Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 3 2018

Are You Ready For A Special Message From Spirit

Everyone has been feeling the effects of the intense energies these days and with these

energetic influences you may notice you�re super-sensitive and touchy.

With all of this going on, it is helpful to turn to spirit for a little guidance.

If you�re curious to find out what spirit�s message is for you, select one of the cards

for your message.

1.You may find you feel the need to defend yourself these days because there may be some

misunderstandings with others and your buttons are not only being pushed but trampled on.

The advice from spirit is to wait and breathe before you react!

Simmer down my friend.

Sometimes you can explain and defend yourself until you are blue in the face and it doesn�t

make a bit of a difference.

To quote Bernard Baruch ~ Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind

don�t matter and those who matter don�t mind.1

2.The moment you commit, really commit to make the necessary decisions you know you

must make, things will begin to move forward at a rapid rate.

No more back and forth with your choices.

Make up your mind and then stay committed to your choice.

All the Universe is waiting for is for you to make up your mind and commit to following

through with your decision.

You are making things way too complicated.

Get ready to be launched forward towards your dreams!


Spirit requests that you don�t hold back compassion and empathy towards your fellow

brother and sister.

Each and every one of us is fighting a personal battle or two and there are a few people around

you that would greatly benefit from you holding space for them.

You hold so much light in your heart and are a beacon in challenging times for many.

Namaste� Dear One!

For more infomation >> Are You Ready For A Special Message From Spirit - Duration: 2:23.


Balaven Storm - No.1 January 4, 1818 Entering Ninh Thuan Tropical Low Pressure - Duration: 0:57.

For more infomation >> Balaven Storm - No.1 January 4, 1818 Entering Ninh Thuan Tropical Low Pressure - Duration: 0:57.



