My portrait of Bruce Lee
He was an actor and a great martial artist
founder of the martial art Jeet Kune Do
one of kungfu styles.
Sketchy Snowriding on the Enduro ft. Synergy | Luis Gerstner - *subtitled* - Duration: 6:55.I am riding today with Felix and we are escaping now from the forest ranger.
Optimal grip today.
I've never ridden these so trails before... so I'd better shut up and focus.
We think that the forest ranger is currently looking for us, so we are leaving the spot.
With me today is Felix, check his Channel up there.
I have no clue how he has so much grip...
And now?... Felix.. What's happening?... Felix!?
We are leaving the spot because felix is quite paranoid.
See you at the next spot.
We are now at the next spot. Big thx to allmountainstyle for supporting me with a marshguard and frame guards. The link to them is in the description.
Camouflage so the ranger can't see me.
Good for me that I'm on flat pedals again - keep going!
My seatpost keeps coming up!!!
Aaaah, my seatpost is up again!
Who had this idea!? F*ck I think scratched my frame...oh, nope I didn't.
Are you alright bruh?
One more time, beaming up again.
Let's see where this is going.
Let's ride this trail down there.
Stop fist bumping me every single time...
I tell you guys, break that habit. You'll get horn skin right here - won't look that cool.
Seatpost is up once again...
That was our little enduro session, check out felix, and see ya next time :)
VEGANO | ИСПАНСКАЯ ТОРТИЛЬЯ 👍| TORTILLA DE PATATAS👌 : - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Linking j Sound in English | English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 7:08.Hello and welcome back to another English lesson with me, Greg, from OLA
English with Greg! Now one of my most popular videos that I've ever done was a
video, which you can watch up there – I will put a link to the end of the video
to – about connected speech. Now, connected speech is a technique that native
speakers use to help connect words together to make it easier for us to
speak. The problem is that when native speakers use these techniques it
sometimes makes it a bit more difficult for foreigners to understand what we're
saying. For this reason, it is super important that you learn how to use
connected speech in English. Another reason is that if you use these
techniques, your English is going to sound a lot
more like a native speaker, alright, your pronunciation is going to
be so, so good! So, if improving your pronunciation and sounding more fluent
and more like a native speaker is what you want then you are gonna love this video!
If you are new here and you want to take your level of spoken English to the next
level then please click subscribe and click the bell notification so that you
get notified of all my new lessons! As I said before, I did a really popular video
on the linking R sound. What we're going to be focusing on today is the
linking /j/ sound. OK, let me explain this like a good Englishman. I am English,
so I always have a cup of tea in the morning. I always have a cup of
tea in the morning. I always... I always... Do you hear that? Do you hear an imaginary
/j/ sound between the word I and the word always. We don't say I always, I
always. We don't do this because if we speak like this we're going to sound
like a robot when we separate every word and that's not what we want. So instead
of saying I always I always... we say I always... /j/.... that's the sound
that we put between these two words. I always.. it's not a strong /j/ it's
not like yes.. it's not 'I always...I always'. No, it's a soft /j/ sound, very
soft. I always. Your mouth probably
automatically does this anyway when you go from the I sound to the 'or' sound... I
always. OK, so now you need to know when we use this linking /j/ sound and we
basically do it when one word ends in one of these sounds. /ai/ for example buy. /i:/
for example tea. /ei/ for example today. And /oi/ for example boy. Buy tea today, boy!! So we
use it when one word ends in one of these sounds and the next word begins
with a vowel, any vowel, it doesn't matter! OK,
so this is why we say I always we also say I ate Peter last night, I own a
camera. Using the second example with the /i:/ sound we can say he... he always... he
always... he always says that, he always, he always has his English classes on
Tuesdays. Using the /ei/ sound we can say day after day after day.
