Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Wassup people

Welcome back

To another Fortnite highlight

Sniper and epic kills video

I am Frank

Also known as udc-crew

And i really hope you wil enjoy this video

I would really love it if you subscribe to the channel

Share the video

And like the video

Now relax put your back in the chair

And enjoy the video

Episode 4

Have fun :)

This is already the end of the video

Thanks for watching, I really hope

You have enjoyed the video and don't

Forget to like

Subscribe and share the video

And when you have really awesome clips or wtf moments

Send me those on twitter

My twitter is @crew_udc

And maybe you are in the next video

My twitter is also in the description

And when you have questions just put them in the comments down below

And i will always answer them

And then i will see you guys and girls

In the next video or livestream

Thanks again

Peace out your udc-crew bye :)

For more infomation >> Fortnite battle royal sniper kills and highlights epsode 4 - Duration: 8:01.



hey guys today is day 12 of my juice fast and I'm still on the juice fast

everything's going good I just got finished making two thirty two ounces of

apple juice with celery and dandy dandy line dandy-lion

in it and that's for to regulate the water in my system I want to start off

by saying at the beginning of the video please subscribe to the channel I am

aiming to get a thousand subscribers and I'm going to do a giveaway all most

likely it'll be a gift card and whoever subscribes to the Channel please don't

leave a comment in the comment section saying I subscribed the way you will win

the gift card when I get to a thousand subscribers is either leaving a comment

of something that you liked about the video or something you didn't like about

the video you can still win the gift card even if you're saying something

negative because it could be something that I need to know when making videos

that is constructive criticism so just leave a comment in the comment section

of how you felt about the video and how you didn't like the video or what I

could change about the videos and you know and I'll just pick a winner from

that when we reach a thousand subscribers so please make sure that you

subscribe to the channel when you come to my channel so look at my videos okay

back to what's at hand today is day 12 I feel fine

I'm probably not gonna drink a lot of juice today I'm on my second

glass of juice so I basically had to 12 ounces of juice today as it has been for

the last 11 days today's the 12th day I'm not really hungry so I feel as

though I'm not gonna drink juice or anything if I don't feel like I need it

so I have made to 32 ounces of apple juice and then I made like a beet juice

savory one and I'm still trying to experiment with a savory juice if anyone

has a recipe leave it down in the comment section and I'll check it out

and I'll let you know how basically it tastes to me but I've been using

nutritional yeast and that's the only thing I've changed the side doing the

juice fasts and I'm finding that I'm constipated

I did too salt water flushes today and the water from the salt flush is not

coming out as easy as it normally does it's almost like there's something

that's not clearing out the GI tract so what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna

drink one more glass of apple juice which will make 24 ounces and then what

I'll do is I'm gonna drink some green tea and then I'm gonna put some extra

Senna parlor in the teeth as you can see I did my hair today but about a year and

a half ago I shaved my hair balls to my head never will do that again I don't

look right with bald head and I as it was growing in I kept shaving it shaving

shaving it I've always had long hair the longest my hair has ever been and then I

cut it but not as shorter shaving it all off but I'm the longest

my hair has ever been is to my waist and then when I had cut it when it was at my

