Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

common mistakes in business English

writing from espresso English net when

writing letters and emails for work it's

important to write correctly because

mistakes can make your English look

unprofessional in today's lesson you'll

learn how to avoid 10 common mistakes in

business English writing number one I am

writing in respect of our recent

purchase instead you should write I am

writing in reference to I am writing

with regard to or I am writing regarding

or concerning our recent purchase all of

these options are correct but you can't

use in respect of number two we would

like to regret the delay regret means

you feel bad for doing something wrong

so you need to say we regret the delay

or we would like to apologize for the

delay the word assure is followed by a

person it means to help remove the

person's doubt the word ensure is

followed by a fact ensure means to help

guarantee the fact so you should write I

assure you that our products are of the

highest quality we have a quality

control process to ensure that every

item is free from defects again assure

is followed by a person and ensure is

followed by a fact number four your

order will be shipped until Wednesday at

the latest when talking about events

that will be completed before a certain

day in the future

use by for a single specific event

use until for a continuous event

shipping the order is a single specific

event so we need to use by your order

will be shipped by Wednesday at the

latest here's an example of a continuous

action where you need to use until we

will be performing maintenance until the

25th the maintenance will be continuous

until stopping on the 25th number five I

would like to request some informations

about your services in English the word

information is an uncountable noun so it

is never plural this means we need to

write I would like to request some

information about your services number

six we accept all major credit cards the

word accept spelled with an A means to

receive willingly and the word accept

spelled with an e means to exclude when

speaking these words are pronounced the

same except when writing we need to make

sure to use the correct one the correct

sentence is we accept with an A all

major credit cards here's an example of

accept with an e used correctly we offer

free shipping to every US state except

Alaska and Hawaii

this means Alaska and Hawaii are not

included in the free shipping offer

number seven

we appreciate your cooperate after

articles like a and and the and

possessives like my your his her our and

their always use a noun not a verb

cooperate is a verb so the correct

sentence is

we appreciate your cooperation

cooperation is the noun form of

cooperate number eight I want you to

send me the files right now in

professional communications it's

important to be polite especially when

making a request giving an order or

expressing criticism a better way to

write this sentence is could you please

send me the files as soon as possible

the expression could you and including

the word please make the sentence sound

more polite number nine the conference

begins on Friday July 8th it will be

held in Los Angeles California not using

correct capitalization and punctuation

makes a very bad impression in

professional communications in English

we capitalize the first word of each

sentence proper names names of cities

states countries and languages names of

days of the week and months and the word

I so the correct way to write the

sentence is like this the conference

begins on Friday July 8th it will be

held in Los Angeles California we

capitalize the first word of each new

sentence the day of the week Friday the

month July and the city and state Los

Angeles California number 10 I look

forward to hear from you after the

expression look forward to always use a

noun or the ing form of the verb so the

correct sentence is I look forward to

hearing from you

here are two more examples you can write

I look forward to visiting your company

or I look

forward to the visit in the first case

we use the verb in the ing form visiting

and in the second case we use the noun

the visit visit espresso English dotnet

to take the business English course

where you can learn practical English

for phone calls interviews negotiations

meetings presentations letters and

emails and more thanks for watching

can you find the English grammar

mistakes in these sentences from

espresso English dotnet in today's

lesson you'll get to test your English

grammar skills can you find the mistakes

in the following sentences try to find

the mistake and then in a few seconds

I'll tell you the answer and give you

the explanation let's try it number one

here's the incorrect sentence we cleaned

all the kitchen while our parents were

out to dinner can you find the error

it's incorrect to say all the kitchen

the correct sentences we cleaned the

whole kitchen or the entire kitchen

while our parents were out to dinner we

use the word all four plural nouns like

all the students and for uncountable

nouns like all the furniture but we

don't use all four singular nouns like

kitchen when you want to talk about 100%

of one thing use the whole or the entire

the whole kitchen or the entire kitchen

number two here's the incorrect sentence

if I'm stressed out about something I

tend to have problem to fall asleep

can you find the mistake it's incorrect

to say I tend to have problem to fall

asleep it just doesn't sound natural

instead you should say I tend to have

trouble falling asleep or I tend to have

a hard time falling asleep we don't

usually use a verb after problem if you

want to talk about the difficult action

use trouble or a hard time and then the

ing form of the verb that's why we say I

have trouble falling asleep or I have a

hard time falling asleep both of those

sound more natural than I have problem

to fall asleep number three here's the

incorrect sentence one of the most

important issue is the lack of parking

spaces at the local mall can you find

the mistake it's incorrect to say one of

the most important issue the correct way

is one of the most important issues

issues is plural whenever you use the

expression one of the noun must be

plural but the verb must be singular for

example one of my friends is sick one of

these eggs was rotten the subject is one

so that's why the verb is singular but

you are talking about one of many things

one of my friends or one of these eggs

so the noun friends and eggs must be


number four here's the incorrect

sentence if you don't mind I'd prefer

leave early tomorrow can you find the

mistake it's incorrect to say I'd prefer

leave the correct way is I'd prefer to

leave or I'd prefer leaving another

correct way to say it is I'd rather

leave after the word prefer use two plus

the verb or the ing form after the word

rather you can use the base form but you

can't use the base form after prefer so

we need to say I'd prefer to leave or I

to prefer leaving don't say I'd prefer

leave number five here's the incorrect

sentence do you have a few minutes to

discuss about this project can you find

the mistake it's incorrect to say

discuss about the word discuss is the

same as talk about therefore it's not

necessary to use about after discuss so

the correct sentence says do you have a

few minutes to discuss this project or

to talk about this project but don't say

discuss about it's not necessary number


here's the incorrect sentence the survey

we performed recently showed that most

of customers are satisfied can you find

the mistake it's incorrect to say most

of customers the correct way is most of

the customers or most of our customers

or most customers after most of then you

need to have an article like the most of

the customers or a possessive like my

his are etc most of our customers

however if you use only most without of

then you don't need anything and you can

go straight to the noun most customers

most people most houses but it's

incorrect to say most of customers again

you either need to remove the word of or

add the word the number 7 here's the

incorrect sentence although I've known

him for a while I still can't believe

how much stubborn he is

can you find the mistake it's incorrect

to say how much stubborn the correct way

is how stubborn before adjectives like

stubborn we use only how for example how

friendly how cold how expensive those

are all adjectives we use how much and

how many with nouns objects places or

people for example how much money how

many friends how much snow

because stubborn is an adjective a

descriptive word we use only how how

stubborn and not how much number eight

here's the incorrect sentence this is a

very simple procedure it will take less

of ten minutes can you find the mistake

it's incorrect to say less of ten

minutes the correct form is less than

ten minutes when comparing two things we

use the word then for example the city

is bigger than the town a bike is less

expensive than a car this procedure will

take less than ten minutes

number nine here's the incorrect


I've loved classical music ever since I

was child can you find the mistake it's


correct to say I was child instead you

should say I was a child or I was young

when using an adjective like young you

don't need an article you can say I was

hungry I'm tired

etc but when using a noun like child

than you need an article I was a child I

was a manager I'm a sports fan etc

number 10 here's the incorrect sentence

would you like to take part of this

activity can you find the mistake it's

incorrect to say take part of this

activity the correct way is take part in

this activity if you take part of

