Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 3 2017


Is email going to work against guns?

New Setup [new computer], Guys!

We're gonna play TABS

And welcome back to Kid Matters plus TV

Because this is our new [computer] setup andwe're going to play TABS now

I'm going to turn them the music off


No more music, Guys!

And then the first one, level one.

And this one so easy...

...because all you have to do...

...ah, sure...

I'm going to do one sword man right there.

Another head-butter


This guy...

And then let's start!

And see if it works.

So head-butter's coming in, bashes the guy

The sword man comes in, getting punched.

This guy...OH! Good one!!

Oh no, this is going bad.




So, I'm not going to clear that because then...

That would be bad. Can't do that.

so I'm going to do a shield man, shield man, shield man, shield man right in front of...

some people

and um...

I can spend it for a shield man, but that'll take all my money...I think. sure

Because these guys are actually good

Nope, that's it! That's it, Guys!

Okay, let's start it...see what happens.

So the head-butter is coming in first.

Nope, it also hit on the other guy.

And he is doing good

The shield men are coming in. Oh! The spear men.

The spear man is coming in.


And then the Axe man axes someone.

OH! In the shield man!

That was a good round, but now we're on to the second round, people.

Oh, we got a lot...

Know what?

I know what I'm going to try and spend it on, this guy... if I case I can.


Yep yep, nope.


Let's try samurai. Just like three.

And the ninja, right there.

And then...

try the sword person.

And then a spear man, where's the spear person?

Um, nope.

Right there.

and two...

maybe three

and then...


Arrow guys



Oh Golly.. OH!

and...victory for us!



All he's got...he's just got the same things!

sword man, shield...

Oh, that was a good defense!

But, I'm going to change...

But I'm going to change it a little bit.

I'm gonna do the same thing...

but then...

These guys, instead of making them shields, the circle guys with shields....

so instead of the...

...shields. I'm going to make it the circle shields.

so yeah...

Let's do that!

circle shield, circle shields.

So, sword man...

Oh, that was three. Might want to delete one

so let's just delete

Um... between the two and then...

...back here... this guy, which does good.

Because he actually has something to hit

and then I'm going to change the people right here, to being....there.

And then the shield men...


It's like a pattern.

I'm going to put a whole bunch of head-butters right here.

and do it for all my money, because basically I can't think of anything else...

...because this is basically like...Lego worlds, where you have to build a whole bunch of stuff.

Okay let's see what happens!

So the head-butters come in... sword men. Oooo!

Ooo, yep, that was good!

and let's see the other people.


That...was bad, a little.

The sword people are doing...good

But the spear people, like...

They're really good

Get to see this

Oh! head-butter gets bashed!


I don't think I'm going to win


oh no no no no shield men. Shield men, come on...back them up

oh, there's still this person

Against a spear man!

Oh, I'm going to lose, because I don't think...

oh god!

that's brutal next one...

Uh, so I'm going to go for this...

and restart it and put in a ballista.

...and put in them all.

Some of them, just two.

I guess

um...and sure...the sword people, just like that.

and then arrow people in the back

20 [money], so I should be able to spend that on something.

Nope, no twenties, okay.

that's a good defense I think...Argh.

Okay, let's try a different one then.

Like this!?

and then cannon-pults.

The cannon-pults


And then I'm going to put in sword people. Actually, head-butters. men. Arrow men.


And then let's start the round!



That did good!


S...OH! no

and the arrow people...

doing good

The cannon-pults..

Rest in peace, Cannon-pults.

and welcome to the arrow men

which are wearing hats!

Dad: Helmets


For when they bump into a shield


Oh, arrow men versus a...

um...sword man

Arrow men wins against sword men

He's pulling the cannon-pult.

It's my cannon-pult!

How am I going to beat this on, guys?

I think I know.

It's gonna have to be...

Just that...

And spear men!

and then...let's try this out!

So these guys added destruction, Oh nevermind! those...that does well, a little

Oh wait, I just realized the reindeer have to die

and then the spear men come in!

Ooo, but that was bad

Oh, I lost.

Let's try the sandbox


I going to go for, on this side, is going be horses!!

Bunch of horses will...

Let's see if they can take down...

No, they can't so...


I know, I'm going to go for these guys

versus this guy and see if...they...if they can take him down.

