Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 5, 2017

Waching daily May 29 2017

I'm Jill Bearup and this episode of BrightSci

is about the Lady Gaga of the

caterpillar world. Have you ever heard of

the gum leaf skeletoniser? If you live

in its native Australia or New Zealand

then maybe you have, but seeing as

statistically speaking most of you are


maybe not. It's a kind of moth and as

it's incredibly metal name suggests

- We're Gum Leaf Skeletonizer, but we might

change our name - the larvae's collective

appetite for gum trees is pretty

formidable. Uraba lugens larvae are

odd 'uns

by caterpillar standards. I mean they've

been nicknamed both unicorn caterpillars

and Mad Hatterpillars. And why the Alice

in Wonderland pun, you ask? Because the

caterpillar after the fourth molt or so

when it sheds its exoskeleton doesn't

get rid of the head part like it does

the rest. Nope, it just stays attached and

since the caterpillars can molt up to 13

times before they spin themselves

cocoons the gum leaf skeletoniser

caterpillar can end up with quite a

collection of little - well I hesitate to

call them skulls but the invertebrate

exoskeletal equivalent - kinda stuck to

their heads in a sort of horn formation

Come on look at that headgear and tell

me Lady Gaga isn't making notes for her next

Super Bowl performance. Why do they do

this? Well research by Petah Low at the

University of Sydney suggests that they

use their quasi-hat horns to fend off

attacks. Also that the horn confuses

predators leading them to attack the

horn rather than the caterpillar's

vulnerable body. And both of these things

mean that in an encounter with a

predator it takes longer for the

caterpillar to be killed.

Petah Low also performed an experiment

where she put 600 of these caterpillars

in groups of ten onto different

gum tree leaves. One set of groups all had

their horns removed; one set of groups

all had their horns intact; and the third

group had a mix of both. After eight days

the survival rate for the caterpillars

across all groups was about one in six

because it's a hard life out there, and

it turned out that groups of

caterpillars who all had head shells

didn't perform significantly better than

groups of caterpillars who didn't. But in a

mixed group the caterpillars with horns

were twice as likely to survive. So the

lesson we can take here is that if

you're more fabulous than your neighbor

you're more likely to live. Regardless of

the evolutionary reasoning for it, you

rock on with your crown of skulls uraba

lugens. Other caterpillars wish they were as

cool as you.

For more infomation >> What's A Mad Hatterpillar? | BrightSci - Duration: 2:25.


The Handmaid's Tale 1x06 Promo "A Woman's Place" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:28.

For more infomation >> The Handmaid's Tale 1x06 Promo "A Woman's Place" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:28.


The Handmaid's Tale 1x05 Promo "Faithful" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> The Handmaid's Tale 1x05 Promo "Faithful" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:19.


Travis Greene - You Waited - 3B4JOY Cover - Duration: 5:44.

You came out of your way

You sat down to speak to me

What amazing grace

You've shown, so patiently

And You, You waited for me

Just for me

You called out my name

Knew my past, covered my shame.

This amazing grace

You've shown - so patiently You've shown - so patiently

And You, You waited for me

Just for me, Oh..You

You waited for me

Just for me, for me

Where would I be If you left me down

You waited....waited

Where would I be. If you left me down.

Where would I be. If you left



This amazing grace. You've shown, so patiently

For more infomation >> Travis Greene - You Waited - 3B4JOY Cover - Duration: 5:44.


Beyond the X Files Aliens, Underground Bases for the 'Elite' and the New - Duration: 24:25.

Beyond the X-Files Aliens, Underground Bases for the 'Elite' and the New

Phil Schneider, a very brave man, has lost his life due to what appeared to be a military-style

execution in January 1996. He was found dead in his apartment with piano wire still wrapped

around his neck.

According to some sources, he had been brutally tortured repeated before being killed. Phil

Schneider was an ex-government engineer who was involved in building underground bases.

He was one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys and

U.S. intelligence and military forces at Dulce underground base.

In May 1995, Phil Schneider did a lecture on what he had discovered. Seven months later

he was tortured and killed by those for whom he had previously worked. This man�s final

acts should not go unnoticed.

�It is because of the horrendous structure of the federal government that I feel directly

imperiled *not* to tell anybody about this material. How long I will be able to do this

is anybody�s guess.

�However, I would like to mention that this talk is going to be broken up into four main

topics. Each of these topics will have some bearing on what you people are involved in,

whether you are patriots or not.

�I want you to know that these United States are a beautiful place. I have gone to more

than 70 countries, and I cannot remember any country that has the beauty, as well as the

magnificence of its people, like these United States.

�To give you an overview of basically what I am, I started off and went through engineering

school. Half of my school was in that field, and I built up a reputation for being a geological

engineer, as well as a structural engineer with both military and aerospace applications.

I have helped build two main bases in the United States that have some significance

as far as what is called the New World Order.

The first base is the one at Dulce, New Mexico. I was involved in 1979 in a firefight with

alien humanoids, and I was one of the survivors.

I�m probably the only talking survivor you will ever hear. Two other survivors are under

close guard. I am the only one left that knows the detailed files of the entire operation.

Sixty-six secret service agents, FBI, Black Berets and the like, died in that firefight.

I was there.

�Number one, part of what I am going to tell you is going to be very shocking. Part

of what I am going to tell you is probably going to be very unbelievable, though, instead

of putting your glasses on, I�m going to ask you to put your �skeptical� on.

But please, feel free to do your own homework. I know the Freedom of Information Act isn�t

much to go on, but it�s the best we�ve got.

The local law library is a good place to look for Congressional Records. So, if one continues

to do their homework, then one can be standing vigilant in regard to their country.

Deep Underground Military Bases and the Black Budget

�I love the country I am living in more than I love my life, but I would not be standing

before you now, risking my life, if I did not believe it was so. The first part of this

talk is going to concern deep underground military bases and the black budget.

The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product

of the United States. The Black Budget currently consumes $1.25 trillion per year.

At least this amount is used in black programs, like those concerned with deep underground

military bases. Presently, there are 129 deep underground military bases in the United States.

�They have been building these 129 bases day and night, unceasingly, since the early

1940�s. Some of them were built even earlier than that.

These bases are basically large cities underground connected by high-speed magneto-leviton trains

that have speeds up to Mach 2.

Several books have been written about this activity. Al Bielek has my only copy of one

of them. Richard Souder, a Ph.D architect, has risked his life by talking about this.

He worked with a number of government agencies on deep underground military bases. In around

where you live, in Idaho, there are 11 of them.

�The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole

cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size.

They have laser drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day.

The Black Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal.

Right now, the New World Order is depending on these bases. If I had known at the time

I was working on them that the NWO was involved, I would not have done it. I was lied to rather


Development of Military Technology, Implied German Interest in Hyperspacial Technology,

and More

�Basically, as far as technology is concerned, for every calendar year that transpires, military

technology increases about 44.5 years.

This is why it is easy to understand that back in 1943 they were able to create, through

the use of vacuum tube technology, a ship that could literally disappear from one place

and appear in another place.

My father, Otto Oscar Schneider, fought on both sides of the war. He was originally a

U-boat captain, and was captured and repatriated in the United States.

He was involved with different kinds of concerns, such as the A-bomb, the H-bomb and the Philadelphia

Experiment. He invented a high-speed camera that took pictures of the first atomic tests

at Bikini Island on July 12, 1946.

