Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 28 2017

[typing] [piano music]

This video has been a long time coming.

It's a game that's eluded me for so many years

that I wasn't even sure it was real.

This is Read-A-Rama,

developed by Selena Studios and distributed by Maxis?

In 1995... supposedly.

As an avid fan of the company, I own every single product catalog they ever released–

to my knowledge–

and not a single time does Read-A-Rama or Selena Software

even get so much as mentioned in passing.

And online research hasn't helped much either,

because other than a handful of expired sales listings

and an unhelpfully vague library catalog entry,

the only evidence I can find that maybe this thing happened is

on page 3 of the résumé for actor Lani Minella.

According to this, she did voice acting for the game.

But that still doesn't tell me much and...

that sucks. This seems like a game with some stories to tell.

Everything about it just seems fishy.

The oversized Maxis logo,

the quotes saying how great it is without ever mentioning it by name.

And of course this absurd box art which is easily some of the worst I have ever laid eyes on.

But due to a viewer letting me know about this shrink-wrapped copy for $20 on eBay,

and I finally have a complete copy.

So let's go ahead and tear into this mystery once and for all and...


Where's the game?! [yells]

As if this couldn't get any stranger, after years of searching,

all I get is a registration card.

Talk about vaporware.

Okay, so not all is lost because I found another eBay listing for the disc on its own.

Not only that but it came with Spell-A-Rama,

which is another elusive Selena Studios game

that's even harder to research.

But, yeah, now that I have both of these discs,

it's finally time to dive into them and see what's up.

Assuming they don't explode on use or erase my brain or something.

Thankfully, neither happened,

but the strangeness did its best to continue.

Not only did it fail to detect my Windows 98 computer's RAM,

but the errors referred to the program as "Chugalong."

I assume this was an earlier thing it was based on,

possibly a game called "Chugalong's Phonics" that

Lani Minella also is credited on.

On the quest for more info, I checked the install directory and, uh...

the installer didn't install a single thing whatsoever.

Seriously, other than placing some icons on the Start menu,

all it did was place a blank folder on the C: drive.

And, yeah, digging through the documentation on the disc,

once again, is no real help.

Selena Studios used an AOL email address,

an anonymous P.O. box in Las Vegas,

and doesn't credit anyone by name.

Heck, the most information- filled document it comes with

is a gigantic list of computer hardware manufacturers' contact information.

And of course, once I started up the game, it wouldn't run.

So, I booted up a Windows 3.1 setup and

while it didn't show any icons in the Program Manager,

it did at least play. So...

finally, at long last,

this... is Read-A-Rama.

[low humming]

[MIDI music]

So, yeah, this just keeps going...

for two minutes and 23 seconds, I kid you not.

This so-called "animation" running at 3 FPS

goes on for so long that it triggered my screensaver halfway through.

But then it's finally done and, well...

just watch.

[sitar plays]

[electronic Eastern music kicks in]

You know, something tells me we're in for some ridiculously embarrassing sterotypes

after that kind of intro– yep!

GENIE: Hi, there!

Ha! I got a problem!

Will you help?

I'm mortified!

I mean, a big guy like me,

and they give me this perfume bottle to live in.

LGR: Oh, God.

You know, I was hoping the box art would just be a bad representation

of what the game was like, but nope.

It is 110% flawless in that regard.

So, anyway, after selecting your difficulty, you're told you have to help this...


find his lamp,

since he's living in a perfume container and is getting a headache.

Yeah, me and you both, buddy.

Read-A-Rama is laid out like a board game

and you spin this wheel to move the genie around the board in search of his lamp!

What happens when you land on each space, though, is truly inspiring!

[electronic Eastern music]

DRUMMER: Thunder Drummer is my name...

Making noise is my game!

LGR: Dude...

I mean, I probably shouldn't expect any better from a game that starts

with a two-and-a-half-minute wank session over its own logo,

but this is the kind of awfulness that has to be SAVORED when you come across it.

DRUMMER: [playing drums] Have my drums so loud and clear

So you can make your journey without any fear...

of noise! [cymbal crash]

[LGR slow clapping]

So yeah, each spot on the board brings you to something pretty equally crap,

with names like Rainbow Girl, Lightning Dude and, of course,

Thunder Drummer here.

And, well, I guess this is the educational portion of the game

because it has you spelling, unscrambling

and matching various words to their pictures.

So it got the "Read" part of its name down,

but I'm still waiting for the "A-Rama" to come into play.

