cheers like oh you could have engine
damage now cherry dude that's not how it
works BMW has a diagnosis computer
inside of the car that puzzling things
go wrong so there were engineer oh my
god this guy is a living meme no there
is it's not BMW has diagnosis computer
in the car okay ESP talk about racing by
getting his leased car and him getting a
new one he's apparently under the
impression they're getting a new car is
cheaper than a used one wait what the
vehicle to replace the incredibly
expensive leased vehicle that I've had
for the past three years so I'm done
paying for this car now which is good
cuz I'm so done with it I've paid so
much money for this car for the past
three years I got roped into it
roped into it right now it seems to be a
buyers market for cars and what I mean
by that is you don't you don't even need
to have like impeccable credit what a
buyers market regards what does that
even mean and you don't even need to
have a lot of money in order to buy a
car it's pretty insane the things that
I'm seeing out there just some of the
things idea dude he's got a 100% he's
got like a friend or a guy that works at
a fucking car dealership that told him
this shit dude right now it is a buyers
market for cars my dude or he saw it on
like a fucking like radio commercial or
some shit some of the promotions I've
seen out there right now for buying a
car number one instinct cash back okay
so you're going be it is an instant cash
back when they just make the loan a
little bit higher and they give you a
bunch of cash back like a car you sign
up for a loan to get the car and they
give you $2,000 that's insane I've never
heard of this before
disputable I've never heard of this
wait isn't cash back just money added to
the loan that's weird to me like I don't
know that's a lot of risk involved - I
um but I guess maybe your dyers market
for Amazon Prime sub the rich of giving
you $10,000 to take their car versus you
not paying and ruining your credit
permanently wait it's not a risk how is
it a risk to give somebody $2,000 when
you're driving a $30,000 asset off the
lot what do you mean what I guessed that
$2,000 is the risk that's worth that I
don't know that's pretty crazy
ah that's just rude anyway I'm not doing
that it's actually one of the worst
things you could do because if you do
that you can't get any other other deals
which is like a rebate off the car or a
promotional rate killer but this guy is
like this guy is like every salesman's
dream what the fuck
things the card car dealerships is doing
it so it's like oh he's coming back okay
but really this would be dumb to do I'm
not going to do it's like oh okay so he
does realize it was really dumb like
because there are so many other great
deals to take advantage o is there doing
an instant rebate so okay you're buying
the car and a line of RAM right and it
take like thousands of dollars off the
price of the car immediately as part of
their promotion so yeah pretty good
now the other one and this is the one
that I did not know if we were going to
be able to qualify for it okay 0%
financing which is awesome it means for
a certain amount of time on your loan
for the car you're not paying any
interest you're just paying down the
actual price of the vehicle
which is excellent get this 0% financing
for 72 months that is six years that is
the length of the loan that means that
if you buy the new car you don't pay any
interest at all they're giving you a six
year payment plan basically it's not
even really alone it's just like a six
year installment plan with no interest
it's pretty crazy man
that is absolutely not at least to me
you would think they would want to make
some money on the back end with the
financing but they're going for no
reinjure ease so here's a real quick
meme okay here's a real quick meme okay
just so you guys know this okay so if
they're generally this is my general
understanding okay so I could be wrong
it's my not apply to all loans for
everything that I've ever seen that has
0% financing what that typically means
is that you have 0% financing over a
certain period of time but if you do not
100% pay it off in that time period and
you go one day over all of that old
interest will be added back on to your
bill instantly okay be very careful with
the 0% financing meme it can be really
good I do it when I have the opportunity
to but that's because I know I can pay
my shit off in time
I only ever find interestings that I can
buy outright anyway and I'll only do it
to take advantage of interest bullshit
right so for instance when I buy things
at Home Depot right if I spend over $500
whatever I have like twelve months no
interest on my credit card however if
you only make the minimum payment then
it'll take you like three years to pay
off if you wait after those twelve
months all of the interest from the no
interest time period will come back and
be added to your bill so you make the
minimum payments until the twelve months
and then at the end then right at that
12 month mark you pay off the rest of
the balance to avoid all of the interest
just something to keep in mind
so yesterday Liana and I the reason that
we had to industry early is because we
had to go and meet up with someone at a
car dealership we had already tested
Riven carnival week and we wanted them
to pull our credit and run some numbers
for us to see what we could qualify for
could we could we qualify for any of
these new promotions you know for a car
and they pulled our credit and it was
you know it worked if interested yeah
you qualify which I was blown away I
thought for sure with the amount of debt
that I have in my name that I was not
going to qualify but they said no you
