Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

Yes... Nice... Nice to meet you.

Hello and welcome to CokeTV Sweden! You are Athena.

Yes, and you are Sp4zie.

That's right, and this is another Q&A-video where we answer your questions from the comment section.

-We put them in the bucket, we pick them up, we answer them, and that feels just great, right? -Yes!

"What was your favorite subject in school?"

Mine was... mine was Science.

-Science!? -Yes, you know physics and things like that.

Oh god, I can really see that.

But that was only because we had a great teacher.

He was flying... He was this "militairy-airplain man". What are they called, those who fly these military jets?


"That's the word, damn it"

But he was flying these JAS jets and then... he changed his career to teaching instead.

-JAS jets... -And then he came in...

With his enormous arms and was like...

-"All right, today we're going to talk about solar system". -Ah!

"Stop fooling around guys". And everyone was like...

-I enjoyed Swedish. -Yes.

Eh... PE, English...

Philosophy was interesting!

-I also liked English. -You did?

Okay, there we have something in common.

-Please deliver a question. -I will.

"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

-I hate this question. -Why?

Because now I have to admit that I don't like ice cream.


But okay, it's like this... If someone gives me an ice cream a sunny day, I eat it.

But I've never in my, like...

The last 20 years felt like... "Now I would like to have ice cream".

Well, I love ice cream. I could...

-Everyone does. -I can eat ice cream every day.

Tell me your favorite flavor and then I can try it and see if it turns me.

I like pistachio...

-Chocolate. Oh my god chocolate is... -Like dark ice cream?

-That is rich and... -"Mmm... Chocolate..."

"Sp4zie, how is it to speak Swedish? You who speaks English all the time must think it's hard to switch between the languages".

-Good question. -Definitely.

As you can hear in these videos I still speak English like half of the time.

And probably sound like a total douche.

-But you do that too. -Speaks English?

Yes, you can say all of a sudden like: "And that's the thing".

-"Yeah, like seriously, like, that's because I...I look at..." -Exactly, exactly.

I watch too much, you know these...

-American reality shows and these... -"Oh my god".

"Like, I have this audition right now and I'm like..."

I usally think it's really hard to switch in between... Well there you go!

-Yes, "to switch" -Also "In between"!

Yeah anyway, point proven.

Sometimes it's a little hard, but I hope that I don't sound like a total douche.

Okay, last question...

"Can you solve a Rubic's cube?"

-Well I... I've never solved one of those... -I've never done that...

That's also something I can get really angry about. When I can't solve these hard riddles and these...

Hard things that makes you think too much.

Now I feel like... I feel stupid.

Can't we just say something we're good at and then end there?

We're good at ending Q&A's.

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, and keep writing your questions in the comment section.

-Do it! -And when do the Q&A's air?

Every Monday at 3pm!

We'll see you then! Kisses & hugs!

For more infomation >> Q&A - FAVORITÄMNE I SKOLAN? | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 3:16.


Mój edytowany film - Duration: 0:06.

For more infomation >> Mój edytowany film - Duration: 0:06.


Hamburgues de Quinoa y Coliflor - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Hamburgues de Quinoa y Coliflor - Duration: 5:36.


Phụ Nữ Mà Cầm Tinh Con Giáp Này, Cả Đời Giàu Sang Phú Quý, Tiền Tiêu Không Phải Lo Nghĩ - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Phụ Nữ Mà Cầm Tinh Con Giáp Này, Cả Đời Giàu Sang Phú Quý, Tiền Tiêu Không Phải Lo Nghĩ - Duration: 4:11.


「スケリッジ」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 「スケリッジ」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:34.


You Probably Don't Have OCD, And This Is Why - Duration: 4:00.

Hey there!

Welcome to Life Noggin.

Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm so clean, I'm OCD!"?

You might think that having OCD just means being a neat freak… but actually, obsessive-compulsive

disorder is a serious ailment that only affects about 2 percent of the population.

People with OCD are plagued with unwanted thoughts, behaviors, or mental images that

repeat over and over.

They might feel like objects in a room have to be perfectly aligned, or they may worry

obsessively about harming others, even if they would never actually do anything.

And yes, some people with OCD obsess over germs and cleanliness, but it's different

than just wanting your house tidy.

For those with the disorder, their obsession feels out of their control.

It can be debilitating, and cleaning won't solve the problem.

The obsessions are typically intertwined with compulsions — repeated actions the person

has to do just to function.

