Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

The Trump Administration Just Revealed Its Tax Plan � Here�s What It Looks Like


The Trump administration is proposing drastic reductions in both the individual and corporate

income tax rates in its bold plan to overhaul the tax code.

Touting it as �the biggest tax cut� in the history of the United States, Treasury

Secretary Steve Mnuchin and National Economic Council director Gary Cohn briefed reporters

for roughly 20 minutes on the principles of the tax plan at the White House Wednesday.

The plan, which Cohn called �a broad brush interview,� did not include specifics.


For individuals, the plan will double the standard deduction people can claim on their

tax returns, providing a significant tax cut for middle-income Americans, while reducing

the number of tax brackets from seven to three � 10 percent, 25 percent and 35 percent.

�In essence, we are creating a zero tax rate � yes, a zero tax rate � for the

first $24,000 a couple earns,� Cohn said.

�Families will benefit from tax relief that will help them with child and dependent care


Sponsored Links by The administration has repeatedly said that

filing taxes has become too complicated, and Mnuchin has even floated the idea of people

filing their returns on a �large postcard.� The White House said it will simplify the

tax return process by eliminating tax breaks that benefit the wealthiest taxpayers and

repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax.

�We are going to eliminate, on the personal side, all tax deductions other than mortgage

interest and charitable deductions,� Mnuchin said.

As far as businesses, the plan slashes the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent

for both large and small companies while eliminating tax breaks for special interests.

The business side of the reform also institutes a one-time tax on corporate earnings held


Cohn argued this will make businesses more competitive.

�This tax reform package is about growing the economy and creating jobs,� Cohn said.

�That�s how we are looking at this plan.

It�s to stimulate business investment.�

As for when the specifics will come out, Mnuchin said, �We are moving as fast as we can.

�We are determined to move this as fast as we can and get this done this year.�

�We will let you know the specific details at the appropriate moment,� Cohn added.

For more infomation >> The Trump Administration Just Revealed Its Tax Plan — Here's What It Looks Like - Duration: 2:59.


Videos infantiles para niños - dibujos animados divertido - Duration: 35:44.

For more infomation >> Videos infantiles para niños - dibujos animados divertido - Duration: 35:44.


A DAY IN MY LIFE - يوم في حياتي - Duration: 8:17.

For more infomation >> A DAY IN MY LIFE - يوم في حياتي - Duration: 8:17.


Диана Гурцкая поплатилась за поддержку Лолиты (28.04.2017) - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Диана Гурцкая поплатилась за поддержку Лолиты (28.04.2017) - Duration: 2:34.


The Untold Truth Of Finding Bigfoot - Duration: 8:01.

The show Finding Bigfoot and its various spinoffs has introduced us to some of the weirdest

creatures in existence.

Of course, we're referring to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, who we'll

now call the B-FRO, a group dedicated to, well, finding Bigfoot.

[Bigfoot call]

The B-FRO's quest to find a single, solitary Sasquatch has continued season after season,

and for many obvious reasons, the B-FRO boys and their reality show has come under scrutiny.

So, what's really going on with those strange Squatch hunters?

The truth isn't out there

Bigfoot's a pretty well-known cultural touchstone nowadays, but the elusive creature wasn't

always a household name.

Bigfoot's popularity came about because of the Patterson Film, which supposedly shows

a legitimate Bigfoot walking through the forest.

While the filmmakers never came forward to admit that the sighting was a hoax, there's

an overwhelming amount of evidence to suggest that it was faked, including the reported

purchase of a modified gorilla costume by Patterson.

That, and a guy claiming that he was the giant in the Bigfoot costume came forward in 1999.

"Bob says it was hard work.

He spent time perfecting the now infamous arm-swingin' big-steppin' Bigfoot walk."

Countless scientists have called baloney on the whole thing.

And let's not forget the fact that, if the tape were the real deal, Roger Patterson managed

to conveniently find a Bigfoot on his very first try.

Which the B-FRO bros and other hunters have apparently been unable to do for all the years


Even still, none of that has stopped the B-FRO from believing that the most questionable

Bigfoot video in history is absolutely real.

And speaking of fake bigfoots…

Harry and the Hendersons

After the Patterson Film, Bigfoot quickly entered the world of pop culture, since he

wasn't really welcome in the world of science — which required annoying things like "evidence"

and "proof."

Bigfoot, now a celebrity, made appearances in 1970's Bigfoot, in 1972's The Legend of

Boggy Creek, and then made dozens more appearances until he finally appeared in the most legendary

Sasquatch film of all time: 1987's Harry and the Hendersons.

[Laughing squatch.]

Because the filmmakers wanted to portray the film's friendly Squatch in the most scientifically

accurate way possible, which apparently included eating chips and watching sitcoms, they hired

Cliff Crook, who'd already made a name for himself in the illustrious world of hunting


As a founding member of the B-FRO, Crook claims to have actually encountered a Sasquatch when

he was 16, setting off a lifelong obsession.

He also once claimed that he spotted some even more unusual stuff in the Patterson film.

"By stretching the limits of photocopier technology, Bigfoot's nether region revealed

a secret."

So, who could possibly be better for the job?

