Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018



For more infomation >> Junior Street Dancer 2018. - Duration: 1:34.


Fit After 50: Stop Eating Crap! Creating a Happy and Healthy Life - Duration: 4:58.

Thank you so much for tuning in to 2nd Act TV

I'm so excited that my friend and my trainer Andrea

is here with us today, Andrea thank you so much great to be here was fun today

Andrea and I met when

I used to work out with Billy Blanks when he was in Dana Point

and Andrea was one of the instructors there

and we hit it off ever since then not only is

she a fabulous trainer but she is also very

active on social media, she has her own exercise stuff

that we are going to link to because I really want you to get to know Andrea

For more infomation >> Fit After 50: Stop Eating Crap! Creating a Happy and Healthy Life - Duration: 4:58.


Nome da Loja :: Registro do Domínio da Loja :: Logomarca do seu negócio :: Como Vender na Web - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Nome da Loja :: Registro do Domínio da Loja :: Logomarca do seu negócio :: Como Vender na Web - Duration: 7:36.


Michael Bonocore, Part 2: The reDefine Show with Tamara Lackey - Duration: 9:26.

Hi, I'm Tamara Lackey, and on this episode

of reDefine show for AdoramaTV,

I continue my conversation with Michael

Bonocore, landscape, travel and

adventure photographer, and he talks

about his evolution from spray-and-pray

photography, to being very selective

about intimate storytelling moments that

will never happen, just like that again!

Check it out!

What in terms of just subjects, where's

your favorite thing to shoot? Huh my

favorite? It's kind of... this is such an

expansive thing! Yeah! I love storytelling

in travel. So I love travel storytelling,

so that really involves everything from

landscapes, down to the people, down to

you know the culture aspects, and really

kind of telling these broad travel

stories, that really encompass every type

of photography. Um the type of

photography on my travels that I really

enjoy most, and it's surprising to some

people when I tell them, because I don't

post a lot of it on my Instagram, and

Facebook, and everything like that, but

it's really the intimate portraits, and

the capturing the daily life, I call it

the Nat Geo photography, you know where

you know, 24 mm lens, where you're

getting this really, just people weaving

their blankets in their home, or whatever

they're doing, you know? Cooking dinner

these moments, and the way you capture

these people going about their daily

lives, in a world completely different

than yours, and capturing that moment!

What I love about this type of

photography, is you're capturing a moment

that's never to be recreated right?

Landscape photography, you miss a shot

Yeah! I'll go back tomorrow, you know I'm

still there. Yeah the light wasn't great.

I'll go back tomorrow.

Oh it's not good tomorrow, I go back next

day, I'll come back next year, or whatever.

It's still going to be the same.. right? Well

when you're documenting people and

culture, and the lives of these people,

they're doing things that are never

going to be recreated. There's, there's

moments there that are never going to

happen again!

Yeah, and I've got this great picture of

a nun in a store that was across the

street, and I see this nun go up to like,

it basically a store window, and there's

a like a purple motorbike on the right

side, and I can't remember the exact

specifics of it, but it was a scene that

just like, it was so perfect, there's a nun

in this white habit with like a purple

motorbike, and she's at the store, and I

swear there was some kind of animal, a

photo to remember!

Just one of those moments where you're

just like wow, is this really happening?

And I'd take a quick shot, and I get it,

and yeah it's just one of those that's

never going to you know, that moment in time

is never going to happen again! Maybe she'll

go to that store again, but like is that

purple motorbike always there, in that

same position? Is that the light that I

was capturing, is that always there?

There's a kid in the Barrios of Granada,

Nicaragua that has these beautiful

golden eyes, and the first time I went

down into the Barrios, i saw him, and his

eyes were one of the most remarkable

things I've ever seen. They're gold.. literally

gold, and I took this picture of him

against his aluminum wall of his home.

