what's up guys it's your boy Ben here
back with another video and I figured
I'd finally do my Q&A video I asked you
got definite questions a long time ago
and I kind of haven't really been
posting consistently since I asked you
guys to ask me questions but it's
finally time to do these so if you have
a question in here there's a chance it's
going to get answered it's kind of going
to be like a raw style video I'm not
really going to cut out all my speaking
mistakes that I usually have because
like in all my other videos I have so
many mistakes that have to cut out
because what I'm thinking I'm going to
say in my head is and everyone comes out
of my mouth so I always end up having to
cut out a bunch of stuff but without
further ado I'm just going to get into
these questions I'm going to go down the
line however many I can answer in the
time I have all my camera is how many
I'm an answer so hopefully yours is in
here and hopefully I answer a lot of
important questions so the first
question is when can we see more videos
featuring or cute and stylish girlfriend
well I actually had planned on doing
some more videos with her I wanted to do
one of those ones where you rate your
subscribers outfits so send me your best
outfits to my Instagram or my Twitter I
don't really know how these are done I
know a lot of people do them but I don't
really know how to get the fits but yeah
send me yours on Instagram DM me I guess
and DM me on Twitter or tag me into on
Twitter in pictures that you think are
your best fist and we will rate them and
she will be in them she's also going to
be in some vlogs that I have coming up
so definitely stay tuned if you want to
see her in more videos and I'm getting
on to the next question and that next
question is how old were you when you
got into fashion now I don't really know
like the exact age I would say whatever
age you are when you're going into high
school like a freshman in high school
I'm 20 years old by the way right now if
you guys wanted to know that but I
really started getting into fashion my
freshman year
high school because leading up because I
wear uniforms in school so I was super
excited when I was finally able to like
dress in what I wanted to I've always
really been into like sneakers and
things like that because I've been
playing competitive basketball for
pretty much my whole life so I've always
kind of really been into shoes but I
wasn't really able to get into fashion
until high school when I was able to
like wear things that I wanted to wear
instead of just a uniform but I didn't
really have like a cool style back then
I wore like cargo shorts and in like
skate tees or whatever
oh but yeah that's my god into fashion
however old you are when you're in high
school I think 14 or 15 I am even know
of yeah however will do hard when you're
a freshman in high school next question
is we be making more videos on how to
wear certain styles color blocking etc
those styles of videos are my favorite
and I'd love to see some from you I can
definitely do those down the videos I
don't really know like how to make them
do it just like show you guys fits about
them or do I just show you pictures of
people that are executing a color
blocking or different like styles of
clothes I don't know how to format them
but I can definitely do some style
videos if a lot of you guys want to see
them so yeah that's a good question next
question is what are my opinions on tech
wear clothing I'm kind of like there are
some of them are cool so Moammar I think
tech wear is like like jackets and pants
like with tech materials I've been
guessing I'm not really sure what tech
wear is but if that's what tech wear is
it's pretty cool I'm wearing some like
tech wear like running shorts right now
we're running shorts like whenever I
sell videos because it's so hot in here
with the lights on me so I get that like
tech wear clothing and yeah what's the
next question is what are some tips you
have for dressing good if you don't have
a lot of fits now this one is a very
good question because this is kind of
what I did in high school
and my number one tip would be to keep
it simple like don't have a lot of
really loud colors wear a lot of blacks
navies greys White's because if you
don't have a lot of bits
you don't want things that stand out too
much because say you have like an orange
shirt a green shirt and a purple shirt
you have three shirts and then say you
have like a white pair of jeans which is
very recognizable you go to school and
school is like five days a week and you
just come out to rotate those things and
everyone will notice that you're wearing
the same thing but if you have like
plain shirts
you'll definitely not be noticed to be
wearing the same thing and it still
looks pretty stylish like in high school
I were a lot of like grades and white
because I was early in the shoe so my
shoes kind of popped and yeah that just
said keep it simple and buy some good
quality stuff that will last you like
quite a while I'll say like buy a nice
blue pair of pants a nice black pair of
pants and then just like basic color
tees but yeah that's what I would say to
do if you don't have a lot of fits and
like vans are like the best shoes like I
wear vans every day and you can wear
vans every day and still look stylish
because vans are so like tight so yeah
that's the answer to that question next
question is what's your favorite outfit
I don't really know I guess right now
it's the outfit I just posted on my
Instagram like where I'm wearing my
purple supreme pants my money Green
fours and then my favorite supreme shirt
I don't really know why that's my
favorite fit I just really like the
purple and the green like the contrast I
love that color scheme together I think
it looks super sick so I'll say as of
right now that's probably my favorite
but that always changes like all the
