Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017

I'm going to ask you to concentrate on the fingers.

You're going to see them like small butterflies

Really good, they're flying. Higher, lower, you let go, you just follow them, follow them

Soon, something a little weird will happen but that's nothing, you have to let go

And you sleep!

Now we're going to start with some funny hypnosis games, imagination games.

So now I'm going to take your hands like that.

And your hands, we're going to glue them.

We're going to glue them with some super glue

You know the super glue? it's a glue that sticks super strongly!

and the more we put the more it overflows.

It creates joints and you'll see that, what will happen, is that your arms, will become completely glued.

And after a while you're going to feel your two hands glued.

and the more you'll try to unstick them the more they will stick to each other.

The more they will stick to each other.

And the more you'll try to unstick your two arms,

the more you're going to laugh because they will be completely stuck together.

Completely stuck.

That's not a problem. Just let it go!

Everything's good and now you relax completely

You sleep! Awesome!

Now something really weird is going to happen.

I'm going to put your arm like that in the air and we're going to tie it to balloons.

and then we're going to put this arm in the air and tie it to balloons too.

And without doing anything, the more your arms will float in the air,

the lighter you'll feel and the deeper you'll fall in hypnosis.

Deeper and deeper.

Without doing anything but letting everything go.

And you'll feel this lightness that will make you grow,

to develop and make you feel nothing, make you feel elsewhere, to leave completely.

Just like if you were dreaming

Everything I'll ask you to hear, you're going to hear,

everything I'll ask you to see you're going to see and you'll do everything I'll ask you.

Did you understand?

All good awesome ernest!

1 2 3 and you let go.

Those are only suggestions, it's only your imagination

The more your body dreams, the more you let go and the more you let go, the more you're going to laugh.

Now something really weird is going to happen, I'm going to take your hands like that.

When they'll slam, they will come along your body and your body will feel like an iron pole.

Super rigid, super rigid, all your body is super rigid

From top to bottom like an iron pole

Hyper rigid, super rigid

And you'll see that without doing anything, I'm just going to touch your head

And just by pulling it, you're going to fall backwards.

I'm going to retain you and all your body is going to fall backwards

You're going to feel just like if my hand was a massive magnet.

Really good!!!

NOOOOOOOO IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEEE I Can't believe it! whattttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I retain you, and I retain you, really good.

Now if we had two chairs, I would put you in between and you'd stay still! That's the classic show.

and at 3, all your body is letting it go. Alright you're unlocked.

This is an object, those are keys, but those keys are a bit special, because those keys weighed 2 Tons!

When you'll have the keys in your hand, you're going to feel like they are really heavy.

you can't prevent it!

You'll see, you're trying to catch them but they are becoming heavier and heavier

Impossible! You're trying to carry them but those keys weight … I don't know, something like 4 tons!!!

And yeah … they fall … impossible, impossible to keep them.

you're going to have a strange feeling, I'm going to put it here.

Under the throat and you'll feel like if you have a bundle of nerves in your throat.

And something really really weird is going to happen. You're going to try, but it's going to be like if you have a frog in your throat.

And all your vocal cords are completely locked.

and the tongue is completely stuck, it becomes heavier and your vocal cords are completely stuck too.

In those moments, what's really hard is to be able to speak and to express words.

When you asked me to come, I thought that would be really cool.That I'd be able to participate to ernestvideos

so I want you to tell me what's your name


That's going to be tough for the viewers. If we can't even understand who you are, that's going to be tough.

Can you tell it once again?


Ok really good, 1 2 3 and you let it go.Go on! What's your name?


Pretty good! that's good, that's good

We're going to count your fingers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

All good until now. But in hypnosis there are a few pretty weird things.

We're going to shuffle your fingers and hop I'm removing the 3.

And I'm hiding it behind your back, we don't need it anymore.

So, I'm counting again 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Ok? Ok the 3 disappears from your mind.

Gone gone gone it's completely gone.

ok awesome and you let everything go and you're going down twice deeper

Completely relaxed

Ok we're going to count those fingers once more.

1, go on, count with me. 1

2, 2

4, 4

5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11

ok so that's not too bad

it happens, I mean you can have 10 fingers 11 or 12

However, we're going to try your addition capabilities.

because addition is the most important thing in mental calculus.

so for example, if I tell you, you need to reply as quickly as possible:

3 + 2


Ok 5 - 2?