I have original photographs of that test, and the photos also show UFO�s fleeing the

bomb site at a high rate of speed.

Bikini Island at the time was infested with them, especially under the water, and the

natives had problems with their animals being mutilated. At that time, General MacArthur

felt that the next war would be with aliens from other worlds.

�Anyway, my father laid the groundwork with theoreticians about the Philadelphia experiment,

as well as other experiments. What does that have to do with me?

Nothing, other than the fact that he was my father. I don�t agree with what he did on

the other side, but I think he had a lot of guts in coming here. He was hated in Germany.

There was a $1 million reward, payable in gold, to anyone who killed him. Obviously,

they didn�t succeed. Anyway, back to our topic � deep underground bases.

The Fire Fight At Dulce Base

�Back in 1954, under the Eisenhower administration, the federal government decided to circumvent

the Constitution of the United States and form a treaty with alien entities.

It was called the 1954 Greada Treaty, which basically made the agreement that the aliens

involved could take a few cows and test their implanting techniques on a few human beings,

but that they had to give details about the people involved.

Slowly, the aliens altered the bargain until they decided they wouldn�t abide by it at

all. Back in 1979, this was the reality, and the fire-fight at Dulce occurred quite by


I was involved in building an addition to the deep underground military base at Dulce,

which is probably the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and over 2.5 miles deep.

At that particular time, we had drilled four distinct holes in the desert, and we were

going to link them together and blow out large sections at a time. My job was to go down

the holes and check the rock samples, and recommend the explosive to deal with the particular


As I was headed down there, we found ourselves amidst a large cavern that was full of outer-space

aliens, otherwise known as large Greys. I shot two of them. At that time, there were

30 people down there.

About 40 more came down after this started, and all of them got killed. We had surprised

a whole underground base of existing aliens.

Later, we found out that they had been living on our planet for a long time, perhaps a million

years. This could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.

�Anyway, I got shot in the chest with one of their weapons, which was a box on their

body, that blew a hole in me and gave me a nasty dose of cobalt radiation. I have had

cancer because of that.

�I didn�t get really interested in UFO technology until I started work at Area 51,

north of Las Vegas. After about two years recuperating after the 1979 incident, I went

back to work for Morrison and Knudson, EG&G and other companies.

At Area 51, they were testing all kinds of peculiar spacecraft. How many people here

are familiar with Bob Lazar�s story? He was a physicist working at Area 51 trying

to decipher the propulsion factor in some of these craft.

Schneider�s Worries About Government Factions, Railroad Cars and Shackle Contracts

�Now, I am very worried about the activity of the the federal government. They have lied

to the public, stonewalled senators, and have refused to tell the truth in regard to alien

matters. I can go on and on. I can tell you that I am rather disgruntled.

Recently, I knew someone who lived near where I live in Portland, Oregon. He worked at Gunderson

Steel Fabrication, where they make railroad cars. Now, I knew this fellow for the better

part of 30 years, and he was kind of a quiet type.

He came in to see me one day, excited, and he told me �they�re building prisoner

cars.� He was nervous. Gunderson, he said, had a contract with the federal government

to build 107,200 full length railroad cars, each with 143 pairs of shackles. There are

11 sub-contractors in this giant project.

Supposedly, Gunderson got over 2 billion dollars for the contract. Bethlehem Steel and other

steel outfits are involved. He showed me one of the cars in the rail yards in North Portland.

He was right.

If you multiply 107,200 times 143 times 11, you come up with about 15,000,000. This is

probably the number of people who disagree with the federal government. No more can you

vote any of these people out of office.

Our present structure of government is �technocracy�, not democracy, and it is a form of feudalism.

It has nothing to do with the republic of the United States. These people are god-less,

and have legislated out prayer in public schools.

You can get fined up to $100,000 and two years in prison for praying in school. I believe

we can do better. I also believe that the federal government is running the gambit of

enslaving the people of the United States.

I am not a very good speaker, but I�ll keep shooting my mouth off until somebody puts

a bullet in me, because it�s worth it to talk to a group like this about these atrocities.

America�s Black Program Contractors

�There are other problems. I have some interesting 1993 figures. There are 29 prototype stealth

aircraft presently. The budget from the U.S. Congress five-year plan for these is $245.6


You couldn�t buy the spare parts for these black programs for that amount. So, we�ve

been lied to. The black budget is roughly $1.3 trillion every two years.

A trillion is a thousand billion. A trillion dollars weighs 11 tons. The U.S. Congress

never sees the books involved with this clandestine pot of gold.

Contractors of sleuth programs:

EG&G Westinghouse

McDonnell Douglas Morrison- Knudson

Wackenhut Security Systems Boeing Aerospace

Lorimar Aerospace Aerospacial in France

Mitsibishi Industries Rider Trucks

Bechtel *I.G. Farben*

�plus a host of hundreds more. Is this what we are supposed to be living up to as freedom-

loving people? I don�t believe so.

Star Wars and Apparent Alien Threat

�Still, 68% of the military budget is directly or indirectly affected by the black budget.

Star Wars relies heavily upon stealth weaponry.

By the way, none of the stealth program would have been available if we had not taken apart

crashed alien disks. None of it. Some of you might ask what the �space shuttle� is


Large ingots of special metals that are milled in space and cannot be produced on the surface

of the earth. They need the near vacuum of outer space to produce them. We are not even

being told anything close to the truth.

I believe our government officials have sold us down the drain � lock, stock and barrel.

Up until several weeks ago, I was employed by the U.S. government with a Ryolite-38 clearance

factor � one of the highest in the world.

I believe the Star Wars program is there solely to act as a buffer to prevent alien attack

� it has nothing to do with the �cold war�, which was only a toy to garner money

from all the people � for what? The whole lie was planned and executed for the last

75 years.

Stealth Aircraft Technology Use by U.S. Agencies and the United Nations

�Here�s another piece of information for you folks. The Drug Enforcement Administration

and the ATF rely on stealth tactical weaponry for as much as 40% of their operations budget.

This in 1993, and the figures have gone up considerably since. The United Nations used

American stealth aircraft for over 28% of its collective worldwide operations from 1990

to 1992, according to the Center for Strategic Studies and UN Report 3092.

The Guardians of Stealth and Delta Force Origins of the Bosnia Conflict

�The Guardians of Stealth: There are at least three distinct classifications of police

that guard our most well-kept secrets.

Number one, the Military Joint Tactical Force (MJTF), sometimes called the Delta Force or

Black Berets, is a multi-national tactical force primarily used to guard the various

stealth aircraft worldwide. By the way, there were 172 stealth aircraft built.

Ten crashed, so there were at last count about 162. Bill Clinton signed them away about six

weeks ago to the United Nations.

There have been indications that the Delta Force was sent over to Bosnia during the last

days of the Bush administration as a covert sniper force, and that they started taking

pot shots at each side of the controversy, in order to actually start the Bosnia conflict

that would be used by succeeding administrations for political purposes.

Thoughts on the Bombings in the United States

�I was hired not too long ago to do a report on the World Trade Center bombing. I was hired

because I know about the 90 some- odd varieties of chemical explosives. I looked at the pictures

taken right after the blast.

The concrete was puddled and melted. The steel and the rebar was literally extruded up to

six feet longer than its original length. There is only one weapon that can do that

� a small nuclear weapon.

