Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370

For more infomation >> 3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370 - Duration: 15:29.





Artificial tears Which one to use? - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Artificial tears Which one to use? - Duration: 5:12.


【初音ミク】テラクラウド【オリジナル】/【MIKU】TERA CLOUD 【original】 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 【初音ミク】テラクラウド【オリジナル】/【MIKU】TERA CLOUD 【original】 - Duration: 3:40.


Экстремальное купание в ледяной воде | Выживание зимой - Duration: 5:37.

[♪ music ♪]

Friends! I did it again!

Hello friends!

I just took a dip in the icy water.

And only now she was warmed and calmed down.

And now I can tell you about my emotions.

Before that, I was in an inadequate condition and could not speak.

This time my bathing...

was chaotic, extreme and painful.

The water was colder than last year.

Ice and snow.

Because of the ice, I slowly went into the water.

And slowly came out of the water.

At the bottom of the river was a thick layer of silt.

I got bogged down in the silt layer and could not quickly get ashore.

As a result, I spent more time in the water than I wanted.

Then I took out the sneakers drowned in the silt.

It was smeared in the mud of the river.

When I went ashore, I had to wipe with snow.

Feet feet, literally, stiffened.

It was not a joke. It was unpleasant.

We need to restore the fire.

Once again I was convinced.

What, however good plans are, there will always be unaccounted factors.

[And now, in order...]

[♪ music ♪]

In the water, with the temperature, like in my movie...

an unprepared person dies in 8-20 minutes.

About 3 dozen people are known in the world...

which can stay in ice water for more than one hour.

You can train your body to stay in the water for a long time.

But some people can not drink water.

You can not conduct such experiments without preliminary preparation!

[♪ music ♪]

[noise of river water]

[♪ music ♪]

[sound steps]

For more infomation >> Экстремальное купание в ледяной воде | Выживание зимой - Duration: 5:37.


Купание в проруби в ледяной воде | Сливаем бассейн - Duration: 3:46.

>> TATIANA: Oh, I can not even look!

In the pool there is such an ice now.

And he went under the water.

To be bad, to be honest, guys.

Friends, as you know, we had a very warm winter.

But then, after all, the frosts began.

And we did not drain the water from the pool.

And today we have planned an extreme drain of water from the pool.

Zheka, you are a monster! Simply, really a monster!

I would not have done this.

>> EUGENE: It was necessary to lower it while it was warm.

>> TATIANA: A few words about the tube. What is it for?

And what did you do down there underwater?

>> EUGENE: This tube goes almost to the bottom.

And there's an outlet under the water.

But the output is not at the bottom.

And he had to wear a rubber tube.

And tighten with a yoke.

>> TATIANA: I see. And Zheka did this operation under the water.

Here under this ice.

Today we have a thaw again.

But for tomorrow again promise minus 10 degrees Celsius.

So we decided to merge the pool.

We were too late with this question.

But, Zheka loves to swim in the icy water.

And so the pool does not drain long, to frost.

Yes... now there will be extreme bathing.

Oh, I can not even look!

Oh... my God, I know how cold it is.

And he went under the water.

Oh, it's bad for me, frankly, guys.

I feel bad.

He's under the water.

Inserts a hose.



[splashing water]

>> EVGENY: Wow!

Pour boiling water to remove the frozen plastic hose.

>> TATIANA: And now the most brutal operation.

For the system to start.

[sound of air suction]

[sound of air suction]

>> EUGENE: Now we need to tighten so that the air does not suck.

[sound of air suction]

Everything has ceased. The air no longer sucks.

[gurgling water]

>> TATIANA: Water steadily descends.

Pretty decent pressure.

[gurgling water]

>> Evgeni: Apparently the land is unfrozen...

>> TATIANA: And goes into the ground, yes.

Does not accumulate. Does not drain. Does not form a puddle.

Goes to the ground.

Zhenya, what are your feelings?

>> EVGENY: Wow! Sensations are great!

>> TATIANA: You're a maniac! Well, what happened?

>> EUGENE: Yes, it did. He's dressed. Tightened. Oh.

>> TATIANA: Oh, Lord!

I can not look at this!

>> EUGENE: The most difficult was to find.

>> TATIANA: I bathed yesterday. I know how awful it is.

It's horrible! Really terrible!

>> EUGENE: Hat helped.

>> TATIANA: Yes? Your head was not cold?

>> EUGENE: No, it's not. Fuh!

[expression of strong emotions]

>> TATIANA: This is the thickness of the edge. Lots of.

