Thứ Bảy, 22 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 22 2017

(Man From the Future)


I am your host, Park Seongkwang!

Don't be surprised, people.

There is a man from the year 2087

living in this year of 2017.

The world wants to know about him.

I introduce to you, the man from the future!



He's from the future!

- Good to see you. / - Hello!

Why did you hit me?

Don't misunderstand.

This is how we greet each other in the future.

- That's the future greeting? / - Yes, yes.

It's kind of offensive.

You were offended?

- Let me respectfully greet you again. / - Sure.

Good to see you.

This is similar.

What is this?

This is the respectful way to greet in the future.

- This is what they do in the future? / - Yes.

- This is respectful? / - Of course.

When they have global summit, they do this.

- Hello. / - Hello.


I guess many things change in the future.

Have a seat.

A few changes.

This is amazing.

Who is this guy who came with you?

- Who? / - Him.

This is a massager.

- He's not a person? / - It's a machine.

- Not a person? / - Right.

Wow, he really looks like a human.

He's a machine.

- Can I get a massage too? / - Yeah.

Hey, go ahead.

Get out of here.

Why did he get angry?

Artificial intelligence.

- Oh, artificial intelligence? / - Yes.

Wow, he seems so human.

He's a machine.

You're from the future but your outfit

is from the Joseon era. How strange.

They say fashion is cyclical.

This is the hottest look in the future.

In the future?

So young people wear that to Hongdae clubs?

Hongdae clubs?


There aren't clubs in Hongdae in the future?

There are many senior centers there.

Many senior centers in Hongdae?

Don't you know about NB in Hongdae?

That's one of the hottest clubs there.

No. NB.

Old folks home.

Oh, old folks home?

- I see. / - Right.

Then where do the youths of the future dance?

I'm curious.

The Osaek mineral spring in Gangwon-do.

The Osaek mineral spring in Gangwon-do?

- They dance there? / - Sure.

Everyone goes there where the pine trees are...

And grind up on each other.

They scoop up mineral water and go...

Water, water, water, water!

It's quite the scene.

I don't think you're from the future.

- You don't believe me? / - I think you're lying.

So you don't believe me?

I don't believe you.

I think you're lying.

Hey, I bet you drink water when you're thirsty.

Of course.

And that's all there is to you.

What does that even mean?

What's that got to do with anything?

We go dancing at the mineral spring.

You dance at the mineral spring wearing that?

We don't wear this to the mineral spring.

There's a separate look for that.

So... Oh!

These rolled up pants are a trend in 2017.


In the future, we roll these up all the way.

- Up higher? / - We keep rolling those.

I brought a fashionista

in case you don't believe me.

- You did? / - Yeah.

- Let's bring him in. / - Come here.

Are you greeting each other?

Is this a greeting?

- This is a greeting? / - I'm happy to see him.

So you were greeting each other.

So he's a fashionista from the future.

Go wait at the mineral spring.

- Got it. / - Yeah.

I'll be right there.

Very nice.

He was blushing. That was weird.

No, no, no.

How is he a fashionista? No way.

You don't believe me?

I don't!

You wear a hat when you don't shower, right?

Of course!

And that's all there is to you.

What does that mean?

What else would you wear?

Why are you yelling at me

when you didn't shower?

That's all there is to you.


Please answer this last question seriously.

Yeah, ask a serious question.

The Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

will start next year.

You should know the results.

- Sure. / - Tell us seriously.

Tell us if it went well.

Tell us how Korea did.

Korea wins 1st!

- Really? / - Yes.

This one athlete wins 31 gold medals.

It was amazing.

31 medals?

Who is it?

Chef Lee Yeonbok.

He was amazing.

You mean the Chinese cuisine chef?

So you know.

He wins the medals?

He swept all the medals for short track

using his sweet and sour skills.

- Amazing. / - What kind of skill is that?




At the goal, black bean!

That's how he won all the gold medals.

- Hey. / - It was amazing.

In 30 different events, he swept them all.

- 30 events? / - Yeah.

You said he won 31 earlier!

30 events make no sense!

After getting 30 gold medals,

they gave him one on the house.

It was amazing.

So who else wins medals?

Lee Sanghwa.

Now that's a proper answer.


So Lee Sanghwa wins the gold.

How many?

She wins 50.

It was amazing.

- She wins 50 medals? / - Yeah.

- One person can win 50 medals? / - Yeah.

How can one person win 50?

That's strange!

Yes, Lee Sanghwa sounds like strange.

It's really Lee Sanghwa.

It's totally Lee Sanghwa.

That's how Lee Sanghwa won 50 gold medals.

It's Lee Sanghwa.

For real.

- Get out. / - Huh?

- Get out? / - Beat it.

- Say good-bye and go. / - Alright.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Man from the Future | 미래에서 온 남자 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 5:58.


American Assassin (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 3. Uluslararası Fragman / Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> American Assassin (2017) - Türkçe Altyazılı 3. Uluslararası Fragman / Dylan O'Brien, Michael Keaton - Duration: 2:31.


Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 4:06.

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers.

This is Gag Concert's Say Anything Festival.

Whose car is license plate 0595?

Illegal parking?

It's my car.

I just said anything.

- It's the Say Anything Festival. / - Right.

Then let's meet our first contestant now.

The face completes...

Very nice on the curtain!

A ridiculous statement.

That candidate will be incomplete his entire life.

That's right. I used to be a model.

What kind of model?

A bikini model.

How sexy.

Let's meet the next contestant.

An executioner?

- He was beatboxing! / - Amazing!

Just remember 2 things in beatboxing.

- What is it? / - Vending machine, fridge.


Let's meet the next contestant.

Doctor, I've developed a sour medicine!

So sour!

So sour!

- Sour medicine! / - That's right.

That one deserves praise.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Side dish plate.

If that's a side dish plate,

her spoon must be a crane!


That contestant was very thin.

Yes, all skin and bones.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he running track?

Get on all fours properly!

He was being punished.

What did he do wrong?

♪ The crime of loving too much ♪

Lock him up!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is the pitcher watching for a sign?


He was watching his child!


Children like that always grow up to be adults.

That poor thing.

Let's meet the next contestant.

A wolf! A wolf!

- My love! / - You wolf...

So that's the wolf she meant.

- Amazing. / - A very racy statement.

Little brother!

Big brother!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he a swimmer?

Raise your hands properly!

He was being punished again!

Today is punishment day for him.

♪ Happy punishment day to you ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ Head, shoulder... ♪ Knees and toes!

Knees and toes! She couldn't touch her toes!

She absurdly lost her bottom half.

Hi! Hello.

You're good at Japanese.

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ Open the window ♪

Is it Romeo and Juliet?

- Your newspaper. / - Thanks.

He wasn't Romeo! He was a paperboy!

- Amazing. / - What kind of guy is he?

A funny guy.

Who will be the next contestant?

Is it taekkyeon?

Stop farting!

My bad.

That was so good it deserves

to be flushed down the toilet.

That stinks!

Let's meet the next contestant.

- Honey. / - Yeah?

Who's prettier? Seolhyun or me?

He pleaded the fifth!


Yeongjin, who do you think is prettier?

Song Yeonggil.


From the Say Anything Festival

this has been caster Ida Daussy...

And commentator innovative city.


For more infomation >> Say Anything Festival | 아무 말 대잔치 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 4:06.


Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 1:15:09.


The war has finally started.

To my 100,000 soldiers...

Everyone, charge!

Let's go!

Hey, get over here.

Hey, hey!

You all only pretended to come along.

What are you doing?

Come on, let's go.

I'm not going.

Hey! What do you mean you're not going?

- What is it? / - I'm not going.

Get over here!

You have to go. This is a war!

We have 100,000 soldiers in our army.

Nobody will know if I don't show up.

They'll know!

Then let me write a letter to my parents first.


We can wait for that.

My parents...

They raised me with so much love.

An ink stone...

No ink is coming out.

- It's adzuki bean jelly. / - What the...

You couldn't tell it was jelly.

- It was natural. / - Don't be ridiculous!

I can't eat this now!

This came out!

I'm this adzuki bean jelly.

What do you mean?

I'm staying out of this too.

Get over here.

I'm not going.

I'll go.

You're supposed to go.

A martial artist should die on the battlefield.

Let me just bring some rations

to share with my comrades.

Sure. When you're at war,

it's important to stay fed.

Are you starting to make it now?

That's going to take forever!

What the... What is this?

- For lunch. / - I see.

What's that for?

- For dinner. / - Okay.

What's that for?

- For a gift. / - A gift?

Are you bringing gifts for the enemy?


- Whatever! / - Whatever...

What is that for?

- G-Dragon. / - What the...


He's just trying to buy time

because he doesn't want to go.

You scum!

Guess I have to start over again.


I'll stab all these scum

and fight the enemy until my last breath!

So courageous!

So brave!

- That was so obvious. / - I'm dead.

People don't die from that.

Stop messing around and stand up, Yeonggil.

I am not Yeonggil.

Then who are you?

The late Yeonggil.

Oh, come on!

It's so obvious you don't want to go.

No, it wasn't obvious at all.

It was very natural. The late Yeonggil.

- Be quiet and come with me. / - Hold on.

Hold on.

- I'll give you this. / - What's this?

Can I stay now?

This is...

You're giving me gold bars?

These are adzuki bean jelly.


You couldn't tell.

- It was natural. / - But...

Hey, pass me a jelly.

This looks good.

Hey, I thought you were dead.

My mouth is still alive!

Oh, geez!

We need to hurry and go.

Why is he crying?

Why are you standing here crying?

- Are you thinking of your parents? / - No.

- Do you miss your wife and kids? / - No.

Then why are you crying?

I really don't want to go.

Forget you. I don't need a coward like you.

Don't go. Just don't go.

Stop crying. You're not going.

Why are you crying when I told you not to go?

I want some of that jelly too.

Here. Eat it.

Why are you crying when I gave you jelly?

It's so sweet.

Give me a break!


- It's our soldier and he's injured! / - Oh, no!

Help us.

Don't you feel anything seeing this injured soldier?

He got hurt risking his life for his country!

Don't you feel anything seeing this soldier?

I feel better now that he's out of sight.