Ultimately, Harry's appearance was based on Crook's description of his own, personal close

encounter of the Squatchy kind.

So, next time you sit down for an afternoon with Harry and the Hendersons, just know that

it's practically a documentary.

So, what exactly happened to Cliff Crook after his brush with Hollywood?

Trust no one

Even though Crook dedicated his life to pursuing the magical, mysterious Sasquatch, his very

own group, the B-FRO, ousted him when the other head of the organization, Matt Moneymaker,

didn't want to deal with Crook's obvious hoaxery.

There's no room for lies in the hunt for Bigfoot, so when Crook started showing off an alleged

Squatch photo he took, Moneymaker revealed that it wasn't a Squatch at all.

Instead, it was a small sculpture made by Crook.

He explained:

"He has sculpted entire bigfoot statues of various shapes and sizes.

He didn't sell those statues, rather he took photos of them and tried to pass them

off as authentic photos."

Crook responded by calling the B-FRO the "Big Fake Research Organization", and saying that

Moneymaker was, quote, "envious" and "deranged."

The real question, however, is whether or not Bigfoot, that gentle giant, would approve

of all of this Bigfoot community in-fighting.

We think not.

Squatch you in court

When you dig into it, the fighting between Squatchers rivals anything you'd see on Real

Housewives, and just as ugly.

Despite calling Crook a liar, B-FRO co-founder Moneymaker hasn't come out looking so clean


In 2012, Florida resident and filmmaker John Johnsen sued Moneymaker and the website Cryptomundo

for defamation after Moneymaker published an unflattering, and allegedly inaccurate

account of a Squatch expedition.

Ultimately, it was Johnsen's goal to sue for ownership of the website itself.

To make things even stranger, Moneymaker himself filed suit against Cryptomundo in 2007 when

the website published some of his own Bigfoot video without his approval — presumably

it was sandwiched between their story about a woman kidnapped by elves, and their investigation

about the government's complex bigfoot conspiracies.

All lawsuits were eventually resolved.

But why can't the Squatchin' community just get along?

At this point, we can pretty much just assume that this is all interference run by Bigfoot

himself, that crafty beast.

Who has time to hunt for weird forest giants when you're all tied up in court?

"Justice will prevail."

Squatch citation

Camping in a National Park is usually okay.

Charging campers to come with you on a Squatch expedition into a National Forest is not.

B-FRO organizer Matt Pruitt learned this the hard way.

During a 2012 Squatch trip at the Buffalo Reserve campground in Arkansas, Pruitt and

32 fellow campers were confronted by park rangers, who took issue with the fact that

Pruitt and the B-FRO were taking payments of up to $300 for their guided trips into

their park.

Though Pruitt claims to have scoured the National Parks website to verify that his trip was

A-OK, running a business from inside the park without a special permit simply wasn't allowed.

But the National Parks are forgiving.

Ultimately, they served Pruitt a citation and a fine, but he and his fellow Squatchers

were allowed to stay and continue Squatching.

Pruitt took full responsibility, paid the fine, and absolved the B-FRO of any wrongdoing,

in a very rare instance of one Squatcher not throwing another one under the bus.

Seriously, guys, work it out.

The B-FRO dislikes the show

When the B-FR O signed up to film a reality series with Animal Planet, they were expecting

a legitimate exploration of all things Squatch, terrible CGI aside.

Instead, they've repeatedly come out against the show's deceptive editing on their own

forums, starting as early as 2011.

Moneymaker cited two instances in particular.

During one, the team observed an unusual heat spot in a field, which turned out to be a

horse… except Animal Planet's edit of the show decided to cut away and replace dialogue

in order to make it seem like the team had just missed finding the Sasquatch, yet again.

In another instance, the team was faced with a stranger stalking them through the woods,

which they vocally acknowledged was not a stealthy Squatch, but just your everyday,

average creep.

"Whatever I saw was big, it looked all to God like it was walkin' on two legs."

Again, Animal Planet edited the show to make it seem like Moneymaker thought he was chasing

a monster.

The B-FRO members aren't there to sell commercial airtime, but instead lend legitimacy to the

science of Sasquatching.

But despite their disagreements with Animal Planet, and threats to quit, the B-FRO forges


Nine seasons without a Squatch is some pretty hardcore dedication.

Bigfoot himself would be proud.

"So let's all help keep Bigfoot possibly alive for future generations to enjoy, unless

he doesn't exist.

The End!"

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of Finding Bigfoot - Duration: 8:01.


Learn Colors with Painting House for Children Toddlers - Colors for Kids to Learn with 3D Bunny Baby - Duration: 3:04.

Learn Colors with Painting House for Children Toddlers - Colors for Kids to Learn with 3D Bunny Baby

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Painting House for Children Toddlers - Colors for Kids to Learn with 3D Bunny Baby - Duration: 3:04.


Giới Thiệu | Tháp đôi Cocobay Đà Nẵng sỡ hữu cầu pha lê cao nhất thế giới - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Giới Thiệu | Tháp đôi Cocobay Đà Nẵng sỡ hữu cầu pha lê cao nhất thế giới - Duration: 1:31.