[splashing water]

>> EUGENE: And in the middle, there was less.

>> TATIANA: The ice floe.

>> EUGENE: She will descend along with the level.

>> TATIANA: With the water level. And will lie on the bottom afterwards.

>> EUGENE: It's a beautiful frame, I think.

>> TATIANA: The most beautiful frame, when you plunged into the water.

>> EUGENE: Well, it's places... :-)

[knocking with ice scrap]

[ice floes are falling into the water, splashing water]

>> TATIANA: Wow, they're beautifully leaving.

[knocking with ice scrap]

>> TATIANA: Ponka is hunting. I saw a turkey. Or whom she saw there?

And she ran there.

But I was distracted by something else.

And there, on, yes, turkey.

For more infomation >> Купание в проруби в ледяной воде | Сливаем бассейн - Duration: 3:46.


Eleven Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way - Duration: 6:06.

11 Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way

Let's admit it together, we have all been equipped with intuition, some people know

it as the "gut feeling".

Our intuition is used basically to keep us safe and helps us to make decisions by following

our heart.

It informs us of impending danger and guides us through life.

Even Steve Jobs, considered one of the richest men of affairs of the story,

he said that Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intelligence.

This has had a big impact on my work.

We all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, but some of us have

a better connection to that inner voice.

If you tend to listen to your heart in the face of a difficult decision, then probably,

you are also listening to your intuition


Number 1.


The highly intuitive people do not ignore their instincts; rather, they listen to them

earnestly, and make decisions almost exclusively from this source of wisdom.

Many people are still skeptical about the intuition, but others rely on that.

So, for highly intuitive people it does not matter if others think that their "inner

voices" are crazy; they always listen and in some cases, this

could mean the difference between life and death.

Number 2.


According to Sophy Burnham, author of the book "The Art of Intuition," the majority

of intuitive people are introvert.

This makes sense, because introverts cultivate energy from within and can not hear their

insights without having around them silence.

In addition, the highly intuitive people never feel alone; in fact they can not wait to spend

time in solitude and catch up with the latest insight.

Number 3.


Musicians, artists, fire-eaters, dancers, writers and creators all have one thing in

common, they allow their creativity to guide them

through life and never call into question whether this makes sense or not.

In fact, they are following their passions, because they know that their creativity makes

them feel alive.

Cultivating inner creativity will allow the life force to flow within them, something

that the intuitive people have already figured out.

Number 4.


Intuitive people have a high level of self-awareness, meaning they are keenly in tune with their

inner feelings and perspectives about themselves.

They learned this through a kind of peaceful spiritual practice, which allows them to clear

the outside world for a while 'and pay attention only to the inner knowledge.

These people tend to have less 'mental fog', because they have learned to sit quietly with

themselves, then, to feel comfortable in solitude.

Their thoughts do not affect them anymore, because they know how to let them go.

Number 5.


Intuitive people look at the outside world with open eyes and heart.

They can connect deeply with others, because they have learned to do it by connecting with


Number 6.


This does not mean that every pain requires drastic measures,

but the intuitive people know they need to pay attention to how they feel in order to

take care of themselves.

Science has discovered that our gut is essentially a second brain because of the large number

of neurons lining the intestinal walls.

Number 7.


The highly intuitive people have a special talent for understanding and empathy.

They are able to offer advice and guidance when needed.

Often people approach them to share intimate details of their lives, because they feel

immediately at home in the company of an intuitive person.

Intuitive people can also read the other without having to say a word, this helps them to better

understand each individual.

Number 8.


The universe speaks to us in a variety of ways and intuitive people know it.

They do not see anything like a coincidence, such as frequently see the same numbers on

a clock, or to see the same person at the mall from time to time.

Everything has meaning for the intuitive person.

Number 9.


Even if they relate well with others, intuitive people naturally put themselves in first place,

so that they can better serve others.

They take time off from work when needed and create their spaces every day to flow through

their inner wisdom.

They believe in working smarter and have difficulty understanding our obsessed society.

Intuitive people make sure first of all, to feel good about themselves.

Number 10.


Intuitive people know that their inner voice can not flow with the negative energy by blocking

the knowledge and healing waves.

Thus, their intuitive balance and their energy, releases negative emotions in order to let

them go.

Number 11.


This type of people can not keep their emotions to themselves, as opposed they let them flow

and create space for others to do the same.

Intuitive people will feel totally at ease in their own skin and do not apologize for

having human emotions.