Why did he even show up?

- I feel better. / - Since you can't see him?

- That wasn't obvious. / - Forget you all.

I'm going to cut you all down and go by myself.

Especially you. I'm cutting you down first.

Why is it me again?

You always pick on me!

Step aside.

Everyone, gather.

Gather around.

We'll play the word linking game

and loser has to go.


Crying won't save you.

If you lose, you have to go. Got it?

The word linking game.

You start.

- Audio. / - Audio.


- Audio. / - Audio.


- Audio. / - Audio.


- Audio. / - Audio.


- Audio. / - Geez!

- Audio. / - Audio.

- Audio. / - Hey!

- Be quiet! / - Audio.

You guys planned this so you don't have to go.

Then I'm playing too.

Go ahead and start.


- Audio. / - Audio.

- Audition. / - Audition...

- You changed it up. / - Can you think of a word?

If not, go.


Oh, come on!

Why are you crying out of frustration?

What is it now?

There is no word that links with audition.

I'll go!

Who are you?


A war isn't just won with strength.

- You must use your head. / - That's true.

Through art of disguise,

I'll mix poison into the enemy's wine.

That's a great plan.

What kind of disguise?

A courtesan.

General, General.

Tonight, I'm all yours.

Dang it!

Bring the large straw cutters!

He's gone now.

(Man From the Future)


I am your host, Park Seongkwang!

Don't be surprised, people.

There is a man from the year 2087

living in this year of 2017.

The world wants to know about him.

I introduce to you, the man from the future!



He's from the future!

- Good to see you. / - Hello!

Why did you hit me?

Don't misunderstand.

This is how we greet each other in the future.

- That's the future greeting? / - Yes, yes.

It's kind of offensive.

You were offended?

- Let me respectfully greet you again. / - Sure.

Good to see you.

This is similar.

What is this?

This is the respectful way to greet in the future.

- This is what they do in the future? / - Yes.

- This is respectful? / - Of course.

When they have global summit, they do this.

- Hello. / - Hello.


I guess many things change in the future.

Have a seat.

A few changes.

This is amazing.

Who is this guy who came with you?

- Who? / - Him.

This is a massager.

- He's not a person? / - It's a machine.

- Not a person? / - Right.

Wow, he really looks like a human.

He's a machine.

- Can I get a massage too? / - Yeah.

Hey, go ahead.

Get out of here.

Why did he get angry?

Artificial intelligence.

- Oh, artificial intelligence? / - Yes.

Wow, he seems so human.

He's a machine.

You're from the future but your outfit

is from the Joseon era. How strange.

They say fashion is cyclical.

This is the hottest look in the future.

In the future?

So young people wear that to Hongdae clubs?

Hongdae clubs?


There aren't clubs in Hongdae in the future?

There are many senior centers there.

Many senior centers in Hongdae?

Don't you know about NB in Hongdae?

That's one of the hottest clubs there.

No. NB.

Old folks home.

Oh, old folks home?

- I see. / - Right.

Then where do the youths of the future dance?

I'm curious.

The Osaek mineral spring in Gangwon-do.

The Osaek mineral spring in Gangwon-do?

- They dance there? / - Sure.

Everyone goes there where the pine trees are...

And grind up on each other.

They scoop up mineral water and go...

Water, water, water, water!

It's quite the scene.

I don't think you're from the future.

- You don't believe me? / - I think you're lying.

So you don't believe me?

I don't believe you.

I think you're lying.

Hey, I bet you drink water when you're thirsty.

Of course.

And that's all there is to you.

What does that even mean?

What's that got to do with anything?

We go dancing at the mineral spring.

You dance at the mineral spring wearing that?

We don't wear this to the mineral spring.

There's a separate look for that.

So... Oh!

These rolled up pants are a trend in 2017.


In the future, we roll these up all the way.

- Up higher? / - We keep rolling those.

I brought a fashionista

in case you don't believe me.

- You did? / - Yeah.

- Let's bring him in. / - Come here.

Are you greeting each other?

Is this a greeting?

- This is a greeting? / - I'm happy to see him.

So you were greeting each other.

So he's a fashionista from the future.

Go wait at the mineral spring.

- Got it. / - Yeah.

I'll be right there.

Very nice.

He was blushing. That was weird.

No, no, no.

How is he a fashionista? No way.

You don't believe me?

I don't!

You wear a hat when you don't shower, right?

Of course!

And that's all there is to you.

What does that mean?

What else would you wear?

Why are you yelling at me

when you didn't shower?

That's all there is to you.


Please answer this last question seriously.

Yeah, ask a serious question.

The Pyeongchang Winter Olympics

will start next year.

You should know the results.

- Sure. / - Tell us seriously.

Tell us if it went well.

Tell us how Korea did.

Korea wins 1st!

- Really? / - Yes.

This one athlete wins 31 gold medals.

It was amazing.

31 medals?

Who is it?

Chef Lee Yeonbok.

He was amazing.

You mean the Chinese cuisine chef?

So you know.

He wins the medals?

He swept all the medals for short track

using his sweet and sour skills.

- Amazing. / - What kind of skill is that?




At the goal, black bean!

That's how he won all the gold medals.

- Hey. / - It was amazing.

In 30 different events, he swept them all.

- 30 events? / - Yeah.

You said he won 31 earlier!

30 events make no sense!

After getting 30 gold medals,

they gave him one on the house.

It was amazing.

So who else wins medals?

Lee Sanghwa.

Now that's a proper answer.


So Lee Sanghwa wins the gold.

How many?

She wins 50.

It was amazing.

- She wins 50 medals? / - Yeah.

- One person can win 50 medals? / - Yeah.

How can one person win 50?

That's strange!

Yes, Lee Sanghwa sounds like strange.

It's really Lee Sanghwa.

It's totally Lee Sanghwa.

That's how Lee Sanghwa won 50 gold medals.

It's Lee Sanghwa.

For real.

- Get out. / - Huh?

- Get out? / - Beat it.

- Say good-bye and go. / - Alright.

Thank you.

(Acting Idols)

Today's audition is for

the movie about a Chinese food fanatic

that hunts down all the great restaurants.

We'll start the audition for

"You are my noodles."

First candidate, come on in.


I'm a rookie actor, Kim Hoegyeong.

I believe that the set-up is key in acting.

Yes, the set-up is very important.

What kind of act did you prepare?

I'll play a cold-blooded killer.

A killer. Great.

Ready... Action!

So you're the client?

I'll handle everything.

Did you bring the $20,000 in cash?

What's your phone number?

Why are you asking for the phone number?

The set-up is that I'm getting him a cash receipt.

Why would you do that?

- You have to eliminate your target. / - Yes.

I'll end him with one shot of this gun.



Dang it...



- Dang it... / - Does the target keep moving?

The set-up is that I forgot what 1 is in English.

It's one!

Why would you forget that?

Hurry and handle the target.


I'll make him die for sure.


Here's a luxury purse,

a luxury bag,

luxury shoes...

- Luxury watch. / - What are you doing?

I'm trying to make him die of happiness.

That's not how you kill someone!

You're out. Go sit down.

Coming up with strange set-ups...

Next candidate, come on in.

I don't see Nami Oh today.

What's this?

Excuse me.

That wasn't scary at all.


I'm a Hollywood actress, Nami Oh.


You're out.

I came from shooting a movie in Tokyo.

How do I look? Bet you didn't recognize me.

I could tell just from your mouth.

This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They call me a goddess!

More like a female ghost.

I'll show my acting.

- Don't. / - Here I go.

Can you show me the script?

A scene where I'm on a date with my crush.

Just a moment.

Okay! Action.

Taehun, it's my dream to be a celebrity.

When do you think I'll be on TV?

Your top half is on.

Now, your bottom half needs to show.

Come on! You jokester.


Should I tell you a surprising story?

I don't get surprised that easily.

Go ahead.


- I've always liked... / - Don't say it!

♪ I have peace like a river ♪

Taehun, what was that?

All I thought about was meeting you for a meal,

a movie, shopping and...

- Go on a date with you! / - You talk so much.

- Hold on... Mute. / - You...

Much better.

She was talking so much.

This is much better.

What is it?

You can say just one thing.


This is Hollywood!

If you do this, the guys go crazy!

They love it!

They say I'm cool!

This isn't cool, this is bone-chilling.

You're out! Go sit down.

Stop overacting and go sit down.

Just go.

What are you...

Why are you going in reverse?


- You're parked now. Stay still. / - Okay.

Last contestant, come on in.

Ma'am... What brings you here?


I'm an actress of 40 years. I'm Kim Jeongja.

We're sorry but the only roles we have left

are unnoticeable roles

like a lady at an alumni meeting.

There are no unnoticeable roles in acting.

No matter how unnoticeable the role,

you give it your all

so that the audience applauds you.

This is the spirit of acting.

I am merely a seal performing a show.

Ball, ball.

Oh, here's a ball.



Now that they've clapped for me,

I'll act as the lady at the alumni meeting.

Gosh, Mija!

You got so pretty!

Boksun, you got so skinny!

Geumja, you were the pretty one.

You're still the same!

What about me?

What about me?


Congratulations on being pregnant?

This is my stomach!

I'm not even married!

How dare they?

Ma'am, please calm down.

Your acting is too heavy.

There is no such thing as too heavy in acting.

I was clearly expressing

the strong pride of the lady

who would dress from head to toe

in luxury brand knockoffs.

This is the spirit of acting!



I get it.

Please show us the scene of the lady

at the alumni meeting reuniting with

her first love.

- 3, 2, 1... / - Start!

Acting doesn't come out just because

you shout out start.

Acting comes out when you beat

all your competitors and

you're chosen first for the part you wanted.

I am merely

a rider enjoying a car game.

What are you doing?

I got hit by a water balloon.

Just wait 2 seconds.


Since I was the 1st choice for this role,

I'll act as the lady at the alumni meeting.

Hold on...

My old crush, Daegeun is coming.

How's my makeup?

Gosh! Daegeun.

I've really missed you!

You brought flowers for me?

Let's see...

What's this?

"Thank you, teacher?"

Hey! I wasn't your teacher!

What? You thought I was the principal?

The principal was a man!

