Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018































For more infomation >> Renkli Toplar Ve Oyuncak Arabalarla Renkleri Öğreniyoruz - Türkçe Renkleri Öğreniyorum - Duration: 14:57.


🎁 PREMİUM ÇEKİLİŞİ !! 🎁 - Duration: 17:29.

For more infomation >> 🎁 PREMİUM ÇEKİLİŞİ !! 🎁 - Duration: 17:29.


소원 자물쇠를 달았는데 열쇠는 어떡하지? 과연 토깽이네는 열쇠를 어디에 숨겼을까요? (착시현상 트릭아트 박물관)ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:38.

For more infomation >> 소원 자물쇠를 달았는데 열쇠는 어떡하지? 과연 토깽이네는 열쇠를 어디에 숨겼을까요? (착시현상 트릭아트 박물관)ㅣ토깽이네상상놀이터RabbitPlay - Duration: 10:38.


Learn amigurumi (1) - The hook - Duration: 3:54.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Learn amigurumi (1) - The hook - Duration: 3:54.


Каждый Знак Зодиака Скрывает ДВА ЛИЦА - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Каждый Знак Зодиака Скрывает ДВА ЛИЦА - Duration: 5:03.


Guests - Park junhyung, Kim iljoong, Dindin, Chungha [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2018.01.23] - Duration: 1:23:11.

We will counsel you on your unspeakable concerns.

National Competition on Worries!

Here are today's guests.

He's always full of energy.

Park Joon.

(Park Joon forever)

And this guy also has lots of energy.


(Rapper DinDin)

He'll now show what he's made of.

Former announcer Kim Iljung.

She sings well, she's beautiful,

she dances well, and she's very polite. Chungha.

(Charming Chungha)

It's been a while since we've said hello.

It's been nearly 3 months.

Many people have missed us and were concerned.

We missed you very much as well.

We'll work very hard from now on.

Several weeks have passed in 2018,

but this is our first show this year.

So let's wish everyone a happy new year.

Happy New Year, everyone.

(Happy New Year)

(A special gift to say thank you)

(Delicious rice cakes!)

(The guests are handing out rice cakes)

Give some over there, too.

In the end row, too. (Enjoy)

(Thank you so much for waiting for so long)

- The rice cakes look good, huh? / - Yes.

Take pictures, too.

They really do look good.

(We kick off again in 2018!)

It's so great to be together again, guys.

Yes. It's been a long time.

Dongyeob, you missed me, right?

Sure, sure.

Which side of me? Right or left.

Your back.


Why are you punching me?

I'm too shy.

Joon, why don't you say a blessing to the viewers?

A blessing?

Something good.

(I got it, man!)

There are two things to watch out for in 2018.

So many good things will happen for you.

And be sure to say the word "year"

before saying "2018." Know what I'm saying?

Joon and...

Why don't you say something nice for Yeongja?

I hope your mouth gets smaller this year.


I hope your head gets smaller.

We both need to get smaller.


I hope your eyes spread out more.

My eyes need to spread out more.

Do you have any concerns,

or any wish that you'd like to achieve?

My concern is that my dog jumps too much.

- He jumps? / - Yes.

I'm afraid he'll break his bones.

Don't worry, and just come on my animal program.

That sounds great.

I have a concern, too.

It's been 3 years since I've become a freelancer.

You still haven't settled down yet.

(Yeongja... Boo hoo)

I want a persona of my own.

Having a persona is quite important.

So it's high time that KBS steps up for me.

They have great programs.

I analyze programs at home.

You need a partner if you want to succeed.

Like Kang Hodong and Lee Sugeun.

Like Yoo Jaeseok and Park Myeongsoo.

Dongyeob, you don't have...

You don't have a fixed partner yet.

If you could... Could I?

He's always on his own.

Maybe I could be your second partner?

His eyes are far apart, so no peripheral vision.

He's always looking forward.

He can't look to his left or right.

Okay. DinDin.

In 2018,

the first search word on a portal site was me.

The first search word was my name.

I performed at the KBS Drama Awards,

and many people were surprised that I performed well.

So I want to succeed this year as a musician.

(All these wishes will come true!)

Can you rap for us a little then?


(Freestyle rap for New Year!)

♪ I never asked for lots of money ♪

♪ I walk down this street with a single dream ♪

(The lyrics express his personal wish)

♪ I am the star ♪

♪ No matter what others say, it is my life ♪

♪ I will endure it, I hold up my fists ♪

♪ I jump up higher today than yesterday ♪

We have 3 concerns to address today.

Please show us the keywords.

It's been a long time.

"Brother, stupid!"

"Grant my wish."

"Nonsense words."

Please read it desperately.

A man sent us a concern.

Hello. I'm a married man in his 40s from Busan.

My wish is...

To eat dinner with my wife.

What? With his wife?

Does she work too much?

"Honey, why aren't you home?"

"I'll be home late. Bye."

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

My wife is always drunk.

She drinks so much that one day,

her stomach felt bad, so she went to see a doctor.

I keep... Blah.

I keep... Blah!

You throw up so gracefully.

(So graceful!)


Is my wife sick?


You're pregnant.


She drank without knowing she was pregnant?

Oh, no.

But once she had the baby,

I thought she would change.

Sure. Moms usually change.


"Honey, feed our baby."

"I'm hung over. I'm sick."


"Then do the laundry at least."

"I must go out to drink again."

"I'm busy."

She never does chores or watches our baby,

since she's always out drinking.

Will I ever have a meal with my wife?

That is my wish this year.

It's the opposite.

Isn't this your wives' wish, Chanwoo and Dongyeob?

Have you had dinner with your family this year?

Please continue.

- What about you, Dongyeob? / - Many times.

Don't lie. We're only 15 days into the year.

I had a meal with them... Several times.

Several times.

Your ears turned red.

(His ears turn red even in 2018)

- Your ears are burning red. / - You can't lie.

- You feel guilty, right? / - Yes.

Your ears are red.

Chanwoo. You're feeling guilty, right?

Please proceed.

Let's hear him out.

Please come on out.

(Gwon Daehan)


How much does your wife drink?

We've been married for 8 years now.

I only remember her coming home from drinking.

- Almost every day. / - Every day?

It's 4 times a week, except on Mondays.

Why not on Mondays?

She rests at home on weekends,

so she takes a break on Mondays.

She's letting her liver rest.

(Must I say it out loud?)

(The wife cares about her liver?)

She drinks so much,

and it's so hard for me.

It'd be nice if she only drank a little,

but she drinks a lot every time she goes out.

Once she starts, she drinks as much as she can.

So she usually comes home around 1 or 2 a.m.

When she gets home, she doesn't let me sleep.

She... She...

She rips my pants off and...

(Everyone in the studio blushes)

I'll continue from here on out.

(So what? They're married)

We have a 4-year-old daughter.

She didn't know she was pregnant

and drank 3 bottles of soju and a bottle of whisky.

Just my wife and her cousin.

- Just the two of them? / - Yes.

I think it was a few days after that.

She was throwing up, so we went to a doctor.

The doctor said she was pregnant.

You both must've been surprised.

We both cried.

We were so happy.

(What a surprise)

They cried because they were happy.

So she didn't drink while she was pregnant?

She drank non-alcoholic drinks then.

But once she gave birth,

she started to drink beer with friends again.

- When she did this? / - She was breastfeeding....

How can you call it "this"?

(Oh... Breastfeeding)

She drank beer while breastfeeding,

so she gave formula to our daughter

and decided to throw out her breast milk.

So that's what she did.

I've never met anyone who drank that much.

Does she drink on weekends?

Sometimes she leaves our kid with me and goes out.

But she doesn't go out often on weekends?

She drinks every day on weekdays and...

She was supposed to go drink overnight this week,

but couldn't go because of this shoot.

She takes overnight trips to drink?

- A drinking trip? / - There is such a thing? Wow.

Drinking trips exist?


What kind of a trip is that?

You didn't know she drank before you got married?

I didn't know she drank that much.

What was she like when you two were dating?

I asked her when we first met.

"Do you like drinking?"

She said she just drank for pleasure.

People who love drinking usually say that.

When we got married, she said that

she wouldn't drink and would focus on our family.

So I married her.

I feel like I was deceived.

(It's unfair)

What chores do you do at home?

You said you do house chores often.

I feed breakfast to our kid and get her to school.

Our kid goes to school, and then after work,

I feed her, bathe her,

and put her to bed. Then my wife comes home.

- You take care of your daughter. / - Laundry?

I'm still wondering about that.

She never does the laundry.

She did it maybe 5 times in 3 years.

You always do the laundry?

I got angry and decided not to do it.

But then I ran out of clean underwear.

- Even before the baby was born? / - Yes.

So you do nearly all the chores.

Right. So I asked her to quit drinking,

but she said that drinking was her joy in life.

But you have a child. What about her?