I generally publish YouTube videos on Monday and Thursdays. Monday and
Thursdays. Monday and, Monday and, Monday and Thursdays. And using the /oi/ sound we
have a boy and girl, boy and girl, boy and.. not boy and... but boy and girl. There's a
toy on the floor... there's a toy on the floor... toy on... toy on... there's a toy on
the floor. OK, this can also help us when we're pronouncing the word 'the'. There are
two pronunciations for the word 'the'. One is the... using the schwa sound at the end.
The. For example, the pen, the table, the ceiling, the floor. But if the next word
begins with a vowel sound then the word 'the' changes to "the" and because "the" ends in
the sound /i:/ we have to use the linking /j/ between "the" and the next word if it begins
with a vowel. For example, the animal, the animal, the
elephant, the elephant, the igloo, the igloo, the owl, the owl, The Owl and the
Pussycat, The Owl and the Pussycat (famous poem!) and finally the umbrella,
don't forget the umbrella, don't forget the umbrella.
OK, connected speech really is a fantastic topic to get into and to study
a bit if you want to really take your English pronunciation and fluency to the
next level. As I said before, I did a previous video on the linking R sound
and the intrusive R sound so if you watch that video and combine it with
this video on the linking /j/ sound you have three fantastic ways to take your
fluency to a native level. Enjoy the next lesson! I'll see you there!
And bye for now!
POWER - Duration: 12:26.-------------------------------------------
Australians Are The Future Jews Of World War 3 JOEL SKOUSEN 2018 - Duration: 4:40.Tell you that good freedom-loving Australians are going to be the Jews of World War 3 the government's gonna be after them
There's no chance of panic Dave because they're not enough people that will believe me
eventually eventually they eventually they will
When it happens they're going to say yeah, mr.
Skousen predicted that it's happening exactly as he said you know there's a third world war and the
Globalist and the New World Order are making a deal with China and Australia is being sacrificed
And they'll be mad as hell, but they've already lost their weapons or a good portion of them
And so it's very difficult to resist but the Australians are resourceful
Like Americans are soft right now, but they're also resourceful
And they will resist eventually there's going to be a major resistance against this militarized global government
And I still think there would be pockets of Liberty in America even though our government sells us out
There'll be pockets of Liberty in Australia
but if they're smart my message to Australians is look if there's even a 50/50 chance that this could happen if you look at
China and it's growing hegemony in Russia
Anybody who sits there mean very few people in the United States debate me about third world war 3 most people say yeah
I can see it coming I can see it coming they just
Can't wrap their head around it because the government isn't warning them
And they just don't want to put the money into a shelter or some type of safe room
They've got to preapare hiding places. They've got to prepare stockpiles. They've got to prepare to run an underground
against the Chinese occupation and that takes preparation in advance
Sure, you could do it like in the great escape movie under the nose of the Germans
But it's much easier if you are smart enough to prepare in advance
What you've been saying is
Exactly what Wi-Fi processes have been over the past
Several years there's been a lot of positive things that you've said our economy
You don't believe will decline overnight if we were to go in if America was to go into North Korea
That's a positive so there's a few positives to take away from this, and you don't think that this will trigger full-blown
Asian War blockade Australia and not so soon
So that's right. That's a really good positives that Australia is
Effectively very Pro China already
Yes, I am. I know that you know I gotta say that when I I can make a video
Talking about China, and I just get nothing but hate and racist comments. It's like as you said before I am
You know the the future Jews of World War three. I guess that's that's pretty much I
Cannot I if I put China in a title I?