after the crises are represented in

books magazines and movies that

writes commonly as one meter 20

with huge bald head on bodies

fragile grays and the pineapple

creatures have small edges or not

It has no corners by mouth ear

your reproductive organs visible and

very peculiar eyes terminal has a

vote not exactly a point but they're

like almonds, large almonds

almost black dark brown are very dark

dark those who argue that the

aliens often exist

they show the gray guys

bad guys from the alien world

so what makes the grays are just

like worker bees when they come to

another part come and you get strasser

a time of my life and they replaced it

with a black dot with a memory


if there are grays or any other

alien species and they are here that

they really want what their purpose is

an effort to create a race of

offsprings that may have the best

qualities of humanity and of drivers

aliens to much their polo voice

people who routinely investigate

alien sightings ensure

that the grays have visited the earth

for thousands of years

they say there are records like

petroglyphs drawings in caverns and art

prehistoric all over the world we have

these stories of beings that come to

sky to earth star series well

be the Hopi Indians in the United States

in all cultures of America's


the Mayans the Aztecs and all over the

world there are stories of gods that

visit the ancient men


artifacts of six thousand years of

antiquity have been found in

that was his modern middle age

the interpreters of those sizes say

that show following helpers of

studies or many of the artifacts that

they have left us resemble what today

we would call a modern gray alien

big head and big eyes bulbs

lean limbs very thin bodies

historically in the UFOs and

aliens based mostly without being

mentioned again until the era

modern is in the 20th century when the

happy purpose begins to

take shape according to the community of


Since then and until today there has been a

boyfriend and persistent increase in

meetings with the chiefs

one of the most amazing operations

zetas by some in the community of

UFOs is that during the second war

Hitler world and the Nazis were of

done in confabulation with the gripen

says that the aliens gave them

the Nazis and advanced technology

weapons that are the leads from the second

World War

literally hundreds of people have

asserted to have experiences with

aliens directs the number of

report the quality of the contributions of

the similarities of the contributions and the

fact that many of these cuts

can be substantiated under hypnosis

It gives a lot of strength to the idea that this is

a very real phenomenon

something is happening this person does not

there are official records of

encounters with aliens or kidnappings

however the national center of

UFO reports terciado carries a

Unofficial count of sightings

statistics show that the number of

sightings has gone from a handful

every year at the beginning of the 20th century a

dozens in the middle of the 20th century and then to

thousands every year at the beginning of the century


well it seems that the whole business of the

kidnapped by aliens really

it goes back to the cold war when it

they observed UFOs flying objects not

identified and there are all those

international tensions after

the Second World War


according to the believers in UFOs the grays

they made contact initially in the very

debated 1947 accident in the

desert outside of roswell new


the history of rock band is that a

rancher called more time he came to

roswell and told the story the

newspaper about how he had found

some strange remains and that

{0}{/0} {1}      {/1}{2}{/2}Incident

now we have an elaborate story that

many Americans believe that it is a

history of a saucer accident

flying and maybe small ads

sad ones whose corpses were left

scattered some of which

could have survived and are

hidden in some facility


the official position of the government of

united states a great spy globe

puppies web not an alien ship in

the part of a secret project

designed to detect emissions from

Soviet nuclear tests

the ufologists believe in something else

the history of roswell has been debated

with many people but what we know

is that something fell about 120 kilometers

north of the rock air base in the

summer of 1947

this was investigated by the head of

intelligence of the bomber unit

509 captains and March

we know that part of the rubble

were taken to the air base of the

army that beyond commander

from the base to her and with the charkh plan

they thought it was material from

a flying saucer and we know it because

press release came out

immediately announced that the

army had recovered one of those

famous dishes in the years since

incident of roswell the defenders

they argue that all contact between

grays and the government has been maintained

in secret

despite the repeated denials

government officials that a UFO is

crashed in the desert again


the stories do not die

now there are more than 400 individuals in the

public records that claim to have

been there they picked pieces

partner in pieces of debris or saw a

no one's body so the usual is

simply a matter of coherence


in fact or fiction the sightings of

UFOs increased dramatically

since the roswell incident in the 50s

the film directors soon

they took advantage of those stories and for

first time creatures appeared

aliens being able to land with a

sometimes malign purpose

movies like the thing and the 9 the

outer space

they took advantage of the fascination the fear

of the public by UFOs the day in

that the earth stopped warned of the

terrible consequences if the land does not

I entered the space as a partner

friendly soon followed stories

of kidnappings by an alien race

called to the screams

it really was not until the 60's

people started to believe that in

actually they were being kidnapped by

beings from other planets

in 1961 it was a couple from my childhood it

became the first people of

the story officially reported to be

kidnapped by the leaders the

history of bilbao and of course about

kidnapping experiences that they

they paid for the whole phenomenon of accounts


the case of betty manly is still the

seminal history of alliance kidnappings

