Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 3 2018

Are You Ready For A Special Message From Spirit

Everyone has been feeling the effects of the intense energies these days and with these

energetic influences you may notice you�re super-sensitive and touchy.

With all of this going on, it is helpful to turn to spirit for a little guidance.

If you�re curious to find out what spirit�s message is for you, select one of the cards

for your message.

1.You may find you feel the need to defend yourself these days because there may be some

misunderstandings with others and your buttons are not only being pushed but trampled on.

The advice from spirit is to wait and breathe before you react!

Simmer down my friend.

Sometimes you can explain and defend yourself until you are blue in the face and it doesn�t

make a bit of a difference.

To quote Bernard Baruch ~ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind

don�t matter and those who matter don�t mind.1

2.The moment you commit, really commit to make the necessary decisions you know you

must make, things will begin to move forward at a rapid rate.

No more back and forth with your choices.

Make up your mind and then stay committed to your choice.

All the Universe is waiting for is for you to make up your mind and commit to following

through with your decision.

You are making things way too complicated.

Get ready to be launched forward towards your dreams!


Spirit requests that you don�t hold back compassion and empathy towards your fellow

brother and sister.

Each and every one of us is fighting a personal battle or two and there are a few people around

you that would greatly benefit from you holding space for them.

You hold so much light in your heart and are a beacon in challenging times for many.

Namaste� Dear One!

For more infomation >> Are You Ready For A Special Message From Spirit - Duration: 2:23.


Better Late Than Never - The Fairest Goat of Them All (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Better Late Than Never - The Fairest Goat of Them All (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:29.


Funny Cooking Show Bloopers! (VEGAN spaghetti squash) - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Funny Cooking Show Bloopers! (VEGAN spaghetti squash) - Duration: 3:00.


Tester Soup / Супчик тестера #2 - Duration: 2:34.

Hello all! This is tester soup and today we have...

Chinese developer Booming Games recently announced a beta test of the long-awaited sandbox about the world medieval wars, Conqueror's Blade

which will soon be available to Western players

The player can choose: western and eastern legions of warriors, thousands of units on one screen, thousands of weapons, as well as strong generals.

The battles will take place on a massive landscape scale over several thousand kilometers into the depths, where players will strive to conquer the lands and reign over the kingdoms.

Project Amalthea is an online top-down shooter in a science fiction setting with an arcade style of control, bright and dimacious battles with unlimited PvP and Full Drop mechanics.

The scene takes place near the satellite of Jupiter - Amalthea, which is a key place in the Gold Rush of the 22nd century and the development of the asteroid belt.

The game is developed by RunServer studio and is now at the stage of the closed (by invitation) Alpha test. The public test is scheduled for early 2018.

Dead Dozen is pretty familiar if you have played games such as Evolve and Dead by Daylight.

The game is played by two teams - Survivors and Ghouls. At the beginning of the round, among 12 players, one random player becomes a Ghoul Leader - the most dangerous Ghoul

The goal is to hunt the Survivors and coordinate the actions of the slain players who are turned into Ghouls.

Dead Dozen enters Alpha on 8 January 2018, with a launch on Steam arriving next year.

Dead Dozen is development by Russian indie studio, Fntastic.

Hellbound is a First Person Shooter game in the vein of the classics DOOM, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood and many others.

It's GROTESQUE! Focused in action, speed and gore.

The game is going to arrive very soon with a Survival Mode.

You will fight against hordes of enemies in a small island until you're done.

Saibot Studios, want to make a much bigger game, with a Single Player Campaign and Multiplayer Modes. But we make no promise right now, since it will depend on how things go in terms of money.

In order to participate, you must apply at the official website and wait for the invitation.

And that is all. With you was the Nomri, see you in the next video, bye!

For more infomation >> Tester Soup / Супчик тестера #2 - Duration: 2:34.


Song 35 (115) "Gratitude for Divine Patience" keyboard version (Right hand only) - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Song 35 (115) "Gratitude for Divine Patience" keyboard version (Right hand only) - Duration: 1:49.


Blind - Mérito Restrito(CLIPE OFICIAL) - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Blind - Mérito Restrito(CLIPE OFICIAL) - Duration: 2:58.


ポイントスターの円編み5段【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Point Star Coaster / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 45:05.

For more infomation >> ポイントスターの円編み5段【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Point Star Coaster / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 45:05.


WTF! CRAZIEST BATTLE I'VE EVER SEEN in Clash Royale! - Duration: 9:35.


Yo, what's going on guys my name's eclipse and today?

