Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

BWV 184 - O Herre Gott, dein göttlich Wort (Bach) - 4 Guitar

For more infomation >> [14] BWV 184 - O Herre Gott, dein göttlich Wort (Bach) - 4 Guitars - Duration: 1:15.


Why 9 Screenwriters Failed by Corey Mandell - Duration: 7:07.

Film Courage: Corey, from your time in film school and also having writing instructors

speak with you when you were a college student, did you feel embraced or discouraged?

Something like what I heard in an old Ray Bradbury interview where he advised a lot

of people not to take writing classes because he felt they [the students] were always discouraged

in the class.

How did you feel as a student?

Corey Mandell: As a student, really encouraged.

Film Courage: Did you?


Corey Mandell: But that is actually why I would…have people think twice before taking

those classes because there is fixed mindset encouragement and there is growth mindset


The very first teacher that I…let me step back.

A lot of teachers that I know have a philosophy that the more you write, the better you will


And so their job is to encourage writers.

And you are going to point out things they are not doing right.

You are going to criticize but you always couch that with three compliments, you know?

Like the sugar with the medicine.

Film Courage: [Laughs] Sure.

Corey Mandell: Ultimately, at the end of the day, your job is to make these people feel

like they can do this, that they have what it takes.

And that will keep them writing and the more they write, they better they will become.

And I don't do that as a teacher for a variety of reasons.

First (as I said) I think most writers when they first start writing, they see significant


Because when we first start writing, we make lots of really dumb mistakes that we don't


We don't know what we don't know.

So if you are somewhat open to feedback and criticism, you're trying to get better and

you have really smart (or reasonably smart people) in your life and giving you feedback,

I do think people start to make a really good improvement then they'll hit a plateau that

they will stay on forever.

And that plateau is the more they write, the higher the pile of some early flawed scripts


Because if they have intuitive weaknesses or conceptual weaknesses, you can keep writing

as much as you want and you're going to keep making those mistakes.

I know writers who have been at it for 10 or 12 years and what they're writing today

isn't really better than what they're writing 8 years ago.

So I don't believe…I believe the more you write, the better you become but without

the right training and tools (for most people) is kind of a Santa Claus/Tooth Fairy fantasy.

Further, I do think it is important to have someone in your life or people in your life

who believe in you and love you and support you and when you're feeling down they are

like "No.

You can do this!"

And they can be the wind in your sails when the wind goes away and you just sort of lose

confidence and you lose your way.

I think that's absolutely essential.

I would never do that as a teacher.

I don't think someone should pay for that and also I don't want someone to become

dependent on me.

I want them to find people in their lives and ultimately themselves to be able to have

that confidence and love.

Further, I think the fixed mindset confidence is always pointing out what you're doing

right and complimenting "You're so good.

You're so good.

You have what it takes."

That's so fixed mindset.

The growth mindset is there are tools that you can learn.

And let me teach you a tool.

So what is your biggest weakness as a writer?

Let's spend four weeks doing nothing but training on that tool.

And then, we're going to have you write a scene or a sequence and you're going to

see (or you give it to other people and they're going to see) "Oh my gosh.

You're suddenly better at this thing!" and then you're like "Oh?!"

That is the confidence that I want to give someone.

I had a weakness.

I identified (or it was identified for me).

I had a specific training regiment and I came out the other end stronger at that.

And maybe you're not as strong as you need to be yet but you can keep training and you

can keep training and you can realize that I can get to the point where I'm as good

as I need to be.

Okay, now maybe I've got six things that you need to do that on and so maybe it's

going to take 6 months or a year.

That's growth mindset confidence.

That's what I want to instill in people.

So my experience for the most part in film school was very gentle.

Everyone came in and told us "You can make this.

You can do this.

You're amazing."

And in my class there were 12 of us.

Three of us went on to have careers and 9 didn't.

And one thing that the three of us had in common, we weren't smart than…I certainly

wasn't smart than some of the others or a lot of the others.

We didn't work harder.

Honestly, I didn't work that hard in film school.

I'm not proud of that but I had a lot of procrastination issues.

What we did have in common was that we had a manager (not the same manager).

But we all had a manager who in their own way said "You are not as good as you think

you are.

And you need to get better in certain skill sets and I can help you do that."

And in my case, it was a year of working with this manager turning weaknesses that I didn't

know I had (or I did know I had) into strengths.