Yeah that's a bit hard

So, 1 + 1 ?


ok, 2 + 2 ?




Yeah right … it's not coming well 5 + 3?


Ok 8 - 5 ?

Ok 1, 2, I'll put it back and?


YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH not bad !!!! and you let go and fall 10 times deeper!

Now I'm going to make appear in front of your eyes something incredible.

you didn't tell me, so I didn't know, but you have a dragon's breeding

Yeah, I have one!!! (In my mind I was SO sure I had one! xD)

Yeah and when you'll open your eyes you'll see something in front of you, but something a little weird.

It's going to be

Some kind of red dragon. But a big red dragon, pretty massive.

you see the fire breathing kind? I mean the really badass ones!!!

And I think you're going to be pretty impressed.

ok? It's going to be a bit weird at the beginning. 1 2 3 you can open your eyes.

Have you seen that? It's pretty huge, right? You're not too scared?

A …. I …. Yeah, a bit (In my conscious mind I was seeing Freyja but my body was reacting to the dragon)

1 2 3 ok

And you close your eyes

There's going to be a time distortion, something a bit weird.

I'm going to make you go into a pretty peculiar space time and in this space time you're going to regress,

you're going to regress completely.

and you're going to be Ernest, prehistoric man.

Ernest the prehistoric man of course doesn't know why he's there, because there are many technological things.

He just came out of his cave and what's weird is that Ernest, the prehistoric man,

we're going to ask him questions, but he'll be unable to answer in French because he never learned French.

Do you understand?

He just knows how to make, grunt sounds.

And we're going to show him things that will be really weird because he will not know what they are.

Do you understand?

1 2 3 and you wake up and you're ernest the prehistoric man.

are you ok ernest?

Did you see that?

That's weird, right?

This you see well… we don't really know what it's made for. After we have … we have this also.

you can eat it!

I think you can eat it!

Yeah you can eat it a bit… yeah that's not that good but … yeah no that's not really good

well after we have this. Do you know that ernest?

That's pretty cool to catch the flies. do you know it?

yeah yeah just like that!!!

yeah that's a bit annoying!

And at 3 we go back to the future this time!!!

and now you're going to be ernest the alien.

ernest who's coming from the future. You're speaking a language that only few people understand

but it's not too bad because you are a mentalist. You can visualize people's thoughts.

And just with this capacity you can make objects move, and make some pretty weird things.

1 2 3 your name's IGOR


So now you're going to blow on me and I'm going to teleport.

go on! Stop




Not bad? Yeah!!! =D

you ready? Go on! Stop

but what you don't know is that, you also have this power. Stop

you see?

So? How cool is that?

that's pretty amazing, I mean teleportation is always a bit weird.

I'm going to give you this bottle and you'll see that this bottle is a bit special because you're going to look at it

and the more you'll look at it,

the more it will stick to your hands.

you don't know why but you'll be unable to unstick it.

It's going to be glued and the more you'll try to unstick it even with the other hand the more it will stick.

Yeah, I know, it's pretty weird, but after all if you like Champagne you can keep it! it's not too bad,

and so what will happen is "stop".

Now this bottle, you don't know why, but you're going to fall in love for it.

you'll want to cuddle it like a little baby I mean it's going to feel amazing. It's going to be your favorite bottle. Go

So ?

That's impossible that's …

Do you enjoy? I know it's something you really wanted. You can unstick it from your hands.


That's impossible! That's! (I wanted to get rid of it but my body was cuddling it AENJXRZHFM?EURXHMER)

I know you REALLY love it!!!

Can't you take that back!!! stop

and you let go completely.

really good. Ok well Ernest, you're a pretty lame subject

so I'm making you do one last game.

And this game,

we're going to call it the Russian roulette. You're going to stay here.

and so, what's going to happen… move a bit forward,

we're going to put some pillows because when we play Russian roulette, sometimes, some things, happen

I have a hypnotic gun.

I have 6 bullets.

On the 6, one has a hypnotic bullet.

This bullet will put you in a really deep sleep.

you can fall backwards there are pillows

ready to play?

2nd shot

That's not the one, I'm going to make sure the bullet is in. Yeah it is!

We don't really see in the camera.

3rd shot.

We're going to end like all my videos!