They you know? Their homes are literally

made out of aluminum siding, and the wall

was painted, this perfect, everything was

just really perfect with the photo, and

it came out great, and every year I've

gone back, I see the same kid, and I try

to recreate that photo, when I can I get

nothing remotely close to this photo, and

A. it's cause I'm trying too hard but B.

it was just there was something about

that moment where he was standing, the

fact that it was unscripted, the fact

that I wasn't trying. Right. There was

just something about that moment that I

can't recreate, and that'll never happen

again, so that's the type of photography

that really draws me in. It's just

documenting normal everyday life of

different cultures, and different people

around the world. Yeah, the worst is when

you something amazing. Mm-hmm! And you

have no way to document, not even your

iPhone or anything, and you just got to go.. ok

something like... 'oh just take it in'.. can't

take it

Yeah! But then I used to feel that

way, and then I started. He got better

didn't he? He became more evolved? Yeah.

I became evolved, you are still lacking...

Yeah you're still down the

not involved stage. I know, it's hard for us.

And I still get like that, a little bit, but

I've learned to try to, I used to be a kind

of a spray-and-pray kind of guy, where

I'd take 10,000 photos you know? A trip..

or 15,000 photos to edit at home... and I

learned to basically train my eye to

only photograph what I know I'm really

going to like. Right! and then, what that in

turn has helped me do, is really take in

the moment,

as well, so like stuff like that does

happen to me, where I see a scene, and

I'm like, don't have the right gear on me, or

I don't have the right lens on, I missed

the shot that I wanted, and for a minute

I'll be my... I really want that shot.

For a minute you're un evolved.

Yep for a minute, I'm up then I evolve

and I and I say to myself you know

that's okay.

I witness that moment, that moment you

rise up. It's always going to be here, in my

head, I took a mental picture, but I've

had drinks that night, and it's gone and

then it's gone. Yeah, never to be

remembered ever, drinks do you now go to

the black and white party tonight social

media yeah you said when I post these

pictures, I don't necessary post these.

I post those. You've done a lot with

your social media following. I mean

social media, it's tricky, it's kind of one of

those, it's, it's, one of those, social

media, is a love-hate relationship for me.

It's I love being able to share my work,

that's why I do it, as Chris Burkard and

my friend once said in the SmugMug

videos. He said, if you're not sharing

your work then what are you doing? Right?

And that always resonated, it's so simple but

like yeah right,

When you do evolve... yeah. I take it that

that's true thoug,h because there's that

age-old question of like, if you can take

the perfect photograph, and never show it

to anybody...

Yeah, yeah, I mean yeah, exactly, so yeah

if you're not sharing your work? What are

you doing? So I love sharing my work. I

love people being inspired by my work. On

the flip side, social media is a big part

of of running a Travel Magazine, which I

]do...Resource Travel, and my

personal photography brand company

whatever. What I found, it you know,

algorithms can be really tricky, and

frustrating, and you don't get the reach

you're looking for, and it's hard to grow

followers and everything. So I have a

love-hate relationship, I love the social

aspect of it, and but I hate the business

aspect of it, and I've learned I've

evolved to not care so much, but I'm

still in that evolution stage.

So not right now, no. You are totally

evolved. I'm like semi evolved, I'm like man I

really still want to grow my page why

is this not working.

Yeah, and then I get frustrated, and then

I realize I'm not evolved,

and then, yeah. See this is really

funny to us, but the audience is like.

Okay got the joke...

She's the host, I just follow her leave, so of

all the places that you are sharing your

work, where can people go to find out

more about you. Yeah, let's see my

Instagram - Michael Bonocore... pretty easy,

Facebook - Bonocore Visual Studios.

Oh, you made it more complex now.

Yeah, ok, BBS does that work? - no oh

that's he that's BBS for visual studios

Yeah I thought it sounded kind of cool, it

sounded like a

wine or something. BBS yeah, I ran with it

Bonocore Visual Studios, on Facebook. I'm

Michael Bonocore on Instagram, and I run

resource travel, which is a Travel

Magazine magazine. Yeah, thank you. So I

do a lot of the original production for

that magazine. So I'll do a trip to

Tahiti, like I'm going back to Tahiti in

December for a month and the Tahiti Tourism

Board has me living on a catamaran, and

hopping from island to island.

