Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 12 2017

[ Music ]

>> There's four places

for [inaudible] individual payloads to be mounted.

These four places provide an individual scientist

or a commercial endeavor to use this platform

for acquiring access to space-borne opportunities

for looking at the Earth.

We use this as a multiuser system for Earth sensing.

It's the first of its kind that actually allows the change

out of payloads onboard this particular system robotic

interaction with the onboard Space Station Remote Manipulator

System actually allows plucking a payload off of this

and replacing it with a new one.

[ Music ]

This is our server drawer.

It's designed to take the volumes of data

that we collect onboard the [inaudible] externally and house

that for temporary storage onboard the U.S. laboratory

for subsequent downlink to the ground.

We actually have shoved 18 terabytes

of data storage capacity in this single drawer that goes

into the express rack.

So one of its kind and first onboard.

[ Music ]

For more infomation >> Imaging Earth with MUSES - Duration: 2:03.


How US Flooded the World with Psyops - Duration: 33:05.

How US Flooded the World with Psyops

Special Report: The mainstream U.S. media obsesses over Russian �propaganda� yet

the U.S. government created a �psyops� bureaucracy three decades ago to flood the

world with dubious information, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

Newly declassified documents from the Reagan presidential library help explain how the

U.S. government developed its sophisticated psychological operations capabilities that

� over the past three decades � have created an alternative reality both for people in

targeted countries and for American citizens, a structure that expanded U.S. influence abroad

and quieted dissent at home.

The documents reveal the formation of a psyops bureaucracy under the direction of Walter

Raymond Jr., a senior CIA covert operations specialist who was assigned to President Reagan�s

National Security Council staff to enhance the importance of propaganda and psyops in

undermining U.S. adversaries around the world and ensuring sufficient public support for

foreign policies inside the United States.

Raymond, who has been compared to a character from a John LeCarr� novel slipping easily

into the woodwork, spent his years inside Reagan�s White House as a shadowy puppet

master who tried his best to avoid public attention or � it seems � even having

his picture taken. From the tens of thousands of photographs from meetings at Reagan�s

White House, I found only a couple showing Raymond � and he is seated in groups, partially

concealed by other officials.

But Raymond appears to have grasped his true importance. In his NSC files, I found a doodle

of an organizational chart that had Raymond at the top holding what looks like the crossed

handles used by puppeteers to control the puppets below them. Although it�s impossible

to know exactly what the doodler had in mind, the drawing fits the reality of Raymond as

the behind-the-curtains operative who was controlling the various inter-agency task

forces that were responsible for implementing various propaganda and psyops strategies.

Until the 1980s, psyops were normally regarded as a military technique for undermining the

will of an enemy force by spreading lies, confusion and terror. A classic case was Gen.

Edward Lansdale � considered the father of modern psyops � draining the blood from

a dead Filipino rebel in such a way so the dead rebel�s superstitious comrades would

think that a vampire-like creature was on the prowl. In Vietnam, Lansdale�s psyops

team supplied fake and dire astrological predictions for the fate of North Vietnamese and Vietcong


Essentially, the psyops idea was to play on the cultural weaknesses of a target population

so they could be more easily manipulated and controlled. But the challenges facing the

Reagan administration in the 1980s led to its determination that peacetime psyops were

also needed and that the target populations had to include the American public.

The Reagan administration was obsessed with the problems left behind by the 1970s� disclosures

of government lying about the Vietnam War and revelations about CIA abuses both in overthrowing

democratically elected governments and spying on American dissidents. This so-called �Vietnam

Syndrome� produced profound skepticism from regular American citizens as well as journalists

and politicians when President Reagan tried to sell his plans for intervention in the

civil wars then underway in Central America, Africa and elsewhere.

While Reagan saw Central America as a �Soviet beachhead,� many Americans saw brutal Central

American oligarchs and their bloody security forces slaughtering priests, nuns, labor activists,

students, peasants and indigenous populations. Reagan and his advisers realized that they

had to turn those perceptions around if they hoped to get sustained funding for the militaries

of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras as well as for the Nicaraguan Contra rebels,

the CIA-organized paramilitary force marauding around leftist-ruled Nicaragua.

So, it became a high priority to reshape public perceptions to gain support for Reagan�s

Central American military operations both inside those targeted countries and among


A �Psyops Totality�

As Col. Alfred R. Paddock Jr. wrote in an influential November 1983 paper, entitled

�Military Psychological Operations and US Strategy,� �the planned use of communications

to influence attitudes or behavior should, if properly used, precede, accompany, and

follow all applications of force. Put another way, psychological operations is the one weapons

system which has an important role to play in peacetime, throughout the spectrum of conflict,

and during the aftermath of conflict.�

Paddock continued, �Military psychological operations are an important part of the �PSYOP

Totality,� both in peace and war. � We need a program of psychological operations

as an integral part of our national security policies and programs. � The continuity

of a standing interagency board or committee to provide the necessary coordinating mechanism

for development of a coherent, worldwide psychological operations strategy is badly needed.�

Some of Raymond�s recently available handwritten notes show a focus on El Salvador with the

implementation of �Nation wide multi-media psyops� spread through rallies and electronic

media. �Radio + TV also carried Psyops messages,� Raymond wrote. (Emphasis in original.) Though

Raymond�s crimped handwriting is often hard to decipher, the notes make clear that psyops

programs also were directed at Honduras, Guatemala and Peru.

