Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

- I am Amanda Stajcar from Butte, Montana.

I attempted to study using another course

and lasted two weeks.

After working for a public accounting firm

for the last five years, I've realized how crucial

becoming a CPA is in order for me to grow professionally

in my career.

I came upon Roger CPA Review course

and knew we were the perfect match.

I started studying in April of 2017,

have successfully passed BEC and FAR,

and have currently started studying for REG.

I highly recommend Roger CPA Review's SmartPath.

Being able to track your strengths and weaknesses

compared to other successful CPA candidates

adds another level of resources that is advantageous

to each student.

Being able to see where I am

excelling or where I need to put more focus on

really helps me gain the confidence of knowing

that I am fully prepared to pass each exam.

For more infomation >> Amanda Stajcar is Studying Smarter, not Harder with SmartPath™ - Duration: 0:57.


AN2OUK – #H3 : Episode 1 / " H3 " [Prod.By.Nikotine] - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> AN2OUK – #H3 : Episode 1 / " H3 " [Prod.By.Nikotine] - Duration: 3:04.


Crazy Vegas & Shopify Hacks w/ Adrian Morrison - Duration: 20:52.

For more infomation >> Crazy Vegas & Shopify Hacks w/ Adrian Morrison - Duration: 20:52.


Review Omnibus F4 V2 PRO - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Review Omnibus F4 V2 PRO - Duration: 3:46.


Retiro Esenio con Elisa Bernal - 5 Días Maravillosos - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Retiro Esenio con Elisa Bernal - 5 Días Maravillosos - Duration: 3:52.


Einwohner Aleppos Entlarven Propagandafoto | 23. Januar 2018 | - Duration: 1:32.

For more infomation >> Einwohner Aleppos Entlarven Propagandafoto | 23. Januar 2018 | - Duration: 1:32.


Fortnite battle royal sniper kills and highlights epsode 4 - Duration: 8:01.

Wassup people

Welcome back

To another Fortnite highlight

Sniper and epic kills video

I am Frank

Also known as udc-crew

And i really hope you wil enjoy this video

I would really love it if you subscribe to the channel

Share the video

And like the video

Now relax put your back in the chair

And enjoy the video

Episode 4

Have fun :)

This is already the end of the video

Thanks for watching, I really hope

You have enjoyed the video and don't

Forget to like

Subscribe and share the video

And when you have really awesome clips or wtf moments

Send me those on twitter

My twitter is @crew_udc

And maybe you are in the next video

My twitter is also in the description

And when you have questions just put them in the comments down below

And i will always answer them

And then i will see you guys and girls

In the next video or livestream

Thanks again

Peace out your udc-crew bye :)

For more infomation >> Fortnite battle royal sniper kills and highlights epsode 4 - Duration: 8:01.



hey guys today is day 12 of my juice fast and I'm still on the juice fast

everything's going good I just got finished making two thirty two ounces of

apple juice with celery and dandy dandy line dandy-lion

in it and that's for to regulate the water in my system I want to start off

by saying at the beginning of the video please subscribe to the channel I am

aiming to get a thousand subscribers and I'm going to do a giveaway all most

likely it'll be a gift card and whoever subscribes to the Channel please don't

leave a comment in the comment section saying I subscribed the way you will win

the gift card when I get to a thousand subscribers is either leaving a comment

of something that you liked about the video or something you didn't like about

the video you can still win the gift card even if you're saying something

negative because it could be something that I need to know when making videos

that is constructive criticism so just leave a comment in the comment section

of how you felt about the video and how you didn't like the video or what I

could change about the videos and you know and I'll just pick a winner from

that when we reach a thousand subscribers so please make sure that you

subscribe to the channel when you come to my channel so look at my videos okay

back to what's at hand today is day 12 I feel fine

I'm probably not gonna drink a lot of juice today I'm on my second

glass of juice so I basically had to 12 ounces of juice today as it has been for

the last 11 days today's the 12th day I'm not really hungry so I feel as

though I'm not gonna drink juice or anything if I don't feel like I need it

so I have made to 32 ounces of apple juice and then I made like a beet juice

savory one and I'm still trying to experiment with a savory juice if anyone

has a recipe leave it down in the comment section and I'll check it out

and I'll let you know how basically it tastes to me but I've been using

nutritional yeast and that's the only thing I've changed the side doing the

juice fasts and I'm finding that I'm constipated

I did too salt water flushes today and the water from the salt flush is not

coming out as easy as it normally does it's almost like there's something

that's not clearing out the GI tract so what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna

