Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 19 2017

Were you surprised by what you saw?

We were surprised and shocked.

So, the 2016 bleaching that we measured on the Barrier Reef

was by far the most extreme.

So, in the northern Barrier Reef,

I flew for three days...

before I found a reef that wasn't bleached.


And it's very confronting to fly for about eight hours a day...

over reef after reef.

I'm talking about hundreds of coral reefs.

All of which were severely damaged.

And, what we found is that, where the bleaching occurred,

can be explained very precisely by where the water was hottest,

for longest.

So, the link between global warming,

hot water and bleaching, is really very, very clear.

What do you say, Terry, to those people who-- who,

look at the evidence you've assembled, and...

still believe there could be other causes of this,

that they don't believe it's climate change, and if they do,

they say you're exaggerating the consequences?

The logical thing to do if someone is denying that

the temperature is going up, is to buy them a thermometer

as a Christmas present.


Because that pattern is simply undeniable.

We also know that...

greenhouse gases are increasing, going up and up and up.

That's a problem.

If I come back here in...

ten, 15 years and we're having a conversation about the Reef...


...Where do you think we are?

In 15 year's time, uh...

I think the Great Barrier Reef will probably have bleached

three or four times or more.

So, the condition of the reef will be poor...


For more infomation >> The Bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef: Real Sports Bonus Clip (HBO) - Duration: 1:53.


Как море влияет на развитие интеллекта - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Как море влияет на развитие интеллекта - Duration: 2:42.


Yasser Naidja - You are the one | Raef Cover | Nasheed Piano - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Yasser Naidja - You are the one | Raef Cover | Nasheed Piano - Duration: 3:55.


College Of The Sequoias Tiny House (289 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 1:42.


For more infomation >> College Of The Sequoias Tiny House (289 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas | Le Tuan Home Design - Duration: 1:42.


The Great Barrier Reef-Dying Down Under: Real Sports Trailer (HBO) - Duration: 1:52.

We have lost about half the coral-- coral reefs

of the Great Barrier Reef in the last two years alone.

BRYANT GUMBEL: Dr. Charlie Veron is the world's leading expert

on the Great Barrier Reef.

He's been studying it his entire career.

There're about 340 species of coral...

on the Great Barrier Reef.

GUMBEL: For years, Veron has been warning people

that global warming would eventually destroy the Reef.

His worst fears came true in 2016,

when 30 percent of the Reef was decimated...

by warmer water temperatures.

It happened again this year,

when another 20 percent was bleached.

The first thing you notice is lack of color.

Everything goes white,

and then if you stick around for a couple of weeks or months,

the algae starts growing on the coral.

And it's just covered with slime.

GUMBEL: To view the damage firsthand,

we traveled with Dr. Veron 20 miles out,

to a section of the Reef called Turtle Bay.

They call Veron the "Godfather of Coral,"

because he knows every nook and cranny of the Reef.

From our boat, we spoke with him as he went below

to assess what had become of his life's work.


Charlie, is there a correlation between...

the condition of any particular coral

and the number of fish around it?


For more infomation >> The Great Barrier Reef-Dying Down Under: Real Sports Trailer (HBO) - Duration: 1:52.


Bruce Wayne Meets Clark Kent | Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) | Movie Clip - Duration: 3:30.

Please drink. Drink.

Mr. Wayne? Mr. Wayne? Clark Kent, Daily Planet.

My foundation has already issued a statement

in support of books.

- Sir? - Um...

Wow. Pretty girl. Bad habit. Don't quote me. All right?

What's your position on the Bat vigilante in Gotham?

Daily Planet. Do I own this one? Or is that the other guy?

Civil liberties are being trampled on in your city.

Good people are living in fear.

Don't believe everything you hear, son.

I've seen it, Mr. Wayne. He thinks he's above the law.

The Daily Planet criticizing those who think they're above the law

is a little hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

Considering every time your hero saves a cat out of a tree,

you write a puff piece editorial

about an alien who, if he wanted to,

could burn the whole place down.

There wouldn't be a damn thing we could do to stop him.

Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr. Wayne.

Maybe it's the Gotham City in me.

We just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns.

Boys! Um!

Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ha!

I love it. I love bringing people together.

How are we?

- Lex. - Hello. Good.

Hi, hello, Lex, it is a pleasure.

Wow! That is a good grip!

