Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

In 1822, the average American consumed about 45 grams of sugar every five days, which is

the amount that's found in just one modern-day soft drink.Today that number has climbed all

the way to 765 grams every five days.

We're now consuming the amount of sugar in seven hours that our forefathers consumed

in a span of five days.

We've turned this formerly sweet splurge into a dietary staple.

But what if we were to take about 20 teaspoon-sized steps back?

We asked the experts what would happen to our bodies and our minds if we cut back on

the spoonsful of sugar.

Glow like Beyonce

Glycation is the effect of sugar molecules on your body's cells.

And the same cells that make you look younger, plumper, and glowy are the ones that are most


According to Elle,

"...when those proteins hook up with renegade sugars, they become discolored, weak, and

less supple; this shows up on the skin's surface as wrinkles, sagginess, and a loss of radiance."

Dr. Harold Lancer, dermatologist to Kim Kardashian and Beyonce, says if we cut out the ice cream,

sugary cereal and even large amounts of fruit, people can see changes within as little as

72 to 96 hours.

He told The Cut:

"They'll feel better, their color will look better, their skin won't be so oily and they

won't be so dry."

Bye bye blackheads

Beyonce's dermatologist also said sugar may be the culprit behind ugly breakouts, since

it has the ability to weaken the immune system.

A weak immune system can't fight off bacteria, and bacteria clogs pores.

Clogged pores cause pimples.

Sugar can also increase your testosterone levels.

In addition to flabby bellies and decreased sex drive, high testosterone translates into

bigger, oilier pores.

Get your mojo back

A 2007 study from the Child & Family Research Institute found that excessive amounts of

sugar can turn off the gene that controls the levels of estrogen and testosterone in

your body.

This gene is aptly named the Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, or SHBG for short.

Remember those testosterone problems?

Too little SHBG and your body releases extra testosterone and estrogen, which can lead

to infertility, polycystic ovaries, and uterine cancers.

If there's too much of it, it still disrupts the balance, which could lead to cardiovascular

disease in women.

Losing the love handles

Not only does a lack of donuts and cupcakes get rid of empty calories, but cutting out

the sugary snacks helps with insulin release.

Insulin is used to communicate with our fat cells.

When insulin levels are sky-high, it will tell our cells to store fat and avoid burning


From here, the body can't access the stored fat.

Which it interprets to mean, "I'm hungry!"

The effects are cyclical, and the more processed sugar you eat, the more processed sugar you


All the while, your body is storing fat, not burning it, and wondering, "When am I going

to get my next meal?"

Cut down the sugar, and you might just see your waistline go down too.

Brain power

Fructose hits the brain with a temporary high like a drug.

But animal research is now suggesting that repeated sugar hits leads to a need for more

sugar to keep that fantastic high going.

"There's some secret ingredient in these Nutreum bars that makes me feel so good!"


It's a block of sugar."

Researchers at UCLA also found that a diet high in sugar can affect your ability to learn

new things and remember old ones.

They saw that rats who ate too much sugar had impaired communication between brain cells.

Last but not least, elevated blood sugar levels can cause inflammation in the body, which

can also lead to brain degeneration, and ultimately, diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Addictive tendencies, learning impairment, and memory loss?

Not sure those cookies are as sweet as they look.

Take the edge off

Sugar is often seen as a solution for high stress situations.

But the classic, rebellious pint of ice cream may actually hurt more than it helps.

According to Psychology Today, sugar is a catalyst for making anxiety worse.

It can cause symptoms that mirror an anxiety attack such as blurry vision, fuzzy head,

fatigue, and shaking.

The symptoms cause more worry and fear, creating a vicious cycle.

In 2008, a study in Physiology & Behavior found that rats given an excess of sugar,

and then deprived of food, showed a dopamine imbalance which resulted in increased anxiety.

The following year, another study in the same publication found that consuming sugar in

the long term reduces the ability to fight anxiety.

That delicious ice cream cone may soothe the soul, but too much of it may actually send

you over the edge.

A world with no sugar?

Before we go cleaning our cabinets of all things sweet, or ban birthday cakes from our

kids, let's keep a little perspective.

The sugar we've talked about is largely from processed foods like sport drinks, breakfast

cereals, and snacks that are marketed to be healthy, like low-fat yogurts and protein


That still leaves plenty of room for more natural forms of sugar, like berries, sweet

potatoes, dark chocolate, and even homemade baked goods sweetened with things like honey.

We need sugar in our diet.

It gives us energy.

The problem is our approach to eating it.

Just like anything else, too much of anything is a bad thing.

765 grams?

Come on, America!

Scale it back to more reasonable sugar levels, circa 1822, and you might find the picture

perfect sweet spot that your body loves.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Happens To Your Body When You Cut Out Sugar - Duration: 5:36.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX CLIP | 'We Are Groot' - Groot's Sacrifice (Scene) | HD 4K - Duration: 3:40.

pitiful. I...

No, Groot!

You can't.

You'll die.

Why are you doing this?





I called him an idiot.

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX CLIP | 'We Are Groot' - Groot's Sacrifice (Scene) | HD 4K - Duration: 3:40.


How to Make Swimming Pool CAKE Push Pops | RECIPE - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> How to Make Swimming Pool CAKE Push Pops | RECIPE - Duration: 2:42.


