Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 11 2017

Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video I'm doing the mid-year book freak out

tag. I'll leave a link to the original creators down below.

Basically the point is kind of a mid-year recap of how your reasons going, what you

doing, what you're liking, what you're not liking, all that kind of fun stuff put

together into a tag. So let's get started. Number one is what is the best book that

you've read this year, 2017? For me that's hands-down, this should come as a surprise

to no one who watches my channel, but it is My Favorite Thing Is Monster is by

Emil Ferris. This is a brilliant book! I love it so, so, so much! Ah! It's an

all-time favorite, like top three books of all time. One of my favorite, favorite,

favorite, favorite, favorite books. I did a full spoiler free review of it which I

will link the cards and down below. It is brilliant! It is a work of like genius! I

can't rave about it enough. It's a graphic

novel about a young girl living in 1960s Chicago who's obsessed with B monster

movies and she imagines herself as this werewolf girl, and when a woman in her

apartment building dies she decides that no, it is not a suicide like the police

ruled, it is actually a murder and she's gonna find out what's going on through

sleuthing. And it is brilliant. It incorporates Holocaust history because

the woman who died is a Holocaust survivor. It's a story of self-discovery.

The art is amazing! It's incredibly intricate line work done in ballpoint

pen and it is just phenomenal, just phenomenal! Honestly I was looking at

some of the questions and I was like, "I'm just gonna say My Favorite Thing Is

Monsters for almost all of these, except for the negative ones," because honestly

this is all of the positive things! It's all positive things, it's a favorite. I

love it so much. I am gonna try and switch up my answers to these questions, but just

know that in my heart of hearts all of the answers to the positive-skewed

questions, it's truly My Favorite Thing Is Monsters.

Number two is the best sequel that you've picked this year, and I selected

The Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley. This is book 2 in the Chronicle of the

Unhewn Throne series which is an epic fantasy series that I really enjoyed. I

had a couple little issues with female representation in the first book and

they are largely--though not entirely-- largely resolved in this book. So I

really loved that. This whole series is just a super solid

epic fantasy series. It's really, really fun. I definitely recommend checking it

out if you like high fantasy. Number three: a new release that you haven't

read yet but you do want to read. And I'm going with Down Among the Sticks and

Bones they Seanan McGuire. It's a companion book to Every Heart a Doorway.

This is a series about a boarding school for kids who have gone through portals

to other worlds, other dimensions, and then returned home and been like, "Shit!

This all sucks! I want to go back!" and coping with that. So it follows two side

characters who feature prominently in this book, and their world is the super

dark gothic Romantic literature--that world come to life. So like Dracula and

Frankenstein and all that kind of crazy stuff. So that is what Down Among the Sticks

and Bones is about and I'm really excited to read it. I think it takes

place before Every Heart a Doorway, so it's about these two characters before

they came back through the doorway to our world. I've heard wonderful things.

It's gonna be really dark and creepy and I'm so excited for it! Number four is the

most anticipated release of the second half of the year and that is, surprise

surprise, volume two of My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris. I'm going to be

talking about this book a lot. The first one ends on a cliffhanger, and this is

volume 2--I believe the concluding volume. It's just going to be two in total, and I am so excited to read it!

I just want more of it in my life! And that comes out in October.

Number five is biggest disappointment, and I can be quite critical on my

channel, and there have been a few big disappointments this year. Some I'm

gonna name off the top of my head. Number one: The Bronze Horseman by Paulina

Simmons, I think? I hated this book and it has a crazy high Goodreads rating, so I

was like, "I'm gonna love it!" No. It's one of my most hated books of all

time. So that's a disappointment. Another disappointment is... The further away

from it... Kind of controversial but A Court of Wings and Ruin my Sarah J Maas.

I loved A Court of Mist and Fury. This... Disappointed. Perthe question, it

disappointed quite a bit. I thought it fell quite short of my expectations and just

generally the bar set by the previous book in the series. Number six: biggest

surprise. I could say My Favorite Thing Is Monsters because it was surprise. My dad

randomly sent it to me in the mail. He didn't like include a note or anything.

