Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

Hi! This is Greg from

and in this video I want

to speak to you about 5 very funny

false friends between Spanish and

English. So let's go...

Right, I'm English but I've lived in Spain

for 8 years. When I went to Spain I

had a very low level of Spanish and now

I speak it fluently. I've also taught

English to Spanish speakers for about 15

years. But in this video I want to talk

about 5 of the funniest false

friends between the two languages. Before

I start, if you want to win 5

conversation classes via Skype with then just

SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel. I will

select one winner from my subscribers to

win these 5 conversation classes with

native teachers, so just click subscribe

or click the link in the description. So, first,

what is a false friend? Well, a false

friend is a word in a foreign language

that looks similar to a word in your

language but actually it means something

different. For example "sensible". You know

the word sensible exists in English and

you know it's written exactly the same

as 'sensible' in Spanish but it doesn't

mean 'sensible' OK? It means 'sensato'.

So that is a false friend. Now let's have

a look at 5 funny false friends

between the two that I have experienced

in my life. Number 1: I remember in my

first year living in Spain there was a

very sweet little cute girl who was

trying her best to speak English to make

me feel at home because my level of

Spanish wasn't great at the time. It was

spring, the flowers were coming out on

the trees, it was a nice sunny day,

everything was perfect! But then, she said

to me "Oh I'm sorry,

at this time of the year I'm always

constipated!" ...Too much information!! What

she thought she was saying was 'siempre

estoy constipada en la primavera', but

what she actually said was 'siempre estoy


en la primavera'. It was a difficult

situation I'm going to be honest with

you. I didn't really know what to say.

What she wanted to say was 'I'm always

bunged up' or 'I always have a cold' at

this time of the year. False friend

number 2: I went scuba diving last week.

My friend John in Mexico also went scuba

diving last week! Wow, what a wonderful

"casualty!" ...Oh no!!! Is everything okay?

"Casualty" is not the right word here. If

you have a casualty you have a very

serious injury... or death! So saying that

it's a wonderful casualty is not the

appropriate thing to say. It would be

like saying, "Wow, vaya accidente maravilloso". Now, what you wanted to say was

"Wow, what a wonderful coincidence!"

Coincidence means 'casualidad'.

Number 3... and it's a big one!

A Spanish girl once said to me, "Ah, sorry,

I can't drink alcohol at the moment

because I'm embarrassed" And I thought,

'what are you embarrassed about? Don't be


don't be ashamed'. Of course, embarrassed

is not embarazada.

It actually works better in reverse. So

let's take the example of my dad -

true story - who went to a restaurant in

Spain once. Now, it was one of those

restaurants where you put your food on

your plate and you have you take it to

your table, and my dad tripped and his

food fell on the floor everywhere. And my

dad said to the waitress in his best... my

dad doesn't speak very good Spanish but

he speaks a little bit of Spanish... and he

said to the waitress in his fantastic


"Ah, ah, lo siento mucho pero mi comida

esta el techo, estoy muy embarazada".

Yeah, he also confused 'techo' and 'suelo'! Oh man!

False friend number 4, and this is

another one which is best if we look at

it in reverse, because I once went to a

Spanish friend's house for breakfast and

their mother had made jam... very delicious!

So I had jam on my toast and I said

to the mother, "Está muy rica la mermelada.

¿Lleva algún preservativo dentro?"

Awkward!!! Because

'preservative' in English means 'conservativo' [conservante]

in Spanish. It was another

difficult moment. If you're watching and

you're not familiar with Spanish, what I

actually asked was if there was any

condoms in the jam. And finally number

5 is one that I've heard a lot from

Spanish speakers, and it always makes me

feel a little bit awkward again. So I go

to a bar in Santiago to watch the

football on the television, but when I

arrive the waiter - nice man - he puts his

arm on my shoulder and he says, "Oh, I am

very sorry but the bar is closing.

Sorry for molesting you!!" Molesting me??

I'm sorry but you didn't 'molest' me.

Of course, what he wanted to say was

'disculpa las molestias, que el bar',

cierra ya'. But actually, what he did say was,

'Sorry for molesting you'... This is like,

'sorry for sexually harassing you' / touch

an inappropriate, sexual way! What

he should have said it was, "I'm sorry for

the inconvenience."

So hey, false friends are there to make

language learning fun! You will make

mistakes that are a bit embarrassing but it


matter. If you are able to laugh at your

own mistakes then just enjoy them! It's

all part of language learning and

sometimes you are so embarrassed that

you are never going to make that mistake


Or, "a veces estás tan embarazada que nunca más

volverás a hacer este error'. Alright,

remember to subscribe to my YouTube

channel if you want your chance to win 5

conversation classes via Skype with

All you have to do is SUBSCRIBE, so do it


Alright, thanks for watching and I'll see

you soon... Bye for now!

For more infomation >> 5 Funny False Friends between English and Spanish! 😂 - Duration: 7:51.


Learn Programming Without Tutorials? - Duration: 7:19.

Hey, what's up?

John Sonmez here from

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that link.

Today, I got a question about learning without tutorials.

This question is from Etienne.

Etienne, maybe, and he says, "There is this GitHub repo I'm trying to contribute to.

The thing is that they've got their own framework derived from OpenTK.

Since it's a private framework, no documentation or tutorial is available online.

How would you recommend going about learning the framework or anything else without documentation



It seems like I get this question a lot.

How do you learn a framework or something without documentation available?

This is the basic thing that I would recommend, especially if you're working on this GitHub

repo, is that first of all, go and find their bug database and go and fix bugs.

Fix bugs using in that framework.

That's the best way to get familiar with it.

You're going to be debugging through that which is start-off by trying to fix bugs in

that GitHub repo.

What you're going to do is while you go through that process, you're going to be debugging

through and you're going to be learning how that framework works.

Look for simple bugs, you know, little UI things that you can fix that you can trace

back through the framework.

The second thing, I would say, is that start developing small little features.

They don't even have to go into the actual repo, but just add some stuff for you.

Add something like look for something similar and duplicate that.

I talked about before that if there's like a form field on the UI, you could create another

form or another field and you could create that and you'd have an example.

