what's up everybody it's dono in this
video I'm going to be talking about four
ways to choose your rap voice or rap
style so I got a couple questions asking
for ways to pick your voice or style so
we'll just quickly go through four ways
that you can start working on that the
first thing you're going to want to do
when trying to figure out your rap voice
or rap style is to see what comes
naturally to you now we can all work on
our voices and change different things
and work on different aspects but you're
going to have a particular starting range
so you're going to want to start recording
getting familiar with what you sound
like and once you've done that you've
gotten used to your baseline you're
going to want to play around with your
vocality a lot so try you know a more
aggressive style and try a more
laid-back style or even try like a
subdued style right play around with your
voice try you know a style that's very
clear and enunciated and try a style
that is a little bit more slurred right
mess around with the different ways that
you can speak and look for these
different ranges and as you do you're
gonna find one that some things come
more naturally to you and sound better
and two that you figure out how this range
works and you can kind of place yourself
where you want to be depending on the
song so again work on what you have
naturally see what it is and then see
what fits within your range the second
thing you're going to want to look at
when trying to figure out your voice or
style is the type of music you want to
make so what kind of sound are you
trying to create do you want you know
like really soft conscious rap with a
really high emphasis on storytelling or
do you want something with like a
banging beat that's like dance music it
doesn't have as much emphasis on the
lyrics but has a ton emphasis on the
flow and making sure that all the
rhythms hit right depending on what you
want that's going to influence the way
that your delivery goes you if you
really like beats or you
you want to make music with really heavy
hard instrumentals you can't come with
a super soft delivery because you're
gonna be drowned out by the music
likewise if you're coming with this
overly aggressive delivery over a really
soft piano type instrumental it might
work but it might sound kind of weird
and clash so these are the things you
have to think about as you're trying to
figure out your rap style or voice the
next thing you're going to want to do
and you're probably sick of hearing me
say this but it's to study the artists
that you admire so figure out what
artists you like and why and what things
you want to emulate about their style so
for example if you listen to somebody
and they have really good wordplay and
that's what you want to emphasize you're
probably going to want to pick something
where you have a little bit more space
to get your wordplay across as well as a
style that you enunciate a little bit
more so that people understand the word
play you're using but if you are going with
more a direct storytelling approach you
might not need to go as slowly maybe you
can go a little bit quicker these are
the things to think about as you start
pulling techniques and ideas from other
rappers to implement yourself now I
always have to say this don't just copy
people right try to take some of the
things that they're good at and figure
out ways to implement them yourself
naturally now the last thing that you
need to understand is kind of your
unique skills and background what's
going to make you stand out what's going
to make you different how can you tell
your unique story to catch people's
attention what's going to be most
natural to you so I talked about you
know kind of vocally what's the most
natural and what fits for you but you
can also kind of look at what fits for
you best skill wise right maybe you're
really good at rhyming and that's what
you want to focus on so that's going to
influence your style and your voice
because depending on which factor you
want to emphasize you may need a certain
type of delivery to make it pop so if
the flow is something that you're really
good at putting into your head you're
going to have to make sure that your
mouth can make the same speed of
movements that you're
trying to put together it doesn't really
matter what the specific set of skills
is you just need to kind of dial into
what comes most naturally to you
combined with what you want to work on
and then find a way to create your own
unique style don't try to copy what
someone else is doing come up with what
feels like what you want to create now I
wish there was an easier or more
straightforward way that I could just
say do this this and this and you'll
instantly have your perfect rap voice
and know exactly what you need to do but
the reality is that you have to play
around with it a bit you have to put in
the work and you have to practice and
you have to see where your voice lands
as you're doing these different things
the other part of it is you have to have
kind of a conscious effort to figure out
what style you want to use and what
intonation you want to use the number
one underlying point that I want to get
across through this video is that you
should experiment with your voice
experiment with your voice and different
styles to see what comes out sounding
right because if you don't experiment
and you don't push your boundaries you
may be in one style that's not actually
what fits best for you even though you
might think that it is just based on
what you've done so far you might later
find out that there's other styles that
really suit you and that you like a lot
there's a lot of artists who have
started kind of trying to make one type
of music experiment it a little bit and
found that another type has really
worked well for them so that's all I've
got for this video as always if you have
any questions comments topics you want
me to cover throw them down in the box
below or get to them as quickly as I can
on top of that I've also got a full
30-day rap course you are more than
welcome to check out I'll also give you a
coupon code to get it at a discount and
I've got a website rap better.com which
you can check out for more resources
that's all and I'll see you next time
please don't forget to subscribe so you
can stay up to date on the videos and if
you have any questions comments or
topics for me to cover leave them down
in the box below and I'll get to them as
soon as possible see you next time
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