That�s a construction-type nuclear device. Obviously, when they say that it was a nitrate

explosive that did the damage, they�re lying 100%, folks.

The people they have in custody probably didn�t do the crime. As a matter of fact, I have

reason to believe that the same group held in custody did do other crimes, such as killing

a Jewish rabbi in New York.

However, I want to further mention that with the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they

are saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it.

�First, they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertilizer bomb. Then, it was

1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now its 20,000. You can�t put 20,000 pounds of fertilizer

in a Rider Truck. Now, I�ve never mixed explosives, per se. I know the chemical structure

and the application of construction explosives.

My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military

bases in the United States. I worked on the Malta project, in West Germany, in Spain and

in Italy.

I can tell you from experience that a nitrate explosion would not have hardly shattered

the windows of the federal building in Oklahoma City.

It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it

would have never have done that kind of damage. I believe I have been lied to, and I am not

taking it any longer, so I�m telling you that you�ve been lied to.

The Truth Behind the Republican Contract With America

�I don�t perceive at this time that we have too much more than six months of life

left in this country, at the present rate. We are the laughing stock of the world, because

we are being hoodwinked by so many evil people that are running this country.

I think we can do better. I think the people over 45 are seriously worried about their

future. I�m going to run some scary scenarios by you.

The Contract With America.

It contains the same terminology that Adolph Hitler used to subvert Germany in 1931. I

believe we can do better. The Contract With America is a last ditch effort by our federal

government to tear away the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Some Statistics on the Black Helicopter Presence

�The black helicopters. There are over 64,000 black helicopters in the United States. For

every hour that goes by, there is one being built. Is this the proper use of our money?

What does the federal government need 64,000 tactical helicopters for, if they are not

trying to enslave us. I doubt if the entire military needs 64,000 worldwide.

I doubt if all the world needs that many. There are 157 F-117A stealth aircraft loaded

with LIDAR and computer-enhanced imaging radar.

They can see you walking from room to room when they fly over your house. They see objects

in the house from the air with a variation limit of 1 inch to 30,000 miles.

That�s how accurate that is. Now, I worked in the federal government for a long time,

and I know exactly how they handle their business.

Government Earthquake Device, AIDS as a Bioweapon Based on Alien Excretions

�The federal government has now invented an earthquake device. I am a geologist, and

I know what I am talking about. With the Kobe earthquake in Japan, there was no pulse-wave

as in a normal earthquake. None.

In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. There was no pulse wave with that one either.

It is a Tesla device that is being used for evil purposes. The black budget programs have

subverted science as we know it.

Look at AIDs, invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois in 1972. It

was a biological weapon to be used against the people of the United States.

The reason I know this is that I have seen the documentation by the Office of Strategic

Services, which by the way is still in operation to this day, through the CDC in Atlanta.

They used the glandular excretions of animals, humans and alien humanoids to create the virus.

These alien humanoids the government is hobnobbing with are the worst news.

There is absolutely no defense against their germs � none. They are a biological weapon

of terrible consequence. Every alien on the planet needs to be isolated.

�Saddam Hussein killed 3.5 million Kurdish people with a similar biological weapon. Do

we, the people of this planet, deserve this?

No, we don�t, but we are not doing anything about it. Every moment we waste, we are doing

other people on the planet a disservice. Right now, I am dying of cancer that I contracted

because of my work for the federal government.

I might live six months. I might not. I will tell you one thing. If I keep speaking out

like I am, maybe God will give me the life to talk my head off.

I will break every law that it takes to talk my head off. Eleven of my best friends in

the last 22 years have been murdered. Eight of the murders were called �suicides.�

Before I went to talk in Las Vegas, I drove a friend down to Joshua Tree, near 29 Palms.

I drove into the mountains in order to get to Needles, California, and I was followed

by two government E-350 vans with G-14 plates, each with a couple of occupants, one of which

had an Uzi.

I knew exactly who they were. I have spoken 19 times and have probably reached 45,000

people. Well, I got ahead of them and came to a stop in the middle of the road.

They both went on either side of me and down a ravine. Is this what its going to take?

I cut up my security card and sent it back to the government, and told them if I was

threatened, and I have been, that I was going to upload 140,000 pages of documentation to

the internet about government structure and the whole plan. I have already begun that


�Thank you very much.�

For more infomation >> Beyond the X Files Aliens, Underground Bases for the 'Elite' and the New - Duration: 24:25.


MR ROBOT - A Cyberpunk masterpiece [SPOILERS S2] - Duration: 11:39.

Welcome to the dystopic future of the year 2017

The world is immersed in its addiction to technology, a digital revolution that made

the whole world dependent on it

The population is compulsively connected to a net, mobile devices are a new extension

of our bodies that allows us to be constantly connected and available, either for work or

for leisure, and also brings us closer to people and events that occur in the other

corner of the world, while at the same time places us in the bubble of affinity, closed

in a cage of conformity next to the people we share ideas with.

Great achievements in medicine and technology brought cybernetic implants, designed and

created to improve the life of people

Advanced Bionics now allow sound signals to be sent directly to the auditory nerve, electronic

implants installed in the brain help those that suffer from Parkinson, cybernetic limbs

are no longer science fiction

Development of robotics is very advanced, and androids designed for human interactions

are already a reality

This is a world ruled by megacorporations, economic interests and an overall "me first"


There are corporate wars done in the name of the supremacy of oil companies, health

bills approved for the benefit of the pharmaceutical industry

Rulers are only as powerful as the companies behind them allow them to be

You can't trust mass media either

Bias and lies are in every day's menu, and information is pushed following agendas, to

control your opinion, to make you live in a constant state of fear and to reinforce

the color of your political alignment, creating a world of "alternative facts"

Gave alternative facts to that

leaving a small gap of independent online medias as the last stand for objective journalism

The economy of this world is fragile

While the upper classes are richer every day, the middle class is disappearing, due to the

unbalanced difference between the inflation of the cost of living and wages that don't

seem to grow as fast

The population is upset

Demonstrations of this discontent and frustration cross the globe, hardening laws about freedom

of speech in first world countries

This is the dystopic present we live in, Welcome to the world of Mr. Robot

Elliot Alderson is the best depiction of contemporary

society in the story of television drama

In a single, and at the same time multiple characters

A schizophrenic with a split personality disorder to explain a society of confusion that we

live in nowadays

Like Elliot, we all live our everyday lives, occupying our minds in evading a world we

cannot understand as we live in the historical period where we have more information available

and at the same time we have every day less idea of what the hell is going on

We have no control over the events that run our lives, and we have a total and absolute

certainty of this lack of control

Because there is no freedom of choice in a systematically oppressive society

Is the key in the room?