Even then, her own life comes first.

That's more important to her.

- Drinking? / - Yes.

That's how it is right now.

(He's living miserably)

She loves to drink.

Let's meet his wife. Hello.


(Who is this wife who loves drinking?)

What do you think about what he said?

Why are you crying?

Do you feel bad, or do you think it's unfair?

I often cry for no reason.

People who love to drink usually cry often.

What do you think about your husband's concern?

He doesn't enjoy drinking.

So he doesn't understand my point of view.

I don't think it's a major concern.

You said that he doesn't understand you.

Are you saying that if he could drink,

you'd be willing to drink with him at home?

Or are you saying you'd be understanding

if he went drinking after work at times?

I get stressed, and that's why I drink.

Just because a woman gets married

doesn't mean she has to stay home all the time.

That's true.

I work and have to meet people.

I can't help but drink at times.

We just have different perspectives.

But you don't have to be drinking

4 times a week.

I don't drink that often.

How many times a week do you drink?

I would say twice a week on average.

It's more than twice a week.

We have witnesses here.

(Coming soon: They will testify objectively)

I understand drinking after work.

But you drink all night at home with your cousin?

I'm sure many of you know.

Once you start drinking,

- you lose control. / - Drinking leads to more.

One drink becomes two, then three...

But I don't pass out every time I drink.

You're using such professional terms.

He's been saying that he does all the chores.

Is that a misunderstanding, too?

I think it's a misunderstanding.

What do you mean?

In terms of looking after our daughter,

I give her all my attention when I watch her.

We help each other out with chores.

I think he's exaggerating due to the drinking.

Why did you promise to quit drinking?

That's why he says he was deceived.

Everyone makes promises that they can't keep

before they get married.

It's usually men who do that.

I have something to say, too. My husband smokes.

He said he'd quit when we got married.

Then he promised to quit when I got pregnant.

Then he said he'd quit once the baby was born.

But he still smokes.

He likes to play video games, too.

I respect that as his hobby and stress relief,

but he acts perfect and tells me to quit drinking,

so that's why I'm upset.

As someone who likes to drink,

I understand what the wife is saying.

But drinking until late at night is a problem.

What do you think about that?

I usually get the mood going,

so I can't leave early.

I hate that I'm being persuaded by her.

I know. I understand what she's saying.

(Please don't do that!)

Does drinking affect your work at all?

I go to work every morning.

I'm one of the best employees.

How much do you usually drink?

I don't count drinks.

People who drink well rarely have a limit.

(That's not something to brag about)

One of his concerns was that

whenever you drink,

you wake him up and... You know.

It sounds like something a man would do.


I was in a good mood.

I was in a good mood after drinking, so...

(He can't understand her at all)

Do you remember doing that?

Or do you normally black out?

I don't normally remember things.

Let's be honest. You do remember.

How do you feel then, sir?

I have to go to work the next morning,

and she wakes me up at 3 a.m.

It's tough.

He looked at the clock.

And she reeks of alcohol.

(She even stinks!)

We just fight.

"Please, I'm asking this of you.

Don't harass me after drinking."

How is she when she doesn't drink?

- She never shows affection. / - Not at all?

- She only does it when she drinks? / - Yes.

Your wife said she may not do chores at home,

but she does her best with her daughter.

What do you think about that?

Once my daughter got sick and went to a clinic.

I told my wife I was taking her to a doctor,

and she said, "Okay. I have a meetup tonight,

so I'll be home late."

She has too many dinner meetings at work.

So I fed my daughter and put her to bed.

My wife came home completely drunk.

I have something to say about that.

That dinner meeting was set up months ago.

I called, and he told me that I should go.

So I went and came home around 9:30 p.m.

You got home early that day.

Yes. I control my drinking like that.

You have many dinner meetings at work.

When I used to work, I liked to get together,

so I often set up gatherings myself.

My wife got mad at me, saying,

"Must I raise the kids by myself?

Kids are young, and I need help."

"I'm sorry. I have a dinner meeting."

You often arrange those meetings yourself, right?

You invite people yourself?

Since you're here, let's be honest here.

I don't think you're being forced to go.

They invite me often.

She's the one who gets the mood up.

(Is she not like me?)

You two have very different perspectives.

The wife says she went all in with the kid,

and the husband doesn't agree.

We have guests here who know them very well.



Please speak into the microphone.

You agreed that they should come on this show?

I wanted to be a good mother-in-law,

so I never said anything about it before.

But my son is having such a hard time.

So I said they should discuss it.

"If you can come to an agreement, don't come,

but if you two keep arguing, let's come here."

- And they kept arguing? / - Yes.

They couldn't come to an agreement.

How did you find out about her drinking habit?

Their credit card statement was sent to my house.

They hadn't changed their address yet.

I see.

I read it, and she spent so much money in bars.

I was so angry,

but my son was in love with her.

So I didn't say anything.

But when you visit their home,

your daughter-in-law cleans so you can't tell, right?

She could visit without advance notice.

You can't do that these days.

I'm sorry.

What did you think when you visited their home?

There was no food for our granddaughter

or for my son.

I wish they could live happily,

having meals together

as a family.

But since your daughter-in-law works outside,

she can't be like other housewives.

- You understand that, right? / - Yes.

I'm not opposed at all

to my son doing chores at home.

But their happiness comes before her job.

I hope they are happy.

What are you most disappointed by?

Last summer,

we went to the beach with the kids and in-laws.

My daughter-in-law just left

- to go see her friends. / - During the trip?

She didn't come home that night.

She came back drunk in the morning.

You must've been shocked.

I was very upset, but I didn't say anything.

I couldn't say anything.

I'm impressed.

We really like to drink, too,

but if we were to travel with our in-laws,

we couldn't possibly go out on our own.

We can't.

You shed tears while your mother was talking.

Yes. Because I'm so upset.

You remembered everything that happened?

(He feels bad for his mother...)

When my wife came home drunk,

I would think of divorcing her.

But I couldn't because of our daughter.

But she won't change her ways, right?

You love her, but this is too much?

As a son, he wants to show his mother

that he is happy.

What do you think of what she said?

Whenever there's a family meeting,

I should keep track of it,

but if my friends invite me to meet up,

I always say yes.

So sometimes, meetings overlap.

You could tell your friends that you can't go.

Even if you go, you should go home.

It's not that I slept elsewhere.

I felt bad for going back to my in-laws drunk,

so I slept at home and went back the next day.

Couldn't you cancel that meetup?

I hadn't seen my friends for a long time.

It's not that. From what I've seen,

she just prefers drinking with her friends,

so she just goes out.

If she were a man, she'd be a playboy.

Her mother is here, too.



Please hold the microphone.

You must feel very uncomfortable right now.

It must be really tough sitting here.

Oh, my.

Her expression changed so many times.

How do you feel right now?

I'm very uncomfortable.

Who does your daughter take after with drinking?

She takes after her father.

Then you must understand your son-in-law.

Yes. He's such a nice man.

Anyone can tell that he's nice.

He resembles Yoon Dahoon.

The very nice Yoon Dahoon.

He's so kind and understanding.

So I always feel bad for him.

I feel like it's my fault.

Can't you scold your daughter?

If it were my married daughter,

I would smack her on the back.

"Get a grip, you!"

(Why are you smacking me?)

- I do when we're alone. / - You smacked her?

I smacked her and hit her on the head, too.

Because you feel bad?

I told her, "There's no one like your husband.

If he were mean,

he would've divorced you already."

But my daughter has always been outgoing,

ever since she was young.

She shows leadership at work,

and she has the gift of gab.

You seem to admit her flaws,

but defend her as well.

- She's her mother. / - She is indeed her mom.

Your daughter said she watches her child the most,

and your son-in-law said he does everything.

In your eyes, who do you think does more?

My son-in-law can't watch the baby 100%.

I would say it's a 50-50 split.

- What about housework? / - Housework?

My son-in-law does more housework.

What about you? In terms of watching the kid,

who do you think does more?

I would say it's a 50-50 split.

They both said the same thing.

But my son does more chores.

- How much more? / - About 90%.

- He does 90%? / - Yes.

Then he's doing almost everything.

You said that you considered divorcing her?

Things just piled up and exploded.

One time, she came home drunk and cursed at me.

She came home drunk,

so I told her to stop drinking. The she said...

Could you please say it nicely?

Your mother and mother-in-law are here.

They already know about this.

They must've talked during a family meeting.

What else did she do?

She gave me the finger.

This is what she did to me.

I was shocked, so I packed my bags and left.

A few days later, I got a call.

"The baby needs milk and diapers.

Go buy some."

So I bought milk and diapers and went home.

Your wife called you and told you that?

No, she has a drinking buddy.

That friend called me.

Your wife must've asked her to call you.

She always drinks a lot with that friend.

How did your wife react when you left home?

She cleaned the house,

cooked, did the dishes, and did laundry.