time so it's that's kind of like a hard
question to answer next question what
are your thoughts on Palace summer 17
actually copped something from the first
drop I copped the canvas black pea hat
and I also copped the purple try 40 I
might give that away to you guys I've
also got another shirt that I might want
to give away because I still do my 5k
giveaway so whatever one you guys want
more will be the one I give away but I
did get some pallets
summer 17 but like Palace for me it's
really not even close to supreme like I
love supreme so much more than I like
Thomas but I did like some of the stuff
and I copped it so yeah my thoughts are
it's kind of cool a lot of stuff missed
for me but some of the stuff hits so I
did like some of it next question if you
could go back to a closing decade which
would it be I probably say well it says
like 90,000 80s etc probably say the 90s
just because fashion now like what's in
style now is pretty much like all like
from the 90s so I'll say probably the
90s because as of now that's what you
see a lot of style kind of app modeled
after it's like the 90s type style so
yeah say the 90s would be the decade I
would go back to with clothing that next
question are you in college and if so
what are you majoring I am in college
like I said I'm 20 years old I just
finished my sophomore year in college I
was studying in San Francisco for a
little bit I'm looking to go back this
upcoming semester and I'm majoring in
business entrepreneurship it is a very
kind of boring major right now I'm not
really sure that's what I want to do but
that's what I'm in right now and I just
finished my sophomore year so it's kind
of like I'm too far into it to change
now so that's what I'm just going to
stick with until I can graduate next
question what fashion trend did you find
the most annoying / horrendous I
actually made a video on that go check
it out
5 worst trends of 2017 I really hate
zippers on stuff like a lot of excess
zippers and I'm also not really a fan of
all that like IKEA fashion that people
are doing now I don't really understand
it so I don't really like it so those
are probably the two that I don't like
the most right now
next one what got you industry where
brands such as supreme liking shoes got
me into street wear definitely because
I've always kind of been in that culture
I just haven't really been able to buy
clothes until like my freshman year
so liking shoes is what made me like
brands like supreme and I've always kind
of skated to like I've been skating for
a long time off and on but yes that's
why what career do you want to go
towards that's a good question and I
don't know the answer to that so I have
no clue what I really want to do right
now I I kind of want to do my own thing
like I want to make my own business
about something I don't really know what
it is yet but that's kind of the
direction I'm going in which is why I'm
studying business entrepreneurship next
one favorite songs left songs at the
moment I really don't know that either
right now let me just go on my
soundcloud and I'm just going to say
like the ones that I've really been
feeling lately
lenz by Frank Ocean is definitely one of
them and I also do really like get out
my face
bye swoosh gun I also really really
really really like element by Kendrick
Lamar that's definitely my favorite song
on that album and the next question is
favorite album of 2017 and it is damn by
Kendrick Lamar the album is so fire I
love the album so much and I'm typically
not a huge Kendrick fan but this album
was so crazy to me so I just really
loved that album and it's definitely my
favorite album of the year so far
so next question what is our supreme
Grail I'd probably say like the Shibuya
box logo I think that's a super-tight
like shirt also the biggie collab
because that was the first like supreme
items that I've ever cooked and I sold
it and I'm so sad that I sold it like
all I have now the keychain and the
stickers that I put on that door and I'm
so upset that I stuck it on that door
but yeah probably the biggie supreme tea
or the shibuya boxes oh that's probably
my grill the next question what are some
good cheap brands that you like I don't
really like cheap brands and if I do is
usually like H&M or like yeah like H&M
because it's a
really good like basic things that you
can wear with pretty much everything so
I don't like brands to me aren't really
cheap because what I'm into isn't really
cheap like so that's kind of a hard to
cushion answer what is your favorite
pair of shoes they don't have Chicago
ones by far and the alkali Chicago ones
that are coming out are the tightest
shoe I want those so bad and if I have a
chance to get them I'm going to buy them
in a heartbeat I don't care what the
retail price is I'm paying it so that's
definitely my favorite shoes in Chicago
ones next one all-time favorite sneaker
I actually answered this already in my
shoe collection video and my all-time
favorite sneaker is the black cement
three I just love that shoe so much it
means so much to me I have two pairs and
I'll always probably have multiple pairs
even if I don't wear the shoe it will
always be my favorite shoe I just love
that shoe so much it looks so good on
with everything so definitely the Black
Sea masteries next one how when did you
start getting into fashion like I said I
got into fashion like my freshman year
high school and I got into it just
because I've usually been into sneakers
like I was in the sneakers years and
years before high school so it kind of
led to fashion when I was able to wear
whatever clothes I wanted to so that's
what got me into it
next question where is your birthmarks I
don't I don't really know what that
means like if I have a birthmark I do
have a birthmark it's on the back of my
head so it's like my hair gets faded up
high enough you can see it if that's