I'm not gonna spend any more time explaining this board game mode

because there's literally nothing more to explain!

Once you've reached the end, it's time to confront this delightful fellow.

GIANT: More. More!

Give me more...

LGR: Man, is this game off-putting!

And what the heck? Why is everyone always going on about how tired they are?

GIANT: I'm so tired.

GENIE: Oh, boy... I'm beat!

DUDE: [sighs] Sleepy...

WOMAN: But I'm "le tired..."

LGR: Whatever, once this giant goes to asleep, you have rustle around his abode...

in search of the genie's lamp

Clicking on things plays an animation no one cares about

and eventually one of the items will contain the lamp.

Or the pieces or whatever.

So finally, you put together a picture of the lamp

while the giant disgustingly snores right into your eardrums.

[ogre snoring]

[MIDI dance music plays and fades out]

GENIE: Great! Thanks so much!

- GENIE: Would you like to play again? - LGR: NO!

Alright, so I have to try Spell-A-Rama now because at least it has icons.

After the same unbelievably long intro

that I can't believe they've used for each of their games,

you're greeted with these highly marketable characters.

FLY: Whaddya know?!

I got that promotion I've been after for z-z-z-so long now!

FLY #2: [humming] Oh!

Let me take a peek at my lovely image.

Oh, yes, yes...

[cymbal crash]

FLY #1: Oh! What do you think you're doing?

Lady fliers...

shouldn't be allowed in the air!

LGR: Ah, yes. Nothing like a bit of casual woman bashing

to spice up a kids educational game.

Anyway, the stupid fly's lost his stupid keys

to his stupid New York City business or whatever.

So it's up to you to go down into the sewers to find it.

Yeah, that's where this game belongs,

so I'm glad it's going there.

From here, you have to navigate a maze

and along the way run into more people that are dead tired

because that seems to be the only trait they could come up with.

After this, I have no idea what happens

because the game refused to go any further

and just made fart sounds at me no matter what I did.

[static fart sounds]

I tried for about ten minutes before giving up.

But hey, if you wanna give it a go yourself, I've provided links to both this

and Read-A-Rama in the video description.

Not that I recommend disgracing your computer with the mere digital presence

of these pieces of sh**

but you know, in the interest of software preservation,

I'm just putting it out there.

Read- and Spell-A-Rama

are off-putting, barely educational and downright bizarre,

but not in a way that's enjoyable.

I was almost hoping for another Ninja Nanny-like experience,

but it's not nearly unhinged and surreal enough

to be appealing in the same way.

Nope, their relative obscurity is all these games have going for them and...

I can see why Maxis never promoted them or even said they had them for sale!

Honestly, I'm still not 100% convinced that Maxis had anything to do with these abominations,

and maybe Selena Studios or whoever

just slapped their logo on the box for name recognition.

And if you think that's a far-fetched accusation, I've seen weirder.

Just take a look at Jazz Jackrabbit's Poker Broker. That exists!

[sighs] Anyway,

I've wasted enough of my time and yours with this.

But I still hope you enjoyed Edutainment Month 2017.

And I'll see you next time!

And you enjoyed this video of...

this crap,

I've covered some weird things on LGR, so...

you know, stick around if you like that kind of... whatever I'm doing.

And as always, thank you very much for... you know...

Uh... my brain's scrambled, I can't...

[walking off mic] I'm just, I'm just gonna leave.

[door opens] I'm done...

[door closes]

For more infomation >> Read-A-Rama: The Forgotten Maxis Game (thankfully.) - Duration: 8:53.


What Is The Programming Language Of The Future? - Duration: 7:27.

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez from

I got a question here that—I get this question quite a bit.

I'm going to try to answer this at least in one way.

There's probably a few different ways I could answer this question but it is: "What is the

programming language of the future?"

I'll read the question I got here.

He says, "Hi John, let me first thank you a lot for doing what you do.

I watch your videos daily and you're really such an inspiration."

Well, that's cool.

Thank you.

"He says, "My Erik from Stockholm Sweden.

I'm 22 at the moment and I'm studying computer science in college.

Prior to this I've worked as a freelancer within web development but I wanted to broaden

my programming experience, so I hit the books.

Right now I'm testing out all sorts of different development, from building apps in Swift,

learning Java, and right now low-level C. My intention is to try and learn as much as

possible, but I still feel like I want to specialize in some type of language and really

master it.

