Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 3 2018

ਦੁਤੁਕੇ Du-Tukas ਦੋ ਤੁਕੇ। ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਕੇਵਲ ਇਕ ਹੈ। ਉਹ ਸੱਚੇ ਗੁਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਦਇਆ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ। ਆਸਾ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ ਕੇ ਚਉਪਦੇ ਇਕਤੁਕੇ ॥ Aasaa Of Kabeer Jee, Chau-Padas, Ik-Tukas: ਆਸਾ ਮਾਣਨੀਯ ਕਬੀਰ ਜੀਉ। ਚਉਪਦੇ ਇਕਤੁਕੇ। ਸਨਕ ਸਨੰਦ ਅੰਤੁ ਨਹੀ ਪਾਇਆ ॥ Sanak and Sanand, the sons of Brahma, could not find the Lord's limits. ਸਨਕ ਅਤੇ ਸਨੰਦ (ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾ ਦੇ ਪੁੱਤਰਾਂ) ਨੂੰ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਦਾ ਓੜਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਾ। ਬੇਦ ਪੜੇ ਪੜਿ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੇ ਜਨਮੁ ਗਵਾਇਆ ॥੧॥ Brahma wasted his life away, continually reading the Vedas. ||1|| ਬ੍ਰਹਿਮ ਨੇ ਵੇਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਲਗਾਤਾਰ ਵਾਚਣ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਆਪਣਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਵੰਞਾ ਲਿਆ। ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਬਿਲੋਵਨਾ ਬਿਲੋਵਹੁ ਮੇਰੇ ਭਾਈ ॥ Churn the churn of the Lord, O my Siblings of Destiny. ਰੱਬ ਦਾ ਰਿੜਕਣਾ, ਤੂੰ ਰਿੜਕ, ਹੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਵੀਰ! ਸਹਜਿ ਬਿਲੋਵਹੁ ਜੈਸੇ ਤਤੁ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Churn it steadily, so that the essence, the butter, may not be lost. ||1||Pause|| ਧੀਰੇ ਧੀਰੇ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਰਿੜਕ, ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਮੱਖਣ ਨਾਂ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਰਹੇ। ਠਹਿਰਾਉ। ਤਨੁ ਕਰਿ ਮਟੁਕੀ ਮਨ ਮਾਹਿ ਬਿਲੋਈ ॥ Make your body the churning jar, and use the stick of your mind to churn it. ਆਪਣੀ ਦੇਹਿ ਨੂੰ ਚਾਟੀ ਬਣਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਆਪਣੇ ਚਿੱਤ ਦੀ ਮਧਾਣੀ ਨਾਲ ਰਿੜਕ। ਇਸੁ ਮਟੁਕੀ ਮਹਿ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੰਜੋਈ ॥੨॥ Gather the curds of the Word of the Shabad. ||2|| ਏਸ ਚਾਟੀ ਅੰਦਰ ਰੱਬ ਦੇ ਨਾਮ ਦੇ ਦਹੀਂ ਨੂੰ ਇਕੱਤਰ ਕਰ। ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਬਿਲੋਵਨਾ ਮਨ ਕਾ ਬੀਚਾਰਾ ॥ The churning of the Lord is to reflect upon Him within your mind. ਸੁਆਮੀ ਦਾ ਰਿੜਕਣਾ, ਦਿਲ ਨਾਲ ਉਸ ਦਾ ਸਿਮਰਨ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ। ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ਪਾਵੈ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਧਾਰਾ ॥੩॥ By Guru's Grace, the Ambrosial Nectar flows into us. ||3|| ਗੁਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਦਇਆ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਬੰਦਾ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤਮਈ ਨਦੀ ਨੂੰ ਪਾ ਲੈਂਦਾ ਹੈ। ਕਹੁ ਕਬੀਰ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ਜੇ ਮੀਬ਼ਰਾ ॥ Says Kabeer, if the Lord, our King casts His Glance of Grace, ਕਬੀਰ ਆਖਦਾ ਹੈ, ਜੇਕਰ ਪਾਤਸ਼ਾਹ ਮਿਹਰ ਦੀ ਨਿਗ੍ਹਾ ਧਾਰੇ, ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮ ਲਗਿ ਉਤਰੇ ਤੀਰਾ ॥੪॥੧॥੧੦॥ One is carried across to the other side, holding fast to the Lord's Name. ||4||1||10|| ਤਾਂ ਇਨਸਾਨ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਦੇ ਨਾਮ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜ ਕੇ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਕਿਨਾਰੇ ਲੱਗ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ।

For more infomation >> Har Ka Bilovna | ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਬਿਲੋਵਨਾ | golden temple amritsar | HD Nonstop Kirtan 2018 - Duration: 17:21.


We Tried To Find The Best Gyro In Greece - Duration: 3:14.

- The best gyro.

- The best gyro.


- Where? Pull out that Google translate.

- We're here in Athens, Greece, in Monastiraki.

I think that's how you pronounce it.

We're really jet lagged, we're really hungry.

Evan, what do you want to do?

- I say we go buy some food.

- Mm hmm! What kind of food? - Gyros?

- I don't think that's how it's pronounced, but...

- Is it not?

- Let's figure it out. All right.

Who would know where to find the best gyro,

gyro, whatever it's called,

- I mean... - in all of Athens?

Let's ask the taxi driver.

- Souvlaki, gyro, eat?

(in unison) - Yes!

- Good? Best? - Best! Where?

- And no expensive?

- (in unison) Yes!

- Yes. (laughing)

Now we're on a mission to find the best gyro.

He won't tell us where, but he's taking us

to his favorite gyro spot in all of Athens.

- [Cab Driver] Here are the best gyro.

- [Evan] Oh, right here? - Oh, right here? Quick Pitta!

(upbeat music)

Our taxi driver said this is

the place to go to get gyros.

- Gyros. - Gyros.

We're saying it a little wrong, but we're trying.

Dinner is served.

- Dinner is served.

- Just going off of looks alone, this looks

a lot better than anything I've seen in the States.

- Best gyros in the world.

- Here it is. Wow.

That is so freaking good.

- The gyros I eat in America is usually mushy,

very squishy, this is so crispy.

- Everything in it is so fresh.

- Fresh, crispy.

- I got the pork one here.

It's like bacon's sexy, sexy cousin.

Oh my god, this is all I ever wanna eat.

It's like a much more organic version of Chick-Fil-A sauce.

I bet this is where they got the idea.

I'm not exaggerating, hands down

the best gyro I've ever had in my life.

So flavorful.

The onion, the parsley, the tomato,

this mysterious sauce they have,

this is such a well crafted specimen in my hands, here.

Dude, I gotta try this chicken.