what you're asking that's that's what my
birthmark is that's where it is next
why has God abandoned us I don't know
man I really don't next one D skate if
you do trainee or Street I do skate well
like I skate in San Francisco more
because all my friends in San Francisco
kind of like to skate around and it's
really fun that's like my favorite thing
to do in San Francisco and it's straight
because I don't know I don't really
skate training I used to skate training
when I had friends here that skated a
lot but I don't I have in a long time
like trendy used to be what I skated in
like middle school and stuff like that
but now it's just skate Street just
because it's kind of a fun way to get
around and you can kind of explore the
city well in San Francisco you can
explore the city because there's so much
to do there so I do skate street and I
do still skate actually have my board
right there what is your favorite fit
that you own and I answered that already
tip on drifting and will you do more
thrift videos I definitely will do more
dirt videos I was actually planning on
doing a lot more because I kind of
wanted to get some more vintage clothes
and tips on drifting I'll probably just
have a couple tips one is don't be
discouraged because some days you could
find absolutely nothing and some days
you could find heat so just don't give
up with drifting and also know which
good will have good stuff in which good
will don't because around me I don't
really have like thrift store through
stores I just kind of have good wheels
and things like that in Buffalo
exchanges and some of the good wheels
have like tracked them nothing there all
the time they never have anything good
and some of them always have some pretty
good stuff so I usually just don't even
go to the ones with that stuff so that
would be my trip on my tips on drifting
and also don't pay too much for stuff
because there's some third stores in San
Francisco that charge way too much for
stuff but yeah that's what my tips for
searching would be and I do plan on
making some more drifting videos so stay
tuned for those if you could go without
sleep for the next three years at the
cost of subtracting one year from your
lifespan would you you know I like
sleeping sleep a lot
I wouldn't do that top 5s you dressed
youtubers in your opinion that's the
hard one for me to answer because I
don't really watch well I just kick the
camera I don't really want a lot of
fashion YouTube so I don't even think I
can name five fashion youtubers right
now so I can't really make that like I
don't really know and then usually the
videos i watch are like funny videos or
whatever so the people that are in them
aren't really that fashionable I'd say
so I can't really answer that are you
just the Cyprian Channel or you're going
to branch out and I said no I'm not just
a supreme channel I've done some other
types of videos and I kind of want to
stop doing the droplets videos because
when I first did them it was like me and
maybe two other people doing them from
week one and now it's like you can find
50 of them on each week to drop so I
kind of want to quit doing them just
because like you can watch 50 of them
and they're all the same video they're
all talking about the same stuff so I
kind of want to stop doing them they're
kind of really played out at this point
so yeah and I do want to branch out I
want to branch out for more than fashion
because fashion videos to me get really
repetitive and they're more so about
like what you have and what you buy and
things like that and what you wear
rather than like what you do who you are
like if you do anything cool like things
like that and it's kind of like really
materialistic obviously because fashion
is a materialistic thing but it just
kind of gets really repetitive to me
because there's not a whole lot you can
do with fashion videos that's different
which is why pretty much every fashion
video you see is like the same thing
it's always like unboxings reviews
lookbook things like that so I
definitely want to branch out into like
some more entertaining things but yeah
I'm not just a supreme channel how old
are you I'm 20 years old look I mean to
YouTube a lot of people in high school
always ask me like how I wore my clothes
where I got my haircut
where I got my shoes what how like have
style thing so I figured it'd be kind of
cool because a lot of people ask me
about that stuff all the time
what's your setup right now I have like
some ghetto life like I have lights from
Ikea if you guys can see them and then I
have like an $8 light that I made from
Walmart on this side I have like a
tripod that's probably older than me and
I'm using my dad's camera that he
dropped in a river on the hike right now
so that's my setup I really want to get
a better setup but it's just so
expensive like camera stuff is so
expensive and I don't have like the
money for that right now but yeah that's
my setup right now what kind of music
you listen to I listen to whatever
sounds cool I listen to a lot of hip-hop
that's probably the main thing I love to
do but I do listen to a lot of other
next question from Preston at inland
shout-out to Preston by the way if you
could only Vienna sausages or canned
tuna for the rest of your life what
would you choose easy Vienna sausages I
hate can do not hate the way it smells
it smelled like cat food
that's probably one of the things that I
cannot stand the most on this world so
yeah are the Vienna sausages over canned
tuna any day of the week give me those
sausages man no home what song did you
use for the vid I ate just typed in like
supermarket music because I think it
sounds sick and I just clicked on
whatever one I like the best so that's
what I used in that one known how do I
find my personal style now this one is
tough to answer because I feel like
everyone kind of finds their own style