(Say Anything Festival)

Hello, viewers.

This is Gag Concert's Say Anything Festival.

Whose car is license plate 0595?

Illegal parking?

It's my car.

I just said anything.

- It's the Say Anything Festival. / - Right.

Then let's meet our first contestant now.

The face completes...

Very nice on the curtain!

A ridiculous statement.

That candidate will be incomplete his entire life.

That's right. I used to be a model.

What kind of model?

A bikini model.

How sexy.

Let's meet the next contestant.

An executioner?

- He was beatboxing! / - Amazing!

Just remember 2 things in beatboxing.

- What is it? / - Vending machine, fridge.


Let's meet the next contestant.

Doctor, I've developed a sour medicine!

So sour!

So sour!

- Sour medicine! / - That's right.

That one deserves praise.

Good job! Stamp, stamp!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Side dish plate.

If that's a side dish plate,

her spoon must be a crane!


That contestant was very thin.

Yes, all skin and bones.

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he running track?

Get on all fours properly!

He was being punished.

What did he do wrong?

♪ The crime of loving too much ♪

Lock him up!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is the pitcher watching for a sign?


He was watching his child!


Children like that always grow up to be adults.

That poor thing.

Let's meet the next contestant.

A wolf! A wolf!

- My love! / - You wolf...

So that's the wolf she meant.

- Amazing. / - A very racy statement.

Little brother!

Big brother!

Let's meet the next contestant.

Is he a swimmer?

Raise your hands properly!

He was being punished again!

Today is punishment day for him.

♪ Happy punishment day to you ♪

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ Head, shoulder... ♪ Knees and toes!

Knees and toes! She couldn't touch her toes!

She absurdly lost her bottom half.

Hi! Hello.

You're good at Japanese.

Let's meet the next contestant.

♪ Open the window ♪

Is it Romeo and Juliet?

- Your newspaper. / - Thanks.

He wasn't Romeo! He was a paperboy!

- Amazing. / - What kind of guy is he?

A funny guy.

Who will be the next contestant?

Is it taekkyeon?

Stop farting!

My bad.

That was so good it deserves

to be flushed down the toilet.

That stinks!

Let's meet the next contestant.

- Honey. / - Yeah?

Who's prettier? Seolhyun or me?

He pleaded the fifth!


Yeongjin, who do you think is prettier?

Song Yeonggil.


From the Say Anything Festival

this has been caster Ida Daussy...

And commentator innovative city.


(Quiz Cafe)

An intense game of wits with

a prize of $1 million on the line.

I'm the host of the quiz show Quiz Cafe,

Seo Taehun.

Will someone win the $1 million today?

Today's contestant is comedian Yoo Minsang!



Good to see you.


- It's good to see you. / - Good to be here.

Before we start the actual quiz,

we'll have a warm-up quiz.

Guess the animal cry of the animal on screen.

- That's easy. / - Let's start!

What sound does a chicken make?


Cock-a-doodle-doo. Correct.

What sound does a cow make?

- Moo. / - Correct!

What sound does a pig make?


I didn't even say anything.

That's very good.

I didn't even say anything!

An angry pig.

Are you teasing me?

- Correct. / - Hey!

What's correct?

We'll start the actual quiz now.

The first question

is about sports.

Here are the options.


Kim Yuna.


Park Jiseong.


Park Chanho.

- Korea's heroes. / - Here's your question.

Of the following,

who doesn't have

what it takes to be Korea's hero?

Go ahead!

Are you nuts?

You're having trouble. Just relax

and pick the one who's not quite Korea's hero

but just Korean.

- How could I pick that? / - Go ahead!

This is...

My head is spinning...


- So double axels, Kim Yuna? / - No, no, no!

You talk too much.

You mean Park Chanho who talks a lot?

No! Stop putting words in my mouth. No.

Go ahead.


- 2... / - I can't do this.

I really can't do this. I'm sorry.

It's Jiseong?

So it's Park Jiseong?

That's who you picked.

Minsang, I don't understand

why you picked Park Jiseong.

- Me? / - But unfortunately, you're incorrect.

So what's the answer?

We'll move on to the next question.

You're all watching the man

who claims that if he played soccer for a living,

he'd be a better player than Park Jiseong.

- It's clumsy Yoo Minsang. / - I'm not clumsy.

I'm sorry.

- It's pork hocks Yoo Minsang. / - Hey!

This next question

will be given by KBS announcer Park Sora.

Hello, everyone.

I'm KBS announcer Park Sora.

- Minsang, nice to meet you. / - Hello.

So here's your question.

According to a survey,

this is what women want in a husband.

A humorous and kind man

that makes over $49,970 a year

and at least 178cm in height.


All of those things describe me.

Why are you tearing that?


Why would you throw it out?

Minsang, this is your first question.

That was the... That's the second one!

The first question is about blind dates.

I would never go on a blind date with you.


What's your problem?

I'd never go on a blind date with you either!


Sora, congratulations.


Hey! Hey!


What is this?

Thank you...

- For this priceless gift. / - What's that?

To all the women, you can do it too!

- Hey! / - Hang in there!

Thank you! Thank you!

- Stop messing around! / - Thank you!

- Give me a break... / - How touching.

I'm a man yet I'm very envious of Sora.

What does that mean?

Here's your next question.


Choose the best place for

Minsang to spend the rest of his life.


The base of the IS, Raqqa, Syria.



Aoji mines of North Korea.

You want to get rid of...


North Korea's Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.

- What? / - Pick the place you'll spend...

The rest of your life!

You're always trying to send me away.

None of these places are livable!


- Aoji? / - No, no!

- You said Aoji? / - No! Not that.

Hold on. 1 and 2 are places

a person can't live in.

So you'll choose 3, Palace of the Sun?


That place is where Kim Jongil

and Kim Ilsung were.

You look kind of like them.

No! What are you saying?

Minsang, unfortunately you are incorrect.

Then what's the answer?

- We'll move on to the last question. / - Hey!

Will he win the $1 million?

I'll give him the last question now.

If another statue was built in Gwanghwamun,

who would it be a statue of?


Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

- Hey! / - 2.

Ito Hirogumi.


They're all Japanese!

- 3 is Korean. / - Oh, okay.

3. Lee Wanyong.


- Go ahead. / - Hold on!

Hold on.

Isn't that me?

Nothing looks wrong to me.

This is wrong!

- Go ahead. / - Everyone...

3 looks wrong.

3 is wrong.

He betrayed his country!

- He's a bad person! / - No!

Stop hitting the face. It hurts my face.

Stop it. 3 is me.

- It's you? / - Yeah.

- You betrayed your country? / - No!

I am not a traitor.

3 is a photo of me.

Don't use my photo for such things.

I'm sorry.

You're very good at Japanese.

Don't be ridiculous!

Go ahead and answer. 3...

- 2... / - None of these make sense.

Since 3 is my face,

build a statue of me then.

- We should make a statue of you? / - Preferably.

Right in front of Kumsusan Palace of the Sun

where you'll spend the rest of your life.

What are you saying?

Are you saying like this?


As you can see,

the one all the way on the left is Minsang.

I'm in the middle!

Unfortunately, you do not win $1 million.

Next episode...

We'll have the great comrade Yoo Minsang

who wishes to spend his remaining years

in North Korea.


(Idiotic Robot)

Where did Jinho-bot go?

Jinho-bot, Jinho-bot!

Did you call, master?

I have no emotions.

I am Jinho-bot.

I do not have a heart.

I do not have a heart.

I do not have a heart.

Master, what's with your outfit?

My outfit?

I'm going to enter a hip hop audition.

- Hip hop audition? / - Watch.


What was that?

Why'd you laugh at me? Do you know hip hop?

Master, I am a robot

so I have no interest in hip hop.

Yeah, what would you know?

Go do the dishes.

Yes, master.

The dishes...

♪ Why do I always have to do them? ♪

♪ My life is totally crappy ♪


What was that?

Hold on.

That sounded like rapping.


But with rap skills like that

you won't even get past the preliminaries.

I won't get past the preliminaries?

♪ You can just go to hell ♪

What are you saying?

Master, the basis of hip hop is dissing.

Dissing? Oh, please. You did that on purpose.

I did not.

Gosh! Now I'm really mad.

I'm getting so angry!

You've become undisciplined.

Stand here with your hands up!

Raise them properly.

Master, I am a robot so

my arms will never get sore.

Yeah? Then...

Here... Here...

You should be okay holding this up.


This is not tiring.

Do you want to apologize or not?

I... I'm... Sorry...

What did you say?

I... I'm... Sorry...

Speak properly!

I said that all for you.

I hate you, Master!


He's rebelling now?

That was just the wind.

Why you...

Trying to save face...

Get over here.


Hi, honey.

Did your move go well, honey?

Sure. I finally live alone!

- Ole! Bravo! / - Oh, yes!

- Ole! Bravo! / - Hold on...

- Hey. / - Bravo!


Why are you so happy? Move it.

Honey, pick anything you need in my home.

I'll give it to you as a gift for moving out.

- Really? / - Yes.


The air conditioner.

I lost to an air conditioner. That really stings.

Serves you right!

Honey, I'll get you a new one as a gift.

- Really? / - Sure.

It's probably from all that unpacking...

- But don't I smell like sweat? / - No, you don't.

I need some perfume!

What the...


Perfume mode.


What are you doing?

What are you doing, honey?

Who sprays perfume like this?

This is how I keep the scent faint.

Oh, come on! Stop that.

Spray that on things that stink.

What are you doing?


Honey, look at the time.

I have to go home and finish unpacking.

Then I'll go with you

and help you unpack at your place.

I can just ask my robot to do it, honey.

- Let's go. / - Let's go.

Why would you tag along?

Miss Somi likes me more.

I'm her boyfriend!

You stay out of this.



Yes. Oh, really?

You'll send a moving robot?

Thank you!

A moving robot?

What is this?

What is this?

What is this?

Who is this guy?

What would you like help with, master?

I have much to unpack at home.

Let's go to my place for now.

Moving mode.

- Gosh! / - What the...

I'll help you all night, master.

Let's go!

- What the... Honey! / - Let's go!

What are you saying?

My parents told me to break up with you.