Get attacked online. There's also a delusion. There's a bias little white people are bad
I get that for the people who who see see this happening
They're fearful to say anything
That's very sad
As you know one of the globalist agenda is a multicultural agenda to destroy Western culture by?
influx of Muslims or Latinos into the United States or Chinese into Australia
So yeah, it's very very real that threat, and I'm afraid it's a wage that we're not going to be able to stop
Yes, my website is world affairs brief calm and people listening can get a free sample issue of my world affairs brief
Which is by subscription? So there's a free sample issue by simply emailing me an editor at
world affairs brief calm and you can find me by
Googling Joel Skousen at any time and I've got a lot of videos and
recordings of my interviews with alex jones and jeff friends and coast-to-coast and many other
national outlets
Awesome, thank you very much, John Skousen
Your links will be in the description that way the top links in the description
If you like this video click the subscribe button
Click you like button and no doubt
I'll be seeing you guys in the next video in the next couple of days don't let fear stop you
Thank you very much, John Skousen
Thank you. Thank you good to be here
Channel Update: New Monetization Threshold and 5K [February 2018] - Duration: 4:49.Hello there guys and girls,
welcome to another monthly channel update of mine.
Some of you might have heard that YouTube has once again changed some stuff.
Now, I'm not the kind of guy that just bashes everything for no reason...but come on YouTube.
You're not making it easy for me here...okay, so...
A while back to monetize your channel you needed 10.000 lifetime views.
Now they upped that threshold significantly.
If you want to be a YouTube partner and place advertisements on your videos, you must now
have at least a thousand subscribers – which I think is okay – as well as tallied 4000
hours of overall watch time – the latter of which is really something.
For comparison: In 2017 I have put an insane amount of work into this channel, growing
very slowly.
During these 12 months I had around 6000 hours of watch time, which means I'm safe for
now, but I'm not far off this new threshold.
Starting February 20th, YouTube is going to do a ton of manual reviews.
But probably these weird, disturbing "kid friendly" channels are gonna stay alive
and well despite being potentially damaging to children.
All it would take is a couple of clicks to forever demonetize such channels, but instead
it's the hard workers YouTube is going after with arbitrary rules like this.
They say, most of the channels affected by this have earned less than a hundred dollars
per year.
The problem I have with this is that it all just goes by the numbers again and with the
excuse that they want to sort out the bad actors on their site.
Let me ask you: Why does "small" necessarily mean "bad"?
There are many creators from countries where a hundred dollars is worth a lot compared
to their own currency and for which an income like this can be a great addition to their
usual pay.
And even for a creator like me who also earns way less than a hundred dollars per year on
YouTube that little bit of money helps, even if it only pays for two delicious kebaps per
Because two kebaps is better than no kebaps.
One thing from their blog entry made me curious, though.
They said there's gonna be a "three tier suitability system" for the brands and marketers
to decide which kind of videos they want to put ads on.
That one gives me a little bit of hope, because then gaming manufacturers could say – ok
we're cool being affiliated with videos from GTA or Battlefield which are naturally
not family friendly in the Disney sense of things.
While on the other hand cosmetic brands could say "ew we don't wanna be affiliated with
greasy gaming nerds".
So maybe that will help avoid this yellow dollar sign popping up all the time.
But at the same time it could also go very badly with this system.
Who knows?
All in all this stuff kinda makes me think more about just switching off all advertisements
on YouTube and instead relying on my fans to donate on Patreon.
That way YouTube won't get anything off my content anymore and I wouldn't have to
care about this crap.
I feel this new threshold is yet another punishment for small creators while it is actually a
reaction to what Logan Paul did.
The difference?
He is one of the top players of the site and YouTube supported his behaviour beyond escalation
for too long.
You'd think that YouTube takes a closer look at their best employees, right?
But nooo, as long as they bring in some moneyz it is all fine.
Okay, calm the fuck down, whanowa...well...uh.
Oh, hey I saw that SocialBlade gave me a future projection that I would hit 5000 subscribers
next month.
YouTube recommended to me that I would hit 10K next week if I filmed dead bodies dangling
from a tree, but I couldn't find any yet.
If you have any idea what I should do as a special, please let me know.
I do have something scripted but maybe there's something you'd like to see, like a tour
of my production setup or whatever.
Let me know what you think and I will reply for sure.