it remains as the first encounter

registered with the grays

the most popular species that apparently

visit to the land supposedly

happened near fort worth in the

angels on September 19, 1961

until today

Skeptics can not enjoy

all the details of the history the

Customers see the river incident

as the decisive moment in history

of the grays when the nation and the

world woke up the worried

phenomenon of alien abductions

in his last interview on camera

direct shared his experience and my

barney husband i came back from montreal


and we ended up through the mountains

beaches of new hampshire when suddenly

we saw what we thought was a new

star in the sky while the

we watched change of direction

came to us ghonim stopped and

took a pair of binoculars and left the

car to take a closer look

to the menacing object

the niece of besigye or katy margin was

a teenager when the

{0}{/0} {1}      {/1}{2}{/2}Incident

at this time by the binoculars saw

to the leader what he called the leader and

crew there were people and watching him

and while he watched, he began to

defend and at this point is scared

he ran back the car screaming that

He was trying to capture her

barney fool returns that he returns like that


they left in a hurry

shortly after they gave their lives

they returned to a secondary road and they

they stopped

there was a blockade there were already people in

he walks


the people approached the car and they

they realized at that time that they did not

they were humans who were the people who

they went and had seen in him

this is when your memory has a tie


the next thing they remembered total and

consciously it was that they were

driving again on a highway

and they went home when the uncles

they saw now they realized that

It had been about two hours which

none of them remembered that was just

the beginning of a mystery that will soon

would reveal for almost two years after

of your experience

the kings had nightmares

worrying were several

medical specialists and finally

they were referred to doctor benjamin

sainz a psychiatrist and neurologist very

respected boston with great experience

in therapy and does not itch

the doctor is and he did not tell us that those

people that the children had caused

to Mencía and Dr. Simon eliminated the

hearing so we could remember

clearly everything that happened took us

on board the ship

and we were taken to separate rooms

it looked quite human they had two

arms and two legs

the only difference basically were

his facial features the noses was very

small almost no nose, lips and nose

it's small they examined my eyes ears

nose throat skin skin and then it was

Well, at a table where they sprayed the infidel

trying to find out if our faithful

it was similar but different says a

alien made experiments

Sexual semen was taken from banes

they may have extracted ovules from

neighbors tried to disperse a

instrument like a laugh on a disk what

that caused me pain so they stopped

do it video and thanks for that

years after directing he offered the

first supposed ocular description of

the grays of the old drawings

Italians showed the leader

aliens who gave them a clue

catalyst to indicate where from

they had come

I asked him where he was from and he showed him

a map the cells

in a few hydrotherapy sessions

years of that encounter messi drew a

map of an alien star system

at that time the experts could not

identify it but then in 1966 older

crisis an entrepreneur or polobaya

Amateur astronomer was fascinated

by the star map of medicine Luis

he spent the next seven years

examining the map and building

models trying to match it

with the systems of the known today

only later when a

new star they understood

exactly what he said had

drawn on the star map in 1973

after reviewing 23 star models

May and fish claimed to have discovered

A coincidence

stated that I went there had

drawn a star system at about 40

light years of earth is being

articulating in the technological institute

from california the doctor charles bachman

one of the main reasons in one

exams are priced we have no way

possible to leave so far we do not know

no way in which some vehicle

solid trip is distant but

speaking relatively on the scale of

the galaxy is a very close star

on a space shuttle

conventional to resume almost a

million and a half years will come z


in addition to his responsibilities with the

california technological institute and

the propulsion lab of the get the

Dr. Vaisman is a leading member

of the program origins of the nasa

his mission is to search in space

signs of life he admits that life is

possible in the universe maybe even

in z ridiculous and we will split the two

stars in the z system ridicules

about 40 years loose the stars

binaries could very well have planets

the system is old enough

that could actually have life

evolved on any planet

habitable of those systems

the project is good that we know are

nothing with only seductive evidence but

without definitive evidence that the

grays really come from z ridiculous

nor the case of vic and it continues to be very


however the skeptics and believers

can agree that since that night

{0}September 19th, 2015{/0} {1} {/1}

hundreds of alien kidnappings have

been reported as a disease

an idea can also be contagious and

spread from person to person

betis and really met the indigenous

ridiculous recipe and perform united

he experimented on reproduction as

part of his evil purpose are

the people who reported bodies

aliens telling the truth are

dreaming with open eyes so

they have those hallucinations ticas sign

after waking up are the

tactile sensations the lights the

buzzing and especially the sensation

of presence

many times skeptics try to

explain kidnappings as people

that simply copy the story that

have been counted for years are people

that do not have 5 piano

nobody has ever reported this and without

However, his experience of kidnapping is

remarkably similar to what we saw

people even today


when the story of the kidnapping of

betty and barney and he appeared in the 60s

and it was both followed by many more

the general public was hypnotized

with the idea that spacecraft

aliens were visiting the earth

and that extraterrestrials known as