I'm also really interested in AI, artificial intelligence, but don't really know where

to start.

My questions to you are: What is your take on the future of programming languages?

What would you consider the most essential to master not only for now, but in terms of

the future?

Do you have any experience with AI development or know where to start?"

I'm going to skip the AI development question and I'm just going to answer the programming

language of the future question.

I think that the programming language of the future has actually not been invented yet.

I don't think we have that yet.

I think that what we've got right now is we've got a lot of languages that are evolving towards

it but they're evolving in complexity to the point that we need a simplification.

A lot of times what ends up happening with technology is we end up having sort of this

pile up where we build up these huge things and then we have this massive collapse as

a new level of abstraction is put down on top of it and it sort of paves over it and

now we can simplify- things, right?

The reason why I say that is that because languages like C# and Java have become very


They're very good langauges and they're very expressive.

You can do a lot with them even some things like—even Ruby and Python and whatnot.

We've gotten a lot of different things.

We've gotten a lot of concepts where—I mean if you think about it, I'll just pick on one

that I know which is C# which is we've essentially taken the language of C# and we've added a

lot of functional programming to it.

You can essentially do functional programming in C#.

You could write C# code that is purely functional and that's sort of—if you think about all

the different keywords, all the different things and C# keeps on growing that's a lot

of stuff.

We've kind of hit this point where you can do anything, but is that really what we need?

What we need is to simplify.

We need to take all those concepts as we're learning, as we're evolving these languages

and we eventually need to come up with a language that is going to be a little bit more universal.

There's really no reason why we have to have so many programming languages.

Right now, almost all programming languages are converging to this point where they all

are kind of on par with what they can do functional wise.

If you look again, some of the ones that I'm more familiar with, I know that C# now can

do a lot.

You can write functional in it.

You can do a similar kind of coding that you would done with F# or Haskell or one of those

other functional lisp and functional languages.

At the same time, Java has also developed now functional programming.

You can do purely Java or functional programming in Java.

I saw a Hacker News article where someone was writing about how they were doing purely

functional programming in Java.

It was a little bit of a bastardization of it but he y, I could see that happening.

C# and Java are almost equivalent.

Java started getting all these features that was being innovated in C#.

I think that there's really no reason why we have to have all these different programming

languages at this point because they're all kind of able to do everything.

Now there's some specialized languages and I understand the argument for that.

So maybe there'll be a few different specialized languages but we really need to come to a

point where we have a general purpose programming language that we just use, that everyone uses

and it gets developed and is simplified because there's just—there's no reason, right?

There used to be a reason why we had all these specialized languages and they existed for

specific purposes.

There are still, like I said, to some degree languages like R and whatnot, but even those

I think we can really collapse under one programming language and that will make things a lot more

effective for the future because we don't have to learn as many things.

There's not as much gaps between communication.

That's what I think is that I think we're heading towards this point.

I think we'll eventually have a language that dominates.

I think we're still early in the development of software development as a career, as a

profession, as a science, if you will, and that that we'll eventually hit that.

Just like mathematics has a standard mathematical notation.

I mean there were a bunch of different ones and now there's just one way in general.

I mean maybe there's a couple, but there's one general way that we do mathematics and

we write down—we have different symbols that we utilize and we pretty much standardize

on that.

I think that programming is no different that we'll eventually find that and we just haven't

found that yet.

As for today, I really couldn't say what programming language that I would recommend.

I did a video on the most popular programming languages for 2017.

You can check that one out if you're curious what my thoughts are on that.

It changes from day to day.

We've got a lot of fluctuation.

JavaScript is still probably a pretty good bet at this point to hit your wagon to and

Python is also one of those ones that I think that I see really increasing.

Its' really hard to say at this point because we still have this very much diversified field

of programming languages out there.

I do hope that we do converge on one though.

I do think that's the future.

I can't see us having just this many programming languages that are now all becoming closer

and closer to functionally equivalent.

It just doesn't make sense.

If you can do the same stuff you can do in C# and Java and Python and Ruby and all the

other programming languages why have so many of them and make things so confusing?

But you know what, technology is never—it doesn't always follow the straightforward

path that I would like it to.

All right, if you like this video and you want to get more videos like this one on programming,

software development, living a better life, improving your fitness, achieving your goals

click that Subscribe button below and I'll talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> What Is The Programming Language Of The Future? - Duration: 7:27.


Call Center Specialist Job Preview | Chase - Duration: 5:12.