Thank you for watching and stay tuned, whanowa over
Unique & Vibrant Style | Kestrel's Green Closet - Duration: 9:05.Hi everyone! Welcome to My Green Closet, I am so excited to start this new series
on the channel where we'll be getting a peek into different people's wardrobes
and learn about how they approach conscious fashion and we're kicking off
the series with Kestrel Jenkins as a guest. Kestrel is the host of the amazing
podcast Conscious Chatter and I really wanted to have her on here because she
has this incredible, vibrant, creative style
and tons of treasures in her wardrobe so let's take a look
Hi my name is Kestrel and I'm the host
of Conscious Chatter, a podcast where what we wear matters. I'm really excited
to share with you some of my favorite and story-full pieces from my wardrobe I
love how Erin on My Green Closet really talks about how when you're building
your closet sustainably it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be the same
as everyone's and I love the way that she kind of showcases that we each have
our own unique ways that we can build something that means something to us and
that's also conscious so let's take a look at some of my favorite pieces
This piece really represents my personal style and as I was deciding this and
kind of thinking through the question I was like, why am I choosing this really
basic button-down shirt when I have such wild and crazy style sometimes but to me
this is one of those pieces that I wear all the time and I utilize it in so many
different ways. For example I will wear this buttoned all the way up with like a
short skirt or I will wear it tied around my waist kind of like what I'm
doing today with this other shirt and it becomes a really versatile and cool way
to bring a print, a stripe, into my wardrobe and have fun with it and also
use it as something business casual if I need to
shopping consciously means really asking questions and thinking through a
purchase before actually making it so for me one of those ways I like to shop
consciously is by going to thrift or vintage shops and this piece is a really
cool unique piece from the 1940s and it's a pretty long dress and it actually
zips all the way down which i think is pretty impressive and it has a really
beautiful embroidery on the front of it as well so this I was actually in a
Buffalo Exchange just kind of wandering around and I found this piece and I was
like I have to try it on, and turned out that one of the guys that worked there
came up to me and said, oh are you gonna try that on I hope it fits you because
it used to be my girlfriends and she never wore it and I always felt bad for
that garment because it wasn't getting utilized and kind of loved and so I
tried it on and it fit perfectly so this is a really cool unique vintage piece
that I love wearing because literally nobody else has it
so this next piece is one that I have had for years and years and I definitely
can't imagine getting rid of it. So I purchased this years ago in Wisconsin in
a Goodwill and when I purchased it I was like oh it's such a masculine looking
jacket that was kind of my mindset but I feel like it's turned out to be a really
feminine piece to me too, the way that you style it and I even have had a friend of
mine who's a stylist fix the sleeves because some of the
lining was coming out so this piece has gone through many years of wear and it's
in perfect condition still and I feel like I'll wear it many more times
If you listen to my podcast you will probably know that stories are totally
my thing I love the stories that go behind the way our clothes are made and
I love the stories that are kind of built into the pieces that we wear so
for me I have a couple pieces I want to share that have really cool stories to me
This piece this incredible sheer, vintage dress was actually a gift so I
had an Instagram friend Alex of Op Shop to Runway and we became friends in real life
last year and after we met and had an amazing time together and talked
about sustainable fashion over and over again when she went back to Australia
she was at a vintage shop and she came across this dress and she was like this
looks like a Kestrel dress and so she ended up mailing it to me and she was
right on the money it's totally a Kestrel dress but for me it's so fun to
style it and wear it because it's you know a friend of mine found it on the
other side of the world and then shipped it to me and now it's become part of my
wardrobe so I love this piece. Also another piece with a super cool story
so these jeans are by Re/Done which is a cool company based out of LA and they
basically take old Levis and restructure them and change them up so a
family number actually passed these down to me she's like I'm not wearing these
anymore they don't really fit me do you want them? and I didn't know that she
even purchased things that were quote unquote sustainable from you know a