When I first started programming, the way that I actually learned how to program, the

way I learned how to program in C, was—I'll date myself a little bit here, but there was

this program.

In fact, it was open source and there was no documentation.

It was called a MUD, a multi-user dungeon.

I downloaded the source, the Diku source, for those of you that are MUD buffs that are

as old as I am.

I downloaded that source code and I ran it on a server, and I made modifications to it,

but I didn't know what I was doing.

I didn't even understand programming, right?

You've got a big advantage over me.

What I did understand was that there is a skill called kick, that you could type kick

and it would cause your character to do—to perform the kick skill.

What I didn't know was that I could copy that kick skill and I can make Kick 2 or round

house, or whatever it was.

I can't remember at the time, but I made my own skill.

All I did was I looked for all the places in the source code that had that kick skill

and I saw, "Oh, look.

There's some table here.

Some lookup table where I have to add an entry here for my new skill."

I added my new skills entry there and I found all the places in the code that that kick

skill was implemented.

There was this lookup table and then there was a file called like Kick.C that had implemented

some functionality for Kick.

I duplicated that and I made slight changes to it.

I increased the damage on mine.

I almost did a complete duplication of that original skill, but by doing that, I learned

all the places that I had to modify in order to create a new skill.

Now, look what I have the knowledge of.

I knew that—that was a custom framework.

There was no documentation on it, but now I had the knowledge of that framework because

now I knew what it took to add a new skill, how the framework handled that.

I added a skill that was different than Kick, that operated differently but was somewhat


I tested it and I could say, "Okay, I need to add something to this table.

I need to do that."

That's how I learned the Diku source code, the framework there for that MUD.

I did that with a lot of other things.

I did that with adding items, inventory of items.

I did that with the character stats.

I added a new character stat and I saw all the places that that was calculated and used.

That taught me the framework.

Same thing here with this GitHub project.

Go and add stuff that's similar to something that already exist.

Don't try to add something totally brand new, but look for as much similarities and then

that's going to teach you to framework better than anything else because you're going to

have to actually use that framework and you're going to see examples of that actually being

used in working and you can lean on that.

That's going to teach you.

Once you do that enough times, it's like I went to the—I actually have a video on this

where I went to the Van Gogh Museum.

One of the things that Van Gogh did as an artist was—and a lot of artists do this

is they copy great works of art.

They copied other artists like stroke for stroke as close as they possibly could.

By doing that, they then develop the skill to create their own unique stuff.

It's the same exact thing that you're trying to do here, is you need to copy what's already

existing, and some people do this.

In fact, copyrighters do this.

There is this good copyrighting course called CopyHour where copyrighting is writing advertised

as marketing material.

What they do is they copy great advertisements.

They don't make their own.

They just copy them word for word.

They're write it out in hand.

Hand-write all the stuff out and then once they have that ability, once they understand

"the framework" because everything has a framework, then they can improvise.

Then they can innovate, then they can create their own works of art, then they can create

their own marketing and copyrighting, then they can create their own frameworks or expand

on the framework or utilize the framework.

That's what you got to do.

That's what's going to help you the most rather than just you just pour through the code and

through the non-documentation but read the comments in the code.

It's not going to help.

You need to actually be building, doing something.

Start with copying.

Start with really, really simple and then, eventually, you're going to get that ability

to actually be able to innovate and to understand how it fundamentally works.

Then like I did with the MUD, add your own skill.

At first, it's going to be very similar to what's already existing, but then you'll understand

how the framework is working and you'll be able to add something that is not necessarily

as similar.

All right.

If you like this video, if you haven't subscribed already, I don't know what you're doing,

click that Subscribe button below.

I'd love to have you as part of the Simple Programmer community.

It's a great community that we have here.

Thank you all for your support.

If you have a question for me, you can always email me at and

I will talk to you next time.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Learn Programming Without Tutorials? - Duration: 7:19.


DISCOVER AND HEAL YOUR ANIMAL OF POWER. Workshop with Ana Hatun Sonqo. - Duration: 1:23:16.

For more infomation >> DISCOVER AND HEAL YOUR ANIMAL OF POWER. Workshop with Ana Hatun Sonqo. - Duration: 1:23:16.


BEST FRIEND TAG with my little sister | Ana & Pedro Rivas (Spanish with subtitles) - Duration: 6:08.

hello how're you

welcome to a new video, another week

today i'm here with Ana

my little sister

today we're gonna play

we're gonna do the tag

best friend tag

tag del mejor amigo

we're siblings but we're

also friends, right?

high five

very good

we're gonna ask questions

like..what's your favorite color?

and i have to write on here

ana's fav color

and ana has to write there my

favorite color

if you get it right

you get a point, otherwise

you get nothing

easy question first

favorite color

i think i know yours

and me

let's show it


yes my fav color

is pink

and mine is blue

next question is

what's your favorite food

(strawberries and soup)


what did you say?

cream or soup

ana cream is one of my least

favorite foods

and soup?

i like soup

but it's not my favorite food

your fav food is strawberries?


what is it?


what is

your favorite song

i'm gonna write the title in spanish

i dont know how to write it in english

yes mine is stitches

and mine

it can be stitches too, yes

very good

and i know what you did last summer?


what's your fav activity or sport?

skating / football

football and you?



is dancing a sport?

dancing is a sport, of course

then it's not skating


point for you, no point for me

what's your favorite animal

dog / dog or turtle

dog or turtle

yours is dog


it changed

what is it?

you did not know it

i'm gonna give you a point anyway

what is it?



i have dogs and bunnies

i'll give you a point

and you?

mine is dog

how's our belly button?

innie or outie?

uh i dont know


me neither

let's try

innie both


mine too

well done

what a question

what's your fav thing

to watch on tv

let's see

i have some doubts

but i'm gonna try


i said tinkerbell

i dont know mine

but it's not tinkerbell


what is it then?

my little pony i think

rafa nadal (tennis)

or football

rafa nadal is tennis

you got ittt

i'm winning

you have 4 points

and i

have 6


what is

your least favorite food

mom told me this

all the brothers dislike this food

you don't like...


i have never tried it

what did you say?


you don't like fish

it depends

but i'll give it to you

do you like pumpkin?

i have never tried it

i dont know

what are you afraid of?

everybody's afraid of this


i said bugs



you're not afraid of bugs?

no, and are you afraid of terrorists?

i am afraid of


wait you're not afraid of bugs

or spiders


everybody's afraid of


that's cheating

it's not

you could've said it too

what's your fav piece of clothing

football kits

very good

elsa costume?


how not?!

what's your fav then?

sevillana dress

oh its true

where do you wanna live

when you're older

you're already old

and you live in madrid

do you wanna live in Madrid?

no idea

but yes

me too

one point each

what language do you love

the most?

is english your fav language?


what is it?


you dont like galego?

yes i like all the languages

but my fav is


i like speaking english but

my favorite

is spanish too


your fav mcdonalds order?

is it nuggets?



what it is?

ice cream cone



mine is McFlurry

so you did not get it either

what's the place in vigo

that you like the most?

where you love going the most

is it this one?