the indices were hijacking

humans but in 1969 the air force of

the United States discarded the stories in

an investigation of code name

blue book project

the report concluded that UFOs do not

they were a direct threat to

the united states and the reports and

unidentified flying objects were

the result of a form of bdi fair

of masses or nerves of war swindlers

people search engines

psychopathological and the bad

identification of objects

conventional there's nothing records

that indicates that we have been visited

by some advanced civilization with

that the United States Air Force

declared closed case

however the ufologists did not remain

convinced by the blue book project and

many still believe that the government

American has made a

cloaking of cosmic proportions

from the case the wolves really have

to say that the blue book was not

more than a relationship effort

public air forces for

explain the UFO phenomenon

I think the 40 and the 50 when the

government began to understand that the

UFOs and the aliens probably

they were a reality I think that just

to die because in the first place

they feared the public panic the collapse

of the social system

the anxious systems and detested

admit that they could not control the

skies of the nation


the force she tried to disprove the

UFO in the 50s and 60s

if I were operating these office there

seems to be reading the reports of the

air force because they were still

appearing the ufologists argue that

the blue book project can not

answer for the large number of cases

of the 12 thousand 618 reports 701

one of the cases remains unsolved

unresolved more intriguing took place

at the base of the air force

Colombian New Mexico in 1964

according to that story a spaceship

aliens person base several nests

they emerged and were greeted by

personnel of the American militia

later it became the basis of

the famous closing scene in meetings

close of the third type of cybele



this is absolutely something that does not

we can confirm however you should

say that the rumor about this

Immediately a pilot of the

base coloma of the air force between the

town and started talking about this and of

agreement with the stories was very

anguished very upset I did not know what

do if it was not given again

1984 appear two mysterious rolls of

film that would help perpetuate

assertions of the theorists of the

conspiracy already starting the king

received that package in 1984 by mail

that contained undisclosed movie

there were two rolls of movies

premieres was not delivered to bill

moore and offline

and this in turn showed it to the world and

an eight-page memo signed

by whim better known as' the

majestic 12 or documents

mj 12 suggested that July 9,

1947 President Truman appointed 12

people of high military rank and of

national security and authorized them to

perform a covert mission a

secret investigation operation and

intelligence development that

responded directly and exclusively to

president of the united states the great

number of documents that achieved

accumulate shows very clearly that

we have an undercover program for

hide the recovery from the public

of a large number of accidents that

include the recovery of this


Majestic documents 12 detailed

four types of spacecraft that

they use the aliens

these include the cigar on the disc

ships of circular and triangular shape

but the most intriguing of all is that

in the pages of the documents mj 12

is for the first time in history the

recognition of alien beings

known as the grays in these

official appearance pages are

called biological entities

extraterrestrial or if there was a manual

special operations called

recovery and elimination of

entities and extraterrestrial technology and

in this manual there is a description of

a page of two different types

extraterrestrial biological entities the

ebe type 1 is said to be human and can

being taken by humans are nurseries

from one meter fifty to one meter sixty

of height and a weight of 35 to 45

kilograms of skulls a little more

long and rounded

the eyes are very small and wide in

almond shape

the type 2 ebe is said and a half of a

meter three centimeters to one meter 27

centimeters and weighs from 11 to 22


the skeptics however ensure that

the documents mj 12 with an elaborate the

year were defective were documents

falsified that someone did using a

old typewriter found

a signature of a genuine document of

Roman and they cut and pasted and

photocopy again are obviously

fakes and can be proven and they are


is what we call an internal job a

government work

someone who had access to information

restricted at least papers even

most mysterious emerged in the 80s

with new and fascinating details about

the grays the sweet documents were

perhaps the most sensational revealed

in 1987 they claimed that the government

American is in fact in

confabulation with the grays

in exchange for very advanced technology

these unsubstantiated documents alleges

that there was an underground installation

somewhere in the desert again

mexico where the indexes were reviewed

secretly its purpose wrong and I do not know

they use to reproduce because it has

Fertility problems

we do not know how they reproduce we know

that does not have any such those that

accept this theory say that the

grays hijacks young women


then in the first three months of

first quarter in the premiere ends

spontaneously there is no bleeding

miscarriage there is no regular abortion

there's nothing like that then suddenly it


the believers say that the

extraterrestrial extra in the breastplate of

victims and they use it for their program

alien hybrids humans

these challenges are maintained by the

extraterrestrials usually what

we call tanks are kept in noise

and they are bred in some way until the


the appearance of these and others

documents combined with new

sightings boosted the appetite

public for more information the

people alerted of the phenomenon watched

to the sky looking for signs of ships

mysterious and beings of a planet


there is no doubt that the field of

UFO research really

exploded during the eighties is a

amazing phenomenon for the first time

we had an extended discussion about

The kidnappings