All in all, that's the 11 things that highly intuitive people see and experience in a different


Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Eleven Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way - Duration: 6:06.


Animals for Kids learning English - Learning Animals sounds and names for Children Kids and Babies - Duration: 15:20.

Animals for Kids learning English - Learning Animals sounds and names for Children Kids and Babies

For more infomation >> Animals for Kids learning English - Learning Animals sounds and names for Children Kids and Babies - Duration: 15:20.


Allied Race Taunka - Would It Work? | Customization, Gear, Faction & More - Duration: 8:35.

Hello guys, So, in this video we will look at how it would

be like if the Taunka were to become a playable race.

Keep in mind that these files have been in the game for a long time and that this doesn't

they will ever become playable.

If you missed any of my other videos where we talk about potential races, than make sure

to check them out.


So this is me trying to read the story bare with me guys.

The Taunka are decendants of the yaungol, and millennia before the first war, the yaungol

roamed central kalimdor and lived in peace with the demigod cenarius, however they were

eventually driven south because they didn't want to share their hunting grounds with the


After their enslavement one group, who would later take up the name "tauren", resettled

in kalimdor while some traveled across the entire continent until they reached The Storm

Peaks in Northern, and they would later become known as the taunka.

The Taunka, Tauren and the Yaungol retained some contact with one another for many years,

but the Great Sundering shattered the connections between the tribes.

So what classes would the Taunka be able to play as?

According to the lore they can be hunters, shamans and warriors but more classes would

defiantly be added.

I will show you all the classes with the tomb of sargeras gear later in the video so you

can see how it looks like, but first lets take a look at their customization options.

Guys.. im not sure how to say this.. but only the male characters are available I mean it's

almost becoming a meme by now, however they have 4 different skin color options and 3

different facial hair options, so there is a lot of room for improvement if they were

ever added as an allied race, what unique options would you like to see?

Now its finaly time to take a look at how the gear looks like on a Taunka, and to be

honest I LOVE IT!

The gear looks so good on them but I didn't expect anything else considering both the

Taunka and the Taurens are decendeants of the yaungol, let me know what you think.

So, what racial mount would the Taunka use?

If we consider their heritage the obvious choose would be a kodo, but I'm not sure

if a kodo can resist the cold nature of notherend, but I know you guys will have a lot better

suggestions than I do.

So now we have finaly reached the 1 million dollar question, what faction would the Taunka


I mean maybe not a million dollar question but anyway If we consider their yaungol heritage

and the quests available in the game I would say the horde would be the obvious choose

in my opinion.

Also would you play as a taunka? and where would their starting area be, a solution could

be to let them start at level 58 in Northerend considering the new zone scaling feature,

let me know what you guys think in the comments below.

So that's it for this video guys, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up

and consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.

I will leave the rest of this video with the highmountain tauren cutscene if you haven't

seen it yet make sure to watch it.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see

you again.

For more infomation >> Allied Race Taunka - Would It Work? | Customization, Gear, Faction & More - Duration: 8:35.


The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii - Duration: 18:12.

The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii

As information continues to emerge confirming that there was a ballistic missile attack

against Hawaii that was intercepted on January 13, the investigation begins to shift from

what happened, to who was responsible.

In this article, I analyze various sources describing the attack, and identify the mysterious

naval force that was most likely responsible for launching the ballistic missile, which

presumably was nuclear armed.

In my January 17 article, I listed three alternative news sites referring to sources that all said

that a ballistic missile was launched against Hawaii by a stealth submarine.

The alternative news sources were radio host Dr. Dave Janda, Operation Disclosure (RV/Intelligence

Alert), and the Public Intelligence Blog.

The Operation Disclosure and Public Intelligence blog sites point to an Israeli submarine as

responsible, while Dr. Janda said it was a submarine belonging to a rogue Chinese Navy


Further corroboration for the ballistic missile attack explanation comes from former Forbes

Magazine writer, Benjamin Fulford, who says that according to his insider sources, there

was a submarine based attack:

One sign of this extreme tension came last week when �a missile from a cabal submarine

was stopped from hitting Hawaii and the submarine was sunk,� Pentagon sources say.

Media outlets around the world have reported that Hawaiian residents all received the following


SHELTER, THIS IS NOT A DRILL,� but later this was reported to be a false alarm.

It was not�it was an attempt by �the cabal� to blame the attack on North Korea and use

it as a trigger for their long-desired World War III, CIA sources say.