"Thank you for calling Chase…" (x3) "Internal finance credit card dispute…"

"Chase mortgage services…"

"Credit card fraud prevention" "Chase united"

Chase is in about 50% of all US households.

It is so important for our call center employees to service these customers.

As a front line employee, you are dealing with our customers one on one.

And we want our customers to feel valued, and know that banking with Chase makes a difference.

We are available twenty four hours and any representative at that number can assist you.

There are some customers who might not have an opportunity to speak to a Chase employee,

and this might be the only time they call us in the year or even within a two-year span

and whatever impression you leave with that customer, yes they are going to appreciate

how you helped them and what you did, but as far as the customer is concerned, they

just talk to Chase.

How can I assist you today?

The day of a call center specialist is multifaceted.

You have to wear many different hats.

A Call Center Specialist, to be successful, they need to listen to the customer first,

ask additional probing questions to determine the root cause of the customer's call, and

provide the adequate solutions and options available.

One thing that's important to know as you take on the role of a call center specialist,

is there is going to be a lot of structure to the role.

You're going to have a schedule that tells you when you take your breaks and lunches.

You will take anywhere from 80 to 120 calls per day, depending on the day of the week

and the time of the shift that you work.

It is hard work; you are going to be on the phones, you are going to be talking to many

customers every day.

It's going to be challenging, it's going to be rewarding at the same time.

There's always going to be those calls that are really good calls that you know you made

a huge difference in the customer experience, you feel really good about it.

"Hello my name is Clay, I'm from Chase Disputes.

I'll be here to help today and from what I heard there is a charge here for $29.99.

It's some sort of subscription that you did not renew.

Is that correct?"

"I never renewed.

I never told them that I wanted a subscription in the first place."

"OK, we can place a block on that charge.

After we place the block what we're going to do is place a temporary credit on the account.

It's going to update within 48 hours and you'll see it on

We'll also send you a confirmation letter that you'll receive in about seven to ten


If they respond to the dispute, we'll contact you.

Otherwise you don't need to be worried about paying the amount and you won't be charged

interest against it, OK?"

"I appreciate it, sir!"

"Of course!

And is there anything else I can help you with?"

"I appreciate your understanding.

Is there someone I can talk to about you?"

"Um, if you would like I can get you over to someone.

Just a moment."

"I just want to tell them how wonderful you've been.

Just a joy."

"(laughs) Well, thank you!"

We truly care about our employees; we want to understand their needs and their wants.

Not to mention all the benefits that we offer employees, all the career opportunities that

we offer our employees.

My expectation is that you will be in my call center for about one year.

After that you are going to work with me and we are going to find other career opportunities

within that organization.

I've worked in customer service, fraud and collections.

I've switched from roles where I'm an individual contributor, and roles where I

have an opportunity to lead people.

Chase will provide all of those options for you, too.

There are many employee perks that come along with employee discounts.

We get discounts on our checking account, on mortgage loan, or auto loan rates.

They supported me while I was in school, and helped pay through the tuition reimbursement

program for my education.

When I had my son I was able to take a few months off of work, and it was a great opportunity

to be home and still get a paycheck.

It's amazing the amount of benefits that we receive as JPMorgan Chase employees.

We are a large firm; 240,000 plus employees but you walk into any of our locations, and

you would never feel like you are getting lost in this big giant corporation.

Chase is a great place to work, because we have a leadership team that's committed

to having fun when we're here.

During the fall we celebrate employee appreciation week.

It's all about the employee.

There are events that happen every day, and it's really a great opportunity to celebrate

our successes together.

We also have different opportunities to volunteer together as a team, and there's always networking

opportunities, different business groups that people can be a part of to network outside

of their own department.

For anyone that's interested in a call center position, it is a place where you will come

maybe for a job and hopefully stay for a career...

Thank you and have a nice day.

…because there are so many opportunities for you to grow beyond that call center job

that you are going to initially start in.

I never thought I would be with Chase for almost 15 years.

The reason it's been a good match for me is because I've been able to make a change

whenever I wanted to.

Chase has supported me through major milestones in my life, and that's hard to put a dollar

amount on.

For more infomation >> Call Center Specialist Job Preview | Chase - Duration: 5:12.


NEW! Dead by Daylight Narejj gameplay funny moments and cutest pets ever - Duration: 8:36.

For more infomation >> NEW! Dead by Daylight Narejj gameplay funny moments and cutest pets ever - Duration: 8:36.


