Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 4 2017

20fps WoT-TV

AMX 13 90

MASTER choke ...

Medal Orlik on AMX 13 90 ...

World of Tanks


world of Tanks...

For more infomation >> AMX 13 90 - МАСТЕР подсоса... Медаль Орлика на AMX 13 90... 🔝 World of Tanks - #wot - мир танков.. - Duration: 10:19.


How to Make "Mythical" Milkshakes (a.k.a. Rainbow Pegasus Milkshakes) - Duration: 4:05.

hey guys it's Shelby and Stephanie welcome back to sugar high score so we

just got done playing pretty pretty smash up and we found this card it is a

rainbow Pegasus card and then we had a very

best idea to make a rainbow Pegasus milkshake we decided to call the

mythical milkshakes and it started to get hot outside so it will be the

perfect treat for summer let's get in to the kitchen shall we

don't forget the sprinkles the things you will need are a blender cue mug

straws white and rainbow colored candy melts rainbow lollipop disco dust a

template a piping bag parchment paper sprinkles

coconut oil and 2 teaspoons of vanilla bean paste you will also need 4 cups of

vanilla ice cream up to one and a half cups of milk and canned whipped cream

first melt the white chocolate pour it into a piping bag and cut a small hole

into the tip of the bag place the template under the parchment paper and

begin tracing around the pattern completely fill in the wings with

chocolate be sure to go over it a couple of times to make sure the wings are

thick and strong make chocolate loops and squiggles to resemble the feathers dust

the wings with a little edible disco dust repeat the process for the second

set of wings now onto the glass what's great about these is that you can

totally make the mugs in advance or the night before you plan to serve them

begin by melting the colored chocolates one at a time if your chocolate is too

thick to run down the mug you will need to thin it out with a little coconut oil

use a spoon to drip chocolate down the inside of the mug

you can also use a piping bag for this but it's easiest to use a spin continue

the same process with all the colors next cover the rim of the mug in

chocolate you can dip it into a bowl of chocolate or just pipe it on like we do

then dip it in sprinkles we used our hands to push the sprinkles

into place next use a white chocolate to glue the wings on to the mug hold them

into place until it dries reinforce them with a little bit more of white

chocolate repeat the same process for the other two wings ta-daa they're so

cute it's time to make the milkshake begin by spooning the four cups of

vanilla ice cream into the blender if any ice cream fills onto the counter be

sure to get it into your mouth pour the milk into the blender we only used about

a cup of milk because we like our milkshakes to be pretty thick

add two teaspoons of vanilla bean paste and continue blending stir the sprinkles

in by hand leave more sprinkles

case perfect pour the milkshake into the prepared mugs add whipped cream because

everyone loves whipped cream add more sprinkles to the top of the milkshake

insert the straw and stick the rainbow lollipop into the straw to hold it into

place voila the finish mythical milkshakes

can't wait to drink it these milkshakes were super easy and simple to me we hope

you enjoyed this video and are inspired to make your own mythical milkshakes

also be sure to subscribe down below and look for us on Facebook Instagram and

Twitter have a great day and we'll see you next time bye you ready yep mmm it

tastes mystical mmm hmm okay mmm - thumbs up

For more infomation >> How to Make "Mythical" Milkshakes (a.k.a. Rainbow Pegasus Milkshakes) - Duration: 4:05.


MIS PAPÁS REACCIONAN A MI MOTO (**ahora si se enojaron**) | JUCA - Duration: 7:53.

This is a video reaction / advice .... really youtuber JUCA tips. He has decided to join him and his friends love for motorcycles. I hope this video helps you in some way. Juca Video: My parents REACT TO MY MOTO (** now if they were angry **) | JUCA Hastags: #moteronuevo #nuevamoto #familiabiker My parents REACT TO MY MOTO (** now if they were angry **) | JUCA KEYWORDS: juca, youtube, comedy, jucaviapri, funny, throwing riot, riot, let's take desmadre, party, cars, cars, party, fun, moto, honda 125cc, prank, joke dads, reaction dads, dads Juca, dad Juca, the morsis, morsis, Rosita, Rosita, joke, cafe racer, honda cafe racer, 125cc, 125cc cafe racer, prankjuca parents, youtube, comedy, jucaviapri, funny, throwing riot, riot, let's throw My parents REACT TO MY MOTO (** now if they were angry **) | JUCAdesmadre, party, cars, cars, party, fun, moto, honda 125cc, prank, joke dads, reaction dads, dads Juca, dad Juca, the morsis, morsis, Rosita, Rosita, joke, coffee racer, cafe racer Honda, 125cc, 125cc cafe racer, prank parents