When the person has already been hypnotized, it's like riding a bike it goes ten times faster.

As it goes ten times faster you can play with it.

If I tell you hi!

I take your hand, you watch it, when your hand touches your forehead you fall 10 times deeper.


For more infomation >> FRENCH GUY GOT HYPNOTIZED - Duration: 15:24.


Nghệ Thuật Trang Trí Bánh Kem Đẹp Nhất Thế Giới #1 (Amazing Cake Decorating) - Duration: 10:27.

For more infomation >> Nghệ Thuật Trang Trí Bánh Kem Đẹp Nhất Thế Giới #1 (Amazing Cake Decorating) - Duration: 10:27.


Pink flowers from balloons - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> Pink flowers from balloons - Duration: 5:16.


CPRO - FAKE NIGGAS [VIDEO OFICIAL] (Shot by GabrielSzpilman) - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> CPRO - FAKE NIGGAS [VIDEO OFICIAL] (Shot by GabrielSzpilman) - Duration: 3:50.


MY BOYFRIEND JOINS MY ACRO CLASS (Korean BF + Colombian GF) | ESPAÑOL CC - Duration: 8:32.

For more infomation >> MY BOYFRIEND JOINS MY ACRO CLASS (Korean BF + Colombian GF) | ESPAÑOL CC - Duration: 8:32.


U.S. destroyer sails near disputed island in South China Sea - Duration: 0:34.

U.S. military officials say an American warship sailed near a disputed island in the South

China Sea on Sunday.

It marks the second freedom of navigation exercise in less than six weeks.

The USS Stethem sailed within 20 kilometers of Triton Island, which is claimed by China,

Vietnam and Taiwan.

The move is being seen as Washington's disagreement of Beijing's claim of sovereignty in the region,

though the Pentagon has previously said the exercises are routine, with no political agenda.

For more infomation >> U.S. destroyer sails near disputed island in South China Sea - Duration: 0:34.


15 Most Terrifying Bridges Ever - Duration: 6:06.

• What bridge needs to be rebuilt each year?

What bridge won a national award for cutting back on its budget?

Here are 15 bridges around the world you'll never want to be stuck on.

15 – Trift Bridge, Switzerland • To even get to this bridge, you have to

take a 2-hour hike through the Swiss Alps.

• Then you're greeted with this, the longest pedestrian bridge in the Alps.

Its sits about 300 feet high, and more than 550 feet across.

• Which wouldn't be so bad on its own, but the bridge can sway side-to-side in the

wind up to 20 feet.

14 – Kuandinsky Bridge, Russia • This bridge in Siberia has no railing

on either side, and is a precarious six-foot-wide path over a river that is often frozen.

• It's a former rail bridge that now shares traffic between cars and pedestrians.

Yes, cars actually drive on this.

Yes, even when it's covered in snow and ice.

• Despite being a metal structure, the surface has had a number of wooden planks riveted

on, which basically removes any chance for traction when they get wet and freeze.

13 – Danyor Suspension Bridge, Pakistan • The Danyor Suspension Bridge in Northern

Pakistan was constructed in the mid-1960s, and it shows.

• It's considered one of the oldest make-shift suspension bridges in the region, and the

simple fact that it's called "make-shift" should tell you all you need to know about

whether you want to be on it.

12 – Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia • When you bend a stick, this is usually

about as much curvature as you can get from it before it snaps in half.

• Luckily, this bridge is made of steel and concrete.


• Also, this bridge had to be built by helicopters and suspended from a pylon.

11 – Geumgang Bridge and Cloud Bridge, South Korea

• These are a series of bridges that run from mountain to mountain along a trail in

South Korea.

• They all seem fairly well-constructed, but these deserve particular mention because

they require you to climb a staircase of 127 steps that goes up a 70-degree incline.

• At that point, it's basically the same thing as actually climbing a mountain.

10 – Footbridge, Albania • You can really see the craftsmanship at

work here.

• Careful selection of materials, extra care given to symmetrical construction.

• Just kidding, this thing looks like a deathtrap.

The only safe part about it is that you might survive the fall.

9 – Royal Gorge Bridge, Colorado, USA • Like many of the bridges on this list,

the Royal Gorge Bridge is a landmark and tourist attraction.

• It spans the Arkansas River, is about a quarter mile long, and maintains the title

of the highest suspension bridge in the United States.