We're gonna be doing something totally different than I've ever done before and to be honest

I don't think anyone has ever done this on YouTube, so hopefully we can't be the first

But essentially I'm gonna hop into a two versus two

Friendly battle and all four players involved are only going to be using building decks now

There is one exception, and I said people can use the mirror if they want the mirror is technically a spell

But they're gonna be mirroring a building so overall the main goal is to fill up the entire arena with buildings

I don't know if anyone's actually going to win this so this may be awesome

Or who knows it's probably just gonna end in a massive failure

But regardless of the results hopefully this makes for an entertaining video now if you go to enjoy this video

Please give it a like down below, and if you're new remember to subscribe for more stupid ish cool content here goes nothing

I'm sending the friendly battle out

Hopefully everyone who joins has the proper deck with my luck watch someone join with like three

Musketeers and just absolutely wreck us so there's my teammate cheeseburgers that I have a similar deck as well

And I think the only way to win. This is to just go all out so exponent cannon

There's a bar, but um I don't even oh my god. What do we do it this way?

I'm gonna stick another cannon down. There's a lot of stuff over there. I guess we're just gonna continue spamming everything

There's no way we're actually going to finish this battle. It's just gonna end in a six minute draw, but maybe this is awesome

I may have to do a second battle in this video

We're only half the people at buildings, and then the other half have to push that may be awesome

But for now we're gonna try our best to actually get to this tower. Hopefully this mortar can't speak a shot off

They have an expo it may actually do well look at all the crap. They have right now

This is probably one of the craziest battles. I've ever witnessed once two times elixir comes though keep in mind

We're gonna have both halves of the arena absolutely filled up with buildings, and it's just gonna look so funny now

I'm thinking we need defensive buildings. Actually they may get some hits all soon

I'm gonna stick a bomb tower down just

Because it has the most hit points in the game at least I think it does for building so right here

We have the bomb tower down

That's helping out, but their expo and cannon is actually doing really well

So hopefully our cannon can help out take care of that mortar and right now

We're we're definitely on the lower

end of this cheeseburger

And I we need to get some more buildings down ASAP because if you're looking up top they have two furnaces

Plus they have tombstones, and I'm sure they're building up for a massive push on top of that

I think our only way to win. This is to like push the other side that Expo is about to get absolutely wrecked

I'm thinking about putting a mortar down rate that hopefully it goes down in time

We really need more buildings for this right side because right now this isn't gonna. Go well. We may actually lose this battle

They are getting through look at their line of defense right now. They have mortar Expo and bomb tower

They haven't got any hits off on our tower yet, but they've been pretty close a few times. This is gonna be crazy

I didn't even realize this, but it is two times elixir. Oh my god. I'm pretty sure we are done

I need to keep on cycling buildings because they are actually getting very close to our towers

Okay, let's just completely overload this right side um. Oh god more building, so let's put off

I'm thinking about putting a cannon down, but unfortunately that Tesla was just gonna blast it

So I put a mortar down instead now if you're looking up top

I feel like they just have way more buildings than us. I don't know if they're doing better or what I mean

It's kind of hard to do good in here

But three minutes has passed already this battle really isn't going anywhere

So instead of making you guys watch the full three minute overtime. I think we're just gonna end it here

I'm no longer gonna put troops down. I'm just gonna say good game, and let's finish off this matchup

I'm thinking in the next battle though cheeseburger

And I are going to keep our building deck and we're gonna have to defend a whole bunch of troops from the enemy, okay

So I just sent out the request again. I'm with cheeseburger

We have the defense only deck I made no changes since that last battle

And the other people ultimate royale and scamper both of them should have only troops

And no spells or buildings at all so the main goal of this is to just defend them

I don't know if we're even gonna be able to it's definitely gonna be an interesting battle

So we have a comb right off the bat, we have enough buildings over there though to kind of screw everything up

How are we supposed to stop the bats? Oh my god? They have a lot of stuff inbound right now

We need to get all this out of here ASAP. The goal is going down. We stopped the hog rider

I didn't think that defense was gonna work out as planned

And keep in mind my teammate, and I do have the expo and mortar so we can still technically pull off a win here

I'm gonna slap a mortar down on that left side my teammate has the cannon in front, but jeez they have a mega night

Hopefully cheeseburgers can get a Tesla down. I mistake a pot. Oh, yeah a furnace

I almost called the furnace a fire spirit even though it uses fire spirits, and not the same thing

But there's the mega night that thing is going down

We do have the ice golem and the bomber to deal with as well

But again we had another deeps decent defense I'm a stick and Tesla down there

Just so we can avoid as much damage as possible, but oh my god. They're dark goblin

Just got a whole bunch of hits off not looking too

Good for us right now, but keep in mind once two times elixir comes this is gonna get crazy


We can do something sick look at this so the bomb tower right now is gonna be

Protecting the expo from anything that goes in front of it. Oh. There is a hog rider get the cannon down stat

Let me get a cannon down of my own as well

We need to stop all this I did just get some lag there like the cannon should have went down two seconds ago

Really not too big of a deal

But wait for this this bomb tower is about to go insane ready for this come on Bob tower. Oh, okay?