One declassified �top secret� document in Raymond�s file � dated Feb. 4, 1985,

from Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger � urged the fuller implementation of President

Reagan�s National Security Decision Directive 130, which was signed on March 6, 1984, and

which authorized peacetime psyops by expanding psyops beyond its traditional boundaries of

active military operations into peacetime situations in which the U.S. government could

claim some threat to national interests.

�This approval can provide the impetus to the rebuilding of a necessary strategic capability,

focus attention on psychological operations as a national � not solely military � instrument,

and ensure that psychological operations are fully coordinated with public diplomacy and

other international information activities,� Weinberger�s document said.

This broader commitment to psyops led to the creation of a Psychological Operations Committee

(POC) that was to be chaired by a representative of Reagan�s National Security Council with

a vice chairman from the Pentagon and with representatives from the Central Intelligence

Agency, the State Department and the U.S. Information Agency.

�This group will be responsible for planning, coordinating and implementing psychological

operations activities in support of United States policies and interests relative to

national security,� according to a �secret� addendum to a memo, dated March 25, 1986,

from Col. Paddock, the psyops advocate who had become the U.S. Army�s Director for

Psychological Operations.

�The committee will provide the focal point for interagency coordination of detailed contingency

planning for the management of national information assets during war, and for the transition

from peace to war,� the addendum added. �The POC shall seek to ensure that in wartime

or during crises (which may be defined as periods of acute tension involving a threat

to the lives of American citizens or the imminence of war between the U.S. and other nations),

U.S. international information elements are ready to initiate special procedures to ensure

policy consistency, timely response and rapid feedback from the intended audience.�

Taking Shape

The Psychological Operations Committee took formal shape with a �secret� memo from

Reagan�s National Security Advisor John Poindexter on July 31, 1986. Its first meeting

was called on Sept. 2, 1986, with an agenda that focused on Central America and �How

can other POC agencies support and complement DOD programs in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,

Costa Rica and Panama.� The POC was also tasked with �Developing National PSYOPS

Guidelines� for �formulating and implementing a national PSYOPS program.� (Underlining

in original)

Raymond was named a co-chair of the POC along with CIA officer Vincent Cannistraro, who

was then Deputy Director for Intelligence Programs on the NSC staff, according to a

�secret� memo from Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Craig Alderman Jr. The memo also

noted that future POC meetings would be briefed on psyops projects for the Philippines and

Nicaragua, with the latter project codenamed �Niagara Falls.� The memo also references

a �Project Touchstone,� but it is unclear where that psyops program was targeted.

Another �secret� memo dated Oct. 1, 1986, co-authored by Raymond, reported on the POC�s

first meeting on Sept. 10, 1986, and noted that �The POC will, at each meeting, focus

on an area of operations (e.g., Central America, Afghanistan, Philippines).�

The POC�s second meeting on Oct. 24, 1986, concentrated on the Philippines, according

to a Nov. 4, 1986 memo also co-authored by Raymond. �The next step will be a tightly

drafted outline for a PSYOPS Plan which we will send to that Embassy for its comment,�

the memo said. The plan �largely focused on a range of civic actions supportive of

the overall effort to overcome the insurgency,� an addendum noted. �There is considerable

concern about the sensitivities of any type of a PSYOPS program given the political situation

in the Philippines today.�

Earlier in 1986, the Philippines had undergone the so-called �People Power Revolution,�

which drove longtime dictator Ferdinand Marcos into exile, and the Reagan administration,

which belatedly pulled its support from Marcos, was trying to stabilize the political situation

to prevent more populist elements from gaining the upper hand.

But the Reagan administration�s primary attention continued to go back to Central

America, including �Project Niagara Falls,� the psyops program aimed at Nicaragua. A �secret�

Pentagon memo from Deputy Under Secretary Alderman on Nov. 20, 1986, outlined the work

of the 4th Psychological Operations Group on this psyops plan �to help bring about

democratization of Nicaragua,� by which the Reagan administration meant a �regime

change.� The precise details of �Project Niagara Falls� were not disclosed in the

declassified documents but the choice of codename suggested a cascade of psyops.

Other documents from Raymond�s NSC file shed light on who other key operatives in

the psyops and propaganda programs were. For instance, in undated notes on efforts to influence

the Socialist International, including securing support for U.S. foreign policies from Socialist

and Social Democratic parties in Europe, Raymond cited the efforts of �Ledeen, Gershman,�

a reference to neoconservative operative Michael Ledeen and Carl Gershman, another neocon who

has served as president of the U.S.-government-funded National Endowment for Democracy (NED), from

1983 to the present. (Underlining in original.)