something it means you literally remove

a piece of it

for example he took part of the bread

and dipped it in the soup but the

expression take part in means to

participate for example I took part in

the chess tournament this question is

asking if the person would like to

participate in the activity so we need

to say take part in this activity not

take part of some English students are

really afraid to make mistakes but I

think mistakes are a good thing why

because you can learn from them making

mistakes is a natural part of the

learning process and when you get

corrected you are more likely to

remember the right way to say it if

you'd like me to correct your written

English then sign up for my advanced

English grammar course every lesson has

a writing task where you can send me

your text and I'll send you feedback

click on the link in the video for more

information about this course

speaking English expressions for

education let's continue speaking

September with some English expressions

related to education make sure to watch

this video to the end to learn about a

common error that a lot of students make

when talking about what they studied in


number one cover a lot of ground if a

class or a course covers a lot of ground

it means it teaches a lot of material

for example we covered a lot of ground

in the first two weeks of the course

we've already finished four chapters in

the textbook now it's your turn to use

this phrase

what's a class or course you've taken

that has covered a lot of ground

number two drew a blank or mind went

blank if you are asked a question and

you draw a blank or your mind goes blank

it means you cannot think of the answer

maybe you actually do know the answer or

have a response but you just can't think

of it in that moment for example I

totally drew a blank when it came to the

final question on the exam talk about a

time your mind went blank when faced

with the question

number three on campus the word campus

refers to the property of a college

university or school for example there

are three dining halls and two gyms on

campus say a few things that were on the

campus of your school or university

number four teacher's pet the teacher's

pet is the teacher's favorite student

who always behaves well studies hard and

tries to please the teacher for example

mark always helps clean up the classroom

he's a teacher's pet who in your class

was a teacher's pet number five

know by heart if you know something by

heart it means you have memorized it you

can remember it easily without having to

check a reference for example we studied

that poem so much that now I know it by

heart what is something that you know by


number six goof off or goof around if

students are goofing off or goofing

around it means they are acting silly

and not being serious for example the

teacher scolded the boys who are goofing

off in the back of the classroom talk

about a time you were goofing off or you

saw someone else goofing off

number seven drop out of school to drop

out of school means to stop attending

school permanently if you just take a


but intend to go back then you are

taking a semester off or taking a year

off but when you drop out you don't go

back a person who does this can be

called a high school dropout or a

college dropout for example she had to

drop out because of some serious

financial problems now answer the

questions what are some reasons a person

might drop out of school and do you ever

think it's actually better for someone

to drop out

now that you've learned some phrases

about education let me correct a common

error that a lot of English learners

make when talking about what they

studied in college they say I am

graduated in sociology however that's

not the way native English speakers

express this idea we use graduate only

for the event of finishing high school

or college for example I graduated in

2010 he's going to graduate next year

the whole family attended her college

graduation the graduation is the

ceremony when you finish high school or

college but when talking about what you

studied we say I studied I majored in or

I have a degree in for example I

graduated in 2010 I studied sociology

I majored in Latin American literature I

have a degree in veterinary medicine

another very common problem that a lot

of students write to me about is this

Shana I can understand you but when I

listen to a conversation between other

native speakers I can't understand

anything if this describes you I have

good news this month you have the

opportunity to practice and improve your

understanding of real natural

conversations by listening to other

people speaking and not just me

espresso English is partnering with to offer a special combination

product the everyday English speaking

course with 45 lessons with practical

English phrases for daily life and a

hundred quick conversation lessons from where you'll listen to real

dialogues between different native

speakers remember the special price is

only available during the month of

September click on the link in the video

to see some sample lessons from both


hi folks welcome back this is a lecture

about the 20 most common errors that

students make in their college-level

essays now some of these errors are

easier to understand than others but

I'll try my best to make this as simple

as possible and help you save lots and

lots of points on your essays now this

list of 20 errors was compiled by Bob

Connors and Andrea Lunsford two of the

shining luminaries of the composition

world and they did a study in which they

looked at 21,000 different student

essays and compiled this list based on

the areas that were the most frequent so

I think it's a very good idea to focus

in on these and of these are really

simple and you can like I said save

yourself sometimes a whole letter grade

if not two letter grades just by

following these rules okay we'll start

in the reverse order so number 20 is the

it's in its confusion problem and this

one is very simple because you all you

have to do to see if it's going to be

it's with an apostrophe or it's without

the apostrophe and see if you can

substitute it is or it has now if you

don't have the apostrophe that shows

possession and if you do it's that

contraction so let's look at an example

of a wrong one it's not a problem that

concerns me so that you is the

possessive form you need to put the

apostrophe s because you'd say it is not

a problem that it concerns me it's a

serious problem that affects all of us

it is a serious problem so you can hear

what I'm doing there

it's been fun knowing you that's one

where it has it has been fun knowing you

so just remember if you're not sure see

if you can put the it is or it has in

there the dog buried its bone behind the

auger would you say the dog buried it is

bone or it it has bone of course not so

you don't need that ' the cat buried its

feces in the litter box again you can't

say it is or it has so there's no

apostrophe okay number 19 the misplaced

or dangling modifier now these are a

little bit a tricky

but simple enough you just whatever you

have is you're modifying element I need

to put that next to the word that it

modifies and you also need to make sure

the word is actually in the sentence if

you don't have it in there at all that's

called the dangling modifier if it's

just in the wrong place it's called a

misplaced so here's an example of the

dangling sipping margaritas , the Ducks

swam gracefully across the lake now are

these ducks kicking back with their

cocktail glasses I don't think so so

what you've done here is actually left

out whatever is sipping margaritas so we

can fix that sipping margaritas , we

watched the ducks swim gracefully across

the lake so then we put the we in so you

know who's sipping margaritas we could

also rewrite it we sipped margaritas and

watched the ducks swim gracefully across

the lake all right number 18 the fused

sentence so this is independent clauses

must be separated with a comma and a

coordinating conjunction this will be

related later on to the comma splice

what we have here though is just a fused

or a run-on and the coordinating

conjunctions that's a bit of grammar

terminology but just remember fanboys

for and nor but or yet and so

fanboys if you can memorize that list

your life will be much easier okay

here's examples of fused sentences I

were wrong

the penguin moved to Wisconsin his

friend moved to Montana so you see how

those are just fused together there

that's two separate sentences they need

something in between them so the penguin

moved to - Minnesota comma but his

friend moved to Montana so you put the

comma and the coordinating conjunction

but okay number 17 the unnecessary comma

is with a restrictive element and

there's another partner to this one but

I guess this was slightly less common as

a rule here is don't put commas around

an element that restricts or defines the

meaning of another part of the sentence

so that's the fairly technical rule but

look at these examples would be easier

so it's wrong to say we went to the

theater last night

I saw the movie , gravity , in 3d so

what we're looking at is this gravity

there and do you need to put commas

around it you don't want to put commas

around it because of the it's defining

the word movie I saw the movie gravity

in 3d if you don't put the word gravity

in there then you don't know what movie

it is so that's an example of a restrict

development you're restricting the

meaning of that word movie to just the

one called gravity okay number 16 and

this is definitely getting a trickier

but just bear with me the pronoun and

anti-santa see disagreement problem and