So it was just this big surprise when I received it. But I'm trying to not to

only talk about that, so what I'm going to mention is a book that I had picked up

before and been like, "Eh..." and I picked it up again pretty recently actually, and I

was like, "I was such an idiot! This is amazing!" And that is is Pride and

Prejudice by Jane Austen. This is my beautiful Jane Austen bind up that I

love so much. I've had this for a while but I had only read Sense and Sensibility

which I enjoy, generally. I'd started Pride and Prejudice in high school and

been like, "Ugh," but I was also very deep in like the Twilight hole, I only wanted to

read the popcorn candy junk food paranormal romances that dominated that period of

time. And so I picked this up and I was like, "Oh, it's hard to read," and I think

maybe as I've gotten older now I try to read pretty widely so I've encountered

more classics. I'm more used to the old timey language. I was maybe just in a

better mood when I picked this up. Who knows. But I loved Pride and Prejudice! I

loved it so, so, so much! So it was kind of a surprise given my previous ambivalence

towards it. Number seven is favorite new author and I would say Emil Ferris,

but other than that I'm going to say Seanan McGuire, who I have also already

mentioned on this list, but I absolutely loved Every Heart a Doorway. I think it is

very difficult to write a good short book. I think it is much easier to write

a longer book because you have more wiggle room to stumble around with plot

and pacing and characterization, and if you don't get it right within the first

page you try to it's okay maybe like a few pages later you figure it out. But in

a short book you simply don't have the real estate to get it done. Seanan McGuire

gets it done! It's so good! I love this book. As I said, I'm very excited for Down

Among the Sticks and Bones. So I'm hoping to read more of her work because she's

also written some adult fiction as well, I believe. I'm gonna check that out!

Number eight: favorite new crush, new favorite crush, new crush, we're all

having crushes. And in keeping with the theme of recycling all the same books

in this video I'm going with Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice because I love

him! Like love him. I'm actually going to film a review video.

So that is coming down the pipeline, and I'm going to talk about why I love

Darcy so much. So I'm just going to say here that I love him! Number nine: favorite

new character surprise it's Karen, the main character from My Favorite Things Is

Monsters by Emil Ferris. Surprise, sursprise, surprise.

No one is surprised. Karen is hilarious and weird and precocious and absolutely

wonderful. I think she is da best. I want to be friends with her. Oh, she's so

great! she's so wonderful and earnest and sincere and oh I just want to protect

her. I love Karen. And like this is how she pictures herself, as a noir detective

with werewolf fangs. I think it's lovely and amazing. I love Karen. Number 10: a

book that means you cry my answer for this is the Year of Magical Thinking by

Joan Didion. this is a memoir chronicling the year in Didion's life after her husband

passed away when her daughter was still gravely, gravely ill and it is just

gorgeous writing. It's beautiful and heartbreaking. It's a study in grief. I

cannot recommend this enough it made me cry like a baby. Number 11: a book that makes

you happy. And I'm going with Strange the Dreamer

by Laini Taylor. This is also a book that made me cry, but first it made me really,

really happy, and I think that's mostly to do with Laslo, who is just the

loveliest little cinnamon bun. He's so pure and I love him so much.

And reading about him just made me really, really happy! Number 12 is your

favorite adaptation of the year. Hands down it's gotta be Handmaid's Tale by

Margaret Atwood. I did a discussion video about the first three or four episodes

at that point I'd watched and I was like spewing how much I love it. I love this

book, but the show! I think I like the show better... It's like sacrilegious to say in the BookTube community, but

yeah. I think the show is absolutely brilliant. It's beautifully made.

They do like lens flares a lot--there's a little caveat. A lot of lens flare. I think

it's brilliant. I saw a review and I think this is so

true, how shows, their weakest points are flashbacks and narration. They're used as

crutches a lot of times and they detract from the show or movie. They are some of

the best parts of the Handmaid's Tale which is amazing to see, pushing the

genre forward. It's really bleak though. It's

really, really dark. That's a little something if you're not ready to be so sad,

maybe don't watch it, but at some point you should get to it. This is a brilliant

TV show. Number thirteen is your favorite review that you've done this year.

Surprise, surprise it is once again My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, but also I

really liked my review of Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. I

will link both those and the cards and down below and you should--could, if you

want, if you want check them out, a little self promo

going on. Number 14: the most beautiful book that you bought this year.

Surprise, surprise I want to answer My Favorite Thing Is Monsters because it

is gorgeous! But I don't even know how many times I've mentioned that already,

so I'm going to pick a new book. I haven't read this one yet but it is The

Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. this is a fantasy fairy tale

retelling based on Russian fairy tales. I got this from Book Depository because I

didn't like the US cover and I thought this cover was gorgeous! It's so pretty!