at the same time the UFO phenomenon is

became an important part of the

world popular culture at this time

It is very debatable but some say that

ended gray and used for the first time in

the 80s to describe the

aliens who were kidnapping

humans and performing experiments


the very term crisis used for

describe these beings seems to have

made more common at the beginning and

mid-80s I do not think it was

common before then but there are

really the grays or are they really

a product of popular culture arises

the question what happened and until what

measure life imitates art or vice versa

It is difficult to clarify part of the technical

I think there is a real core of

reality of the UFO phenomenon

ufologists insist that the earth

it may be in the middle of a flood

diabolic flu

while the 21st century develops the

number of alleged kidnappings by

happy aliens

according to the members of the community or

held there's no way to verify these

figures but an unofficial survey of

the organization did not but placed the

number of alien abductions in 4


I think the problem that many have

people with the grays in general is

that do not believe in UFOs to start with

So he does not believe in something like

meetings but if we were to recognize

the reality of UFOs as something not

human suddenly the reality of something

as what you say is not so outlandish

eyewitnesses who swear to have

bumping into the grays are the sources

primary of all information about

these extraterrestrials they report

some things in common that can

reveal the true nature of

alien purpose and the Monday that

they come from nowhere they can walk

or blue

then the scared kidnapped

they report being surrounded and paralyzed

by the alien creatures

I do not only have and they never put you almost

in a comatose state

there have been times when I've been

able to communicate with them in some

measured in a mixture of them speaking

in a way that seems to be hepatitis


some even claim that the grays

they often evacuate their human reward to

outer space and you find yourself by not

have a better word in an environment

aliens where there is a lot of light

everything is very poetic is that the word to

use to describe the environment because it

the kidnapped feel very surreal

they say that once on board the indexes

perform medical exams that some

they describe as extremely painful

there were experiences that suggested to me that

there were biological elements and

reproductive in my experiences and that

is commonly has extended

so I'm not ashamed to remember that


if the books are really in common

what is your real purpose

many people believe that they come to

totally destroy and some people

they think there are others who come to

help us not to be destroyed


the book therapist and self-proclaimed

neighbor alien hunter has

been studying the phenomenon of

kidnappings for more than 30 years and believes

who has discovered the true mission

of the following specializes in the

recovery of traumatic memories

retained of people who claim to have

been kidnapped by aliens

one of the things we do to the

principle with these people from

relax it completely alone concentrated

they teach sound of my voice so that the

sound of my voice so your eyes do

heavier to the sound of my voice

will comfort it will protect it and it is well

completely relax one of your

donald clients and is the president of the

Houston UFO Network

she believes she has been kidnapped many

times for the grays in the course of their

condal equine therapy sessions without

she has remembered numerous encounters


he even believes that the screams took

to your unborn child

I never suffered from anything that could

lead to an abortion

I was about eight weeks pregnant

di sole symphony


I mean, I did not have the bleeding that

nothing is normal in a session of

repression later and remembered being in

a sterile room very illuminated

they brought a young girl to the

room and they left her here with me

she was a hybrid what

we would consider a hybrid

even though it looked a lot like

although his hair was very curly but he

she seemed very close to me and she had close

of the age that would have mass in that

moment and ensures that the hybrid girl

I was 19 years old and of 65 here I had the

certainty at that moment when they let me

with her they arrive in January that the

known and there was a sadness almost

overwhelming for a while I would remember

wish is again for many

experts the stories of kidnappings

aliens are simply the product

of an overactive mind they say that under

hypnosis the subjects are open to

your efforts

what happens under hypnosis is that

people often confuse certain

images with memories of experiences

already lived to the second is that when

the people who charge these memories

in hypnotic regression sessions

tend to consider the true ones are

the honest memories of the

kidnapped real or imaginary arrive

without permission cantu picture are taken to

your children I want to scream but friend

is open and the alleged ones is

paralysis but for determinant

there are gray ones and if so, they have

a twisted vision


in 2003 a team of psychologists from the

university of córdoba that I have the


guided by doctor richard j win and

perform a unique experiment to

measure physiological responses as

the heart rate and levels of

perspiration of various types of

trauma victims

We wanted to see if the people who

They recovered memories of kidnappings

extraterrestrial showed the same

reaction type reactions

post-traumatic as the patients of

traumas to our group of

research has been studying

people the memories recovered from

traumatic events and one of the

great challenges we had was the

distinguish between these individuals who

They had recovered memories of

example child sexual abuse memories

real against memory that maybe they were



the doctor is cautious has directed the

Lab tests

this procedure involves a

individual who arrives at the laboratory

feel with one of our counselors and

then describe a variety of

experiences that he has had and what

we connect electrodes that record for

can measure the heart rate the

thermal conductivity and a facial pm in

the laboratory the test subjects

