Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this quick video, we're announcing our

first quarter giveaway for 2018, and how you can enter to win a $20 Amazon gift


(light chiming music)

If you watched our "Goals for 2018" video, then you know that we want to do

more giveaways this year. We really love the support that we receive from this

community, so we're launching our first giveaway in the new year. It's a great

way for us to give back, while also encouraging folks to connect with us

over social media and our website. This time, we're giving away three $20 Amazon gift

cards. All you need to do to enter is use our form located on our website. I've

included a link in the video description. You don't have to purchase anything, but

there are multiple ways to enter and gain additional entries. By signing up

for some of our social media channels you'll not only earn an extra entry into

our contest, but you'll also get content that we share outside of the channel. All

you have to do is click on any or all of the options to enter. The more options

you complete, the more entries you'll earn. And of course, there's no pressure

to enter. On February 9th, will will randomly select 3 winners. We'll contact each

winner via email to confirm their contact information and then send over a

$20 Amazon gift card. We're planning to do quarterly giveaways. The next one will

likely be in March or April, or sooner if we get to 2,000 subscribers. Again, thank

you all for supporting this channel and helping us to grow. We can't tell you

enough how much this community means to us, and how excited we are to see our

community grow in the coming year. Until next time, travel safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> 2018 Quarter 1 Giveaway | Enter Now for a Chance to Win a $20 Amazon Gift Card - Duration: 1:37.



For more infomation >> TUTORIAL: CÓMO HACER UN TAPER FADE. - Duration: 17:44.


Should You Buy Stellar ($XLM) or Ripple ($XRP)? - Duration: 9:15.

Should you buy Stellar or Ripple?

For more infomation >> Should You Buy Stellar ($XLM) or Ripple ($XRP)? - Duration: 9:15.


The Flash 4x11 Sneak Peek "The Elongated Knight Rises" (HD) Season 4 Episode 11 Sneak Peek - Duration: 2:17.

You just follow instructions and everybody here gets to live

to get to see the sun shine tomorrow, all right?

And I better not see The Flash either!

All right.

First, I want a car, something eco-friendly.

Like a..

Like a Prius!

Uh, okay..

We can do that.




Now second, uh, I want a plane.


A private plane.

And a salad.

I'm counting calories!


It's gonna take us an hour to arrange that.

Better hurry up, because these hostages don't have much time!

Should've gone with a steak, pal.

Cause it's the last decent meal you're getting for the next 5-10 years.

Who the hell are you?

Your friendly neighborhood super hero.

You can call me...


One second.

Guys, this is a huge moment for me!

What's my name?

I was wondering where you were going with that.

Hey! Hey!

Where are my hostages?


Bathroom break.

They just couldn't hold it anymore.

Don't worry though, they're totally safe.

Whoa whoa, get back freak!


Oh! Sticks and stones may break my bones, buddy.

Well, they used to, not anymore.

I'll blow this whole city block.

You do realize you're a part of that block, right?

Come on man, it's a week day.

People just wanna get off work, go home, watch the boob tube.

So why don't you take off that vest and --

No, no, don't touch me!



Ralph, are you okay?


Yeah, just wicked heartburn.

For more infomation >> The Flash 4x11 Sneak Peek "The Elongated Knight Rises" (HD) Season 4 Episode 11 Sneak Peek - Duration: 2:17.


Intuitive Painting Process Explained: No Product, No Problem - Duration: 11:23.

[Announcer]: Welcome to The Painting Experience podcast for September 2015. On the

podcast founder, Stewart Cubley explores the potential of the emerging field of

process arts and shares inspiration from his ongoing workshops and retreats.

This month, Stewart takes a humorous look at why painting for process is important

even when you're not sure what the point is.

[Stewart]: It's often hard to justify the time

and the effort that we put into process painting because here you are painting

these paintings which really are not going to be used commercially. The point

is not to sell them, they're not going to be showing up in galleries, they're not

going to be making money, they're not even going to make you a name.

People aren't going to see them, mostly. On top of that they're not even

necessarily very pretty. I mean, sometimes, but a lot of the time the conventional

mind doesn't find the painting really attractive or pretty or or even pleasing

to hang in your room on your wall. Even meaning isn't something that can serve us;

there's often not even a story in the painting. Things appear and images show

up and one thing leads to another and it's a pretty long stretch to try to

string all this together with some coherent storyline. And I guess sometimes

we like to say well it's therapeutic, at least it's therapeutic. But this too

is a little bit of a stretch. There are times when you cannot find any kind of

insight or problem that's been solved or issue that you've been working on that's

been defined by the painting or that you can you actually say you're working on.