in their own way but the way I would say
is be inspired by other people and be
inspired like with the things around you
like how people are like how your
setting is and how it dictates what you
wear it's really hard to explain but I
would say like be inspired by other
people and also mix in things that you
like yourself like for me I listen to a
lot of hip-hop
I like a lot of sports so my
inspirations are like athletes and
rappers because that's usually kind of
the style that I see the most and I
think the coolest so that's kind of what
I'm inspired by but then I also mix it
with things that I like that maybe those
people wouldn't wear and that's how you
get your personal style it's kind of
like something that you you feel in your
own heart and that you just kind of find
yourself like just where would you like
pretty much that's what I was saying and
definitely take inspiration from people
that inspire you
that's how I would say to find your
personal style next one top three
rappers my top three changes like all
the time like constantly constantly but
right now I would say probably Travis
Scott because I've been listening to
days before rodeo a lot recently like
I've been listening to it over again and
I think it's super sick and I think it's
style super sick Reisler player if you
don't know who reflux Larry is he's like
a big like Atlanta like rapper he's done
so much for like the Atlanta rap scene
or whatever and it's all super tie and
his music super tiny as an album coming
out I've used some of his songs in my
videos he's definitely one of my
favorites just because I think he's
super sick following on Instagram too
because it's top style is super tight
and then three probably Losey I guess I
don't really know if you didn't know
Rhys Lafleur and lo Busey had beef but I
liked both of their music so I liked
both of them and their music is both
tie-in they're both tight so that's
probably my top three Travis Scott Reese
Lafleur lil uzi for now actually got the
Mackendrick in there - maybe I'll put
some Mattox in there shout-out to Matt
ox next one brandy see dead next year to
be quite honest with you I think you're
God or Liz Lisa PacSun stuff I feel like
that pack some stuff it's kind of going
just because from what I've observed
every time I've went in the store after
the drops like happen I've seen more and
more stuff just sitting on the racks
they're like you could probably still
buy some of the fog stuff now and the
quality to what I've heard has really
improved and that's definitely a big
like thing that people always complain
about is the quality of the PacSun stuff
so I'd say that kind of dying out a
little bit like that really like long
elongated tea stuff is going to die out
that's not really a brand though when
I'm hoping guys is antisocial social
club because I think that brand is super
wack it's just like trash like it looks
like WordArt you can do in Microsoft
Word not even in like Photoshop or like
illustrator or anything like that just
it's so back to me and I don't get why
people will pay so much money for that
stuff like I just hate that brand I hope
it does because it's terrible um what is
your favorite sneaker and answer that
leaf favorite supreme collab now this
one's kind of hard because supreme has a
lot of bad collabs like they have a lot
of collabs that just miss so it's kind
of hard for me to think about it because
I try to like get those out of my head
because I don't like thinking about
those because they're just they make
some bad stuff sometimes
Muttley say everyone that I could
they made some tins like recently maybe
last year or the year before and they
were just really bad they weren't like
real Tim they were like those like
hiking tins and they were just terrible
and I just thought the shoe is ugly so
maybe those they have some other stuff
that I don't like a lot of the collabs
are really misses for me so I can't
really like pin it down I just probably
say those tins for now because I don't
want even know anything else off the top
of my head because I have them in the
back of my memory because I try to
forget about them so next question how
old are you twenty years old answered
that do you smoke weed and you do still
skate I do not smoke weed I do not drink
I don't do any of that
just never
been my style so I just don't really do
any of us and do I still skate I already
answered that would you consider having
braids no I don't think people that look
like me should give braids and with like
the type of my hair my hair is like so
fine and so straight I feel like braids
wouldn't even stay in my hair for more
than a day so it's not really I don't
really consider having them I was active
actually maybe I do it just for fun one
day or something like that but yeah not
really do you love me yeah love you dude
shout out to you what's your fave
supreme item ever I don't know said like
it's my Grail or what I have right now
it'd probably say the biggie tea because
that's my first ever supreme item or
like the surf style long sleeve top that
I have that's just my favorite shirt
that I've had for a long time oh yeah
what was my first supreme ottoman it was
the biggie collab which is in like I
think 2011 or 2012 was my first supreme
item and I'm 20 years old now and it's
2017 so my first supreme item was when I
was like 14 or 15 years old which means
that I've been captain supreme for like
a quarter of my life and I think that's
so crazy that people on my videos
comment all the time they're like oh
this what happens in mall kids start
buying supreme this is why Supremes
trash because kids like this go from
forever21 the supreme which is crazy to
me because I've been buying the supreme
for a quarter of my life I probably been
buying supreme for longer than these
people even have known it was a brand
I probably invited supreme longer than