(bicycle circuit)


how? what is it?

no idea but

it's not that one

is it this one?

yes, i think it's th beach

my favorite

i won

by only..


6 point difference

6 points more than



pedro had

i have 5 points

and i have


high five

if you liked the video

hit the like button

a big thumbs up

and you can subscribe

thanks for watching

see you soon


For more infomation >> BEST FRIEND TAG with my little sister | Ana & Pedro Rivas (Spanish with subtitles) - Duration: 6:08.


Turn a Closet Into a Stylish Home Office - HGTV - Duration: 3:07.

NARRATOR: As it stands, this workspace that's placed

in a closet just doesn't work.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve

to transform this space into a functional and foxy work zone.

I love the idea of using a closet as a home office.

It's a great place to get things done

because you're facing inward.

No distractions.

This closet already had some elements of an office,

like this desk surface, at 20 inches, which is a great depth,

since that's optimal distance from your computer

to your eyes.

It's also got a gap between the wal and the desk,

which will allow us to drop the computer cord down

to connect to the power strip.

More on that in a sec.

First things first, we're going to clear everything out

so we can make room for some updates.

When you're reworking a closet office,

take everything out, and only put back what you need.

As you purge, take note of things you want to keep,

and any additional storage pieces

you might need to buy or DIY to keep things tidy.

Priming the walls and repainting this back wall

into a less cave-like raspberry color

is going to change everything.

This color is going to invigorate the workspace

and create the perfect contrast for the shelves.

I'm adding a peg board zone on the left

to create vertical storage, to get stuff up off the desk,

maximizing this tiny 3 inch area.

Peg board has all sorts of hooks and baskets

that come pre-sized to fit, and can

hold an amazing array of stuff.

This closet doesn't have an outlet in it,

which is kind of a problem.

But you can run a long surge protector

strip from the nearest outlet.

That lamp was a total space killer.

An LED light throws plenty of light into the work zone,

and it doesn't use much energy.

Now I'm going to use beautiful paper--

three different kinds, actually-- to pretty things

up in here.

Now of the accent wall is dry, we're hanging shelves.

The first shelf needs to leave room for the computer monitor.

From there, I'm going up 8 inches

to leave room for small things.

I wrap the the center in a metal contact paper

that mimics brass.

I'm papering the wood desk surface with some fine wrapping

paper from the craft store.

I've ripped it up into pieces to paper mache' it to the surface.

Finding a pretty modern chair on a budget is no small task,

so I updated a chair with some fine wrapping paper

by simply coating the chair in craft glue.

Than I papered and trimmed, and made a second coat

afterward to seal it.

It makes a huge statement.

This paperwork's great because it's got a random pattern,

and it's nice and thick.

Also, it comes in just about the right shape and size.

To finish off this work zone right,

I'm dropping the printer onto its shelf,

and adding a few storage boxes.

I started with basic white boxes,

and covered them in fabric to add some serious style.

I'm tucking in some wood magazine

file boxes up high to create a funky paper storage spot,

and I'm rolling a file cabinet under the desktop to deal

with work papers and bills.

There you have it.

From cave-like chaos to super sleek office space,

all in a closet.

For more infomation >> Turn a Closet Into a Stylish Home Office - HGTV - Duration: 3:07.


Palavrões em Cantonês feat Lucas Falando - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Palavrões em Cantonês feat Lucas Falando - Duration: 6:53.


Quem é a pessoa mais importante da sua vida? - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Quem é a pessoa mais importante da sua vida? - Duration: 2:19.


IT'S OVER NINECROISSANT! MiniVlog-Speedpaint - Duration: 7:11.

HEYA my ketchupfantastic friends!

Toooday we're going to talk about something that happens a lot

In online-drawing-world....Well,not only there,in

the online world

It happens usually in pre-teen/teen drawings

Thanks to God

you MAYBE have luck and you don't know about this

but a TON of people

get's mad doing new characters

Aaand im not talking about do so many characters.

I think that's not bad

I have a ton of characters

and it's not bad have a ton of them or

just have 3-4.The point is

that I was talking with a friend (hey buddy! :D Im still waiting for the 25$)

(yeah,that's a pun! :D)


Well,the fact is that

he asked me about him character (the green little crazy lady)

and if I saw something like her

She haves some details (cool stuff for cool girls)

aaaaand We started to talk about those...

CERTAIN characters that you can see in

Deviantart (DA) and related websites (like Furaffinity)

If you don't Know what DA it is and you have been living

under a rock the last 20 years...

CONGRATS! Now phones haves internet!

(YEAAAAH) Deviantart is

a website where you can upload your art stuff What's the point about this?

Welll,Deviantart its...

like the "start point"

I think it's a

"good" place to start in this world

because you can find

a little bit of all.Good stuff aaaand not

specially good.And when you dominates it

it's a good moment to move to another website

without get mad :'D

Well,the point is that the friend's character

is a female cat-girl,you know,a furry

but her skin is goo-made,not like our skin

.You know,we have flesh and some bones (except me,because im a tomato)

This cool girls haves a...well...

