Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

Inceptionism is a bizarre phenomenon that has recently popped up in the internet world.

Created by Google in 2014, it consists of dream-like hallucinogenic images developed

by a computer vision program called DeepDream.

The program uses an advanced AI system known as a convolutional neural network.

But that's not exactly a term we hear very often.

So what exactly is DeepDream and how does artificial intelligence come into play?

When you hear the word "dream", you'd be inclined to think about those vivid experiences

we manifest while we're asleep.

However DeepDream in this context, refers to a program designed to categorize images.

It's the way this machine learns.

A convolutional neural network is a specific type of AI made up of computing systems based

on the biological neural networks found in animal brains.

That is to say, they're modeled to learn in a way similar to how we learn.

The name "deep dream" comes from the concept of deep learning.

It's the process a neural network goes through to actively analyze things.

And though it has very little to do with how our own biological neurons work, we might

gain a better understanding by looking at how we learn.

Two educational psychologists by the names of Ference Marton and Roger Säljöl suggest

that we humans have two different approaches to learning: a surface approach and a deep approach.

In humans, the concept of surface learning is how we memorize parts of information that

we might be questioned about later.

In contrast, our process for deep learning involves actively searching for the meaning

of information.

In regards to machines, deep learning is more like a series of fine-tuning based on a set

of probabilities and conditions.

An algorithm.

And we see the practical uses of this sort of programming, throughout the internet.

It's how the internet detects content that might be pornographic.

Or how a YouTube video might be demonetized for using certain keywords or songs.

Another example: you might have noticed the presence of an artificial intelligence and

how it "learns" on Facebook, where AI automatically tags uploaded pictures with

the names of the people in them.

With regards to DeepDream, artificial neural networks are programmed to analyze specific

patterns within images.

They learn to recognize and identify similar patterns in other images.

And in cases where they're being trained to detect specific objects, they're exposed

to millions of images containing the desired object.

What DeepDream does is take this a step further, by repeatedly analyzing the details in an

image over and over again in multiple layers, drastically enhancing the patterns it detects

each time, until we get something like this:

So how does an AI make new visual connections to specific objects from basic patterns?

Well, you might've heard of certain songs that when played backwards or in slow motion,

have random noises or strange messages from obscure voices.

Perhaps you thought you saw Jesus in your morning toast.

Or perhaps you were looking at a forest one day and thought you saw a face lurking in

the patterns of light and shadow.

Pareidolia is the psychological phenomenon where we look at an image or we hear a sound,

and our minds interpret a familiar pattern when there isn't one.

Skeptics often attribute pareidolia for why some of us might see ghosts or even shadow people.

It's derived from the Greek words para, meaning "beside or instead of"

(in thiscase meaning something wrong), and eidolon, which is the noun for image, form and shape.

You could say that DeepDream uses algorithmic pareidolia to create these bizarre, dream-like images.

It's designed to detect faces and other patterns in images, and automatically classifies

those images within its algorithm.

And as you can see, this makes for some rather unsettling sights to behold- especially since

the AI often seems to detect target patterns within photos that aren't really there.

This all seems rather complicated though.

Why is it that these artificial visualizers tend to create objects in images

that weren't originally there?

According to a Google research blog posted by its own software engineers, when an image

is given to the neural network:

"We ask the network, "whatever you see there, I want more of it!"

This creates a feedback loop: if a cloud looks a little bit like a bird, the network will

make it look more like a bird.

This in turn will make the network recognize the bird even more strongly on the next pass

and so forth, until a highly detailed bird appears, seemingly out of nowhere."

This "over-interpretation" is similar to how we as children might watch the clouds

and interpret random shapes from them.

Since DeepDream was trained mostly on animal images, it naturally translates shapes into animals.

It's also why you might see it change a blank horizon into a city skyline, probably made of eyes.

The common presence of eyes in all animals might explain why the DeepDream seems to be

so fixated on seeing them in almost any pattern.

Neural networks seem to grant us a new channel for both creating and understanding abstract art.

When I look at the vibrant, alien-like compositions and landscapes of what these artificial minds

create- I'm reminded of the mysterious unknown prevalent in Lovecraftian lore.

The study into neural networks seems to have only just begun, but it does appear to grant

us insight into what our AI has learned about our world- as well as what that could mean

for AI advancing in the future.

