Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

Yes... Nice... Nice to meet you.

Hello and welcome to CokeTV Sweden! You are Athena.

Yes, and you are Sp4zie.

That's right, and this is another Q&A-video where we answer your questions from the comment section.

-We put them in the bucket, we pick them up, we answer them, and that feels just great, right? -Yes!

"What was your favorite subject in school?"

Mine was... mine was Science.

-Science!? -Yes, you know physics and things like that.

Oh god, I can really see that.

But that was only because we had a great teacher.

He was flying... He was this "militairy-airplain man". What are they called, those who fly these military jets?


"That's the word, damn it"

But he was flying these JAS jets and then... he changed his career to teaching instead.

-JAS jets... -And then he came in...

With his enormous arms and was like...

-"All right, today we're going to talk about solar system". -Ah!

"Stop fooling around guys". And everyone was like...

-I enjoyed Swedish. -Yes.

Eh... PE, English...

Philosophy was interesting!

-I also liked English. -You did?

Okay, there we have something in common.

-Please deliver a question. -I will.

"What's your favorite ice cream flavor?"

-I hate this question. -Why?

Because now I have to admit that I don't like ice cream.


But okay, it's like this... If someone gives me an ice cream a sunny day, I eat it.

But I've never in my, like...

The last 20 years felt like... "Now I would like to have ice cream".

Well, I love ice cream. I could...

-Everyone does. -I can eat ice cream every day.

Tell me your favorite flavor and then I can try it and see if it turns me.

I like pistachio...

-Chocolate. Oh my god chocolate is... -Like dark ice cream?

-That is rich and... -"Mmm... Chocolate..."

"Sp4zie, how is it to speak Swedish? You who speaks English all the time must think it's hard to switch between the languages".

-Good question. -Definitely.

As you can hear in these videos I still speak English like half of the time.

And probably sound like a total douche.

-But you do that too. -Speaks English?

Yes, you can say all of a sudden like: "And that's the thing".

-"Yeah, like seriously, like, that's because I...I look at..." -Exactly, exactly.

I watch too much, you know these...

-American reality shows and these... -"Oh my god".

"Like, I have this audition right now and I'm like..."

I usally think it's really hard to switch in between... Well there you go!

-Yes, "to switch" -Also "In between"!

Yeah anyway, point proven.

Sometimes it's a little hard, but I hope that I don't sound like a total douche.

Okay, last question...

"Can you solve a Rubic's cube?"

-Well I... I've never solved one of those... -I've never done that...

That's also something I can get really angry about. When I can't solve these hard riddles and these...

Hard things that makes you think too much.

Now I feel like... I feel stupid.

Can't we just say something we're good at and then end there?

We're good at ending Q&A's.

Don't forget to subscribe to the channel, and keep writing your questions in the comment section.

-Do it! -And when do the Q&A's air?

Every Monday at 3pm!

We'll see you then! Kisses & hugs!

For more infomation >> Q&A - FAVORITÄMNE I SKOLAN? | #AskCokeTV - Duration: 3:16.


Medical Monday 'Plum' 29/5/2017 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Medical Monday 'Plum' 29/5/2017 - Duration: 1:01.


Tekken 7 - PS4/XB1/PC - Tournament Mode (Q&A Dev Interviews) - Duration: 3:03.

My name is Katsuhiro Harada,

I've been a leader on Tekken projects for over 20 years now.

When I hear the phrase "online tournament"

I completely think of top level players battling in an E-sports setting.

But it's actually different in concept,

And this isn't just limited to Tekken.

There are many fighting games that have a lot of matches and are known as high level games.

I started thinking about how many players out there aren't connected via the internet but still keep playing.

If millions of people, 2 or 3 million for example, purchase a fighting game,

they're not all going to be playing games online constantly.

Honestly? It's not even half.

Not even 50%, absolutely not.

There are a lot of people who don't want to play in online matches because they hate losing.

But they still have a competitive spirit, don't they?

If they want to play now their only options are ranked matches or pairing off and playing with friends.

If they decide that they do want to have a goal in the game then a tournament,

playing with people from all over the globe in a world championship for example, would be pretty difficult.

But if they had the chance to play in an 8 person tournament,

well then they'd probably be playing all the time, wouldn't they?

If they did that, they could get a taste of coming out in the top spot,

plus they could actually get a small reward in the game.

They could unlock costumes or something like that. Having a small goal you're working on each day,

learning how to play the game, and not just for ranked matches.

This is our concept here for this style of gaming, with this type of mini tournament.