which spent my people and youtube were as both really good this museum

for juca that were well in June famous approximately 1.4 million

traveling to Quito I feel healthy and good really dedicated servers for you

because you just get a bike Oaxaca is a video that really has me

surprised to have such views yy really good first of all

Welcome to the world of motorcycles I'm really good bike and fragile

actually today I have a few tips so you can follow simple life and

good not started

no one

every Sunday at 4 pm

first get used to the motorcycle as I mean by this is the

acceleration and braking never curb curve only opens with the bike

when in one second straight be sure to handle your bike with

mentality that everyone on the street are for if it is true or not but I'm

saying to exaggerate is best avoided a serious problem

better would be the third ever before bike at a speed that you do not feel

and now I will not say it does what with all the bike because some

time will do but never come At that point if you do not feel comfortable with

people bike the bike is very fast for you the best way slowly

For I never took for granted that because you are in your lane

people are going to by blind spots or they just not worth not worth anything to them

and will not throw gets a situation very dangerous

else other than the police and this is seriously the police and much in

or social street bikes and Motorcyclists tell you from experience

otherwise some people hate motorcycles If it is true if you feel someone

It is acting in a way

feels something like that she's a person hated people and motorbikes is

or discriminating against me is not something do the best you can do is otis

offerings appears on one side of the road because that person go

better to avoid future problems contracts who has family

I see you have two loving parents and you It supports all what you do though

you already bought the bike believe me that the important thing for them is

this test I recommend now meets all

Additional protections that your budget allows for it

allow what is good in case your moto will not necessarily be

leather-wrapped but it's good to have a good helmet

maybe a good before you know pechera There is something very good about Brooklyn or

as in this case but in pants gringolandia senicén what plugins

Mexico also come with hiding inside for protection

no skin fight if fall

ok avoids carry passengers and more on the bike it's not because your bike is

bad but his bike is not a scooter very powerful and also the additional weight

much changes the center of gravity this bike and is not the same handle

CONAIE will even just feel the totally unlike fast

on the other channels instrúyete youtube clips and Franco as ryder

Obviously I want love possibly share this passion

is a bad example but gets all the stupid things I do and not

replica Please there are many more things such

Once they can get involved as you leave acquire some knowledge about

mechanics and good is very important


and also very important when you go to possibly handle something as a friend

As you really have to handle bikes just sometimes you put a

situation that if something happens to you do not have nothing and who call only if

so that's important now is all brother

Welcome to the world of motorcycles hope that video at least has

seen as it is a title very Big possibly not have or go to

you interested or not and in life Internal and really was a good number

Extremely largest compared to us who

We dedicated to making engine noise but Similarly any experience

I can help or any questions that we here have to order and

We hope to stay safe

we want to keep know very well that say stay well informed and that

that's it students lean

little while


next to


For more infomation >> MIS PAPÁS REACCIONAN A MI MOTO (**ahora si se enojaron**) | JUCA - Duration: 7:53.


Những Lời Phật dạy CON LÀ NỢ, VỢ LÀ OAN GIA, CỬA NHÀ LÀ NGHIỆP CHƯỚNG, Thuyết pháp hay - Duration: 59:17.

For more infomation >> Những Lời Phật dạy CON LÀ NỢ, VỢ LÀ OAN GIA, CỬA NHÀ LÀ NGHIỆP CHƯỚNG, Thuyết pháp hay - Duration: 59:17.


SUBSCRIBE THE CHILD Dolls Puppies #BebiBon #BabyEliv Cartoon - Duration: 6:01.

For more infomation >> SUBSCRIBE THE CHILD Dolls Puppies #BebiBon #BabyEliv Cartoon - Duration: 6:01.


Medieval Engineers Live (Not anymore) - Duration: 2:14:28.

For more infomation >> Medieval Engineers Live (Not anymore) - Duration: 2:14:28.


Una FB live 210617 - Are you a pest if you persist? - Call Una at +44(0)7766 917890 - Persistence - Duration: 14:56.

For more infomation >> Una FB live 210617 - Are you a pest if you persist? - Call Una at +44(0)7766 917890 - Persistence - Duration: 14:56.