And from this, we may even be able to draw parallels into understanding how our own organic

minds visualize the universe around us.

I would like to explore the powerful psychological effects these images might have on us, but

that's a video for another day.

If you'd like to learn more about this topic, I've left some neat sources in the description


And if you'd like to see what odd images the DeepDream engine sees in your photos,

you can visit the DeepDream generator which I've left a link to in the description below.

So what do you think of DeepDream?

Let me know in the comments below.

And as always, thanks for watching.

Wanna see more? Click here to checkout the official Darkology playlist!

For more infomation >> What is Google DeepDream? | Darkology #21 - Duration: 6:47.


ปล่อยให้ท้องจับฝรั่ง ปัญหาที่สาวไทยหลายๆ คนๆ ทำร้ายตัวเอง - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> ปล่อยให้ท้องจับฝรั่ง ปัญหาที่สาวไทยหลายๆ คนๆ ทำร้ายตัวเอง - Duration: 8:19.



Michael Jackson.

Austin Mahone.

Paul Mccartney.

Still very cool even when they get old.

But doesn't it suit Japanese as well?

No, definitely no.

Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese, It's Cathy Cat!

And today we are gonna go and ask Japanese boys, what they envy about foreign man.

So, let's go and ask Japanese boys!

What do you envy, when you see foreign men?

Their height, they are tall.

And also they have a nice body.

I envy about that.

How tall do you want to be?

They are usually around 180cm, I'm so jealous.

And the eyes, the colours are really cool.

They have strong features, which is nice.

What is so nice about having a strong feature?

Beard looks good and it looks more sharp

For example, who?

Gary Oldman.

Do you have any other examples?

Michael Jackson.

Austin Mahone.

Paul Mccartney.

Paul Mccartney, he's so good.

The height.

I want something more than 175cm.

I play basketball.

I was playing basketball in Canada for a period of time.

The height is alway what I envy. Such as when they dunk.

I think It's way too cool.

Do you have a specific person that you think is cool?

Can be an actor or athletes.

For the body posture, Justin Bieber.

Derrick Rose.

I think he is so cool, and he even has his own basketball brand.

First of all the height.

The eyes.

Still very cool even when they get old.

How tall you wanna be?

I am 173cm, at least I want to be more than 175cm.

I want at least 180cm.

And they also have very good style.

What kind of style do you like?

Have long legs and a good balance of body.

Also they have good bodies

They can wear the T-shirts so tight.

Very muscular.


Do you have a specific foreign man that you think is cool?


Will Smith.

Oh he's cool.

Any other?

One direction, all of the members.

They are so good.

They have tall nose and nice muscles.

The foreign men usually can wear clothes so tight, I envy that very much.


I am not that muscular so I feel men with more muscles are more attractive.



For muscles I want something like Cristiano Ronaldo.

They have so mach tolerance in their values. I envy that.

What do you mean?

I think in Japan we are usually narrow-minded.

I think foreign men have more chance to connect and communicate with different people with different value,

on that point, in Japan we still have lot of people judge each other by the skin colour, but not the majority

Maybe for the foreign men it's normal to think generously, but for me it's more advanced.

The tall nose.

I envy it so much.

Is that good?

I think it's so good.

Tall nose looks good and cool with sunglasses,

when it comes to Japanese, it looks only 'trying to be cool'

Beard looks good on their face

The beard?

Because they have a firm face, it looks good on them

I think I envy that.

So who looks good with the beard do you think?

Johnny Deep.

I think we think similar. They look good in suits.

Because of the height, their legs looks so long.

But doesn't suits look good on Japanese ?

No, definitly no.

There's also the shoulder width problem.

Foreign men have wide shoulders, small faces and long legs. We feel envy about that.

Thank you so much!

So, what Japanese men envy about foreign men, and many many many of the boys said

They envy how tall they are. The average Japanese man is a little bit smaller than

For example the average of American guy.

So many of the guys they said they wish they had the same height, they were a little bit taller and such.

So is there anything you envy about Japanese boys?

Anything you think, oh man, I wish I had that.

Leave us a message below, maybe they read the comment and feeling encouraged a little bit.

So, also I hope you enjoyed this video.

We asked these questions to Japanese girls.

If you are curious about what Japanese girls envy about foreign men, then be sure to click the links.

I hope you enjoyed this video, and I will catch you soon for another video on Ask Japanese! Bye!