- Yeah, you gotta try it.

- Do you wanna try this pork one?

- Sure. - I wanna cry right now.

I'm so happy.

I'm so happy.

Dude, the way it's spiced?

Outstanding. This is fucking awesome.

You doing more?

- I was gonna order one more. Like just straight,

Oh wait, we have one more, actually.

I'll just eat this.

- I'm gonna try and see

if they can mail me these from here to LA.

- This is my second box.

(old-timey string music)

- Dude, he doesn't stop eating.

- It's so good.

- I just stuffed my face with two different gyros,

I am so content.

- I'm still going.

- The driver didn't lie.

Just the best I've had in my life.

It's just too good for words.

Thank you, Greece, for providing this delicious food.

- Keep doing it. All right, back to eating.

- It never stops.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> We Tried To Find The Best Gyro In Greece - Duration: 3:14.


Debt Pt. 1: A Primer on Borrowing Money - Duration: 10:04.

This episode is sponsored by National Debt Relief, a Better Business Bureau A+ accredited

business with over 13,656 client reviews and growing daily.

They can help you reduce your debt to a fraction of what you owe if you qualify.

Get a free report comparing all your debt relief options at


Friends, today we're going to talk about a word that starts with "D" that you're

not supposed to discuss in polite company.

Good thing we're not very polite company!

Today we're gonna talk about, yes, debt.

Carrying some kind of debt is a pretty normal part of being an adult in today's society.

Consider this episode as an introduction to the kinds of debt that you might encounter

throughout your lifetime.

What kind of debt you have affects your credit score, and your credit score is super important.

It can affect everything from opening a bank account to buying a car to renting an apartment

to even buying a home.

Some employers even look at applicants' credit scores, so yeah, it's a big deal.

There are some times when your credit score may need to take a back seat to getting out

of debt but we can talk about that in another video.

All that said, you're taking a good step by learning how all this works!

For many people, deciding whether to take out loans to go to college for the first time

can be their first big experience with debt and managing money.

Depending on how much money your parents make and what kind of aid you qualify for, you

might get government-subsidized student loans or private loans, which tend to have higher

interest rates.

You can take out student loans even if you don't have a credit history, and some loans

let you take out as much as you want, but remember, the choice you make at the age of

17 or 18 might follow you for the rest of your life.

Pros: You can go to college and making loan payments builds your credit history.

Cons: If you take out too much or can't find a good-paying job after college, you

might be stuck paying off your student loans for decades.

Defaulting on your loans--where you admit that you can't pay them--is a serious choice

that could impact your financial future for the rest of your life.

The other thing you should note before taking out student loans in the U.S. is that it is

extremely difficult to file bankruptcy to get rid of them.

There are still many ways to try and make college a little more affordable, and we have

a few videos on the topic in the description below.

I didn't really have a strategy when I was 18, I wanted to go to a four year university right off the

bat, but then I realized I can get the same education at a community college

for the first two years for less than a 5th of the price of a 4 year university.

Credit cards:

Every time you use a credit card, you're taking out a small loan that you promise to

pay back to the credit card company with interest.

The most common type of credit card is unsecured, meaning it's not backed by collateral.

If you don't pay your credit card debt, the company can't take your home or car,

but it can try to sue you depending on how much you owe and what state you live in.

Lawsuits are expensive though so they usually try to settle before suing you.

Pros: You can make purchases even if you don't have the cash in hand, and you're building

your credit score if you pay back on time.

Some credit cards also offer reward programs that offer things like airline miles, store

discounts or cash back.

Cons: If you don't pay your credit card bill in full every month, you will pay interest.

It can also be really easy to rack up thousands in debt and end up paying two or even three

times as much as you originally borrowed.

Medical debt:

Forty-three million Americans have overdue medical bills listed on their credit report,

according to a 2014 study from the Consumer Protection Bureau.

Big debts from unexpected hospital stays can really add up, and unfortunately, unpaid medical

bills do affect your credit score.

There is a little bit of good news.

In mid-2017, the three major credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and Transunion, added a

six-month grace period for consumers to resolve medical debts before it appears on their credit

report as an unpaid bill.

It's not a solution to an ongoing massive issue, but it might offer some relief.

Payday loans:

These are small, short-term loans that usually come with really high fees and interest rates.

Payday lenders are typically geared toward low-income people who are strapped for cash

and need to borrow some money to make it to the next payday, ergo the name.

Pros: Low-income people can borrow money even if they don't have good credit histories.

Cons: High fees and interest rates can trap people in a cycle of debt if they can't

pay off the loans.

Payday lenders are controversial and highly regulated in many states.

Car loans:

One of your first big purchases in life could very well be a car.

Whether you're buying new or used, make sure that you've already checked with your

bank or credit union to find out what kind of car loan you qualify for before you go

shopping, and make sure that you can commit to monthly car payments if you can't afford

to pay for the vehicle up front.

Look at the final purchase price of the car, not the monthly payment, to make sure you

really are getting a good deal.

Pros: If you pay off the car on time, you'll establish great credit history that will be

useful for years to come, and, uh, you'll have a car to drive.

Cons: If you sign up for a payment that's not realistic, you could find yourself struggling

to make ends meet every month.

And if you don't make the payments, you won't get to keep your car.

Mike & Emma made a video on how to buy a car, so check out that link in the description.

Home loans:

Hopefully, you've built good credit and saved up a lot of cash before you start to

looking to buy a home.

When you're buying a home, you can usually expect to pay a (relatively) small chunk of cash up

front-- a cash down payment--and the rest over the next few decades in a monthly mortgage

payment that you owe to the bank that loaned you the money to buy the house.

The more you can afford to pay up front, the less time you'll spend paying the mortgage

and the interest and insurance that often comes with it.

Pros: Instead of paying rent, you're paying money into an asset that you'll eventually

own, and hopefully it will appreciate in value over time, offsetting the cost in the long-run.

Cons: If you get into dire financial straits and get behind on your mortgage payments,

the bank might foreclose on your home and take it back.

Even in the best circumstances of home ownership, you should also expect to spend money on property

taxes, homeowners insurance and maintenance fees.

Home equity loans:

Let's say you want to take out a big loan to pay for something major, like a home renovation,

your kids' college education or starting a new business.

If the house that you're paying on is worth more than the amount of money you still owe

on it--or you own the house--you can take out a home equity loan.

Pros: These loans are usually low-interest, since the bank knows it can take your house

if you don't pay the loans back.

Cons: Since the housing crisis of 2008, these kinds of loans are harder to get.

You also run the risk of losing your house if you don't make the payments.

Debt consolidation loan:

If you've got so many bills to pay off that you don't know how to deal with them, a

debt consolidation loan might an option for you.