qualify because debt doesn't matter when
you're caught when you're qualifying for
loans I don't know if it's works the
same with
loans but like I know that when you're
qualifying for a home loan two things
matter one your credit will tell you
your credit can be used as a bare
minimum thing and credit can give you
better interest rates but the big thing
they look at is usually your debt to
income ratio and the only only pot count
like certain types of debt I think like
they'll count like child support they
count your mortgage payment and they'll
count any like outstanding like loans or
whatever but I don't know if they count
like everyday expenses or whatever like
you can qualify for some amazing shit
with a fuck ton of debt like you can
quote yeah it is very definitely
possible to qualify for things you
probably don't you probably can't afford
you know five years ago when I first got
the stupid BMW it made sense I was being
seen amounts of money on YouTube now it
doesn't make sense it never made sense
DSP it was a horrible thing you weren't
making unless unless DSP was literally
banking like 10 K plus a month then
maybe I mean I still wouldn't lease a
car for $400 a month or whatever and
then pmw to return the BMW and I forgot
to jump through a key to have meetings
done first I could never I will take the
prequel change week old thing
wait what he hasn't chased the oil in
five years I'm sorry I must have heard
that wrong hold on one second because I
never had the oil change the brake fluid
changed when did in the stupid thing
like I have that done and I have to
schedule time we could drop it off oh
boy hey wait hey that does either cover
three years or five years maybe he means
his last oil change hasn't happened yet
do you think do you think that's what he
means what do you think that's what he
meant that he just hasn't chopped it off
so we have the replacement car so I have
a ride home so I visited the coincide I
could be in it did I have to wait in the
BMW you don't change the oil we what is
that that's got to be a troll right in
three years we only drove the car 6,000
miles so if that gives you any idea hey
boy he leased a car for four or five
hundred dollars a month and he's only
drove it 6,000 miles in three years what
it was really like four or five hundred
dollars a month you could buy like a new
bike like every
hahaha I chase did I have y'all change
that was because it's a whole rigamarole
more about it oh no all right we're
backing up a little bit oh no and by the
way that wasn't my choice to not have
the oil change that was because it's a
whole rigmarole when we moved out here
they shipped us a car across the country
remember I said we had we got roped into
another three-year lease that was
because they wanted to make money back
on the East Coast so they shipped us a
car across the country so they could get
the profit for it and then they never
contacted us on a maintenance because
you know BMW you're supposed to get
maintenance for free no matter what part
of the deal that's why the cars so he's
never he's never changed the oil in this
car in three years in 36 months yeah you
can probably roll into any authorized
BMW dealership and they'll honor that
warranty so expensive and they never
uh-huh they never contacted us to get it
changed why would they contact you to
change your oil
hello it's DSP that we would just like
to give you a call to remind you that
it's time for your oil change we're
going to send a driver over immediately
to pick up your car what we'll drop a
rental off in the mean time and we'll
have that car returned back to you by
the end of the day thank you sir cheers
ago you could have engine damage now
cherry dude that's not how it works BMW
has a diagnosis computer inside of the
car that person is all wrong
so there were in Geneva oh my god
this guy is a living meme no there is
it's not BMW has diagnosis computer in
the car okay when you would have said
something they already did the pre
inspection we already hadn't brought it
in and they pre inspected and said
there's not wrong with the car at all
it's fine
Christine we only drove 6,000 miles of
course is Christine
this hurts to listen to this is this
into the mind of somebody financially
illiterate he's fucking himself over
what's late he's going to walk into a
dealership he's gonna walk out with a
fucking $30,000 loan it's going to say
no interest 72 months but they're
probably not going to be able to afford
it they're going to miss a payment or
something that's going to instantly
invalidate the no interest or some shit
who's going to be saddled while the
interest he's probably going to walk
away with tire insurance with gap
insurance with which would fucking fit
oil with a three year free maintenance
plan how many other deals can you sucker
people into or whatever with a 25-year
rust warranty with a roadside assistance
warranty like he's probably gonna have
like 50 million things packaged on top
of the math all dental insurance dollars
per mile bumper to bumper coverage he
could have gotten the limo oh my god I
could help this guy financially so much
yeah and then in five years he's gonna
make another room we all got roped into
buying this new shitty car he's such a
bad financial decision dude I'm it's
coming up to where probably within the
next seven months I'm going to be
getting a car and even I am like
hardcore debating on whether or not I
want a newer used I would almost always
advocate use but I can afford to buy a
new one I don't know if that like if
that price tag is worth it for me just
to have a car that I can call new though
I'm not sure but holy shit dude these
are very highly questionable financial
decisions what the fuck you dating an