That's a big reason why I teach because I had access to that.

If I didn't, I would have been like the 9 who didn't.

I had certain things that I was really inherently good at and certain things I was inherently

really bad at and I had things I didn't know I was bad at.

And no one in film school was really helping me with that.

It was the manager that did that work.

So I think yeah…classes where they just kind of tear you down and discourage you should

be avoided at all costs.

I know people who have troubles with their writing and they don't feel confident and

they find a teacher who gives them confidence and support and they love that teacher and

they become addicted to that teacher.

And it's a good business model for the teacher because they'll keep taking classes because

they're taking classes to feel that feeling.

But that's not solving the problem.

If I can make you feel confident or good about your writing or special or I can make you

feel like you can get there, that doesn't mean anything.

What matters is when you can feel that way.

And the way you'll feel that way (in my opinion) is through proving to yourself that

you're making progress and confidence through your training.

Film Courage: Sound it sounds like this sort of military style, you know, boot camp, breaking

you down is going to harm someone.

But at the same time too much hand-holding and babying and "Oh, you're one of our

prized student!" that sounds like it's equally damaging?

Like you're the golden child.

Corey Mandell: It's highly-addicting and you're going to feel good but that's like

junk food.

It tastes good but it's not nutritious.

It's not making you healthier.

Film Courage: So with this manager, do you think you were more open hearing than some

of the other people.

I mean if you feel that you were on the same level, was there a difference that you were

maybe more open?

Corey Mandell: Right…That's a great question and as I said earlier, I was such an incredibly

fixed mindset person.

So I was absolutely not open to hearing and I want to share this because I try to share

this with as many writers as I can because I think it's a really important story and

there is something here that they can do which I would highly-recommend.

So what happened is I wrote this script and…

For more infomation >> Why 9 Screenwriters Failed by Corey Mandell - Duration: 7:07.


Oconee County State Park Lake temporarily closed due to low lake level - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Oconee County State Park Lake temporarily closed due to low lake level - Duration: 1:23.


El Juanito Reviews - DOOM [First-Person Shooter - Id Software - PC - 1993] - Duration: 4:02.

Bro, don't you think that games about shooting guys from the hero view became for pussies?

I remember that in Golden Eye 007 for N64, if you weren't full on it, you got shot dead

In Duke Nukem, the pig cops could take 2-3 shotgun blasts, and you had to make every bullet count

'cuz kicking 'em to death was as effective as using the knife in Resident Evil 2

And talking about games where you only see the tip of the weapon your holding, in Turok you prayed to find a f'n health cross

and if you were out of ammo, you got all the way back looking for it

'cuz trying to win against velociraptors by slicing them ain't easy

Wielding a blade and passing the whole game by slashes, only on Shadow Warrior

the dude with a single attack could slice them in half

But only on Mission 1 with dumb enemies you could accomplish that, using only the katana later on...

was as useless as keep sending messages to get girl that never responds your inbox

Dude, those games where badass, unlike today with linear levels & they all die with one shot

And if you get hurt, just stay still for a second and you regenerate; no looking for med kits and shit

When they added that load of bull of regenerating just for fucking around, is when FPS stated to SUCK

Now you don't need strategy or ability or anything.

You just charge directly to the bad guys, and when you're crapping yourself, hide for a while and live

I remember in Half-Life I went to the charge stations to replenish health and suit energy

A little ahead I got fucked up, and got back all the way to use 'em again

Oh, but you depleted those stuff, you could not just go back to 'em all you wanted

And in games like PainKiller, you could only recharge energy by catching the souls of death monsters

So you can't have the luxury of just shooting from far away like a fucking camper

What about games where you had f'n mazes to explore, and fuckers got out in bunch to make you their bitch

Back then there were lots of alternate paths and secrets to find, like in DOOM

Where you could just find the exit quickly

but if you felt like looking around, you found out that the level map was twice as big

At the time, I only played Super Nintendo and Arcade; PC games where stupid stuff with lots of text to read and click on items

Those "adventure" titles where so boring

They needed with urgency a game where an asswhole got in front of you, and you could blast his head off with a shotgun

Back then, you couldn't just search for Hentai on the Internet, so why the hell would you want a computer if it wasn't for that?