You should not pick a fight with this person.

So, after all these years, we finally got you over to Metropolis.

Well, I thought I'd come drink you dry.

Well, you're welcome.

You should hop the harbor more often, though.

I'd love to show you my labs.

Maybe we could partner on something.

My R and D is up to all sorts of no good.

That's seven minutes.

Looks like the transfer's complete.

- Mr. Luthor. - Yes?

- The governor. - Governor.

- Excuse me. - Next time.

Governor! Hi!

Lex, it's good to see you.

Excuse me.

For more infomation >> Bruce Wayne Meets Clark Kent | Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) | Movie Clip - Duration: 3:30.


Tụng Kinh Phật Giáo Hay Nhất - Nghe để cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn - Duration: 2:54:12.

For more infomation >> Tụng Kinh Phật Giáo Hay Nhất - Nghe để cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn - Duration: 2:54:12.


Essence of Murli 20-07-2017 - Duration: 6:02.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 20th July 2017

( Today Baba has taught us a very good lesson in todays Murli. Towards this Baba also helps us . So lets understand more ...)

Essence: Sweet children, you must never become tired of studying. Be tireless. To be tireless means to reach the karmateet stage.

Question: What have you children promised and why?

Answer: You have promised: I will never cause sorrow for anyone. I will show everyone the path to happiness.

Question: Which children are sustained by the yagya?

Answer: Those who consider themselves to be trustees, that is, those who completely surrender themselves from their hearts.

They stay in a household, they carry on with their business, but are trustees.

Then, it is as though they eat from Shiv Baba's treasure store.

Song: You are the Mother and the Father.

Essence for dharna: 1. Follow the Mother and Father and sustain everyone with knowledge and yoga.

Maintain yourself with that sustenance. Become intense in knowledge and yoga.

2. Eat food prepared by those who are pure and yogi. In order to purify the intellect, take great precautions about your diet.

Blessing: May you be master knowledge-full and observe your part of every moment of the drama while being stable in the trikaldarshi stage.

Be stable in the trikaldarshi stage and look at what you were, what you are and what you will become.

We have special parts fixed for us in the drama.

Experience clearly that yesterday you were deities and that tomorrow you will become deities again.

We have received the knowledge of all three aspects of time.

For instance, in any country, when you stand at the highest point and look down on a whole city, you enjoy it very much.

Similarly, the confluence age is the top point.

Stand at this point, be knowledge-full and observe every part and you will have a lot of pleasure.

Slogan: Those who are constantly yog-yukt automatically receive everyone's co-operation.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 20-07-2017 - Duration: 6:02.


2 Easy & Healthy Oats Recipe For Working People/Students - Breakfast/Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss - Duration: 3:37.

2 quick, easy oats recipes for working people.

hey guys!

I am nisa homey and welcome back to my channel.

Today, I am sharing 2 protein rich and energy boosting smoothie recipes with oats, which

can be had as a filling breakfast or as a wholesome meal for lunch.

No cooking involved if you have some pan roasted oats and granola at hand.

Pls check my granola recipes, if you havent; the links will be updated in the description

box below.

So lets get started with the recipe.

I am dry roasting rolled oats in a pan.

Note that I am using rolled oats and not instant oats.

Rolled oats are less processed and has more fibre and it is best to use them toasted in

this recipe.

The toasting actually helps to break the phytic acid content in raw oats, using raw oats may

give indigestion problems, stomach upsets, and bloating issues to some.

Another way to use raw oats is to soak them in any acidic medium, you can check my overnight

oats recipes to understand more and also my video on different types of oats.

The links will be updated in the description box below, so pls do check it out.

Once the rolled oats are toasted and crispy remove them to a plate and allow it to cool


you can also toast large batches of oats and store in a airtight container as it will save

time when making oats smoothie.

having some toasted rolled oats and some granola at hand does make a big difference when you

have a busy schedule.

to make the first recipe; which is chocolate oats smoothie, into my blender I am adding

in 2 tbsp roasted rolled oats, 3/4 cup water, 1 tbsp flaxseeds, 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder,

1 whole frozen banana; if you are using fresh banana use 1 cup ice cubes instead of water.

add in 1/2 cup frozen pineapple, 1 1/2 tbsp raw cocao powder and blend all this on high

speed until everything is nicely mixed and combined.