Consolidation loans are typically geared toward people with a lot of unsecured debt spread

among different places, like credit cards, medical bills or overdue utility or rent.

As we learned a few minutes ago, unsecured debt means there's no collateral attached

to it.

A secured loan, like your house payment, isn't likely to qualify for consolidation.

So, if you have a ton of unsecured debt owed to different companies, you might be able

to talk to a debt counselor and seek a debt consolidation service that will help negotiate

your loans into one interest rate and one monthly payment.

Pros: You'll improve your credit rating and get fewer calls from collection agencies,

and, hopefully, get on the path toward straightening out your financial life.

Cons: You have to be very disciplined about your spending and pay the loan every month.

If you're struggling with one or more kinds of debt we've talked about today, you're

not alone.

For this series we partnered with National Debt Relief, a Better Business Bureau A+ accredited

company with over 13,656 client reviews from folks who were able to resolve their debt.

National Debt Relief is a debt settlement company that will negotiate with creditors

on their client's behalf to reduce the amount of debt owed and consolidate it into a single

lump sum.

They're completely performance based and charge no fees until their clients see their

debt reduced.

Their program is recommended for consumers who have over $10,000 in unsecured debt, and

they offer a free savings estimate that can show consumers how much they can save with

no obligation.

Visit to get a free report comparing all your debt

relief options.

See you next time for part two, where we'll talk about ways to get your finances back

on track.

[squealing noise]

43 million Americans have overdue mill—million bills

Same thing.

Before you start looking to h—buy a home.

[small squeak] [laughter]

National Debt Relief is a da—

Aw, no. It's not a dad.

See you next time on part 2, where we'll talk about ways to get your financial back on track.



Perfect! We did it.

Yay! 3 minutes to spare!

For more infomation >> Debt Pt. 1: A Primer on Borrowing Money - Duration: 10:04.


CANDY Surprise Eggs Coloring Pages for Kids | How to Draw Easter Surprise Egg for Children - Duration: 10:17.











Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> CANDY Surprise Eggs Coloring Pages for Kids | How to Draw Easter Surprise Egg for Children - Duration: 10:17.


Epoch Meme - South Park- Kyle Broflovski - Duration: 1:04.

Everyone Makes mistakes

I've had more than my share

But it's OK "Cause I´m gonna repair it"

They say there no retakes

But I just don't agree, no

This Show

Is of my own Making

Take it back to the start

I've had a change of heart

I know we can make it better than it ever was

I know we can make it better

I know we can make it better than it ever was

I know we can make it better

For more infomation >> Epoch Meme - South Park- Kyle Broflovski - Duration: 1:04.