Both Fulford and the Public Intelligence claim that the ballistic missile was intended to

simulate a North Korean attack suggesting the responsible submarine was in the vicinity

of North Korea, either in the Sea of Japan or off the Japanese coastline.

In determining the type of missile attack against Hawaii, yet another source refers

to a Hawaii tourist boat about 100 miles out at sea that saw what appeared to be a meteorite

exploding in the air shortly before the Hawaii Emergency alert went out Saturday morning,

January 13.

The additional source appeared as an update to the original Public Intelligence blogsite

article about the Hawaii missile attack:

Word here in Hawaii is that a group of tourists and tour guides were on a boat 100 miles off

shore Saturday morning around 8 AM when they witnessed what they thought to be a meteor

blowing up over the ocean.

It was reported on Hawaiian channel 2 but then removed from their website.

Rumor is the launch came from an Israel Dolphin 2 submarine.

Some college basketball games had a red alert across the screen from US Pacific Command

declaring a missile launch in the Pacific near Hawaii.

This additional Hawaii source is vital in understanding what happened since it reveals

that the missile was coming down from the upper atmosphere following a ballistic trajectory

similar to a meteor.

This helps confirm that a ballistic missile was involved rather than another type of nuclear

delivery system such as a cruise missile which fly much closer to ground and have a far more

limited range.

Of the sources cited so far, aside from Dr. Janda, all believe a faction of the Israeli

Navy was behind the attack using a dolphin class submarine supplied by Germany.

The USS Liberty attack during the 1967 Arab Israeli war is often cited as an example of

Israel launching a false flag attack against the U.S. to embroil it in wars against Israel�s

regional enemies.

In a private email received on January 19, former CIA covert operative and Marine Intelligence

Officer, Robert David Steele, says that the attack was a �Zionist submarine doing a

USS Liberty on Hawaii�.

In considering the possibility of a rogue Israeli submarine being responsible, it�s

important to review the armaments possessed by the class of submarines belonging to the

Israeli Navy.

In a news story describing Israel�s possession of Dolphin class submarines purchased from

Germany, its armaments are described as follows:

The Dolphin boats are equipped with six 533mm standard torpedo tubes and four 650mm jumbo

tubes and can carry 16 weapons.

The smaller tubes can fire torpedoes and Harpoon anti-ship missiles as well as other conventional

weaponry, but its larger tubes are what makes the Dolphin class so special.

From them, frogmen, remotely operated vehicles and especially large cruise missiles capable

of carrying nuclear payloads can be deployed.

Israel�s Dolphin Class submarines can carry cruise missiles which are well suited for

Middle East operations, rather than ballistic missiles which are better suited for long

distance targets thousands of miles away.

Ballistic missiles require much larger �boomer submarines� to launch them, rather than

the smaller Dolphin class submarines possessed by Israel.

The Dolphin 2 submarine is 69 meters (225 feet) in length, which is less than half the

size of the Ohio class boomer submarines (170 meters/560 feet long) used by the US Navy

to carry Trident ballistic nuclear missiles.

Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles need vertical missile tubes as opposed to the more traditional

horizontal torpedo tubes used for Sea Launched Cruise Missiles located at the front of the

smaller Dolphin class submarine.

Consequently, it�s unlikely that a renegade faction of the Israeli Navy launched the ballistic

missile attack since their Dolphin class submarines simply don�t have the capacity.

Furthermore, it�s hard to imagine how a U.S. war against North Korea and/or China

would advance Israel�s national security interests, which are far more concerned about

threats posed by major regional rivals such as Iran.

Dr. Janda describes a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy being responsible, and that after

the missile had been intercepted and destroyed by the US.

Missile defense system, the regular Chinese Navy destroyed the submarine.

This explanation is perhaps the scariest to consider since the US national security apparatus

would almost certainly hold China responsible for such an attack despite any genuine factional

divisions within the Chinese Navy.

The immediate U.S. response would have been, at the very least, a direct retaliatory nuclear

attack against China�s main regional ally North Korea, which would have been scapegoated

for a Hawaii attack.

After destroying North Korea�s military infrastructure, the country would have then

been subsequently overrun and occupied by the U.S. Military and its South Korean ally

in an analogous way to Afghanistan after the 9/11 attack.

China�s strategic interests would have been severely setback in such a scenario.

It�s hard to imagine any Chinese military commander, rogue Navy faction or not, would

risk a nuclear retaliatory strike by the U.S. that would set back China�s steady emergence

into a global superpower over the next decade or so.

Patience is a characteristic that China�s political leaders possess in abundance.