Didn't she change after that?

How long did that last?

About 4 days.

After that, she was back to normal.

I get stressed a lot,

so I went to drink a little and came home.

He didn't care about my feelings

and just yelled at me for drinking.

- He was harsh to you? / - Yes.

- What are you so stressed about? / - Tell us.

I've been doing customer service for a long time.

I see.

It's emotional labor.

I always have to be smiling.

Smile syndrome.

(Bottoms up!)

She drank that like it was alcohol.

Did you see that?

(She didn't expect to see that)

She had this snap.

Did you see that snap in her wrist?

Couldn't you talk to her?

Then she could relieve her stress at home.

You could ask her questions first.

I did. "Did you have a tough day at work?"

So she told me what happened at work.

When she finished eating, she kicked the table away.

"Stop this nonsense and clean up!"

- She was sober? / - Yes.

You feel like you can't talk to your wife?

I just cleaned up and left.

(Oh, my...)

This is absurd.

Let's imagine this then.

Your husband played video games and cursed at you.

After having a meal together,

he kicked the table and told you to clean up.

How would you feel?

I guess it would be upsetting.

But he's always frowning at me,

so I just...

So that's why I cursed at him drunk.

You probably don't remember the look you had

when you came home drunk the night before.

It could be terrible.

You said that you're stressed at work.

But you're pushing that stress onto your husband.

This is a vicious cycle.

(A serious vicious cycle)

Something upsetting happened a few days ago?

She had to talk to this show's scriptwriter.

But she went out to meet her cousin.

They probably drank.

The scriptwriter couldn't get in touch with her.

My wife called me from another phone

and told me she'd lost her phone. It was 2 a.m.

The next day, I got a call from a stranger.

My wife got drunk in Haeundae and fell down

and broke a motorcycle. She owed him $300.

We argued on the way here because of that.

I'm glad that you didn't get hurt.

The motorcycle was parked.

You said you don't drink until you get drunk.

But you were drunk if you fell down like that.

I shouldn't ask this question,

but I will.

Are you happy with your married life?

I'm happy when I look at my daughter.

But I'm here today because I'm not happy.

You're here because you want to be happy.

If you think back to why you fell in love with her,

it was probably because she was outgoing.

Isn't that why you married her?

She was an angel back then.

She did everything for me.

When she started drinking after we got married,

I knew something was off.

He didn't know because he hadn't lived with her.

Something was off.

Know someone's habits before marrying them.

He's giving you serious advice.

I'll ask you the same question.

Are you happy with your married life?


You'll be happy continuing to live like this?

I guess I'll have to change a little.

Of course. She's here because she wants to change.

How does it feel to hear that he isn't happy?

- Do you feel sorry... / - I'm sure you feel bad.

How should your wife change

in order to make you happy?

I don't ask much. If I tell her to quit drinking,

she says I'm taking her joy away.

So I won't ask her to quit drinking.

Please drink less. Maybe just once a month.

I beg you.

Let's eat dinner as a family.

He asked you to only drink once a month.

Do you think that's possible?

Maybe once a week? Once or twice a week?

Not twice a week.

Once a week? Overnight?

No. I wouldn't drink like that.

Then would you agree to just once a week?

Would you?

As long as she comes home before midnight.

Once a week, and come home before midnight.

How about that?

(No confidence / Okay)

You should try hard.

You should really try hard to change.

Your daughter may be too young now,

but once she realizes the situation,

you'll face even more serious problems.

"I'll quit by the time she's old enough."

That won't work at all.

It'll be one or the other.

Your daughter will either become like you

or start hating you for drinking so much.

What do you want from your wife?

Why don't you say it again?

Look at her while you say it.

Sora, thank you for marrying me.

Drink once a week, and come home by midnight.

I told you what makes me happiest.

I love it when we eat together as a family.

Please keep your word. I love you.

You're so nice.

You're such a great guy.

You feel bad for both your mothers, right?

I'm sorry. I'll work harder from now on.

We'll start with Joon. Is this a concern or not?

I hope you're more understanding.

Try to change gradually.


I think it's a concern.


When we asked him to say something to her,

the first thing he said was,

"Thank you for marrying me."

Your friendships won't end

if you drink a bit less with friends and coworkers.

Before your daughter gets older,

I hope you spend more time with your family.


I hope you don't miss the joy of a lifetime

for a fleeting moment of enjoyment.

So I say it's a concern.

If you think that it must've been

a grave concern for him,

please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop now.

Please say a word to your husband.

I understand what you're trying to say.

I'll work hard to change now.

Let's raise our daughter well,

and let's be happy. I love you.

The two mothers must've been nervous.

Please say a word to your mother-in-law.

I was negligent.

I will work hard to become

a better daughter-in-law.

Let's see how many votes they got.

Wait a minute.

Their daughter was asleep.

- She's here? / - She's awake now.

That's why she wasn't out here.

She's so cute.

That's her?

She's so cute.

She is so adorable.

- Hi, cutie. / - She's so cute.

Where's mommy?


She's scared.

Do you want your mommy, or your daddy?

(Dongyeob holds her...)

She's still crying.

(She's very upset)

You stink of alcohol, so she thinks it's mom.

I'm not a bad guy. It's okay.

Here's your daddy.

Daddy. Daddy.

Daddy. Daddy.

She knows her dad.

(She stops crying?)

(Nope. Second round)

You said you care for her 100%, but it's not true.

Let's go to your mommy.

(She goes to her mommy)

Your mom and I are about the same size.

(Once in her mom's arms...)

(She stops crying)

She must've been scared by your hairstyle.

(How cute)

Mom is always the best.

Are you disappointed that she prefers her mom?

No, I'm happy.

Of course.

How many votes did they get?

"Grant my wish." Please show us.

(Announcing the result)

It ends with 8.

They got over 100 votes, right?

No way.

(They got 148 votes)

They got many votes.

"Nonsense words" is the title of our next concern.

I'm a 19-year-old girl.

My mom locks herself in her bedroom

every night with the lights turned off.

Then I hear a strange man's voice.

"You are a precious person."

"I love you."

He's a cheesy gentleman.

My mom is into meditation.

Oh, that voice.

From morning to night, we hear,

"I am a happy person."

"I do not complain."

Is it a pseudo-religion?

No. It's just a soundtrack for meditation.

We always listen to meditation music.

"Mom, I'm nervous about getting into college."

"It's not right to be worried all the time.

Let's meditate to calm our minds."

"Mom, I can't sleep well at night these days."

"Then let's listen to a track for insomnia."

She's always talking about meditating.

This upsets me the most. "Mom, I'm home..."

"Hold on. I'm meditating.

Please leave."

I can't talk to my mom anymore.

I'm tired of listening to those tracks.

Could you please stop my mom?

We've never gotten a concern like this before.

Let's bring her out here.

Please come out.

(Kim Ahyeon)


Please introduce yourself.

Hello. I'm 19-year-old Kim Ahyeon

from Jeonju.


What kind of meditation does your mom do?

"Love yourself. You're a wonderful child."

- "Love yourself." / - Yes.

"You're a wonderful child."

It sounds just like that.

I recorded it.

You did?


We've never heard a meditation track before.

So we have no idea what it's like.

Does it go on for hours?

A long one lasts 10 hours.

- At home? / - Yes.

That would drive me crazy.

She goes to work at 8 a.m. So she gets up at 5 a.m.

and bows 108 times.

She starts playing the track, eats, and does laundry.

She lives with the meditation tracks on?

She doesn't watch TV?

No, she doesn't.

She comes home and bows 108 times again.

So she bows 216 times a day.

Then she turns on the 10-hour track and sleeps.

She turns it on and goes to sleep?

But meditating in order to calm herself

isn't a problem, right?

But she wants me to do it, too.

So she has it playing when I eat, too.

"You are a wonderful child."

That must be overwhelming.

"I love you." Like that.

She has it on whenever she's home.

- Even when you're studying? / - Yes.

You're a senior in high school, right?

Everyone must be quiet in order for you to study.

I'll be a senior in high school soon.

Then I'll be stressed about getting into college.

But she won't talk to me.

- She doesn't? / - No.

She's too busy meditating to talk.

Before she started this, whenever I came home,

she greeted me. "You're home."

But now she goes into her room

and turns off the light.

If I go in, she says,

"I'm meditating right now. Get out."

Did you ever tell her that you were upset?

I did, but she said,

"I must be happy so that

I can pass on that happiness to you."

We should talk to her mother.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Hello. Nice to meet you.

She's so cheerful.

Meditation must be working. She's so cheerful.

She's so positive.

(She's full of positive energy)

- She's full of joy. / - "Mom is a wonderful person."

Do you understand your daughter's concern?

I love you.

(She meditated too much)

She's full of love.

I think she's been meditating too much.

Do you understand her concern?

From my perspective, not really.

Most people who sit there don't.

