Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 23 2018

Hi there! Welcome to my new video ;-)

I have a cold, which is why I sound like this ;-)

My hair has gotten pretty long

And today I'm going to the salon

It's been six months since my last cut - I've showed you that one

That time, I went from very long hair to a short bob

And now they are shoulder length again... But I don't like it very much right now

It doesn't really have a shape, and I feel like getting something totally new

So I'm going really short today!

The result - One week later!

This is my new hairstyle

But I can style it many different ways

And I'm looking forward to trying things out

It's a lot of fun, and this style is exactly what I wanted!

I love it! So a big thank you to the salon

I went to Maxat Friseure in Berlin

I can really recommend them

The people were really nice

They really did a fantastic job, because I was so scared before they started cutting...

My hair wasn't that short before...

But they had grown a bit

I was really scared

that it would look bad on me

Or that I wouldn't like it

But I'm totally satisfied

He cut it exactly the way I wanted

Oh my god I though I would be so much scarier than it was!!

Never thought it would look so cool ;-)

There probably are people who watch this and think that I looked better with long hair

But I guess I can't help that - everyone can have an opinion

But I think it's great

And it's what I really wanted

When I was 10 or 11 years old, I already dreamt of having short hair

But I also liked long hair, so I had to choose

so first i let my hair grow

But now I'm so happy that i finally did it!

it was a big step for me

what i had before didn't have any style to it

I could have gone back to a short bob

But I didn't love that haircut

I thought long and hard about it, for months

and now i finally did it, and I'm so happy

Please feel free to let me know what you think of it!

do you think it looks cool or not cool at all

did you like my long hair better?

I'd love to hear what you think of short hair on girls in general

I think girls can pull off short hair

But most people still prefer long hair on a girl

that's the traditional beauty ideal

i like long hair too

but short hair looks great to me as well

it's certainly not a reason to treat people differently

Everyone should be able to do what he or she wants. Boys can have long hair too!

I you feel good about yourself, you will look good

Nobody should feel forced to wear their hair long

my long hair often bothered me

getting in front of my ears

from day one

i was totally in love with it

didn't need time to get used to it at all!

it felt like i had always had short hair, and I didn't expect that at all!

I mean... they used the clippers on the back of my head

it's so different from any style i had before!

i expected to be in shock

i felt beautiful and free

the only thing i noticed

it sometimes feels strange

because there's no hair on my neck

my parents and my closest friend really like my new look

But when i told boys that i wanted to get a short hairstyle, they didn't like the idea at all

To me, that's a stupid reaction

hope i didn't forget to say anything

but i don't think so

and if not, I'll tell you in my next video ;-)

I'll insert some pictures with my new hairstyle, so you can get a better view

I can make a turn right now so you can see the back ;-)

please let me know what you think of my hair

I'll see you soon. Bye!!

For more infomation >> Can't stop cutting my hair ;-) Girls can wear it short too! - Duration: 6:56.


모모콘냐쿠 - 만들다 만 심상 (ツクリカケノ心象) - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> 모모콘냐쿠 - 만들다 만 심상 (ツクリカケノ心象) - Duration: 3:27.


#20 COMO AUMENTAR 7 CM DE BUMBUM EM 4 MIN DE TREINO? Exercícios Para Pernas e Gluteos Em Casa - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> #20 COMO AUMENTAR 7 CM DE BUMBUM EM 4 MIN DE TREINO? Exercícios Para Pernas e Gluteos Em Casa - Duration: 8:07.


FEMINISM ÄR CANCER (Eng subs) - Duration: 7:17.

This celebrity criticized feminism in her podcast.

She said some feminists take it too far and that she doesn't wanna call herself feminist because of all the misandry.

So to prove Bianca wrong, and that feminism really is a peaceful religion, feminists flocked together and poured out hate on her.

It ended with her begging forgiveness with tears in her eyes,

then she stayed at home for a week because she was so sad about the misinterpretations and personal attacks.

And I quote: "I was truly sad because it's hard to take misunderstandings. It really weighed on me to be called misogynist because I'm really not."

"People saw me as something I'm not."

You're really not alone there, I can tell you. That's exactly why Pär Ström left the debate a few years ago.

He wrote many debate articles and books where he presented facts and statistics,

and argued calmly that both genders have problems, but in different ways.

And feminists only replied with personal attacks, insults, threats and mockery. No real arguments.