drink one more glass of apple juice which will make 24 ounces and then what

I'll do is I'm gonna drink some green tea and then I'm gonna put some extra

Senna parlor in the teeth as you can see I did my hair today but about a year and

a half ago I shaved my hair balls to my head never will do that again I don't

look right with bald head and I as it was growing in I kept shaving it shaving

shaving it I've always had long hair the longest my hair has ever been and then I

cut it but not as shorter shaving it all off but I'm the longest

my hair has ever been is to my waist and then when I had cut it when it was at my

waist I always had it to the middle of my back so when I shaved my head balls

about I'll say about two years ago when it was growing in it looked awkward so I

kept shaving it so people kept saying someone if you keep shaving it it's

never gonna grow back and you're gonna look weird like you look now so I

stopped shaving it and it's been about a year and a half now and you know it's

basically grown out so I'm really hairy it's not a problem with growing back

here for me and now that I'm on this juice cleanse a lot of people say that

even cake cancer patients when they do these juice fasts and stuff like that

they grow their hair back fast from the nutrients from the vegetables and you

know and the vegetables in the fruit so anyways cuz I'm all over the place today

I have a lot to say to you guys but overall I haven't I haven't lost any

weight and I haven't gained any weight I I'm at a standstill right now and I

think it's because of the constipation I'm trying to get this under control

hopefully by tonight whatever's in my you know colon

intestines GI tract whatever you call it hopefully I can get this moving along

and I don't think I'm gonna do another salt water flush cuz I did too today and

that pretty much from what came out it was a lot of yellow fluid it wasn't any

fecal matter or anything like that so that is another sign that it's it's

something's backed up and I'm just trying to not really drink too

much I keep saying eat I'm not eating anything I'm drinking but I'm not really

trying to drink too much I'm just trying to focus on where the problems that and

that's me being constipated so I want to relieve myself of that so that I can go

and get back on track with the weight loss it's not discouraging me from

stopping I'm on day 12 there's no way that I would want to turn back at this

point because like almost halfway in the in 15 three more days it'll be 15 days

half the 30 days so no I'm nowhere near I'm going to give up just because I had

a constipation day or two and and the scale didn't move I didn't gain any way

and I didn't lose anyway so there's nothing for me to be discouraged about

something eventually has to give but I also made a beet juice and that came out

so pretty and red I'm gonna put those pics up on Facebook or my foot in the

thumbnail who knows depending on how I feel after I finish this video but

everything's just going great man I just feel lighter I look better my skin is

wonderful it's glowing I have noticed that you know just just an overall

well-being just not so anxious and aggravated over

the littlest stains and I have so much energy I cut up this morning I did my

hair I wash clothes

I made three 32 ounces of juice without having to contemplate about doing it I

had did an arrant for somebody today and I also did some business you know

because I work from home and you know I had to take care of some things that I

was holding off on that I can do on my own time because I'm a contract worker

but with all that being said yes I'm having a contest to see if I can get up

to a thousand subscribers and I will give away a gift card it's not gonna be

a $5,000 gift farm anything like that but it's going to show my appreciation

for you guys help and support my channel and getting

me to a thousand subscribers I'm very transparent I make videos every day and

you know I just want to stay relevant you know YouTube has been making a lot

of changes in the community and you know I think that if I don't get to a

thousand subscribers like they have now in the rule book

a lot of videos that are making unless you come directly to my channel yeah you

might not even see them so I'm trying to stay relevant so please subscribe to the