A'aight my man, This Juanito Review was brought to ya thanks to my hommie Ranger Saving

who made this Let's Play of the new DOOM, and has videos of Pay Day, Balck Ops, GTA and more on his Channel

I'm gonna leave you the link to his video below on the description, so you go check out his awesome stuff and subscribe

Also, you can click on the annotations here So Thumbs Up, Share & Leave your Comment

I'm your pal Juanito and I'll see ya when? Next Time... PEACE!

For more infomation >> El Juanito Reviews - DOOM [First-Person Shooter - Id Software - PC - 1993] - Duration: 4:02.


Bombshell Report DNC Emails Were Hacked By Seth Rich, Not Russia - Duration: 9:06.

Bombshell Report DNC Emails Were Hacked By Seth Rich, Not Russia

BY Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Report reveals that Seth Rich copied DNC emails from server five days before his death, not


An IT specialist has published a bombshell report that proves Seth Rich copied DNC emails

five days before his murder � completely debunking the theory that Russia hacked the

Democratic National Committee servers.

The specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, concludes in his report that the hacked DNC

files were copied by somebody working directly for the party on July 5th.

The report as laid out by The Forensicator:

Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:

On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually

appears on the �NGP VAN� 7zip file (the subject of this analysis).

This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September

13, 2016.

Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely

that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access

to the data.

By �direct access� we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical

access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local

high speed network (LAN).

They may have copied a much larger collection of data than the data present in the NGP VAN


This larger collection of data may have been as large as 19 GB.

In that scenario the NGP VAN 7zip file represents only 1/10th of the total amount of material


This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

settings were in force.

Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the

East Coast.

The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last

modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of

the the Linux �cp� command (using default options).

A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied

back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4)

file system.

On September 1, 2016, two months after copying the initial large collection of (alleged)

DNC related content (the so-called NGP/VAN data), a subset was transferred to working

directories on a system running Windows.

The .rar files included in the final 7zip file were built from those working directories.

The computer system where the working directories were built had Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

settings in force.

Most likely, this system was located somewhere on the East Coast.

The .rar files and plain files that eventually end up in the �NGP VAN� 7zip file disclosed

by Guccifer 2.0 on 9/13/2016 were likely first copied to a USB flash drive, which served

as the source data for the final 7zip file.

There is no information to determine when or where the final 7zip file was built.

The most important aspect about the report is the �estimated speed of transfer (23

MB/s)� at which the documents were copied.

It�s inconceivable DNC documents could have been copied at such speed from a remote location.

Disobedient Media reports:

Importantly, The Forensicator concluded that the chance that the files had been accessed

and downloaded remotely over the internet were too small to give this idea any serious


He explained that the calculated transfer speeds for the initial copy were much faster

than can be supported by an internet connection.

This is extremely significant and completely discredits allegations of Russian hacking

made by both Guccifer 2.0 and Crowdstrike.

This conclusion is further supported by analysis of the overall transfer rate of 23 MB/s.

The Forensicator described this as �possible when copying over a LAN, but too fast to support

the hypothetical scenario that the alleged DNC data was initially copied over the Internet

(esp. to Romania).� Guccifer 2.0 had claimed to originate in Romania.

So in other words, this rate indicates that the data was downloaded locally, possibly

using the local DNC network.

The importance of this finding in regards to destroying the Russian hacking narrative

cannot be understated.

If the data is correct, then the files could not have been copied over a remote connection

and so therefore cannot have been �hacked by Russia.�

The use of a USB drive would also strongly suggest that the person copying the files

had physical access to a computer most likely connected to the local DNC network.

Indications that the individual used a USB drive to access the information over an internal

connection, with time stamps placing the creation of the copies in the East Coast Time Zone,

suggest that the individual responsible for initially copying what was eventually published

by the Guccifer 2.0 persona under the title �NGP-VAN� was located in the Eastern United

States, not Russia.

During the presidential campaign, POLITICO reported what now appears to be a disproven

story about Guccifer 2.0 hacking and releasing DNC documents:

The hacker persona Guccifer 2.0 has released a new trove of documents that allegedly reveal

more information about the Democratic National Committee�s finances and personal information

on Democratic donors, as well as details about the DNC�s network infrastructure.

The cache also includes purported memos on tech initiatives from Democratic vice presidential

nominee Tim Kaine�s time as governor of Virginia, and some years-old missives on redistricting

efforts and DNC donor outreach strategy.