ЧЕМ ГРОЗИТ ДИАНЕ ГУРЦКОЙ ЗАЩИТА ЛОЛИТЫ? (28.04.2017) - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> ЧЕМ ГРОЗИТ ДИАНЕ ГУРЦКОЙ ЗАЩИТА ЛОЛИТЫ? (28.04.2017) - Duration: 2:33.


Big Myths: Good at reading, Bad at speaking English - Duration: 6:23.

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video about how to learn English

I start my book with some of the biggest myths about learning a foreign language

learning English and

one of the biggest myths is that

I am good at reading but bad at speaking.

A lot of language learners believe that about themselves

I would even go on record saying that

ALL language learners think that they are good at reading but bad at speaking

many even add Writing to that non-sense:

I am good at reading and writing but bad at speaking

it is a myth

it is virtually impossible for an adult language learner to be good at reading but bad at speaking

I am good at reading but I am bad at speaking, I think the confusion is in the meaning of


What does it mean to be good at something

for instance, what does it mean to be good at swimming

pause this video to answer the question

what do you imagine when somebody tells you that he or she is good at swimming

Here is my answer

I imagine someone who swims well faster than the average swimmer

longer than the average swimmer

with beautiful and smooth arm, body and leg movement

I don't imagine Michael Phelps, that would be excellent at swimming

I imagine someone fast and with smooth and efficient body movement

what do you imagine by I am good at playing the piano?

again, pause and answer

for me, I am good at playing the piano evokes an image of someone who can play more

complex pieces of music, play them gracefully with almost no mistakes

of course, be able to read notes

good at playing the piano is not about being a piano virtuoso, that's different

being good at playing the piano means being able to play more complex music

smoothly and flawlessly

you see where I am going with this?

I am good at singing, what do you understand by I am good at singing

Luciano Pavarotti, Mariah Carey

how about Madonna, is she good at singing

or Paul McCartney

how about Bob Dylan?

was he good at singing when he was young

is he good at singing now

to me being good at singing suggest being able to sing in tune, sing the correct notes,

the 1,000,000 dollar question

what does it mean to be good at reading?

let me help you with the answer do a quick test

find a text, any text, but unfamiliar one

start reading and record your voice

I am 100% sure that your reading isn't that much better than your speaking

if you stutter when you speak, I'm sure that you stutter when you read

if your speaking isn't smooth and fluid, I bet your reading isn't smooth and fluid either

make no mistake: your speaking fluency is likely to mirror your reading fluency

In order to become a fluent English speaker, you need to be a fluent reader of English first

And don't get me started on being good at writing and not being good at speaking.

You are telling me that you are good at writing but not good at speaking

what does it mean to be good at writing to be able to cut and paste

I know for a fact that it is impossible to be good at writing and not be good at speaking

I know because I've written 3 books

writing it is bloody difficult

writing is difficult in our native language let alone in a foreign language

please don't delude yourself

Don't delude yourself into believing you are good at reading but not good at speaking.

a lot of people do that and stop reading and spend crazy money on speaking with almost no effect

Stop reading — that's one of the worst mistakes you can ever make

never stop reading

but the problem is that most people don't know how to read

it sounds absurd but it's true

there is a whole chapter on reading in my book Virtually Native

don't waste your time and read my book

which is available at Amazon and

For more infomation >> Big Myths: Good at reading, Bad at speaking English - Duration: 6:23.


future - mask off (onii-san flip) - Duration: 2:42.

future - mask off (onii-san flip)

For more infomation >> future - mask off (onii-san flip) - Duration: 2:42.


LIVE DE VINERI/Nimic interesant - Duration: 36:13.

For more infomation >> LIVE DE VINERI/Nimic interesant - Duration: 36:13.



For more infomation >> SOĞUK SUYLA BANYO YAPTIM ( SOĞUK DUŞ ) ARTI DUYURU - Duration: 4:34.


Vegan Deliciousness | andthenIfellinlove Daily Diary - Duration: 14:01.

No matter how early I wake up, I always seem to leave too late.

And now I'm risking getting there late.

I'm tired because I'm biking fast.

Also, I used to play soccer here.

This is "de Blokkers".

That was like the most awkward hold of a camera ever.

Almost there!


Grab food. Eat deliciously!

You already have that through your food?


You already grabbed that?

What did you say?

This top fits well I believe.

This piece has to go this way.

and B3.


Where do you see that?

Yes, here.

Not that you can cross like this.

Did you say puke?


Look, it kinda looks like puke.

Yes, twenty past.

Happy Kingsday! - Happy Kingsday!

Willem is 50 (years old).

For more infomation >> Vegan Deliciousness | andthenIfellinlove Daily Diary - Duration: 14:01.


8 Toughest SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 and S8+ Cases - Duration: 5:02.

Hey guys Brainy here and this video is All about the Samsung Galaxy S8. To be more specific

some of the best cases that you can get for the Galaxy S8. So sit back, relax and here

are the 8 coolest cases that you can get for your galaxy s8.