It's not working too. Well so I guess at this point we have to pull everything on over to the right side

They're breaching through right now, so I'm thinking oh

My god, I burped as I was saying though. I'm thinking in the next battle

I'm gonna be someone attacking the defenses

And I'm just gonna bring in all air deck because one thing I'm noticing right now

Is it is super hard to counter air troops right now?

just because you only really have the furnace arena tower and the Tesla may be bringing an inferno would have been a smart play but

I guess you'll live and so this battle kind of winding down

There's 30 seconds left, and I'm letting you all know right now. We do not stand a chance

Whatsoever they just have so many troops on us this this just isn't working out in our favor

So I think we're just gonna call this battle here. There's not much we can do at this point okay?

This is the deck we're going to be rocking with I have the lumberjack force rage spell I can pretty much cycle miners

Repeatedly I have the hunter in the Sparkie to do splash to other buildings

and then I have a lava hound as like my main tank so I told the people whoever is on my team used troops and

Whoever is on the other team to use buildings

So hopefully they got the memo I would like to have this go smoothly so here are our two decks and again

I'm hoping we are against two buildings right now this should be good

I'm telling you we're gonna win my deck is superior to theirs. I already know it, okay. We're gonna put a dark

I went down there. Let's get a miner cycling up. Oh come on

Yes, we have the ice golem taking as well this cannot have gone any more perfect so right here

I'm thinking about putting the hunter down. I don't quite know if I want to do that

Let's just chill off for now the peashooter is going and literally obliterating

Everything so since that peashooter just did so well. I'm thinking we put a Sparkie in the back by the time

It's fully charged and at the bridge

It should be able to take out like one to two buildings per blast and I told you guys we are running the hunter as

Well because he does do Splash Damage, so this should go really well for us now

I am gonna send a lumberjack down that right lane

Just because he's extremely fast

And I'm hoping I can catch them off-guard

There goes the Sparky we have so many troops right now the lumberjack reached the tower

But look they cannot stop this right here

and I kind of feel like a cheater because I assume this would be rough for them so we already have one tower down and

We're just gonna continue putting up the aggression the miner is over there

We have the Sparky alive with the hunter and the dark oblem

They do not stand a chance right now, so this battle is winding down

I think this was like one of the faster battles of the video

But I think we're just gonna call it quits here because that that was flawless and one thing which I don't think I've ever

Done on my channel for clash Royale is a good ol say hi to

YouTube so let's see what the clan has to say before the video

And okay here is the clan everyone's active right now like this is the prime time to record my clans pop and right now we?

Have so many people willing to help out

so let's just give a shout out to everyone in today's video ultimate royal scamp a

Cheeseburger and it turns out those were the only people who helped so shout out to those three

But of course there was a few other people in the clan who wanted to help as well

They just weren't quick enough to the battles so guys

I think we are gonna be ending the video here if you thought this was interesting or cool or maybe I should do like a

Sequel let me know down in the comment section below, but guys this has been eclipse. Thanks for watching and peace out

For more infomation >> WTF! CRAZIEST BATTLE I'VE EVER SEEN in Clash Royale! - Duration: 9:35.


TV Couples You Had No Clue Dated Off Screen - Duration: 4:14.

When romances blossom on-screen, sometimes the actors portraying those fictional lovebirds

take all that romantic tension home with them, too.

These TV pairings managed to find real-life love while working together on their various

shows -- even if mixing business with pleasure doesn't always end well.

Scott Speedman and Keri Russell

During the later part of Felicity's run, Keri Russell and Scott Speedman's working relationship

became something much more intimate.

But that love quickly faded into just friendship after Speedman admitted to being bad at love.

"I'd been such a disaster of a boyfriend."

"A young 20s boyfriend.

It's called a disaster of a boyfriend."

"Not much has changed."

The good news is that, although she's since moved on to marry her The Americans co-star

Matthew Rhys, she and Speedman have remained close pals ever since.

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens

While starring as a teen dream couple in Disney's High School Musical TV movie series, Zac Efron

and Vanessa Hudgens began singing to each other off-screen as well.

Although they ended up dating throughout the two subsequent sequels, the two split in 2010,

due to their vastly different schedules.

Even so, Hudgens is glad that she and Efron had their brief time in the sun together,

telling Shape Magazine:

"We grew up together.

It was nice to have someone to share all of those experiences with."

Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato

Back when Joe Jonas was still sharing the stage with his brothers, he was also trying

to break into the acting business and starred alongside future pop star Demi Lovato in the

Camp Rock TV movie series.

"This moment, I frickin' fell in love with him."

The two also struck up an off-camera relationship that didn't last long past the release of

their sequel.

But they've since been able to put any hard feelings aside and are not only still friends,

but even sing together on-stage from time to time.

"It's way different.

We're family at this point."

Blake Lively and Penn Badgley

Although they're both now happily married to other people, Blake Lively and Penn Badgley

took their on-screen romance in Gossip Girl to all-new heights.

"We really couldn't stand each other for years.

But it's like a movie now because we're madly in love."