I'm really sorry to say this but...

My parents said that if I go to college,

I could meet a ton of girls prettier than you.

I'm sorry.

Good job.

Let's eat.

But dad...

When did you meet mom?

In college.

(We Need to Talk 1987)



Are you okay?

Get up.

They're after us!

We have to run for cover!

Let's hide!

- Get them! / - Get them!

Stop! Get them!

Get them!

We're good.

You can come out.

Thank you.

- Are you okay? / - Yes.

What school do you go to?

I am...

Gag University,

class of 83, Kim Daehui!

I am...

Gag University,

class of 87, Shin Bongseon!

Nice to meet you.

- You go to my school. / - Yes.

- Class of 1987? / - Yes.

You're a freshman.

What's a freshman doing

at this dangerous place?

You look like you can throw some rocks.

Good work. Let's go.

Let's get some soup and soju.

I don't drink.

What kind of man can't drink soju?

I'm a woman.

It isn't muscle?

So... What's your major?

Architecture? Engineering?

I'm a dance major.

Trading major?

A dance major.

Korean dance?


Did you take a few years off?

I'm a freshman.

Oh, right.

A dance major? That's great.

You should arrange a big meet-up

between my department and yours.

I bet there are a lot

of pretty girls in your department.

As you can see from me...

There are so many pretty girls.

What is she babbling about?

What was that?

Nothing, nothing. Let's go.

Here we are.

This is the cussing granny's soup joint.

I'm a regular here.

The food here is great.

Let's get some soup. Sit down.

I'll just go wash my hands.

Shouldn't you wash your face?

Stop joking...

It wasn't a joke.

Ma'am, ma'am.

I want a bottle of soju.

I'm a customer here.

I'm sorry.

Granny! Granny!

Gosh! Coming...

The old lady isn't here. It's her daughter.

Where did the old lady go?

She went far away.

Maybe she went to see the flowers.

Did she go to Seoul?

- Two soups and a bottle of soju please. / - Sure.

You're back.

So... Do you like soup?

This is my first time trying it.


Why? This stuff is delicious.

- Since I'm in ballet... / - Quiet.

- I have to stay fit... / - Shut it.

- If I eat things like this... / - Don't want to hear it.

- My professor will yell at me. / - I will as well.

It's true though...

Here's your soup.

Thank you.

Let's eat.

Oh, right.

Keep your promise.

Set my department up with your department.

Since we're talking about it,

how about having it in 2 days?

How about the day after tomorrow night?

- I can't in 2 days. / - Why not?

I'm going to Seoul.

- Seoul? / - Yes.

I'm going to a natural farm with my family.

Then I guess you won't be there...

- If we all meet up in 2 days. / - Right.

Then let's have it in 2 days.

I should slap him.

What was that?



Here you go.

No. I really don't drink.

It's alright. Have some.

Even smelling soju makes me pass out.

I can't.

We drink soju

because we live in a crazy world!

We can't live life sober!

That's why we drink.

- Got that? / - Yes.

Take some.

For prosperous Korea

and to our youth!




Let's all get together in 2 days.


That's the stuff.

He's kind of cute.


When we all meet up,

you'll become my man.

Got it?

Ma'am, another bottle of soju!

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)


- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.


We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

- Can just one of you talk? / - Okay.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Who is it?

Someone to care for you?

Someone to love you?

Someone that can lift you?

Guys always stare whenever we walk by.

It's hard not to stare.


You answer this as a guy.

Who among us is the prettiest?

- Me? / - Me?



I'm not trying to be funny.

People say I'm the prettiest.

Even my mom said so.

Why are you circling me?

Where are you going?

Myeonghun, do you want to get in trouble?

- Why? / - Why?

I told you not to like me.

- I'll kill you. / - I'll kill you.

I'll kill you.

Why did you steal glances at my legs

when I was wearing a miniskirt?

Did you fall for me?

Hey, are you going to keep acting like a loser?

You going to keep acting so lame?

Do you want to join my soccer team?

For real. Come to a game.

Do you work out separately?

Why do you keep circling me?

Why are you sitting?

Guys, congratulate me.

I think I'll kiss a movie star

that I have a crush one.

- I'm so envious. / - I'm so envious.

So disgusting.

Who is it?

Nobody asked.

Jung Woosung.

Jung Woosung.

When we were on a date yesterday,

people crowded around

so he grabbed my hand and ran.

Like a scene from a movie.

"Before Sunset?"

"Lala Land?"

"Planet of the Apes?"

You need to wax your arms.

People might think you're an ape.

This is...

You really shouldn't sit on me.

I've never experienced this.

- What happened? / - What happened?

You didn't finish a meal?

I went hiking recently.

You can barely walk up a step.

Keep going then.

I got tired from hiking up the mountain

so I asked a guy for water.

He gave me food and water

and ran away in embarrassment.

What was he thinking?

This woman is charming.

This woman is perfect.

This woman is a mountain bandit.

Were you wearing leopard print?

I feel like your necklace will explode.

Get a bigger one.


Let's all go clubbing this weekend.

Alright, I'll seduce the guys there.

I'll also seduce them.

Then I'll cuss at you.

So how do you get a guy to like you?

Should I let down my hair?

Should I unbutton my shirt?


Should I release the hounds?

(My Mother-in-law is Strange)


I think you spent too much on me for dinner.

Oh, come on.

Of course I'd spend that much on you.


I think I really married the right man!

I'm so happy.

Want me to make you happier?

Close your eyes.

Here comes the train.

Choo! Choo!


My son!



What the...

I think that train was moving too fast.

I almost couldn't stop it.

How did you get in here, mom?

You're all grown up, my son.

Seeing you act all grown up

makes me a bit sad.

You're all grown up.

Oh, hello, mother.

What brings you here without even calling first?

Yeah, a mother-in-law just

popping into the home

of a newlywed couple.

I'm sure you're disgusted.



Are you saying I'm right or not?

What was that?

Mother, I'm sure you're hungry.

I'll fix you something to eat right now.


You just got here and wanted to relax

but now you have to cook for me?

I'm sure you're disgusted.


What the...

Are you going to feed me or not?

- Have a seat... / - Hey!

Why you...

I took in the likes of you...

You take your mother-in-law for a fool?

What did I tell you?

She has the face of a husband tormentor!

I don't like her! I don't like her!

Mom. Mom, stop it.

- My puppy! / - Stop it.

My puppy! Gosh, my puppy.

My puppy.

- Grandma! / - My puppy!

My little puppy!

My puppy!

My little puppy.

You should act cute for your grandma.

How sweet!

Hold on. Let me give you some pocket money.

- Where did I put it? / - Grandma...

- Where is it? / - Hold on...

Hold on, grandma.

Here it is.

Take it. Good boy.

Very good.

Thank you.

- My puppy... / - Father...

I mean, mother...

Mother, what brings you here

without even calling?

What do you mean what brings me here?

I have to call to come see my grandson?

No, no.

Why are you here?

You're making them uncomfortable!

- I was just curious. / - Me too.

- Very good. / - Why's the weather so hot?

It's so hot!

Hot, hot, hot!

- Am I the only one? / - I'm hot too.

I'm hot too.

- Let's all sit. / - Yes.

Gosh, it's so stinking hot.

- Daughter-in-law. / - Yes, yes.

Get me some cold water.

- Yes, mother. / - Good.


Get me some cold water.

I asked you to do it, not her!

Yes, yes.

But I asked my daughter-in-law to do it.

I asked my daughter-in-law as well.

Hold on.

- Here's your water, mother. / - It's too salty.

- What? / - What?

You haven't even tried it yet.

It's still salty.

- It's just plain water. / - It's still too salty.

Your face looks salty!


- Grandma. / - My puppy.

Some water.

How sweet.

So sweet.

Sweet, salty, sweet, salty!

My puppy...

How did you know grandma was thirsty?

You asked for it.

How did you know grandma was hot?

It's summer as anyone can see.

I'm hot, you're hot, we're all hot...

Is it your birthday?

Why do you keep flapping your mouth?

- Why do you keep butting in? / - I'm sorry.

Keep quiet or I'll beat you!

- I'm sorry, mother! / - Grandma.

Grandma, it's been long

since we were all together.

Let's all go to the sauna.

- Sauna? / - No, Munjae.

Grandma is too scared to go to saunas.


Last time I went to a sauna,

I turned the faucet to turn on the water.

Then water as cold as ice came down.

I almost died of a heart attack.

Who would set it on cold water? How rude.

Who was it?

It was me? I did it?

I secretly followed my mother-in-law and

since I didn't know which shower she'd use,

I set all 47 showers on cold water. Is that it?

That's being ridiculous.

- You don't know that! / - What the...

What's your problem?

This is what's wrong with her.

Always talking back!

You never say you're sorry.

- No, I didn't do anything... / - I'm so angry!

- Hey, hey. / - Grandma.

Only I can fix this.

Mother, please calm down.

- It was all my fault. / - As long as you know that.

Now I feel better.

I never should've taken in

an uneducated daughter-in-law.

- Geez! / - Mother...


That was harsh!

My mom is a mother-in-law now.

You always gave her a hard time.

You should be nice to her now.

I'm sorry about all that.

I tend to have mood swings

now that I've aged.

Last time, I had a dream

and someone kept waving to me to come.

I was so scared.

Mother, I've never seen you act so weak.

Mother, who wants to take you away?

Who do you think?

Me? It's me?

Mother, don't take me away!

- Hey! / - I'm scared!

They're so strange!

(Blushing Old Age)

I'm going to win 1st in

the senior citizen center art contest.

I guess nobody else is participating.

Move it!

Lower your gaze. Lower your gaze!

Hey, he looks like a new guy.

He wants to enter the art contest, so arrogant.

To get all the old ladies.


What is it?

So you can hear.

Get over here.

I'm warning you.

Don't enter the art contest.

We're both old men.

Why are you grabbing my shirt?

So you don't have age spots.

What are you saying?

- Let me go. / - No.

- Let me go. / - No!

You won't? Then I'll do this.

So you don't wear dentures.

Of course I don't wear dentures.

I'm going to practice drawing. Don't bother me.

I'm going to draw this lion,

my grandson's favorite.