Although NED is technically independent of the U.S. government, it receives the bulk

of its funding (now about $100 million a year) from Congress. Documents from the Reagan archives

also make clear that NED was organized as a way to replace some of the CIA�s political

and propaganda covert operations, which had fallen into disrepute in the 1970s. Earlier

released documents from Raymond�s file show CIA Director William Casey pushing for NED�s

creation and Raymond, Casey�s handpicked man on the NSC, giving frequent advice and

direction to Gershman. [See�s �CIA�s Hidden Hand in �Democracy�


Another figure in Raymond�s constellation of propaganda assets was media mogul Rupert

Murdoch, who was viewed as both a key political ally of President Reagan and a valuable source

of funding for private groups that were coordinating with White House propaganda operations. [See�s �Rupert Murdoch: Propaganda Recruit.�]

In a Nov. 1, 1985 letter to Raymond, Charles R. Tanguy of the �Committees for a Community

of Democracies � USA� asked Raymond to intervene in efforts to secure Murdoch�s

funding for the group. �We would be grateful � if you could find the time to telephone

Mr. Murdoch and encourage him to give us a positive response,� the letter said.

Another document, entitled �Project Truth Enhancement,� described how $24 million

would be spent on upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure to arm �Project Truth, with

the technical capability to provide the most efficient and productive media support for

major USG policy initiatives like Political Democracy.� Project Truth was the overarching

name of the Reagan administration�s propaganda operation. For the outside world, the program

was billed as �public diplomacy,� but administration insiders privately called it

�perception management.� [See�s �The Victory of Perception Management.�]

The Early Years

The original priority of �Project Truth� was to clean up the images of the Guatemalan

and Salvadoran security forces and the Nicaraguan Contras, who were led by ousted dictator Anastasio

Somoza�s ex-National Guard officers. To ensure steady military funding for these notorious

forces, Reagan�s team knew it had to defuse the negative publicity and somehow rally the

American people�s support.

At first, the effort focused on weeding out American reporters who uncovered facts that

undercut the desired public images. As part of that effort, the administration denounced

New York Times correspondent Raymond Bonner for disclosing the Salvadoran regime�s massacre

of about 800 men, women and children in the village of El Mozote in northeast El Salvador

in December 1981. Accuracy in Media and conservative news organizations, such as The Wall Street

Journal�s editorial page, joined in pummeling Bonner, who was soon ousted from his job.

But such efforts were largely ad hoc and disorganized.

CIA Director Casey, from his years crisscrossing the interlocking worlds of business and intelligence,

had important contacts for creating a more systematic propaganda network. He recognized

the value of using established groups known for advocating �human rights,� such as

Freedom House.

One document from the Reagan library showed senior Freedom House official Leo Cherne running

a draft manuscript on political conditions in El Salvador past Casey and promising that

Freedom House would make requested editorial �corrections and changes� � and even

send over the editor for consultation with whomever Casey assigned to review the paper.

In a �Dear Bill� letter dated June 24, 1981, Cherne, who was chairman of the Freedom

House�s executive committee, wrote: �I am enclosing a copy of the draft manuscript

by Bruce McColm, Freedom House�s resident specialist on Central America and the Caribbean.

This manuscript on El Salvador was the one I had urged be prepared and in the haste to

do so as rapidly as possible, it is quite rough. You had mentioned that the facts could

be checked for meticulous accuracy within the government and this would be very helpful.

�If there are any questions about the McColm manuscript, I suggest that whomever is working

on it contact Richard Salzmann at the Research Institute [an organization where Cherne was

executive director]. He is Editor-in-Chief at the Institute and the Chairman of the Freedom

House�s Salvador Committee. He will make sure that the corrections and changes get

to Rita Freedman who will also be working with him. If there is any benefit to be gained

from Salzmann�s coming down at any point to talk to that person, he is available to

do so.�

By 1982, Casey also was lining up some powerful right-wing ideologues to help fund the �perception

management� project both with money and their own media outlets. Richard Mellon Scaife

was the scion of the Mellon banking, oil and aluminum fortune who financed a variety of

right-wing family foundations � such as Sarah Scaife and Carthage � that were financial

benefactors to right-wing journalists and think tanks. Scaife also published the Tribune

Review in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

A more comprehensive �public diplomacy� operation began to take shape in 1982 when

Raymond, a 30-year veteran of CIA clandestine services, was transferred to the NSC. Raymond

became the sparkplug for this high-powered propaganda network, according to an unpublished

draft chapter of the congressional Iran-Contra investigation that was suppressed as part

of the deal to get three moderate Republican senators to sign on to the final report and

give the inquiry a patina of bipartisanship.

Though the draft chapter didn�t use Raymond�s name in its opening pages, apparently because

some of the information came from classified depositions, Raymond�s name was used later

in the chapter and the earlier citations matched Raymond�s known role. According to the draft

report, the CIA officer who was recruited for the NSC job had served as Director of

the Covert Action Staff at the CIA from 1978 to 1982 and was a �specialist in propaganda

and disinformation.�

�The CIA official [Raymond] discussed the transfer with [CIA Director] Casey and NSC

Advisor William Clark that he be assigned to the NSC as [Donald] Gregg�s successor

[as coordinator of intelligence operations in June 1982] and received approval for his

involvement in setting up the public diplomacy program along with his intelligence responsibilities,�

the chapter said. Gregg was another senior CIA official who was assigned to the NSC before

becoming Vice President George H.W. Bush�s national security adviser.

