Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

Dora Khaikina

Potatoes in a uniform

My mother told me: - Wait a bit,

Hands are good Wash, slowly.

Do not forget that soon Cooked potatoes,

And she's in a uniform Very good!

I saw potatoes In our store -

I went there I Many times in a row.

I saw potatoes In my mother's basket -

Do not look like a potato At the dashing soldiers.

I look in the window, Silence in the apartment.

I can not understand, Can not decide:

Why do potatoes Shining in a uniform?

Who decided the uniforms For her to sew?

Here she is smoking.

I sit down.

Mom smiled: "Eat her soon!"

What do potatoes Hot and cramped!

Remove her uniforms from her Need soon!

We have such a dish I like both.

I'm cleaning potatoes And - more in the mouth!

And otherwise, With drumbeat

All my potatoes It will leave me!

For more infomation >> Potatoes in a uniform. Dora Khaikina.Mult #poem about potatoes. You did not know that. - Duration: 2:34.


MORNING ROUTINE (PARODY) - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> MORNING ROUTINE (PARODY) - Duration: 2:16.


QUIRKY NEO FUNK ROCK (copyright free music for videos) DE RAPENATION - De ImperfAction - Duration: 5:33.

This is QUIRKY NEO FUNK ROCK music. Copyright free music for videos! DE RAPENATION - De ImperfAction!

For more infomation >> QUIRKY NEO FUNK ROCK (copyright free music for videos) DE RAPENATION - De ImperfAction - Duration: 5:33.


【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド 特1話【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:12.

Hello, this is Teryi.

Good evening, it is slowly.

Thank you for your viewing.

Thanks dear.

Well, special edited version of the pyramid project, is the first episode.

The uncut building turn was our request, while flowing at 100 times faster, I think that let's a look back of the project.

No speed which able to track the eye?

It is somehow When the familiar come.

It should be noted that, since it takes a little time to data processing, the next time is up finished. I think that probably made in 3 episodes in total.

Well First of all, established a diamond equipped with windmill type in the start of the game early, since finished the lightly around the search, it is the first building turn.

I mean, it's civil turn.

The first layer as generally 85% leveling component has been mixed.

Well First, a brief description of the project. This project was put pyramid architecture that covers the village to the target.

That requirement is, in the top village of wells at the center is 2 × 2, are those that are configured in a different building materials for each layer.

And, building material and 1m cube solid block available, a half-block two-ply, of snow 8-ply, All 164 type.

Of the total at 100,001 thousand as of the block, it is planning huge building.

Matada, more of the story is do something like a polite fiction. The situation is in planning to achieve the 164 types of collection target, is what hair is growing.

So rather than building planning, key brackets now I'm I a also architectural brackets closed planning.

In other words, this video is I No hair of the part.

Now, when you talk about the roughly Why has led to the planning, building I ever is let alone, a factor that played a large amount collection of the ground block there was almost no large.

Once back in the play history of the Micra, first until the villagers of house planning it was a drawing distance Tiny, in other words we play in 32m of the world.

It's normally Mayoeru drawing distance even in the village.

Well ground search in it is finished to a minimum degree, no offense even in tiny, is that there were many to be confined to the light and comfortable underground operation.

In, added a number of biomes in the subsequent 1.7, but the new PC is a translation that began was not planning Nante the ground, it has been chased by the time the time of the adventure.

I took mess time.

And also managed to achieve the planning, and have become want to challenge now is to come up with a tying height, is up that led to begin a large collection of the ground block barely in this project.

That is, when the express in a word, I planning too late.

I think I know too late really. Why it became this.

Well, the first layer is about 4 hours, and the end is barely working.

In, about five and a half hours up to the second layer, and was cut down to find the taiga in the first map, we have prepared an enchantment tools extend the diamonds mined in obstinacy.

It is to say that, because I have been horrified at the ground leveling work of the first layer.

A moment I reduces the durability of the tool, diamond I run out, forever is I do not end well, this really Yaba-ins and do not you.

From Is not I was good when I use an enchantment tool first?

In architecture and terrain of know-how there was no deed, scale and working time, I think I'm consumption of tool could not be assumed.

So First and If you do not once experience, only the first layer is up to you gave your hands as soon as possible.

It should be noted that, although the first layer was about 4 hours, the second layer thanks to the enchantment tool was finished in about 2 hours.

That said, leveling work but it is not good from the original. Simply we were tight.

As things should be after supplement, because it was tied the debug screen, building location was investigated by the method of arranging the torch to the diagonal.

It I was a condition of the ban in all proven released.

By not achieved time after all adventure, it could not be lifted until the project end.

Well until the third layer is the extent to which you update the maintenance and map of the pyramid base.

Come to know the manner of terrain and building little by little, we have been able to work calmly.