there's a four different rules that

governs this the first one is that

pronouns must match their antecedent and

that just means the word that they

substitute for in number case and gender

and then the second rule is that

indefinite pronouns have their own rules

so an indefinite pronoun there's many of

them but the most common most common

ones are the ones that end embody one or

thing like something everybody someone

now those are always singular and this

is the one that comes up all the time so

if you say everybody

that's a singular so you'd say everybody

is and then you would have he or she and

his or her have to go with it

almost everyone though messes up and

puts the word there for everybody and

we'll see that's a wrong okay any all

more most some and none those are

particularly tricky because they can be

either singular or plural depending on

what they go with so if I said all the

apples that's plural if I said all of

the Apple that's singular and that's

just these so it's a good idea again to

memorize those unfortunately there's no

convenient Britton acronym like fanboys

for those you just have to memorize them

okay so let's look at some examples it's

wrong to say everyone is born with their

own unique fingerprints so we can't have

their and if you're confused about this

just look at the word is remember that

is guys with singular words so it

doesn't make sense to have is and then

later on to say there

is used for more than one thing so you

just want to keep it consistent most

trick if you have this on a quiz just

look at the verb and see if it's

singular or plural and make sure that

the antecedent lines up with that

everyone is born with his or her own

unique fingerprints that's correct

but it's also a little awkward to say

his or her he or she all the time and so

easy fixes just to replace it with

something like all babies so all babies

are born with their own unique

fingerprints now if you have a compound

subject or predicate and you got the

word or in there

that's another special case so if you

have something or something you have to

make sure that the at proverbs and the

pronouns line up with whatever's closer

so let's take a look at some of these

the girls or the boy forgot their lunch

box on the bus that's wrong because boy

is closer to their hi than girls so you

wouldn't say the boy and their and say

the boy forgot his lunch box on the bus

now if you flipped it around and had the

boy or the girls then you could say

their because girls is closer and that's

their ok the last rule for this is a the

collective nouns so if you have a

collective noun that just means

something like jury team group anything

like that now if it's singular or plural

it mean it depends on whether or not

those that noun is acting as a one unit

as then the jury reached its verdict or

if you're talking about the individual

members of the group doing their own

thing in which case you'd use a plural

form so the jury has reached their

verdict is wrong because you know they

had to work together to reach just one

verdict so you'd say the jury has

reached its verdict if you had them

arguing though maybe you could say the

jury are arguing among themselves about

the case well then there you know you

have to have more than one person to

argue right so you could think about it

logically okay number 15 the missing

comma in a series now this fortunately

is very easy just remember if you have

more than

if you have a little list of items going

and you hit that third item go ahead and

put the comma there sometimes doesn't

call the serial comma or the Oxford

comma so it's wrong to say please buy

mustard mayo lettuce and pickles

so you notice how they left off the

comma after lettuce there should be

please buy mustard mayo lettuce and

pickles now you will find people to

disagree with you about this including

some teachers but you know the more

common the standard rule is to go ahead

and put the comma there it doesn't cost

anything extra to put a comma so just go

ahead and do and you'll always be

correct at least in my book and most

other English teachers alright number

fourteen the subject and verb

disagreement so remember before we had

the pronoun and antecedent agreement so

if you have the boy now that goes with

he same thing with subject and verbs if

you have the boy is or the boy are you

know that has to go with is because it's

singular so the there's number in person

to worry about here okay so it's wrong

to say the point of these lectures are

to improve your scores on essays so this

is a little problem that you run into

sometimes of the head little phrase a

little prepositional phrase it comes

between the subject and the verb so the

subject of that sentence is the point

the verb is are so you wouldn't say the

point are you'd say the point is so you

just have to bracket out or ignore that

prepositional phrase it comes in between

of these lectures and then you'll know

which one to to use all right number 13

the wrong tense or verb form so again

this is a lot there's a lot of

irregularities a lot of quirks in the

English language you just have to

memorize but in general verbs should

match the timer order indicated by the

context and to memorize and apply the

correct forms for the irregular verbs

most of the time the regular verbs you

won't have any issues it's just those

sort of exceptions that cause confusion

so it's wrong to say after you hear the

beep please recorded your message

nobody's going to say that say please

record your message the same thing with

the Stuart Hall was builded in 1932

most of us know that should actually be

was built this can be a problem if you

have learned English from a book or by

taking classes because you may not have

heard these enough just do have it

memorized so again it's worthwhile just

to refresh yourself every now and then

on the irregular verb forms okay number

twelve the sentence fragment and this is

just what it sounds like you got it

punctuated like a complete sentence but

it's not maybe it's miss on the subject

maybe it's missing a verb and maybe

you've got a conjunction starting it you

know that a conjunction connects

sentences so you can't have it starting

a sentence so it's wrong to say after I

finished my homework no no doesn't you

sound like there's something missing

there right so that should be a little

clue another reason why you should

always read your essays out loud because

you'll catch a lot of these errors that

you wouldn't if you just looked at it so

after I finish my homework take out the

after I finish my homework that's


you could also say after I finished my

homework calm up I went to bed okay

because the teacher offered bonus points

again in complete a fragment you need to

say the teacher offered bonus points or

because the teacher offer bonus points

comma I did something all right number

eleven the unnecessary shift in pronoun

now this is usually caused by lack of

proofreading more than people that don't

just don't understand the rule but

basically you don't want to switch to

you after you started off in third

person so don't start off by saying they

there and then suddenly use the word you

it's dead so here's a good example when

students are proofreading their work you

should read it aloud you know you see it

just suddenly shifted to you there it

should be when students are proofreading

their work they should read it oh wow

so you see what I'm talking about this

is some teachers will say never use you

at all in especially in a formal essay I

would say I only use it if you really do

want to talk to the reader instead of

other people on the senate's so more

than likely you're not going to want to

do that so I would agree just stay away

from the word you especially if you're

writing a formal essay

okay number 10 unnecessary shifts in

tents so this is a probably another

proofreading error maybe you go back in

and you change up a sentence or two in a

paragraph and then you don't reread the

whole paragraph to make sure that it

still works if you just put something in

and don't go back and look you probably

have this error so if you start off in

the past tense keep it in the past same

thing with all the other tenses so it's

wrong to say the snake hissed at the cat

the rat runs away in panic so you

started off and passed and then suddenly

switch to present it's looks a little

strange so you just say the snake hissed

at the rat the rat ran away in panic

okay number nine the lovely missing or

misplaced apostrophe posture fees caused

people all over the world to have a

conniption fits but it's a little

complicated but it's not that bad okay

so the general rule is you add

apostrophe s to show possession you know

if only were that simple but there are

some exceptions so if the word already

ends in s then you just put the

apostrophe at the end now if it's a name

though like Socrates then you still add

the apostrophe s Socrates's three do not

add an apostrophe to personal pronouns

so if it's something like hers you know

this is yours you don't put the

apostrophe there and so these are all

exceptions you know even the one with

the name you know some people don't like

that extra apostrophe s on their name so

if they say just put the apostrophe you

know that's sort of their choice to do

that alright number nine missing or

misplaced apostrophe examples so wrong

what is your problem so if you have you

apostrophe re that's a contraction for

you are what is you are problem that you

are problem is you've got that

apostrophe there so it should just be

what is your problem no apostrophe mr.

Jones class is going on a field trip we

need to put the apostrophe s there mr.