If someone is obsessed with germs, they might wash their hands over and over, even after

they logically know that they are clean.

Or if they're obsessed with safety, they might force themselves to check that the doors

are locked and the stove is off dozens of times before they can leave the house.

They might also feel the need to repeat a certain word, or count all their steps.

Although OCD can take many forms, there are some things that everyone with the disorder

has in common.

In order to be diagnosed, the obsessions or compulsions must be extremely time consuming

and take up at least an hour a day.

Almost everyone with OCD knows their thoughts aren't logical, but they can't stop themselves.

And they usually don't enjoy their compulsions — it's just the only way they can reduce

their anxiety and stress.

For those suffering, it can hurt to hear others use the term OCD without understanding what

it means.

You might say you have OCD because you like things to be organized, but it's a passing

thought that you could shrug off.

Having real OCD means not being able to let go of those thoughts.

Lots of studies have shown that those with OCD actually have slightly different brain

function than those without.

Although scientists are still learning how the disorder works, many think it has to do

with changes in a circuit of the brain called the corticostriatal pathway, which regulates

habit and repeated action.

Recent studies have focused on trying to find medications that bind to receptors in that


If the studies are successful, they may be able to develop medications that specifically

target OCD symptoms.

This would be a huge leap forward.

Currently, doctors typically prescribe general antidepressants for OCD.

They also recommend behavioral therapy.

This includes exposure therapy, where patients are carefully exposed to fearful situations

without being allowed to act on their compulsions.

For the small amount of people who don't respond to either drugs or therapy, there

are more invasive procedures.

Around 300 people have undergone something called DBS, or deep brain stimulation, which

is when electrodes are implanted in the brain to control impulses in some of the corticostriatal


When the electrodes are activated, they cause the brain of someone with OCD to have the

same neural activity as someone without.

The treatment has been a huge success.

Almost all DBS patients say the procedure improved their mood and self-confidence, and

most regained a normal quality of life.

Although OCD can be debilitating, these types of treatments offer hope that one day soon,

everyone with the disorder will be able to find relief and take back control of their


What other science topics would you like to know about?

Let me know in

the comments below.

For more infomation >> You Probably Don't Have OCD, And This Is Why - Duration: 4:00.


Are There People Around You Who Never Get Angry They All Fallow - Duration: 3:40.

Are There People Around You Who Never Get Angry?

They All Fallow This One Life-changing Rule

Do you know a person who always has the best possible answer, delivered in the best possible

way, in every situation, even in the most emotional ones?

There is a big chance that this person possesses a high level of emotional intelligence, something

that allows them to recognize and rule their own emotions but also the emotions of the

people around us.

Emotionally intelligent people stay calm even in the most difficult situations and this

is why the relationships they have with people are always harmonious.

This is one of the techniques that people with high EQ usually use.

When you find yourself in a situation that provokes an emotional reaction, give yourself

24 hours before speaking your mind or making any decision.

When you�re under pressure, your nervous system is acting wild and your body is flooded

adrenalin, cortisol and other chemicals which are preventing you from thinking rationally.

Emotionally intelligent people know that time is a valuable tool for resolving problems.

Taking your time to go through emotions and see the bigger picture stops you from getting

out of control, showing frustration, anger or remorse.

The first instinctive reaction you get regarding a situation wears off in a few hours, an after

the initial effect is gone you can assess the situation with a cool and clear head.

This kind of approach protects your most valuable relationships from any unnecessary crises.

By keeping distance from the person who hurt you, you are showing respect towards your

and their emotions and the difficulty of the situation.

So, next time, when someone disturbs you simply take a step back for the next 24 hours.

If it�s possible, try thinking about something else, something that makes you feel comfortable.

This will calm you down and leave you enough space to think of a rational response in whatever


For more infomation >> Are There People Around You Who Never Get Angry They All Fallow - Duration: 3:40.


WOWEscape - Escape Game Save The Squirrel Love Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 7:22.

WOWEscape - Escape Game Save The Squirrel Love

For more infomation >> WOWEscape - Escape Game Save The Squirrel Love Walkthrough 2017 - Duration: 7:22.


Haben Bodensee-Fischer eine Zukunft? - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Haben Bodensee-Fischer eine Zukunft? - Duration: 3:43.