Because that's what feminists do. They're not good with facts and research and serious arguments.

However they are good with emotional blackmail, bullying campaigns and trying to get people fired.

Alexander Bard fell victim to this recently, feminists want to see him fired because he's "sexist, racist and homophobic".

Of course there's no basis for any of this, they just don't like how he's talked about the #MeToo campaign.

Which has also gone too far, apparently it's sexism for men to like hot girls with big boobs.

No.. God, how terrible. How dare they?

How dare men be attracted to women who don't look like boys?

And why can't you fuck boys? Pedophiles are a minority too, and it's such a pity about minorities right?

Feels like it's just a matter of time before the LGBT-movement derails into that direction.

It's also sexism to use sextoys, because sex-robots can't give consent. And therefore you're a rapist.

And this feminist describes how she went on a date and got angry when the guy wanted to split the tab.

Equality sounds great on paper, but when feminists actually get treated like men they don't like it.

Because the feminist idea of equality is that women should have special privilege.

Feminism is cancer. It's more a disease than a serious political orientation, because what it does to people is horrendous.

It kills their empathy, ability to argue and perception of reality. All of a sudden facts are oppression, and you stop being friends with people because they disagree.

There's a reason why over 70% of Sweden doesn't call themselves feminist.

There's many reasons actually, like feminists using peoples tax money to put up period art in the subway.

Here's a subway in Moscow.

Here's what it looks like in Stockholm.

So Putin has a better sense for decoration than all our feminist government.

Nah just kidding, Lenin deserves the credit there.

The communist regime decided to make trainstations look like palaces, so the working class could partake in the beauty otherwise reserved to the upper class.

I usually don't praise communists, but god damn that's a good idea. Seriously.

Anyway, it's funny how feminists say feminism is JUST about equality.

"It's just about men and women being equal... Same terms, equal treatment.."

Then suddenly you're a rapist if you fuck a fleshlight.

And if you smile at girls it's sexism. This is what feminists do, they lure you in with "equality" but then they define equality so loosely it covers insane opinions.

And I understand that there's many reasonable feminists out there, I get that, don't generalize.

But to be honest their label is a joke. You're not a feminist just because you believe in equality.

Feminism is more political and complex than that.

Feminism is when you think it's a problem that there's more men than women in corporate boards, even though women prefer male bosses.

Feminism is when you think equality is about equal results, and not equal opportunities.

Personally I respect science and biology. Men and women are simply a little different and therefore will make different choices in life.

You can see sex differences in brain anatomy with one month old babies.

Feminism is when you dehumanize rape victims because they have the wrong political values.

One woman was denied to talk at a MeToo-manifestation because she's a nationalist.

Fuck that's loyal. Sisterhood, right?

And that's why I don't call myself feminist. Because it's a pathetic label.

If I think rape, slutshaming and sexual harassment are serious problems, I'm just a regular person capable of empathy. Not a feminist.

That men and women should be treated equally is a common opinion in Sweden. You're not special in any way because you believe that.

So the feminist label is just a desperate attempt for insecure women to feel special and compensate for their shitty self-esteem.

And for men it's just a way to get laid. Often without consent. We saw that with Virtanen, and Soran, and all the other leftist men named in #MeToo


In summation, I wish people were smarter than to listen to hysterical idiots.

Because I've been to the pub, and it's pretty obvious that gender analysis doesn't get anyone moist.

Traditional gender roles is what attract people to each other, and ultimately sex is a stronger biological drive than listening to Aftonbladet.

So my tips to all girls and guys out there, who are surrounded by rabid feminists:

Girls, get better friends. You're worth more than that. Don't respect people that don't respect you.

And guys, find something better to fuck. Seriously.

Stop thinking with your dick you fucking bellend

For more infomation >> FEMINISM ÄR CANCER (Eng subs) - Duration: 7:17.


3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370 - Duration: 15:29.

3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370

For more infomation >> 3D Plant of cars: Learn cars for kids - Ambulance, Tow Truck, Racing Cars with Pepa Pig Episode 370 - Duration: 15:29.





Sordine Batteria - Wambooka Performer Pad #247 - Duration: 3:47.

Today I want to talk about dampening drum gel and I want to show you a new product that

I really like, that is called Performer Pad, developed by Wambooka, a very active Italian


Here it is.

But what is a Performer Pad?