waist I always had it to the middle of my back so when I shaved my head balls

about I'll say about two years ago when it was growing in it looked awkward so I

kept shaving it so people kept saying someone if you keep shaving it it's

never gonna grow back and you're gonna look weird like you look now so I

stopped shaving it and it's been about a year and a half now and you know it's

basically grown out so I'm really hairy it's not a problem with growing back

here for me and now that I'm on this juice cleanse a lot of people say that

even cake cancer patients when they do these juice fasts and stuff like that

they grow their hair back fast from the nutrients from the vegetables and you

know and the vegetables in the fruit so anyways cuz I'm all over the place today

I have a lot to say to you guys but overall I haven't I haven't lost any

weight and I haven't gained any weight I I'm at a standstill right now and I

think it's because of the constipation I'm trying to get this under control

hopefully by tonight whatever's in my you know colon

intestines GI tract whatever you call it hopefully I can get this moving along

and I don't think I'm gonna do another salt water flush cuz I did too today and

that pretty much from what came out it was a lot of yellow fluid it wasn't any

fecal matter or anything like that so that is another sign that it's it's

something's backed up and I'm just trying to not really drink too

much I keep saying eat I'm not eating anything I'm drinking but I'm not really

trying to drink too much I'm just trying to focus on where the problems that and

that's me being constipated so I want to relieve myself of that so that I can go

and get back on track with the weight loss it's not discouraging me from

stopping I'm on day 12 there's no way that I would want to turn back at this

point because like almost halfway in the in 15 three more days it'll be 15 days

half the 30 days so no I'm nowhere near I'm going to give up just because I had

a constipation day or two and and the scale didn't move I didn't gain any way

and I didn't lose anyway so there's nothing for me to be discouraged about

something eventually has to give but I also made a beet juice and that came out

so pretty and red I'm gonna put those pics up on Facebook or my foot in the

thumbnail who knows depending on how I feel after I finish this video but

everything's just going great man I just feel lighter I look better my skin is

wonderful it's glowing I have noticed that you know just just an overall

well-being just not so anxious and aggravated over

the littlest stains and I have so much energy I cut up this morning I did my

hair I wash clothes

I made three 32 ounces of juice without having to contemplate about doing it I

had did an arrant for somebody today and I also did some business you know

because I work from home and you know I had to take care of some things that I

was holding off on that I can do on my own time because I'm a contract worker

but with all that being said yes I'm having a contest to see if I can get up

to a thousand subscribers and I will give away a gift card it's not gonna be

a $5,000 gift farm anything like that but it's going to show my appreciation

for you guys help and support my channel and getting

me to a thousand subscribers I'm very transparent I make videos every day and

you know I just want to stay relevant you know YouTube has been making a lot

of changes in the community and you know I think that if I don't get to a

thousand subscribers like they have now in the rule book

a lot of videos that are making unless you come directly to my channel yeah you

might not even see them so I'm trying to stay relevant so please subscribe to the

channel always like the video also which is another part of supporting me and

like I said never leave in the comment section

oh I subscribe this is not me asking you for sub4sub

this is me asking you to support my channel into sub to it and like I said

when I get to a thousand subscribers my reward to you is that I'm going to give

away a gift card there to be a gift card of your choice the gift card will

probably start because it's the only a thousand subscribers a $25 gift card and

then when I get to 2050 you know I'm saying it'll go up from there you know

but yeah right now I can tell you it'll be like a twenty five dollar gift card

to whatever store you would like the gift card from and I'll go out and

purchase it and let you guys know who the lucky winner is and you know take it

from there so with all that being said I'm looking at my hair and it looks nice

and shiny so well that being said I will see you tomorrow day 13



❌ 3 USUNIĘTE FILMY Z POLSKIEGO YOUTUBE! - Boxdel, Dubiel, TheUnboxall. - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> ❌ 3 USUNIĘTE FILMY Z POLSKIEGO YOUTUBE! - Boxdel, Dubiel, TheUnboxall. - Duration: 2:53.


Mystery Box Makeup Challenge - Duration: 5:11.

- MacGyver but for makeup.

Give me one eyeshadow palette, I'll get us out of here,

disable the bomb, and we can get the hell out of Russia!

(upbeat techno music)

- We are doing a mystery makeup box challenge.

- Ooh!

- What's inside?

- What is it?

- I don't know.

- What is it?

- It's a mystery.

- It's a mystery.

I fucking hate surprises.

- I'm pretty excited.

- I'm a little nervous about what exactly is in here.

- Alright, there are 15 items in this here box.

And we are picking out three each,

and have to make a full-face look out of those three items.

- All I need is a lipstick.

I'm all about those lips, so like, a lipstick.

- If you give me a shadow palette I can make magic happen.

- If I get like three lipsticks, I'm gonna cry.

- I love using makeup products for multiple things.

Eyeliner for lipstick, lipstick for blush.

Makeup glory hole!

- Ooh, this one feels like a dildo.

It's like ribbed for her pleasure.

- This is

squishy, it's a squishy tube.

- Gonna pull out the first thing in here.

Oh I should not have done that.


Colorful Gloss Balm, and it's yellow?

- Alright, I'm grabbing this.


This is the eyeliner that I use.


- Feels cool so I'm gonna pull it out.

Okay this is a--

Ooh, a Sephora mascara. - Oh, you got a mascara?

- Ooh!

Anastasia. - Anastasia.

- Alright, round two.

- It is a jumbo liner.

- Ooh


I am--

Yeah! - No!