"Well, not that madly.

It's like a calm, stable love."

The two dated in real life for three years before finally calling it quits.

But although they'd decided to go their separate ways, they still had to play an active couple

on their show until its end, two years later.

"Who has been your best and worst on-screen kiss?"

"I'll say Blake because we had a relationship at the time.

And I'll say worst, maybe Blake after we broke up."

Alexis Bledel and Milo Ventimiglia

Most people know that Alexis Bledel found love away from the set after her work with

Vincent Kartheiser in Mad Men.

But before that romance blossomed into the real deal, Bledel also made one of the buzziest

Gilmore Girls ships set sail in real life when she dated Milo Ventimiglia.

Rory Gilmore and Jess Mariano were apparently an in-real-life item for several years before

the show ended.

For the Team Dean fans out there, she also reportedly dated co-star Jared Padalecki during

production as well.

Bledel must have maintained the peace with both of her exes, though, as they each returned

for the revival, A Year in the Life.

"I could've been a contender."

"You're still a contender."

Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols

One Tree Hill star Sophia Bush had a very brief marriage with co-star Chad Michael Murray

before that wedding bliss turned out to be anything but.

"When you have to work with somebody for half a decade, you kind of have to deal with it."

"We were two stupid kids who had no business being in a relationship in the first place."

Following her contentious divorce from Murray, Bush ended up dating Austin Nichols for six

years, as he played her character's husband on the series.

The two weren't always exclusive, though, and during one of their off-times, Bush is

said to have found romance with yet another actor from the show, James Lafferty.

After One Tree Hill, Bush's streak of finding love at work picked back up on the set of

Chicago P.D. when she and on-screen love Jesse Lee Soffer struck up a short-lived relationship.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> TV Couples You Had No Clue Dated Off Screen - Duration: 4:14.


Why Japanese Love to Bathe - Duration: 11:39.

-Good -Good

I remember the first time I heard about Japanese onsen

Alright, what's the onsen?

Okay, onsen means hot spring and people bathing in one look like this.

But there's also sento which is a public bathing facility people bathing in one look like this

Yeah, unless you know where the water is coming from they can look exactly the same

the main difference is that onsen use natural spring water whereas cento use heated tap water

But as always

Osaka sometimes does it different and onsen can be cento, so read the fine print if you really want to know more

But back to my story about how I first heard about onsen.

In my youth when I used to work summers as a painter

My coworker told me about his trip to Japan with his Japanese girlfriend

I was quite surprised to hear they visited a mixed bathing facility. Where yes they were both naked

I know certain Europeans, just love to flaunt their nudity

But as a Canadian, this felt all sorts of wrong, just so you don't get the wrong idea

Nowadays most Japanese public bathing is done with the same gender

But still I thought how could bathing naked with a bunch of other dudes be relaxing?

Why do Japanese love bathing?

Well, let me tell you, have you ever read Shogun?

if you have or if you've seen the TV miniseries you totally know

Oh no, no, I don't

(?) make your foul sick

You see, back in the time period this is taking place.

The 1600s, the English used to think bathing might foul your health with bad air

This theory of bad air was called miasma.

And was prevalent during the times of cholera and dangdangdang...

Black death

if it were me I believed in the bad air theory too after learning that half my ancestors died during the plague

But having been mostly closed off to the world at this time.

The average Japanese villager would have thought this theory playing crazy

Get out of my way


Sometimes people don't know what's best for them and need to be shown the way despite their kicking and screaming,

But when it's right, It's right

But I've gotten ahead of myself

Bathing in Japan started off so long ago

We're talking about over a thousand years

that historians don't have conclusive reasons for how it got started

A simple explanation can be that since Japan is a volcanic island and is chock full of natural Hot Springs

Was bound to happen that people would want to get naked and jump in

Most history texts I've read posit the start of onsen culture in Japan

was associated with Buddhist temples and religious bathing

Bathing at a temple was first a thing only for priests

But then it opened up to the sick who could benefit from the healing powers of the natural springs

Which were full of acids and minerals.

Then the rich heard about this and thought:

Hey, I'm going to build one just for me because why share?

by the 1600s also known as the beginning of the edo period

Two types of commercial bathing were popular in Japan.

In the East, think Tokyo

which is formally called Edo, hence the name of the era.

there were bath houses with pools of water called Yuya

Which literally means hot water shop.

In the West, think Osaka.

Bathing was more about the steam and called mushi Bulo,

which literally means steam baths

Is this usual?

I mean...

For you to be...

-To be sharing a bath? -emm

In 1869, at the start of the Meiji period.

Laws were put in place to separate bathing by gender

In Japan,

We have no shame of our body

Everything is natural and normal

And because there is so many of us

That is also necessary

Apparently, the American commander Commodore Perry thought that doing so wasn't moral,

and then the Japanese government was like...

oh no! Let's stop this,

then some japanese proprietors says, you want me to build a whole new bath house just to separate the people?