Fallout 4 Mod Playthrough | SUBMERSIBLE POWER ARMOR REDUX!! - Duration: 21:10.

hi guys so today we are playing submersible power armor Redux by

sovereign rollers and vigorous and basically this mud add in some bioshock

inspired armor and power armor with a little quest to obtain it I think it's

great for getting a lot of new weapon and armor mods that come with a short

event that just makes you feel like you're not cheating to get new mudded

items anyway we're just north of the Museum of witchcraft and here we are and

if you can't tell already I am a lady I'm a lady

today and because there is some of the armor that some of the armors of female

only to authority might as well be a lady bird add/edit but there that's from

our old world radio there's a song that says I'm a lady season lady good

Bing Crosby I think anyway right so there's a little and rickety boot to the

lighthouse so we are heading over there and hopefully we don't get up but get

kids or but cooks up a bar I've just been for some reason my games being

really weird and I have Nakano residence number one in the Conner as dentists

number two and I tried going there because I thought he said Northwest

northeast of the map and oh that's a mile look oh wow what my game rod saw

that's not good that's not where we needed that I'm getting really confused

right so it's over there by Lady mirelurk I think we're going to probably

keep our distance this was just to place my breath my rosin so

stop oh oh stop throwing your wee G's at me Oh Nelly this was not come on yeah oh

yeah I'm gay Oh run run stop relating just know for God's sake

someone help me oh yeah this away ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh oh but poison

bird brother got antidote oh I've got my I've got medics and we'll have a

stimpacks thank you kindly well oh my god sake the whole world

afternoon oh are you a legend oh for God's sake

there you start spitting stuff at me as well Hey

oh my lord some I'll pay no no no no oh my god I

wish I had more powerful weapons wouldn't for this this might do has she

done yeah okay who are you who are you

I don't know idea I'm just going to shoot you anyway can't take any risks

I'm no idea they're not final hello little baby little baby I don't even

know who I've no I probably just killed some innocent people you haven't even

got to the gods come on blow well we got a little sniper over there is oh oh

that's how we do it around here see you suckers okay well that was that isn't

the adventure either right rickety boat rickety boat rickety rickety rickety

boat up up up up Oh go entailing goes Oh Larry our goes

Olin on the mmm-hmm is this one no rickety boats the

light is this one eye open I open that one

I know chickity now I see you oh oh oh yeah but all this is called row row row

your boat gently down the stream on a bump bump bump bump bump sorry that was

my cup cup cup oh okay here we are well that's time to be sneaky sneaky

bucks whoo-hoo looks to lighthouse a spook

I've never I am unfortunately ashamed to say I've never played any of the

Bioshock games I though please don't hurt me what's this ah look at this it's

like oh it's like on scooby-doo you know you know you know the monster in the

underwater you know the mold on the wards hatch okay go around here

whoa let me get up here I want to just want to see if there's anything

no that just it just looked like black squares like not black semicircles okay

into the hatch we go rapture oh oh oh we're going to the rapture um oh no nope

nope nowhere where is that radio button I'm trying to sing go with it so I don't

get copyrighted let's keep singing Brahmin milk oh this

person doesn't look like he's had fun this looks cool okay hold it I don't

know how did this go underwater and then I don't know that's just fun Oh where's

the radio

he doesn't look he doesn't look are you friendly

hmm well I don't want to take any chances

so oh my god it keeps doing that to glitch I need to inform the model for

that holy jesus oh my god that's a rail right oh my god that's a railroad rifle

I don't even know how god I got favored got these good aids would be what a

hollow rifle Oh dead dead dead I'm gonna be very dude I

think this is just Oh God so this radio laughs oh oh are you disappeared hello

railway rifle Oh Rosie submersible body with help although we can take it all

this a ghoul Heigl no no they you're very dead ghoul

okay oh I'm carrying far too much now bril let's drop you because I'm sure

you're very heavy Cappy Gus is but it won't let me drop them okay well we

haven't got an arm we haven't got a thing you venture this I've got to sort

this music out let's do my turn now Oh Oh Big Daddy I got ya

oh my god that's loud now okay I've seen they're the same things therefore if you

want to companion is you are me amita thought at Armia media and whatever huh

oh my God look at how my god ISM oh hi

yeah hi of course it's on the phone oh no no no no no no somebody turn this

music off somebody turn this music oh my lord I'm gonna die no no no no no no no

no no no no no no no oh Lord somebody help me hope you guys having a

good week by the way whilst I'm being brutally murdered this these stimpaks

are not doing anything should probably save you know that would be a sensible

thing oh oh oh the music stopped ha ha now we're talking it's got a fusion core

and everything Brill oh I love this is it really oh and it's all underwater

that's that just makes it what someone is shooting somebody I can hear but

somebody's fighting him oh it's all getting getting lady get him get him

TT TT oh wow you've got like some TT oh yeah oh now I helped you know leave me

alone lady cuz I'm a lady as well I'm a lady you can't hurt me Oh stay away from

me crazy woman yes big sister big sister was after big dat all big sisters needle

ooh hoo can we turn this music off let's see if we can hmm first it was rooster

with it well just not just lower the volume for this bit sure Big Sisters

needle big sister suit ah oh I'm too fat now right let's drop some let's drop

some of this this rubbish and we'll put on our new stuff

okay big sister our big sister suit oh this

looks now look at this cool in my cool backpack as well it kind of goes nice I

was really steampunky I know I should probably say no should probably paid by

Ashoka's it's very much kind of for lauti and oh my god that's loud can I

turn this off oh she obviously got booed off food to death I wish I could find

the foot it's so loud that it's so loud I'm sorry I'm just getting all out

paranoid about copyright strikes well okay so that's cool what about a needle

Big Sisters needle OHS is it oh my god oh my god so cool

oh wow oh I love this yeah nice and liking this are and now we

got to try on our oh I love the red Oh some and I think the I think you can

change like laid to the stuff on here so let's get in our power island and we can