I'm really excited to read this. And finally, what books do you need to

read by the end of the yea? I'm not even that good of TBR's, you think I keep

track for like a full year? No chance. Ooooh, I'm gonna say The Witcher series. I don't

know who writes it off the top of my head, but I'm gonna say the Witcher series

because I heard that they're doing in Netflix adaptation of it. Gotta read it

before I see it, that's my go-to thing. So I'm gonna start that. Elliot Brooks has a

YouTube channel--you should check her out she's like the queen of fantasy--and she

talks about the Witcher series. She's a huge fan. So

based on her opinion, which I regard quite highly, and based on the Netflix

series I'm gonna stay the Witcher series-- those are some books that I gotta read

by the end of this year. That is it! Thanks so much for watching if you liked

this video give it a thumbs up, subscribe to see more of my face, and I will see

you next time!

For more infomation >> MID YEAR BOOK FREAKOUT TAG || 2017 - Duration: 10:04.


Shannon Ullman - Growella Games - Week 2 of 10 - Duration: 2:48.

Hey, guys, I think it's pretty fair to say that fitness is probably part of your routine

and therefore part of your budget. I just left Planet Fitness… ten bucks a month,

I think is pretty affordable, yeah and my next stop is a yoga class.  Yoga is extremely

expensive. The studio charges over a hundred dollars a month, and you only get ten classes

for that so I worked my way around it and I figured out that they have community classes

every Friday night. They usually have students teach the course, so you actually only have

to pay by donation. So I paid five bucks, and I get an hour of yoga and it's a really

good sneaky way around paying the full price for the studio.

You guys want to know what real budgeting is?

Getting Chipotle without the guac.

Hey, friends don't mind my hair it got windblown in the car.

Today I'm taking a break from my freelance work, and I came to a local tourist attraction. You know I love to travel and

I was getting that itch, so instead of just spending money on a plane ticket. I decided

to come to a local tourist attraction, with a shrine, a Polish shrine that I can't pronounce

but I figured I would come check it out because it's free. It helped me save money. I still

get out in the sunshine and do something I've never done before.

So my planning wasn't that great. The actual shrine is closed right now.

I did take a walk on the Rosary garden path.

Is it exciting? Yeah. Was it something to do that was free? Yeah. Am I Polish?

Well, kind of. My grandmother was so I guess that makes me Polish too.

Okay, so in all seriousness.  I've been doing the Growella challenge for about

two weeks I think, and I saved about

80 bucks. I don't know if that's good, I don't know

if that's bad. It's sort of the fruits of my labor of cooking for myself, make my own

coffee, doing community yoga and staying in on the weekends a lot.  So yeah, two weeks

80 bucks I feel like that's not so bad but we'll see.

I have some more bills coming in. We'll see how it goes.

For more infomation >> Shannon Ullman - Growella Games - Week 2 of 10 - Duration: 2:48.


MGSV: The Phantom Triggered A Metal Gear Parody - ITA - RaVe TuBe - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> MGSV: The Phantom Triggered A Metal Gear Parody - ITA - RaVe TuBe - Duration: 2:40.


GG LIVE | Bloodborne #10 (PS4) - Duration: 1:18:26.

For more infomation >> GG LIVE | Bloodborne #10 (PS4) - Duration: 1:18:26.



Hello I'm Kevin and look into my eyes. Be confident because Insert

Name Here…

Be a pineapple, stand tall and wear a crown...Love, Matthew...whoever that is. This personalized

glass reflects your class like

This Cup reflects a saucer. That's right, this mug is actually a mirror that takes on

the look of the plate it's placed upon. So drink an early cup from a mirror to think

clearer because this is LÜT.

Will eating a match stick make you that sick? Yes. So satisfire your match-eating desire

with the perfect match chocolates. A safe and socially acceptable way to eat household

objects without being grilled

Like the biodegradable Instant BBQ which is available for pre-order and is the coolest

way to grill...literally. You can hold it in your hands because it's designed to guard

against high heat emissions. Made with FSC-certified cardboard, and a bamboo grill rack it's

more environmentally friendly than traditional grills. So whip up some seafood and then asparaGUESS

how forlHORN I am without

Elwood the Unicorn Cereal Bowl. The most mythical method of scooping scrumptious soup from

inside the legendary horse narwhal. And what better way to get the perfect ratio of liquid

soup and solid chicken than

Finger sporks. As if the spoon fork hybrid wasn't mind blowing enough, now you can

be five times as amazed at the tips of your fingers. You may think you've peaked in

life but you didn't account for

Edo Glass Mount...Fuji Lowball Tumbler. A glass featuring an almost life-sized mountain

that takes on the color of whatever liquid is poured inside. Even when just drinking

water it looks like a snowy mountain top which is so cool it could only be topped by

Loopy Lou, the non digital voice recorder. With a loop switch, pitch control knob, and

⅛ inch output you have the ability to make music with nothing but your voice. Just check

out this guy!