8. The Galaxy S8 Wallet Case. Looking for a case with ultimate sophistication and functionality?

The Samsung Galaxy S8 Wallet S is a premium synthetic leather case designed to take care

of your shopping needs. The phone cover contains three card slots that is perfect for storing

cash, credit and identifications cards for quick access. The cover is made sure to close

with a strong magnetic strap that also opens to transform the case into a stand for hands-free

viewing convenience. The design on this case is really sleak and

nice and because it has those extra slots to hold your cards and cash you'll actually

need to hold less stuff in your pockets. 7. The Galaxy S8 Tough Armor Case. Tough Armor

is not only one of Spigen's best-sellers but the strongest in the Armor Series. Its

dual-layer structure is made of a shock-absorbing TPU layer and a PC frame that is able to withstand

extreme impacts. It is packed with all your protective needs in an ergonomic profile,

making it pocket-friendly. The Tough Armor™ for Samsung Galaxy S8 comes with the latest,

reinforced design of its built-in kickstand for extra durability. Honestly, why wouldn't

you buy a case like this? It's tough, it has a nice design and it overall looks cool.

Something simple and clean to protect your device.

6. The Galaxy S8 Neo Hybrid Case. The new Neo Hybrid for Samsung Galaxy S8 is the future

of all cases - possessing maximum protection with an extraordinary look. For optimum defense,

the Neo Hybrid is designed to absorb shock with its TPU layer and handle impacts with

its PC bumper. Precise cutouts ensure easy access to all features while tactile buttons

ensure haptic feedback. The latest Neo Hybrid™ design features a reinforced bumper frame

with a newly-designed herringbone pattern. I really love the curvy designs at the edges

and at the bottom of the device. 5. The Galaxy S8 Slim Armor Case. Introducing

the first of its kind - a dual-layered case that is protective, slim but now with the

option of having a matching TPU (available only in the colors, Rose Gold and Violet).

The overall design of Slim Armor was executed with the S8 design in mind, following every

inch of its contours to provide ultimate grip with zero bulkiness. Added convenience is

provided with its built-in kickstand that is activated in one, simple move. Mil-Grade

certified with Air-Cushion Technology in all corners. Honestly this is a beast of a case

that will make your device stand out no matter what colour you choose to get it in. Simple

and strong. 4. The Galaxy S8 AirSkin Case. AirSkin, the

thinnest among our case collection, was crafted for the true minimalist in mind. It measures

only 0.36mm in thickness and the secret to its extremely thin and lightweight design

is its polypropylene build. AirSkin comes with a frost finish for ultimate fingerprint-resistance

and comfort at every grip. Keep the feel of the original Samsung Galaxy S8 but with a

layer of protection with the AirSkin! Honestly the main thing that I'd worry about when

getting this case is the fact that the white model could get dirty extremely quickly, but

other than that it's a really nice case. 3. The Galaxy S8 Rugged Armor Case. The single-layered

shell is packed with protection to fight off shock in every impact. For optimum defense,

the Samsung Galaxy S8 Rugged Armor Extra has corners is built-in with Air Cushion Technology

with engineered guards. All edges are strategically raised to leave the screen and camera flawless.

Experience the art of engineering with the Samsung Galaxy S8 Rugged Armor Extra. Again,

this is another tough beast that I'd recommend for anyone who's prone to getting their

smartphone scratched up. A really cool looking case with a simplistically cool design.

2. The Galaxy S8 Liquid Air Armor Case. It is packed with protection to fight off shock

in every impact. For optimum defense, the Samsung Galaxy S8 Liquid Air Armor comes with

built-in Air Cushion Technology on all corners with strategically raised edges to leave the

screen and camera untouched. Spigen Liquid Air Armor is built with a premium matte shell

with the latest geometric pattern to give grip, stay fingerprint-free while leaving

others envious of your new form-fitted, sleek look!

1. The Galaxy S8 Ultra Hybrid Case. Spigen Samsung Galaxy S8 Ultra Hybrid is ideal for

minimalistic enthusiasts seeking a clear case with added protection. The Ultra Hybrid has

a shock-absorbent TPU bumper with a thin PC back that provides long-lasting clarity. Edges

are strategically raised around the screen and camera, while cutouts allow quick access

to all of its functions. Place decorations in your Ultra Hybrid™ case to showcase your

personality through its crystal clear back And that's where I den today's video.

If you liked this video or want more, feel free to smash that like button, comment below

on which case you liked best and subscribe for new videos every single week. If you wanna

check out any of these cases and get one for yourself, I'll leave a couple links down

below so you can check them out in the order that they are listed in this video. Thanks

for watching and I'll be seeing you in the next video.

For more infomation >> 8 Toughest SAMSUNG GALAXY S8 and S8+ Cases - Duration: 5:02.


Saiba criar seus conteúdos para internet - VÍDEO 2 - Duration: 42:01.

For more infomation >> Saiba criar seus conteúdos para internet - VÍDEO 2 - Duration: 42:01.


【英語で歌う/歌詞付き】背中越しのチャンス/ 亀と山P (『ボク、運命の人です。』主題歌) / "The Chance Over the Shoulder" English Cover - Duration: 1:44.