put on our big dirty boob dirty suit oh I wonder if this like I wonder if

there's like a pilot oh my god I think this is a car I think

there's a little figure in there let's put on all these so can we breathe it's

just by design so you can breathe under oh yeah oh I don't know if I prefer this

all the or the Train power arm oh my god this is awesome I mean for our big

sisters think about I can't click that one in power arm oh that's a shame that

would have been that would have been pretty cool wouldn't it oh we got our

amazing holiday rifle anyway what's in here ah look at every so little hello

Big Daddy did election pick a car oh you're coming with me

dick today you come in with me me and me Big Daddy

he little dairy the so little spending oh yeah he's been

an around he's God has been God has been always been out around mm-hmm oh sure

diddle oh okay okay oh oh my he was interested

you can now you found the Big Daddy figure you can now build a big Daddy

statue a little sister vent in the workshop menu oh my god that's amazing I

wish I could turn this music off we're gonna have to get out of here we check

out master Oh whoo let's open you weren't enough bobby pins

know that wait no yep nearly nearly no I was nowhere near was I to be honest

hey wow it's just a mo never mind eh it was worth it was worth a shock I love

this massive diet the master dry air tank or whatever it is on the back I

sent it in here I thought that was like gasps or thud okay nothing in here as

far as we're aware yellow trench coat probably been I really want the railway

right now it's too heavy unfortunately oh my god I really just what I want if

you go out ah could you imagine if we could go outside that oh my god that

would be so cool oh this music so nice of them I love this I almost wish they

could meet they'd make this into a I wish they made this into it ah-ha turn

up turn up god damn you oh that's a shame I would stay here a bit longer but

I'm afraid I'm going to have no YouTube channel anymore no ok nice nice nice

nice really cool stuff right then let's get back to the Commonwealth and we can

it's not hard to sum Newberry and everything is really well done already

like this okay oh oh oh we could have swam out here

oh that's cool where is this where are we then oh oh I wonder and it could be a

terrible he submersible so so your oh do do doo doo doo doo doo dee doo doo doo

doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo Oh long it glows all that's called bum bum

doo doo doo doo doo doo dee dee all up the pipe here the same without one I am

I am Superman one if we start dying that was gonna be my question but I'm a funny

feeling if we don't TCL we're going to be stuck in here for

I am do it is me Jesus I can walk on water here we go

come on I am Jesus this summer Jesus is back with a vengeance ttan ttan

ttan ttan ttan I'm Jesus I can walk on the water

why is it so quiet oh say okay I don't think we were supposed to do this let's

go back okay she need to have sound again but we'll use the boat just in

case you've wrecked everything

okay okay okay come on come on I think what we're going to do we're going to

cook that we're going to head back to sanctuary and we're going to actually

you know where we're going to go you'll know if you watch my last of it you know

exactly where we're going to go see you there

okay so here we are we are in our glowing sea cavern player base that we

oh my god it's power on the society League that we reviewed the other day so

let's let's go on this one we get and that's how oh okay I don't think that

was supposed to happen again power armor okay let's have a look at what we can do

with this in so we've got okay so just got all these the usual mark to

to upgrade it to different things miss quad then so these again I think is

taking those charges action points tells the car oh let's have those there's the

coils helmet upgrades oh look at these okay where knows when fits no when

stretched too little know when threats to your little one are hiding relic on

video oh nice so it's kind of got ah this is cool look so it's basically got

all the default but it's got like oh like vias up my daddy my daddy can hold

his breath young and then anyone increase the oxygen supply and say I

just thought that would be like a give them the news radiation food and water

keep track of threats of the cited aiming senses exception okay that's

really cool okay standard variant oh no it is the paint on oh I look at that

yeah they are different people look at that one that's going to helmet on the

oh my God we're gonna have to get some on the minion in a second aha red

headlamp oh I think

and I think we're going to get green because of Scooby we V we okay so let's

just nice nice stuff let's get some aluminium all right say we've just got

some aluminium so aluminium and so let's see if we can okay

Sanna goon elite now I want it with it with the helmet on green headlamp and

then again mark ones or the different marks you can have dual tactical boys

are not going to use these carrier eight while underwater that's interest I think

there are some obviously like new ones and the variant elite variant yes please

right leg left leg right okay and we get it we go hey let's just quickly do these

and so look at this oh look look at with a helmet oh my god

that's so cool look at look at that baby oh nice oh oh god I'm still I'm still

horribly horribly injured give me a stim pack okay much oh no I've

still got other money look at that laughs really cool that I

want to fit still does that thing at the back that is unfortunate I'm not sure if

that's a dog or or whatever but let's get out again all my Bella terrifying I

guess it kind of would do that I'm seeing it right let's see what we've got

so we can upgrade the little sister stuff that's pretty cool okay right then

well guys I have really enjoyed this short little adventure to obtain some

really cool power armor really really nice stuff and but yeah if you enjoyed

the video I want to leave a like follow me in Twitter or Facebook when I not

follow me in that place but you know what I mean anyway guide and other than

that I hope you enjoyed and I shall see you next time this has been submersible

power armor redux by those two people and I'm not going to try to pronounce

their names again but also mods just a shame about that little book

I'm going to mention on the mod to see if anybody else is experiencing that but

other than that I shall see you next time okay thanks guys

bye bye

For more infomation >> Fallout 4 Mod Playthrough | SUBMERSIBLE POWER ARMOR REDUX!! - Duration: 21:10.


7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With Someone - Duration: 5:57.

7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With Someone


7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With SomeoneWe have long acknowledged that

there is an overarching, complex web of connections between everything in our universe, working

together to help guide us towards our destiny.