Pour the chocolate oat smoothie to a serving glass and sprinkle 2-3 tbsp of chocolate granola

on top and my filling and fibre rich oat smoothie is ready to serve.

have this as a filling meal for lunch or breakfast.

moving on to the next recipe which is cinnamon oats smoothie.

into my blender, add in 1 cup water and add in 2 tbsp roasted rolled oats, 1/2 tsp cinnamon

powder, 1 tbsp flaxseeds, 1 whole frozen banana; adding frozen banana makes the smoothie creamy

and thick, and that is the reason why I always recommend frozen fruits for smoothies.

If you do not have frozen fruits in your freezer then you can use upto 1 1/2 cups ice cubes

instead of water.

Add in 1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango, if mangoes are not available or not in season in the

place you live in you can use any seasonal fruits of your choice.

Blend all this together until everything is nicely mixed and combined.

Pour the blended smoothie into a serving glass and layer it with granola.

For this smoothie, i am using the granola with dates; the links will be updated in the

description box below, so pls do check it out.

And my fibre rich and filling cinnamon oats smoothie is ready to serve.

Do try this weight loss smoothie recipes and let me know how this turned out.

If you like to see more such healthy recipes, pls give a thumbs up! and if you are new to

my channel, pls click the subscribe button so that you can stay updated when I post new


thank you for watching and until next time, take care! bye! bye

For more infomation >> 2 Easy & Healthy Oats Recipe For Working People/Students - Breakfast/Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss - Duration: 3:37.


Don't Let Politics Make you Crazy - Duration: 3:33.

One of the occupational hazards of doing a show like this is that my friends, my family,

people who come up to me at the grocery store or at IKEA, and pretty much everyone I encounter

wants to talk politics with me, in one fashion or another.

Fortunately, I love talking politics and talking to people about politics, so I'm usually happy

to engage with people even when I'm picking out an ice cream or or testing out the Kivik

couch, which is surprisingly comfortable and easy to put together.

One thing that I've really noticed in our current political climate is people are having

a harder time tuning politics, even briefly, to talk about other things.

This is somewhat anecdotal in my case particularly, but I'd bet it's happening in your life, too.

Suddenly, it seems like every conversation is political, every discussion somehow gets

back to Trump, and yes, your aunt knows exactly how to solve America's health care issue,

even though she can't figure out how to sync her iPad.

On face value, none of this is a problem.

I love people who were largely apolitical are becoming more engaged.

People are not only talking talking about politics, but in many cases reevaluating what

their beliefs are because of the upside down world that we will in right now.

While everything may seem crazy right now, I really do believe this time we're in right

now is a rare, special moment when so many people are all doing the same introspection

about their beliefs all at the same time.

Whether this will lead to more or less freedom, tolerance, or peace all remains to be seen.

But without question we're in some pretty fertile ground for change right now.

And by change I mean real societal change, not just hope and change.

One problem I do see attached to all this opportunity for change and reevaluation is

that people are becoming consumed by politics in a way which doesn't strike me as particularly

healthy for a human's mental health, or for our society's at large.

It's one of the reasons I'm a small government guy.

I want a government small enough that we don't have to talk about it that much because it

doesn't have the power to do too much, good or bad, to our lives.

There's a built in trade off there...small government can only do so much, the rest is

up to the people.

So if you want government to do everything, you really can't complain when it does all

sorts of things you don't like.

Well, actually of course you can complain about it, at least until that big government

takes your right away to do just that.

So my message to you this week is: let's keep talking about all of these issues, let's keep

staying engaging and trying to change things for the better, but at the same time let's

not let it consume us to the point where it changes who we are.

Social media can be an awful catalyst to the endless focus on politics, which is why I've

been trying to take the weekends off and focus on the world that exists in front of my face

instead of the one that exists in 140 characters.

When you are online though, try to find some nuance between Trump Derangement Syndrome

and Nazi Frog obsession.

Most people are good and want pretty much the same things that you do, so let's keep

growing that new center.

And as long as your here right now, we're once again partnering up with Learn Liberty

this week and we've got author and director of the philosophy, politics and economics

department at Duke University, Dr. Mike Munger.

We're gonna talk politics, philosophy, economics and more.

Watch and learn, unless it's the weekend, in which case I'll give you the day off.