- What got you into meditation? / - I'm curious.

I listen to a Buddhist monk's lectures

on the Internet for almost a year.

Then I happened to hear about meditating.

As soon as I heard the first track,

I felt comforted and calm inside.

That's how I got started.

But it's too much to listen to it all day long.

Is there a reason?

Before I started to meditate,

I didn't want to look at my husband,

and I was full of resentment.

But once I started to meditate,

I became grateful for my husband's existence.

For him living with me.

Where can I buy those meditation tracks?

Dongyeob need to listen to that.

I think the husband should listen to it.

There's an Internet broadcast.

So your relationship with your husband improved?

Yes. I never told him I loved him before.

But after starting to meditate,

I text him with a bunch of heart emoticons,

and I tell him that I love him often.

Then why won't you talk to your daughter?

She said that you don't talk to her.

I have to become happy first by meditating

in order for my family to become happier.

It has become too much.

I spent a lot of time meditating,

so I guess we didn't have time to talk much.

I'm curious. What kind of meditation do you do?

We're very curious about what you do.

How much happier must you become?

First, breathing is quite important.

I should try it, too.

There's "5-5 breathing" and "10-10 breathing."

You inhale for 5 seconds.

Then exhale for 5 seconds.

You meditate while you do that.

Could you come up here and show us?

Please give her a round of applause.

(She's excited to be meditating)

Have a seat here and face the audience.

While I do the breathing,

I listen to a track that calms me down.

Please turn that on first.

I love myself.

I love myself.

(She's calming herself with the track)

I like myself.

(What is this?)

I like myself.

I care for myself.

I cherish myself.

I cherish myself.

I am a valuable person.

I am a valuable person.

She's like a monk.

I'm getting sleepy.

You are, right?

As you inhale,

hope, joy, and happiness come into your body.

As you exhale, all your illness and pain

will leave your body.

It says you shouldn't complain,

but what if I have complaints?

You let them go as you exhale.

So doing this will make my pain go away?

Then you could die from not seeing a doctor.

I don't get it.

You exhale and get rid of the pain.

You're supposed to control your mind first.

Your body becomes ill when you're ill at heart.

That's right.

I am full.

(This is for me!)

(Inhale, exhale)

I recommend this for Lee Yeongja.

It's a meditation track for losing weight.

- Let's try this. / - Let's listen to it.

(Let's try it together)

My stomach is full enough.

(Everyone loses concentration)

There is nothing that I want to eat.

Did you really lose weight by listening to this?

I am full.

I don't need to listen to this.

She gained weight.

I've always been skinny.

(It doesn't work, don't listen to her)

I am full.

(Here you go, Dongyeob)

(Ha ha ha ha)

There is nothing I want to eat.

(Even now?)

(She eats it without hesitation)

(It doesn't work)


You're supposed to spit it out.


Do you know what Ahyeon said?

She said that her mom actually gained weight.

She gained weight.

Being quiet for meditation,

I end up thinking more about what I want to eat.

My daughter suffered from depression

and panic attacks starting a year and a half ago.

She dropped out of school because of that.

As her mom, it was tough to watch her struggle.

Of course.

It was very tough.

So I was comforted by meditating.

I'm sorry, but could you tell us what happened?

My parents fought a lot since I was young.

- They fought? / - Yes.

Every time they fought, I got scared,

so I went into my room

and listened to music

with my earphones on.

That affected you again and again,

- and you became unwell a year ago. / - Yes.

What went through my mind was that

they were fighting because of me.

I thought things would work out if I studied more

and became a good girl.

Because of that burden...

But you couldn't change yourself,

and you became unwell.

What do you think about what she said?

I feel so bad.

I felt guilty and blamed myself for it, too.

When I was young, my dad was an alcoholic,

and he verbally and physically abused me.

Because of that, I was depressed, too.

I got married without resolving that issue,

so it affected my daughter.

- The thought burdened me. / - You feel bad.

- That's your son next to you? / - Yes.


- Hello. / - Nice to meet you.

It must've been tough for everyone.

How was it for you?

I understand that our mom started to meditate

to find peace within herself.

As for my sister, she's concerned

because she can't talk to our mom anymore.

I think that

things were too tough for our family last year.

So compared to that, this is a happy concern.

If you think about it,

you were depressed because your parents fought.

Now that she meditates, they don't fight anymore.

Isn't that a good thing?

I can tolerate her meditating all the time.

But whenever I'm stressed due to school,

she always tells me, "That's nothing.

Other people suffer more.

Always try to be positive."

She doesn't listen to your concerns.

I just want her to listen to me.

She doesn't listen.

She just tells you to endure it.

She's speaking as a monk, not a mom.

That must be upsetting.

So you don't agree with your sister?

I think it's a concern, too.

Mom meditates more than

she lives her daily life.

I come home in the evening after work,

but she doesn't greet me.

When I go into her room,

she has a track playing with the lights off.

She's sitting there and won't talk to me.

I was quite flustered at first,

but now I'm used to it.

How do you relieve your stress then?

I'm going to major in Korean art.


I formed a drawing group, too.

To deal with my stress.

I talk to the group members, and it's nice.

She has a friend she talks to often.

That's you, right?



I'm 27-year-old Nam Minjeong.

She's an older friend.

What do you two talk about?

She texted me at 12:30 a.m. one time.

I'm having a hard time.

Why must I be the only one to suffer?"

So I went over to talk to her.

She told me that she couldn't talk to her mom.

She said she wanted to quickly move out.

- Move out? / - Yes.

When I first heard about her concern,

I didn't think it could be that bad.

It sounds like a pseudo-religion.

- That's what I said. / - You think?

(That was great!)

When she said, "Mom, I want to lose weight,"

her mom said, "I'll play the diet track for you."

She can't talk to her mom at all.

I can understand this concern.

I'm really curious.

While you're meditating,

your children come home and say, "I'm home."

Do you not hear them?

Or do you not want to be disturbed?

I can't break the flow of meditation.

Sure. I'm sure you hear them.

I hear them somewhat.

But I focus on meditating first

and talk to them once I'm done.

(That's serious...)

I asked the daughter because I was curious.

There are many types of meditation tracks,

but she only listens to this man's recordings.

Whether it's a dieting track or...

Shouldn't you listen to other tracks, too,

and learn different ways to meditate?

I feel peaceful and calm when I listen to it.

I don't want to listen to anything else.

Have you ever listened to other tracks?

No, I never sought out anything else.

When I first heard about the concern,

I didn't think it was that serious.

But it's quite serious.

You think it's better for the kids

because you feel better after meditating.

But they're stressed out by the tracks,

and they don't feel they can relate to you.

I'm still in the process of healing.

I won't be doing this forever.

I'm in the process of slowly getting better.

You meditate so much, and yet you got angry.

I think you needed meditation a lot.

Your daughter's fear came from her parents arguing.

Think about this while you meditate today.

When you were talking today, you kept saying,

"When my daughter was unwell, I was shocked."

"I was hurt. I need to be happy..."

Everything is about you.

This is the right way for you to heal,

but who's going to heal your daughter?

"Once I'm healed, she'll automatically be healed."

That's what you're thinking.

(It's time to find a way to heal her daughter)

Isn't there at least one good thing

about your mom meditating?

My curfew is 9:30 p.m.

She doesn't care if you get home late now?

I didn't come home by 9:30 p.m. on purpose.

I wanted to see when she would call.

It was about 12:30 a.m.

She didn't call. She texted me.

"When are you coming home?"

She must've been meditating.

Were you up meditating until that hour?

I always worried about her after she became unwell.

But after I started to meditate, worry disappeared.

- You trust her now? / - Yes.

But this is what you're doing.

It's quite funny.

You used to call her up.

But you're not telling her,

"I'm at ease now. I trust you."

You're just telling yourself that you trust her.

Well, I...

That's how she feels.

But she doesn't like it when I do that.

Do what?

When I tell her that I love her.

She's at that age.

I never told my parents I loved them at that age.

She just feels awkward. She doesn't hate it.

Of course she's at that age.

But the thing is, she can't talk to you.

She doesn't want to say that she loves you.

It's like this. You started to smoke non-tobacco

to quit smoking.

But now you're addicted to the substitute.

You don't smoke now.

But you're smoking the substitute too much.

That's what your daughter is thinking.

She's glad that her mom is happy,

but your life is dictated by meditation.

It's good to meditate, but you need to talk

to your daughter and hear her concerns.

Shouldn't you be doing that?

She feels like the meditation man took her mom away.

My meditation instructor told me to meditate

15 minutes in the morning and at night.

- That's good. / - That sounds good.

But I suddenly felt joy in my life for once,

and I wanted to continue feeling that.

It'd be nice if that other wife drank moderately,

but she just kept drinking because she wanted to.

Doing something excessively becomes a problem.

(Please shorten the time gradually)

What do you want from your mother?

