Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 14 2017

In the last episode, I started restoring this old Osborne 1 computer, and I managed to finish

the keyboard.

And although it looked better, the keys came out sort of marbled looking.

In this episode, I'll be tacking the rest of the computer.

So let's get right to it.

The first thing you need to do to disassemble an Osborne is to remove these knobs for the

brightness and contrast.

Then you can remove the screws holding the face of the computer on.

And it just pulls out like this.

Mine has a composite video option, I'm not sure if that is standard or not, but anyway

it has to be unplugged.

Anyway, then the rest of the face just comes off.

Next you need to turn the unit upside down and there are 5 screws to remove.

And believe it or not, that's all you have to do take the case off.

These pieces in the back just slide out.

There's a little ground wire here that needs to be unplugged.

And this entire handle piece just comes right out.

Notice that around the edge you can see the original color of the Osborne where it has

not been exposed to UV light.

With any luck I can get the rest of the case to look like that.

I'll need to remove this ribbon cable for the floppy drives.

Although this looks really similar to ribbon cables on PC floppy drives of the era, this

cable actually provides power as well as data.

The logic board itself is just held in by 4 screws.

Just need to unplug power and the video cable.

OK, so once the logic board is out, I can remove the rest of the case.

There wasn't anything holding it on, it was just sitting in there, but I didn't

feel comfortable having the computer sit on top of the logic board, so that's why I

took it out first.

Taking a look at this board, you may notice this large daughter board, this is actually

an aftermarket product that gives the Osborne 80 column video.

The other small daughter board you see there is another add on, although this one is from

Osborne itself and it's a double-density floppy controller.

You see, the early models could only use single density disks.

I'm sorry I didn't get a better photo of that, I had meant to get a better shot

and never got around to it.

I'll just de-route this floppy ribbon cable and remove it.

And now I'll give you the first look at this tiny little CRT.

It's quite long compared to it's viewing area.

The next thing I needed to do was remove these floppy drives.

Normally, if you were just wanting to retrobrite the case or something, you could just leave

these in.

But, one of these drives is not working and so I need to remove it and have a look.

And here's what these things look like from the underside.

The belts are still good on both of the drives.

Now I'm going to unplug this power supply.

This is the last component that I will be removing.

It's just held onto the case by 4 screws.

And there it is.

I'll just cut this zip-tie here and it will be free.

These mains power lines look like they are soldered in, but they aren't.

If you pull, like this, they'll pop loose.

Ok, so the power supply is finally completely removed.

So let's have a look at it.

See this capacitor here?

This is the one that blew up and filled my house with a horrible smelling smoke.

I had to open the windows and turn all of the fans on to get the smell out of my house.

Apparently this is a common failure on this, in fact a friend of mine had warned me not

to even use the computer until I removed that capacitor.

I didn't take his advice and, well, sure enough, after about 10 minutes of using the

computer, it blew up.

So I'm going to go ahead and remove it now.

The interesting thing, and I suppose it is good news, about this capacitor is that it

isn't really needed.

It's a line-filter capacitor that filters the A/C power going into the Osborne.

It's like your appendix in that if it is giving problems, it's best to just remove


Some soldering wick made quick work of this, and the capacitor came out very easily.

And here's what it looks like.

It apparently blew up from both sides.

OK, next on my agenda is to clean the CRT.

It's hard to tell on camera, but it's pretty dirty.

And the trouble is, there is this plastic cover that sort of hovers right in front of

the CRT with an air gap, so dust and stuff can accumulate between the two over a long

period of time.

It's just held on by double-sided tape.

I just removed the tape and then followed up with some alcohol to get the sticky goo


And that seemed to work pretty well.

I was finally able to clean the CRT, probably for the first time ever since this computer

was made.

And now you can see this little cover and even still it is hard to see on camera but

this thing is filthy.

So I'll give it a good cleaning with windex too.

OK, so I had some double-sided tape in the house already, but I noticed it was only half

as thick as the stuff they used.