This includes not only the events that occur in our lives but also the people that enter

into our lives.

These people play an important role in teaching us lessons and guiding us along our individual


To better understand this concept, we must first acknowledge the distinct difference

between the material plane and the spiritual realm.

While we exist in the spiritual realm our souls are determining what our next life will

entail � where we will end up, what end goal we will accomplish and other important

�big picture� plans.

This is where our soul resides between lives on the material plane.

On the material plane we are not as aware and in tune to the big picture that we are

such an important part of.

Our spirits are aware of how we fit into the complex, universal puzzle, however, this knowledge

isn�t readily available to us during our material lives.

We focus instead on the world around us and where we are at today.

This is where cosmic connections become important.

These people are brought into our life specifically to guide us and lead us along the path as

set out by that universal puzzle.

They may be positive people that inspire and motivate us or even those that are difficult

to deal with, teaching us valuable lessons from our interactions.

These connections were specifically chosen by our spirits while in the spiritual realm,

each with its own distinct purpose in our lives.

How, then, do you know if someone is a chance meeting, or a cosmic connection entering your



They Motivate and Inspire Us

Often a connection is brought to us that is currently living some aspect of life in a

way that we should be aspiring to or working towards.

Seeing that they can live this dream life is often the reminder that we too can obtain

that lifestyle if we only focus and work towards it.

They help us remember that anything is possible.


They Help Us Slow Down

The material plane has become a fast-paced whirlwind of information, often grabbing us

and sweeping us up in the flow.

If we aren�t careful we can be swept far off our spiritual course with the blink of

an eye!

These connections will help us to stop, slow down, and make conscious decisions in our



They Teach Us Through Pain

Not all lessons from our cosmic connections will come to us in the form of happy experiences

and positive inspiration.

There are some connections that enter our lives to force us out of our comfort zones

and challenge us to truly examine ourselves, and that�s not always an easy process!

When kind words and motivation won�t work, sometimes we need the proverbial kick in the



They Disrupt Our Routines

When a cosmic connection enters our life, they aren�t focused on the mundane routines

we have created during this period on the material plane, but rather the overall journey.

They shake up our life as we know it, forcing us to re-examine and reconsider the way that

we are currently living.


They Help Us to Open Our Hearts

When you find yourself overwhelmed by the material world, it can be easy to fall into

the trap of closing ourselves off to protect our hearts.

In order for us to continue on our spiritual journey and find our ultimate place in the

universe, we must have our hearts open to the higher purpose behind every experience.


They Remind us of Our Purpose

Each of us was placed on this earth with a spiritual purpose, however, that purpose can

easily be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of life.

When we listen to the influences of those around us we can get off course, and it takes

a close, instant cosmic connection suddenly in our lives to remind us of who we really

are at the spiritual level.


They are Healers

There is no greater obstacle for our spiritual journey than the pain from our past.

Some cosmic connections are brought into our lives with the purpose of healing our souls,

allowing us to face and overcome these past experiences, and in doing so move forward


For more infomation >> 7 Signs That Show You Have A Cosmic Connection With Someone - Duration: 5:57.


How to Get Verified on Instagram,Facebook,Twitter at Once | Get Verified Badge or blue tick✔2017-18 - Duration: 2:26.

hello Friends

In this Video Tutorial

How to Get Verified on Instagram,Facebook,Twitter at Once | Get Verified Badge or blue tick✔2017-18

If you have any confusion please let me know through comment.


Please Subscribe Our YouTube Channel and You will get Video notification Next time

About: Technical Hoque is a YouTube Channel,Where You Will Find Mobile/Computer Tips and Tricks,New Technological Videos in Hindi

Again Thanks For Watching and See You Soon.

For more infomation >> How to Get Verified on Instagram,Facebook,Twitter at Once | Get Verified Badge or blue tick✔2017-18 - Duration: 2:26.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX Blu-ray CLIP | The Collector 'Infinity Stones' (Scene) | HD 4K - Duration: 3:38.

I never thought I'd meet a Groot.


You must allow me to pay you now so that I may own your carcass.

At the moment of your death, of course.

I am Groot.

Why, so he could turn you into a frickin' chair?

That's your pet?

- His what? - Tivan.

We have been halfway around the galaxy, retrieving this Orb.

Very well, then.

Let us see what you brought.

Three quarnyx batteries, seven cases of Cotati seeds.

No, cases. Last time, you sent me...

You shall send a message for me.

Oh, my new friends.

Before creation itself,

there were six singularities.

Then the universe exploded into existence,

and the remnants of these systems

were forged into concentrated ingots.

Infinity Stones.

These stones, it seems,

can only be brandished

by beings of extraordinary strength.


These carriers can use the Stone to mow down entire civilizations

like wheat in a field.

There's a little pee coming out of me right now.

Once, for a moment,

a group was able to share the energy amongst themselves,

but even they were quickly destroyed by it.


Beyond compare.

We're all very fascinated, whitey. But we'd like to get paid.

How would you like to get paid? What do you think, fancy man? Units!

Very well, then.


Stand back.

I will no longer be your slave!


What the...

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX Blu-ray CLIP | The Collector 'Infinity Stones' (Scene) | HD 4K - Duration: 3:38.


Trump Ends CIA Program Of Funding Terrorists In Syria Will Things Actually Change - Duration: 9:44.

Trump Ends CIA Program Of Funding Terrorists In Syria Will Things Actually Change

By Brandon Turbeville

Setting off a predictable fire in the Western corporate media, there is now weeping and

wailing over the new Trump decision to end the policy of the CIA arming terrorists in


Mainstream outlets are now leaping over themselves to demonize Trump, Assad, Putin, and Russia

in general.