�In the early part of 1983, documents obtained by the Select [Iran-Contra] Committees indicate

that the Director of the Intelligence Staff of the NSC [Raymond] successfully recommended

the establishment of an inter-governmental network to promote and manage a public diplomacy

plan designed to create support for Reagan Administration policies at home and abroad.�

War of Ideas

During his Iran-Contra deposition, Raymond explained the need for this propaganda structure,

saying: �We were not configured effectively to deal with the war of ideas.�

One reason for this shortcoming was that federal law forbade taxpayers� money from being

spent on domestic propaganda or grassroots lobbying to pressure congressional representatives.

Of course, every president and his team had vast resources to make their case in public,

but by tradition and law, they were restricted to speeches, testimony and one-on-one persuasion

of lawmakers. But President Reagan saw the American public�s �Vietnam Syndrome�

as an obstacle to his more aggressive policies.

Along with Raymond�s government-based organization, there were outside groups eager to cooperate

and cash in. Back at Freedom House, Cherne and his associates were angling for financial


In an Aug. 9, 1982 letter to Raymond, Freedom House executive director Leonard R. Sussman

wrote that �Leo Cherne has asked me to send these copies of Freedom Appeals. He has probably

told you we have had to cut back this project to meet financial realities. � We would,

of course, want to expand the project once again when, as and if the funds become available.

Offshoots of that project appear in newspapers, magazines, books and on broadcast services

here and abroad. It�s a significant, unique channel of communication� � precisely

the focus of Raymond�s work.

On Nov. 4, 1982, Raymond, after his transfer from the CIA to the NSC staff but while still

a CIA officer, wrote to NSC Advisor Clark about the �Democracy Initiative and Information

Programs,� stating that �Bill Casey asked me to pass on the following thought concerning

your meeting with [right-wing billionaire] Dick Scaife, Dave Abshire [then a member of

the President�s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board], and Co. Casey had lunch with them

today and discussed the need to get moving in the general area of supporting our friends

around the world.

�By this definition he is including both �building democracy� � and helping invigorate

international media programs. The DCI [Casey] is also concerned about strengthening public

information organizations in the United States such as Freedom House. � A critical piece

of the puzzle is a serious effort to raise private funds to generate momentum. Casey�s

talk with Scaife and Co. suggests they would be very willing to cooperate. � Suggest

that you note White House interest in private support for the Democracy initiative.�

The importance of the CIA and White House secretly arranging private funds was that

these supposedly independent voices would then reinforce and validate the administration�s

foreign policy arguments with a public that would assume the endorsements were based on

the merits of the White House positions, not influenced by money changing hands. Like snake-oil

salesmen who plant a few cohorts in the crowd to whip up excitement for the cure-all elixir,

Reagan administration propagandists salted some well-paid �private� individuals around

Washington to echo White House propaganda �themes.�

The role of the CIA in these initiatives was concealed but never far from the surface.

A Dec. 2, 1982 note addressed to �Bud,� a reference to senior NSC official Robert

�Bud� McFarlane, described a request from Raymond for a brief meeting. �When he [Raymond]

returned from Langley [CIA headquarters], he had a proposed draft letter � re $100

M democ[racy] proj[ect],� the note said.

While Casey pulled the strings on this project, the CIA director instructed White House officials

to hide the CIA�s hand. �Obviously we here [at CIA] should not get out front in

the development of such an organization, nor should we appear to be a sponsor or advocate,�

Casey said in one undated letter to then-White House counselor Edwin Meese III as Casey urged

creation of a �National Endowment.�

But the formation of the National Endowment for Democracy, with its hundreds of millions

of dollars in U.S. government money, was still months down the road. In the meantime, the

Reagan administration would have to line up private donors to advance the propaganda cause.

�We will develop a scenario for obtaining private funding,� NSC Advisor Clark wrote

to Reagan in a Jan. 13, 1983 memo, adding that U.S. Information Agency Director �Charlie

Wick has offered to take the lead. We may have to call on you to meet with a group of

potential donors.�

Despite Casey�s and Raymond�s success in bringing onboard wealthy conservatives

to provide private funding for the propaganda operations, Raymond worried about whether

a scandal could erupt over the CIA�s involvement. Raymond formally resigned from the CIA in

April 1983, so, he said, �there would be no question whatsoever of any contamination

of this.� But Raymond continued to act toward the U.S. public much like a CIA officer would

in directing a propaganda operation in a hostile foreign country.

Raymond fretted, too, about the legality of Casey�s ongoing role. Raymond confided in

one memo that it was important �to get [Casey] out of the loop,� but Casey never backed

off and Raymond continued to send progress reports to his old boss well into 1986.