And, of course, if they do decide to try playing their character

in an online qualifying match or tournament then they can of course do so.

The basic concept is as I was just saying.

Everyone can get excited playing in a battle with their friends this way.

Right, a team battle like that.

Also, there aren't arcades in Europe or the US any more like there were in the past.

Everyone used to play in tournaments, everyone getting together at the arcade,

and someone writing down that they're going to have a tournament.

That's right.

It's the foundation.

It's fun, taking your friends down.

Definitely. So who's the best player among your friends?

For more infomation >> Tekken 7 - PS4/XB1/PC - Tournament Mode (Q&A Dev Interviews) - Duration: 3:03.


MONDAY 29 JUNE 2017 | Today's Pinksixty News - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> MONDAY 29 JUNE 2017 | Today's Pinksixty News - Duration: 1:21.


「ニルフガード」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> 「ニルフガード」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:23.


「スコイア=テル」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> 「スコイア=テル」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:33.


Hamburgues de Quinoa y Coliflor - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Hamburgues de Quinoa y Coliflor - Duration: 5:36.


❤sucalet ❤ Una cita & boda en Corea (subs) - Duration: 17:02.

For more infomation >> ❤sucalet ❤ Una cita & boda en Corea (subs) - Duration: 17:02.


DIY Present Piggy Bank - Duration: 3:26.

Hi everyone :D

So I've been looking for a piggy bank

and I thought, since I'm only saving up for presents

why not make a piggy bank that looks like one

So I'm just making a box with this really cute paper that I found

So this is going to be the top part

and so I'm tucking these sides away

so that we can make a coin slot at the top with an x-acto knife

then we're going to make the bottom half

but this time making the square a little smaller

Then just go crazy with the decorations

I hope you enjoyed this video

if you did, leave a life, and I'll see you soon. Byeee :)

For more infomation >> DIY Present Piggy Bank - Duration: 3:26.


「モンスター」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 「モンスター」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:46.


How To Rap: 4 Ways To Work On Your Voice & Style - Duration: 6:22.