channel always like the video also which is another part of supporting me and

like I said never leave in the comment section

oh I subscribe this is not me asking you for sub4sub

this is me asking you to support my channel into sub to it and like I said

when I get to a thousand subscribers my reward to you is that I'm going to give

away a gift card there to be a gift card of your choice the gift card will

probably start because it's the only a thousand subscribers a $25 gift card and

then when I get to 2050 you know I'm saying it'll go up from there you know

but yeah right now I can tell you it'll be like a twenty five dollar gift card

to whatever store you would like the gift card from and I'll go out and

purchase it and let you guys know who the lucky winner is and you know take it

from there so with all that being said I'm looking at my hair and it looks nice

and shiny so well that being said I will see you tomorrow day 13



How to Invest 1000 Dollars for Beginners in 2018 - Stock Market, Side Hustle - Duration: 8:18.

- How to invest $1,000.

Live Life on Your Terms!

Hey I'm Angela Lin, international best selling author.

You're going to learn how to invest.

I'm going to share with you four ways to do that,

to make your money grow.

I'll share with you,

what I wish somebody had told me 12 years ago

when I first started investing.

Make sure you watch through the end of this video

to get my free checklist

that will give you the four ways to invest your $1,000

and make it grow to up to a million.

Now let's get into the four ways.

First, investing in stock market.

But guess what?

Most of the financial professionals

can't do better than you or a monkey

in terms of getting consistent returns.

96% of mutual funds actually never beat the market

and the market is something general

like the S&P 500 stock index.

According to DALBAR,

one of the leading industry research firms,

over 20 years from 1993 until 2013

the S&P 500

returned almost four times

as much as just the average mutual fund investor.

So what do you do instead?

You can invest in some mutual funds.

4% can beat the market,

or ETF's or Index Funds where you don't

have to pick that perfect stock.

You can own 50 or 500 of the biggest and best companies.

You don't have to know when it's time to buy

and sell and spend all that time and effort

trying to research all these companies.

I got an Average Annual Return of over 18% per year

for the past five years,

since I started investing in ETF's

and index funds for my stock market portfolio.

I'll show you two investment plans

and you can decide which one works betters for you.

Each of these investment plans

will have only two investments.

I'll be doing a separate video for each of these

and posting the links in the description below.

If you think this is your ticket to get rich quick,

it is not.

It's important to leave your money

invested in the long term,

to truly get the benefits of making your money grow

and grow at an even faster rate,

like a snowball.

So that you can live life

on your terms.

Second, investing in your own business or side hustle.

Business that will continue to make you money

over your lifetime.

If you've ever had that desire to be your own boss,

or just to have another source of income

in case you get laid off and still survive

or if you want to travel a lot,

but still make money from anywhere in the world,

which I've done

it doesn't need to be a business

full-time, right away.

It can just start out as a side hustle

or side business, which is how I got started.

I've definitely had my share of failing

and succeeding in businesses.

And my first business, was a complete fail.

I only made 20$,

for a whole year.


Since then, I've used that and learned from it

to grow my second business,

which was also started for less than $1,000,

but now I'm featured on NBC, ABC, CBS, CW, FOX

and I've helped hundreds of small business owners

around the world to grow their sales

and grow their prospects through social media,

mainly LinkedIn.

It's not hard to start a business.

You need a domain name,

an email,

hosting site,

and more importantly,

what are you going to sell?

Because until you get that first paying customer or client

then you don't have a business.

You have a non-profit.

So instead of trying to spend all that time

designing your business card

or making everything look just perfect on your website,

come up with how you can add

the most value to your customer

in a way that's a bit different,

bringing your own personality.

And then just start selling

and if you're like ohhh,

I don't know if

my product or service is ready just yet,

it's okay.

It doesn't need to be perfect.

The goal is to at last get something out

into the market, sell it,

and then you can revise it to make it

a better version.

It's most important to get you

a paying customer or client first.

That's how you start getting into business.

And that's how you can grow from there.

Third, invest in yourself.

Yeah, yourself, whoo.

