Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Inceptionism is a bizarre phenomenon that has recently popped up in the internet world.

Created by Google in 2014, it consists of dream-like hallucinogenic images developed

by a computer vision program called DeepDream.

The program uses an advanced AI system known as a convolutional neural network.

But that's not exactly a term we hear very often.

So what exactly is DeepDream and how does artificial intelligence come into play?

When you hear the word "dream", you'd be inclined to think about those vivid experiences

we manifest while we're asleep.

However DeepDream in this context, refers to a program designed to categorize images.

It's the way this machine learns.

A convolutional neural network is a specific type of AI made up of computing systems based

on the biological neural networks found in animal brains.

That is to say, they're modeled to learn in a way similar to how we learn.

The name "deep dream" comes from the concept of deep learning.

It's the process a neural network goes through to actively analyze things.

And though it has very little to do with how our own biological neurons work, we might

gain a better understanding by looking at how we learn.

Two educational psychologists by the names of Ference Marton and Roger Säljöl suggest

that we humans have two different approaches to learning: a surface approach and a deep approach.

In humans, the concept of surface learning is how we memorize parts of information that

we might be questioned about later.

In contrast, our process for deep learning involves actively searching for the meaning

of information.

In regards to machines, deep learning is more like a series of fine-tuning based on a set

of probabilities and conditions.

An algorithm.

And we see the practical uses of this sort of programming, throughout the internet.

It's how the internet detects content that might be pornographic.

Or how a YouTube video might be demonetized for using certain keywords or songs.

Another example: you might have noticed the presence of an artificial intelligence and

how it "learns" on Facebook, where AI automatically tags uploaded pictures with

the names of the people in them.

With regards to DeepDream, artificial neural networks are programmed to analyze specific

patterns within images.

They learn to recognize and identify similar patterns in other images.

And in cases where they're being trained to detect specific objects, they're exposed

to millions of images containing the desired object.

What DeepDream does is take this a step further, by repeatedly analyzing the details in an

image over and over again in multiple layers, drastically enhancing the patterns it detects

each time, until we get something like this:

So how does an AI make new visual connections to specific objects from basic patterns?

Well, you might've heard of certain songs that when played backwards or in slow motion,

have random noises or strange messages from obscure voices.

Perhaps you thought you saw Jesus in your morning toast.

Or perhaps you were looking at a forest one day and thought you saw a face lurking in

the patterns of light and shadow.

Pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon where we look at an image or we hear a sound,

and our minds interpret a familiar pattern when there isn't one.

Skeptics often attribute pareidolia for why some of us might see ghosts or even shadow people.

It's derived from the Greek words para, meaning "beside or instead of"

(in thiscase meaning something wrong), and eidolon, which is the noun for image, form and shape.

You could say that DeepDream uses algorithmic pareidolia to create these bizarre, dream-like images.

It's designed to detect faces and other patterns in images, and automatically classifies

those images within its algorithm.

And as you can see, this makes for some rather unsettling sights to behold- especially since

the AI often seems to detect target patterns within photos that aren't really there.

This all seems rather complicated though.

Why is it that these artificial visualizers tend to create objects in images

that weren't originally there?

According to a Google research blog posted by its own software engineers, when an image

is given to the neural network:

"We ask the network, "whatever you see there, I want more of it!"

This creates a feedback loop: if a cloud looks a little bit like a bird, the network will

make it look more like a bird.

This in turn will make the network recognize the bird even more strongly on the next pass

and so forth, until a highly detailed bird appears, seemingly out of nowhere."

This "over-interpretation" is similar to how we as children might watch the clouds

and interpret random shapes from them.

Since DeepDream was trained mostly on animal images, it naturally translates shapes into animals.

It's also why you might see it change a blank horizon into a city skyline, probably made of eyes.

The common presence of eyes in all animals might explain why the DeepDream seems to be

so fixated on seeing them in almost any pattern.

Neural networks seem to grant us a new channel for both creating and understanding abstract art.

When I look at the vibrant, alien-like compositions and landscapes of what these artificial minds

create- I'm reminded of the mysterious unknown prevalent in Lovecraftian lore.