Through a cinematography that discards every single rule of framing and composition, we

are shown the levity and the trifle of human existence, powerless individuals with no control

of their destiny beyond what they are allowed

But in a civilization of technology and connections, we all have a second life: the online life

Mr. Robot

Where we are given the false sensation of control: over how people perceive us, over

our environment, over our life

We create a Freudian projection of ourselves, the online ego, who believes that can save

the life of a person or change political decisions with a tweet and a like

The biggest character of the plot is the Evil Megacorporation E Corp, a company which value

and power go beyond borders and governments

A business that controls the economy by controlling debts and loans

Filled with not totally predictable corporate psychos and portrayed under the biased view

of a schizophrenic anti-hero that even calls it "Evil Corp"

A prejudice based both on the catastrophic impact that this corporation had in his life

and his lack of understanding in how the financial system and global economy really works

This is a cyberpunk world of high tech and low life

An honest depiction dedicated to those who forgot that the future was around the corner

The economy is going down and moving towards the New Order

There's no "middle" anymore, just rich and poor

creating a world of survivors, where gray

areas of morality are constantly portrayed: all means to an end that we won't reach if

we're not allowed to

No one is totally good or totally bad because there's always a corporate that wants to change

things from the inside, without knowing exactly how

There's always a hacker that hacks for motives that are far from altruistic

I want

a way out of loneliness

just like you

The heroes of this story are not such thing, and by the eyes of the system

they are mere terrorists

In their struggle to survive, F Society came to the conclusion that the only way that this

civilization would get through this economic crisis is destroying the megacorporation that

controls the economy: Evil Corp

An anarchist move

They are providing the bug, an event so shocking that will force society to wake up and realize

the conspiracy that takes place above us all

An event that will force people to fix society

A naïve plan that doesn't take into account the consequences, how this actions have a deeply

negative impact and will lead to a new depression

Revolutionary philosophy is not black and white; it grows deeply in these gray areas of

morality where can be widely discussed if any deed can be justified if it serves the

purpose of a larger cause

Because just when we thought that F Society were the heroes of this story, we are shown

the consequences of their actions

The depression

Closed business

Cash rations

With this cash allowance no one is comming in

The poor suffering while the rich and powerful will survive

well, I can't help but wonder

Why do you seem so confident?

Everyone else is worried, but you?

You're sure that you're going to get though this

Not to mention the lives of innocent and honest people lost

as a direct consequence of the attack

And just when we thought that the people that are so rooted in the system that they would

die to defend it was going to keep being blind, they start to realize that the conspiracy

exists and that they may be mere puppets

We can't let them get away with this, Santiago

They're going to get away with this

The biggest tragedy in the anarchist move

of F Society is the realization that, in the end, they are just pawns of a conspiracy

inside the conspiracy

A battle, that we could even call a corporate war, between the CEO of the American Corporation

E Corp Phillip Price, and Minister Zhang, the Chinese Minister of State Security, public

face of the head of the Chinese hacking group the Dark Army.

While the motives of Whiterose and the Dark Army are not yet revealed, the consequences

that the hacking attack will have over E Corp are far from negative, as they will be seen

as the saviors of economy, in a plan to obtain total supremacy through the release of the

first private currency in history: the E-coins

The landscape described at the end of the second season reveals the plot inside the

plot, and leaves a lot of questions opened

What is exactly the Stage 2 of the attack?

Is Phillip Price also aware of this second stage or this will really be the definitive

strike against E Corp?

Will F Society help establish the economic supremacy of China without knowing it?

The third season will be here to answer all these questions, but don't be surprised if

we're not rewarded with a happy ending

Because Cyberpunk is a tragedy

For more infomation >> MR ROBOT - A Cyberpunk masterpiece [SPOILERS S2] - Duration: 11:39.


OpenScore - Join the sheet music revolution! - Duration: 4:04.

People have been writing music on paper for hundreds of years,...

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Centuries of music lies trapped between pages, waiting to be rediscovered.

OpenScore will bring sheet music to life by creating... digital editions of history's most influential pieces,...

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Students learning to read music will be able to hear how it sounds as they follow the notes in the score.

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And there are no copyright restrictions,... you can make unlimited copies to send to friends and family,...

...and even publish and sell your own arrangements without paying a penny.

The iconic works of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, and other as yet undiscovered composers,...

...will be free for everyone to use, for any purpose, forevermore.

OpenScore will bring together the two largest sheet music communities: MuseScore and IMSLP.

The IMSLP community searches for old musical editions... libraries and private collections around the world.

Old editions have no copyright— they're in the public domain—... our users scan and post them to IMSLP where everybody has access.

MuseScore is the world's most popular music notation software.

Together with our community,...

...we want to take the old editions and transform them from pictures of pages...

...into interactive scores, which you can listen to, edit and share.

An OpenScore Edition is a digital file with clean lines and crisp lettering,...

...which you can read on any device— phone, tablet, TV or computer—...

...and the music will reflow to fit the display.

Change font size, show or hide different instruments,...

...follow the score during playback, and mute voices to listen to your part on its own.

You can edit the files with MuseScore's free notation software for Windows, Mac and Linux,...

...or with any notation program that supports importing MusicXML.

Save online and share via YouTube and other platforms.

You can sync the score with a recording to replace the synthesized audio with real instruments.

And if you really need a printed copy, they look great on paper too.

Each OpenScore Edition will have a unique cover image designed by digital artist Nicholas Rougeux.

The cover image is a visual representation of the music in the score.

OpenScore Editions will be available in a variety of image, audio and video formats... cater for a number of different uses.

The scores will also be available in Braille and Modified Stave Notation so, for the first time in history,...

...blind and partially sighted musicians will be able to read the most influential classical pieces too.

All OpenScore files will be released under a Creative Commons Attribution License,...

...which allows unlimited copying, adapting and sharing.

Digitising public domain music is a huge undertaking.

OpenScore will look to harness the entire online sheet music community... produce crowdsourced transcriptions, which are fully checked and reviewed... ensure accuracy with the original pieces.

By backing this effort, you get to have a say in which pieces get liberated.

You also have the option to dedicate a piece.

Your dedication will appear in all versions of the finished score.

Become a part of musical history!

Help us liberate public domain music, once and for all!

For more infomation >> OpenScore - Join the sheet music revolution! - Duration: 4:04.


Wroclaw Tattoo Konwent 2017 | TATTOO VLOG - Duration: 5:31.

It's a bit windy


Today is sunday, May 21st

And we are going to Wroclaw

To see Wroclaw Tattoo Convention

We stopped at the gas station. Andrew is refueling the car.

Impressions after the convention in Wroclaw - positive.

I generally liked this convention more than the Warsaw Tattoo Days in terms of volume

Due to the location of stands in Zaklete Rewiry on different floors and halls

It was quieter

It was much better to tolerate this music in terms of volume.

On Warsaw Tattoo Days there, sadly, was a DJ

Who thought he was Avicii or David Guetta

And he was very loud :D

I really liked the climate of the place (Zaklete Rewiry).

It was kinda postindustrial and really interesting

I've saw many of tattoo artists that I like, and wish to have their work on me

Marianos, Candy Ink, Kos, Pawel Reduch...

And many more that I don't remember off the top of my head

Chill-out zone on the roof was cool. With DJ and bar.

And swimming pool :D

Speaking additional attractions.

There was very cool old-school and burlesque dance show.

By dance crew SABAYON

Lovely girls and great music

About 6PM there will be a performance by Krystian Minda - Extreme Sword Swallower

We saw him at Warsaw Tattoo Days.

I would love to see his show again, but there will be plenty more chances to see him.

And, I've got some souvenirs

But this I'll show you at home.

So, when it comes to Wroclaw Tattoo Convention it was very nice, very good atmosphere

As I said, I came back with some souvenirs.