DNC interim chair Donna Brazile immediately tied the leak to GOP presidential nominee

Donald Trump.

�There�s one person who stands to benefit from these criminal acts, and that�s Donald

Trump,� she said in a statement Tuesday night, adding that Trump has �embraced�

Russian President Vladimir Putin and �publicly encouraged further Russian espionage to help

his campaign.�

POLITICO then suggests Guccifer 2.0 hacked into the DNC:

If authentic, the documents would represent the latest strike from the mysterious hacker

persona that has already roiled the 2016 election with leaks of documents stolen from the DNC

and the House Democrat�s campaign arm, the DCCC.

Earlier document dumps include the internal communications that forced the resignation

of former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz this summer and fueled allegations

of party bias against Bernie Sanders.

The bombshell report brings murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich back into focus, who many believe

may have been the WikiLeaks source for the DNC emails.

WND reports:

Private investigators have claimed there is evidence Rich was the source WikiLeaks used

to obtain thousands of DNC emails released on the eve of the party�s presidential nominating

convention last July.

The emails, indicating the party was manipulating the primary race in favor of Hillary Clinton,

led to the resignation of former DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

On July 22, just 12 days after Rich�s death and days before the Democratic Party Convention

in Philadelphia, WikiLeaks released 20,000 DNC emails.

Also as WND has reported, former detective Rod Wheeler was initially hired by Rich�s

parents through a third party to find their son�s killer.

Wheeler alleges former interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazille contacted the Metropolitan

Police Department demanding to know why he was �snooping� after Wheeler began investigating

Rich�s murder.

As a result, he said, law-enforcement authorities are now refusing to provide him with more

details about the case.

For more infomation >> Bombshell Report DNC Emails Were Hacked By Seth Rich, Not Russia - Duration: 9:06.


Chinese bombers fly near Taiwan, Japan - Duration: 0:25.

China sent its Xian H-6 strategic bombers near Taiwan and Japan on Thursday.

It was part of a drill in the Western Pacific, near Taiwan's air defense identification zone

and the Miyako Strait south of Japan's Okinawa.

This resulted in Japan reportedly carrying out a scramble order, but things didn't escalate

as the Chinese jets didn't enter Japanese airspace.

For more infomation >> Chinese bombers fly near Taiwan, Japan - Duration: 0:25.


Moving Out Of Comfort Zones - Duration: 10:03.

Moving Out Of Comfort Zones

by Jelelle Awen,

Time to move out of comfort zones�.

Comfort zones are those places that have become familiar and perhaps beloved to parts of you

and, so, are limited to offer the growth that you need and desire.

Settling into a place that you feel comfortable CAN be about an ease, a sense of just being

�you� and seeing that reflected back to you.

It also CAN be about shrinking yourself to fit in with your environment, relationships,

jobs, the energies around you.

This is more what I mean about �moving out of comfort zones.� Shrinking yourself INside

in order to feel more comfortable with the frequencies that you are experiencing on the

outside is a sign of being in a comfort zone.

One of the biggest ways staying in comfort zones shows up is in relationships, especially

with birth family, long-term romances and friendships.

You may have an awareness of a �role� you are playing, a mask you are putting on,

an energy that comes up from inside in order to respond to these relationships.

You may notice that you are hiding or obscuring or maybe even lying about your budding awakenings,

spiritual perspectives shifting, emotional body realizations.

It is like you are in the �closet� and parts of you just aren�t ready to come out

yet, as this closet has become a comfort zone.

You may avoid conflict or confrontation with others who are becoming no longer resonant

with you in order to stay in a comfortable place on both sides.

A comfort zone can also be about staying in a lone wolf phase rather than moving into

more experience of resonant and supportive commUNITY.

Parts of you become comfortable with being on your own, especially if you have disconnected

from 3D-based relationships with family and friends.

This phase may be a sacred and necessary one for you and yet, also, the deeper desires

for resonant soul tribe commUNITY can be buried under the sense of comfort and safety that

sets in from being and doing life alone.

In romantic relationships, there can be the deepest ties and binds of comfort zone relating.

Even if there is a lot of conflict and tension in the relationship, THIS can become comfortable

and familiar to parts of you.

This seems to especially be true if these were the frequencies your parents� relationship

was in and you became used to it.