- I'm just, this is my whole look, this is my whole look.

- I want that!

- Oh, what is that?

- Oh, a highlighter.

- Alright, I'll go for this one.


- What is it, ohh.

Alright, last pull.

- What are you going for? What do you hope is in there.

- I don't know, maybe a shadow?

I think this is a shadow.

It's a blush.

I can still work with this.

- It feels like a bronzer, which I also need.

Oh, okay, I'm good with this.

- Is that a lipstick?

- It's a Kat Von D.

- Goddamn it.

- Lipstick.


- Oh I feel another Fenty one!


- I have to do it.

- Do it.



- It's a wee bit dark.

- We each chose three products.

The goal is a going out look.

We cannot swap products,

and we have to use all three of these so.

- Let's fuck it up.

- Let's try this Fenty this is in the color "truffle".

Let's see what this looks like.

Ooh, truffle on the eyes.

- So right now I'm trying to put

the blush on top of the gloss.

- I wish I had something with which to highlight.

- This contour is a little bit light for me.

So I'm kind of using it as foundation.

- I'm taking this pointy brush

and I'm dipping it in the mascara tube

and I'm making liner out of it.

- I'm gonna use this highlighter.

Ooh this is actually a nice highlighter.

- I'm gonna use this stick as some shadow.

Cause you know what, this is Fenty.

And if Rihanna told me to glow, I'm gonna glow dammit.

- Oh, this is really pigmented it's gonna look so cool.

You know what I'm just gonna put it

on my eyelashes while I'm at it.

- I have an idea.

- Really? What's your idea?

- I'm not gonna tell the competition.

- I can't do the same thing.

- I look like I'm high fashion pink eye.

Conjunctivitis? But make it fashion.

- I have to fill in my whole lip with eyeliner.

It's just like, you think matte is drying,

and then you put on liquid eyeliner on your lips,

and then you're like, this is actually what drying is.

But the precision.

- You know the feeling of when you've nailed something.

When you're like, yes, I fucking nailed it?

This is not it.


- Okay, this look is taking a turn, I'm making it different.

- You look like a Marc Jacobs fashion show.

- I call my look "Wannabe Runway".

I used basically the Anastasia lip gloss,

did the most.

- I would call this look "Fuck You Thot".

I decided to use this Fenty Beauty as a highlight.

Then I used this liquid eyeliner

to create my cat eye and my lipstick.

- I call my look "Brunch, Then Disco".

On my eyes I did the blush as pink eyeshadow liner look,

and then I used the gloss on my lips as highlighter.

- I think I'm gonna call this look "Harmonious Discord".

I used this little color liner as a shadow,

then I used this mascara as liner

around my eye and as actual mascara.

- I feel like this really expanded my definition

of what each piece of makeup can do for you.

And if you are in a pinch, fucking lip gloss

man, that's all you need.

- I say, there are no rules in makeup and fashion,

and beauty, like fuck it, we've lived

with so many rules in our lives.

Why limit ourselves when it comes to our creativity?

For more infomation >> Mystery Box Makeup Challenge - Duration: 5:11.


AWS Serverless Use Cases - Duration: 5:16.

Welcome to this section on AWS Serverless Application Use Cases.

Now, serverless architecture allows you to build just about any type of application or

back-end service that you can think of.

And we'll go over two of the most common use cases where you can use serverless architecture.

These are - Web, Mobile or IoT applications and their backends and real-time data processing

systems or real-time streaming data processing systems.

Serverless web applications and their backends typically make use of AWS Lambda, API Gateway,

DynamoDB and even S3 or Step Functions as well.

End-users might interact with your applications through web, mobile smartphones, or even IoT


Each incoming request from the end user is typically received by one of the endpoints

exposed by API Gateway.

API Gateway then triggers a call to Lambda function and Lambda function then coordinates

with different web services like S3 or DynamoDB to generate a response and then return that

response back to the end user, possibly through the same channel like API Gateway and S3 can

also be used to create the app front-end in this case.

Such applications could have very unpredictable usage patterns with periods of extremely high

user traffic followed by minimal traffic.

And your application must be geared to handle these spikes in traffic without the need for

any expensive infrastructure.

With AWS Lambda, your applications can scale on demand and you pay only for what you use.

And in most cases, such serverless applications require zero administration.