Two of them you can see right here

Those are prints by Marianos

The lady one was hand dyed

This one with the cat reminded me of my own ginger bastard

Third thing is a t-shirt by TFB Clothing

With a design by one of my favourite tattoo artists, by whom I would love to be tattooed

Dusty Past

So I didn't came back empty handed

Another convention that I would like to attend will be in Cracow (Cracow Tattoofest)

I really enjoy going to tattoo conventions

Despite the fact that I have huge anxiety and I don't know how to talk to people

It's simply fun to just walk around, see tattoo flashes, watch additional performances, see others people tattoos

But enough about tattoo conventions

Thank you guy for watching

If you have any questions put them in comments on my Facebook, Instagram or here

And see you all in another tattoo related (or not) video :)

Bye Bye

For more infomation >> Wroclaw Tattoo Konwent 2017 | TATTOO VLOG - Duration: 5:31.


The Handmaid's Tale 1x07 Promo "The Other Side" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> The Handmaid's Tale 1x07 Promo "The Other Side" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:30.


iZombie 3x09 Promo "Twenty Sided, Die" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> iZombie 3x09 Promo "Twenty Sided, Die" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:22.


Shoulder Workotuts For MASS and DEFINITION (15-MIN TIME LIMIT!) - Duration: 4:52.

What's up Champ! I'm Vince Del Monte


In this video I'm going to give you three shoulder

workouts for mass and definition. Alright.

This is going to be the side delt edition.

We're going to focus on

creating rounder shoulders,

bigger shoulders so that you can create that

nice waist to hip ratio that's very

attractive to the opposite sex.

Okay. So here's the deal.

This is brass tacks simple. Anybody can

do this. We're doing the century trip


What's the century trip? A hundred reps

in 15 minutes. You're going to find a

weight that you can do for 25 times and

then you're going to do rest pause until

you get to 100. What's rest pause is the

20 second break before you continue and

you just take as many sets as you need

to do until you get to 100 reps. It's

going to take you hopefully less than 15

minutes. That's your goal and you can

pick from any one of the three exercises

I'm about to show you. I recommend that

you rotate these exercises around. Don't

do the same one every time or else

you're going to get wear and tear on

your shoulder joint. Here's the exercises

and let me show you how to do them so

you get the most out of this.

Exercise one here are lying cable side raises.

If you can't do this don't worry I've got

two others coming you could do at home

with resistance bands or dumbbells.

But this one is for the guys that's going to the

gym and they want to change things up.

you're getting kind of tired of doing

your dumbbell side lateral raises which

are good exercises but let's keep things

fresh right. So we're going to lie down

here we're going to eliminate any

momentum from our trunk and we're going

to focus on reaching for opposite walls.

The cue here guys is not up and down

it's out and in out and in. Reach for

opposite walls. Make your arms long long

long think about taking your humerus

away from your body. You want your

humerus to reach reach reach reach reach

reach and that's going to get the

maximum side delt activation.

Exercise number two. Dumbbell modified upright

rows. The goal for you guys is not up

and down. The goal here is out and in.

I want you to pretend that these dumbbells

are attached to your elbows and I want

you to think about tracing a big arc so

your elbows are going to opposite walls

and then they're coming back in. So we're

using that same

path that we're focusing on with the

previous exercise but now we're working

with the dumbbell. So we're thinking

about creating a big arc here. We want

your shoulders to travel through a lot

of distance so there's a lot of time

under tension. This is going to really

really burn and as you doing this you

can actually see your your delts get

pumped up and you can even adjust your

shoulders slightly more internal if you

want to get more side delt activation.

So you can kind of play with it if you're

going slow and controlled. You can find

the part of your delt that you really

want to stimulate. This is a tough one.

This one is going to really mentally

gas you when you get to the halfway point.

Our third exercise here. This is a unique

one alright. This requires a resistance

band and this one really is going to

teach you how to turn on your side delts.

A lot of guys have created bad habits

including myself.

So our Braudys program to do these

exercises a certain way and side lateral

raises is an exercise that most people

just turn into an isometric contraction

where they're just rocking their trunk

and they think they're doing a side

raise but really they're doing like the

no side lateral raise. So what we want to

do here is we want to attach the

resistance band right around our elbows.

You want them actually hanging off the

lower part of your bicep where your biceps

are thicker. You want it hanging off of

there and we want to think about

reaching out. Alright. You want to think

about contracting your shoulders first

and reach out. And this isn't a big range

of motion. It's out and in. Out and in.

You don't want to think about going up

because that's going to lead to trunk

extension and cheating which is going to

take the tension off the part of the

delt we're trying to develop.

We're really getting precise with these

movements so that you can get the most

from the leaf and you're going to see

how I've looped it up here under a

preacher bench you can really loop it up

to anything you got in your gym and the

key here is again is out and in out and

in not up and down.Tthose two words out

and in will completely transform the way

your body looks. And that's it guys.

If you guys want a step-by-step program a

complete 18 week program to rehaul your

physique reinvent your body reinvent

your life I recommend you check out no

nonsense muscle-building 2.0 there

should be a link here somewhere on the

screen or a link in the description and

I'll take you to a page where you can

learn more about it you'll be able to

figure out your muscle fiber type


programs customized to you it'll tell

you all about why this type of training

is more superior than other forms of

training if you're looking to achieve a

lean muscular and aesthetic body. Alright.

Thanks so much for watching

I'll see you guys next time.


For more infomation >> Shoulder Workotuts For MASS and DEFINITION (15-MIN TIME LIMIT!) - Duration: 4:52.


Trump Many leaks are 'fabricated lies' made up by 'fake news' media - Duration: 2:13.

Trump Many leaks are 'fabricated lies' made up by 'fake news' media


President Trump on Sunday said he believes many of the recent leaks coming out of his

White House are made up by the "fake news" media.

In a series of tweets, the president focused on news reports that include the words "sources


"It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies

made up by the #FakeNews media," the president tweeted Sunday.

"Whenever you see the words 'sources say' in the fake news media, and they don't mention is very possible that those sources don't exsist but are made up by fake news


#FakeNews is the enemy!" is very possible that those sources don't exsist but are made up by fake news


#FakeNews is the enemy!

Trump just returned from his first foreign trip to a series of controversies facing his


Leaks have become common in the Trump White House and the president has often gone after

those who release information.

The Washington Post also reported Friday that senior adviser Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law,

in December sought to establish a backchannel line of communication between the Trump transition

team and Moscow.

The move came during a meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

The FBI is looking at meetings that Kushner fielded with Kislyak and Russian banking executive

Sergey Gorkov in December as part of the law enforcement investigation into possible collusion

between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

Reports have also surfaced recently that Trump shared classified intelligence with Russian

officials and asked former FBI Director James Comey to end a federal investigation into

former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

For more infomation >> Trump Many leaks are 'fabricated lies' made up by 'fake news' media - Duration: 2:13.