How about I put this small board here to divide it?

That didn't all stop the peeping Tanaka's

Other operators came up with a simple idea of

only allowing in certain genders at spacific times of the day

while others decided to choose sides and specialize in a single gender

Despite the workarounds of bathhouses

Rules weren't always followed.

This must be a huge shock for those who know the propensity of the Japanese to follow rules

Someday you will understand

I'm sure

Someday you'll understand

But to tell the truth, varying laws have attempted to curtail kon-yoku, which is mixed bathing

Since way before the Meiji period and all the way up until after World War two

The latest laws on the books prohibit mixed gender bathing.

Though, there's an exception for young kids


Mixed gender bathing is still allowed today

as places that allowed it before the laws were put into place or grandfathered in

By the time we hit the 1970s we reach peak bathhouses

Population was booming and the economy as well

But as Japan recovered and became an economic superpower

bathtubs became the standard in new homes and bath houses weren't as needed on a regular basis

So now that there's virtually no immediate need to bathe outside the home.

Why is communal bathing still a very popular activity in Japan?

If you've ever seen japanese dramas, animes or TV shows, you've probably witnessed a group bathing scene

Bathing to relax is probably the easiest way to explain why the Japanese love going to public baths

unlike previous iterations of bath houses

Modern ones have become increasingly like spas

Take the super sento as an example

Which roughly translates into super public bathhouse.

Beyond the bathing and steam room facilities,

you can get massages, body scrubs, relaxation rooms and food

Then there's theme park onsen

Oedo onsen, offers up an old-school summer festival like atmosphere

of a bygone Tokyo ones Edo

kids can play games

adults drink in the bar

and couples stroll in the outdoor foot baths

and everyone can do it wearing a yukata

And then, there's the more classic ryokan experience, ryokan meaning traditional japanese inn

There you often stay overnight in a tatami room

and some even bring your meals to the room for the ultimate in room service

Beyond the hot springs they can support recreational facilities like ping pong, karaoke and swimming

In Japan clean is beautiful

Really, the ki lii kanji means clean, beautiful, pretty, and pure all at once

This is also why toilets, for the most part are separated from bathing areas

It's also why you take off your shoes before entering a home, and it's also why you'd wash yourself before entering the bath

I will wash my body and go there

-How does it feel, Shin-chan? -Good


Because clean is beautiful

Something I didn't quite believe at first was the healing powers of the hot springs

Japan has had many scientists studying their properties over the years

Depending on which mix of acid or minerals you go with,

it can treat constipation

menstrual pain, diabetes, aching muscles, rheumatism and other funny elements

While I haven't used onsen to specifically cure anything

I can vouch for the fact that some do give you ultra-smooth skin, if only it wasn't a temporary change

Bathing to be the same

in Japanese there's a term called "Hidaka Natsuki I", are naked association

It's the feeling that naked in an onsen all are equal

Whether you're a high-flying CEO or pilot or a lowly youtuber.

Without our uniforms, there's no way to tell who's who

This is closely related to a pseudo English Japanese word "skinship"

It describes intimacy between mother and child

Now it has a broader meaning of bonding through physical contact

Whether it be hugging or bathing with children

When my children were born,

the hospital in Canada encouraged me to go skin-to-skin with my babies

so I think this skinship thing is not an entirely foreign concept to the West

Although I think we started practicing it a bit... just a little bit sooner than the Japanese

All things aside

Cost maybe another simple answer for why Japanese love to bathe so much

When you think about going to therapeutic baths in Canada.

If you can find one you can easily spend over $50

There's a public pool. Type of hot springs,

but it's not at all close to the cento or onsen experience you can get in Japan

I don't think my young self would have ever thought this,

but wearing a bathing suit in the hot spring? gross!

Hey, if you've ever tried going naked in a hot spring in Japan

and then prefer the hot springs in Canada with a bathing suit

Please let me know, I'd be surprised but curious to know why

In Japan you can usually get into a public bath for under ten dollars

Although if it's a fancy or themed one, the price could be double or triple

Take the hot spring town we visited. We paid sixteen hundred yen for a pass to see three of the top ones there

Food is also generally not spa priced

But you can get a decent meal for under $10

so really, you can get dinner and a hot spring at your local "Super Cento" for under $20

Perhaps the real reason Japanese love bathing is the natural animal instinct to do so

A special thanks goes out to all those that made this video possible

Thank you so very much.

Do you like getting naked and bathing together where you're from ?

Oh, and one last thing

Did you know that there's a Shinto practice, Shintoism is japan's other major religion by the way called misogi?

It's ritual purification by water, very cold water

Some have put forth that this is the real start of bathing in Japan

For more infomation >> Why Japanese Love to Bathe - Duration: 11:39.





Fifteen years ago the idea of a homegrown terrorist, or domestic terrorist cells terrified


We, as a nation were so paralyzed by the prospect of a neighbor building a bomb and walking

it out their front door, right under our noses, that we were willing to do anything to make

sure that didn't happen.