Oooo, good hit!

Let's zoom in on this guy...

There he is...oh!


he goes... oh...

Will this guy even die?

Nobody...nobody did this? OOOH

Did he die?

No! He's still alive!

Oh...he's dead...

Let's try and chase him down.

How far is that?

How far is that?


let's try something different now

sure I like this one

Okay, on this side...

the red team...


and I'm the blue team, since, you know...

Anyways, bang.

and let's go for start

No it did not!


Is emails going to work?

...against guns?

Do it!


Oh, so Hillary...

So Hillary wins against Donald Trump?

I did not know that

okay, next is going to be...

Spear men and shield men

and here we go for the next one...



And arrow men in the back.

you see it...because I don't...

I sometimes don't really care [sides unequal in amount spent]

okay, here we go! Whoa!

okay, the read team is winning, I think


mmm that's good. The arrow man...was taking them down.

Oh, but the shield man!

Here, the shield man over here died

Nope, that was another person, what the...

Oh, the arrow men!

Good job blue team!

...because I like blue team.

Did you know that?


Let's start another round!

This is my last round, everybody, because....

Oh, I want to play something different like lego worlds or...

or star wars

that one I played before.

yeah, star wars...after this.

so...yeah. This...

Arrow people in the back

and a ballista!


I'm going to try the same thing for these guys.

Sword men.

There's three.

and this one


one, two, three...

one, two, three, four

So, one more. FOUR!

and there's two ballistas and...I think four...

one, two, three, four. Yeah, there are four.

It's four!

and then ballistas, which are two


And then, in the back were arrow men, which are four

one two three four

and yeah, I spend the same amount of money doing that


So let's see, if that works against another one.

So sword men coming first. Oh! Ballistas!

Killed their own men.

Oh, the arrow men coming...

oh, but red victory!


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and hit the like button.

and see you next time and don't forget to hit the bell icon.

...after you subscribe


all engines running

For more infomation >> TABS - New Campaign and Sandbox gameplay. (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator) #1 [KM+Gaming S01E38] - Duration: 15:24.


Blümchen - Verrückte Jungs (1997) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:49.

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet


Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet

Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys


Crazy Guys

Crazy Guys...

Crazy Guys...

You are so sweet

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet

Crazy Guys

Crazy guys, I find you're cool

because everything you do is for me and my dreams

like a trip to paradise

Crazy guys, doing things

the other guys don't do, I'm totally in love

and that's why I find you so sweet

For more infomation >> Blümchen - Verrückte Jungs (1997) Videoclip, Music Video, Lyrics Included - Duration: 3:49.


Pewdiepie中文cc字幕-在絕地求生中走大運!! - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Pewdiepie中文cc字幕-在絕地求生中走大運!! - Duration: 10:23.


Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 ♥ part 36 ♥ Amazing Eye Makeup 2017 - Duration: 10:52.

Thank for watching

Hope you have a great time

Please like, comment and sunscribe for more!!!

For more infomation >> Eye Makeup Tutorial Compilation July 2017 ♥ part 36 ♥ Amazing Eye Makeup 2017 - Duration: 10:52.


Living In Stereo - Dj Quads! Copyright free music for videos! Cool funky hip hop VJ! - Duration: 2:53.

Living In Stereo - Dj Quads! Copyright free music for videos! This is hip hop music in funky mood.

For more infomation >> Living In Stereo - Dj Quads! Copyright free music for videos! Cool funky hip hop VJ! - Duration: 2:53.


Adobe After Effects and Adobe PhotoShop - Follow Along Animation and Tips (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) - Duration: 24:46.

Adobe PhotoShop Tutorial - Cutting Out Images With the Pen Tool (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) *LINK IN DESCRIPTION BELOW*

Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! And THANK YOU SO MUCH for watching! I love you all - May peace be with you!

For more infomation >> Adobe After Effects and Adobe PhotoShop - Follow Along Animation and Tips (GUIDE - HOW TO)(HD-60FPS) - Duration: 24:46.


What is Creative Commons? - Duration: 3:29.

Hi there.

I am John Bond from Riverwinds Consulting and this is Publishing Defined.

Today I am going to look at Creative Commons.

Creative Commons is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative

works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses, free of

charge to the public.