So I just took two pieces and stuck them together, and I think that will work just fine as it

almost perfectly matches the thickness of the original.

I had to be very careful placing the cover back on because I would likely only get one

shot at this to get it lined up correctly.

This sort of tape isn't very forgiving if you want to pull it back off.

And there we have it.

I think that will make the video image much cleaner now.

Next, I wanted to turn my attention to these floppy drives.

They have these little metal covers on them, which I thought I should remove to have a

better look.

And it looks like I accidentally left the word star disk in this one.

So there were two problems I had to deal with here.

One was the drive motor itself.

It was seized up and wouldn't spin.

But once I managed to rotate it a few times with my fingers it broke free and now it seems


And the other problem, believe it or not, was the head mechanism here was seized up

on these rails and wouldn't move.

Again, after I broke it free it will now move, but it's still very stiff.

So what I'm going to do is use some of this lithium grease and I'm just going to put

some of it on these rails here in all 4 places where it makes contact.

And it doesn't need much.

A little goes a long way.

Then I'll just need to move the head back and forth a few times.

And, I can immediately tell after the 3rd or 4th time I moved it that the amount of

friction has been greatly reduced.

Yeah, now it's moving a lot more easily.

I did this to both drives, and also lubed up every other part I could see that might

need it.

OK, so next I wanted to turn my attention to this yucky power panel.

I needed to remove the plastic bezel and there appeared to be just two screws.

However, I realized there were two more under this old crusty sticker.

And since I don't even know what the purpose of this sticker is, I decided just to remove

it completely.

All right, so with the two parts separated it will be much easier to clean.

My first goal should be to get rid of the rest of this sticker, but some of it is holding

on for dear life, so I'll spray some WD-40 on there and let it sit for a few minutes.

That helped a lot as I was able to easily peel the rest of the large pieces up with

no problem.

After that I could just rinse the whole thing off in the sink and use a scrub brush to get

some of the more stubborn gunk.

And just drying it off now, I can already tell it looks 100 times better.

So yeah, and there we go.

Sure, it needs some retobrite, but it looks much better already.

This metal piece here was gross too, so I just sprayed it down with some windex and

it cleaned right up.

And here's this piece, all finished up.

Next I'm going to take a look at these two smaller pieces.

This is the carry handle for the computer, and this piece here is the power port cover.

It's really too bad I can't unscrew this handle from the plastic, it appears to be

riveted in place.

So the first thing I'll do is just clean it up as much as possible.

And it already looks tons better.

The little metal covers are also all rusted up.

Believe it or not I scrubbed this one here with just alcohol and managed to clean it

up quite a bit.

You can see how it looks compared to the other one, which I haven't started on yet.

I actually came back and followed that up with some baking soda and worked it over with

a tooth brush for several minutes.

And we're about to find out how effective that was.

You know, it's not bad, actually.

It doesn't look new, but it looks much better.

Moving on, it's time to tackle the main case.

I started with using the hose outside as it was the quickest way to get most of the dust

and gunk off.

I followed that up with my usual windex and alcohol routine.

But I wanted to show you some of the pieces had black spots like this that refused to

come off.

A lot of people always tell me to use a magic eraser for those.

But I prefer to use baking soda.

I've just found that usually it is easier to work with, even though it does leave a


Plus it's cheap and available almost anywhere.

And, as you can see, it worked pretty darned well on this.

I had the same issue with the main case as well, as you can see I tackled it with some

alcohol, but still ended up with lots of little scuff spots.

So I ended up using baking soda on pretty much the whole case.

This took a good 20 minutes to do, but the results were very good, as you can see here.

OK, so here are all of the parts that are going to require retrobriting.

Now, I have a few things to say about the retrobrite process.

I have had hundreds of emails telling me supposedly better ways to do it.

I've been wanting to try some of these, but at the same time I feel some of the suggestions

are risky and I don't want to try them on something I care about.

I'd rather use a technique that is tried and true, at least for me.

So I'm going to be doing this my usual way.

Granted, my keys turned out marbled looking using this technique, but the keyboard case

itself was fine.