Now let's look at real-time data processing systems or real-time streaming data processing


You can use Amazon Kinesis along with Lambda, DynamoDB and S3 to create your real-time data

processing systems.

Real-time data processing systems typically have variable workloads and serverless approach

helps here by helping with automatic scaling during high workloads and then scaling down

and saving costs during the idle time.

Amazon Kinesis is a service that lets you collect, process and analyze real-time streaming

data from multiple sources, at any scale.

You can literally process terabytes of data every hour, coming in from thousands and thousands

of sources simultaneously.

For example, social media streaming data from several sources can be loaded into Kinesis

simultaneously and then processed in real-time using AWS Lambda and DynamoDB In this section,

we discussed two of the most common use cases of AWS Serverless Architecture and these are

web, mobile or IoT applications and their backends, and real-time data processing or

real-time streaming data processing systems.

All this while, we have been discussing theory, theory and theory and I know it can get a

little monotonous at times.

So, I am so very excited to take you to the next section, where we'll do some hands-on


In the next section, we'll dive into Amazon DynamoDB, which is a high-performance, highly-scalable,

NoSQL database that forms the database layer of Amazon's Serverless Architecture.

We'll also create a simple DynamoDB table and learn to use the DynamoDB console.

Later in this course, we'll use this table to create our first serverless API using Lambda

and API Gateway.

So, thank you for joining me in this section.

See you in the next section!

For more infomation >> AWS Serverless Use Cases - Duration: 5:16.


Funny VS Cute FNAF Animations (Funny Five Nights at Freddy's Animations) - Duration: 12:26.

Welcome to Funny VS Cute FNAF Animations!

For more infomation >> Funny VS Cute FNAF Animations (Funny Five Nights at Freddy's Animations) - Duration: 12:26.



For more infomation >> ABONE KAZANMAK ARTIK ÇOK KOLAY (KESİNLİKLE BOT DEĞİL) - Duration: 4:52.


MySQL to Dynamodb Migration - Duration: 3:31.

A few years back, we created a SaaS product or a Software-as-a-Service product, where

we had a requirement to process 50 GB of data with over 2 million read/write operations

on a daily basis.

In the hindsight, we knew that relational database was not the right choice for this


But, we were really reluctant to use NoSQL as we did not have NoSQL experts on board.

So, we did not really give NoSQL a serious thought.

So, we went ahead with MySQL as our choice of database.

The project went live and within days of launch, we started seeing issues like frequent database


So as a logical next step, we upgraded our database server to a more powerful hardware

on Amazon RDS.

That helped a bit.

But again, as our user base increased, we started seeing the same issues all over again.

So, the next step was Replication.

We upgraded our database to a Multi-AZ environment and also added a couple of Read-replicas.

And that kind of helped us to run this project for another couple of weeks and we started

seeing the same issues all over again, as our user base continued to increase.

We were in serious trouble.

Our application was stalling frequently.

Page loads often took several many seconds, and our customers were frustrated.

And as a natural consequence, we started losing our customers.

And now, we were seriously thinking of using NoSQL database.

So, we compared different NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, and DynamoDB.

Both MongoDB and Cassandra required us to provision server infrastructure as well as

the software, and also had a steep learning curve.

We really had very less time at hand as we were losing customers on a daily basis.

So, a serverless NoSQL database like DynamoDB was our best bet.

It hardly took us two weeks to migrate over from MySQL on RDS to serverless DynamoDB.

And this included learning DynamoDB from scratch.

DynamoDB worked like a charm and it has been three years now and we haven't had a single

database issue.

From then on, for every project of ours, we prefer using DynamoDB over any other database.

There is little to no learning curve involved and being a serverless database, there is

no infrastructure overhead either.

So, if you were to choose a NoSQL database, I would highly recommend using a serverless

NoSQL database.

And, you will never go wrong by choosing DynamoDB as your choice for serverless NoSQL


For more infomation >> MySQL to Dynamodb Migration - Duration: 3:31.



For more infomation >> THIS NO LOSS GLITCH WILL GIVE YOU UNLIMITED FREE COINS IN FIFA 18... 😜 - Duration: 10:27.


How To Use Logic Pro X to Learn Guitar Parts - Making Guitar Covers - Duration: 3:16.