It's a kit that includes four Pads, which you can simply call jellies, used to check

the harmonics of drum heads but, in my opinion, it's different from other more popular products

such as Moon Gel because, although it has the same price of €9 or €10, it's much

more flexible and has more functions.

I'll explain better what I mean: What's in the box?

Four pads, 2 with this shape, with two round surfaces, one larger than the other, and two

fairly large pads called Waffles.

So let's see why they are cool.

The first benefit is that with these round pads I can choose the amount of harmonics

I want to eliminate from the drum by simply attaching the small part to the rim and the

big part on the skin, and choosing how much dampening to apply, from very much to very

little, with just one pad and a simple movement.

Benefit number two, which for me is a real treat: thanks to their enormous adhesive power,

these products allow me to apply dampening even to the resonant skins of toms or floor toms.

This is great because all the other similar products are designed for batter heads and

if you put them under the heads they come off or move slightly.

Benefit number 3 of this product is the Waffle, which is a bit larger in size and has a strong

adhesive power, so you can even create layers of sound with percussive elements literally

stuck to the head.

Or taking advantage of the fact that it's larger than average it can be used for even

greater dampening and create an 80s snare sound with super soft skin and a very firm

sound with just one jelly, instead of the three or four you would need with other products.

So although its concept and material are different from others, that's why in my opinion Performer

Pad offers something more for the same price.

As it's very adhesive you should handle it with two hands.

You can wash it with water and reuse it.

It's stylish with its cool box and if you want to remove and carry it, you can, but

above all it's very versatile and does what it says it does.

So check it out and judge for yourself!

Performer Pad by Wambooka.

You'll find the link in the notes.

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> Sordine Batteria - Wambooka Performer Pad #247 - Duration: 3:47.


Cars are Outlawed in This American City: History in a Minute (Episode 59) - Duration: 1:32.

Today on History in a Minute - the American city where cars are forbidden.

Hello, hello. It's Mr. Philip Campbell with Homeschool Connections History in a

Minute. I am your bearded nerdy history guru. Did you know that there is a city

in the United States of America where automobiles are forbidden by law? That's

right I'm talking about the city of Mackinac Island, Michigan. Mackinac Island

is a little city. It's on the island of Mackinac. This little island in the

Straits of Mackinac, which is right between Michigan's Upper and Lower

Peninsulas. The the first state park in Michigan was actually, is actually,

located on this island. And way back when automobiles were brand new, back in the

year 1898, the local government of Mackinac Island decided to to forbid the

introduction of automobiles onto the island to maintain its historic

Victorian era charm. And as time rolled on and and more and more people started

driving cars, the island kept its old law and to this day, to this day, the

original 1898 law stays in effect. You cannot have any automobiles on Mackinac

Island. If you visit the island, visitors & residents alike, they must travel by

horse-drawn carriage or or bicycle. Even the garbage and the police, all the local

services, use horse-drawn carriages. So if you're ever in Michigan, go check out

Mackinac Island if you want to get a taste of Victorian life with no

automobiles. And also for more great history information, subscribe to this

channel and always remember history is awesome.

For more infomation >> Cars are Outlawed in This American City: History in a Minute (Episode 59) - Duration: 1:32.


[Free music, no copyright] Dennis Kumar - Tears - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> [Free music, no copyright] Dennis Kumar - Tears - Duration: 5:46.


Giftiger Arbeitsplatz: Leben mit und vom Elektromüll - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Giftiger Arbeitsplatz: Leben mit und vom Elektromüll - Duration: 1:30.


ஆபாச படங்களில் மட்டும் எப்படி அது சாத்தியமாகிறது தெரியுமா | Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> ஆபாச படங்களில் மட்டும் எப்படி அது சாத்தியமாகிறது தெரியுமா | Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:42.


【初音ミク】テラクラウド【オリジナル】/【MIKU】TERA CLOUD 【original】 - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> 【初音ミク】テラクラウド【オリジナル】/【MIKU】TERA CLOUD 【original】 - Duration: 3:40.


Экстремальное купание в ледяной воде | Выживание зимой - Duration: 5:37.

[♪ music ♪]

Friends! I did it again!

Hello friends!

I just took a dip in the icy water.

And only now she was warmed and calmed down.

And now I can tell you about my emotions.

Before that, I was in an inadequate condition and could not speak.