And since these are all the same type of plastic, it should be fine as well.

The first part to finish was the power panel.

It had the least amount of yellowing, so that isn't surprising.

After rising it off, I went ahead and mounted it back to the metal parts.

So, at this point in the project, everything was going pretty well.

I mean, I'd managed to clean the screen, removed that blown capacitor, I even got both

of the floppy drives working, and I even managed to shine up those little metal pieces.

So, I mean, things were working great!

Unfortunately, this is kind of the point in the project where things went downhill.

The first problem I noticed when checking up on my retrobrite was that the leather handle

seemed to be coming apart.

So I thought I'd better end the treatment on this part early and rinse it off and have

a look.

So, this is not done retrobriting, even though you can tell it looks better.

But I wanted to get a look at this leather.

It appears ripped in places.

I started to wonder if it was like that before and maybe the retorting just made the material

underneath a brighter color so that now it shows through, but I went back and examined

some earlier footage and you can see that is definitely not the case.

So the peroxide was definitely damaging the leather here.

So, in theory I could get some new leather and re-cover the handle with it and stitch

it all together, but I don't really know how to do that very well.

I'm going to look around and see if maybe I can find somebody who can do that for me.

I don't think it should be too difficult for someone who's experienced in working

with leather, so that's something that can be fixed.

And, by the way, when I show mistakes like this it's so that you guys won't make

the same mistakes, so another lesson learned!

So the case had been out in the sun for about 4 hours, and I thought it was time to rinse

it off and have a look.

So, even though these pieces are like 90% complete, you can see they are suffering from

the streaking effect, the main case had some too.

Several people had been suggesting to me to stop using the plastic wrap and just apply

the cream directly to the surface.

Now, keep in mind the entire purpose of the plastic wrap is to keep the peroxide from


So with this method, I would have to come out every 5 to 10 minutes and apply fresh

cream and spread it all around with the paint brush.

So, essentially you are making a trade off between how much time you spend working on

it, and the end result.

I could tell that after just 30 minutes, this stuff was becoming very thick, even though

I had already added fresh cream several times.

Oh, and it left a bunch of cream on my driveway that I had to rinse off.

And here's the result.

Yeah, it looks terrible.

In fact, it actually looks worse than it did after my first treatment using the plastic


And here's one of the smaller pieces.

So, it's no secret that the best way to do retrobriting, at least of all of the methods

currently known, is total submersion in hydrogen peroxide.

The problem is with the larger items, you need a really big container and quite a bit

of hydrogen peroxide.

So it isn't really feasible.

But I thought I'd test these smaller pieces and see if I could fix the damage.

The bag started leaking, so I eventually switched to this little container.

After a few hours in the sun, I rinsed it off and you can see this piece definitely

looks better.

I also did this other little piece and it looks better to, not perfect, but better.

So I think that proves that it is possible to reverse some of the streaks in the future

when I develop a better method for handling these larger pieces.

But for the time being, I decided to go ahead and re-assemble the computer.

I don't have any more time to mess with these case pieces right now, but it is something

I plan to revisit in a few months.

On the bright side, this computer is very easy to take apart, at least as far as the

case pieces are concerned.

So there's definitely no harm in re-assembling it.

And so here's the final result.

Some parts of the computer look almost brand new.

While other parts look streaked.

But at least the computer is clean now and doesn't make me cringe to use it.

This part here actually looks really nice.

And so does this rear power port area.

I'll go ahead and power it on, and you can see the screen is nice and sharp.

So, I wanted to take a moment to talk about what actually causes the streaking, whether

you're using the plastic wrap or not.

Imagine a cross-section of the retrobriting process.

Here's your yellowed plastic, and here's your plastic wrap.

And ideally you'd have a perfect layer of cream in here.

Well, it doesn't really work out that way.

In fact, it's more like this.

And these raised areas have more peroxide so it will react more with the plastic making

bright spots.

These lower areas have less peroxide so it will become spent faster, leaving dark spots.