But Well, again chose a pyramid architecture place in this village, we do not have to say it was a mistake.

There would did you choose on your own.

No, it's totally unexpected. Planning at that time, normally leveled There were with the intention of choosing a comfortable village.

In this project, the resource recovery, such as trading and agricultural products, was provided with a tie to prohibit outside the village is covered with a pyramid.

The reason for imposing the tie is, forever and does not impose a tie, because do not feel to try and villagers moving, I want a place.

I chose this village is made at night when I was looking for sheep trying to make the bed, the street is Katta village by chance, but is the reason that the street lights black wool had attached to the eye.

Was the unexpected is, at the last minute when you saw the black wool, and I wonder I was not that I did smash the terrain Speaking of which, it's such that magic was pointing.

Well, of about 18 and a half hours until the fourth layer, the ground search of up to 27 sheets map, is building turn of realized that there was no Nante jungle.

Come to think of it, I think I only did not the five types of wood in the Micra.

It there is after jungle.

In the planning start initially, the 164 types of building material and its material are summarized in Table calculation software, changing the sequence to gain while considering the ease of availability, we had kneaded the collection plan.

The kneading, but it was interesting enough to go rice three cups lightly aside.

I was going to began planning in the so-called full system, but the plan is now to par in the deed of the jungle.

It only had to be part of the plan change.

No, we not extend to quite a wide range.

Initially the wood the half block is considered easy to align the number to particularly easy in all building materials, I think I was supposed to go in the wood up to 12 layers.

It intended to fall four times hand in wood Well.

But, when it comes to wood comp, it's available degree of difficulty increases to normal.

Now, in the layer of wood half block of birch, compared to the second layer, it can save 35 minutes a time.

Since the number of blocks is not much different, but I think whether there is also're come to familiar work, the ground leveling work influence became less by the difference of the three-stage height, I think that those surprisingly large.

About 10 minutes per one stage, I wonder has decreased the amount to dig the stone.

Than Speaking cube of ordinary wood, we are embarked on a half-block before, but this is for the lack of experience building work, it is an error of judgment.

When the gain cube that Tsumikomeru at high speed while the dash behind, I was not yet aware of. Noticed began trial was a 15-layer Atari.

If you have noticed from the beginning, half block had gained the upper fairly?

There until. But it is also do some things that motivation is lowered too much, leaving tight work on later.

Then, in the sixth layer, it is the loading of the first cube block.

Although not yet mastered the high-speed loading, is twice as fast half-block in simple calculation.

Terrain there is no area is it between say Jack Robinson.

After learning of the high-speed loading is, it packed about 1000 blocks in about 10 minutes.

So on the calculation, if only loading work part of the cube block, I think it takes about a total 20 hours.

Given the construction time of the entire pyramid, about 20 hours at leveling total in rough approximation, the rest of the half block and snow, because you'll just say that torch in about 10 hours.

When connecting the building turn the whole, I think to be a well roughly 50 hours a little less than.

I 30 minutes for 100-speed playback.

Now, the pyramid requirements of the project is not set another one just had a that does not leave the installed object to the pyramid surface.

In other words, it looks good.

Well this is, I will because it was not little that was crushed springing up properly, you have no intention of wanted to try.

Also I No such afresh.

To see the results of the crush aside, or long-term stay, I think I would require wide enough.

Forever because mobs is to make sure that does not boil.

In, planning initially, at night even on the assumption that to continue the construction work, the torches and the back side of the pyramid, transparent, I was thinking the placement of the light source block ahead.

If there is a mistake to think if, you mean to say that creeper will tell during the nighttime construction.

But, it Is not dangerous even villagers in a village?

For that reason, and because the crush springing the village was a troublesome than say, I gave up the night building after all.

Well, first of special edited version became the grading knitting of such a feeling.

Because the next time we make in between other series, I think you'll wait patiently.

In, Thank you for your viewing.

see you next time. Buying and selling.

For more infomation >> 【Minecraft】マイクラの全ブロックでピラミッド 特1話【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:12.


KAKO DA OSLABETE ZA VO LETO! w/Winncoot - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> KAKO DA OSLABETE ZA VO LETO! w/Winncoot - Duration: 2:31.


What is a Soul Call and How You Can Answer It - Duration: 6:57.

What is a Soul Call and How You Can Answer It


What is a soul call?

You feel like you are falling in love.

You might not even like this person, but you want to know everything there is to know about


Most of all, you just want to be there for them.

Once you�ve helped them, you suddenly lose interest and you have no idea why.

You may have just experienced a soul call.

So what is a soul call?

A soul call is a cry for help or assistance from one person to another on a soul level.

Soul levels can be described as the higher part of our being and is normally accessed

through prayers or asking the universe, God or whatever your belief may be.

