Yes... Nice... Nice to meet you.
Hello and welcome to CokeTV Sweden! You are Athena.
Yes, and you are Sp4zie.
That's right, and this is another Q&A-video where we answer your questions from the comment section.
-We put them in the bucket, we pick them up, we answer them, and that feels just great, right? -Yes!
"What was your favorite subject in school?"
Mine was... mine was Science.
-Science!? -Yes, you know physics and things like that.
Oh god, I can really see that.
But that was only because we had a great teacher.
He was flying... He was this "militairy-airplain man". What are they called, those who fly these military jets?
"That's the word, damn it"
But he was flying these JAS jets and then... he changed his career to teaching instead.
-JAS jets... -And then he came in...
With his enormous arms and was like...
-"All right, today we're going to talk about solar system". -Ah!
"Stop fooling around guys". And everyone was like...
-I enjoyed Swedish. -Yes.
Eh... PE, English...
Philosophy was interesting!
-I also liked English. -You did?
Okay, there we have something in common.
-Please deliver a question. -I will.
"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"
-I hate this question. -Why?
Because now I have to admit that I don't like ice cream.
But okay, it's like this... If someone gives me an ice cream a sunny day, I eat it.
But I've never in my, like...
The last 20 years felt like... "Now I would like to have ice cream".
Well, I love ice cream. I could...
-Everyone does. -I can eat ice cream every day.
Tell me your favorite flavor and then I can try it and see if it turns me.
I like pistachio...
-Chocolate. Oh my god chocolate is... -Like dark ice cream?
-That is rich and... -"Mmm... Chocolate..."
"Sp4zie, how is it to speak Swedish? You who speaks English all the time must think it's hard to switch between the languages".
-Good question. -Definitely.
As you can hear in these videos I still speak English like half of the time.
And probably sound like a total douche.
-But you do that too. -Speaks English?
Yes, you can say all of a sudden like: "And that's the thing".
-"Yeah, like seriously, like, that's because I...I look at..." -Exactly, exactly.
I watch too much, you know these...
-American reality shows and these... -"Oh my god".
"Like, I have this audition right now and I'm like..."
I usally think it's really hard to switch in between... Well there you go!
-Yes, "to switch" -Also "In between"!
Yeah anyway, point proven.
Sometimes it's a little hard, but I hope that I don't sound like a total douche.
Okay, last question...
"Can you solve a Rubic's cube?"
-Well I... I've never solved one of those... -I've never done that...
That's also something I can get really angry about. When I can't solve these hard riddles and these...
Hard things that makes you think too much.
Now I feel like... I feel stupid.
Can't we just say something we're good at and then end there?
We're good at ending Q&A's.
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, and keep writing your questions in the comment section.
-Do it! -And when do the Q&A's air?
Every Monday at 3pm!
We'll see you then! Kisses & hugs!
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