out there or points in the vastness of

space there are planets so extreme that neither

even science fiction has

imagined for the first time

scientists are discovering worlds

aliens beyond our

solar system to places where the ice

scaglia the rain is made of iron

they are not located and are credible

and reduce them

somewhere between those new and


scientists seek the greatest

discovery of all time

planets like ours

2 extraterrestrial 35 seconds ready to

the takeoff pressure hatches

completely closed are almost 6 of

March 2009 in 30 seconds pressure

correct main engine of this rocket

delta 2 is checking

final before the free flight checked

of light comes out 10 and takeoff is the beginning

of an extraordinary and ambitious



the kepler space observatory goes on

search for planets like the earth in a

region where there are 100,000 stars


It is the culmination of a trip that

started more than a decade ago with one

of scientific discoveries more

important things that have been done

in 1995 the Swiss astronomer michel senior

and his team made an observation

routine of the stars of the

Pegasus constellation at 50 light years

of us

but the instruments showed with

I miss a star was moving and

it oscillated violently

we discover that sometimes it changes to a

speed of one of those stars that

it's strong enough to

affect a star the size of

our greater sun gives us an answer

categorical a planet but nobody has

seen a planet around another

star as the sun the problem when

you detect a planet around a

star is that when it happens before the

star the planet is not seen because its

light is weak before the brightness of


despite being strangers senior trusted

in his data and he was convinced that

the oscillations were caused by the

gravitational pull of the orbit of a


when I read the data from michelle it was

very skeptical

there have been many false claims of

discoveries of planets orbiting

a star and I thought good we are already


I decided to observe the star during

four consecutive nights and

surprisingly the star showed

the exact oscillation that michelle

had described michel major and his

diego teammate announced it

his discovery shocked the

scientific community have found by

first time probable evidences and

confirmed of the existence of a

planet orbiting around a

star like the sun


officially called 51 pegasi of the

planet is also known as

Bellerophon in honor of the Greek hero

that domestic to pieces

the winged horse is a planet that breaks

all the standards bellerophon you are down

the blinding light of the star whose

very high temperature almost touches the

1,000 degrees centigrade 150 times

greater than the earth and is a giant

gas like jupiter or

a gas giant is a planet

composed mostly of hydrogen and

helium only the outer shell is gas but

inside hydrogen and helium

they are included to such enormous

pressures that do not seem to be different

to any body found in our

solar system is a planet of a kind

totally new that scientists

they call hot hawai peter they will see how

flow alava so is a jupiter

hot is very hot

fortunately the earth is at a

safe distance to 150 million

kilometers of the sun

this hot toy is 100 times

closer and the amount of light that

receives is ten thousand times greater

this represents a star and this is

a hot coupe a hot jupiter

is at a distance of 3 or 4 days

meters from the star

so I would be here 123 a jupiter

hot is this close to your

star hot jupiter always

with the same face to the star as

occurs with the moon and the earth in a

face to the light of day is permanent and

on the other side they are always ocha

if I was stuck in a jupiter

hot i would like to be in the face

later waiting for it to come up and

one with the heat of the face that looks at

the star


the temperature variations in that

the atmosphere of pedro fontes and

extremely hectic the star

it heats the air and it goes up the air

more if it does not go down to replace it

what happens on earth

the wind blows thousands of kilometers

per hour much more than ever

we will see here the overwhelming heat not

allows water vapor to form but

that does not mean it does not rain

too hot for there to be water or it

form clouds but those clouds instead

they could be made of iron

iron vapor can be formed

temperatures much higher than the

water vapor and that's why things can

get ugly

it would be necessary to have a very

resistant because iron would not cover

I would quickly think a lot and what

would break the sky that covers it is

full of colorful crops in


the charged particles from the nearby

star form auroras much more

extreme that the northern lights of the


there is something even more incredible in this

world newly discovered bellerophon

orbit his are only 4.2 days a

planet as it should be

surrounds us with a star in 4.2 days

none of the planets of our

solar system is so little time for

scientists this rapid orbitals

I did the knowledge at length

maintained of how the


the fact that the planet complete a

orbit every four days and a


until one day I woke up to

midnight and I said this must be the

proof that the planets migrate towards

inside they do not stay still where


the solution to the enigma is in how

the planets are made the planets

or not your product the formation of a

star when the stars are formed

to reduce in a dust disk and

rubble and from those remains the


many of the things we know are

thanks to the space telescope hubble the

that focuses on regions like the nebula


this interstellar cloud is full of

dust and gas discs

a gigantic mass grows in the center

of each disc

the temperatures reach 10 million

degrees Celsius

the same nuclear fusion that energy

to our sun

a star Is Born

the radiation of the star generates a

wind wait to sweep the remains of

dust and debris part of the dust

remains in orbit around the

star newborn for millions

of years the dust according to or forming

groups that become asteroids and

the asteroids become planets

those planets migrate to the disk

until it finds an orbit


that's why pedro font is so close to his

star but a world recently

discovered has found its orbit

stable in a place where no

planet should be 2001

the hubble space telescope is

directed to an unknown star to

150 light years from the earth in the

constellation of pegasus is the same

region in which it was discovered from the

fonte six years before

the garden is following another jupiter

hot discovered by the astronomer

10 marsé

but this one is different from the fonte

You probably have heard of the

planet hd 209458b is a terrible man

a terrible name for a terrible

place the hd 209458b also carries the

name of Osiris by the Egyptian god of


osiris these hundreds times greater than

land has come dangerously close to

his sun is only six million and

half a mile from the fiery

solar surface and it boils in a hell


the average temperature of the indexes of

thousand degrees centigrade forget the

global warming

this is a global frikada and it is estimated

that provokes who was inspired to 500,000

tons and there's the second one there is a

gas leak a continuous flow of

hydrogen and helium forming a cloud

immense around the planet

its next atmosphere in space

scientists calculate that that

colossal wake of gases left by the

planet have thousands of kilometers

osiris presents an opportunity without

precedents for astronomers using

the hub analyze the strange and

dilated will not be of the planet

this is the first time we can

say what is the composition of the

atmosphere of an extrasolar planet gives


surprisingly the harmmel has

detected many of the elements

basic chemicals for life sodium

carbon hydrogen and oxygen but if you

it is too ardent for life as

we know her

however there must be other ways of

life that flourish in temperatures so

high on a hot jupiter do not exist

the solid surfaces that we know

that's why they could only live there

microbes minutes floating in the air

as in our land since we have

doubt that it is in the atmosphere

but that life was not there

it is almost certain that life does not exist

the hot jupiter


astronomers have discovered many

hot jupiter since it was found

the sailboat font in 1995 but the

conditions that reign in those worlds

make them places where life

one can not develop however

of those gaseous giants is a planet

that he skipped the rules of



the astronomer 10 sea has been discovered

something amazing on a planet that

orbit a star called 16 cygni

located about 70 light years away in

swan constellation me

the planet is clearly plotted a

elongated orbit that brought it closer and then

it kept him away from the star and this

unraveled our expectations based

in our solar system where all the

planets circle around the sun

in almost circular orbits like

grooves of a disc in a phonograph like

a gigantic yoyo in space

the giant nation only comes close and it

move away from your solar system

it is as if the earth approaches the sun

more than 40 million kilometers

then they went beyond Mars and

continue in the direction of Jupiter and each


and like all the gaseous giants of

our solar system

sure that planet joy or is

surrounded by sea moons if you think one of

those moons could be similar to the

earth and this is when the story

it starts to be interesting

imagine a rocky place with lakes

Gálvez Seas, rivers and waterfalls

surface of the moon orbit that

planet and both orbit the star


unlike our satellite

land and health is a world with these

extreme actions

on earth the seasons originate

by the inclination of our planet

here they are caused by the extension of

the orbit those poor planets that

they are in those so long and

Ellipticals undergo tremendous changes

in the weather during the year when

they reach the maximum approach

the star warms the planet joy oy

its moon begins in summer the atmosphere

from the moon similar to the earth suffered

devastating storms and hurricanes

of force 5 of the earth are soft

breezes compared to those

monstrous vortices that form

He didn't come back after lunchtime either.