"They roped me into it" - Reacting to DSP's New Car - Duration: 22:56.

cheers like oh you could have engine

damage now cherry dude that's not how it

works BMW has a diagnosis computer

inside of the car that puzzling things

go wrong so there were engineer oh my

god this guy is a living meme no there

is it's not BMW has diagnosis computer

in the car okay ESP talk about racing by

getting his leased car and him getting a

new one he's apparently under the

impression they're getting a new car is

cheaper than a used one wait what the

vehicle to replace the incredibly

expensive leased vehicle that I've had

for the past three years so I'm done

paying for this car now which is good

cuz I'm so done with it I've paid so

much money for this car for the past

three years I got roped into it

roped into it right now it seems to be a

buyers market for cars and what I mean

by that is you don't you don't even need

to have like impeccable credit what a

buyers market regards what does that

even mean and you don't even need to

have a lot of money in order to buy a

car it's pretty insane the things that

I'm seeing out there just some of the

things idea dude he's got a 100% he's

got like a friend or a guy that works at

a fucking car dealership that told him

this shit dude right now it is a buyers

market for cars my dude or he saw it on

like a fucking like radio commercial or

some shit some of the promotions I've

seen out there right now for buying a

car number one instinct cash back okay

so you're going be it is an instant cash

back when they just make the loan a

little bit higher and they give you a

bunch of cash back like a car you sign

up for a loan to get the car and they

give you $2,000 that's insane I've never

heard of this before

disputable I've never heard of this


wait isn't cash back just money added to

the loan that's weird to me like I don't

know that's a lot of risk involved - I


um but I guess maybe your dyers market

for Amazon Prime sub the rich of giving

you $10,000 to take their car versus you

not paying and ruining your credit

permanently wait it's not a risk how is

it a risk to give somebody $2,000 when

you're driving a $30,000 asset off the

lot what do you mean what I guessed that

$2,000 is the risk that's worth that I

don't know that's pretty crazy

ah that's just rude anyway I'm not doing

that it's actually one of the worst

things you could do because if you do

that you can't get any other other deals

which is like a rebate off the car or a

promotional rate killer but this guy is

like this guy is like every salesman's

dream what the fuck

things the card car dealerships is doing

it so it's like oh he's coming back okay

but really this would be dumb to do I'm

not going to do it's like oh okay so he

does realize it was really dumb like

because there are so many other great

deals to take advantage o is there doing

an instant rebate so okay you're buying

the car and a line of RAM right and it

take like thousands of dollars off the

price of the car immediately as part of

their promotion so yeah pretty good

now the other one and this is the one

that I did not know if we were going to

be able to qualify for it okay 0%

financing which is awesome it means for

a certain amount of time on your loan

for the car you're not paying any

interest you're just paying down the

actual price of the vehicle

which is excellent get this 0% financing

for 72 months that is six years that is

the length of the loan that means that

if you buy the new car you don't pay any

interest at all they're giving you a six

year payment plan basically it's not

even really alone it's just like a six

year installment plan with no interest

it's pretty crazy man

that is absolutely not at least to me

you would think they would want to make

some money on the back end with the

financing but they're going for no

reinjure ease so here's a real quick

meme okay here's a real quick meme okay

just so you guys know this okay so if

they're generally this is my general

understanding okay so I could be wrong

it's my not apply to all loans for

everything that I've ever seen that has

0% financing what that typically means

is that you have 0% financing over a

certain period of time but if you do not

100% pay it off in that time period and

you go one day over all of that old

interest will be added back on to your

bill instantly okay be very careful with

the 0% financing meme it can be really

good I do it when I have the opportunity

to but that's because I know I can pay

my shit off in time

I only ever find interestings that I can

buy outright anyway and I'll only do it

to take advantage of interest bullshit

right so for instance when I buy things

at Home Depot right if I spend over $500

whatever I have like twelve months no

interest on my credit card however if

you only make the minimum payment then

it'll take you like three years to pay

off if you wait after those twelve

months all of the interest from the no

interest time period will come back and

be added to your bill so you make the

minimum payments until the twelve months

and then at the end then right at that

12 month mark you pay off the rest of

the balance to avoid all of the interest

just something to keep in mind

so yesterday Liana and I the reason that

we had to industry early is because we

had to go and meet up with someone at a

car dealership we had already tested

Riven carnival week and we wanted them

to pull our credit and run some numbers

for us to see what we could qualify for

could we could we qualify for any of

these new promotions you know for a car

and they pulled our credit and it was

you know it worked if interested yeah

you qualify which I was blown away I

thought for sure with the amount of debt

that I have in my name that I was not

going to qualify but they said no you

qualify because debt doesn't matter when

you're caught when you're qualifying for

loans I don't know if it's works the

same with

loans but like I know that when you're

qualifying for a home loan two things

matter one your credit will tell you

your credit can be used as a bare

minimum thing and credit can give you

better interest rates but the big thing

they look at is usually your debt to

income ratio and the only only pot count

like certain types of debt I think like

they'll count like child support they

count your mortgage payment and they'll

count any like outstanding like loans or

whatever but I don't know if they count

like everyday expenses or whatever like

you can qualify for some amazing shit

with a fuck ton of debt like you can

quote yeah it is very definitely

possible to qualify for things you

probably don't you probably can't afford

you know five years ago when I first got

the stupid BMW it made sense I was being

seen amounts of money on YouTube now it

doesn't make sense it never made sense

DSP it was a horrible thing you weren't

making unless unless DSP was literally

banking like 10 K plus a month then

maybe I mean I still wouldn't lease a

car for $400 a month or whatever and

then pmw to return the BMW and I forgot

to jump through a key to have meetings

done first I could never I will take the

prequel change week old thing

wait what he hasn't chased the oil in

five years I'm sorry I must have heard

that wrong hold on one second because I

never had the oil change the brake fluid

changed when did in the stupid thing

like I have that done and I have to

schedule time we could drop it off oh

boy hey wait hey that does either cover

three years or five years maybe he means

his last oil change hasn't happened yet

do you think do you think that's what he

means what do you think that's what he

meant that he just hasn't chopped it off

so we have the replacement car so I have

a ride home so I visited the coincide I

could be in it did I have to wait in the

BMW you don't change the oil we what is

that that's got to be a troll right in

three years we only drove the car 6,000

miles so if that gives you any idea hey

boy he leased a car for four or five

hundred dollars a month and he's only

drove it 6,000 miles in three years what

it was really like four or five hundred

dollars a month you could buy like a new

bike like every

hahaha I chase did I have y'all change

that was because it's a whole rigamarole

more about it oh no all right we're

backing up a little bit oh no and by the

way that wasn't my choice to not have

the oil change that was because it's a

whole rigmarole when we moved out here

they shipped us a car across the country

remember I said we had we got roped into

another three-year lease that was

because they wanted to make money back

on the East Coast so they shipped us a

car across the country so they could get

the profit for it and then they never

contacted us on a maintenance because

you know BMW you're supposed to get

maintenance for free no matter what part

of the deal that's why the cars so he's

never he's never changed the oil in this

car in three years in 36 months yeah you

can probably roll into any authorized

BMW dealership and they'll honor that

warranty so expensive and they never

uh-huh they never contacted us to get it

changed why would they contact you to

change your oil

hello it's DSP that we would just like

to give you a call to remind you that

it's time for your oil change we're

going to send a driver over immediately