For more infomation >> Don't Let Politics Make you Crazy - Duration: 3:33.


Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 2.Bölüm - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Canlı Yayında Yaşanan 10 Utanç Verici An - 2.Bölüm - Duration: 4:53.

------------------------------------------- legend or football player? Investigation in Krakow - Duration: 5:51.

Greetings from Kraków, my friends.

At first glance, it might look like I take a portrait

of dearest pashaBiceps with me everywhere I go.

However, the person in the second picture is actually the famous Russian football player Artem Dzyuba.

And today, by way of introduction to the residents and guests of Kraków, we're going to play a little game.

A game of guessing which one of them looks like a true sportsman,

and which one looks like Artem Dzyuba.

I don't know.

I hope that will finally rise up after all defeats and will be going forward all the time.

And that they never give up!

Exactly. Exactly!

"The End"

For more infomation >> legend or football player? Investigation in Krakow - Duration: 5:51.


Trumpcare is dead, at least for now But the health care fight will never end - Duration: 7:11.

Trumpcare is dead, at least for now But the health care fight will never end

It appears that the Republican effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is dead,

at least for now.

Donald Trump�s unrealistic, grandiose promise will go unfulfilled.

That didn�t work out.

After weeks of prevarication and misdirection on the part of people like Vice President

Mike Pence and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, who went on TV last weekend and

blatantly lied about the effects of the Senate health care bill, on Monday night two GOP

senators, Mike Lee of Utah and Jerry Moran of Kansas, pulled the plug by saying they

could not vote for it.

Added to the previously announced no votes of Sens. Susan Collins and Rand Paul, Majority

Leader Mitch McConnell is now at least two short.

He has admitted that this bill will not pass.

We�ve been here before, of course.

The first House bill was pulled and they came back and passed an even worse version.

This may not end the way everyone seems to assume it will either.

Both Trump and McConnell acknowledged that the Senate�s BCRA is dead and signaled their

support for a �full repeal plus two-year delay until they figure out what the hell

is going on� plan.

It is not impossible that they could put something else together.

After all, the reasons three of the four senators gave for their unwillingness to pass the bill

is that it just wasn�t harsh enough.

Repeal and replace with nothing would undoubtedly make them quite happy.

That would leave the handful of Republican moderates in the Senate having to do something

only Collins has so far been willing to do: take a stand for decency.

Sens. Dean Heller of Nevada, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Rob Portman of Ohio,

John Hoeven of North Dakota and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska have all said that they won�t

vote to deny people health insurance.

But there�s always a chance they can be appeased with the two-year delay and a fatuous

promise to fix everything before then.

Nobody should relax until it�s clear that this is all well and truly dead.

This repeal-and-delay plan was originally proposed back at the beginning of the year

but faced a huge uproar, mostly from the health care industry, which cannot run its businesses

with this kind of uncertainty about the financing, rules and regulations under which they must


A handful of senators balked at the time, including Bob Corker of Tennessee and Tom

Cotton of Arkansas, who said, �I don�t think we can repeal Obamacare and say we�re

going to get the answer two years from now.� Both Paul and Collins were against it too,

as were many of the Republican governors who also have to plan their budgets.

But what really scared them off that time was public opinion.

Only 20 percent of Americans were in favor of repeal-and-delay five months ago.

It�s hard to imagine that after they�ve seen what kind of horrendous plans the Republicans

tried to ram through the Congress they�ll be more favorably disposed today.

According to a recent Gallup poll, Americans prefer Democrats to handle health care by

55 to 36 percent.

The Republican leadership exemplified by House Speaker Paul Ryan thought they had come up

with a clever way to have their cake and eat it too.

If they could repeal the Affordable Care Act and then take their big victory lap, that

might satisfy their base that they were getting things done � after which they could pretend

they were creating some kind of �new� health care system that would kick in gradually.

The simple fact was that they had no idea how to cover the people who are currently

covered under the ACA and they knew it.

Their best hope was to ease people back into their previous anxiety and despair and blame

Obamacare for it.

Donald Trump has said many times that he believes the best political move would be to keep Obamacare

in place and help it fail, so he and his party could blame the Democrats.

If Republicans can drag this out a couple of years and guilt Democratic lawmakers into

signing on to some inadequate Band-aids in order to spare a few lives, that would really

be sweet.