Or, maybe in the relationship you have settled into a brother and sister connection where

the hotness, body talk, soul resonance, mentally stimulating each other, hearts vulnerably

sharing�.all these frequencies have been shut down or greatly modulated or maybe never

really were transactable in the relationship.

Staying in a long-term romantic relationship for which you no longer feel in love with

your partner in ALL domains of body, mind, soul and heart is one of the BIGGEST ways

that shrinking into a comfort zone can manifest.

Feeling the parts of you that are in the relationship and why can help to identify the deeper reasons

and motivations for staying in it rather than moving on.

During the flash and crash of the Dark Night stages of awakening, it may become VERY obvious

to you what has become a comfort zone for parts of you and what needs to be changed

around that in relationships.

The clashes start happening when parts of you can no longer show up for the make believe

dance with others or hide what you are really feeling.

You may burst out suddenly with your truth, long suppressed, and create shock waves in

your world.

Or, you may cut off suddenly with newly energized boundaries that may be long overdue.

Or, you find a soul family group that supports your authentic self and seem to suddenly �overnight�

come out of the spiritual closet to all your friends and family.

In whatever ways this unveiling and moving out of the comfort zone in relationship happens,

it seems to be a sacred and necessary aspect of the ascension process.

As you �walk out� of the old frequencies with others, you are actually inviting them

into the NEW with your movements through the heart chord you share with them.

The boundaries that you need to set become a compassionate and merciful invitation to

ALL for exploration into a healthier and more mature ground of resonant connection.

You are inviting them into the REAL and to be REAL about what they feel along with you,

whether they can or are meant to show up for this or not.

Your movement into this moves ALL as we are ALL connected in the Web of Life.

Higher vibrational relationships based in soul and heart resonance are not about getting

comfortable and staying stuck there.

They encourage and inspire you to keep growing, to keep arising, to keep BEing who you most

authentically are.

They are mirrors providing you with a sense of desire to share love, be vulnerable, go

into deeper places of intimacy.

They encourage emotional risk taking and do not ask you to shrink who you really are to

�fit� them.

There is a sense of reverence in every moment about them and they are not �taken for granted�

or just assumed they will always be there.

They arise anew as YOU arise anew or they complete when and if the ground of transaction

runs out.

Another area where comfort zones can develop and limit your growth is in careers, businesses�whatever

means you earn your livelihood from�..

Even living off of disability or financial support from others (whether former spouses,

parents, or the government) can indicate a shrinking going on and settling into a comfort


Because money can bring up so much anxiety for parts of us and lack of trust, they can

cling at whatever means provide a steady stream to assuage that anxiety.

Long-term careers and businesses that are more based in 3D frequencies are maybe obvious

to you and you may even be consciously unhappy or unfilled in them with desires to change


However, even spiritually-based income earnings for which you are sharing your gifts can become

comfort zones if they are not challenging you anymore to grow and it is more �part

of you� that is doing and performing them rather than your authentic self.

Not earning any money or very little and being supported by others (especially if this requires

you to shrink to keep the spiritually non-resonant relationship going) is another way this can

show up.

There is a sense of being disempowered to support your own needs and a deep codependency

can develop here, especially for those souls who need to �move back home to live with

parents� for a phase.

It is challenging in this situation to FEEL and BEcome your authentic self and embody

more your higher self as you may be constantly feeling capped by a sense of now being dependent.

Even if you don�t consciously feel this, it might be worth it to dig deeper to connect

with the parts of you that no longer want to be in this situation and feel �capped�

by it.

You might even decide to go �get a job� just so you can move out on your own again

or into resonant soul tribe commUNITY and on to the next phase of your growth.

As you FEEL what your soul purpose is here to serve love and you trust more that ALL

your needs will get met in serving this purpose, you begin to feel how the previous ways and

means of supporting yourself financially may be comfort zones that require you to shrink.

Money is love energy so whatever way you are receiving it, that energy impacts you and

your ascension/awakening process.

Higher vibrational livelihood comes from aligning with your soul purpose to serve love here.

Feeling in an abundant overflow of love from inside that overflows then in what you experience

as outside abundance.

Serving your soul�s vocation and sharing your soul gifts rather than �doing an occupation�

is a shift into higher vibrational expression that leads to much more joy, fulfillment,

and growth.

The HIGH frequencies of love and light that are washing, flooding, and coursing into Gaia�s

and our inner atmospheres are supporting these movements out of our comfort zones.