What a miserable rough life.. It's a rough

life, but those are like ...

Yeah... but those are the those are the big

features for the magazine, so I turn

those into a 14 page feature in the

magazine. But then I have a separate

Travel Division, website, Instagram, stuff

like that. And yeah on those sites, I

share not only our stories, but stories

from travellers and photographers. All

around the world. You're doing some

really cool stuff, taking some really

meaningful images, and, and, doing

something that's really never been done before.

And I love telling those stories, so even

if they're not my stories, I thrive off

telling inspiring travel stories, just

sharing. Sure, if you're not sharing.. what

are you doing? Thank you so much Michael,

and if you're looking at your screen

right now, and watching this on, you're going to see a

subscribe button,

and you're going to want to click it!

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Michael Bonocore, Part 2: The reDefine Show with Tamara Lackey - Duration: 9:26.


Дорога Липецк (✕ Р119) - Чаплыгин (✕ Р126) - Duration: 28:44.

For more infomation >> Дорога Липецк (✕ Р119) - Чаплыгин (✕ Р126) - Duration: 28:44.


TATIANA'S DAY. Very beautiful greetings. Video card - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> TATIANA'S DAY. Very beautiful greetings. Video card - Duration: 1:38.


Cars for Kids - Pacman and Police Car - Puzzle - Cartoons about Cars - Duration: 1:24.

Cars for Kids

Pacman and Police Car


Cartoons for Kids about Cars

For more infomation >> Cars for Kids - Pacman and Police Car - Puzzle - Cartoons about Cars - Duration: 1:24.


[ Análisis a fondo ] IMBAO bowl - Duration: 10:53.


a bowl that has been in the market

for some months

and its getting popular

but it is not as popular as other bowls in the spanish market

thats why today

we are going to spend this video talking about this bowl

but this is not going to be a regular analisis

today we are not going to simply review this bowl

today we are going to take apart the IMBAO

For more infomation >> [ Análisis a fondo ] IMBAO bowl - Duration: 10:53.


Multiple US citizens killed, injured in Kabul hotel attack - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Multiple US citizens killed, injured in Kabul hotel attack - Duration: 1:08.


[우상연습생] 올라가자! 천리농! 노래 심쿵 주의 [한글자막] - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> [우상연습생] 올라가자! 천리농! 노래 심쿵 주의 [한글자막] - Duration: 0:57.


Avalanche kills one at Japan ski resort - Duration: 0:14.

For more infomation >> Avalanche kills one at Japan ski resort - Duration: 0:14.


[Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Happy Ever After | EP.1 [5/5] - Duration: 22:37.


How is it, Ton?

This is my dream home.

It's lovely, right?

It is.

But are you sure about this?


don't worry about the rental.

We can share it.

My salary is pretty high.

I mean are you sure to stay with me?

Of course, I am.

I already graduated.

I have a job.

I want to have my own free life.

Can't we tell your parents frankly?

If we tell them, we will never be here.

I don't like it that we have to lie like this.

If they find out,

we will be in trouble again.


we have been dating secretly

behind my parents' back for 2 years.

I could only meet you 2 days in a week.

I can't even hug you.

I'm tired of it.

Or you don't want to stay with me?

No, I do.

If you do,

stop whining and

put this stuff in the house.

I'm going to check the bed.

Hurry up!

Just one bag?

Yeah, one bag.

They are too heavy.

This is the lightest one.

Hurry up.

Okay. Okay.

Wait for me, Ya.

New bed, here I come.

It's already 3 p.m.

Where's everyone?

They should be here soon.

Wait a minute.

P'Por, sawasdee krap.

Sawasdee ja.