So this is my project, I set it up as a template as well so that when I open a

new project, it automatically opens up with my click track, a guitar

for the right, a guitar for the left, and lead guitar. Then I just quite

literally drag the file into Logic and it

creates this track here. Incidentally, on the guitar

what tend to do is I'll have the volume for the track down so that I can hear

my guitars much more. The only other thing that I add on here

will be the Varispeed unit within Logic. If you've got Logic and you don't know how to

do this, go to your Custom display so that changes what you can see at the

top here, you can customize it. Right click 'customize control bar' and

add in Varispeed. The great thing about this is it only changes the speed

as well not the pitch so it's perfect for these kind of situations and if it's

a tough guitar part say for instance this one here

maybe you'll start at - 20%

you can go up in percentages as well, I mean a decimal of a percent so

much, much better than YouTube in terms of how gradually you can build up your speed

and then what you could do if you really wanted to is take it plus so it is even

quicker. This is +10%


and now regular speed.

What you can do there is you can build up your stamina and then increase the

speed so that you can play it quicker than what you have to do. That means

that when you come to play at normal speed, it's gonna feel really easy

instead of normal speed being you at 100%

that you can't sustain for a long period of time (potentially),

especially if you're playing this song live, then playing it slightly quicker than

what you need to will make it feel comfortable instead of it feeling like a

challenge. That's it, I hope it was helpful for you and please subscribe down below

especially with YouTube's new policies around the monetization every little would

help there's a patreon link down at the bottom if you want to help as well

I'll read all of your comments and please give me some suggestions for

songs to learn or things to cover in my next video. Bye :)

For more infomation >> How To Use Logic Pro X to Learn Guitar Parts - Making Guitar Covers - Duration: 3:16.


A Bully Apologizes To Her Victim 15 Years Later - Duration: 5:56.

- Did you ever feel, like when you were being bullied

that you wanted to take your own life?

- Yeah.

- Sorry.

- [Woman] Yeah.

(soft music)

- Virginia and I met in middle school.

Our relationship was basically,

she was someone that I picked on.

I was a bully to Virginia.

- So, my first encounter with bullying, I guess with her,

probably was around fifth grade.

- I think I said nasty things about how much she weighed.

- The kids I went to school with

in elementary and middle school,

we all lived in the same neighborhood.

So, I wouldn't come outside most of the time,

because most of the kids that kind of were mean to me

lived in my neighborhood.

I can't say that I really had any friends back then.

- I was a bit underweight.

I had glasses.

I went through seven years of orthodontic work.

I was picked on for that and so I would project it

onto her for being overweight.

- I guess the main question would just be, why now?

- As selfish as it sounds, I don't wanna feel guilty

for something that my childhood self was doing.

(door opening)

- Hi. - Hi.


- How are you? - I'm good, how are you?

- I'm good.

You look good.

- Thank you.

So do you.

(they laugh)

- What do you remember about me from grade school?

- You always were so bubbly, I remember that.

I don't know.

What do you remember about me?

- I remember more of what I said about you and I don't--

- I know a lot of the, I guess, the words,

the harsh words were more about my appearance.

- I remember I was picking on you about your weight.

- Nobody noticed the shift, but my grandmother

passed away when I was in middle school

and she used to take medicine for cancer

and it made her gain a lot of weight

because she wasn't really worried about how big she was.

I kind of stopped worrying about how big I got.

People just kept bothering me and I think

the major question was just, why me?

I felt like I was always very nice to you

and very nice to everybody else

so it just, it bothered me 'cause it was just like

what did I ever do to you all for me

to even be subjected to that?

- I was underweight and I was takin' medicine

to be a healthy weight and so I was projectin' that on you

and I don't think that I even had any problem

with the way you looked or your weight at all.

- Why didn't you stop?

- I was being bullied and so I knew it was wrong, you know?

I didn't want that done to me but yet, I turn around

and was doing it to other people.

- I had no idea you were being bullied, either.

- It's funny you thought that I was very bubbly and friendly

'cause I was wearing this like,

I wear it better now and more honest about my feelings

but I was definitely wearing a facade.

- Right.

- I'd go home, cry about it, come back and be all like,

ne ne ne ne ne ne ne.

- [Virginia] Mm hm.

- And then I'd pick on people that I felt like

weren't gonna pick back with me.

- Right.

It's not you, I mean it wasn't just you

so I'm not gonna sit here and give you all of that.

- Did you ever feel, like when you were being bullied

that you wanted to take your own life?

- Yeah.

- Sorry.