We still felt the pain of watching our brothers and sisters die on 9/11, we saw our sons and

daughters and brothers and sisters marching off to war, and no punishment was too strong

for terrorists or terrorist sympathizers.

Over the years though, the shock has worn off, and political correctness has eroded

our nation's resolve and convinced many that the bloodthirsty religion that has been

responsible for the deaths of so many Americans.

So much so, that our previous President went so far as to invite the leaders of Islam into

this country and make them feel as at home as possible.

As ludicrous as that might sound, according to the Conservative Daily Post, at least regular

American was converted by an Islamic education center that was run by a crony of former President


"…last Friday of the year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation agents were raiding

a home in Sterling, Virginia, a home inhabited by a person with a shocking connection to

the Obama administration.

The home in Sterling, Virginia contained Sean Andrew Duncan, a Muslim convert who, according

to the FBI and their affidavit, stated his intention to join ISIS in Syria (where they

are currently being slaughtered).

Sean Andrew Duncan also shared information on how to make a bomb with a woman who is

currently in international custody."

So you're probably wondering what this has to do with the Obama Administration.

Let's face it, any whackjob with an internet connection and a bent toward violence could

end up tangled up with terrorists.

Sadly, while that might be true, there are organizations here in the United States that

are actually encouraging and teaching Islam and middle eastern culture.

The one in Duncan's area is being run by, you guessed it, a buddy of Obama's:

"It seems that Duncan moved to the D.C. area to associate with the Arabic-language

program taught at the Fawakih Institute, based in Sterling.

Duncan apparently loved the program so much that he gave testimonials about it and worked

to raise funds for the program.

Most interesting of all, one of the Fawakih Institute's Arabic-language program's

top advisers is Mohamed Magid, who was a top Islamic adviser to the Obama administration.

Suspicion of the Duncan household began when he and his wife tried to travel to Turkey,

but were rejected by the Turkish government and sent back to the United States.

When they arrived back in the United States, the Federal Bureau of investigations interviewed

Sean Andrew Duncan before releasing him back into the United States."

According to Duncan's associate, Duncan was her contact with ISIS in the United States,

and she had talked with him using encrypted applications.

She said that Sean Andrew Duncan provided her with instructions on how to make a bomb,

taken from the ISIS-backed Inspire magazine written and printed by Al Qaeda in the Arabian

Peninsula (AQAP).

The article he provided to her was called "how to build a bomb in your mother's


Just last month, the government became aware of Duncan running a Twitter account, @dawlahtulIslam,

which is an Islamic phrase that translates to 'the Islamic State.'

That information, combined with the other information that the FBI had collected, led

them to request a search warrant from a federal judge, so that the FBI could search for further

evidence that Duncan was working with the Islamic State.

When the FBI served the search warrant, Duncan attempted to flee, carrying a bag with a USB

flash drive he had snapped into pieces.

The FBI maintains that he was attempting to destroy evidence of his collusion with the

Islamic State, but it sounds like they have plenty to go on already.

This marks yet another win for the FBI against Islamic Terrorism.

It is also another incident of a youth with no Islamic background being radicalized while

in the United States."

It seems like such a common sense issue that those who are heavily connected to and invested

in terrorism should be outcast and certainly not spend time at the White House with the


Yes, it's politically incorrect to say that Islam is violent, however, it's the truth,

and just because a truth makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it any less true.

It's time we throw off the bonds of friendship with terrorist and protect ourselves from

the evil that the Obama Administration ushered in.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> BREAKING From DC!! FBI JUST RAIDED HIS HOUSE!! - Duration: 4:47.



She couldn't go on...

Yet she couldn't end it all...

She wasn't dead,

nor she was alive...

What I know for sure is that

...we will be together, in the end...

You can die.

You shound't waste that.

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01 Myra Fall - YouTube-Kanal Vorstellung - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> 01 Myra Fall - YouTube-Kanal Vorstellung - Duration: 2:11.


Fiberglass Windows Naperville IL 847-427-6200 Fiberglass Windows Naperville IL - Duration: 1:16.

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Real estate firm plans to buy historic masonic temple - Duration: 1:24.