"genocide past",but she regrets about what she did (She asked for a happy meal in a Burguer king)

And the poit is that she is goo-made

but almost all the goo characters that you will see

can shift their shape(shapeshift)

and become cool stuff (usually big boobs stuff)

buuuuuttt this girl

(and this is what I think is cool) can't do that

She oly can change her fur and make it grows

Dont think about strange kinks

She only makes it grows and looks like a normal kitty girl

(I didn't ask about so much details,I was busy thinking draw those cool characters)

AAAAAAND my friend asked

If I see before something like she

aaaaaand That's the point.Exactly like she...nope,I didn't

Usually people

get's mad with those characters

and do all what they want and can.

There is a ton of characters that are


(Kingdom hearts saga),maybe you know who is he.

He is like...

"the cool gouy of the higschool" that dont have problems with kick some asses

He is awesome,and you can play with him

(in KH: Chain of memories -GBA- )


Sora is the opposite of Riku in story-game

he is veeery dumb (Come on,you know that he is not very smart)

but he is more powerful than Riku

Not the sharpest tool in the shed

but have good things

and that's is why he is a credible character

.So much people thinks

that a good-credible character

is a character that MUST HAVE

a SUPER SAD story.All drama


Drama Doesn't make our lifes more interesting

Our past can define who we are

but our present and what we choice is more important!

The point is that this video

its a little thougth about

those stuff,and I had some

characters like that (DRAMA AND OVERPOWEEER),but I changed them

...but i do whateverIwant because YOLO

But it's interesting

see how those characters with limits looks better

.As example,the green little-lady

have limits

She is very dangerous

but she knows that she can't kill everyone!

(that's not GTA!).But well,if you're interested

about do characters more credible,

You can use the Roleplay-games system (YEY!)

and choose some traits

Let's imagine that we want

do a swimmer character

like in that anime (OMG,SO ORIGINAL BRUH)

and we want do it related to this swimm worl-stuff

IT'S EASY BUDDIES,pick your trusted-dices,so a trait list

And rock and roll (that means roll dices)

It's obvious that this wont make you a perfect character

it will be random (That's the point)

There is another way

Pick some points (like 10-12)

and some traits (strong,intelligence,agility)

related to character (and what he is supposed to do)

and assign those points

in a 1-10 scale

This will make that your character

become good in some traits,but not in all

He-she can be good in intelligence and strong

but bad in luck and agility (you know,only me is purrrrfect)

It's an interesting way to make characters

and it's used in some videogames (like S.P.E.C.I.A.L. in Fallout)

that allows us make some characters

related to the world and better than usual,but not

a GOD.YOu can play with the points

and experiment to check that this is a cool way

to create characters :D

This makes an easy way to create balanced creations

that aren't OP

Nobody is full-better than other one!

and that's the reason this makes characters credible...and about stories...

Well, maybe im not the most indicated to talk about

"sad stories dont sells"

.We can talk abput ONE PIECE.In this manga-anime,everyone

in the story

show us


Wanna an example? Here I go! Since Luffy Crazy Legs decides

start the journey he founds

Crazy swords Ronoa Zoro.He will be killed and him best

friend died when he was young.They found Sanji Crazy legs later

Sanji friends drowned

and the guy that saved him lost a leg

Later we find Ussup-Ussuf-Ussop-SOMETHING BIG-NOSE-GUY

and nobody believes what he says.

Tony Chopper (thaat deer thing)

it's a blue-nose deer

that other deers hates...and he haves a milf-gf

that it's half skelleton

and loves do BDSM with him (?)

And we have Robin!

she is crazy f***

nobody loves her

and Luffy dont let her left the crew.Oh,and Ussououououp again! They want abandon the Going Merry!

Oh...and Franky,I dunno what the hells happens

with him,but im sure it's related

to him tumors on arms

IIIII know that this drama and sadness makes it a good Manga-anime

and that's Why I stopped to watch it

It's aaaalways the same!

new arc Story: new stuff with

ALL DRAMA,more exploration and sad people,

and more OP bosses and random battles



and another sad buddy for th crew (AND ONLY

SOMETIMES) the story

starts again.More arcs

more drama...etc All of us haves -or had- a drama in our lifes

but FOR GODS SAKE,not all your life can be a drama!

If not,im sure you have commit suicide

long time ago...

Back to reality and summarizing:

Wich is the message of this derp video?

as a old-wise-philosopher said ton of time ago

(and I cant remember him name) : "Virtue is the happy medium between two...

BOOBS"...or something like that.

So,if you're interestes in create characters,DON'T


and if you want,keep o mind

that nobody is perfect

and make him not so good on something

-insert here a sexy sound-

(That's me!) Hey,this is the end of this videoblog!

Thanks to Lily for lend me

those cool characters for the speedpaint

Thanks a lot to Blazs too

for let me him green-tiny-kitty

and thanks too to Camera operator!

he is hidden! (and she says "Hi")

So,this is the end aaaand

I will try to solve my rubik cube those seconds

and leave here some cools things :D

For more infomation >> IT'S OVER NINECROISSANT! MiniVlog-Speedpaint - Duration: 7:11.


Mercedes-AMG GT C Roadster review - Duration: 10:08.

We're pest control, the Flevopolder division.

That's why you have to pay 1 euro extra this year, so I can catch bugs in the AMG GTC all year.

It works great.

You may have noticed the logo is extra big in order to catch more insects.

I think this is a really cool machine. The red top is fun. Little red riding.

The top is available in beige and black too to match the various paint colors.

This is the flat silver color.

Really great.

This is the AMG GTC. I have a video explaining the differences between the normal GT, GTS, and GTC.

I'll give a short summary.

The AMG GT is the base model with 469 hp. The AMG GTR, the "daddy", is the most powerful one.

The AMG GTS was released alongside the AMG GT. The Roadster is the GTC.

A coupe version may be built, which will be in between the GTS and GTR.

It will have more hp than the GTS, but less than the GTR.

549 hp and 680 Nm (502 lb ft) torque.

This engine has been downsized, but it's still a big engine. It's a 4.0 with 2 turbos. Amazing.

This means it does 0-100 kph (62 mph) in 3.7 seconds. The top speed is 316 kph (196 mph).

This is a very fast machine, but you can drive it relaxed as well.

Touring top down with my buddy, Martijn the cameraman. That's nice.