God is Unnammed : परमात्मा अनाम है-By Mahashunya(In Hindi) - Duration: 8:45.

Mahashunya explained excellently on "God is Unnammed : परमात्मा अनाम है" (Full Discourse) at Divyalok Ashram, Badnagar Road, Mahakaal Nagri, Ujjain(MP)-India on 14.04.2017. Watch Full Discourse on the link below Watch his videos at

For more infomation >> God is Unnammed : परमात्मा अनाम है-By Mahashunya(In Hindi) - Duration: 8:45.


Poppy Trolls Superstar Naked On Stage Singing Slip Banana ABC Cartoons Poppy and Baby Boss Series - Duration: 1:11.

Bright is the ring of words When the right man rings them,

Fair the fall of songs When the singer sings them

Bright is the ring of words When the right man rings them,

Fair the fall of songs When the singer sings them,

For more infomation >> Poppy Trolls Superstar Naked On Stage Singing Slip Banana ABC Cartoons Poppy and Baby Boss Series - Duration: 1:11.


2017 Russian GP - Team Principal Press Conference (PART 1) - Duration: 13:16.

For more infomation >> 2017 Russian GP - Team Principal Press Conference (PART 1) - Duration: 13:16.


Моя первая экспериментальная мини-Lego-анимация - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Моя первая экспериментальная мини-Lego-анимация - Duration: 0:35.


Learn more about AncestryDNA's Matches - Duration: 0:21.

Take an AncestryDNA test and join

millions of others in the world's

largest DNA database. Our DNA matches

will find you new relatives and tell

you how closely you're related

so you can share what you know

to grow your family story.

All that from spitting in a tube.

Order your kit today at

For more infomation >> Learn more about AncestryDNA's Matches - Duration: 0:21.


Scrambled Egg White with Seafood (賽螃蟹) - Duration: 3:30.

Turn on subtitles for instruction

120ml milk

1 tsp corn starch

1/2 tsp salt

1/3 tsp sugar

120ml egg white

100g white fish fillet, cooked and mashed

cook until thickens, about 2~3 mins

if you don't want to waste egg yolk, you can add onto it.

Thank for watching!

For more infomation >> Scrambled Egg White with Seafood (賽螃蟹) - Duration: 3:30.


HULPHOND CHEF, EEN HELD IN OPLEIDING | Echte Helden #3 - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> HULPHOND CHEF, EEN HELD IN OPLEIDING | Echte Helden #3 - Duration: 5:08.


Dispatch - "Curse and Crush" [Official Song Audio] - Duration: 4:19.

("Curse + Crush" by Dispatch)

♫ We tried to understand

♫ The right to life like fire to the arson

♫ You got here right at last but then the world

♫ Had a different plan and took it all away

♫ Years and years you fought

♫ To try to light your darkness with the reason

♫ Maybe I want them someday maybe even a child

♫ To hold and help and start over again

♫ And we run and we gun and we die young

♫ And we curse and we crush and we hide

♫ And we fight and we fuck and we make up

♫ And we love and we shove it aside

♫ Years and years you fought

♫ To try to light your darkness with the reason

♫ Maybe I want them some day maybe even a child

♫ To mold and help and start over again

♫ We run and we gun and we die young

♫ And we curse and we crush and we hide

♫ Hide

♫ And we fight and we fuck and we make up

♫ And we love and we shove it aside

♫ Aside

♫ Your eyes they shine

♫ They shine

♫ From somewhere else

♫ I'm going in and out I gotta lie down

♫ Never seen a light like that myself

♫ And we run and we gun and we die young

♫ And we curse

♫ And we curse and we crush and we hide

♫ Hide

♫ And we fight and we fuck and we make up

♫ And we love and we shove it aside

♫ Aside

♫ Your eyes they shine

♫ They shine

♫ From somewhere else

♫ I'm going in and out I gotta lie down

♫ Never seen a light like that myself

♫ Your eyes they shine

♫ They shine

♫ From somewhere else

♫ Going in and out I gotta lie down

♫ I'm going in and out I gotta lie down

♫ Never seen a light like that myself

♫ Your eyes they shine

♫ They shine

♫ From somewhere else

For more infomation >> Dispatch - "Curse and Crush" [Official Song Audio] - Duration: 4:19.


Passerà - La storia dell'allievo di Meditazione - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Passerà - La storia dell'allievo di Meditazione - Duration: 1:26.