According to some outlets and analysts, Trump has �fallen into a Russian trap� by directing

the CIA to stop funding terrorists.

If that sounds ridiculous, it�s because it is.

Still, while the new policy is cause for celebration, the fact is that there is more to the story

than what is being reported both in the mainstream and alternative press outlets.

Many individuals who have opposed the war in Syria are now celebrating the end of the

Syrian war and Trump as an anti-war peacemaker.

Others simply do not believe that the change in policy is relevant.

The reality, however, is most likely something in between.

In order to understand the significance of Trump�s new decision, it is important to

look at facts and history so that one may understand the direction in which we are headed

in regards to Syria.

The New Policy

President Donald Trump decided to end the CIA�s �covert� program of arming and

training terrorists (aka, �Moderate Rebels�) in Syria.

The program is set to be phased out over a period of a few months.

The Western corporate press is, of course, reporting the news as if the family dog just


Notorious pro-terrorist and pro-war commentator and senior fellow at the Middle East Institute,

Charles Lister, even described the decision as a �Russian Trap.�

�We are falling into a Russian trap,� he said.

We are making the moderate resistance more and more vulnerable � We are really cutting

them off at the neck.� We assume Lister was not aware of the phrasing of the latter

part of his statement given the history of his terrorist friends in Syria since 2011.

But, according to the Washington Post, Trump had made the decision over a month ago, not

during his meeting with Putin.

The website reports that Trump made the decision after meeting with his National Security Advisor

HR McMaster and CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

The policy in question involves the open arming, training, and support of terrorists inside

Syria and was first acknowledged by the Obama Administration in 2013.

However, the CIA had been funding, training, and directing jihadists in Syria since the

very beginning of the crisis and even before that.

What Does The New Policy Mean For Syria?

The decision to bring an end to the policy of arming terrorists in Syria is no doubt

a welcome development and it should be commended.

However, this does not mean the Syria war is coming to a close or that the United States,

NATO, GCC, and Israel are giving up on their attempt to destroy the Syrian government.

First, the CIA plan of arming and funding terrorists is only the publicly acknowledged

aspect of what the CIA has done, is doing, and likely will continue to do in Syria.

Remember, the CIA was involved in this activity two years before it was partially publicly

acknowledged by the Obama administration.

If the policy enacted by Obama is ended by Trump, it is entirely possible that the rest

of the covert aspects of the policy will continue.

Second, it should be noted that the Pentagon plan is not being affected by Trump�s decision.

In fact, as the Washington Post reported, the Pentagon plan is set to continue.

So the question then becomes whether or not the CIA will be stopped at all versus the

policy of arming, funding, and training terrorists will simply become the responsibility of the


Third, there is the distinct possibility that, despite Trump�s orders, the CIA will simply

continue with the plan right under Trump�s nose.

It would not be the first time the CIA has conducted covert operations that ostensibly

were considered against stated U.S. policy and the stated public policy set by the White


Iran-Contra immediately comes to mind as an example of how the intelligence community

was able to not only ship drugs, guns, and money to and from countries but also to defy

American political policy with respect to arming foreign nations with the cooperation

of other nations without the American people and, some say, even the President being aware

of it.

Likewise, during the Bay of Pigs, the CIA went ahead with a planned invasion, despite

the fact that Kennedy had reservations.

It is documented fact that the CIA planned to go ahead with the invasion whether Kennedy

allowed it or not.

The CIA involvement in the assassination of JFK later on should also serve to prove that

the President of the United States is not the deciding factor in American politics and

that the CIA is perfectly willing to launch a coup against the President even if it is

conducted in the light of day in front of the entire country.

Richard Nixon was also set up by virtue of CIA interference proving that the agency was

not merely capable of engaging in operations overseas but it was capable of turning on

an American President and effectively ousting him.

With all this in mind, why should we believe that the CIA will stop arming, funding, and

training terrorists simply because they were ordered to stop?

If Trump truly is serious in his order, then he at least had the intelligence to announce

it so that the public has it on record that the program was ordered dead.

However, there are forces vastly more powerful that the President at work in the halls of

every branch of the U.S. government.

It is also important to keep in mind that the United States is not the only government

working against Syria today.

NATO as a whole, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Israel are all united against Assad as


The United States may stop supporting terrorists but KSA, Israel, and the rest are not going

to end their support for jihadists.

Thus, we have to wonder just how much of an effect this policy change will have on the

situation on the ground.

Does The Trump Administration Want To End The War Or Has It Simply Shifted From Plan

A To Plan B?

While at first glance it seems the new Trump decision to halt CIA support to terrorists

is a sign that the Trump administration wants to see an end to the war, there is one aspect

of the conflict that is being ignored by many who are rejoicing at the announcement as if

it were V-Day � the Plan B of federalization and the network of ten U.S. bases strategically

and illegally placed in Syria designed to outline the borders of a future Kurdistan.

The reason for the U.S. bases is not so much to back up the SDF forces in their military


After all, the SDF is merely just a hodgepodge of Kurds and Arab terrorists, both of whom

are being used and supported by the West to destroy and destabilize Syria.

Instead, the United States forces are being strategically placed so as to prevent the

SAA from retaking territory in its north and southeastern regions.

The U.S. knows that the Syrian military cannot withstand a direct confrontation with the

U.S. military and it is becoming abundantly clear that Russia is not willing to risk a

direct confrontation with the U.S. over the questions of Syrian border integrity, particularly

in the southeastern desert regions.