The study into neural networks seems to have only just begun, but it does appear to grant

us insight into what our AI has learned about our world- as well as what that could mean

for AI advancing in the future.

And from this, we may even be able to draw parallels into understanding how our own organic

minds visualize the universe around us.

I would like to explore the powerful psychological effects these images might have on us, but

that's a video for another day.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic, I've left some neat sources in the description


And if you'd like to see what odd images the DeepDream engine sees in your photos,

you can visit the DeepDream generator which I've left a link to in the description below.

So what do you think of DeepDream?

Let me know in the comments below.

And as always, thanks for watching.

Wanna see more? Click here to checkout the official Darkology playlist!

For more infomation >> What is Google DeepDream? | Darkology #21 - Duration: 6:47.


ปล่อยให้ท้องจับฝรั่ง ปัญหาที่สาวไทยหลายๆ คนๆ ทำร้ายตัวเอง - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> ปล่อยให้ท้องจับฝรั่ง ปัญหาที่สาวไทยหลายๆ คนๆ ทำร้ายตัวเอง - Duration: 8:19.



Michael Jackson.

Austin Mahone.

Paul Mccartney.

Still very cool even when they get old.

But doesn't it suit Japanese as well?

No, definitely no.

Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese, It's Cathy Cat!

And today we are gonna go and ask Japanese boys, what they envy about foreign man.

So, let's go and ask Japanese boys!

What do you envy, when you see foreign men?

Their height, they are tall.

And also they have a nice body.

I envy about that.

How tall do you want to be?

They are usually around 180cm, I'm so jealous.

And the eyes, the colours are really cool.

They have strong features, which is nice.

What is so nice about having a strong feature?

Beard looks good and it looks more sharp

For example, who?

Gary Oldman.

Do you have any other examples?

Michael Jackson.

Austin Mahone.

Paul Mccartney.

Paul Mccartney, he's so good.

The height.

I want something more than 175cm.

I play basketball.

I was playing basketball in Canada for a period of time.

The height is alway what I envy. Such as when they dunk.

I think It's way too cool.

Do you have a specific person that you think is cool?

Can be an actor or athletes.

For the body posture, Justin Bieber.

Derrick Rose.

I think he is so cool, and he even has his own basketball brand.

First of all the height.

The eyes.

Still very cool even when they get old.

How tall you wanna be?

I am 173cm, at least I want to be more than 175cm.

I want at least 180cm.

And they also have very good style.

What kind of style do you like?

Have long legs and a good balance of body.

Also they have good bodies

They can wear the T-shirts so tight.

Very muscular.


Do you have a specific foreign man that you think is cool?


Will Smith.

Oh he's cool.

Any other?

One direction, all of the members.

They are so good.

They have tall nose and nice muscles.

The foreign men usually can wear clothes so tight, I envy that very much.


I am not that muscular so I feel men with more muscles are more attractive.



For muscles I want something like Cristiano Ronaldo.

They have so mach tolerance in their values. I envy that.

What do you mean?

I think in Japan we are usually narrow-minded.

I think foreign men have more chance to connect and communicate with different people with different value,

on that point, in Japan we still have lot of people judge each other by the skin colour, but not the majority

Maybe for the foreign men it's normal to think generously, but for me it's more advanced.

The tall nose.

I envy it so much.

Is that good?

I think it's so good.

Tall nose looks good and cool with sunglasses,

when it comes to Japanese, it looks only 'trying to be cool'

Beard looks good on their face

The beard?

Because they have a firm face, it looks good on them

I think I envy that.

So who looks good with the beard do you think?

Johnny Deep.

I think we think similar. They look good in suits.

Because of the height, their legs looks so long.

But doesn't suits look good on Japanese ?

No, definitly no.

There's also the shoulder width problem.

Foreign men have wide shoulders, small faces and long legs. We feel envy about that.

Thank you so much!

So, what Japanese men envy about foreign men, and many many many of the boys said

They envy how tall they are. The average Japanese man is a little bit smaller than

For example the average of American guy.

So many of the guys they said they wish they had the same height, they were a little bit taller and such.

So is there anything you envy about Japanese boys?

Anything you think, oh man, I wish I had that.

Leave us a message below, maybe they read the comment and feeling encouraged a little bit.