The higher frequencies just can�t MOVE in the denser energies of codependence or shrinking

to fit 3D vibrations.

We aren�t meant to be in zones as those are just another form of compartment and our

INFINITE LOVE energy wants to spread, to fly, to soar, to MOVE, to BE without limits.

All of the zones that parts of us have created eventually become flooded with love, inviting

us to move into our next places of challenge, risk, and growth�.over and over until it

is more about responding with the leading edge of our BEing to the next growth place

rather than needing to move out of a previously trailing edge one based in

a comfort zone.

For more infomation >> Moving Out Of Comfort Zones - Duration: 10:03.


Estudiantes vs Nacional de Potosi EN VIVO - Duration: 35:11.

For more infomation >> Estudiantes vs Nacional de Potosi EN VIVO - Duration: 35:11.


Nail Art Compilation 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs July 2017 | Part 12 - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Nail Art Compilation 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs July 2017 | Part 12 - Duration: 3:01.


JUST IN: Trump's New FBI Boss Reveals Plan That Could Put Hillary Behind BARS… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:28.

President Donald Trump's promise to "Lock Her Up" may become reality in the near future.

TH reports:

During testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, Trump's nominee to

head the FBI was asked a series of questions about foreign governments meddling in the

2016 presidential election.

Specifically, longtime attorney and former federal prosecutor Christopher Wray was pressed

about under reported efforts between the Clinton campaign, Democrat National Committee and

officials from the Ukraine government to undermine Donald Trump's candidacy.

The collusion and combined efforts of the DNC and Ukraine officials were so significant,

representatives from each camp met at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington D.C. to strategize.

Senator Lindsey Graham: Would you agree with me that it is wrong for the Ukraine to be

involved in our elections?

Wray: Yes Senator.

I take any….

Graham: I got you, right answer.

Now, will you look into this?

Wray: I'd be happy to dig into it.

If charged, Clinton could face up to 10 years in prison just for being the ringleader of

collusion with foreign governments in an attempt to dismantle Trump's bid for the presidency.

For more infomation >> JUST IN: Trump's New FBI Boss Reveals Plan That Could Put Hillary Behind BARS… | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:28.


DIY Sailor Moon Crystal Star Compact (Sailor Moon Fandom) Tutorial - Duration: 7:33.

Hi guys, get ready for a Sailor Moon inspired craft.

We're making a crystal star compact

Hey everybody, I'm Amy.

Welcome to my channel.

And thanks so much for joining me for an Anime inspired craft.

Today's project is inspired by Sailor Moon.

I'm going to show you how to make a Crystal Star Compact

Before we get started, I wanted to let you know, you can support me, for one dollar a

month, on Patreon.

You can find links for all the materials you will need for this project

in the description below the video both on YouTube and at

You will need a pink compact

gold polymer clay

gold acrylic paint

a paintbrush

a silicone clay blending tool is optional

a dotting tool

craft knife or blade

a baking sheet with an optional silicone baking mat.

five rhinestones - a6mm pink rhinestone and

a red, blue, gold and green 4mm rhinestones.

and a strong glue like E6000

I'm working on a silicone baking mat on top of a baking sheet.

Start with a pink compact.

Make sure to use a compact that can be put in a hot oven and not melt.

The one I'm using is metal and glass.

I found it at Michael's craft store.

I couldn't find an exact duplicate online so I linked to a different metal and glass

compact in the description below.

Do not try this with a plastic compact.

If you have a plastic compact, you can still do this project with air-dry clay instead

of bake-able polymer clay.

Start with metallic gold polymer clay.

I conditioned it by rolling the clay and making it more pliable.

Roll a small piece of clay into a ball and press it into the center of the compact.

Then take a 6 millimeter pink rhinestone and position it near the top of the clay circle.

Once you have it positioned correctly, press it gently into the clay.

Then roll out thin rolls of gold clay to make the star.

Make sure to refer to a picture of the crystal star compact as you are making the star to

get the shape correct in relation to the central circle and gem.

To create the star, gently press the thin rolls of clay onto the compact and cut them

to the correct length with a craft knife or clay blade.

Make the cuts angled so that the points of the star fit together nicely.

If your compact does not have a gold border, this is the time to add a gold border around

the outside.

Once you have the star and border created, it is time to use a blending tool to smooth

out all of the joins.