It will also be sweet for the Democrats when they run ads against every House Republican

who voted for that AHCA atrocity under the assurance that they would �fix it in the

Senate.� If the Democrats do manage to eke out a new House majority it will be the health

care albatross that brings down the GOP.

They can name him Donald.

But whether Republicans manage to push through repeal-and-delay or just drop it altogether,

liberals and progressives need to reckon with the fact that this is not the end.

There will never be an end.

Republicans have been trying to destroy the American safety net for decades.

They�ve been hostile to Medicare and Medicaid since the day they were passed.

They�ve been running against Social Security for 82 years.

(They just tried to privatize it in 2005!)

They will never stop attacking the ACA either.

This isn�t just about profits or � free markets.� Consider that this Senate bill

was opposed by all the so-called stakeholders: the insurance companies, the hospitals, doctors

and even big business.

It still has 48 out of 52 votes in the Senate.

Conservatives simply do not believe that people have a right to health care.

They see it as a commodity like any other, something which you should not have if you

cannot pay for it.

By way of crude illustration, recall when libertarian godhead Rep. Ron Paul ran for

president in 2008.

CNN�s Wolf Blitzer asked him during a debate what an uninsured man who became catastrophically

ill and needed intensive care for six months should do.

Paul replied, �What he should do is whatever he wants to do and assume responsibility for


That�s what freedom is all about, taking your own risk.

This whole idea that you have to take care of everybody �� The audience then erupted

into cheers, cutting off Paul�s sentence.

Blitzer followed up by asking �Congressman, are you saying that society should just let

him die?� Members of the audience clapped and shouted �Yeah!�

Or there was this remarkable moment from an Obamacare town hall in 2009:

The sainted Ronald Reagan made his name speaking out against �socialized medicine� for

years, memorably warning that if the government passed Medicare, we were all �going to spend

our sunset years telling our children and our children�s children what it once was

like in America when men were free.�

Nobody who believes that human beings have a right to a government guarantee of health

care, security in their old age and society�s support should they be unable to work should

ever rest on their laurels.

Those who don�t agree will never stop trying

to take those things away.

For more infomation >> Trumpcare is dead, at least for now But the health care fight will never end - Duration: 7:11.


«Игра престолов» 2 серия 7 сезон, АНОНС и содержание 7 сезона 2 серии сериала Игры Престолов - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> «Игра престолов» 2 серия 7 сезон, АНОНС и содержание 7 сезона 2 серии сериала Игры Престолов - Duration: 2:25.


Patrick Debanath - La Cúpula Ecológica y Sostenible - I CONGRESO DE BIOCONSTRUCCIÓN - Duration: 1:06:25.

For more infomation >> Patrick Debanath - La Cúpula Ecológica y Sostenible - I CONGRESO DE BIOCONSTRUCCIÓN - Duration: 1:06:25.


Conseils pour combattre le cholestérol ! - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Conseils pour combattre le cholestérol ! - Duration: 5:15.


How kids imagine life on a farm | Cadbury - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> How kids imagine life on a farm | Cadbury - Duration: 2:44.


Bytopia and Elysium - D&D Lore - Duration: 6:11.

Hello everybody, Jorphdan here the PH is silent.

Today's trip through the outer planes continues with Bytopia and Elysium.

The Neutral/Lawful Good realm of Bytopia, and Elysium the True Neutral Good realm.

Bytopia exists in between Celestia and Elysium.

It is known as the Twin Paradises.

The plane has an upper and lower region as layers, facing each other with space in between.

The Surface of one layer can be viewed from the other as a ghostly mirror reflection against

the sky.

The best analogy of this is a book with no spine.

The insides of the two covers are the surfaces of the two layers, facing each other.

A traveler standing on one layer can look up and see the other hanging overhead.

The separation is 20 miles from sea level to sea level and gravity functions normally

for each layer.

Ultimately flipping if you fly too close to the other layer.

Flying from one layer to the other is common, but also climbing certain mountains that have

connecting peaks is a path to the other layer.

Although crossing in this way can be hazardous when gravity reverses itself.

The two layers are called Shurrock and Dothion.

Dothion is considered the topmost plane, with mild seasons, great oaks and large meadows.

Shurrock is wilder with it's dramatic weather and untamed wilderness.

Neither side considers itself better than the other and natives of one layer often visit

the other for a change of pace.