Wow. Someone get him a megaphone!

Thanks! The Toy Megaphone Kit also functions as a recorder but with this one you're the

builder. The instruction book not only guides you through the build but also contains historical

facts about the megaphone. Which, who wouldn't wanna know those? When you're done shout into it about your love for

Radial Puzzles. Which are just normal puzzles right? WRONG! They're individually crafted

and no two are the same. These were created with a system based on the simulation of dendritic

solidification which can be seen in snowflakes but also puzzles. So put it together

and rock it because it's time for

Pocket...IQ Test. Test your intelligence with these miniature sets of questions. Each one

takes about 45 minutes. It's a compact way to boost or destroy your confidence. But it's

not the only test of your intelligence so relax with

Light Stax. Each brick contains a powerful LED and they actually function like Lego.

Stack them any which way for a beautiful bright brick building. It's so cool it almost seems


Mount Window Pod, the best way to suction cup your cat to the window which I think we

can all agree is the meaning of life. It's simple to set up and will have your feline

fused like a

Cat Paw Tea Infuser the purrfect device for a beverage that'll make you smitten as a

kitten but to add flare to your chair use

Cat Paw Chair Socks. Slip them onto the chair leg and slide it around for a smooth chair-moving

experience. Baby. And this convenience doesn't stop even for your

Laptop...Pocket. Which can also be used on tablets, really whatever it will

stick to. With semi-permanent reusable adhesive it won't damage the surface you place it

on. Use it to store pens and flash drives and

The Jammer. A great way to BAMBoost fun at your job because you can do sweet moves

with it including the roll, the ghost, and the freeze. Or just get creative because

you have the concentration you need, now that you know your key is hidden by feces….?

A great hiding place assuming your neighbors aren't naturally inclined to look under

your dog's business. And if you don't like your neighbors, no worries because

Ain't No Party Like a Hermit Crab Party Cause a Hermit Crab Party Is Just Me Alone


Links to all the lüt in the description below. Click here for a playlist

of more episodes of Lüt. And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> DENDRITIC SOLIDIFICATION PUZZLES -- LÜT - Duration: 4:39.


志村けん バカ殿 神回映像 - Duration: 14:15.

For more infomation >> 志村けん バカ殿 神回映像 - Duration: 14:15.


New Feature Release: Create New Project & Project Templates - Duration: 4:46.

Hey everybody! Andrew here. So we recently released the ability to create and copy

your own projects. Pretty cool. I just wanted to show you how it worked.

Here it goes! If you go to settings, project settings, you'll notice now

there's a button up at the top: "Create New Project". Alright, let's go ahead and

click it.

Alright and this is the new page. From here you have two options:

You can either copy one of your current projects or you can create a

brand new one. We'll go ahead and go over copying a project first. I'll click

there. You'll see a list of all the current projects you have. So you just

choose the one you want to copy. So go ahead and click this one.

From here all you have to do is give it a new name, go through and approve the

charges. So it's a $50 charge for copying the project and you are also

able to request a project manager's assistance. It's an extra $150

So total is $200. You can either accept this or not. This is optional. This one is mandatory.

So going down, what would you like to copy over.

This is actually a really cool feature. What we've done is we've

created the ability to clone current projects. So that means we're

copying everything, so forms, emails, time units, etc . This even includes user

information. So your users enter in first names, last names, emails, addresses,

the answers to questions. All that stuff you can copy over into the new

project. So pretty cool. You would just turn this on or off

depending on if you want to keep it or not.

Then click create new project. And that'd be it.

Now let's say you don't want to clone a project you already have

for maybe a new registration cycle would be a common use for that. Let's say

instead you want to create a new thing. So this is the new interface

for it. So all you do first is just figure out

you know what kind of project is it going to be? Find the one that

best describes it and if you find one here that doesn't describe what you

would like to create, just let know know and we're happy

to incorporate feedback. I'll go ahead and say an event.