So, also I hope you enjoyed this video.

We asked these questions to Japanese girls.

If you are curious about what Japanese girls envy about foreign men, then be sure to click the links.

I hope you enjoyed this video, and I will catch you soon for another video on Ask Japanese! Bye!

Oh yeah, there's a Japanese men, that's the director!

For more infomation >> MALE ENVY! WHAT JAPANESE MEN ENVY ABOIT FOREIGN MEN. - Duration: 5:52.


Terrace Jams ft. Siennor - Muyal Thottam - Duration: 4:05.

Like a rabbit,

A thought hops and hops and runs.

I hopped and hopped and ran behind it.

Where is it taking me to ? Where is it dragging me to ?

I said 'let me go and see' and I went.

There came another rabbit hopping and playing inbetween.

The field is full of rabbits Herds and herds of rabbits

This is how the mind works This is human nature.

The field is full of rabbits Herds and herds of rabbits

This is how the mind work This is human nature.

If we try to control the rabbits, in the end, can we become a sage ?

But if we let them loose and observe, can we see the beauty of the universe ?

If we try to control the rabbits, in the end, can we become a sage ?

But if we let them loose and observe, can we see the beauty of the universe ?

Like a rabbit, A thought hops and hops and runs.

I hopped and hopped and ran behind it.

A thought eats you as you try to control it.

A thought is just a joy if you let it fly.

<<Spoken Word>>

Pleasure seeking Body. Pleasure seeking mind.

One of the best pleasures I've experienced is love.

All the five senses need pleasure.

For the eyes, her beauty is pleasure. For the ears, what she speaks is pleasure.

For the tongue, her kiss.

For the breath, her smell.

For the touch....

If we try to destroy pleasure, in the end, can we become a sage ?

If we embrace pleasure, can we feel the beauty of the universe ?

If we try to destroy pleasure, in the end....

If we embrace pleasure, can we feel the beauty of the universe ?

Like a rabbit, A thought hops and hops and runs.

I hopped and hopped and ran behind it.

Like a rabbit, A thought hops and hops and runs.

A thought is just a joy if you let it fly.


For more infomation >> Terrace Jams ft. Siennor - Muyal Thottam - Duration: 4:05.


CBC Here & Now Friday July 21 2017 - Duration: 1:08:02.

For more infomation >> CBC Here & Now Friday July 21 2017 - Duration: 1:08:02.


Jada Pinkett Smith Shares The Secret Of Her Lasting Marriage With Will Smith | Access Hollywood - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Jada Pinkett Smith Shares The Secret Of Her Lasting Marriage With Will Smith | Access Hollywood - Duration: 2:48.


OUR QUEST FOR YT RANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Minecraft BEDWARS maybe SKYWARS) - Duration: 2:27:07.

For more infomation >> OUR QUEST FOR YT RANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Minecraft BEDWARS maybe SKYWARS) - Duration: 2:27:07.


Trooper saves the day for three stranded young women - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Trooper saves the day for three stranded young women - Duration: 1:55.


How to use Kali Linux live usb | without installing | Hackers Operating System ! - Duration: 2:32.

Hello my future hackers I'm alpha hacker today's tutorial is all

about to download and use Kali Linux as usb live mode to do effective hacking stuffs

open your internet browser and type Kali Linux in Google

download ISO file I already downloaded it so not doing it again

insert your USB storage pendrive to write files into it download and install Rufus software to make ISO

file bootable insert ISO file

now it's ready to use I am going to restart my system

while after restart when system logo comes up press f12 key to getinto boot menu

select USB storage device options and menu now the screen will comes up

select first option for live after some loading this Kali Linux operating system

built comes up this is terminal that we use as to execute commands here all the

tools that we use for Hacking.

these are common Wi-Fi hacking tools that we use

often to hacking good luck for your hacking day and better luck see you in

next Video ;)

For more infomation >> How to use Kali Linux live usb | without installing | Hackers Operating System ! - Duration: 2:32.


Open Act: Eroica - Duration: 16:53.