Hey, have you ever seen one in real life?

I've seen one at the zoo.

I meant have you seen the Grim Reaper?

How can I see the Grim Reaper in real life?

I see him often.

Even yesterday.

Yeonggil, just go with the Grim Reaper

since he went through the trouble.

You just don't get me

but you take the Grim Reaper's side?

You need a beating.

Yeonggil, please be merciful.

I have no mercy.

I'm angry so...

- Bring my daughter's shoes. / - Her shoes?

Hammer, let's do this.

That stings!

That's enough.

We'll poke a hole through him.

See that? This is how scary we are.

So you just go home.

I'm entering the contest.

- Go home! / - I'm entering the art contest!

- Hey! / - What the...

Only I'm entering this art contest!

Only I'm entering this art contest!

Only I'm entering this art contest!

Why do you keep repeating yourself?

I don't remember talking.

How can you enter the art contest

with that memory?

Just get lost.

Get lost?

It's an art contest so let's compare drawings!

Alright. Skinny, show them your skills.

- Spike, draw. / - Okay.

- Both of you try drawing him. / - Alright.

He sure looks easy to draw. Go ahead.

Good. Keep drawing.

- Yeonggil. / - What?

This is the best I can do.

He just drew a stick figure!

You win.

His hands don't tremble.


Is that supposed to be a flower?

Alright, I'd better take action myself.

Time to draw.

Yes, this looks good.

I'll draw this pretty flower.

This scent...

Go ahead and let out a sneeze.

Go ahead.




You old fool...

Nobody even did anything to you.

Why couldn't you sneeze?

We promised to get along.

Get up.

Get up!

Hello, sirs.

I'm the model for today's art contest.

Right this way. I have flowers for you.

You old fart!

(Bongsunga School)

Bongsunga School is back.

Hello, I am the teacher of Bongsunga School.

I'm Kim Daehui. Good to be here.

- Did you have a nice week? / - Yes!

Great. So who wants to talk first today?

Who are you guys?

We're from "Produce 101."

"Produce 101?"

I haven't seen you on TV.

That's right.

We didn't make the cut to be in the 101.

102nd, 103rd, 104th.

Don't get nervous because of all the people.

Enjoy this!

Let's greet them.

Hi, I'm Ryu Samuel.

Hi, I'm Song Daniel.

Hi, I'm the lucky one.

Jang Obok!

Did you hear my decibels?

You'll never get on my level.

Because with those faces...

You can't!

Why couldn't you boys get in the top 101?

We wrote our real ages by accident

on the application form.

- 34. / - 39.


I didn't have correction fluid so I used my spit

and the paper tore.

Since you're here...

Idols all have something up their sleeve.

Show us your cute side.

- Song. / - Ryu.

Hey, man! Stop staring at me.

Your radiant face

is going to blind me.

I don't think so, murderer!

Your killer smile

is going to kill many.

Give me a break!

No matter how hard you try, with those faces...

You can't!

Look what I do.

Everyone, you're saved in my heart!

Get a haircut.

Slice some melon, slice some pear.

I should slap you.

Don't hit me in the face.

I have a shoot tomorrow.

You finally got a gig?

What's the shoot for?

A CT scan.

I have degenerative arthritis.

- Do you guys want to come? / - No.

Then the first one to get treatment...

♪ It's me, it's me ♪

You're not doing it with me?

♪ It's me ♪

- ♪ It's me, it's me ♪ / - Go sit down.

Sit, sit.

- ♪ It's me, it's me ♪ / - Alright, go sit.


Who wants to talk next?

Hi, everyone!


These days guys that live alone

are more popular than handsome guys.

I live alone! I'm Honnam!

People seem to look at guys that

live alone with pity.

I feel sorry for couples.

I feel sorry for couples like this. Hey, man.

Why would you spend the money

you earn on some girl?

I spent the money I earned on myself!

Spend more.

You need to spend a lot more. Like all of it.

What are you saying?

Let me tell you how great it is to live alone.

When couples go on dates,

they fight over where to go.

- Where should we go? / - Anywhere.

- Myeong-dong? / - Not somewhere crowded.

- Hangang? / - But it's so hot out!

- How about a movie? / - Again?

Then where should we go?


I ought to punch you!

You can go to all those places if you live alone.

So I went to Hangang Park in Yeouido

and rode the duck boat alone.

- You rode the duck boat? / - Yes!

Don't you need two people to make it go?

That's why I kept turning in one direction.

On my 72nd rotation...

I got sunstroke.

When I came around and opened my eyes...

I floated all the way to Anyangcheon.

You sure went far.

But it's fine!

- I got to do what I wanted to! / - Okay.

- I love living alone. / - Oh, come on.

You should find a girl to date.

- And even get married. / - I just don't get it.

What's so great about marriage?

Living alone is great.

If you live alone,

you can sleep in on your day off

and nobody says a thing!

You wake up at 2 p.m.

Yet nobody says a thing!

Even if you go back to sleep...

Nobody says a thing!

Even if you don't make your bed,

nobody says a thing!

That's how great it is to be single.

I bet you're envious sometimes.

Sometimes, I'm envious of single guys like you.

I bet!

- I want to sleep in on the weekend. / - Right.

But my cute kids wake me in the morning.

When I say I'm tired, my kids go...

"You're tired, dad?"

♪ Hang in there, dad ♪

They're so noisy when they sing.

And my wife would grill fish

even when I have no appetite.

She'd sit right next to me, cramping my space,

remove all the bones and serve me the fish.

It's so frustrating!

Can you talk about it a bit more?

You seem frustrated but

I felt a warmth in my heart.

It felt so warm. Tell me a bit more.


- I bet you're lonely. / - Yeah.

You can hang out with me.

- Where should we go? / - Anywhere.

Stop that!

Let's start class now.

- Let's look at the problems for math. / - Math?

The first question...

256 times 735 is?


An Gongsik! Precisely!

Teacher, I can't stand not being precise.

- Alright, have a seat. / - Sorry for shouting.

The second one is a bit tough.

7 squared times 9 squared

times 8 squared is what?


What was that?

An Gongsik! Precisely!

- Teacher. / - Yeah.

I can't stand not being precise.

- My name is An Gongsik. / - Alright.

- Teacher, I have a question. / - Go ahead.

There's a question here that isn't precise.

Let me see.

Mother gave Cheolsu $2 in pocket money.

If Cheolsu spends $1 on chips,

how much money does Cheolsu have left?

- What? / - What's wrong?

- What about this? / - It's so imprecise.

How so?

What chips did he get?

You can't buy chips with $1 these days.

It's so imprecise.

That's true but it's just a question...

Let me explain this simply.

Look. I'm your mom.

Don't be ridiculous.

Let's just say he is!


Let's just say I'm your mom. So I'm your mom...

That's not my mom's voice.


Alright, alright.


I am not Cheolsu. I'm Gongsik.

Let's just say you're Cheolsu!

Let's just say you're Cheolsu.

Got it?

I'm giving you $2 in pocket money.

Say that after you give it to me.

- Alright! / - Give it to him!

Hold on!

- Here's $2. / - There.

Cheolsu, here's $2 in pocket money.

Use $1 to buy a snack.

So much do you have now?


Yes! Correct!

- Nice! / - He did it.

I got through to him.

Give me the money back now.

- The money is gone. / - Why?

I just gave it to you.

Cheolsu has the money.

That's smart.

Alright! Fine, you keep it. Just keep it!

Thank you.

Teacher, I have another question.

This time Cheolsu's mom gives...

- Cheolsu $20,000... / - Oh, come on!

Sit down!

- A repeat offender! / - Sit down!

He almost got you.

How frustrating...

You're so weak for a man!

- Say it with me. Man! / - Man!

- Man! / - Man!

Who are you?

The strong man, Gangnam.

Kids these days are so weak

just like these guys!

I didn't say anything.

You can't be this weak.

Kids these days need to be strong!

Look at this.

Cute Bonobono.

- How cute. / - Bonobono is too weak!


This is why he's not as popular as

as Turning Mecard! Because he's weak!

You're right.

Look at this facial hair.

His facial hair is too weak!


His facial hair should be powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

- Bonobono is like a wild man! / - Man!

His eyes should be powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

Bonobono says, "What you looking at?"

- He's a man that picks fights! / - Man!

Lastly, let's change the cute clam

into something powerful!

- Man! / - Man!

- Bonobono, a man that's been to jail! / - Man!

You can't even call him Bonobono.

He's inmate 3424!

- Now this is a man! / - Man!

- Go sit down. / - My turn is done, man.


Who wants to talk next?

I will survive.

I will survive.

What the...

I will survive.

I will survive the nature!


I love the nature and I live in the mountains.

My name is Hyeran and my surname is Tae.

I'm Tae Hyeran!

- Tae Hyeran. / - Yes.

- You're a woman, right? / - Yes! I'm a woman.

I see.

How did you decide to live alone

in the mountains as a woman?

There's a sad story behind that.

Since I'm at the age to get married,

my family kept pushing me to get married.

- So I went on a few blind dates. / - I see.

But none of them called me back.

I even tried getting cosmetic surgery...

But I just wasted money and humiliated myself.

That's why I started living in the mountains.

The mountains took me in without

any questions!

The mountains don't discriminate!

I see...

Try this.

This looks like a rare medicinal herb.

There are medicinal herbs everywhere.

If I stick a shovel in the ground...

- Wild ginseng pops up. / - Really?

- Eat it without brushing off the dirt! / - Okay...

That's it.

- What is it? / - Are you okay?


- Your vision isn't starting to get hazy? / - No.

So those are edible.


The ones with wide leaves won't kill you.


- Hey. / - Yes.

You try eating this.

- What is it? / - It's very good for men.

Become a strong man!

I don't have a use for this.

Yeah? That's too bad.

What the heck is this?

She just slapped him.

- Just like that... / - I didn't even say anything.

Who wants to talk next?


Mr. Principal.

Hello, Mr. Principal.


People come first.

I am the new principal of Bongsunga School.

I'm the 19th principal,

Moon Gyojang.

Thank you.

Daehui, I hear you have 3 daughters.

Yes, that's right.

I'm a father of 3 girls.