conscious brand so it was really cool to me that she knew about Re/Done and was
stoked about the brand and while these are like super ratty looking jeans they
actually have been really fun to wear for me and something I wouldn't normally
purchase so I love wearing just like sheer tights underneath them
or pairing it with a really structured and businesslike top to kind of give it
an edgy meets more traditional look in any case for me it's really cool to know
that someone else wore them before she got them and then now I get to wear them
as well and add my own story to them
so I decided to wear an outfit that always
makes me feel good to kind of share that story so this is one of those really fun
outfits that I put on and makes me smile this is a wild asymmetrical knit dress
I found it a thrift store again and I love that it has a turtleneck so I feel
really covered up but at the same time it's fitted and has a really wild and
vibrant color so it's something fun to put on and then I always like dressing
things down when they're a little more extravagant so I have a button-up shirt
by one of my favorite companies Tradlands tie it around the waist and then
you maybe can't see it but I have some cute little light blue pumps on so this
is just an outfit that I feel really comfortable in but at the same time it
has a very fashion-forward look
If you're starting to think about what the impact of your wardrobe is and
trying to kind of think of ways to adjust some of your habits for me it's
always really important to think about what's important to you so you know what
are your values what's the most important and then start from there so
for me sometimes I'm really concerned about the waste in the fashion industry
so if that's what's going through my mind I really try to be conscious of
buying things that are already out there in the world and buying thrifted
things or buying you know reused things and trying to think about reducing waste
and also in that vein you can just you know look in your closet and find things
that you haven't worn in a long time and try to think of you know is there a way
that I can alter this and take this to a tailor or is there a way that I can wear
this a totally different way and kind of breathe some new life into it
building a conscious wardrobe I think is all about individual personal style and
we all have our own thing and we all have our own ideas and messages that we
want to share with the world and I think that's one of the most beautiful and
powerful things about fashion is you can say something to the world with what you
wear and there's a power in that art that you can create every day so have
fun with it and really above all love the things that are in your wardrobe
Thank you so much for giving us a look into your wardrobe Kestrel! If you guys
haven't already checked out Conscious Chatter be sure to do that it's an
amazing podcast, she talks to all kinds of people and brands in the sustainable
and ethical fashion space it's really inspiring and I've learned a lot I will
of course include links to that down below also I hope you enjoyed this new
series and if you like this video please give it a thumbs up. Thank you for
watching and thank you so much to those of you supporting me on Patreon and I'll
see you in the next one
The Nagano Tapes | Premiéra filmu o Turnaji století - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
Jak wygląda Nagasaki? - Duration: 11:03.-------------------------------------------
Заметает зима заметает| Футажи Снегопад - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Psicoterapia funciona? - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
🌍 ¿Estás Ocupando Todo tu Cuerpo? · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌍 - Duration: 12:54.-------------------------------------------
De Rit | Range Rover Sport | Dragon Challenge - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
De Piloot | Range Rover Sport | Dragon Challenge - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Leadership in Management | Lecture Number 1 | Pro Course | - Duration: 13:20.Leadership in Management
Plz Subscribe, Like & share Video.
Leadership in Management
Teaching Kids Social and Emotional Learning Skills (feat. Tracy Schreifels) - Duration: 8:56.[Sara] Hi everybody! I'm here today with Tracy Schreifels, who does a lot of work with
infant and early childhood mental health specifically, and I wanted to talk with
Tracy a little bit today about some hands-on strategies and tools to use in
the classroom when working with kids who have experienced trauma and stress. When
we work with these kids right, we see a lot of issues with feelings and
understanding their own feelings, and their bodies, and how to regulate their
bodies, so what kinds of strategies and tools have you gotten for us today? [Tracy] in my
full-time work at Head Start, we work with the birth to five population and my
teachers are often saying "What do I do with this child? How do I help this kiddo?"