Jones's class is going on a field trip

all right so number eight the comma

splice this is very common error indeed

all the way up to number

rate so this is a the rule is simply do

not use a comma by itself to combine two

sentences so what's wrong to say the

elevator is broken take the stairs

sounds okay but if you listen carefully

you do need an extra word in there

something like the elevator is broken

comma so take the stairs you can also

put make two separate sentences you

could use the - lots of different ways

to fix it but you can't just have the

comma by itself alright number seven the

wrong or missing preposition now this is

another one of those rules that you just

have to memorize a list basically so

look at the has the most textbooks will

have a list of prepositions and common

errors that people make with them and

suddenly on ones that I've listed here

that I tend to see a lot of my own

students writing beside and besides so

you'd say beside if you mean by the side

of like ice I will sit beside you but

besides with an S if you mean in

addition to so I have three other

problems besides this one between use

that if you've only got two things like

let's just keep this between you and me

but you would say among if you've got

more than two so let's just keep this

among the four of us and then we have

two - wo is the number I have two apples

t oo - means also or too much I have too

much on my plate or I like you too and

then T o the preposition form is used

for everything else so here's some wrong

prepositions we promise to keep the

secret between the three of us we just

said you have to use among if you've got

more than two so that should be a ma do

you mind if I sit besides you and that

should be beside so hopefully this isn't

too tricky

all right wrong we're missing verb

ending up to number six now this again

it happens when you revise so you go

back in you change up some stuff and

earlier and you're at earlier in your

essay and you might accidentally put the

wrong verb in this in slot so for

example the painter apply the techniques

she learned in Venice should be the

painter applied the techniques she

learned in Venice so again you have to

be very mindful when you're revising to

go back and proof for you to make sure

that you haven't put the wrong verb

ending on some of your verts all right

number five the missing commas with non

restrictive elements so you might

remember the earlier error where was uh

the unnecessary comma so this is just

the opposite so you put commas around an

element if you don't need it there to

restrict or define the meaning of

another part so for example my

birthstone peridot is a yellowish green

gem so you can only have one birthstone

so it should say my birthstone comma

peridot comma is a yellowish green gem

you know same thing with anything if

it's obvious if you said something like

my oldest brother and you put his name

you would put commas around it because

you can only have one oldest brother and

so that'd be making non-restrictive if

however you have you just had my brother

and you've got three brothers well then

you need the name to know which brother

you're talking about so it's say my

brother Luke or my brother David no

commas alright number four the wrong

word again you just have to memorize a

list of these is usually you can find

these online all over the place I got a

couple that I notice a lot in student

writing Oh

allusion there with a allusion that

means you refer to something so I said

that is an allusion to Shakespeare that

then you have allusion with the eye and

that means you're in disguise so it's a

robot in disguise

okay then stationary with a a versus

stationary with the e the stationary

with a means it's fixed in place let's

say stationary antenna versus stationary

with the e which would be that

some really nice colorful stationery

that you wrote the letter on okay except

with a versus except with the e so

except is you know I accept that accept

means you're excluded so I'll take

everything except pickles alright effect

with an A versus effect with the e this

is probably the most common of all these

here so a fag means you had flew in

something so this policy will not affect

me or I was affected by your performance

then you have e it means a result and

it's a now informed so I think about the

special effects in the film so you know

that's a noun form or you could say the

effect of this policy will be that we

can no longer smoke on campus so using

it as a noun versus as an object I say

the policy does not affect you that's

using it as a verb so it's a effect a if

I say the effect of the policy that's a

noun form so you go with e little tricky

okay then we have then and then so then

with the e means time so we we will do

the homework then we will go out versus

then with a a which is a comparison so

you are taller than I am

alright so some examples

my phone was less expensive than yours

it should be my phone was less expensive

than yours this remedy had no effect on

me should be this remedy had no effect

on me okay moving along then number

three missing commas in a compound

sentence so if you have two sentences

that you combine together remember you

need two things to do that one the comma

two is the coordinating conjunction aka

the fanboys so let's look at the example

the girl likes oatmeal but her brother

prefers toast it's missing a comma so

the girl likes Haute male comma but her

brother prefers toast now if you're not

sure about this just look at the

separate parts of the sentence and see

is that a complete sentence is that a

complete sentence do you have a

coordinating conjunction one

the fanboys in between them if so you

know you need to have the comma there as

well alright number two the vague

pronoun reference now remember the

pronoun he she they everybody whatever

it is you need to make sure it's clear

to the reader what that pronoun stands

in for what is it substituting for so

usually no problem if you have he it's

you know people know to put the name

there but the thing that confuses you

most often will be a demonstrative

pronoun so these are words like this

that these and those and then the

relative pronouns who whom who's which

in that so those are the ones that are

so you're always you know double chat if

you use a word like this or which or

these go back in look again make sure

it's very clear what it goes with so

there are some examples of errors sarah

julie dakota and Wynonna arrived last

night she forgot her passport at home so

you see you got all those girls there

and you just say she is no I know the

reader has no idea who it was

so just take out she put the name there

another error the embargo shut down

shops raised inflation and bankrupted

businesses this damaged the Kings

reputation so again we have a list of

three different things and then you just

say this it's not clear which of those

items that refers to so you can correct

it by saying these events damage the

Kings reputation if you want to talk

about all of them or you could just

mention the specific one

all right then finally the most common

error of all the missing commas after

the introductory element and it is so

simple to fix if you have something that

comes in front of your main clause you

put a comma after it

anything could be one word could be a

whole clause so let's look at some

examples according to my watch it is now

six o'clock so if you listen if you read

it out loud you'll hear that there's a

little gap in between there according to

my watch it is now six o'clock so when

you hear that little gap it should be a

clue that you need to put something


in this case a comma according to my

watch comma it is now six o'clock

however I agree that you make some good

points so if again if you read it out

loud and listen you will hear that

there's a little pause so you need to

put a comma there however comma I agree

that you make some good points all right

so those are the 20 most common errors

hope this was helpful to you also keep

in mind if you didn't get some of the

jargon I have two earlier lectures on

grammar where we go over you know

defining things like clauses and phrases

and all that sort of thing but anyway if

you do have questions about this lecture

feel free to post them in the youtube

comments or back on canvas have a good


For more infomation >> Common Mistakes In English Grammar Part 2 (Solutions and Fixes For English Grammar Mistakes) - Duration: 50:25.


Le tour du monde des tourbillons - L'Esprit Sorcier - Duration: 15:34.

For more infomation >> Le tour du monde des tourbillons - L'Esprit Sorcier - Duration: 15:34.


Injustice 2 : Red Hood Análisis del Trailer // Cual es mi opinión del Personaje? - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 : Red Hood Análisis del Trailer // Cual es mi opinión del Personaje? - Duration: 5:58.


What's on My Phone + Cute Useful Apps! - Duration: 14:27.

I'm still in the process of making the English subtitles. It'll be ready later!

Hey guys! What's up?

Today I'm going to show you guys what I have on my phone

Since a lot of you guys have been asking me to make an updated What's on My Phone video, so

Here it is!

So this right here is an iPhone 7 plus

Nah, I'm just kidding. This is actually a Xiaomi Mi Max

It's pretty big. It's as big if not bigger than my face. Whoa..

This has a huge internal memory, which I think is 64 GB

and that's a lot!

and I haven't encountered any problem with this phone so far

and I'm pretty satisfied with it

And I got this case from a random online shop, I forgot what it was called

but this is just a normal jelly case and there's nothing special to it

Anyway, enough with the exterior. Let's move on to what I have inside

Okay, so the first thing you'll see when you unlock the phone is my lock screen

and it's animated and it looks really cute

and this is one of the things that I love about Xiaomi

it's because they have a lot of cute themes to choose from

So to unlock this, you'll just have to slide the eraser to the right

And voila! It's unlocked

You guys can see my really cute wallpaper here

And the cool thing about this is that it's animated, so if you click on it

The panda will smile, like this


I'll show you guys how to make this later on, but first

Let's take a look at what I have on this first page

Here I have my weather app, gallery, setting, playstore, blah blah blah... all those boring stuff

The only thing that I want to show you guys here is my lumos app down here

This is basically just a regular torch app, but

the cool thing about this is that you can turn it on by saying the spell, like this



and then you can turn it off by saying the other spell


It's really cool. It makes you feel more like a witch

So anyway, let's move on to the next page

Which is where I keep all my downloaded apps

First, let's take a look at the most boring folder, which is the office folder

Filled with calendar, explorer, music, blah blah blah... all those boring stuff

You won't want to see that

Let's just move on to the social folder

Here I have my LINE app

My Twitter

If you haven't followed me there yet, my Twitter name is "RafiRaffee"

The same as my channel name

and I have my WhatsApp

My Instagram

My Instagram username is RachelLeStrange

I'll leave all my social media links in the description box below if you guys would like to check them out

and follow me there if you'd like

and then my next app is Pinterest, YouTube Creator Studio, Facebook, Yahoo Mail

Social Blade and Instadownload

I use InstaDownload to download pictures from Instagram

Let's move on to the next folder

This is the cute folder which is where I keep all my cute stuff

Of course

Let's check out the first app which is the Cute Wallpaper app

This is the app where you can look at cute wallpapers

You don't say...