Even though I fall in love a hundred times, if it's not you...unhappy 100回の恋も君がいなくちゃUnhappy

You know I noticed babe you see 気づいてたんだぜ

The smile you showed unexpectedly ふいに見せた笑顔

It hasn't changed at all 昔から一緒で

Can I be just the way I am? こんな僕でいいかな

hu hu hu hu and there oh your face hu hu hu hu ほらoh your face

Even your bed hair and moods 寝癖も気分屋も

This ain't no good, This ain't no good as is このまま このままじゃダメ

Uh-wa uh-wa uh-wa, yay yay yay uh-wa uh-wa uh-wa

Let's fall in love why not, just over and over again いっそ僕ら何回でも恋をして

Love eachother time and again 何回でも愛していこう

Let you know, so that you know for sure ちゃんと言う 君にちゃんと言う

The two words that tell that I love you 好きの二文字をこの声で

Let's replace our memories with better ones time after time 何回でも更新しよう 最高の思い出を

Doesn't have to be realistic, no 現実的じゃなくていい

Let's depict our future, the destiny with you 君との運命描いて行こう

What's only visible to us our Happiness 僕らだけに見えるHappiness

For more infomation >> 【英語で歌う/歌詞付き】背中越しのチャンス/ 亀と山P (『ボク、運命の人です。』主題歌) / "The Chance Over the Shoulder" English Cover - Duration: 1:44.


The famous fluffy omelette at Mont Saint Michel! - Duration: 6:17.

Oh do you see it? 見えます??


We are at Mont Saint Michel. モンサンミッシェルにいます。

You can see it from here,

but it'll take an hour if you try to walk

so there's a shuttle you can take.

The bus is really interesting. このバスすごく面白い。

There is a driver's seat on both ends. 運転席が両端にあるんです。

so you don't have back out or anything

That's kinda cool. いいですね。

Oh my gosh, it's raining!

Oh no, it's super cold!

But I think it'll stop.

God! It's freezing!!

I'm sure it'll be better once we go in!

Should we just eat here?

We went into the first restaurant we saw

and what do you know?

it's the famous omelette place!

We had no plans to come here ここ、来る予定はなかったんですけど...

because we knew it was very touristy. すごく観光客向けの場所だから。

But, we were kind of forced in. でも、入らざるを得なかった感じ。

The rain forced us in. 雨のせいでね。

So these famous omelettes are supposedly very expensive.

I was reading tripadvisor and it said an omelette cost about 10,000 yen.

It says 35 euros.

Maybe too many people were saying it was a rip off and they changed the menu.

As far as I can see, 見る限りでは、

it looks like they have a course for 35 euros. 35ユーロのコースがあるみたいですよ。

I'm not sure if we're looking at this right.

I guess dinner is supposed to be really expensive.

Some people call it a tourist trap 人によってはボッタクリという人もいるし、

others say that it's worth it because it has so much history. 歴史があるから行く価値があるという人も。

But we are tourists. 私たち観光客だしね。

The soup. スープを。

And the bacon and pan fried potatos. あとベーコンとポテトのをお願いします。

I'll get the cream brulee. クレムブリュレもお願いします。

Curtons. クルトン。

The cream is melting. クリームが溶けてきました。

These crutons are good.

It's getting nice out. Yay! 外、晴れてきましたよ。やった~!

I figured that it'd clear up while we had lunch.

It was pretty bad out there earlier.

God! It's freezing!!

I didn't care what kind of restaurant it was

I just went into the first one I saw

and I was like, oh, wait a minute...

It's that famous place!

It's humongous. デカイ。

It's a soufflé!

bon appétit!

Oh my gosh!

It's so fluffy. すごいフワフワ。

Wow! おぉ~

It's like foam. 泡みたい。

The famous omelette at Mont Saint Michel!



It's almost like it's not an omelette

Foamy. 泡っぽい。

Foamy doesn't sound very appetizing, does it?

This onion is good!

Did you have one?

The small onion?

Isn't that garlic?

Yes, it is.

The potatos are good. ポテトおいしい。

They have this restaurant in Yurakucho (Tokyo)?


I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it in Yurakucho.

It's worth it because we're eating it in France, right?

I was debating whether to get the camembert.

The camembert is quite flavorful

there you go saying "sa" again

Mr. Monkey's habit.

camembert ga sa~

shikkari shiteiru kara sa~

Oh, I thought you were going to give me a bite.

I thought you were cutting that piece for me.

Good choice.

Would you eat it if it was 10,000 yen?

no comment lol

They were frying it directly over a wooden fire, right

so you can slightly smell the firewood

like there's a woody aroma.

Très bien! トレビアン!

Oh, that's good!

Yours is better than mine again!

The camembert is all creamy and it melts together with the egg

It's like carbonara!

The foam and the cheese just melt together, 泡とチーズが一緒に溶けてて

and it's really good. すごくおいしいです。

Osaru san's really good. オサルさんのやつすごいおいしい。

That one's better.

I recommend getting the omelette with camembert.

Wow, you finished!

It was good!

But for how fluffy it is...

it's pretty filling.

Quite satisfying.

Crème brûlée クレムブリュレ。

The crème brûlée is good. クレムブリュレおいしい。

A very strong vanilla flavor. バニラの味がしっかりしてる。

Come to think of it, crème brûlée has a lot of eggs in it too, doesn't it?

Lots of cholesterol today. 今日コレステロール取りすぎだね。

Ooh, It's nice and sunny again! お~、また晴れてきた!