• Also, this bridge was built in six months, about 90 years ago, and it cost 350 thousand

dollars, which was actually 100 thousand over budget.

Its original purpose was actually to be a tourist attraction, rather than an actual

bridge for transportation, which might explain why they built it on the cheap.

8 – Monkey Bridges, Vietnam • These aren't a specific set of bridges,

just a common name for this type of bamboo footbridge over rivers.

• They're not called monkey bridges because only monkeys can cross them, even though that's

what it looks like.

• They're called monkey bridges because of the stooped posture you have to adopt to

cross them safely.

Alternatively, you can just walk like a human, in the opposite direction.

Away from the bridge.

7 – Millau Viaduct, France • The tallest bridge in the world is in

France, and it looks like something out of a video game.

• When you think about tall monuments in France, you might think of the Eiffel Tower,

but forget that – this bridge is taller, and it carries major road traffic every day.

• So just picture this bridge carrying cars over top of the Eiffel Tower, and you've

got a cool visual for today.

6 – Chesapeake Bay Bridge, Maryland, USA • You can't really tell from looking at

it why the Chesapeake Bay Bridge is terrifying.

But there's a reason why there's a service where you can pay someone 30 dollars to drive

your car across the bridge for you.

• That reason largely has to do with the high winds that have caused cars to get tossed

over the guard rails.

• Not surprisingly, high winds also cause the bridge to just temporarily close entirely,

backing up traffic for about 10 miles.

5 – Quepos Bridge, Costa Rica • This bridge is only wide enough for one-way

traffic and was made for transporting bananas.

• It has two local names: The "Oh My God" bridge, and the "Bridge of Death."

• And that's all you need to know about it, right?

4 – Kakum Canopy Walk, Ghana • For people who want to take a safari,

but would rather see African wildlife from a one-foot-wide bridge suspended from the

treetops, here's the canopy walk!

• This does, at least, have four-foot netting on both sides, which makes it seem pretty

safe, despite the whole "plank of wood hanging from trees" construction.

3 – Bamboo Bridge, Cambodia • Nothing says "built to last" like

a bridge that needs to be completely rebuilt on an annual basis.

• The bamboo bridge carries hundreds of people and vehicles every day, but it has

to be taken down during the rainy season, as it is apparently not strong enough to handle

the river current.

2 – Seven Mile Bridge, Florida, USA • Here's a fun fact.

The Seven Mile Bridge that connects the Florida Keys earned an award from the Federal Highway


• What was the award?

It won the "Exceptional Award for Cost Savings Innovation."

• Cutting corners on a seven-mile-long bridge over the ocean is a great way to make people

feel safe.

They also finished building it six months ahead of schedule.

1 – Hussaini Hanging Bridge, Pakistan • The northern region of Pakistan features

a collection of the highest mountains in the world, and that makes it awfully difficult

terrain to navigate.

• Naturally, the bridges in the area are no different.

The Hussaini Hanging Bridge crosses Borit Lake, and is basically a test of courage for

anyone crossing it.

• The most frightening thing on this bridge isn't looking down, it's looking over

– at the tattered remains of an older, similar looking bridge that has deteriorated into...

basically just rope and a few sticks.

Which of these bridges are you brave enough to cross?

Let us know what you think in the comments below, and our favorite gets pinned to the


For more infomation >> 15 Most Terrifying Bridges Ever - Duration: 6:06.


XXXTentacion Took a Shot at J. Cole in His XXL Freshman Freestyle - Duration: 1:44.

What's up guys?!

Beija here for Complex!

Typically the effects of people behind bars results is the a huge set back mentally, socially,

financially…and the list goes on.

However, with XXXTentacion that isn't the case.

His musical career is taking off, he's constantly being talked about, and it seems that this

wave isn't stopping anytime soon…especially after his XXL Freshman 2017 freestyle.

XXL's Freshman class consisted of Kap G, Playboi Carti, Aminé, PNB rock, and more.

Every year fans look forward to the new class hoping that their favorite underground artist

made the cut and when that opportunity comes for them to display their lyrical capability,

they have to bring the heat.

XXXTentacion is always on top of some controversial sh*t and to keep that energy flowing the wrapped

up XXL's freestyle series and in it, he took some shots at J. Cole.