This time my bathing...

was chaotic, extreme and painful.

The water was colder than last year.

Ice and snow.

Because of the ice, I slowly went into the water.

And slowly came out of the water.

At the bottom of the river was a thick layer of silt.

I got bogged down in the silt layer and could not quickly get ashore.

As a result, I spent more time in the water than I wanted.

Then I took out the sneakers drowned in the silt.

It was smeared in the mud of the river.

When I went ashore, I had to wipe with snow.

Feet feet, literally, stiffened.

It was not a joke. It was unpleasant.

We need to restore the fire.

Once again I was convinced.

What, however good plans are, there will always be unaccounted factors.

[And now, in order...]

[♪ music ♪]

In the water, with the temperature, like in my movie...

an unprepared person dies in 8-20 minutes.

About 3 dozen people are known in the world...

which can stay in ice water for more than one hour.

You can train your body to stay in the water for a long time.

But some people can not drink water.

You can not conduct such experiments without preliminary preparation!

[♪ music ♪]

[noise of river water]

[♪ music ♪]

[sound steps]

For more infomation >> Экстремальное купание в ледяной воде | Выживание зимой - Duration: 5:37.


Купание в проруби в ледяной воде | Сливаем бассейн - Duration: 3:46.

>> TATIANA: Oh, I can not even look!

In the pool there is such an ice now.

And he went under the water.

To be bad, to be honest, guys.

Friends, as you know, we had a very warm winter.

But then, after all, the frosts began.

And we did not drain the water from the pool.

And today we have planned an extreme drain of water from the pool.

Zheka, you are a monster! Simply, really a monster!

I would not have done this.

>> EUGENE: It was necessary to lower it while it was warm.

>> TATIANA: A few words about the tube. What is it for?

And what did you do down there underwater?

>> EUGENE: This tube goes almost to the bottom.

And there's an outlet under the water.

But the output is not at the bottom.

And he had to wear a rubber tube.

And tighten with a yoke.

>> TATIANA: I see. And Zheka did this operation under the water.

Here under this ice.

Today we have a thaw again.

But for tomorrow again promise minus 10 degrees Celsius.

So we decided to merge the pool.

We were too late with this question.

But, Zheka loves to swim in the icy water.

And so the pool does not drain long, to frost.

Yes... now there will be extreme bathing.

Oh, I can not even look!

Oh... my God, I know how cold it is.

And he went under the water.

Oh, it's bad for me, frankly, guys.

I feel bad.

He's under the water.

Inserts a hose.



[splashing water]

>> EVGENY: Wow!

Pour boiling water to remove the frozen plastic hose.

>> TATIANA: And now the most brutal operation.

For the system to start.

[sound of air suction]

[sound of air suction]

>> EUGENE: Now we need to tighten so that the air does not suck.

[sound of air suction]

Everything has ceased. The air no longer sucks.

[gurgling water]

>> TATIANA: Water steadily descends.

Pretty decent pressure.

[gurgling water]

>> Evgeni: Apparently the land is unfrozen...

>> TATIANA: And goes into the ground, yes.

Does not accumulate. Does not drain. Does not form a puddle.

Goes to the ground.

Zhenya, what are your feelings?

>> EVGENY: Wow! Sensations are great!

>> TATIANA: You're a maniac! Well, what happened?

>> EUGENE: Yes, it did. He's dressed. Tightened. Oh.

>> TATIANA: Oh, Lord!

I can not look at this!

>> EUGENE: The most difficult was to find.

>> TATIANA: I bathed yesterday. I know how awful it is.

It's horrible! Really terrible!

>> EUGENE: Hat helped.

>> TATIANA: Yes? Your head was not cold?

>> EUGENE: No, it's not. Fuh!

[expression of strong emotions]

>> TATIANA: This is the thickness of the edge. Lots of.

[splashing water]

>> EUGENE: And in the middle, there was less.

>> TATIANA: The ice floe.

>> EUGENE: She will descend along with the level.

>> TATIANA: With the water level. And will lie on the bottom afterwards.

>> EUGENE: It's a beautiful frame, I think.

>> TATIANA: The most beautiful frame, when you plunged into the water.

>> EUGENE: Well, it's places... :-)

[knocking with ice scrap]

[ice floes are falling into the water, splashing water]

>> TATIANA: Wow, they're beautifully leaving.

