I'm gonna share with you the top ten tools that you're gonna need to start
your model railroads so let's get started with this right now I'm Tom
Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was created to help
other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of
building a model railroad now the top ten essential tools that you're going to
need is coming right up right after this if you would like to see more videos
like this on model railroading for beginners go ahead and hit that
subscribe button and while you're at it Bing that Bell and that'll notify you
whenever I have a new video coming out in a previous episode of model
railroading for beginners I went over a vast number of tools that you will need
to build your layout and and on the workbench also so this is the 10 most
essential ones that you're going to need to get started so here we go
okay there's actually more than 10 tools that you're going to need but I'm
putting them into groups of tools like I'm not saying that a hammer is one of
the top ten in fact it's not because I don't want I don't even use a hammer on
my layout at all but there's ball-peen hammers there's jeweler's hammers
there's claw hammers there's sledge hammers or two pound sledge hammer
there's all kind of hammers but I'm just saying that you could group you know a
particular tool and have a variety of them but the first thing that we're
going to talk about is a number one some type of bench bench work a workmate some
surface that you could use to put your word on sawhorse there you go you need a
stable platform to work on even before you start your layout now I see many
people trying to you know cut their wood and everything else they got to propped
up on the edge of a store or something on a chair you could do that but you
asking for problems there you want a stable workplace to do it anything that
is sturdy so you could put your wood on there and work on it from there number
two is a power saw it could be a jigsaw it could be a circular saw it could be a
table saw and like it could be a miter saw it doesn't matter just as long as
you have a saw to cut your wood I cut my wood in fact I used one by fours and I
ripped them with a jigsaw before I had a circular saw because my circular saw
went and so all I had left was a jigsaw and that's before I bought my miter saw
that I have sitting on the floor right here but you want some kind of power saw
to work on your wood to cut your wood effectively and number three clamps
clamps and more clamps you can't have enough clamps you could have ten clamps
and one day you're gonna say I need another clamp for what I'm doing clamps
are a very important thing for building your model railroad and you're gonna
need as many clamps as you can get as you can't afford so don't think that you
have four clamps or five clamps I have a whole stack of clamps right here and
I'll show you them right there I got these I got some other types of clamps
any kind of clamp or even a bench vise will work in the category of clamps
number four you're gonna need some kind of a square whether it's a carpenter
square it doesn't matter what kind of square but you're gonna need something
so you can make your corners on everything that you make perpendicular
to each other at a 90 degrees squares are very important and you need them no
matter what time you have number by do you want a measuring tape and here's
one from Hechinger x' they went out of business long time ago they were up in
Maryland but anyway a measuring tape or a ruler or some kind of a scale it
doesn't matter but the more the merrier but you this is the most important thing
for measuring out you want those eight-foot you want those 10-foot long
pieces of wood that you want to cut first down to a precision figure you're
gonna need a measuring tape a ruler some kind of a rule or some kind of a scale
and there are many types out there and I'll show you some different ones right
over here one berth six a level everything has to be level to start out
with your bench work has to be level everything that you work on has to be
level and then you go from there to make your different levels on your layout so
levels and levels that it can't you know it could be a short one like this it
could be one that you put on a string it could be a long four-foot one they even
make them six and eight foot long now but make sure you have a level and from
that level you can measure angles on it too and I'll show you some other levels
number seven there we go you're gonna need some kind of a drill
preferably a cordless drill no not this kind of cordless drill but this one will
help and even down to a pin vise you can consider that a drill cordless drill
here with drivers and bits drill bits an assortment of drill bits I have an
assortment of drill bits here and I have an assortment of drivers in this one
here it's good to have them you're gonna need them and this is the first cordless
drill and I have an old brace also I have a fact I have a couple of braces
if you know what that is that what they are number eight this finger I can't get
up straight because of arthritis but number eight right here wire strippers
they make an assortment of wire strippers this is one that goes all the
way down to 26 gauge wire they have them that are bigger with a blue handle that
has different wire sizes on them and they have the automatic ones where you
put the wire in there or go in it and it strips the wire strips the insulation
off the wire you're gonna need them for when you are wiring your layout so
that's a vital tool that you're going to need there number nine you're going to
need a multimeter now it doesn't have to be a fancy one like this it could be an
inexpensive one but just as long as you have can do voltage DC AC voltage and
ohms on it and have one where you could have a audible sound for continuity like
that that's all you need you're gonna need one of these and this is going to
come in handy and you're gonna say this is the most valuable tool that you ever
got once you start wiring your layout and number 10 this is a small tool but
this is a very vital tool if you're doing n scale or H oh and these are the
rail cutters now you're gonna need this for every piece of rail that you have
especially if you're doing flex track on your layout you're gonna need these to
fit them in between your turnouts on your layout so this is number ten and a
bonus this is not an option eye protection you need eye protection
whenever you use in any kind of power tool so don't forget it it doesn't have
to be this kind it could be the high-fashion ones wear but since I wear
glasses I got to put these over top of my
glasses so I protection that's the bonus and that's the most important one there
all right those are the 10 most essential tools for your layout and I
know I'm gonna get a lot of comments on there that you just gonna say oh you
forgot about this or you forgot about that or I think this one's more
important than this one and that one's more important than this one if you have
25 modelers you're gonna have 25 different answers and so those are my
ten essential ones if you have ten more essential ones put it down in the
comments after all this is model railroading for beginners so how else
are the beginner is going to know what they're going to need unless you and I
tell them what is the most essential tools that they're going to need to
build their model railroads so put them in the comments down there I'm sure you
will but put it down in the comments if you think there's something more
important that those tools right there and I encourage you to talk about it
down in the comment section also so I want those 25 modelers with their
opinion to put their opinion down in them as comments sections right there
because I know you're out there and I hope you enjoyed this version of
model railroading for beginners I'll have I have them coming out every month
and next month is March and we'll have another one coming out there and I'm not
going to tell you what it is because I'm going to keep it a surprise so check out
my other videos on Monday we have shout out Monday evening on Wednesday we have
another video on how to do something on your model railroad and also on Saturday
morning we have and coming out and once a month model
railroading for beginners so we'll see ya
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