The Emperor's New Groove (PC) Review - CyanLime - Duration: 16:54.

The Emperor's New Groove is an animated Disney film about an Emperor who is accidently

turned into a llama during an assassination attempt by his advisor, Yzma.

He meets a friendly peasant named Pacha, whose village he wants to destroy in order to build

himself a summer getaway in its place.

The two go on a journey to get Kuzco turned back into a human, Kuzco learns a lot about

friendship and compassion along the way, and at the end, everyone's totally cool with

him because, in spite of being a tyrannical despot, was nice enough to not tear down their

homes and destroy their lives.

Political commentary aside, the Emperor's New Groove is a great film, and if you haven't

already seen it, you probably should, because it is hilarious.

In this video I'm going to be reviewing the video game adaptation of the film released for PlayStation and PC

in 2000 to coincide with the release of the film.

I played through part of it as a kid, and never actually managed to fully beat it, it was

a little bit hard for me at the time.

Now, I'm gonna beat the whole thing, and hopefully make a decent review of it while I'm at it.

So, let's get straight into it.

Let's start with first impressions.

The game controls… badly.

I'm not sure exactly how to put it into words, all I can say is it's just really awkward.

It's not so bad once you get used to it though – I mean, it's still more responsive

than Super Mario 64, which was hailed critically as one of the best games of all time, so go figure.

Weirdly enough the controls were configured wrongly right after installing the game –

the bindings for the up and right arrow keys were the wrong way around and I had to fix them manually.

You hit X to jump, Z to attack and also to talk to NPCs, and A and S manually rotate the camera.

It was great being able to do this, though much like the controls, the camera felt janky

and unresponsive a lot of the time.

Pretty early on in the game you'll also learn about Kuzco's other abilities, which

include holding down the space bar to charge, and pressing enter to enter look mode, where

you can spit grape seeds to stun enemies or solve puzzles.

You can also pick certain items up and carry them on your back, which is essential to passing

many of the puzzles and obstacles in the game.

Overall the game has enough different abilities and mechanics to keep things from being monotonous

or boring so I gotta give it credit for that.

Kuzco has 5 health points, represented by a crown at the top of your screen.

If your health hits zero you get a game over and have to start the level you're on from

the beginning – unless you have one of these pink plush toys called Wampys – in which

case you only go back to the last checkpoint you passed.

Normally you get these in secret areas throughout the levels.

You can also find red crowns, which restore one hit point, and gold crowns which fill

your health back up to max.

Red idols are used like keys to unlock doors, golden llama heads refill your charge bar

and grapes give you more ammunition for spitting.

There are also coins, but your only incentive to collect them is that getting all the coins

in a level unlocks a piece of low-res concept art you can view from the map screen.

At the beginning of each world the game plays a brief cutscene which is actually a clip

from the movie, but with a different music track dubbed over it for some reason.

The clips are normally completely irrelevant to what's happening in the game and in some

cases even completely contradict it.

It seems pretty clear to me that these are only in the game so they could slap


I mean, I don't have the box for this game, but I assume that's probably on there somewhere.

Whatever the case, the PC emulator I'm playing this game on has a lot of trouble with these for some reason,

so I normally just skipped past them. Not like I was missing anything.

So, about that main character.

If you thought Kuzco was a grade-A cock in the film, oh, just wait till you get a look at this game.

Guy won't let you get past this big door?

Why not smash all his statues and destroy his life's work?

This kid's kind of annoying, let's break his new toy horsey.

Oh, and let's ram this guy face first into a fucking mountain side, just for the heck of it.

And of course, Kuzco can't seem to stop repeatedly pointing out how much he thinks

Pacha is fat and dumb and horrible.

This game's writing manages to capture all of Kuzco's narcissism and douchebaggery

but with none of the nuance or character development of the movie.

I mean, if you want to teach your kids the all-important lesson of "being an asshole

gets you what you want", then by gosh, is this is the perfect game for your family.

As you progress in the game, you'll come across sections where you touch a magic potion

to transform into a different animal.

In the first world, the village, you turn into a turtle to race against Kronk for a red idol.

According to the game's credits, some of the actors from the film do their character's

voices in this game, including Patrick Warburton as Kronk, but this sounds suspiciously like

Kronk's voice is brought to you by the vocal talent of discount Patrick Warburton.

If this actually is him then damn, sounds like he was really phoning it in.

And Kronk's running animation is just too good not to mention.