Consequently, I find it unlikely that a rogue faction of the Chinese Navy was behind the

ballistic missile attack.

So who then launched the attack against Hawaii?

For an answer we need to consider legendary Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye who in 1987 described

the existence of a shadowy government within the U.S. with its own separate military assets.

There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising

mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from

all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.

Inouye was clearly convinced of a very highly classified U.S. agency that had the independent

funding and wherewithal to develop its own Air Force and Navy outside the regular chain

of military command.

In contrast to the assets of the regular U.S. Air Force and Navy, this covert fleet of ships

and aircraft would be �dark�, in terms of its security classification.

It would therefore be appropriate to call it the �Dark Fleet� which is what secret

space program insider Corey Goode says it is called by the U.S. military according to

his confidential sources [Skype Communication Jan 18).

He says that it is separate to another �Dark Fleet� which is a Secret Space Program that

operates in Deep Space.

I need to point out that in 2017, I personally met some of Goode�s confidential Earth Alliance


They provided many documents to prove they are deeply connected to NATO security operations

and the European intelligence community.

They have continued to provide Goode intelligence information since they consider him to be

a genuine extraterrestrial contactee, and asset of a Secret Space Program Alliance known

to exist by NATO officials.

What U.S.

Government agency would have the ability to raise its own �Dark Fleet� outside the

regular chain of military command and Presidential executive authority?

The only U.S. agency capable of doing so is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

More specifically, we are talking about the CIA�s Directorate of Operations (formally

Clandestine Service) which runs all its global covert operations, where a Dark Fleet would

have been developed to meet operational requirements.

The 1949 CIA Act comprised additions to those sections of the 1947 National Security Act

that dealt with the creation of CIA.

The 1949 CIA Act gave a Congressional stamp of approval to the creation of a �black

budget� it could spend without recourse to U.S. law as the following section make


� any other Government agency is authorized to transfer to or receive from the Agency

such sums without regard to any provisions of law limiting or prohibiting transfers between

appropriations [emphasis added].

Sums transferred to the Agency in accordance with this paragraph may be expended for the

purposes and under the authority of sections 403a to 403s of this title without regard

to limitations of appropriations from which transferred.

Essentially, this gave the CIA the power to generate large amounts of money through covert

means and launder it however it wished through the Pentagon and the U.S. bureaucracy.

The funding was used for an unofficial �black budget� that by 2001 was estimated to be

as high as $1.7 trillion annually.

In addition to having the financial means, the CIA has long been developing its own covert

Air Force.

This began in the mid-1950�s when the CIA established Area 51, as the location to develop

future fleets of spy planes with the aid of companies such as Lockheed, which today is

the world�s largest defense contractor.

In the 1960�s the CIA began training personnel to develop skills necessary to operate its

spy planes on U.S. aircraft carriers.

CIA documents confirm that the U.S. Navy was training the CIA on how to operate spy planes

on their carriers:

The above document went on to discuss how Kelly Johnson, Director of Lockheed�s Skunkworks,

helped the CIA launch its U-2 spyplane from the USS Kitty Hawk

Another CIA document shows the Navy�s reluctance to allow the CIA to use its aircraft carriers

to carry spy planes in trouble spots like the Mediterranean, thereby creating the operational

necessity for the CIA to eventually acquire its own aircraft carrier to carry fleets of

spy planes around the world.

These official CIA documents support the conclusion that by the 1970�s the CIA�s Directorate

of Operations had its own squadrons of spy planes, and would have acquired its own aircraft

carrier out of operational necessity that it could operate anywhere around the world

without any kind of government oversight.

As far as the CIA having its own submarines, a Washington Times article from January 3,

1985 shows that two ballistic missile submarines, USS John Marshall and Sam Houston were handed

over to a 2000 man Special Operations Force.

It can be guaranteed that the CIA�s Directorate of Operations would have similarly justified

the acquisition of ballistic missile capable submarines for its own covert operations around

the world.

With the CIA�s role in generating multiple black budgets, it could easily have diverted

some of these funds to defense contractors for building ballistic missile capable submarines

for exclusive use in clandestine operations.

It�s worth noting that Lockheed Martin builds the Trident II ballistic missiles for the

Ohio class submarines currently possessed for by U.S. Navy.

As noted earlier, the CIA and Lockheed have developed a long and close relationship since

their joint efforts to develop Area 51 for spy planes and other advanced technologies

in the 1950�s.

Therefore it is very possible that the CIA�s Dark Fleet possesses Trident II ballistic

nuclear missiles developed by Lockheed Martin.