their favorite youtuber to be honest
because I can't really find a youtuber
that's been buying supreme for just as
long as me because you can tell when
someone gets their first supreme item
because there's always I can post about
it or something like that like even if
they haven't had a youtube channel
before that you always put your first
supreme item like on Twitter on Facebook
they're on Instagram it's usually
something small like a hat or key
in or something but yet I definitely
know that a lot of these youtubers have
a member on supreme for as long as me
they may have a lot more than me they
may have a lot older items but I feel
like I've just been buying it for a
longer so I just fit that it doesn't
really matter we've been buying it
longer like as long as you wear what you
like whatever but it should just find it
like kind of crazy that people would
come without all my videos when I've
been buying it for so long oh yeah my
first item would be biggie tea I have
the keychain so on my keys somewhere and
the sticker is on the back of that door
camera cut off again you guys have no
clue how often that happened
which is why I need a new camera I
probably need better lights and a better
setup but I stuff a lot of questions
that I wanted to answer it because a lot
of them are still some good questions so
if your question got cut off I'm sorry I
don't really know what question I was on
but the question I haven't answered is
where do you get your genes from from a
bunch of different places I don't really
have a specific place I don't really
like I don't understand why people will
spend so much for denim because you can
make whatever brand and look just as
good as like a designer pair or whatever
because some of my favorite pairs of
pants are like H&M or Zara Zara is
probably my favorite right now though I
probably recommend Zara because it's
pretty affordable they have a lot of
sales all the time and they usually fit
pretty good I've had pants from all the
stores that I feel like tapered and
distressed and a lot of people have
really liked them you've probably seen
them in a couple of my videos but yeah I
don't really have like a specific place
but usually when I go to buy new jeans
is probably from Zara
opinions on vintage street wear it's
super sick like you can find things that
no one else has which is why I like
going drifting and things like that
is so tight because you can find stuff
that literally you would not see someone
else walking down the street with it
like whereas like Supriya
or things like that you probably see
like a lot of people wearing the same
thing as you depending on where you live
and things like that so I think it's
super sick you buy up D pop if not you
should I have it I know it is I have the
app and everything I have an account
I've just never really bought anything
up there I don't really look on it too
much just because I forget it's there
but if I should buy something off there
maybe I should just start looking more
I just haven't yet but I know it is what
is the best slash cheapest way for
someone that doesn't live in the UK US
or Japan to get stuff like supreme this
one's kind of hard for me to answer
because I live in the US so I don't
really know what it's like to buy some
things that are outside of like those
three places but I'd probably say like
eBay or something if you have like a
distance first type thing or Grails
maybe you can search like by how far the
things are away from you I don't really
know but that's probably what my
suggestion would be just like the search
for things and then look of like closest
first and maybe you could find some
stuff in your area but yeah other than
that I'm not really too sure about that
but I'm hoping that that would help but
who knows
next question booster air comfort wise
it's a boost but air looks better in my
opinion boots kind of look stupid when
you think about it it looks like popcorn
or something like that on the bottom of
your shoes but it's so much more
comfortable than like any other material
that you can buy with shoes so comfort
wise I would say boost
do you like fgt not really I feel like
FTP is probably one of those like super
overrated brands that people like high
clover is kind of like anti-social
social club to me FTP is like a
glorified hub like its hub stuff this
sells out it's not really that
impressive to me like it's cool whatever
the sayings cool I guess it's rebellious
it's edgy but I don't think it's that
tight like I feel like people just
believe the hype in this it's it's just
the logos really simple their designs
aren't that great I just think it's a
decent brand it's not like it doesn't
really stand out to me so it's whatever
other than supreme what are some of your
favorite brands that's kind of a hard
question because Supremes like my main
one probably say like inland shout-out
to my dude Preston I just like
supporting my friends and whatever they
want to do so probably say his brand and
he actually has like six stuff and I've
seen like where he started and where he
is now with his Brandon is super tight
to see progression so I probably say
that go check his brand out if you guys
haven't already they have a lot of cool
stuff I just did like a photo shoot with
him a couple days ago so I'm really kind
of hyped on his brand I'm actually going
to start coming out with stuff I think
and I think a lot of you guys are going
to like it so I definitely think I'm
going to have some cool stuff coming out
and then really it's just what I like
it's not really particular brands the
only like particular brand that I really
go after is I supreme and stuff like
that otherwise it's just if I like it or
if I don't it doesn't matter what brand
it is but yeah I don't really have a lot
of other favorite ones what are some
underground clip underground clothing
brands that you think might go big