We borrowed this car from Stern AMG Performance Center. That means we can't do epic drifts.

This car still needs a new owner. The value increases when Autoblog drove it.

That's why we have to behave, but I can hit the gas.

This is a nicely balanced car. The GTC has the GTR's dynamic rear-axle steering.

This means that the wheels steer along and the track width is bigger too.

This is a very nice machine.

It has much grip up front and you can accelerate out of corners on torque.

It doesn't drift like mad, but pushes really well.

This is cool. If you walk this way and shoot its butt... Not my butt.

So wide. It looks great. AMG did that very well.

It's different from the GTS. That one doesn't have these. This makes it look tougher.

With AMG, the person who assembled the engine gets to sign it. Fabian... Rau, I think.

I hope he payed more attention at the technical classes than at handwriting class.

You'd think the engine sits underneath, but it doesn't.

We tested it, so we can fix it again. Ta-da.

It comes off. Now you see how far behind the front axle the engine sits.

It doesn't have a rigid axle. The line runs here.

The engine starts here, so the entire engine sits behind the front axle, making it a mid-engine.

That's good for the weight distribution and handling. It's fantastic.

It's a hot-V, which means that the 2 turbos sit inside the 'V' of the V8.

These are the cylinder banks and the turbos sit in between.

It'll be warmer there. That's why car manufacturers prefer to put the turbos somewhere else.

However, the whole package is nice.

Martijn pointed out that the route from turbo to intercooler is only this long.

It's an air-water intercooler. There's a thing up front too.

The air has but a short way to flow, which means a better throttle response.

I think this is art.

You don't have all this when you buy a Tesla.

It sounds brilliant too.

AMG, it's approved. Autoblog stamp of approval.

It sounds brilliant. The GTC has an AMG Performance exhaust with variable valves.

Depending on the mode... It has Intelligent, Comfort, Sport, Sport Plus, and Race.

Race is only available on a GTC, not on a normal GT. It has a rougher suspension.

There's also a button to open the exhaust valves manually.

Guess what button I push first thing in this kind of cars. That one.

The technology is nice, pretty materials, different alloys aluminum...

Magnesium was used as well because it's even lighter and stiffer.

That's good for the handling. It steers very well.

The Roadster did get extra reinforcing beams, but it's a stiff body. I have no complaints.

We at Autoblog don't like weak things.

Fun things: AMG Performance seats are available with an Airscarf nowadays.

That's convenient for the ladies and gents with long hair.

If you're in a hurry in the morning and have to go to work fast, I'd choose the AMG GTC Roadster.

It's often the fastest car in the family, but how will your hair dry with the top down?

The Airscarf is a blowdryer that blows your hair dry.

It wasn't made to do that. It warms your neck during the Dutch winters,

but I think it'll dry your hair too.

Rivalry is a thing. AMG attacks the 911 with this car.

It too comes in different varieties that don't differ much and are difficult to tell apart.

AMG did the same with the GT, GTS, GTC, and GTR.

That's the hierarchy. Don't forget.

They get tougher, but are very similar as well.

There's one for everyone. The prices do differ.

The normal GT Roadster is 175,000 euros. I could be off by a couple of 1,000 euros.

This GTC Roadster is 225,000 euros because the CO2 emissions are higher.

We get to do an extra donation to the tax authority in the Netherlands. Isn't that great?

Isn't it good to know that your money will be used for great projects in The Hague or somewhere else?

Cool winding roads are built to enjoy, or other great things.

That's a thing. This car is better than a 911.

It has a larger frontal area with a bigger Mercedes logo to catch pests with.

The 911 is slanted and therefore less effective.

Thanks to Stern Auto Amsterdam Zuidoost

Subtitles - Maru's Text Support

For more infomation >> Mercedes-AMG GT C Roadster review - Duration: 10:08.


How to Build a Cotton Candy Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:03.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> How to Build a Cotton Candy Cake | Food Network - Duration: 1:03.



Good morning to those of you who've just woken up, at 11.30am

You gotta be kidding me, waking up this late

11.30am, I say that because you know that

Every Monday, 11.30am, we have this video in which

We discuss things, have a chat

I say this also because every Thursday we have the Adventures of the Kingdom of God on Earth

11.30 am

But, if you have actually just woken up

I wanna tell you you're a lazybones

11.30 is not the time to wake up, men of God don't wake up at 11.30am

I really like Hudson Taylor

He was a missionary in China in the 18th Century

He preached the Gospel in China for 51 years

"In 30 years" back then he'd been in China for 30 or 40 years

"the Sun's never caught me asleep"

I can't say much because the Sun catches me asleep many times

Nearly everyday, actually

Because when I woke up today, at 5.30am, the Sun was already there

Up and shining, the Sun's been up early here these days

But 11.30am is not appropriate to wake up, mate, it isn't

I know my videos are out at 11.30am and I love that you watch it

But you gotta wake up earlier

You gotta inspire yourself to live more of a real life

You can't sleep this much, you can't

Are you gonna spend your whole life sleeping? Sleep when you're dead, mate

If you believe that we're gonna sleep when we're dead, because I don't

If God appreciated sleep, He would be sleeping

But He isn't sleeping

There's no sleep in Heaven

There isn't even night in Heave, oh Praise God

That's why Jesus created coffee

What I wanted to tell you today is

This is a very special video because this Wednesday I'm going to Africa

For the second time, I'm going to preach the gospel

I'm going to Zimbabwe, I'm meeting our brothers from Zimbabwe

We'll be preaching the gospel to them

We will be helping the saints

Equipping the church

To build up the Church in Jesus Christ

For us to save souls

And the Kingdom come

And Jesus be glorified

So I'm going to Africa

And I can't guarantee you that I'll be able to film and upload videos there

So I ask you to follow me on Instagram

Because it's easier on Instagram

I can keep like a journal there

So, follow me on Instagram

Thank you, thank you very much

But what I really wanna talk about today iiiiisss

One of the messages I receive the most from young people is

"Luca, what should I do if I'm on fire but no one else around me is?"

"What should I do if I love Jesus but my friends don't?"

"What should I do?"