If you forgo the plastic wrap, you get a similar problem.

Let me demonstrate with this mustard.

Now, imagine after a while it has already reacted with the plastic and I'll represent

the spent chemical with this ketchup.

Now, I can come back and add in more fresh peroxide and mix it up, but you will see streaks

between the old and the new.

The trouble is with the peroxide, both the old and new look exactly the same to the eye

so it's hard to make sure it is mixed up properly.

Well, what was supposed to be a single video ended up turning into a two parter.

And now, it's going to turn into a three parter because, again, this is taking longer

than anticipated and I really wanted to spend some time showing you what you can do with

an Osborne and talking a little about CP/M and the history of these machines and whatnot,

and so I've decided to split that off into a 3rd episode.

And no, it's not some episode far into the future that I might make, I'm actually working

on it right now.

So, just stick around a few days for that and thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Osborne 1 Computer Restoration Part 2 - Duration: 15:11.


ALEX JONES SHOW (7.13.17) INFOWARS, REAL NEWS! - Duration: 3:08:24.

For more infomation >> ALEX JONES SHOW (7.13.17) INFOWARS, REAL NEWS! - Duration: 3:08:24.


A Giant UFO and a Military Stand Down - Duration: 6:06.

A Giant UFO and a Military Stand-Down

BY Nick Redfern

Micah Hanks� recently-published article for Mysterious Universe � titled �The

British UFO Files: An Estimate of the Situation?� and on the subject of newly-declassified British

Ministry of Defense UFO files � includes the following words: �One of the most recent

reports to come to light deals with an unusual, Cold-War era incident that occurred in October

1982. It involved an American RC-135 spy plane that, while monitoring Soviet military operations,

came under some kind of surveillance by a large, unidentified and brightly-lit aircraft.

The USAF base detailed in the report was located at RAF Troodos on Cyprus, and discussed an

incident involving an unidentified aircraft which lasted close to 90 minutes.�

This is particularly intriguing to me, as I have a story that � to a degree � is

somewhat similar to the one which Micah refers to. It�s a case that also revolves around

both U.K. and U.S. authorities. The location is the same: Cyprus. The UFO, in both cases,

was described as being large. And, the case brought to my attention occurred in the summer

of 1981, just one year before the case referenced by Micah. Also, both UFOs were in view for

a considerable amount of time. It�s important to note that I can�t be accused of having

fallen for a modern-day hoaxer, as the story was given to me years ago. In fact, it takes

up three pages of my first book, A Covert Agenda, which was published way back in 1997,

a full twenty years ago.

For a period of time beginning in 1981, the source of the story was employed as a radar

operator at a particular military facility on the island of Cyprus (RAF Akrotiri). On

August 16, an unknown vehicle, described as being �vast,� was tracked approaching

the island at a height in excess of 30,000 feet, and at a speed of around 900 miles per

hour. It was initially believed that this was a conventional aircraft, although one

of an undeniably extraordinary size. This tentative conclusion was quickly blown out

of the water, however, when the UFO came to a complete halt in the skies � hovering

high above RAF Akrotiri for close to an hour. Those who saw it described it as being of

a brilliant white color, triangular in form, and somewhere in the region of seven hundred

feet in length.

Interestingly, the informant � who shared his story with me on January 12, 1993 � revealed

that at some point before the incident took place, the Ministry of Defense had issued

what was described to me as a �complete stand-down� of military planes in the area,

in the event that something both unusual and extraordinary might be seen in the sky � which

it certainly was. Reportedly, a huge amount of photographs of the object were secured.

They, and the station�s log-book, were handed over the next day to a man and a woman from

the Ministry of Defense, and who had flown in from London. All those involved in the

curious affair were reminded they had signed the British Government�s Official Secrets

Act. It�s interesting to note that, soon after, according to the informant, a meeting

was held at a U.K. military facility called Royal Air Force Lakenheath, located in the

English county of Suffolk. Those who attended the classified meeting, specifically to discuss

the event, included representatives of the British Ministry of Defense and the U.S. Air

Force Office of Special Investigations.