Save Guys! Welcome to the "Open Act: Your Channel to discovery new Heavy Metal bands"

We come back to Argentina, to meet the Melodic Death Metal of Eroica Band

the songs came from the third full lenght's band "La oscuridad del hombre Pt.1"

And We will start the track "En lo mas profundo de la razón"

Enjoy the song!

"En lo mas profundo de la razón" of Argentine Band, Eroica

this is lineup band:

Sebastian on Vocals and Keys

Santiago on Vocals and Guitar

Fernando on Bass

Mariano on Guitar

and Gabriel on the Drums

now, the track "Esa inestable Tranquilidad"

I hope you like it, and Enjoy the song!

"Esa inestable Tranquilidad" of Argentine Band Eroica

In Capital's Argentina, Buenos Aires. the Band Eroica started your activities, in the 2000 year

The band released three demos between 2004 and 2005

in 2006 years, released the first full lenght, "En la mira del cazador"

after four years, 2010, the band released(the album) "Naturaleza Animal"

and after seven years, the band released the third album "La oscuridad del hombre Pt.1"

and, to close the video, the track "El mal sueño"

Enjoy the Song!

"El mal sueño" the Melodic Death Metal of Argentine band, Eroica

very symphaty the Argentine band, Eroica, quickly answer my invitation and send to me material to record this video

and of course, to You meet more the band, there are the Official channels of band in the video description

so, If you liked the band and video, click on "like"

subscribe, share the video and See Ya!

For more infomation >> Open Act: Eroica - Duration: 16:53.


Funny Videos of Arabic 2017 | Arabic And Inian Funny Videos - Duration: 12:50.

Please Subscribe This Channel

Like , Share And Comment This video

For more infomation >> Funny Videos of Arabic 2017 | Arabic And Inian Funny Videos - Duration: 12:50.


TYP TV Ep. 7 - MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT - Duration: 8:05.


I guess hello

Are you keeping your hat on?

Yupp. I'm gonna go with this.

Are you ging to straighten your hair???


wrong hand gesture

not cool!

For more infomation >> TYP TV Ep. 7 - MUSIC VIDEO SHOOT - Duration: 8:05.


💥SANSI BR30 30W CERAMIC LED LIGHT 🌞(250 Watt Equivalent) Review 👈 - Duration: 2:50.

Light bulbs are something most of us don't think

much, but maybe we should I got a new light here and I intend to put

it in my garage It's from Sansi

it's the BR30 which is a 30 watt ceramic LED bulb that is is the brightness level of a

standard 250 watt bulb Here's something I find really terrific about

this bulb It is expected to last 22.8 years and that

is based on an average usage of 3 hours a day

that's almost 23 years and that is incredible and I don't use the light in the garage for

3 hours a day so it might actually last much longer

so I am going to take this bulb when I move and replace it here with a standard bulb

First, I want to show you what the garage currently looks light at night.

There is only one overhead light.

With the bulb currently in place, there is not enough light to see well at night, particularly

if I need to get something out of the cabinets or shelves and certainly not enough light

to work on a car of do a project in there.

Ok, so here's the garage with the current bulb which is a 60 watt bulb and I got the

ladder out because the bulb the ceiling is so high that um actually I can barely reach

it with the ladder and that makes a longer-lasting bulb very important

I had to move the car out in order to put the ladder up

And here's the new Sansi bulb and I don't know whether

the camera picks this up accurately, but it is quite a bit brighter in here - everything

is visible this provides plenty of light enough light

to work on any kind of project um work on the car, change a tire, work under the hood

- whatever So this new bulb is going to brighten things

up considerably and make it much more pleasant coming in here at night.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 💥SANSI BR30 30W CERAMIC LED LIGHT 🌞(250 Watt Equivalent) Review 👈 - Duration: 2:50.













Tell me I didn't just see that!

Holy shit!

PSYCHO DAD strikes again!

Well, finally, some PSYCHO DAD actions.

As you may know, guys, the PSYCHO series is now in session.

Jeffrey "PSYCHO DAD" Ridgeway broke Jesse Ridgeway's camera after when he have to see both Jeffrey and Jesse's camera at the same time.

If you guys want to see that new video, it's called "PSYCHO DAD BREAKS CAMERA". It's in the description down below. Also, watch "I TOLD MY DAD THIS & HE WENT PSYCHO!". That's from BigBrudda Jeffrey "JT" Ridgeway.