Oh yeah, there's a Japanese men, that's the director!

For more infomation >> MALE ENVY! WHAT JAPANESE MEN ENVY ABOIT FOREIGN MEN. - Duration: 5:52.


[SECRET KARD_시크릿카드] Ep.8_Grow together, Enjoy together - Duration: 8:10.

SOMIN - This is called Arts District in L.A.

BM - Arts District!

BM - Lots of graffiti on walls there.

SOMIN - See there. That's really cool.

BM - That's quite cool.

BM - KARD's debut song

SOMIN - The title is 'Hola Hola'

BM - Please check it out!

SOMIN - Check it out!


J.seph - and…so on.

J.seph - I like the free atmosphere here.

J.seph - It's my style. J.seph - This kind of freedom. That's my style.

J.seph - The weather is also nice.

Photographer - Good! That's it!

SOMIN - I got these in L.A yesterday.

SOMIN - I've want to do this in other countries

SOMIN - and I've done it yesterday.

BM - Oh, oh.

BM - Look aside.

BM - Ok, okay. Oh, it's like photos on magazine.

BM - Oh my god!

BM - Oh, it's natural! Great!

SOMIN - Let me take yours.

BM - Ok! Take mine.

SOMIN - By the way, I'm not good at photograph.

SOMIN - Your hand is weird.

BM - I have little stomache.

SOMIN - Is it nice? Praise me!

Director - JIWOO comes to meet J.seph.


JIWOO - BM and SOMIN meet each other and

JIWOO - In this scene I and J.seph meet each other.

JIWOO - J.seph waits for me and I go to see him.

Director - JIWOO walks talking on the phone…Action!

Director - Turn around, and see the sunshine.

J.seph - During performances,

J.seph - JIWOO has charisma. Somewhat like girl crush?

J.seph - But she is just a cute little sister at other times.

J.seph - Isn't it? I think that is nice. That's great.

SOMIN - Oh my god!

SOMIN - You look awesome.

SOMIN - The credit is all due to him.

Director - Your outfits go well with the background.

J.seph - You mean now?

J.seph - The wall is…mint-colored.

J.seph - I like the atmosphere of freedom.

J.seph - Something like that.

J.seph - The director said we can act freely this time.

J.seph - I think it's the different point from our other music videos.

Director - You don't have to look here.

Director - Just talk to each other.

Director - Walk toward them. Action!

J.seph - What's up, what's up!

J.seph - Wait wait wait.

BM - Yeah! We're up in here!

JIWOO - For J.seph.

J.seph - I used to ask her to massage

J.seph - but these days she volunteers to do so.

JIWOO - On this region, you'll be relaxed.

JIWOO - Do not flex your arms!

Photographer - Ok! Relax yourselves.

Photographer - Ok

Photographer - Please turn your body little bit.

Photographer - No, the other way.

Photographer - Yes, great. Stay there!

Photographer - Okay, much better.

Photographer - One more time!

Photographer - Almost done!

Photographer - You doing great. Focus!

Photographer - Last! Yes, nice.

KARD - Thank you!

SOMIN - Okay, okay.

BM - Bye!

BM - I'm just kidding!

SOMIN - Both of boys are nice to me.

BM - I'm fine even if your answer is J.seph.

SOMIN - Questions like "Who is nicer?" make me in trouble.

SOMIN - No one is interested.

BM - Let's go, JIWOO! Let's go!

Director - Okay, cut! That's enough! Comeback!

Director - Just one more time.

SOMIN - Yeap! One more time!

Director - Run!

Director - Okay, done!

BM - Yeah!

SOMIN - Thank you very much!

SOMIN - Let's move on!

BM - Go go go!

BM - We've decided to go to Las Vegas.

SOMIN - Lots of people are moving.

BM - We finally arrived at Las Vegas!

For more infomation >> [SECRET KARD_시크릿카드] Ep.8_Grow together, Enjoy together - Duration: 8:10.


OUR QUEST FOR YT RANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Minecraft BEDWARS maybe SKYWARS) - Duration: 2:27:07.

For more infomation >> OUR QUEST FOR YT RANK!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Minecraft BEDWARS maybe SKYWARS) - Duration: 2:27:07.


💥SANSI BR30 30W CERAMIC LED LIGHT 🌞(250 Watt Equivalent) Review 👈 - Duration: 2:50.

