Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 21 2017




For more infomation >> NONTON GUN'S N ROSES LIVE IN SINGAPORE - Duration: 6:23.


Penetration Testing - Learn Wi Fi Hacking From Scratch (Part 2) - Duration: 15:33.

Hello, and welcome to our

Practical Wi-Fi hacking using calendar the next course my name is Adel qureshi and I'm going to be your instructor for this course

The course is going to be divided into three main parts

pre connection gaining access and False connections

each of those parts consists of a number of attacks and methods that you can use

Each attack or each method. We're going to talk about first of all we'll go understand how it works

Theoretically and then we're going to see how we can do this in practice

So we're going to have examples on real-life labs and networks that I have here. I have them set up here for you

The course will be guided into three parts that

Take you from the most basic case, so you're on the in section one. You're only going to have

Wireless card connected to your device

So you won't have any passwords for the networks around you all we have is a wi-Fi card

Connect your device and we'll see what we can do with it

So we're going to see how we can gather information about all the networks and access points around us and all the clients

That are connected to these networks. We're going to see how we can Gather important information

How we can do sniffing and Gather packets from these networks?

We're going to see how we can

Control the connections of these networks so that we can deny any device from connecting to any network or Deny all connections to some network?

We're going to see how we can set up a fake access point or a fake network so that we can attract people to connect

To it and gain access to the internet

And then as live or collect all the information that they use such as passwords usernames and all that

after We do that after we talked about section 1

And we're going to go to section 2 which is gain access so for example you had your wireless card and you gather the information

about all the networks around you but your target network was using encryption was using a password to connect to

So we're going to talk about how we can crack this password so we can break into this network. We're going to talk about

WPa and wPA2 and wep cracking we're Gonna

Talk about each of those encryption methods and we're going to talk about different methods to crack means encryption

Once you gain access to your network and you get the key and you can connect with the network

We'll go and talk about it very powerful attacks that you can launch after you connect to the network in Section 3

So in section 3 we're gonna talk about very powerful attacks that you can launch such as sniffing usernames passwords

bypassing HtTPs

DnS spoofing gaining full access to networks the R2

IPs that are in your wi-Fi range getting very sophisticated

getting very detailed information about the devices that are connected to you and

All that stuff so which we have three parts free connection gaining access and post connection

Before we can start trying to hack into network and break into them

There's a few basics that we need to learn before we can do that

So basically what is the network a network is just a number of devices connected together?

They are connected together for a reason so that they can share data this data can be

files can be

Resources it can be for example your home networks usually we use it to just access the internet

Which is you can look at it as a resource or as a source of data

So all networks Wi-Fi or wired achieve this sharing of Data using the same principle

and that principle is you need a device and that acts as a server and

then all devices

communicate with the server so the server has access to the resource and

All the other devices on the network that are connected to the server obviously they can access the data from the server

so on Most Wi-Fi Networks the server is the router and

All devices connect to this router and they access the internet through the router so all the devices on the network

Have no access to the internet as we can see in this diagram

The only device in the network that is connected to the internet is the Wi-Fi router

All the other devices as we can see here we have clients 1 & 2 & 3

They have no access to the internet where they can access it while connecting to the router

So whenever climb 3 for example if it wants to open

It's going to send a request to the router asking it, okay

I need Google Com the router is going to go to the internet

It's going to grab and then forward this back to Client number 3

the client number 3 does not have direct access to the internet it has to go through the router and the router is going to

bring the request and send the response back to Client number 3

Now all of this data

requests and responses are

Transferred transfer through by packets so you can imagine all these arrows are a number of packets instance between the clients and

the Router and

In Wi-Fi networks these packets are sent into the air. So there are broadcasted

and if you're if you are within range with these packets then you can just

Snip them capture them and read them annual you'll be able to see the information in there

so all this data, so whether it's usernames passwords


Audio music chats all of that is transferred as packets

And it's always transferred between the client and the router because the client has no access to the internet

So if you capture these packets you'll be able to see all of this data

That's transferred you'll be able to see all these passwords usernames

Emails videos all that you'll be able to capture it and read it on your device

Mark address

Each Network card whether it's Wi-Fi card or wild card it has a physical static addresses assigned by the cloud

manufacturer called the Mac address

Media Access control

this Mac address is actually written on your card and

Its physical so it does it never changes for your card for your specific card for example for your Wi-Fi card it

Will never change it will always be the same

The MaC address is used between Devices to identify each other and to transfer packets in the right Direction

this works by each packet has a source mark and a destination mark and

Travel from the Source Mac to the destination market

Now because the Mac address is static, and it never changes it can be used to

Trace you back and to identify your device

Also since devices use Mac address to identify each other so for example you have some networks

They only allow certain Mac addresses to connect to the network. They use a whitelist or they care deeply

They can use a blacklist and blacklist your mac address so that you cannot connect to that network

So changing your Mac address can help you either connect to the network by changing your MaC address to one that's in a white list

Or it could let you bypass like this

So as I said it's physical and static, so the only way to change the method guide is to change it in the round

So it will only be changed for this session once you restart your device you have to change it again