Ok from here, who's registering. So remember, we can have individual systems

where one person creates one account, one profile. Or we can have group systems

where one person goes in and creates multiple profiles for people.

Go through click what you want. So we'll say group.

If you'll be accepting orders, so things with costs, then you can decide whether

that's true or not. I'll go ahead and say I am. From here, we have two different

ways you can take payments. We recommend doing a payment issued for each profile.

O you could also have one big payment made for all the profiles at once.

So, two different ways of doing it. We'll go and click this one.

From here, we'll go ahead and scroll down a little bit. You can see that there's

multiple different types. You can go through, read a little bit about

each new template that you would have access to. Feel free to try it out!

There is a "Try it out" button. There it is!

Feel free to you to create a test user account , see how it goes and see if you like it.

Once you say, hey this looks good.

Just click select. And then same deal as last time,

give the project a name up here. Make sure to approve the $50 charge ,and if you

would like a Project Manager to help, just click yes. Click "Create Project".

And that's it!

Okay well I hope you found this helpful. If you have any questions, just reach

out to Have a good one!

For more infomation >> New Feature Release: Create New Project & Project Templates - Duration: 4:46.


Pork Soda - Meme MidnightGA - Duration: 0:49.

I figured sense this intro is 8 seconds long

That I would give the font a little wiggle wiggle

I didn't even bother animating the guys name in lol

I wanted to glitch it in, but holly hell they are hard in AE


Finally some action! But maybe I should have toned down the background just a bit...

When I first tried the 3d effect I had a white layer in the middle of the red and blue.

Almost posted it that way too. But then I watched TINYSPORT's and it just hit me

GRAAAAAAH! She screams, trying to compete with all those other crazy interesting OCs

I could have made her seem more interesting but the original plan was simplicity.

I was pretty much done with the animation and art within 2 days

But it was AE that really took the other two weeks.

Random fact, that pineapple was never eaten. qq rip

I got the background style idea from the Better Call Saul intros.

During the animation process I accidentally made my own order of sequence for the meme

I ended up liking it way more then the way everyone else was doing it

So half is how they did it and the second half is how I did it. Spices things up anyways

Dats me

Low key stole that pineapple design from google images, it was so pretty

I had to draw the fade out by individual frames. And I had to re-due them 2 times >.<

You couldn't tell before but the eyes are so off center now.

I did that on purpose because the picture before would look off center if the eyes were in the middle.

Want to say a quick thanks to my one and only Patreon, Knightmare

Figures someone named Midnight would be friends with a Knightmare

For more infomation >> Pork Soda - Meme MidnightGA - Duration: 0:49.


Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017 - Duration: 2:45.

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Flop bollywood movies 2017 - Duration: 2:45.


Mamusia Hubbard | Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Dzieci Kreskówki | Maluch Piosenki - Duration: 1:02:06.

Old Mother Hubbard

Went to the cupboard,

To give the poor dog a bone;

When she came there,

The cupboard was bare,

And so the poor dog had none.

She went to the fruiter's

To buy him some fruit;

When she came back

He was playing the flute.

She went to the tailor's

To buy him a coat;

When she came back

He was riding a goat.

She went to the hatter's

To buy him a hat;

When she came back

He was feeding her cat.

She went to the barber's

To buy him a wig

When she came back

He was dancing a jig.

She went to the cobbler's

To buy him some shoes;

When she came back

He was reading the news.

Old Mother Hubbard

Went to the cupboard,

To give the poor dog a bone;

When she came there,

The cupboard was bare,

And so the poor dog had none.

For more infomation >> Mamusia Hubbard | Piosenki Dla Dzieci | Dzieci Kreskówki | Maluch Piosenki - Duration: 1:02:06.


Is it really a Peacock? 50 Amazing Facts You Probably Don't Know - Duration: 5:08.

Hey, welcome back.

I'm Clover and today I'm exploring something we've all been doing wrong – well, I have


Maybe you are super smart and already know that when someone says peacock they are wrong

about half the time.

See ,the word peacock only refers to the male of the species peafowl, a pheasant type bird

with a stunning array of tail feathers that make them very noticeable.

The female is called a peahen and doesn't sport the same kind of plumage.

Whatever you want to call them, the peafowl is native to Asia but is very common in many

other parts of the world because male peahens stunning tails have made them popular imports.

The peacock is one of the largest flying birds – yes they do fly.