Once we've finished humiliating Kronk, this delightful segment is followed up by –

you guessed it – a stealth mission.

Wait, did you actually guess that?

Cause, y'know, that'd be pretty impressive.

Yes, that's right, in this section you need to follow Pacha out of the village without being spotted.

He turns around every so often, and if he sees you, you'll be sent to the last enclosure pen you passed.

Naturally you can just jump right out and give it another go.

Haha yes, did you catch that Metal Gear reference?

You guys get it, you get my gamer humour, haha, yeah, funny.

Anyway, after you've followed Pacha, you meet up with Yzma who becomes the game's first boss fight.

She throws potions at you that you need to avoid.

To beat her, you need to bait her into hitting the 5 markers on the floor, which opens the

door to exit the level.

After that's done, all Yzma can do is angrily jump up and down in impotent rage as you walk

on through, finish the first world, and move onto the next; the jungle.

So, what does the jungle hold in store for us?

Well, there's a statue we have to put together to drain some water to get past, the kid on

the toy llama is back again, so naturally we break it again.

There's a fish we have to hit with our grape spit to get it to blow a balloon until we

can reach it so we can grab that and attach it to a wooden platform to use that to float across a pit,

and after that we knock spiders down into freezing water to turn them into platforms

we can jump across.

The whole game's full of this weird imagination and I gotta give it points for that, for all

its flaws, I can't reasonably call this game boring or uninventive.

The boss for this world is actually a segment based on a scene from the film where you need

to mash your jump and action buttons to run from hungry jaguars while using the arrow keys to steer.

When I played this game as a kid, I could NOT beat this part on my own, I think in the

end I only beat it by calling my dad in to help.

Today, though, I have my advanced gaming skills on my side, so naturally I was able to outrun

the jaguars without a lot of trouble.

After another REAL SCENE FROM THE MOVIE, we end up in the next level, where you have to

control a log as it floats down a river, which thankfully isn't as boring as it sounds.

This world lasts for four whole levels and took me about 20 minutes to get through all in all.

As Pacha so keenly lampshades, 'This scene was much shorter in the film'.

As much as this line made me chuckle, It was kind of irritating how fixated the writers

for this game seem on breaking the fourth wall every two minutes.

I mean, I know they did it a couple times in the movie, but there comes a point where

you're just overdoing it, and I'm pretty sure this game crossed that line.

So, after beating Yzma's army of, err, evil balloon animals, we find ourselves back in

the jungle again.

Except it's daytime now.

This level's noticeably a lot harder that the ones before it – there are a lot more

dangerous enemies about that won't be taken out with a simple roll or jump kick.

You've got these wasps, which you need to dodge and then hit when they touch the ground,

these big piranha plant looking fuckers that will stop attacking you for a bit if

you feed them grape seeds, and-

Oh, oh, oh no no no, no, I'm- I'm sorry,

this- this is making me a bit too uncomfortable.

Stop- stop it, just, stop- stop the review, I- I don't want to do this, just stop-

Hey everyone, welcome to my review of the games on The Emperor's New Groove DVD.

Now, there is an Emperor's new Groove video game adaptation for the Playstation 1 and PC, but why

waste your money on that when there's a fully-fledged game right here on your Emperor's New Groove DVD?

A lot of people don't know about it, but you can get to it by going into the special features menu.

There's a few things here, but what you wanna do is go down and hit option that says 'More'.

Then it's right there at the top of the second menu, just press it and you're ready to play.

The game follows the plot of the movie. Kuzco has been turned into a llama by his advisor Yzma,

and you have to help him get back to his castle by answering trivia questions about the movie.

Watch out though, if you get a question wrong Yzma will start to catch up to you.

If she gets you, you lose.

Once you've answered the questions, you finally get the chance to turn Kuzco back

into a human by combining three potions in the right order.

It took a bit of trial and error for me, but after just a few minutes it's done!

You won!

It's over!

No more suffering, no more pain, no more horrifying wiggly dick vines, n-no more-

Oh God, I still have to review the actual game, don't I?

So back to the jungle, the game introduces a new kind of stealth segment where you have

to navigate through a maze without being spotted by the guards patrolling it.

This is a pretty straightforward matter of figuring out their patterns of movement, waiting

until their backs are turned and sneaking past them.

Throughout the game, you'll find what the game calls 'secrets'.

Normally this is a hidden area with a few extra coins or some health.

You know when you've found one, because, well, the word 'secret' pops up on the screen.