So to do this. It's very simple. We're going to use a tool called match changer, so let's see how we do that

The first of all to get your Wi-Fi card name just type in iwconfig

And it will show all wireless cards you have so here eth0 has no arliss extension and same with ello


We can see that that zero is my wireless card

So I'm just going to the table the wireless card so it's config and zero down

That's to disable the wireless card

now we're going to

Change the Mac address, we're going to use a tool called Mac changer. So always with these tools

It's always a good idea to look at the help. So if you just go on my changer


We'll see all the options that we can use with this tool

So you can use help inversion to show the version and help show to show your current Mac address

Eve so that it doesn't change the vendor voice. It doesn't change the manufacturer of the Mac address

so another is just to try a random vendor mic of the same kind a

is just to set a random event a vendor here cancel a


Will reset to the original permanent Mac address so I can change your Mac address and you want to use you also need to use

these all will just give you a random a collab and

L will just print the non vendors that you can use and

m actually it will help you pick your own Mac address so you can if there is a whitelist and

I will show you how you can see all connected devices of your target network you can see there's for example three devices connected and

this networks on the allows these three devices connect, so you can just take one of those Mac addresses and

Change it and use it yourself and then try to connect and it will allow you to connect?

So let's see how we change the Mac address. We're going to use my changer again, and I'm just going to use random

to set up a random market, but and

Then we put the device name which is one zero

The very simple Mike-Mike changer random one zero you can use the m to specify your own Mac address if you want

so I'm going to hit enter and

as you can see my original one was this and

It's been changed to nine eight eight four v 0 9 5 cAa 3

Okay, so now our wireless card is ready, and we've changed its Mac address now

We need to enable it again because we disabled it by typing it conflict non zero down

So we'll do the opposite. We're going to do is come to a ground zero oh


That's it the card is enabled, and it's Mac address has been changed

this is have a look on it if you type in it conflict Line 0

Now we can see the new Mac address shown up in here

So from the previous video we know that Mac address

Are you among addresses are used so that they ensure each packet goes into the right direction?

So it goes from the source to the destination mark which is specified in the packet?

So the Mac address is used to make sure that each packet gets delivered to the right person

How can we capture it because I said in?

the first video I said we can snip those packets capture them and

Read all the information that is in these packets now if we're going to do that

How can we do that if each packet is actually delivered to one person?

Well Mac address does ensures that each packet is

stamped to the right person

but that's only when your

Wireless card is working in the default mode which is the management so in manage mode your wireless card will only capture

Packets that are sent to it. It will only capture packets that have the destination mac as your own Mac address

So let's take this again in managed mode in your default mode your wireless card will only capture

packets that are sent to your device

now there is another mode of demonica mode and

This mode allow us to capture any packet that is in our wi-Fi range whether the packet is directed to our device or not

We will be able to capture it anyway as long as it's within our wi-Fi cat range. We will be able to capture

So enable a monitor mode is very simple

We're going to use a tool called Airmon-Ng. Which is part of the aircrack-ng - let's see how we do this

First I'm going to disable. My wi-Fi card again same way. We did it when we were changing the Mac address. Let's just if config

Lan zero down to the table

Then we're going to use airmon-ng to enable monitor mode


if you actually just type in Airmon-ng

It will show you the available wireless card, and you can see I only have Done 0

so I can say


Star and


basically when I say start line 0 I mean enable monitor mode on Lan 0

so everyone created a new virtual wireless card called 1 0

So now we have non 0 we have now we have two wireless cal so if I type in Airmon-ng

We can see where you can see that. I have two wireless doubts. I have land 0 which is my actual physical wireless card

Mon0 is just a virtual wireless card created by Airmon-Ng, and it has monitor mode enable dollars

so now to go at something time zero

so now we go actually either blue conflict time zero

You'll see that. It's in managed mode and if I go two more zeros

Sorry either the country

you'll see that one zero in my thermal so

The card that we're going to be using now

When we are not connected to any network and all the attacks that we're going to use now

We're getting use one zero

Because it's a monitor mode and this mode allow us to capture

Any packet that is within our wi-Fi range even if the packet is not directed to our device

Now if you want to stop monitor mode for any reason all we have to do is just type in Airmon-ng


So montréal is the card that has monitor mode enabled on it, and I can stop with using this command

So if as you can see here, it says remove to apply type in Airmon-Ng

Along you see Nonzero again

For more infomation >> Penetration Testing - Learn Wi Fi Hacking From Scratch (Part 2) - Duration: 15:33.


2v2 double elixir draft challenge [Youtube MHero1] - Duration: 39:34.

Hello my name is Mhero1 Yesterday I have instructed you how to hit effectively. And this is my achievement. If you have not watched, then I link to the description of this video. Do not forget to subscribe to my channel. Now invite you to enjoy

For more infomation >> 2v2 double elixir draft challenge [Youtube MHero1] - Duration: 39:34.


Мы рисуем - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Мы рисуем - Duration: 3:25.


Abby Elliott Is a Rich Bitch on Odd Mom Out - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Abby Elliott Is a Rich Bitch on Odd Mom Out - Duration: 2:48.