inland by my friend Preston and I think
just whoever has like cool stuff that
consistently comes out with better stuff
every single time they release something
so I don't really like I can't really
tell the future
so yeah what's your favorite video game
of all time Wow
I actually have a ton because I'm like a
big gamer that's what I do on my spare
time that's what I do to relax I play
games I have a lot of favorite games to
be honest and this is going to be so
hard for me to answer
um so I'm just going to give you like a
list of my favorite games a halo 3
modern warfare 2 doesn't like
the games I played the most when a
little wood as younger not when I was a
little uh I really like Super Smash Bros
the first one on the Gamecube Simpsons
hit and run is super sick I like the NFL
Street games I like the NBA Street games
la noir was a sick game what am I
forgetting am I forgetting anything like
it's so hard for me to answer because
there's so many great games that I
played and just have like been my
favorite games oh the skate series is
like some of the best games ever I want
to get four to come like so bad because
I feel like the skate games are just so
sick and an exigency a game would be so
tight but like yeah there's like a ton
of games that I love playing like I love
playing video games and there's a ton
that have been like my top games and
then I've just loved so it's kind of a
hard answer to just put one but I gave
you kind of a list of what I really
really like do i watch any anime no do
you like die montreal bronze 56k or ftp
i like diamond bronze I don't really
like FTP bronze 56k is super tight to me
I really love Dom I was actually looking
to get some like diamond hats and they
had some time bands that I want I think
Don's a super Thai brand oh yeah like I
like those opinions on stone Island I
think stone island is super tight I want
to get some stone items and stuff but
it's so expensive but yes so nylons
super site it's the pre-medical lab with
it I'm probably going to call something
from it okay
this one has there's like four questions
like in a row the app what I do for a
living what I do for living can you give
advice on buying clothes with the tight
budget what do you do for a living with
you okay so this one it's going to be
like an explanation what I do for a
living I don't have like a set job I did
and I hated it and I did wasn't treated
right at that job I was working at so I
and that's when I started my youtube
channel a bunch of things like happened
when I quit that job so I started my
youtube channel because this is what I
wanted to do
saved us some money to buy like my
little blog camera and that's what I
filmed probably my first 10 videos with
before I knew my dad had this camera
that he doesn't really use because it
doesn't work too well but yeah I bought
a camera with the money I had from that
job and I realized that I needed more
money you know like because if you're
gonna have a fashion channel you kind of
have to be bringing in new things like
frequently so I figured I needed some
more money so I decided that I was going
to try to get a job so I hit one of my
friends up to set his place was hiring
and I worked as a pizza man
and as for whoa whoa I worked as a
teacher man for a day and I also worked
as a dishwasher for a day and I quit
because I am kind of germaphobic so like
washing the dishes was terrible so I
quit that job but the paycheck was good
for a day is like a hundred fifty bucks
or something for just a day of work so
it was pretty cool I made that and I
probably spent that on like sort of
supreme or something um that I realized
I needed more money and there wasn't
really any jobs because I tried to apply
to like apples and bands and like some
other stores and none of them called me
back I don't know find resumes bad or
whatever but I never got calls back from
them so I decided that I would probably
just sell some stuff that I don't wear
because I have like a ton of shoes that
I don't work so all the shoes I didn't
wear I put up on grilles and they were
selling at all so I just kind of had to
make that like 150 stretch and hell I'll
be able to find something else and then
the final four came to Arizona which is
where I live now and this girl from my
high school on Twitter she said she
asked if anyone wanted to work at the
game so I worked a day I was actually a
bartender which I'm not old enough to
drink which I thought it was kind of
funny I was I was a bartender for a day
at the final four games and that was
pretty cool I'll actually do that again
because the tits are pretty good and
it's not too bad of a job so I did that
for a day I made some good money and
then after I made that money all my
stuff on grill started to sell so I was
selling like - after shoot after shoe
after shoe and I was able to make like a
good chunk of money
and that's when I started like buying
supreme every week button supreme every
week because I was starting to make like
chunks of money with all the stuff out
of selling and then recently I was like
cashed my first money from YouTube it
wasn't that much but it is like for all
my videos it wasn't that much and I cast
that so it's kind of its kind of just
like a bunch of different things that I
do to like get money to get my clothes
on things like that and that kind of
answers like how you doing on the tight
budget you just kind of have to find
whatever you can
maybe resell some stuff and that's what
you want to do but this is what I did I
just kind of worked a bunch of different
things now that's our supreme supreme no
question not even close what's your
favorite all-white shoe there's a ton of
like tight all-white shoes the ultra
boost is cool that's all I can think
about I'm not really a big fan of white
I like the pure money for those are cool
on which you too
what's your opinion on the leaked