Those who answer such calls tend to be highly sensitive people, healers, people who want

to help society or Empaths.

When you answer a soul call, especially for the first time, you might well experience

the following emotions.

A sense of falling in love with someone.

You may become obsessed with the person.

You can�t get them out of your head no matter what.

You may feel the urge to pass on a message, even if it doesn�t make any sense.

You may feel you need to be there for support or comfort.

You may not like the person on a mental, emotional or physical level.

You might hear or feel thoughts that are not yours telling you to help in some way.

How can I tell the difference between love and a soul call?

The definition of love has always been up for debate.

Personally, I define love as Love is something that makes you feel complete.

It is not a desire to save someone or get something from them.

It is where you are in harmony with another and they are in harmony with you.

There is acceptance for who the other is, warts and all.

There is a flow with love.

It is a connection on all levels.

The soul call, on the other hand, normally comes with a sense of compassion and need,

often overwhelming desire to help another.

There is generally a sense of sympathy and need to want to make their life better or

an obsessive feeling that you must be in their life in some way.

I suggest using your feelings and asking if this is a soul call?

If it feels right, then the answer is generally yes.

Okay, I think I have a soul call.

What do I do now?

Your first soul call can be embarrassing.

Often people tell me that once they have identified that they have a soul call, they have no idea

how to approach it.

They say they feel foolish or silly going up to someone and giving them a message.

My advice is to tell them: I have this feeling I have to tell you something and it�s up

to you how you decide to use it.

Then you can just tell them.

Very seldom do people think you are crazy as it�s often what they need to hear.

Not all soul calls are messages, though.

Some might be helping someone out with a problem of some kind.

Generally, when someone is called, it�s because they have the tools and abilities

to provide a solution.

Traps to watch out for.

A soul call, misunderstood, can lead to unintended consequences.

For instance, when it is mistaken for being in love, you might enter into a relationship

or even end up getting married.

Once the call ends, it�s quite normal for the feelings associated with the call to disappear,


So the love and pull you felt will no longer be there and you may be now bound to a person

you do not wish to be with.

It is easy to misunderstand why a feeling or pull is no longer there.

You may struggle to regain it or worse, pretend to yourself that you still feel the same way.

It�s also worth noting that sometimes the person you are helping can become obsessed

with you.

Because you helped them, they may want more of what you have to offer or they may even

desire your energy.

(Certain people give out a very comforting or reassuring presence that people can become

addicted to.)

Test soul calls.

Sometimes the caller may not be ready for help.

You may get a pull to help, however you may find that that pull might disappear them moment

you give assistance.

You can�t do anything more.

It might be just a matter of timing.

Sometimes people need several attempts before they can do what they need to do for themselves.

As always, keep on checking your feelings.

If they change, it means something in the equation has also changed.

When a soul call goes both ways.

A soul call doesn�t have to be just you aiding another.

It can work both ways.

You might bring what is needed for them, but the person also can bring what is needed for


Such calls are a blessing and both parties can really grow.

What you get out of answering a soul call.

Generally, what you gain is experience.

The more calls you are able to answer, the more proficient you become with answering

and solving them.

This will allow you to grow as a person and people will seek your aid, just by word of


Final thoughts.

Soul calls are more common than you may believe.

Understanding them may put everything into a new perspective for you.

It�s even possible to have several calls at the same time.

If you get one, embrace it, but don�t become a slave to it.

Some can last moments and some can be for years, but be ready to move on when it�s

time or accept new ones when they come.

They are a blessing for all and a way to help heal

this world.

For more infomation >> What is a Soul Call and How You Can Answer It - Duration: 6:57.


Spiderman lost his hair ! Captain America lost his finger - Superheroes are all dead by Ghost guy - Duration: 16:31.

For more infomation >> Spiderman lost his hair ! Captain America lost his finger - Superheroes are all dead by Ghost guy - Duration: 16:31.


Minecraft Hırsız Vs Poppy - Duration: 18:00.

For more infomation >> Minecraft Hırsız Vs Poppy - Duration: 18:00.


CAM GRANDE BRUNE - Es-tu en amour? - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> CAM GRANDE BRUNE - Es-tu en amour? - Duration: 2:44.


ПОЧЕМУ кофе ПРОДЛЕВАЕТ ЖИЗНЬ и другие Любопытные новости #50 - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> ПОЧЕМУ кофе ПРОДЛЕВАЕТ ЖИЗНЬ и другие Любопытные новости #50 - Duration: 3:18.


7.12. 착륙및 이륙.. / 미정이, 정회장, 솔개, 이은영부회장 - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> 7.12. 착륙및 이륙.. / 미정이, 정회장, 솔개, 이은영부회장 - Duration: 0:52.