You're having feelings; the feelings guide you in the painting but you often

can't name them. You can't even say that you're dealing

with this feeling or that feeling so it's hard to explain to yourself and to

justify this bizarre activity of process painting. I think it's a very big

confrontation at times that this really rears its head and usually after a

certain period of time in which somebody has found the connection in themselves

with process painting. They're doing it, they're practicing it, and it's serving

them in some fashion and then all of a sudden this dragon raises its head. This

beast of justification: What's the point?

There's no product here. I hit this very

poignantly in my own development. I was in my 30s and we had been hosting The

Painting Experience and process painting for a number of years. And I was painting

regularly and I was also practicing Sand Play and Sand Play is a type of therapy

that was developed that uses figurines and objects and real-world items and

they're placed in the sand box. There's a sand box and we used to have four of

these in a room that was developed for this purpose. And we had shelves and

shelves and shelves of these figures and and there were dolls and there was

babies and there were spiders and there was red yarn that represented blood and

we had lightning and rain and I can't remember everything we could imagine we

actually had to make some of the things that were not so so readily available.

And we had these four sand trays in the room and we didn't use it therapeutically,

we used it from a process point of view. So, very often when someone was stuck or

at a dead end in their painting experience, we would bring them up and

have them do what we call the Sand Play. And it was often really powerful in

unlocking the creative flow again because, for one, the images and objects were

already created you didn't need to paint them so they were right there. And you

could just pick them up and put them in the in the sand and then you could act

really without thinking you would just see what you're attracted to and put it

there and into something else and put it there and this whole journey would

unfold. And we would not impose on it that there had to be any kind of

explanation of course or any kind of interpretation of what appeared in the

sand and it was really important to finish it and to go to the end of it and

usually at the end there was some sort of flow, the stream was opened again. And

it was possible to return to the painting and to continue so I would

often get up in the morning and do this the first thing. It was kind of a special

time because my thinking mind had not really awakened yet and kind of openness.

And I would go down to the Sand Play room and actually it was on the second

floor of this house in San Francisco. The first floor had the studio and it's next

to this window looking out over the street. It's early in the morning and I'm

still in my pajamas because I just gotten out of bed and and came into the

Sand Play room and I'm starting to build my Sand Play. And I pick up this sort of

doll it's kind of like a kewpie doll or I don't know what but it was a female

figure and I'm standing there and I see a movement outside the window and I look

out and here are these two young men, my age, in their 30s, dressed in their finest

with their suits and ties on heading for what I imagined to be the financial

district of San Francisco or some high paying job that they are pursuing and

making their way in the world. And they look at me through the window and here I

am in my pajamas standing with this doll in my hand playing in the sand.

I just wilted. I just got hit with incredible perspective of the friction of

these two worlds coming together. It was like what am I doing? Who have I become?

Playing with dolls? When I should be out in the world making my way and

developing a career and becoming important in some fashion. Or at least

creating a niche for myself. And here I am playing with dolls. This took me a

number of weeks to integrate. I had to really come back to the root and of

course I was supported by the early decision I had made to actually leave

more conventional activities and to not pursue my studies because I was called

by something that didn't quite fit and was not really so recognized and really

not so explainable. But at that moment it was a very challenging time for me to

justify what I was doing, because we live in a culture in which, if there's no

product, there's no point. It's drilled into us over and over again

from so many different angles and directions that that we have to have an

intention behind what we're doing, we have to know where we're going, we

have to know what our goal is, we have to know what it means to be doing what

we're doing and if you don't do that, you're lost. You're a loser. And I certainly

felt a loser at that moment I felt like a big loser. And on top of that, I didn't

even have a lineage to rely on. If I was meditating at least I could rely and

fall back upon the centuries of people who have been sitting in meditation and

the wise words of the Masters and the encouragement of the community. But here

in process painting and playing in the sand

there's no lineage. There's not much of a lineage; it's pretty "out there" and

it's not really recognized. And this is an incredibly poignant moment

for me. I think it was at this time that I came to realize that this practice was

something that was not going to be easily sanctioned by society at large.

And that it was forever going to have an outsider status, it was never gonna fit.

And I think this was the struggle that I was feeling at that time, was that I was

trying to make it fit. And there was something incredibly releasing about

realizing, wait a minute, it's not going to fit. It's never going to fit.

It shouldn't fit. It's not even meant to fit. That this practice of process arts is a

probing of the essential freedom in human nature that is not usurped by

definition and structure and interpretation and intention or

motivation. It's something incredibly wild.