It seem as long as Syria retains a government friendly to Russia and Russian interests,

Moscow will be content to see a smaller Syria where a larger one previously existed.

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Thus, we can easily see the borders of a Kurdistan coming into view.


While the new Trump decision is most certainly a welcome development, the Pentagon program

of arming, training, and funding terrorism in Syria is moving ahead unmolested.

Thus, the U.S. will be continuing to support terrorists under a different department.

In addition, the CIA has increasingly become a rogue agency, even publicly threatening

the President and actively working against his administration from day one.

Trump�s order may be issued but whether or not the CIA will abide by it is another


Lastly, as long as the U.S. is insisting on allowing the Kurds to create a Kurdish mini-state

within Syria, the war will continue.

A federalized Syria has been a plan of the Israelis and American intelligence community,

and corporate financier think tanks for many years as a Plan B if the Plan A of full-scale

destruction fails.

We should congratulate Donald Trump on ending the CIA program but also should demand that

he end the Pentagon program as well with no more covert action taken against the Syrian


In addition, we must demand that all American troops be removed from Syria and any idea

of Kurdistan be left to wither on the vine.

This can be the only acceptable solution to the Syrian crisis from the point of view of

the United States.

For more infomation >> Trump Ends CIA Program Of Funding Terrorists In Syria Will Things Actually Change - Duration: 9:44.


5 Things that drive women crazy in bed - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> 5 Things that drive women crazy in bed - Duration: 3:26.


The Untold Truth Of The Battle Of Dunkirk - Duration: 7:09.

Dramatized in Christopher Nolan's epic Dunkirk, the Battle of Dunkirk was much more than just

a firefight between the Axis powers and Allied forces of World War II.

It was May 1940, and the actions of leaders — and ordinary men — helped decide which

way the war was going to go.

As the German army advanced through Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium to march on France,

things were looking dire for the British and French troops.

The Allies retreated but were pinned against the French coast.

Around 15,000 soldiers dug in to hold off hostile forces as boatloads of men were shuttled

to safety.

Those 15,000 souls saved more than 300,000 soldiers from certain death.

The Maginot Line falls

In order to understand what pushed Allied forces into such dire circumstances in the

first place, we need to go back to September 1939.

According to The Telegraph, when Poland fell to German forces, Allied forces were powerless

to stop it.

Britain and France watched and waited, and there was an uneasy silence that lasted seven

months before Germany moved on France.

Dividing the German and Allied forces on France's western border were two lines of fortifications:

the German Siegfried Line and the French Maginot Line.

The Maginot Line was a series of hundreds of buildings and 50-plus fortresses, constructed

in the 1930s to prevent Germany from invading as they'd done in World War I.

The problem was that defenses tapered off at the Ardennes Forest between France and


When Belgium fell, around 1,500 German tanks stormed through the Ardennes Forest, bypassing

the Maginot Line completely.

Retreat to Dunkirk

History hasn't been kind to the French failure to stop the Germans as they marched across

Europe, but the French did inflict heavy losses on the Germans when they poured into France,

north of the Maginot line.

Along with the British Expeditionary Force, they fought — and fought bravely — to

slow down the Germans.

By the end of May, it was clear that the Allied forces were seriously outmanned and outgunned.

According to The Telegraph, General Lord Gort, VC of the British Expeditionary Force, was

faced with making the decision of continuing to fight against overwhelming odds, or evacuating

the French and British troops in hopes of regrouping and fighting another day.

He gave the order to retreat to the coast and try to evacuate from the port city of


The German halt

On May 24th, Hitler ordered his forces to halt just outside Dunkirk.


No one is 100 percent sure.

The Allied army was bloody and beaten, and one of the greatest questions of the war is

why Hitler didn't move in immediately to crush the remnants of the Allied army.

One theory is that Hitler ordered a temporary ceasefire to give his troops time to rest,

refuel, and regroup in preparation for the final push.

By this time, they had been marching and fighting for a solid two weeks, and the army was exhausted.

But while the ground troops rested, the Luftwaffe took to the skies to bomb the soldiers at


Impossible odds

As Allied troops dug into defensive positions on the French beach, British HQ was scrambling

just across the English Channel.

They had a massive evacuation to pull off and not long to organize it.

The man who did it was Vice Admiral Bertram Ramsay.

He started planning the rescue, codenamed Operation Dynamo, on May 19th, and ships were

on their way on May 26th.

But the Germans didn't intend to let the Allied troops evacuate easily.

Shelling from above continued, and German bombers rained death down on the men crammed

into Dunkirk.

Bombing was so fierce that Dunkirk's harbor was demolished on May 27th, creating another


With the harbor out of commission, larger ships were forced to wait out in deep waters

while smaller craft picked up soldiers and shuttled them out to sea and safety.

As the evacuation started, 15,000 men — both French and British — set a perimeter around


They held back the advancing German troops on the ground while the Royal Air Force squared

off with the German planes.

By the end, the RAF chalked up 377 kills and only 87 losses.

Low expectations

In the face of the crushing German assault, Ramsay and the British command had to be realistic.

They only expected to save 45,000 lives out of the quarter million waiting on the beach.

At first, even that seemed hopelessly optimistic.

The first day, only 7,669 men were pulled from the Dunkirk beaches.

On the second day, 17,804 more made it out.

Later, ships honed in on two jetties that allowed 239,000 men to reach the safety of

the large ships.

By the time the evacuation was over, most estimates cite the final number of men rescued

at around 338,000.

Civilian help

To aid the evacuation, Ramsay and his men issued an order for all privately owned craft

to join military service, and this mini-fleet grew to include everything from fishing boats

to yachts and steamers.