[knocking with ice scrap]

>> TATIANA: Ponka is hunting. I saw a turkey. Or whom she saw there?

And she ran there.

But I was distracted by something else.

And there, on, yes, turkey.

For more infomation >> Купание в проруби в ледяной воде | Сливаем бассейн - Duration: 3:46.


Eleven Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way - Duration: 6:06.

11 Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way

Let's admit it together, we have all been equipped with intuition, some people know

it as the "gut feeling".

Our intuition is used basically to keep us safe and helps us to make decisions by following

our heart.

It informs us of impending danger and guides us through life.

Even Steve Jobs, considered one of the richest men of affairs of the story,

he said that Intuition is a very powerful thing, more powerful than intelligence.

This has had a big impact on my work.

We all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, but some of us have

a better connection to that inner voice.

If you tend to listen to your heart in the face of a difficult decision, then probably,

you are also listening to your intuition


Number 1.


The highly intuitive people do not ignore their instincts; rather, they listen to them

earnestly, and make decisions almost exclusively from this source of wisdom.

Many people are still skeptical about the intuition, but others rely on that.

So, for highly intuitive people it does not matter if others think that their "inner

voices" are crazy; they always listen and in some cases, this

could mean the difference between life and death.

Number 2.


According to Sophy Burnham, author of the book "The Art of Intuition," the majority

of intuitive people are introvert.

This makes sense, because introverts cultivate energy from within and can not hear their

insights without having around them silence.

In addition, the highly intuitive people never feel alone; in fact they can not wait to spend

time in solitude and catch up with the latest insight.

Number 3.


Musicians, artists, fire-eaters, dancers, writers and creators all have one thing in

common, they allow their creativity to guide them

through life and never call into question whether this makes sense or not.

In fact, they are following their passions, because they know that their creativity makes

them feel alive.

Cultivating inner creativity will allow the life force to flow within them, something

that the intuitive people have already figured out.

Number 4.


Intuitive people have a high level of self-awareness, meaning they are keenly in tune with their

inner feelings and perspectives about themselves.

They learned this through a kind of peaceful spiritual practice, which allows them to clear

the outside world for a while 'and pay attention only to the inner knowledge.

These people tend to have less 'mental fog', because they have learned to sit quietly with

themselves, then, to feel comfortable in solitude.

Their thoughts do not affect them anymore, because they know how to let them go.

Number 5.


Intuitive people look at the outside world with open eyes and heart.

They can connect deeply with others, because they have learned to do it by connecting with


Number 6.


This does not mean that every pain requires drastic measures,

but the intuitive people know they need to pay attention to how they feel in order to

take care of themselves.

Science has discovered that our gut is essentially a second brain because of the large number

of neurons lining the intestinal walls.

Number 7.


The highly intuitive people have a special talent for understanding and empathy.

They are able to offer advice and guidance when needed.

Often people approach them to share intimate details of their lives, because they feel

immediately at home in the company of an intuitive person.

Intuitive people can also read the other without having to say a word, this helps them to better

understand each individual.

Number 8.


The universe speaks to us in a variety of ways and intuitive people know it.

They do not see anything like a coincidence, such as frequently see the same numbers on

a clock, or to see the same person at the mall from time to time.

Everything has meaning for the intuitive person.

Number 9.


Even if they relate well with others, intuitive people naturally put themselves in first place,

so that they can better serve others.

They take time off from work when needed and create their spaces every day to flow through

their inner wisdom.

They believe in working smarter and have difficulty understanding our obsessed society.

Intuitive people make sure first of all, to feel good about themselves.

Number 10.


Intuitive people know that their inner voice can not flow with the negative energy by blocking

the knowledge and healing waves.

Thus, their intuitive balance and their energy, releases negative emotions in order to let

them go.

Number 11.


This type of people can not keep their emotions to themselves, as opposed they let them flow

and create space for others to do the same.

Intuitive people will feel totally at ease in their own skin and do not apologize for

having human emotions.

All in all, that's the 11 things that highly intuitive people see and experience in a different


Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Eleven Things That Highly Intuitive People See and Experience in a Different Way - Duration: 6:06.


Animals for Kids learning English - Learning Animals sounds and names for Children Kids and Babies - Duration: 15:20.

Animals for Kids learning English - Learning Animals sounds and names for Children Kids and Babies

For more infomation >> Animals for Kids learning English - Learning Animals sounds and names for Children Kids and Babies - Duration: 15:20.