- Yeah.

It was definitely a thought.

This is probably the first time I've ever said it out loud.

Well, probably the second time I've ever said it

out loud but, yeah.

I can't say that I hadn't thought about it.

It's such a sad thing to think about.

Wait, you said you thought about this too?

- Yes.

Just short answer, yes.

- I was insecure for a long time about my weight,

about my appearance, about the way I dress.

It took a long time for me to kind of like me.

- The more I'm listening to you, the more I feel like, yeah.

We had a lot in common.

- It'd take a lot for me to really hate you.

I didn't feel like I hated you then.

I don't feel like I hate you now.

And it took a long time for me to say,

even though I haven't said it to you,

that I forgive you as for that.

It was a lot to deal with-- - I'm sorry.

- It's okay.

It was a lot to deal with and I just wanted

to move on from it.

I've never actually had something like that

happen to me before.

- I definitely did not expect for Virginia and I

to have so much in common.

- It felt good, just to kinda close

a sorta chapter in my life that was pretty sucky.

I know, it's okay!

- Even if you didn't let me, I was gonna hug you.

- Oh my God, no.

- Yes.


- You're like, I was gonna hug you anyway,

'cause I don't care.

(soft violin music)

For more infomation >> A Bully Apologizes To Her Victim 15 Years Later - Duration: 5:56.


SOOTHING BABY MUSIC For SLEEP Relaxing Lullaby Lullabies Baby Songs For Calm Bedtime Routine - Duration: 2:02:23.

Soothing baby music

baby music

For more infomation >> SOOTHING BABY MUSIC For SLEEP Relaxing Lullaby Lullabies Baby Songs For Calm Bedtime Routine - Duration: 2:02:23.


Amazon DynamoDB Introduction - Duration: 4:34.

This section is all about Amazon DynamoDB, the NoSQL serverless database from AWS.

First, we'll quickly compare SQL and NoSQL terminologies and then, dive into Amazon DynamoDB

console to create our first DynamoDB table.

You will learn how to use the DynamoDB console to create tables, add items to the table,

modify or remove items from the table, export items from the table, and also how to use

the query and scan operations on the DynamoDB tables.

After that, we'll look at what NoSQL is and how does it compare with the traditional relational


Just to recap, Amazon DynamoDB is a fast, high-performance, cost-effective, serverless,

NoSQL database that can scale on-demand to support virtually unlimited number of read/write

operations with response times under single-digit milliseconds.

And, with DynamoDB Accelerator or DAX, you can bring down these response times further

into microseconds.

Before we get into hands-on exercises, let's quickly compare SQL and NoSQL terminology.

In SQL, we have tables and in DynamoDB, we have tables as well.

SQL tables have rows and columns, DynamoDB tables have items and attributes.

SQL tables have primary key that can have several columns, whereas, DynamoDB tables

have a primary key that can have minimum 1 and maximum 2 attributes.

The mandatory attribute is called as a partition key and the optional attribute is called as

a sort key.

Again, in SQL, we have indexes and in DynamoDB, we have local secondary indexes.

In SQL, we have views, in DynamoDB, we have global secondary indexes.

Now, what are these local and global secondary indexes?

Local secondary indexes are the indexes where the partition key is same as that of the primary

key, while global secondary indexes are the indexes where partition key is different from

that of the primary key.

Now as part of our hands-on exercise, we're going to create a DynamoDB table to store

information about projects in a Project Management System.

Let's say, we're going to create a serverless application and we have three projects under


Back-end Development, Web Application Development and Mobile App Development.

So, we can add information about these three projects in our 'projects' table.

This table will have a primary key composed of a partition key and a sort key.

Partition key will be a project ID and sort key would be a WBS ID.

WBS is a work breakdown structure and you can think of this as an activity within a


So, for example, Back-end Development project will have activities or WBS elements like

DynamoDB Setup, Microservices Development, API Development, Quality Testing and so on.

Similarly, Web Application Development will have WBS elements like Web App Development,

Documentation, QA, Testing, Go-live, Post Go-live Support and so on.

Each of these activities will have a SPOC or a Single Point of Contact as well as a

Start and End Date.

So, in the next lesson, we'll create this table using the AWS DynamoDB console.

For more infomation >> Amazon DynamoDB Introduction - Duration: 4:34.



Ah ha!

Ha ha ha!

You fell right in our trap.