You've done a great service for the country

as we're experiencing low birth rates.

Can you try a little harder?

You mean have more kids?

I've been clipped.

Daehui, getting unclipped is first.

Very nice!

What a close couple!

It must be tough to study in this hot weather.

- Dear. / - Yes.

I prepared some fruit salad

with all sorts of goodies.

Have some.

It's filled with goodies.

- First... Affles. / - Apples.

- Watermewon. / - Watermelon.

- Apwicot. / - Apricot.

I love you.

Could I tell a funny joke as you...

- Enjoy the fruit salad? / - Sure.

Listen carefully.

What happens if Jessica Alba works hard?

I give up.

She becomes Jessica Regular Employee.

How funny!

You're so humorous!

Jobs come first.

I'll try to make everyone regular employees.

Please make more people laugh.

Please continue to be funny.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Please continue to be funny.

Please continue...

He'll be around forever.

Amazing visuals.

Principal Moon, I'll save you in my heart.

So funny!

We can only laugh.


Your outfit is so pretty.

- Do you like this? / - Yes.

- Then you can have it. / - You're giving it to me?

- Gosh... / - Take it.

This looks really nice too.

- Do you like this? / - Yes.



I don't think I can give you this.

Should we go shopping for your clothes

on the way home?

I love shopping!

Installment payments first.

So frugal!

I love you.

Good-bye, Principal Moon.

Our principal...


Anyone else have to talk?

- We're done, right? / - Yes.

What the...

Are you afraid of the unknown future?

I'll gather, gather and gather my power

to shed light on your future!

Who are you?

Are you the skilled prophet, Shinbong fairy?

You were right about our viewer ratings

last episode.


She's feeling it!

I'm getting a feeling.

I feel a strange energy.

How dare you show yourself here?

What is it?

You're not even human and

you dare show up in front of me?

- Go! Get out of here! / - What is it?

Stay away... Stay away!


- Stay away! / - Something is possessing her!

What is it?

I got a mosquito in my dress!

- I'll scratch you. / - It bit my back.

This stinking mosquito...

Bit right through my dress.

I'm feeling something.

You two.

- You're a couple. / - What's going on?

Break up now.

- That's what's good for you two. / - Why?

Don't have that man by your side.

Don't regret it later and break up now!

Why? Does that man have bad energy?

What is it?

He's just my type!

Good luck.

Don't look so happy next to another woman!

It makes me so jealous!

I can't do it... I can't get married!



You'll also never marry!

I never said anything!

So anyway...

Don't you have a question for me?

I do!

I want to be in the top 101

but I just can't make it.

Is there another way?

Another way...

It's coming to me as a song.

- 7856. / - 7856?

- Yoon Jongshin's... / - "Rebirth!"

♪ I feel like I was born again ♪

Be born again!

I hope everyone that watches Gag Concert

will become very, very fortunate!

For more infomation >> Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 [ENG / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 1:15:09.


Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 4:10.

(Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun)


- Myeonghun. / - Myeonghun.


We're friends, right?

- Right? / - Right?

- Can just one of you talk? / - Okay.

- Okay. / - Okay.

Who is it?

Someone to care for you?

Someone to love you?

Someone that can lift you?

Guys always stare whenever we walk by.

It's hard not to stare.


You answer this as a guy.

Who among us is the prettiest?

- Me? / - Me?



I'm not trying to be funny.

People say I'm the prettiest.

Even my mom said so.

Why are you circling me?

Where are you going?

Myeonghun, do you want to get in trouble?

- Why? / - Why?

I told you not to like me.

- I'll kill you. / - I'll kill you.

I'll kill you.

Why did you steal glances at my legs

when I was wearing a miniskirt?

Did you fall for me?

Hey, are you going to keep acting like a loser?

You going to keep acting so lame?

Do you want to join my soccer team?

For real. Come to a game.

Do you work out separately?

Why do you keep circling me?

Why are you sitting?

Guys, congratulate me.

I think I'll kiss a movie star

that I have a crush one.

- I'm so envious. / - I'm so envious.

So disgusting.

Who is it?

Nobody asked.

Jung Woosung.

Jung Woosung.

When we were on a date yesterday,

people crowded around

so he grabbed my hand and ran.

Like a scene from a movie.

"Before Sunset?"

"Lala Land?"

"Planet of the Apes?"

You need to wax your arms.

People might think you're an ape.

This is...

You really shouldn't sit on me.

I've never experienced this.

- What happened? / - What happened?

You didn't finish a meal?

I went hiking recently.

You can barely walk up a step.

Keep going then.

I got tired from hiking up the mountain

so I asked a guy for water.

He gave me food and water

and ran away in embarrassment.

What was he thinking?

This woman is charming.

This woman is perfect.

This woman is a mountain bandit.

Were you wearing leopard print?

I feel like your necklace will explode.

Get a bigger one.


Let's all go clubbing this weekend.

Alright, I'll seduce the guys there.

I'll also seduce them.

Then I'll cuss at you.

So how do you get a guy to like you?

Should I let down my hair?

Should I unbutton my shirt?


Should I release the hounds?

For more infomation >> Myeonghun, Myeonghun, Myeonghun | 명훈아, 명훈아, 명훈아 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 4:10.


1 हफ्ते में 5 से 10 इंच बाल कैसे बढ़ाये | HOW TO GROW HAIR 2-4 INCHES WITHIN 10 DAYS - Duration: 3:44.

How to grow hair faster from our best home remedies like Flax seeds, amla, aloevera gel

In this video i tell you Hair Growth Tips in Hindi making 2-4 inches of hair in 7 days

thanks for watching our Best STOP HAIR FALL to FASTER HAIR GROWTH TREATMENT video


For more infomation >> 1 हफ्ते में 5 से 10 इंच बाल कैसे बढ़ाये | HOW TO GROW HAIR 2-4 INCHES WITHIN 10 DAYS - Duration: 3:44.


Tristana Full Ap 😍 - Tristana Montage 2017 | League of Legends - Duration: 11:21.

For more infomation >> Tristana Full Ap 😍 - Tristana Montage 2017 | League of Legends - Duration: 11:21.


The Search For The Dankest Meme In The World | Maxwell - Duration: 4:41.

For more infomation >> The Search For The Dankest Meme In The World | Maxwell - Duration: 4:41.


We Need to Talk 1987 | 대화가 필요해 1987 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 7:56.

What are you saying?

My parents told me to break up with you.

I'm really sorry to say this but...

My parents said that if I go to college,

I could meet a ton of girls prettier than you.

I'm sorry.

Good job.

Let's eat.

But dad...

When did you meet mom?

In college.

(We Need to Talk 1987)



Are you okay?

Get up.

They're after us!

We have to run for cover!

Let's hide!

- Get them! / - Get them!

Stop! Get them!

Get them!

We're good.

You can come out.

Thank you.

- Are you okay? / - Yes.

What school do you go to?

I am...

Gag University,

class of 83, Kim Daehui!

I am...

Gag University,

class of 87, Shin Bongseon!

Nice to meet you.

- You go to my school. / - Yes.

- Class of 1987? / - Yes.

You're a freshman.

What's a freshman doing

at this dangerous place?

You look like you can throw some rocks.

Good work. Let's go.

Let's get some soup and soju.

I don't drink.

What kind of man can't drink soju?

I'm a woman.

It isn't muscle?

So... What's your major?

Architecture? Engineering?

I'm a dance major.

Trading major?

A dance major.

Korean dance?


Did you take a few years off?

I'm a freshman.

Oh, right.

A dance major? That's great.

You should arrange a big meet-up

between my department and yours.

I bet there are a lot

of pretty girls in your department.

As you can see from me...

There are so many pretty girls.

What is she babbling about?

What was that?

Nothing, nothing. Let's go.

Here we are.

This is the cussing granny's soup joint.

I'm a regular here.

The food here is great.

Let's get some soup. Sit down.

I'll just go wash my hands.

Shouldn't you wash your face?

Stop joking...

It wasn't a joke.

Ma'am, ma'am.

I want a bottle of soju.

I'm a customer here.

I'm sorry.

Granny! Granny!

Gosh! Coming...

The old lady isn't here. It's her daughter.

Where did the old lady go?

She went far away.

Maybe she went to see the flowers.

Did she go to Seoul?

- Two soups and a bottle of soju please. / - Sure.

You're back.

So... Do you like soup?

This is my first time trying it.


Why? This stuff is delicious.

- Since I'm in ballet... / - Quiet.

- I have to stay fit... / - Shut it.

- If I eat things like this... / - Don't want to hear it.

- My professor will yell at me. / - I will as well.

It's true though...

Here's your soup.

Thank you.

Let's eat.

Oh, right.

Keep your promise.

Set my department up with your department.

Since we're talking about it,

how about having it in 2 days?

How about the day after tomorrow night?

- I can't in 2 days. / - Why not?

I'm going to Seoul.

- Seoul? / - Yes.

I'm going to a natural farm with my family.

Then I guess you won't be there...

- If we all meet up in 2 days. / - Right.

Then let's have it in 2 days.

I should slap him.

What was that?



Here you go.

No. I really don't drink.

It's alright. Have some.

Even smelling soju makes me pass out.

I can't.

We drink soju

because we live in a crazy world!

We can't live life sober!

That's why we drink.

- Got that? / - Yes.

Take some.

For prosperous Korea

and to our youth!




Let's all get together in 2 days.


That's the stuff.

He's kind of cute.


When we all meet up,

you'll become my man.

Got it?

Ma'am, another bottle of soju!

For more infomation >> We Need to Talk 1987 | 대화가 필요해 1987 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 7:56.


Bier aus Papierflaschen?: Verpackungen aus Pappe und Pilzen | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> Bier aus Papierflaschen?: Verpackungen aus Pappe und Pilzen | Galileo | ProSieben - Duration: 10:14.


The potential of Fantasy Strike (Turn YouTube subtitles on) - Duration: 7:47.

The array of fighting games to choose from nowadays is full of heavy hitters

in terms of graphics, intellectual property, flashy combos, large casts of characters, and so on.

Backed by millions of dollars in both development and marketing.

A new, small contender that doesn't bring anything unique to the table,

can easily end up being overlooked and forgotten.