the clouds become thick when

evaporates the water temperatures rise

drastically water and gases that

heat and the seas boil and

evaporate and you would be in a big bath

steam during the height of summer the

moon is suffocated by temperatures of

more than 400 degrees centigrade

it's a closer approximation to the star

during its 26-month orbit

the summer season barely last two

months but that is song


the planet and its moon move away from

terrible heat of the star

the temperatures drop to levels that we

they would seem warm and comfortable with the

the arrival of autumn the rains return to

the recipe and toast moon the accounts of

the dry oceans fill up and the seas

rise to form new families

the stillness reigns on the planet joy its

moon while they pass the harsh winter

now to more than 320 million

kilometers of the star in the hours

daytime the sky is dark

temperatures drop to 160 degrees

centigrade below zero

the oceans fill and the caps

polar are spread throughout the

surface like an ice blanket

several kilometers thick


the winters are long with a

duration of 17 months with the arrival of


the sun shines for a long time in the

sky over that unhappy moon and the

ice cracks and melts

violently gold messi exploded

in an ocean of a speech that grows


during two precious and short periods

during the thaw of spring and

the autumn rains the similar weather

to the earth is warm and pleasant to

a distance of 150 million

kilometers of the star more or less

the same distance as from the sun ground

the elliptical orbit of this planet and

his moon cross to an area near the

star that scientists call

region of gold curls

the conditions here are the right ones

for life

if you're too close to the star

it is too hot

if you are too far away a long time ago

cold and everything is filled but if you're in

means all stars are well

they have a region of golden curls the

situation in that area depends on the

star temperature size

in our solar system that marks us

the inner limit and mark the limit


the earth and its abundance of life are

right in the center of the planet joy

or go through the rigid gold zone two

times a year for three and a half months

during the spring when he moves by

the internal limits and then in autumn

three and a half months when he returns to

cold places of space may have

life outside those regions


there must be ways of life

smart to hibernate as they do

the animals on earth during the


if you think it's fantastic, I'll show you

the land areas of the land in the

tidal zone life proliferates near

the shores despite the tides

rising waters cover the different

life forms at low tide

the waters are removed but those species

they survive perfectly the strange

cycle of the planet orbit joy or

creates adequate conditions for life

but also for death


some alien planets are still

more to your world images than in

orbit no star

scientists believe that our

galaxy is full of planets

strangers hidden among the crowded

streets of interstellar space

are two orphan planets that have been

fired from their solar systems by

the chaos of planetary migration

astronomers call those worlds

let's plan the planets are planets and

the stars roam indefinitely

for the galaxy that force can eject

a planet of the solar system when a

young star is formed with a

contingent of planets around him

many of those planets rotate about

around the others because of the

gravity attract and repel each other

others and some is thrown out of the

planetary system

if unfortunately we live on a planet

who was expelled by a collision or

for passing very close to another object

we would leave quickly from

children of the habitable zone


there are billions of poor planets

expelled who roam our

Milky Way

no star mothers that warm them

cold darkness and silence

the planes do not have a sun and they are worlds

no days me years

vigilantes live in an eternal night

plans are not lonely drifters

sentinels of the galaxy

but even if they drift by the

space does not mean that the plans we

be dead


if the plan e is not a rocky world it can

contain life

the atmosphere of a small planet

rocky is extremely cold a lot

colder than the coldest of the

Winter days in our South Pole


but a plan and not enough

great to retain an atmosphere

traps the heat generated when it

formed is a real effect


the heat and energy comes from

inner core of the solitary planet

if plan e is not a gas giant

as jupiter can have a system of

moons the gravitational force between the

I plan and its moons believe affliction and the

interior of the moons remains warm

those canvases can also contain

lives in the same way that I the moon

of jupiter has to overturn that much

heat energy generated by the

interaction with jupiter and the others


if something video here will be organisms

unicellular bacteria-like

found on earth you do not form

complex league without a sun for the

photosynthesis those tiny organisms

they get their chemistry energy from

floor of the emo plan or its place


on earth there are conditions

similar colonies have been found

bacteria deep inside

mines of south africa

they do not have access to oxygen light and

they survive exclusively from

chemicals that they extract from the earth that

the area your metabolism are

extremely slow and reproduce

every several thousand years in a plan

we have no they would be organisms like

those born when your planet was young

while the plans remain altered

another world has been shaken by changes

chaotic since the dawn of time


astronomers confirm the existence

of a relic from the beginning of the

times in the constellation of

scorpion most planets

found outside our solar system

they are located on the main disk

of our galaxy already

but this world is located in a

very high plane of the Milky Way in a

cumulus of almost 10 thousand stars

primordial the planet of 1620 script

26 is better known by its name not

official the planet Methuselah by the

Elder man of the bible

why he is called Methuselah

it's because the cluster has a near

12,000 million years old the earth is a

teen planet compared to

the old Methuselah

was formed 8,000 million years before

that the earth and is a young giant


maybe with violent storms and

surrounded by moons

with the passage of the lions they have swept it

the winds and the storms leaving

back pointed they are a unpleasant day

suddenly two stars appear in the

sky are the burning cores of

dead stars in the cluster from

long ago in the dense environment

of a globular cluster are produced

many stellar collisions rubs and the

systems eject one strange and another

takes its place in a cosmic dance

gravitational similar to the migration of

the planets one of the stars was

ejected and replaced by the star

mother of Methuselah

Methuselah is now a planet with two

suns every day have two dawn is and

two houses the clouds and objects

they produce two shadows

over time the original mother star

begins to expand signal that is

dying increases until it becomes

in a red giant that says goodbye

neutron star

the neutron star devours the

red giant

currently murusalem his prison world

or by the skeletons of two stars

you kill the naked nucleus of the giant

red and his partner the star of

pulsating neutrons

Methuselah is a survivor

but strange as it was his

past nothing is comparable to the strange

anomaly of a pulsar about 980 years

light of the earth in the constellation of

mirko from far a pulsar looks like a

light twinkling but close to shrapnel

the surroundings with a radiation of

heat there is no space for the planets

but there is something that interferes in the

accuracy of this one presses a

explanation could be that the

anomaly is caused by a planet but

many astronomers do not think I can

exist orbiting planets drives the

reason why it is not possible is

because pulsars are formed by a

incredible explosion when a giant

red explodes becomes a

gigantic fireball called super

nova that dismisses so much energy in a

minute like our sun in all its

existence when a star is

turns into a super nova the wave is

so immense that it's hard to imagine that

a planet can survive

when the cosmic dust disappears all

what remains is the crushed core of

the red giant

pressing in the center of a field of

expanding waste

the matter coming from the colossus

explosion falls towards the pulse and forms a

disc between the chaos appears a new

world born of fire and destruction

a planetary zombie rises from the

corpse of the old red giant


it's incredible that a

planet in that environment on a planet

that orbits a pulsar would have that

feeling of being in a disco with

a great strobe light that would be



the radiation coming from this beast

stellar breaks organic molecules

necessary for life

the pulsar has some powerful fields

magnetic ones that rotate with the star and

attracts any material electrons

protons increases its speed and the

It launches with great force and is like a

powerful solar wind

I can not imagine that any kind of

life simple microbial life can

emerge and thrive on a planet

close to a pulsar especially because if

was near the pulsar the energy

It would be very high and if it were not close

I would not have any energy

the discovery of planets near

Pulsars shows that they can be formed

new worlds

from the destruction of a


it does not matter where more than the planet

but the process of his birth is

full of dangers

sometimes the violence is such that it calcined

before the world is formed 2007

using the giant telescope

gemini north

astronomers have made a stranger

discovery in the cluster of

Pleiades about 400 light years from the

land a star known only by

your number in the catalog the hd 23,514

it is surrounded by a cloud of dust and

donut-shaped gas the star

which is in the center has about 100

millions of years a cosmic child in

astronomical terms our sun is

45 times older

the conditions are perfect for the

formation of planets but the

spectral analysis have something


the powder is finely pulverized

normally a newborn star

It is surrounded by planets in motion

the planets are formed around a

young star on a disk

protoplanetary of gas and dust and then

those planets orbit happily the

star without taking into account that is

very close to the orbit of another planet

millions of years ago that the planets

primordial orbited hd 23,514 and if the

they go towards their end when the two worlds

they approached the force the head did not

formed and instead of being spherical

they acquired an ovoid shape

the two worlds were annihilated

creating the dust and debris that

surround the star hd 23,514 out there

there is a new planet, a planet that does not

we had seen

it's not just a planet but a new one

type of planet asteroids like


I like to call them supertierras

john are like the earth but more

large ones have about 10 times the mass of

the earth is a super family

lands that like ours have

continents and oceans

maybe one is very dry like

Mars and there is another family we call

aquatic worlds or ocean planets that

they are totally covered with water

welcome to 15 581c


this planet was discovered by diesel

major and orbit with other planets

around a little star is

only 20 light years away in the constellation

of pound and it is one of the planets

smaller terrestrial

scratched beyond our system