In fact, flying is one of their main defenses.

Whenever a peafowl senses danger, it will hide in tress and spends most nights roosting

on a tree branch.

Wherever they are sitting, you are sure to notice them because they can be up to 5 feet

long if you include their tail which makes up about 60% of their total length.

Despite that amazing length, the average peafowl weighs only 8 to 13 pounds.

Peafowl are omnivores as likely to snack on insects, reptiles, amphibians and even small

mammals as they are on grains, berries, leaves, flowers and seeds.

If you see a bevy or party of peafowl snacking, you will probably notice that there is only

1 male for every 2 to 5 females.

Its common that one beautifully tailed peacock will have a bunch of admiring, but drabber

peahens since the prettier, longer, and wider the tail, the more attractive the peacock

is to peahens.

The same actually holds true for humans who find the peacocks tail to be a source of endless


This is because the colors of the tail will look a little different every time you change

your viewing angle.

The peacock's tail is covered with microscopic crystal like structures that reflect different

wavelengths of light depending on how their spaced so every time you change your viewing

angle, the tail feathers look different to you though they will usually appear as some

form of eye like spots surrounded by red, green, or gold colorations.

Strangely, even though peacocks are desirable because of their stunning plumage people have

chosen to selectively breed all white peacocks.

These all white birds aren't albinos though, just a peafowl specifically bred for a predisposition

to all white feathers.

Either way, the peahen won't sport any of the most desirable plumage because they are

usually a drab, mottled brown color.

This drab appearance helps protect the peahen from predators like tigers, leopards and mongoose

when she is nesting.

Curiously Despite the peafowls preference for roosting in trees, the peahen will usually

build her nest on the ground.

Once the nest is built, the peahen will typically lay 3-5 eggs that hatch into adorable peachicks

after 28 long days of waiting.

Baby peahens don't look like either of their parents.

They start out a yellow or tawny color mixed with darker brow, light tan, or ivory tones.

Regardless of how they look, these peachicks are pretty amazing.

One day after hatching they can usually be found walking, eating, and drinking without

any adult assistance though wild peafowl will usually model scratching around in leaf litter

early in the morning and around dusk to show their babies how to hunt critters like insects,

crickets termites, millipedes and even small snakes or mammals.

Domesticated peafowl are usually fed bread or cracked grains like oats and corn though

some get treats like cheese, cooked rice or cat food.

Domesticated peachicks don't need a lot of encouragement or instruction to know good

food when its tossed their way but if you have a peachick, you could always toss some

meat, broccoli, carrots, beans, beets or peas their way to ensure they learn feeding time

is awesome time.

For a treat, most peafowl like a little fruit too though most peafowl are not picky and

will eat just about anything they can fit in their mouth so play around a bit to see

what your peafowl find most exciting.

Peafowl live up to 20 years whether they ware wild or domesticated so getting your own pride

is a long-term commitment and maybe a little irritating at times though because peacocks

produce some seriously unpleasant sounds for such beautiful birds.

They have a loud, grating call that can seriously get on your nerves after awhile.

Males do have a song they sing when they are trying to attract a female and their stunning

tail feathers, or train, just isn't enough of an incentive.

It is important to make sure your peacock has a peafowl or two around though because

not only will you get peachicks but peacocks a lone peafowl is a sad peafowl.

If you don't have a domesticated party of peafowl in your area, you can try searching

for wild ones.

At dawn or dusk they can be found feeding on the ground, during the hottest part of

the day check in the forest where they can often be found sheltering in shady areas and

at night, search in the leafy branches above your head.

Be careful though because male peafowl, the ones you really want to see, have spurs on

their feet that they use whenever they feel the need to fight.

Well, now you know the difference between a peacock and a peahen and can correct anyone

who tries to tell you different.

See if you can spot a peacock and send me a picture.

Remember, most peacocks sport the best trains when they are 5 or 6 years old so that is

what we want to see.

For more infomation >> Is it really a Peacock? 50 Amazing Facts You Probably Don't Know - Duration: 5:08.


ケンコバのバコバコテレビ フェロモン編 - Duration: 38:24.

For more infomation >> ケンコバのバコバコテレビ フェロモン編 - Duration: 38:24.


Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017 - Duration: 2:50.

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017

For more infomation >> Top 10 Banned Bollywood Movies 2017 - Duration: 2:50.


ケンコバのバコバコテレビ バコバコプロレス道場 - Duration: 15:21.