what's up everybody it's dono in this

video I'm going to be talking about four

ways to choose your rap voice or rap

style so I got a couple questions asking

for ways to pick your voice or style so

we'll just quickly go through four ways

that you can start working on that the

first thing you're going to want to do

when trying to figure out your rap voice

or rap style is to see what comes

naturally to you now we can all work on

our voices and change different things

and work on different aspects but you're

going to have a particular starting range

so you're going to want to start recording

getting familiar with what you sound

like and once you've done that you've

gotten used to your baseline you're

going to want to play around with your

vocality a lot so try you know a more

aggressive style and try a more

laid-back style or even try like a

subdued style right play around with your

voice try you know a style that's very

clear and enunciated and try a style

that is a little bit more slurred right

mess around with the different ways that

you can speak and look for these

different ranges and as you do you're

gonna find one that some things come

more naturally to you and sound better

and two that you figure out how this range

works and you can kind of place yourself

where you want to be depending on the

song so again work on what you have

naturally see what it is and then see

what fits within your range the second

thing you're going to want to look at

when trying to figure out your voice or

style is the type of music you want to

make so what kind of sound are you

trying to create do you want you know

like really soft conscious rap with a

really high emphasis on storytelling or

do you want something with like a

banging beat that's like dance music it

doesn't have as much emphasis on the

lyrics but has a ton emphasis on the

flow and making sure that all the

rhythms hit right depending on what you

want that's going to influence the way

that your delivery goes you if you

really like beats or you

you want to make music with really heavy

hard instrumentals you can't come with

a super soft delivery because you're

gonna be drowned out by the music

likewise if you're coming with this

overly aggressive delivery over a really

soft piano type instrumental it might

work but it might sound kind of weird

and clash so these are the things you

have to think about as you're trying to

figure out your rap style or voice the

next thing you're going to want to do

and you're probably sick of hearing me

say this but it's to study the artists

that you admire so figure out what

artists you like and why and what things

you want to emulate about their style so

for example if you listen to somebody

and they have really good wordplay and

that's what you want to emphasize you're

probably going to want to pick something

where you have a little bit more space

to get your wordplay across as well as a

style that you enunciate a little bit

more so that people understand the word

play you're using but if you are going with

more a direct storytelling approach you

might not need to go as slowly maybe you

can go a little bit quicker these are

the things to think about as you start

pulling techniques and ideas from other

rappers to implement yourself now I

always have to say this don't just copy

people right try to take some of the

things that they're good at and figure

out ways to implement them yourself

naturally now the last thing that you

need to understand is kind of your

unique skills and background what's

going to make you stand out what's going

to make you different how can you tell

your unique story to catch people's

attention what's going to be most

natural to you so I talked about you

know kind of vocally what's the most

natural and what fits for you but you

can also kind of look at what fits for

you best skill wise right maybe you're

really good at rhyming and that's what

you want to focus on so that's going to

influence your style and your voice

because depending on which factor you

want to emphasize you may need a certain

type of delivery to make it pop so if

the flow is something that you're really

good at putting into your head you're

going to have to make sure that your

mouth can make the same speed of

movements that you're

trying to put together it doesn't really

matter what the specific set of skills

is you just need to kind of dial into

what comes most naturally to you

combined with what you want to work on

and then find a way to create your own

unique style don't try to copy what

someone else is doing come up with what

feels like what you want to create now I

wish there was an easier or more

straightforward way that I could just

say do this this and this and you'll

instantly have your perfect rap voice

and know exactly what you need to do but

the reality is that you have to play

around with it a bit you have to put in

the work and you have to practice and

you have to see where your voice lands

as you're doing these different things

the other part of it is you have to have

kind of a conscious effort to figure out

what style you want to use and what

intonation you want to use the number

one underlying point that I want to get

across through this video is that you

should experiment with your voice

experiment with your voice and different

styles to see what comes out sounding

right because if you don't experiment

and you don't push your boundaries you

may be in one style that's not actually

what fits best for you even though you

might think that it is just based on

what you've done so far you might later

find out that there's other styles that

really suit you and that you like a lot

there's a lot of artists who have

started kind of trying to make one type

of music experiment it a little bit and

found that another type has really

worked well for them so that's all I've

got for this video as always if you have

any questions comments topics you want

me to cover throw them down in the box

below or get to them as quickly as I can

on top of that I've also got a full

30-day rap course you are more than

welcome to check out I'll also give you a

coupon code to get it at a discount and

I've got a website rap which

you can check out for more resources

that's all and I'll see you next time

please don't forget to subscribe so you

can stay up to date on the videos and if

you have any questions comments or

topics for me to cover leave them down

in the box below and I'll get to them as

soon as possible see you next time

For more infomation >> How To Rap: 4 Ways To Work On Your Voice & Style - Duration: 6:22.


Phụ Nữ Mà Cầm Tinh Con Giáp Này, Cả Đời Giàu Sang Phú Quý, Tiền Tiêu Không Phải Lo Nghĩ - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Phụ Nữ Mà Cầm Tinh Con Giáp Này, Cả Đời Giàu Sang Phú Quý, Tiền Tiêu Không Phải Lo Nghĩ - Duration: 4:11.


Minecraft Redstone tutorial #1 - Duration: 3:09.

Hello guys , im Ahmad From A7Z Channel

lets start

For more infomation >> Minecraft Redstone tutorial #1 - Duration: 3:09.


GG LIVE | DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin #8 (PC) 2/2 - Duration: 2:37:54.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | DARK SOULS II: Scholar of the First Sin #8 (PC) 2/2 - Duration: 2:37:54.


「スケリッジ」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> 「スケリッジ」プレイガイド || グウェント ウィッチャーカードゲーム - Duration: 1:34.


You Probably Don't Have OCD, And This Is Why - Duration: 4:00.

Hey there!

Welcome to Life Noggin.

Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm so clean, I'm OCD!"?

You might think that having OCD just means being a neat freak… but actually, obsessive-compulsive

disorder is a serious ailment that only affects about 2 percent of the population.

People with OCD are plagued with unwanted thoughts, behaviors, or mental images that

repeat over and over.

They might feel like objects in a room have to be perfectly aligned, or they may worry

obsessively about harming others, even if they would never actually do anything.

And yes, some people with OCD obsess over germs and cleanliness, but it's different

than just wanting your house tidy.

For those with the disorder, their obsession feels out of their control.

It can be debilitating, and cleaning won't solve the problem.

The obsessions are typically intertwined with compulsions — repeated actions the person

has to do just to function.

If someone is obsessed with germs, they might wash their hands over and over, even after

they logically know that they are clean.

Or if they're obsessed with safety, they might force themselves to check that the doors

are locked and the stove is off dozens of times before they can leave the house.

They might also feel the need to repeat a certain word, or count all their steps.

Although OCD can take many forms, there are some things that everyone with the disorder

has in common.

In order to be diagnosed, the obsessions or compulsions must be extremely time consuming

and take up at least an hour a day.

Almost everyone with OCD knows their thoughts aren't logical, but they can't stop themselves.