supreme and van 666 slip-ons they're all
right they're decent I like the mustard
ones because that color is pretty cool
to me but that's a 6 6 pattern is really
overrated to me favorite supreme drop so
far for 2017 probably that's my cable
one that's his name Ram I kill the Mike
kill one was sick because I just really
like the hardened a probably that one
was my favorite drop yeah that one was
my favorite job if you had only two
hundred dollars for a full wardrobe that
what would you buy at least 3/5 no shoes
included that's pretty hard to two
hundred dollars in a lot for the three
tips I'd probably buy like a nice pair
of pants for like 50 bucks and then the
rest would be shirts to be honest if it
doesn't count shoes because me and you
bought like a nice basic pair of pants
you could pretty much wear anything
within you could wear them over and over
and over again and no one really say
anything because it's just a basic pair
of pants it's not like so out there that
if you wear it every day people would
notice so that's probably what I'll do
with your thoughts on Carhartt it's cool
it's just like a work where type thing
so I don't really have anything cool
like basic tees you can buy in every
kind of like champion I would say but
more like work wear type champion best
Kanye album now me right now I don't
even like Kanye anymore like I used to
be so into Kanye I did report for like
eighth grade and sixth grade and things
like that about Kanye cuz he's my
favorite artist he's actually would like
got me into hip-hop and stuff like that
but like once he dropped Jesus I just
kind of stopped listening to him because
that album was like so weak to me he was
like that was like a favor it's like
crying about everything he's crying
about being a rich fragments rapper with
a job that everyone wants to have he's
crying about that and being upset that
he was oppressed about that so it's like
it was kind of a wack album to me and
then Pablo didn't really seem serious to
me it wasn't really that kind of an
album so I haven't really been like a
huge Kanye fan sent Jesus came out but
the correct answer for the best album is
graduation now I'm is so sick I probably
listen to the album for like a whole
year whenever that album was out so
graduation of my favorite my favorite
song is good morning on graduation so
yeah opinions on high fashion it's cool
but expensive what is your favorite vans
model probably the old school or the
slip-on Elex
so I got caught up again and I believe
what I was talking about was the
question that says are your friend Ford
classmates as stylish as you
if not how do they react to you I was
saying that I have I have I've had
friends like I've had more friends in
high school than I do now but my friends
in high school like some of them like
we're into fashion some of them are it's
not really a difference between like how
you are with them they don't really
react differently if they're not de
fashion they're like oh that's cool
you're into fashion if they are in a
fashion they're like oh that
who you're in a fashion it's like the
same thing you could just talk more
about fashion with people that are into
it obviously then those who aren't but
it's not really that much of a
difference other than that so that's
what I would say to that your favorite
most inspiring fashion youtubers uh
really my only favorite is probably
locusts and wild honey because Paul
seemed like such a sick dude I'd love to
collab with him he seems like such a
nice guy so probably locusts and wild
honey I did watch Jacob Starr's videos
for a while but I feel like he doesn't
really mess with mine like I feel like
he's definitely seen some of my droplets
video then he doesn't really like them
so I used to watch him a lot I don't
really watch him that much anymore I
don't know if this that's really bad to
say or not but locusts and wild honey is
my favorite on your first video it
seemed like you had thought about a
YouTube channel for a while how long
were you thinking about a channel before
that and what advice would you give to
someone trying to be start trying to
start don't be basic now thinking about
it for a long time I was actually like
in my classes I like say oh I'm us our
YouTube channel just kind of as a joke
but then I realized I was actually
wanted to do it so I ended up just like
getting the courage to do it because
that was the main thing that was holding
me back from doing and I should have
made a channel like a long long time ago
but I have like I have like this social
anxiety or whatever so I had took a lot
of courage for me to just say whatever I
don't care what people think this is
kind of what I want to do so I'm going
to do it and it just kind of took me the
courage to build up to post that first
like little intro or whatever so that's
kind of how I got into it I would say
and what advice would you give to
someone trying to start I would just say
if you if you're like me and don't
really have the courage to do it I just
say one day just say screw what everyone
thinks like no one
how is someone going to make fun of you
for trying to do something that you want
to do like there's not really anything
that should be holding you back if this
is something you want to try so
definitely just one day just do it
film with whatever you can buy a super
cheap camera or use your phone or
whatever just try to start one and I
would just say be prepared for a lot of
editing because I feel like it's a lot
harder work than people think it is like
pew I feel like people just think you
film a video and then you post it like
it's not like that it takes like hours
of editing to put out one video so be
prepared for like hard work if this is
something you want to do um favorite
style of clothing example skater
aesthetic tech wear etc probably say
like skater cat that kind of my salad
where supreme ripped jeans vans beanies