Even the people who are super successful or rich

and I met them, I chatted with them.

People, who sold their business for more

than 100 million dollars,

they constantly challenge themselves to get better.

There are lots of successful or rich people in life,

and if you want to get to where they are

they've written books, gotten interviewed

or created courses that can show you the roadmap

of how to avoid the mistakes and struggles that

they went though,

how to overcome that and reach those success steps,

That really take them to where they are right now.

Whether you like to learn by reading or listening

or watching videos or going through classes,

here is the mistake that I want you to avoid.

I used to read a lot of books,

watch a lot of videos, listen to podcasts.

I spent tens of thousands of dollars

on courses and conferences,

constantly learning and learning and learning

but then, I would just get overwhelmed

with all this info and not know what to do,

not know what step to take next,

just be like, nope, not doing anything.

And what I've learned from multi-millionaires I've met,

just look for that one thing.

That one idea that can make the biggest difference

in your life.

What is that?

So the next time,

that you're reading or listening or watching

or attending a class,

then just take that one idea,

and do it in your life.

And don't go learning all this other stuff

until you finish implementing it

or at least started to implement it.

Remember, action equals results to help you grow.

No action, equals no change and you'll just be stuck

where you are.

Fourth, investing in a coach.

This can be in any area of your life,

that you want to get better in,

physically, financially, emotionally.

I spend tens of thousands of dollars on coaches.

Some are great and some not so great.

Before you get coaching,

you need to figure out exactly what you want

out if it.

What is that outcome that you want so that your

coach can take you there.

They can give you directions and steps and all of that,

if you need somebody to hold you accountable,

so that you'll actually get things done.

I know I do.

Kept on making excuses.

It's like oh, I didn't have time to do this.

Oh yeah, no that was too hard,

but when I got a coach,

the coach was like Angela,

you know you can do this.

You know you're better than this.

Just do it.

And I'll actually get things done.

Ensure that you ask for references

before you get these coaches.

It's just like how when you get a job

your potential employer will ask you for references,

before they hire you.

Same thing.

Before you hire a coach,

ask for at least three references

and preferably people, their clients

who have been in the same situation

that you are in right now,

so that you can ask them

how does it feel to be working with that coach?

Are they actually good?

I want you to post in the comments below,

as to what are you most excited about

for investing your $1,000.

Is it the stock market?

Your own business?


Or getting a coach?

Post in the comments below

and let me know.

Also post in the comments of your biggest questions,

about how to invest.

Post them and then I can create videos

to answer them for you.

If you like this video,

click below to subscribe

and make sure to get your free checklist

of how to invest your $1,000

and grow it to a million.

You can get the link below this video.

So that you can take action

and start getting results.

Until the next video, thank you so much

for watching and here is to you

living life on your terms.

I feel wind, I feel rain, I feel rain!

I feel like I'm getting rained on.

For more infomation >> How to Invest 1000 Dollars for Beginners in 2018 - Stock Market, Side Hustle - Duration: 8:18.


Lyriciste Aziz - SansCouleurs (Explicit Official Video) FT. Zanji | #SansCouleurs.EP - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Lyriciste Aziz - SansCouleurs (Explicit Official Video) FT. Zanji | #SansCouleurs.EP - Duration: 3:40.


Der riesige "Donau-Lachs": 25 kg schwer - 1,50 m lang - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Der riesige "Donau-Lachs": 25 kg schwer - 1,50 m lang - Duration: 2:41.


Bright Insight: kijk live mee over de tech-trends van 2018 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Bright Insight: kijk live mee over de tech-trends van 2018 - Duration: 0:40.


Mystery Box Makeup Challenge - Duration: 5:11.

- MacGyver but for makeup.

Give me one eyeshadow palette, I'll get us out of here,

disable the bomb, and we can get the hell out of Russia!

(upbeat techno music)

- We are doing a mystery makeup box challenge.

- Ooh!

- What's inside?

- What is it?

- I don't know.

- What is it?

- It's a mystery.

- It's a mystery.

I fucking hate surprises.