to pick up your car what we'll drop a

rental off in the mean time and we'll

have that car returned back to you by

the end of the day thank you sir cheers

ago you could have engine damage now

cherry dude that's not how it works BMW

has a diagnosis computer inside of the

car that person is all wrong

so there were in Geneva oh my god

this guy is a living meme no there is

it's not BMW has diagnosis computer in

the car okay when you would have said

something they already did the pre

inspection we already hadn't brought it

in and they pre inspected and said

there's not wrong with the car at all

it's fine

Christine we only drove 6,000 miles of

course is Christine

this hurts to listen to this is this

into the mind of somebody financially

illiterate he's fucking himself over

what's late he's going to walk into a

dealership he's gonna walk out with a

fucking $30,000 loan it's going to say

no interest 72 months but they're

probably not going to be able to afford

it they're going to miss a payment or

something that's going to instantly

invalidate the no interest or some shit

who's going to be saddled while the

interest he's probably going to walk

away with tire insurance with gap

insurance with which would fucking fit

oil with a three year free maintenance

plan how many other deals can you sucker

people into or whatever with a 25-year

rust warranty with a roadside assistance

warranty like he's probably gonna have

like 50 million things packaged on top

of the math all dental insurance dollars

per mile bumper to bumper coverage he

could have gotten the limo oh my god I

could help this guy financially so much

yeah and then in five years he's gonna

make another room we all got roped into

buying this new shitty car he's such a

bad financial decision dude I'm it's

coming up to where probably within the

next seven months I'm going to be

getting a car and even I am like

hardcore debating on whether or not I

want a newer used I would almost always

advocate use but I can afford to buy a

new one I don't know if that like if

that price tag is worth it for me just

to have a car that I can call new though

I'm not sure but holy shit dude these

are very highly questionable financial

decisions what the fuck you dating an

ally where I will never least again from

now on I will always buy but anyway all

the other thing is some people were like

well why aren't you buying a used car we

did look into that we went to a couple

used-car lot

no we found out is number one these

used-car Lots do not do any kind of

promotion with financing whatsoever no

money back no money off the price of the

car and high interest rates on the loans

there's a fundamental problem here with

DSP sinking to is DSP doesn't understand

funding from a fundamental how

incentivizing works okay

if you walk onto a car lot and ten cars

have amazing promotions and ten cars

don't that tells you something

about what the dealer is trying to do

right if you know something that's

really fucking good that's really

awesome it'll sell itself right you

don't necessarily need to package it

with 50 million different types of

promotional packages and shit right

if you walk onto a lot and people are

hardcore giving you like 50 million

reasons to buy somewhere like I mean

that's just something to think about

right like well why do you need to

package this with so many different

types of you know special interest rate

special loans like this isn't that do

not stand on its own right like but I

don't know it's just something to yeah

you don't get a good interest rate on a

loan for used car they don't have any of

those kinds of features and they don't

have any of these kinds of features its

2017 dude they started to put backwards

facing cameras in a car is like in the

fucking mid to late 2000 you don't think

you can find a 2014 car with a rear

facing camera dude I'm pretty sure 2014

cars even it's probably standard keyless

entry and everything right every new

feature is probably going to be in a car

passed we used cars we looked at they

have zero warranty okay no pre

maintenance or anything for any period

of time the free maitenance doesn't

matter you were free man's in your BMW

and you didn't get the oil change to

single fuckin time so that means he is

gonna buy he is gonna buy the extended

free maintenance fucking package he is

going to buy like oh my god dude these

are a horrible decision um if you want

that you have to buy extra so there was

one car we were looking at was the

equivalent of what we're kind of going

to get probably for new car and we did

we did all the math and come to find out

it's almost the same price like slightly

less expensive but maybe like 50 bucks a

month but no warranty 50 bucks a month

but that's not how you're supposed to

look at a lot any shops buy monthly

payment that he is the ultimate consumer

that people market their shit to this is

it I just found it I didn't think these

type of people existed like is this car

better is this credit well this one's

better it's $50 a month cheaper okay for

how many more years

what who maintenance but within a year

will already have paid the difference

between maintenance and everything else

so it doesn't even make sense at all

right now to get a used car unless we

were gonna get like a junker like we

were going to get a two three thousand

dollar car that's a piece of crap

I just buy it off of someone listen for


five to ten thousand dollars you can get

something extremely reliable for ten

thousand dollars on a used car that's a

fuckin that's a good budget for used car

right for ten grand you could get

something pretty fucking good holy shit

like what that would be one thing but we

need a car that's dependable and the car

that if it breaks down we're gonna get a

warranty we're gonna get a loaner look

like that you're getting the lunch is

getting a roadside assistance meme he's

gonna be fuckin warranty the fuckin

dealership will sell them on this car oh

my god

yeah definitely by going for a you know

buying a car at least I'll have a car

where I'm getting equity every time I

pay I'm putting it no wait what did he

just say hold on work every day that's

the thing we have no cars you can't work

an hour that were out we have no income

there that we need so there you go

definitely buy going for a you know

buying a car at least I'll have a car

where I'm getting equity every time I

pay you don't that's not true you don't

get equity in a fucking car

what oh you guys can see equity

represents the difference between the

value of the asset and the value of the

loan okay in your favor so if I've got

an asset worth $50,000 and I have a

$40,000 loan on it you could say that I

have ten thousand dollars in equity

right in that car

does that make sense but when you buy a

car and you drive it off the lot it

loses a good chunk of its value almost

immediately so it will take you years

and years and years to actually have any

equity in that vehicle it's possible

that you could have a six year loan on a

car and you'll only get equity in that

last year it's possible for it to happen

like I'm putting value into the vehicle

and it makes more sense you know you

live and you learn the good news is I'm

glad I did do a lease on the BMW because

there's no way that we would be able to

afford to buy it and imagine if I had

had the car in my name right now and

you know after three years you don't

have a lot of equity in the car

especially if you're talking out of

three years you have no equity on a new

car most of your money is going towards

interest in the car is devalued such

that you will be upside down on the loan

this is why car owners always sell gap

insurance which is gap insurances

insurance that covers the difference

between the value of the asset and in

the end the conservation the value of

the asset and the and the value of the

loan if you've got a $20,000 loan on a

10th on a car that's not worth $10,000

you could buy gap insurance cover

difference don't buy it because it's

fucking retarded but through % loan

right imagine now if I was like stuck

with this car forever and I'm like damn

there's no way I can reduce my payment

that would really suck so alright

everyone I think that's it I don't

really have much else to talk about as

you guys and gals now as I said if you

do cheer tip or sub to the channel holy

shit these are just the worst financial

decisions a man can make and the funny

thing is you know he's going to buy some

retarded fucking shit they're going to

get a sports car with like some crazy

low suspension he's gonna be dragging

this fuckin bumper around everywhere

he's going to have like the rear pro the

super thin profile fucking tires and

shit it's going to be an uncomfortable

stiff as fuck ride that's just for a

daily driver to work or some shit like

oh my god what the fuck this is like

watching a disaster unfold live this is

ice Poseidon tear financial intelligence

I don't agree because Isis an innocent

typically isn't usually stubborn about

his financial stuff he's usually like

pretty you should reach out and talk to

him he blocked me on Twitter instantly I

don't think he's way too stubborn but

like I don't think he'll ever want to

have a conversation like I'm not gonna

reach out to him after he blocks and