So when I see people come up

against this crisis which often occurs after a certain period of time in which

they've given over to this creative force in themselves and felt the

nurturing aspect of it and felt how fulfilling it is and then get slammed by

this question of "What am I doing?" How do I justify spending my time accomplishing

nothing. I see this as a very fruitful confrontation because basically it can't

be justified. It stands on its own for what it is. It represents the mystery

within the human psyche and so the real question is: "Are you interested in

rubbing shoulders with the mystery?" I hope you are.

[Announcer]: You can learn more about The Painting Experience and find a list of upcoming

process painting workshops by visiting our website at

If you enjoyed what you heard today, please share it with a friend.

The theme music for this podcast comes from Stephan Jacob. We thank you for listening

and hope you'll join us again soon.

For more infomation >> Intuitive Painting Process Explained: No Product, No Problem - Duration: 11:23.


Die Stille als Tor zur inneren Stimme | VLOG #1 - Duration: 9:21.

For more infomation >> Die Stille als Tor zur inneren Stimme | VLOG #1 - Duration: 9:21.


Elite Praetorian Guards – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #4 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Elite Praetorian Guards – Star Wars: The Last Jedi Lore #4 - Duration: 3:10.


Top 3 Ways Photography Can Get You Thousands Of Dollars - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Top 3 Ways Photography Can Get You Thousands Of Dollars - Duration: 1:45.


[Fire Emblem: Heroes] Choose Your Legends - My Votes - Duration: 1:39.

Hey guys! welcome to my video on my choose your legends

votes i'll be voting for 7 different characters

i like, one each day and yesterday i voted for Serra

She is just my favorite character from the blazing blade

i really enjoy her lines and interactions with other characters

and i really like her in Heroe too

Today i voted for Jill, my favorite character from the tellius games

i really like her storyline in path of radiance, and her relationship with Lethe and Mist

i really like fliers too, so i'd love to see her in heroes

tomorrow i'll vote for Farina again, i really like fliers, and i enjoyed

her a lot in the blazing blade i'd love to see both her and Fiora in heroes,

so Florina can be with her sisters

on the fourth day i'll vote for Lute we already have her in heroes, but i just

really liked her in sacred stones her lines are great, and i just want to vote

for her

on the fifth day i'll vote for Clair she is my favorite character from shadows

of valentia and i'd love to have a stronger Clair in heroes

on the sixth day i'll vote for L'arachel she's my favorite sacred stones character

after lute and i'd love to see the art and voicelines

she would have in heroes she could also come with a legendary staff,

that would be neat we might be getting her normal version soon


and on the last day i'll vote for Severa i just like tsundere characters, and she is

really cute i really like her heroes version, but i wouldn't

mind an archer Severa or something.

For more infomation >> [Fire Emblem: Heroes] Choose Your Legends - My Votes - Duration: 1:39.


BREAKING!!! HILLARY Losing Her Mind After HACKERS Discover Millions in FRAUD & BRIBES! - Duration: 4:37.


HILLARY Losing Her Mind After HACKERS Discover Millions in FRAUD & BRIBES!


Former First Lady Hillary Clinton might be scrambling after she learned what just happened.

Anyone else would be considered a flight risk if they were in the same situation that she


A hacker broke into some Clinton Foundation databases and uncovered some disturbing evidence

that leads to a possible revelation of the alleged Clinton crime syndicate.

The information attained could have her face prosecution, but since the evidence was hacked,

then it may not be admissible in court.

That's for a judge to decide.

No matter how they found it, the facts remain, and that should be how it works.

The information was gathered by a hacker known as Guccifer 2.0.

The hacker found their way into a Clinton Foundation database and what they've uncovered

could be the key to the battle against supposed Clinton corruption.

If the information is useful, then Guccifer 2.0 may have unraveled a way for us to travel

further down the rabbit hole than ever before.

No matter what you see next, keep an open mind as you peruse the hacked information.

It may be deleted one day, so view at your own risk and come to your conclusion on what

you see.

LibertyOneNews reported more on the hack and leaked documentation:

"We've been awaiting the highly anticipated Wikileaks announcement for about a week now,

but we know that Julian Assange delayed the release of the supposed bombshell files on

Hillary Clinton.

Apparently, that's too long for another hacker to wait.

Infamous hacker, named Guccifer 2.0 hacked his way into the Clinton Foundation databases

and uncovered some of the most damning evidence to date of the Clinton corruption.

Here's his message below and he got impatient and did some digging himself.

"Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it.

So, this is the moment.

I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and

donors' databases."

When Barack Obama demanded that Congress approves more bailouts in 2009-11, it seems the big

banks through the Clinton Foundation offered kickbacks to Democratic politicians, including

crooked Hillary, to make sure the bailout was approved.