Why don't you tell her directly?

I'm very happy that you're happier

now that you're meditating.

But please acknowledge me when I'm home.

You always tell me that you want to become

a mother who's respected by her children.

I respect you,

and I'd like you to know that I love you.

If you can't understand why I'm hurting,

at least respect what I'm going through.

All right.

Joon. What do you think?

Your daughter is like a blank piece of paper.

Rather than hearing a man's voice

tell her to be happy,

I think it's more important to hear it from you.

At first I thought this wasn't that serious.

But now, I think it's the most serious concern.

That's understandable.

She won't listen to what we tell her.

She just continues to meditate by herself.


You should set specific times to meditate.

I think the problem can be solved

if you speak to your daughter more.

I think....

I think it's a concern.

If you relate to it, please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop.

Please say a word for your daughter.

I love you. Thank you.

I don't think I ever said these things to you.

I was hurt when you didn't seem to like

hearing me say "I love you" or "thank you."

But I always mean it.

I hope you open up and accept my words.

Thank you for being my daughter,

and I'm sorry that I'm not a better mom.

All right.

I understand that it's hard to say

"I love you" to your parents at this age.

It's awkward and embarrassing.

But when she said those things to you,

you just brushed it off.

You must change as well to grow closer.

You asked your mom to respect you,

but you never told her that you love her.

Why don't you tell her that you love her?

Tell her that you love her.


I love you, parents.

Do this.

For real.

- Love your parents. / - Not that. This.

Stick your finger out!

Rather than saying, "I love you, parents,"

let's say, "I love you, mom and dad."

I love you, mom and dad.

(I love you, too)

I wonder how many votes they got.

Please show us.

(Announcing the result)

(The last digit is a 6!)

If they got 156 votes, they're no. 1.

What's the score?


(They got 136 votes)

Be happy, Ahyeon.

(You can do it!)

This man wants to change someone.

So he sent us this concern.

Hello. I'm a young man in my 20s.

There's a person I would like to change

completely from head to toe.

From his body, which weighs over 145kg...

Oh, my.

To his lazy, immature personality.

It's my older brother.

You can't gain any more weight.

You have to move around more."

Ow! My knee!

I can't move because of my knee."

My brother never moves around.

He never goes to school.

He eats, sleeps, and plays video games all day.

He lives a lazy life.

I'm in dire need of money.

Can you lend me $100? I'll pay you back."

I'm in dire need of money.

Can you lend me $1,000?

Just $1,000."

- He's into playing claw machine games. / - What?

He spent all his money playing those machines

and ended up with a bad credit history.

He's out of his mind, right?

"You're 27 years old. When will you get a grip?"

Just stop nagging. I'll take care of myself!

I have a plan!"

I don't know what that plan is.

It's frustrating to look at him.

Please help my brother

wake up and change his lifestyle.

Are the four of you shocked?

Of course.

How much does playing the claw machine cost?

It's a fraud. The claw doesn't grab anything.

The claw should look like this,

but it's actually like this.

- I know what you mean. / - It's frustrating.

They can add something on.

I shook the machine to get something out,

and I was nearly kicked out.

It's not just the machine.

This older brother may have lost his will to live.

Let's bring his concerned brother out here.

Please come.

(Hwang Inseong)


How bad is it that you came here?

My brother is 27 years old.

He used to play sports.

He majored in physical education.

But he's taking a break from college.

For how long?

- It's been 3 years now. / - 3 years?

Does he have a plan?

I think he just wants to have fun.

He doesn't have a plan?

He kept asking you for money?

Yes. It started out with $30 or $50.

The amount gradually increased to $1,000.

You lent him the money?

I was afraid he'd take out a loan otherwise.

So that's why you lent to him.

You don't live with your parents?

They live in Jebu-do.

Then you live with your brother?

Yes, it's just the two of us.

What do you mean, he's into the claw machine?

How did he get into playing that?

There was a time when it was popular.

At first, he told me that he was going there,

so I was glad that he was going out

and meeting people.

But he started to go out more often.

And now he goes out every night.

The place is open 24 hours a day.

He sometimes stays out until 3 or 4 a.m.

So he plays at night.

He sometimes comes home in the morning.

How long has he been playing?

For over a year now.

If you spoke to him seriously before coming here,

wouldn't he have listened?

I tried many times.

But he just refuses to talk to me.

He won't change just because I talk to him.

Why do you think he's become like this?

He had a hard time during military service.

He was always chubby before, but he gained...

He gained weight in the military?

During the end of his service...

We asked for his brother's old pictures.

Let's take a look.

- That's not bad. / - He's cute.

He looks normal.

He's just well-built.

When was that picture taken?

The picture isn't from grade school, right?

(It's hard to tell how old he is)

He was 20 years old.

Oh, 20. He looks really young.

He looks like a big grade school student.

(I know what you're talking about)

He doesn't look so bad there.

Let's meet his brother.



He took out the microphone like a claw machine.

If it's okay, could you stand up for us?

Please turn around.

Oh, my.

He's gained a lot of weight.

(He is indeed big)

Your brother said that you're a bit immature.

What do you think?

I don't think so at all.

We've argued often because of this.

I tried to talk to him, too,

but it didn't work out.

You don't think you're being immature?


You play the claw machine into the wee hours.

Your brother thinks that

you've changed after your time in the military.

Did something happen back then?

During the last year of my service...

My life got very easy.

My successor worked in the snack store.

So you were there all day?

Are you blaming your successor?

After that, I decided to do tae kwon do,

but it didn't work out.

Didn't you think of exercising

to lose some weight?

My parents bought me a 10-month gym membership,

but I went once and didn't go again.

Was it tough to exercise at first?

I tried to go since my parents wanted me to,

but it didn't really work out.

It didn't work out?

You like to eat, right?

I think that I eat

the same way other college students do.

And yet you gained so much weight?

That's not true.

- What does he eat? / - Does he eat a lot?

I heard from his friend once.

He went to a Chinese restaurant with my brother.

My brother kept smiling at his friend.

So the friend asked, "Why are you smiling?"

He said that he'd come there an hour earlier.

- To eat? / - Yes.

- And he went again? / - Yes.

What did you eat an hour earlier,

and what did you eat afterwards?

I love black bean noodles.

So I had a double-sized bowl. It wasn't enough,

so then I had a regular bowl with rice.

That's how much other people eat?

Don't college students usually eat that much?

While we were waiting for the shoot to start,

we had brought some snacks.

We were going to eat after we talked.

Yeongja grabbed an egg tart first.

She enjoyed it,

but she must've felt guilty afterwards.

She went like this twice.

(A struggle to be free of guilt)

So she ate

and tried to move around more.

Yeongja actually exercises very hard.

You never thought of doing that?

I exercise as much as I eat.

I don't go to one place when I play claw machines.

I walk to different places to play the machines.

You consider that a workout?

I just gain weight more easily than other people do.

That's not true.

Do you eat while you're playing the machines?

I have to concentrate on playing.

But when I'm walking, I eat.

Oh, you eat as you walk?

There are many snacks sold on the street.

You're into playing claw machine games every night.

What do you enjoy about it?

Anyone who likes to fish will understand.

- There's that thrill. / - Thrill.

The thrill of pressing a button?

I'm sure some people here will understand.

The claw doesn't give you that thrill.

It doesn't grab onto anything.

The claw should hold onto things,

but it's too slippery.

I've done this for a long time now.

I check how bent the claw's prongs are

and test it out with $1 or $2.

If the claw seems to be working well,

then I start to play more on that machine.

Why do you play at different machines?

I post my videos on YouTube.

It's boring to film in just one place.

Also, different places have different dolls.

So I travel with other people

to Bupyeon, Bucheon, Gimpo, Suwon...

How many stuffed animals do you have?

I don't have that many at home now.

But I've won more than 1,000 so far.

What do you do with the stuffed animals?

Did you sell them? Or put them back in?

I know someone who owns a claw machine store,

so I rented a machine

and put my own stuffed animals in.

Do you share the profits with him?

No, I take all the profits.

- You do? / - Yes.

I earned about $1,000,

and I played the machines again with that.

Imagine how much he had to spend to earn that.

That's why he has bad credit.

How much do you spend on this per month?

- Be honest. / - About $1,500.

So you're losing $500 each month.

That's about $6,000 a year.

Plus what he spends on snacks.

We have to think about that, too.

So you're spending $1,500 a month now,

but how much did you spend at first?

I sometimes spent $500 to $1,000 in a day.

On claw machines?

When I was really stressed out.

But spending $500 to $1,000 in a day...

How many hours did you spend on the machines?

The longest I played was about 12 hours.

Doesn't it get boring?

I ate with the store owner, too.

Of course. He spent $500 there.

In the past, playing the claw machine

was considered something cute.

But now it's like an addiction. Like gambling.

He still has many stuffed animals at home.

Let's take a look.