These aren't always areas, though, in some cases it's just a matter of completing a

hidden task, like say, beating a boss where you knock a guy off a tower, but instead of

letting him lay unconscious in peace, you, keeping with the game's habit of rewarding

you for being an asshole, give him a jump kick to the stomach.

I kinda wish the rewards for finding these secrets was a bit more substantial – I didn't

really care for collecting the coins just to get the concept art, and extra health's

only really useful if you're missing any in the first place.

In some cases the so-called secrets are actually necessary to beat the level, which kind of

defeats the whole purpose.

I love finding hidden areas in games, but they've gotta give me a reason to be interested

in them or else it's all just kinda boring.

On one level in the jungle, there are actually 2 separate secrets that lead to the exact same area.

In the level after this, we get another transformation potion, this time turning us into a… frog?

As a… frog, you have the ability to jump further on each successive jump, with the

third jump being the biggest one.

If you wait a short moment without jumping, your jump distance will move back down to

that of the second jump, and then back to the first jump, indicated by what would normally

be your charge bar.

There's a few puzzles where you have to take advantage of this ability to hit buttons

in the right order or within a time limit by timing your jumps to be the right distance

for the job.

It was honestly kind of satisfying to figure out.

Look- look at him though - I mean, that's not a frog, right?

With the jungle finally out of the way, we move onto the mountain, and the first thing

we see when starting the first level is this little moment.

God, can we just, can I just take a moment to talk about how fucking often this game

throws jokes at us about Pacha being fat?

I mean, sure, him just nonchalantly crossing the bridge as it falls down behind him is kinda funny.

Sure, it's novel.

But these snarky allusions to Pacha's weight are non-fucking-stop.

There's about a dozen instances of this and that's not even counting dialogue I

might have missed or jokes that just generally make references to him being slow or lazy or heavy.

No, that's twelve whole instances of Kuzco just going out of his way to call poor Pacha a fatty.

I don't know what was more grating; this or the constant fourth wall breaking.

I mean, both of those things got a chuckle from me at some points, but overall the jokes

were definitely more miss than hit.

Also, Kronk's back, and this time you get to challenge him to an ice skating battle.

Because why not?

After the mountain, the last three worlds to deal with are the city, the catacombs and the lab.

This video's getting a bit long, so I won't go into too much detail here.

What I will say is that, like the worlds before them, these all introduce a ton of new elements

that keep things interesting and dynamic.

The biggest new introduction in this part of the game is the roller coaster segments

in the catacombs, where you steer a cart to avoid falling off the tracks before you reach the end.

These were a massive departure from the main gameplay and I probably would have found them

a lot of fun to play – if they weren't such a pain in the ass.

The main reason these were such a pain for me is these green tiles here.

At first I didn't fully understand what they did – all I knew is that every time

I hit one, I'd lose control and go flying off the course.

Naturally I assumed these tiles were a one hit kill deal that made you spin out and fall,

so I avoided them at all costs.

But then I came to a section in a level where they were impossible to avoid, no matter how

hard I tried to.

It wasn't until watching some other people on YouTube playing these levels that I realised

the green tiles simply reversed your left and right steering buttons – and I was actually

steering myself off the course in my desperation to avoid falling.

Why didn't the game at any point think to tell me this?

I mean, Pacha points out that the corner arrows make you turn every time you start one of

these segments, so why not tell me what these weird green ones do so I'm equipped to deal with them?

Save for that one issue, these sections were a pretty cool way of translating a scene from

the film, much like the jaguar boss and the river world from earlier in the game.

Also you get to turn into a bunny.

You jump really high and collect carrots to open a carrot door.

That's about it.

Also there's this horrifying thing.

The final world in the game is Yzma's laboratory, where the climax of the film takes place.

Even the guards transformed into animals are here as common enemies.

All three animal transformations from earlier in the game make a return here, so you get

a bit more bunny, turtle and frog action before the game's through.

Once you've escaped Kronk's comically oversized net, defeated Yzma's comically

oversized hammer, and braved the also comically oversized final level of the lab, you're

finally ready to face Yzma in a final showdown of epic proportions.

Uh, okay, what?

I mean, fine, I get the bait and switch, but this just felt like a big letdown.

I was all hyped up for a big boss fight, and what we get is…

A mindless, hold-right-to-win, 2D race to the finish.