ally where I will never least again from
now on I will always buy but anyway all
the other thing is some people were like
well why aren't you buying a used car we
did look into that we went to a couple
used-car lot
no we found out is number one these
used-car Lots do not do any kind of
promotion with financing whatsoever no
money back no money off the price of the
car and high interest rates on the loans
there's a fundamental problem here with
DSP sinking to is DSP doesn't understand
funding from a fundamental how
incentivizing works okay
if you walk onto a car lot and ten cars
have amazing promotions and ten cars
don't that tells you something
about what the dealer is trying to do
right if you know something that's
really fucking good that's really
awesome it'll sell itself right you
don't necessarily need to package it
with 50 million different types of
promotional packages and shit right
if you walk onto a lot and people are
hardcore giving you like 50 million
reasons to buy somewhere like I mean
that's just something to think about
right like well why do you need to
package this with so many different
types of you know special interest rate
special loans like this isn't that do
not stand on its own right like but I
don't know it's just something to yeah
you don't get a good interest rate on a
loan for used car they don't have any of
those kinds of features and they don't
have any of these kinds of features its
2017 dude they started to put backwards
facing cameras in a car is like in the
fucking mid to late 2000 you don't think
you can find a 2014 car with a rear
facing camera dude I'm pretty sure 2014
cars even it's probably standard keyless
entry and everything right every new
feature is probably going to be in a car
passed we used cars we looked at they
have zero warranty okay no pre
maintenance or anything for any period
of time the free maitenance doesn't
matter you were free man's in your BMW
and you didn't get the oil change to
single fuckin time so that means he is
gonna buy he is gonna buy the extended
free maintenance fucking package he is
going to buy like oh my god dude these
are a horrible decision um if you want
that you have to buy extra so there was
one car we were looking at was the
equivalent of what we're kind of going
to get probably for new car and we did
we did all the math and come to find out
it's almost the same price like slightly
less expensive but maybe like 50 bucks a
month but no warranty 50 bucks a month
but that's not how you're supposed to
look at a lot any shops buy monthly
payment that he is the ultimate consumer
that people market their shit to this is
it I just found it I didn't think these
type of people existed like is this car
better is this credit well this one's
better it's $50 a month cheaper okay for
how many more years
what who maintenance but within a year
will already have paid the difference
between maintenance and everything else
so it doesn't even make sense at all
right now to get a used car unless we
were gonna get like a junker like we
were going to get a two three thousand
dollar car that's a piece of crap
I just buy it off of someone listen for
five to ten thousand dollars you can get
something extremely reliable for ten
thousand dollars on a used car that's a
fuckin that's a good budget for used car
right for ten grand you could get
something pretty fucking good holy shit
like what that would be one thing but we
need a car that's dependable and the car
that if it breaks down we're gonna get a
warranty we're gonna get a loaner look
like that you're getting the lunch is
getting a roadside assistance meme he's
gonna be fuckin warranty the fuckin
dealership will sell them on this car oh
my god
yeah definitely by going for a you know
buying a car at least I'll have a car
where I'm getting equity every time I
pay I'm putting it no wait what did he
just say hold on work every day that's
the thing we have no cars you can't work
an hour that were out we have no income
there that we need so there you go
definitely buy going for a you know
buying a car at least I'll have a car
where I'm getting equity every time I
pay you don't that's not true you don't
get equity in a fucking car
what oh you guys can see equity
represents the difference between the
value of the asset and the value of the
loan okay in your favor so if I've got
an asset worth $50,000 and I have a
$40,000 loan on it you could say that I
have ten thousand dollars in equity
right in that car
does that make sense but when you buy a
car and you drive it off the lot it
loses a good chunk of its value almost
immediately so it will take you years
and years and years to actually have any
equity in that vehicle it's possible
that you could have a six year loan on a
car and you'll only get equity in that
last year it's possible for it to happen
like I'm putting value into the vehicle
and it makes more sense you know you
live and you learn the good news is I'm
glad I did do a lease on the BMW because
there's no way that we would be able to
afford to buy it and imagine if I had
had the car in my name right now and
you know after three years you don't
have a lot of equity in the car
especially if you're talking out of
three years you have no equity on a new
car most of your money is going towards
interest in the car is devalued such
that you will be upside down on the loan
this is why car owners always sell gap
insurance which is gap insurances
insurance that covers the difference
between the value of the asset and in
the end the conservation the value of
the asset and the and the value of the
loan if you've got a $20,000 loan on a
10th on a car that's not worth $10,000
you could buy gap insurance cover
difference don't buy it because it's