I have that one, too.

They're so cute.

They are cute.

(The room is filling up)

He's a professional. None of them are the same.

- They're all different. / - Right.

No, there were two Doraemons.

There are 3 Doraemons.

You do have so many.


There are 6 Doraemons.

The sound is so cute.

- How many are there? / - How colorful.

The Doraemons have different facial expressions.


These are high-quality stuffed animals.

The room is filled with stuffed animals.

He's done counting.

(The room is completely full)

- The room is full. / - Oh, my.

(152 stuffed animals)


You have all of them at home?

He brings them home in plastic bags.

Do you live in a large place?

No. It's less than 33 square meters.

I see.

Looking at all these stuffed animals,

don't you think you're overdoing it?

We don't use the veranda anyway,

so I want to fill it up more.

You want to fill it up more?

How good are you compared to the people

you travel to different establishments with?

I'm just about average.

You're better than ordinary people, right?


Do you need skills to play the machines, though?

- Don't you just do it? / - I'm sure they do.

He doesn't know what he's talking about, right?

You have certain skills, right?

Of course.

We asked him how good he is

because we brought a claw machine here.

Let's take a look. Please bring it out.

So this is a claw machine.

I got about 4 stuffed animals last week, too.

Can you come up here with your microphone?

You just need to do it.

I don't normally play this.

- Can I sit and play? / - Sure.

It's uncomfortable to sit on the floor, right?

Do you want a cushion?

Can you play kneeling down?

I'm fine.


Under his knees.

(You're the best, Yeongja)

- Should I start? / - Yes, please.

(Ha ha)

Which one will you aim for?

He's a master. He's shuffling them first.

He's pushing them around with the claw.

(After shuffling them around)

(He pressed the button!)

He's going for the black one.


(No way)

(He got it in one try!)

He got it on his first try?

- Unbelievable. / - That's shocking.

- How did he do that? / - Unbelievable.

How did he do that in one try?

You mustn't applaud.

I couldn't help but clap.

Maybe this claw just works better.

That was amazing.

Maybe this claw works better.

- That was amazing. / - He's so good.

I've never seen anyone get it in one try.

This claw works better.

This claw works better.

(Is it really because of the claw?)

Let me try.

DinDin, you try.

The claw works better.

If I win, you must quit playing claw machines.

If you win twice.

If he wins twice in a row, you have to quit.

Wait. My palms are sweaty.

It's amazing.

(You can do it!)

- Will it work? / - The pink one?

The claw grabbed it.

Let's make him quit.

(Let's go, let's go)

(Let's go!)


One more. One more.

You promised!

(This concern is resolved!)

Try the one over here.

- He's in despair. / - That won't work.

Just grab the head and grab it.

It's all your fault if I don't win that one.

Why is it suddenly my fault?

Which one should I aim for?

I don't know.

Of course he won't tell you.

You have to win, DinDin.

(He holds his breath!)

(And goes for it!)


(No more luck)

You try it this time.

If he really wins...

- There's nothing he can grab. / - Right.

That claw works better.

He's going for something.

He is going for the one that's wrapped.

(Hunting for the thrill)

Oh, my. Oh, my.

- It's wrapped. / - See? It doesn't work.

One in a plastic bag isn't easy.

Okay then.

(Thank you)

It's fun to play that game

once in a while.

- It's fun to watch, too. / - Sure.

I don't care if he plays it

as a hobby. I would understand.

But he got so obsessed with it.

He read an ad on social media for a loan

and applied for it.

On social media?

That's so dangerous.

They asked for his card and bank account information

- to get a loan. / - That's dangerous.

Who would fall for that?

He believed them and gave his information.

The police called and said his account was used.

- Oh, my. / - Oh, geez.

After he was deceived like that,

I lent him $1,000.

Then he got a loan somewhere for $1,000.

That's terrible.

But that money has to be paid back.

He thinks it'll be resolved somehow

and doesn't care when he gets notices.

Who will pay then?

My parents saw the notices.

So my parents paid it all back.

That's why he's doing that.

They shouldn't pay it back for him.

His phone bill must be high, too.

He pays for things through his phone bill,

since he doesn't have to pay it right away.

His phone bill was about $3,000.


But he can't play the machines with his phone.

I can get cash back on my transit card.

Cash back?

So he gets cash that way.

Did you really get a loan to play the machines?

I used to have a credit card.

I got cash back with it,

but I couldn't pay it back.

So I had to get a loan.

Your parents paid back your debt?

Your parents didn't come today?

They're busy working and live far away.

Let's be honest here.

Since your parents paid your debt a few times,

you just expect them to do that, right?

Let's be honest.


Do you feel sorry at all towards your family?

I always do.

But you can't help it, right?

But you said earlier that

you don't think you're immature.

You don't think you're being immature?

Other people drink and stuff. Playing machines is...

But they spend their own money to do those things.

Their parents don't pay for their drinks.

You're not that young anymore.

I'm taking a break right now.

Starting in February, I'll start exercising again

and get a part-time job.

Then I'll play the machines at night.

I have plans, but he keeps nagging me.

You can't give up playing the machines?

I'm doing Internet broadcasts. Young people watch.

You want to be a star?

No. I regularly hold meetings,

and about 17 people show up.

- Grade schoolers? / - Grade and middle schoolers.

They're quite immature, right?

Yes, they are.

So you're active on social media.

Do you earn any money from it?

Almost none.

Of course not.

You do it because you like it,

but it seems like you're considering it

to be your job, to feel better about yourself

and feel less guilty.

The person next to him seems to be a friend.

Do you go on machine tours with him?

Yes. I'm a YouTube creator as well.

When we play with large amounts of money,

there are people who find joy

in watching us play.

In that sense, I understand his point of view.

I understand that he plays

when we're filming.

But he continues to play

even when the camera is off.

That's a waste of his time and money.

That's just bad.

When did you think he went overboard?

He's such a nice, innocent kid normally.

He's so nice that he's a fool.

But when he's in front of a machine,

his eyes change.

There are times when he's so close.

If he just plays once more, he can get it.

Since he has no money,

he borrows money from people.

He requests larger and larger amounts.

He borrowed $200 or $300 from me, too.

What do you think about that?

I should learn to control myself.

You think you went a little overboard?

You should definitely think that way.

But he said he was planning to exercise

and do part-time work in February.

Do you believe him?

That he has plans?

No. I told you that he was conned before.

Back then, he told me he'd start exercising

and said that he was sorry.

He even cried.

- So I believed him. / - But...

But a few days later, he acted just like always.

You were disappointed by him.

Where did you get the money to lend him?

I work part-time at night.

I saved up money by working.

- You worked hard. / - He really worked hard.

Why do you keep disappointing your brother?

I've made up my mind to change many times.

Every time, he discouraged me.

He discouraged me out loud.

Let's be honest here.

Let's say he doesn't nag you.

Do you think you can quit playing?

I'll keep playing the machines.

See? You won't quit.

You're just making cowardly excuses.

He keeps saying it's because you nag him.

What do you think about that?

He told me I kept stressing him out,

so I didn't curse him to his face.

I kept saying it out loud to myself.

Then one day,

he got mad at me

for cursing at him.

He went to the veranda

and said he'd kill himself.

That's so mean. Why say things like that?

That was quite a shock to me.

Since then, I tried not to nag him

and tried to say nice things to him.

But he keeps making excuses

and doesn't change. So I'm frustrated.

He must've been shocked. Why did you do that?

You shouldn't say such a thing to your brother.

He kept...

When I was conned...

I had such a hard time back then.

But he kept nagging me.

So I thought I should disappear from his life.

It was just an impulse.

He was having a hard time already,

and his brother kept nagging him.

It was hard, and it got even harder.

You said you're 27 years old.

You have a great future ahead of you.

Just because you're overweight now

doesn't mean you can play machines all your life.

I think we should make

a list of what you should do first.

Here's what I want to tell you.

You should stop binging on food.

I've binged before, too.

You eat because you want to forget.

You mindlessly eat and sleep repeatedly.

It erodes your will to do anything.

Eat differently. You eat an abnormal amount.

Then you'll lose weight fast.

Just eat one regular bowl of noodles.

Only one pack of ramen. No?

You can't do that?

Then one double-sized bowl.

I told you that I was determined

to exercise and lose weight before.

I set too big a goal, to lose 30 or 40kg.

You shouldn't set big goals.

So I thought I'd lose 5kg per month.

That's good enough.

You think juice is good for you, but it's sagar.

Sagar, not sugar?

If you drink less juice...

I think I drink over 1 liter of soft drinks

- every day. / - See?

- You should cut back. / - Drink water.

You drank too much sagar water.


- It's not sagar? / - Sugar. Sugar.

Right. Sugar.

You said you play the machines for people

who live through you on social media.

You weigh over 100kg, right?

You'll be more popular if you weigh 80kg.