- I'm pretty excited.

- I'm a little nervous about what exactly is in here.

- Alright, there are 15 items in this here box.

And we are picking out three each,

and have to make a full-face look out of those three items.

- All I need is a lipstick.

I'm all about those lips, so like, a lipstick.

- If you give me a shadow palette I can make magic happen.

- If I get like three lipsticks, I'm gonna cry.

- I love using makeup products for multiple things.

Eyeliner for lipstick, lipstick for blush.

Makeup glory hole!

- Ooh, this one feels like a dildo.

It's like ribbed for her pleasure.

- This is

squishy, it's a squishy tube.

- Gonna pull out the first thing in here.

Oh I should not have done that.


Colorful Gloss Balm, and it's yellow?

- Alright, I'm grabbing this.


This is the eyeliner that I use.


- Feels cool so I'm gonna pull it out.

Okay this is a--

Ooh, a Sephora mascara. - Oh, you got a mascara?

- Ooh!

Anastasia. - Anastasia.

- Alright, round two.

- It is a jumbo liner.

- Ooh


I am--

Yeah! - No!

- I'm just, this is my whole look, this is my whole look.

- I want that!

- Oh, what is that?

- Oh, a highlighter.

- Alright, I'll go for this one.


- What is it, ohh.

Alright, last pull.

- What are you going for? What do you hope is in there.

- I don't know, maybe a shadow?

I think this is a shadow.

It's a blush.

I can still work with this.

- It feels like a bronzer, which I also need.

Oh, okay, I'm good with this.

- Is that a lipstick?

- It's a Kat Von D.

- Goddamn it.

- Lipstick.


- Oh I feel another Fenty one!


- I have to do it.

- Do it.



- It's a wee bit dark.

- We each chose three products.

The goal is a going out look.

We cannot swap products,

and we have to use all three of these so.

- Let's fuck it up.

- Let's try this Fenty this is in the color "truffle".

Let's see what this looks like.

Ooh, truffle on the eyes.

- So right now I'm trying to put

the blush on top of the gloss.

- I wish I had something with which to highlight.

- This contour is a little bit light for me.

So I'm kind of using it as foundation.

- I'm taking this pointy brush

and I'm dipping it in the mascara tube

and I'm making liner out of it.

- I'm gonna use this highlighter.

Ooh this is actually a nice highlighter.

- I'm gonna use this stick as some shadow.

Cause you know what, this is Fenty.

And if Rihanna told me to glow, I'm gonna glow dammit.

- Oh, this is really pigmented it's gonna look so cool.

You know what I'm just gonna put it

on my eyelashes while I'm at it.

- I have an idea.

- Really? What's your idea?

- I'm not gonna tell the competition.

- I can't do the same thing.

- I look like I'm high fashion pink eye.

Conjunctivitis? But make it fashion.

- I have to fill in my whole lip with eyeliner.

It's just like, you think matte is drying,

and then you put on liquid eyeliner on your lips,

and then you're like, this is actually what drying is.

But the precision.

- You know the feeling of when you've nailed something.

When you're like, yes, I fucking nailed it?

This is not it.


- Okay, this look is taking a turn, I'm making it different.

- You look like a Marc Jacobs fashion show.

- I call my look "Wannabe Runway".

I used basically the Anastasia lip gloss,

did the most.

- I would call this look "Fuck You Thot".

I decided to use this Fenty Beauty as a highlight.

Then I used this liquid eyeliner

to create my cat eye and my lipstick.

- I call my look "Brunch, Then Disco".

On my eyes I did the blush as pink eyeshadow liner look,

and then I used the gloss on my lips as highlighter.

- I think I'm gonna call this look "Harmonious Discord".

I used this little color liner as a shadow,

then I used this mascara as liner

around my eye and as actual mascara.

- I feel like this really expanded my definition

of what each piece of makeup can do for you.

And if you are in a pinch, fucking lip gloss

man, that's all you need.

- I say, there are no rules in makeup and fashion,

and beauty, like fuck it, we've lived

with so many rules in our lives.