Donald Trump Jr. Could Have Told The Russians What? - Duration: 2:31.

I honestly thought all of this Russia nonesense would've stopped by now, but no it continues. The Media keeps perpetuating this myth that Donald Trump and his team were in collusion with the Russians to help him win the election, and now it seems they finally have the evidence to prove it! Expect it's not about Trump it's about his son. Who did nothing wrong. Donald Trump Jr released a set of emails showing that he had contacts with a russian lawyer, who was offering him top secret documents that would incriminate Hillary Clinton. Now Trump Jr claims the information that was offered to him he thought was opposition research, so of course he jumped at the opportunity, writing back 'If it's what you say I love it' I'd just like to insert the caveat as well that this woman wasn't a government official so that kind of contradicts the spin leftist are going to put on this, that Trump Jr colluded with the Russian government. Oh but there's something else as well NOTHING HAPPENED When Trump Jr eventually met with the lawyer, he said he got 'extremely agitated' and that she just started talking about something that had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. This Russian conspiracy theory is nonsense and it is getting seriously boring. Taxpayer money is getting wasted to fund their ridiculous Senate investigations that are founded upon complete and utter say it again nonsense. All of this story emanates from the Presidential election last year. The left and the media sorry the left. ran their campaign on the concept that Trump is this kind of racist, immigrant hating fear monger and when he won they couldn't accept the result. How could they believe that the American public would dare vote for a racist bigot? They couldn't so if you remember they started running through these different theories as to why Trump won, the racist voter ID laws,then it was the electoral college, and finally Russia. That one stuck so they ran with it and here we are today. I honestly thought all of this Russia nonesense would've stopped by now, but no it continues. The Media keeps perpetuating this myth that Donald Trump and his team were in collusion with the Russians to help him win the election, and now it seems they finally have the evidence to prove it! Expect it's not about Trump it's about his son. Who did nothing wrong. Donald Trump Jr released a set of emails showing that he had contacts with a russian lawyer, who was offering him top secret documents that would incriminate Hillary Clinton. Now Trump Jr claims the information that was offered to him he thought was opposition research, so of course he jumped at the opportunity, writing back 'If it's what you say I love it' I'd just like to insert the caveat as well that this woman wasn't a government official so that kind of contradicts the spin leftist are going to put on this, that Trump Jr colluded with the Russian government. Oh but there's something else as well NOTHING HAPPENED When Trump Jr eventually met with the lawyer, he said he got 'extremely agitated' and that she just started talking about something that had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. This Russian conspiracy theory is nonsense and it is getting seriously boring. Taxpayer money is getting wasted to fund their ridiculous Senate investigations that are founded upon complete and utter say it again nonsense. All of this story emanates from the Presidential election last year. The left and the media sorry the left. ran their campaign on the concept that Trump is this kind of racist, immigrant hating fear monger and when he won they couldn't accept the result. How could they believe that the American public would dare vote for a racist bigot? They couldn't so if you remember they started running through these different theories as to why Trump won, the racist voter ID laws,then it was the electoral college, and finally Russia. That one stuck so they ran with it and here we are today.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Jr. Could Have Told The Russians What? - Duration: 2:31.


Winning Made Easy - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Winning Made Easy - Duration: 0:55.


Фруктовый смузи в три слоя Видео для детей Smoothies - Duration: 4:51.


You channel

Ritka Style

children's channel Ritka Style

today will do


and today we will show how we do

fruit smoothies


For this purpose we have prepared


They cleaned, cut into pieces


beautiful strawberry

and what else?


and banana

yet we have

two common childhood yogurt

add to it was delicious

Well, that will prepare?



take a banana


a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt


my favorite banana yogurt

This was stirred blender

We prepared our bananas

Now prepare the strawberries

so it was tasty

we add sugar

add sugar smoothie

such a simple recipe for a smoothie

as banana and strawberries ready

Now we have left



my favorite kiwi

our kiwi is ready

Now we pour

in the cup

Here are our beautiful glasses

especially for a cocktail


large glasses for smoothies

cool cocktail glasses

we will pour

Pour into glasses

spill smoothies into glasses

let's drink

so the first take




Now take a kiwi


we pour kiwi

Strawberry and we are left with delicious

We will pour the strawberry


decorate strawberry smoothie

so I wanted to

beautifully turned

Now this glass Smoothies

strawberries in smoothies

and let another strawberry


Now the tube

Now decorate the tubes

our fruit smoothie is ready!

Here is such a

fruit cocktail

smoothies are very useful

we turned



Ritulka delicious?

We convey greetings Marijke Yarusheva

Shoutout to Alisochka

and to all our subscribers

Thank you that you look


put the huskies

You were on the canal Ritka Style

try to make smoothies at home


all while

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