Try changing the subject of your videos to dieting.

- That would be faster. / - Right.

Remember me? I'll quit playing machines now,

and I'm going to lose weight starting today."

More people will take an interest in you.

Change it to that. I'll subscribe to your videos.

Make it into a dieting channel. Okay?

All right.

(We cheer you on)

What do you ask of your brother?

I don't expect you to quit playing machines totally.

But just play moderately, eat moderately,

and let's hang out.

Be his older brother.


It's a concern.

It's a concern for the younger brother.

I'll cheer you on.

No one can play for 12 hours straight.

It looks like you can be persistent.

You can use that in doing something else.

I think it's a concern.

He's too closed-minded.

You should start by opening up.

It's a concern.

He lost confidence in himself,

so he's seeking joy somewhere else.

Once he resolves that and starts to exercise

and gain confidence,

he won't need to play the machines.

This man is concerned about his brother.

If you can relate, please press the button.

(What does the audience think?)

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Please stop now.

Why don't you say a word to your brother?

I've been a terrible brother up until now.

I'll work hard to make those changes

and become a better brother.

You should say something to your parents.

They must be so upset.

You went through such an ordeal because of me.

I'll try to show you that I'm changing now.

Please have faith in me.

Let's see how many votes they got.

"Brother, stupid!"

It ends with a 1.

Out of 200 votes.


(They got 151 votes)

"Brother, stupid!" is the winning concern this week.


This is a reward to cheer you up.

Until the day we are all worry-free,

Hello Counselor will continue to counsel you.

Thank you.

("Tell Me" by Infinite)

For more infomation >> Guests - Park junhyung, Kim iljoong, Dindin, Chungha [Hello Counselor / SUB : ENG,THAI / 2018.01.23] - Duration: 1:23:11.


Jewelry Television Live Stream - Duration: 37:34.

For more infomation >> Jewelry Television Live Stream - Duration: 37:34.


Skin Whitening Beetroot Glowing Serum| DIY Serum For Fair, Glowing & Spotless Skin By Rani G in Urdu - Duration: 5:14.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> Skin Whitening Beetroot Glowing Serum| DIY Serum For Fair, Glowing & Spotless Skin By Rani G in Urdu - Duration: 5:14.


5X Your Pastoral Care Ministry Using Facebook Messenger | Pro Church Daily Ep. #014 - Duration: 9:17.

For more infomation >> 5X Your Pastoral Care Ministry Using Facebook Messenger | Pro Church Daily Ep. #014 - Duration: 9:17.


Одесский юмор! Еврейские анекдоты про мужа и жену! (23.01.2018) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Одесский юмор! Еврейские анекдоты про мужа и жену! (23.01.2018) - Duration: 0:34.


North Korea planning military parade on eve of PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 1:52.

The two Koreas are cooperating on the Olympic effort, but in other areas things go on as


It's been confirmed that North Korea is planning a huge military parade to commemorate the

founding of its armed forces.

February 8th, the day before the Olympic Games begin,... will see thousands of troops marching

down the streets of Pyongyang alongside artillery and other equipment... plus a speech from

Kim Jong-un.

Our Park Hee-jun reports.

North Korea has designated February 8th as the official founding day of its military


The North's state-run news agency KCNA reported Tuesday that the regime will celebrate the

70th anniversary of its military through various political events, including a massive military


The anniversary was originally celebrated on February 8th, but in 1978 Kim Il-sung moved

the military's founding day to April 25th -- the day anti-Japanese forces were established.

Satellite images last week showed North Korea preparing around 12-thousand troops, military

vehicles, and artillery equipment at the Mirim Parade Training Ground -- a spot typically

active only ahead of national parades.

Invitations were also sent to diplomats,... suggesting that the North was planning a major

military parade.

The parade would be a way for leader Kim Jong-un to make a statement to the international community

that despite its diplomatic peace gestures,... the North's military and nuclear capabilities

remain strong.

If the celebrations do take place on February 8th, they would fall on the eve of the 2018

PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

North Korea's appearance at the Olympics appeared to be a sign of improving relations.

The two Koreas agreed to form a combined women's ice hockey team for the games, and march under

a united flag in the opening ceremony.

Although the anniversary celebrations could dent that current thaw in inter-Korean ties,...

it is likely that Kim Jong-un will push forward with the parade.

Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korea planning military parade on eve of PyeongChang Olympics - Duration: 1:52.


Tuyển Chọn Những Ca Khúc Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất 2018 ♡ Nhạc Trẻ Chọn Lọc - Duration: 1:33:05.

For more infomation >> Tuyển Chọn Những Ca Khúc Nhạc Trẻ Hay Nhất 2018 ♡ Nhạc Trẻ Chọn Lọc - Duration: 1:33:05.



(man talking in background)

- [Man] Oh, man!

(bright music)

- It is 28 degrees,

it is so nice.

(bright music)

(bright music)


- [Man] I'm gonna hit your leg, man.


- [Male Diver] It was bitten by the jelly.


- [Woman] Gonna hit it now.


(yelling and laughing)

- [Man] Ah, you've wetted your wetsuit!

- Yeah, that's true, you know.

- Axel in the house.


(bright music)

For more infomation >> WRECK DIVING STONE TOWN, ZANZIBAR - Duration: 3:35.


Learn amigurumi - Learn crochet step by step - Duration: 2:51.

Hi, dear crocheters!

How are you? My name is Fernando

welcome back to GanchiGurumi.

Some of you asked me to do

an easy amigurumi lessons

to show you how to crochet

and make amigurumi.

I know most of you already know

and can crochet finished amigurumi.

You follow my tutorials!

But there's still some people

who is starting or willing to start

in this beautiful work.

So I'm showing you quick and simple lessons

to start crocheting amigurumi!

That's why I've created this playlist

where I'll upload little by little

different videos to learn how to crochet:

the anatomy of the hook

to know it well

and the functions of its parts,

how to make different stitches,

how to start and finish a project...

Everything you'll need for making

a whole amigurumi!

These are just some lessons

that I'll upload little by little

to know the basics

and get comfortable with the hook

and with the projects.

This way you'll be able

to create your own designs or

follow any kind of pattern.

In these videos you can ask me

your doubts at any time

and I'll do my best to answer you

in a clear and simple way.

I hope you'll go ahead

and thanks to my videos

you'll crochet pretty things!

So start watching my videos

and learn to crochet with me!

See you soon!

For more infomation >> Learn amigurumi - Learn crochet step by step - Duration: 2:51.


How to draw a T-rex for kids - Dinosaur Fairy Tales - Duration: 8:51.

hey guys I'm going to show you how to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex so bring a

paper pencil eraser whatever we're gonna have fun.

so I am going to open up my procreate app on my iPad. have you seen my my stories yeah I do all my drawings

using this app and using an iPad and my Apple pencil works really well

and I'm gonna just paste an image of a t-rex here we go there doesn't that look

good I found him on the Internet I know there's so many dinosaurs on the

internet but you can also find them in books yeah I always find it helpful to

look at something when I'm drawing so I could get the shapes and I'll show you

what I mean because I'm just gonna draw over this t-rex here's a nice red good

so that's should stand out and okay looking at his head that's like a good

trapezoid shape you know trapezoids they're like one side is bigger like his

mouth part is longer it's straight lines and then his neck here and there are two

straight lines like another rectangle the body is like a half circle I

don't know like egg shape I don't know what that is. but you see it tails yeah it's

a triangle his legs here there's a lot of kind of

trapezoids like shapes on his legs you see that. like one two three, there's his

toes its back legs you're just and then his other

more like a triangle toes at the end and his tiny little arms I love their arms

so small that is like yeah two little shapes and

just little little claws at the end okay and then his mouth is like a big

triangle right? there we go. you see that? the eyes are here. alright let's

turn off the image and let's see what we got. okay that's that's a good shape this

we can work with this. I mean this is just more like a sketch

but well lower the opacity and draw on top of this okay okay so this I'm gonna try to

simplify things here a bit like this body let's combine it with the neck you

know make it a little bit bigger so it runs into a neck

and yeah let's just keep drawing through it so that we'll have things overlap I

will erase them bigger and the head I think let's make it bigger yeah like

he's really roaring right in and so then he needs a bigger mouth on

this draw a bigger triangle yeah like that's a proper T-Rex good okay his arms

let's make little little let's make it into one simplify it into like one like half

banana shape with these claws at the end these killer claws yeah tail okay let's

just extend the bottom keep it and then kind of so the lines are more kind of

smooth body just kind of runs into the moves onto the tail see that and for his

legs and just do the same thing I did with the arms just kind of these

simplify it into just one little giant half banana shape yeah

with killer toes. another a half banana shape but he's walking

here so let's make the toes go down yeah he's moving he's on the move

okay looking good all right now let's move the eyes here and

give him some eyebrows yeah should make him look angry yeah yeah I know maybe more

angry yeah because t-rexes are they're just

always angry right they're looking for food and they need teeth big teeth

because they like eating meat yeah good all right it looks good I'm just

gonna erase some lines that we don't need like we don't need this one good

and we don't need this one either so let's erase that where else does it

overlap there yeah I like to just draw through and have things overlap and then

erase afterwards that way the lines kind of like move you know like visually it's

just moving even though yeah okay let's turn off the back layer and there we go

that's nice t-rex I like this giving some nostrils we can sniff out his food

good okay we'll have another layer below the line layer now this would be our

coloring layer where we color everything in what color should be red I want to be

red red red red red red oh okay sure why not

red it is the t-rex has spoken so yeah I like to just listen to my drawings when

I draw mmm I like coloring in with big brushes just just fill it all in.

color color color color color you know I'm not worried about going over

the lines because a pretty good eraser so let's just colored that all in color color the

tail - there we go and then let me get an eraser and I'll just erase all this

lines clean it up okay erase erase race okay yeah clean that

up I want to see those teeth see those big white teeth oh forgot the arms oops

yep color that part in okay did I miss anything?