Once you have the star smoothed out, it's time to add the gems.

Very gently press the gems into position.

Then use a dotting tool to create a circle indented in the center element.

Finally, it is time to remove your gems before baking.

Do not bake with the rhinestones on the project, they will melt.

Leave the indentations in the clay where the rhinestones were so that they can be replaced

after baking.

Bake according to the instructions on your clay package.

Baking time and temperature will vary by clay brand and the size of your project.

Once the compact is baked and completely cooled it is time to add gold acrylic paint.

This step is optional, but I wanted my star to match the gold edge more closely, and my

gold clay looked too dark for my liking.

If you used air-dry clay on a plastic compact, make sure to wait a full day for your clay

to dry before painting and sealing it.

Once the paint is completely dry, it's time to glue on the gems with a strong glue like E6000

Again, make sure to refer to a picture online to get the colored rhinestones in the correct positions

Once the glue has dried, your crystal star compact is ready to use any time you need

a power boost.

Thanks so much for crafting with me today.

Have fun with your compact.

and if you enjoyed this project and want to see what's coming next, don't forget to

subscribe to the channel.

And if you want to see more cartoon or anime-inspired crafts, check out my channel.

I have lots of projects to choose from.

Thanks so much and I will see you next time.

Oh, and don't forget.

You can support me for one dollar a month on Patreon.

For more infomation >> DIY Sailor Moon Crystal Star Compact (Sailor Moon Fandom) Tutorial - Duration: 7:33.


WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - INSANE Ret Paladin DPS! STOMPING in Rated Arena! - Duration: 25:06.

WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - INSANE Ret Paladin DPS! STOMPING in Rated Arena!

For more infomation >> WoW Legion PvP Gameplay Patch 7.2.5 - INSANE Ret Paladin DPS! STOMPING in Rated Arena! - Duration: 25:06.


Jamie Dimon - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> Jamie Dimon - Sus 10 Reglas del Éxito (Subtitulado) - Duration: 10:36.


New Nail Art 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | July 2017 (Part 14) - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2017 | The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation | July 2017 (Part 14) - Duration: 3:08.


Pedro Laprea - Malin Génie [Prod. Pedro Santo] - Duration: 2:35.

For more infomation >> Pedro Laprea - Malin Génie [Prod. Pedro Santo] - Duration: 2:35.



hello guys I've been so busy so I haven't vlogged in a long time but you

guys have been seeing videos right now it is the end of June and that means

what does that mean babe

yeah what's happening at the end of June? Your family is coming! | Yes my family is coming, my

graduation is coming I'm going to Thailand

yongkas mom's birthday celebration is coming so everything and happening at

the same time when my parents are coming like that exact day Yongka is going to

be in Korea celebrating his mom's birthday anyways I bought her present

but here already put it away. I bought her some jewelry, some really nice jewelry~

Are you scared of seeing my parents? Im scared. Whyyyyy?

Because of turbulence. | What?!! of seeing my parents.

no, turbulence first. when I was in airplane there was a lot of turbulence and then when the airplane was landing, i fell like "Thank God".

Even though I don't believe.

Yea you were like praying.

Anyways Yongka is gonna get going. But ill see you in a few days.

Im already used to it. Its not like last time. I dont miss you anymore. Im just kidding!

Its been like three videos you're like heading out

so today my family is coming and I'm here with my brother. hey what's up people!

oh my god it's just a few...well they should be arriving now

Look daddy!

Good morning! Look at this! lol I have hot chocolate that my dad made.

We are having coffee and chocolate here here by the window

Hi mama! Good morning!

Good morning ahhh~ Having breakfast here in Beijing.

I mean coffee i Beijing!

Rafa when we dont have dogs anymore lets have a thousand dollar cat like this one.

What!? Ive been raising dogs for 30 years.

But they weren't mine, they were your kids dogs.

Ouch! You're scratching me!

Legs, abs, arms!

These are the exercising machines that you see in all the neighborhoods.

So we're showing them what the old people do in the mornings.

You guys have done this before. | Oh yeah we did this once.

Do it without hands | noooooo!

But you said you wanted to in a video. | Yeah but im carrying a book bag.

Look! Like Bryant, without hands.

The old people use these machines.

Look at my mom! Giving herself a massage. | Feels so good!

Look a massage!

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