They would become known as the Dunkirk Little Ships, and many of them still sail.

In 2015, 50 of them made the trip from England to Dunkirk again for the 75th anniversary,

carrying several soldiers who had been rescued by the little boats decades before.

Not all of the civilian ships made it back, though.

In 2015, the BBC covered a touching tribute to the Crested Eagle.

The memorial wreath was laid by 98-year-old veteran Vic Viner, whose brother was one of

the 300 who died in the fiery blaze that sank the Crested Eagle.

Catastrophic consequences

The evacuation of so many soldiers gave rise to the tale of the "miracle at Dunkirk," but

the operation came at a huge cost.

Of the 933 ships that participated in the evacuation, 236 didn't return home and another

61 were retired, and 1,000 Dunkirk citizens died alongside the soldiers, according to

the BBC.

History Extra reports that 68,000 B.E.F. and 290,000 French soldiers died during the operation,

compared to only 27,074 German deaths.

Around 40,000 men were taken captive by the Germans, forced to march deep into German

territory, and put to work in forced labor camps.

Churchill called it a 'disaster'

The successful evacuation of so many was, indeed, a miracle and a testament to the power

of the human spirit.

But at the same time the media was spinning Dunkirk as a miracle, Winston Churchill was


When he gave a speech on June 4, it was a rallying cry that made it clear the Allies

were not done fighting.

But he also acknowledged Dunkirk for what it was: "a colossal military disaster."

Maybe if the months preceding Dunkirk had gone differently so many lives wouldn't have

been lost, but when faced with no other option, the men who stayed behind on that beach sacrificed

everything to make sure 300,000 more people didn't have to be buried at Dunkirk.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Untold Truth Of The Battle Of Dunkirk - Duration: 7:09.


SANACION CON BIOENERGIA AUREA EN VIVO Y EN DIRECTO con Gabriela Lunari - Duration: 1:09:01.

For more infomation >> SANACION CON BIOENERGIA AUREA EN VIVO Y EN DIRECTO con Gabriela Lunari - Duration: 1:09:01.


Warner Bros. May Drop Ben Affleck From Batman Franchise - Duration: 1:49.

Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For all you DC fans out there who are loving Ben Affleck as Batman, you might not want

to get too attached because he may be stepping out of the suit according to a source close

to Warner Brothers.

On Friday, The Hollywood Reporter quoted the source saying,

"The studio is working on plans to usher out Affleck's Batman gracefully, addressing

the change in some shape or form in one of the upcoming DC films."

This news is a little awkward considering Affleck is set to promote Warner's upcoming

Justice League movie at Comic Con this weekend, which is due out November 17th.

His exit as The Caped Crusader is yet to be determined, but it would make sense as he's

already stepped down from directing, starring, and penning the script for The Batman which

will now be taken over by Matt Reeves.

However the rumors of his exit contradict what WB's chief Toby Emmerich and director

Reeves are saying.

Toby told The Hollywood Reporter ,

"Ben is our Batman.

We love him as Batman.

We want to keep him in the cowl as long as we can."

Reeves also made note that he intends to keep Ben in The Batman, even though he scrapped

Affleck's original script.

The Hollywood Reporter also noted that while it is possible to keep him in the Justice

League follow up while letting Reeves cast his movie with a different star, it's highly


The first Justice League is already amidst extensive reshoots since Zack Snyder stepped

away as director.

There is also the narrative that Affleck is getting older and the second Justice League

won't be shot for some time.

Affleck will be 45 in August and his Justice League co-stars between 24 and 37.

Since Comic Con is this weekend, some news on the fate of Affleck as Batman is bound

to be revealed, until then DC fans will just have to keep speculating.

That's your news for now, for more of today's trending stories subscribe to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Warner Bros. May Drop Ben Affleck From Batman Franchise - Duration: 1:49.


Here's My Canada: Connected - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Here's My Canada: Connected - Duration: 0:44.


ACID TRIP / Tempera Speedpaint - Duration: 12:42.

Hi everyone ! It's been almost a month since my last video once again.

I didn't have the passion to record anything, plus I really want to improve the quality of my videos

I'll do my best to save money and buy a soft box, so there won't be any weird shadows and I could record in the evening time too

But for now I'll just try to record a couple videos per month with what I have

On my VK page I asked what to draw and what ,material to use in my next videos, there were some fun ideas

but the next day I was scrolling my Instagram feed and saw a girl that I was following for a long time, so I decided to draw her

In the original photo she was in a park, but I thought what's the point of copying a photo, so I added some mushrooms and space sky to make it more interesting

Also many people asked me to use watercolor, I'll use it in my next video, don't worry

Many YT artists tend to pick a theme to talk about in every speedpaint video, like how to get an audience, how to find your style and so on

I might do that as well, but I don't think that I can say something new

But for now I'll just talk about random stuff :)

A few days ago I finished watching Mr. Robot , not on the first try though

I tried to watch it last summer, but stopped on the third episode of season one

I remember I was screaming that my gaydar never makes a mistake after that scene with Tyrell near a gay club

For some reason I stopped there , but now I watched two seasons in three or four days and this show is so awesome

It's beautifully shot and the plot is super interesting, so now I'm a fan and I'm waiting for the next season

Also, 2 weeks ago I discovered IKEA chicken patties with fish sauce, it sounds wrong, but tastes sooo good, trust me

I want to read It before September , so I would know the whole story when the movie comes out

And on my birthday I bought American Gods, I want to read it too, cause I don't want to wait another year just to know what will happen next

For those who don't know, American Gods is a series based on the book with the same name written by Neil Gaiman

As for my art plans, from August till October I will be working on In the Flesh themed art zine (it's another TV show ) , I 'm not sure if this fandom is alive

but I just want to draw something better then my 2014 fan art stuff, because it was too bad, I bet no one will even know that it's Kieren and Simon if I didn't write it in the description

Tell me how you spend your summer in the comments :)

And a little update, there are a lot of stickers, postcards, buttons and my first ever art zine in my Etsy shop

I also have a Patreon page where you can get exclusive illustrations, sketches and WIP's for just 2$ per month

And there will be a link to donate page in the description in case someone just wants to help

And that's it , I hope you'll like the final result . Thanks for watching and I'll see you in my next video :)

For more infomation >> ACID TRIP / Tempera Speedpaint - Duration: 12:42.