There�s no doubt that the most baffling part of the story revolves around the claim

that the MoD seemed to have prior knowledge that the UFO would appear in the skies over

Cyprus. In light of this, I asked the guy who who related the story to me if he had

pondered on the possibility that the object was not a UFO, after all, but some kind of

secret, highly-advanced aircraft of a terrestrial � rather than extra-terrestrial � nature.

Given that the craft hovered over the base for around three-quarters of an hour and was

around 700 feet in length, he felt that such a scenario was highly unlikely. But, he admitted

that he had no answer as to how the MoD knew the craft might appear. After A Covert Agenda

was published, Mark Birdsall, the editor of Eye-Spy magazine informed me that he had received

a near-identical story years earlier. Maybe, in light of all the above, we�ll soon learn

more about what was afoot in the skies of Cyprus


the 1981-1982 period.

For more infomation >> A Giant UFO and a Military Stand Down - Duration: 6:06.


Mayweather vs. McGregor: New York Press Conference - Duration: 2:54:43.

For more infomation >> Mayweather vs. McGregor: New York Press Conference - Duration: 2:54:43.


Milwaukee welcomes return of the Blue Angels - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Milwaukee welcomes return of the Blue Angels - Duration: 1:27.


❖ New Music for Guitar ❖ Catalan Peasant With Guitar | Julian Anderson - Duration: 5:03.

During a distinguished career of more than fifty years,

the British guitarist Julian Bream

has been credited for the widening

of the modern guitar repertoire,

not only premiering but also

touring in concert and recording

dozens of works which have defined the guitar

in the 20th Century,

such as Britten's Nocturnal,

Walton's Five Bagatelles and Henze's Royal Winter Music.

After retiring from the stage,

he established the Julian Bream Trust,

one of whose missions is the continuous commissioning

of new guitar works written by major composers.

GuitarCoop is proud to present

some of these works in first world recording,

starting with Catalan Peasant with Guitar,

by the extraordinary British composer Julian Anderson.

Born in 1967, Anderson started to attract attention

in the early 1990's.

He is evidently interested in the scientific analysis of sound spectra,

but the slow motion evolution that is often associated to this way of composing

doesn't comfortably fit his need for an urgent discourse

to develop harmony in a faster way

and to the exploration of melody as a significant element.

In my view he consolidated

a particular aesthetics in his major symphonic works

and the opera The Thebans have confirmed his reputation of

renovating the great symphony orchestra tradition.

Catalan Peasant with Guitar

is inspired by a beautiful homonimous canvas by Juan Miró,

where the peasant is reduced to a cap and a few geometric lines,

over a deep cobalt background.

By the way, Anderson has previously composed other works

to musically represent the blue colour.

When Julian Bream tried to display the guitar

resources playing for the composer,

he chose pieces by Catalan composers like Mompou

and Gerhard, and Bach's Chaconne.

Anderson was fascinated by the altered tone quality produced

by lowering the 6th string down to D in the Chaconne,

and decided he would make the form of the work

to develop in parallel with an exploration of scordatura.

Thus, in a central episode, the 3rd string G is lowered

by a quarter tone, what produces a meditative bell-like colour;

nevertheless he doesn't use quarter tones in intervals of 4th and 5th,

so important at the beginning of the work,

as they'd result simply out of tune, and this is not his aim.

When the G string is back to normal, a new window

seems to be opened up in the piece;

and, at the end, the low E string is tuned down to D,

creating a strong sense of conclusion.

The work is set in several short sections, with abrupt contrasts,

some of them large and static, others obsessively rhythmic,

other still of an intricate counterpoint,

with a passing recollection of folksong;

they are played with no breaks, and the bright sound

of open 5ths and 7ths creates a constant backdrop.

Another uncommon sound is the immitation of tampura,

an typical Indian instrument, a long rumbling tone

produced by a slip of left-hand fingers against the lower strings.