Seriously, you just hold down right and spacebar to charge across the track and jump every

so often, and once you get to the end the game's finished.

I mean, I'm sure I've played a more unsatisfying final boss at some point in time, but I'm

hard pressed to think of one off the top of my head.

When you're done you get an ending cutscene, and –

Hey Kuzco, you look… good.

Uh, are you sure you drank the right potion, buddy?

No one seems to notice Kuzco's horrifying malformed appearance, there's some dancing,

some fireworks, the credits roll, and that's it.

Oh – did you notice the door on the side in the final room where you grab the potion?

Might be a cool secret right?

Let's go back, play through the final level again and – oh.

You can't go in there.

It's an invisible wall.


I'm not 100% sure what to make of the Emperor's New Groove game.

There's a lot I liked about it, but a lot I disliked too.

The controls are subpar, the graphics are average, but at the same time the level motifs

are pretty creative and use a lot of cool elements.

Bizarrely enough the polygonal look of the PS1 graphics is actually pretty compatible

with the overall artstyle.

I can't complain at all about the soundtrack – it's actually quite good, with a lot

of rhythm and attitude to it.

Overall it really captured the mood of the film and is pretty damn solid in its own right.

I take this piss out of the writing tropes, but this game's writing isn't all bad.

It's annoying at some points, yet manages to be charming and funny at others, so I can't

really say it's terrible through and through.

I think the most important thing to take away from this is that the game is fun.

It never stops throwing new and unique elements and challenges at you, and it spite of its

flaws, I enjoyed playing it through.

If you're into PS1 era 3D platformers and you haven't played this one yet,

it might actually be worth giving it a go.

I'll leave it to you to make up your own mind about the game,

but, as for me, I give it 3 stars out of 5.

Also, I forgot to say so in the video but if you haven't already done so, please feel

free to subscribe to be notified when the next video comes out.

Kay thanks bye.

For more infomation >> The Emperor's New Groove (PC) Review - CyanLime - Duration: 16:54.


Hyvinvointipyramidi - millä on merkitystä ja millä ei? - Duration: 6:53.

For more infomation >> Hyvinvointipyramidi - millä on merkitystä ja millä ei? - Duration: 6:53.


Grand Theft Auto V - I AM LORDE - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Grand Theft Auto V - I AM LORDE - Duration: 2:06.


Offshore Partner Visa versus Onshore Partner Visa - Duration: 7:55.

Offshore partner visas versus onshore partner visas

Once upon a time there were two realistic options only for Australian Filipina couples

to be together, and that was to apply offshore through the

Australian Embassy in Manila.

Applying inside of Australia was pretty much out of the question.

Onshore partner visa applications are on the increase, so the

question obviously arises.

Which one is better?

Can you apply for an onshore partner visa?


Onshore partner visas (Subclass 820) used to cost about $2,500.00 more than offshore


Two years ago the department saw the unfairness

in that, and did the only logical and fair thing they could

think of.

They raised the cost of offshore visas!

There was another option, but as we know our politicians don't think the way that we do.

Regardless of how it was done, the situation is that now

it costs the same regardless of where you apply.

If you are in Australia with another type of visa, eg a tourist visa, and as long as

they visa has no restrictive Conditions on it preventing you

from applying for a further visa application onshore, then you

are free to apply for an onshore partner visa application.

The visa applicant normally gets a Bridging Visa

A when the tourist visa runs out, and they remain there during processing.

And why wouldn't you do that?

Read on!

Offshore versus onshore partner visa applications Almost seems like a silly question, but we

at Down Under Visa still maintain that there is value and a

definite place for offshore visa applications processed at the Australian Embassy, and we

would probably manage about half onshore and half

offshore most months.

Why offshore?

The issue is that if you apply for a partner visa onshore in Australia, you need to be

ready to apply!

And that means:


Married already, and; 2.

With a properly prepared application Easy?

That's what a lot of people think.

Common scenario we have is those who think "I'll go to

Australia, and we might possibly get married and then apply for a partner visa", ie. an


And when you tell them that a partner visa that's

going to be granted takes time and work, they say "Oh,

might just apply for a bridging visa in the meantime"!

Great way to stuff it all up!

Yes, partner visas take a great deal of work to prepare properly.

In most cases it takes a few months to do it properly.

Poorly prepared applications tend to get refused.

And no, you can't "apply for a bridging visa".

Bridging visas are granted automatically when two things have happened.


Partner visa application lodged validly, and 2.