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Logan Paul "Suicide Forest" Video, YouTube Conspiracy Theory? -Brittany - Duration: 10:03.

hey guys thanks come back for another video so this video is completely

unplanned because basically what happened was I was prepping some videos

to film that I had planned for this channel and basically I woke up like

ready to film and I noticed that I like I'm out of a lot of stuff like I like I

don't have alcohol I need alcohol I ran out of papers I think like last night

and I need papers for the video that I was gonna fill them so those videos are

gonna have to wait until I can get the proper supplies so I decided to have a

little smoke sesh with you guys because like when the hell have we done that

like in a while like I don't know I have a bull packed up here I'm not gonna tell

you guys what strain this is because I don't want to give away anything for my

video that I had planned so strain is gonna be like unknown for right now also

mad props to anybody that like knows where I got this pipe from I'm gonna

take a hit of this I guess pipe hit I don't know I'm used to like saying like

gonna take bong hit gonna take a dog what is what am i doing I'm taking a hit

from this pipe I guess I got taking a hit from the pipe alright

it's been so long since I've even smoked out of this pipe it's crazy

what if you guys been doing though like what's going on like what's happening on

the YouTube world I obviously don't really know too much but I do know this

like okay so you guys have probably heard about like that Jake Paul or like

the Jake Ryan IIIi don't know his fucking name

but you guys have probably heard about that shit like what the fuck I didn't

watch the video obviously because that's disturbing and I don't watch his channel

to begin with so I haven't seen it but I think the whole thing is really creepy

basically if you don't know what happened I don't even know what like the

whole story but basically what I got from it or like what's on the news is

that's basically about this guy this like youtuber went to Japan and like the

famous suicide forest and he actually found someone that had previously

committed suicide and he showed like the body in his video that's basically what

happened that's what I got from it that's what I read about it obviously

like I said I didn't watch it I just know that he had like this really stupid

looking face in the pictures that I saw and I don't know it's just really weird

it's really fucked up I don't even know like I feel like at that point you're

just kind of treating that person like they don't matter they didn't matter

like you're not respecting the vessel of the person I don't know it's just really

strange it's really weird I I need another pipe it

I kind of 100% or at least like 80% believe me cheap for this because like

how the hell with that even like get past like the review like

they're so hardcore like monitoring videos and like going through videos and

like seeing what's suitable for all audiences like how the fuck they not

catch this person posting a video like suicide that's I don't I don't

understand that I don't see how that happened I mean I I know how it happened

that's because youtube doesn't really fucking care I just think it's really

sketchy and it's really insane that YouTube can catch something like

cannabis or like recommending cannabis for certain illnesses or just talking

about politics or just different opinions or anything like that like how

can they catch that so fast and just like take it down flag it make sure that

as few people see it as possible but as soon as this youtuber with like

thousands of subscribers post a video that's inappropriate it's just like

straight through it's fine they really want it to they could catch all of this

stuff that's happening they focus on that rather than things that aren't

hurting people or like being legitimately disrespectful because

there's a lot of really like dark shit on YouTube and I don't like really like

dark discussing like I'm not even gonna get into it but it's insane how those

videos are doing just fine I don't know it's really weird it's

really sketchy

something else that I think is super sketchy is the fact that vid me is gone

vid me just completely randomly announced that they were like deleting

the website on December 15th of last year so just last month I don't know

like it's just so sketchy like I feel like why would they be developing like

all of this stuff for creators and like developing their site and adding like

monetization ads and different ways for creators to just get their content

across and just be so open and helpful and then all of a sudden it's just

they're just done like it's just like it's weird like did YouTube threaten

them I'm like dude I don't know I have a lot of thoughts have a lot of

conspiracies I guess but um I know I was kind of really affected by that because

I was actually thinking about just switching completely to Vimy because

it's it was so much better it's a platform was a lot better the support

was a lot better everything was I feel more upfront and

honest really strange how the biggest competition was just like wiped out like

randomly it's I don't know maybe I'm just like too much of a conspiracy

theorist I don't know I really think that like Blake Paul guys YouTube should

be deleted because that's just so fucked up like how do you get away with doing

that and then just a quick apology and everything's all good like what the what

the fuck I honestly can't believe that there are people like defending this kid

like what like it just goes to show like how brainwashed a person or like people

can get it's kind of scary actually like I don't know it's kind of weird it's

like if he told them to like jump off a bridge they would probably fucking do it

or like not a whole like cut for Justin Bieber like thing like I feel like

that's a lot more dangerous than me smoking this bowl of marijuana I

don't know that's just me but I don't know

this is really good by the way yeah I can't wait to share all of the secrets

behind I'm smoking you guys what are you guys up to today where D is doing I'm

trying not to be like really pissed off about like the whole Jake Paul or

whatever you guys are still watching this video and you want to include what

you're smoking in the comments how about you just tell me like whether it's

indica or sativa so we're all like surprised like we all have a secret so I

am smoking a stiva so where do you guys smoking indica or sativa let me know in

the comments and if you're not smoking what would you like to be smoking right

now and if you don't smoke why why not anyways this bowl is just about done

so I guess I'm just about done this smoke sesh video and I'm gonna go

obvious enjoyed this like little throwback ish video we did here and yes

I still have some different types of videos coming up in yes some of them a

lot of them will be cannabis related still so I don't think I really like

mentioned that in my last video so I think that's really it for this video

guys I'm gonna go be sure to LIKE and subscribe and share and all that stuff

and I don't know we need to get that like Jake Paul guy taken off YouTube

like what the fuck like why why is he have a channel like what like I'm gonna

go and yeah I guess that's it guys there we go

stay educated I just dropped my pipe stay educated stay medicated I will see

you guys later bye

For more infomation >> Logan Paul "Suicide Forest" Video, YouTube Conspiracy Theory? -Brittany - Duration: 10:03.