It was �the kind of thing which [Casey] had a broad catholic interest in,� Raymond

shrugged during his Iran-Contra deposition. He then offered the excuse that Casey undertook

this apparently illegal interference in domestic politics �not so much in his CIA hat, but

in his adviser to the president hat.�

Peacetime Propaganda

Meanwhile, Reagan began laying out the formal authority for this unprecedented peacetime

propaganda bureaucracy. On Jan. 14, 1983, Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive

77, entitled �Management of Public Diplomacy Relative to National Security.� In NSDD-77,

Reagan deemed it �necessary to strengthen the organization, planning and coordination

of the various aspects of public diplomacy of the United States Government.�

Reagan ordered the creation of a special planning group within the National Security Council

to direct these �public diplomacy� campaigns. The planning group would be headed by Walter

Raymond and one of its principal outposts would be a new Office of Public Diplomacy

for Latin America, housed at the State Department but under the control of the NSC. (One of

the directors of the Latin American public diplomacy office was neoconservative Robert

Kagan, who would later co-found the Project for the New American Century in 1998 and become

a chief promoter of President George W. Bush�s 2003 invasion of Iraq.)

On May 20, 1983, Raymond recounted in a memo that $400,000 had been raised from private

donors brought to the White House Situation Room by U.S. Information Agency Director Charles

Wick. According to that memo, the money was divided among several organizations, including

Freedom House and Accuracy in Media, a right-wing media attack organization.

When I wrote about that memo in my 1992 book, Fooling America, Freedom House denied receiving

any White House money or collaborating with any CIA/NSC propaganda campaign. In a letter,

Freedom House�s Sussman called Raymond �a second-hand source� and insisted that �this

organization did not need any special funding to take positions � on any foreign-policy


But it made little sense that Raymond would have lied to a superior in an internal memo.

And clearly, Freedom House remained central to the Reagan administration�s schemes for

aiding groups supportive of its Central American policies, particularly the CIA-organized Contra

war against the leftist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. Plus, White House documents

released later revealed that Freedom House kept its hand out for funding.

On Sept. 15, 1984, Bruce McColm � writing from Freedom House�s Center for Caribbean

and Central American Studies � sent Raymond �a short proposal for the Center�s Nicaragua

project 1984-85. The project combines elements of the oral history proposal with the publication

of The Nicaraguan Papers,� a book that would disparage Sandinista ideology and practices.

�Maintaining the oral history part of the project adds to the overall costs; but preliminary

discussions with film makers have given me the idea that an Improper Conduct-type of

documentary could be made based on these materials,� McColm wrote, referring to a 1984 film that

offered a scathing critique of Fidel Castro�s Cuba. �Such a film would have to be the

work of a respected Latin American filmmaker or a European. American-made films on Central

America are simply too abrasive ideologically and artistically poor.�

McColm�s three-page letter reads much like a book or movie pitch, trying to interest

Raymond in financing the project: �The Nicaraguan Papers will also be readily accessible to

the general reader, the journalist, opinion-maker, the academic and the like. The book would

be distributed fairly broadly to these sectors and I am sure will be extremely useful. They

already constitute a form of Freedom House samizdat, since I�ve been distributing them

to journalists for the past two years as I�ve received them from disaffected Nicaraguans.�

McColm proposed a face-to-face meeting with Raymond in Washington and attached a six-page

grant proposal seeking $134,100. According to the grant proposal, the project would include

�free distribution to members of Congress and key public officials; distribution of

galleys in advance of publication for maximum publicity and timely reviews in newspapers

and current affairs magazines; press conferences at Freedom House in New York and at the National

Press Club in Washington, D.C.; op-ed circulation to more than 100 newspapers �; distribution

of a Spanish-language edition through Hispanic organizations in the United States and in

Latin America; arrangement of European distribution through Freedom House contacts.�

The documents that I found at the Reagan library did not indicate what subsequently happened

to this specific proposal. McColm did not respond to an email request for comment about

the Nicaraguan Papers plan or the earlier letter from Cherne (who died in 1999) to Casey

about editing McComb�s manuscript. Freedom House did emerge as a leading critic of Nicaragua�s

Sandinista government and also became a major recipient of money from the U.S.-funded National

Endowment for Democracy, which was founded in 1983 under the umbrella of the Casey-Raymond


The more recently released documents � declassified between 2013 and 2017 � show how these earlier

Casey-Raymond efforts merged with the creation of a formal psyop bureaucracy in 1986 also

under the control of Raymond�s NSC operation. The combination of the propaganda and psyop

programs underscored the powerful capability that the U.S. government developed more than

three decades ago for planting slanted, distorted or fake news. (Casey died in 1987; Raymond

died in 2003.)

Over those several decades, even as the White House changed hands from Republicans to Democrats

to Republicans to Democrats, the momentum created by William Casey and Walter Raymond

continued to push these �perception management/psyops� strategies forward. In more recent years,

the wording has changed, giving way to more pleasing euphemisms, like �smart power�

and �strategic communications.� But the idea is still

the same: how you can use propaganda to sell U.S. government policies abroad and at home.

For more infomation >> How US Flooded the World with Psyops - Duration: 33:05.


YouTube 2017年上半年最熱新歌 Top50 | YouTube Most viewed music videos published in 2017 first half - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> YouTube 2017年上半年最熱新歌 Top50 | YouTube Most viewed music videos published in 2017 first half - Duration: 12:10.


Jak działają pseudoelementy? Kompletny tutorial - Duration: 12:48.

For more infomation >> Jak działają pseudoelementy? Kompletny tutorial - Duration: 12:48.