Dothion is the more populated of the two planes, but Shurrock has more raw materials.

Seams of gold and gems found just beneath the surface.

Celestial versions of animals live in Bytopia.

Intelligent animals you would find on the Material plane in a forest or meadow exist

here and it's home to an abundance of Gnomes.

The Gnome deity Garl Glittergold lives here.

He has a whole community of divine gnomes helping him manage his portfolio.

His cohorts make their home on Bytopia in an area of Dothion known as the Golden Hills.

Garl Glittergold has mined out most of the region and provided warrens for gnomes and

forges for craftsmen.

Deep in the mines are vortices that lead to the elemental planes of earth and fire.

Bytopia is also home to adamantine dragons.

Which have extremely hard silver scales and have a white hot breath of magical flame that

can ignite nonflammable materials.

They are perhaps the mightiest of dragon kind.

They are the epitome of good, sacrificing what is necessary for the common good of intelligent

creatures everywhere.

They are the self appointed guardians of Bytopia, despite living in a somewhat lawful plane

they are unconcerned with law or chaos.

Only the protection of sentient good lifeforms.

Next we discuss the Blessed Fields of Elysium.

A place of ultimate goodness.

A land so pleasant you may never want to leave.

There are four layers to Elysium dominated by the River Oceanus which begins on the fourth

outermost layer and flows down to the innermost layer, which happens to be the one closest

to the Astral Plane.

The river then flows into the Beastlands and Arborea much like the River Styx flows through

the lower planes.

The difference being that Oceanus is slow, peaceful and navigable by mortals, with no

threats in the waters to travelers.

The lands of Elysium are fertile, filled with pine trees and sweet smelling flowers.

Rolling grasslands reach some hundreds of miles.

The sky ranges in color from indigo to light blue, which depends on the number of glowing

orbs in the sky.

There is no sun or night in the conventional sense, but a large number of the Powers that

inhabit this realm affect the sky.

It brightens and darkens depending on who or what is ascendant at a particular time.

Elysium is home to four layers, and they are Amoria, Eronia, Belierin, and Thalasia.

Amoria is the layer that borders the Astral Plane, and thus being the most common point

for travelers.

There are caverns here that lead to Bytopia but if you follow the river it will lead you

to the Beastlands, which is the outer plane for our next video.

Amoria is most like the material plane than the other four.

Eronia is a mountainous region where the River Oceanus is broken by up by waterfalls.

Belierin is a wide flat region which has turned into a marsh.

Many strongholds and realms are located beyond the banks.

Finally Thalasia is the great sea from which Oceanus flows.

Dry land consists of a few small islands scattered throughout this layer.

These are the final resting places of the blessed, those who perished for the cause

of good.

Elysium is home to many creatures found in the upper planes, but is uniquely home to

the phoenix.

It's interesting because the 2e Manual of the Planes talks about the Greek and Egyptian

gods having stake in Elysium.

Not that this is odd really, but it's odd to me because I don't think of D&D with

those gods and mythology.

But originally, or at least in 2nd edition days it was written into the planar mythology.

And now that I mention this I'm reminded that those gods are listed in the Player's

Handbook, I wonder do you play D&D with Greek or Egyptian gods?

Let me know in the comments below.

It can be dangerous to stay in Elysium, you might become so enthralled by it that you

refuse to leave.

At the end of a long rest taken in Elysium a visitor must make a DC 10 Wis saving throw.

On a failed save, the creature is unwilling to leave the plane before taking another long


Three failed saving throws the creature never willingly leaves.

It's the true neutral plane of good, and goodness shines everywhere in Elysium.

All manner of good aligned outsiders can be found here, including those of lawful or chaotic


Even creatures from the elemental planes such as Djinn can wind up in Elysium.

Chauntea once lived in Elysium, as did Lathander, and Mystra had her city Dweomerheart here

before it became it's own plane in 3rd edition and was later destroyed during the spellplague.

And that's it for this week.

Everything so nice and happy in these realms.

It makes for shorter videos when there isn't any conflict to talk about.

If you want some more info on Bytopia I have a channel recommendation for you.

AJ Pickett of The Mighty Gluestick did a really great video on Bytopia going into much more

detail than I have here.

Head over to his channel and tell him I sent ya, links in the doobly do.

Thanks for watching everybody I'll see you in the next video!

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