However these effects are not props to create an "exotic" effect:

they are accurately, discreetly and fleetingly produced,

as part of a clear sense of direction, development and

contrast firmly placed on a classical approach to form.

Catalan Peasant with Guitar was premiered

by the talented young British guitarist Laura Snowden,

here presented in this exclusive Guitarcoop recording.

For more infomation >> ❖ New Music for Guitar ❖ Catalan Peasant With Guitar | Julian Anderson - Duration: 5:03.


Antique Appraisal: Collection of Salt Cellars - Duration: 2:17.

This is James Goetz Antique Man, today we're going to talk about collecting, and

also the value of Salt Dips were also known as Salt Cellars, back in the 1800s

during the Victorian period Salt Cellars were very popular. There would have been

one big Salt Cellar with several small ones, every place setting would have had

a small Salt Dip next to it. So we see that there's a big variety in different

kinds of glass. We have some Cut Glass, we've got some Pressed Glass, we even

have one that's turning purple, due to sunlight exposure. So how do we come up

with a value, most of these I would say value three to five dollars, some of the

cut glass ones and some of the other fancier molded ones that came from

popular patterns can go for a little more money, but overall I would say as

separate single salts, that these would be three to five dollars, now if they

were in sets. They would be worth quite a bit more.

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you have any questions you can email me at please also Subscribe.

Antique Appraisal: Collection of Salt Cellars

For more infomation >> Antique Appraisal: Collection of Salt Cellars - Duration: 2:17.


#DIYchallenge LEGO PENCIL HOLDERS | BellaG ft. Lego Samy & Ben Lego - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> #DIYchallenge LEGO PENCIL HOLDERS | BellaG ft. Lego Samy & Ben Lego - Duration: 5:20.


Children victims in Turkey's shelling on north-west Syria - Duration: 1:58.

Omar, a 12-year-old Syrian civilian, whose leg was amputated in the hospital,

just because he is from a village in the outskirts of Shahba [north Syria]

He thus becomes one of the victims of the Turkish military bombardment

Omar said while he was with his family working in the harvest on their land

a rocket hit nearby them

In the bombardment, he and his family were injured and his father lost his life.

We were all injured

Two rockets hit around us. The first one was a little bit far.

The second rocket killed two and we survived.

One's leg was amputated and another one's arm was amputated.

So far, five civilians in the countryside of Afrin and Shahba lost their lives

because of the Turkish bombardment

and more fifteen others were injured

According to Afrin hospital, some of the wounded were in critical condition.

The area was bombed twice

We received four wounded civilians

three were in a good condition, and one was in a critical condition

Here is one of them

He had an operation for his arm

and a girl here who leg was amputated

the right leg

Another one here is in a critical condition

He was wounded with shrapnel in the head

Since July 6, Turkish military is bombarding Afrin and Shahba districts daily and continuously.

and threats to invade the region [Afrin and Shahba in north-west Syria]

This bombing was met with mass demonstrations by people of the region

against the violations of the Turkish government in the region [north-west Syria]

Reporting in Kurdish: Redwan Bezar, Kurdistan24, Afrin

English subtitles: Hisham Arafat

For more infomation >> Children victims in Turkey's shelling on north-west Syria - Duration: 1:58.


티아라_섹시 러브_Dance Ver_youtube_1080p_4K_60fps-muxed - Duration: 5:15.

Stop right there sexy love With mellow eyes Sexy love

I thought I was impenetrable But my mind is faltering

This hot night your Piercing eyes are calling me like this

(Take my heart with you)

Stop there, come to me Please take my heart now

You are so sexy, Sexy eyes sexy nose sexy mouth sexy love

In my eyes everything is sexy

Oh sexy eyes sexy nose sexy mouth don't you know

Today you are really sexy

NONONONO Can't you feel my love

Do you feel my heart

NONONONO Can't you feel my heart

Come to me (tonight night night)