فتــح صندوق ساعة ابل الجديدة الجيل الرابع | unboxing apple watch series 4 - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> فتــح صندوق ساعة ابل الجديدة الجيل الرابع | unboxing apple watch series 4 - Duration: 10:58.


Hulk vs Abomination | The Incredible Hulk (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 8:34.



Come on!

Is that all you've got?

Use that thing, soldier! Give him some help!

Which one?

Help the green one, damn it! Which one do you think?

Cut the other one in half!


Keep it on him!

- Look, I got to put it down! - Hang on!


Are you hurt? Let me help you.

I'm all right. Just find a way out.

You don't deserve this power! Now watch her die!

Look out!


Any last words?

Hulk smash!


For more infomation >> Hulk vs Abomination | The Incredible Hulk (2008) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 8:34.


Today in Military History: 7/12 - Medal of Honor created - Duration: 1:06.

Today in military history, 1862,

the Medal of Honor is created.

Congress first introduced a certificate of merit in 1847

to be presented by the president when quote,

"A private soldier distinguishes himself in the service."

It came with a $2 monthly stipend.

Over the years, the award evolved to honor both army

and navy service members.

And in July of 1862, President Lincoln signed

the legislation approving the Medal of Honor as we know it.

At the time, 88 service members had already performed

heroic acts that would ultimately merit the decoration.

The stipend evolved too.

Today, the Medal of Honor pension is $1,259 per month,

as well as other benefits like Space A travel

and impressing the hell out of anyone they meet.

There have been over 3,400 Medal of Honor recipients

across all five branches, 71 of whom are still alive today.

If you meet one, just know that you are in

the presence of greatness.

Wanna know what happened yesterday in military history?

Click right here.

Wanna know what happens tomorrow?

Make sure you subscribe.

For more infomation >> Today in Military History: 7/12 - Medal of Honor created - Duration: 1:06.





Potatoes in a uniform. Dora Khaikina.Mult #poem about potatoes. You did not know that. - Duration: 2:34.

Dora Khaikina

Potatoes in a uniform

My mother told me: - Wait a bit,

Hands are good Wash, slowly.

Do not forget that soon Cooked potatoes,

And she's in a uniform Very good!

I saw potatoes In our store -

I went there I Many times in a row.

I saw potatoes In my mother's basket -

Do not look like a potato At the dashing soldiers.

I look in the window, Silence in the apartment.

I can not understand, Can not decide:

Why do potatoes Shining in a uniform?

Who decided the uniforms For her to sew?

Here she is smoking.

I sit down.

Mom smiled: "Eat her soon!"

What do potatoes Hot and cramped!

Remove her uniforms from her Need soon!

We have such a dish I like both.

I'm cleaning potatoes And - more in the mouth!

And otherwise, With drumbeat

All my potatoes It will leave me!

For more infomation >> Potatoes in a uniform. Dora Khaikina.Mult #poem about potatoes. You did not know that. - Duration: 2:34.


MORNING ROUTINE (PARODY) - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> MORNING ROUTINE (PARODY) - Duration: 2:16.


QUIRKY NEO FUNK ROCK (copyright free music for videos) DE RAPENATION - De ImperfAction - Duration: 5:33.

This is QUIRKY NEO FUNK ROCK music. Copyright free music for videos! DE RAPENATION - De ImperfAction!

For more infomation >> QUIRKY NEO FUNK ROCK (copyright free music for videos) DE RAPENATION - De ImperfAction - Duration: 5:33.


KAKO DA OSLABETE ZA VO LETO! w/Winncoot - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> KAKO DA OSLABETE ZA VO LETO! w/Winncoot - Duration: 2:31.


Custom Home From The Mint Tiny House Company | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 4:57.


For more infomation >> Custom Home From The Mint Tiny House Company | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 4:57.


Back2Leto - ПАРОДИЯ - Время и Стекло - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Back2Leto - ПАРОДИЯ - Время и Стекло - Duration: 2:14.


Top 10 Best Android Apps for July 2017! - Duration: 6:08.


Hey Guys Its Sagar from Tecworkz, and welcome to another episode of the best android apps.

In this video, we take a look at 10 Android apps,

which I think you guys should definitely try out.

Links to all of the apps mentioned in this video are in the description section.

Now Before we get started, make sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss out

on any of the amazing upcoming videos.

The first app on this list is Wall On.

This app offers you a huge collection of high resolution wallpapers from unsplash.

All the wallpapers are laid across different categories, interface is simple, and scrolling

experience through the wallpapers is super smooth.

You can download your favourite wallpaper in RAW format, Or set it as a wallpaper from

right within the app.

You also get a lot of information about the wallpaper, like where and when was it taken,

what is the resolution.

And if you are interested, it also gives information like the camera used, shutter speed, ISO,

aperture, and so on.

It's definitely a must have wallpaper app, go check it out.

Second app on the list is Spyzie.

It is essentially a parental control app, which is targeted towards parents who want

to keep a track of their kids.

It allows you to completely monitor the activity, on any other smartphone, which can be an android

phone or an iPhone.

You can look at the call logs, browsing history, the games they are playing and even the current

location of the target device.