Light bulbs are something most of us don't think

much, but maybe we should I got a new light here and I intend to put

it in my garage It's from Sansi

it's the BR30 which is a 30 watt ceramic LED bulb that is is the brightness level of a

standard 250 watt bulb Here's something I find really terrific about

this bulb It is expected to last 22.8 years and that

is based on an average usage of 3 hours a day

that's almost 23 years and that is incredible and I don't use the light in the garage for

3 hours a day so it might actually last much longer

so I am going to take this bulb when I move and replace it here with a standard bulb

First, I want to show you what the garage currently looks light at night.

There is only one overhead light.

With the bulb currently in place, there is not enough light to see well at night, particularly

if I need to get something out of the cabinets or shelves and certainly not enough light

to work on a car of do a project in there.

Ok, so here's the garage with the current bulb which is a 60 watt bulb and I got the

ladder out because the bulb the ceiling is so high that um actually I can barely reach

it with the ladder and that makes a longer-lasting bulb very important

I had to move the car out in order to put the ladder up

And here's the new Sansi bulb and I don't know whether

the camera picks this up accurately, but it is quite a bit brighter in here - everything

is visible this provides plenty of light enough light

to work on any kind of project um work on the car, change a tire, work under the hood

- whatever So this new bulb is going to brighten things

up considerably and make it much more pleasant coming in here at night.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> 💥SANSI BR30 30W CERAMIC LED LIGHT 🌞(250 Watt Equivalent) Review 👈 - Duration: 2:50.













Tell me I didn't just see that!

Holy shit!

PSYCHO DAD strikes again!

Well, finally, some PSYCHO DAD actions.

As you may know, guys, the PSYCHO series is now in session.

Jeffrey "PSYCHO DAD" Ridgeway broke Jesse Ridgeway's camera after when he have to see both Jeffrey and Jesse's camera at the same time.

If you guys want to see that new video, it's called "PSYCHO DAD BREAKS CAMERA". It's in the description down below. Also, watch "I TOLD MY DAD THIS & HE WENT PSYCHO!". That's from BigBrudda Jeffrey "JT" Ridgeway.

So, you should watch the McJuggerNuggets's video: "PSYCHO DAD BREAKS CAMERA", and then watch BigBrudda's video: "I TOLD MY DAD THIS & AND HE WENT PSYCHO!".

Both of those videos are in the description down below.

The PSYCHO series is in session. Finally!

Well, I like the PSYCHO series. SHIT!

I fucking love the PSYCHO series.

Best part: Jeffrey "PSYCHO DAD" Ridgeway breaks shit.

Heh. Heh.

Yeah, keep at it, and the McJuggerNuggets series is back in session.

Or should I say, the McJuggerNuggets PSYCHO series is back in session.

I FUCKING love this shit!

heh. heh. heh. heh.

All right, y'all, that's all I have to show to y'all.

So, I'm getting a shout out to BigBrudda Jeffrey "JT" Ridgeway, Jesse Ridgeway of McJuggerNuggets, even KIDBEHINDACAMERA, Tony Tornado, and my pals: Tessa Huyck, Blayke Rifley, and Jasmine Richardson. And as always, keep it real. And stay in school.



For more infomation >> MCJUGGERNUGGETS PSYCHO SERIES 2 IN SESSION (259 VLOG 315#) - Duration: 3:42.


How To Make Powerful Weapon 4 Barreled Rocket Launcher at Home Using Water Pipe - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> How To Make Powerful Weapon 4 Barreled Rocket Launcher at Home Using Water Pipe - Duration: 5:32.


Roblox | Welcome to Bloxburg | Simple Modern House Speedbuild | Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.

Haii! Today ill be finishing the Simple Modern House!

Hope you guys enjoy!

Thanks for watching! Subscribe, leave a comment, and like! Byeee

Also, subscribe to my best friend Glo! Her channel is called: The cool kids. I'll also add her channel link in the description below! Bye :D

For more infomation >> Roblox | Welcome to Bloxburg | Simple Modern House Speedbuild | Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.


Płaska Ziemia. Spójrz na niebo do cholery... - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> Płaska Ziemia. Spójrz na niebo do cholery... - Duration: 9:55.


LAURA SAD :''v - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> LAURA SAD :''v - Duration: 3:00.


Allari Naresh Movies List - Duration: 2:20.

Allari Naresh Movies List

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