solar but that does not mean to live

581c be small is a super land

with a mass five times higher than

our planet the scientists are

very excited with the possibility of

find liquid water on a planet

aquatic you would feel like in between

from the Pacific Ocean without land to the

view just water with some clouds chairs and

the sky above you

the winds in the sea would be similar

to those on earth so it would be a

good place to navigate time

perfect every day the sky would be

blue and the sun always at the same point

we should not say the time

there is no land anywhere or

even below the surface


if there is a lot of water in the

large ocean bottom

pressures that exceed one million

souls back and those people compress

the liquid water and an ocean is formed

in a state that we call full 7

no it's not like ice from the refrigerator

the ice water molecules of

refrigerator are a kind of mixture

but if ice forms under a large

pressure the water molecules are

order is aligned I'll show you a

crystal that is a good analogy of

ice 7

this is health what is commonly known

like rock crystal or ice 7 there

in our solar system it is possible that

europe one of the moons of jupiter

have a mantle of liquid water surrounded

by a thick layer of ice

the pressure of the layer is so great that

ice 7 can be a lot

depth in those unknown seas

if we could thaw europe

possibly it would be a water world

similar to gliese 581c it is possible that

life can emerge from a water world

and after all water is essential

for life on earth in all

parts of the earth where there is water

life you do not find a single drop of

sterile water

unless the goals in the microwave

in this aquatic world there should be

bacteria or any kind of life in

the ocean what


but not all super land are

aquatic worlds and full of life

when we talk about super land we

we refer to two large families one with

rocks and some water and another water with

an endless ocean but these two

you have to add a third family of

Bulgarian super land that is not

they look like our planet called

planets carbon a planet carbon not

it looks like nothing we have seen a

place with an alien chemistry but

loaded with treasures monterrey stress


in our galaxy there are planets

sterile poor and inhospitable

but science keeps track of a

new type of planets

a whole world of excesses in our

solar system in our sun and in all

the nearby stars there is always more

carbon oxygen but if we think of a

place in the universe where there is more

carbon that oxygen

the formation of the planet would be very


the spectral analyzes show that

there is much more abundance of carbon to

26 thousand light years near the center of

our galaxy

the planets formed there can

contain large amounts of carbon

the morning sky of a world of

carbon would be anything but a blue

crystalline and gaza did not imagine some rays

yellow with black clouds of soot and

when descending into the atmosphere

I imagine in lakes formed by methane or


I imagine those few bubbling and

stinking say or black like wells


with little or no water in the atmosphere

the air is made of compounds from

carbon and gas methane butane sale no

It wins not all those different

compounds that stop when refined

the gas

one day I would see gasoline and the other me

I would have voted the carbon planets are

very strange and the air quality should

of being familiar to some the

atmosphere of a planet with an air

rich in victory would not look like the

the angels with many particles to

which unfortunately we are

accustomed to the leaks of

cars despite the evolution in the

carbon planets there may be about

brilliant facts could have

diamonds because it is possible that in the

planet would have significant amounts

of pure carbon and pure carbon tends

to turn diamond with the pressure

the secrets of the exotic planets

how are those waiting to be

discovered throughout the galaxy but the

astronomers will not be satisfied

until they find the holy grail a

planet like ours where the

life be sustainable

the next earth

people always ask me if I think that

we will find another planet like

earth and I answer of course

each star can have planets of a

size similar to our land

We believe that all stars have

several planets the size of the earth

or the size of super land if there is

let's say 200 billion stars in

the Galaxy

those are 400,000 million or more 400,000

millions of lands

the kepler space observatory is the

first instrument capable of finding

those planets

the tep read observes in the night sky

100,000 stars of the constellation

of the swan and makes a picture after another every


the goal of the kepler is simple

look for little bright stars

between those 100,000 when a star

Little vineyard means that a planet passes

ahead blocking part of the light

the duration of the decrease of the

brightness and how much light is blocked

will tell the scientists the size of the

planet and the distance that is of

sun a good analogy for that would be

look for the power of light that

diminish a lighthouse if a mass passes through

in front of the focus no matter how small

causes a decrease in

intensity of light

we have techniques that are

changing the course of science because

will allow us to find planets more

small that the earth around

sun-like stars

there is a technique that is changing the

science course

We believe that we can find a

habitable planet in the coming years

scientists estimate that the mission

of the kepler find a minimum of 50

alien lands

one of the great questions that is asked

anyone looking for life beyond

the earth is if we know how to recognize it

when we discover the conditions in a

extraterrestrial world and they can do that

life evolves differently

I hope we are able to see

any sign that causes you not to

says the hair of the night

whatever the sign will be the first

chapter of the greatest story that

There have been comments to science and



a fire called super nova and

dismisses as much energy in a minute as

our sun in all its existence when

a star becomes a super

nova the wave is so immense that it is

hard to imagine that a planet can


when the cosmic dust disappears all

what you want is the crushed core of

the red giant

pressing in the center of a field of

expanding waste

the matter coming from the colossus

explosion falls towards the pulse and shape to

A disc

from among the chaos a new world appears

born of fire and destruction a

planetary zombie will rise the

corpse of the old red giant


it's incredible that a

planet in that environment on a planet

that orbits a pulsar will have the

feeling of being in a disco with

a great strobe light that would be

ejected the radiation from

this stellar beast breaks the molecules

organic needed for life

the pulsar that not the powerful fields

magnetic ones that rotate with the star and

attracts any material electrons

protons increases its speed and the

It launches with great force and is like a

powerful solar wind

I can not imagine that any kind of

life simple microbial life can

emerge and thrive on a planet

close to a pulsar especially because if

was near the pulsar the energy

It would be very high and if it were not close

I would not have any energy

the discovery of planets near

Pulsars shows that they can be formed

new worlds

from the destruction of a


it does not matter where the planet is born but

the process of his birth is full

of dangers

sometimes the violence is such that it calcined

before the world is formed 2007

using the giant telescope

gemini north

Astronomers have done in this new

discovery in the cluster of

Pleiades about 400 light years from the

land a star known only by

your number in the catalog the hd 23,514

it is surrounded by a cloud of dust and

donut-shaped gas the star

which is in the center has about 100

millions of years a cosmic child in

astronomical terms our sun is

45 times older

the conditions are perfect for the

formation of planets but the

spectral analysis there is something strange

the powder is finely pulverizing it

normally a newborn star

It is surrounded by planets in motion

the planets are formed around a

young star on a disk

protoplanetary of gas and dust and then

those planets orbit happily the

star without taking into account that is

very close to the orbit of another planet

millions of years ago that the planets

primordial orbited the hd 23,514

they were watching to their end when the two

worlds approached the strength of

career was not formed and instead of being

spherical acquired ovoid shape

{0}                              {/0} {0}{0}TE:{/0} +54-9-11-41428489{/0}

the two worlds were annihilated

creating the dust and debris that

surround the star hd 23,514 out there

there is a new planet, a planet that does not

we had seen is not just a planet

but a new type of asteroid planet

like the earth

I like to call them supertierras, I

I'm like the earth but bigger

they have about 10 times the mass of the

Earth is a family of super land

that like ours have continents and


maybe one is very dry like

Mars and there is another family we call

aquatic worlds or ocean planets that

they are totally covered with water

welcome to leave 581c


the planet was discovered by me is the

major and orbit with other planets

around a little star is

only 20 light years away in the constellation

of pound and it is one of the planets

smaller terrestrial

scratched beyond our system

solar but that does not mean to live

581c be small is a super land

with a mass five times higher than

our planet the scientists are

very excited with the possibility of

find liquid water on a planet

aquatic you would feel like in between

from the Pacific Ocean without land to the

view only water with some clouds and

rain and the sky over you

the winds in the sea would be similar

to those on earth so it would be a

good place to navigate time

perfect every day the sky would be

they flow are always the same point not

we would have to predict the weather

there is no land anywhere or

even below the surface


if there is a lot of water in the

large ocean bottom

pressures that exceed one million

atmospheres and those pressures compress

the liquid water and an ocean is formed

in a state that we call and in the 7

no it's not like ice from the refrigerator

the ice water molecules of

refrigerator are a kind of mixture

but if ice forms under a large

pressure the water molecules are

order line up

planet joy or is surrounded by sea moons

if you think one of those moons could

be similar to the earth and here is

when the story starts to be

{84686}{84724} Interesting.

imagine a rocky moon with seas lakes

maybe rivers and waterfalls in the

surface of the moon orbit that

planet and both orbit the star


unlike our satellite

earth is a student is a world with

extreme seasons

on earth the seasons originate

by the inclination of our planet

here they are caused by the extension of

the organic

those poor planets that are in those

so long and elliptical orbits suffer

tremendous changes in climate

during the year when they arrive at the

maximum approach

the star warms the planet joy oy

your moon begins the summer the atmosphere

from the moon similar to the earth suffered

devastating storms and hurricanes

of force 5 of the earth are soft

breezes compared to those

monstrous vortices that form

He didn't come back after lunchtime either.