So, you should watch the McJuggerNuggets's video: "PSYCHO DAD BREAKS CAMERA", and then watch BigBrudda's video: "I TOLD MY DAD THIS & AND HE WENT PSYCHO!".

Both of those videos are in the description down below.

The PSYCHO series is in session. Finally!

Well, I like the PSYCHO series. SHIT!

I fucking love the PSYCHO series.

Best part: Jeffrey "PSYCHO DAD" Ridgeway breaks shit.

Heh. Heh.

Yeah, keep at it, and the McJuggerNuggets series is back in session.

Or should I say, the McJuggerNuggets PSYCHO series is back in session.

I FUCKING love this shit!

heh. heh. heh. heh.

All right, y'all, that's all I have to show to y'all.

So, I'm getting a shout out to BigBrudda Jeffrey "JT" Ridgeway, Jesse Ridgeway of McJuggerNuggets, even KIDBEHINDACAMERA, Tony Tornado, and my pals: Tessa Huyck, Blayke Rifley, and Jasmine Richardson. And as always, keep it real. And stay in school.



For more infomation >> MCJUGGERNUGGETS PSYCHO SERIES 2 IN SESSION (259 VLOG 315#) - Duration: 3:42.


[리미트] 계란 상대방 머리로 깨기(feat.몰카) / 【リミット】一度はやってみたかったドッキリ!(許せ!!ジキョン(笑) - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> [리미트] 계란 상대방 머리로 깨기(feat.몰카) / 【リミット】一度はやってみたかったドッキリ!(許せ!!ジキョン(笑) - Duration: 8:23.


How To Make Powerful Weapon 4 Barreled Rocket Launcher at Home Using Water Pipe - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> How To Make Powerful Weapon 4 Barreled Rocket Launcher at Home Using Water Pipe - Duration: 5:32.


Extraordinary Measures: The Power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Duration: 6:55.

- Think about Sudan,

think about the Central African Republic, Rwanda,

somewhere where you have these remote villages,

and if something happens to these villages,

and no one escapes, we'll never even know

they were attacked.

Too many of these conflicts happen,

and the international community has no idea until

the refugees are able to escape the conflict

and travel for weeks to an international border.

And what we want to do, and what we've been working on,

is leveraging satellite imagery,

aircraft imagery, and drone imagery.

We think of it in terms of a continuum of collection.

If you want to do something like measure the land cover

of a park, you would use perhaps a drone,

like a quadcopter drone.

It provides very good detail,

and it can cover maybe a square kilometer.

If we're looking up something higher, say,

looking at areas that have been destroyed by a fire,

you would use a fixed wing drone.

Our fixed wing drone can cover 12 square kilometers.

So higher than that, you would use an aircraft.

And finally, the highest level would be satellite imagery.

It's coarse, but it covers the whole Earth.

- GIS is Geographic Information Systems,

and what it lends to is the spatial dimension.

So, pretty much everything has a location,

whether it's a crime, or a customer, or a patient,

or a certain species of wildlife,

you can see patterns occurring

which then helps people make decisions.

- One of the exercises we do is, for example,

to look at the distribution of a particular plant species,

such as creosote bush, and then determine from that imagery

the X and Y coordinates for the positions from

which they can figure out nearest neighbor distances,

spacings, and then they can take that same concept

and apply it to other imagery from areas they haven't been,

perhaps tropical trees and things of this nature,

where the relationships are more complex.

- We collect data, we produce algorithms,

and then we use it to address a research question.

By partnering with discipline experts,

such as environmental scientists at Keck Sciences,

we're able to leverage that data

and that analysis with their research questions.

So our students are gaining interaction across the colleges.

This could be Pomona geology,

this could be spatial statistics at Harvey Mudd College,

or most frequently, it's been environmental engineering

at the Keck Sciences.

- I see that this is kind of the wave of the future,

in terms of habitat analysis and assessment,

and monitoring the growth, or even the loss

of a certain habitat as invasive species moves in,

or edges, habitat gets lost.

I see this as a critical piece of technology

to analyze how this is working,

and in the future, be looking for operators

and people who can not just collect the data,

but analyze and interpret that data.