Take a listen:

Right before X took a jab at Cole, the 19-year-old rapper promised he would say some "sh*t

that f*ckin' bothers you".

This isn't the first time the Florida rapper has called out a popular artist in the game.

X's career really popped off when he accused Drake of biting his sound.

Rap fans started peepin' XXX when his singles "Look At Me", "Kill Me", and "Yung

Bratz" became hits on line and he reportedly got a record deal from Empire in March.

XXXTentacion's career is filled with controversy even outside of his lyrics. (show headline)

He recently was knocked out while performing on stage[PLAY VIDEO 0:02-0:05], and his ongoing

beef with San Diego rapper, Rob Stone has been getting fans hype with their hate-filled

nonsense (show headline).

J. Cole has yet to comment on the shots fired by X, but be sure to subscribe to Complex

on Youtube today if he ever responds.

For Complex News, I'm Beija Velez.

For more infomation >> XXXTentacion Took a Shot at J. Cole in His XXL Freshman Freestyle - Duration: 1:44.


TABS - New Campaign and Sandbox gameplay. (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) #1 [KM+Gaming S01E38] - Duration: 15:24.


Is email going to work against guns?

New Setup [new computer], Guys!

We're gonna play TABS

And welcome back to Kid Matters plus TV

Because this is our new [computer] setup andwe're going to play TABS now

I'm going to turn them the music off


No more music, Guys!

And then the first one, level one.

And this one so easy...

...because all you have to do...

...ah, sure...

I'm going to do one sword man right there.

Another head-butter


This guy...

And then let's start!

And see if it works.

So head-butter's coming in, bashes the guy

The sword man comes in, getting punched.

This guy...OH! Good one!!

Oh no, this is going bad.




So, I'm not going to clear that because then...

That would be bad. Can't do that.

so I'm going to do a shield man, shield man, shield man, shield man right in front of...

some people

and um...

I can spend it for a shield man, but that'll take all my money...I think. sure

Because these guys are actually good

Nope, that's it! That's it, Guys!

Okay, let's start it...see what happens.

So the head-butter is coming in first.

Nope, it also hit on the other guy.

And he is doing good

The shield men are coming in. Oh! The spear men.

The spear man is coming in.


And then the Axe man axes someone.

OH! In the shield man!

That was a good round, but now we're on to the second round, people.

Oh, we got a lot...

Know what?

I know what I'm going to try and spend it on, this guy... if I case I can.


Yep yep, nope.


Let's try samurai. Just like three.

And the ninja, right there.

And then...

try the sword person.

And then a spear man, where's the spear person?

Um, nope.

Right there.

and two...

maybe three

and then...


Arrow guys



Oh Golly.. OH!

and...victory for us!



All he's got...he's just got the same things!

sword man, shield...

Oh, that was a good defense!

But, I'm going to change...

But I'm going to change it a little bit.

I'm gonna do the same thing...

but then...

These guys, instead of making them shields, the circle guys with shields....

so instead of the...

...shields. I'm going to make it the circle shields.

so yeah...

Let's do that!

circle shield, circle shields.

So, sword man...

Oh, that was three. Might want to delete one

so let's just delete

Um... between the two and then...

...back here... this guy, which does good.

Because he actually has something to hit

and then I'm going to change the people right here, to being....there.

And then the shield men...


It's like a pattern.

I'm going to put a whole bunch of head-butters right here.

and do it for all my money, because basically I can't think of anything else...

...because this is basically like...Lego worlds, where you have to build a whole bunch of stuff.

Okay let's see what happens!

So the head-butters come in... sword men. Oooo!

Ooo, yep, that was good!

and let's see the other people.


That...was bad, a little.

The sword people are doing...good

But the spear people, like...

They're really good

Get to see this

Oh! head-butter gets bashed!


I don't think I'm going to win


oh no no no no shield men. Shield men, come on...back them up

oh, there's still this person

Against a spear man!

Oh, I'm going to lose, because I don't think...

oh god!

that's brutal next one...

Uh, so I'm going to go for this...

and restart it and put in a ballista.

...and put in them all.

Some of them, just two.

I guess

um...and sure...the sword people, just like that.

and then arrow people in the back

20 [money], so I should be able to spend that on something.

Nope, no twenties, okay.

that's a good defense I think...Argh.

Okay, let's try a different one then.