Your house is nice.

But why nothing matches in your sofa area.

We decided what to buy

by rock scissors paper.

I got to buy this sofa.

But those chairs are from Ton.

Save it.

It's too unordinary for my ears.

I only want to know one thing.

Do you have a DVD player yet?


I want to sing a karaoke.

Is this what you are here for?


That's right.

You have plugged in everything, right?


Is it on, yet?

Wait a sec.

You should learn to wait.

Open the door.

Hang on.


you look so handsome, Jeng.

Sawasdee krap.

Sawasdee ka.

This is Oum, my girlfriend.

She's a Thai language teacher.


Sawasdee ka.

My name is Jitra Jaipranee.

My name is Tonkra Jitmankong.

Well, your name is spelled with "l"

so it should be Ton "kla"

not "kra"


That's okay.


That is Korya, my girlfriend.

Sawasdee ka.

Sawasdee ka.

Rawitra Rojanakul ka.

Very good.


he is…


a famous celebrity.

I'm not that famous.

Sawasdee ka, Khun Porawi

I'm your big fan.

Your show is funny.

Thank you.

You look better in real life.

Stop flattering and

sing a karaoke together.

Do you want me to sing too?

This is P'Por.

He's Korya's older brother.

You are her brother.


Let's sing.

Darn it!

Who is it?

Hold on a sec.


You can remember me.


You are Win?

The one and only.

Win, it's been a while.

You get so much fatter.


he's not fat.

It's whey protein.


did you eat kangaroos in Australia?


I'm going to eat you now, Jeng.

You have been foul-mouthed since young.

How are you, Korya?

Have you been doing well?

Yes, I have.

Miss you. It's been a long time.

Thanks for coming.

If you want me to come, I will

No touching.

She's my girlfriend.

Go sit over there.

Ya, go back there.

You are worried too much.

Did you prepare only this food for us?

No, we have more.

Teacher Jitra,

this is Win.

He's a friend of me and Jeng.

Ah, Jeng's friend.

He's also Korya's ex-boyfriend.

Before I got to date Korya,

when he knew I was after her

we had a big fight.

But we are good now.


That's a relief.

It's not interesting at all.

Let's sing.

I hope no one is coming to interrupt us again.


Go open the door.

Who else are we expecting?

Wait a minute.

Who is he?

My dad.

Sawasdee ka.

Water for you.

Water for you.



have to apologize to father and mother

for hiding…

You are not my son.

Korya, go home.


I'm grown enough.

I can take care of myself.

Does this mean

you put your man before us, your parents?

It's not that.

You should have been

more considerate of our feelings.

I already asked you not to.

But you didn't listen and

chose to keep this relationship with him.

You even moved out to stay with him.

What's so good in this guy?

He's good to me, that's enough.

But he has no future.

You are being unreasonable, dad.

The reason behind parents' decisions

is that they want only the best things

for their kids.

Up until now,

whether it's about my friends

my study

or even my life,

I have been following your guidance all along.

But it's suffocating.

I beg you.

For the matter of love,

let me have the right to choose myself.


Does this mean you have chosen him?

Listen to me, Korya.

This man may be good enough for you.

But he's not good enough for us.

We have been raising you.

We love you dearly.

I don't want you to choose wrongly.

Don't worry.

We can build the future.

We will build it with our own hands.

I prove to you that

I didn't choose the wrong man.


I'm sorry.

You don't need to apologize.

It's me who has to apologize.

My parents said such thing to you.

They are just worried.

You are their only daughter.

But I'm not surprised

why they don't like me.

I know I don't look reliable enough.


I'm thankful to you

for not letting go of my hand.

I will try to prove myself that

I'm good enough.

I promise.

Love conquers everything.

Isn't it right, Ton?


Let's fight together.

Stop crying.

Let me see.

Your eyes are swelling.

What is that?

My important stuff.

What is in that box?

I'm not gonna tell you.

Is it porn?