Stop for a moment sexy love

I don't want to let this chance go sexy love

Please stay with me right here Do not let me go tonight

As time goes by you Come into my heart

(My mind is on fire) Stop there look at my eyes

Take my hand now

You are so sexy Sexy eyes nose sexy mouth sexy love

In my eyes everything is sexy

Oh sexy eyes sexy nose sexy mouth don't you know

Today you are really sexy

NONONONO Can't you feel my love

Do you feel my heart

NONONONO Can't you feel my heart

Come to me tonight night night

You came to me took my heart What do I do

I can't stop this feeling You you you in your heart

Let let let let's make a bomb

When I see you my heart goes

Down up n down up n down

You are so sexy Sexy eyes nose sexy mouth sexy love

In my eyes everything is sexy

Oh sexy eyes sexy nose sexy mouth don't you know

Today you are really sexy

NONONONO Can't you feel my love

Do you feel my heart

NONONONO Can't you feel my heart

Come to me tonight night night

For more infomation >> 티아라_섹시 러브_Dance Ver_youtube_1080p_4K_60fps-muxed - Duration: 5:15.


attraction (noun) - Duration: 2:49.

attraction (noun)

1 [singular, uncountable] a feeling of liking somebody, especially sexually

She felt an immediate attraction for him.

Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love.

They felt a strong mutual attraction.

2 [countable] an interesting or enjoyable place to go or thing to do

Buckingham Palace is a major tourist attraction.

The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden.

Attractions at the fair include a mini-circus, clowns, dancers and a jazz band.

3 [countable, uncountable]

a feature, quality or person that makes something seem interesting and enjoyable, and worth having or doing

I can't see the attraction of sitting on a beach all day.

City life holds little attraction for me.

She is the star attraction of the show.

And there's the added attraction of free champagne on all flights.

4 [uncountable] (physics) a force that pulls things towards each other

gravitational/magnetic attraction

compare repulsion

Extra examples

All matter exerts a gravitational attraction.

Feeding the animals proved a popular attraction for visitors to the farm.

His attraction to you is obvious.

I could now see the attraction of a steady job and regular income.

I struggled to resist the attraction.

Long flights hold no attraction for me.

Sophie was plainly the centre of attraction in the room.

The lack of heat was an attraction for cyclists.

The main attraction of the place is the nightlife.

They could no longer deny the attraction between them.

They shared a powerful mutual attraction.

the attraction between two people

the strong attraction that she felt for him

And there's the added attraction of free champagne on all flights.

I can't see the attraction of sitting on the beach all day.

The main attraction of diesel cars is the fuel economy.

The stunning landscape is only part of the attraction of the region.

For more infomation >> attraction (noun) - Duration: 2:49.


BREAKING: Tim Kaine In SERIOUS Trouble… Faces Popular Pro-Trump Candidate | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:15.

Tim Kaine's political career is officially in jeopardy.

Corey Stewart, a pro-Trump firebrand that narrowly lost the GOP race for Virginia governor,

has officially announced that he is challenging Hillary Clinton's vice-presidential candidate

for his Virginia senate seat.

TWA reports:

On Thursday, Stewart became the first GOP candidate to declare a run for Senate next

year to compete against incumbent Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., who is running for re-election

in 2018.

Kaine was Hillary Clinton's running mate in the 2016 presidential election.

Stewart, the chairman of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors, lost to Ed Gillespie

for the Republican nomination in the Virginia governor race.

Known as a hardliner on immigration, Stewart served as Virginia chairman in President Trump's

campaign before he was fired after he protested without approval outside the Republican National

Committee headquarters in Washington D.C.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news if you're supporting Corey Stewart! and tell us what you think.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Tim Kaine In SERIOUS Trouble… Faces Popular Pro-Trump Candidate | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:15.


Speak English More Naturally: Dropped Syllables - Duration: 7:23.

Extra English Practice [squeak]

Hi, everybody. Today we have a really great tip for you that will help you

sound more natural and native-like in your English.

We're going to talk about pronunciation, and what we're going to learn about is dropped syllables.

So you remember a syllable is the beats in a word, right? Like MI-SHA is two syllables, two beats,

so a dropped syllable is when you lose one of those beats which is really common in

native English speaker English. Especially with very common words.