For more infomation >> ケンコバのバコバコテレビ バコバコプロレス道場 - Duration: 15:21.


Dollar Tree Haul - Duration: 7:10.

Hello, everybody.

I'm doing a Dollar Tree haul.

And I went and bought... oh, I spent about $24.

So, here's some of the stuff I got.

I got these.

They're Ice, they're sugar-free zero calorie flavored waters.

My husband likes those.


I got... this is Rockstar Punched, which my middle son likes these.

They're, usually you can get a bigger thing for like around $3 at the convenience store.

So, when they have these, I get these.

I mean it's smaller.

It's 12 ounces, but that's not... that's not bad.

So, my son likes that.

My husband's diabetic, and sometimes he likes sweet stuff.

So, I saw this and I thought that would be nice for him to try.

Just... it's a small enough package that if he doesn't like it, it's not a big deal.

(bags rustling) Now, I'm trying to organize some things, like the underneath of the...

oh, the underneath of the bathrooms.

The (laughs)... the under-the-sink part of the bathrooms.

Eh, um... so, I bought six of these.

I actually want to put two of them in the...

I figure I'll put... this is what they look like.

And, um, they're sturdy enough.

They have, like, a little bit of a little reinforcement line down here.

So, it's not going to tear or anything.

It's not the most sturdy, but it's not... it's not really weak, so...

Well, I say that, and there it cracked.

So (laughs) maybe I'm taking that one back.

But I thought, in the big bathroom upstairs I could use these four different colored ones

and arrange stuff under the sink with that.

And then I have...

I have a small bathroom downstairs.

It's a like a powder room type thing, and I think these'll fit in there under the sink.

I need space to put stuff like, uh, sunblock and stuff, extra toilet paper.

And I got a... this is a toothbrush holder.

He's happy.

Um, I got that for the main bathroom upstairs, because we don't have a toothbrush holder.

We just have that kind that comes... you know, that already is in the bathroom.

You know, they kind of put it up with the tiles.

But the holes... the holes are smaller in them, so it's... you usually can't get the

newer toothbrushes don't fit in them.

And I got this, because it's like a sink stopper.

Or not... well a drain stopper.

Like, it says "hair catcher".

But... my...

I'm having problems with the sink upstairs.

The drain thing broke.

So, I think if I put this in there, stuff's not going to fall down the sink.

So... 'til I can get it fixed.

And I got this... what's it... an exfoliating glove, because I don't really...

I have problems with those puff things.

So, I thought it would be easier if I just put this thing on my hand and...

I don't know.

I'll try it out and see if I like it.

(bags rustling) I bought this to use in the car to dust stuff in the car.

And, um, I got this see-through uh pencil pouch.

And that's to put napkins in, in the car.

I got this idea from...

Oh, I can't remember the lady's name, but I'll link the videos down...

I'll link the videos down in the um... my words aren't working today.

Down in the comments, so you can go look.

She's got some good... well, I watched two different ladies, and they some good ideas

about organizing your car.

So, I liked that 'cause the napkins usually get all over the place in my car.

And, every time I go I get these.

Well, not every time, but when I'm getting low on these um food containers... like you

can put a meal in them.

There's two in here and they're Rubbermaid.

I get them for a dollar at the dollar store.

So, boop.

So, the thing is that people take them with them.

You know, you end up running out of them at the house.

And I got... well this one's Softsoap.

I don't know what this is.

I think it's just some non-brand one.

But I get a couple of these soaps to put in the bathrooms, when I go.

There's Softsoap brand. So, that's for a dollar.

And well... oh, no, that's not it.

Where's the other thing?

Ahh, where's the other thing?

I'm back.


So, I got myself sunglasses.

What do you think?

I think they're kind of cute.

I, um...

I don't buy expensive sunglasses because I lose them or break them very easily.

So, if I get... if I get a pair... if I find a pair at the dollar store that... that looks

pretty good and it has the UV... the UV blocking stuff, then that's what I get.

So, ta da.

Anyway, so, that's everything I got.


Anyway, that's everything.

And I might take this one back, because I cracked it.

Maybe, I'll see if they've got something different there.

But, all-in-all a good haul!

So, thanks for watching.

I'll talk to you later.



and bags

and bags

I'm taking them.

I'm going to take them to the recycle.

Don't worry.

But I am transitioning towards using reusable bags.

So, hopefully I'll get... these'll all be gone and we'll never see them again.


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