Don't be silly.

Isn't it?


I put it in the far back.

It's not porn, really?

No, it's not.

Are you sure?

I don't have porn.

Why don't you look at me when you answer.

I have to look at my feet.

Are you sure?

Don't be silly.

It's not porn.

This is my gift to you.

I wish you get lucky.

You fat lady.

If you hadn't kicked me out,

I would put you into exercise in bed.

She's fat and strong.


No, I didn't do anything.

What is this?

The box on the wardrobe dropped.

And I saw this.

Didn't you tell me that

you won the last 2 numbers prize?


I won it.

I just didn't cash it out.


It's the first gift from you.

I wanted to keep it.

Is it that important.

It is.

How's your head?

It's swollen.

Don't touch.

You will make it worse.

You have such a heavy hand.


I'm sorry for being too harsh back there.

Are we good now?

I'm sorry.

Stop being mad.



Why do you like to play with it?

I like it.

I will put a bandage on it.

How can I scratch it then?

Go sleep inside with me.


Yes, I help bring the pillow in.

Come on.

Isn't it strange?


When love sucks,

a beautiful lady like me

needs to add sweetness to herself.

When is our anniversary?

Holy shit?

You can't remember?

Even the third person like me knows it.


How can such thing happen in this holy country?

We are together for almost 10 years.

How come you don't know the anniversary date.

We should give Ton a hint.

I remember now.

It's the first Friday of the month that

our salary is paid.

Let's check the back.

We don't have to be that nosy.

Let's get back then.


Is that a ring?

Is he going to propose to her?

For more infomation >> [Eng Sub] My Dear Loser รักไม่เอาถ่าน | ตอน Happy Ever After | EP.1 [5/5] - Duration: 22:37.


The Alienist 1x02 Promo "A Fruitful Partnership" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> The Alienist 1x02 Promo "A Fruitful Partnership" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 1:31.


Cement Planter DIY with a Plastic Bag and Old Cloth - Duration: 3:55.

Hi guys from the Channel "Made by hand"!

Today's video is yet another cement planter

this is very different

made with plastic bag and old cloth

and if you already liked this idea LIKE this video to help us

and let's go to the tutorial

well. start sticking the pot I'm going to use inside the bag

which is what will be the inner part of the vessel

I spend this burnt oil. but it can be cooking oil to make it easy to remove later.

For the vase to get a little rounded. I had to tie a knot in the bag

and now I'm putting the dough in the bottom

made with one part of cement and two of coarse sand.

I'm putting dough in the bottom of the pot

approximately 1.5 cm to 2 cm

then I fill the sides with that same mass

Good now. I'll need a hand.

to tie a drawstring on the top of the bag

and if this bag is too thin you can use one inside the other

the next day I tore two strips of old cloth.

I wet it in a cement and water syrup

then twisted to form a kind of braid

and with the help of a brush I spread the remaining of the syrup around the entire vessel

and now just wait to dry and then waterproof it

as I taught in another video here on the channel

if you have not yet seen you can click on the lin. on card or description of that video

and now it's a sandwhich and our pot is ready for painting

write us what you think

we are very important your comment

because youtube has changed and besides your like. we really need your opinion!

so write there if you found it easy. difficult. give a suggestion

and do not forget to subscribe to the channel

just click on this ball and the button to sign up if

the "Frida Khalo" painting I'll show in our next video

I'll wait for you there

Thank you for watching.

Short and share with your friends

and until the next video

For more infomation >> Cement Planter DIY with a Plastic Bag and Old Cloth - Duration: 3:55.


Actors Who Were Born With A Ton Of Money - Duration: 4:18.

We've all heard about struggling actors trying to make it in Hollywood, barely scraping by

while living in tiny apartments — but that's not every actor's story.

Let's find out which celebs had tons of money from the moment they were born.

Darren Criss

A true triple threat, Darren Criss' breakout role on Glee was the perfect part for him.