Is It True The Obama Administration Faked Climate Change - politics - Duration: 4:26.

Is It True The Obama Administration Faked Climate Change Data?

You aren�t going to believe this, but one of the Obama administration top officials,

physicist Steven Koonin, has become a whistleblower regarding the �Obama administration�s

manipulated �climate change� data to trick the public into accepting Democrat policies.�

So what else is new in science?

It seems as if most of the feds are into �data washing� relative to all the sciences, just

not vaccines and pharmaceuticals!

But why?

Aren�t facts supposed to be the very basis of and for science?

Shall we start calling it �Pinocchio science�?

Koonin spilled his scientific guts to The Wall Street Journal.

The former Undersecretary of the Department of Energy said, �What you saw coming out

of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I�d say, misleading,

sometimes just wrong.� Pardon me, but I could have told you that just from looking

at the sky and all the chemtrails being laid down.

Somehow I don�t find it very difficult to �believe� scientists at NASA and NOAA

actually colluded with press officers in order to create deceitful press releases to prop

up Obama�s agenda.


That should be considered prosecutable crime and both Obama and those who colluded to pull

off the caper should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, in my opinion.

Those actions seem to validate my thinking in several recent articles questioning U.S.

law and justice, I�d say.

How about you?

Did the Obama administration really operate on Paul Joseph Goebbel�s [the Reich Minister

of Propaganda for Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolph Hitler] modus operandi : �People

will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it often enough people

will start to accept it as truth�?

According to Baxter Dmitry of, �Sadly, many people around the world accepted

the lies of the corrupt Obama administration.

As a result, the economy stagnated, and elites such as Al Gore and Hillary Clinton made a


Dmitry states, �principle climate scientist Dr. John Bates testified before a House Committee

in February claiming that the NOAA was manipulating data.� Dr. Bates claimed the Karl study

was produced with unscientific and unsupported data.

However, there seems to be some degree of disconnect with regard to climate change since

weather geoengineering is a documented phenomenon, and the U.S. Air Force �focused on weather

managing� by 2025, according to the 52-page report �Weather as a Force Manipulator:

Owning the Weather in 2025,� which was produced in August 1996.

Factually, we have to question what impact Solar Radiation Management (SRM) spraying

with toxic chemicals really has on weather manipulation when coupled with HAARP and other

high energy beam electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Geoengineering Watch and Dane Wigington recently produced a 725-page book Geoengineering: A

Chronicle of Indictment and an accompanying DVD package documenting over 7 decades of

covert climate engineering available here, which needs to be taken seriously since �sky

graffiti� chemtrails appear over every country in the Northern Hemisphere.

What�s all that about and what are the impacts upon climate, rain, drought, and other adverse

and severe weather conditions of recent years?

Based upon the recent whistleblowing of former Obama administration officials about falsified

science, press releases and other propaganda to manipulate political gains by the Obama

administration, I think a thorough investigation must be initiated by Congress, the U.S. Attorney

General and the FBI�if we can trust them too�to prosecute all involved, including

the former president, for deliberate acts of sabotage

and possible treason!

For more infomation >> Is It True The Obama Administration Faked Climate Change - politics - Duration: 4:26.


Why Kully Supply? | Plumbing Parts and Solutions - Duration: 1:42.

Kully Supply knows it can be hard dealing with your plumbing needs.

Problems can occur when you least expect it.

There you are, minding your own business, when it happens.

An immediate problem comes up that needs to be fixed and you may not know exactly what

is needed to fix the issue.

And like most problems, when it rains, it pours.

Those out of order signs end up plaguing you with deadlines, frustrations, and unanswered


How will I know what I need?

Can I do it myself?

And when will I get it?

It doesn't help that you may need to be searching through giant seemingly endless

catalogs to find that simple part or solution.

No worries!

With Kully, you can easily and quickly sort through thousands of products

and brands that you'll need to take care of that issue.

And even if you can't find the product or even have a question about the issue, Kully

Supply's knowledgeable staff is here to help you figure out what parts and information

you need to get the job done!

Kully Supply knows you need to have your item fast, so our shipping team makes sure it gets

to you quickly!

And at Kully you also have a no hassle, money back guarantee, so you can shop with confidence!

With Kully Supply, you'll be able to conquer those pesky out of order signs!

And with our expert guidance and correct parts you'll have exactly what you need to get

the job done, quickly and easily.

Visit today so that we can help you find what you need.

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