And sometimes we know the child's history, and sometimes we don't. So
sometimes that takes a little bit of discovery. But there are some common
basic things that we know are good for all kids to help them learn about
emotions and learn about regulation. I'm really big into using sensory items, so
this is a weighted dog. They also make weighted cats and other animals as well.
If you're going to get some of these, I recommend that you look for the ones
that are washable, because well in preschool and the early child classrooms
there's a lot of fluids that might contact with them, so washable ones are
best. We might have the child put this on their shoulders or on their lap and if
it's on their lap during group times, we'll tell them that there's a doggie
helper, and so they have to help calm the doggie, so the dog can stay calm at group
time. We find that when we transfer some of this into an object, the child is
better able to regulate themself as a result of helping something else
regulate. [Sara] When you have it on the shoulders, what is it that you expect?
Like what what is the the pressure on the shoulders kind of signify for little
kids? [Tracy] Sometimes kids don't know where their body is in space, and so when we
tell them to sit in one spot they don't even know where their body is. So to ask
them to keep it in one spot is really hard for them to even conceptualize. So
by putting weight on their shoulders or on their laps, it gives our body sensory
input that says "here's where I am, and here's where I can stay." [Sara] And I'm just
finding it really comforting too...sometimes just a little bit of weight.[Tracy] Yeah.
Usually when I hand these out at the beginning in the year to the teachers at
the teacher training, all of the teachers have them on their laps. And it kind
of is a nice highlight that says too, like even though we're adults and we may have
grown up and can do it on our own, we still benefit from having some tools
sometimes and strategies too. [Sara] Exactly. [Tracy] So some other things that we do is I
provide fidgets to use at group time. So this one's called a pickle, and it's kind
of a hard rubbery plastic. And if you rub it in your hands, it gives lots of
sensory input. For some kids it hurts, if they're a little more sensitive.
But some of our sensory seeking kids it works really well, where they can squeeze
it they can...and it's quiet, it doesn't make any noise. So it's really helpful.
Another thing that we use are kind of like stress balls, except for I had an
epiphany one time as I gave up stress balls to the classroom, young children
see ball and they think "THROW!" We now use things like fish, or stars, or objects
that are different shapes than balls so that they can have them with them at group
times, sometimes during transitions to keep their hands busy, because if their
hands aren't busy they'll come up with something to do. [Sara] to do with their hands, yeah.
[Tracy] They're really good at it. [Sara] Yeah. [Tracy] They're very creative. [laughter]
[Sara] Creativity is great...most of the time. [Tracy] We like to channel it. [Sara] Right, channel the creativity, exactly.
[Tracy] I also talk alot with kids about that there's a difference between a fidget and a distractor. And so I'm very
clear with them like even with the sensory out just at group time and
things that like as long as it's a fidget they can hold it, but it becomes a
distractor for them, or anybody else, it's gonna get put away.
[Sara] Well what about this feelings buddy feeling buddies yeah so this comes from
Conscious Discipline, and this is also another play-based type of strategy like
if they're feeling angry, you might bring them over to where this is and you might
say...encourage them to hold it, and you might say to them "I'm I'm
feeling angry. Hi angry." And you say it, and the child would say it back
like "Hi angry. It's okay, it's okay to feel angry and the angry
can go away." And you can coach them even say "Is there something that we
can do to help angry calm down?" or sometimes I'll give them a hug or
they'll they'll talk to him a little bit, or I just squeeze them a little bit and
again it's kind of an externalization of emotions into this inanimate object. And
then I am not angry, I can feel angry, I can feel feelings, but
I'm not I'm not that. I don't have to be that. And and then we talk about, now that
you're calming down, we might take out the happy or the calm. Or even when we
find out sometimes they were angry, but underneath they were scared, or they were
disappointed. So it also helps us get to that secondary emotion that actually
happened prior to angry. [Sara] Right. What got you to angry? [Tracy] What got you to angry.