- What I liked about the program

was that it was actually doing GIS,

but also information technology.

GIS can be used in so many areas.

Not only, for example, in the basic ones,

like for example, environmental analysis,

but you can use it in business, marketing.

- Biology, ecology, public health, server mapping,

law enforcement, fire, it's pretty much applicable

in every different field.

I mean, I cannot think of a field where you cannot apply it.

- In the past few years, there's been a great expansion

of interest in spatial aspects

of ecology and environmental science.

Many of these tropical forest sites

in various parts of the world are quite remote,

often poorly mapped, so that the basis

of a lot of the work requires that we make our own

high-resolution detailed maps to begin with.

The Firestone Reserve is about 12 years old now.

It's owned by Pitzer College,

and was originally a tropical forest.

It became a cattle pasture in the 1960s,

then became a farm, and we acquired it twelve years ago.

It's gradually been reforested to its original state.

So, beginning a year ago, we began flying drones

to the Firestone Center to map and fine detail the nature

of that regrowth of the natural forest.

- We took really good sampling both with the drone

and with handheld GPS units

to see what land cover was where,

and then we use a land-set constellation of sensors

to go backwards in time and measure how fast the jungle

regrows to different stages of growth.

What we found was that it took about 11 years for it

to grow back from all pasture

to what we would consider to be stage four regrowth.

The research that we did has already been published.

One of my students and I,

and an environmental sciences professor, Don McFarlane,

published it a few months ago.

- In the more arid, flatter areas

of the Mojave Desert, the dominant plant species

are these small shrubs known as creosote bush,

and superficially, they appear to be just scattered

randomly on the landscape.

When they are mapped from above,

it's apparent that the distribution

of those bushes, relative to one another, is not random.

- This represents the takeoff point.

We would be sitting off to the side a little bit in a tent.

The aircraft takes off to 120 meters above ground level

and then flies to its first point.

From there, it flies back and forth

along the area that I set.

- The issue for the creosote bush is,

of course, shortage of water.

So, there's a benefit to the plants

in spacing themselves out, and they achieve that

by secreting toxic chemicals through their root systems

which diffuse out in to the surrounding desert,

and inhibit the germination of seeds of the same species.

- It's taking images so that they overlap about 60%.

What that allows for is all these images,

and there'll be several hundred,

to be combined in to one large orthomosaic.

- Those kinds of patterns of dispersion tell us

something about the biology of the organism.

For drone work, as well, the Mojave is particularly useful.

- Working as part of the Claremont University consortium

has been amazing.

There's expertise across all the colleges

that we're benefiting from.

And in fact, we're expanding our course offerings

in drones because of the demand.

Both from the Claremont Graduate University,

and the Claremont Colleges.

- To create your own experiments, gather your data,

and also analyze it using GIS,

it was pretty amazing, and it kind of opens the door

for new research questions to see what

this technology can be used for in the sciences.

They're offering another segment to the course,

and I'll probably be enrolling in that in the fall.

For more infomation >> Extraordinary Measures: The Power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Duration: 6:55.


Roblox | Welcome to Bloxburg | Simple Modern House Speedbuild | Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.

Haii! Today ill be finishing the Simple Modern House!

Hope you guys enjoy!

Thanks for watching! Subscribe, leave a comment, and like! Byeee

Also, subscribe to my best friend Glo! Her channel is called: The cool kids. I'll also add her channel link in the description below! Bye :D

For more infomation >> Roblox | Welcome to Bloxburg | Simple Modern House Speedbuild | Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.


DragonBall Multiverse Episode 16 - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> DragonBall Multiverse Episode 16 - Duration: 10:07.


Frozen Hormones EP 6 Part 1/5 (Eng Sub/click [cc]) - Duration: 14:32.

This Episode is brought you by: Emman'sTV [(/◕ヮ◕)/ Emmanuel Flores is back!]

[On Previous Episode] Last week, we watched our 3 teams battle it out to win points

in a cutthroat competition.

Raise your hand!

Ahh @!#$%#%

Come on, bear. Raise your hand.

The games are getting more and more intense.

And this week

what tasks will they face?