Unfortunately, Lot of the functionality of the app is locked, and you need to pay a monthly

subscription fee to use it to its full potential.

Next app is Don't touch my phone.

If you are at public place with your smartphone running low on battery, and the charging point

is a bit away from you, this app helps to keep your smartphone safe while its away from


Just turn the app on while you move away, and it will sound an alarm as soon as someone

tries to pick up or move your smartphone.

To turn off the alarm you need to type in the passcode, which makes it super secure

and reliable.

It uses the sensors in your smartphone, to detect if the phone is being moved so it can

sound the alarm.

If you live in a crowded country like India, I would say its a must have app.

Next up, we have the first game in todays list, its called Descent.

This is a new endless runner game where you have to guide a cube down it's endless fall.

You need to tap on the screen to avoid obstacles along the way.

You can upgrade and get new cubes with the Tokens that you collect as you move ahead

in the game.

The game seems really tough at the start, but once you get the hang of it, its a fun

way to keep yourself on your toes.

Coming around the half way mark, Next app on the list is Google Opinion Rewards.

This app lets you answer quick surveys and earn Google Play Credit.

You will get notified when short and relevant surveys are ready for you.

Depending on your answers, you earn credit, which you can then spend in the Google Play

store to purchase apps or games.

Google recently made this app available in India, so now you can answer some surveys,

earn credit, and buy paid apps in the Play store that you always wanted.

17 Track lets you keep a track of all your orders from various courier services.

You can track parcels from over 220 carriers.

And the best thing is, the app is free and without adds.

You can track multiple packages at once, get notifications when status changes, and the

app also auto detects the shipping carrier.

Its a great app which lets you keep a track of all the packages at one place.

Next app in the list is Screenshot Assistant.

It helps you take screenshots, just by holding down your home button.

I don't think it can get any simpler than this.

You no longer need two hands to take a screenshot.

After you are done taking a screenshot, you get a small menu, with options which let you

crop the screenshot, resize it, store it on your device, or share it any which way you


The only downside is that, you wont be able to activate google now with a long press of

the home button.

The next app and second game in our list is Linia.

Its a minimalist colourful puzzle game, where you have to slice through the right colour

patterns in one clean motion, to move on to the next level.

This game requires you to be really precise.

The first few levels are pretty simple and straight forward, but it gets really tough,

really quickly.

Try it out and you will enjoy it.

Its not easy, but it sure is cool.

If you have an SD card slot on your smartphone, then you should check out MoveIt.

This all will let you move multiple images and Audio or video files to your SD card or

the other way around.

Now you no longer have to rely on your computer to transfer your files, this app does it for

you quickly and easily.

Most of the times, images, videos and songs on our phone was up majority of the storage

space on your smartphone, this way you can move all of that to your SD card and have

free space on your phone for heavy applications.

3rd game and second last app in todays list is Loner.

This is by far the easiest, simplest and relaxing endless runner style game that I have tried

so far.

You have to control this plane with your fingers, and guide it through the openings that are

coming up, that's it.

It gets a bit challenging with time, but it is still simpler than most of the games out


Give it a try if you want to try your hands on a simple relaxing game for a change.

The last app in todays list is TempMail.

This is probably my favourite app in the list.

What this allows you to do is create temporary secure, private email accounts, so you can

avoid spam emails, hacking attempts, and all the other email related headaches.

There are times when you need to use a particular service just once, but it asks you to provide

your email address, just use temp mail to create a temporary email account, and use


This is an awesome utility app which is very useful for someone like me, who is always

trying and testing various services, without having to worry about receiving spam email

from them later on.

Well these have been the 10 Android apps for this video.

I will be back next month with more great app for you to try out.

Let me know in the comments section, which one of these apps did you enjoy the most.

Also if you have any app suggestions for the next video, again let me know in the comments


Please hit the like button if you enjoyed this video, and subscribe to the channel for

more quality tech videos like this.

You can also check out some of the other videos on this channel.

This has been Sagar, and ill catch you guys in the next video.

Take care.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Android Apps for July 2017! - Duration: 6:08.


Will Ferrell & Adam McKay Relive Funny Or Die's Origins (10 Years of Funny Or Die - 2007) - Duration: 2:22.

(upbeat music)

- It was 2007 and at this point,

the internet was basically just a place for perverts

to talk dirty to each other.

- It was rubble, it was just a vast field of rubble.

- Suddenly, two shining talents from Hollywood,

Adam McKay and Will Ferrell came and taught Steve Jobs

and the entire internet how to do it right.

Can I say that copy I'm reading

sounds really self-aggrandizing?

- We gotta read it.

You actually skipped a line.

- I'm just not comfortable talking about,

you can do it if you want.

- Those two fellas came along and told Steve Jobs

and his Silicon Valley counterparts

to stop being (bleep) holes.

That's what the copy read.

- You're comfortable reading that?

- I love it, I'll even write into it.

- Basically what it was was we wanted to do fun sketches

on the internet, Will and I, up at his guest house,

goofing around, my daughter was there.

- Pearl, who was two years old at the time, I believe.

- That's correct.

- Is my nasty landlord, it is the day when she is there

to collect the rent, which I'm a little behind on.