Twitter you guys have that if he wants

to like I'm pretty sure that a combo

with me will get him more viewers than

like he normally ever has where it

doesn't normally only get a couple

hundred viewers so maybe you could swing

it to him like financially like hey

destiny will talk to you and you're good

a ton of viewers doing it and people

donate or differ but like his um yeah

these are just horrible horrible

horrible like the the type of

conversation is having here demonstrates

a financial illiteracy that is

astounding to me like holy shit

especially because it's compounding the

financial troubles he's already

experiencing in life due to his um the

YouTube shit getting fucked

everything definitely wants to know tell

him I just want to talk about buying a


listen hey we should chat about car keys

thing use first new cars at some point I

think I can offer you high a valuable

different point of view that could save

you a ton of money in the future I'm

pretty sure the only way you're going to

bait him is if you say something like I

have ten top tips that car sales people

don't want you to know he's ignoring the

bits now lemay oh wait really now that

you won't talk to him tell us why buying

a used car if people don't want to go

deep into a mechanic and leave the car

there for three days for checks for

buying it I don't think it's really safe

to buy a used car against a new one that

will be perfect

okay listen dude this is a huge mean

that onions I don't see uneducated as on

true but there's a huge mean that

uneducated people say cars are extremely

resilient cars are incredibly resilient

okay cars are made to be used by the

average fucking idiotic driver that's

how resilient cars are made okay we just

listen to DSP not getting an oil changer

in this car for three fucking years all


like cars are meant to be used by people

that do not take care of them okay they

don't change the oil that drive on flat

tires they'd let the check engine light

run 24/7 right cars are very very

resilient things if you're getting a car

that's two years used it's not going to

be fucked up there's just unless

somebody's literally like dirt like

Derby racing with it or some shit like

there is no way that like you're gonna

buy it to your used car that's already

got like a fuck ton of horrible ground

as long as you're buying some reliable

shit it'll be fine dude oh my god so do

you remember listening to Diaz he's

rational and leasing a car ah no oh well

he leased a new car for pretty much all

the dumbest reasons you could ever lease

a car for right and I might have you

might have mentioned something about it

okay I'm at about a lot right well

apparently now just recently that lease

expired and he's talking about how

horrible it was he hasn't changed his

oil in three years

on this car he's never ever brought it

in for service and his reason was

because the guys didn't call him to tell

him when to bring it in or whatever it

was like just really retarded shit so

now he started talking about how he's

finally going to be out of this leasing

he's so happy and now he wants to go buy

a brand-new car

okay because buying used is dumb and if

he buys a brand-new car you saying about

like they've got these crazy things

because it's a buyers market right now

for car one and he's like you can get

$2,000 cash back I don't even know how

they can do deals like this they give

you $2,000 cash to buy their car if this

guy never watched commercial legit and

then he's like talking about like and I

could get a used car but like if I get a

new car it's literally like $50 a month

difference oh my god it was like all the

classic these these are like all the

classic consumer mishaps for finance

like I didn't even know these people

existed but like holy shit what are you

talking about everyone only cares about

the monthly famine nine years is that a

car no one knows god he sounds like he

sounds like he's going to get like all

the insurance on it like the roadside

assistance the every piece of extra

insurance you combine it like oh god I

bet they love him dude how do you go

three how do you go three years without

an oil change

he just does that like how honest I

can't read the change oh yeah okay what

did he say he said something like he was

like Cheerios like oh you have engine

damage not cherry dude that's not how it

works BMW has a diagnosis computer

inside car you go oh my god oh my god

For more infomation >> "They roped me into it" - Reacting to DSP's New Car - Duration: 22:56.


5-Star Skillet Rosemary Chicken | Food Network - Duration: 1:03.

[music playing]

For more infomation >> 5-Star Skillet Rosemary Chicken | Food Network - Duration: 1:03.


Overly Excited Tourist Finds Reno's Secret Wonders - Duration: 2:21.

- I'm here in Remo, Nevada, home of the Las Vegas.

They call it the biggest little city in the west.

Let's go see if we can have a good time.

(slot machine sound)

Look at this fancy looking casino.

Let's go check it out.

Look at all these dang big shot degenerates

having a friggin awesome time.

Holy snopes, look at this, look at this Reno River.

This can't be right, this can't be normal, it's raging!

You can't even go down the god-dang steps,

it's under the raging river, you gotta be joking about that!

Juniper creebus, would you look at the size

of this friggin' clown.

They say he's 100 feet tall, and he

sings to you on Christmas.

Holy snopes, I have found the Reno Playana-taput-tetartica.

Whoa baby boy, I'm at the Reno star monument.

They say there's 100 stars, and you

can give each one a little kiss.

I don't know what this even is!

Uh oh, could someone come pick me up.

I'm joking, don't come.

Look at that, I'm here in front of the Reno big ball.

They say it's 100 feet big, and it's full of juice.

Well god dang, I didn't know it was the

god dang national bowling stadium and hall of fame.

Let's go inside!

Holy freakin' snopes, this is the biggest god dang

bowling place I've ever seen in my whole freakin' life.

You've gotta be joking my ass!

What are you joking my ass?

I'm at greater Nevada field, home of the Reno Aces baby.

You hit a home run!

I snuck into the dang stadium, shhhh.

Foul balls.

Three strikes and you're get out.

National automatron mausoleum, what are we going to go

see some cars?

You gotta be joking my ass, of course

I want to see some cars.

You gotta be joking my ass, they got

classic purple car, oh and ringo cucaracha,

Pontiac fast car, GMC old car, a Chevy weird car.

Yep, they pretty much had them all.

Well, I had a pretty good time here in Remo, Sriracha.

I never did get to see any hookers or anything,

but I still had a pretty dang good time.

I think maybe even it was the best day of my whole life.

For more infomation >> Overly Excited Tourist Finds Reno's Secret Wonders - Duration: 2:21.


SPEZIAL 1K - The Enduro Girl Vlog (Schwarzer Grat und Sonneckgrat) - Duration: 10:53.

For more infomation >> SPEZIAL 1K - The Enduro Girl Vlog (Schwarzer Grat und Sonneckgrat) - Duration: 10:53.


Fog of War. Обзор обновления 0.5.24 (ENG subtitles) - Duration: 4:24.

Hey everyone.

In this video Im gonna tell you what's happened with russian project Fog of War

and why there were no any news for a long time.

During the alpha-testing, updates were released with an enviable frequency - almost every day.

But after the release they began to release less often.

The reason of this was simple - instead of many small updates, the big one was prepared.

Finally Fog of War has moved from a dead center.

In fact it didn't even stopped - the work was in full swing.

The result of it is the 0.5.24 update.

Let's have a look on it.

Alpha-testing has shown that big maps are good,

but nobody likes to run far looking for a bullet to his head.

And rare encounters are not what we play the shooter for.

Therefore, huge maps are replaced by small ones, where encounters occur regularly

Vehicle park is reinforced by armored vehicles, which are available for company commanders

German SdKfz.222 and Soviet BA-6

Also soviet T-34/57 and T-34/76 are added, but postponed till german medium tanks will be released.

Arsenal of weapons is considerably enlarged: PPD-40, PPS-43, FG42, MP41, Suomi and much more

Weapons can be unlocked in headquater in main menu.

And one more good thing in the update is a leveling system.

But now it is just a rank and gives no advantages.

But as the phrase goes "The main thing is to start".

Most likely we will see rank system development in the future

In the future dividing the game to tactic and strategic parts is planned,

which probably will unite isolated battles to one global war or give them an overall objective.

As we can see, the game evolves,

but nonetheless there are still many shortcomings, defects and bugs - eternal satellites of early access.

The game is not ideal and its far away from the end result, but it has a great potential.

And all the plans should look very impressive,

if, of course, it will be brought to the end.

Let's hope that it will be so - I really want to once again believe in the russian gamedev.

For more infomation >> Fog of War. Обзор обновления 0.5.24 (ENG subtitles) - Duration: 4:24.


Rapidfire Series x Anonymouz - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> Rapidfire Series x Anonymouz - Duration: 5:18.




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