Allied Race Taunka - Would It Work? | Customization, Gear, Faction & More - Duration: 8:35.

Hello guys, So, in this video we will look at how it would

be like if the Taunka were to become a playable race.

Keep in mind that these files have been in the game for a long time and that this doesn't

they will ever become playable.

If you missed any of my other videos where we talk about potential races, than make sure

to check them out.


So this is me trying to read the story bare with me guys.

The Taunka are decendants of the yaungol, and millennia before the first war, the yaungol

roamed central kalimdor and lived in peace with the demigod cenarius, however they were

eventually driven south because they didn't want to share their hunting grounds with the


After their enslavement one group, who would later take up the name "tauren", resettled

in kalimdor while some traveled across the entire continent until they reached The Storm

Peaks in Northern, and they would later become known as the taunka.

The Taunka, Tauren and the Yaungol retained some contact with one another for many years,

but the Great Sundering shattered the connections between the tribes.

So what classes would the Taunka be able to play as?

According to the lore they can be hunters, shamans and warriors but more classes would

defiantly be added.

I will show you all the classes with the tomb of sargeras gear later in the video so you

can see how it looks like, but first lets take a look at their customization options.

Guys.. im not sure how to say this.. but only the male characters are available I mean it's

almost becoming a meme by now, however they have 4 different skin color options and 3

different facial hair options, so there is a lot of room for improvement if they were

ever added as an allied race, what unique options would you like to see?

Now its finaly time to take a look at how the gear looks like on a Taunka, and to be

honest I LOVE IT!

The gear looks so good on them but I didn't expect anything else considering both the

Taunka and the Taurens are decendeants of the yaungol, let me know what you think.

So, what racial mount would the Taunka use?

If we consider their heritage the obvious choose would be a kodo, but I'm not sure

if a kodo can resist the cold nature of notherend, but I know you guys will have a lot better

suggestions than I do.

So now we have finaly reached the 1 million dollar question, what faction would the Taunka


I mean maybe not a million dollar question but anyway If we consider their yaungol heritage

and the quests available in the game I would say the horde would be the obvious choose

in my opinion.

Also would you play as a taunka? and where would their starting area be, a solution could

be to let them start at level 58 in Northerend considering the new zone scaling feature,

let me know what you guys think in the comments below.

So that's it for this video guys, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a thumbs up

and consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.

I will leave the rest of this video with the highmountain tauren cutscene if you haven't

seen it yet make sure to watch it.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see

you again.

For more infomation >> Allied Race Taunka - Would It Work? | Customization, Gear, Faction & More - Duration: 8:35.


[kt Rolster TALK] Mata, outraged roar - Duration: 2:45.

KT time is back again while playing the game seriously

(Mata) Hey.. This doesn't seem right!

(Mata) This seems inappropriate~

(Mata) This seems inappropriate~ Hey, what are you doing

(Mata) Ah, sh..

Mata's will of winning the game is burning down (Mata) Ah.. Jayce is dead as well~

(Mata) Did we lose..

Destroying enemy base by turning the game equal as best as he can

(Mata) The game is over!

(Mata) Hey, no-

(Mata) Stop backing off you bastard

3 eager allies

(Mata) Hey..

(Mata) It'll be different when Kassadin arrives

They all died together to Kassadin while leaving only the enemy Nexus behind

They all died together to Kassadin while leaving only the enemy Nexus behind (Mata) Arrrg.. Ah my

Failed to steal Elder Dragon

(Mata) First of all.. threw it very well!

(Mata) Ah, wait, lost the game

(Mata) Ah~~

and when he was about to give up (Mata) End of the game could be better

(Mata) Huh?!

Jayce's sound of triumph came in his ears

The result of the game can't be certain once again (Mata) Buy some time!

Checks for ward with Jarvan

and made a ward ping as well

Mata's urgent shotcall

He begs to the rest to not get into a mess from a mother-like stance

A teamfight begun in Bot lane even before him finishing his shotcall

(Mata) Hey, sh!

(Mata) Hey, ah!!

(Mata) Hey!!!

(Mata) You should live, at least you should live

Oh my, please listen to me TT (Mata) Ah, this is driving me crazy..

He really defends seriously but

Outraged Mata's roar

Kind Rush picking up the earphone that flew away


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