the clouds and they make thick when

evaporates the water temperatures rise

drastically water and gases that

heat the seas boil and you

evaporate and you would be in a big bath

steam during the height of summer and the

moon is suffocated by temperatures of

more than 400 degrees centigrade

It is the closest approach to the star

during its 26-month orbit

the summer season barely last two

months but that is almost wrong the planet and

their nations before the terrible heat of

the star

the temperatures drop to levels that we

they would seem warm and comfortable with the

the arrival of autumn the rains return to

the parched and toast moon the basins of

the dry oceans fill up and the seas

they come up to form new ideas

the stillness reigns on the planet joy its

moon while they pass the harsh winter

now to more than 320 million

kilometers of the star in the hours

daytime the sky is dark

temperatures drop to 160 degrees

centigrade below zero

the oceans fill and the caps

polar are spread throughout the

surface like an ice bank of

several kilometers thick

the winters are long with a

duration of 17 months with the arrival of


the sun shines for a long time in the

sky above unpalatable step and the

ice cracks melts

violently gold messi knows how to explode

in an ocean of a speech that I grew up


during two precious and short periods

during the thaw of spring and

the autumn rains the similar weather

to the earth is warm and pleasant to

a distance of 150 million

kilometers of the star more or less

the same distance as from the sun ground

the elliptical orbit of this planet and

only one crosses an area near the

star that scientists call

region of gold curls

the conditions here are the right ones

for life

if you're too close to the star

it is too hot

if you are too far away a long time ago

cold and everything is filled but if you're in

means all stars are well

they have a region of golden curls the

situation in that area depends on the

star temperature size

in our solar system

- Mark the inner limit and Tuesday

outer limit

the earth and its abundance of life are

right in the center the planet joy or

it goes through the rigid gold zone two

times a year for three and a half months

during the spring when he moves by

the internal limits and then in autumn

three and a half months when he returns to

cold places of space may have

life outside those regions


there must be ways of life

smart to hibernate as they do

the animals on earth during the


if you think it's fantastic, I'll show you

the marjah areas of the earth in the

tidal zone life proliferates near

the shores despite the tides

rising waters cover the different

life forms at low tide

the waters are removed but those species

they survive perfectly the strange

cycle of the planet orbit joy or

creates adequate conditions for life

but also for death


some alien planets are still

more to their images in a world that does not

forget any star

scientists believe that our

galaxy is full of planets

strangers hidden among the crowded

streets of interstellar space

are two orphan planets that have been

fired from their solar systems by

the chaos of planetary migration

astronomers call those worlds

plan we have the planets are planets and

stars wander indefinitely through

the galaxy that force can eject a

planet of the solar system when a

young star is formed with a

contingent of planets around him

many of those planets rotate about

around the others because of the

gravity attract and repel each other

others and some thrown out of the

planetary system

if unfortunately we live on a planet

who was expelled by a collision or

for passing very close to another object

big we would leave quickly

dismissed from the living area


there are thousands of out there or together in the

immensity of space there are planets so

extremes that not even science

fiction has imagined us

for the first time the scientists are

discovering extraterrestrial worlds more

beyond our solar system to

places where the ice is hot

the rain is made of iron not

they are located and are credible and

reduce them

somewhere between those new worlds

and extremes

scientists seek the greatest

discovery of all time

planets like ours

2 extraterrestrial the 35 seconds ready

for the takeoff pressure hatches

completely closed is almost 6 of

March 2009 in 30 seconds pressure

correct main engine of this rocket

delta 2 is checking

final checked before the flight of light

comes out 10 and takeoff is the beginning of a

extraordinary and ambitious mission


the kepler space observatory goes on

search for planets like the earth in a

region where there are 100,000 stars


It is the culmination of a trip that

started more than a decade ago as

the scientific discoveries more

important things that have been done

in 1995 the Swiss astronomer michel senior

and his team made an observation

routine of the stars of the

Pegasus constellation at 50 light years

of us

but the instruments showed something

I miss a star was moving and

it oscillated violently

we discover that sometimes the

speed of one of those stars that

it's strong enough to

affect a star the size of

our greater sun gives us an answer

categorical a planet but nobody has

seen a planet around another

star as the sun the problem when

you detect a planet around a

star is that when it happens before the

star the planet is not seen because its

light is weak although the brightness of the


in spite of being strangers greater confidence

in his data and he was convinced that

the oscillations were caused by the

gravitational pull of the orbit of a


when I read the data from mechel it was very


there have been many false claims of

discovery of planets orbiting a

star and I thought good we're already another


I decided to observe the star during

four consecutive nights and

surprisingly the star showed

the exact oscillation that my the area

described michel major and his companion

team diego flight announced their

discovery shocked the

scientific community have found by

first time probable evidences and

confirmed of the existence of a

planet orbiting around a

star like the sun


officially called 51 pegasi of the

planet is also known as

Bellerophon the smell of the Greek hero

that domestic to pieces

the winged horse is a planet that breaks

all the rules

Bellerophon you are down the blinding light

of the star and very high temperature

rose almost 1,000 degrees centigrade

150 times greater than the earth and is a

gas giant like jupiter

a gas giant is a planet

composed mostly of hydrogen and

helium only the outer shell is gas but

inside hydrogen and helium

they are included to such enormous

pressures that do not look like gas is different

to any body found in our

solar system is a planet of a kind

totally new that scientists

they call a hot hawai jupiter they will see

how flow Alava is like this is a jupiter

hot is very hot