It was 90 euros for the two of us. 2人で90ユーロでした。

We also had coffee and tea at the end. 最後にコーヒーと紅茶を頼みましたけれど、

But the course itself was 35 euros per person コース自体は1人35ユーロだったので。

which I don't think is that bad そんなに悪い価格じゃないと思う。

in a special place like this こんな特別な場所で、

with the special omlettes that thay have. 特別なオムレツがいただけるから。

So yeah, nice lunch! なので、いいランチでした!

Look at these! 見て、これ!

Miniature frying pans! ミニチュアのフライパン!

I wonder if anyone would want these if I did a giveaway.

Do you guys want this? みなさんこれ欲しいですか?

I'll put a ribbon at the top so you can hang it.

and I'll add in another present, but it'll be a surprise,

so make sure to enter to win!

Please like and comment on the video to enter.

Giveaway details in the description!

There's even a logo on the back.

Here it is!

A 1:100 size replica lol

You wouldn't want one this big anyway, right?

Hope you guys try making a mini soufflé!

Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. みなさん、ご覧いただきありがとうございます。

And I will see you again soon. それではまた近いうちにお会いしましょう。

Bye! またね!

Oh wow, it's so pretty. うわ~すごいきれい。

It's like pulling me in. なんか引っ張られていく。

For more infomation >> The famous fluffy omelette at Mont Saint Michel! - Duration: 6:17.


What You Don't Know About Denzel Washington's Marriage - Duration: 4:58.

Denzel Washington and Pauletta Pearson met in 1977.

Over the last four decades, they've managed to build a family and maintain a marriage

in a time and place where that seems almost unheard of.

How have they done it?

Here's a look at what you don't know about Denzel Washington's marriage.

Rumor and scandal

For years, unsubstantiated rumors have claimed that Denzel has been stepping out.

In 2003, tabloids alleged that Denzel was not only having an affair with his Out of

Time co-star Sanaa Lathan, but that she was pregnant with his child.

Lathan flatly denied the claim, telling Vibe,"[The rumor] got started because the movie had a

love scene with Denzel, and people took that and translated it to real life...

It's frustrating.

People are going to talk no matter what."

More rumors surfaced in 2013, when Denzel was supposedly either romancing a mystery

blonde or else having an affair with 2 Guns costar Paula Patton.

Then in 2016, rumors swirled that Denzel and Pauletta were getting a divorce due to his

supposed cheating.

But Denzel has consistently denied those rumors, and so far, the couple is still going strong.

Love at third sight

Their marriage may be the stuff of Hollywood legend now, but it didn't get off to the best


Pauletta has publicly stated for years that she ended up paying for their first date.

But Denzel has a different story, claiming that he paid for most of it right up until

an unexpectedly long cab ride strained his bank account too far.

"And the meter's going and I'm going, 'ut far away does she live?"

"Oh, right."

"She paid."

That might explain why she actually said no the first two times he proposed, only accepting

on the third proposal.

And even then, the wedding had its hiccups too, as the reception ran out of food before

the couple had a chance to eat.

They ended up having to go to a local diner for fast food on their own wedding day!

The family that prays together stays together

Denzel Washington is one of Hollywood's famously religious stars, and it's evident in some

of his movies, like Book of Eli.

It's not surprising, either, given that his father was a Pentecostal preacher.

According to Christianity Today, he not only chooses roles that are in line with his values,

but he prays and reads the Bible every morning.

And Pauletta shares that faith.

In fact, the couple worked together on an audio version of the Bible called The Bible


When they spoke to CBS News about just what it was that drew them to the project, they

both spoke about their steadfast belief that any answer to any problem could be found in

the pages of the Good Book, and that participating in making an audio version of that was going

to make it accessible to countless people.

For Pauletta's part, she considered it not only a privilege to work on the project, but

to do so with her husband.

"It's a true story.

And it's a… um… an ou-outline I thought for..

The original design of marriage."

Charity starts at home

Many actors and actresses spend their time championing a chosen cause or two, and Denzel

and Pauletta Washington are known for doing the same.

For instance, the couple have established a scholarship fund at Cedars-Sinai: the Pauletta

and Denzel Washington Family Gifted Scholars Program in Neuroscience.

The fund provides training opportunities for medical students as well as the financial

means to partner young students with researchers in their particular field of interest.

And in 2016, they jointly hosted a fundraiser for the Smithsonian's National Museum of African

American History and Culture, raising over $17 million.

The idea came from a family trip to the Holocaust museum in Israel.

Pauletta told Variety, "I asked my kids about it after we left and I could tell it haunted

them, too.

But it also made them think about their own history and they asked me where was a place

that told our [African American] story.

That hit me because I didn't know at the time this museum was in the making."

Hard work pays off

Hollywood is famous for scandals and short-term relationships, so it's no surprise that everyone

wants to know the secret behind the Washington's long marriage.

Denzel said on Reddit that "I just think that you have to work at it.

Not give up on each other.

It's a commitment.

It's not all the honeymoon, it doesn't last forever, so you work at it.

And hopefully you're good friends first, that might help!

Sometimes people get married for the right reasons."

"I got got a good woman, that's the first thing.