I'm currently not using any of the wallpapers here but I have used some of them in the past

Because they're very cute and I have a lot to choose from

Let's move on to the next app which is the Monogram it app

This is the app that you can use to create your own wallpaper

I'll show you guys how to make one

So first you'll just have to tap on the pattern here

you'll have to choose what pattern you want

Let's see

Let's say I choose this one

Next you'll have to choose the label

Let's just use this pink one

After that you'll just have to type the text

For example:

Let's just use this one

and let's just type: Hiei (my #1 anime crush ever)


and then you save it

and there you have it!

You have your brand new wallpaper

Which looks really sweet

Let's move on to the next app which is the LINE camera

I think most of you guys already know what this app is for

You can use it to take pictures

or to edit your pictures and take videos as well

Next we have Kaomoji which is the app that I use to copy-paste the emojis

You guys know that I love using these when I reply to your comments

So anyway, the next app is

My wallpaper app

This is my panda wallpaper which I'm currently using

I'll show you guys how to make your own animated wallpaper

This is haha

My picture. A very creepy picture.

So first you have to click on the + button here

You click on the add pictures

You choose the picture you want to add

You add more pictures

Let's add this one next

So now you save it

Click on it again

You go to MOBG and you set as wallpaper

So now let's check out what we have on our home screen

And voila!

We have our brand new animated wallpaper

So everytime you slide it, the wallpaper changes

Really cool, right?

But let's just change it back to the previous panda because I like it better that way

Let's move on to the next app, which is the Meitu app

I think you guys already know what this app is for

Let's take a new picture

I dunno about you guys, but I always look worse in my pictures. I dunno why (T▽T)

So now let's just handdrawn it

and turn my face to look more like an aline

So, we can choose the theme here

Let's just choose this one

Wow, I look a lot better before the editing (and that's saying alot lololol)

Okay. Just save it

And yeah

I hope you guys won't have any nightmare tonight

So that is all for the cute folder. Let's move on to the

More apps folder

This is full of uninteresting miscellaneous apps

I don't think you guys will want to see it

So let's just move on to the next folder

Which is the notes folder

My favourite one here is CUMO

Cumo is actually just a regular note app

but it's a lot cuter than the usual note app

Because you can change the paper

into a lot of different characters

and also... this

and this. Oh man, so cute!

Next we have the Creative Diary

[will continue the sub tomorrow. Gotta sleep now. See ya~]

For more infomation >> What's on My Phone + Cute Useful Apps! - Duration: 14:27.


ซีรีส์รุ่นพี่ Secret Love | Puppy Honey 2 'สแกนหัวใจ นายหมอหมา' | EP.7 [2/4] - Duration: 15:26.


He probably saw you with P'Night, so he left.

Why didn't I know that.

He saw you looking all happy with a new guy.

It was unlikely of him to appear in front of you.

He could only look from a far.

So P'Porsche is a history to you, right?

You don't have to answer now.

Think about it carefully.

You know the best what you want when it comes to P'Porsche

Let's sleep.

Thank you N'Emma

for talking with me like this

Thank you P'Porsche

for being warm to me like before.

If only I could choose again,

I would not come here.

If I could turn back time,

I wouldn't let you be this far from me

And I wouldn't…

break up with you.

Street Cat!

Hey, you are really Street Cat.

Is it your cat?

So cute.

His name is Street Cat.

Street Cat?

It was found on a street.

A junior girl asked me to look after him

After it was found, that girl has been posting up posters to look for its owner

But It went away a couple days ago,

It just popped up out of the blue.

Where are you going?

I won't let you go now.

Listen, Street Cat.

Where have you been?

We've been looking for you, you know?

Isn't it great to have found it again

Stay here.

Have you found the owner yet?

In that case, can I adopt it?

Street Cat.

Would you like to stay with me?

Is it okay, P'Porsche?

Can I adopt it?

Can I?


Let me have it.

I promise you that I will take the best care of it

Would you let me?





Come here, Street Cat.

Don't kick me.

Be good.

Good night, N'Kitty cat.

Good night, P'Doggy.

See you later, dude.

Thanks for coming.

Goodbye, P'Porsche.

Let's wait in the car.

Take care.

Thank you.

If it were me standing there,

you probably honk the car's horn to rush me.

Do you mean if it were you and that jerk, Din?


see you again

Well…call me when you go back to Bangkok.

I will.

If I go back there,

it's because of you.

♬ What happened between us, everyone said I was wrong. ♬

♬ For saying goodbye and hurt your feeling. ♬

♬ But nobody knows that we couldn't get along. ♬

♬ We couldn't be together just because of love and to be looked good. ♬


♬ But I know you also felt the uncomfortable situation between us. ♬

♬ I'm just the person who said goodbye first. ♬

♬ I'm okay to take all the blames for leaving you. ♬

♬ I'm sorry. ♬

I'm sorry.

that we had to break up.

I'm still confident that I can make you feel good with dogs…

no matter how hard it takes.

What is the benefit of me not being scared by dogs?

You will get to love them.

♬ But now I know I cannot keep you with me ♬

♬ I can't be with you because of love and to be looked good. ♬

♬ But I know you also felt the uncomfortable situation between us. ♬

♬ I'm just the person who said goodbye first. ♬

♬ I'm okay to take all the blames for leaving you. ♬

♬ I'm sorry for changing my heart from you. ♬

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I have made my decision.

♬ When you cannot change.♬

♬ So can't I.♬

♬ It's useless to keep the relationship.♬

Can I sit in the backseat with the cat?

♬ I'm okay to take all the blames for leaving you. ♬

♬ I'm sorry for changing my heart from you. ♬

♬ I'm okay to take all the blames without any excuses ♬

♬ even though it hurts me too. ♬

♬ I cannot stand it any longer. ♬

♬ I'm okay to take all the blames for leaving you. ♬

♬ I'm sorry for changing my heart from you. ♬

♬ I'm okay to take all the blames without any excuses ♬

♬ even though it hurts me too. ♬

♬ I cannot stand it any longer. ♬

Let me take all the blames.

What's up, pal?

What's up?

This is Emma's bag.

See you.

See you.

Take a rest, Emma.

All right

What are you looking at?

Don't kick

Do you think...

we can still get back together like before?

Your body temp is high.

Are you sick? Why don't you call me?

You can tell me what is wrong.

Don't be like this.

For more infomation >> ซีรีส์รุ่นพี่ Secret Love | Puppy Honey 2 'สแกนหัวใจ นายหมอหมา' | EP.7 [2/4] - Duration: 15:26.


Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Pocoyo em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Ovo Surpresa Gigante do Pocoyo em Português Brasil de Massinha Play Doh - Duration: 10:22.


Iron 883 Daily #04: MALOWANIE WYDECHÓW - Duration: 3:54.

I just remembered that today and tomorrow a bike bazaar takes place on Bemowo Airport.

Welcome to another daily episode.

I'd like to update you on the progress of my repair of the exhaust guard.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out one of my previous episodes.

Yesterday's daily ended a little bit too soon.

I didn't have time to record a proper ending, because I began to prepare the guard for painting and it took me a long time.

This morning I started to paint the scratched part.