Like this!?

and then cannon-pults.

The cannon-pults


And then I'm going to put in sword people. Actually, head-butters. men. Arrow men.


And then let's start the round!



That did good!


S...OH! no

and the arrow people...

doing good

The cannon-pults..

Rest in peace, Cannon-pults.

and welcome to the arrow men

which are wearing hats!

Dad: Helmets


For when they bump into a shield


Oh, arrow men versus a...

um...sword man

Arrow men wins against sword men

He's pulling the cannon-pult.

It's my cannon-pult!

How am I going to beat this on, guys?

I think I know.

It's gonna have to be...

Just that...

And spear men!

and then...let's try this out!

So these guys added destruction, Oh nevermind! those...that does well, a little

Oh wait, I just realized the reindeer have to die

and then the spear men come in!

Ooo, but that was bad

Oh, I lost.

Let's try the sandbox


I going to go for, on this side, is going be horses!!

Bunch of horses will...

Let's see if they can take down...

No, they can't so...


I know, I'm going to go for these guys

versus this guy and see if...they...if they can take him down.

Oooo, good hit!

Let's zoom in on this guy...

There he is...oh!


he goes... oh...

Will this guy even die?

Nobody...nobody did this? OOOH

Did he die?

No! He's still alive!

Oh...he's dead...

Let's try and chase him down.

How far is that?

How far is that?


let's try something different now

sure I like this one

Okay, on this side...

the red team...


and I'm the blue team, since, you know...

Anyways, bang.

and let's go for start

No it did not!


Is emails going to work?

...against guns?

Do it!


Oh, so Hillary...

So Hillary wins against Donald Trump?

I did not know that

okay, next is going to be...

Spear men and shield men

and here we go for the next one...



And arrow men in the back.

you see it...because I don't...

I sometimes don't really care [sides unequal in amount spent]

okay, here we go! Whoa!

okay, the read team is winning, I think


mmm that's good. The arrow man...was taking them down.

Oh, but the shield man!

Here, the shield man over here died

Nope, that was another person, what the...

Oh, the arrow men!

Good job blue team!

...because I like blue team.

Did you know that?


Let's start another round!

This is my last round, everybody, because....

Oh, I want to play something different like lego worlds or...

or star wars

that one I played before.

yeah, star wars...after this.

so...yeah. This...

Arrow people in the back

and a ballista!


I'm going to try the same thing for these guys.

Sword men.

There's three.

and this one


one, two, three...

one, two, three, four

So, one more. FOUR!

and there's two ballistas and...I think four...

one, two, three, four. Yeah, there are four.

It's four!

and then ballistas, which are two


And then, in the back were arrow men, which are four

one two three four

and yeah, I spend the same amount of money doing that


So let's see, if that works against another one.

So sword men coming first. Oh! Ballistas!

Killed their own men.

Oh, the arrow men coming...

oh, but red victory!


If you liked this video, please subscribe...

and hit the like button.

and see you next time and don't forget to hit the bell icon.

...after you subscribe


all engines running

For more infomation >> TABS - New Campaign and Sandbox gameplay. (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) #1 [KM+Gaming S01E38] - Duration: 15:24.


Blümchen - Verrückte Jungs (1997) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:49.

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet


Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet

Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys


Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys...

Crazy Guys...

You are so sweet

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet

Crazy Guys

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet

For more infomation >> Blümchen - Verrückte Jungs (1997) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:49.


Pewdiepie中文cc字幕-在絕地求生中走大運!! - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie中文cc字幕-在絕地求生中走大運!! - Duration: 10:23.


MCA Exposed! $100,251.82 In 2017 With MCA! (Watch Now!) - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> MCA Exposed! $100,251.82 In 2017 With MCA! (Watch Now!) - Duration: 5:47.


Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 ♥ part 36 ♥ Amazing Eye Makeup 2017 - Duration: 10:52.

Thank for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please like, comment and sunscribe for more!!!

For more infomation >> Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 ♥ part 36 ♥ Amazing Eye Makeup 2017 - Duration: 10:52.


Living In Stereo - Dj Quads! Copyright free music for videos! Cool funky hip hop VJ! - Duration: 2:53.

Living In Stereo - Dj Quads! Copyright free music for videos! This is hip hop music in funky mood.