Why limit ourselves when it comes to our creativity?

For more infomation >> Mystery Box Makeup Challenge - Duration: 5:11.


The Best Cheap Bengali Food in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:32.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the 5 Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm going to put you guys

onto the very finest New York grub for $5 or less.

Yup, yes, let me call you back.

All right, five minutes, bye.

All right, today's mission.

Let's see what we got.

Bengali food.

What do I know about Bengali food?

Well, I mean growing up in Queens,

Indian cuisine is everywhere.

Growing up from an early age, you can have anything,

and that's where I first had a kati roll.

Now, a kati roll is Bengali street food.

It's like if you took the most perfectly seasoned meat,

and then put chutney and egg with it,

and then wrapped it all in paratha bread.

Now if that doesn't sound good to you,

I don't know what does.

And I'm excited to put you guys on.

Let's do it.

Now we could go to Jackson Heights

or Little India here in Manhattan,

but I only have five bucks, and

if you can't tell, it's kinda brick.

So we're going to go to The Kati Roll Company

in the East Village.

Now as the name suggests,

they already know what they're doing,

so let's go.

It's five bucks somewhere.

So these are the rules of "Operation Five Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less.

And whatever I don't use today,

rolls over into the next episode.

(upbeat music)

(camera clicks)

Have you ever had Bengali food before?

- No, have never had Bengali food.

- No, I have not.

- No.

- So have you ever had Bengali food?

- No.

- When you say Bengali food,

most people don't even realize

that it's a type of Indian cuisine,

and then on top of that, most people kind of default

to the, you know, to the regulars,

to the chicken tandooris, the chicken tikkas, naan and curry --

I mean, nothing really that crazy.

So most people haven't really had a kati roll --

but don't worry your boy's about to put you on.

You're welcome in advance.

(upbeat music)

The first ever kati roll can be traced back

to a single restaurant, Nizam's,

who created the dish in British- controlled Kolkata, India.

Now, they created a restaurant by the same name in 1932,

and even after all that time,

they're still considered one of the best places

in the world to get a kati roll.

(upbeat music)

There we are, Kati Roll, Second Ave.

St. Marks is over there, man.

It wasn't too long of a journey, but I'm starving.

Let's go, man.

Is this your first time here?

- My third time here.

- This is your third time here, really?

- Yeah.

- OK, what did you get today?

- I got three vegetarian rolls.

- What would you say is your favorite dish?

- Probably any sort of naan with a spicy dal

is a bomb. - Oh my God.

- Yeah, it's lit.

Thank you so much. - No problem.

- Thank you so much, appreciate it.

Guys, let's go eat.

It smells amazing.

Get straight into it.

(camera clicks)



First thing I'm getting are these potatoes.

These potatoes are like, they have a bit of a heat on them.

A little bit of something extra,

a little bit of something to make you pay attention

to the food.

And then of course, it's complemented with the tomatoes.

I see onion and these green peppers.

My favorite part is the paratha bread.

It's something that I'm familiar with.

Coming from Queens, you know, you just make paratha bread.

You make naan, you make all of these different kind of

Indian breads, and you serve them

with your food on the side.

It's just something you do, it's available to you.

(camera clicks)

I mean eating this, being in this place

that's like warm and friendly, and you got like

street art all over the walls.

It's nice, it's not too big, it's intimate.

I mean, you know you can't beat that.

I mean, and it's not only this

if you look on the menu there are

a few things on here that are under five bucks,

and even more that are under $10, so it's like,

come on: Why wouldn't you come here and eat this?

Man, yo.

The only thing about paratha bread,

it's my favorite part, but the butteriness, man.

I'm gonna need some more napkins.

Today's mission was Bengali food,

which led us to the kati roll.

Now while most people weren't too familiar

with a kati roll or Indian food

outside of the most basic dishes,

hopefully this video gives you guys

a bit of insight into this legendary street food --

and legendary in every single way.

I mean, I had only one of those things,

and I am set until tomorrow.