I'd like to apologize in advance to anyone who is a professional painter for what you're about to see.

I'm just a newbie and I've done the job in a way I saw fit.

It's fine if you want to dislike this video for that, but I'd more appreciate some tips in regard to performing such task in the future.

So yesterday I cleaned the metal up and today I used black matt heat-resistant paint to cover the surface.

I'd like to say that the result really surprised me, as I expected something much worse.

You can see now how it looked while the paint was still drying.

The manual says that the paint needs to be exposed to heat for 30 to 60 minutes after spraying.

So right now I'm doing a little trip to heat the paint.

But I have to say that, as of now, the result is positively surprising.

I have to admit that yesterday I was googling some exhaust replacements and slip-on covers,

but I'm gonna touch on the subject in another episode.

So let's not dwell into that just yet.

I'm yet to repaint the mirror and the break lever, because I'm still not sure if I should sand the surface,

or as someone suggested in the comments, just use a brush and only paint over scratches.

I'm worried that if I begin to sand the scratches I will end up sanding the whole mirror and repainting the whole part.

So I'll think about it and you'll probably know the answer in a few days.

As you can see, I'm also testing a second camera in today's episode.

I hope it doesn't turn out to be too shaky. But I'll try to use some shots anyway.

If the video isn't going to be good enough, we'll think about placing the camera somewhere else or using some stabilizers.

That's all for today, see you all tomorrow.

It's time to stop talking and overtake this traffic jam,

because explaining something, riding and swerving between cars in traffic jams proves difficult

and I don't want to fall over again.

Thanks for being here, see you tomorrow!

Translation and synchro:

For more infomation >> Iron 883 Daily #04: MALOWANIE WYDECHÓW - Duration: 3:54.



- Excuse me, what's going on ? - I'm hosting my show

- Look, i have the official sheet ! - I know, but you gotta have some level to host this show

This is the way we do it :

- How you doing ? - Fine and you ? - Fine thanks !

We're in "Creteil Soleil" mall, metro line 8 (station : Creteil Prefecture), and we're going to eat some burgers

Called Steak 'n Shake, opened a few weeks ago here in Creteil (15mn driving from Paris).

It's a new brand in France, the first store opened a few years ago. Funny fact, they don't say hamburger but "steakburger"

Is it good or not ?

They have cheese fries, and bacon cheese fries for you !

Let's try this right now in the GET READY SHOW

Steak 'n Shake is an American casual restaurant chain founded in 1934 famous for fresh burger and fresh homemade fries

But mostly famous for their traditional Milkshakes ranked #1 by ZAGAT, THE reference of gourmet guides in the United States.

In France they opened first stores outside Paris. Now they have 2 stores in Paris suburbs, and the one in Paris' coming soon

It's gonna be awesome !! But you'll might be disappointed, your burger's very small ...

- No problem, i took large bacon cheese fries to be full ! - Yeah, here they are

- The cashier told me to take large fries & she was right ! - Yeah, seems to be enough for you !

- The tray's cool ! Looks old school ! - Take it home !

We got some forks for the fries and straws for the lemonade

- These are my cheese fries, and here is your burger ! - Very small ! The bun looks funny

- Damn .. the steak's small ! - Yeah it's thick as a subway ticket

I'm now giving you the full control of my channel, introduce us this burger

The bun is weird, the top is a brioche bun and the bottom i don't even know. But i love it, i wanna cuddle it !

Inside we have 2 very thin steaks, french emmental cheese, and mushrooms

Let's start with the fries !

We can see potato peelings on the fries so we know they're homemade !

The lemonade is a bit too sweet but delicious !

Their fries differs from regular fries in random fast-foods. They're very thin, and i like it !

Sorry but i can't wait !! First time i can eat without having to hold my camera for my vlogs !

I think it's a brioche bun ! Very tasty tho !

- It differs from buns we usually ... - ... Eat ? - Exactly ! Thanks

- No more need to talk ! - We use telepathy

- The emmental's good, it changes from cheddar cheese we usually have in burgers

- I didn't bite yet in the mushrooms. The texture is good thanks to the bun.

We have two small steaks, equivalent of a regular one

- You're used to eat a lot, you ain't disappointed ?

- It's like a simple for me. With 4 thin steaks it would be a double. But i'm not disappointed, it's good for my shape

I really like this burger, the only bad point is the size. I think imma be still hungry after eating the burger and the fries.

- Is the taste different from random burgers ? - No ! Simple but good. I wasn't expecting something crazy !

The texture of the bun makes the difference tho !

So ! I have a big box !! It's a large cheddar cheese fries box, pretty heavy, looks tasty

- I hope the box is full of cheddar ! - No, i think it's only above. They pour it on the fries

- You'll have fries without cheese in the bottom of the box, unless you stir

- The cheddar is good but it seems to be a cheddar sauce like in any US restaurant in Paris

- But it might be homemade !

- It's some good melted cheddar - I don't think it's some quality aged cheddar.

- It's some basic cheddar for fast-food restaurants, but it's alright for us we love anything that is food

- That's true !! And we can't eat cleanly ! Look, i have some cheddar stuck on my lips !

- I took the signature steakburger. So there's one big steak, bigger than yours.

- It's not a regular cheeseburger but an upgraded one ! It's a bit more expensive tho

- It's a brioche bun that crumbles quickly. Your bun was looking better !

- You have a better steak and i have a better bun !

- We have inside this burger : ketchup, pickles, mayonnaise, onions, a thick fresh steak (straight from the butcher ?), cheese, lettuce and tomato

- All the regular ingredients for a cheeseburger

- First bite and impression : The steak is very tasty ! - Mine was not that tasty !

- That might be the difference between your burger and mine. The signature style might be about the steak

- Just take a bite and tell me about the taste !

- So ? - Yeah it doesn't taste the same as my burger !

- Okay, now we know that signature burgers have thicker steaks that taste better and are fresh and juicy !

- People in the comment section will say "eeeew they ate the same burger !!!" .. LOL

- I'm gonna sanitize my mouth with some lemonade !

- I'm a bit disappointed. I was expecting something crazy cuz it's the signature burger and the most expensive one

- Maybe a custom cheeseburger - Yeah something innovative in it !

- Exactly ! But unfortunately the only differences with a regular cheeseburger is the steak and the size .. But it's good !

- Are you full with your small burger and your fries ? - If i want to be reasonable, yes

- But you ain't full ? - Nope !

- I don't want to break the myth that says i eat a lot !

- I'm happy cuz i saw plenty of bad comments about Steak n Shake on google and i didn't want you to know

- I wouldn't have come !

- But honestly it's not that bad !

- Let's finish our fries and lemonades to do the review in a few minutes in the GET READY SHOUW

- GET READY SHOUW !! Lmao !! - Haha it's the new name of the show ! *joke*

- Famous for steakburgers - What does it mean in French ?

*translating in French*

- So ! What do you think of Steak n Shake ? - I was surprised but it was good !

- I wasn't expecting a fast-food ! I thought it was a restaurant with waiters !

- AND WAITRESSES !! - We love waitresses !

- It's an alternative to other fast-foods ! With quality products ! I liked it !

- Just for info, Steak 'n Shake is the 10th most loved fast-food in the US !

- And for the first time, FIVE GUYS is number one ! In-N-Out is no more # 1 !

- Some Americans are mad on twitter about 5 GUYS n°1 ! It's a war between the east and the west coast !


- Let's talk about prices : we paid 25€. Your burger cost 7€95, 2€60 for the bacon cheese fries, 2€50 for the lemonade

- 8€45 for my signature burger (the most expensive one), 2€ the cheese fries, 2€50 for my lemonade, total : 25€

- Do you think it's expensive ? Cuz i think it's affordable, the only bad point is that there's no meal. You have to order the burger, fries and drink separately !