These licenses allow individuals to indicate which rights they reserve, and which rights

they waive for the benefit of other individuals.

Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it.

They bridge individual communication between the creator and a potential user or licensee.

The result is an easy system that assists all parties involved.

There are several licenses and they center around different conditions as chosen by the

content creator: First, attribution or the acronym BY.

This means the licensees may copy, distribute, and display the work and make derivative works

based on it, only if they give the author the attribution specified.

Second, Share-alike or SA.

Licensees may distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license

that governs the original work.

Third, Non-commercial or NC.

Licensees may copy, distribute, and display the work and make derivative works based on

it only for non-commercial purposes.

Finally, Non-derivative or ND.

Licensees may copy, distribute, and display only exact copies of the work, not derivative

works based on it.

Common licenses someone might use are: CC BY, CC NC, CC ND, CC SA, CC NC SA, or CC NC


There are other licenses as well.

Creative Commons was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig, Hal Abelson, and Eric Eldred with

the support of Center for the Public Domain.

The first set of copyright licenses was released the following year.

As of 2016, there were over 1.1 billion works licensed under the various Creative Commons


Some of the major organizations using Creative Commons licenses are: YouTube, Wikipedia,

Flickr, the Internet Archive, Vimeo, Wikimedia Commons, PLOS, and many, many others.

While there are criticisms of these licenses and the organization (see their Wikipedia

page for a discussion about them), no one can deny the tremendous positive affect that

Creative Commons has had on the creation and sharing of quality content and the democratization

of knowledge.

Well that's it.

I've released a new eBook called, "The Request for Proposal in Publishing: Managing

the RFP Process."

It is a short, focused guide to this essential business task that associations or societies

use to find potential publishing partners.

See the link in the notes below for more information on the book or how to purchase it.

Hit the Like button below if you enjoyed this video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel or click on the playlist to see more videos about

Creative Commons.

And make comments below or email me with questions.

Thank so much and take care.

For more infomation >> What is Creative Commons? - Duration: 3:29.


USMC Boot Review: Bates Lights vs Danner RATs - Duration: 2:59.

Hey brain children, this is Patrick from the OCS blog comparing the Bates lights boot

to the Danner RAT. first let's take a look at the bates lights it's light obviously

due to its thinner sole and thinner construction throughout it's got some

venting to allow water to come out some canvas a general lightweight upper this

is your preferred boot for running obstacle course CFT, maybe garrison life

in general. definitely anything involving water

because not only is it less weighing you down in the water; it's also gonna dry

off quicker as well it's strengths or weaknesses though

that lights sole's going to crack and distort, just generally not protect you

in the long run. That weak ankle support means it's probably not your number one

choice for hikes and humps and just general in construction it might not

last as well that long as well as not protect you so much from scuffing, injury, or

water seeping in so general Bates Light: boot number one for CFT season. This is

my favorite booth: the Danner RAT! It's a RAT: a rugged all-terrain boot due to

the added extra material on the front and back which is harder and more

durable it's also heavier as well you can see that this a difference in the

soles and how much thicker the danner one is so this is a rugged boot it's

going to protect you in the long run although it's not going to be too hot as

well I wore this all through an Afghanistan deployment and it was

suitable with some light wicking material socks as well one thing to note

on Danners: is not only the softer interior means that they feel better for

a lot of people but also the laces go further to the front of the

shoe meaning that you can adjust it to match your arch or width of your foot

specifically so for comfort durability long term, I recommend the Danner boot! If

you're headed OCS, you need to prioritize getting the Bates Lights. You're

gonna need them and you will not get issued them, or anything comparable to

them, at the OCS and they're really gonna help you with the PFT or the CFT

and other events there and beyond in the long run though invest in a Danners pair as

soon as you can! The sooner you have them, the better, and

you can have them for 4-8 years. They're really gonna help you out in the long

run I recommend the RAT because for snow and rain whatnot it's actually going to

be less water getting into the front and back of the boot so that's my

recommendation you have any questions suggestions other things you want to talk

well let me know, happy to. we'll see you next week

For more infomation >> USMC Boot Review: Bates Lights vs Danner RATs - Duration: 2:59.


100 Subscribe !!! 【 Mission Complete 】 - Duration: 0:31.

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