to be

one of the best this year.

Promises, and how it will in fact, in theory, we

We find out in May.

In fact, the official date of the project has not yet obzavolsya output

but the developers have indicated spring, then in May - the most

probable month, although it is not surprising transfer

release, for example, in the fall.

But whatever it was, in the face of the fourth part

We confront, in theory, We get the best of everything,

that was in the previous parts, plus excellent graphics.

These commanders, singleplayer campaign of over

than 20 levels, support modifications and more than a hundred

all kinds of vehicles, performed with an extremely

possible historical reliability.

In general, a good game many sleepless nights can


Anyway, I hope just that.

These were the 10 best games will be released in May.

The next release is expected a month later, when I tell

you about the games of June.

And that's it.

Play only in good games, and let no one go away

and loses possession.

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