Yeah, that's right, words we use a lot because we're lazy. We want things to be shorter.

So sometimes a word will look like it has four syllables,

but really one of those is not pronounced as a syllable -- it's dropped, so it's three syllables.

Let me give you an example.. so, Misha, how many syllables are in this word?

AC-TU-AL-LY -- four? AC-TU-AL-LY.. looks like four, it sounds like four..

If you look in the dictionary, it will say there are four,

but a good dictionary will also say they are three: AC-TUAL-LY, AC-TUAL-LY.

That's right. And actually some dictionaries will say there's two: ACT-(UA)-LLY. That is how I say it.

So it's not incorrect to say AC-TU-AL-LY. It's fine. It's correct.

But it's natural and it's normal for you to hear and even to say three syllables or maybe even two. Yeah.

Another example? Yes, please. So how about this word?

How many syllables do you think that has?

IN-TER-EST-ING. Four. Yeah, looks like four. That's true.

But if we hear native speakers say it, they're more likely to say IN-T(E)RES-TING.

So the second syllable, inTERe, just kind of becomes TRE -- IN-T(E)RES-TING.

One more! One more. This is a good one. MMM, chocolate!

How many --oh, you said it! CHOC -(O)-LATE, CHOC-(O)-LATE, she said 2 syllables.

CHOC-O-LATE. It's okay. The dictionary will say it's okay, but you'll never hear a native speaker say CHOC-O-LATE.

Yeah, that's right, I wouldn't say that. I would like a CHOC-O-LATE milkshake, please. [laughter]

No, no, that sounds silly. I wouldn't say that. Yeah, it sounds strange. CHOC-(O)-LATE. Two syllables. Exactly.

Okay, we have a whole bunch of words that we're going to go through quickly.

We're going to say it the proper full way, and then also the more common dropped syllable way. That's right.




DI-A-PER. [laughter] The dictionary does say that's an okay pronunciation of this,

but I have literally never heard anyone say it that way. It made her giggle when she heard it. [giggles]

DI-A-PER! What is it? So how do you say it? So I would say DI-(A)-PER.







Last one: VEG-E-TA-BLE. VEG-(E)-TA-BLE. I've never heard anyone say VEG-(E)-TA-BLE.

If you notice, it's often the second syllable or the middle syllable.

that gets dropped: VEG-E-TA-BLE, VEG-(E)-TA-BLE. SE-VER-AL. SEV-(E)-RAL. Yeah.

Let's play a game! Let's do it. We're each going to choose two cards at random, and see

if we can make a sentence using those two cards while pronouncing them naturally. Okay, ready? Yeah.

Here are my two words.. so a sentence...ummm..

Because of the temperature outside, my vegetable garden has been slow growing. Good. Thank you.

Here's mine... For several years, my family has been buying diapers. Little kids. Yes.

My favorite book is ...very interesting. I was gonna name my favourite book.

I would be surprised if your favorite book was boring. Yes, that would be a weird favorite.

I use my cell phone for different reasons, sometimes for a camera, sometimes as a phone.

Great. It's not one sentence. Whatever. It works.

Okay, next, um..the average couch is very comfortable.

Actually. [giggle] People who speak English love that word: actually. Actually, actually, actually.

Actually, there are four people in my family. Nice one, succinct.

Okay, last one.. I have enjoyed every chocolate I have ever eaten.

So, to summarize, there are *different* ways you can pronounce long words.

That's right. There are *several* words that have this dropped syllable.

*Actually* they're usually the most common words.

An *average* native speaker will do this often.

With practice, and over time, you will become *comfortable* doing it, too. Mm-hmm.

We hope you found today's lesson *interesting*.

To see *every* one of our videos, you can subscribe or click on the links below. Bye.

Extra English Practice [mouse squeak]

Our camera is acting different today... I want to do a different one.

[cricket sounds]

Okay, um... sometimes I use a camera, sometimes I use a different piece of equipment. Like a... pencil?

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