Consequently, Inouye�s claims of a shadowy government possessing its own Air Force and

Navy is very feasible given what we know about the CIA�s history, and official documents

showing its military assets, training and close relationship with defense contractors

such as Lockheed Martin.

The CIA had the independent funding to create squadrons of spy planes that could operate

from an aircraft carrier with the necessary support craft that altogether constituted

a CIA controlled aircraft carrier battle group that included nuclear submarines.

So was the CIA�s Dark Fleet behind the ballistic missile attack on Hawaii?

I put this question to Corey Goode and he responded:

Yes, They DO have an Air Craft Carrier and destroyers and support vessels, a whole fleet�.This

stuff has been a part of recent briefings in the form of informed speculation as to

what occurred in Hawaii/Japan.

All are pretty convinced that a rogue CIA sub fired missiles and MIC SSP [USAF/NRO/DIA

Secret Space Program] took the missiles out.

We are all waiting for specifics and confirmation but these are �read in� General/Colonel

types doing the speculating.[Skype Communication 1/19/18)

The CIA�s Directorate of Operations has long been the primary asset of what Inouye

called the Shadow Government, but today is referred to as the �Deep State�.

Due to President Trump�s December 21, 2017, Executive Order freezing the financial assets

of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption, Trump was not only declaring war

against U.S. global elites involved, but also against the funding sources for the CIA�s

covert operations.

The CIA�s black budget is made possible by human rights abuses and corruption around

the planet that provides almost unlimited funds for its covert operations, including

its Dark Fleet.

Consequently, the CIA�s Dark Fleet had the means, motive and opportunity to attack Hawaii

with a ballistic nuclear missile that would embroil the Trump administration in a major

regional war with North Korea and possibly China.

Significantly, on January 16, Japan�s major public broadcaster also warned the public

about an incoming ballistic missile attack.

Once again, a false alarm was issued shortly after by government authorities.

It�s quite possible that the same submarine responsible for the Hawaii attack, launched

another missile attack, this time against Japan, presumably Tokyo.

It was also brought down, probably by the same defense forces that tracked and destroyed

the Hawaii bound missile.

Again, the purpose would have been to simulate a North Korean attack thereby triggering a

major regional war.

Such a war would distract the Trump administration and U.S. military from going after Deep State

assets, and tie down the U.S. in a serious regional confrontation.

Thankfully, the U.S. Navy and Air Force, along with the USAF run secret space program, were

able to neutralize the attacks on Hawaii and Japan.

The multiple sources and documents cited above lead to a remarkable conclusion.

A CIA created secret Navy launched ballistic missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan using

a Dark Fleet created in the 1970�s to support covert operations around the world.

Consequently, neutralizing the �Dark Fleet� and reigning in the CIA�s Directorate of

Operations must become a high priority goal for the Trump Administration and the Pentagon.

A major step in doing so is for the truth to be officially released about ballistic

missile attacks against Hawaii and Japan.

For more infomation >> The Secret Navy behind the Ballistic Missile Attack on Hawaii - Duration: 18:12.


John Lithgow Rescued an Old Woman During a Live Show - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> John Lithgow Rescued an Old Woman During a Live Show - Duration: 4:21.


The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: "No One Likes or Respects You" - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: "No One Likes or Respects You" - Duration: 1:19.


TR _YouTube'da arama geçmişini nasıl görüntüleyebilir veya silebilirsiniz. - Duration: 2:14.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy, In this video, I will talk about,

How to View or delete search history in YouTube.

If you are trying to find a particular video you have searched for in the past, Search history may help.

Your YouTube search history lets you view your previous search queries on YouTube. Your YouTube and Google search history, also

influence the recommendations that you see on your Home. You are in control.

You can clear your entire search history. Remove individual search entries from search suggestions.

Or pause your search history. Search entries you delete will no longer influence your recommendations.

After clearing your search history, your past searches will no longer show as suggestions in the search box.

Search queries you enter while your search history is paused will not be saved in your search history.

Keep in mind that any searches you make while logged in to your account will appear in your account's search history across devices.

To view or delete what you've previously watched on YouTube, check out your watch history. Access your search history by selecting History

in the Guide And selecting the Search history tab. Remove an individual search entry.

Select the X to the right of the search entry to remove it from the Search History. Delete your entire search history.

Select clear all search history to delete your entire search history. Pause your search history.

Select Pause search history to pause your search history. Hope, this information, is helpful,

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