they listen again an audio tape of 60

seconds of your own experience


these naked entities tied to a table of

metal in a spaceship

there are alien beings floating on the

table they watch with their big and dead

black eyes is totally terrified

and then open your eyes and even reports

by themselves from the experiences

emotional they have had while

imagine in this scene so you

We ask to assess how many situations

they made juan vivida was the scene for


how much control felt nice joan

or unpleasant was when I fear 43 to a

variety of emotional experiences



the harvard psychologists found

that the kidnapped by aliens

exhibited high tendency to a trait of

personality called association the

absorption is the ability to generate

vivid images when you go to chile

that moves you emotionally when

you read a novel I actually got it

we were hypnotized by a sunset

is lost if you daydream in a

fantasy are especially high in

this and this is related to the

ability to generate more effective and


The study also concludes that

most of the cases the kidnapped or

he is lying


they really technically believe that

the stories of extraterrestrial explain

the experiences that have had to be

sincere is not so crazy

these particular events an episode

to design an event really

normal do not indicate a pathology but

what happens during the dream of

fast eye movement of the dream rem

the stage of the dream when we have the

most of our dreams

we are totally paralyzed when we

combine all those things we have a

crossed by extraterrestrials more

however a former subject of study

de magna and believes that the study of

harvard who fatal mistakes can be

that alien encounters

involve in an altered state of

consciousness to get them out as fantasy

I think it's a terrible mistake and there it is

where are you wrong

I have had sleep paralysis myself

that the sensations are

superficially similar to those of

alien contact but although there

similarities are not as deep as

to explain it

but if busse and his companions

kidnapped are right

grays really exist then they must

get to earth from somewhere

if it's not from zp and ticul and then from


this is a question of 2,500 years ago

traced back to the ancient Greeks

they asked there was life outside the


now we have the tools of the

21st century science and technology for

answer what is simply a

ask very well here must have

one 10 5 million civilizations

intelligent that already with whom


the people who claim to have been

kidnapped believe that ways of life

intelligent alien not only exists

but they are already here and have crossed

the cosmos with a purpose

I think the purpose of the grays of

create a better future for your children

I think it's that simple and I think that

part of that purpose refers

also to ensure that humanity

continued I think it's a purpose

mutually beneficial

however psychologists argue

that the alien phenomenon is a

product of hyperactive imaginations


in my opinion the grays are in fact

visual and technological hallucinations

that happen when people

wake up from an episode of paralysis

of the dream and its purpose when coming to the

earth has none are


It is good to have an open mind but not

so much so that the brain falls

the purpose of what you say is real

imaginary alien kidnappings

those trades is still an equal mystery

that many kidnappings never throw you

because they are here or who they are

because what he does is possible

there are extra land

I think they are here and they have been

here for a long time to




Blind - Mérito Restrito(CLIPE OFICIAL) - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> Blind - Mérito Restrito(CLIPE OFICIAL) - Duration: 2:58.


ポイントスターの円編み5段【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Point Star Coaster / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 45:05.

For more infomation >> ポイントスターの円編み5段【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Point Star Coaster / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 45:05.



She couldn't go on...

Yet she couldn't end it all...

She wasn't dead,

nor she was alive...

What I know for sure is that

...we will be together, in the end...

You can die.

You shound't waste that.

For more infomation >> AKIDEAREST and The Anime Man: SEBASTIANO SERAFINI - ALIVE ft AUDIOSPETTRO MUSIC VIDEO - Duration: 4:13.


(AT) 2007 - Generál Wesley Clark - Sedem krajín za päť rokov - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> (AT) 2007 - Generál Wesley Clark - Sedem krajín za päť rokov - Duration: 2:13.


Logan Paul "Suicide Forest" Video, YouTube Conspiracy Theory? -Brittany - Duration: 10:03.

hey guys thanks come back for another video so this video is completely

unplanned because basically what happened was I was prepping some videos

to film that I had planned for this channel and basically I woke up like

ready to film and I noticed that I like I'm out of a lot of stuff like I like I

don't have alcohol I need alcohol I ran out of papers I think like last night

and I need papers for the video that I was gonna fill them so those videos are

gonna have to wait until I can get the proper supplies so I decided to have a

little smoke sesh with you guys because like when the hell have we done that

like in a while like I don't know I have a bull packed up here I'm not gonna tell

you guys what strain this is because I don't want to give away anything for my

video that I had planned so strain is gonna be like unknown for right now also

mad props to anybody that like knows where I got this pipe from I'm gonna

take a hit of this I guess pipe hit I don't know I'm used to like saying like

gonna take bong hit gonna take a dog what is what am i doing I'm taking a hit

from this pipe I guess I got taking a hit from the pipe alright

it's been so long since I've even smoked out of this pipe it's crazy

what if you guys been doing though like what's going on like what's happening on

the YouTube world I obviously don't really know too much but I do know this

like okay so you guys have probably heard about like that Jake Paul or like

the Jake Ryan IIIi don't know his fucking name

but you guys have probably heard about that shit like what the fuck I didn't

watch the video obviously because that's disturbing and I don't watch his channel