The existing visa runs out.

The other issue?

Unless you're applying based on an existing de facto relationship, you must be married

first before lodging the application.

You can't marry later.

So unless you're already married, you have a

wedding to organize as well as a partner visa application to prepare.

And all of this whilst watching the calendar.

The days are ticking away until the tourist visa expires, and she will have to leave if

you haven't lodged that application.

Offshore partner visa and prospective marriage visa applications

An offshore partner visa (Subclass 309) may be applied for based on you being married

already OR based on a pending marriage that will take

place while the application is being processed.

In other words, if the application is ready and you

will marry a few months later, we can lodge it and they will

make a start on it and will finalise it after you marry and we give them the marriage certificate


That applies to offshore partner visa applications only and NOT to onshore partner visa application.

And you may also apply if you are in an established and genuine de facto relationship for the

last 12 months or more.

And a prospective marriage visa (Subclass 300) is a fianc�e visa, which allows the

visa holder to go to Australia.

A big advantage is having 9 months from the visa grant in which to get married, so there

is no high pressure on you to marry in a great hurry.

The other thing?

The Manila Embassy, based on our last 12 months of visa grants has become

considerably quicker in their processing of partner visa and prospective marriage visa


So it's not such a long wait anymore, as you

will see from the grants being announced on the Philippines To

Australia Facebook group lately.

Bottom line.

Which partner visa option?

What I'm saying here is that an onshore application is the more stressful option.

Of course it can be done, and we are delighted to help.

But you need to understand you will be under pressure, and can't

leave it all to the last minute.

And this is especially the case if you have a wedding to organize, as well as

a job to go to, shopping to do and lawns to mow.

If you are prepared for this and are a fairly well-

organised person?

No problems.

Talk to us about it.

But if you are not especially a fan of stress and pressure and would rather take your time,

and especially if you want to have a well-organised wedding

rather than a speedy one at the Registry Office, then the

offshore visa options could well be your best choice.

They are being processed faster these days anyway,

so unlikely you will have too long to wait.

Bottom line for us?

We like our clients to be well-informed and to make informed choices, and we are

happy to help you to do what will make you happy.

Hope to hear from you soon.

For more infomation >> Offshore Partner Visa versus Onshore Partner Visa - Duration: 7:55.


18 dead in one of Germany's deadliest road accidents - Duration: 0:38.

German police have confirmed that 18 people have been killed and 30 injured when a tour

bus burst into flames in one of Germany's worst road accidents.

Two of the 30 injured are said to be in a life-threatening condition.

The accident occured when a bus carrying 46 pensioners and two crew members crashed into

a trailer truck on a major highway in Bavaria on Monday.

Around 200 emergency rescue workers and five helicopters were deployed to the scene.

Chancellor Angela Merkel described the accident as "terrible" and expressed great dismay.

For more infomation >> 18 dead in one of Germany's deadliest road accidents - Duration: 0:38.


Roadtripping Ladakh- Part 3 | Local Sightseeing in Leh - Julley | Vlog - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Roadtripping Ladakh- Part 3 | Local Sightseeing in Leh - Julley | Vlog - Duration: 7:57.


Una FB live 140617 Will structure stifle my creativity? - Call Una at +44(0)7766 917890 - Duration: 14:27.

For more infomation >> Una FB live 140617 Will structure stifle my creativity? - Call Una at +44(0)7766 917890 - Duration: 14:27.


Regels bij INFLUENCER MARKETING | Charlotte's Law - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> Regels bij INFLUENCER MARKETING | Charlotte's Law - Duration: 5:35.


Predator @ Computex 2017 – Say Hi to the Predator X27 Gaming Monitor - Duration: 1:21.

Hi. I'm here at Computex 2017.

And right next to me is the brand new X27 Gaming Monitor.

This is an insane monster of a monitor. We've got 4k running at 144Hz, native.

That's insane. It wasn't even possible before.

We've also got not only Quantum Dot Technology inside for better color,

but we also have an HDR display. This is high-dynamic range.

Even though this is a brighter area of the screen, we still have a high level of accuracy 0:00:36,0:0038 and the whites aren't washed out at all.

We even have included a hood. You normally only find this on professional,

commercial-grade monitors. This helps with the color accuracy and keeps ambient

light off of your screen.

This is the next level of color you're going to find in a gaming monitor.

This is the Predator, X27, brand new gaming monitor. What an amazing device.

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