For more infomation >> Living In Stereo - Dj Quads! Copyright free music for videos! Cool funky hip hop VJ! - Duration: 2:53.


Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 Part 1 Best Makeup Ideas for Girls - Duration: 3:19.

Have a great time. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 Part 1 Best Makeup Ideas for Girls - Duration: 3:19.


Adobe After Effects and Adobe PhotoShop - Follow Along Animation and Tips (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) - Duration: 24:46.

Adobe PhotoShop Tutorial - Cutting Out Images With the Pen Tool (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) *LINK IN DESCRIPTION BELOW*

Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! And THANK YOU SO MUCH for watching! I love you all - May peace be with you!

For more infomation >> Adobe After Effects and Adobe PhotoShop - Follow Along Animation and Tips (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) - Duration: 24:46.


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | Wii | Gameplay Comentado | Parte 57 - Duration: 39:42.

For more infomation >> The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword | Wii | Gameplay Comentado | Parte 57 - Duration: 39:42.


What is Creative Commons? - Duration: 3:29.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to look at Creative Commons.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative

works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses, free of

charge to the public.

These licenses allow individuals to indicate which rights they reserve, and which rights

they waive for the benefit of other individuals.

Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it.

They bridge individual communication between the creator and a potential user or licensee.

The result is an easy system that assists all parties involved.

There are several licenses and they center around different conditions as chosen by the

content creator: First, attribution or the acronym BY.

This means the licensees may copy, distribute, and display the work and make derivative works

based on it, only if they give the author the attribution specified.

Second, Share-alike or SA.

Licensees may distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license

that governs the original work.

Third, Non-commercial or NC.

Licensees may copy, distribute, and display the work and make derivative works based on

it only for non-commercial purposes.

Finally, Non-derivative or ND.

Licensees may copy, distribute, and display only exact copies of the work, not derivative

works based on it.

Common licenses someone might use are: CC BY, CC NC, CC ND, CC SA, CC NC SA, or CC NC


There are other licenses as well.

Creative Commons was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig, Hal Abelson, and Eric Eldred with

the support of Center for the Public Domain.

The first set of copyright licenses was released the following year.

As of 2016, there were over 1.1 billion works licensed under the various Creative Commons


Some of the major organizations using Creative Commons licenses are: YouTube, Wikipedia,

Flickr, the Internet Archive, Vimeo, Wikimedia Commons, PLOS, and many, many others.

While there are criticisms of these licenses and the organization (see their Wikipedia

page for a discussion about them), no one can deny the tremendous positive affect that

Creative Commons has had on the creation and sharing of quality content and the democratization

of knowledge.

Well that's it.

I've released a new eBook called, "The Request for Proposal in Publishing: Managing

the RFP Process."

It is a short, focused guide to this essential business task that associations or societies

use to find potential publishing partners.

See the link in the notes below for more information on the book or how to purchase it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about

Creative Commons.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is Creative Commons? - Duration: 3:29.


5 Video Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business - Duration: 8:07.

Hey there, it's Ashley Perkins!

Welcome back to the best place to build income, influence and impact for your business or

brand online.

If you're new here, make sure you subscribe because I share new social media and brand

strategy tutorials every week!

Online video marketing is taking the internet by storm this year, and it's showing no

sign of slowing down.

Brands and businesses are taking video marketing beyond the cute cats and babies that may or

may not be flooding your news feeds, and tapping into this channel of content marketing to

reach new clients and customers.

With more video content being uploaded to the internet in a single month than TV has

created in three decades, it's no wonder more businesses are looking to claim their

piece of digital real estate in front of millions of potential clients and customers.

If you're not already exploring the world of video marketing, it's time you hop on

the bandwagon and buckle up because your business has the potential to skyrocket.

That's why today I'm going to share five relevant strategies for growing your business

using video marketing.

Number 1: YouTube

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, and just so happens to be owned

by the largest search engine in the world – Google.

People come to YouTube looking for answers to questions and solutions to problems, so

by creating quality, informative content, you can easily reach hundreds or thousands

of potential clients and customers.

Reaching a larger audience is exciting, but it's even better if you can convert them.

The best way I've found to do this is by creating a free content upgrade for each video

or video series you share.

That way, viewers can learn more by simply downloading a free checklist, workbook or

cheat sheet and you get to convert them to your email list.