fortunately the earth is at a

safe distance to 150 million

kilometers of the sun is from Jupiter

hot is 100 times closer and the

amount of light it receives is ten thousand

times greater

this represents a star and this is

a game of hot a jupiter

hot is at a distance of 3 or 4

days meters from the star

so I would be here 123 a jupiter

hot this headquarters near its star

hot jupiter always give the

same face to the star as it happens with

the moon and the earth on a face to light

of the day is permanent and on the other side

always be ocha

if I was stuck in a jupiter

hot i would like to be in the face

later waiting for it to come up and

one with the heat of the face that looks at

the star


the temperature variations in that

Love is from where it is extremely

agitated the star warms the air and

this one goes up the air plus low linen for

replace it as it happens in the


the wind blows thousands of kilometers

per hour much more than ever

we will see here the overwhelming heat not

allows water vapor to form but

that does not mean it does not rain

too hot for there to be water or it

form clouds but those clouds instead

they could be made of iron

iron vapor can be formed

temperatures much higher than the

water vapor and that's why things can

get ugly

it would be necessary to have a very

resistant because the iron would not cover

quickly and it would be a lot and what

would break the sky that covers it is

full of colorful curtains in

movement millions of poor planets

expelled who roam our

Milky Way

no star mothers that warm them

cold darkness and silence

we plan it does not have a sun and its world

without days or years



3 DIY Kitchen Cleaners - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> 3 DIY Kitchen Cleaners - HGTV - Duration: 1:01.


Practice on a Simple Goal that we Made - Duration: 11:13.

Hey guys it's Eli

um...don't have much of a video for goal bros, just

A video of us

shooting around like little kids that don't know how to play soccer

Um, Caleb is over there, Wyatt is behind the camera

right now...they are both going to be in it obviously

Uh we also have a camera behind the goal so that will be fun

Let's get into it like us being really bored and stupid

I did take a lot of time raking the leaves, so don't congratulate me, it was just a waste of time :p

Youtube wanted me to add captions here so yay

Yet again with the music Youtube

Where did the opera come from

Just me talking about how I stopped the music so suddenly

Basically just we are posting every friday and yeah nothing much, just me talking into my very sad mic with my face to close to it

Just making the video longer, nothing much, you can leave now if you realy want, but you can watch the rest


I noticed that there were mic problems just now :p

For more infomation >> Practice on a Simple Goal that we Made - Duration: 11:13.


GVC Minute Challenge: Sharon - Duration: 1:41.

Hi, I'm Sharon Nyboer,

and I'm doing the GVC minute challenge.

[Ryan] How many points would you estimate you're gonna get?

[Sharon] I have no idea. Hopefully a 30.

[Ryan] Alright, let's do it!

3... 2... 1...

[Ryan] Soda of choice?


Favorite superhero?


Dressed up or casual?


Last book you read?

I have not read one.

Favorite sport?


Biggest fear?

Falling from a high spot.

What time do you get up?


Chocolate or fruit?


What makes you smile?


One thing on your bucket list?

Travel around the world.

What would be your superhero name?


Last time you were sick?

About a year ago.

What time do you go to bed?


Hot or cold?


What topping on your pizza?


Least favorite color?

Pink. *chuckles*

Last thing you ate?


How many keys are on your keychain?


What kind of phone do you have?

An iPhone.

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Chocolate chip.


[Ryan] Good job.

[Sharon] I didn't go very quick. *laughs*

[Ryan] You did a good job though. Congratulations!

[Sharon] Alright, thank you.

I nominate Aimee Fuller.

For more infomation >> GVC Minute Challenge: Sharon - Duration: 1:41.


Kids Learning Fruit Video! | Kids youtube channels, Videos for babies - Duration: 13:38.

Hey guys its Sally! And welcome back to the magical Sugar Snap Kingdom!

Today I thought it would be fun if we colored in some fruit together!

If you haven't already, don't forget to click the subscribe

button to become an offical member of the Sugar Snap Club!

I upload six new videos a week

Tuesday through to Sunday!

So don't forget to hit the notification bell as well!

In the description bellow there is a link

Where you can download all of the fruit templates I'm painting in today

Then we can paint together how fun!

Alright lets see what colors we're going to be using today...

So we have red, green, white, black, brown and yellow...

I also have a little paint brush

And a cup of water...

to clean my brush with...

Ok, so the first picture we're going to be coloring in is an apple!...

Apples are really sweet and crispy...

When you bite into them they have a loud crunch!

Apples can be red or green, but for today I'm going to be painting my apple red!...

Ok..Lets start painting!...

And we're done!


Ok guys...Next up, I'm going to be coloring in a Banana!

Bananas are really sweet and creamy!...There super soft, like natures custard!

Do you know what color a banana is?...

Thats right yellow!...

Lets grab some yellow and start painting!

And our banana is done!


Ok next up I'm going to be painting in an Orange!

Oranges are really sweet and sour, and you can squeeze them to make orange juice!

It looks like we don't have any orange paint...

I Think we're going to have to make it

To make orange we're going to need to mix red and yellow...

And presto!...We have orange!

Ok, lets start painting!

And our Orange is done!


Alrighty, next we're going to be painting in a Kiwi!

Kiwis are a peculiar kind of fruit

They have a fuzzy outer coat, and inside they're bright green...

But they taste super sweet!

Alright, lets start painting!

And our Kiwi is...Done!


Ok guys, the last fruit we'r going to be painting in is a peach!

Peaches are one of my favourite fruit! I could eat them almost everyday!

But my favourite way of eating them is when they are in a tart! Yummy!

It looks like we don't have a peach color...

I think we're going to have to make it ourselves!

To make a peach color we'r going to need to mix, red, white and yellow!

And look at that! We have a peach color guys!

Ok! Lets start painting!

And we're done guys!


Wow! Look at all the fruit we colored in today guys!

If you colored in some fruit as well, I would absolutely love to see your creations!

Share them with me on instagram using the hashtag #sugarsnaptoys

Well guys that is it for me today

If you likes this video please give it a thumbs up

and subscribe for more fun videos like this

And as always I hope you are safe, happy and loved!

Till next time, bye guys :)

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