Essence of Murli 30-05-2017 - Duration: 6:39.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 30th May 2017

( The most elevated is making us like self, by teaching us the most elevated knowledge, and also making us imbibe virtues. Lets hear virtues we need to imbibe... )

Essence: Sweet children, you have to become as sweet as the Father. Don't cause sorrow for anyone. Never become angry.

( Shiv Baba demonstrated virtue of never getting angry through Brahma Baba. )

Question: Knowing the deep philosophy of karma, what sinful acts should you children not perform?

Answer: Until today, you had been thinking that giving donations are charitable acts,

but you now understand that even in your donating, sin is sometimes accumulated

because if you donate money to a person who uses it to commit sin, that would definitely affect your stage.

Therefore, donate with understanding.

Song: Take us away from this world of sin to a place of rest and comfort!

Essence for dharna: 1. Let your behaviour be very royal.

Speak very little & very sweetly. In order to be saved from punishment, follow the Father's shrimat at every step.

2. Study very well with a lot of attention.

Follow the mother and father and become worthy of being seated on the throne; become an heir

Don't be influenced by anger and thereby cause sorrow.

Blessing: May you be a self-transformer and a world transformer who imbibes the sanskars of Father Brahma.

In his final moments, Father Brahma reminded us children of the sanskars that he made his own: incorporeal, viceless and egoless.

So, let these sanskars of Father Brahma naturally be your sanskars.

Constantly keep these elevated sanskars in front of you.

Throughout the day, check every action as to whether these three sanskars have emerged.

By imbibing these sanskars you will become a self-transformer and so a world transformer.

Slogan: To make your stage avyakt, do not look at the image (chitra - the body), but see the living being (chaitanya) and the character (charitra).

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 30-05-2017 - Duration: 6:39.


The 1 primary benefit of Stronglifts 5x5 - Duration: 6:25.

In this video we're going to talk about stronglifts 5x5 and how you actually can gain strength and mass and actually

Enjoy working out much more by going back to the basics instead of doing these

assistant and isolation exercises, so I've done stronglifts 5x5 for quite a while, and I've really enjoyed my

Well experience with it. So that's what I'm going to share with you. Enjoy

so stronglifts 5x5

What is all the fuss about? If you go on YouTube, and you check the official videos they have like

1.4 million views for the official instruction - that's massive. There's so many people following this regimen and

I totally understand that so when I started working out many years ago

What I did for the first few years was nothing but stronglifts 5x5 and it took me from

35 Kilos in Benchpress to

145 and in the deadlift and the squats were crazy as well, but not as crazy as my benchpress and

Why is it - so basically stronglifts is all about going back to the basics. You have workout A which is

Squat bench press and barbell rows, and you have workout B

Which is squats, overhead press, and deadlift - and you do five times five in all these exercises

But deadlifts, where you do one set of fives

So why is this powerful? It's powerful, because well you go back to the basic, and you only do this like whole body exercises

But the magic is in the progression so a lot of other

workout schedules and regimens you will change weights a lot more often you will change reps you will change the

Exercises and it's really hard to get this progress over time

but what 5x5 does is it brings it back to the basics and

all your focus on is weight progression and nothing else, so

Every workout you put on a little bit more way

And you try five times five on that way if you do it - awesome

Then you increase for the next workout as well, and this is

Effective as fuck, and it's so powerful because all of a sudden you've got this progression sorted out for you

So let's say in another case when you go and you lift the same weights and same reps the same exercises

Every workout, then your body feels like ah well I can do this. I don't need more muscles I don't need more strength

I'm totally fine on this weight like why do I have to waste my energy becoming stronger?

But when you increase the weight every time that's when your body feels like. Oh shit. This is it's becoming heavy now

I better, well become a little bit stronger put on a little more muscle and

That's all it is.

So for me as a I said, I started out with stronglifts, then I did martial arts for quite a few years

And now only one month ago. What I did was I started with stronglifts again.