- It's way cheaper than FIVE GUYS !!! - For sure !

- Always compare to the most expensive, to get the impression that it's cheap !

- Don't forget that we took large fries ! So that's why it's a bit expensive !

- You took the most expensive burger (8€45) it's still cheaper than FIVE GUYS where the burger costs at least 10€

- Fries and drink separately, no meal

- Let's rate Steak 'n Shake ! I'm giving 8/10 for the burger, it was good !

- The fries : i was disappointed cuz at the end they were hard, dry and there was no more cheddar.

- They were good at the beginning, but so-so at the end, that's why i'm giving 6/10 for the fries

- I had no problem with the fries, good from the start to the end

- Can i give decimal points ? - Yeah if you want

- 8,4/10 for the burger !

- How much for the fries ? - 7,8/10 !

- So it's 20/20? - Yeah .. no.. euh wait .. 20/40 - Ah yeah you right

- Wait no ! ........ - Anyway, we'll see later !

- Shame on us !! ahahah

- Would you recommend Steak 'n Shake ? - Yeah for sure !

- The first store in Paris is coming ! It will be at "Reamur Sébastopol" station (line 3 & 4)

- They're hiring for this store ! - They're looking for a manager, this job's for you !

- The store will open end of June 2017 !

- To sum up, we recommend Steak 'n Shake !

- If you have US places or things to suggest me :

- You can find Florian on all his social networks !

- Crash the thumbs up if you liked this episode, it's very important for me !

- Share, comment, subscribe and ring the bell !

- Tell us in the comment section below if you prefer regular fries or cheese fries ! I answer to everyone !

- Also tell us if you want more videos with Florian in the season 2 of the GRS !

- Hope you liked the video ! - Personally i loved doing it !

- I'll watch it in repeat mode ! I love watching videos where i'm a guest !

- Go subscribe to Florian's YT channel ! He now has more than 200k subscribers ! Congrats buddy ! - Thanks !

See you next Monday, 12p (EST) 11a (c) 9a (PST) Have a great week !

- Florian's a superstar ! We were shooting the video and here's a fan ! Hello Victor !

- Subscribe to my channel Victor !! Don't forget to subscribe !

For more infomation >> STEAK 'N SHAKE REVIEW /w FLORIAN ONAIR ! - GET READY SHOW #32 - Duration: 13:01.


NO studio G tonight - Duration: 0:43.

HEY TRIPPSTERS okay just a quick little

update for you so that you guys know up

ahead of time, there is not going to be

an inside studio G this Monday, not okay

because it is Memorial Day weekend so

Garth is taking off Monday in honor of

Memorial Day so I just want to let you

guys know that Monday let's see what

this video should be airing on Monday

the 29th 2017 there will be no inside

studio G in honor of Memorial Day that

is going to do it for now

this is ICEPETS Queen and I am tripping


For more infomation >> NO studio G tonight - Duration: 0:43.



For more infomation >> LUYỆN VIẾT TIẾNG HÀN TRUNG CẤP CÂU 53 TOPIK 2 쓰기 [BÀI 6]MẸO VIẾT TOPIK - Duration: 18:24.


Le TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Le TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) - Duration: 5:00.


FIRST DAILY VLOG IN SEOUL | Chillin' in Garosugil 🌙 - Duration: 5:56.


today as you can see

I decided to do my vlogs in french

because it's way easier

and because those vlogs are

for my friends and my family so

cause they asked for it actually so yeah

today I go out

I'll go see a friend

we just gonna take a coffee and chill

maybe I'll go out tonight (no I won't lol)

I'll try to film everything

last time I tried and I

but... I forgot to vlog lol, just did my intro

yeah I'm stupid

hope you like my subs lololol

so see you later <3

okay it's so f*cking hot

still hot

I'll go take the sub

and Sinsa I'm coming

I'm with my friend *hi lol*

we'll just chill

we are at El cube by Lotte

so we just gonna do some shopping basically

and then... we'll eat ?


*very cringy*

we found a very nice place to sit in gentle monster

there's like NO ONE HERE

last floor

we can here my hiccup

best food


bon appetit <3

hello, just got home, soooo tired

hope you liked it ! was my first vlog please be gentle ! I ain't Joan kim

please subscribe, put a thumbs up blablabla

I'll put my twitter insta and snapchat in the describtion box

+ the instagram of my friend

have a great day

and I'll see you soon, bye <3

*I'll just put some music over it lol*

For more infomation >> FIRST DAILY VLOG IN SEOUL | Chillin' in Garosugil 🌙 - Duration: 5:56.


Bebé Elsa Vs Llorando bebé Pernicioso W / Bebé hombre araña, Rapunzel, Vampiro, Vampiro bebé - Duration: 10:37.

For more infomation >> Bebé Elsa Vs Llorando bebé Pernicioso W / Bebé hombre araña, Rapunzel, Vampiro, Vampiro bebé - Duration: 10:37.


ซีรีส์รุ่นพี่ Secret Love | Puppy Honey 2 'สแกนหัวใจ นายหมอหมา' | EP.7 [1/4] - Duration: 13:44.

When you are with me alone, you don't have to keep your cool.

What if I get back to my ex?

Street Cat.

Promise me that you come on Saturday.

Hey, Porsche.


You are doing good, right?

Not bad.

This place is kinda nice

It's not bad.

It's quiet.

Bangkok is chaotic.

I know you don't like it

If I were you, I would choose to be here too

I guess

I'm sorry that I can't be with you

like I said I would

It's okay.

I know you have done your best.

It's my fault…

for choosing to be here.

No, it is not.

Don't be serious.

Perhaps, what you chose…

is already the right choice.

It may suit you better.

I'm doing fine in Bangkok.

I'm okay now.


can finally stop thinking about you.


You have to start over.

for something that is better for you

Like I'm going to do.

It's over between us.

Try to forget about it.

I don't think I can forget you.

We shouldn't have broken up.

Or we shouldn't have started it from the beginning

Friend, where are you now?

I'm already in my room.

What? Why don't you wait for me?

I told you I walked you home.

It's dangerous to walk home alone.

Never mind about me.

I'm safe and sound here.

Nothing happens.

Why are you so stubborn?

All right, then.

Have a good rest.

You too.


Come to think of it,

it's been a while since we talked like this.


I miss those days

We were always together.

What about now?

We are both busy.

No, I'm always free.

Are you saying that it's just me?


I'm sorry.

Though we hardly talk like before,

but I do love you the same.

I know

I love you always.

Go say that to P'Pick

So, what's the deal with you and him?


, nothing special.

I'm upset by him from time to time.

He doesn't admit that he likes me.

He doesn't want to confirm the status between me and him

So, it's not official yet.

That day will come.

P'Pick is a manly person.

He may find it's hard to be lovey dovey with another man.

I hope I will get to hear it from him one day

I wish you all the best.

By the way,

let's talk about you.

What's going on between you and P'Night?

I was about to ask earlier at the uni.

Nothing much.

He just asked me out.


Keep it down.


He's an okay person.

In fact, he's the reason I got better this fast after breaking up with P'Porsche.

So, you and P'Porsche would never get back together?

I guess.

See? Even you are not sure.

Here's the thing.

Between both of them, who would you pick?

P'Porsche and P'Night?

Why do you ask?

I want to know so I know how should I act between you and them.

You know something?

P'Pick is trying to rekindle your relationship with P'Porsche

I know

Yeah, that's why we try to bring you here

Why doesn't P'Porsche go to see me in Bangkok?

Actually he did go to see you there.


Go back and think about it again.