[Sara] Probably one of these other buddies up here. [Tracy] Most definitely. Kids don't...I always
say they can't they can't tame what they can't name. So this also helps with the
identification. Like sometimes they'll have a mirror in those areas too, like
"let's look at you. Which one of these buddies do you look like?" And helping the
child identify, or the teacher might say "oh I see your eyes are like this and
your mouth is like this. Let's see which buddy you look like." And using that
tool to help them identify with the buddy's feeling, to help them self
identify their feelings. Sometimes they aren't even, they don't even know what's
taken over them. I had a child one time tell me that he had a
monster inside of him. And came to find out that his monster was pretty
much anger, and he thought that something was actually taking over his whole body.
[Sara] oh, poor buddy. [Tracy] So when he learned and we talked about everybody has that feeling and we talked
about it, he was so relieved. Like oh I think he felt like he was the Hulk.
Like something was gonna come busting out of him at some point in time.
[Hulk noises]
We really shouldn't take for granted that kids might know leaves because we
oftentimes think that they know emotions, but if they don't even have the feelings
vocabulary, that also points back to that something that's very easy to teach. Are
you feeling a little bit angry or a lot of it angry? Is it a mouse-size problem or
a lion-size problem? So because again, that concept of size for kids you
have really difficult for them, Okay if you're this angry, what kind of big thing
can we do to bring you back. [Sara] What about this Theraplay stuff? [Tracy] I went to a
training on it last year, and a woman Phyllis Booth - and she has somebody else
that she works with - but she's kind of the designer of this. And her big thing
too was and how do we bring adults into healthy, safe relationships with kids. So
she designed a bunch of activities that might actually look very familiar to us,
such as peekaboo. [Sara] Ah, okay. [Tracy] Things like: "Where are your toes? And can we find your
toes?" and some of those games. But then really made it intentional about like
with peekaboo, it's about not doing the whole PEEKABOO, oh I'm gonna scare you,
but peekaboo I'm supporting you. And so she'll do it like with kids like you
hold their hands you know, and they'll do peekaboo like this holding their hands,
or with their feet, or other things. And again, it's about that eye contact it's
about having safe healthy touch. Because sometimes kids that have had trauma or
abuse, they just touch to them, all touch is scary. And so we have to kind of
work in to safe touch. And so she's got tons of different activities, and some of
them include things like using feathers. And so there's feathers, and there's
cotton balls. On the back of the hands you might do this one - is a feather. And this
one is a cotton ball. Now I want you to look away - we don't ask them to close
their eyes until we know that they really feel trusting with us, that's
scary to close my eyes with somebody I don't know - and then we'll ask them
to look away, and say "do you think that's the feather, or the cotton ball?" And again
it also brings awareness to here's where my body is. This is gentle touch. It's
also kind of a nurturing type of touch. And we don't want it to be tickly, so
we're really careful about not getting on the tickly side.
Another one is just a feather blow, where you blow with a feather and
you keep it up in the air, really encourages the child to do a lot of
breathing. [Sara] mm-hmm breathing is important. [Tracy] It's also fun. A lot of her activities
try to bring joy and laughter and humor back into the relationship too. And then
you know, even things like hand checks, like "how many fingers did you bring with
you to school today?" and then maybe even like lotion checks "let's
rub some of this lotion into those little you know freckles" or whatever it
is. And helping the child know that their hands are unique to them we are perfect
just for them. [Sara] Yeah, they're theirs. [Tracy] They're theirs, and that we
cherish them and that we respect that that's their body, and their space, but we
also want them to know that we're here to help them be safe.
[Sara] Well thank you for walking through some of these cool tips and
tricks and techniques and many feelings. And I'll put some more
information about Tracy, and where you can find her in the world in the
description section down below. But thanks so much for chatting
with me today, and sharing with the world. And as always thanks for watching we'll
see you next time! Bye!
[Sara] You get to watch the... [Tracy] Ready, set, go! [Sara] watch the magic happen....
Magic...[laughter] I don't know. I don't know what this is.
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