to begin with so I haven't seen it but I think the whole thing is really creepy

basically if you don't know what happened I don't even know what like the

whole story but basically what I got from it or like what's on the news is

that's basically about this guy this like youtuber went to Japan and like the

famous suicide forest and he actually found someone that had previously

committed suicide and he showed like the body in his video that's basically what

happened that's what I got from it that's what I read about it obviously

like I said I didn't watch it I just know that he had like this really stupid

looking face in the pictures that I saw and I don't know it's just really weird

it's really fucked up I don't even know like I feel like at that point you're

just kind of treating that person like they don't matter they didn't matter

like you're not respecting the vessel of the person I don't know it's just really

strange it's really weird I I need another pipe it

I kind of 100% or at least like 80% believe me cheap for this because like

how the hell with that even like get past like the review like

they're so hardcore like monitoring videos and like going through videos and

like seeing what's suitable for all audiences like how the fuck they not

catch this person posting a video like suicide that's I don't I don't

understand that I don't see how that happened I mean I I know how it happened

that's because youtube doesn't really fucking care I just think it's really

sketchy and it's really insane that YouTube can catch something like

cannabis or like recommending cannabis for certain illnesses or just talking

about politics or just different opinions or anything like that like how

can they catch that so fast and just like take it down flag it make sure that

as few people see it as possible but as soon as this youtuber with like

thousands of subscribers post a video that's inappropriate it's just like

straight through it's fine they really want it to they could catch all of this

stuff that's happening they focus on that rather than things that aren't

hurting people or like being legitimately disrespectful because

there's a lot of really like dark shit on YouTube and I don't like really like

dark discussing like I'm not even gonna get into it but it's insane how those

videos are doing just fine I don't know it's really weird it's

really sketchy

something else that I think is super sketchy is the fact that vid me is gone

vid me just completely randomly announced that they were like deleting

the website on December 15th of last year so just last month I don't know

like it's just so sketchy like I feel like why would they be developing like

all of this stuff for creators and like developing their site and adding like

monetization ads and different ways for creators to just get their content

across and just be so open and helpful and then all of a sudden it's just

they're just done like it's just like it's weird like did YouTube threaten

them I'm like dude I don't know I have a lot of thoughts have a lot of

conspiracies I guess but um I know I was kind of really affected by that because

I was actually thinking about just switching completely to Vimy because

it's it was so much better it's a platform was a lot better the support

was a lot better everything was I feel more upfront and

honest really strange how the biggest competition was just like wiped out like

randomly it's I don't know maybe I'm just like too much of a conspiracy

theorist I don't know I really think that like Blake Paul guys YouTube should

be deleted because that's just so fucked up like how do you get away with doing

that and then just a quick apology and everything's all good like what the what

the fuck I honestly can't believe that there are people like defending this kid

like what like it just goes to show like how brainwashed a person or like people

can get it's kind of scary actually like I don't know it's kind of weird it's

like if he told them to like jump off a bridge they would probably fucking do it

or like not a whole like cut for Justin Bieber like thing like I feel like

that's a lot more dangerous than me smoking this bowl of marijuana I

don't know that's just me but I don't know

this is really good by the way yeah I can't wait to share all of the secrets

behind I'm smoking you guys what are you guys up to today where D is doing I'm

trying not to be like really pissed off about like the whole Jake Paul or

whatever you guys are still watching this video and you want to include what

you're smoking in the comments how about you just tell me like whether it's

indica or sativa so we're all like surprised like we all have a secret so I

am smoking a stiva so where do you guys smoking indica or sativa let me know in

the comments and if you're not smoking what would you like to be smoking right

now and if you don't smoke why why not anyways this bowl is just about done

so I guess I'm just about done this smoke sesh video and I'm gonna go

obvious enjoyed this like little throwback ish video we did here and yes

I still have some different types of videos coming up in yes some of them a

lot of them will be cannabis related still so I don't think I really like

mentioned that in my last video so I think that's really it for this video

guys I'm gonna go be sure to LIKE and subscribe and share and all that stuff

and I don't know we need to get that like Jake Paul guy taken off YouTube

like what the fuck like why why is he have a channel like what like I'm gonna

go and yeah I guess that's it guys there we go

stay educated I just dropped my pipe stay educated stay medicated I will see

you guys later bye

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