fucking retarded but through % loan
right imagine now if I was like stuck
with this car forever and I'm like damn
there's no way I can reduce my payment
that would really suck so alright
everyone I think that's it I don't
really have much else to talk about as
you guys and gals now as I said if you
do cheer tip or sub to the channel holy
shit these are just the worst financial
decisions a man can make and the funny
thing is you know he's going to buy some
retarded fucking shit they're going to
get a sports car with like some crazy
low suspension he's gonna be dragging
this fuckin bumper around everywhere
he's going to have like the rear pro the
super thin profile fucking tires and
shit it's going to be an uncomfortable
stiff as fuck ride that's just for a
daily driver to work or some shit like
oh my god what the fuck this is like
watching a disaster unfold live this is
ice Poseidon tear financial intelligence
I don't agree because Isis an innocent
typically isn't usually stubborn about
his financial stuff he's usually like
pretty you should reach out and talk to
him he blocked me on Twitter instantly I
don't think he's way too stubborn but
like I don't think he'll ever want to
have a conversation like I'm not gonna
reach out to him after he blocks and
Twitter you guys have that if he wants
to like I'm pretty sure that a combo
with me will get him more viewers than
like he normally ever has where it
doesn't normally only get a couple
hundred viewers so maybe you could swing
it to him like financially like hey
destiny will talk to you and you're good
a ton of viewers doing it and people
donate or differ but like his um yeah
these are just horrible horrible
horrible like the the type of
conversation is having here demonstrates
a financial illiteracy that is
astounding to me like holy shit
especially because it's compounding the
financial troubles he's already
experiencing in life due to his um the
YouTube shit getting fucked
everything definitely wants to know tell
him I just want to talk about buying a
listen hey we should chat about car keys
thing use first new cars at some point I
think I can offer you high a valuable
different point of view that could save
you a ton of money in the future I'm
pretty sure the only way you're going to
bait him is if you say something like I
have ten top tips that car sales people
don't want you to know he's ignoring the
bits now lemay oh wait really now that
you won't talk to him tell us why buying
a used car if people don't want to go
deep into a mechanic and leave the car
there for three days for checks for
buying it I don't think it's really safe
to buy a used car against a new one that
will be perfect
okay listen dude this is a huge mean
that onions I don't see uneducated as on
true but there's a huge mean that
uneducated people say cars are extremely
resilient cars are incredibly resilient
okay cars are made to be used by the
average fucking idiotic driver that's
how resilient cars are made okay we just
listen to DSP not getting an oil changer
in this car for three fucking years all
like cars are meant to be used by people
that do not take care of them okay they
don't change the oil that drive on flat
tires they'd let the check engine light
run 24/7 right cars are very very
resilient things if you're getting a car
that's two years used it's not going to
be fucked up there's just unless
somebody's literally like dirt like
Derby racing with it or some shit like
there is no way that like you're gonna
buy it to your used car that's already
got like a fuck ton of horrible ground
as long as you're buying some reliable
shit it'll be fine dude oh my god so do
you remember listening to Diaz he's
rational and leasing a car ah no oh well
he leased a new car for pretty much all
the dumbest reasons you could ever lease
a car for right and I might have you
might have mentioned something about it
okay I'm at about a lot right well
apparently now just recently that lease
expired and he's talking about how
horrible it was he hasn't changed his
oil in three years
on this car he's never ever brought it
in for service and his reason was
because the guys didn't call him to tell
him when to bring it in or whatever it
was like just really retarded shit so
now he started talking about how he's
finally going to be out of this leasing
he's so happy and now he wants to go buy
a brand-new car
okay because buying used is dumb and if
he buys a brand-new car you saying about
like they've got these crazy things
because it's a buyers market right now
for car one and he's like you can get
$2,000 cash back I don't even know how
they can do deals like this they give
you $2,000 cash to buy their car if this
guy never watched commercial legit and
then he's like talking about like and I
could get a used car but like if I get a
new car it's literally like $50 a month
difference oh my god it was like all the
classic these these are like all the
classic consumer mishaps for finance
like I didn't even know these people
existed but like holy shit what are you
talking about everyone only cares about
the monthly famine nine years is that a
car no one knows god he sounds like he
sounds like he's going to get like all
the insurance on it like the roadside
assistance the every piece of extra
insurance you combine it like oh god I
bet they love him dude how do you go
three how do you go three years without
an oil change
he just does that like how honest I
can't read the change oh yeah okay what
did he say he said something like he was
like Cheerios like oh you have engine
damage not cherry dude that's not how it
works BMW has a diagnosis computer
inside car you go oh my god oh my god
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