Oh and we need to see some white eyes yeah there we go make his eyes pop I'm just

let's give him a little shade I'm just locking the color layer that means

you know I could only draw where I've already drawn so I'm not gonna it's also

called an alpha lock. let's just shade him in with some darker colors here just

just to give him more of a 3d look yeah just just along the edges in the bottom

his arms, his legs. nice but how about some highlights some give him some little

lighter areas okay. sun is shining on his his head and his back maybe his tail yeah

alright here's our red Tyrannosaurus Rex looks pretty good I think. Roar.

I hope that was fun and helpful for you I know it was fun for me be sure to

subscribe so you can get more stories and drawing stuff like this from me

I am EB Adams children's author and illustrator on YouTube thanks for


For more infomation >> How to draw a T-rex for kids - Dinosaur Fairy Tales - Duration: 8:51.


AWS Serverless Architecture - Duration: 10:57.


Welcome to the section on AWS Serverless Architecture.

In this section, we'll look at the AWS serverless architecture and I'll also give you a quick

rundown on different web services that are part of the AWS serverless platform.

As part of the serverless architecture, Amazon provides a set of web services that you can

use to build and run your serverless applications.

All of these services are fully managed, meaning, you can focus on your core application logic

and AWS does the rest for you.

Now, there are three core services or prominently used services that you can find in almost

every serverless application and these are AWS Lambda, Amazon API gateway and AWS DynamoDB.

And, there are additional web services that you can use in your serverless applications

depending on your use case.

And these could be Amazon S3, SNS, SQS, AWS Step Functions, Kinesis, Athena and so on.

And I know, if you're new to AWS, all this can sound a little intimidating.

But worry not, I'm going to cover each of these services in little more detail in this


When it comes to serverless applications, AWS Lambda is the most important service that

you will need in your applications.

AWS Lambda lets you run your code without having to create or manage any servers.

You simply upload your code to Lambda and Lambda does the rest for you and ensures that

your code runs on highly scalable and highly available infrastructure.

Each piece of code that you upload to Lambda is called as a Lambda Function and it runs

as a self-contained independent Microservice.

Now later in this course we will look at what microservices are.

As discussed earlier, with Lambda you pay only for the time your code runs and there

is no charge when your code is not running.

Now, we'll explore Lambda in little more detail later in this course when we do our hands-on


Now let's look at Amazon API Gateway.

API Gateway, as the name indicates, helps you create and publish APIs and it tightly

integrates with AWS Lambda to let you create completely serverless APIs.

Again, this is a fully managed service and you can use it to build RESTful APIs.

RESTful API are the APIs that follow a client-server model, where client is stateful and server

is completely stateless.

These APIs can then be consumed by your web or mobile applications, allowing you to interact

with different AWS services through your code running on AWS Lambda.

Again, API Gateway is a fully managed service and can handle thousands of concurrent API


It also gives you full control to create your APIs with fine-grained access control and

version management capabilities.

Later in this course, we'll use API Gateway to build our first microservice when we do

our hands-on exercise.

Now let's look at Amazon DynamoDB.

DynamoDB is highly-scalable high-performance NoSQL database that you can use in your serverless


DynamoDB can scale on-demand to support virtually unlimited concurrent read/write operations

with response times in single-digit milliseconds.

And then, you have DynamoDB DAX or DynamoDB Accelerator, which further brings down the

response times from milliseconds to microseconds.

It's a caching service that is provided by Amazon on top of the Amazon DynamoDB.

Now we'll look at DynamoDB in little more detail later in this course when we do our

hands-on exercise.

Now AWS Lambda, API Gateway and DynamoDB are the three most commonly used services in serverless


Now, depending on your use cases, you might need other web services as well.

Amazon Simple Storage Service or S3 is a very simple and intuitive web service that you

can use to store and access your data from anywhere on the web and with fine-grained

access control.

S3 also lets you build static websites that can interact with your Lambda code.

So you can really use S3 as a front end of your serverless applications.

Interprocess messaging.

Now, with serverless applications, since there are no servers, you need a reliable way for

different web services or different software components to talk to each other or communicate

with each other.

AWS provides two services that you can use here for interprocess messaging.

First is SNS or Simple Notification Service.

SNS is a fully-managed notification service that allows you to publish notifications and

any services all software components that subscribe to these notifications will receive

these messages.

Then you have SQS or Simple Queue Service which is very simple and intuitive service

that you can use to send and receive messages at virtually any volume.

Now let's look at Orchestration.

AWS Step Functions is a service that helps you with orchestration.

It takes your Lambda functions to the next level.

Now, often, your serverless applications might need several many Lambda functions.

And you might want to run these functions in a specific order or based on certain conditions

that might be known only at the runtime.

And this is where a AWS Step Functions help you.

AWS Step Functions let you build visual workflows to coordinate different Lambda functions to

work together and form a larger serverless application.

Coming to Analytics, Amazon provides two web services Amazon Kinesis and Amazon Athena.

Amazon Kinesis is a platform for streaming data applications.

So, if your application requires you to work with or analyze streaming data in real time,

you may want to use Amazon Kinesis.

And Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that you can use to query your data

stored in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.

Now let's look at some developer tools.

AWS provides several developer tools that you can use to build your serverless applications

and this includes frameworks like AWS SAM or Serverless Application Model, which is

nothing but a set of guidelines or rules that you can use to design your serverless applications.

Then you also have CI/CD tools or Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment tools

like Amazon CodeBuild, Amazon CodePipeline or Amazon CodeStar.

You also have debugging tools like AWS X-Ray, and debugging & logging tools like AWS CloudWatch.

When we do our hands-on exercise, we'll look at how to use CloudWatch to monitor your Lambda


AWS also provides you with fully functional SDKs that you can use to build your serverless


AWS Lambda currently supports four programming languages.

And these are Node.js or JavaScript, Python, Java and C# or .NET Core.

This brings us to the end of this section.

In this section, we discussed the AWS Serverless Architecture and also quickly went over different

web services that make up the Amazon's serverless platform.

We looked at AWS Lambda, that lets you create microservices.

We also looked at Amazon API Gateway, that helps you build RESTful APIs.

Then we looked at Amazon DynamoDB, which is a high-performance NoSQL database that you

can use in your serverless applications.

We also looked at other web services like S3, which helps you with serverless storage.

SNS and SQS, that provide you with interprocess messaging services.

AWS Step Functions, which help you create visual workflows using your Lambda functions.

Then for Analytics services, we looked at Kinesis and Athena.

And finally, we looked at some of the developer tools that you can use to build your serverless


In the next section, we'll look at a couple of use cases where you can employ your serverless


So, thank you so much for joining me here.

See you in the next section!

For more infomation >> AWS Serverless Architecture - Duration: 10:57.


Feedbackly tutorial: How to customize the visual appearance of your surveys - Duration: 0:37.

To enable visual customization of your surveys, simply log in to your Feedbackly

dashboard click on the organization tab - survey visual appearance and enable

customization. From here you can customize your background color, font color

and title font.

For more infomation >> Feedbackly tutorial: How to customize the visual appearance of your surveys - Duration: 0:37.


Самые БОГАТЫЕ ЛЮДИ 2018. Топ рейтинг богатых людей. Миллиардеры и их состояния! - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Самые БОГАТЫЕ ЛЮДИ 2018. Топ рейтинг богатых людей. Миллиардеры и их состояния! - Duration: 2:51.


Sick Licks 7 - Inverted Doubles - Better Drums #75 - Duration: 1:01.

that was a lick that's basically a nine stroke roll using inverted doubles and

the idea is great because you can phrase it in different places and it's great as

a solo device where you can jump to ideas you know and then to jump into

this lick

you can also use it as a fill in check it out

try to come up with your own variations that fit the music you play

keep on drumming god bless you

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