- You don't have to raise your voice.

- Now, Pearl is now 12 years old.

- How is Pearl, what's she up to?

- I'd appreciate it if we don't get into my family.

- What's she up to?

- She doesn't live at home anymore,

she lives with a 22-year-old drummer

from Avril Lavigne's band. - Whoa.

- And she lives in the valley and we haven't seen her

in three years. - And she's 12.

- Yeah, The Landlord without exaggeration

destroyed our family.

But you know what, if you got a laugh out of it,

it was worth it.

- Gotta crack some eggs to make an omelet.

(upbeat music)

- 2008. - 2009.

I didn't think we would be talking about stuff like this.

- 2010. - 2011.

Gina. - I don't know what.

- It's my Trump. 12.

- 13. - 14

- 15.

- 2016, roll the clip.

- We're not doing roll the clips,

they're just cutting in stuff with us.

- Then that's fine.

- So roll clip doesn't do anything.

For more infomation >> Will Ferrell & Adam McKay Relive Funny Or Die's Origins (10 Years of Funny Or Die - 2007) - Duration: 2:22.


What is a Soul Call and How You Can Answer It - Duration: 6:57.

What is a Soul Call and How You Can Answer It


What is a soul call?

You feel like you are falling in love.

You might not even like this person, but you want to know everything there is to know about


Most of all, you just want to be there for them.

Once you�ve helped them, you suddenly lose interest and you have no idea why.

You may have just experienced a soul call.

So what is a soul call?

A soul call is a cry for help or assistance from one person to another on a soul level.

Soul levels can be described as the higher part of our being and is normally accessed

through prayers or asking the universe, God or whatever your belief may be.

Those who answer such calls tend to be highly sensitive people, healers, people who want

to help society or Empaths.

When you answer a soul call, especially for the first time, you might well experience

the following emotions.

A sense of falling in love with someone.

You may become obsessed with the person.

You can�t get them out of your head no matter what.

You may feel the urge to pass on a message, even if it doesn�t make any sense.

You may feel you need to be there for support or comfort.

You may not like the person on a mental, emotional or physical level.

You might hear or feel thoughts that are not yours telling you to help in some way.

How can I tell the difference between love and a soul call?

The definition of love has always been up for debate.

Personally, I define love as Love is something that makes you feel complete.

It is not a desire to save someone or get something from them.

It is where you are in harmony with another and they are in harmony with you.

There is acceptance for who the other is, warts and all.

There is a flow with love.

It is a connection on all levels.

The soul call, on the other hand, normally comes with a sense of compassion and need,

often overwhelming desire to help another.

There is generally a sense of sympathy and need to want to make their life better or

an obsessive feeling that you must be in their life in some way.

I suggest using your feelings and asking if this is a soul call?

If it feels right, then the answer is generally yes.

Okay, I think I have a soul call.

What do I do now?

Your first soul call can be embarrassing.

Often people tell me that once they have identified that they have a soul call, they have no idea

how to approach it.

They say they feel foolish or silly going up to someone and giving them a message.

My advice is to tell them: I have this feeling I have to tell you something and it�s up

to you how you decide to use it.

Then you can just tell them.

Very seldom do people think you are crazy as it�s often what they need to hear.

Not all soul calls are messages, though.

Some might be helping someone out with a problem of some kind.

Generally, when someone is called, it�s because they have the tools and abilities

to provide a solution.

Traps to watch out for.

A soul call, misunderstood, can lead to unintended consequences.

For instance, when it is mistaken for being in love, you might enter into a relationship

or even end up getting married.

Once the call ends, it�s quite normal for the feelings associated with the call to disappear,


So the love and pull you felt will no longer be there and you may be now bound to a person

you do not wish to be with.

It is easy to misunderstand why a feeling or pull is no longer there.

You may struggle to regain it or worse, pretend to yourself that you still feel the same way.

It�s also worth noting that sometimes the person you are helping can become obsessed

with you.

Because you helped them, they may want more of what you have to offer or they may even

desire your energy.

(Certain people give out a very comforting or reassuring presence that people can become

addicted to.)

Test soul calls.

Sometimes the caller may not be ready for help.

You may get a pull to help, however you may find that that pull might disappear them moment

you give assistance.

You can�t do anything more.

It might be just a matter of timing.

Sometimes people need several attempts before they can do what they need to do for themselves.

As always, keep on checking your feelings.

If they change, it means something in the equation has also changed.

When a soul call goes both ways.

A soul call doesn�t have to be just you aiding another.

It can work both ways.

You might bring what is needed for them, but the person also can bring what is needed for


Such calls are a blessing and both parties can really grow.

What you get out of answering a soul call.

Generally, what you gain is experience.

The more calls you are able to answer, the more proficient you become with answering

and solving them.

This will allow you to grow as a person and people will seek your aid, just by word of


Final thoughts.

Soul calls are more common than you may believe.

Understanding them may put everything into a new perspective for you.

It�s even possible to have several calls at the same time.

If you get one, embrace it, but don�t become a slave to it.

Some can last moments and some can be for years, but be ready to move on when it�s

time or accept new ones when they come.

They are a blessing for all and a way to help heal

this world.

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