When does it ever happen for like about five bucks?

Come on.

Today's mission was a success.

It's not a big chain, it's in budget,

and say it with me: It was damn good.

Anyways, with that being said,

it's your boy Prez signing off,

and I will see you guys next time.

Dance off.

(camera clicks)

Hey guys what's going on?

It's your boy Prez.

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For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Bengali Food in NYC || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:32.


AWS Serverless Use Cases - Duration: 5:16.

Welcome to this section on AWS Serverless Application Use Cases.

Now, serverless architecture allows you to build just about any type of application or

back-end service that you can think of.

And we'll go over two of the most common use cases where you can use serverless architecture.

These are - Web, Mobile or IoT applications and their backends and real-time data processing

systems or real-time streaming data processing systems.

Serverless web applications and their backends typically make use of AWS Lambda, API Gateway,

DynamoDB and even S3 or Step Functions as well.

End-users might interact with your applications through web, mobile smartphones, or even IoT


Each incoming request from the end user is typically received by one of the endpoints

exposed by API Gateway.

API Gateway then triggers a call to Lambda function and Lambda function then coordinates

with different web services like S3 or DynamoDB to generate a response and then return that

response back to the end user, possibly through the same channel like API Gateway and S3 can

also be used to create the app front-end in this case.

Such applications could have very unpredictable usage patterns with periods of extremely high

user traffic followed by minimal traffic.

And your application must be geared to handle these spikes in traffic without the need for

any expensive infrastructure.

With AWS Lambda, your applications can scale on demand and you pay only for what you use.

And in most cases, such serverless applications require zero administration.

Now let's look at real-time data processing systems or real-time streaming data processing


You can use Amazon Kinesis along with Lambda, DynamoDB and S3 to create your real-time data

processing systems.

Real-time data processing systems typically have variable workloads and serverless approach

helps here by helping with automatic scaling during high workloads and then scaling down

and saving costs during the idle time.

Amazon Kinesis is a service that lets you collect, process and analyze real-time streaming

data from multiple sources, at any scale.

You can literally process terabytes of data every hour, coming in from thousands and thousands

of sources simultaneously.

For example, social media streaming data from several sources can be loaded into Kinesis

simultaneously and then processed in real-time using AWS Lambda and DynamoDB In this section,

we discussed two of the most common use cases of AWS Serverless Architecture and these are

web, mobile or IoT applications and their backends, and real-time data processing or

real-time streaming data processing systems.

All this while, we have been discussing theory, theory and theory and I know it can get a

little monotonous at times.

So, I am so very excited to take you to the next section, where we'll do some hands-on


In the next section, we'll dive into Amazon DynamoDB, which is a high-performance, highly-scalable,

NoSQL database that forms the database layer of Amazon's Serverless Architecture.

We'll also create a simple DynamoDB table and learn to use the DynamoDB console.

Later in this course, we'll use this table to create our first serverless API using Lambda

and API Gateway.

So, thank you for joining me in this section.

See you in the next section!

For more infomation >> AWS Serverless Use Cases - Duration: 5:16.


What Anna Nicole Smith's Daughter Is Doing Now - Duration: 4:21.

When model and actress Anna Nicole Smith tragically passed away in 2007, her daughter Dannielynn

Birkhead was only five months old.

Since then, Dannielynn has reportedly grown up to be a regular kid with a normal everyday

life, but what's she been up to all this time?

Spitting image

Dannielynn, who turned 11 in September 2017, looks just like her late mother.

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight in November 2015, Dannielynn's father, Larry Birkhead,

said she's a walking reminder of Smith's legacy.

"She reminds me so much of her mom and as she gets older, and her features are changing,

it's just like having a little miniature Anna Nicole running around in so many ways."

"You could've looked like me and that would have been bad, ya know."

"Tell me about it."

Far from Hollywood

After Smith passed, Dannielynn and her dad moved to rural Kentucky, where he continues

to raise her with the help of his extended family.

The move has had a positive impact on Dannielynn.

He told Entertainment Tonight in 2015,

"I think [about] how far she's come...