Because I decided to not do any martial arts now because my shoulder was kind of wrecked and well, I'm working so much

I really can't

Go into this fixed schedules, which kind of sucks, but I'm super glad to go back to stronglifts

So for me now after having been working out for so many years and now going back to what I started with I just want

To share my experience with you and that is that it's absolutely

Fantastic to go back to only the big lifts, but also that you really overestimate

How good you are at tracking your progress when you don't have this very clear progression

so for me I've been doing a lot of

assistant workouts. I've been focusing a lot on the this bigger lifts, but I've been doing all these other exercises as well

And I always throughout these years though that I was spot-on with my progression

I know that my progression was going forward. I know what was putting on more weight. I know I was doing more reps

But I really can't compare it to the simplicity and the natural progress of stronglifts 5x5

So I really want to emphasize here that for me. It's really hard to overestimate

how good knowledge I have about my workouts and

By doing that I don't get as much progress as I could

So now going back to the basics and really

Seeing the progress for what it is and that is putting on

2.5 kilos more weight every workout and when I hit a plateau I have strategies for that as well

That's when I now see a lot of progress once again. It feels like I'm newborn in my workout

So just want to share that with you

And for the following links now if you want to go and check out stronglifts 5x5

Just Google stronglifts 5x5 and you will see the official website. Which is great. It's absolutely great. The guy who

Created it has spent so much time with all the information

And he also developed two apps one for iphone and one for Android sorry windows phone users

so if you have Android or iPhone

I really encourage you to check it out because it just keeps track of your weight

Both your body weight and your weight on your exercises and it also helps you with your plateaus

So if you feel like uh-uh I'm stuck here, it helps you out

And will break the plateau. And it also keeps track on your rest timer and your reps and your sets which is

absolutely perfect

I'm just in love with application especially as a software developer

So I'll put the links to both the apps and the website just down here

And I'm putting some links to videos

I really encourage you to look at as well with the techniques for squats and deadlifts and

bench press

So really check them out especially if you're new and don't know what you're doing

So these are is a massive good info and if you have any questions regarding strong lifts or my progression

Or anything else for that sake, just drop down on a comment below

and if you liked this video and want to know more about health and

Training and mindfulness and programming or whatever it comes into my mind just click the subscribe button, and I'll talk to you soon again


For more infomation >> The 1 primary benefit of Stronglifts 5x5 - Duration: 6:25.


Erste Hilfe für Hunde - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Erste Hilfe für Hunde - Duration: 4:29.


Help Needed Azure Organic Farm In Oregon About to be Forcibly - health - Duration: 2:22.

Help Needed: Azure Organic Farm In Oregon About to be Forcibly Mass Poisoned With Glyphosate

By The County Government

Azure Farms, which is currently an entirely organic farm, may soon be forcibly sprayed

with Monsanto�s death spray known as Roundup.

If the local county authority has their way, a court order could be implemented, which

would force the small farm to go against their organic standards and poison their own crops.

Azure Standard is currently owned by Ecclesia of Sinai and operates a 2,000-acre Azure Farms

which is near Moro, Oregon.

According to the company, Sherman County authorities have changed their current laws from forcing

farms to control weeds to forcing them to eradicate them.

If this takes place, they could lose their organic certification which they have had

for 18 years.

Furthermore, they state that the county may even do the spraying themselves and that they

could put a lien on the farm to pay for the process.

After supposed complaints from outside farms stating that because of Azure they had experienced

problems with weeds like Rush Skeleton Weed, Canada Thistle, Morning Glory and White Top,

Sherman county issued a request to the farm to provide a �weed management plan.� If

the farm did not respond to the request, they were threatened with a quarantine.

Due to this, the manager of Azure Farms, Nathan Stelzer, along with various activist groups,

have called for help.

They are asking supporters to, �Overwhelm the Sherman County representatives with your


If the quarantine is allowed to pass, it would affect over 2,000 organic acres of farm land,

causing them to be sprayed with toxic chemicals that are bad for the environment as well as

the people consuming them.

Furthermore, Azure Farms could be seized.

If you are a firm supported or organic farming an believe that the local authorities should

leave them alone

For more infomation >> Help Needed Azure Organic Farm In Oregon About to be Forcibly - health - Duration: 2:22.


Obama erhält Medienpreis - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Obama erhält Medienpreis - Duration: 3:03.


Marcus Waldinger und das schwarze Gold - Duration: 7:37.

For more infomation >> Marcus Waldinger und das schwarze Gold - Duration: 7:37.


PAN ! golin - Collections Bestiales #4 - Duration: 5:39.

For more infomation >> PAN ! golin - Collections Bestiales #4 - Duration: 5:39.


Internet Tips/Tricks in Telugu (CC Available) - Duration: 4:19.

If you want do download a video in youtube, This is a Simple way!

To change a Youtube video into GIF image, This is the simplest way!


If you want to search something about Studies, Use Google Scholar instead of Google.

If you want to keep yourselves entertained when there is no Internet, Do this!

Thank You for watching -Team Raji Mrudu

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