Another great thing about incorporating YouTube into your content marketing strategy, is the

fact that you're essentially creating a resource library of evergreen content and


This is content that you can easily repurpose and cross-promote across other social networks,

and even monetize either by optimizing each video for advertising, or by updating well-performing

content into other material like courses.

Number 2: Webinars

If you're looking for a universal solution to your list building, money making, video

marketing problems, webinars are your answer.

Webinars build your list by gating your content, which means that if someone wants to attend

they have to register their name and email.

The people who register for your webinar are decision-makers which leads to higher conversions

whether you're charging a fee to attend the webinar, or waiting until afterward to

sell a product or service.

Webinars are awesome if you're just getting your feet wet with video marketing, because

there isn't as much pressure to be on-camera the entire time.

You should at least make an appearance at the beginning and end, but in between you

can share slides that educate your audience and demonstrate your expertise in your niche.

Your goal with a webinar should be to make a big impact in a short period of time.

Gone are the days of keeping people on a webinar for an hour or more, instead, keep your focus


Your audience should be able to walk away feeling confident about a specific process,

system or strategy which can generally be accomplished within 20-30 minutes of teaching

followed by a 10-15-minute Q&A.

You also want to leave yourself enough time to pitch your product or service before you

start losing your audience's attention, so if you keep the training short and sweet,

you can complete your webinar in under 1-hour.

Number 3: Live Streaming

It's hard to come across a social network that doesn't prioritize and encourage live


First came Twitter with Periscope, then YouTube with Hangouts on Air and now YouTube Live,

Facebook, and now Instagram.

55% of North Americans watch videos online every day, and although each social algorithm

is unique, they are all currently pushing live video content to the top of their news


So, while everyone is trying to find ways to "break the algorithm", you can simply

create live video content and get ranked in front of hundreds, even thousands of new people

every day for free.

Let's also not forget that people want to buy from and do business with people and brands

they know, like and trust, which is exactly what live video sets you up to accomplish.

It's real-time content that allows you to deliver value on-demand in a transparent,

less scripted manner.

Number 4: Micro Videos

Whichever came first – Snapchat, Instagram or Facebook – each of these social networks

now gives us the relatively same opportunity to dip our toes into the video marketing pond

with bite-sized stories while still having the chance to edit or delete stories we don't


Regardless of which platform you use, stories are a great way to humanize your brand or

business and create a deeper connection with your target audience.

I do have to say my personal favourite is Instagram stories, simply because they go

beyond the filters, text and stickers and allow you to tag other users, geotag your

location, include external links, and use hashtags.

That makes them the perfect tool for taking your audience behind the scenes, promoting

other content, collaborating and engaging with other brands and businesses, answering

questions, and educating your audience – all without the pressure of being picture perfect.

Number 5: Digital Summits

Although it's fun and exciting to attend summits in-person and interact with other

people you've met online in-person, a digital summit is an equally awesome way to bring

people together while also tapping into video marketing.

Organizing a digital summit is definitely not low-maintenance, but the payoff is well-worth

the hard work.

Not only do you get to connect with other like-minded professionals in your niche and

within vertical niches, but you also get to tap into their audience's and convert them

by being a part of it yourself.

You also have the opportunity to monetize a digital summit the way you would an in-person

event by charging for access.

This goes back to what I was saying earlier about webinars in the sense that people signing

up and paying for your digital summit are decision-makers, and are more likely to take

additional action.

That provides you with another opportunity to pitch a product or service at the end of

your portion in the summit just like you would at the end of a webinar.

Just make sure that the focus is always tangible results for your audience!

These are just five ways you can incorporate video marketing into your content strategy

to grow your business, but the options don't stop here.

If you have a solid video marketing strategy that's made an impact on your business,

I'd love if you shared it in the comments.

If live streaming is a video marketing strategy you want to get started with, click the link

below this video to learn more about my e-course: Learn to Live Stream.

Inside you'll find my top-to-bottom strategies for leveraging Facebook Live to get found

by your target audience, build trust with them, and increase conversions.

If you liked this video hit the like button below and share it with your friends.

I will see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> 5 Video Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business - Duration: 8:07.


Shopping Spree/First Video - Duration: 6:39.


Lets just hope we can this is not cringy XD

But Hope you guys enjoy this video :D

Don't forget to Subcribe and LIKE :D

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