Part 6: Visiting the City of Onsens - Noboribetsu

and the Imaginary Couples in Sapporo

We've traveled from the Kiroro Resort

and have now arrived at Noboribetsu,

aka "Onsen Town", the most well-known spot on the Hokkaido island.

Okay everyone,

we have a new addition to our group.

May I hear a round of applause to welcome..

Kao Supassara.

She literally just arrived here.

[Please look after me]

Welcome Kao Supassara.


Right now we're heading towards "Hell Valley".

The Hell Valley, Jigokudani,

is located in Shikotsu-Toya National Park in Noboribetsu city.

It's called Hell Valley

because of the hot steam vents and pools of hot water

that are formed when heat from beneath the Earth's surface escapes.

Like Hell, which it's fiery hot and has bubbling pits of steaming earth.

How is this Hell Valley?

I don't see any signs that say so.

Weren't you listening?

Hey, Calm down, Tor. Don't get so upset.

Hey! What's that smell?

The smell is so...

You know, the name has already confused me

and now this smell...

So, people come here to smell this~?

Tor, who would come here to smell something like this?


It's the smell of sulfur.


The element that is releasing

is sulfur, see?

Look over there at that dry area, the yellowish patch there.

[Sulfur and phosphorus are here] All that is sulfur and phosphorus.

Breathing in too much sulfur is toxic, right?

Yes, it's toxic but…

Here, if it was really toxic,

they probably wouldn't have let us come in.

So, they've fenced off the area

to keep us in a safe distance.

Pat: You can walk down along this path. Michael: Ah, I see.

[What's going on down there~?]

They say that the water

is around 60 degrees Celsius.

Look…look at the steam rising…

I've got another question, Pat.

This place is called…

Hell Valley.

There are different onsen's minerals found in here

as many as 11 different kinds,

which is considered a lot.

But there's nothing we can do about it?

We can.

They have their own mineral water stream

Ton: Aha. Pat: and each one...

Ton: goes to different places. Pat: Right.

And each place will

pump the 1st type of mineral water,

the 3rd and the 5th, for example,

depending on which one the hotel pumps in.

Because this is where onsen mineral water originates from,

there are many hotels in the surrounding area.

Tourists stay at these hotels specifically to soak in an onsen.

The city of Noboribetsu is considered the "Onsen Town"

that is the most well-known in all of Hokkaido.

And now we arrived.

This well is still a small one

but it's….

as close as they'll let us get to it


over there is probably really hot.

So, they don't let us get too close to it.

Turn the camera there.

See? It's just a small spring.

But look…


It's just a small spring but...

look at all the steam it's making.

That means

it's probably really hot…

maybe around 80 or 90 degrees Celsius.

[Bubble Bubble Bubble]

The hot water boiling up

is caused by the release of thermal energy underground,

which occurs in intervals.

It really is exciting.

Because it's my first time ever seeing something like this.

It's gotta be really hot for it to boil up like that.

And now, it's gone.

I have to take some photos for Pattie first.

Smile for the camera.

That's it. Smile for the camera.


Alright.1, 2.

Keep going. I continue snapping away.

Ahem..really happy, aren't you, Gunn?

I just wanted to tell you that…

Kao looks really pretty in photos but you gotta catch her off guard!

Take it without her knowing.


[The Lure] What's up? Huh?

Yeah, you're right.

Yeah, you're right.

Wow, March that's your plan of attack, huh?


She was off guard there.

Let's check the photos.

Did they come out nice?


What was that?

Look at how precise her eyebrows are!!

It's mind blowing, Kao's technique.

Anyways, tell the other cameramen that

if their gonna take photos of her, don't tell her.

March: Gotta do it when she isn't noticing.

Tor: Right. March: Gotta do it when she isn't noticing.

What a useful technique, March.

Any words of wisdom for the young ones, Gunn?

What causes a volcano to form?

Ahh…it's caused when the Earth's surface

get's really hot, you know.


It gets so hot that a fissure forms.

Gunn: And lava inside Bank: Ohh!

generates the heat below the Earth's crust.

Oh, I get it now.

It's kinda like a pimple, right?

Hey! That's brilliant.

Yeah, it's like a pimple.