Somehow crooked Hillary also aided the big banks to bribe Democrat politicians.


That's taxpayer bailout money that went right to the pockets of Democrat PACs!"

Our money went right to the Democrats and their shady, back handed, back alley deals

with the big banks.

How are these people still running this country?

"Hillary Clinton and her staff don't even bother about the information security.

It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server.

It looks like big banks and corporations agreed to donate to the Democrats a certain percentage

of the allocated TARP funds."

It looks like Guccifer 2.0 uncovered one of the most corrupt money funneling scams in

political history.

If these documents are valid and someone speaks out, then it could be over for the Clinton


A professional will likely browse the content and decide if justice will be held at the

highest court of the law, or if the information is not usable because of the way it was attained.

If there's one thing I know, it's that Americans want answers.

They want the truth.

They want to know if all of the accusations are true and to what extent.

Americans deserve to have the truth.

If taxpayer funds were being funneled into Clinton PACS, then do taxpayers get a return

on that?

Will people get their illegally funneled money back in their wallet somehow?

What can be done to give the taxpayers hope that their money won't be funneled into


Americans want a transparent government that works for them and puts their tax money to

the most productive use possible.

It's OUR money.

We work for it.

We pay it.

We demand that our elected government does a better job spending our money.

What do you think it's like to be Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea right now?

Are they nervous?

Do you think they have an escape plan?

Are their lawyers working overtime to create a defense that will protect them in court?

Will a member of the Clinton family wear handcuffs?

How much swamp is left to drain?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! HILLARY Losing Her Mind After HACKERS Discover Millions in FRAUD & BRIBES! - Duration: 4:37.


For The First Time Google's AI Makes Its Own Creepy AI Children - Duration: 2:48.

For The First Time Google's AI Makes Its Own Creepy AI Children

Google�s experimentations with artificial intelligence are going from strength to strength.

Hot on the heels of creating an expert chess master AI in a mere matter of hours, the company

has now created an AI which is capable of producing its artificial intelligent programs.

The creations of the so-called parent bot have shown an enormous capacity for improvement

in the analysis, going from analyzing simple words to showing comprehension of complex

images in only a few months.

New Google AI can create its super-advanced children

This particular AI project is known as the AutoML system (Automated Machine Learning).

It works by having a controller AI � referred to as the parent � which creates the designs

for the �child� AI.

The child is then given a task which it completes and then sends feedback back to its creator.

The creator then uses the information to create a second child with various improvements on

the first.

It is hoped that this process will allow the parent AI to produce specific programs which

will be far more sophisticated than anything that human engineers will be able to produce.

�Our approach can design models that achieve accuracies on par with state-of-art models

designed by machine learning experts (including some on our team!), � said a representative

from the company.

Google representatives have also said that the parent AI is coming up with completely

innovative design features that the researchers cannot explain.

The fact that the new child AIs are becoming increasingly better at dealing with images

may make a major difference in how human beings use the internet.

Many websites use captcha, a program which asks humans to decipher a simple image-based

problem to prove that they are not a robot since AIs have historically been unable to

deal with images.

However, now they are becoming better, this technology will have to evolve to catch up

with the rate of change means that a completely new solution to preventing spam bots from

running wild on the internet might be needed.

For more infomation >> For The First Time Google's AI Makes Its Own Creepy AI Children - Duration: 2:48.


Weird News: Justin Bieber Gives His Mom a Foot Massage - Duration: 2:11.

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Justin Bieber gives his mama foot massage

weird or not

Justin Bieber was seen massaging his mom Pattie Mallette

Broken foot while on vacation with her in the Maldives and many fans seem grossed out by it

Justin Bieber may not be a doctor

But he sure was acting like one while on vacation in the Maldives with his mom Pattie Mallette on January

22nd as we previously told you Pattie has been stuck in a wheelchair the last couple of days as she unfortunately

Broke her foot during their mother-son vacation and now it looks like Justin has been trying to comfort her

Starting with a foot massage Pattie took to Instagram on January

22nd where she posted a story video of Justin giving her a massage

You're not a doctor. Don't touch it. She joked with a caption then she pretended

He responded back by saying I care out

And then she asked her followers if she should trust Justin or not, lol

It seems like a sweet thing for Justin to do but Twitter isn't a huge fan of this massage

Some fans have said it's pretty weird for a son to massage his mom's foot but will refrain from making a judgement

Instead we'll just show you what Justin's fans have been saying about the new video am I the only one who thinks

Justin Bieber and his mom are too touchy-feely with eco thir and too close is what one Twitter user

asked others asked similar questions

There were also a few people who said things like yikes. It's weird

Fortunately for Justin though a lot of people found the video to be cute

For instance take a look at the tweet below with the video and a caption saying this is not funny

But look at this laugh, um I can't laughing so much if Justin Bieber your laugh is everything and stop hurting your mom

For more infomation >> Weird News: Justin Bieber Gives His Mom a Foot Massage - Duration: 2:11.