Prepare for doom!

I'll block your attacks with Mjolnir, my mighty hammer.

Hulk smash all of you with new gladiator skill.

I'll shrink, crawl into your wieners, and blast back to full size!

Let's go!

...Wait, what?

Yeah, I do it all the time.

I'll shrink down in a jiffy and be right back.

Is he serious boss?

That sounds awful!

Yeah, man.

That's messed up.

That really crosses a line.

Ant-Man Ho!

When did he get a catchphrase?


Oh my god!

He just blew up Sergio's dick!

Ant-Man Ho!

Ohhhh Nooo!!

There's more where that came from.

We give up!

You win!

Please, please we give up!

Penis go bye-bye.

Yeah, man. That is not cool!

Hulk traumatized!

C'mon guys. I'm Ant-Man.

I got the powers of an ant.

It's cool.

Ants don't blow up people's dicks.

He's got a point.

Oh yeah evil-doer?

Oh no! No-no please!

I'll do anything, please!

Ant-Man Ho!

Ahhhh!! Ohhh!!! Owww!!!

His catchphrase is bad!

It's not great.

Darryl! He and his wife were trying to have a baby, you monster!

Not anymore.

You need a wiener for that.

Ha Ha!

Dude, that was way over the line.

Ant-Man Ho!


Hulk still see it when Hulk close Hulk's eyes.

Ant-Man chill.

You can't just go around exploding people's dicks!

Of course I can!

I'm Ant-Man!

No, please stop.

I'll do anything.

Please don't go into my wiener.

I promise to dedicate my life to good.

I'll be on your team now!

Ok, I won't go into your wiener.

Thank God! Thank the All-Father!

I'll go into your butt!

Ha ha!

Ant-Man Ho!


Odin's Beard. He's lost his mind.

This is so much worse.

Now it's blood AND poop!

Ha Ha!

We won!

High five!





For more infomation >> ANT-MAN'S TRUE SUPERPOWER - Duration: 2:26.



In this lesson we are going to get down to Cruxx of the matter in Adobe Photoshop.

Photoshop is resolution dependent.

every image in Photoshop Is made up of little tiny pixels and those little Tiny pixels eventually

got so small that we can't resolve them anymore.

And our mind takes over and colour memory takes over and we see a photograph most of

you have done with what I am about to do.

If I come over here and pick up this zoom tool and get over here on this nice flower

and begin zooming in eventually movie get to see the components that make it up.

little tiny pixels, and there they are .Of course I will take It Back Down in size it

looks beautiful, The term resolution was co-opted from another time.Resolution is not about

little tiny pixels it's the ability to resolve. and like I said eventually the image get so

small with can't resolve the bricks and our brain takes over and she's a flower that's

how it works now there is another program that I really do like that in the family of

Adobe and its called Adobe Illustrator let me show you something you are basically the

same flower in Adobe Illustrator now you later this is a vector it was 2 hours vector if

I come over here and pick up my room tour and begin zooming in on this bad boy nothing

happens accept it just gets bigger if we go into view mode and change to outline again

we are in Adobe Illustrator you can see the image no it's actually isn't as complicated

as it looks this was done using a feature called gradient mesh and it made that flower

the one I did in Photoshop actually I just kind of rest whilst it's so you could see

the difference between the two in Adobe photoshop images Live and Die on the number of pixels

per linear inch so there a couple of numbers you want to be familiar with if you are going

up to Microsoft PowerPoint, app keynote PDF documents being read on a screen a website

then the numbers you are looking for in terms of resolution would be somewhere between 72

and 96 pixel per inch that gives us quality on a monitor that goes who that looks really

good to print it our mind would be able to resolve the pixel and I would look on the

paper pixelated so if you are going out to paper the magic number 2 Preamble in almost

all cases is 300 pixels per inch.Now we talk about later how we change all thisStuff how

we make it better how we make it worst whatever we want to do but if you are going out two

things that deal with monitors or projector systems PowerPoint whatever 72 to 96 is a

pretty safe bet.300 is more safe if you are going to print understand the one difference

the more bricks In The Wall The bigger the file the more bricks in the wall outside the

real world behaviour the wall gets our file get bigger so you are doing a trade off here

in deciding how big to make the file using a lot of different features one of these is

resolution remember that in Adobe photoshop images live or die depending on what you are

doing with them by the resolution

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