It's like one of your pimples, Bank.

There's a time when it swells up, right?


And then there's a moment..

Gunn: Yeah, when it explodes. Bank: When it pops open.

So when it gets hot enough

it pops.

The volcano erupts.

You guys explained that really well.

But Jigokudani's Hell Valley, it's not a volcano.

[Still babbling on] It destroyed homes...

Bank: Whoa! How destructive. Gunn: It destroyed everything that's in its path, Bank.

Yep, it destroyed a lot.

Yep, that's right.

I just saw someone..


I'm going to interview this person right here.

All right.

She's homeless


Yes, and now I'm here with her.

She's picking up and eating minerals off the ground.

Where did you come from, granny?


[Cough] It's so bad that she had to cover herself with an old blanket.


It's like she stole the rug from a hotel.

Just went in and stole it.

Do you know what "style" is?

I do. But you..

don't have any at all.

So, are you really using a rug as a coat, Belle?

After walking around and taking many photos,

it's now time for everyone to go check in at the hotel.

Tonight, we'll be staying at

the Mahoroba Hotel in the city of Noboribetsu.

After settling in,

everyone changed into a yukata and went for an evening stroll.


Time to wake up, Fon, Belle. It's morning already.


I'm sleepy.

So, are you wearing contacts lenses yet?

Umm, well…it's like this.

I have to wear Pearwah's and Frung's…


Frung's 450.

Pearwah's 600.

Who in the world wears contact lenses like that, huh, Belle?

No're cross eyed.


Will they get fogged up when I go to the onsen?


I thought so.

I can't go without them...I won't be able to see.

I'm ready.

I just asked Frung to come to the onsen for the first time.

Actually, she said she was too lazy to come

and I told her that she had to…that's an order.

Come on, Frung...let's go.

So, the girls are gonna go to the onsen.

Hmm…we'll have to follow and watch.

Have you ever been to an onsen?

Yeah, but not for...

like a for a long time.

When I came to Japan...

You'll have to just deal with it, Kao.

The guys like to show their affection like this.

Look Tou is jealous!

His ex with new boyfriend,

so he's a little jealous, naturally.

I'm not his new boyfriend. No.

Don't count me as one of his. No way. No.

The viewers are really into your guys characters, Bank.

Don't include me.

It's a nationwide sensation, Bank,

whether you are in or not.

I'm not.

Well, just give in Bank.

All the viewers like you two together.

Why are you looking me?

What floor are we going to, Pattie?




The guys are on B1.

Tou: Let's go to B1, Kao.

Bank: We'll get off at B2 instead.

So, let's send…send the girls first instead.

Okay, okay.

Tor: Girls, you've to go down another floor.

Bank: So, we will get out first then.

They might be troublemakers but they're true gentlemen at heart.

Letting the girls to go down the elevator first.

Claudien: Oops.

PunPun: I'll go in first.

PunPun: Let's take turns then. Praew: I'm feeling a bit shy.

Praew: I'm feeling a bit shy.

I'll go in later.

Babymild: I didn't bring anything with me.

Praew: I'm shy, but we gotta…

Kade: No worry. We all have the same parts, right?

But Babymild is with us!

Huh? So what?

I'm a girl too!

Why do you have to be shy in front of Babymild, Praew?

Babymild: But I'm shy too.

They've got a spa massage here too.

Let's get a spa massage then.

What are these two going on about?

Let's go and check it out.

Let's sneak a peek inside first.

They've now reached the onsen

which has a red sign hanging in front

with a Kanji character "onna" which means "woman" in Japanese.

Oh, that means…

we finally get to follow the girls into the onsen.

This is as far as you can go!!

Oh, Pattie…why won't you let us go in?

[No problem…We can watch the guys instead]

What are you doing here now?

We've come to soak in the onsen.

I haven't even taken a shower yet.

It's nearly…

nearly 10AM

and I haven't showered yet.

Hmm, you stink, Rolex.

Hey, Tonhon…


Are you not feeling shy?

No, I'm not shy. It's no big deal.


I'm confident.

Confident about?

Why you use the word "confident"?


I'm not sure.

We'll let the viewers decide then.

Are you sure to let the viewers decide, Tonhon?

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