Let me tell you, mate, let me give you some advice

If you've found out the Truth

Try and take as many people towards the Truth

If no one wants to come, go on your own

Because, one day, it will be you and Him

Facing one another

Him, seating on the Throne, and you facing the Throne

And, unfortunately, your friends won't be there

It's a shame, they could have come with you, mate

They could have been on fire

They could have loved Jesus and given themselves for this Truth, 100%

They could have been consumed by the Gospel

But they chose not to

They chose not to, they were satisfied with goosebumps

They were satisfied with hearing about God's promises

They were satisfied with raising their hands and saying "Hallelujah" every Sunday

They were satisfied with being blessed, you know

They were satisfied with a better job

They were satisfied with a good house

They were satisfied with the blessings, with His Hands

But they could never seek His Heart

But you sought the Heart

And, one day, standing before the Throne

You will either regret the things you did, or the things you didn't do

You will regret having done something, or having not done it

So, take my friendly advice

If no one else is on fire, burn on your own

And I'm not talking about not having communion

On your own, you're a member

In fellowship, you're a body

And a body does a lot more than a single member

A body can reach further than a member

So, I'm not telling you to walk alone

What I'm saying is that your surrender should not be based on

What people around you are surrendering

If you want to, and you can, and you wish to

Go on your own

Mate, one day, Mary, a 15-years-old girl, went to Jesus

Broke the alabaster jar on Him

And annointed Him

The disciples themselves looked at her

And said "Are you crazy, mate?"

Jesus' own disciples

The ones walking with Him

They said "Mate, you could have sold that and given to the poor"

It would be one hell of a surrender, giving it to the poor

But, what? She wanted to go deeper, she wanted more

And there will come a time in which your surrender will embarass people around you

Your surrender will be confusing to what they believe of the Gospel

They're gonna tell you "You needn't fast this much"

"You needn't pray this much"

"You needn't give yourself this much"

"You needn't give your own stuff"

"You needn't do this much"

"You needn't endure this much"

Mate, this is normal, even from my family

They come to me and "mate, you're losing too much weight"

Not my dad, he's more surrendered

But, other people, it's not that they're not Christians, and don't believe in God

But there are moments in which your surrender

It becomes something that people can't comprehend

And if you don't have people to come with you, go alone

If you don't have people to burn like that, burn on your own

Now, don't let, don't let

People around you convince you to lower your surrender

So, if you feel deep in your heart, that you can go further

You can surrender more

You're feeling this calling inside of you

If you're feeling this heat, this fire, this calling from God

To wake up earlier, to stop going out

To quit staying up until 2am on the phone with your girlfriend to pray

If you're feeling that you should read more of the Bible

Dude, go all in

And if you have no one to come with you, go on your own

Mate, 6 years ago, 6 years ago

This that you're seeing in Brazil now wasn't happening

6 years ago, when I started going around, there were very few young people

Very few young people burning for God

I remember I only knew 1 guy, Gil

He's still in Piracicaba, a man of God

He was my refugee, when I got around the region of Piracicaba, I'd call him to go to the Mount

And we'd go out 3am, mate, raining

To seek God, to burn, because we wanted God

If you're from around Piracicaba, I'm gonna leave his Instagram down hre

They're there in a House of Prayer, seeking God

If you have no one to seek God with, get in touch with Gil, mate

Men who love God

But, if you really don't have anyone to come with you, go alone

And don't worry if people get offended on account of your surrender

You're not here to please man, you're here to please God

And, as long as you're pleasing God, OK

Go deeper, burn more

If your friend don't wanna evangelise with you, evangelise alone

If your friends don't wanna pray with you, pray alone

If your friends don't wanna fast with you, fast alone

If your friends don't wanna read the Bible with you, read alone

One day Paul wrote to Timothy, he said "Timothy"

"Fan into flame the Gift of God which is in you" [2 Tim 1:6]

There is a flame inside of you placed there by God

And it's not the responsibility of your friends to fan it

It wasn't Paul's responsibility to fan it

It's not my responsibility

There's is only one person responsible for your flame, and it's you, mate

Having no one to burn with you isn't an excuse not to burn

Having no one to serve God with you isn't an excuse

'Cos maybe now you have friends, but God needs you somewhere else, a dry land

A dead place, and what then, with whom are you gonna dig?

On whom are you gonna depend, to burn?

On whom are you gonna depend, to love God?

If you don't do it on your own

You can only take people as far as you have been

So, if you wanna raise a generation that loves God above all things

Love God above all things

Regardless of what others say or do

Go for it, God bless you

See see see'ya.

For more infomation >> COMO AMAR JESUS QUANDO MEUS AMIGOS NÃO AMAM - Duration: 7:09.


VENOM SOLO-FILM: Schurke, Anti-Held oder doch ein Superheld?! - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> VENOM SOLO-FILM: Schurke, Anti-Held oder doch ein Superheld?! - Duration: 5:14.


Episodio #1180 Ayudame a ayudar - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Episodio #1180 Ayudame a ayudar - Duration: 4:43.


shake that - Duration: 0:11.

Two to the one from the one to the three.

Here's a little lesson in trickery!

Three to the one from the one to the three.

This is going down in history!

For more infomation >> shake that - Duration: 0:11.


SpongeBob vs. TMNT Acapella Theme Song #ReadAlong | Nick - Duration: 1:38.

Are you ready, kids?

Aye, aye, captain!

I can't hear you.

Aye, aye, captain!


Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

SpongeBob SquarePants.

SpongeBob SquarePants!

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he.

SpongeBob SquarePants.

If nautical nonsense be something you wish,

SpongeBob SquarePants.

Then drop on the deck, and flop like a fish.

SpongeBob SquarePants.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Heroes in a half-shell.

Turtle power!

Here we go, it's a lean, green ninja team.

On the scene, cool teens doing ninja things.

So extreme, out the sewer like laser beams.

Get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings.

Can't stop these radical dudes.

The secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from

the shadows to make their move.

The good guys win, and the bad guys lose.



Ooh, all right, Team Sponge, let's see what you can do.

Are you ready?


Who lives in a pineapple under the--

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Absorbent and yellow and porous is he--

Mutant Ninja Turtles.

If nautical nonsense be something you wish--

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

--then drop on the deck, and flop like a fish.