It may not be obvious at first what a smaller scale game such as Fantasy Strike has to offer,

that we can't already get from the usual big names in the genre.

But it does have something unique that allows it to achieve things other fighting games can't,

and it lies mostly in the controls.

Fantasy Strike's controls are so simple, that it's hard to believe they are made for a fighting game, rather than some 2D action platformer.

And a fighting game that's controlled like that is probably too simplistic to be interesting, right?

Fortunately, the game was carefully designed in order to deliver a full fighting game experience with these controls.

That means that there are no moves without a use,

as every normal, special, and super you can do, on the ground and in the air, serves some important role.

Like in other fighters, some moves serve more than one role.

For example, a close-range normal that is also an anti-air,

or an attack special that also functions as a mobility tool.

Special moves are done without joystick motions, and are balanced around it.

For example, invincible moves have drawbacks to balance their instant execution:

Slower startup, self damage, unusable while walking forward, cooldown, etc.

The game has a large buffer window which repeats your button presses for eight frames,

making it easy to perform reversals and combos.

The life bar is divided into blocks, representing the small number of hits your character can take in a round,

and the ideal, strongest combos are as simple as doing two to three button presses,

so even a new player has the ability to punish unsafe moves and capitalize on correct decisions.

So the game gets rid of the first wall of execution (special move motions),

and the second wall of execution (combos, reversals, and game specific techniques).

This benefits both beginners and veterans.

Beginner players get to bypass these two execution walls,

and jump straight to the phase where they can immediately experience the decision-making and tactics.

Of course, being a real-time action game,

there's still a requirement for some other aspects of execution if you want to do really well,

but it's now deep inside the more advanced stage, that is inherently more fun.

Every veteran fighting game player out there stuck it out through the two walls of execution

because they really liked the game's graphics, or characters, or community, or some other motivating factor that worked for them.

But there are a sea of people who try to get into the genre, then quit,

because they didn't have a motivating factor to help them conquer the two walls of execution.

Fantasy Strike lets them experience the more fun stage of a fighting game IMMEDIATELY.

This is strong motivation to stick around and improve, and may even help scenes for other fighting games.

If Fantasy Strike can show people who avoided fighters how fun and deep the genre can be,

these players will seek out more games to learn.

But what about previous games that tried similar things, like Divekick and Rising Thunder?

Well, Divekick is a good game in its own right,

but it doesn't exactly provide the same feel that you usually get from a fighting game.

Rising Thunder was discontinued, so it's currently a non-existent game anyway,

but even so, it removed joystick motions for special moves while keeping everything else,

including the execution requirements - The second wall.

Fantasy Strike seems to have found a happy medium, which simplifies the controls a lot,

while still keeping enough of what makes a fighting game feel like a fighting game.

Veteran players don't usually have a problem with joystick motions,

but they can still benefit from a game that removes the second wall.

Normally, veterans of different games can't really play against each other

without one having to catch up in the others' game.

But in Fantasy Strike they can immediately express their general level of play in fighting games,

and enjoy high-level matches against each other, instead of being restricted to each game's own player-base.

All of this is amplified by the game being built from the ground up to support GGPO rollback netcode,

and having several unique modes planned to spice up the usual single-player and online versus.

Last but definitely not least, the game highly resembles the Street Fighter 2 titles in its back-to-basics approach,

which may cater to some players' personal preference.

Street Fighter 2 had extremely basic mechanics compared to modern games,

but it worked wonderfully, because these basic tools were effective and well balanced.

Later Street Fighter titles constantly added new mechanics in order to attract players to the latest product,

but they also weakened the basics to justify the existence of new mechanics.

When they included flashy new ways to deal damage, they reduced the effectiveness of basic techniques.

When they included dashes, they reduced the walking speed to encourage dashing, and so on.

The result was always a slightly different game, but not necessarily a superior one,

which is why older Street Fighter titles' tournament scenes survived for so long.

So it's refreshing to have a game where the basics matter as much as they did in Street Fighter 2.

In Fantasy Strike, a single fireball does roughly 17% damage,

and every simple combo does twice or thrice that amount.

So now you'll really feel it when you play sloppy and make mistakes.

The game has more rounds in a set to compensate for the smaller life bars,

but winning around still puts both players on even footing to start the next.

So while it's back-to-basics, these basics matter a lot more now.

We strongly encourage you to support Fantasy Strike's crowdfunding campaign on 'fig'.

There's a link in the description.

Notice that unlike other crowdfund campaigns,

the higher pledge tiers here will allow you to start playing the game's latest build offline and online as soon as the campaign ends,

assuming it successfully reaches the goal and gets the funding.

The $49 tier grants one such early access key,

and the tier above it gives you two of these early access keys instead of one.

Here at chemical lovers, we're excited for the game, and believe its approach benefits beginners and veterans alike,

easing execution requirements while retaining the depth, and the fun of other fighters.

We think that it brings numerous benefits to you as an individual player and to the scene as a whole,

so we'll be very happy if you can support and help the campaign reach its goal.

As always, thank you for watching, and if you liked what you saw, please subscribe for more videos.

For more infomation >> The potential of Fantasy Strike (Turn YouTube subtitles on) - Duration: 7:47.


WHEN TA 18 [SET 3 FULL HD] | Love Story 3 | 3D Production - Duration: 24:35.

For more infomation >> WHEN TA 18 [SET 3 FULL HD] | Love Story 3 | 3D Production - Duration: 24:35.


Technical Sagar Vs Dr RANN | My Smart Support ! Please Stop - Duration: 12:32.

Technical Sagar Vs Dr RANN | My Smart Support ! Please Stop

Technical Sagar Vs Dr RANN | My Smart Support ! Please Stop

For more infomation >> Technical Sagar Vs Dr RANN | My Smart Support ! Please Stop - Duration: 12:32.


Klein-Hamburg, Klein-Köln in Schorndorf? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Klein-Hamburg, Klein-Köln in Schorndorf? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:42.


Blushing Old Age | 볼빨간 회춘기 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 4:13.

(Blushing Old Age)

I'm going to win 1st in

the senior citizen center art contest.

I guess nobody else is participating.

Move it!

Lower your gaze. Lower your gaze!

Hey, he looks like a new guy.

He wants to enter the art contest, so arrogant.

To get all the old ladies.


What is it?

So you can hear.

Get over here.

I'm warning you.

Don't enter the art contest.

We're both old men.

Why are you grabbing my shirt?

So you don't have age spots.

What are you saying?

- Let me go. / - No.

- Let me go. / - No!

You won't? Then I'll do this.

So you don't wear dentures.

Of course I don't wear dentures.

I'm going to practice drawing. Don't bother me.

I'm going to draw this lion,

my grandson's favorite.

Hey, have you ever seen one in real life?

I've seen one at the zoo.

I meant have you seen the Grim Reaper?

How can I see the Grim Reaper in real life?

I see him often.

Even yesterday.

Yeonggil, just go with the Grim Reaper

since he went through the trouble.

You just don't get me

but you take the Grim Reaper's side?

You need a beating.

Yeonggil, please be merciful.

I have no mercy.

I'm angry so...

- Bring my daughter's shoes. / - Her shoes?

Hammer, let's do this.

That stings!

That's enough.

We'll poke a hole through him.

See that? This is how scary we are.

So you just go home.

I'm entering the contest.

- Go home! / - I'm entering the art contest!

- Hey! / - What the...

Only I'm entering this art contest!

Only I'm entering this art contest!

Only I'm entering this art contest!

Why do you keep repeating yourself?

I don't remember talking.

How can you enter the art contest

with that memory?

Just get lost.

Get lost?

It's an art contest so let's compare drawings!

Alright. Skinny, show them your skills.

- Spike, draw. / - Okay.

- Both of you try drawing him. / - Alright.

He sure looks easy to draw. Go ahead.

Good. Keep drawing.

- Yeonggil. / - What?

This is the best I can do.

He just drew a stick figure!

You win.

His hands don't tremble.


Is that supposed to be a flower?

Alright, I'd better take action myself.

Time to draw.

Yes, this looks good.

I'll draw this pretty flower.

This scent...

Go ahead and let out a sneeze.

Go ahead.




You old fool...

Nobody even did anything to you.

Why couldn't you sneeze?

We promised to get along.

Get up.

Get up!

Hello, sirs.

I'm the model for today's art contest.

Right this way. I have flowers for you.

You old fart!

For more infomation >> Blushing Old Age | 볼빨간 회춘기 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 4:13.


Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Black Plastic Headlight Bezels (1997-2006 TJ) Review & Install - Duration: 2:34.

There's really only one piece of chrome, or even shiny metal, on your TJ when it rolls

off the assembly line, and that is your headlight bezels.

And whether you're going for a blacked out look, or you just don't like that one piece

of chrome, blacking out your headlight bezels is definitely going to be a popular buy.

Today we're gonna talk through the installation of these bezels, which is a very simple one-out-of-three

wrench install.

You will have these installed on your Jeep in under a half an hour with just a screwdriver,

but we'll talk more about that in just a second.

Now, you can always pull those factory bezels off, paint them, [inaudible 00:00:34] them,

bedline them, do any number of things to darken them down.

But, if you want to keep your factory bezels so you can go back to the factory look if

you ever want to, or if you're just not interested in spraying your own, these are going to be

a bolt-in option that are going to be black through and through.

You're not going to have to worry about them chipping.

And, for around $30, they're a pretty good buy.

When you buy these bezels, you are going to get a pair; of course, one for your left and

one for your right headlight.

These are going to be a black plastic material that is UV treated, so it's not gonna fade

in the sun and crack or break down in those UV rays, and they are molded after those factory

bezels so, again, all you need to do is remove the factory ones, pop these ones in their

place, and the install's gonna be very simple.

So, to get these installed, again, it's a very simple one-out-of-three wrench installation

that won't take you more than a half hour to complete.

All you'll need is a screwdriver to remove the screws holding your factory bezel in place.

Once you pop that bezel out, pop the new one in place, replace the screws and you're finished.

Rinse and repeat on the other side and, again, if it takes you a half hour to install these,

it took you a long time.

This is very, very simple.