Значение карты Десятка Мечей. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Значение карты Десятка Мечей. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 2:50.


Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2017 |🔥 New Charts Hits 🔥| Mash Up Party Dance Mix - Duration: 55:26.

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!

For more infomation >> Best Remixes Of Popular Songs 2017 |🔥 New Charts Hits 🔥| Mash Up Party Dance Mix - Duration: 55:26.


Doll #Puppy #Emily Going to Sadik Morning #Bebibon #Cartoon - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Doll #Puppy #Emily Going to Sadik Morning #Bebibon #Cartoon - Duration: 5:30.


Abby Elliott's Dad Ran Her Backyard Wedding Like a Speakeasy - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Abby Elliott's Dad Ran Her Backyard Wedding Like a Speakeasy - Duration: 3:32.


Bad Baby Face Tattoo Fail Victoria & Annabelle Toy Freaks Family Fun Toy Baby Bad Kids - Duration: 4:34.

Bad Baby Face Tattoo Fail Victoria & Annabelle Toy Freaks Family Toy Baby Bad Kids

For more infomation >> Bad Baby Face Tattoo Fail Victoria & Annabelle Toy Freaks Family Fun Toy Baby Bad Kids - Duration: 4:34.


Exploring Worlds Away - with drone adventurer Renee Lusano - Duration: 3:39.

In the last few years of me traveling across the world,

I have visited six of the seven continents

and Australia was the last continent I had to visit.

By traveling with my drone

I'm able to see so much more of each place that I visit

than I would be able to from the ground.

It's like I have my own personal satellite everywhere that I go.

For me travel is about connecting with cultures and connecting with people.

It's about connecting with nature, creating lasting memories.


To be welcome into someone else's country

is a big part of Aboriginal culture.

I'm going to tell you a story here.

About our land, about our culture.

It all starts back with our rainbow serpent.

He was our creator and you can see where he's been,

wherever you go, he has left his mark.

From the darkness he showed the light.

The rainbow serpent created the rivers, gullies, the mountains.

As he slid across,

right through, this land

and the water followed him, which is one of the first elements of life.

If you are traveling across this country, have a look.

You can see the wonderful, beautiful rainbow serpent.

And in the end he created what he wanted and he was pleased.

He decided just to sink to the bottom where it was cool and he could sleep.

Maybe one of these days we may see him again.

Australia is such an expansive, otherworldly place.

It feels like it's worlds away from almost anywhere I've been.

My seventh continent has proved to me again

that this planet is awe-inspiring,

sometimes it's just a matter of how you perceive it.

For more infomation >> Exploring Worlds Away - with drone adventurer Renee Lusano - Duration: 3:39.


Pinocchio When You Wish Upon A Star Karaoke - Duration: 1:51.

Download Info at Subscribe To Support This Channel. Thank You!

For more infomation >> Pinocchio When You Wish Upon A Star Karaoke - Duration: 1:51.


Globamocean - Duration: 0:19.


The global movement for positive change

If you want to change the world, first change yourself

Growth equals change

Join the journey of a new positive life

For more infomation >> Globamocean - Duration: 0:19.


انمي رعب دموي مخيف جدا : نهاية الطريق - لا ترتكبوا أبدا نفس الخطأ - - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> انمي رعب دموي مخيف جدا : نهاية الطريق - لا ترتكبوا أبدا نفس الخطأ - - Duration: 2:47.


Real Age Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges ! 2017 - Duration: 2:15.

Real Age Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges ! 2017

For more infomation >> Real Age Of Dance Plus Season 3 Judges ! 2017 - Duration: 2:15.


How To Use Your Phone As Wireless Mouse & Keyboard ✔ Wireless Mouse ✔Full HD-2017 - Duration: 2:27.

Hello Guys! What's up?

Welcome to "Computer Repair".

I come back with another tech video.

In this video I am going to show you

How to use your phone as wireless mouse & keyboard.

For your pc or laptop

By using any kind of smart phone

Like Android, Windows Phone or Iphone

So, Let's take a look.

To do that you need two software.

At first open your phone play store

and search

Remote Mouse

and install it in your phone.

Then open your browser

and open this link.

I'll put this link in my description below.

After opening this link, then click on get now.

Select the operating system what you run at your pc

In this case I am using windows, than click on windows

And it start to download

After complete to download,Then simply install it in your pc

After complete to install , then open it

then open your phone and connecting device

by using IP Address

That's it.

Thank you for watching this video,

My name is SALIM KHAN.

You are watching "Computer Repair".

If you like this video,

Please put a thumps up and appreciate it

just so the YouTube algorithm knows that

you actually like this video.

And if you've any question

Please post them in comment section below.

Thank you....

For more infomation >> How To Use Your Phone As Wireless Mouse & Keyboard ✔ Wireless Mouse ✔Full HD-2017 - Duration: 2:27.


Lucian Montage #6 - Lucian Mechanics - Duration: 11:12.

Lucian Montage #6 - Lucian Mechanics

Lucian Montage

Lucian Montage

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