SpongeBob SquarePants.

Heroes in a half-shell.

Turtle power!

For more infomation >> SpongeBob vs. TMNT Acapella Theme Song #ReadAlong | Nick - Duration: 1:38.


Attitude fest 2017 aftermovie | SCY (english subs) - Duration: 5:57.

That so much fun, right? ( with weird amsterdam accent)

Hi everyone, hii

We are on Attitude fest today .. and

My name is Scy, and this is Danae

And we are the flying keeps in the... dungeon

And look who I found this time

eyyy ( it's Maikel, former member of Renegate )

In the meanwhile it got kinda crowded here at the hairdye section

Here they are busy rinsing the hairdye out

What color did you get?

Purple, purple

Everyone is waiting in line

It is..... Dionne

These are the meet & Greets

oh well,, I will probably not ever meet her, but it's okey,

Still cool to have seen her in real life for once

We just saw all the presentations of the nominated mr. & miss Alternative

-hell yea- 2017

And now we are going to wait for the outcome


They do have very nice food

but we need that with this amount of degrees in heath outside

- exactly that -

Today it's something like -30- 32 degrees in celsius outside at least I think

I'm so happy I'm flying keep in the dungeon the whole day

- Well, I am not, I'm flying around everywhere this whole day T_T

It's Attitude

Aw he hears me

I'm way to awkward for videos

someone who really deserves this price, this title

And I would say....

The man with the most musles

You can walk a little to the front

Indeed, Lazar

And first I am going to hug him


Pretty in green

Mr. & miss Alternative

fenomenal, awesome! Really! I didn't expect this!

Oooh these are cute!

chokers and patches


- Yes they're still here

Hi! I'm don't really talk alot, I'm bad at talking, sorry

It's okey

Anyways, this was the video, because I have to get back to work

It is so much fun around here, so I totaly recommend to come to Attitude fest next year

And, for now I say: Bye.. see you next week!

See you later

For more infomation >> Attitude fest 2017 aftermovie | SCY (english subs) - Duration: 5:57.


Finding Inner Peace with Archangel Michael - Duration: 11:17.

Finding Inner Peace with Archangel Michael

TZ here; As we move forward on our journey towards the goal of peace on earth we become

more and more aware of the necessity of our finding and establishing that PEACE within


Each step that we take in the right direction in the anchoring of peace in our daily lives

~ could be something as simple as deciding to never again raise our voice in anger ~ we

find that the Divine ~ Source ~ One takes literally millions of steps towards us.

The following discussion is from a recent episode of An Hour with An Angel link below;

�SB: Lord, you say a little help from your friends.

There is this equation between the steps that we take and the Divine response.

Is there not?

AAM: It is exponential.

You know, there is this thing that we are always talking about, this quality called

free will.

So we do not interfere.

And think of this as Divine Source One.

So we allow you, and you allow you and we assist you for every little step you take.

And so yes, say you take a step forward � now for you it is going to feel substantial � and

we want it, we desire it.

Not expectation, desire.

We want you to take that step, to know the Divine Authority of taking that step.

But say you take a step and it is a foot long.

The Divine comes millions of miles toward you.

It is that big.�

Archangel Michael literally infuses us with His Peace while we listen to this radio show

and so I can warmly recommend listening to the show for anyone who desires to �download�

some extra peace at this time of great change.

You can be sure that AM will know that you are listening in.

The Lightworkers and Love holders on Gaia are anchoring peace on Gaia now and one way

that we can be a part of this is by building truly harmonious relationships, especially

with those who are close to us.

Michael says,

�Now, what you are doing is you are anchoring peace.

And we know this is a difficult conversation but you will also note we are having more

expansive, difficult conversations of late.

So let me say what you are doing is you are anchoring the peace, the knowingness, the

truth of who you are in that substantial, natural self in physicality, not so you can

leave, but so that you can stay.

Those who are not anchoring the divine qualities, who are literally saying �No, thanks.

I�m not interested� can�t stay.

They will not have enough substantiality, materiality, wisdom to hold the vibration

to be able to physically exist on Nova Earth.

So this is a very important part of what you are doing.

And what we are doing with you and even as I am speaking, I anchor this blossom of peace,

this granite of love within you.

AM: Do you feel it?

SB: I certainly feel peaceful.

That�s for sure.

AM: Then I am doing my job.

SB: (laughing) Wow!

God knows how many thousands of people you�re affecting right now.

AM: This is my joy.

When all is done, when peace within you exhibits on the outside, which is not just no war but

truly harmonious relationships and ways of being and behavior, then I will invite you

to come and listen to our music.

(2) More importantly you will hear our music and you will see me painting the sky.

(Archangel Michael told us 4-5 years ago that it is He who paints the so called Northern

Lights or Aurora Borealis)


Archangel Michael has important things to remind us of right now as we grow closer to

change on Gaia.

We all have intentions, deeply held beliefs and thoughts about where we would like to

be, what we would like to experience in our lives beyond the veil.

He points out that this �setting of our intention� is the beginning of the conjoining

process of creating � where sacred partnership begins.

Recently Divine Mother also asked us to continue dreaming and co-creating the new with Her

and when Steve Beckow asked Archangel Michael �How do we do this?� in our morning meditation?

How do we work with this Divine process?�

Michael�s answer is very clear and noteworthy now for all Lightworkers and all Love holders

on this planet.

Archangel Michael warns us that we seem to have a habit of putting the work of global

meditations or intentions or projects before our own needs and the needs of our close relationships

right now, He says;

�and this is a flashing yellow caution light for Lightworkers and Love-holders.�

�So please heed what I have to say.

Global intentions, collective intentions are beautiful and sacred and holy and when you

come together in global intention miracles happen.

We have seen this.

And you will certainly see more of it.

But do not ever think, feel or believe, my family and friends, that somehow global intentions

are more important, more valid, more worthy than the personal whispers of your heart.

That is why I have started today by talking about the peace within you and the anchoring

of that �truly knowing� within you.

So, when you are setting intentions, we do recommend every morning.

There needs to be time.

And if you think you do not have the time, you are deceiving yourself, you are fooling

yourself and you are robbing yourself.