【MMD//VINE】A fight between friends (use subs titles) - Duration: 0:59.

But I told her!

That She was cute!That i love her

exactly she proabably thought it was a joke

i mean,you do seem superficial

It's better than be you who never says anything


You couldn't even say hello to Galaxi~chan, much less tell her she's cute

I told you, it's not like that!

If you keep acting like this, you'll miss your chance.

I told you! it's not like that you superficial idiot!

What? i can't hear you, idiot!

You're always horny! (an: OoO lala)

and you're a closet pervert (an: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

AN: im lazy need i say more? (─‿‿─)

Shut Up! (AN: OOF!)

┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴



For more infomation >> 【MMD//VINE】A fight between friends (use subs titles) - Duration: 0:59.


Ellen's Game of Games - Danger Word (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Ellen's Game of Games - Danger Word (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:19.


It's Not Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Duration: 8:36.

Yo, it's always sunny in Philadelphia.


Hola me amigos!

So today me and the family and a couple other relatives - we are in Philadelphia today.

Are you guys excited?

We are excited!

Back home!


I am excited.

We are gonna try to do as much as we can today and tomorrow, and we'll have fun in Philadelphia.

Where apparently it's not always sunny.

I brought a little bit of Alaska with me - so let's enjoy some Philadelphia.


This is where Nic Cage stood in National Treasure 1.

Mom where are we going right now?

We're going to Betsy Ross' house.

In one sentence - tell me what she did.

Betsy Ross was asked by George Washington to make the first American flag.

So we're going to Betsy Ross' house.

She held like really huge ragers here.

So we're trucking on.

Betsy Ross' house.


Yo this is where she slept!


Yea Betsy Ross' house was lit yo.

Well it was really cool seeing Betsy.

Yea she looks really good for her age.

Yea she looked great.

Yo Ricardo and Jillian where we goin to now?

We're going to Benny Frank's house.

Benny Frank's house!

Benjamin Franklin!

B. Frank!

We're gonna do it!

You hungry?

I'm very very hungry.

I am too.

Where should we go to eat?

We're gonna go to the Reading Terminal Market right now, and I'm gonna get a Philly Cheese


Well it sounds like a train station.

Because we're in Philadelphia.


So the line for cheesesteaks is really long so we're gonna have a beer while we're waiting.

So I'm on a beer run right now.

Hey man - can I get a Phildelphia Pale Ale and a Fat Tire?



Oh baby!

That's a cheesesteak.

That's good.

Alright so...just me and mom for a second.

We saw the Rocky statue.


And now we're gonna do the famous Philadelphia Museum of Art steps.

I'm doing it too?

Oh yea!

So if you guys have seen Rocky - you know that he ran up these steps and kind of did

his celebratory thing at the top.

That's what we're gonna do.

We're gonna do that right now.


Ok so now we are at the top spots to get cheesesteaks.

I'm really excited.

So to my right we have Pat's, you can see Pat's in the background there.

And then the other place is Geno's right there.

So we're actually gonna try both of them today.

We're gonna have a little taste test and then we're gonna see how many people in our party

like Geno's or how many people in our party like Pat's.

So let's do that right now.

We're gonna eat inside the car because it is way too cold outside.


This is how you can tell a good Philly Cheesesteak.

Look at that.

The grease soaking through.

That's true Philadelphia right there.

This is Pat's.

Looks good - that's with Cheese Wiz.

And then we got Geno's.

Alright - here we go.

Oh man.

This is good.

This is the first time we've ever done this.

Like we've been to Philadelphia so many times, but we've never come to Pat's and Geno's,

and we do it for [COUGH] Nailed it!

I choked on a cheesesteak.

And we do it for?

For the vlog.

That was it.


For the vlog.

We do it for the vlog.

So here is drippin' Geno's.

Ok...that's you.

We're gonna start from the back mom you ready?


What's your sandwich?



Hands down.



I only ate Geno's.

Oh you only ate one - we'll give Geno's a half point.


Pat's all the way.

Yea and I'm a Pat's too so Pat's WINS!

That was good.

Anybody want to split this with me?

I do.

I kinda do.

Does that make me a fatty?

Yes it does.

Ok so now we're gonna go to Independence Hall.

What's the special thing about Independence Hall?

It's where they signed the Declaration of Independence.

It's where they signed.

It's where Nic Cage was!

Yo Nic Cage was there!

Nic Cage was there!

Ok before we go to Independence Hall - we're gonna see the Liberty Bell.


Alright guys so that does it for Philadelphia.

Thank you for joining us on this journey and going through this very cold, not super sunny


So thank you for watching this video, and guys...I will see week.

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