And uh..

You know… just keep working at it."

And Pauletta backed him up in a 2013 Ebony interview, saying there are plenty of ups

and downs, but it's all part of making a lifelong commitment.

"I live with this man.

I see the down part.

I see the sad part.

I see every part.

He has and knows he has that stability in me as his wife.

That gives him strength, regardless of if he misuses it.

I can't dwell on that.

But I do know that gives him a great platform to go and fly."

Keep on flying, Denzel and Pauletta!

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For more infomation >> What You Don't Know About Denzel Washington's Marriage - Duration: 4:58.


The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Sacha Baron Cohen Anymore - Duration: 5:10.

Hollywood was once very niiiiiice to Sacha Baron Cohen, the British comedian who broke

through in the U.S. with 2006's Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious

Nation of Kazakhstan.

"Welcome to our country."

"My name ah Borat."

"Ok, well, ah good good.

I'm not used to that but that's fine"

Centered around an often crude, sexist, racist and naïve reporter from Kazakhstan, the comedy

opened up opportunities for Cohen to star in a wide range of big movies like Talladega

Nights, The Dictator, Alice Through the Looking Glass, Les Misérables and more.

But despite that string of roles, Baron Cohen hasn't popped up on the big screen quite as

often as he once did — and here are a few reasons why.

Family man

Unlike many of his peers, Baron Cohen doesn't churn out multiple movies per year, and that's

by design.

Sacha and his wife, actress Isla Fisher, have three young children, and they both want to

be active, present parents.

Cohen has committed to only making a movie every couple of years, while Fisher plans

to only take supporting role until their kids are fully grown.

While these Hollywood parents love to act, it sounds like they're putting family first

— at least for a little while.

Real World Reputation

Even if Baron Cohen wanted to keep making reality-blurring movies like Borat, he doesn't

think he could.

A victim of his own success, he fears he's become too recognizable to pull off a movie

like Borat or Bruno again.

On top of that, there's also the matter of the inherent danger in making those kinds

of movies, as Baron Cohen's films have definitely landed him in hot water in the past.

"The idea of the movie was actually to end it with inciting a riot in Arkansas while

me and my co-star made out on stage."

He was lucky to get out of that one unharmed, but even a minor, non-deadly stunt from Sacha

can end up being very stressful.

When Baron Cohen made a surprise appearance as Ali G at the 2016 Academy Awards, people

were genuinely shocked — because the show producers had specifically told him not to

do it.

This caused some stress for his wife, who had to be complicit in the prank and even

smuggled the Ali G costume into the awards ceremony under her dress.

She then had to help her husband get into character backstage and lie to the producers

who were trying to figure out what he was up to.

"So I was really stressed I was like 'Honey honey this isn't gonna work' then I had to

go out finally and I said 'There is something that is wrong with his stomach.

It's really bad.'

Fisher did what any reasonable person would do after faking out 20 million people on live

TV; she hit the bar...

The Brothers Grimsby

Baron Cohen's last "big" movie was 2016's The Brothers Grimsby.

Like some of Baron Cohen's previous films, the mismatched spy comedy made headlines not

for its creativity, but more for it's shockingly crude moments.

The movie was wildly unsuccessful, both commercially and critically as it really seems like almost

no one connected with this flick.

It was one of Baron Cohen's few leading roles in a movie in which he didn't play a character

interacting with real life people — and audiences just weren't that into it.

One hit Wonder...

Between 2000 and 2004, Sacha Baron Cohen created three main characters for his comedy series,

Da Ali G Show — Ali G, Borat and Bruno.

And by 2009, he'd brought all of them to the big screen.

While Ali G Indahouse wasn't released theatrically in the U.S., 2006's Borat was a massive

hit, bringing in $128 million and earning Baron Cohen and his collaborators an Oscar

nomination for screenwriting.

"This suit is black, purse, not"

In 2009, Baron Cohen brought his third and final character, Bruno, to movie audiences,

but he was unable to recapture the magic of Borat.

Bruno, a mockumentary about an openly gay, fashion-obsessed Austrian weirdo seriously

underperformed, bringing in less than half of what Borat did and undoubtedly slowing

down Baron Cohen's rise to fame.

Breakthrough dramatic role

In 2010, it was announced that Baron Cohen was considering starring as singer Freddie

Mercury — to whom he certainly bears a resemblance — in a biopic about the late Queen frontman.

Baron Cohen was actively involved in trying to get the movie off the ground, even consulting

major directors like David Fincher and Tom Hooper.

But in 2013, he decided to pull out of the project — and the film still hasn't been


The actor claims he left the project because the surviving members of Queen wanted the

movie to be a relatively tame biopic about the entire band.

On the other hand, Baron Cohen wanted it to be purely a Freddie Mercury movie showcasing

the late rock star's wild life.

Queen guitarist Brian May offered a different opinion on the issue, suggesting that Baron

Cohen would have be a distraction, as he doubted that the larger-than-life actor could actually

disappear into the role and do it justice.

What's next?

Well, we likely haven't heard the last of Sacha Baron Cohen and it wouldn't be surprising

if he's working on another big character right now.

From what we do know, Cohen has two main projects in works the for the next few years.