[한글] 끼임 - 청산가리와 행복 (Stuck - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> [한글] 끼임 - 청산가리와 행복 (Stuck - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts) - Duration: 1:21.



Mom: Hi, How are you doing?

Me: Hey, Good and you?

Mom: No Complaints..

Mom: Just kind of cold...

Me: Is it cold there??

Me: That's kind of weird..

Mom: It's cold yes...

Mom: It rained today here by the sea...

It was.. uhm.. Cold... and...

Mom: But We're coming back tomorrow

Me: Are you going to Beaufort West first?

Mom: Yes, we're going to Beaufort West to and..

then we'll be there Saturday morning..

Me: Oky

So I assume Dad wont be able to...

make it in time for the course?

"Small talk for effect" ;p

Mom: The What?

Me: The Property Course...

Mom: Dad says he'll call you...

Me: No it's chilled..

Mom: Don't know what time we'll be there

Me: It's chilled.. It starts 8am and is to like 12

Mom: Otherwise you should just ask Jaco to..

join you?

Me: Yes Jaco is also going with me luckily!

Mom: Your good with that stuff, you will..

be able to do it...

Me: I think it will be fine...

Me: But listen....

Me: This is a bit of a problem....

Me: but...uhm...

Me: You know that girl that...

I've been hanging out with for a while?

Mom: Yes.....

mmm.. Michelle?

Me: Yes, Yes, Yes, Michelle!

Me: Now Uhm...

Me: I think it was about 2 months ago...

that you...

were on the Church camp thing...

when you were in Johannesburg. Right?

Mom: Yes..

Me: We just started..

We were together about a month..

She came to visit and Beane (my sister) was..

also out of the house and uhm...

yeah... then...

it was uhm...

This is kind of hard to say because..

it's hard but anyways...

Mom: You're killing my nerves, What is it?

Me: No, we were just like watching movies...

and stuff kind of went a bit too far...

Mom: Oh Shit...

Me: Yeah Then...

We never really talked about it again...

but yes, it go a bit too far..

Mom: But do you mean..

too far.. too far... too far??

Me: As in..

As In..

Unprotected, We.. You know..

Mom: Oh.. My Soul...

Mom: Have you totally lost it??

Me: It really wasn't...

it was a... it was a...

Accident.. yes but

She Called me a few days ago

That uhm...

That she is pregnant...

Mom: ohhh...

Mom: Your dad's going to kill you..

Me: No No I will call him...

Mom: You know of better!!

Mom: You can't do stuff like that!!!

Me: I know...

Mom: I'm only 40..

I cant be a grandmother already.!!!

Me: Mom, you're going to be a good grandmother!

But I will..

I just wanted to hear what you say before I call dad...

because Dad's a bit stricter..

Mom: Your dad is really going to kill you

Me: He'll be ok

Me: But what do you think about it?

Mom: No I don't think this is funny at all!!

Mom: Are you sure it's your child??

Me: Yes, she's not that type of girl...

Mom: (Sound like she's kind of tearing up)

Mom: I'm not up for this...

Mom: I know that it's a problem...

Mom: I swear I'm going to chop off what must be chopped off... (Ps. She is referring to my Penis)

Mom: I'm so going to get you when I get home!

You just ruined my vacation!

Me: Tell dad he doesn't have to worry.. He is not a grandpa!

Mom: My heart..

Your dad is going to kick your ass

Listen, have a nice evening !

Mom: Just leave the girls alone!

For more infomation >> GIRLFRIEND PREGNANCY PRANK ON MOM - Duration: 17:45.


Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX Blu-ray CLIP | 'Star-Lord Dancing' Opening Scene | HD 4K - Duration: 3:40.

Music: Redbone - Come and Get Your Love

For more infomation >> Guardians Of The Galaxy (2014) IMAX Blu-ray CLIP | 'Star-Lord Dancing' Opening Scene | HD 4K - Duration: 3:40.


Origami - How To Make An Origami Play Button (Jo Nakashima) - Duration: 7:21.

Origami How To

Origami Youtube Play Button (Jo Nakashima)

*start with white side up

Step 1: Fold paper in half diagonally and unfold

Step 2: Make a crease just in the middle by folding left side to the right and unfold

Step 3: Fold corners to the center

Step 4: Take left corner, fold both triangles in half like on diagram and unfold

Step 5: Now fold on the creased lines while making a triangle part standing up

Step 6: Fold and unfold that triangle part on both sides

Step 7: Fold in half the triangle and unfold

Step 8: Now make a squash fold using creased lines like shown on the diagram

Step 9: Take the tip that sticks outside of the model and fold behind

Step 10: Open up the left corner like shown on the diagram

Step 11: Now fold left side to the right so the small triangle part sits in the middle

Step 12: Fold top and bottom side to meet at the center line and bring them behind the triangle

Step 13: Fold corners behind on every side


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