Elif Episode 652 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 92 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 4:03.

Oh, Kerem's arrived!

- What did you do, did you find an open pharmacist? - I did, I did.


Here are the meds, you would take care of it, right?

Sure, Mr. Kerem. You don't worry about it at all.

I wish she takes these right away, benefit the effects.

Sure, darling.

Sooner is better.

Come in.

Mrs. Macide...

I've brought your meds.

Bring it over here, my dear.

There you go, ma'am.

May your loved ones that you lost find peace.

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 652 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 92 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 4:03.


Homekeepers - Dr. David Clarke, Christian Counselor and Relationship Expert - Duration: 28:32.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Dr. David Clarke, Christian Counselor and Relationship Expert - Duration: 28:32.


Ellen's Game of Games - Dizzy Dash: Episode 6 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Ellen's Game of Games - Dizzy Dash: Episode 6 (Sneak Peek) - Duration: 4:18.


🙂 УЧИМ ЦВЕТА 🌈 Развивающее видео 😃 Для детей 😺 Тематические карточки по методике Домана 👍 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> 🙂 УЧИМ ЦВЕТА 🌈 Развивающее видео 😃 Для детей 😺 Тематические карточки по методике Домана 👍 - Duration: 1:25.


How to embroider a Natural Cast-On Rose | Detailed visuals and concise tutorial - Duration: 2:32.

Hey everyone, this quick video tutorial is going to go over cast-on roses.

I have another video that shows a different style of cast-on flowers, and I link that

below, but this style is a bit more natural looking.

So I'm using a sharps needle, but a millimere would work just fine as well.

And I'm only using one strand of floss, but you can use as many as you'd like.

So you'll send your needle up to the right side of your work, and then give a little

bit of space and send it back through to meet your starting point.

The length of this space is completely up to you.

At this point, I like to hold my needle with my left hand so I can make the wraps with

my right hand (I am right-handed).

To make the wraps, you'll take your index finger around the floss and wrap it towards

you, and then slide it onto the needle.

Give it a little pull so it's snug on the needle, but not too snug.

You should be able to easily move your needle.

Continue wrapping until it's as long as you'd like.

This is a bit up to your judgement… like I said, this rose is going to have more of

a natural look.

So the longer the cast-on stitches are from your empty space, the more the cast-on stitch

is going to kinda ripple and stand up from your fabric.

If you keep watching, you'll see that I use my index finger and thumb to hold the

wraps in place while I pull the needle out.

Then I carefully pull the floss to shitch that cast-on petal down to the fabric.

And since my cast-on stitch was longer than the space allotted, the petal has this little

ripple/fold in it, if you will.

It is reminancent of a real rose petal.

So I send my needle to the wrong side of my work so I can make another petal.

This petal is overlapping the first petal and the method is the same.

Just continue adding as many petals as you'd like.

You can see, I did one rose bud with two petals and then a sort side view of a blooming rose

with four petals total.

I hope this video was helpful.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below and I'll do my best

to answer them.

As always, I appreciate y'all for watching and I hope to catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> How to embroider a Natural Cast-On Rose | Detailed visuals and concise tutorial - Duration: 2:32.


How to embroider a Button Stitch Flower | Detailed visuals and concise tutorial - Duration: 1:35.

hey everyone here is a quick tutorial on how to make a button stitch flower and

I'm gonna create a circular flower so I'm marking two concentric you know ish

circles the outside circle is the overall size of the flower while the

inside circle is how large the center of the flower will be and you can also do

this stitch and more of a natural-looking flower I'm sort of

trying to draw this freehand but yeah you can see I am definitely not an

artist but I think you get my drift so to begin with either shape you'll start

with the outside of your flower and you'll kind of hold the floss over to

the side that your work is heading in and then put your needle to the center

that center circle the center of your flower and out just past the first

entrance making sure that the thread stays behind

your needle then pull your needle through and you've created your first

petal it is as easy as that the spacing of your petals is completely up to you

and I'm only using one stone of embroidery floss but you could use

multiples if you wanted to just keep working those petals around until your

flower is full and then you can add French knots or maybe little beads or a

button or whatever to the center of your flower and it is easy as that

I hope this video was helpful if you have any questions please leave them in

the comments below and I will do my best to answer them and as always I

appreciate you all for watching and I hope to catch y'all next time

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