half like things like that so that's
probably what my favorite style is yeah
that's partly what I would say how to
look fly on a budget and if you cannot
afford high brands
what would you rock instead they're kind
of like the same question um I said just
keep it basic like I've said in most of
those other questions keep it basic and
if you're on a budget like go to H&M
because H&M has basic stuff that will
always be in sound like they have black
t-shirts if you have a black t-shirt
that will never go out of style because
when have you ever seen a black t-shirt
go out of style and and then like dads
like basic pants and things like that
vans will last for a long time so that's
what I'll say how to look fly on a
budget how tall are you
and can you shoot is shit's pizza both
say shop like basketballers I don't know
what that means though so I'm like 6 1 H
6 2 ish and I it's not like a basketball
thing because I can shoot as you can see
my complexion is very light so I am
a three-point specialist I could shoot
very well that's actually like what I do
if I'm crossing half-court and you give
me enough space I am liable to bust a
three so that's definitely my specialty
if that's what you're asking
tips on how to stop being an F boy don't
ask me that because I have no clue what
got you into clothing I already said
that and can you follow me on Twitter I
can't follow you on twitter and going to
very now actually let me find you all
you guys have to do is ask man and I'll
follow you
boom follows alright so have you ever
got scanned yeah I have when I was
younger I try to like try this do a
bunch of shoes and I ended up shipping
him like the shoes first so I just lost
those shoes so that kind of sucked when
you're young and like you have no money
to buy shoes or anything like that that
frickin was like the worst thing ever so
whenever someone like asked me for
advice about trading I just say don't do
it unless you have a middleman because
you're going to get scammed if you don't
when did you start your channel and when
did it get big oh I don't know when I
started a couple months ago like
November I think something like that and
when did it get big it's not even big
yet I wouldn't say like it has a
thousands of subscribers which i think
is crazy because when I started it like
the growth is so slow when you first
start and it just feels like oh this is
never going to take off at any rate or
anything like that so I guess it started
seeing a lot of growth when I put up the
top five trends and the worst five
trends I would say that's when I started
seeing like a lot of subscribers come in
or like more than I was used to seeing
next question what's your personal
opinion on what people should be wearing
this summer
check out my my five essentials for
summer because some will be in their
favor shoe brand I already have one
vans probably actually you have vans for
should I buy a denim jacket or bomber
jacket this summer you should definitely
buy a denim jacket because they're
lighter and bombers are kind of I don't
know bombers I feel like are kind of
basic denim jacket it will last you
longer than a bomber will you can wear
with more and when you can wear a bomber
when it is lighter weight in the summer
so denim jacket 100% would you rather
have two million dollars in walk away or
have a fresh start at life and fix the
things you can't fix now and why give me
the two million because I don't really
have anything that I think needs to be
fixed like in the past like I don't I
don't think I made huge mistakes that
are life-altering so I've take the two
million right now favorite clothing
brands supreme all these questions are
kind of repetitive would you rather get
every Nike that drops and not be able to
own any adidas or vice versa I think I'd
pick Nike if I was able to get every job
over adidas because I'll be able to get
like Jordans and things like that I'd be
able to get like Nikes different types
of Nikes like these silver bullets and
air maxes and other things like that so
I'm definitely probably choosing Nike
over datas just because I feel like Nike
has a lot more shoes that I like rather
than adidas so yeah what do you think of
checkered vans check your vans are sick
they match with everything that pattern
is a classic pattern so I think checker
bans are sick and I love vans what
websites do you know the sale authentic
clothing like supreme baby etc Grail
says a lot but you have to be sure that
it's authentic though eBay that those
both have fire protection though so if
you if you buy something fake you get
your money back
supreme sells real supreme and yeah
digi top the up tempos or that question
hasn't dated what do you think about
Japanese tree where I think it's super
tight one of my friends Japanese and he
got their dresses like that and I think
it's super sick and that was close the
last one perfect timing because my voice
is gone because I'm still sick from when
I was sick a while back
but I hope you guys enjoyed this Q&A I
hope I answered actually I answered most
of those I hope I answered your question
and I hope you guys know a lot more
about me than you did before and I hope
it keeps you guys coming back for more
videos if you're not subscribed yet
please be sure to do so give this video
a thumbs up because it really helps me
out a lot
yeah comment whatever you want down
there we can talk it out we can do
whatever talk about my mustache like you
guys love to do yeah man I'll see you
guys with the next video I want to thank
you for all the love and support and
I'll see you guys exciting
maybe chubby with my dog like shade he
sees me we're getting like very light
improvers rotten old and Canaries fuck
me all about we like Paris Hilton
presidential suite already I'm Richard
and Nicole and I'm a lying like I did
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