The first is a timely bit of satire called Greed, in which he plays a money-mad, financial

law-skirting billionaire.

The other is a big-budget film adaptation of Mandrake the Magician, in which he'll star

as the title character, a heroic master of illusion.

Seems like a good fit…

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For more infomation >> The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Sacha Baron Cohen Anymore - Duration: 5:10.


Amal Clooney's Stunning Pregnancy Style - Duration: 5:31.

After Beyoncé announced her pregnancy with twins at the beginning of February 2017, it

was hard to picture any other announcement could match that big-time buzz.

But then came George and Amal Clooney's own good news.

This A-list couple announced that they are also expecting twins this year.

And considering many of his fans never expected the eternal Hollywood bachelor to settle down,

let alone become a father, it was a surprise indeed to hear that George and Amal would

welcome not one but two little Clooney kids into the world.

Just as Amal has been a force of nature at the podium in her work as a human rights lawyer,

she's also been a picture of perfection on the proverbial runway.

Part of the fun of following Amal's impressive career and relationship with Clooney is that

she's also quite playful when it comes to her fashions.

It's like she was meant to live under the spotlight, if only to reflect it onto even

more important issues along the way.

"If there's more attention paid for whatever reason to that,"

"Oh, you know the reason."

"Then I think that's good."

So, the announcement of their bundles of joy-to-be was made even more exciting by the fact that

Amal is about as chic as they come these days.

Her pregnancy style was just bound to be on-point.

Given that grand tradition that she has so tastefully established, let's talk about the

clothes she's chosen during her pregnancy, shall we?

Casual is the new classy

Amal had already perfected her style when it came to work and the red carpet, long before

she made an honest man out of George Clooney.

Who else could pull off this old school gown and gloves look as well as her?

But who would've guessed that she's also a visionary when it comes to her casual couture?

We should've known.

At the time this photo was taken of her at the airport, there hadn't been an announcement

about Amal's pregnancy, so her clothing choices may have been purposely picked to cover her

up a bit more.

But either way, she was still a fashion-forward vision in her simple Alberta Ferretti sweater,

styled with a cleverly covering trench coat which elevated the look even more.

Amal always looks like she's ready to walk on the runway, but seems so comfortable at

the same time.

Basically she can do no wrong.


With such huge news about the twins, we all awaited anxiously to see just what the fierce

Amal would wear to her first red carpet event since the news came out.

And considering she looks fabulous just walking down the street in her casual clothes, it

should come as no surprise that her choice for the red carpet would be amazing.

Amal and George were spotted at the 2017 César Awards in February, and Amal donned a custom

Atelier Versace to the ritzy event.

The look had enough character to keep up with her other unique choices in the past, but

was also simple enough that she could still show off her growing baby bump without abandoning

anything about her personality with the piece.

Well played, mama!

Channeling Jackie O

Amal could wear a potato sack and still look perfect, but her fashion savvy is second to


So when she wears a dress inspired by a fashion icon, it's a guaranteed home run.

In maternity, that methodology has not changed a bit.

This yellow shift dress by Bottega Veneta is professional and perfect for the mom-to-be

and reminds us of a certain other political and fashionable figure of our past here in

the United States.

And while Amal's fashion might've made a statement that day, so did her words.

Amal was headed to the United Nations that day in March to discuss the Islamic State's

violence against the Yazidi people in Iraq.

Of course, there were some that were more focused more on Amal's looks and star status

than on her powerful words, but she certainly dressed well for the occasion and kept her

bump exposure to a minimum so as to avoid distraction from her message.

A working woman

After giving her amazing speech at the United Nations, Amal also made an appearance at the

U.N. Headquarters in New York City for another meeting, keeping her attire at full-tilt primness

on that speaking occasion as well.

With the ruching and floral detail, the dress could be fun while at the same time perfect

for her busy schedule.

And with those specific and noticeable details on the dress, it was perfect to keep it to

a neutral color, like navy.

She's the very definition of demure.

It still makes a statement, but doesn't overshadow anything or anyone.

After all, Amal went to the U.N. for an official meeting, not to show off her wardrobe, and

her choices completely reflect her professionalism and commitment to the message at hand.

Mixing it up

A pop of color is key when it comes to making a statement.

And if there's anything we've learned about Amal since she and George Clooney became an

item, it's that she likes to parlay a point with everything she does.

During a visit to London's Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs,

Amal accessorized a dramatic red dress with more neutral colors in order to make it a

more subtle pop that's still noticeable — but not over-the-top.

The only thing that is over-the-top about Amal seems to be her husband's opinion of


George bragged about just how wonderful his wife is, saying, "She is doing really great...She

is amazing.

I don't have anything to do.

There is nothing I can do to help, but make tea and stuff."

Matching her way to a message

Amal is also a pro when it comes to the accessories for her outfits.

During a trip to Paris, she paired the classic shift dress look with a matching jacket to

create geometric perfection.

And then when she added those black boots and tote bag, well, she could take on the


And that's exactly what she does.

Going forward throughout the rest of her high-profile pregnancy, it's safe to say that, no matter

what, Amal Clooney will be fabulous.

And more importantly, she'll continue to use her time in the sun for the greater good of


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