You take the time, whether it is an hour or ten minutes or five minutes, to set your intention,

not only for the planet and the galaxy and the universe, your family, but also for your

sweet self � for your day, for what you are working on��.

And then we would love to see you take action and to again express intention at a mid-point

in your day� and you would say, you know, at twelve o�clock or one o�clock or two

o�clock or whatever the middle of your day is, take a few moments, not only to visit

with us, not only to visit with your intentions � to check in.

How is it going?

But to check in with your sacred self, because sometimes there is need for a little reset

or an expansion.

When you go to the middle of the day and reset, it gives you a chance to expand what just

happened, so that the rest of your day is not simply in time out or not being fully

present and aware, but expanding that energy of that intention � of being seen, of having

harmonious conversations, of being a team player.

��. And then at the end of the day, and particularly � we will take �thank you�

whenever we get it � but particularly at the end of the day.�

Sacred Self = Natural Self = Truth of Who You Are.

Michael suggests that we allow ourselves a space without electronic equipment at the

end of the day.

�And it is important, dear ones, to turn off your electronic computers etc. from time

to time to really be in the silence and the still point and the spaciousness � to really

feel the energy waves, particularly the Mother�s Tsunami � so that you can differentiate

what is the collective, what is yours, what is ours, without any other interference.�

�But back to (getting back to the discussion about the natural/sacred self) the natural

self, you take action � can I make it this simple: that is pleasing, that is joyful,

that is pleasurable, that is fulfilling to you.

And in that, it is because of that alignment, it is pleasurable, and enjoyable and loving

and kind to everyone.

That is how peace outside, without, occurs.

It is you expressing that peace, that true knowing.

So you don�t do things for yourself that you know are harmful.

You don�t attach or reattach to old patterns or paradigms of behavior that you know are

going to hurt.

It is not that the knowing and the wisdom isn�t there, it is.

And it is already ignited in you.

It may not have been 10 years ago, but it most certainly is now.

So when you do something, when you feel that you are in step, when you reattach even for

a moment and you know � that�s not me, I�m not behaving like who I truly am � then


That is why we suggest that reset during the middle of the day.

And when you misstep, do not just apologize to the person that you may or may not have

offended, or to us or to Source.

Apologize to your sacred self and then with clear determination, not just determination,

clear � the clarity of the Mother, continue on.�


We all long for that feeling of peace within and around us.

Peace begins like everything else does from within.

About a week ago Steve Beckow wrote how surprised he was to have had a strong experience of

peace and how it was a feeling of being extremely heavy like stone � granite and not in the

least an airy � fairy feeling of being lighter than normal.

Yes, Archangel Michael agreed that that is what Peace / Divine Love feels like.

It feels like granite, a substantial feeling, a grounded feeling, very earthly.

This is the way that we will experience part of our ascension journey � we will all experience

this granite like grounded feeling of peace within as we are ascending IN these physical


Michael says;

AAM: �This day, this night, this afternoon, I have given you � I have activated peace

within you.

Receive it, sweet ones.

I do this on behalf of our beloved Sacred Divine Mother.

And, I do this on behalf of each of you.

Treasure this and allow this granite to blossom.

Go with peace and go with my Love.


Archangel Michael on AHWAA: Peace is Love

For more infomation >> Finding Inner Peace with Archangel Michael - Duration: 11:17.


Unboxing ATees Hobbies actual projects may 2017 - RC GENERAL - RCTutos #216 - Duration: 6:07.

Hello everyone Welcome on

Today we are back for an unboxing from our partner ATees Hobbies

let's open this together

So today we receive some stuff about our different running projects

we have classical stickers and the bill of the order

Team Raffee and BOOM Racing stickers

you have stickers of the brands you ordered

So we ordered a set of BOOM Racing screwdrivers

let's open it to see better

you have the screwdrivers packed in a wallet

very nice, you can grab the screwdrivers with you in good order

there is a color code for the different screwdrivers

You have metric and USA sizes

it's about 30€

they are nice and we needed to renew the tools

we also receive parts for a project I showed you, a SCX10

it will be used to show bodyshells

we receive some small parts

for this chassis we receive a motor mount

this was missing

here for the LC70 killerbody we receive a body mount

it exists 2 sorts of this mount, a low and a high

depends of the code part, your body will be higher or lower on the chassis

we choose the lowest ones

So here for the SCX10 LC70 project

Here for the Tank, we receive 2 pinions

it was asked M1 pinions with a 5mm axle hole

we will need adapters to install them on combos

So here for the tank

here for the decoration, still don't know how to use it but it was cheap

it's a neon light, we have here pink and orange

it will be used on future projects

Still for the RC Tank, we grab a LED bar from Team Raffee

this is a new product, it's a 15 LED bar

it exists in 10 12 18 LED

it's average 10€

very interesting because it's in metal

it's solid, you can install them on crawlers

it will not break at the first roll

the bar is also articulated so you can lighten where you want to see

So here for the Tank project

we also have for the tank 2 motors from Snow Panther

we choosed 60T

to have a tank with more torque than speed

on Thingiverse they advice some 35T

but it goes to 25kmh, we don't need this speed

it's an exploration tank

so we choosed 2 60T motors

to go with, we already won an ESC at a contest on TheLEDwheel Facebook group

So we choosed the same, a 1060 ESC from Hobbywing

you already saw it in a lot of our videos

we use them in our scales

there is also a dragbrake but we just need front rear

the steering on a tank is with the 2 levers

you turn right or left

one lever forward one lever reverse

we also showed you last time the tracks items for drift tracks, from Team Raffee

we needed shorter ones and some extremities

we received here the extremities, half rounds

you connect them on the items

we choosed some short and long turns

to be modular

we choosed extremities to finish, and short straight

to be more precise for the track

here the same in red

and here we have a GT Power LED kit

it's a flash led kit we will use in the LC70

we will use the classical mode of the kit, lights ON

front and rear lights

we needed a not expensive LED kit

it's less than 15€ so interesting

you will find all the links in our website dedicated blog

So next step is the mount of all this on the Tank and LC70

it's in paint now

coming soon a video on the tracks items from Team Raffee and BOOM Racing

So thanks for watching

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