And they usually don't enjoy their compulsions — it's just the only way they can reduce

their anxiety and stress.

For those suffering, it can hurt to hear others use the term OCD without understanding what

it means.

You might say you have OCD because you like things to be organized, but it's a passing

thought that you could shrug off.

Having real OCD means not being able to let go of those thoughts.

Lots of studies have shown that those with OCD actually have slightly different brain

function than those without.

Although scientists are still learning how the disorder works, many think it has to do

with changes in a circuit of the brain called the corticostriatal pathway, which regulates

habit and repeated action.

Recent studies have focused on trying to find medications that bind to receptors in that


If the studies are successful, they may be able to develop medications that specifically

target OCD symptoms.

This would be a huge leap forward.

Currently, doctors typically prescribe general antidepressants for OCD.

They also recommend behavioral therapy.

This includes exposure therapy, where patients are carefully exposed to fearful situations

without being allowed to act on their compulsions.

For the small amount of people who don't respond to either drugs or therapy, there

are more invasive procedures.

Around 300 people have undergone something called DBS, or deep brain stimulation, which

is when electrodes are implanted in the brain to control impulses in some of the corticostriatal


When the electrodes are activated, they cause the brain of someone with OCD to have the

same neural activity as someone without.

The treatment has been a huge success.

Almost all DBS patients say the procedure improved their mood and self-confidence, and

most regained a normal quality of life.

Although OCD can be debilitating, these types of treatments offer hope that one day soon,

everyone with the disorder will be able to find relief and take back control of their


What other science topics would you like to know about?

Let me know in

the comments below.

For more infomation >> You Probably Don't Have OCD, And This Is Why - Duration: 4:00.


♥ ПРИВЕТ из КОРЕИ для всех, кто просил передать приветы ♥ - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> ♥ ПРИВЕТ из КОРЕИ для всех, кто просил передать приветы ♥ - Duration: 6:56.

------------------------------------------- at the Russia Cup: An interview with Solo following the grand final victory | Dota 2 - Duration: 4:03.


Well, it wasn't an international tournament, and the really strong, Tier 1 teams weren't in it.

I mean, Empire was strong, and Spirit were very well prepared too.

It feels good. Indeed, it's our first cup. Not our first tournament, but the first actual cup.

But it's still not the same feeling, you know, when–

it's not a Major or the International. All the same, it's nice that esports is seeing some development in our country.

There are now tournaments like this one, where young teams can make a showing.

As it happens, none of the young teams were in the semifinals this time around, but they surely will be eventually.

It feels good, of course. We're glad to be holding the cup.

In Dota, everything is affected by the choice of heroes—the enemy's and your own.

If the enemy has a weak spot, you've got to go in.

Terrorblade is a weak laning hero. Lone Druid, that's a strong laning hero.

Nix is a weak laning hero, Lone Druid is stronger than Nix in a 1v1.

That's why you've got to keep it and go hard, even if we're going to be dying there.

It's too long to explain; basically, we think together as a team, we discuss certain points.

But I often say what I believe ought to be done, and the guys do it.

I liked Yota Arena a lot, it's a really cool place.

I've been here a couple of times, back when it wasn't Yota Arena but MKS, a large gaming cafe.

There's no comparing them, of course, it's a whole different level. Yota Arena is a cool place.

The powerful PCs, the fun lounge zones—everything's great, it's top-notch.

Of course, The International and the Majors will always be a priority.

We'll see. But in general, you've got to give young teams a chance to show themselves.

I think the organizers ought to tweak the rules a bit regarding the participation of foreign teams.

I don't think it's quite right. It is after all the Russia Cup. I think there should only be Russian teams.

The teams that represent Russian orgs. Or maybe from within the CIS. I think it will be more appropriate.

We only had a few days to play. Actually we had no time at all.

We came with a very small number of set pieces; there were certain things we discussed here, on the spot.

We didn't play too well against Spirit yesterday, and they'd prepared very well. We've played much better today.

Now we're going to have some time to prepare, basically just five days before the group stage of EPICENTER.

But I think that's some time we've got. I hope we'll have prepared well.

A nice group. I think the groups ended up being about equal in strength.

Maybe our group is even a little bit on the more pleasant side.

Maybe. I'm not sure. We'll see what happens.

Actually I'd just like to sincerely thank all those

who are enthusiastic about esports, who do esports and are interested in it.

Especially, of course, our fans who were here these past two days.

I'd like to say hi to all my friends and to all who root for us, for

Support us, come to EPICENTER!

Thanks! – Bye.

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