You know the best what you want when it comes to P'Porsche.

If only I could choose again,

I would not come here.

For more infomation >> ซีรีส์รุ่นพี่ Secret Love | Puppy Honey 2 'สแกนหัวใจ นายหมอหมา' | EP.7 [1/4] - Duration: 13:44.


NieR:Automata #16 - Fanserwis [Napisy PL] [18+] - Duration: 47:54.

For more infomation >> NieR:Automata #16 - Fanserwis [Napisy PL] [18+] - Duration: 47:54.


WILL vs. SHALL - What's the Difference? - Basic English Grammar - Duration: 10:27.

'Will' and 'shall' are two of the most challenging words in

English, even for native speakers.

But in this lesson, I will show you how to use

these two words correctly, and avoid making common

mistakes with them.

So let's begin.

Welcome back.

Before we start, as always, if you have

any questions at all, just ask me in the comments

section below, and I will talk to you there.

Now, in this lesson, I will teach you

the two important rules for using 'will' and 'shall'

correctly, and we will discuss how to use them in

questions to make requests, offers, and suggestions.

There is a final quiz at the end to test your


OK, so how do you use 'will' and 'shall' correctly?

Well, here's the short answer.

In modern English, 'shall' has

become uncommon.

That means, most people just don't use


In fact, in American English, 'shall' is very

rarely used – it's mainly found in some types of

questions, but we shall discuss them later in this


So for now, if you are not sure about the rules,

just use 'will'.

It's perfectly OK to use 'will' in

all statements – no problem.

But I'm sure you are watching this video because you want

to know the proper grammatical rules for 'will'

and 'shall', so let's talk about those now.

There are two sets of rules for using 'will' and 'shall'.

I call these the 'normal future' and the 'strong


Let's talk about the normal future first.

This is when we express a plan, an

expectation, or a prediction.

The grammar rule says that if the subject of the sentence

is 'I' or 'We', then 'shall' should be used.

Here are some examples: "I shall wait for

you at the train station."

and "We shall not go to the museum if we don't have


You see here that we're using 'shall' because

the subjects are 'I' and 'We'.

In English, 'I' and 'We' are known as the first


If the subject is the second person – 'You' or the third

person – 'He', 'She', 'It', 'They' etc. then 'will'

should be used.

Here are some examples: "You will find the

flash drive in the locker.", "The match will not take

place on October 7th."

Instead of 'The match', you can also say 'It will not

take place'.

And finally, "All employees will receive

fire safety training every two years."

Here, you can say 'They' instead of 'All


Now these sentences on the screen are called the normal

future or plain future because they're normal

sentences, and there's no emotion attached to them.

But sometimes, we want to express

a strong emotion about the future – it could be a

promise, a command, determination or duty.

We call this the strong future.

The grammar rule is that for the strong future, we reverse

'will' and 'shall'.

So now, we're going to use 'will'

with the first person: 'I' and 'We', and 'shall' with

the second and third person.

Take this sentence for example: "I will get an A on

this exam.

I promise!"

Compare this to the previous sentence: "I shall wait for

you at the train station."

There's no emotion there – it's just a simple future


But when I say "I will get an A on this

exam" you can tell that I'm showing strong determination.

So this is the strong future and we use 'will'.

Here's another example: "We will

not tolerate smoking inside the building!"

You see that this is a warning, and it's a

strong warning, so we use 'will'.

These are first-person subjects.

With second- and third-person subjects we use


For example, "You shall finish your homework

before you go out to play."

What type of sentence is this?

It's a command or order.

You can imagine a mother saying this to her


The next example is "The wedding shall not take


Compare this to the previous sentence: "The match

will not take place on October 7th."


Maybe because of weather conditions

or other scheduling problems.

But the strong future sentence is very different.

When I say "The wedding shall not take place."

I'm saying I won't allow the wedding to

take place.

I will stop the wedding.

Of course, I have no reason to stop anybody's

wedding but you can see how there is a lot of emotion or

feeling in this sentence.

Here's one last example: "All employees shall wear

safety gloves when handling hazardous chemicals."

This is a rule – and it's a strict

rule that must be obeyed by all employees.

That's why use 'shall'.

Now, for all pronouns, that is 'I', 'You',

'We', 'They', 'He', 'She', and 'It', you can shorten

both 'will' and 'shall' and say "I'll", "You'll", "We'll"


'Will not' shortens to "won't".

'Shall not' can be shortened to "shan't" but

that form is not really used in modern English.

OK let's now move on and talk about

using 'will' and 'shall' in questions.

There are three types of questions that are important

for us in this lesson.

Have a look at these examples.

What's the difference between them?

Well, the first – "Can you get me a glass of water?"

is a request.

That is, I want you to do something for me.

The second – "Can I get you a drink?" is an offer – I'm

offering to do something for you.

And the third – "Why don't we have pizza tonight?"

is a suggestion.

These are all perfectly natural


But you can also make these sentences using

'will' or 'shall'.

The rule is that for requests, you need to use


You have to say "Will you get me a glass of water?"

You cannot say "Shall you get me a glass of water?"

To make offers or suggestions, you

need to use 'shall'.

So "Shall I get you a drink?" is

correct, but "Will I get you a drink?" is wrong.

In the same way, "Shall we have

pizza tonight?" is correct, but "Will we have pizza

tonight?" is wrong.

Remember, I told you in the beginning that if you are

confused between 'will' and 'shall', you can just use

'will' in statements?

That is true, but in questions, for

offers and suggestions, you can never use 'will'.

Keep that in mind.

Alright, if you're ready, let's now do a

quiz to see if you can use 'will' and 'shall' correctly.

On the screen, there are ten sentences.

In each sentence, I want you to choose the

correct word.

Use the conjugation chart to decide

your answers.

Stop the video now, work out your answers,

then play the video again and check.

Alright, let's discuss the answers.

Number one is "I shall bring my kids along

when I come next time."

This is just the normal future, so

'shall' is correct.

Number two – "You will receive an

email confirmation with your order details within 24


Number three – "Shall I open the window?"

This is an offer, so we use 'shall'.

Number four – "The tenant shall pay the rent to the

landlord on or before the fifth day of the month."

We use 'shall' because this is

the strong future – it's a very strict clause in a


And the subject is in the third person – 'The


'Tenant' means someone who rents a home or

an office.

And the landlord is the owner of the place.

This kind of complicated sentence using 'shall' is

very common in contracts and other legal documents.

Alright, number five is "My parents will be staying with

us for a couple of weeks."

This sentence expresses a future arrangement, so it's

just the regular future.

Number six – "You shall not stay up after 10.

Do you understand?"

'Stay up' means to stay awake.

So this sounds like a parent telling his or

her child to go to bed before 10 o' clock.

It's a command, so it's the strong future,

and we use 'shall' for the second person – 'you'.

Number seven – "Will you please be quiet for a


This is a request and for requests, we use


Number eight – "I will never forget all the

help you gave me."

This is a strong, emotional statement.

It's a promise.

For that reason, we use 'will' with

the first person – 'I'.

Number nine is also the strong future – "We will

ensure that every customer walks away satisfied."

It shows determination, and is

an expression of duty.

So 'will' is correct here.

And number ten – "Shall we go to

the movies?"

We use 'shall' because it's a suggestion.

Alright, how many answers did you get right?

Let me know in the comments section below.

I'd like to say thanks to Yoel Armas Macías.

There was an error in my old lesson on

'will' and 'shall' where I mistakenly clubbed the

second-person 'you' together with the first-person, and

Yoel very kindly pointed it out – that error has been

corrected in this lesson, so thank you, Yoel.

OK, click the subscribe button to get

more free English lessons, and until next time, happy


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