From an early age, Criss learned to play musical instruments and took an interest in theater,

all of which was supported by his parents.

"I'm very thankful and blessed to say I didn't have a rough childhood I wasn't born on the

streets of Agrabah."

Criss' father was a wealthy banker who started and ran his own bank in Hawaii, but he also

served as a director of the San Francisco Opera, San Francisco Performances, the Stern

Grove Festival, and the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra.

It's pretty clear this had an influence on Criss, who not only went on to star in the

hit musical TV series, but also landed the lead role of the Broadway smash Hedwig and

the Angry Inch, and wrote an Emmy-nominated original song for Glee.

Jennifer Aniston

Everyone knows Jennifer Aniston was writing her own checks long before she and the rest

of the cast of Friends started making $1 million dollars per episode in 2002.

Her father, John Aniston, has been a working actor since the '50s, most notably as Victor

on the soap opera Days of Our Lives.

"I'm her father."



Jennifer had a bit of a rough time early on.

Her folks split when she was 9, according to Rolling Stone, at which point she went

to live with her mother and had little contact with her dad for years.

But when her mother penned her 1996 memoir, From Mother and Daughter to Friends, Jennifer

perceived this as "a betrayal."

The actress reconciled with both parents in later years, although her mother reportedly

cut Jennifer out of her will prior to her passing in 2016.

Something tells us Jennifer won't miss that money.

Olivia Wilde

Actress Olivia Wilde's parents are Andrew and Leslie Cockburn, the famed journalist

duo whose Vanity Fair article was turned into the first Dreamworks film, The Peacemaker.

Wilde describes her childhood home as being, quote, "surrounded by artists, journalists,


She recalls famous guests — like Mick Jagger — gracing her family's dinner table.

The family even spent summers in Ireland when they weren't doing community service projects,

such as going to Fiji and living in a mountain village to build schools.

Even before she became a famous actress in her own right, Wilde basically lived the definition

of a rich bohemian existence, which she summed up by saying she…

"...can't wait to be an old woman because at the rate I'm going I'll have lived a pretty

full life."

Ariana Grande

Actress and singer Ariana Grande has been earning her own sizable paychecks since she

got her big break at just 17-years-old on the Nickelodeon series Victorious, but her

interest in the performing arts was fostered by the support of her very successful parents.

Her mother is the CEO of a successful telephone and alarm system company, and her father owns

his own design firm in Boca Raton, Florida.

Ariana lived in her father's Florida home until she was 13, when she moved to New York

City to live with her mother and pursue roles on Broadway.

When that led to her star-making Nickelodeon gig, her mom packed up and moved to Los Angeles

to support her daughter's burgeoning entertainment career.

That kind of parental flexibility not only takes a tremendous leap of faith, but also

requires a nice cushion of expendable cash to make it all happen.

Emily and Zooey Deschanel

Actresses Emily and Zooey and Deschanel are

the daughters of a Hollywood cinematographer and a Hollywood actress.

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, their father said his two girls traveled with him

on location as much as possible during their formative years, but by the time they were...

"...12 or 13, [they] would get up in front of 2,000 people and not feel nervous."

Despite the stars in their daughters' eyes, mom and dad Deschanel made an effort to keep

their kids grounded.

In an interview with Vulture, Zooey revealed that she had a strict allowance and couldn't

drive to the mall until she was 17.

Kate Upton

Before supermodel and actress Kate Upton rose

to fame in the entertainment ranks, another set of Uptons made a name for themselves:

her great-grandfather, Frederick Upton, and his brother, Lou Upton.

"My great-grandfather and his brother are credited for inventing the modern washing


She admitted that her grandfather made life a lot easier for her — and everyone who

owns a washing machine — but the actress laughed off the idea that she's some kind

of "billionaire heiress," telling Vanity Fair, "I wish!

It's amazing, and it's definitely a part of our family, but my family doesn't have anything

to do with the company anymore."

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

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