These bezels come in at a little over $30, and there are some other ones on the market

that might be a few dollars more.

These are going to be a quality part.

They fit well, they're just like the factory ones but black, so they're gonna do exactly

what you want them to do.

In my opinion, it doesn't make too much sense to spend more.

This is gonna be a pretty good buy.

So, if you want to get rid of those chrome headlight bezels but you're not interested

in painting, you'd rather just swap them out for ones that are black through and through,

and you have $30 to spare, I think this is gonna be a mod right up your alley.

So, that's my review of the Rugged Ridge Black Plastic Headlight Bezels, fitting all 1997-2006

TJs, that you can find right here at

For more infomation >> Jeep Wrangler Rugged Ridge Black Plastic Headlight Bezels (1997-2006 TJ) Review & Install - Duration: 2:34.




A ruptured tympanic membrane is certainly a problem,

but with proper treatment it can heal spontaneously and uneventfully,

allowing us to return to our beloved diving activity about 40 days later.

Remember the following:

1. Keep away water from your ear (no diving-ear plug during shower)

2. Do not blow your nose or equalize

3. Take a broad spectrum antibiotic for 10 days.

4. Have your ear checked by a specialist before resuming diving

For more infomation >> PHORCYS UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES - EPISODE#24 - Duration: 10:40.


《被你的目光擊中/キミの瞳にヒットミー》我這個人很簡單的,只要有OO就OO│體驗版 EP.1 - Duration: 21:56.

For more infomation >> 《被你的目光擊中/キミの瞳にヒットミー》我這個人很簡單的,只要有OO就OO│體驗版 EP.1 - Duration: 21:56.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 063 If You Don't Speak the Language You Don't Get What You Want - Duration: 4:58.

Today's topic: If You Don't Speak the Language You Don't Get What You Want

Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author of Your Own Story and this is your daily growth hack

where each day will give you a tip trick or insight to help you up level what we

call the five to thrive as your mind your body your soul your relationships

and your business earlier this year I went down to Columbia I went down to

Columbia for a spiritual experience went down W do a yah-hey in the middle of the

Amazon jungle an amazing experience in something that I recommend many people

not to everybody but too many now while I was down there I was trying to

communicate with my broken Spanglish the best that I could and often times it

would lead to miscommunication and I wasn't able to actually get what I

wanted actually get the end result that I wanted because I couldn't speak the

language this is partially the reason that I've set the goal and I made a

public announcement that I'm going to learn to speak Spanish I've taken five

years in school but I don't really speak the language I haven't put forth the

study these later years of my life now what does this mean what does this have

to do with the story or the daily growth acts well this also applies with your 5

to thrive no where else do not speak the language so in your body do you not

understand the physiological terms necessary to get your end results can

you not pick up a label and read it to see what's healthy and what's not you

know where are you not speaking language what about your business your finances

you know when I talk to a lot of business owners about their finances as

soon as I bring up financial terms you can see their eyes just go ahead and

shut back into their heads they roll back and they glaze over they don't want

to deal with it and they wonder why their business is failing no I was there

too so I actually went out and made flashcards of financial terms because

it's something I hadn't studied before I really looked I started reading The Wall

Street Journal I started asking people I know who were fluent in the language of

Finance different terms different keys just so I could understand how to manage

my business and manage my money in relationships you know with my wife I

had to learn to her language her love language but also

the language that communicated to her you know early on a relationship we were

getting an argument as all couples do and she would say you're just not

hearing me or I just don't feel heard Doug and I would be like geez I'm

telling you exactly what I'm seeing or exactly what I want and why are you

understanding me it's because I didn't speak her language

I didn't at that time know or take the time to learn her language now it's six

years later and I can speak her language fluently and I do it often this not only

every time we get into an argument or an upset allows us to clear it up in a

flash you know that's of advantage of speaking

someone else's language but this also occurs with spirituality you know

whether if you're a Muslim if you're a Jew if you're Christian or if you're

just a spiritual person who loves to meditate do you speak that faith or that

religion or that spirituality practice do you speak the language and if not why

not my guess is is that you're stalling

because you're not speaking it fluently now this is just like my experience in

Colombia or just like my experience with Spanish there are times where I just

really don't want to study but I'll put on a song or in Spanish I'll put on

something else because you've got to do the work you

have to do the work that get fluent and to get that fluency you also need the

practice any language so I'm going to ask you today to pull out your journal

where in your mind your body your soul your relationships and your business are

you falling short because you don't speak the language you don't speak the

language that is necessary to take you to the next level then once you've

identified those areas I want you to take action now action in this moment

action and move forward and if you're saying to us I don't know what action to

take go ahead and post something in the author of your own story group and we'll

help you use your resources and your resourcefulness and that's what we're

here for this is a community we're bringing people together so we all can

grow and so you can be the author of your own story that's it for me today

remember go to author of your own story calm where you can get on our wait list

for our author of your own story University opening up September first

it's going to be ongoing University it's something you're going to want to get

involved or structure educational program

that's going to allow you to grow and to become more of the author of your own

story also remember share this with someone

you love have that conversation community and build your own tribe so

you can grow quicker have a great day

For more infomation >> AYS Daily Growth Hacks 063 If You Don't Speak the Language You Don't Get What You Want - Duration: 4:58.


Quiz Cafe | 퀴즈 카페 [Gag Concert / 2017.07.22] - Duration: 6:15.

(Quiz Cafe)

An intense game of wits with

a prize of $1 million on the line.

I'm the host of the quiz show Quiz Cafe,

Seo Taehun.

Will someone win the $1 million today?

Today's contestant is comedian Yoo Minsang!



Good to see you.


- It's good to see you. / - Good to be here.

Before we start the actual quiz,

we'll have a warm-up quiz.

Guess the animal cry of the animal on screen.

- That's easy. / - Let's start!

What sound does a chicken make?


Cock-a-doodle-doo. Correct.

What sound does a cow make?

- Moo. / - Correct!

What sound does a pig make?


I didn't even say anything.

That's very good.

I didn't even say anything!

An angry pig.

Are you teasing me?

- Correct. / - Hey!

What's correct?

We'll start the actual quiz now.

The first question

is about sports.

Here are the options.


Kim Yuna.


Park Jiseong.


Park Chanho.

- Korea's heroes. / - Here's your question.

Of the following,

who doesn't have

what it takes to be Korea's hero?

Go ahead!

Are you nuts?

You're having trouble. Just relax

and pick the one who's not quite Korea's hero

but just Korean.

- How could I pick that? / - Go ahead!

This is...

My head is spinning...


- So double axels, Kim Yuna? / - No, no, no!

You talk too much.

You mean Park Chanho who talks a lot?

No! Stop putting words in my mouth. No.

Go ahead.


- 2... / - I can't do this.

I really can't do this. I'm sorry.

It's Jiseong?

So it's Park Jiseong?

That's who you picked.

Minsang, I don't understand

why you picked Park Jiseong.

- Me? / - But unfortunately, you're incorrect.

So what's the answer?

We'll move on to the next question.

You're all watching the man

who claims that if he played soccer for a living,

he'd be a better player than Park Jiseong.

- It's clumsy Yoo Minsang. / - I'm not clumsy.

I'm sorry.

- It's pork hocks Yoo Minsang. / - Hey!

This next question

will be given by KBS announcer Park Sora.

Hello, everyone.

I'm KBS announcer Park Sora.

- Minsang, nice to meet you. / - Hello.

So here's your question.

According to a survey,

this is what women want in a husband.

A humorous and kind man

that makes over $49,970 a year

and at least 178cm in height.


All of those things describe me.

Why are you tearing that?


Why would you throw it out?

Minsang, this is your first question.

That was the... That's the second one!

The first question is about blind dates.

I would never go on a blind date with you.


What's your problem?

I'd never go on a blind date with you either!


Sora, congratulations.


Hey! Hey!


What is this?

Thank you...

- For this priceless gift. / - What's that?

To all the women, you can do it too!

- Hey! / - Hang in there!

Thank you! Thank you!

- Stop messing around! / - Thank you!

- Give me a break... / - How touching.

I'm a man yet I'm very envious of Sora.

What does that mean?

Here's your next question.


Choose the best place for

Minsang to spend the rest of his life.


The base of the IS, Raqqa, Syria.



Aoji mines of North Korea.

You want to get rid of...


North Korea's Kumsusan Palace of the Sun.

- What? / - Pick the place you'll spend...

The rest of your life!

You're always trying to send me away.

None of these places are livable!


- Aoji? / - No, no!

- You said Aoji? / - No! Not that.

Hold on. 1 and 2 are places

a person can't live in.

So you'll choose 3, Palace of the Sun?


That place is where Kim Jongil

and Kim Ilsung were.

You look kind of like them.

No! What are you saying?

Minsang, unfortunately you are incorrect.

Then what's the answer?

- We'll move on to the last question. / - Hey!

Will he win the $1 million?

I'll give him the last question now.

If another statue was built in Gwanghwamun,

who would it be a statue of?


Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

- Hey! / - 2.

Ito Hirogumi.


They're all Japanese!

- 3 is Korean. / - Oh, okay.

3. Lee Wanyong.


- Go ahead. / - Hold on!

Hold on.

Isn't that me?

Nothing looks wrong to me.

This is wrong!

- Go ahead. / - Everyone...

3 looks wrong.

3 is wrong.

He betrayed his country!

- He's a bad person! / - No!

Stop hitting the face. It hurts my face.

Stop it. 3 is me.

- It's you? / - Yeah.

- You betrayed your country? / - No!

I am not a traitor.

3 is a photo of me.

Don't use my photo for such things.

I'm sorry.

You're very good at Japanese.

Don't be ridiculous!

Go ahead and answer. 3...

- 2... / - None of these make sense.

Since 3 is my face,

build a statue of me then.

- We should make a statue of you? / - Preferably.

Right in front of Kumsusan Palace of the Sun

where you'll spend the rest of your life.

What are you saying?

Are you saying like this?


As you can see,

the one all the way on the left is Minsang.

I'm in the middle!

Unfortunately, you do not win $1 million.

Next episode...

We'll have the great comrade Yoo Minsang

who wishes to spend his remaining years

in North Korea.


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