Just a little kid doing her thing like she's supposed to be.

That's the one thing that I'm most proud of that I've done — trying to keep everything

as normal as I can, in just a really crazy, crazy situation."

Frequent visitor

Dannielynn revealed that her favorite place to visit is the Bahamas, where Smith was buried

in 2007.

Larry told Entertainment Tonight that he regularly takes her to Smith's grave.

"We visit and I tell Dannielynn stories about her mom.

I don't sugar coat it.

I say there are some things that your mom did and you know I try to make her learn from it."

Avoiding the internet

One of the toughest things about raising a child in the age of the internet is the overwhelming

amount of information kids have at their fingertips.

Tabloids feasted on the life story of the high school dropout who became a stripper,

a Playboy Playmate, and then a top model.

Smith notoriously married an elderly billionaire oil tycoon and later battled his family over

the inheritance.

Her life was turned upside down when her 20-year-old son's life ended in the Bahamas in 2006 from

a reported accidental overdose on medications, the same cause of her own tragic passing less

than six months later.

Subsequently, a paternity controversy and custody battle ensued over baby Dannielynn.

Larry emerged as the father and has been raising his little girl as a single dad ever since.

" daughter likes to Google already and I'm trying to keep her from it.

She'll see things, you know, when she grows up, that are not necessarily all true."

Larry went on to say that he misses Smith, adding,

"Was she wild?

Yeah, sure.

But a great lady, and a great mom."


During a chat with Good Morning America, Larry revealed that his relationship status was

regularly on his daughter's mind.

"She says, 'Daddy, why don't you go get married?'

And I said, 'Who do you want me to marry?'

'Why don't you marry Lady Gaga?'

He went on to reveal that Dannielynn made a Mother's Day card in school and suggested

he give it to a new wife.

"There's not a week that goes by where she doesn't mention, go get married?"

New sibling?

In addition to finding a wife, Dannielynn apparently wants to see her dad grow their

family by adopting a child.

Larry told Entertainment Tonight in September 2017,

"We went to a museum in Indianapolis and she started pulling these brochures for these

kids that were up for adoption and she said, 'Just surprise me when you get home.

Bring the best one home.'"

Guess model

In November 2012, Dannielynn followed in her mother's footsteps when she made her modeling

debut for Guess Kids.

Smith's rise to stardom was catapulted by her Guess campaign in the early '90s.

"To see her mom's picture next to hers as a Guess girl and say, 'Hey, I was a Guess

Kids girl, my mommy was a Guess girl,' that might be her only connection with her mom."

Is Larry trying to launch his daughter's modeling career?

Not exactly.

In fact, he told Good Morning America the gig was just for fun, saying,

"My goal for her is for her to be a child and just do what all kids do."

Future YouTuber

The youngster seems ready to take on Hollywood, just like her mother — but in a millennial


Larry told Us Weekly in 2017,

"[Dannielynn] wants to be a YouTuber and make videos."

He added that he often fields phone calls for modeling requests, saying,

"I tell her, 'That's a lot of work, and you're only 11 years old.

If it's something you want to do when you get older, you can, but right now let's sell

some Girl Scout cookies.'"

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Anna Nicole Smith's Daughter Is Doing Now - Duration: 4:21.


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For more infomation >> One Piano, 15 Most Famous Netflix Series Theme Songs - George Holliday - Duration: 7:10.


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Beauty Hair Color Transformation Videos 2018 🔶 New Amazing HairStyles Tutorials Compilation #1

For more infomation >> Beauty Hair Color Transformation Videos 2018 🔶 New Amazing HairStyles Tutorials Compilation #1 - Duration: 5:15.


Plan De Crecimiento Para Tener Mejores Relaciones Sociales - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Plan De Crecimiento Para Tener Mejores Relaciones Sociales - Duration: 4:06.


Funny VS Cute FNAF Animations (Funny Five Nights at Freddy's Animations) - Duration: 12:26.

Welcome to Funny VS Cute FNAF Animations!

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